national geographic & traveler photo of the day 每日一圖 2014.12

Floating Season 採集野生睡蓮, 公河三角洲 Photograph by Nhiem Hoang 1

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Page 1: National Geographic & Traveler Photo of the Day 每日一圖 2014.12

Floating Season 採集野生睡蓮, 公河三角洲湄Photograph by Nhiem Hoang


Page 2: National Geographic & Traveler Photo of the Day 每日一圖 2014.12

Evening Commute


Photograph by Robin Hammond


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Wedding Colors 婚禮的色彩,奈及利亞

Photograph by Robin Hammond


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Ashura in Bijar 賈比爾的阿舒拉節,伊朗

Photograph by امیر بهروزی,


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Lofty Frosts 霜雪山巒,羅馬尼亞Photograph by Eduard Gutescu


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Winter Hues 冬季色調,印度

Photograph by Sajad Rafeeq6

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Spruced Up 煥然一新,白河國家森林公園Photograph by Pete McBride 7

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Night Falls 夜幕降臨,優勝美地國家公園Photograph by Phil Hawkins 8

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From the Top 伊真火山山口,東爪哇,印尼

Photograph by Hendra Gunawan


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Scattered Snow 微觀冰晶,奧地利阿爾卑斯山Photograph by Horst Bierau


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Cave 布隆伯斯洞窟,南非

Photograph by Stephen Alvarez


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Dearly Beloved 一較高下,倫敦的里士滿公園Photograph by Bartek Olszewski


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Fair Day’s End公平的一天結束了,印度普什卡駱駝博覽會Photograph by Aman Chotani


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The Lookout 原野守望,南非獵豹Photograph by Chris Martin


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Gray Langur at Rest 灰葉猴在休息,印度古吉拉特邦Photograph by Hemin Patel 15

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Bodybuilders 蟻大橋,印尼螞Photograph by Adhi Prayoga 16

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Horses in the Highlands 高地駿馬,冰島Photograph by Charlotte Goss 17

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‘Pine Needles 豪豬,俄勒岡州Photograph by Heather Allen


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Incoming Flight 越界爭棲息木,阿留申群島Photograph by Klaus Nigge


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Fiery Flyby 熾熱的飛越,冰島Photograph by Baldur Sveinsson


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Misty Mandalay 飄渺曼德勒,加州Photograph by Toshi Miyamoto 21

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Twin Peaks 雙峰,阿斯加德山,加拿大

Photograph by Artur Stanisz


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Between Takes 芭蕾舞者,沃拉沃拉舞蹈團Photograph by Roark Nelson


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red La

nd 歷史層疊之地,撒瑪利


graph by J

ohn Stanmeye



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Sky Dive 跳水,佛羅里達州Photograph by Matthew Trabold


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Air Traffic 富士山空中巡遊Photograph by Takashi 26

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Salar de Uyuni Sunrise 烏尤尼鹽沼的日出,玻利維亞Photograph by Hideki Mizuta 27

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Double Vision 兩葉輕舟在阿爾卡雄水灣,法國

Photograph by Stéphane Scotto


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Sunlit Cenote 水下之美,墨西哥的尤卡坦半島Photograph by Terry Steeley


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Unsolved Mystery 未解之謎,厄瓜多爾Photograph by Fikry Botros


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Kangaroos in New South Wales, Australia

Photograph by Mitsuaki Iwago, Minden Pictures袋鼠在新南威爾士州,澳大利亞


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King Penguins on South Georgia Island南喬治亞島的國王企鵝Photograph by Frans Lanting


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Flamingos in Ethiopia 衣


Photograph by Mich

ael Poliza


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Amsterdam Canal 阿姆斯特丹運河Photograph by Jim Richardson


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Church of the Resurrection, St. Petersburg


Photograph by Jonathan Irish


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Hearst Castle, California 赫氏古堡,加州

Photograph by Design Pics


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Santa Cruz de la Palma, Canary Islands

Photograph by Tino Soriano



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Bangkok Art and Culture Center 曼谷文化藝術中心Photograph by Pascal Meunier, Cosmos/Redux 38

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Saxon Switzerland, Germany 薩克森瑞士,德國Photograph by Sean Gallup, Getty Images 39

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Howe Sound, British Columbia 豪灣,不列顛哥倫比亞省Photograph by Christian O. Bruch, laif/Redux


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Česky Krumlov, Czech Republic 克魯姆洛夫,捷克

Photograph by David Sanger Photography, Alamy41

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Rotterdam Mural, Netherlands 鹿特丹壁畫,荷蘭Photograph by VIEW Pictures/Alamy


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Mljet National Park, Croatia 姆列特島,克羅埃西亞Photograph by Matthias Schickhofer, Anzenberger/Redux


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Palais-Garnier, Paris 巴黎歌劇院,巴黎Photograph by Massimo Borchi, Corbis 44

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Liechtenstein Gorge, Austria 列支敦斯登峽谷,奧地利Photograph by Toni Anzenberger 45

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Canyonlands National Park, Utah 峽谷地國家公園,猶他州Photograph by age fotostock/Alamy


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Lviv, Ukraine 利沃夫,烏克蘭Photograph by Berthold Steinhilber, laif/Redux


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Fez, Morocco 菲斯,摩洛哥Photograph by Florian Rainer, Anzenberger/Redux


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Khampa Nomads of Tibet 西藏康巴遊牧民族Photograph by Philipp Engelhorn, Redux


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Daly River, Australia 戴利河,澳大利亞Photograph by David Hancock 50

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Eysturoy, Faroe Islands 東島,法羅群島Photograph by Nano Calvo


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Marlborough, N

ew Zealand 馬爾堡,紐西蘭

Photograph by Robert Harding W

orld Im



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San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Photograph by Alex Visbal聖米格爾 - 德阿連德,墨西哥


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County Tipperary, Ireland 蒂珀雷里郡,愛爾蘭Photograph by Tomasz S. 54

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Sarek National Park, Sweden 莎瑞克國家公園,瑞典Photograph by Sven Zacek


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City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia, Spain

Photograph by Dean Elder瓦倫西亞藝術科學城,西班牙


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Underwater Palau 海底風光,帛琉Photograph by Dumpty Humpty


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Star Bright 閃閃動人:透亮海貝

Photograph by Melanie Huff


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On the Inca Trail, Peru 在印加古道,秘魯

Photograph by Camera Press/Redux


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Hehuan Mountain, Taiwan 合歡山,台灣Photograph by Spencer Yang 60

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Palouse, Washington State 帕盧斯,華盛頓州

Photograph by Kathryn Dannay


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12/31/2014 王文堯王文堯 Kaohsiung Taiwan R.O.CAll photos were taken from National Geographic THE END

Fox in Katmai National Park, Alaska

Photograph by P. Warner特邁國家公園的狐狸,
