nation of nations.pdf

Nation of Nations A Narrative History of the American Republic Fifth Edition James West Davidson William E. Gienapp Harvard University Christine Leigh Heyrman University of Delaware Mark H. Lytle Bard College Michael B. Stoff University of Texas, Austin Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations Walt Whitman Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St. Louis Bangkok Bogotá Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto dav70982_fm_i-xxxii.qxd 06/26/04 01:08 Page i EQA

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Indigenous Nations within a Nation


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Nation of NationsA Narrative History of the American Republic

F i f t h E d i t i o n

James West Davidson

William E. GienappHarvard University

Christine Leigh HeyrmanUniversity of Delaware

Mark H. LytleBard College

Michael B. StoffUniversity of Texas, Austin

Here is not merely a nation but

a teeming nation of nations

Walt Whitman

Boston Burr Ridge, IL Dubuque, IA Madison, WI New York San Francisco St. LouisBangkok Bogotá Caracas Kuala Lumpur Lisbon London Madrid Mexico CityMilan Montreal New Delhi Santiago Seoul Singapore Sydney Taipei Toronto

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Published by McGraw-Hill, a business unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.Copyright © 2005, 2001, 1998, 1994, 1990 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consentof The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcastfor distance learning.

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ISBN 0–07–287098–2

Vice president and editor-in-chief: Emily Barrosse Design manager: Gino CieslikPublisher: Lyn Uhl Cover designer: Gino CieslikSponsoring editor: Steven Drummond Interior designer: Maureen McCutcheonDevelopment editor: Kristen Mellitt Art manager: Robin MouatMarketing manager: Katherine Bates Art editors: Cristin Yancy and Emma GhiselliSenior Media Producer: Sean Crowley Photo research coordinator: Nora AgbayaniProduction editor: Holly Paulsen Photo researcher: Deborah Bull and Deborah Anderson, PhotoSearch, Inc.Manuscript editor: Joan Pendleton Illustrators: Patty IsaacsArt director: Jeanne M. Schreiber Production supervisor: Rich Devitto

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The credits for this book begin on page C-1, a continuation of the copyright page.

Text Permissions:Page 268 From Charles A. Johnson, Frontier Camp Meeting, copyright 1955, 1985 SMU Press. Reprinted with permission. 813 FromCharles P. Kindleberg, The World in Depression, 1929–1939 (revised ed., 1986), p. 170. Copyright © 1986 The Regents of the Universityof California. Reprinted by permission from University of California Press. 947, 1063 From Frank Levy, Dollars and Dreams: The ChangingAmerican Income Distribution. © 1987 Russell Sage Foundation. Used with permission of the Russell Sage Foundation. Reprinted withpermission. 1063 (verse) From “I Am Changing My Name to Chrysler,” by Tom Paxton. Copyright © 1980 Pax Music. All rightsreserved. Used by permission.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Nation of nations : a narrative history of the American republic / James West Davidson ...[et al.]. — 5th ed.

p. cm.Includes bibliographical references (p.) and index.ISBN 0–07–287098–2 — ISBN 0–07–287099–0 (v. 1 : pbk. : acid-free paper) — ISBN

0–07–287100–8 (v. 2 : pbk. : acid-free paper) 1. United States—History—Textbooks. I. Davidson, James West.

E178.1.N346 2004973—dc22 2004052436

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William E. Gienapp


Inevitably, contingency brings grief as well as joy. We are saddened to report the pass-ing of our dear friend and co-author, William E. Gienapp. It would be hard to imaginea colleague with greater dedication to his work, nor one who cared more about con-veying both the excitement and the rigor of history to those who were not professionalhistorians—as has been attested by so many of his students at the University of Wyomingand at Harvard. Bill had a quiet manner, which sometimes hid (though not for long) hispuckish sense of humor and an unstinting generosity. When news of his death wasreported, the Harvard Crimson, a student newspaper known more for its skepticism thanits sentimentality, led with the front-page headline: “Beloved History Professor GienappDies.” Bill went the extra mile, whether in searching out primary sources enabling us toassemble a map on the environmental effects of the Lowell Mills, combing innumerablemanuscript troves in the preparation of his masterful Origins of the Republican Party, orcollecting vintage baseball caps from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries to wear (inproper chronological sequence, no less) to his popular course on the social history ofbaseball. When an illness no one could have predicted struck him down, the professionlost one of its shining examples. His fellow authors miss him dearly.

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List of Maps and Charts xix

Preface to the Fifth Edition xxi

Introduction xxx

Primary Source Investigator CD-ROM xxxii

PrologueSettling and Civilizing the Americas 2

Preview 2Peopling the Continents 2

Cultures of Ancient Mexico 4Cultures of the Southwest 5Cultures of the Eastern Woodlands 6

Beyond the Mesoamerican Sphere 7Cultures of the Great Plains 7Cultures of the Great Basin 8Cultures of the Subarctic and Arctic 8Cultures of the Pacific Northwest 9

North America and the Caribbean on the Eve of European Invasion 9

Enduring Cultures 10The Rise of the Aztec Empire 12

Prologue Summary 14

Additional Reading 14

Significant Events 15

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

Tracking the First Americans 16

Part OneThe Creation of a New America 21

Chapter 1Old World, New Worlds(1400–1600) 26

Preview 26The Meeting of Europe, Africa, and America 29

The Portuguese Wave 29The Spanish and Columbus 31

The European Background of AmericanColonization 33

Life and Death in Early Modern Europe 33The Conditions of Colonization 34Europeans, Chinese, and Aztecs on the Eve of

Contact 34

Spain’s Empire in the New World 35Spanish Conquest 36Role of the Conquistadors 36Spanish Colonization 37The Effects of Colonial Growth 39

The Reformation in Europe 39Backdrop to Reform 39The Teachings of Martin Luther 40The Contribution of John Calvin 41The English Reformation 42

England’s Entry into America 43The English Colonization of Ireland 43Renewed Interest in the Americas 44The Failures of Frobisher and Gilbert 45Raleigh’s Roanoke Venture 45A Second Attempt 48


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Chapter Summary 50

Interactive Learning 50

Additional Reading 50

Significant Events 51

Daily Lives: “Barbaric” Dress–Indian and European 46

Chapter 2The First Century of Settlement in theColonial South (1600–1750) 52

Preview 52English Society on the Chesapeake 54

The Mercantilist Impulse 55The Virginia Company 55Reform and a Boom in Tobacco 56Settling Down in the Chesapeake 58The Founding of Maryland and the Renewal of Indian

Wars 59Changes in English Policy in the Chesapeake 59

Chesapeake Society in Crisis 61The Conditions of Unrest 61Bacon’s Rebellion and Coode’s Rebellion 61From Servitude to Slavery 62Africa and the Atlantic Slave Trade 63A Changing Chesapeake Society 66The Chesapeake Gentry 67

From the Caribbean to the Carolinas 68Paradise Lost 69The Founding of the

Carolinas 70Early Instability 73White, Red, and Black:

The Search for Order 74The Founding of Georgia 75

The Spanish Borderlands 76Chapter Summary 80

Interactive Learning 80

Additional Reading 80

Significant Events 81

Daily Lives: A Taste for Sugar 72

Chapter 3The First Century of Settlement in theColonial North (1600–1700) 82

Preview 82

The Founding of New England 84The Puritan Movement 85The Pilgrim Settlement at Plymouth Colony 86The Puritan Settlement at Massachusetts Bay 87

New England Communities 89Stability and Order in Early New England 89Congregational Church Order 91Colonial Governments 92Communities in Conflict 92Heretics 93Goodwives and Witches 95Whites and Indians in Early New England 97Effect of Old World diseases 98

The Mid-Atlantic Colonies 98The Founding of New Netherlands 98English Rule in New York 99The League of the Iroquois 100The Founding of New Jersey 101Quaker Odysseys 101Patterns of Settlement 102Quakers and Politics 103

Adjustment to Empire 103The Dominion of New England 104The Aftershocks of the Glorious Revolution 105Leisler’s Rebellion 105Royal Authority in America in 1700 106

Chapter Summary 107

Interactive Learning 107

Additional Reading 107

Significant Events 108

Daily Lives: A World of Wonders andWitchcraft 94

Chapter 4The Mosaic of Eighteenth-CenturyAmerica (1689–1771) 110

Preview 110Forces of Division 112

Immigration and Natural Increase 112The Settlement of the Backcountry 113Social Conflict on the Frontier 116Boundary Disputes and Tenant Wars 117Eighteenth-Century Seaports 119Social Conflict in Seaports 121

Slave Societies in the Eighteenth-Century South 122The Slave Family and Community 123Slavery and Colonial Society in French Louisiana 124Slave Resistance in Eighteenth-Century British North

America 125

Contents v

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Enlightenment and Awakening in America 126The Enlightenment in America 126The First Great Awakening 127The Aftermath of the Great Awakening 128

Anglo-American Worlds of the EighteenthCentury 129

English Economic and Social Development 130The Consumer Revolution 130Inequality in England and America 131Politics in England and America 132The Imperial System before 1760 134

Toward the Seven Years’ War 135Chapter Summary 136

Interactive Learning 137

Additional Reading 137

Significant Events 138

Daily Lives: Transatlantic Trials 114

Part TwoThe Creation of a NewRepublic 139

Chapter 5Toward the War for AmericanIndependence (1754–1776) 144

Preview 144The Seven Years’ War 145

The Years of Defeat 145The Years of Victory 147Postwar Expectations 147

The Imperial Crisis 149New Troubles on the Frontier 151George Grenville’s New Measures 151The Beginning of Colonial Resistance 152Riots and Resolves 154Repeal of the Stamp Act 155The Townshend Acts 156The Resistance Organizes 157The International Sons of Liberty 160The Boston Massacre 160Resistance Revived 161The Empire Strikes Back 162

Toward the Revolution 163The First Continental Congress 164The Last Days of the British Empire in America 165The Fighting Begins 166Common Sense 167

vi Contents

Chapter Summary 168

Interactive Learning 168

Additional Reading 168

Significant Events 169

Daily Lives: Street Theater 158

Chapter 6The American People and theAmerican Revolution (1775–1783) 170

Preview 170The Decision for Independence 172

The Second Continental Congress 172The Declaration 172American Loyalists 175

The Fighting in the North 175The Two Armies at Bay 176Laying Strategies 177The Campaigns in New York and New Jersey 178Capturing Philadelphia 180Disaster at Saratoga 182

The Turning Point 182The American Revolution Becomes a Global War 182Winding Down the War in the North 183War in the West 184The Home Front in the North 185

The Struggle in the South 185The Siege of Charleston 186The Partisan Struggle in the South 186Greene Takes Command 187African Americans in the Age of Revolution 189

The World Turned Upside Down 190Surrender at Yorktown 191The Significance of a Revolution 191

Chapter Summary 193

Interactive Learning 194

Additional Reading 194

Significant Events 195

Daily Lives: Radical Chic and theRevolutionary Generation 178

Chapter 7Crisis and Constitution(1776–1789) 196

Preview 196Republican Experiments 197

The State Constitutions 198From Congress to Confederation 199

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The Temptations of Peace 200The Temptations of the West 200Foreign Intrigues 200Disputes among the States 202The More Democratic West 203The Northwest Territory 204Slavery and Sectionalism 206Wartime Economic Disruption 207

Republican Society 209The New Men of the Revolution 209The New Women of the Revolution 210Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication 211Republican Motherhood and Education 212The Attack on Aristocracy 212

From Confederation to Constitutions 213The Jay-Gardoqui Treaty 214Shays’s Rebellion 215Framing a Federal Constitution 216The Virginia and New Jersey Plans 217The Deadlock Broken 217Ratification 219Changing Revolutionary Ideals 220

Chapter Summary 221

Interactive Learning 222

Additional Reading 222

Significant Events 223

Daily Lives: The Spirits ofIndependence 214

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

White and Black Southerners Worshiping Together 224

Chapter 8The Republic Launched(1789–1801) 228

Preview 2281789: A Social Portrait 230

The Semisubsistence Economy of Crèvecoeur’sAmerica 231

The Commercial Economy of Franklin’s America 232The Constitution and Commerce 235

The New Government 235Washington’s Character 235Organizing the Government 236The Bill of Rights 237Hamilton’s Financial Program 237Opposition to Hamilton’s Program 239The Specter of Aristocracy 241

Contents vii

Expansion and Turmoil in theWest 241

The Resistance of theMiami 241

The Whiskey Rebellion 241Pinckney’s Treaty 242

The Emergence of PoliticalParties 242

Americans and the FrenchRevolution 243

Washington’s NeutralCourse 244

The Federalists and Republicans Organize 245The 1796 Election 246Federalist and Republican Ideologies 247

The Presidency of John Adams 248The Naval War with France 248Suppression at Home 249The Election of 1800 251Political Violence in the Early Republic 252

Chapter Summary 254

Interactive Learning 254

Additional Reading 255

Significant Events 255

Daily Lives: Exploring the WondrousWorld 250

Chapter 9The Jeffersonian Republic(1801–1824) 256

Preview 256Jefferson in Power 258

The New Capital City 258Jefferson’s Character and Philosophy 259Republican Principles 260Jefferson’s Economic Policies 260John Marshall and Judicial Review 261The Jeffersonian Attack on the Judiciary 262

Jefferson and Western Expansion 262The Louisiana Purchase 263Lewis and Clark 264

Whites and Indians on the Frontier 265The Course of White Settlement 265A Changing Environment 266The Second Great Awakening 266Pressure on Indian Lands and Culture 270The Prophet, Tecumseh, and the Pan-Indian

Movement 271

The Second War for American Independence 273The Barbary Pirates and Cultural Identities 274Neutral Rights 276

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The Embargo 276Madison and the Young Republicans 277The Decision for War 277National Unpreparedness 278“A Chance Such as Will Never Occur Again” 278The British Invasion 279The Hartford Convention 281

America Turns Inward 281The Missouri Crisis 282Monroe’s Presidency 283Monroe Doctrine 284Improved relations with Britain 284The End of an Era 285

Chapter Summary 285

Interactive Learning 286

Additional Reading 286

Significant Events 287

Daily Lives: The Frontier CampMeeting 268

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

Sally Hemings and ThomasJefferson 288

Part ThreeThe Republic Transformed andTested 293

Chapter 10The Opening of America(1815–1850) 298

Preview 298The Market Revolution 299

The New Nationalism 300The Cotton Trade 300The Transportation Revolution 301The Canal Age 301Steamboats and Railroads 302Agriculture in the Market Economy 303John Marshall and the Promotion of Enterprise 304General Incorporation Laws 308

A Restless Temper 308A People in Motion 308Population Growth 309The Federal Land Rush 310Geographic Mobility 311Urbanization 311

viii Contents

The Rise of Factories 312Technological Advances 313The Postal System 314Textile Factories 314Lowell and the Environment 316Industrial Work 317The Shoe Industry 318The Labor Movement 319

Social Structures of the Market Society 319Economic Specialization 319Materialism 320The Emerging Middle Class 320The Distribution of Wealth 322Social Mobility 322A New Sensitivity to Time 323The Market at Work: Three Examples 323

Prosperity and Anxiety 325The Panic of 1819 326

Chapter Summary 326

Interactive Learning 327

Additional Reading 327

Significant Events 328

Daily Lives: Floating Palaces of the West 306

Chapter 11The Rise of Democracy(1824–1840) 330

Preview 330Equality and Opportunity 332

The Tension between Equality and Opportunity 334

The New Political Culture of Democracy 334The Election of 1824 335Anti-Masonry and the Defense of

Equality 335Social Sources of the New Politics 336Male suffrage in Europe and Latin America 337The Acceptance of Parties 338The Politics of the Common Man 338

Jackson’s Rise to Power 339John Quincy Adams’s Presidency 339President of the People 340The Political Agenda in the Market Economy 341

Democracy and Race 341Accommodate or Resist? 342Trail of Tears 343Free Blacks in the North 345The African American Community 346The Minstrel Show 347

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The Nullification Crisis 348The Growing Crisis in South Carolina 348Calhoun’s Theory of Nullification 349The Nullifiers Nullified 350

The Bank War 350The National Bank and the Panic of 1819 351Biddle’s Bank 351The Clash between Jackson and Biddle 352The Bank Destroyed 352Jackson’s Impact on the Presidency 353

Van Buren and Depression 354“Van Ruin’s” Depression 355The Whigs’ Triumph 355

The Jacksonian Party System 356Democrats, Whigs, and the Market 356The Social Bases of the Two Parties 358The Triumph of the Market 358

Chapter Summary 359

Interactive Learning 360

Additional Reading 360

Significant Events 361

Daily Lives: The Plain Dark Democracy of Broadcloth 332

Chapter 12The Fires of Perfection(1820–1850) 362

Preview 362Revivalism and the Social Order 363

Finney’s New Measures 364The Philosophy of the New

Revivals 365Religion and the Market Economy 365The Rise of African American

Churches 366The Significance of the Second Great

Awakening 367

Women’s Sphere 367Women and Revivalism 367The Ideal of Domesticity 367Domesticity in Europe 369The Middle-Class Family in Transition 369

American Romanticism 370Emerson and Transcendentalism 372The Clash between Nature and Civilization 373Songs of the Self-Reliant and Darker Loomings 374

The Age of Reform 375Utopian Communities 375The Mormon Experience 376Socialist Communities 377The Temperance Movement 378

Contents ix

Educational Reform 379The Asylum Movement 379

Abolitionism 380The Beginnings of the Abolitionist Movement 381The Spread of Abolitionism 382Opponents and Divisions 384The Women’s Rights Movement 385The Schism of 1840 385

Reform Shakes the Party System 386Women and the Right to Vote 386The Maine Law 387Abolitionism and the Party System 387

Chapter Summary 388

Interactive Learning 389

Additional Reading 389

Significant Events 390

Daily Lives: Privacy Begins at Home 370

Chapter 13The Old South (1820–1860) 392

Preview 392The Social Structure of the Cotton Kingdom 394

The Boom Country Economy 394The Upper South’s New Orientation 396The Rural South 397Distribution of Slavery 398Slavery as a Labor System 399

Class Structure of the White South 400The Slaveowners 401Tidewater and Frontier 401The Master at Home 403The Plantation Mistress 404Yeoman Farmers 405Poor Whites 406

The Peculiar Institution 407Work and Discipline 407Slave Maintenance 408Resistance 409Slave revolts in Latin America 409

Slave Culture 410The Slave Family 411Slave Songs and Stories 412Steal Away to Jesus 413The Slave Community 416Free Black Southerners 416

Southern Society and the Defense of Slavery 417

The Virginia Debate of 1832 417The Proslavery Argument 418Closing Ranks 419Sections and the Nation 420

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Chapter Summary 421

Interactive Learning 422

Additional Reading 422

Significant Events 423

Daily Lives: A Slave’s Daily Bread 414

Chapter 14Western Expansion and the Rise of the Slavery Issue(1820–1850) 424

Preview 424Manifest (and Not So Manifest) Destiny 427

The Roots of the Doctrine 427The Mexican Borderlands 428The Texas Revolution 429The Texas Republic 430

The Trek West 431The Overland Trail 431Women on the Overland Trail 432Indians and the Trail Experience 433

The Political Origins of Expansion 435Tyler’s Texas Ploy 436Van Overboard 436To the Pacific 437The Mexican War 437Opposition to the War 439The Price of Victory 439The Rise of the Slavery Issue 440

New Societies in the West 441Farming in the West 441The Gold Rush 441Instant City: San Francisco 443The Migration from China 444The Mormons in Utah 445Temple City: Salt Lake City 446Shadows on the Moving Frontier 447

Escape from Crisis 448A Two-Faced Campaign 449The Compromise of 1850 450Away from the Brink 452

Chapter Summary 453

Interactive Learning 454

Additional Reading 454

Significant Events 455

Daily Lives: Seeing the Elephant on the Overland Trail 434

x Contents

Chapter 15The Union Broken (1850–1861) 456

Preview 456Sectional Changes in American Society 458

The Growth of a Railroad Economy 459Railroads and the Prairie Environment 461Railroads and the Urban Environment 462Rising Industrialization 462Immigration 463The revolutions of 1848 464Southern Complaints 465

The Political Realignment of the 1850s 466The Kansas-Nebraska Act 466The Collapse of the Second American Party System 467The Know-Nothings 468The Republicans and Bleeding Kansas 469The Caning of Charles Sumner 470The Election of 1856 470

The Worsening Crisis 472The Dred Scott Decision 472The Panic of 1857 473The Lecompton Constitution 473The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 474The Beleaguered South 476

The Road to War 477A Sectional Election 477Secession 479The Outbreak of War 480The Roots of a Divided Society 481

Chapter Summary 483

Interactive Learning 484

Additional Reading 484

Significant Events 485

Daily Lives: Uncle Tom by Footlights 478

Chapter 16Total War and the Republic(1861–1865) 486

Preview 486The Demands of Total War 488

Political Leadership 489The Border States 490

Opening Moves 491Blockade and Isolate 491Grant in the West 491Eastern Stalemate 493

Emancipation 495The Logic of Events 496

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The Emancipation Proclamation 496African Americans’ Civil War 497Black Soldiers 498

The Confederate Home Front 498The New Economy 499New Opportunities for Southern Women 499Confederate Finance and Government 500Hardship and Suffering 501

The Union Home Front 502Government Finances and the Economy 502A Rich Man’s War 504Women and the Workforce 504Civil Liberties and Dissent 506

Gone to Be a Soldier 507Discipline 508Camp Life 510The Changing Face of Battle 511Hardening Attitudes 513

The Union’s Triumph 513Confederate High Tide 514Lincoln Finds His General 514War in the Balance 516Abolition as a global movement 517The Twilight of the Confederacy 517

The Impact of War 520The war’s effect on the cotton trade worldwide 521

Chapter Summary 522

Interactive Learning 523

Additional Reading 523

Significant Events 524

Daily Lives: Hardtack, Salt Horse, and Coffee 508

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

What Caused the New York DraftRiots? 525

Chapter 17Reconstructing the Union(1865–1877) 530

Preview 530

Presidential Reconstruction 531Lincoln’s 10 Percent Plan 532The Mood of the South 533Johnson’s Program of Reconstruction 533The Failure of Johnson’s Program 534Johnson’s Break with Congress 535

Contents xi

The Fourteenth Amendment 536The Elections of 1866 537

Congressional Reconstruction 537Post-Emancipation Societies in the Americas 538

The Land Issue 538

Impeachment 539

Reconstruction in the South 540Black Office Holding 540

White Republicans in the South 541

The New State Governments 542

Economic Issues and Corruption 542

Black Aspirations 543Experiencing Freedom 543

The Black Family 545

The Schoolhouse and the Church 546

New Working Conditions 547

The Freedmen’s Bureau 548

Planters and a New Way of Life 549

The Abandonment of Reconstruction 550The Election of Grant 550

The Grant Administration 551

Growing Northern Disillusionment 553

The Triumph of White Supremacy 553

The Disputed Election of 1876 555

Racism and the Failure of Reconstruction 556

Chapter Summary 557

Interactive Learning 558

Additional Reading 558

Significant Events 559

Daily Lives: The Black Sharecropper’sCabin 544

Part FourThe United States in an IndustrialAge 561

Chapter 18The New South and the Trans-Mississippi West (1870–1896) 566

Preview 566The Southern Burden 568

Agriculture in the New South 568Tenancy and Sharecropping 569Debt peonage in India, Egypt, and Brazil 570Southern Industry 570Timber and Steel 572The Sources of Southern Poverty 573

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Life in the New South 573Rural Life 574The Church 574Segregation 576

Western Frontiers 578Western Landscapes 579Indian Peoples and the Western

Environment 579Whites and the Western

Environment: Competing Visions 580

The War for the West 582Contact and Conflict 582Custer’s Last Stand—and the

Indians’ 583Killing with Kindness 585Borderlands 587Ethno-Racial Identity in the

New West 588

Boom and Bust in the West 589Mining Sets a Pattern 589The Transcontinental

Railroad 591Cattle Kingdom 593

The Final Frontier 595A Rush for Land 595Farming on the Plains 595A Plains Existence 596The Urban Frontier 597The West and the World Economy 599Packaging and Exporting the “Wild West” 600

Chapter Summary 602

Interactive Learning 603

Additional Reading 603

Significant Events 604

Daily Lives: The Frontier Kitchen of thePlains 598

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

Where Have All the Bison Gone? 605

Chapter 19The New Industrial Order (1870–1900) 610

Preview 610The Development of Industrial Systems 612

Natural Resources and Industrial Technology 613Systematic Invention 614Transportation and Communication 615

xii Contents

Finance Capital 618The Corporation 618An International Pool of Labor 619

Railroads: America’s First Big Business 620A Managerial Revolution 621Competition and Consolidation 621The Challenge of Finance 622

The Growth of Big Business 624Strategies of Growth 624Carnegie Integrates Steel 625Rockefeller and the Great Standard Oil Trust 626The Mergers of J. Pierpont Morgan 627Corporate Defenders 628Corporate Critics 629The Costs of Doing Business 630

The Workers’ World 631Industrial Work 631Children, Women, and African Americans 633The American Dream of Success 633

The Systems of Labor 634Early Unions 635The Knights of Labor 635The American Federation of Labor 636The Limits of Industrial Systems 636Management Strikes 638

Chapter Summary 640

Interactive Learning 640

Additional Reading 640

Significant Events 641

Daily Lives: The Rise of InformationSystems 616

Chapter 2 0The Rise of an Urban Order (1870–1900) 642

Preview 642A New Urban Age 643

The Urban Explosion 644The Great Global Migration 644The Shape of the City 647Urban Transport 648Bridges and Skyscrapers 649Slum and Tenement 650

Running and Reforming the City 651

Boss Rule 651Rewards, Costs, and

Accomplishments 652Nativism, Revivals, and the Social Gospel 653The Social Settlement Movement 654

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City Life 654The Immigrant in the City 654Urban Middle-Class Life 657Victorianism and the Pursuit of Virtue 657Challenges to Convention 659

City Culture 659Public Education in an Urban Industrial World 659Higher Learning and the Rise of the Professional 661Higher Education for Women 661A Culture of Consumption 662Leisure 663City Entertainment at Home and on the Road 664

Chapter Summary 668

Interactive Learning 668

Additional Reading 668

Significant Events 669

Daily Lives: The Vaudeville Show 666

Chapter 2 1The Political System under Strain(1877–1900) 670

Preview 670The Politics of Paralysis 672

Political Stalemate 672The Parties 673The Issues 674The White House from Hayes to Harrison 676Ferment in the States and Cities 677

The Revolt of the Farmers 678The Harvest of Discontent 678The Origins of the Farmers’ Alliance 679The Alliance Peaks 680The Election of 1892 681The Rise of Jim Crow Politics 682The African American Response 682

The New Realignment 684The Depression of 1893 684The Rumblings of Unrest 685The Battle of the Standards 686McKinley in the White House 688

Visions of Empire 689European Expansion Worldwide 689The Shapers of American Imperialism 690Looking to Latin America 695Reprise in the Pacific 695

The Imperial Moment 696Mounting Tensions 696The Imperial War 698War in Cuba 698Peace and the Debate over Empire 699

Contents xiii

From Colonial War to Colonial Rule 702An Open Door in China 703

Chapter Summary 704

Interactive Learning 705

Additional Reading 705

Significant Events 706

Daily Lives: The New Navy 692

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

Engendering the Spanish-American War 707

Chapter 22The Progressive Era (1890–1920) 712

Preview 712The Roots of Progressive Reform 714

The Progressive System of Beliefs 715The Pragmatic Approach 715The Progressive Method 716

The Search for the Good Society 717Poverty in a New Light 717Expanding the “Woman’s Sphere” 718Social Welfare 719Woman Suffrage 720Militant suffragists 720

Controlling the Masses 722Stemming the Immigrant

Tide 723The Curse of Demon Rum 724Prostitution 725“For Whites Only” 725

The Politics of Municipal and State Reform 726

The Reformation of the Cities 727Progressivism in the States 727

Progressivism Goes to Washington 729TR 729A Square Deal 730Bad Food and Pristine Wilds 732The Troubled Taft 734Roosevelt Returns 735The Election of 1912 736

Woodrow Wilson and the Politics of Morality 737Early Career 737The Reforms of the New Freedom 737Labor and Social Reform 739The Limits of Progressive Reform 739

Chapter Summary 740

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Interactive Learning 741

Additional Reading 741

Significant Events 742

Daily Lives: “Amusing the Million” 722

Chapter 23The United States and the Old WorldOrder (1901–1920) 744

Preview 744Progressive Diplomacy 746

Big Stick in the Caribbean 746A “Diplomatist of the Highest Rank” 747Dollar Diplomacy 748

Woodrow Wilson and Moral Diplomacy 748

Missionary Diplomacy 749Intervention in Mexico 750

The Road to War 751The Guns of August 752Neutral but Not Impartial 753The Diplomacy of Neutrality 755Peace, Preparedness, and the Election of 1916 756Wilson’s Final Peace Offensive 756

War and Society 758The Slaughter of Stalemate 758“You’re in the Army Now” 759Mobilizing the Economy 760War Work 761Great Migrations 763Propaganda and Civil Liberties 763Over There 765The Influenza Pandemic of 1918–1919 766

The Lost Peace 768The Treaty of Versailles 769The Battle for the Treaty 771Red Scare 772

Chapter Summary 776

Interactive Learning 776

Additional Reading 776

Significant Events 777

Daily Lives: The Doughboys Abroad 770

Part FiveThe Perils of Democracy 779

Chapter 24The New Era (1920–1929) 784

Preview 784

xiv Contents

The Roaring Economy 786Technology and Consumer Spending 786The Booming Construction Industry 787The Automobile 787The Business of America 790Welfare Capitalism 790The Consumer Culture 791

A Mass Society 792A “New Woman” 793Mass Media 796Youth Culture 798“Ain’t We Got Fun?” 798The Art of Alienation 799A “New Negro” 800

Defenders of the Faith 800Nativism and Immigration Restriction 801The “Noble Experiment” 802Fundamentalism versus Darwinism 804KKK 805

Republicans Ascendant 807The Politics of “Normalcy” 807The Policies of Mellon and Hoover 808Distress Signals at Home and Abroad 809The Election of 1928 810

The Great Bull Market 811The Rampaging Bull 812The Great Crash 812The Sickening Slide in Global Perspective 813The Causes of the Great Depression 814

Chapter Summary 815

Interactive Learning 816

Additional Reading 816

Significant Events 817

Daily Lives: The Beauty Contest 794

Chapter 2 5The Great Depression and the NewDeal (1929–1939) 818

Preview 818The Human Impact of the Great Depression 819

Hard Times 820The Golden Age of Radio and Film 821“Dirty Thirties”: An Ecological Disaster 822Mexican Americans and Repatriation 824African Americans in the Depression 825

The Tragedy of Herbert Hoover 825The Failure of Relief 826The Hoover Depression Program 827Stirrings of Discontent 828The Bonus Army 829The Election of 1932 830

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The Early New Deal (1933–1935) 831The Democratic Roosevelts 831Saving the Banks 832Relief for the Unemployed 833Planning for Industrial

Recovery 834Planning for Agriculture 836Recovery in Global Perspective 837

A Second New Deal (1935–1936) 838Voices of Protest 838The Second Hundred Days 840The Election of 1936 841

The American People under the New Deal 842The New Deal and Western Water 842The Limited Reach of the New Deal 843Tribal Rights 845A New Deal for Women 846The Rise of Organized Labor 847Campaigns of the CIO 848“Art for the Millions” 850

The End of the New Deal (1937–1940) 851Packing the Courts 851The New Deal at Bay 853Recovery abroad 854The Legacy of the New Deal 855

Chapter Summary 857

Interactive Learning 857

Additional Reading 858

Significant Events 859

Daily Lives: Post Office Murals 852

Chapter 2 6America’s Rise to Globalism(1927–1945) 860

Preview 860The United States in a Troubled World 862

Pacific Interests 862Becoming a Good Neighbor 863The Diplomacy of Isolationism 863Neutrality Legislation 864Inching toward War 866Hitler’s Invasion 866Retreat from Isolationism 867Disaster in the Pacific 869

A Global War 870Strategies for War 870Gloomy Prospects 872A Grand Alliance 873The Naval War in the Pacific 873Turning Points in Europe 874

Contents xv

Those Who Fought 875Minorities at War 875Women at War 877

War Production 877Finding an Industrial Czar 878Science Goes to War 879War Work and Prosperity 880Organized Labor 881Women Workers 881Global Labor Migrations 882

A Question of Rights 883Little Italy 883Concentration Camps 884Minorities on the Job 886At War with Jim Crow 887The New Deal in Retreat 888

Winning the War and the Peace 888The Fall of the Third Reich 889Two Roads to Tokyo 890Big Three Diplomacy 891The Road to Yalta 893The Fallen Leader 895The Holocaust 895A Lasting Peace 897Atom Diplomacy 897

Chapter Summary 899

Interactive Learning 900

Additional Reading 900

Significant Events 901

Daily Lives: Air Power Shrinks the Globe 892

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

Did the Atomic Bomb Save Lives? 902

Part SixThe United States in a Nuclear Age 907

Chapter 27Cold War America (1945–1954) 912

Preview 912The Rise of the Cold War 913

Cracks in the Alliance 914The View from West and East 915Toward Containment 915The Truman Doctrine 916

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The Marshall Plan 917The Fall of Eastern Europe 917The Atomic Shield versus the Iron Curtain 918Atomic Deterrence 920

Postwar Prosperity 921Postwar Adjustments 921Truman under Attack 924A Welfare Program for GIs 926The Election of 1948 927The Fair Deal 928

The Cold War at Home 928The Shocks of 1949 929The Loyalty Crusade 930HUAC, Hollywood, and Unions 930The Ambitions of Senator McCarthy 931

From Cold War to Hot War and Back 933Police Action 933The Chinese Intervene 935Truman versus MacArthur 936The Global Implications of the Cold War 936The Election of 1952 937The Fall of McCarthy 938

Chapter Summary 940

Interactive Learning 940

Additional Reading 940

Significant Events 941

Daily Lives: Jackie Robinson IntegratesBaseball 924

Chapter 2 8The Suburban Era (1945–1963) 942

Preview 942The Rise of the Suburbs 944

A Boom in Babies and in Housing 944The boom worldwide 944Cities and Suburbs Transformed 946

The Culture of Suburbia 948American Civil Religion 949“Homemaking” Women in the Workaday World 949A Revolution in Sexuality? 952The Flickering Gray Screen 953

The Politics of Calm 954Eisenhower’s Modern Republicanism 954The Conglomerate World 955

Cracks in the Consensus 956Critics of Mass Culture 956The Rebellion of Young America 957

Nationalism in an Age of Superpowers 958To the Brink? 959

xvi Contents

Brinkmanship in Asia 959The Covert Side of the New Look 961Rising Nationalism 962The Response to Sputnik 964Thaws and Freezes 964

The Cold War along a New Frontier 965The Election of 1960 965The Hard-Nosed Idealists of Camelot 966The (Somewhat) New Frontier at Home 967

Kennedy’s Cold War 968Cold War Frustrations 968Confronting Khrushchev 969The Missiles of October 970

Chapter Summary 973

Interactive Learning 974

Additional Reading 974

Significant Events 975

Daily Lives: The New Suburbia 950

Chapter 2 9Civil Rights and the Crisis of Liberalism (1947–1969) 976

Preview 976The Civil Rights Movement 979

The Changing South and African Americans 979The NAACP and Civil Rights 980The Brown Decision 981Latino Civil Rights 982A New Civil Rights Strategy 983Little Rock and the White Backlash 984

A Movement Becomes a Crusade 985Riding to Freedom 986Civil Rights at High Tide 987The Fire Next Time 989Black Power 989Violence in the Streets 990

Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society 991The Origins of the Great Society 993The Election of 1964 994The Great Society 994Immigration reform 995Evaluating the Great Society 996The Reforms of the Warren Court 996

The Counterculture 998Activists on the New Left 998Vatican II and American Catholics 1000The Rise of the Counterculture 1000The Rock Revolution 1001The West Coast Scene 1004

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Chapter Summary 1005

Interactive Learning 1006

Additional Reading 1006

Significant Events 1007

Daily Lives: The Politics of Dress 1002

Chapter 3 0The Vietnam Era (1963–1975) 1008

Preview 1008The Road to Vietnam 1011

Lyndon Johnson’s War 1012Rolling Thunder 1013

Social Consequences of the War 1015The Soldiers’ War 1015The War at Home 1017

The Unraveling 1018Tet Offensive 1018The Shocks of 1968 1021Chicago 1022Revolutionary clashes

worldwide 1022Whose Silent Majority? 1023

Nixon’s War 1024Vietnamization—and Cambodia 1025Fighting a No-Win War 1025The Move toward Détente 1026

The New Identity Politics 1030Latino Activism 1030The Choices of American Indians 1032Asian Americans 1033Gay Rights 1034Feminism 1034Equal Rights and Abortion 1036The Legacy of Identity Politics 1036

The End of an Era 1037Chapter Summary 1038

Interactive Learning 1039

Additional Reading 1039

Significant Events 1040

Daily Lives: The Race to the Moon 1028

Chapter 3 1The Age of Limits (1965–1980) 1042

Preview 1042The Limits of Reform 1043

Consumerism 1044Environmentalism 1045

Contents xvii

Watergate and the Politics of Resentment 1048Nixon’s New Federalism 1048Stagflation 1049Social Policies and the Court 1049Us versus Them 1050Triumph 1051The President’s Enemies 1051Break-In 1052To the Oval Office 1052Resignation 1054

A Ford, Not a Lincoln 1054Kissinger and Foreign Policy 1055Global Competition and the Limits of American

Influence 1055Shuttle Diplomacy 1057Détente 1057The Limits of a Post-Watergate President 1058Fighting Inflation 1059The Election of 1976 1060

Jimmy Carter: Restoring the Faith 1061The Search for Direction 1061A Sick Economy 1062Leadership, Not Hegemony 1063The Wavering Spirit of Détente 1064The Middle East: Hope and Hostages 1065A President Held Hostage 1066

Chapter Summary 1067

Interactive Learning 1067

Additional Reading 1067

Significant Events 1068

Daily Lives: Fast-Food America 1046

AFTER THE FACTHistorians Reconstruct the Past:

The Contested Ground of CollectiveMemory 1069

Chapter 32The Conservative Challenge(1980–1992) 1074

Preview 1074The Conservative Rebellion 1076

The conservative tide worldwide 1076Born Again 1077The Catholic Conscience 1078The Media as Battleground 1078The Election of 1980 1079

Prime Time with Ronald Reagan 1080The Great Communicator 1080

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The Reagan Agenda 1081The Reagan Revolution in Practice 1082The Supply-Side Scorecard 1082The Military Buildup 1084

Standing Tall in a Chaotic World 1085Terrorism in the Middle East 1085Mounting Frustrations in Central America 1086The Iran-Contra Connection 1086Cover Blown 1088From Cold War to Glasnost 1089The Election of 1988 1090

An End to the Cold War 1090A Post–Cold War Foreign Policy 1090The Gulf War 1091Domestic Doldrums 1092The Conservative Court 1093Disillusionment and Anger 1096The Election of 1992 1097

Chapter Summary 1098

Interactive Learning 1099

Additional Reading 1099

Significant Events 1100

Daily Lives: Life in the Underclass 1094

Chapter 33Nation of Nations in a GlobalCommunity (1980–2000) 1102

Preview 1102The New Immigration 1104

The New Look of America—Asian Americans 1105The New Look of America—Latinos 1107Illegal Immigration 1107Links with the Home Country 1110Religious Diversity 1110

The Clinton Presidency: Managing a New Global Order 1111

Clinton: Ambitions and Character 1112The New World Disorder 1112Yugoslavian Turmoil 1113Middle East Peace 1114Global Financial Disorder 1115

The Clinton Presidency on Trial 1116Recovery without Reform 1116The Conservative Revolution Reborn 1117Conservatives and the Feminist Agenda 1118Scandal 1119The Politics of Surplus 1120Hanging by a Chad: The Election of 2000 1121

xviii Contents

The United States in a NetworkedWorld 1123

The Internet Revolution 1123American Workers in a Two-Tiered

Economy 1125

Multiculturalism and Contested American Identity 1126

African Americans and the Persistence of the Racial Divide 1126

African Americans in a Full-EmploymentEconomy 1128

Global Pressures in a Multicultural America 1130

Chapter Summary 1132

Interactive Learning 1133

Additional Reading 1133

Significant Events 1134

Daily Lives: Motels as an Ethnic Niche 1108

EpilogueFighting Terrorism in a Global Age(2000–2003) 1136

Preview 1136The Bush Agenda 1138

Conservative Domestic Initiatives 1139Unilateralism in Foreign Affairs 1141

Wars on Terrorism 1141The Roots of Terror 1142Afghanistan and a1 Qaeda 1143The War on Terror: First Phase 1145The Invasion of Iraq 1147A Messy Aftermath 1149

Chapter Summary 1150

Additional Reading 1151

Significant Events 1152

Appendix A-1The Declaration of Independence A-1The Constitution of the United States of America A-4Presidential Elections A-14Presidential Administrations A-18Justices of the Supreme Court A-30A Social Profile of the American Republic A-32

Credits C-1

Index I-1

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Early Peoples of North America 3Indians of North America, circa 1500 11Principal Routes of European Exploration 28Spanish America, ca. 1600 38European Exploration: Fifteenth and Sixteenth

Centuries 48Colonies of the Chesapeake 60African Transatlantic Slave Trade, 1450–1760 64The Carolinas and the Caribbean 71Spanish Missions in North America, ca. 1675 79Early New England 88Patterns of Settlement in the Eighteenth

Century 118Estimated Population of Colonial Cities,

1720–1770 119Estimated Population by Region, 1720–1760 120Distribution of the American Population, 1775 122Overseas Trade Networks 135The Seven Years’ War 146European Claims in North America, 1750

and 1763 149The Appalachian Frontier, 1750–1775 150Patterns of Allegiance 174The Fighting in the North, 1775–1777 181The Fighting in the South, 1780–1781 188Western Land Claims, 1782–1802 202The Ordinance of 1785 205Ratification of the Constitution 220Semisubsistence and Commercial America, 1790 234Hamilton’s Financial System 238Election of 1800 252Exploration and Expansion: The Louisiana

Purchase 263The Indian Response to White Encroachment 272The United States and the Barbary States,

1801–1815 274The War of 1812 280The Missouri Compromise and the Union’s

Boundaries in 1820 283Travel Times, 1800 and 1830 303The Transportation Network of a Market Economy,

1840 305

Western Land Sales and the Price of Corn and Wheat 310

Development of the Lowell Mills 317Election of 1824 335Indian Removal 344The Spread of White Manhood Suffrage 346Election of 1840 356Annual Consumption of Distilled Spirits, per Capita,

1710–1920 378The Diverse South 394Cotton and Other Crops of the South 398The Spread of Slavery, 1820–1860 399Southern Population, 1860 400A Plantation Layout 402Sioux Expansion and the Horse and Gun

Frontiers 426The Mexican Borderlands 430The Overland Trail 432Election of 1844 436The Mexican War 438Territorial Growth and the Compromise of

1850 451Proportion of Western Exports Shipped via New

Orleans, 1835–1860 459Railroads, 1850 and 1860, with Track Gauges 460Prices of Cotton and Slaves 465The Kansas-Nebraska Act 467Election of 1860 480The Pattern of Secession 481Resources of the Union and the Confederacy,

1861 488The War in the West, 1861–1862 492The War in the East, 1861–1862 495The Changing Magnitude of Battle 512The War in the East, 1863–1865 515The War in the West, 1863–1865 519The Attrition of War: Company D, 7th Virginia

Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia 521The Southern States during Reconstruction 539A Georgia Plantation after the War 548Election of 1876 555Tenant Farmers, 1900 570

list of maps & charts

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Spending on Education in the South before and afterDisfranchisement 578

Natural Environment of the West 581The Indian Frontier 584The Mining and Cattle Frontiers 591Steel Production, 1880 and 1914 614Occupational Distribution, 1880 and 1920 619Railroads, 1870–1890 623Boom and Bust Business Cycle, 1865–1900 630Immigration and Population, 1860–1920 645Growth of New Orleans to 1900 648The Voting Public, 1860–1912 672Election of 1896 687Balance of U.S. Imports and Exports,

1870–1910 689Imperialist Expansion, 1900 691The Spanish-American War 700The United States in the Pacific 701Woman Suffrage 721Election of 1912 736Panama Canal—Old and New Transoceanic

Routes 746American Interventions in the Caribbean,

1898–1930 749The Course of War in Europe, 1914–1917 754Election of 1916 757The Final German Offensive and Allied

Counterattack, 1918 764Spread of Influenza Pandemic: Second Stage,

Autumn 1918 768Areas of Population Growth 801Election of 1928 811Declining World Trade, 1929–1933 813Election of 1932 830Unemployment Relief, 1934 834The Tennessee Valley Authority 835Unemployment, 1925–1945 840Federal Budget and Surplus/Deficit, 1920–1940 854What the New Deal Did . . . 856

xx List of Maps and Charts

World War II in Europe and North Africa 871The U-Boat War 872The Impact of World War II on Government

Spending 888The Pacific Campaigns of World War II 891Cold War Europe 919Election of 1948 927The Korean War 934The United States Birthrate, 1900–1989 945Average Annual Regional Migration, 1947–1960 947Asian Trouble Spots 960Election of 1960 966The World of the Superpowers 970The Spontaneous Spread of Sit-ins, February

1960 985Civil Rights: Patterns of Protest and Unrest 991Growth of Government, 1955–1990 996The War in Vietnam 1014Levels of U.S. Troops in Vietnam (at Year End) 1019Election of 1968 1024Oil and Conflict in the Middle East,

1948–1988 1056OPEC Oil Prices, 1973–1987 1059Income Projections of Two-Income Families,

1967–1984 1063Election of 1980 1080Poverty in America, 1970–1993 1083The Federal Budget and Surplus/Deficit,

1945–1995 1084Central American Conflicts, 1974–1990 1087War with Iraq: Operation Desert Storm 1092Election of 1992 1097Projected Population Shifts, 1980–2050 1105Election of 2000 1123Terrorist Incidents by Region, 1968–2002 1145The War on Terror: Afghanistan and Iraq 1146Map of the WorldMap of the United States

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preface to the fifth edition

ll good history begins with a good story:that has been the touchstone of Nation ofNations. Narrative is embedded in theway we understand the past; hence it will

not do simply to compile an encyclopedia of Americanhistory and pass it off as a survey.

Yet the narrative keeps changing. A world that hasbecome suddenly and dangerously smaller requires,more than ever, a history that is broader. That convic-tion has driven our revision for the fifth edition ofNation of Nations.

The events following on the heels of September 11,2001, have underlined the call historians have madeover the past decade to view American history withina global context. From its first edition, published in1990, Nation of Nations has taken such an approach,with global essays opening each of the book’s six partsto establish an international framework and a globaltimeline correlating events nationally and worldwide.In the fourth edition, we added global focus sectionswithin chapter narratives and a final chapter (“Nationof Nations in a Global Community”) highlighting theties of the United States to the rest of the world.

Changes to the Fifth EditionThe fifth edition expands on the global coverage thathas been so important to our text by adding new narra-tives that place American history in an internationalperspective. These narratives are not separate specialfeatures. Sometimes only a paragraph in length, some-times an entire section, they are designed to be anintegral part of the text. New material includes

• A section on the Barbary pirates and cultural iden-tities in Chapter 9

• Information comparing debt peonage in the NewSouth with similar circumstances in India, Egypt,and Brazil in Chapter 18

• A section on worldwide recovery from the GreatDepression in Chapter 25

• A map on the global spread of the influenzapandemic in autumn 1918 in Chapter 23

• More on global labor migrations in Chapter 26

• A section about Vatican II and American Catholicsin Chapter 29

Other important content and pedagogical changesinclude

• Two new After the Fact essays exploring culturalhistory topics that have received recent scholarlyattention. The new essay in Part Two focuses onSally Hemings and Thomas Jefferson, and the newessay in Part Four, “Engendering the Spanish-American War,” looks at contemporary construc-tions of gender as the United States went to warwith Spain in 1898.

• Updates to Chapter 33, including a new sectionand map on the election of 2000 and material onrecent court cases regarding affirmative action.

• To conclude the book, a new epilogue, “FightingTerrorism in a Global Age,” which includes a chartshowing terrorist incidents by region and a map onthe war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq.

• The addition of date ranges to chapter titles, toprovide students with more guidance as to thechronology of events.

• An “Interactive Learning” section at the end ofevery chapter, directing students to relevant materi-als on the Primary Source Investigator CD-ROM.


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xxii Preface to the Fifth Edition

Jay AntleJohnson County Community College

Alan C. AtchisonSouthwest Texas State

Eirlys M. BarkerThomas Nelson Community College

Vince ClarkJohnson County Community College

P. Scott CorbettOxnard College

Mary Paige CubbisonMiami Dade Community College

George GerdowNortheastern Illinois University

Ronald GoldbergThomas Nelson Community College

Michael HamiltonSeattle Pacific University

Reid HollandMidland Technical College

Lisa HollanderJefferson College

Carol KellerSan Antonio College

Lawrence KohlUniversity of Alabama

Janice M. LeoneMiddle Tennessee State University

Daniel LittlefieldUniversity of South Carolina

Susan MattWeber State University

Randy D. McBeeTexas Tech University

Robert M. S. McDonaldUnited States Military Academy

Paul C. MilazzoOhio University

Roberto M. SalmónUniversity of Texas, Pan American

Richard StrawRadford University

William WoodwardSeattle Pacific University

• In addition to the Additional Readings featureat the end of each chapter, a full bibliographyfor the book can be found at

Information about SupplementsThe supplements listed here accompany Nation ofNations: A Narrative History of the American Republic,Fifth Edition. Please contact your local McGraw-Hillrepresentative for details concerning policies, prices,and availability, as some restrictions may apply.

For the Student• Packaged free with every copy of the book, Primary

Source Investigator CD-ROM (007295700X) in-cludes hundreds of documents to explore, shortdocumentary movies, interactive maps, and more.Find more information about the CD-ROM whereit is packaged in your book.

• Located on the book’s Web site (, the Student Online LearningCenter offers interactive maps with exercises,extensive Web links, quizzes, counterpoint essayswith exercises, a bibliography, and more.

For the Instructor• A set of Overhead Transparencies (0072956976)

includes maps and images from the textbook.

• An Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM (0072456992)provides materials for instructors to use in theclassroom, including PowerPoint presentations andelectronic versions of the maps in the textbook. Aninstructor’s manual and computerized test bank arealso included.

• Located on the book’s Web site (, the Instructor Online LearningCenter offers PowerPoint presentations, an imagebank, an instructor’s manual, a bibliography, andmore.

AcknowledgmentsWayne AckersonSalisbury State University

Robert AldersonGeorgia Perimeter College

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In addition, friends and colleagues contributedtheir advice and constructive criticism in ways bothsmall and large. We owe a debt to Myra Armstead,Lawrence A. Cardoso, Dinah Chenven, ChristopherCollier, James E. Crisp, R. David Edmunds, GeorgeForgie, Erica Gienapp, Richard John,Virginia Joyner,Philip Kuhn, Stephen E. Maizlish, Drew McCoy, JamesMcPherson, Walter Nugent, Vicki L. Ruiz, Jim Sidbury,David J. Weber, Devra Weber, and John Womack.

The division of labor for this book was deter-mined by our respective fields of scholarship: ChristineHeyrman, the colonial era, in which Europeans, Africans,and Indians participated in the making of both a newAmerica and a new republic; William Gienapp, the 90years in which the young nation first flourished, thenfoundered on the issues of section and slavery; MichaelStoff, the post–Civil War era, in which industrializationand urbanization brought the nation more centrallyinto an international system regularly disrupted by de-pression and war; and Mark Lytle, the modern era, in

Preface to the Fifth Edition xxiii

which Americans finally faced the reality that even theboldest dreams of national greatness are bounded bythe finite nature of power and resources both naturaland human. Finally, because the need to specialize in-evitably imposes limits on any project as broad as thisone, our fifth author, James Davidson, served as a gen-eral editor and writer, with the intent of fitting individ-ual parts to the whole as well as providing a measure ofcontinuity, style, and overarching purpose. In pro-ducing this collaborative effort, all of us have sharedthe conviction that the best history speaks to a largeraudience.

James West DavidsonWilliam E. GienappChristine Leigh HeyrmanMark H. LytleMichael B. Stoff

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A Guided Tour of Nation of Nations:A Narrative History of the American Republic, Fifth Edition





1675 1700 1725 17501625 16501600

Dutch East India Company founded1602

Isaac Newton’s ,on gravitation, published1687

Outbreak of English Civil War1642

Restoration of English monarchy;Charles II ascends throne


Glorious Revolution in England;constitutional monarchy ofWilliam III and Mary1688

John and Charles Wesleybegin preaching

Methodism in England1738

War of the Austrian Succession1740–1748

War of theSpanishSuccession1702–1713

War of theLeague ofAugsburg1689-1697

Jamestown established1607

Santa Fe founded1610

Pilgrims land at Plymouth1620

Sugar boom in Caribbean1640s

Carolinas founded1663

Chesapeake labor system dependsincreasingly on black slavery1680s

King William’s War1689–1697

La Salle follows the Mississippi1682

Glorious Revolution in America1688–1691

Rice boom in South Carolina1700s

Queen Anne’s War1702–1713

French found New Orleans1718

The Great Awakening1730s–1750s

Benjamin Franklin founds theAmerican Philosophical Society1743

King George’s War1740–1748

Principia Mathematica

phrase—come to be? In barestoutline, that is the question thatdrives our narrative across half amillennium.

The problem looms evenlarger as we move toward the be-ginning of our story. In 1450,about the time ChristopherColumbus was born, Europeanswere only beginning to expandwestward. To be sure, Scandina-vian seafarers led by Leif Ericssonhad reached the northern reachesof the Americas, planting a settle-ment in Newfoundland around1000 C.E. But news of Vinland, asLeif called his colony, neverreached most of Europe. The sitewas soon abandoned and for-gotten. In Columbus’s day local-ism still held sway. Italy wasdivided into five major statesand an equal number of smaller

territories. The Germanic peo-ples were united loosely in theHoly Roman Empire. Frenchkings ruled over only about halfof what is now France. Spain wasdivided into several kingdoms,with some areas held by Chris-tians and others by IslamicMoors, whose forebears camefrom Africa. England, a con-tentious little nation, was begin-ning a series of bitter civil con-flicts among the nobility, knowneventually as the Wars of theRoses.

Localism was also evident inthe patterns of European trade.Goods moving overland wereusually carried by wheeled cartsor pack animals over ruttedpaths. Along rivers and canals,lords repeatedly taxed boats thatcrossed their territories. On the

Seine River, greedy tollkeeperslay in wait every six or sevenmiles. Travel across the Mediter-ranean Sea and along Europe’snorthern coastlines was possible,but storms and pirates made thegoing dangerous and slow. Undergood conditions a ship mightreach London from Venice inonly 9 days; under bad it mighttake 50.

European peoples at this timehad limited but continuous deal-ings with Africa, mostly along theMediterranean Sea. There, NorthAfrican culture had been shapedsince the seventh century by thereligion of Islam, whose influencespread as well into Spain. Belowthe Sahara desert the Bantu, anagricultural people, had migratedover the course of 2000 years fromtheir West African homeland to




15001100 1200 1300 14001000

Mongols begin 60-yearconquest of China


Luther launchesProtestant Reformation1517

Vasco da Gamareaches India


drives MuslimArabs from Spain


Marco Polo travelsto China from Venice1271–1295

Formation of the Iroquois Leaguelate 1400s

European diseases waste central Mexico;population of ca. 25 million drops

90 to 95 percent by 16001520s

Cortés conquers Aztec empire1521

Silver boom in Mexico, Bolivia1550s

Columbus reaches America1492

Leif Ericsson establishes Vinlandin Newfoundlandca. 1001–1015

Rise of the Aztec empire1300

Bubonic plague reaches Europe;population of 50 million drops30 to 40 percent by 14001347–1500


emerged and, indeed, seems evenfarther away after the momen-tous breakup of the Soviet empire.

the late twentieth century butwith the fresh eyes of an earlierera. Then the foregone conclu-sions vanish. How does theAmerican nation manage tounite millions of square miles ofterritory into one governable re-public? How do New York andSan Francisco (a city not even inexistence in Lewis and Clark’sday) come to be linked in a com-plex economy as well as in asingle political system? Suchquestions take on even moresignificance when we recall thatEurope—roughly the same sizeas the United States—is todaystill divided into more thanfour dozen independent nationsspeaking some 33 languages, notto mention another 100 or sospoken within the former SovietUnion. A united Europe has not

How, then, did this Americanrepublic—this “teeming nation ofnations,” to use Walt Whitman’s

Global EssayEach of the book’s six parts begins with an essay that sets American events into a global context.

PreviewA preview introduces each chapter’smain themes.


ll the world lay before them. Or so it seemed to marinersfrom England’s seafaring coasts, pushing westward towardunknown lands in the far Atlantic.

The scent of the new land came first—not the sightof it, but the smells, wafted from beyond the horizon,delicious to sailors who had felt nothing but the rollingsea for weeks on end. In northerly latitudes around June,it would be the scent of fir trees or the sight of shore birds

wheeling about the masts. Straightaway the captain would call for a lead to bethrown overboard to sound the depths. At its end was a hollowed-out socket witha bit of tallow in it, so some of the sea bottom would stick when the lead was

hauled up. Even out of sight ofland, a good sailing mastercould tell where he was by whatcame up—“oosy sand” or per-haps “soft worms” or “popple-stones as big as beans.” If theship was approaching unknownshores, the captain would hopeto sight land early in the day,allowing time to work cau-tiously toward an untried har-bor on uncharted tides.

Since the time of KingArthur, the English living alongthe rugged southwestern coastsof Devon and Cornwall hadfollowed the sea. From thewharves of England’s West

Country seaports like Bristol, ships headed west and north to Ireland, bringingback animal hides as well as timber for houses and barrels. Or they turned south,fetching wines from France and olive oil or figs and raisins from the Spanish andPortuguese coasts. In return, West Country ports offered woven woolen cloth andcodfish, caught wherever the best prospects beckoned.

Through much of the fifteenth century the search for cod drew West Countrysailors north and west, toward Iceland. In the 1480s and 1490s, however, a fewEnglish tried their luck farther west. Old maps, after all, claimed that the bounti-ful Hy-Brasil—Gaelic for “Isle of the Blessed”—lay somewhere west of Ireland.These western ventures returned with little to show for their daring until the com-ing of an Italian named Giovanni Caboto, called John Cabot by the English. Cabot,who hailed from Venice, obtained the blessing of King Henry VII to hunt forunknown lands. From the port of Bristol his lone ship set out to the west in thespring of 1497.

This time the return voyage brought news of a “new-found” island where thetrees were tall enough to make fine masts and the codfish were plentiful. After return-ing to Bristol, Cabot marched off to London to inform His Majesty, received 10 poundsas his reward, and with the proceeds dressed himself in dashing silks. The multitudesof London flocked after him, wondering over “the Admiral”; then Cabot returned tri-umphantly to Bristol to undertake a more ambitious search for a northwest passageto Asia. He set sail with five ships in 1498 and was never heard from again.

Cabot discoversNewfoundland

Chapter 1

Old World,New Worldspreview • In the century after 1492, Europeans expanded boldly and oftenruthlessly into the Americas, thanks to a combination of technological advancesin sailing and firearms, the rise of new trading networks, and stronger, morecentralized governments. Spain established a vast and profitable empire but atfearful human cost. A diverse Mesoamerican population of some 20 million wasreduced to only 2 million through warfare, European diseases, and exploitation.


Global TimelineEach global essay includes a timelinecomparing political and social eventsin the United States with develop-ments elsewhere.

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After the Fact: HistoriansReconstruct the PastThe book includes eight essays thatdemonstrate the methods used by his-torians to analyze a variety of sources,ranging from typescript drafts of presi-dential memoirs or handwritten nota-tions in church records to militarycasualty estimates, public monuments,and even climate data derived from theanalysis of tree rings.

Global CoverageA section of the narrative in eachchapter discusses American historyfrom a global perspective, showingthat the United States did not developin a geographic or cultural vacuumand that the broad forces shaping italso influenced other nations.


A F T E R T H E F A C TMonticello, and Jefferson had fathered childrenwith her. Her name was Sally Hemings.

Solid information about Sally Hemings is scarce.She was one of six children, we know, born to BettyHemings and her white master, John Wayles, a Vir-ginia planter whose white daughter, Martha WaylesSkelton, married Jefferson in 1772. We know thatBetty Hemings was the child of an African womanand an English sailor, which means Betty’s childrenwith Wayles, Sally among them, were quadroons—light-skinned men and women whose ancestry wasone-quarter African. We know that Sally accompa-nied one of Jefferson’s daughters to Paris as hermaid in 1787 and that, upon returning to Virginia afew years later, she performed domestic work atMonticello. We know that she had six children andthat the four who survived to adulthood escapedfrom slavery into freedom: Jefferson assisted hertwo eldest children, Beverly and Harriet, in leavingMonticello in 1822, and her two younger children,Madison and Eston, were freed by Jefferson’s will in1827. We know that shortly after Jefferson’s death,his daughter, Martha Jefferson Randolph, freedSally Hemings and that she lived with her twoyounger sons in Charlottesville until her own deathin 1835.

We know, too, that Jefferson’s white descendantsstoutly denied (and, to this day, some still deny)any familial connection with the descendants ofSally Hemings. Even though Callender’s scandal

quickly subsided, doing Jefferson no lasting politi-cal damage, his white grandchildren were still ex-plaining away the accusations half a century later.In the 1850s, Jefferson’s granddaughter, Ellen Coo-lidge Randolph, claimed that her brother, ThomasJefferson Randolph, had told her that one of Jeffer-son’s nephews, Samuel Carr, fathered Hemings’schildren. In the 1860s, Henry Randall, an earlybiographer of Jefferson, recalled a conversationwith Thomas Jefferson Randolph in the 1850s inwhich he attributed paternity to another nephew,Samuel’s brother Peter Carr.

Until the end of the twentieth century, mostscholars resolved the discrepancy of this dual claimby suggesting that one of the Carr nephews hadfathered Sally Hemings’s children. And all of Jeffer-son’s most eminent twentieth-century biographers—Douglass Adair, Dumas Malone, John Chester Miller,and Joseph J. Ellis—contended that a man of Jeffer-son’s character and convictions could not haveengaged in a liaison with a slave woman. After all,Jefferson was a Virginia gentleman and an Americanphilosophe who believed that reason should ruleover passion; he was also an eloquent apostle ofequality and democracy and an outspoken critic ofthe tyrannical power of masters over slaves. And de-spite his opposition to slavery, Jefferson argued in hisNotes on the State of Virginia (1785) for the likeli-hood that peoples of African descent were inferiorintellectually and artistically to those of Europeandescent. Because of that conviction, he warned of thedire consequences that would attend the mixing ofthe races.

The official version of events did not go unchal-lenged. Madison Hemings, a skilled carpenter who,a year after his mother’s death, moved from Virginiato southern Ohio, publicly related an oral traditionrepeated among his family. When interviewed by aPike County, Ohio, newspaper in 1873, Madison re-ported that his mother had been Thomas Jefferson’s“concubine” and that Jefferson had fathered all ofher children. Even so, nearly a century passed be-fore Madison Hemings’s claims won wider attention.In 1968, the historian Winthrop Jordan noted thatSally Hemings’s pregnancies coincided with Jeffer-son’s stays at Monticello. In 1975, Fawn Brodie’sbest-selling “intimate history” of Jefferson por-trayed his relationship with Sally Hemings as an en-during love affair; four years later, the African Amer-ican novelist Barbara Chase-Rimboud set Brodie’sfindings to fiction.

This view of Monticello was painted shortly after Jefferson’sdeath. It portrays his white descendants surrounded by a serenelandscape.


The rumors began in Albemarle County, Vir-ginia, more than two hundred years ago; they cameto the notice of a journalist by the name of JamesCallender. A writer for hire, Callender had oncelent his pen to the Republicans, but turned fromfriend into foe when the party failed to reward himwith a political appointment. When his story

splashed onto the pages of the Recorder, a Richmondnewspaper, the trickle of rumor turned into a tor-rent of scandal. Callender alleged that Thomas Jef-ferson, during his years in Paris as the Americanminister, had contracted a liaison with one of hisown slaves. The woman was the president’s mistresseven now, he insisted, in 1802. She was kept at

A F T E R T H E F A C THistorians Reconstruct the Past

Sally Hemings andThomas Jefferson


Jefferson owned 5000 acres of land in Albemarle County, Virginia, his “home farm” of Monticello andthree “quarter farms”—Lego, Tufton, and Shadwell. Sally Hemings and her children lived at the Monti-cello plantation.

Expansion of trade and capital

Political centralization

keep pace with the “Price Revolution,” landlords raised rents, adding to the burdenof the peasantry.

To Europe’s hopeful and desperate alike, this climate of disorder and uncertaintyled to dreams that the New World would provide an opportunity to renew the Old.As Columbus wrote eagerly of Hispaniola: “This island and all others are very fertileto a limitless degree. . . . There are very large tracts of cultivated land. . . . In the inte-rior there are mines and metals.” Columbus and many other Europeans expectedthat the Americas would provide land for the landless, work for the unemployed,and wealth beyond the wildest dreams of the daring.

The Conditions of Colonization

Sixteenth-century Europeans sought to colonize the Americas, not merely to escapefrom scarcity and disruption at home. They were also propelled across the Atlanticby dynamic changes in their society. Revolutions in technology, economics, and pol-itics made overseas settlement practical and attractive to seekers of profit and power.

The improvements in navigation and sailing also fostered an expansion oftrade. By the late fifteenth century Europe’s merchants and bankers had devisedmore efficient ways of transferring money and establishing credit in order to sup-port commerce across longer distances. And although rising prices and rentspinched Europe’s peasantry, that same inflation enriched those who had goods tosell, money to lend, and land to rent. Wealth flowed into the coffers of sixteenth-century traders, financiers, and landlords, creating a pool of capital that thoseinvestors could plow into colonial development. Both the commercial networksand the private fortunes needed to sustain overseas trade and settlement were inplace by the time of Columbus’s discovery.

The direction of Europe’s political development also paved the path for Amer-ican colonization. After 1450 strong monarchs in Europe steadily enlarged thesphere of royal power at the expense of warrior lords. Henry VII, the founder ofEngland’s Tudor dynasty, Francis I of France, and Ferdinand and Isabella of Spainbegan the trend, forging modern nation-states by extending their political controlover more territory, people, and resources. Those larger, more centrally organizedstates were able to marshal the resources necessary to support colonial outpostsand to sustain the professional armies and navies capable of protecting empiresabroad.

Europeans, Chinese, and Aztecs on the Eve of Contact

It was the growing power of monarchs as well as commercial and technological devel-opment that allowed early modern Europeans to establish permanent settlements—even empires—in another world lying an ocean away. But that conclusion raisesan intriguing question: why didn’t China, the most advanced civilization of theearly modern world, engage in expansion and colonization? Or for that matter, ifevents had fallen out a little differently, why didn’t the Aztecs discover and colonizeEurope?

The Chinese undoubtedly possessed the capability to navigate the world’soceans and to establish overseas settlements. A succession of Ming dynasty emper-ors and their efficient bureaucrats marshaled China’s resources to develop a thriv-ing shipbuilding industry and trade with ports throughout southeast Asia andIndia. By the opening of the fifteenth century, the Chinese seemed poised for evengreater maritime exploits. Seven times between 1405 and 1433, China’s “treasure

34 Part One The Creation of a New America

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Daily LivesEvery chapter contains an essay focus-ing on one of five themes that giveinsight into the lives of ordinaryAmericans: clothing and fashion; timeand travel; food, drink, and drugs;public space/private space; and popu-lar entertainment.

Marginal HeadingsSuccinct notes in the margins high-light key terms and concepts.

arranged them according toaccepted scientific classifications.He also pioneered the grouping ofanimals in their natural habitat.Stuffed tigers and deer stood on aplaster mountainside, while below,a glass pond was filled with fish,reptiles, and birds. For the safetyof visitors who could not resisthandling the exhibits, the birds,whose feathers were covered witharsenic, were eventually put inglass-fronted cases with paintedhabitats behind them.

Peale refused to indulge thepopular taste for spectacles andfreaks. He hesitated before accept-ing a five-legged cow with twotails, fearing it would lower theinstitution’s dignity and compro-mise its serious purpose. Hedeclined to display a blue sashbelonging to George Washingtonbecause it had no educationalvalue, and only after Peale’s deathwas it exhibited. He put curiositiesaway in cabinets and showed themonly on request.

Peale’s museum was an ex-pression of its founder’s republi-can ideals of order, stability, andharmony. It was, in his mind, aninstitute of eternal laws, laid barefor the masses to see and under-stand. Peale hoped the museumwould instill civic responsibility inits patrons, and he often told the

story of how two hostile Indianchiefs, meeting by accident in themuseum, were so impressed withits harmony that they agreed tosign a peace treaty.

The museum attracted thou-sands of curious customers andprospered in its early years. It wasone of the major attractions inPhiladelphia and became famousthroughout the nation. Yet Peale’svast collection soon overwhelmedhis scientific classification scheme,and his grandiose plans alwaysoutran his funds and soon hisspace as well. Refusing to slowhis collection efforts, Peale movedhis museum in 1794 to Philo-sophical Hall, and then in 1802 hetook over the second floor ofIndependence Hall.

Before he retired in 1810, Pealetried vainly to interest the nationalgovernment in acquiring his col-lection and creating a nationalmuseum. Under the direction ofhis son, the museum struggledon, but it was unable to satisfythe growing popular appetite forshowmanship rather than educa-tion. The museum finally closedits doors in 1850, but during theRepublic’s formative years it of-fered thousands of Americans aunique opportunity, as the ticket ofadmission promised, to “explorethe wondrous world.”


The Election of 1800

With a naval war raging on the high seas and the Alien and Sedition Acts sparkingdebate at home, Adams suddenly shocked his party by negotiating a peace treatywith France. It was a courageous act, for Adams not only split his party in two butalso ruined his own chances for reelection by driving Hamilton’s pro-British wingof the party into open opposition. The nation benefited, however, for France signeda peace treaty ending its undeclared war. Adams, who bristled with pride and inde-pendence, termed this act “the most disinterested, the most determined and themost successful of my whole life.”

POPULARENTERTAINMENTExploring the WondrousWorld

In 1786 Charles Willson Peale,painter and jack-of-all-trades,opened a museum of natural his-tory in his home on LombardStreet in Philadelphia. Americanshad always been fascinated byfreaks of nature and “remarkableprovidences” (see Daily Lives, “AWorld of Wonders and Witch-craft,” on pages 94–95). But un-like seventeenth-century colonials,Peale was not searching for signsof the supernatural in everydaylife. A student of the Enlighten-ment, Peale intended his museumto be “a school of useful knowl-edge” that would attract men andwomen of all ages and socialranks. By studying natural history,Peale believed, citizens wouldgain an understanding of them-selves, their country, and theworld and thereby help sustaincivilization in the United States.The sign over the door read,“Whoso would learn wisdom, lethim enter here!”

Inside, the visitor found awide assortment of items from

around the world. Peale displayednearly a hundred paintings he hadcompleted of leading Americans,stuffed birds and animals, bustsof famous scientists, cases of min-erals, and wax figures represent-ing the races of the world. Amongthe technological innovations thatwere showcased, a machine calleda physiognotrace produced pre-cise silhouettes. Moses Williams, aformer slave, operated the ma-chine and did a thriving business,selling 8880 profiles in the firstyear. Peale’s backyard soon con-tained a zoo with a bewilderingassortment of animals, includingtwo grizzly bear cubs, an eagle,numerous snakes, monkeys, and ahyena. Prominent acquaintancessuch as Benjamin Franklin, GeorgeWashington, and Thomas Jeffer-son sent specimens, and the col-lection eventually totaled some100,000 items.

Peale’s most famous exhibitwas a skeleton of a mastodon (hemisnamed it a mammoth, therebyadding a synonym for huge to theAmerican vocabulary). Assem-bled from several digs he hadconducted with great publicity inupstate New York, it stood 11 feethigh at the shoulder and was thefirst complete mastodon skeletonever mounted. Billed “the ninthwonder of the world,” it was

housed in a special “MammothRoom” that required a separateadmission fee.

In gathering and mounting hisspecimens, Peale sought “to bringinto one view a world in minia-ture.” He carefully labeled plants,animals, insects, and birds and

Daily Lives


limits and threatened the liberties of citizens, states had the right to interpose theirauthority.

But Jefferson and Madison were not ready to rend a union that had so recentlybeen forged. The two men intended for the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions onlyto rally public opinion to the Republican cause. They opposed any effort to resistfederal authority by force. Furthermore, other states openly rejected the doctrineof “interposition.” During the last year of the Adams administration, the Alien andSedition Acts quietly expired. Once in power, the Republicans repealed the Natu-ralization Act.

In this self-portrait, Charles WillsonPeale lifts a curtain to reveal the fa-mous Long Room of his museum. Par-tially visible on the right behind Peale isthe great mastodon skeleton, at which awoman gazes in awe, while in the rear afather instructs his son on the wondersof nature.

The New State Governments

The new southern state constitutions enacted several significant reforms. They putin place fairer systems of legislative representation, allowed voters to elect manyofficials who before had been appointed, and abolished property requirements forofficeholding. In South Carolina, for the first time, voters were allowed to vote forthe president, governor, and other state officers.* The Radical state governmentsalso assumed some responsibility for social welfare and established the firststatewide systems of public schools in the South. Although the Fourteenth Amend-ment prevented high Confederate officials from holding office, only Alabama andArkansas temporarily forbade some ex-Confederates to vote.

All the new constitutions proclaimed the principle of equality and grantedblack adult males the right to vote. On social relations they were much morecautious. No state outlawed segregation, and South Carolina and Louisiana werethe only states that required integration in public schools (a mandate that wasalmost universally ignored). Sensitive to status, mulattoes pushed for prohibitionof social discrimination, but white Republicans refused to adopt such a radicalpolicy.

Economic Issues and Corruption

The war left the southern economy in ruins, and problems of economic recon-struction were as difficult as those of politics. The new Republican governmentsencouraged industrial development by providing subsidies, loans, and even

542 Part Three The Republic Transformed and Tested

New state constitutions

Race and social equality

*Previously, presidential electors as well as the governor had been chosen by the South Carolinalegislature.

From the beginning of Reconstruction, African Americans demanded the right to vote as free citizens.The Fifteenth Amendment, ratified in 1870, secured that right for black males. In New York, black citizensparaded in support of Ulysses Grant for president. Parades played a central role in campaigning: thisparade exhibits the usual banners, flags, costumes, and a band. Blacks in both the North and the Southvoted solidly for the Republican party as the party of Lincoln and emancipation, although white violencein the South increasingly reduced black turnout.

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before them) turned for labor to the African slave trade. Only after slavery becamefirmly established as a social and legal institution did England’s southern coloniesbegin to settle down and grow: during the late seventeenth century for the Chesa-peake region and the early eighteenth for the Carolinas. That stubborn reality wouldhaunt Americans of all colors who continued to dream of freedom and independence.

80 Part One The Creation of a New America

chapter summaryDuring the seventeenth cen-tury, plantation economiesbased on slavery graduallydeveloped throughout theAmerican South.

• Native peoples every-where in the American South resisted whitesettlement, but their populations were drasticallyreduced by warfare, disease, and enslavement.

• Thriving monocultures were established through-out the region—tobacco in the Chesapeake, rice inthe Carolinas, and sugar in the Caribbean.

• African slavery emerged as the dominant labor sys-tem in all the southern colonies.

• Instability and conflict characterized the southerncolonies for most of the first century of theirexistence.

• As the English colonies took shape, the Spanishextended their empire in Florida and New Mexico,establishing military garrisons, missions, and cattleranches.

interactive learningThe Primary Source Investigator CD-ROM offers the following materials related to this chapter:

• Interactive maps: The Atlantic World, 1400–1850(M2) and Growth of the Colonies, 1610–1690 (M3)

• A collection of primary sources on the English colo-nization of North America, such as an engraving that

illustrates the dress and customs of Native Americansliving near Jamestown, letters and documents aboutthe peace resulting from the marriage of Pocahontasand John Rolfe, and the terrible collapse of that peacecaptured in a contemporary engraving of the Indianmassacre of Jamestown settlers. Also included areseveral sources on the origins of slavery in America:a document that presents one of the earliest restric-tive slave codes in the British colonies, images of Por-tuguese slave trading forts on the coast of WestAfrica, and a sobering diagram of the human cargoholds of that era’s slave-trading ships.

additionalreadingThe best treatment of early Virginia isEdmund S. Morgan, American Slavery, Amer-ican Freedom (1975). A more intimate portrait of an earlyVirginia community can be found in Darrett and Anita Rut-man’s study of Middlesex County, A Place in Time (1984).Karen Kupperman offers an excellent overview of relationsbetween whites and Indians not only in the early South butthroughout North America in Settling with the Indians(1980), while James Merrell sensitively explores the impactof white contact on a single southern tribe in The Indians’New World (1989). Two other notable treatments of slavery

and race relations in Britain’s southern colonies are RichardDunn’s study of the Caribbean, Sugar and Slaves (1972), andPeter Wood’s work on South Carolina, Black Majority (1974).And for the Spanish borderlands, see David J. Weber, TheSpanish Frontier in North America (1992).

The Chesapeake has always drawn more notice from earlyAmerican historians than South Carolina has, but in recentyears some important studies have redressed that neglect. Thebest overview of that colony’s development remains RobertWeir, Colonial South Carolina (1982); for fine explorations ofmore specialized topics, see Daniel C. Littlefield, Rice andSlaves (1981); Peter Colclanis, The Shadow of a Dream (1989);and Timothy Silver, A New Face on the Countryside (1990).For a fuller list of readings, see the Bibliography at


significant events

1819–1823Panic and depression

1822 Denmark Vesey conspiracy

1823 Biddle becomes president of the Bank of theUnited States1824 Tariff duties raised; Jackson finishes first inpresidential race1825 House elects John Quincy Adams president

1826 William Morgan kidnapped

1827 Cherokees adopt written constitution

1828 Tariff of Abominations; South CarolinaExposition and Protest; Jackson elected president

1830 Webster-Hayne debate; Indian Removal Act

1830–1838 Indian removal

1831Anti-Masonic party

holds first nominatingconvention

1832 Worcester v. Georgia; Jackson vetoes recharter of the national bank; Jackson reelected; South Carolina nullifies tariff; Jackson’s Proclamation on Nullification

1833 Force Bill; tariff duties reduced; Jackson removes deposits from the Bank of the United States1833–1834

Biddle’s panic 1834 Whig party organized

Second Seminole war 1835–1842

1836 Specie Circular; Van Buren elected president

1837 Charles River Bridge case; economic panic

1838 Trail of Tears

1839–1843 Depression

1840 Independent Treasury Act; Harrison elected president

1842 First professional minstrel troupe






SummaryA bulleted summary reinforces eachchapter’s main points.

Interactive LearningLists at the end of every chapter directstudents to relevant interactive maps,short documentary movies, and pri-mary source materials located on thePrimary Source Investigator CD-ROM.

Additional ReadingAnnotated references to both classicstudies and recent scholarship en-courage further pursuit of the topicsand events covered in the chapter.

Significant EventsA chronology at the end of each chap-ter shows the temporal relationshipamong important events.

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Printer Ornaments and Initial BlocksHistory records change over time in countless ways. The flow of history is reflected notonly in the narrative of this text but in the decorative types used in its design.

Over the years printers have used ornamental designs to enliventheir texts. Each chapter of Nation of Nations incorporates anornament created during the period being written about. Oftenthese ornaments are from printers’ specimen books, produced bytype manufacturers so printers could buy such designs. In otherchapters the ornaments are taken from printed material of the era.

The initial blocks—the large decorative initials beginning the first word of every chapter—are drawn from type styles popular during the era covered by each of the book’s six parts.

Part 1 uses hand-engraved initials of the sort imported from England and Europeby colonial printers in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

Part 2 displays mortised initial blocks. These ornaments had holes cut in themiddle of the design so a printer could insert the initial of choice. These holesprovided greater flexibility when the supply of ornaments was limited.

Part 3 features initial blocks cut from wood, an approach common in the earlyand middle nineteenth century. This design, Roman X Condensed, allowedmore letters to be squeezed into a limited space.

Part 4 makes use of a more ornamental initial block common in the late nine-teenth and early twentieth centuries. Some Victorian designs became quite ornate.This font, a style that is relatively reserved, is Latin Condensed.

Part 5 illustrates an initial block whose clean lines reflect the Art Deco move-ment of the 1920s and 1930s. Printers of the New Era turned away from the often-flowery nineteenth-century styles. This font is Beverly Hills.

Part 6 features an informal style, Brush Script Regular. First introduced duringWorld War II, this typeface reflects the more casual culture that blossomed dur-ing the postwar era.



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James West Davidson received his Ph.D. from Yale University. A historian whohas pursued a full-time writing career, he is the author of numerous books,among them After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detection (with Mark H. Lytle),The Logic of Millennial Thought: Eighteenth-Century New England, and GreatHeart: The History of a Labrador Adventure (with John Rugge). He is coeditor,with Michael Stoff, of the Oxford New Narratives in American History and is atwork on a study of Ida B. Wells for the series.

William E. Gienapp has a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley andtaught at the University of Wyoming before going to Harvard University, wherehe was Professor of History until his death in 2003. In 1988 he received theAvery O. Craven Award for his book The Origins of the Republican Party,1852–1856. He edited The Civil War and Reconstruction: A Documentary Collection,and most recently published Abraham Lincoln and Civil War America and a com-panion volume, This Fiery Trial: The Speeches and Writings of Abraham Lincoln.

Christine Leigh Heyrman is Professor of History at the University of Delaware.She received a Ph.D. in American Studies from Yale University and is the authorof Commerce and Culture: The Maritime Communities of Colonial Massachusetts,1690–1750. Her book Southern Cross: The Beginnings of the Bible Belt was awardedthe Bancroft Prize in 1998.

Mark H. Lytle, who received a Ph.D. from Yale University, is Professor of Historyand Environmental Studies and Chair of the History Program at Bard College.He was recently reappointed Mary Ball Washington Professor of History at Uni-versity College, Dublin, in Ireland. His publications include The Origins of theIranian-American Alliance, 1941–1953, After the Fact: The Art of Historical Detec-tion (with James West Davidson), and “An Environmental Approach to AmericanDiplomatic History” in Diplomatic History. His most recent book, The UncivilWar: America in the Vietnam Era, will be published in 2005, and he is completinga biography of Rachel Carson.

Michael B. Stoff is Associate Professor of History at the University of Texas atAustin. The recipient of a Ph.D. from Yale University, he has received many teach-ing awards, most recently the Friars’ Centennial Teaching Excellence Award. Heis the author of Oil, War, and American Security: The Search for a National Policyon Foreign Oil, 1941–1947 and coeditor (with Jonathan Fanton and R. HalWilliams) of The Manhattan Project: A Documentary Introduction to the Atomic Age.He is currently working on a brief narrative of the bombing of Nagasaki.

about the authors

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istory is both a discipline of rigor,bound by rules and scholarly methods,and something more: the unique, com-

pelling, even strange way in which we hu-mans define ourselves. We are all the sum of the talesof thousands of people, great and small, whose actionshave etched their lines upon us. History supplies ourvery identity—a sense of the social groups to whichwe belong, whether family, ethnic group, race, class, orgender. It reveals to us the foundations of our deepestreligious beliefs and traces the roots of our economicand political systems. It explores how we celebrate andgrieve, how we sing the songs we sing, how we weatherthe illnesses to which time and chance subject us. Itcommands our attention for all these good reasons andfor no good reason at all, other than a fascination withthe way the myriad tales play out. Strange that weshould come to care about a host of men and womenso many centuries gone, some with names eminent andfamiliar, others unknown but for a chance scrap of in-formation left behind in an obscure letter.

Yet we do care. We care about Sir HumphreyGilbert, “devoured and swallowed up of the Sea” oneblack Atlantic night in 1583; we care about GeorgeWashington at Kips Bay, red with fury as he takes a rid-ing crop to his retreating soldiers. We care about Oc-tave Johnson, a slave fleeing through Louisiana swampstrying to decide whether to stand and fight the ap-proaching hounds or take his chances with the bayoualligators; we care about Clara Barton, her nurse’s skirtsso heavy with blood from the wounded, that she mustwring them out before tending to the next soldier. Weare drawn to the fate of Chinese laborers, chipping awayat the Sierras’ looming granite; of a Georgian namedTom Watson seeking to forge a colorblind political al-liance; and of desperate immigrant mothers, kerosenelamps in hand, storming Brooklyn butcher shops thathad again raised prices. We follow, with a mix of aweand amusement, the fortunes of the quirky Henry Ford(“Everybody wants to be somewhere he ain’t”), turningout identical automobiles, insisting his factory workerswear identical expressions (“Fordization of the Face”).

We trace the career of young Thurgood Marshall, criss-crossing the South in his own “little old beat-up ’29Ford,” typing legal briefs in the back seat, trying to getblack teachers to sue for equal pay, hoping to get hispeople somewhere they weren’t. The list could go onand on, spilling out as it did in Walt Whitman’s Leavesof Grass: “A southerner soon as a northerner, a planternonchalant and hospitable, / A Yankee bound my ownway . . . a Hoosier, a Badger, a Buckeye, a Louisianianor Georgian. . . .” Whitman embraced and celebratedthem all, inseparable strands of what made him anAmerican and what made him human:

In all people I see myself, none more and not onea barleycorn less; And the good or bad I say ofmyself, I say of them.

To encompass so expansive an America, Whitmanturned to poetry; historians have traditionally chosennarrative as their means of giving life to the past. Thatmode of explanation permits them to interweave thestrands of economic, political, and social history in acoherent chronological framework. By choosing narra-tive, historians affirm the multicausal nature of histor-ical explanation—the insistence that events be por-trayed in context. By choosing narrative, they are alsoacknowledging that, although long-term economic andsocial trends shape societies in significant ways, eventsoften take on a logic (or an illogic) of their own,jostling one another, being deflected by unpredictablepersonal decisions, sudden deaths, natural catastro-phes, and chance. There are literary reasons, too, forpreferring a narrative approach, because it supplies adramatic force usually missing from more structuralanalyses of the past.

In some ways, surveys such as this text are the nat-ural antithesis of narrative history. They strive, by def-inition, to be comprehensive: to furnish a broad, or-derly exposition of their chosen field. Yet to cover somuch ground in so limited a space necessarily deprivesreaders of the context of more detailed accounts. Then,too, the resurgence of social history—with its concernfor class and race, patterns of rural and urban life, the



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spread of market and industrial economies—lends it-self to more analytic, less chronological treatments.The challenge facing historians is to incorporate these ar-eas of research without losing the story’s narrative driveor the chronological flow that orients readers to themore familiar events of our past.

With the cold war of the past half-century at anend, there has been increased attention to the world-wide breakdown of so many nonmarket economiesand, by inference, to the greater success of the marketsocieties of the United States and other capitalist na-tions. As our own narrative makes clear, American so-ciety and politics have indeed come together centrallyin the marketplace. What Americans produce, how andwhere they produce it, and the desire to buy cheap andsell dear have been defining elements in every era. Thatmarket orientation has created unparalleled abundanceand reinforced striking inequalities, not the least a so-ciety in which, for two centuries, human beings them-selves were bought and sold. It has made Americanspowerfully provincial in protecting local interests andinternationally adventurous in seeking to expand wealthand opportunity.

It goes without saying that Americans have not al-ways produced wisely or well. The insistent drivetoward material plenty has levied a heavy tax on the

Introduction xxxi

global environment. Too often quantity has substitutedfor quality, whether we talk of cars, education, or cul-ture. When markets flourish, the nation abounds withconfidence that any problem, no matter how in-tractable, can be solved. When markets fail, however,the fault lines of our political and social systems be-come all too evident.

In the end, then, it is impossible to separate themarketplace of boom and bust and the world of ordi-nary Americans from the corridors of political ma-neuvering or the ceremonial pomp of an inaugura-tion. To treat political and social history as distinctspheres is counterproductive. The primary question ofthis narrative—how the fledgling, often tumultuousconfederation of “these United States” managed totransform itself into an enduring republic—is not onlypolitical but necessarily social. In order to survive, arepublic must resolve conflicts between citizens ofdifferent geographic regions and economic classes, ofdiverse racial and ethnic origins, of competing reli-gions and ideologies. The resolution of these conflictshas produced tragic consequences, perhaps, as oftenas noble ones. But tragic or noble, the destiny of thesestates cannot be understood without comprehendingboth the social and the political dimensions of thestory.

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