nano review open access magnetic nanoparticles

NANO REVIEW Open Access Magnetic nanoparticles: preparation, physical properties, and applications in biomedicine Abolfazl Akbarzadeh 1 , Mohammad Samiei 2 and Soodabeh Davaran 1,2,3* Abstract Finally, we have addressed some relevant findings on the importance of having well-defined synthetic strategies developed for the generation of MNPs, with a focus on particle formation mechanism and recent modifications made on the preparation of monodisperse samples of relatively large quantities not only with similar physical features, but also with similar crystallochemical characteristics. Then, different methodologies for the functionalization of the prepared MNPs together with the characterization techniques are explained. Theorical views on the magnetism of nanoparticles are considered. Keywords: magnetic nanoparticles, synthetic routes, biomedical applications, functionalization techniques, characterization Introduction Nanoscience is one of the most important research in modern science. Nanotechnology is beginning to allow scientists, engineers, chemists, and physicians to work at the molecular and cellular levels to produce important advances in the life sciences and healthcare. The use of nanoparticle [NP] materials offers major advantages due to their unique size and physicochemical properties. Because of the widespread applications of magnetic nanoparticles [MNPs] in biotechnology, biomedical, material science, engineering, and environmental areas, much attention has been paid to the synthesis of differ- ent kinds of MNPs [1-3]. Real uses of nanostructured materials in life sciences are uncommon at the present time. However, the excel- lent properties of these materials provide a very promis- ing future for their use in this field [4-7]. Nanoclusters are ultrafine particles of nanometer dimensions located between molecules and microscopic structures (micron size). Viewed as materials, they are so small that they exhibit characteristics that are not observed in larger structures (even 100 nm); viewed as molecules, they are so large that they provide access to realms of quantum behavior that are not otherwise accessible. In this size, many recent advances have been made in biology, chemistry, and physics [8-11]. The preparation of mono- disperse-sized nanocrystals is very important because the properties of these nanocrystals depend strongly on their dimensions [12,13]. The preparation of monodis- perse-sized nanocrystals with controllable sizes is very important to characterize the size-dependent physico- chemical properties of nanocrystals [14-16]. Industrial applications of magnetic nanoparticles cover a broad spectrum of magnetic recording media and bio- medical applications, for example, magnetic resonance contrast media and therapeutic agents in cancer treat- ment [17,18]. Each potential application of the magnetic nanoparticles requires having different properties. For example, in data storage applications, the particles need to have a stable, switchable magnetic state to represent bits of information that are not affected by temperature fluctuations. For biomedical uses, the application of particles that present superparamagnetic behavior at room tempera- ture is preferred [19-21]. Furthermore, applications in therapy and biology and medical diagnosis require the magnetic particles to be stable in water at pH 7 and in a physiological environment. The colloidal stability of this fluid will depend on the charge and surface chemistry, which give rise to both steric and coulombic repulsions and also depend on the dimensions of the particles, which should be sufficiently small so that precipitation * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Applied Research Center Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, Iran Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Akbarzadeh et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:144 © 2012 Akbarzadeh et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Page 1: NANO REVIEW Open Access Magnetic nanoparticles


Magnetic nanoparticles: preparation, physicalproperties, and applications in biomedicineAbolfazl Akbarzadeh1, Mohammad Samiei2 and Soodabeh Davaran1,2,3*


Finally, we have addressed some relevant findings on the importance of having well-defined synthetic strategiesdeveloped for the generation of MNPs, with a focus on particle formation mechanism and recent modificationsmade on the preparation of monodisperse samples of relatively large quantities not only with similar physicalfeatures, but also with similar crystallochemical characteristics. Then, different methodologies for thefunctionalization of the prepared MNPs together with the characterization techniques are explained. Theoricalviews on the magnetism of nanoparticles are considered.

Keywords: magnetic nanoparticles, synthetic routes, biomedical applications, functionalization techniques,characterization

IntroductionNanoscience is one of the most important research inmodern science. Nanotechnology is beginning to allowscientists, engineers, chemists, and physicians to work atthe molecular and cellular levels to produce importantadvances in the life sciences and healthcare. The use ofnanoparticle [NP] materials offers major advantages dueto their unique size and physicochemical properties.Because of the widespread applications of magneticnanoparticles [MNPs] in biotechnology, biomedical,material science, engineering, and environmental areas,much attention has been paid to the synthesis of differ-ent kinds of MNPs [1-3].Real uses of nanostructured materials in life sciences

are uncommon at the present time. However, the excel-lent properties of these materials provide a very promis-ing future for their use in this field [4-7]. Nanoclustersare ultrafine particles of nanometer dimensions locatedbetween molecules and microscopic structures (micronsize). Viewed as materials, they are so small that theyexhibit characteristics that are not observed in largerstructures (even 100 nm); viewed as molecules, they areso large that they provide access to realms of quantumbehavior that are not otherwise accessible. In this size,

many recent advances have been made in biology,chemistry, and physics [8-11]. The preparation of mono-disperse-sized nanocrystals is very important becausethe properties of these nanocrystals depend strongly ontheir dimensions [12,13]. The preparation of monodis-perse-sized nanocrystals with controllable sizes is veryimportant to characterize the size-dependent physico-chemical properties of nanocrystals [14-16].Industrial applications of magnetic nanoparticles cover

a broad spectrum of magnetic recording media and bio-medical applications, for example, magnetic resonancecontrast media and therapeutic agents in cancer treat-ment [17,18]. Each potential application of the magneticnanoparticles requires having different properties. Forexample, in data storage applications, the particles needto have a stable, switchable magnetic state to representbits of information that are not affected by temperaturefluctuations.For biomedical uses, the application of particles that

present superparamagnetic behavior at room tempera-ture is preferred [19-21]. Furthermore, applications intherapy and biology and medical diagnosis require themagnetic particles to be stable in water at pH 7 and in aphysiological environment. The colloidal stability of thisfluid will depend on the charge and surface chemistry,which give rise to both steric and coulombic repulsionsand also depend on the dimensions of the particles,which should be sufficiently small so that precipitation

* Correspondence: [email protected] of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug AppliedResearch Center Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, IranFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Akbarzadeh et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2012, 7:144

© 2012 Akbarzadeh et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative CommonsAttribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction inany medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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due to gravitation forces can be avoided [22]. Additionalrestrictions to the possible particles could be used forbiomedical applications (in vivo or in vitro applications).For in vivo applications, the magnetic nanoparticlesmust be encapsulated with a biocompatible polymerduring or after the preparation process to preventchanges from the original structure, the formation oflarge aggregates, and biodegradation when exposed tothe biological system. The nanoparticle coated withpolymer will also allow binding of drugs by entrapmenton the particles, adsorption, or covalent attachment[23-25]. The major factors, which determine toxicityand the biocompatibility of these materials, are the nat-ure of the magnetically responsive components, such asmagnetite, iron, nickel, and cobalt, and the final size ofthe particles, their core, and the coatings. Iron oxidenanoparticles such as magnetite (Fe3O4) or its oxidizedform maghemite (g-Fe2O3) are by far the most com-monly employed nanoparticles for biomedical applica-tions. Highly magnetic materials such as cobalt andnickel are susceptible to oxidation and are toxic; hence,they are of little interest [26-28]. Moreover, the majoradvantage of using particles of sizes smaller than 100nm is their higher effective surface areas, lower sedi-mentation rates, and improved tissular diffusion [29-31].Another advantage of using nanoparticles is that themagnetic dipole-dipole interactions are significantlyreduced because they scale as r6 [32]. Therefore, for invivo biomedical applications, magnetic nanoparticlesmust be made of a non-toxic and non-immunogenicmaterial, with particle sizes small enough to remain inthe circulation after injection and to pass through thecapillary systems of organs and tissues, avoiding vesselembolism. They must also have a high magnetization sothat their movement in the blood can be controlledwith a magnetic field and so that they can be immobi-lized close to the targeted pathologic tissue [33-35]. Forin vitro applications, composites consisting of superpara-magnetic nanocrystals dispersed in submicron diamag-netic particles with long sedimentation times in theabsence of a magnetic field can be used because the sizerestrictions are not so severe as in in vivo applications.The major advantage of using diamagnetic matrixes isthat the superparamagnetic composites can be easilyprepared with functionality.In almost all uses, the synthesis method of the nano-

materials represents one of the most important chal-lenges that will determine the shape, the sizedistribution, the particle size, the surface chemistry ofthe particles, and consequently their magnetic properties[36-38]. Ferri- and ferromagnetic materials such asFe3O4 and some alloys have irregular particle shapewhen obtained by grinding bulk materials but can havea spherical shape when synthesized by plasma

atomization, wet chemistry, or from the gas phases andaerosol. Also, depending on the mechanism of forma-tion, spherical particles obtained in a solution can becrystalline or amorphous if they result from a disorderedor ordered aggregation of crystallites, respectively. Inaddition, the synthesis method determines to a greatextent the degree of structural defects or impurities inthe particle as well as the distribution of such defectswithin the particle, therefore, determining its magneticbehavior [39,40]Recently, many attempts have been made to develop

techniques and processes that would yield ‘monodis-persed colloids’ consisting of uniform nanoparticles bothin size and shape [41-43]. In these systems, the entireuniform physicochemical properties directly reflect theproperties of each constituent particle. Monodispersedcolloids have been exploited in fundamental researchand as models in the quantitative assessment of proper-ties that depend on the particle size and shape. In addi-tion, it has become evident that the reproducibility andquality of commercial products can be more readilyachieved by starting with well-defined powders ofknown properties. In this way, these powders havefound uses in photography, inks in printing, catalysis,ceramic, and especially in medicine.Magnetic nanoparticles show remarkable new phe-

nomena such as high field irreversibility, high saturationfield, superparamagnetism, extra anisotropy contribu-tions, or shifted loops after field cooling. These phe-nomena arise from narrow and finite-size effects andsurface effects that dominate the magnetic behavior ofindividual nanoparticles [44]. Frenkel and Dorfman [45]were the first to predict that a particle of ferromagneticmaterial, below a critical particle size (<15 nm for thecommon materials), would consist of a single magneticdomain, i.e., a particle that is in a state of uniform mag-netization at any field. The magnetization behavior ofthese particles above a certain temperature, i.e., theblocking temperature, is identical to that of atomic para-magnets (superparamagnetism) except that large sus-ceptibilities and, thus, an extremely large moment areinvolved [46].The first part of this review is concerned with the

physical properties of magnetic nanoparticles and theirmagnetometric property. The second part deals with thepossible use of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedicalapplication with special emphasis on the advantage ofusing nanoparticles with respect to microparticles andon some of the recent environmental, industrial, biologi-cal, and analytical applications of MNPs. The third partdeals with the different methods described in the biblio-graphy that are capable of producing these magneticnanoparticles with a very narrow particle size distribu-tion, mainly based on magnetite or maghemite iron

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oxide nanoparticles [47,48]. Finally, we address some ofthe most relevant preparation effects on the magneticproperties and structure of the magnetic nanoparticles.

Preparation MethodsDuring the last few years, a large portion of the pub-lished articles about MNPs have described efficientroutes to attain shape-controlled, highly stable, and nar-row size distribution MNPs. Up to date, several popularmethods including co-precipitation, microemulsion,thermal decomposition, solvothermal, sonochemical,microwave assisted, chemical vapour deposition, com-bustion synthesis, carbon arc, laser pyrolysis synthesishave been reported for synthesis of MNPs.

Physical properties of magnetic nanoparticlesMagnetic effects are caused by movements of particlesthat have both mass and electric charges. These particlesare electrons, holes, protons, and positive and negativeions. A spinning electric-charged particle creates a mag-netic dipole, so-called magneton. In ferromagnetic mate-rials, magnetons are associated in groups. A magneticdomain (also called a Weiss domain) refers to a volumeof ferromagnetic material in which all magnetons arealigned in the same direction by the exchange forces.This concept of domains distinguishes ferromagnetismfrom paramagnetism. The domain structure of a ferro-magnetic material determines the size dependence of itsmagnetic behavior. When the size of a ferromagneticmaterial is reduced below a critical value, it becomes asingle domain. Fine particle magnetism comes from sizeeffects, which are based on the magnetic domain struc-ture of ferromagnetic materials. It assumes that the stateof lowest free energy of ferromagnetic particles has uni-form magnetization for particles smaller than a certaincritical size and has nonuniform magnetization for lar-ger particles. The former ones are referred to as singledomain particles, while the latter are called multidomainparticles [49,50]. According to the magnetic domain

theory, the critical size of the single domain is affectedby several factors including the value of the magneticsaturation, the strength of the crystal anisotropy andexchange forces, surface or domain-wall energy, and theshape of the particles. The reaction of ferromagneticmaterials on an applied field is well described by a hys-teresis loop, which is characterized by two main para-meters: remanence and coercivity. The latter is relatedto the ‘thickness’ of the curve. Dealing with fine parti-cles, the coercivity is the single property of most inter-est, and it is strongly size-dependent. It has been foundthat as the particle size is reduced, the coercivityincreases to a maximum and then decreases toward zero(Figure 1).When the size of single-domain particles further

decreases below a critical diameter, the coercivitybecomes zero, and such particles become superparamag-netic. Superparamagnetism is caused by thermal effects.In superparamagnetic particles, thermal fluctuations arestrong enough to spontaneously demagnetize a pre-viously saturated assembly; therefore, these particleshave zero coercivity and have no hysteresis. Nanoparti-cles become magnetic in the presence of an externalmagnet, but revert to a nonmagnetic state when theexternal magnet is removed. This avoids an ‘active’behavior of the particles when there is no applied field.Introduced in the living systems, particles are ‘magnetic’only in the presence of an external field, which givesthem unique advantage in working in biological environ-ments. There are a number of crystalline materials thatexhibit ferromagnetism, among others Fe, Co, or Ni.Since ferrite oxide-magnetite (Fe3O4) is the most mag-netic of all the naturally occurring minerals on earth, itis widely used in the form of superparamagnetic nano-particles for all sorts of biological applications [51-53].

Magnetic property (magnetic behavior)Materials are classified by their response to an externallyapplied magnetic field. Descriptions of orientations of

Figure 1 Schematic illustration of the coercivity-size relations of small particles.

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the magnetic moments in a material help identify differ-ent forms of magnetism observed in nature. Five basictypes of magnetism can be described: diamagnetism,paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism,and ferrimagnetisms. In the presence of an externallyapplied magnetic field, the atomic current loops createdby the orbital motion of electrons respond to opposethe applied field. All materials display this type of weakrepulsion to a magnetic field known as diamagnetism.However, diamagnetism is very weak, and therefore, anyother form of magnetic behavior that a material maypossess usually overpowers the effects of the currentloops. In terms of the electronic configuration of thematerials, diamagnetism is observed in materials withfilled electronic subshells where the magnetic momentsare paired and overall cancel each other. Diamagneticmaterials have a negative susceptibility (c < 0) andweakly repel an applied magnetic field (e.g., quartzSiO2). The effects of these atomic current loops areovercome if the material displays a net magneticmoment or has a long-range ordering of its magneticmoments [54-56]. All other types of magnetic behaviorsare observed in materials that are at least partiallyattributed to unpaired electrons in their atomic shells,often in the 3d or 4f shells of each atom. Materialswhose atomic magnetic moments are uncoupled displayparamagnetism; thus, paramagnetic materials havemoments with no long-range order, and there is a smallpositive magnetic susceptibility (c ≈ 0), e.g., pyrite[57-59]. Materials that possess ferromagnetism havealigned atomic magnetic moments of equal magnitude,and their crystalline structures allow for direct couplinginteractions between the moments, which may stronglyenhance the flux density (e.g., Fe, Ni, and Co). Further-more, the aligned moments in ferromagnetic materialscan confer a spontaneous magnetization in the absenceof an applied magnetic field. Materials that retain per-manent magnetization in the absence of an applied fieldare known as hard magnets. Materials having atomicmagnetic moments of equal magnitude that arearranged in an antiparallel fashion display antiferromag-netism (e.g., troilite FeS). The exchange interaction cou-ples the moments in such a way that they areantiparallel, therefore, leaving a zero net magnetization[60]. Above the Néel temperature, thermal energy is suf-ficient to cause the equal and oppositely aligned atomicmoments to randomly fluctuate, leading to a disappear-ance of their long-range order. In this state, the materi-als exhibit paramagnetic behavior. Ferrimagnetism is aproperty exhibited by materials whose atoms or ionstend to assume an ordered but nonparallel arrangementin a zero applied field below a certain characteristictemperature known as the Néel temperature (e.g., Fe3O4

and Fe3S4). In the usual case, within a magnetic domain,

a substantial net magnetization results from the antipar-allel alignment of neighboring non-equivalent sublat-tices. The macroscopic behavior is similar toferromagnetism. Above the Néel temperature, the sub-stance becomes paramagnetic (Figure 2) [61,62].

ApplicationsIndustrial applicationsMagnetic iron oxides are commonly used as syntheticpigments in ceramics, paints, and porcelain. Magneticencapsulates may find very important uses in manyareas of life and also in various branches of industry.Such materials are interesting from both points of thefundamental study of materials science as well as theirapplications [63,64]. Hematite and magnetite have beenapplied as catalysts for a number of important reactions,such as the preparation of NH3, the desulfurization ofnatural gas, and the high-temperature water-gas shiftreaction. Other reactions include the Fishere-Tropschsynthesis for hydrocarbons, the dehydrogenation ofethylbenzene to styrene, the oxidation of alcohols, andthe large-scale synthesis of butadiene [65-67].

Figure 2 Magnetization behavior of ferromagnetic andsuperparamagnetic NPs under an external magnetic field. (a)Under an external magnetic field, domains of a ferromagnetic NPalign with the applied field. The magnetic moment of singledomain superparamagnetic NPs aligns with the applied field. In theabsence of an external field, ferromagnetic NPs will maintain a netmagnetization, whereas superparamagnetic NPs will exhibit no netmagnetization due to rapid reversal of the magnetic moment. (b)Relationship between NP size and the magnetic domain structures.Ds and Dc are the ‘superparamagnetism’ and ‘critical’ sizethresholds.

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Biomedical applicationsBiomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles canbe classified according to their application inside or out-side the body (in vivo, in vitro). For in vitro applications,the main use is in diagnostic separation, selection, andmagnetorelaxometry, while for in vivo applications, itcould be further separated in therapeutic (hyperthermiaand drug-targeting) and diagnostic applications (nuclearmagnetic resonance [NMR] imaging) [68-70].

In vivo applicationsTwo major factors play an important role for the in vivouses of these particles: size and surface functionality.Even without targeting surface ligands, superparamag-netic iron oxide NP [SPIOs] diameters greatly affect invivo biodistribution. Particles with diameters of 10 to 40nm including ultra-small SPIOs are important for pro-longed blood circulation; they can cross capillary wallsand are often phagocytosed by macrophages which traf-fic to the lymph nodes and bone marrow [71].

1. Therapeutic applications. Hyperthermia: Placingsuperparamagnetic iron oxide in altering current[AC] magnetic fields randomly flips the magnetiza-tion direction between the parallel and antiparallelorientations, allowing the transfer of magneticenergy to the particles in the form of heat, a prop-erty that can be used in vivo to increase the tem-perature of tumor tissues to destroy the pathologicalcells by hyperthermia. Tumor cells are more sensi-tive to a temperature increase than healthy ones[72,73]. In past studies, magnetite cationic liposomalnanoparticles and dextran-coated magnetite [74]have been shown to effectively increase the tempera-ture of tumor cells for hyperthermia treatment incell irradiation. This has been proposed to be one ofthe key approaches to successful cancer therapy inthe future [75]. The advantage of magnetichyperthermia is that it allows the heating to berestricted to the tumor area. Moreover, the use ofsubdomain magnetic particles (nanometer-sized) ispreferred instead multidomain (micron-sized) parti-cles because nanoparticles absorb much more powerat tolerable AC magnetic fields [76,77] which isstrongly dependent on the particle size and shape,and thus, having well-defined synthetic routes ableto produce uniform particles is essential for a rigor-ous control in temperature.2. Drug delivery. Drug targeting has emerged as oneof the modern technologies for drug delivery. Thepossibilities for the application of iron oxide mag-netic nanoparticles in drug targeting have drasticallyincreased in recent years [78]. MNPs in combinationwith an external magnetic field and/or magnetizable

implants allow the delivery of particles to the desiredtarget area, fix them at the local site while the medi-cation is released, and act locally (magnetic drug tar-geting) [79]. Transportation of drugs to a specificsite can eliminate side effects and also reduce thedosage required. The surfaces of these particles aregenerally modified with organic polymers and inor-ganic metals or oxides to make them biocompatibleand suitable for further functionalization by theattachment of various bioactive molecules [80,81].The process of drug localization using magneticdelivery systems is based on the competitionbetween the forces exerted on the particles by theblood compartment and the magnetic forces gener-ated from the magnet.3. Diagnostic applications

a. NMR imaging. The development of the NMRimaging technique for clinical diagnosis hasprompted the need for a new class of pharma-ceuticals, so-called magneto-pharmaceuticals.These drugs must be administered to a patientin order to (1) enhance the image contrastbetween the normal and diseased tissue and/or(2) indicate the status of organ functions orblood flow.

In vitro applications1. Diagnostic applications

a. Separation and selection. At present, consider-able attention is being paid to solid-phase extrac-tion [SPE] as a way to isolate and preconcentratedesired components from a sample matrix. SPEis a routine extraction method for determiningtrace-level contaminants in environmental sam-ples. Recently, nanometer-sized particles (nano-particles, NPs) have gained rapid and substantialprogress and have a significant impact on sampleextraction. SPE offers an excellent alternative tothe conventional sample concentration methods,such as liquid-liquid extraction [82-84]. Theseparation and preconcentration of the substancefrom large volumes of solution can be highlytime consuming when using standard columnSPE, and it is in this field where the use of mag-netic or magnetizable adsorbents called magneticsolid-phase extraction [MSPE] gains importance.In this procedure, the magnetic adsorbent isadded to a solution or suspension containing thetarget. This is adsorbed onto the magnetic adsor-bent, and then, the adsorbent with the adsorbedtarget is recovered from the suspension using anappropriate magnetic separator. For separationand selection, the advantage of using magnetic

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nanoparticles instead magnetic microparticles isthat we can prepare suspensions that are stableagainst sedimentation in the absence of anapplied magnetic field. The applicability of ironoxide magnetic nanoparticles in MSPE is clearlyevidenced by the fact that it already exists in themarket companies (DYNAL Biotech) that com-mercialize these products (Figure 3).b. Magnetorelaxometry. It was introduced as amethod for the evaluation of immunoassays [85].Magnetorelaxometry measures the magnetic visc-osity, i.e., the relaxation of the net magneticmoment of a system of magnetic nanoparticlesafter removal of a magnetic field [86]. There aretwo different relaxation mechanisms. First, theinternal magnetization vector of a nanoparticlerelaxes in the direction of the easy axis inside thecore; this is called Néel relaxation [87]. Second,particles accomplish rotational diffusion in a car-rier liquid, called Brownian relaxation [88]. Néeland Brownian relaxation can be distinguished bytheir different relaxation times [89]. Furthermore,Brownian relaxation can take place only inliquids, whereas Néel relaxation does not dependon the dispersion of the nanoparticles. The factthat magnetorelaxometry depends on the coresize, the hydrodynamic size, and the anisotropyallows this technique to distinguish between thefree and bound conjugates by their differentmagnetic behavior and therefore can be used asan analytical tool for the evaluation of immu-noassays [90]. For this application, the benefits of

reducing the particle size to the nanometer sizeare similar to those described for separation andselection applications.c. Magnetic resonance imaging. At the boundarybetween nanomaterials and medical diagnostics,superparamagnetic iron oxide NPs are proving tobe a class of novel probes useful for in vitro andin vivo cellular and molecular imaging. Superpar-amagnetic contrast agents have an advantage ofproducing an enhanced proton relaxation inmagnetic resonance imaging [MRI] in compari-son with paramagnetic ones. Consequently, lessamounts of a SPIO agent are needed to dose thehuman body than a paramagnetic one. To applythe magnetic fluids to a MRI contrast agent, aSPIO should be dispersed into a biocompatibleand biodegradable carrier. Recently, Muller et al.[91] comprehensively reviewed the applicationsof super paramagnetic iron oxide NPs as a con-trast agent. However, MRIs are not convenientfor in situ monitoring. Thus, a sensitive and sim-ple technique for in situ monitoring of the NPsin living cells is desirable. Compared to conven-tional organic fluorescence probes, advantages ofthe nanometer-sized fluorescence probes mainlyinclude their higher photostability and strongerfluorescence. The main problem in cell imagingusing the fluorescent nanoprobes is that thefluorescence signal is easily affected by the back-ground noises caused by the cells, matrix, andthe nonspecific scattering lights. The high signalto noise (S/N) ratio is not easy to obtain.d. Bioseparation. In a biomedical study, separa-tion of specific biological entities (e.g., DNAs,proteins, and cells) from their native environ-ment is often required for analysis. Superpara-magnetic colloids are ideal for this applicationbecause of their on-off nature of magnetizationwith and without an external magnetic field,enabling the transportation of biomaterials witha magnetic field. In a typical procedure forseparation, the biological entities are labeled bysuperparamagnetic colloids and then subjected toseparation by an external magnetic field [92].Nanometer-sized magnetic particles, such assuper paramagnetic iron oxide particles, havebeen extensively used for separation and purifica-tion of cells and biomolecules in bioprocesses[93-95]. Due to their small size and high surfacearea, MNPs have many superior characteristicsfor these bioseparation applications compared tothose of the conventional micrometer-sizedresins or beads such as good dispersability, thefast and effective binding of biomolecules, and

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the magnetically driventransport of drugs to a specific region. A catheter is inserted intoan arterial feed to the tumor, and a magnetic stand is positionedover the targeted site.

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reversible and controllable flocculation. One ofthe trends in this subject area is the magneticseparation using antibodies to provide highlyaccurate antibodies that can specifically bind totheir matching antigens on the surface of the tar-geted species.

2. Catalysis applications. In recent years, catalystssupported by MNPs have been extensively used toimprove the limitation of heterogeneous catalysis.Magnetically driven, separations make the recoveryof catalysts in a liquid-phase reaction much easierthan using cross flow filtration and centrifugation,especially when the catalysts are in the submicrom-eter size range. Such small and magnetically separ-able catalysts could combine the advantages of highdispersion and reactivity with easy separation. Interms of recycling expensive catalysts or ligands,immobilization of these active species on MNPsleads to the easy separation of catalysts in a quasi-homogeneous system [96]. The various types of tran-sition metal-catalyzed reactions using catalytic sitesgrafted onto MNPs that have emerged recentlyinclude carbon-carbon cross-coupling reactions,hydroformylation [97], hydrogenation, and polymeri-zation [98] reactions. Other reports on MNP-sup-ported catalysts include enzymes for carboxylateresolution, amino acids for ester hydrolysis, andorganic amine catalysts promoting Knoevenagel andrelated reactions.

Environmental applicationsA similarly important property of nanoscale iron parti-cles is their huge flexibility for in situ applications. Mod-ified iron nanoparticles, such as catalyzed and supportednanoparticles, have been synthesized to further enhancetheir speed and efficiency of remediation [99]. In spiteof some still unresolved uncertainties associated withthe application of iron nanoparticles, this material isbeing accepted as a versatile tool for the remediation ofdifferent types of contaminants in groundwater, soil, andair on both the experimental and field scales [100]. Inrecent years, other MNPs have been investigated for theremoval of organic and inorganic pollutants.

Organic pollutantsThere are a few articles about the removal of high con-centrations of organic compounds which are mostlyrelated to the removal of dyes. The MNPs have a highcapacity in the removal of high concentrations oforganic compounds [101-103]. Dyes are present in thewastewater streams of many industrial sectors such as indyeing, textile factories, tanneries, and in the paintindustry. Therefore, the replacement of MNPs with an

expensive or low efficient adsorbent for treatment oftextile effluent can be a good platform which needsmore detailed investigations.

Inorganic pollutantsA very important aspect in metal toxin removal is thepreparation of functionalized sorbents for affinity orselective removal of hazardous metal ions from compli-cated matrices. MNPs are used as sorbents for theremoval of metal ions. Thus, MNPs show a high[104-106] capacity and efficiency in the removal of dif-ferent metal ions due to their high surface area withrespect to micron-sized sorbents. These findings can beused to design an appropriate adsorption treatment planfor the removal and recovery of metal ions fromwastewaters.

Analytical applications1. Fluorescence techniques. Due to their small size,magnetic luminescent NPs offer a larger surfacearea-to-volume ratio than currently used microbe-ads, which result in a good reaction homogeneityand faster reaction kinetics. Thus, the preparation ofmagnetic fluorescent particles, such as polystyrenemagnetic beads with entrapped organic dyes/quan-tum dots [QDs] or shells of QDs [107], iron oxideparticles coated with dye-doped silica shells, andsilica NPs embedded with iron oxide and QDs, iseasier. However, their application is limited mostlyto biological applications, such as cellular imaging.Only a few papers have reported the use of dual-functional NPs for multiplexed quantitative bioanaly-sis. The magnetic properties of the MLNPs allowedtheir manipulation by an external magnetic fieldwithout the need of centrifugation or filtration.Their optical characteristics (sharp emission, photo-stability, long lifetime) facilitated the implementationof an internal calibration in the detection system.This introduced a unique internal quality controland easy quantifications in the multiplexed immu-noanalysis. This method developed and enables adirect, simple, and quantitative multiplex proteinanalysis using conventional organic dyes and can beapplied for disease diagnostics and detection of bio-logical threats.

1. Inorganic and hybrid coatings (or shells) oncolloidal templates have been prepared by preci-pitation and surface reactions [108]. By adequateselection of the experimental conditions, mainlythe nature of the precursors, temperature, andpH, this method can give uniform, smooth coat-ings, and therefore lead to monodispersed sphe-rical composites. Using this technique,submicrometer-sized anionic polystyrene lattices

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have been coated with uniform layers of ironcompounds [109] by aging at an elevated tem-perature and by dispersions of the polymer col-loid in the presence of aqueous solutions offerric chloride, urea, hydrochloric acid, and poly-vinyl pyrrolidone. One of the most promisingtechniques for the production of superparamag-netic composites is the layer-by-layer self-assem-bly method. This method was firstly developedfor the construction of ultrathin films [110] andwas further developed by Caruso et al. [111] forthe controlled synthesis of novel nanocompositecore-shell materials and hollow capsules. It con-sists of the stepwise adsorption of charged poly-mers or nanocolloids and oppositely chargedpolyelectrolytes onto flat surfaces or colloidaltemplates, exploiting primarily electrostatic inter-actions for layer buildup. Using this strategy, col-loidal particles have been coated with alternatinglayers of polyelectrolytes, nanoparticles, and pro-teins [112]. Furthermore, Caruso et al. havedemonstrated that submicrometer-sized hollowsilica spheres or polymer capsules can beobtained after removal of the template from thesolid-core multilayered-shell particles either bycalcination or by chemical extraction. Their workin the preparation of iron oxide superparamag-netic and monodisperse, dense, and hollow sphe-rical particles that could be used for biomedicalapplications deserves special mention.2. Encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles inpolymeric matrixes. Encapsulation of inorganicparticles into organic polymers endows the parti-cles with important properties that bareuncoated particles lack [113]. Polymer coatingson particles enhance compatibility with organicingredients, reduce susceptibility to leaching, andprotect particle surfaces from oxidation. Conse-quently, encapsulation improves dispersibility,chemical stability, and reduces toxicity [114].Polymer-coated magnetite nanoparticles havebeen synthesized by seed precipitation polymeri-zation of methacrylic acid and hydroxyethylmethacrylate in the presence of the magnetitenanoparticles [115]. Cross-linking of polymershas also been reported as an adequate methodfor the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles.To prepare the composites by this method, first,mechanical energy needs to be supplied to createa dispersion of magnetite in the presence of aqu-eous albumin [116], chitosan [117], or PVA poly-mers [118]. More energy creates an emulsion ofthe magnetic particle sol in cottonseed [119],mineral [120], or vegetable oil [121]. Depending

upon composition and reaction conditions, theaddition of a cross-linker and heat results in apolydispersed magnetic latex, 0.3 microns in dia-meter, with up to 24 wt.% in magnetite content[122]. Recently, the preparation of superparamag-netic latex via inverse emulsion polymerizationhas been reported [123]. A ‘double-hydrophilic’diblock copolymer, present during the precipita-tion of magnetic iron oxide, directs nucleation,controls growth, and sterically stabilizes theresulting 5-nm superparamagnetic iron oxide.After drying, the coated particles repeptize creat-ing a ferrofluid-like dispersion. Inverse emulsifi-cation of the ferrofluid into decane, aided bysmall amounts of diblock copolymer emulsifieralong with ultrasonication, creates mini droplets(180 nm) filled with magnetic particles andmonomer. Subsequent polymerization generatesmagnetic latex. A novel approach to preparesuperparamagnetic polymeric nanoparticles bysynthesis of the magnetite core and polymericshell in a single inverse microemulsion wasreported by Chu et al. [124]. Stable magneticnanoparticle dispersions with narrow size distri-bution were thus produced. The microemulsionseed copolymerization of methacrylic acid,hydroxyethyl methacrylate, and cross-linkerresulted in a stable hydrophilic polymeric shellaround the nanoparticles. Changing the mono-mer concentration and water/surfactant ratiocontrols the particle size.

Encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles in inorganicmatrixes. An appropriate tuning of the magnetic proper-ties is essential for the potential use of the superpara-magnetic composites. In this way, the use of inorganicmatrixes, in particular of silica, as dispersion media ofsuperparamagnetic nanocrystals has been reported to bean effective way to modulate the magnetic properties bya simple heating process [125]. Another advantage ofhaving a surface enriched in silica is the presence of sur-face silanol groups that can easily react with alcoholsand silane coupling agents [126] to produce dispersionsthat are not only stable in nonaqueous solvents, but alsoprovide the ideal anchorage for covalent bonding of spe-cific ligands. The strong binding makes desorption ofthese ligands a difficult task. In addition, the silica sur-face confers a high stability to suspensions of the parti-cles at high volume fractions, changes in pH, orelectrolyte concentration [127]. Recently, we have beensuccessful in preparing submicronic silica-coatedmaghemite hollow and dense spheres with a high load-ing of magnetic material by aerosol pyrolysis [128].Silica-coated g-Fe2O3 hollow spherical particles with an

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average size of 150 nm were prepared by aerosol pyroly-sis of methanol solutions containing iron ammoniumcitrate and tetraethoxysilane [TEOS] at a total salt con-centration of 0.25 M [129]. During the first stage, therapid evaporation of the methanol solvent favors thesurface precipitation (i.e., formation of hollow spheres)of the components [130]. The low solubility of the ironammonium citrate in methanol when compared withthat of TEOS promotes the initial precipitation of theiron salt solid shell. During the second stage, the prob-able continuous shrinkage of this iron salt solid shellfacilitates the enrichment at the surface of the siliconoxide precursor (TEOS). In the third stage, the thermaldecomposition of precursors produces the silica-coatedg-Fe2O3 hollow spheres. The formation of the g-Fe2O3 isassociated with the presence of carbonaceous speciescoming from the decomposition of the methanol solventand from the iron ammonium citrate and TEOS. On theother hand, the aerosol pyrolysis of iron nitrate andTEOS at a total salt concentration of 1 M producedsilica-coated g-Fe2O3 dense spherical particles with anaverage size of 250 nm. The increase in salt concentra-tion to a value of 1 M favors the formation of densespherical particles. Sedimentation studies of these parti-cles have shown that they are particularly useful forseparation applications [131]. A W/O microemulsionmethod has also been used for the preparation of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles [132]. Three differentnon-ionic surfactants (Triton X-100, Dow ChemicalCompany, Midland, MI, USA; Igepal CO-520, and Brij-97) have been used for the preparation of microemul-sions, and their effects on the particle size, crystallinity,and the magnetic properties have been studied

3. The iron oxide nanoparticles are formed bythe coprecipitation reaction of ferrous and ferricsalts with inorganic bases. A strong base, NaOH,and a comparatively mild base, NH4OH, havebeen used with each surfactant to observewhether the basicity influences the crystallizationprocess during particle formation. All these sys-tems show magnetic behavior close to that ofsuperparamagnetic materials. By using thismethod, magnetic nanoparticles as small as 1 to2 nm and of very uniform size (standard devia-tion less than 10%) have been synthesized. A uni-form silica coating as thin as 1 nm encapsulatingthe bare nanoparticles is formed by the base-cat-alyzed hydrolysis and the polymerization reactionof TEOS in the microemulsion. It is worth men-tioning that the small particle size of the compo-site renders these particles a potential candidatefor their use in in vivo applications.

Size selection methodsBiomedical applications like magnetic resonance ima-ging, magnetic cell separation, or magnetorelaxometrycontrol the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles inmagnetic fluids. Furthermore, these applications alsodepend on the hydrodynamic size. Therefore, in manycases, only a small portion of particles contributes tothe desired effect. The relative amount of the particleswith the desired properties can be increased by thefractionation of magnetic fluids [133]. Common meth-ods currently used for the fractionation of magneticfluids are centrifugation [134] and size-exclusion chro-matography [135]. All these methods separate the par-ticles via nonmagnetic properties like density or size.Massart et al [136] have proposed a size sorting proce-dure based on the thermodynamic properties of aqu-eous dispersions of nanoparticles. The positive chargeof the maghemite surface allows its dispersion in aqu-eous acidic solutions and the production of dispersionsstabilized through electrostatic repulsions. By increas-ing the acid concentration (in the range 0.1 to 0.5 moll-1), interparticle repulsions are screened, and phasetransitions are induced. Using this principle, theseauthors describe a two-step size sorting process inorder to obtain significant amounts of nanometricmonosized particles with diameters between typically 6and 13 nm. As the surface of the latter is not modifiedby the size sorting process, usual procedures are usedto disperse them in several aqueous or oil-basedmedia. Preference should be given, however, to parti-tions based on the properties of interest, in this case,the magnetic properties. So far, magnetic methodshave been used only for the separation of magneticfluids, for example, to remove aggregates by magneticfiltration [137]. Recently, the fractionation of magneticnanoparticles by flow field-flow fractionation wasreported [138]. Field-flow fractionation is a family ofanalytical separation techniques [139,140], in which theseparation is carried out in a flow with a parabolicprofile running through a thin channel. An externalfield is applied at a right angle to force the particlestoward the so-called accumulation wall [141,142].

AcknowledgementsThe authors are grateful for the financial support from the Iran NationalScience Foundation, Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University ofMedical Sciences and the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, TabrizUniversity of Medical Sciences.

Author details1Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug AppliedResearch Center Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, Iran2Faculity of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368,Iran 3Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Tabriz Universityof Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, Iran

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Authors’ contributionsSD conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination.All authors read and approved the final manuscript. AA participated in thesequence alignment and drafted the manuscript.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Received: 12 July 2011 Accepted: 21 February 2012Published: 21 February 2012

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doi:10.1186/1556-276X-7-144Cite this article as: Akbarzadeh et al.: Magnetic nanoparticles:preparation, physical properties, and applications in biomedicine.Nanoscale Research Letters 2012 7:144.

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