nameless digest #1 - spring_summer 2012


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A biannual journal dedicated to the macabre and esoteric. 150+ perfect-bound pages PACKED with original art, reviews, articles, fiction, interviews, and poetry from established talents and newcomers alike. FULL COLOR. Provocative, scholarly, weird, S-F, film, comics, horror, intellectual: SUBSCRIBE NOW!


Page 1: NAMELESS Digest #1 - SPRING_SUMMER 2012


Page 2: NAMELESS Digest #1 - SPRING_SUMMER 2012


Editor-in-Chief/fArt Director

Jason V Brock

Managing Editorg gS. T. Joshi

Design, Web, and Layoutg , , yJaSunni Productions,


+++++Visit us online:


Written ContributorsMichael Abolafia

Paul G. Bens, Jr.Jason V BrockSunni K Brock

Michael J. ClarkeRoss FreedmanSam GaffordWade GermanJames Goho

Andrew HamlinMichaele JordanWilliam F. NolanGene O'Neill

Lee-Anne RaymondNorman RubensteinShade Rupe (+ Photos)

Jonathan ThomasJohn C. Tibbetts

Demetrios VakrasKaye Vincent+++++++++++++

CCCCCCCoCo ttntnt iiiiiriririribbbbbbbubu iiiititititingnggng AAAAAAArttrtrtiiiiiiiisisttttsts//////////gPhotographersg p


Jason V Brock(Cover + Misc. Int. Images)

Virgil Finlay(Art, pg 112)

Lee-Anne Raymond (Art, pgs 120 & 125)

Ron Sanders (Art [Above], pg 84)

John C. Tibbetts(Photos, pg 9)

Teresa Tunaley (Art [Globes], pg 20-21)

Demetrios Vakras(Art, pgs 73-77)

Cyrus Wraith Walker(Art [Time], pg 104)

James Wymore(Cartoons, pgs 42-43)


SSSSpeciiiiiallll ThThThThankkkkspLeslie Barany

H. R. GigerOur Advertisers &

ContributorsOur Readers & Subscribers


In MemoriamRay Bradbury

This issue is dedicated to hiss y yy

guiding spirit.

RIP, our recently departed friend Adam Niswander.


Lightning Source+++++

+ + [NameL3ss] + +

(ISSN 2169-1681 [Print]; ISSN 2169-1673 [Electronic]) Print Single Issue Suggested Retail Sale Price: $19.95 USD (Single Issue MSRP: $24.95 USD) and includes the E-book version; prices and subscriptions/shipping vary by region, and are subject to change without notice. Published irregularly (Biannually: SPRING/SUMMER & FALL/WINTER) by CYCATRIX PRESS: 16420 SE McGillivray Blvd., Ste. 103-1010, Van-couver, WA, USA 98683. Copyright ©2010 and beyond by JaSunni Productions, LLC, and where specified elsewhere in the issue. All rights revert to the authors/artists upon publication. All design elements (including the overall layout and the distinctive NAMELESS logo) are copyright ©2010 and beyond by JaSunni Productions, LLC. Nothing shown can be reproduced without obtaining written permission from the creators. All cover images, whether book, magazine, CD, or DVD, as well as film posters, image captures, promotional images (headshots, behind-the-scenes, etc) and creator photos remain the copyrighted property of their respective owners, and are used herein with permission, or pursuant to Fair Use Guidelines: Every reasonable attempt has been made to contact image and content rights holders, and identify same; if there are inadvertent omissions, we apologize. Go veg: Save your life, and save theirs! Advertising rates

available. Discounts for bulk and standing retail orders. Direct all inquiries, address changes, submission queries, subscription orders, and so on to: [email protected]

Page 3: NAMELESS Digest #1 - SPRING_SUMMER 2012


+ + Fea7uRes + +"From the Editor's Desk"

Editorial by Jason V Brock+05+y JJ

"A Tribute to Ray Bradbury"Pieces by William F. Nolan * John

y yy y


"Russellmania! Six Weeks with a Devil"

Photos/Article by Shade Rupe+46+


"Echoes of Excess: DiD rector Ken Russell in the 1980s"


by Ross Freedman+61+

"Demetrios Vakras: 'I Am: Surreal'"

[+Artwork]Interview by Jason V Brock

+73+y JJ

"The Outsider: A Sequel to Poe's'House of Usher'?"


by James Goho+99+

"Lee-Anne Raymond:Dark Princess of Imagery


from Down Under" gg

[+Artworrk]kInIInIntetetervrvrvieieiew w w bybyby JJJasasasononon VVV BBBBrororockckkck

+1+12121++yy JJyy JJ


+ + Fan7asi3s + +"The Hungry Skull"

by Gene O'Neillg yy

+13+"Parting Shots. . ."

Cartoons by James Wymoregg

+42+y JJ

"Let Me Tell You"by Michaele Jordan

+80+"Memories of Another Age"

+82+"Way Up When"

by Jonathan Thomasy p


"Selected Poems" by Wade German


+ + F4ctS + ++ + [NAMELESS] Reviews + +


* Norman Rubenstein * Sunni K Brock * Michael J. Clarke *

*** JaJaJaJ sosoon n V VV BrBrBrocoock kk *** PaPaaululu GGG. . BeBeBensnsns, ,, ,JJ

JrJrJr.. ***+++++++++++++++

VVVVViiiiisssssiiiitttt uuuussss ooooonnnnnlllliiiiinnnnneee ffffooorrrr mmoooorrrreeeee excllusiive conttentt:


Page 4: NAMELESS Digest #1 - SPRING_SUMMER 2012


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The Hungry Skull (A Love Story)

By Gene O'Neill

"To all things there is a time, and a season for every

A time of birth, and a time to die . . ."—Ecclesiastes 3:3


Mezzanine near the Ferry Building and twisted in the air,

The accompanying announcement explained: "Janos Mirlav has

Base Colony to San Fran Shield. After he completes his medcenter screening and medical procedures and recovers in a week, the Company Chairman, One, will present the Company's Medal of Honor Award at a full Shield celebration ceremony. Date and time to follow."


I'm illegal.No, no, not that kind of Illegal. I won't be 35 and eligible

years. So I'm not one of those legendary Illegals, the worn-out,

Mezzanine. The old ones who have failed the Treatment and are eventually chased down by the Yakuza bounty hunters and their cyber-hounds. Actually, no one I know has ever really seen an Illegal in person. The conventional wisdom is that when they fail

after Treatment they are whisked away by

Page 7: NAMELESS Digest #1 - SPRING_SUMMER 2012


Russellmania! Six Weeks with a Devil


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+ + Demetrios Vakras + + "I Am: Surreal"

Interview by Jason V BrockArtwork by Demetrios Vakras

My art is "surreal," insofar as it is about making appear as plausibly real that which of itself cannot ever be real. Sometimes the work in question has symbolic meaning. By this, I mean that I have selected

that I have toward symbolism not to be "surreal." At other times, there is no meaning in my works. Part of my intention is to elicit a "How did he come up with that?" response. What I paint is governed by what I believe is the necessity of art to be an expression of an idea that is accomplished by great and uncommon technical skill. That is,

"uncommon" technical skill, to depict something improbable that might elicit surprise.

My earliest memories of creating art (in the form of drawing) are from the age of four. By about age six, I was drawing animals by

Peripheral Solitude, oil on canvas, 1994

Reconstitution with Spare Body Parts, oil on canvas, 2000

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Way Up When

at planes up in the air and pointed till everyone else looked too, and

to this day. Nine times out of ten, family or strangers would crane their

Some assumed I was pulling their leg, and some that I had a

me through twelve grades of school, long after I'd learned to ignore

they're a testament to the wondrous antiquity that used to cross my sky.

are pre-jet era among afterimages of more recent history. In my youth,

rather as astronomers now regularly delve almost as far as genesis in general.

my apartment window usually dwindle away when I contemplate the picayune details in otherwise brut

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A Sequel to Poe's

"The Fall of the House of Usher"?By James Goho

is extensively and variously interpreted: Carl Buchanan, Donald R. Burleson, S. T. Joshi, Dirk W. Mosig, Robert H. Waugh, and others have all studied and commented on the story. All spy the hand of Poe in the tale.1

for example, "William Wilson," "The Masque of the Red Death," "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar," and "Berenice." This article suggests that it may be a sequel to "The Fall of the House of Usher."

castle "rivals Poe's House of Usher as a symbolically potent image" (47). Robert H. Waugh proposed "an antecedent to the Outsider

(The Monster in the Mirror 145)

Sederholm do not mention "The Outsider" in their wide-ranging

part, to "explore new dimensions from 'Usher's' hints about cosmic horror" (69–70).

In a fashion, "The Outsider" imagines the aftermath of Poe's story, or at least one possible afterworld. Although sometimes distorted, similar images and themes haunt the stories. Some of the key common images are: the house of Usher and the underground castle in "The Outsider"; the library of Roderick Usher and the "rows of antique books" (DH tarn in Poe's tale and the mirror in "The Outsider"; the wasteland surrounding the House of Usher and the wasteland the outsider travels; an escape from a tomb, and a climactic scene of coming face to face with one's terrifying destiny. The thrall of time and space over humans are thematic links. There is a life-to-death sequence in

1 There are other influences, for example, S. T. Joshi noted Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In the novel, the monster is unnamed. It is rejected and causes panic by its appearance, which Dr. Frankenstein describes, “Oh, no mortal could support the horror of that countenance. A Mummy again endued with animation could not be so hideous as that wretch” (61).

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Wild JusticeEdited by Ellen Datlow

Featuring: Caitlín R. Kiernan, Thomas Tessier, Joyce Carol Oates, David J. Schow,

Ash-Tree Press (First E-book edition), 2012$6.99

Ash-Tree Press E-books

By now, Ellen Datlow is a veritable institution within the horror and dark fantasy genres (among others). She is, by far, the most awarded, medaled, and acknowledged editor within these genres, and her achievements would take an entire review (if not a novella-sized essay) to recite. For those readers who are unfamiliar with her name, look her up online and you'll likely realize you know much of her work, if not her name.

She has received all these recognitions, accomplishments, and awards over a relatively long career for such a comparatively young woman because she consistently—as in always—delivers an exceptional, interesting, and worthwhile reading experience within the anthologies she edits. She is able to get her contributors to deliver stories that will connect with their readers while seeming fresh rather than something you think you've read a couple times before.

contributing authors, shows this hallmark for quality within the eighteen stories that make up the content of the Wild Justice anthology. This anthology was originally released back in 1996 as a paperback original, titled Lethal Kisses, and was only released within the UK, so it is unfamiliar to virtually all North American readers. As can now be expected of any Datlow-edited anthology, there isn't any dead weight among the eighteen stories included herein.

Wild Justice is a "themed anthology"—meaning that every

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