name: date: countable or uncountable?

Countable nouns- things, people or places that you can count 1 banana 2 bananas 1 chair 3 chairs orange juice orange juices meat meats Name: Date: Countable or Uncountable? Uncountable nouns- things, people or places that you cannot count hair hairs When nouns are uncountable, they do not have a plural form. Circle all the pictures that are UNCOUNTABLE. hamburger bread cheese rice milk hotdog mango carrot

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Post on 23-Feb-2022




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Countable nouns- things, people or places that you can count

1 banana 2 bananas 1 chair 3 chairs

orange juice

orange juices



Name: Date:

Countable or Uncountable?

Uncountable nouns- things, people or places that you cannot count



When nouns are uncountable, they do not have a plural form.

Circle all the pictures that are UNCOUNTABLE.

hamburger breadcheese


milk hotdog mangocarrot

Name: Date:

Singular and Plural nouns

Match the words to the correct pictures. Which ones are plural? Check the blue boxes on the right.

1. Flowers

2. Monkeys

3. Computers

4. Watches

5. Chairs

6. Umbrellas

7. Jar

8. Pencil

Name: Date:

Regular Plurals (1)

1. church ______________ 2. kite _________________

3. coach ______________ 4. fox _________________

5. sock ______________ 6. glass ________________

7. pillow ______________ 8. feather _______________

9. witch ______________ 10. wish ________________

Write the plural form of the following nouns.

Name: Date:

Regular Plurals (2)

Look at the pictures. Write the names in the correct singular orplural form of the nouns in the boxes.

2. How many sheep do you see?__________________________________________

1. How many fish do you see?__________________________________________

3. How many women do you see?__________________________________________

4. How many reindeer do you see?______________________________________

Name: Date:

Irregular plurals

A change in spelling

Some nouns don't change at all.

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

Name: Date:

Singular or Plural?Fill in the blanks with the correct asnwers.

Singular Plural

Name: Date:

Mixed plurals

Match the words with the given picturesby writing the correctnumbers in the boxes. Then change the singular nouns into pluralnouns.

Name: Date:

Going to the zoo

Many people visit the zoo on Sundays. There are many different___________(animal). In the zoo, there are two _____________(crocodile) and some ____________(flamingo) swimming in thewater. Many _____________(tree) are around the giraffe's place.Near the gate, there is an ____________(elephant) and two big____________(cat). A ____________(man) is taking______________(photo) in front of the ______________(rhino).They enjoy going to the zoo.

Look at the picture and fill in the blanks below.