my ideal diet

Pablo Molina Martin My ideal diet Breakfast: For breakfast, I eat a 20% of the grain group (toasts or cereals), a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk with cacao. Break: For break, I eat a sandwich of salami, pate, cheese… or a piece of fruit. I drink a fruit juice too. Lunch: For lunch, I eat a 10% of grain group (pasta, macaroni), soap or lentils. I drink water or “Aquarius”. For dessert, I eat fruit or yoghurt.

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Describe la dieta que debo seguir


Pablo Molina Martin

My ideal diet

Breakfast: For breakfast, I eat a 20% of the grain group (toasts or cereals), a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk with cacao.

Break: For break, I eat a sandwich of salami, pate, cheese… or a piece of fruit. I drink a fruit juice too.

Lunch: For lunch, I eat a 10% of grain group (pasta, macaroni), soap or lentils. I drink water or “Aquarius”. For dessert, I eat fruit or yoghurt.

Dinner: For dinner, I eat a soap of veggies and fish. For dessert I eat yoghurt, or fruit, or a glass of milk.