my final year project

A Project Report On Titled “AUTO-IP MANAGER” Submitted in partial fulfillment for the Award of degree of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING IN COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Submitted By: - Submitted To:- VARUN KUMAR HEMANT SHARMA OMVEER SINGH Lect. CS/IT July, 2009

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This is my final year project based on a linux platform. This is a server which handles all the IP in the same or different network, like in case of an organization(school), which have different networks- hostel, office, library etc. It provides IP to all the systems; serves as a proxy server; provide subscription to internet access; provide security based on Mac address of the system etc.


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A Project Report




Submitted in partial fulfillment for the

Award of degree of





July, 2009

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First of all using dialog utility it collects all information for configuration

according to the administrator by the user manually. Security is provided by using

“IP-table advanced rules”. It makes user-friendly environment by “dialog” utility.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol used by

networked devices (clients) to obtain various parameters necessary for the

clients to operate in an Internet Protocol (IP) network. By using this protocol,

system administration workload greatly decreases, and devices can be added to

the network with minimal or no manual configurations. When a DHCP-configured

client (be it a computer or any other network aware device) connects to a

network, the DHCP client sends a broadcast query requesting necessary

information from a DHCP server .

The SQUID server is used for filtering. Its main job is to allow or deny any

host or destination. It automatically works on port no. 3128. We can also filter the

contents of the packets. Squid has one primary configuration file, squid.conf.

Iptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet

filter rules in the Linux kernel. Several different tables may be defined. Each table

contains a number of built-in chains and may also contain user-defined chains.

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I express my sincere thanks to my project guide, Mr. HEMANT SHARMA,

Lecturer, Deptt CS/IT, for guiding me right form the inception till the successful

completion of the project. I sincerely acknowledge him/her/them for extending

their valuable guidance, support for literature, critical reviews of project and the

report and above all the moral support he/she/they had provided to me with all

stages of this project.

I would also like to thank the supporting staff of CS/IT Department, for

their help and cooperation throughout our project.



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This is to certify that Mr. OMVEER SINGH and MR. VARUN


delivered a project named ”AUTO-IP MANAGER” and has submitted a

satisfactory report about it as per partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

degree of B.E. (Comp.Sc.) According to the syllabus of UNIVERSITY OF

RAJASTHAN , JAIPUR during the academic year 2008-09.

Date:22 July 09

Mr. Kailash Maheshwari Mr. HEMANT SHARMA

( H.O.D ,C.S.E & I.T ) (Project Guide )


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01 Introduction

02 Requirements

03 Working of Project

04 Dialog Box

05 Linux as Router

06 Shell Scripting

07 Working of DHCP

08 Working of Squid

09 Working of Gateway

10 Working of IP Tables

11 Coding (Shell Scripting)

12 Conclusion

13 References


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This project “AUTO-IP CONFIGURATION” is practically implementable for

MNC’s and colleges in both live and laboratory conditions. In the project, we are using

the concepts of assigning IP addresses to the required user (via DHCP), gateway

assignments and implementations of proxy server, all using IP-tables.

This project is useful on the administrator end. The project automatic configures

the whole procedure of assigning and implementation according to the requirement of


First using dialog utility it collects all information for configuration according to

the administrator by the user manually. Security provided by using “IP-table advanced

rules”. It makes user-friendly environment by “dialog” utility.

If gateway receives any of the client’s requests of port no. 80, it redirects the

requests to the proxy server on port no. 3128. Proxy filters the requests according to the

rules and again sends these packets to the gateway .Now gateway send it to connect

the internet.

The OS – “REDHAT- LINUX” is use because of its high secure functionality and

it provides many of the options for configuring the servers. Packages for the project

required; are inbuilt in REDHAT-LINUX, or we can download it through the internet.


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The project can be implemented on both live and laboratory conditions. That

mean the minimum requirement is –

Processor: Pentium 3-4.

RAM min. of 256 MB.

Ethernet card that supports OS-LINUX.

Fast Ethernet cables.

These requirements may change according to the load and according to the

working environment.



RPM for DHCP server with all known dependencies.

RPM of Squid with all known dependencies.

RPM of Dialog.


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STEP 1: Client requests for IP address.

STEP 2: DHCP server checks the Mac address of the client; if rule matches in IP

tables, then server responses to the client with its assigned IP address as well as the

gateway entry.

STEP 3: Now client wants to go for internet; so it requests to the gateway.

STEP 4: The gateway now redirects the incoming packets to the PROXY server via IP

tables D-netting.

STEP 5: The proxy server filters the requests and again sends it to the gateway.

STEP 6: The gateway connects to the internet, gets the response of internet for the

client requests, and sends it to the proxy server.

STEP 7: Proxy server sends the response direct to the desired client.


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4. Dialog Box:

4.1 Definition

A dialog box is a small window or message box that appears temporarily in

a GUI (graphical user interface) to alert the user to a condition and/or to request


Dialog boxes appear on top of other open windows and whatever else is

currently on the display screen, and they are sometimes accompanied by a beeping or

other sound effect. They always contain at least one button, the purpose of which is to

allow the user to close the box (i.e., remove it from the display screen). Often they also

contain additional buttons and one or more means for users to provide information, such

as check boxes and spaces to enter text.

Dialog boxes can be classified in several ways, including according to the

function they perform and their complexity. The simplest type of dialog box is theAlert,

which displays a message and requires the user to acknowledge it by clicking on a

button in order to close it. Alerts are commonly used to provide simple confirmation of

an action (such as to confirm that the user really wants to terminate a program), to


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indicate a user error, and to provide notification that a program that has stopped

functioning (i.e., frozen or crashed).

Dialog boxes can also be classified by whether they are modal or non-modal.

Modal dialog boxes are those which temporarily halt part or all of the GUI until the user

closes the box and, depending on what caused the box to appear, provides some

information. System modal dialog boxes freeze the entire GUI,application modal dialog

boxes freeze just the application that caused the box to appear, and document

modal dialog boxes, the newest and least intrusive modal type, merely freeze a single

window in an application (such as a document in a word processing program).

Non-modal dialog boxes, also called modeless dialog boxes, are used when the

requested information is not essential to continue, and thus no windows or other parts of

the GUI are frozen.

A commonly encountered type of dialog box on Linux is that which appears when

an ordinary user tries to open a program that requires root (i.e., administrative)

permission. For example, when a user attempts to open kppp, the KDE Internet dial-

up utility, a small, non-modal dialog box appears that asks the user to enter the root

password in a text space labeled Password for root. Entry of the correct password and

clicking on the OK button causes this box to close and a secondary (again, modeless)

box to appear. The second box allows the user to modify the connection setup if desired

and to push a button labeledConnect that initiates the connection to the Internet.

The Microsoft Windows and Macintosh operating systems use an ellipsis (i.e.,

three consecutive dots) after GUI menu items to indicate that clicking on such items will

not result in a direct action but rather will open up a dialog box that provides additional

information and options for the user.

One problem with the design of some operating systems and application

programs is that dialog boxes are inappropriately used and/or poorly designed. For

example, they may appear when not really necessary and/or contain cryptic messages


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that most users cannot understand. This can be frustrating for users and waste their

time and energy.

An excellent example of inappropriate use is provided by some web browsers

that open a dialog box that informs the user that a page will not display, even though it

is obvious that the page will not display, and requires the user to click on a button to

close the box. Moreover, if the user is working on another application with the browser

in the background, the dialog box will interrupt that application and move the browser

window to the foreground, thus requiring the user to also restore the application window

to the foreground after closing the dialog box. A well-known example of clumsy and

misleading wording on a dialog box is the message that resembles you has performed

an illegal action and this program will shut down.

Good software design calls for dialog boxes to (1) be used only where necessary

and/or helpful, (2) be as unobtrusive as possible, (3) use wording that has meaning to

users and (4) maximize user flexibility. This implies that dialog boxes should be non-

modal whenever possible, and, if they are modal, they should be document modal or

application modal to the extent possible.

The term popup window is also sometimes used to refer to a dialog box, although

this term often implies an unrelated (and usually unwanted) advertisement, whereas a

dialog box is related to the program, operating system or hardware currently being


4.2 CLI Magic: Creating basic front ends with dialog and Xdialog

New Linux users are often afraid of the command line. They prefer graphical

alternatives to commands and scripts. For help, they can turn to dialog and Xdialog, two

simple tools that can be used to create front ends to command-line tools.

The fundamental difference between the tools is that while dialog can create

console or text-based front ends, Xdialogcan generate an X interface for any terminal-


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based program.

Dialog creates the simple front ends that until recently were used in almost all

Linux distributions' installations. Remember old Red Hat and Slackware installations

that were characterized by a grey screen with a blue background? Since these front

ends are text-based, you can't use a mouse to click on buttons.

Xdialog, on the other hand, creates X interfaces, meaning that you have full use

of your mouse. It uses GTK+ for creating the front ends, and offers functions such as

directory selectors and range boxes.

Once you have installed dialog, open a shell and write dialog --title "Testing Dialog" --

yesno "This is the message" 8 25, then press Enter. This creates a very basic yesno

box. You specify box options using the general syntax dialog [common option] [box-

option] text width height . So, the 8 and 25 above are the width and height. --title is a

common option. Common options are applied to all the box options. The common

options can be omitted, you you cannot make a box without specifying the box options.

To test Xdialog, just change dialog in the above command to Xdialog. Both dialog

and Xdialog can implement several types of dialog boxes, such as checklist, form,

radiolist, menu, and textbox. Each dialog box has its own set of box options. Let's create

a simple menu to better understand the [common] and [box] options.

4.2.1 Creating a menu

When making a menu, you may be overwhelmed by all the available choices. I

am going to start with a simple menu that lets you select one value out of several.



dialog --title "Most used linux command" \12

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--menu "Please choose the most usefull command line tool:" 15 55 5 \

"man" "To read man pages" \

"ls" "To display the contents of a directory" \

"vi" "Text editor" \

"mount" "To mount partitions" \

"su" "Super user permissions" 2> $tempfile


you_chose=`cat $tempfile`

case $return_value in


echo "'$you_chose' is the command you find most usefull.";;


echo "You pressed cancel.";;


echo "You hit Esc.";;


 Save this code in a file called To make this script executable,

run chmod u+x Now you can run the script: ./


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This creates a very basic menu, where you can choose any command using the

up and down keys. The most noteworthy lines of this script are tempfile

='tempfile' and2> $tempfile. The first line creates a temporary file using the tempfile

utility. Dialog, by default, writes its output to standard error, so we need the second line

to redirect the output from standard error to the tempfile. We can also use the --

stdout option to send the output to standard output. We'll look at --stdout in a moment.

$? is a variable that stores the program's return value, which is either 0, when

you press OK; 1, if you press cancel; or 255, if you press Esc. return_value is another

variable where we store the value of the $? variable.

To see how this dialog would appear in X, change dialog to Xdialog. Everything else

remains the same.

You never see this type of menu in the real world. You see either a radiolist,

where you can select just one value, or a checklist, which allows you to select multiple

values. To create a radiolist, replace --menu with --radiolist, keeping rest of that line

intact. You also need to change some options as below:

"man" "To read man pages" off\

"ls" "To display the contents of a directory" off\

"vi" "Text editor" off\

"mount" "To mount partitions" off\

"su" "Super user permissions" ON 2> $tempfile

See how each of the options has either "off" or "on" at the end? "On" signifies a

selected option. To select any option, move to your choice using the up and down keys

and press the spacebar.

Unlike a radiolist, a checklist allows you to select multiple values. If you change --

radiolist to --checklist, you get a checklist.

There's more


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Most of us are so accustomed to working in graphical environments that we

cannot imagine some of the dialogs that you can create on the command line. For

example, you can easily make a progress bar or percentage gauge bar, which is part of

every software installation, with dialog and Xdialog. The syntax is --

gauge text height width [percent]. The percent value shows the initial value of the

progress bar. By default it is zero.

Let's create a shell script to see how the gauge works.




while test $percent != 110


echo $percent

echo "XXX"

echo "This is how the gauge appears"

echo "XXX"

echo "See how the message changes"


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echo "XXX"

percent=`expr $percent + 10`

sleep 1


) |

dialog --title "Gauge works!" --gauge "This is how a gauge appears on the command

line" 10 60 0

As explained in the man page, if the standard input reads the string "XXX," then

subsequent lines up to another "XXX" are used for a new prompt. If you use the "XXX"

method of displaying messages, then the text supplied to --gauge is ignored. In our

case, the message This is how a gauge appears on the command line is ignored

because of the messages in "XXX."

Another common dialog is file selection. When attaching a file to an email

message or opening a file in Writer, we frequently encounter the select

file dialog. You can create that on a command line too. We are going to use --stdout for



selection=`dialog --stdout --title "Use this dialog to select a file by pressing spacebar" --

fselect $HOME/ 10 68`

case $? in


echo "You chose \"$selection\"";;


echo "You pressed cancel.";;


echo "You hit Esc.";;



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The file selection dialog is made up of two panes; you can use the tab key to

switch between them. Select a file by pressing the spacebar once you have scrolled to

the file name using the up and down keys. You can also write the path of the file in the

input box at the bottom of the file selection dialog. The --fselect option creates the file

selection dialog. It accepts [filepath] height width as options. The $HOME/ argument

means that we want to choose a file within the home directory.

4.3 Conclusion

Both dialog and Xdialog are complex tools that can create many types of dialog

boxes. They allow a high degree of control on all aspects of the dialogs. The detailed

man pages discuss all the features of these tools, and are a must read. With a little shell

scripting knowledge you can start making front ends to all your favorite command line



5.1 Linux Router

Routers are amongst the most crucial components of the Internet, as each bit of

information on the Internet passes through many routers. Most of the routers used on

the Internet are made by Cisco. Although these have good performance, they come at a

high price.

In situations where we need to economize, the Linux router is an attractive

alternative. When used as a simple gateway for a LAN, it can be almost free. All that is

needed is a machine with more than one network interface.

If one has a small lab with several LANs and wishes to set up a reliable, as well

as secure, connection to the Internet, the cost of a commercial router may not be


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justifiable. The most economical solution in this case is to use a low-cost processor

running the LRP.

It makes the building and maintenance of firewall, routers, switches, hubs, and so

on, cheap and straightforward.

In this article we show how to set up a Linux router for two to four LANs and test

its performance under different conditions. For comparison we also used Pentium Is and

IIs. Here we present the results of our investigation into the performance of the Linux

router and compare it with a commercial router.

5.2 Setting Up a Linux Router

The most common function of the Linux router is a connection between two

networks. Typically, this would be a LAN and the Internet. For our experiments, given

the unavailability of a connection to the Internet fast enough to stress the router

sufficiently, we used a server to simulate the Internet.

5.3 Performance of Linux Router

The test setup in our computer lab uses a 100Base-T Ethernet. The NICs and

switching hubs are 100Base-T. All platforms are running Linux 2.2 kernels, and the

Linux router is the default gateway for all of them.

5.4 Bandwidth Measurement

The first configuration uses one client and one server. We connected the server

at the first NIC on the LRP box (eth0) and the client at the second NIC (eth1) through

cross-UTP 100Mb cables. Then we set the ipchains rules on the Linux router for

forwarding the traffic between client and server by issuing the following command:


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ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d -b

Figure 1. Setup Number One for Measurement of Bandwidth of LRP Box

The ipchains rules for this setup would look like:

ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d –b

ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d –b

ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d –b

ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d –b

ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d –b


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ipchains -I forward -j ACCEPT -s

-d –b

You can write a script to run these rules eliminating the need to enter them at the

command prompt every time you boot your LRP box. It should be placed in the root

directory so that the user is able to run all the rules by just entering ./filename. We

measured the bandwidth of the router when there was traffic between the server and

more than one client (clients may be from the same or different LANs).

Figure 2. Setup Number Two for Measurement of Bandwidth of LRP Box

For the third configuration we set up multiple servers and multiple clients (cross-

pinging). In this test setup we used two servers connected on eth0 and eth2 of the LRP



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Figure 4. Setup for Cross-Pinging

5.5 Easy to Handle

The Linux router is easy to handle and configure. It does not require any special

care for its use other than that required for a normal PC. If there is a problem,

configuring it only takes a few minutes. Moreover, it is basically software on a floppy

disk; if your LRP box gets damaged because of power fluctuations (a common problem

in the third world), you can instantly convert another available PC into your router by

adding NICs from the corrupted LRP (if they are not corrupted) and boot it off the floppy

disk. No configuration will be required for this router at all, except the runtime

configuration. You can imagine what a great advantage this is—think of what would

happen if your Cisco router were to be corrupted.


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5.6 Comparison with a Commercial Router

The following is a comparison of the Linux router with the Cisco 2620 router

available in our laboratory.

The cost of building a good Linux router (based on a Pentium I, 200MHz MMX)

with 1FDD, 32MB of RAM is less than $100 US. (It may be nearly free if you use the

minimum required hardware, i.e., a 486DX with 16MB RAM.) A monitor is not

necessarily required. You can use a borrowed monitor temporarily at configuration time

or configure via a remote serial connection (if you include support for that through the

serial.lrp package). On the other hand, the cost of the Cisco 2620 with a 50MHz

Motorola Processor, 16MB Flash RAM and 40MB DRAM is more than $3,500 US.

Although power consumption here is not of great concern, in most applications it

is notable that the Linux router (running on PI 200MHz, MMX) consumes less than 30W

of power, while Cisco 2600 series routers consume 75W.

You can add as many NICs in the Linux router as you wish (limited by the

number of slots on the main board). In Cisco 2600 there is only one Fast Ethernet card


The modularity of the Linux router is matchless. Its packaging system allows

easy removal and addition of features. You can add/remove packages, even at runtime,

using the lrpkg command. You need to shut down the Linux router to add a module

only if it requires some additional hardware. However, the kernel module for the

hardware can be installed at runtime using insmod. The design of the Cisco router is

not as modular.

For the Linux router there are a large variety of hardware and software products

available in the open market as it has the complete structure of the ordinary Linux

operating system. You can use the product of any manufacturer that has support for the


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Linux router. Cisco routers, on the other hand, are limited in this respect. Usually only

Cisco products are used with Cisco routers.

Having Linux as the operating system on your router gives you the extra

advantage that you can build your own packages according to your needs using shell

scripting. You also can get a lot of help from the available literature for Linux. Cisco

routers have their own specific operating system called Internet Operating System. The

Cisco 2620 uses IOS release 12.1. Although it is developed on a regular basis, you can

use only those features that are available in the specific IOS release used on your

specific router.

Like Cisco routers, the Linux router also supports the multiprotocol feature. It has

support for RIP, BGP, OSPF and many more that are added through packages.

Services such as Ethernet router, firewall, DNS and ISDN may be initialized on a

Linux router. However, initializing services like DNS (which is highly CPU-bound) will

degrade its performance. It is better to use a separate machine as a DNS server. The

Cisco router has multiservice integration of voice, data and video. As with Cisco routers,

IP masquerading, port translation, load balancing, transparent proxy and interface alias

may all be implemented on a Linux router.

Cisco routers support IPX, Token Ring, VLAN, VPN, Apple Talk and DDR for

advance routing. The Linux router also can support these features through proper

packages. Although to do so, some expertise in Linux and some additional hardware

are required, which will increase the cost of Linux router, but it still will be much less

than that of a Cisco router.

Depending upon the model and series of the Cisco router, it has a limited number

of WAN slots. In the 2620 there are two WIC (WAN Interface Cards) slots, one network

module and one advance integrated mode slot. The two-port serial WAN card has a

asynchronous speed of 115.2Kbps, and synchronous speed equals 2.048Mbps. Port 1

supports only synchronous mode. The Linux router also has support for WAN interface


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cards. Sangoma WICs , which have a synchronous data rate of 8Mbps, are quite

popular among LRP users. With these cards you can combine many LRP boxes.

However, the disadvantage is that the cost of the LRP box increases—this card costs

about $400 US.

Figure 7. Typical Configuration for a Small Business

5.7 Routing

Routing is the process of selecting paths in a network along which to send

network traffic. Routing is performed for many kinds of networks, including the network,

electronic (such as the Internet), and transportation networks. This article is concerned

primarily with routing in electronic data networks using packet switching technology.


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In packet switching networks, routing directs packet forwarding, the transit of

logically addressed packets from their source toward their ultimate destination through

intermediate nodes; typically hardware devices

called routers, bridges, gateways, firewalls, or switches. General-purpose computers

with multiple network cards can also forward packets and perform routing, though they

are not specialized hardware and may suffer from limited performance. The routing

process usually directs forwarding on the basis of routing tables which maintain a record

of the routes to various network destinations. Thus, constructing routing tables, which

are held in the routers' memory, is very important for efficient routing. Most routing

algorithms use only one network path at a time, but multipath routing techniques enable

the use of multiple alternative paths.

Routing, in a more narrow sense of the term, is often contrasted with bridging in

its assumption that network addresses are structured and that similar addresses imply

proximity within the network. Because structured addresses allow a single routing table

entry to represent the route to a group of devices, structured addressing (routing, in the

narrow sense) outperforms unstructured addressing (bridging) in large networks, and

has become the dominant form of addressing on the Internet, though bridging is still

widely used within localized environments.

Routing schemes differ in their delivery semantics:

1. unicast delivers a message to a single specified node;

2. broadcast delivers a message to all nodes in the network;

3. multicast delivers a message to a group of nodes that have expressed interest in

receiving the message;

4. anycast delivers a message to any one out of a group of nodes, typically the one

nearest to the source.

Unicast is the dominant form of message delivery on the Internet, and this article

focuses on unicast routing algorithms.


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Topology distribution

Small networks may involve manually configured routing tables (static routing),

while larger networks involve complex topologies and may change rapidly, making the

manual construction of routing tables unfeasible. Nevertheless, most of the public

switched telephone network (PSTN) uses pre-computed routing tables, with fallback

routes if the most direct route becomes blocked (see routing in the PSTN). Adaptive

routing attempts to solve this problem by constructing routing tables automatically,

based on information carried by routing protocols, and allowing the network to act nearly

autonomously in avoiding network failures and blockages.

Dynamic routing dominates the Internet. However, the configuration of the

routing protocols often requires a skilled touch; one should not suppose that networking

technology has developed to the point of the complete automation of routing.

5.7.1 Unicast

In computer networking, unicast transmission is the sending of information

packets to a single network destination.

The term "unicast" is formed in analogy to the word "broadcast" which means

transmitting the same data to all destinations. Another multi-mode distribution

method, multicasting, is similar to IP broadcasting, but implemented in more efficient


Unicast messaging is used for all network processes where a private or unique

resource is requested making most networking traffic Unicast in form. Unicast is used

where two way connections are needed to complete the network transaction.

Certain network applications which are mass-distributed are too costly to

implement on Unicast. These include streaming media of many forms. And when


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multicasting is unavailable, unicasting the exact same content to many users can be

costly. Internet radio stations may have high bandwidth costs because of this.

These terms are also used by streaming content providers' services. Unicast based

media servers open and provide a stream for each unique user. Multicast servers can

support a larger audience by serving content simultaneously to multiple users.

In computer networking, broadcasting refers to transmitting a packet that will be

received (conceptually) by every device on the network. In practice, the scope of the

broadcast is limited to a broadcast domain. Contrast unicasting and multicasting.

Not all computer networks support broadcasting; for example,

neither X.25 nor frame relay supply a broadcast capability, nor is there any form of

Internet-wide broadcast. Broadcasting is largely confined to local area network (LAN)

technologies, most notably Ethernet and Token Ring, where the performance impact of

broadcasting is not as large as it would be in a wide area network.

Both Ethernet and IPv4 use an all-ones broadcast address to indicate a

broadcast packet. Token Ring uses a special value in the IEEE 802.2 control field.

Due to its "shotgun" approach to data distribution, broadcasting is being

increasingly supplanted by multicasting. For example, IPv6 supports neither directed

broadcasts nor local broadcasts.

5.7.2 Multicast 

Multicast addressing is a network technology for the delivery of information to a

group of destinations simultaneously using the most efficient strategy to deliver the

messages over each link of the network only once, creating copies only when the links

to the multiple destinations split.

The word "multicast" is typically used to refer to IP multicast which is often employed

for streaming media and Internet television applications. In IP multicast the

implementation of the multicast concept occurs at the IP routing level,

where routers create optimal distribution paths for datagrams sent to a multicast


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destination address spanning tree in real-time. At the Data Link

Layer, multicastdescribes one-to-many distribution such as Ethernet multicast

addressing, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) point-to-multipoint virtual circuits

or Infiniband multicast.

5.7.3 Anycast

Anycast is a network addressing and routing scheme whereby data is routed to

the "nearest" or "best" destination as viewed by the routing topology.

The term is intended to echo the terms unicast, broadcast and multicast.

In unicast, there is a one-to-one association between network address and network

endpoint: each destination address uniquely identifies a single receiver endpoint.

In broadcast and multicast, there is a one-to-many association between network

addresses and network endpoints: each destination address identifies a set of receiver

endpoints, to which all information is replicated.

In anycast, there is also a one-to-many association between network addresses

and network endpoints: each destination address identifies a set of receiver endpoints,

but only one of them is chosen at any given time to receive information from any given


On the Internet, anycast is usually implemented by using BGP to simultaneously

announce the same destination IP address range from many different places on the

Internet. This results in packets addressed to destination addresses in this range being

routed to the "nearest" point on the net announcing the given destination IP address.

In the past, Anycast was suited to connectionless protocols (generally built

on UDP), rather than connection-oriented protocols such as TCP that keep their own


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state. However, there are many cases where TCP Anycast is now used, including on

carrier networks such as Prolexic.

With TCP Anycast, there are cases where the receiver selected for any given

source may change from time to time as optimal routes change, silently breaking any

conversations that may be in progress at the time. These conditions are typically

referred to as a "pop switch". To correct for this issue, there have been proprietary

advancements within custom IP stacks which allow for healing of stateful protocols

where it is required. However, without any technology to heal pop switches, systems

like GeoDNS are more appropriate.

For this reason, anycast is generally used as a way to provide high availability

and load balancing for stateless services such as access to replicated data; for

example, DNS service is a distributed service over multiple geographically dispersed


5.6 Forwarding

Forwarding is the relaying of packets from one network segment to another

by nodes in a computer network.


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A unicast forwarding pattern, typical of many networking technologies including the

overwhelming majority of Internet traffic

A multicast forwarding pattern, typical of PIM

A broadcast forwarding pattern, typical of bridged Ethernet. The simplest

forwarding model - unicasting - involves a packet being relayed from link to link along a


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chain leading from the packet's source to its destination. However, other forwarding

strategies are commonly used. Broadcasting requires a packet to be duplicated and

copies sent on multiple links with the goal of delivering a copy to every device on the

network. In practice, broadcast packets are not forwarded everywhere on a network, but

only to devices within a broadcast domain, making broadcasta relative term. Less

common than broadcasting, but perhaps of greater utility and theoretical significance

is multicasting, where a packet is selectively duplicated and copies delivered to each of

a set of recipients.

Networking technologies tend to naturally support certain forwarding models. For

example, fiber optics and copper cables run directly from one machine to another form

natural unicast media - data transmitted at one end is received by only one machine at

the other end. However, as illustrated in the diagrams, nodes can forward packets to

create multicast or broadcast distributions from naturally unicast media. Likewise,

traditional Ethernet (10BASE5 and 10BASE2, but not the more modern 10BASE-T) are

natural broadcast media - all the nodes are attached to a single, long cable and a

packet transmitted by one device is seen by every other device attached to the cable.

Ethernet nodes implement unicast by ignoring packets not directly addressed to them.

A wireless network is naturally multicast - all devices within a reception radius of a

transmitter can receive its packets. Wireless nodes ignore packets addressed to other

devices, but require forwarding to reach nodes outside their reception radius.

At nodes where multiple outgoing links are available, the choice of which, all, or

any to use for forwarding a given packet requires a decision making process that, while

simple in concept, is of sometimes bewildering complexity. Since a forwarding decision

must be made for every packet handled by a node, the total time required for this can

become a major limiting factor in overall network performance. Much of the design effort

of high-speed routers and switches has been focused on making rapid forwarding

decisions for large numbers of packets.

The forwarding decision is generally made using one of two processes: routing,

which uses information encoded in a device's address to infer its location on the


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network, or bridging, which makes no assumptions about where addresses are located

and depends heavily on broadcasting to locate unknown addresses. The heavy

overhead of broadcasting has led to the dominance of routing in large networks,

particularly the Internet; bridging is largely relegated to small networks where the

overhead of broadcasting is tolerable. However, since large networks are usually

composed of many smaller networks linked together, it would be inaccurate to state that

bridging has no use on the Internet; rather, its use is localized.

6. What is Linux Shell ?

Computer understand the language of 0's and 1's called binary language. In early

days of computing, instruction are provided using binary language, which is difficult for

all of us, to read and write. So in Os there is special program called Shell. Shell accepts

your instruction or commands in English (mostly) and if its a valid command, it is pass to


Shell is a user program or it's environment provided for user interaction. Shell is

an command language interpreter that executes commands read from the standard

input device (keyboard) or from a file.

Shell is not part of system kernel, but uses the system kernel to execute

programs, create files etc.

Several shell available with Linux including:

Shell Name Developed by Where Remark

BASH ( Bourne-Again

Shell )

Brian Fox and Chet


Free Software FoundationMost common shell in

Linux. It's Freeware shell.

CSH (C SHell) Bill Joy University of California

(For BSD)

The C shell's syntax and

usage are very similar to

the C programming


KSH (Korn SHell) David Korn AT & T Bell Labs --


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TCSH See the man page.

Type $ man tcsh

-- TCSH is an enhanced but

completely compatible

version of the Berkeley

UNIX C shell (CSH).

Tip: To find all available shells in your system type following command:

$ cat /etc/shells

Note that each shell does the same job, but each understand a different command syntax and

provides different built-in functions.

In MS-DOS, Shell name is COMMAND.COM which is also used for same purpose, but

it's not as powerful as our Linux Shells are!

Any of the above shell reads command from user (via Keyboard or Mouse) and tells

Linux Os what users want. If we are giving commands from keyboard it is called command line

interface ( Usually in-front of $ prompt, This prompt is depend upon your shell and Environment

that you set or by your System Administrator, therefore you may get different prompt ).

Tip: To find your current shell type following command

$ echo $SHELL

What is Shell Script ?

Normally shells are interactive. It means shell accept command from you (via

keyboard) and execute them. But if you use command one by one (sequence of 'n'

number of commands) , the you can store this sequence of command to text file and tell

the shell to execute this text file instead of entering the commands. This is know as shell


Shell script defined as:

"Shell Script is series of command written in plain text file. Shell script is just like batch

file is MS-DOS but have more power than the MS-DOS batch file."


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Why to Write Shell Script ?

Shell script can take input from user, file and output them on screen.

Useful to create our own commands.

Save lots of time.

To automate some task of day today life.

System Administration part can be also automated.

Here is where the fun begins

With the thousands of commands available for the command line user, how can

you remember them all? The answer is, you don't. The real power of the computer is its

ability to do the work for you. To get it to do that, we use the power of the shell to

automate things. We write scripts.

Scripts are collections of commands that are stored in a file. The shell can read

this file and act on the commands as if they were typed at the keyboard. In addition to

the things you have learned so far, the shell also provides a variety of useful

programming features to make your scripts truly powerful.

What are scripts good for? A wide range of tasks can be automated. Here are

some of the things I automate with scripts:

A script gathers up all the files (over 2200) in this site on my computer and

transmits them to my web server. Every Friday night, all my computers copy their files to

a "backup server" on my network. This is performed by a script.

A script automatically gets the current updates from my Linux vendor and maintains a

repository of vital updates. It sends me an email message with a report of tasks that

need to be done. As you can see, scripts unlock the power of your Linux machine. So

let's have some fun!


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Writing your first script and getting it to work

To successfully write a shell script, you have to do three things:

1. Write a script

2. Give the shell permission to execute it

3. Put it somewhere the shell can find it

Writing a script

A shell script is a file that contains ASCII text. To create a shell script, you use

a text editor. A text editor is a program, like a word processor, that reads and writes

ASCII text files. There are many, many text editors available for your Linux system, both

for the command line environment and the GUI environment. Here is a list of some

common ones:

Now, fire up your text editor and type in your first script as follows:


# My first script

echo "Hello World!"

The clever among you will have figured out how to copy and paste the text into your text

editor ;-)

If you have ever opened a book on programming, you would immediately

recognize this as the traditional "Hello World" program. Save your file with some

descriptive name. How about my_script?

The first line of the script is important. This is a special clue given to the shell

indicating what program is used to interpret the script. In this case, it is /bin/bash. Other

scripting languages such as perl, awk, tcl, Tk, and python can also use this mechanism.


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The second line is a comment. Everything that appears after a "#" symbol is ignored

by bash. As your scripts become bigger and more complicated, comments become

vital. They are used by programmers to explain what is going on so that others can

figure it out. The last line is the echo command. This command simply prints what it is

given on the display.

Setting permissions

The next thing we have to do is give the shell permission to execute your script.

This is done with the chmod command as follows:

[me@linuxbox me]$ chmod 755 my_script

The "755" will give you read, write, and execute permission. Everybody else will

get only read and execute permission. If you want your script to be private (i.e., only you

can read and execute), use "700" instead.

Putting it in your path

At this point, your script will run. Try this:

[me@linuxbox me]$ ./my_script

You should see "Hello World!" displayed. If you do not, see what directory you

really saved your script in, go there and try again.

Before we go any further, I have to stop and talk a while about paths. When you type in

the name of a command, the system does not search the entire computer to find where

the program is located. That would take a long time. You have noticed that you don't

usually have to specify a complete path name to the program you want to run, the shell

just seems to know.


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Well, you are right. The shell does know. Here's how: the shell maintains a list of

directories where executable files (programs) are kept, and just searches the directories

in that list. If it does not find the program after searching each directory in the list, it will

issue the famous command not found error message.

This list of directories is called your path. You can view the list of directories with

the following command:

[me@linuxbox me]$ echo $PATH

This will return a colon separated list of directories that will be searched if a

specific path name is not given when a command is attempted. In our first attempt to

execute your new script, we specified a pathname ("./") to the file.

You can add directories to your path with the following command, where directory is the

name of the directory you want to add:

[me@linuxbox me]$ export PATH=$PATH:directory

A better way would be to edit your .bash_profile file to include the above

command. That way, it would be done automatically every time you log in.

Most modern Linux distributions encourage a practice in which each user has a specific

directory for the programs he/she personally uses. This directory is called bin and is a

subdirectory of your home directory. If you do not already have one, create it with the

following command:

[me@linuxbox me]$ mkdir bin

Move your script into your new bin directory and you're all set. Now you just have

to type:

[me@linuxbox me]$ my_script

and your script will run.


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Variables in Shell

To process our data/information, data must be kept in computers RAM memory.

RAM memory is divided into small locations, and each location had unique number

called memory location/address, which is used to hold our data. Programmer can give a

unique name to this memory location/address called memory variable or variable (Its a

named storage location that may take different values, but only one at a time).

In Linux (Shell), there are two types of variable:

(1) System variables - Created and maintained by Linux itself. This type of variable


(2) User defined variables (UDV) - Created and maintained by user. This type of

variable defined in lower letters.

You can see system variables by giving command like $ set, some of the

important System variables are:

System Variable Meaning

BASH=/bin/bash Our shell name

BASH_VERSION=1.14.7(1) Our shell version name

COLUMNS=80 No. of columns for our screen

HOME=/home/vivek Our home directory

LINES=25 No. of columns for our screen

LOGNAME=students students Our logging name

OSTYPE=Linux Our Os type

PATH=/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin Our path settings

PS1=[\u@\h \W]\$ Our prompt settings

PWD=/home/students/Common Our current working directory

SHELL=/bin/bash Our shell name


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USERNAME=vivek User name who is currently login to this PC

NOTE that Some of the above settings can be different in your PC/Linux environment.

You can print any of the above variables contains as follows:

$ echo $USERNAME

$ echo $HOME

How to define User defined variables (UDV)

To define UDV use following syntax


variable name=value

'value' is assigned to given 'variable name' and Value must be on right side = sign.


$ no=10# this is ok

$ 10=no# Error, NOT Ok, Value must be on right side of = sign.

To define variable called 'vech' having value Bus

$ vech=Bus

To define variable called n having value 10

$ n=10

Rules for Naming variable name (Both UDV and System Variable)

(1) Variable name must begin with Alphanumeric character or underscore

character (_), followed by one or more Alphanumeric character. For e.g. Valid shell

variable are as follows






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(2) Don't put spaces on either side of the equal sign when assigning value to variable.

For e.g. In following variable declaration there will be no error

$ no=10

But there will be problem for any of the following variable declaration:

$ no =10

$ no= 10

$ no = 10

(3) Variables are case-sensitive, just like filename in Linux. For e.g.

$ no=10

$ No=11

$ NO=20

$ nO=2

Above all are different variable name, so to print value 20 we have to use $ echo $NO

and not any of the following

$ echo $no # will print 10 but not 20

$ echo $No# will print 11 but not 20

$ echo $nO# will print 2 but not 20

(4) You can define NULL variable as follows (NULL variable is variable which has no

value at the time of definition) For e.g.

$ vech=

$ vech=""

Try to print it's value by issuing following command

$ echo $vech

Nothing will be shown because variable has no value i.e. NULL variable.

(5) Do not use ?,* etc, to name your variable names.

How to print or access value of UDV (User defined variables)

To print or access UDV use following syntax




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Define variable vech and n as follows:

$ vech=Bus

$ n=10

To print contains of variable 'vech' type

$ echo $vech

It will print 'Bus',To print contains of variable 'n' type command as follows

$ echo $n

Caution: Do not try $ echo vech, as it will print vech instead its value 'Bus' and $ echo n,

as it will print n instead its value '10', You must use $ followed by variable name.

echo Command

Use echo command to display text or value of variable.

echo [options] [string, variables...]

Displays text or variables value on screen.


-n Do not output the trailing new line.

-e Enable interpretation of the following backslash escaped characters in the strings:

\a alert (bell)

\b backspace

\c suppress trailing new line

\n new line

\r carriage return

\t horizontal tab

\\ backslash

For e.g. $ echo -e "An apple a day keeps away \a\t\tdoctor\n"


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Shell Arithmetic

Use to perform arithmetic operations.


expr op1 math-operator op2


$ expr 1 + 3

$ expr 2 - 1

$ expr 10 / 2

$ expr 20 % 3

$ expr 10 \* 3

$ echo `expr 6 + 3`


expr 20 %3 - Remainder read as 20 mod 3 and remainder is 2.

expr 10 \* 3 - Multiplication use \* and not * since its wild card.

For the last statement not the following points

(1) First, before expr keyword we used ` (back quote) sign not the (single quote i.e. ')

sign. Back quote is generally found on the key under tilde (~) on PC keyboard OR to the

above of TAB key.

(2) Second, expr is also end with ` i.e. back quote.

(3) Here expr 6 + 3 is evaluated to 9, then echo command prints 9 as sum

(4) Here if you use double quote or single quote, it will NOT work

For e.g.

$ echo "expr 6 + 3" # It will print expr 6 + 3

$ echo 'expr 6 + 3' # It will print expr 6 + 3


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The read Statement

Use to get input (data from user) from keyboard and store (data) to variable.


read variable1, variable2,...variableN

Following script first ask user, name and then waits to enter name from the user

via keyboard. Then user enters name from keyboard (after giving name you have to

press ENTER key) and entered name through keyboard is stored (assigned) to variable


$ vi sayH


#Script to read your name from key-board


echo "Your first name please:"

read fname

echo "Hello $fname, Lets be friend!"

Run it as follows:

$ chmod 755 sayH

$ ./sayH

Your first name please: vivek

Hello vivek, Lets be friend!



Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is a protocol used by networked

devices (clients) to obtain various parameters necessary for the clients to operate in an

Internet Protocol (IP) network. By using this protocol, system administration workload

greatly decreases, and devices can be added to the network with minimal or no manual


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configurations. DHCP is also useful for directly assigning addresses to servers and

desktop machines, and, through a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) proxy, for dialup and

broadband on-demand hosts, as well as for residential Network address translation

(NAT) gateways and routers. DHCP is usually not appropriate for infrastructure such as

non-edge routers and DNS servers. The dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)

provides automatic configuration like IP address DNS server, NIS server, gateway etc.

on client machine.


When a DHCP-configured client (be it a computer or any other network aware

device) connects to a network, the DHCP client sends a broadcast query requesting

necessary information from a DHCP server. The DHCP server manages a pool of IP

addresses and information about client configuration parameters such as the default

gateway, the domain name, the DNS servers, other servers such as timeservers, and

so forth. Upon receipt of a valid request the server will assign the computer an IP

address, a lease (the length of time for which the allocation is valid), and other IP

configuration parameters, such as the subnet mask and the default gateway. The query

is typically initiated immediately after booting and must be completed before the client

can initiate IP-based communication with other hosts. It is providing automatic gateway

and IP addresses to the client machines here according to their requests.


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7.4 Screenshots and working of DHCP:

As the above dialog box is showing the 3 menu boxes for configure, add and delete the

dhcp server.

If the user presses “configure” then the dhcp wizard will be opened that will ask

for the configuration information for dhcp as below:


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If the user presses “add” or “delete”, then a dialog box will open that will ask for the mac

address of the client machine as below:


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The SQUID server is use for filtering. Its main job is to allow or deny any host or

destination. It automatically works on port no. 3128. We can also filter the contents of

the packets. Squid has one primary configuration file, squid.conf. This file is generally

located in /etc/squid/, or if you compiled Squid from source, the default location is



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8.1 Access control lists

The primary use of ACLs is to control access, but they can also be used to route

requests through a hierarchy, control request rewriting, and manage quality of service.

Access controls divides into two parts: elements and rules. ACL elements are

things such as IP addresses, port numbers, hostnames, and URL patterns. Each ACL

element has a name, which you refer to when writing the access list rules. The basic

syntax of an ACL element is:

ACLname type value1 value2

Squid has more than 20 ACL types, including types for source and destination IP

addresses, time, URLs, port numbers, and transfer protocols. After defining the ACL

elements, the next step is to combine them with Access list rules. Rules combine

elements to allow or deny certain actions. The syntax for an access control rule is:

access_list allow/deny [!]ACLname

For example, the rule:

http_access allow MyClients


The squid here is working as the transparent proxy server.

In transparent proxy, no work, procedure, or configuration works on the client end;

rather everything is perform on the server side.

In the project, by using IP table’s dnating rules, transparent proxy is use.

We use rule of dnating in the IP tables on every packet for port no. 80 that it

automatically transfer to the proxy server on port no. 3128.


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Rule is-

iptables –t nat –A PREROUTING -p tcp -- dport 80 -j DNAT --to-dest proxy-


Now we add the rules in /etc/squid/squid.conf that is the configuration file of

proxy server; for different host name and IP.

8.3 Screen shots and working:

The following screen shot represents the dialog box where it asks to the user

whether to configure the server or to add a new rule.

If it is pressed “configure” then a new squid server be configured; else if it is chosen to

add a new rule it will be done asked for the host name and IP as shown below:


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When all the entries are being done, then automatically rules are added in

/etc/squid/squid.conf on the top and services are restarted automatically.

When it is preesed OK ,then it is beng asked for adding another rule as below:


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When the user presses OK, then again it asks for entry otherwise it closes the dialog



If a client receives another network’s requests then it passes it to the gateway.

And the gateway works as a router here and forwards the packets in another network.


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9.1 Configure Linux for packet forwarding

First, we need to enable packet forwarding on the kernel level (more on what the

hell this means later). Edit your /etc/sysctl.conf so it contains the following:

# Controls IP packet forwarding

net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

Since most people have dynamic IP's, you will probably also want:

# Enable dynamic-ip address hacking

net.ipv4.ip_dynaddr = 1

For other potentially worthwhile settings, you can check out my whole sysctl.conf file.

Now set the eth01 interface up, which we will manually assign as on

our internal network. This is done by editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 like


DEVICE= eth1



# (put your correct value below)




Packets that are routed through the router are governed by rules in the

FORWARD chain. Connections from and to the router itself are managed by the INPUT

and OUTPUT chains. Rules should be written as if no NAT occurs, using the 'real'


Here if a client wants to connect to the internet, then it requests to the gateway.

The gateway transfers the requests on the proxy server. It filters the packets and again


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transfers it to the gateway; because proxy also has the entry of gateway. The gateway

gives the response to the proxy and proxy sends it to the destination client.



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Iptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet filter rules

in the Linux kernel. Several different tables may be defined. Each table contains a

number of built-in chains and may also contain user-defined chains.

Each chain is a list of rules which can match a set of packets. Each rule specifies what

to do with a packet that matches. This is called a 'target', which may be a jump to a

user-defined chain in the same table.

10.1 Targets

A firewall rule specifies criteria for a packet, and a target. If the packet does not

match, the next rule in the chain is the examined; if it does match, then the next rule is

specified by the value of the target, which can be the name of a user-defined chain or

one of the special values ACCEPT, DROP, QUEUE, or RETURN.

ACCEPT means to let the packet through. DROP means to drop the packet on

the floor. QUEUE means to pass the packet to userspace. (How the packet can be

received by a userspace process differs by the particular queue handler. 2.4.x and 2.6.x

kernels up to 2.6.13 include the ip_queue queue handler. Kernels 2.6.14 and later

additionally include the nfnetlink_queue queue handler. Packets with a target of QUEUE

will be sent to queue number '0' in this case. Please also see the NFQUEUE target as

described later in this man page.) RETURN means stop traversing this chain and

resume at the next rule in the previous (calling) chain. If the end of a built-in chain is

reached or a rule in a built-in chain with target RETURN is matched, the target specified

by the chain policy determines the fate of the packet.

10.2 Tables

There are currently three independent tables (which tables are present at any

time depends on the kernel configuration options and which modules are present).


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-t, --table table

This option specifies the packet matching table which the command should

operate on. If the kernel is configured with automatic module loading, an attempt will be

made to load the appropriate module for that table if it is not already there.

The tables are as follows:

10.2.1 Filter:

This is the default table (if no -t option is passed). It contains the built-in chains

INPUT (for packets destined to local sockets), FORWARD (for packets being routed

through the box), and OUTPUT (for locally-generated packets).

10.2.2 nat:

This table is consulted when a packet that creates a new connection is

encountered. It consists of three built-ins: PREROUTING (for altering packets as soon

as they come in), OUTPUT (for altering locally-generated packets before routing), and

POSTROUTING (for altering packets as they are about to go out).

10.2.3 Mangle:

This table is used for specialized packet alteration. Until kernel 2.4.17 it had two

built-in chains: PREROUTING (for altering incoming packets before routing) and

OUTPUT (for altering locally-generated packets before routing). Since kernel 2.4.18,

three other built-in chains are also supported: INPUT (for packets coming into the box

itself), FORWARD (for altering packets being routed through the box), and

POSTROUTING (for altering packets as they are about to go out).


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10.2.4 Raw:

This table is used mainly for configuring exemptions from connection tracking in

combination with the NOTRACK target. It registers at the netfilter hooks with higher

priority and is thus called before ip_conntrack, or any other IP tables. It provides the

following built-in chains: PREROUTING (for packets arriving via any network interface)

OUTPUT (for packets generated by local processes)


10.3.1 Packet Filtering

Traffic moves through a network in packets. A network packet is collection of

data in a specific size and format. In order to transmit a file over a network, the sending

computer must first break the file into packets using the rules of the network protocol.

Each of these packets holds a small part of the file data. Upon receiving the

transmission, the target computer reassembles the packets into the file.

Every packet contains information which helps it navigate the network and move

toward its destination. The packet can tell computers along the way, as well as the

destination machine, where it came from, where it is going, and what type of packet it is,

among other things. Most packets are designed to carry data, although some protocols

use packets in special ways. For example, the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

uses a SYN packet, which contains no data, to initiate communication between two


The Linux kernel contains the built-in ability to filter packets, allowing some of

them into the system while stopping others. The 2.4 kernel's netfilter has three built-in

tables or rules lists. They are as follows:

Filter — this is the default table for handling network packets.


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Nat — this table used to alter packets that create a new connection.

Mangle — this table is used for specific types of packet alteration.

Each of these tables in turn have a group of built-in chains which correspond to

the actions performed on the packet by the netfilter.

The built-in chains for the filter table are as follows:

INPUT — This chain applies to packets received via a network interface.

OUTPUT — This chain applies to packets sent out via the same network interface which

received the packets.

FORWARD — This chain applies to packets received on one network interface and sent

out on another.

The built-in chains for the nat table are as follows:

PREROUTING — This chain alters packets received via a network interface when they


OUTPUT — This chain alters locally-generated packets before they are routed via a

network interface.

POSTROUTING — This chain alters packets before they are sent out via a network


The built-in chains for the mangle table are as follows:


Page 58: my final year project

PREROUTING — This chain alters packets received via a network interface before they

are routed.

OUTPUT — this chain alters locally-generated packets before they are routed via a

network interface.



dialog --title "" --backtitle "by varun and omveer" --pause "Loading AUTO-IP


sh /grras/wel


dialog --colors --title "DHCP CONFIGURATION" --backtitle "varun n omveer" --form "\Z7

enter valid IP values" 18 40 10 "Subnet" 1 4 "" 1 12 20 16 "Netmask" 3 4

"" 3 12 20 16 "Range_start" 5 4 "" 5 16 16 16 "Range_end" 7

4 "" 7 16 16 16 "Gateway" 9 4 "" 9 16 16 16 2> /tmp/dhcp$


subnet=`head -1 /tmp/dhcp$$`

netmask=`head -2 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

s_range=`head -3 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

e_range=`head -4 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

g_way=`head -5 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

case $tmp in


echo "ddns-update-style interim;

ignore client-updates;

subnet $subnet netmask $netmask {


Page 59: my final year project

# --- default gateway

option routers $g_way;

option subnet-mask $netmask;

# option nis-domain "";

# option domain-name "";

# option domain-name-servers;

option time-offset -18000; # Eastern Standard Time

# option ntp-servers;

# option netbios-name-servers;

# --- Selects point-to-point node (default is hybrid). Don't change this unless

# -- you understand Netbios very well

# option netbios-node-type 2;

range dynamic-bootp $s_range $e_range;

default-lease-time 21600;

max-lease-time 43200;

# we want the nameserver to appear at a fixed address

}" > /etc/dhcpd.conf


if [ $ser = "0" ]


service dhcpd restart

chkconfig dhcpd on

sh /grras/menu;


dialog --pause "Error Occured TRY AGAIN" 20 20 3

sh /grras/menu;



Page 60: my final year project



sh /grras/dhcpmenu






dialog --colors --title "DHCP EDIT" --backtitle "varun n omveer" --form "\Z7 enter valid IP

values" 18 40 10 "Subnet" 1 4 "" 1 12 20 16 "Netmask" 3 4 ""

3 12 20 16 "Range_start" 5 4 "" 5 16 16 16 "Range_end" 7 4

"" 7 16 16 16 "Gateway" 9 4 "" 9 16 16 16 2> /tmp/dhcp$$


subnet=`head -1 /tmp/dhcp$$`

netmask=`head -2 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

s_range=`head -3 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

e_range=`head -4 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

g_way=`head -5 /tmp/dhcp$$ | tail -1`

case $tmp in


echo "ddns-update-style interim;

ignore client-updates;

subnet $subnet netmask $netmask {

# --- default gateway

option routers $g_way;

option subnet-mask $netmask;

# option nis-domain "";


Page 61: my final year project

# option domain-name "";

# option domain-name-servers;

option time-offset -18000; # Eastern Standard Time

# option ntp-servers;

# option netbios-name-servers;

# --- Selects point-to-point node (default is hybrid). Don't change this unless

# -- you understand Netbios very well

# option netbios-node-type 2;

range dynamic-bootp $s_range $e_range;

default-lease-time 21600;

max-lease-time 43200;

# we want the nameserver to appear at a fixed address

}" > /etc/dhcpd.conf


if [ $ser = "0" ]


service dhcpd restart

chkconfig dhcpd on

sh /grras/menu


dialog --pause "Error Occured TRY AGAIN" 20 20 3




sh /grras/dhcpmenu




echo "error $?"



Page 62: my final year project



dialog --colors --title "DHCP" --backtitle "\Z7Do you want to make new configuration or

edit old configuration" --menu "select" 10 50 5 CONFIGURE "make new dhcp setting"

EDIT "edit old dhcp setting" 2> /tmp/dhcpmenu$$.tmp


opt=`cat /tmp/dhcpmenu$$.tmp`

case $tmp in


if [ "$opt" = "CONFIGURE" ]


sh /grras/dhcpconf;

elif [ "$opt" = "EDIT" ]


sh /grras/dhcpedit;




sh /grras/menu;



rm /tmp/dhcpmenu$$.tmp

rpm -ivh ./dhcp-3.0.5-7.el5.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh ./squid-2.6.STABLE6-4.el5.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh ./dialog-1.0.20051107-1.2.2.i386.rpm62

Page 63: my final year project

rm -rf /grras

mkdir /grras

cp -rf ./* /grras

echo "PATH=$PATH:/grras" >> /root/.bashrc

echo "please re login"


cat /var/log/squid/access.log


dialog --colors --title "SERVICES" --backtitle "\Z7 select a service you want to configure"

--menu "Service List" 20 50 10 DHCP "configure and edit dhcp" PROXY "allow and

deny websites" MANAGE_USER "add or remove users" ROUTER "configure router"

LOGS "view logs" 2> /tmp/menu$$.tmp


opt=`cat /tmp/menu$$.tmp`

case $run in


if [ "$opt" = "DHCP" ]


sh /grras/dhcpmenu;

elif [ "$opt" = "PROXY" ]


sh /grras/proxymenu;

elif [ "$opt" = "ROUTER" ]


sh /grras/routermenu;

elif [ "$opt" = "MANAGE_USER" ]


Page 64: my final year project

sh /grras/usermenu;

elif [ "$opt" = "LOGS" ]


sh logs;





echo "





rm -rf /tmp/menu$$.tmp


dialog --passwordbox "enter password" 10 30 2> /tmp/pas$$.tmp


var=`cat /tmp/pas$$.tmp`

case $tmp in


if [ "$var" = "redhat" ]


sh /grras/menu


dialog --pause "ACCESS DENIED" 10 50 1


Page 65: my final year project

sh /grras/passwrd








iptables -D INPUT -m mac --mac 88:88 -j ACCEPT; service iptable save; chconfig

iptables on


dialog --colors --title "\Z1ADD PROXY" --backtitle "\Z7enter a valid site name or ip" --

inputbox "Enter the sites name or IP address" 10 110 2> /tmp/file$$.tmp


head=`cat /grras/count`

head -2520 /etc/squid/squid.conf > /tmp/head$$.tmp

tail -$head /etc/squid/squid.conf> /tmp/tail$$.tmp

let hi=$head+2

var=`cat /tmp/file$$.tmp`

echo $hi > /grras/count

case $tmp in


cat /tmp/head$$.tmp > /etc/squid/squid.conf

echo "acl grras$$ dst $var

http_access allow grras$$" >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

cat /tmp/tail$$.tmp >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

service squid restart &> /dev/null


Page 66: my final year project

sh /grras/proxymenu



sh proxymenu







cp -rf /grras/squid /etc/squid/squid.conf

chkconfig squid on

service squid restart &> /dev/null


if [ "$ser" = "0" ]


dialog --pause "PROXY CONFIGURED,THANKYOU" 10 30 2

echo "1805" > /grras/count;

sh /grras/proxymenu


dialog --pause "Sorry, Again configure" 10 30 2

sh /grras/proxymenu



dialog --colors --title "\Z1PROXY" --backtitle "varun n omveer" --menu "To add/remove

sites" 20 40 5 CONF "to configure proxy" ADD "add site to proxy" REMOVE "remove

site from proxy" 2> /tmp/pxm$$.tmp


Page 67: my final year project


opt=`cat /tmp/pxm$$.tmp`

case $tmp in


if [ "$opt" = "ADD" ]


sh /grras/proxyadd;

elif [ "$opt" = "REMOVE" ]


sh /grras/proxyremove;

elif [ "$opt" = "CONF" ]


sh /grras/proxyconf;




sh /grras/menu;




dialog --colors --title "\Z1ADD PROXY" --backtitle "\Z7enter a valid site name or ip" --

inputbox "Enter the sites name or IP address" 10 110 2> /tmp/file$$.tmp


head=`cat /grras/count`

head -2520 /etc/squid/squid.conf > /tmp/head$$.tmp

tail -$head /etc/squid/squid.conf> /tmp/tail$$.tmp

let hi=$head+2

var=`cat /tmp/file$$.tmp`

echo $hi > /grras/count

case $tmp in


Page 68: my final year project


cat /tmp/head$$.tmp > /etc/squid/squid.conf

echo "acl grras$$ dst $var

http_access deny grras$$" >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

cat /tmp/tail$$.tmp >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

service squid restart &> /dev/null

sh /grras/proxymenu



sh proxymenu







dialog --colors --title "ROUTER SETTING" --backtitle "VARUN" --menu "" 30 50 10

ROUTE "route IP packets to proxy" TRANSPARENT "enable transparent proxy" 2>


opt=`cat /tmp/r$$.tmp`


cp -f sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.conf

sysctl -p

case $tmp in


if [ "$opt" = "ROUTE" ]


dialog --title "ENTER YOUR IP" --backtitle "varun n omveer" --inputbox "" 30 50 2>




Page 69: my final year project

ip=`cat /tmp/ip$$.tmp`

ifconfig eth0 $ip

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-dest $ip:3128

service iptable save

chkconfig iptables on

sh /grras/routermenu;


sh /grras/transmenu;




sh /grras/menu



rm /tmp/r$$.tmp

rm /tmp/ip$$.tmp


head -72 /etc/squid/squid.conf > /tmp/sq$$

let rajat=`wc -l /etc/squid/squid.conf | cut --delimiter=" " -f1`-73

tail -$rajat /etc/squid/squid.conf > /tmp/sqd$$

cat /tmp/sq$$ > /etc/squid/squid.conf

echo "http_port 3128" >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

cat /tmp/sqd$$ >> /etc/squid/squid.conf


head -72 /etc/squid/squid.conf > /tmp/sq$$

let rajat=`wc -l /etc/squid/squid.conf | cut --delimiter=" " -f1`-73

tail -$rajat /etc/squid/squid.conf > /tmp/sqd$$69

Page 70: my final year project

cat /tmp/sq$$ > /etc/squid/squid.conf

echo "http_port 3128 transparent" >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

cat /tmp/sqd$$ >> /etc/squid/squid.conf

service squid restart


dialog --title "TRANSPARENT" --backtitle "varun n omi" --menu "Select" 20 70 10 ON

"to on proxy for clients (remotely)" OFF "to off proxy for client" 2> /tmp/trans$$


opt=`cat /tmp/trans$$`

case $tmp in


if [ "$opt" = "ON" ]


sh /grras/tranon

dialog --pause "TRANSPARENCY IS ON" 20 20 1

sh /grras/transmenu;


sh /grras/tranoff

dialog --pause "TRANSPARENCY IS OFF" 20 20 1

sh /grras/transmenu;




sh /grras/menu;




Page 71: my final year project


dialog --title "ADD USER" --backtitle "varun omveer" --form "user information" 20 50 5

"mac_add" 1 4 "" 1 12 30 30 2> /tmp/add$$


opt=`cat /tmp/add$$`


case $tmp in


iptables -I INPUT -m mac --mac $mac -j ACCEPT


if [ "$error" != "0" ]


dialog --pause " SORRY PLEASE ENTER RIGHT MAC ADDRESS" 10 60 3

sh /grras/useradd


service iptable save

chconfig iptables on

dialog --colors --no-shadow --title "\Z1PLANS" --backtitle "\Z2SECURE INTERNET" --

radiolist "PERIODS" 10 110 5 1month "for one month" "" 2month "for two months" ""

3month "for three months" "" 4month "for four months" "" 6month " for six months" ""

1year "for one year" "" 2> /tmp/file$$.tmp

var=`cat /tmp/file$$.tmp`

echo "iptables -D INPUT -m mac --mac $mac -j ACCEPT; service iptable save; chconfig

iptables on" > plan

at now+$var < plan

sh /grras/useradd



sh /grras/menu



Page 72: my final year project






dialog --title "MANAGE USERS" --backtitle "varun" --menu "Add or Remove a USER" 20

30 10 ADD "add a user" REMOVE "remove a user" 2> /tmp/user$$.tmp


opt=`cat /tmp/user$$.tmp`

case $tmp in


if [ "$opt" = "ADD" ]


sh /grras/useradd;

elif [ "$opt" = "REMOVE" ]


sh /grras/userrem;




sh /grras/menu;



rm /tmp/user$$.tmp



Page 73: my final year project

dialog --title " REMOVE USER" --backtitle "varun omveer" --form "user information" 20

50 5 "mac_add" 1 4 "" 1 12 30 30 2> /tmp/add$$


opt=`cat /tmp/add$$`


case $tmp in


iptables -D INPUT -m mac --mac $mac -j ACCEPT


if [ "$error" != "0" ]


dialog --pause " SORRY PLEASE ENTER RIGHT MAC ADDRESS" 10 60 3

sh /grras/useradd


service iptable save

chconfig iptables on



sh /grras/menu







dialog --colors --title "\Z2 AUTO IP CONFIGURATOR" --backtitle "\Z7

WELCOME" --yesno "\Z5 Configure network" 10 100


case $tmp in


sh /grras/passwrd


Page 74: my final year project



dialog --pause " THANK YOU

....logging out TUI" 10 60 3





Page 75: my final year project


The conclusion can be made like this, the project “AUTO-IP MANAGER”

is useful on the administrator end .The project automatic configures the whole

procedure of assigning and implementation according to the requirement of users.

The project is using the dialog box utilities that makes it quite user friendly and

easy to configure. Moreover the project plays a role of a highly secure mechanism in the

IP configuration and accessing the web, manually.

All the processes will be made on the server side thus the administrator has to do

fewer efforts and the clients are having a much easier approach to gain the IP address

automatically and connect to the internet.

Thus this project, due to its easy and secure approach, can be used in any of the

lab. And live condition according to the load of work and requirements.


Page 76: my final year project



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Page 77: my final year project