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Page 1: Muskogee Public Schools Curriculum Map 2009-2010 · Muskogee Public Schools Curriculum Map . 2009-2010 . ... (mean, median, mode, and range) ... -Graphic Organizer for note taking

Muskogee Public Schools Curriculum Map

2009-2010 Course: Mathematics

Grade Level: 8th Grade Nine-Weeks

Content Area and PASS Muskogee Academic Standards

Academic Skills Expected Strategies, Vocabulary & Assessment

1st Nine Weeks

Standard 1: Algebraic Reasoning *1.1a - Model, write and solve multi-step linear equations with one variable using a variety of methods to solve application problems. *1.2a - Inequalities: Model, write, solve, and graph one- and two- step linear inequalities with one variable. *1.1d - Apply appropriate formulas to solve problems (e.g., d=rt, I=prt). Standard 2: Number Sense 2.2c - Simplify numerical expressions with rational numbers, exponents and parenthesis using order of operations.

1.1a - Multi-step linear equations -Demonstrate knowledge of using inverse operations to solve an equation -Demonstrate knowledge of writing and solving a one and two step linear equation with one variable. -solve multi-step linear equations in one variable with the variable on one and two sides of the equation. -Write an equation from a word problem -Demonstrate knowledge of operations with real numbers (add, subtract, multiply and divide) -Demonstrate knowledge of distributive property and its use. -Be able to combine like terms 1.2a - Inequalities -Demonstrate knowledge of simple inequality signs (<, >, =, <, >,) -Demonstrate knowledge of graphing one variable on a number line -Demonstrate knowledge of a closed or open circle on a number line -Demonstrate knowledge of solving and writing one- and two-step inequalities 1.1d – Formulas to solve problems -Demonstrate how to substitute into a formula and solve

-Review comparing and ordering integers Strategies

-Review Integer Operations -Review Solving Integer problems -Word wall -Academic Vocabulary notebook -I have who has games -Exit passes -Graphic organizers for note taking -Hands on equations

Linear Equation Vocabulary

Inverse Operations Variable Rational Number Linear Inequality Greater than Less than Greater than or equal to Less than or equal to Rational number Exponent Order of Operations Distributive properties Coefficient terms like terms Constant

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*Items Covered on the ACT

-Demonstrate choosing correct formula to solve problems 2.2c - Order of Operations -Determine the correct order of operations to use to evaluate a numerical expression -Demonstrate knowledge of solving with an exponent -Use mental mathematics to apply the order of operations -Simplify expressions using the order of operations and properties of operations with real numbers

Distance Formula

Teacher made tests Assessment

Chapter Tests games Pre-test Post-test


Content Area and PASS Muskogee Academic Standards

Academic Skills Expected Strategies, Vocabulary & Assessment

2nd Nine Weeks

Standard 2: Number Sense 2.2 a - Use the rules of exponents, to solve problems. 2.2b – Solve problems using scientific notation 2.1 - Number Sense: Represent and interpret large numbers and numbers less than one in exponential and scientific notation. Standard 3: Geometry 3.1 - construct models, sketch, and classify solid figures such as rectangular solids, prisms, cones, cylinders, pyramids, and combined forms. *3.2 - Develop the Pythagorean Theorem and apply the formula to find the length of line segments, the shortest distance between two points on a graph, and the length of an unknown side of a right triangle.

2.2a – Rules of Exponents -Demonstrate knowledge of solving exponents -Be able to recognize addition when multiplying numbers with a power, subtract when dividing numbers with a power, multiply when raising a power to a power. 2.2b – Scientific Notation -Demonstrate and apply conversion between scientific notation and standard notation and vice versa -Perform operations with scientific notation 2.1 – Exponential and Scientific Notation -Be able to read and write decimal numbers and compare them to fractions and percents -Demonstrate knowledge of place value with decimals

-Review Decimals, fractions, and percents and interchanging them


-Draw that figure -Review how to find the square root -Verify the Pythagorean Theorem by drawing a right triangle whose legs have a whole number measure and constructing a square on each side of the right triangle, finding the area of each square and comparing the area of the square with the hypotenuse to the sum of the areas of the squares on the two legs.

Exponential Notation Vocabulary

Scientific Notation Standard Notation Pythagorean Theorem Hypotenuse Legs of a triangle Ratio

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Standard 4: Measurement *4.2 - Apply knowledge of ratio and proportions to solve relationships between similar geometric figures. *Items covered on the ACT

-Demonstrate knowledge of writing numbers in standard, exponential, and scientific notation. -Recognize and represent rational numbers expressed in scientific notation, using both positive and negative exponents 3.1 – Classifying Solids -Be able to recognize and recreate solid figures -Have knowledge of the number of bases, sides, and edges of a solid figure. -Be able to construct three-dimensional models when given the top, side, and bottom views 3.2 – Pythagorean Theorem -Be able to recognize a right triangle and the names of all three sides (legs and hypotenuse) -Be able to solve real-life problems involving right triangles by using the Pythagorean Theorem -Be able to figure out the shortest distant using the Pythagorean theorem -Verify the Pythagorean Theorem using diagrams, concrete materials, and measurement -Be able to find the measure of a side of a right triangle when given the measures of the other two sides. 4.2 – Ratio, Proportions and Similar Figures -Demonstrate knowledge of the dilation of geometric figure -Be able to recognize similar sides of two figures

Proportions Cross Multiplication Adjacent Angles Solids (prisms, cones, cylinders, pyramids) Square root

Teacher made test Assessments

Projects Chapter Test Games

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-Be able to write a ratio -Be able to work out a proportion using different methods (Cross Multiplication)

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Content Area and PASS Muskogee Academic Standards

Academic Skills Expected Strategies, Vocabulary & Assessment

3rd Nine Weeks

Standard 1: Algebraic Reasoning: 1.1b - Graph and interpret the solution to one- and two-step linear equations on a number line with one variable and on a coordinate plane with two variables. *1.1c Predict the effect on the graph of a linear equation when the slope or y-intercept changes (e.g., make predictions from graphs, identify the slope or y-intercept in the equation y = mx + b and relate to a graph). 1.1d -Apply appropriate formulas to solve problems (e.g., d=rt, I=prt). Standard 4: Measurement – 4.1 -Develop and apply formulas to find

the surface area and volume of rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, and cylinders (in terms of pi).

4.2 Apply knowledge of ratio and proportion to solve relationships between similar geometric figures.

4.3 Find the area of a “region of a region” for simple composite figures and the area of cross sections of regular geometric solids (e.g., area of a rectangular picture frame).

Standard 5: Data Analysis and Statistics *5.3 - Central Tendency: Find the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, and range) of a set of data and understand why a specific measure provides the most useful information in a

1.1b – Graphing Linear Equations -Demonstrate how to graph a linear equation with two variables -Graph points on a coordinate plane -Construct a table of ordered pairs by substituting values for x in a linear equation to find values for y -Plot in the coordinate plane ordered pairs (x,y) from a table -Connect Ordered pairs to form a straight line 1.1c – Changes in slope or y-intercept -Draw the slope of a line -Determine the graph if the slope is changed -Be able to determine the domain and range of a set of data 1.1d – Applying Formulas to solve problems -Substitute numbers for variables in an algebraic expression -Demonstrate knowledge of formulas and their use in problem solving -Knowledge of what each piece of the formula represents 4.1 – Surface Area and Volume of Prisms -Demonstrate knowledge of area, surface area and volume formulas -Demonstrate knowledge of length, width and height of a geometric figure Compute the surface area of a pyramid by finding the sum of the areas of the triangular faces and the base

Strategies -Graphic Organizer for note taking -Vocabulary notebook -Use of formula sheet Vocabulary surface area formula lateral area Volume Area Perimeter Proportions Dilated figures Domain Range Slope-intercept form Standard Form Slope x-intercept y-intercept Scatter plot Assessment Pi day Chapter Tests Daily Quizzes Group Projects Participation Points Origami

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given context. *5.1 - Data Analysis: Select, analyze and apply data displays in appropriate formats to draw conclusions and solve problems. *Items covered on the ACT

-Compute the surface area of a cone by calculating the sum of the areas of the side and the base using formulas. -Find the volume and surface area of cones and pyramids using concrete materials and practical situations -Compute the volume and surface area of rectangular solids (prisms), cylinders, cones, and square pyramids using formulas. -Investigate and solve problems involving volume and surface area of rectangular solids (prisms), cylinders, cones, and pyramids. 4.2 – Ratio, Proportion, Similar Figures -Demonstrate knowledge of working out proportions -Demonstrate knowledge of dilated figures 4.3 – Area of “A region of a region” -Demonstrate knowledge of formulas -Demonstrate knowledge of cutting a figure into recognizable shapes -Be able to measure 5.3 – Measures of Central Tendency -Be able to calculate all measures of central tendency -Be able to apply the measures of central tendency to a set of data or graph 5.1 – Data Analysis -Interpret data using a graph -Make comparisons, predictions, and inferences when given data sets displayed in frequency distributions; box-and-whisker plots; line, bar, circle,

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and picture graphs; histograms; stem-and -leaf plots; scatter plots Use data and graphs to solve problems


Content Area and PASS Muskogee Academic Standards

Academic Skills Expected Strategies, Vocabulary & Assessment

- 5.2 - Probability: Determine how samples are chosen (random, limited, biased) to draw and support conclusions about generalizing a sample to a population (e.g., is the average height of a men's college basketball team a good representative sample for height predictions?) Work on Algebra 1 topics to help prepare students for next year! (See State website for PASS skills) *Items covered on the ACT

5.2 - Probability -Analyze a problem situations and determine the likelihood of an event occurring using knowledge of probability -Predict the outcome of an event by analyzing its probability -Make predictions about the outcomes of games of chance, board games, and grading scales by using knowledge of probability

Strategies -Games Vocabulary Probability Theoretical Probability Odds Odds against Odds for Experimental Probability Assessments Chapter Tests Teacher made tests projects