music for meditation (1985)

8/20/2019 Music for Meditation (1985) 1/6 z u ii.ixu ii i i i i iiix ij cnini IB  MUSIC FOR MEDITATION Cecil A. Poole H MJ-158 385 wm ww m< wwv u m< wwm « wwm« irw m i ia <  tm wwwv tm m i m i vx wu m« mt 1

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z u ii.ixu ii i i i i iii x ij cn ini



Cecil A. Poole


MJ-158 385

wm ww m< ww v u m< wwm« ww m« irw m i ia < tm ww wv tm m i m i vx wu m« mt 1

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By Cecil A. Poole

The use of music as a background for various activities goes back 

to the beginning of the development of music. In our Temples it is 

customary to have selections of music played during certain parts of 

the ritual and for meditation periods that may be observed in connection 

 with a Convocation. This use of music is also frequently employed by

individual members in their own meditation and concentration. It is 

therefore not unusual for us to receive requests concerning suitable 

types or selections of music that are most appropriate for meditation  

and during Temple Convocations.

The history of music is closely related to the development of 

various practices in any ritualistic type of activity. We find in the 

earliest civilizations that the development of music took place simul

taneously with the development of activities that were associated with 

religion and with other serious or more solemn practices of individuals 

in any type of observance that may have been a part of their social 

structure. Music is used not only in connection with religions and  

rituals, but it is also consistently used in festivals and in other  

types of observances that are primarily for entertainment and enjoyment.

The history of music further shows that its progress is closely 

related to the emotional life of the individual. That its effects were sensed more keenly by those who reached higher degrees of development, 

insofar as civilization is concerned, is indicated by the simultaneous 

development of music in most cases with the advancement of civilization. 

 As an example, we find that in ancient Egypt a great deal of time and  

consideration was given to the study, the practice, and the execution 

of music. A number of very fine musical instruments were evolved and  

developed. Some of them became unique in history and were used par

ticularly in connection with observances in the temples of the various  

sections of Egypt where religious practices and various types of ob

servances were held.

It is common knowledge that much of the music of the Western World  had an impetus for its development in connection with the early history 

of the Christian church. In that way religion has contributed to the 

development of the heritage of music which is ours today. During the 

 past few centuries, many of the great musical compositions were related  

directly to church activities. The composition, direction, and presen

tation of music in the cathedrals and churches provided many composers 

 with their only means of livelihood.

In considering music for meditation and temple use, it is also of 

interest to consider briefly just what music is. Music may be thought

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of as sound created by various instruments, which combine rather simple 

 principles. Most musical notes with which we are familiar today are 

 produced by two objects coming together and producing a noise, or by a 

forcing of air through a tube or some type of hollow structure, or by 

an object coming in contact with a tight string or wire which produces a certain vibration.

 Music, however, is more than sound alone. Music is related sound, 

that is, certain sounds put together in a manner that is connected. In 

that sense, music can be compared with language: the notes are the letters 

the phrases or measures of the musical score the words; the themes are 

the sentences. Letters and words by themselves carry little meaning, 

 but they can be combined into sentences, and sentences into paragraphs 

 which produce continuity of thought and express definite ideas. In 

other words, they say something. And so it is that the sounds or notes 

that compose music can be put together into phrases and themes and  

arranged in such order that they produce, in connection with a rhythm, 

a timing, and a melody, certain things which can be understood as a 

 whole. Again, these notes tell us something and the theme is readily 


 Music, as explained to us in our monographs, is a universal 

language. We can understand it to a certain degree without knowing the 

language of the composer who wrote it. It can be understood in the 

light of our interpretation of the effect that the sound makes upon 

our consciousness. That music affects us in various ways can be proved  

 by a selection that is solemn, or one that has the rhythm of a march, 

or music of a faster tempo usually associated with dancing or other 

types of festivity.

In addition to the close relationship of the development of music 

 with religion, music has also been associated with many forms of 

ritual and drama. The highest form of music insofar as drama is 

concerned is, of course, the opera. Here the theme or idea that the 

author attempts to tell is put into a musical setting and written to 

 be performed as both drama and music. In ritual, music usually forms 

the background or the means of setting the mood for the ritual that is 

to be performed. We almost immediately associate a great cathedral 

 with a solemn, processional type of music. We associate a place of 

amusement with music that is light and gay. In ritual such as our own 

nonreligious Rosicrucian ritual, certain phases of musical composition 

are conveyed to the participant's consciousness. These create an attitude of calmness, also an attitude which contributes toward the 

 best possible understanding of the ritualistic presentation, and will 

set the stage for what is more important to be accomplished by the 

ritual itself.

To understand more completely the use of music as related to medi

tation, it is important that we thoroughly understand meditation itself. 

The subjects of meditation and concentration are so important that 

they are among the first ones introduced in the earliest monographs of

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the Rosicrucian teachings. We might say that the processes of medi

tation and concentration are the fundamental disciplines of the mind.

It is through the channel of concentration and meditation that we are 

able to use our mental faculties to gain wisdom, experience, and over

all psychic development. These are the channels by which we admit 

into consciousness that which is essential for us to learn, if we 

are to gain anything from the experience of life. By concentration 

and meditation we develop the ability to bring consciousness and creative 

 mental power to play upon the function of living and the using of our 

 mental faculties creatively.

Upon examining the mechanics of meditation and concentration, we 

 will realize that they are different. Concentration, we might say, is 

an active mental process whereas meditation is a passive mental process. 

In other words, when we concentrate we try to bring all the mental 

creative ability within us to bear upon a certain thing, such as a 

 problem or something that we are attempting to learn. Concentration is 

the funnel, we might say, through which our mental faculties are brought 

to bear upon the situation to which we wish to give our attention with 

the hope of reaching a solution.

 Meditation, on the other hand, is a more or less passive procedure 

 by which we attempt to absorb those impressions that may come into 

consciousness and sort out those that may have value to us. It is a 

 period of reflection, of preparation wherein we attempt to rest physi

cally and assemble our mental attributes so they can be used in more 

active mental processes.

 We can comprehend consciousness in a visual way. This can best be 

done by selecting a symbol to represent consciousness, and the most 

 perfect symbol for that representation is the circle. The circle is 

complete and inclusive, as is consciousness, at any particular time.

Our consciousness at any moment consists of the things which we are 

 perceiving and the memories that are passing through our mind. In 

other words, consciousness is at any one time a composite of many 

impressions that are flashing through our mind just as if we were 

viewing a scene through a window.

 Whatever may be our behavior at any moment is the reflection of our 

conscious state. We may be thinking of work that is immediately at hand, 

or of problems waiting to be solved that seem difficult at the moment. We may be having certain physical sensations which may be pleasant or 

unpleasant. We may be thinking of an engagement we have to keep tonight 

or tomorrow, or of an event that may have occurred yesterday and brought 

us happiness or sorrow. All these impressions are constantly pushing 

themselves into the state of our present consciousness or awareness.

 We are taught, in connection with the study of concentration and  

 meditation, the importance of ridding our consciousness of all this 

 miscellany of impressions in order to succeed in concentrating our mind  

upon any one thing and really directing our attention to it thoroughly

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Rosicrueian Order - AMORC 


(Supplementary Lecture)

and completely. To thus completely dismiss from consciousness every 

impression except one is a most difficult proeess to learn. Concen- 

trating on one thing requires practicing a technique over a long period  

of time. The circle of consciousness, that is, the state of awareness 

 which is composed of our sensations and thinking of the moment, is so completely our prívate life, our personal situation at any moment, that 

it is difficult to sort out or to throw any part away, or to push out 

of our mind the many impressions surging through consciousness. Even 

though we may direct our attention exclusively to a problem that may 

 be confronting us, we are nevertheless constantly pushing back into the 

unconscious or subconscious area of our being those things which we do 

not wish to have intrude and bother us at a particular moment.

The circle of consciousness, then, is something which we have to 

learn to control if we are to concéntrate successfully, or if we are to 

 be able to free our minds for the benefit of inspirational meditation.

In concentration the attention is directed toward one fixed thing which  becomes the point in the center of the circle.

 Music becomes a valuable aid in concentration when it filis our 

circle of consciousness. In meditation or in concentration the back- 

ground of music attempts to occupy a certain amount of our attention, 

at least enough of it that certain extraneous thoughts— certain ideas 

that are cluttering our mind at a particular time— can be forced into 

the background and the music allowed to take their place. Music 

 becomes to a degree the content of consciousness, but we need not 

direct our whole attention to it. It can be heard in the background  

and at the same time be enjoyed, if it is music of a type that tends 

to inspire and to make us calm and relaxed. It is under those circum- 

stances that we are in the best position either to enjoy relaxed medi

tation or to bring definitely before consciousness a specific problem  

and direct our whole attention upon it.

In other words, music becomes a filler for our circle of conscious

ness; it becomes a background which tends to shut out those impressions 

that might otherwise interfere with the puré function of meditation and  

concentration. The selection of music for that purpose cannot be 

definitely regulated by any absolute criterion. There are only certain 

general principies. Obviously, highly exciting music as used in the 

 most exaggerated form of the dance, or martial music that is used for a 

 military band, is not going to be the type of sound that will captivate 

our consciousness to make it calm and at ease. Background music, that 

is, music which is built of simple melodies or simple themes and which 

is quieting to the consciousness, is the most effective type. This 

does not mean that all music for meditation must be extremely soft in 

volume, but it means that the ideal music for meditation runs more or 

less evenly. Certain themes and variations, such as the fugue and  

other similar structures in music, are those which are ideal.

It is sometimes best not to consistently use music of which we 

are overly fond or with which we are too familiar. Music with which

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Rosicrucian Order - AMORC 


(Supplementary Lecture)

 we are familiar and the words that accompany it, if used too often, 

 may distract our attention from the purpose of meditation and concen

tration. Purthermore, music of which we become very fond may attract our attention to itself or the intricacies of its performance. It is 

therefore best to select neutral music as often as possible. Various 

compositions can be tried.

In the Rosicrucian Supreme Temple an attempt is made to select 

 music that is appropriate to various parts of the ritual. No final 

solution has been reached concerning the exact music that should  

always be used at any particular time. This is clearly indicated by 

the fact that we are constantly looking for new music, and adding 

selections of different types and moods for this use. This music is 

selected with the intention of contributing to the sense of purpose in 

the Temple Convocations, and to build up, to the best of our ability, a situation and an environment suitable for the work and worship which 

is the purpose of the Rosicrucian Temple.