mumbai dabbawala

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Post on 07-Jul-2015




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INTRODUCTION INCEPTION started in 1890 TYPE OF ORGANISATION - charitable trust ,registered in 1954 AVG LITERACY RATE 8th grade schooling TOTAL AREA COVERAGE 60 kms of mumbai MEMBER STRENGTH - 5000 NO. OF TIFFIN PROCESSED 2,00,000 tiffin boxes daily AVG TIME TAKEN from pickup to delivery - 3hrs

CODE OF CONDUCT No alcohol consumption during business hours Wearing White cap is compulsory during business hours Nonperformers were strictly warned and given one or two chances

PERFORMANCE STATISTICSDABBAWALA Six sigma performance Cost of service Rs 200 300/ month Standard price for all No Strike Record because of the Profit sharing model Earning per member Rs 7000 appox. ISO 2000 certified

SWOT ANALYSISSTRENGHTHS 100% achievement in -Teamwork , discipline , honesty -Time management -Customer satisfaction -Low operational cost -Service delivery of six sigma standard -Service commitment -Low attrition rate -Delivery model through color coding -Just in time approach

SWOT ANALYSIS 0% DEPENDENCE UPON -Fuel in last mile service delivery-Technology related to process complexities -Investment -Documentation

SWOT ANALYSISWEAKNESS Highly dependent upon Mumbai local train service Limited access to education, limits diversification of members Caste- based Low funds for the association

SWOT ANALYSISOPPPORTUNITY Tie up with caterers to serve variety of meals , i.e. diet food, chinese, food for fasting Opportunity of expansion of service on the routes of mumbai metro Generating revenue by promotion of other brands Diversification by offering miscellaneous service like courier,rail,bus .ticketing etc Expanding networks in other cities


SWOT ANALYSISTHREATS Threats from fast food joints & small restaurants Flexi-timing /work from home culture Food courts at malls/mega structures Catering services offerings tiffin services Paper food vouchers and Smart cards i.e. Food Plus by HDFC

SUPPLY SYSTEM OF DABBAWALAExecutive Committee (5 members)

Teams of 20 25 members headed by group leader

Indiividual dabbawala carry and deliver 30 35 tiffins and bring it back


Vice President

General Secretary

13 members





MANAGEMENT TIPS FROM DABBAWALA1)Keep operational cost low Use ,bicycle , handcrafts ,local train low cost No big office to maintain No I-T budgets and miscellaneous cost No AD targets and no miscellaneous cost Very nominal monthly service cost Rs200

MANAGEMENT TIPS FROM DABBAWALAS2)Keep capital investment bare minimum Hard work ,honesty, time management are the only investment Low cost offices Cheap handcrafts Cycles- easy to maintain Use of public space for sorting

MANAGEMENT TIPS FROM DABAWALAS3) Serve your customer best Deliver customer on time even during heavy rains Always on time even without using watches Dont try to impress or bother customer with unsolicited offers

MANAGEMENT TIPS FROM DABBAWALAS4)Never deviate from core competency Only business to deliver home made foods to clients Efforts to sell other products through dabbawala system fails Be masters of one trade rather than jack of all ss Develop products and services around core competency , if required.

MANAGEMENT TIPS FROM DABBAWALAS5) Commitment matters qualification doesn t! 85% dabbawalas are illiterate Max. level of literacy 8 th standard Still able to offer world class service , as they are committed to offer food to customer on time if commitment is their ,qualification can be built

MANAGEMENT TIPS FROM DABBAWALAS6)Other managerial tips Discipline is the main reason for their success Rules are meant to be followed , not broken Most the employees have experienced of more then 30 years Dabbawalas fully understand the customer needs, thus customers trust them Use reliable ,fast ,efficient and heap local train service

ACHIEVEMENTS World record in Best Time Management Name in Guiness Book of World Record Registered with Ripleys believe it or not Six sigma rating by Forbes

VIP VISITS England Prince Charles met dabbawala on 4 nov ,2003 Was told to come to church gate station to meet dabbawala, so that the delivery of dabbas to clients is not affected He took keen interest in their way of functioning expressed surprise at their efficiency Letter from Prince Charles for sending fondest thought and heartfelt wishes to all dabbawalas. Virgin group chairman, Richard Branson, travelled with dabbawalas and delivered dabbas to his own employees

CONCLUSION Dabbawalas are a great example of efficient service Great at time management during floods Illiterate and semiliterate can also provide efficient services Hardwork and sincerity are the main factors in their success All dabbawalas are shareholder in their company No strikes ever No C.A. to manage finances and other functions