multichannel personalization at scale: building incremental value with relevance @shirley_dawn...

Download Multichannel Personalization At Scale: Building Incremental Value With Relevance @shirley_dawn #dunnhumby

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Multichannel Personalization At Scale: Building Incremental Value With Relevance @shirley_dawn #dunnhumby Slide 2 dunnhumbys context 24 years 28 countries 1,000s of clients 400,000,000 customers All media channels Slide 3 Relevance wins Campaign Events Slide 4 Media ad spending increases every year, so what if Total Media Ad Spending Worldwide 2010-2016 (billions) note: includes digital (online, mobile), directories, magazines, newspapers, outdoor, radio and TV source: eMarketer, Dec 2012 you could connect your media audience to actual purchase behavior? you could vary your message based on that purchase behavior? you could optimize your media mix via traditional, digital and social media? you could measure the results did you have an impact on their behavior ? you could use this information to shape your advertising strategy and implementation? Slide 5 Paid Media Owned Media Earned Media SHOPPER DM Email SMS Display SEM TV Website / Mobile Apps POS Social Platforms WOM The answer begins with the shopper Slide 6 Shopper data provides clarity GRPs campaign buzz open rates click-throughs online impressions FROM: traditional measurement size of audience TO: optimal measurement size of impact sales visits trial & repeat HH engagement Slide 7 Target, activate and measure results of media plan TARGETACTIVATEMEASURE Personalized campaign educates participants and creates action Media metrics captured for target audience Target HHs based on media and shopper behavior Slide 8 Right Message Right Vehicle Right Time with the using the at the Ensure that each element of the program is relevant to customers Right Consumer Content Occasion Offer Direct Marketing Email / Digital CRM TV / Mass Daypart/Week Path to Purchase Seasonality Loyal vs. Non-Loyal Target based on purchase behavior Right Results Test vs. Control Measure incrementality with the Slide 9 1.Culture: Shoppers lifetime value 2.Shopper first not brand, not store 3.Leverage shopping, media, context insights 4.Content that delights and excites 5.Media that reaches and engages 6.Measure incremental sales and advocacy Making Digital Personal Slide 10 Digital Campaigns Share With a Friend Solo 10 Themed Event Loyal Customer Mailing Slide 11 Digital Results Our Best Customer Communications perform well above industry averages for email engagement due in large part to: Targeting offers based on HH purchase behaviors Ranking multiple offers within a campaign based on HH relevancy Consistent branding & messaging that is focused on customer-first 11 Slide 12 Digital Coupon Relevancy Slide 13 Innovation Success Story Slide 14 Each media solution delivers value across a range of objectives Slide 15 Whats the value of an integrated, cross-channel campaign? Drove more buyers to brand Drove purchases of more units Slide 16 Drive awareness & trial of a new innovation product 15% lift in HH product penetration 5x sustained repeat purchases 10% incremental sales lift 52% coupon redemptions Slide 17 The Plan Drive awareness & trial using a cross channel strategy Objective HHs who were decreasing segment buyers with alternate category purchases remained flat Targeting Direct mail, word of mouth & display advertising to shoppers Channels 12 week program Timing Test effectiveness of multiple offers Creative Slide 18 Similar Online, Direct Mail and WOM message content Direct MailOnline Ads Download coupon Free trial offer Drove to retailer landing page Try new product Multiple offers tested Included printed coupon Word of Mouth Sample new product Pass along coupons Included printed education Slide 19 Each of the campaigns began very soon after the product launch Slide 20 Integrated program drove additive uplift in HH penetration Combining Direct Mail with Online and Word of Mouth increased HH penetration by 2 percentage points compared to control markets. +15% +17% Slide 21 Campaign saw high coupon redemptions Direct Mail Online 50% of responders 15% Exposed HHs Word of Mouth 15% Pass Along HHs Slide 22 Uplift also be seen in the incremental $ spend per exposed household +2.2% +2.4% Slide 23 Note: New Buyers defined as not purchasing product within 13 weeks prior to first exposure Drove strong trial and sustained 5X repeat purchase Slide 24 Conclusions Leverage capabilities to ensure that each element of the program is relevant to customers Ensure media solutions deliver value in varying ways and consider the role of each solution relative to objectives and strategy Develop Integrated Shopper Marketing programs reach the right customers at the right times Measure everything to evaluate current programs Optimize by capturing and applying best practices Slide 25 Thank You Dawn Shirley - dunnhumbyUSA [email protected]