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Chapter 3 Microelectronics and Semiconductor Materials MOS Devices and Circuits

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Chapter 3

Microelectronics and

Semiconductor Materials

MOS Devices

and Circuits

Prepared by

Dr. Lim Soo King

02 Jan 2011

- i -

Chapter 3 MOS Devices and Circuits ........................................... 97

3.0 Introduction .............................................................................................. 97

3.1 MOS Capacitor ......................................................................................... 97

3.1.1 Effects of Bias Voltage ....................................................................................... 99

3.1.2 Capacitance of MOS Capacitor ...................................................................... 102

3.1.3 Threshold Voltage of MOS Capacitor ............................................................ 108

3.2 MOSFET ................................................................................................. 112

3.2.1 Current-Voltage Characteristics ..................................................................... 116

3.2.2 Linear Region ................................................................................................... 118

3.2.3 Saturation Region ............................................................................................. 119

3.2.4 Drain Conductance and Transconductance ................................................... 120

3.2.5 Cut-off Frequency ............................................................................................ 121

3.2.6 MOSFET Device Scale Dowm ......................................................................... 122

3.3 MOS Circuits .......................................................................................... 124

3.3.1 p-MOSFET and n-MOSFET Logic Gates ...................................................... 125

3.3.2 MOSFET Flip-Flop Circuits ........................................................................... 131

3.3.3 Random Access Memory Devices ................................................................... 134

3.4 Power Dissipation of MOS Circuit ....................................................... 136

Exercises ........................................................................................................ 137

Bibliography ................................................................................................. 140

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Figure 3.1: A 2-D schematic structure of a MOS device Energy band diagram of the MOS

structure at thermal equilibrium with zero bias voltage condition .................. 98

Figure 3.2: The energy band diagrams of three biased voltage conditions of an ideal p-

type MOS capacitor ....................................................................................... 101

Figure 3.3: The energy band diagram of p-type MOS device at inversion condition ...... 102

Figure 3.4: The equivalent circuit of an ideal MOS capacitance ..................................... 103

Figure 3.5: (a) Integrated MOS capacitor and (b) pn junction capacitor ......................... 103

Figure 3.6: Capacitance-voltage curve of p-type MOS .................................................... 104

Figure 3.7: The equivalent circuit of the MOS capacitor ................................................. 106

Figure 3.8: CV plot for the presence of fixed charge ....................................................... 107

Figure 3.9: The effect of interface state on CV plot of a MOS ........................................ 108

Figure 3.10: Charge density, electric field, and electrostatic potential of MOS in inversion

mode ............................................................................................................... 109

Figure 3.11: The structure of depletion-enhancement n-channel and p-channel MOSFET

........................................................................................................................ 113

Figure 3.12: The structure of enhancement n-channel and p-channel MOSFET ............... 113

Figure 3.13: Symbol of depletion-enhancement MOSFET ................................................ 114

Figure 3.14: Symbol of enhancement MOSFET ................................................................ 114

Figure 3.15: A 2-D structure of an n-MOSFET ................................................................. 114

Figure 3.16: Channel geometry showing the flow of current IDS analysis ......................... 117

Figure 3.17: Characteristic curve of MOSFET .................................................................. 120

Figure 3.18: Evolution of lithography ................................................................................ 122

Figure 3.19: Generalized scaling theory for MOS transistor ............................................. 124

Figure 3.20: The connection of n-MOSFET and p-MOSFETand their output states with

respect to input states ..................................................................................... 125

Figure 3.21: n-MOSFET NOT gate (a) using enhancement n-MOSFET as load resistor (b)

using depletion-enhancement n-MOSFET as load resistor ........................... 126

Figure 3.22: (a) p-MOSFET NOT gate (b) p-MOSFET NOR gate, and (c) NAND gate

designed using depletion-enhancement n-MOSFET as load resistor ............ 127

Figure 3.23: Block diagram of a CMOS circuit ................................................................. 127

Figure 3.24: CMOS circuit of a NOT gate ......................................................................... 128

Figure 3.25: CMOS circuit of a NOR gate ......................................................................... 128

Figure 3.26: CMOS circuit of an OR gate .......................................................................... 129

Figure 3.27: CMOS circuit of a NAND gate ...................................................................... 129

Figure 3.28: CMOS circuit of an AND gate....................................................................... 130

Figure 3.29: CMOS circuit of Boolean function f(A, B, C) = )CB(A ........................ 131

Figure 3.30: A basic bi-stable element ............................................................................... 131

Figure 3.31: CMOS circuit of a bi-stable element ............................................................. 132

Figure 3.32: SR flip-flop .................................................................................................... 133

Figure 3.33: A D flip-flop .................................................................................................. 133

Figure 3.34: Logic circuit of a JK flip-flop ........................................................................ 133

Figure 3.35: T flip-flop ....................................................................................................... 134

Figure 3.36: The six-transistor static RAM cell ................................................................. 135

Figure 3.37: A 1-bit dynamic RAM cell ............................................................................ 136

Figure 3.38: Charging and discharging circuits of a NOT gate ......................................... 137

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Chapter 3

MOS Devices and Circuits

3.0 Introduction

In this chapter, we will discuss the fundamental theory that needed for the

integrated circuit design. We will begin with the effects of bias voltage on the

MOS capacitor. It is then followed by deriving the characteristic equations of

the the MOS transistor, which also including the threshold voltage equation.

The non-ideal effects of the MOS transistor due to scaled down issues are

particularly discussed at the last section.

3.1 MOS Capacitor

Before studying MOSFET device, let's examine metal oxide semiconductor

MOS capacitor. MOS capacitor is the basic building block of today‟s silicon

integrated circuit technology. Complimentary metal oxide semiconductor

CMOS, n-channel metal oxide semiconductor nMOS, p-channel metal oxide

semiconductor pMOS, power MOSFET, and many other devices consist of

basic MOS structure. In the modern device, the metal is replaced by n+ or p


polysilicon that has low flat band potential, which enhances the switching speed

especially in the CMOS memory device.

The MOS structure is formed as a “sandwich” consisting of a

semiconductor layer either p or n-type from a single crystal of silicon, a layer of

silicon dioxide, and a layer of metal or n+ or p

+ polysilicon layer. Figure 3.1(a)

shows a typical structure of a MOS capacitor.

The energy band diagram for ideal MOS capacitor at thermal equilibrium

with zero biased voltage condition is shown in Fig. 3.1(b) and (c), whereby EF is

the Fermi energy level of metal and semiconductor. EC is the conduction band

of the semiconductor. EV is the valence band of the semiconductor, Ei is the

intrinsic energy level, EVAC is the energy level at vacuum, e m represents the

minimum energy required to move an electron from Fermi level of metal to

vacuum, and e S is defined as the energy required to remove an electron from

the Fermi level of the semiconductor to vacuum.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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Figure 3.1: A 2-D schematic structure of a MOS device Energy band diagram of the MOS

structure at thermal equilibrium with zero bias voltage condition

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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3.1.1 Effects of Bias Voltage

There are three important regimes when the MOS capacitor is under gate

voltage bias VG. These are accumulation, depletion, and inversion modes (refer

to Fig. 3.2(b), Fig. 3.2(d), and Fig. 3.2(e)). The energy band diagram of a p-

MOS without gate voltage bias is shown in Fig. 3.2(a). Owing to the difference

in work function, and interface charge trapping, the valence band is bending

toward the Fermi level at the interface, whist the conduction band is bending

away from the Fermi level.

Accumulation Mode: If the negative bias voltage i.e. VG < 0 is applied

between the metal and semiconductor, the Fermi energy level of the metal is

raised by an amount qVG and the valence band of the semiconductor bends

toward the Fermi level. This would cause the hole to accumulate at the surface

near the oxide.

Flat-band Condition: If the positive bias voltage i.e. VG > 0 is applied to

the metal with respect to the p-ype semiconductor, the Fermi level of the metal

is lowered by an amount qVG. This would cause the reduction the bend of

conduction and valence bands. Further increase of gate voltage will eventually

cause the conduction and valence bands aligned with the Fermi level. This is the

flat-band condition illustrated in Fig. 3.2(c).

Depletion Mode: If the positive bias voltage i.e. VG > 0 is applied to the

metal with respect to the p-type semiconductor, the Fermi level of the metal is

lowered by an amount qVG. This would cause the valence band of the

semiconductor to move away from the Fermi level of the metal. As a result, the

hole depletes into the bulk as such that the hole concentration near the interface

falls below the concentration value in the bulk semiconductor.

Inversion Mode: If the positive bias voltage i.e. VG >> 0 is further

increased, eventually the conduction band of the semiconductor comes closer to

the Fermi level. As a result, electron density near the interface surface starts to

increase. Further increase of bias voltage would cause the conduction band of

the semiconductor to bend further and crosses the Fermi level of the metal. In

this condition, the density of electron increases very high and the semiconductor

at the interface is inverted into n-type semiconductor.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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(a) No voltage bias at gate

(b) Negative voltage bias at gate – accumulation mode

(c) Flat-band condition

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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(d) Positive voltage bias at gate – depletion mode

(e) High positive voltage bias at gate - inversion mode

Figure 3.2: The energy band diagrams of three biased voltage conditions of an ideal p-type

MOS capacitor

When the surface potential qФS, which is potential difference of the intrinsic

energy level at the interface with the intrinsic energy level in the bulk, is zero, it

implies flat-band condition. For p-type MOS, when qФS is a positive, it implies

depletion mode. When qФS is a positive value and larger than 2qF then

inversion occurs. When qФS is a negative value, it implies accumulation.

Similar explanation is applied to n-type MOS device. The energy band

diagram of the p-type MOS device under inversion condition is shown in Fig.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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3.3. Notice that inversion occurred when the surface potential is twice the Fermi

potential, which follows equation (3.1).

FS q2)inv(q (3.1)

Figure 3.3: The energy band diagram of p-type MOS device at inversion condition

The Fermi potential at the bulk Fq is






n (3.2)

where NA is the acceptor doping concentration for p-type semiconductor, ni is

the intrinsic carrier concentration and kT/q is the thermal voltage. Substituting

equation (3.2) into equation (3.1) yields equation (3.3).






n = 2F (3.3)

3.1.2 Capacitance of MOS Capacitor

The ideal MOS capacitance Cmos can be represented as a series combination of

the insulator capacitance Cox and the capacitance of semiconductor layer CS

shown in Fig. 3.6.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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Figure 3.4: The equivalent circuit of an ideal MOS capacitance

The structures of the MOS capacitor and pn junction capacitor are shown in Fig.

3.5. The MOS capacitor unlike the reversed bias pn junction is independent of

applied voltage because its lower plate is made of heavily doped material.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.5: (a) Integrated MOS capacitor and (b) pn junction capacitor

The pn junction capacitor is usually reversed-bias. The capacitance is not

constant. It depends on (Vbi+VR)-1/2

, which is derived junction capacitance Cj

equation for pn junction






j . The built-in potential is defined as

Vbi =






n. The series resistance is considerably higher than the MOS

capacitor because of higher p-region resistivity.

The equation for the MOS capacitance Cmos is shown in equation (3.4).

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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C Cmos

ox S

ox S


The capacitance CS of semiconductor is






where QS is the surface charge of the semiconductor and VS is the voltage

across the semiconductor.

For p-type MOS, in accumulation mode, the holes accumulate at the

surface. Owing to a small change in bias voltage, it causes a large change in

surface charge QS and CS is much larger than Cox. Capacitance of MOS Cmos per

unit area shall be approximately equal to Cox as shown in Fig. 3.6. Thus,

C Cdmos ox




Figure 3.6: Capacitance-voltage curve of p-type MOS

During depletion mode, the holes are depleted away and the depletion

capacitance is equal to CS = s/W, where W is the thickness of depletion. The

capacitance of MOS is equal to

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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At inversion, the depletion width reaches its maximum value Wmax. At this point

essential there is no free density. Thus, the capacitance Cmos reaches its

minimum value.















Thus, Cs << Cox and as the consequence, the capacitor of MOS is approaching

the value of Cs.

At flat-band position, the capacitance of semiconductor CSfb per unit area at

flat-band is






fb (3.9)

Substituting equation (3.9) into equation (3.7) and using Cox = ox oxd/ , the

capacitance of MOS at flat-band Cmos(fb) is









fb (3.10)

So far what has been discussed is applicable to the ideal MOS capacitor. For the

non-ideal MOS capacitor, when the MOS capacitor is in inversion and depletion

modes, the capacitance of semiconductor CS has two major components. One is

the capacitance due to depletion CDEP and the other is due to inversion caused

by accumulation of minority carrier CMC. Therefore, the capacitance of

semiconductor CS shall have the relationship as specified in equation (3.11).

CS = CDEP + CMC (3.11)

With inclusion of depletion capacitance and capacitance contributed by the

minority carrier in inversion mode, an equivalent circuit of the MOS capacitor is

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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shown in Fig. 3.7, whereby RS is the resistance of semiconductor bulk layer and

RGEN is the differential resistance which can be estimated as






where the s is the surface potential and generation current IGEN is

approximately proportional to the volume of depletion region, which follows

equation (3.13).





where GEN is an effective generation time constant.

Figure 3.7: The equivalent circuit of the MOS capacitor

Substituting equation (3.11) into equation (3.4), the MOS capacitance Cmos



C C Cmos



( ) (3.14)

In the high frequency ( 2 f) mode whereby , the capacitance due to

minority carrier will approach zero. Hence, the MOS capacitance Cmos will



C Cmos

ox DEP

ox DEP


3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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Likewise for low frequency mode whereby 0 , the capacitance due to

depletion is at minimum and the minority capacitance will approach the static

capacitance of bulk semiconductor CS. Thus, the MOS capacitance Cmos will

follow equation (3.6).

In strong inversion CMC >> Cox, the MOS capacitance will approach the

capacitance of insulator Cox. One also can say that the magnitude of the

capacitances are such that CMC > Cox > CDEP at strong inversion.

The change of threshold voltage as the result of fixed charge density NT is

equal to ox



. This shall mean that presence of positive fixed charge

would shift the capacitance-voltage curve toward more negative region as

shown in Fig. 3.8.

Figure 3.8: CV plot for the presence of fixed charge

The interface charge has different effect on the capacitance-voltage CV of the

MOS. In the ideal MOS, there is no electron state in the band-gap. However,

since the Si-SiO2 interface is not ideal, a certain density of interface states is

produced, which lie in the band-gap region.

The interface states can be defined as “acceptor like” or “donor like”. The

acceptor interface state is neutral when it is empty and the Fermi level is below

it. If the acceptor is filled with electron, it becomes negatively charged. In this

case the Fermi-level is moved above it. The donor interface state is occupied

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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with electron and it is below Fermi level. It becomes positively charge if it is

empty and the Fermi level will move below it. Thus, Fermi level is altered by

the presence of charge in the interface state.

When the interface charge is positive, the CV curve shifts toward negative

voltage region. When it is negative, the curve shifts toward positive voltage

region. The result is shown in Fig. 3.9. If the interface density is maintained

below 1010


, the effect of interface state on CV curve is negligible.

Figure 3.9: The effect of interface state on CV plot of a MOS

3.1.3 Threshold Voltage of MOS Capacitor

Threshold voltage Vt is defined as the gate voltage VG needed to induce

sufficient number of charge carrier in the channel for conduction. It is the

minimum applied gate voltage to induce inversion of the channel for

conduction. To find the threshold voltage Vt, one needs to understand how the

voltage is dropped across the MOS capacitor.

Fig. 3.10 shows the MOS structure with a voltage VG applied to its gate.

Applying Kirchhoff‟s voltage law, the gate voltage VG is

VG = Vox + Vs (3.16)

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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Figure 3.10: Charge density, electric field, and electrostatic potential of MOS in inversion


Equation (3.16) is an ideal equation without considering the trapped charge

within the oxide that alters the electric field and the differences in the electrical

characteristics of the gate and substrate materials. Thus, a term flat-band voltage

is used to account these effects, which is

Vfb = ox



1 f (3.17)

where SG is the work function difference between gate and substrate and

is also approximately equal to SG



poly,DA NNln



n for an n-type

polysilicon gate with p-substrate. If the poly gate is a p-type, then the work

function difference between gate and substrate is SG






kT. The

work function is derived from






kTfor p-type material and






kT for n-type material. is a work function constant.

Qf is the fixed surface charge density at the oxide-silicon interface and Qox

is the trapped charge within the oxide. Re-writing equation (3.17), it becomes

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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Vfb = ox











f (3.18)

Equation (3.16) shall then be modified to

VG = Vfb + Vox + VS (3.19)

The voltage drops across oxide Vox is Vox = Eox.dox. At semiconductor-oxide

interface, the surface charge QS is also equal to charge on oxide Qox, which is

εsEs = εoxEox. Qox is also equal to Qox = CoxVox = ox



V . Thus, Vox is equal to

Vox = ox

oxSS dE

. Re-writing equation (3.19), it becomes

VG = Vfb + VS + S S



C (3.20)

For charge balancing, QS = Qox = Qdep, where depletion charge Qdep is equal to

Qdep = qNAddep. The depletion thickness ddep is equal to ddep =






. At

inversion, VG = Vtn and VS = 2F, ddep becomes maximum value. Thus, the

maximum depletion charge Qdepmax is equal to 2/1

FASqN4 and surface electric

field ES is ES = S



maxdep Nq4Q

. Substituting expression 2/1

FASqN4 to

replace εSES in equation (3.21), the threshold voltage equation becomes

oxFASFtn C/qN42VV fb (3.21)


oxSFtn C/Q2VV fb (3.22)

If the substrate of the MOS transistor is biased with a voltage VSUB then the

threshold voltage Vtn is redefined as

oxSUBFASFtn C/)V2(qN22VV fb (3.23)

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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The equation shows that the threshold voltage increases with positive VSUB bias

since the surface potential is increased by a value VSUB.

Under normal processing conditions, the flat-band voltage is negative and

usually yields a negative threshold voltage. For CMOS switching circuits that

use a positive power rail, a positive threshold voltage is needed. This is

accomplished by performing a threshold adjustment ion implant with a dose

giving the number of implanted ion. This modifies the equation for the value of

the threshold voltage. Implanting acceptor ions into the substrate is equivalent

to introducing additional bulk charge at the surface; the implant thus induces a

positive shift. The equation to follow for the ion implant adjustment is




qDC/V2qN22VV fb (3.24)

where DI is the dosage, the number implanted ion per unit area.

If there is no substrate voltage VSUB, in which sometime is called zero

body bias then equation (3.23) becomes oxFASFtno C/)2(qN22VV fb ,

where Vtno is the threshold voltage without the substrate voltage or body bias

voltage. The equation (3.23) can be re-written in terms of Vtno and substrate

voltage as




tnotn 2)V2(C



The term OX



qN2 is denoted as gamma , which is called bulk threshold

parameter. Equation (3.25) clearly shows that as the VSUB voltage increases the

threshold voltage of the device increases. Rewriting equation (3.25), it becomes

FSUBFtot 2)V2(VV (3.26)

The positive sign is used to denote n-MOS transistor and negative sign for p-

MOS transistor.

In order to eliminate the effect of parasitic npn or pnp transistor of the n-

MOS transistor and p-MOS transistor, the substrate of the p-MOS transistor,

which is an n-type semiconductor, is usually biased with VDD voltage, whilst the

substrate of n-MOS transistor, which is p-type semiconductor, is biased with

VSS voltage i.e. zero volt.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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By Kirchhoff‟s voltage law, the source voltage VS and substrate voltage

VSUB relationship is –VS+VS-SUB+VSUB = 0. Equation (3.26) therefore can be

written as one equation for p-MOS transistor and one for n-MOS transistor.

They are

FSUBSSFtpotp 2)VV2(VV (3.27)

FSUBSSFtnotn 2)VV2(VV (3.28)

With substrate of p-MOS transistor biased with VDD, and source and substrate

are tied together, the VSUB-S is equal to zero. Therefore, the threshold voltage of

p-MOS transistor is

FDDFtpotp 2)V2(VV (3.29)

With the substrate of n-MOS transistor biased with VSS and source and substrate

are tied together, VS-SUB is equal to zero. Therefore, the threshold voltage of the

n-MOS transistor is

tnoFFtnotn V2)2(VV (3.30)

One can see that Vtp of p-MOS transistor is lower than Vtpo, whilst the Vtn of n-

MOSFET is same as Vtno for the substrate biased condition mentioned above.


A MOSFET is a voltage control current device and is essentially consist of a

MOS capacitor and two diffused or implanted regions that serve as ohmic

contacts to an inversion layer of free charge carriers with the semiconductor-

silicon dioxide interface. The metal gate is essentially either p+ or n

+ polysilicon


There are two types of MOSFET namely depletion-enhancement DE and

enhancement E types. Figure 3.11 and 3.12 show the difference between the


The DE type has a narrow channel adjacent to the gate connecting the drain

and source of the transistor. It can operate in either depletion mode or

enhancement mode. The mode of operation is like the JFET.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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The E type does not have a narrow connecting channel. It operates by

forming a conducting channel of the same type like the source and drain. The

channel is formed either by attracting electron or depleting away electron to

form an n-channel or p-channel connecting the source and the drain.

MOSFET not only can be used to design amplification circuit. It can also

be used as a capacitor and a resistor. This capability makes the VLSI design

simpler because there is no need to use other element for capacitor and resistor

in the design.

Figure 3.11: The structure of depletion-enhancement n-channel and p-channel MOSFET

Figure 3.12: The structure of enhancement n-channel and p-channel MOSFET

The four-terminal and three terminal symbol of both depletion-enhancement and

enhancement MOSFET types are shown in Fig. 3.13 and 3.14 respectively. Note

that for most cases, by design the substrate is connected to the source.

Symbols other then those symbols shown in Fig. 3.13 and 3.14 are used

too. The reader needs to identify them careful during any circuit analysis.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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(a) n-channel (b) p-channel

Figure 3.13: Symbol of depletion-enhancement MOSFET

(a) n-channel (b) p-channel

Figure 3.14: Symbol of enhancement MOSFET

Figure 3.15 illustrates the 2-D structure of an n channel MOSFET with detail

voltage biasing.

Figure 3.15: A 2-D structure of an n-MOSFET

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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Gradual Channel Approximation Model and Constant Mobility Approximation

Model can be used to study the characteristics of MOSFET. The model is used

to study how the conduction channel of the MOSFET is changed by the

horizontal electric field generated by the drain to source voltage VDS and how

the conducting channel is modulated by the vertical electric field generated by

the gate to source voltage VGS. This is done by studying the drain to source

current IDS versus drain to source voltage VDS characteristic for different applied

gate to source voltage VGS and the transconductance of the device, which is the

study of IDS current changes with the change of VGS voltage. These two studies

are connected with the physical studies of the linear and saturation regions of

the drain to source characteristics with various gate-to-source voltage VGS.

Based on this understanding, one has to look at the two dimensional Poisson‟s

equation in order to understand the actual conduction mechanism of current

from drain to source via the inverted channel.

There are two electric field components present in MOSFET when it is in

operation. These fields can be represented by the two dimensional Poisson‟s

equation that has one horizontal field EX and one vertical field EY.








Gradual Channel Approximation Model is true only if



X is very small and

constant so that the Poisson‟s equation can be approximated as






The vertical electric potential of the conduction channel with thickness d is

given as





Y Y .












On the other hand, the variation of horizontal electric field can be approximated


3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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X DS 2 (3.34)

where L is the channel length and VDS is the voltage between drain and source

of the MOS transistor. Here, it is assumed that the field strength changes

gradually from a small value near the source to a value of the order VDS/L near

the drain.

The mobilities of the electron and hole n, p of the MOS transistor are not

the same as the mobility in the semiconductor bulk moving into the crystal

lattice. Knowing the electrons or holes are moving on the surface between the

semiconductor and oxide interface, their mobilities are very much depending on

the surface impeding collision and ionized impurity scattering. However

electrons and holes moving not closed to the interface would have a higher

mobility. One also has to consider the influence of horizontal electric field

resulted from drain to source voltage. Thus, there is an effective mobility for

both hole and electron.

If the drain-to-source voltage is small, the effective channel length and

carrier charge will be more or less uniform from the source to drain and

effective mobility will be essentially the same for all x values. However, one

cannot ignore the effect of gate voltage on the mobility. As the gate-to-source

voltage increases, the electron is moving closed to the interface. The effect of

scattering will be more. Thus mobility decreases which can be observed from

equation (3.35).

)VV(1 tGS




where 0 is constant and is the mobility degradation parameter. It can be

shown that the effective mobility n of electron is about 0.6 of the bulk mobility

at (VGS – Vt) = 4V to about 0.5 for (VGS – Vt) = 13V.

3.2.1 Current-Voltage Characteristics

The surface potential above threshold regime is equal to Vs(x) = ( ( ))2F V x ,

where V(x) is the channel potential at position x along the channel in the

direction from source to drain. However, from Gradual Channel Approximation

Model, one can say that V(x) is equal to zero at the source side because the

source and the substrate are normally shorted together and biased at VSS for an

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

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n-MOS transistor and biased at VDD for p-MOS transistor. Thus, V(x) is equal to

the drain-to-source voltage VDS at the drain side. This shall mean that the gate

voltage with respect to source VGS is equal to


)x(QVV F



GS fb (3.36)

Qs(x) is the surface charge, which is consisting of free electron charge Qn(x) and

fixed charge acceptors in the depletion region QDEP(x). Therefore, the surface

charge of is given by equation (3.38).

Qs(x) = Qn(x) + QDEP(x) (3.37)

From Constant Mobility Approximation Model, the electron mobility µn is

constant and there is only drift and negligible diffusion, the drain-to-source

current IDS can be calculated from current density Jn = qnnE after ignoring the

diffusion portion qDndx

dn. Indeed drift current is only required to be considered

since the drain is reversed biased with respect to source.

Using the channel geometry of the current flow shown in Fig. 3.16, drain-

to source-current IDS is made of summation of all small rectangular current

elements with surface area Wdy across the channel of thickness dx for the

whole channel length L.

Figure 3.16: Channel geometry showing the flow of current IDS analysis

Thus drain to source current can be calculated equation (3.38).

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nynyDS dyJWdydwJI








where the second expression of equation (3.38) is equal to effective mobility of

the electron n , which is equation (3.35). Knowing that the threshold voltage is

Vt = 2F +Vfb +ox



Q and nsOXFGS V)x(V)x(VV2V fb after inversion with

mobile ion density ns, the surface free charge density per unit area ns(x) in x-

direction is




C)x(n FAS



fb (3.39)

Substituting equation (3.39) into IDSdx = qnnsWdV(x) and integrating the

equation with the boundary conditions for V x x( ) 0= 0 and V x x L( )

= VDS and x

= 0 to x = L, IDS, it yields the drain to source equation (3.34).

















qN22 (3.40)

At pinch-off condition where nS = 0 and V x x L( ) = VDS = VDSSAT, equation (3.40)

is equal zero for V(x) = VDS. Solving the quadratic equation for VDS shall yield,





qNV2VVV fb








Beyond pinch-off, the drain current IDS essentially remain constant but it may be

complicated by channel modulation and other effects.

3.2.2 Linear Region

For very small drain to source voltage where VDS << (VGS-Vfb-2F)

and VDS F 2 , equation (3.40) can be simplified to equation (3.42) and

expanding the Taylor‟s series for the second term.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 119 -









DS (3.42)

This is the equation for the linear region of the MOSFET‟s characteristics.

3.2.3 Saturation Region

After pinch-off, IDS is assumed to be constant. It is true only if the doping

concentration is low and the oxide thickness is thin. The term in equation (3.41)

involving N CA ox/ 2 can be ignored and terms involving N CA ox/ can be

retained. This gives the shall mean that

VDSSAT = 2/1





qN22VV fbfb


If the voltage drops across the oxide is negligible, then at strong inversion the

quantity (VGS – Vfb) is equal to VGS – Vfb 2F. Based on the above assumption,

equation (3.43) can be simplified as

VDSSAT = tGS VV (3.44)

After substituting equation (3.43) into equation (3.43),


















qN22 (3.45)

Since the current does not change with VDS in this equation, further

simplification can be done once pinch-off occurred. i.e. N CA ox/ is small such

that Vt Vfb + 2F. The equation (3.45) shall be simplified to









DSSAT (3.46)

= 2


oxn )VV(L2


This is the equation for the saturation region of the MOS transistor


3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 120 -

A typical ideal characteristic curve of an n-MOS transistor is shown in Fig.

3.17. The curve shows three regions of the characteristic, which are the linear,

saturation, and cut-off regions. The MOS transistor device will be turned off if

the VGS voltage is less than the threshold voltage Vt. Note also that the dotted

line is a line denotes that VDS = VGS – Vt. This is a dividing line that determines

the operational condition of the MOS transistor. It is also the line showing the

pinch-off the current. If the condition is VDS < VGS – Vt then the MOS transistor

is in linear region or at time it is referred as triode region. This is the region that

the MOS transistor device would work as a digital logic device. If the condition

is such VDS > VGS – Vt then the MOS transistor is in saturation region. This is

the region that the MOS transistor device works as an amplifier device.

Figure 3.17: Characteristic curve of MOSFET

3.2.4 Drain Conductance and Transconductance

Having defined the equations for linear and saturation regions of the MOS

transistor, the next two important parameters of MOS transistor to be defined

are the drain conductance and the transconductance. The drain conductance gD

is defined as

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 121 -




DS V Cons tGS






Drain conductance is also equal to equation (3.42) if the term VDS is moved to

the left-hand side of the equation as denominator.

The transconductance gm at saturation region is defined as




Ig tGS







3.2.5 Cut-off Frequency

The cut-off frequency fmax of the MOS transistor is defined as the maximum

operating frequency of the MOS transistor when it is in saturation mode with

the assumption that the mobility of the carrier is constant. Thus, the cut-off

frequency for p-MOS transistor is defined as

fmax g



GS2 (3.49)

where CGS is the gate to source capacitance, which estimated to be oxide

capacitance per unit area multiplies by area WL. Thus, the gate to source

capacitance is WLCC oxGS .

fmax 2









For the short channel device, the cut-off frequency is assumed to depend on the

transit time ttr of the carrier in the channel. Thus,

fmax 1

2t tr


where by ttr is also approximately equal to the channel length L divided by

carrier saturation velocity s . i.e. trr = L/Vs.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 122 -

3.2.6 MOSFET Device Scale Down

There are four main generations of integrated circuit technologies: micron,

submicron, deep submicron, and ultra deep submicron technology, as illustrated

in Fig. 3.18. The submicron era started in 1990 with 0.8m technology. The

deep submicron technology started in 1995 with the introduction of lithography

thinner than 0.3m. Ultra deep submicron technology concerns with lithography

below 0.1m. Figure 3.18 shows that research has always kept around five

years ahead of mass production. It can also be seen that the trend towards

smaller dimension has accelerated since 1996. In 2007, the lithography was

decreased to 65nm. The lithography expressed in µm corresponds to the

smallest patterns that can be implemented on the surface of the integrated circuit.

Today the actual implementation of the lithography has reached 22nm.

Figure 3.18: Evolution of lithography

As mentioned early, in order to achieve higher density logic integration, the

approach is to develop sub-micron size device structures. Effects which are

negligible in large MOSFET become distinct and extremely important when the

transistor dimensions are reduced. Scaling theory provides a general guide to

make MOSFET smaller. It is not possible or desirable to follow every aspects of

the theory. However, it remains a useful metric for measuring progress in device

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 123 -

physics especially the simulation or prediction of the behavior of the device

with smaller dimension.

Scaling theory deals with the question of how the device characteristics are

changed as the dimensions of the device are reduced in an idealized well-

defined manner. Scaling theory is ideal ignoring many small-device effects that

govern the performance of MOSFET. It is often desirable to adhere to the large

device models for simplicity but modify the parameters to account for the more

important changes in the transistor parameters. Scaling of the device to smaller

dimension affects parameters such as threshold voltage and mobility. Smaller

channel length decreases the threshold voltage. Narrower device increases

threshold voltage. Small channel length increases horizontal electric field that

causes the MOSFET to operate with saturation velocity. This reduces the drain

current of the device. High electric field means high energetic carrier that can

enter the oxide to become trapped charge and affects the threshold voltage of

the MOS transistor.

The drain and source of the MOSFET are usually much heavily doped than

the bulk. Couple with high electric field, hot ion tunneling is unavoidable. This

issue causes leakage. In order to resolve this problem, lightly doped drain LDD

approach is adopted for the design of small dimension MOS transistor.

Several schemes can be constructed from scaling rules shown in Fig. 3.19.

S is the dimensional scaling factor and k is factor by which voltages are scaled.

One of the earlier scaling methodologies is based on constant-field scaling,

which keep electrical field constant. In this method, dimensional factor S is

made equal to k. This approach is theoretical viable that has increased the speed,

reduction of voltage swing and capacitance. It is being used to scale down the

device to 1.0µm.

Scaling to 1.0µm is in fact closed to constant-voltage scaling, which is by

making k = 1. In this approach voltage swing stays the same, but device current

increases due to increase of oxide capacitance Cox. Since drive current increases

roughly as the square of supply voltage, constant-voltage produces more speed

improvement than constant-field scaling. Using constant-voltage approach and

considering a MOS transistor with a channel width W and a channel length L

such that the channel area is A = LW and introducing the concept of a scaling

factor S >1, a new scaled device is created with reduced dimensions W‟ and L‟

where S

WW ' and


LL' . The reduced scaled area A‟ is equal to




AA .

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 124 -

Similarly, the oxide thickness is S

dd ox'

ox . Thus, the reduced oxide capacitance

is ox



ox SCd

SC . Similarly, the reduced process parameter SKK ' and

device parameter is S' . Threshold voltage '

tV and drain-to-source voltage '

DSV are to be scaled. With all parameters being scaled down, the scaled down

drain current is S


D .

Parameters Variables Scaling Factor

Dimensions W, L, dox, xj 1/S

Potentials Vds, Vgs 1/k

Doping concentration NA, ND S2/k

Electric field E S/k

Current Ids S/k2

Gate delay tdelay k/S2

Figure 3.19: Generalized scaling theory for MOS transistor

3.3 MOS Circuits

In the MOS circuit particularly the CMOS circuit, both p-MOSFET and n-

MOSFET are used as complimentary pair. In the normal operation, the n-MOS

transistor and p-MOSFET are alternatively switched-on and off. There is a

circumstance that both n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET are in switch-off state. This

is termed as tri-state. In this particular state, the output impedance of both

transistors is very high. This state is particularly important because it helps to

reduce the circuit connection routing by connecting the output of all devices to a

common output bus. There is no „real‟ condition where both p-MOSFET and n-

MOSFET are in switched on state. This happens only in fraction of second

during switching transition.

For any MOSFET, once its absolute gate-to-source voltage VGS is greater

than its absolute threshold voltage Vt, the transistor is switched on. p-MOSFET

is a logic 0 asserted high output device, which means that when p-MOS

transistor is switched on with logic 0 and its output is at logic 1. According to

the biasing condition of p-MOSFET, the source voltage VS should be larger

than the drain voltage VD. This is necessary because it will enable the hole

carrier to flow from source to drain of the transistor. Thus, the source of p-

MOSFET is usually connected to VDD power rail. Since it is a logic 0 asserted

high device, a logic 0 at gate will create a condition that the absolute value of

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 125 -

gate-to-source voltage is greater than the absolute value of threshold voltage of

the transistor. The p-MOSFET is switched on and its output will provide logic

1. The reason being, the VDD voltage is appearing at the drain of the device.

n-MOSFET is a logic 1 asserted low output device. This shall mean that

logic 1 is used to switch on n-MOSFET and the output is at logic 0. According

to the biasing condition of n-MOSFET, drain voltage VD should be larger than

the source voltage VS. This is necessary for the electron carrier to flow from the

source to drain. This shall mean that the source of the transistor should be

connected to VSS rail. A logic 1 applied to the gate will create a condition that

the absolute value of gate-to-source voltage is greater than the absolute value of

threshold voltage of the transistor. Thus, the n-MOSFET is switched on with its

output at logic 0. The reason being, the VSS voltage is appearing at the drain of

the device. Figure 3.20 illustrates how the n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET should

be connected and their output states with respect to input states.

(a) n-MOSFET (b) p-MOSFET

Figure 3.20: The connection of n-MOSFET and p-MOSFET and their output states with

respect to input states

If the input of the transistor shown in Fig. 3.20(a) is A, then the Boolean

equation of the output is equal to

Output = 0A (3.52)

If the input of the transistor shown in Fig. 3.20(b) is B, then the Boolean

equation of the output is equal to

Output = 1B (3.53)

3.3.1 p-MOSFET and n-MOSFET Logic Gates

The design of logic gate using p-channel and n-channel depletion-enhancement

and enhancement MOSFET devices is shown in this sub-section. As you have

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 126 -

learnt in the fundamental electronics course, the transistor irrespective of the

type, it can be connected as the load resistor to the n-channel pull down circuit

to form the logic circuit. The n-MOSFET NOT gate designed using depletion-

enhancement n-channel and enhancement n-channel MOSFET as load resistor

are shown in Fig. 3.21 respectively.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.21: n-MOSFET NOT gate (a) using enhancement n-MOSFET as load resistor (b)

using depletion-enhancement n-MOSFET as load resistor

When the input voltage Vin is greater than the threshold voltage Vtn of the n-

MOSFET, which is logic 1, the n-MOSFET is switched-on, the output voltage

Vout shall be at approximately 0.1V, which is a logic 0. When the input voltage

Vin is less than the threshold voltage Vtn of the n-MOSFET, the n-MOSFET is

switched-off and the voltage at output Vout shall be at VDD, which is logic 1.

The NOT gate, NAND gate, and NOR gate designed with p-MOSFET are

shown in Fig. 3.22.

When Vin voltage of p-MOS NOT gate is less than the threshold voltage

Vtp of p-MOS transistor, the MOSFET will be switched-on and the output Vout

shall be at 0.1V, which is logic 0.

When both input A and B of NAND gate are tied to voltage less than

threshold voltage Vtp of the p-MOS transistor, which is logic 1, both p-MOS

transistors will be switched on. As the result the output voltage Vout shall be -

0.1V, which is logic 0.

When both input A and B of NOR gate are tied to a voltage greater than the

threshold voltage Vtp of p-MOS transistor, which is logic 0, both p-MOS

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 127 -

transistors would switched off. The output Vout shall be at –VDD, which is logic


(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3.22: (a) p-MOSFET NOT gate (b) p-MOSFET NOR gate, and (c) NAND gate

designed using depletion-enhancement n-MOSFET as load resistor

CMOS circuit contains a network of p-MOSFETs with their sources connected

to VDD connected in series a network of n-MOSFETs in which their sources are

connected to VSS and both of these networks have the common input. Figure

3.23 shows the block diagram of a generalized static CMOS circuit.

Figure 3.23: Block diagram of a CMOS circuit

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 128 -

The CMOS circuit diagram of the NOT gate is shown in Fig. 3.24. The circuit is

consists of a p-MOSFET connected in series with an n-MOSFET.

Figure 3.24: CMOS circuit of a NOT gate

The CMOS circuit of a NOR gate is shown in Fig. 3.25. It consists of two series

p-MOSFETs and two parallel connected n-MOSFETs.

Figure 3.25: CMOS circuit of a NOR gate

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 129 -

The logic function for a two-input OR gate can be written as f(A, B) = BA .

This shall mean that the logic function can be implemented with a NOR gate

connected to a NOT gate. Fig. 3.26 shows the circuit of the OR gate.

Figure 3.26: CMOS circuit of an OR gate

The circuit of a CMOS two-input NAND gate is shown in Fig. 3.27. It consists

of two series connect n-MOSFETs and two parallel connected p-MOSFETs.

Figure 3.27: CMOS circuit of a NAND gate

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 130 -

CMOS circuit of an two-input AND gate is shown in Fig. 3.28. The circuit

consist of a NAND gate connected to a NOT gate.

Figure 3.28: CMOS circuit of an AND gate

One of the most powerful aspects of building logic circuit in CMOS is the

ability to create a single circuit that provides several logic operations in the

integrated manner. This is called complex or combinational logic gates. Let‟s

consider the Boolean function f(A, B, C) = )CB(A . Based on this function,

one can see that the simplest way to design the function is one OR gate and one

NAND gate. This shall mean that to design this function, a total of ten MOS

transistors are required. Owing to the design constraint on a VLSI design, one

ought to consider the performance and the number of MOS transistor on the

silicon chip. Thus, the traditional approach should not be used as the straight

forward design. The AND-OR-NOT AOI and OR-AND-NOT OAI circuit

approaches shall be used, which required utilizing the Shannon‟s expansion of

the Boolean function to determine the OAI circuits.

Based on the logic function f(A, B, C) = )CB(A , the circuit of the logic

is shown in Fig. 3.29.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 131 -

Figure 3.29: CMOS circuit of Boolean function f(A, B, C) = )CB(A

3.3.2 MOSFET Flip-Flop Circuits

Flip-flop is the primitive memory element, which is shown in Fig. 3.30. It

contains two NOT gates where the outputs are fed to inputs of the opposite

NOT gate. The CMOS circuit of the bi-stable element is shown in Fig. 3.31.

Figure 3.30: A basic bi-stable element

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 132 -

When logic 1 is connected to input A, the output Q is at logic 0. The logic state

is input to second NOT gate and its output Q will be at logic 1, which is the

same state as the input A. In this manner, the output Q and Q would stay at its

respective logic state even if the logic 1 at input A is removed.

Figure 3.31: CMOS circuit of a bi-stable element

When logic 0 is connected to input A, the output Q will be at logic 1. The logic

state is input to second NOT gate and its output Q will be at logic 0, which is

the same state as the input A. In this manner, the output Q and Q would remain

at its respective logic state even if the logic 0 at input A is removed. Combining

both conditions of logic states, the bi-stable element forms the basic memory


The bi-state element has two stable states and one unstable state. The

unstable state occurs at the mid-point voltage. At this point all transistors are in

saturation mode and also at the highest potential energy.

The SR flip-flop is shown in Fig. 3.32. The output Q is Q = QCLKS

and Q = QCLKR . Using DeMorgan‟s theorem, Q is also equal to Q =

Q)CLKS( , which forms the p-MOS transistor circuit of the output Q . Output

Q is also equal to Q)CLKR( , which forms the p-MOS transistor circuit of

output Q.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 133 -

Figure 3.32: SR flip-flop

The D flip-flop is shown in Fig. 3.33. The output Q is Q = QD = QD , whilst

the output Q is Q = DQ = DQ .

Figure 3.33: A D flip-flop

The JK flip-flop is shown Fig. 3.34. The Boolean function of output Q is Q =

QCLKJQ , which is also equal to ( CLKJQ ) Q . The Boolean function of

Q is Q = QCLKKQ , which is also equal to ( CLKKQ ) Q .

Figure 3.34: Logic circuit of a JK flip-flop

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 134 -

The T flip-flop is shown in Fig. 3.35. The Boolean function of output Q is Q =

QCLKTQ = ( CLKTQ ) Q and the Boolean function of output Q is Q

= QCLKTQ = ( CLKTQ ) Q .

Figure 3.35: T flip-flop

3.3.3 Random Access Memory Devices

There are many methods to design the static and dynamic random access

memory cells. In this section, three methods are presented. They are six-

transistor static memory cell, three-transistor dynamic memory cell, and one-

transistor dynamic memory cell. We shall only discuss the six-transistor static

memory cell and one transistor dynamic RAM cell.

The six-transistor static memory cell is shown in Fig. 3.36. MOS transistor M1,

M2, M3, and M4 forms the bi-stable memory element, whilst n-MOS transistor

M5 and M6 are served as pass-transistors.

During the write cycle, the desired logics are placed on bit line and BIT

line. When the WORD line is asserted, the desired data will be latched into the

bi-stable memory element. For an example, to write logic 1 into the memory,

the BIT line is set at logic 1, whilst the BIT line is at logic 0.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 135 -

Figure 3.36: The six-transistor static RAM cell

However, due to high pack density of the memory cell whereby many column

memory cells are connected in the same bit line, the total drain-bulk capacitance

of the pass-transistors is sufficiently large that the charging and discharging of

the bit lines would take long time. Thus, during the read cycle, the BIT and BIT

lines are pre-charged to the pre-defined level, which is usually 0.5 of VDD

voltage level. These lines are then allowed to float. When the WORD line is

asserted, the BIT line and BIT line begin to charge or discharge that reflect the

logic level stored in memory cell. The small change in voltage level is passed to

the sense amplifier for output user. The read cycle is a destructive cycle

whereby the data stored in the memory can be erased. Therefore, it is necessary

to refresh the memory. Other mean to prevent the bit data being erased is to

design the pass-transistor to have large width and length. But this is not desired

because in the modern design, scale down is necessary to save cost and fast

access time.

One-transistor dynamic RAM cell uses capacitor to temporarily store the

charge on a memory capacitor CM. A simple 1-bit dynamic RAM cell is shown

in Fig. 3.37. During the write cycle, the logic level is placed on the BIT line.

The WORD line is then asserted to charge or discharge the memory capacitor

CM. The capacitor is leaky and will not hold the charge for long time. Thus, it is

necessary to refresh it periodically.

During the read cycle, the BIT line is pre-charged and placed in tri-state

mode. When the WORD line is asserted, the BIT capacitor CBIT is either

charging or discharging depending on the charge stored in memory capacitor

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 136 -

CM. The sense amplifier is then used to detect small change in voltage level and

output the appropriate logic level.

Figure 3.37: A 1-bit dynamic RAM cell

Read cycle is a destructive operation. Thus, the data must be re-written into the

memory capacitor CM.

3.4 Power Dissipation of MOS Circuit

There are two types of power dissipation associated with CMOS circuit. They

are static power dissipation PDC and dynamic power dissipation Pdyn. When the

circuit is not in operation the power dissipation is known as static power

dissipation PDC. When it is in operation, it is known as dynamic power

dissipation Pdyn. At static mode, the output of the logic gate is either at logic 1

or logic 0, whereby in both cases, one of the MOS transistors is at cutoff mode.

Since the p-MOS transistor is connected in series with n-MOS transistor,

theoretically, there is no power dissipation at static condition. However, due to

sub-threshold conduction and other leakage associated with the design, there is

a small amount of current in pico-ampere per gate. This current is termed as

quiescent leakage current IDDQ. Thus, static power dissipation is PDC = VDDIDDQ.

One has to take note that during the transition of the output voltage either

changing from logic 1 to logic 0 or from logic 0 to logic 1, the maximum dc

current consumption occurred when output voltage is equal to input voltage,

which is the mid-point voltage. At this point, both p-MOS and n-MOS

transistors are in saturation mode. It is obvious to say the maximum current

drain occurred when the both n-MOS and p-MOS transistors are connected in

series are in saturation mode. The dynamic power dissipation Pdyn can be

calculated with the charging and discharging figure shown in Fig. 3.38.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 137 -

The output is charged to VDD during transition to logic 1 and discharged to logic

0 during transition to logic 0. The sum of charging and discharging time is

considered as equal to the period T of the input frequency. Thus, the dynamic

current iDD is equal to Q/T, where Q is the charge of output capacitor Cout, which

is also equal to VDDCout. The dynamic power Pdyn is equal to

Pdyn = VDDiDD = VDDT

Q= Cout f2

DDV (3.54)

(a) Input voltage (b) Charging output capacitance Cout (c) Discharging output capacitance

Cout Figure 3.38: Charging and discharging circuits of a NOT gate

After adding the static power PDC, the total power dissipation PD of the NOT

gate is

PD = VDDIDDQ + Cout f2

DDV (3.55)


3.1. Calculate the Fermi potential of a silicon p-MOS if the doping

concentration of the p-type is 2.0x1016



3.2. A pn+ junction capacitor has NA equal to 1.0x10


-3 and ND =



. Calculate the built-in potential of the capacitor and its

junction capacitance when it is reverse biased with – 2.0V.

3.3. The C-V characteristic of a p-MOS is shown in the Fig. below. Explain

the reason why the low frequency capacitance of the MOS is

approximately equal to the oxide capacitance at inversion mode.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 138 -

3.4. Find the work function difference for an n-type polysilicon gate n-MOS

transistor that has poly gate doping concentration and substrate doping

concentration of 1.5x1019


and 1.0x1015



3.5. The work function difference between Al-SiO2-p-type silicon MOS

transistor is -0.15V given concentration of p-type is 1.0x1012


and the

work function of Al is 4.28V. Calculate the value of the work function

constant for the device.

3.6. If the thickness of the oxide for the Al-SiO2-p-type silicon MOS is 600 A0


the flat-band potential is -0.87V, and the concentration of p-type

semiconductor is 5.0x1016


, calculate the threshold voltage Vt of the


3.7. A MOS capacitor has an aluminum gate and p-type substrate with doping

concentration 5.0x1016


. Its oxide thickness is 450 Ao

and cross

sectional area is 1x10-2

cm2. Calculate the oxide capacitance.

3.8. Consider an n-MOS transistor has channel width W = 8m and channel

length L = 0.5m and is made of process where process transconductance

K = 180A/V2, Vtn = 0.7V and VDD = 3.3V. Calculate the linear drain to

source resistance.

3.9. Determine the switching conditions of the transistor M1, M2, M3, and M4

of the circuit shown below when the input A is at logic 1 while input B is

at logic 0.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 139 -

3.10. Logic circuit shown in the Fig. is a JK flip-flop. J and K input are tied to

logic 1 and the output of Q is at logic 1. What will be logic state of

output Q , when the clk is raised from logic 0 to logic 1.

3.11. If the maximum operating frequency of the inverter is 6.0x109Hz,

calculate its maximum power dissipation if it has static leakage current

100pA, load capacitance 1.0pF and VDD 3.0V.

3 MOS Devices and Circuits

- 140 -


1. John P. Uyemura, “Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout and

Simulation”, Thomson, 2006.

2. Etienne Sicard and Sonia Delmas Bendhia, “Basics of CMOS Cell

Design”, TATA McGraw Hill, 2006.

3. Jasprit Singh, “Semiconductor Device”, McGraw Hill Inc. 1994.


- 97 -


0.8µm technology ................................. 122


Accumulation mode ................................ 99

AND-OR-NOT circuit .......................... 130


Bi-stable element .................................. 131

Bulk threshold parameter ...................... 111


Channel length ...................................... 121

Combinational logic gate ...................... 130

Constant Mobility Approximation Model

................................................... 115, 117

Constant-field scaling ........................... 123

Constant-voltage scaling ....................... 123

Cut-off frequency .................................. 121


DeMorgan‟s theorem ............................ 132

Depletion charge ................................... 110

Depletion mode ....................................... 99

Diffusion ............................................... 117

Drain conductance ................................ 120

Dynamic power dissipation................... 136


Electric field .......................................... 110


Flat-band voltage .................................. 111

Flip-flop ................................................ 131


Gradual Channel Approximation Model

................................................... 115, 116


intrinsic energy level ............................... 97

Inversion mode........................................ 99


JK flip-flop ............................................ 133


Kirchhoff‟s voltage law ................ 108, 112


Lightly doped drain............................... 123

Lithography........................................... 122



Dynamic RAM .................................. 135

Mobility ........................................ 116, 121

Mobility degradation parameter ........... 116

MOSFET ................................ 97, 112, 126

depletion-enhancement ...................... 112

enhancement ...................................... 112


NAND gate ........................................... 130

nMOS ...................................................... 97

NOR gate .............................................. 129

NOT gate .............................................. 129

npn transistor ........................................ 111


OAI circuit ............................................ 130

OR gate ................................................. 129

OR-AND-NOT circuit .......................... 130


pMOS ...................................................... 97

pnp transistor ........................................ 111

Poisson‟s equation ................................ 115

polysilicon .............................................. 97


Quiescent leakage current ..................... 136


Scale factor ........................................... 123

silicon dioxide ......................................... 97

Silicon dioxide ...................................... 112

Si-SiO2 .................................................. 107

Six-transistor static memory cell .......... 134

SR flip-flop ........................................... 132

Static power dissipation ........................ 136

Surface charge density .......................... 109

Surface potential ................................... 101


T flip-flop.............................................. 134


- 98 -

Taylor‟s series ....................................... 118

Threshold voltage.......... 108, 110, 120, 124

Transconductance ......................... 115, 120

Tri-state ................................................. 124


Ultra deep submicron technology ......... 122


Work function ....................................... 109


Zero body bias ...................................... 111