
RECEIVED FEB 2 11975 •rtwiTU^ Rrnncf! -P&K CnRisi FORWARDING AGENT.: _ IVirs. Edith Dailey 2308 Michelle Lane Greensboro, N^C. ,27-^^0? .MJHE FIELP_!_^„_ Mr. Lloyd Morris Box ^66 Montego Bay Jamaica, West Indies JANUARY, 1975 Dear Christian Friends, Once again the Lord has led us through the year with many great victories for Him! How thankful we all should be to Him for the many ways He has blessed His work in Montego Bay. We cna't begin to tell you just how much we love and appreciate each of you. We realize that many of you have given and continue to give sacrificially and we are confident that you, especially, will have your needs met as you see to spiritual things first. ^ We ask that you please pray for the "work" on a daily basis, inis is the PWER that "moves the engine'.' Much can be accomplished if we - will just have the faith to ask knowing our petitions will be heard. In comparison to the financial statement of 1973» you will note that the giving to the Lord's work this year has made possible a greater outreach through Community Services Center which is now paying... for itself? it has provided down-payment for Church land which is vitally needed and which will be due in total in Junei and for the help and outreach to many needy Jamaican families both spiritually and physically. There are two full time Bible college students here because of your help as well as two others who are planning towards Bible college in the near future. INCOIVIE $ 60,80 Bal. on Hand 12/31/73 678.73 January 390,35 February 336.72 March 5-8^.0^ April ^-^^3.00 May ^29.03 June 493.50 July 1,612,95 August 555.30 September 636,07 October 1,527.^0 November 875.00 December EXPENSES $i|-, 050.00 Salary for 12 months 52-4.52 Community Services Center 2,481.40 Church Land Fund 441.55 Mailing, Newsletter materials and Newsboc.K- lets 300,00 Sponsorship to O.B.C. for Theresa Hurd 226.96 Miscellaneous, Songbouks, clothes, etc- $8,024,43 Total Expenses for 197^ $8,521,89 Total Income $8,024.43 Total Expenses $ 497.46 Bal, on Hand 12/31/7^ VJe realize that each day and hour we live draws us nearer to the return of our wonderful Lord, and so we must do as Paul says in Philippians 3:13-14, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do, forgetting these things v/hich are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus," We praise and thank God for YOU, our co-laborers , whom He works through to accomplish His great commission! , \

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RECEIVED FEB 2 11975•rtwiTU^


-P&K CnRisi

FORWARDING AGENT.: _IVirs. Edith Dailey2308 Michelle LaneGreensboro, N^C.


.MJHE FIELP_!_^„_Mr. Lloyd MorrisBox ^66Montego BayJamaica, West Indies


Dear Christian Friends,Once again the Lord has led us through the year with many great

victories for Him! How thankful we all should be to Him for the manyways He has blessed His work in Montego Bay.

We cna't begin to tell you just how much we love and appreciateeach of you. We realize that many of you have given and continue togive sacrificially and we are confident that you, especially, willhave your needs met as you see to spiritual things first. ^

We ask that you please pray for the "work" on a daily basis, inisis the PWER that "moves the engine'.' Much can be accomplished if we -will just have the faith to ask knowing our petitions will be heard.

In comparison to the financial statement of 1973» you will notethat the giving to the Lord's work this year has made possible agreater outreach through Community Services Center which is now paying...for itself? it has provided down-payment for Church land which isvitally needed and which will be due in total in Junei and for thehelp and outreach to many needy Jamaican families both spirituallyand physically. There are two full time Bible college students herebecause of your help as well as two others who are planning towardsBible college in the near future.


$ 60,80 Bal. on Hand 12/31/73678.73 January390,35 February336.72 March5-8^.0^ April^-^^3.00 May^29.03 June493.50 July

1,612,95 August555.30 September636,07 October

1,527.^0 November875.00 December


$i|-, 050.00 Salary for 12 months52-4.52 Community Services Center

2,481.40 Church Land Fund441.55 Mailing, Newsletter

materials and Newsboc.K-lets

300,00 Sponsorship to O.B.C. forTheresa Hurd

226.96 Miscellaneous, Songbouks,clothes, etc-

$8,024,43 Total Expenses for 197^

$8,521,89 Total Income

$8,024.43 Total Expenses

$ 497.46 Bal, on Hand 12/31/7^VJe realize that each day and hour we live draws us nearer to the

return of our wonderful Lord, and so we must do as Paul says inPhilippians 3:13-14, "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehendedbut this one thing I do, forgetting these things v/hich are behind, andreaching forth unto those things which are before. I press toward themark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,"

We praise and thank God for YOU, our co-laborers , whom He worksthrough to accomplish His great commission!

, \

•• ' •',* ' -f':- 'I'


Mr, Lloyd Morris....Box ^•66Montego BayJamaica, West Indies



APRIL, 1975

My trip to the States was just "beautifullmeet my old friends again, but I made new onesfor me and just getting away from Jamaica at the time I did was ablessing.

Right now I am feeling on top of the world because I havegot things together and I am on the go again. I am more thanhappy with the way things are going. Vife have new adult faces inChurch every Lord's Day. Our Sunday School is growing (but' I believethis is because camp time is coming up - happens every year.) Andour teachers are taking more time to prepare themselves. Steve Egliis now my right hand man like George Haden was, and he is doing agreat job.

Our Bible study on Wednesday nights is growing. We have abetter attendance than when we were meeting in our churchbuilding, Last week we had 12 for Bible Study. I am havingdiscussions with a graduate of our Uni'O'ersity. Ghe is now reading"The Church of Christ" by Phillips. She has come to church forthe first time", I am praying that her brothers and sisters willask more questions. One member is also studying with a Peace-Coreworker? another has been bringing a number of friends to Churcheach Sunday, I can feel a new approach to our outreach here. I havea few students attending from Cornwall College. You see why Imust praise the LordJ I am happy that my thoughts can be expressedto our many friends.

The Lord is opening the doors for religious discussion atthe Center. Last week we had a very encouraging discussion withthe students. I was able to find out that none went to Chiirch, Notonly am I inviting them to worship with us, but they want to hearthe reasons why one should attend Church, Interest is there.Keep on praying for us. The Center is doing well.

P/lany friends are writing "asking me what our needs are. Itwill take some time before I can reply to the many letters so I amusing the newsletter jto say that we do not need any more SimdaySchool literatures however, I can use all the children's books andmagazines such as Sports, Time, Life, Ebony, Black Stars, Jet,Reader's Digest, National Geographic, and hard cover bookspaperback books, etc. I am collecting and distributing books toour Institutions for juveniles. It is my belief that if young peopleare to see the need for a Saviour, they must read. I c^ alsouse Bibles, but Modern translations, They are' easier ito read andalso easier to understand,

Please continue to pray for us here as we try to labor forthe cause of Jesus

.• I.-;

••7 ' -1 , >•

At ChRist


Mrs. Edith Dailey"2308 Michelle LaneGreensboro, K.C.


Not only did IThe rest was good

ON THE FIELD:Mr lloyd Mgrria.-Box 466Montego BayJamaica, West Indies



MAY, 1975

fioR. CnRisi

FORWARDING AGENT:-IVlrsEdith..Dailey _2308 Michelle LaneGreensboro, N.C,


The Lord has been blessing life in marvellous ways and Iam happy to be a useful servant. We had over 100 people attending .our Good Friday Service, I think every member, including the children,brought a friend with them. The singing was just beautiful and theparticipation was lOOfo! After the service, we had a fellowship. Theadults brought buns and cheese and the children brought the drinks.

Easter Sunday was a day of very rich fellowship. We are introducing into our Services more Jamaican songs - songs to thfe Reggaebeat. The tunes are simple, yet the words are meaningful to ourpeople. These can be sung with or without a piano.

For our Bible Study", we are meeting from house to house each'month, Steve Egli leads our Bible Study on the book of Revelationand one can feel the Holy Spirit at work. Those who attend arereading their Bibles and we are just having a great time in theChurch!^

I am now reaching out to the University and High SchobX studeritsV '^and I am finding this a very rewarding experience. So far wehave added one University graduate to our membership and I amstudying with two more. One is Linda Kay*s teacher and the otheris from England.

^Brother James, from our congregation, became engaged to MissMartin. She is a prospect and I am setting up a study time tablefor her. Wha^t is so encouraging for me is to watch my young peoplegrowing up in the church and to see how active they are. We arehaving specials every Sunday morning from them also.

Community Services Center is now fully self-supporting and theyoung people are all helping themselves. The cook shop is still'providing inexpensive meals and yet it shows a profit. Although wehave religious discussions going from time to time, we are unableto get past the Rastafarian doctrine. Please continue to pray forus. If we can r.ake a break-through with these boys, we would havewon an important battle for the Lord,

We are preparing for summer camp and I am promotional secretaryagain. For the summer I am having a group of musicians from Minnesota Bible College for about 21 days. Then in October, we arehosting James Oliver Lyttle from California. He is a religious ,dramatist.

I am working on a special project at Hilltop Approved Schoolfor Boys, Conditions ar just terrible but I am getting togetherconcerned citizen^ of Montego Bay to go there one Saturday eachmonth. We are now making table tennis tables for the boys. Ican also use all of the Ladies Magazines that are sent to me.

Please continue to remember our work and the Land Fund in yourprayers and distribution of gifts. May our Great God richlybless you for this I

'• •'A , • •,; •. -r- •,

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cr mi; Fieldsivir, Lloyd MorrisBox 466Montego BayJamaica, West Indies



fion Cn/iist

FORWARDING AGENTsMrs. Edith Dailey2308 Michelle LaneGreensboro, N.C.


Greetings to each of you! WJay 23rd was a public holiday (LaborDay). So. after I did my Lobor Day project - distributing paintedgarbage bins around town, we went to Negril and had a great time! MaryBeth and Kay are good swimmers so I got my yearly work-out.

Have you ever stopped to think of the reasons why the United Statesis such a great country? It is a wealthy country and its people arethe most generous, but I believe that the United States is great becauseof its human resources. The people of the United States have used"rhese resources to create superior agricultural products, a greateducational system where every child can receive an education, there-byfitting himself for life. Because of your educational program, you havecreated a wealth of knowledge and a surplus of teachers and techniciansin every field.

The churches of Christ in the U.S., are blessed with a wealth 01personal human resources. -We in Jamaica could use your experience.Not as missionaries, but as Christian workers. Jamaica is short ofteachers. As a Christian teacher you could volunteer to work with ourgovernment teaching in one of our schools for 2 years cr more, thenwork with the Church of Christ in that community whereyou are teaching.Not only would you be greatly rewarded by your travelling experiencebut you would be of great service to the work of the Lord.

Are you a social worker, a musician (can you play the pianio welland read music), are you a teacher, or a registered nurse? Then theLord needs you in T-iontego Bay! Are you a vocational teacher, a carmechanic, a homeeconomics teacher? Then the Lord needs you in MontegoBay! Are you retired and would like to be useful to people who needyour help? '̂ hen seriously consider coming to Jamaica. Jamaica is notall a dreamer's paradise, Thereare hard cold facts that you have toface. Realities will look you in the face, malnutrition, lack ofclothing, large families that are just too poor to live. But Ifirm believer that the Church, through its Christian teachers, stillhas the answer.

In September of this year a teachers college will be opened atGranville (3 miles from Montego Bay) with 300 students. This meansthat 300 new faces will be moving in. This an excellent opportunityfor the Montego Bay Church of Christ to witness among these students.In reaching these students for the Lord the Word could be spread allover Jamaica. Whereever' they teach, a church would be started. I ammaking contacts with the college for September. You can be of greatservice to the Lord's work here. What are your plans for the Lord.^

My thanks to our many friends v7ho have sent us clothing, magazines,books, and church papers. I appreciate your thoughtfulness very much.I realize that much work has gone into these projects; the Lord willcontinue to bless you all because many young people and families havebenifited from your gifts. We cannot measure clothing sent in termsof dollars and cents. It has to be measured in terms of the familieshelped. My thanks to you all. ^ ^

To pay for church land we still need $8,691•70. Please keep theseneeds in mind and in your petitions bt^x-ore our Lord. IVlay the Lordbless you each real good^



received S£P 2 3 1975

CN THE FIELD: ' ' FORWARDING AGENT:Mr. Lloyd Iviorris " ' ~t— --"tirH-^dith DaileyBox ^66 2308 B'lichellG LaneMontego Bay Greensboro, M,C.Jamaica, West Indies 27^0?

AUGUST, 1975

Greetings from the land of sunshine I V/hen one thinks of Jamiacaas a developing country, one rePiTit^^Gs imTTif^diRtfily tlie many socialand economina.! problem::; facing us as a nation,. In the 8 years thatI have been back home , I have seen a steady decline in humanaspirations. If you are not educated, your chance of making a successof your life is almost nil. Young people grow up to be 12-15 yearsold and girls, especially, at that tender age, are becoming mothers.Because of the lack of maturity, these young mothers become frustratedand this is passed on to their children. These children grow up withno experience of a home life, having children, and its just an endlesscycle. The situation is getting worse everyday and the major crimesare committed by these disinherited youth. The government, the Churchand many organizations are trying to break the back of this endlesscycle, but the job is a big one.

Over the years you and I have been partners in rehabilitating .Jamaican delinquent youth and from our small beginning, we have growninto a large scale operation. I need your help again — to experimentwith Hill Top Approved School, a maximum security school 69 milesfrom Montego Bay, Hill Top has over 100 boys. These are consideredto be the worst offenders in our society. Ages 13-18.

Since March of this year I have been working with the boysone Saturday each month, I have also made a public appeal to ourcitizens for help and our people have given generously. I collectedenough lumber to build 6 table tennis boards, collected football and

cricket gear, collected over reading books, comics, and magazinesfor the school, I was instrumental in collecting 'p^OO.OO to wireone of their v/orkshops. I have just planned a general working day forHill Top, Seventy citizens are going there to build table tennisboards, have a picnic with and for the boys. The whole idea is thatvihen the boys return home they will have a friend waiting for them,I am convinced that the Lord has the answer to all the violence thatv/e now have in Jamaica.

As of January, 1976, Lord willing, members of rry congregation areplanning to go to Hill Top two Sunday evenings each month to holdservices with the boys. I am asking the Ocho Rios Chvirch to hoi .Bible Study once each week with the boys.

WE NEED YOUR HELP IK THE FOLLOWING WAYSs1, 100 Bibles , Old and New Testaments sent to Hill Top, These will

remain at the school all the time.2, One set of Bible Commentaries - Research needs to be. done in the

• Bible and the boys need tools to work with.3, Religious books of all kinds to be sent. They need a good library.


Clothing used or nev^ for boys ages 12-19 yrs. Shirts, pants, socks,underpants, shoes. When the boys leave, these will be leftbehind for those coming in.

5. 200 Bath towels and 200 wash rags, USED, PLEASE. These will remain.Please send the items to%

Mr. H. Lindsay, SuperintendentHillTop Approved SchoolBamboo P.O.St, AnnJaiT^-ioa. -'est Indies

• ;



Is there someone reading this letter who could come to Jamaicafor two months to assist in the construction of this building?Skilled help will assist in putting up this much needed building.YOUR HELP IS NEEDED NOVH' Hill Top needs a skilled carpenter, askilled welder, a skilled motor mechanic. Are you looking for aplace to serve? Then Hill Top gives you the answer. I know there areskilled tradesmen who' are members of our churches. Maybe you areretired. Encourage your church to'send you as their missionary toHill Top for 2 years.

May the Lord bless you a,11 as you consider these needs.. -Some have aske,d how much is owed on the church property. The needstands at $8,317.00. As you know there are many needs. Perhaps you-can surely find some avenue of service to serve the Lord through . ^at least one of these needs. May the Lord's will be done in your ^Xifel

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GREENSBORO CHURCH OF. CHRIST3232 Yanceyville StreetGreensboro,. N.C. 27^05

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: :• PAID :Greensboro, N.C.Permit Mo. 297


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ON THE FIELDSMr. Lioyd MorrisBox ^66 .Montego BayJamaica, West Indies





SEPTEBffiER, 1975

At CHUlst


Mrs. Edith Dailey2308 Michelle LaneGreensboro, N.C,


Greetings, my friends! Ever since return to Jamaica, Ihave spoken of three main thingss Establishing a Church of Christin Montego B^ys Establishing a Jamaican Service Gamipj Establishinga Training College. You will agree that if the Churches in Jamaicaare to continue growing, a trained leadership is vital. We havetalked about a college for years, but we have not moved from thetalking stages. Now that we are having more and more young peopleadded to the Church, the need becomes more evident and urgent.Besides i^y work in Montego Bay, I am mow discussing, seriously, waysand means of 'establishing a Training Institute, meeting two or threeevenings for the first year.

Looking at our teachers, we now have: Bros. Donald Morris-graduate of Minnesota Bible'College and Union Theological SeminarysCarlton Mullings- of Alberta Bible College and Milligan College;Vincent Graham- Ozar^-t Bible College; Lushington Bogle- inston-SalemBible College and Ozark Bible Collegej Clive Holness- AtlantaChristian College; Lloyd Morris- Minnesota Bible College; AlbertThompson- Jamaica Bible Seminary; Calvin Baker- Lincoln ChristianCollege. I believe that it is vital for us to have a ChristianEducation Department. V/ith this in mind, we are sending MarjorieRichards to Minnesota Bible College to prepare herself for the future.I am asking Christians everywhere to assist I'lajorie. Your financialcontributions may be sent to;

Jamaica Student FundMinnesota Bible College920 Mayowood Rd., S.W.Rochester, Minnesota 55901

F^^LL NAMEj Mar.jorie Elaine RichardsBIRTHDAYS S-eptember 25, 195^CHURCH ACTIVITIES: Sunday School teacher. Primary Class

Organizer of the Junior Bible ClubYouth Fellowship MemberTeacher in Youth Camps

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUNDS Central Branch, All Age School (63-69) got afree place to enter Technical SchoolSt.', Andrews TechnicdlSchool (69-73) Perfect at this school for tthe year (72-73)Jamaica School Certificate examination - Gained passes in Maths,English Language, Spanish, Biology, Civics, Nutrition and •Cookery, and General Science,Took the Royal Society of Arts Examination (72) Gained passes inMaths, English Language, and SpanishTook General Certificate Education "0'* Level, London (73)and gained passes in Fiaths, English Language, and Biology

Minnesota Bible College has given Marjorie free tuition andboard, but the truth us, it is not really free, someone is payingfor it. So your contributions will make it a little easier for theCollege to take care of its other financial commitments.

Those of you who have visited our Churches here, must haverealized the lack of Biblical training. We are now making effortsto train our Sunday School teachers, Elders, Deacons, Ministers, andEvangelists. V^e are hoping that the time will come when ALL ofour Church leaders will "be educated in Jamaica. V/hile they are intraining, our Churches will benefit from them.

Your financial assistance in educating Karjorie is yourinvestment in the future training of our Jamaican Ministers. V/ein Jamaica, will never be able to repay our brothers and sisters inthe U.S.A. for all the help you have given to us. All we can sayis, "Thank Y6u" in the name of Christ.

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GREENSBORO CHURCH OF CHRIST3232 Yanceyville Street 'Greensboro, M.G. 27^05'



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' • , PAID .Greensboro., N.C.Permit No. 297


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0^^ THE FIELDSB'lr, Lloyd Morris-Box ^66 " ^Montego BayJamaica, West Indies






Route #3Pierre, South Dakota



Greetings at the wonderful Christmas season! 1975 was partiallya year of frustration and grief for me. But the Lord in His wisdomtook care of my frustrations. Without any warning He sent into mylife, Audrey Marcia Bygrave. So on the 6th of September, 1975» Audrey"became Mrs- Audrey t'lorris* We are a family unit again. Linda Kayand Mary Beth now have a mother and I now have a helpmate. She is a"beautiful Christian woman who loves the Lord, While a student at theUniversity of the West Indies, reading for her Degree, in Economics,she was a member of the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. Audreyis involved in the life of the Church.

Christmas is just aroun^ the corner, and as I think of the reasonfor Christmas, I want to try and give a very simple reason whyChrist means' so much to me.

Christians in the U.S.A. have helped people from all over theworld. Some of us have been fortunate to study in the States. We^have been able to attend some of the finest colleges and the U.S.A. ChristiaBS, not knowing other Christians and hearing,of a need, took care of these needs financially and with much prayer.Christians have bridged the gaps that governments and politicians havebeen unable to bridge. Christ coming to earth, bringing life andpeace to a sin sick world, gave us a new Hope. This is Christmas to me.A time of reflection, a time of sharing, Christmas comes once ayear, but everytime a sinner is brought to knowledge of Jesus Christ.

The Christmas story reminds me that we are made in the imageof God, with a mind to think,, with a heart to serve, with a desire tohelp everyone. The Christians in America have exemplified the^Christmas message in a forceful way I Everytime we lift a helpinghand to the needy, everytime we lift a helping hand to the friendless,I see the message of Christ coming alive. This is Christmas to me!

We will have our differences, we will not be able to agree evenupon important issues, but when it comes to the Bible, the clarity isthere for all to see. ^ _ no ^ r,

Christmas reminds me of the words of David in Psalm 37il»r"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious ^against the workers of iniquity. Rest in the Lord, and wait patientlyfor hiiQi Fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way,because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass."

The words of interest to me are, "Fret not thyself" and 'Restin the Lord." No matter what the .difficulties are, let us continue to •send the Christmas message to the #orld. To you, w brothers andsisters in the Lord, my family joins with me in wishing your familya very Happy Christmas and a Blessed New Yearl

NOTE FROM EDITHs PRAISE GOD! that we have a wonderful Saviour whosebirthday we can celebrate! Thank you for allowing me to get to knowvou through your letters and gifts for the Lord's work in Montego Bay.

Please send all of ,your January gifts to the new forwarding agent,The address is as follows! " ——•—

Mrs. Kay HoistRoute #3 'Pierre, South Dakota 57501