monroe's tig- technology integration group- wemta11

TIG- Technology Integration Group Mary Friedrichs, Angela Schmelzer, Nichole Jordan Monroe School District

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Monroe's TIG Presentation at WEMTA11- 3.22.11


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TIG- Technology Integration GroupMary Friedrichs, Angela Schmelzer, Nichole Jordan

Monroe School District

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Technology Integration GroupWhat is this all about?

Why and how did TIG get started?

Who is a part of TIG?

What does TIG do?

Tech Wednesdays

All the rest

How does TIG work?

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Why did TIG get started?

• The bad that led to the good

• Administration changes/Budget issues

• Business Ed. Teacher given technology responsibilities

• Forward thinking leads us to TIG and Scope and Sequence Groups

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TIG- TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION GROUP• This group works closely with

administrators and teachers • Providing professional

development• Answering technology related

questions• Helping to integrate

technology into existing curriculum

• Disseminating information to staff

• This group is finalizing grade level curriculum that integrates technology into the existing curriculum

• Follows technology standards• Uses existing curriculum


Technology Committee Broke into two groups out of necessity:

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Who is a part of TIG?Teachers and Administration

• One paid teacher representative from each of the 6 schools: 3 elementary schools, middle school, high school, and charter school

• Our 2 district LMC Directors: One elementary director and one middle, charter and high school director

• Director of Curriculum & Instruction

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Monthly or bimonthly meetings• Depends on the

time of year• Some after school,

some during school

The building rep. is the contact person• For teachers- to answer questions,

concerns, or address development needs• For administrators- to provide training

opportunities, relay information, troubleshoot

How does TIG work?Collaboratively

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What does TIG do?

• Helps staff regarding technology issues• Communicates building and staff questions, concerns,

professional development requests at meetings• Relays pertinent information to staff; information that comes

from meetings• Develops trimester newsletters• Provides professional development

• Tech Wednesdays• Tech Gigs• SMARTBoard Trainings

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• Teachers and administrators contact building reps and LMC Directors with questions, concerns and requests

• An agenda is created

• TIG members meet and review agenda items

• Professional development is planned based on meeting

• TIG members disperse information back to teachers and administrators

TIG MeetingsA Process

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TIG Tech News

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•Third Wednesday of each month

•Variety of topics, technology level and location

•Teachers are required to attend 3 sessions

•All sessions start at 3:25

•Teachers can stay as long as they would like-

•Can leave at the end of their work day•Or be paid for extra time

What is a Tech Wednesday?Professional Development for teachers and support staff

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Visions Software

Tech Wednesday Topics Held at various locations

Microsoft Word- Beginner and Intermediate (Advanced)

Elementary Report Cards


Outlook- Level 1 and Level 2

SMARTBoards- Levels 1, 2 and 3

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Copier Scanning Documents and Pictures

Photo Story 3

Tumbleboks and Bookflix

TurnItIn Software

Timesaving Tips and Tricks

Website Work Time

Microsoft Publisher

Incorporating Blogs into the Curriculum

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Tech Wednesday

• Short, professional development opportunity for staff on technology software, hardware, applications and more

• 3 are required• Held on Wednesdays, starting at

3:25• Can be used for professional

development inservice hours or earn pay if hours go beyond professional day

Tech Gig

• Short, professional development opportunity for staff on technology software, hardware, applications and more

• Not required• Can be any day of the week• Can be used forprofessional developmentinservice hours orearn pay if hours go beyond professional day

What is a Tech Gig?…and how is that different from a Tech Wednesday?

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As we all know, learning doesn’t end when the students leave.

What are some successes that you can share from your district?

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