monnaie money newsletter november 2013

MONNAIEMONEY.COM FINANCIAL LITERACY PROJECT My Priorities! My Future! Get Informed! NOVEMBER 2013 Financial literacy provides the foundation of saving and investing wisely. It is the basics for the responsible use of credit and money and the making informed financial decisions that can affect our families and our future. The MonnaieMoney Financial Literacy Project will provide fundamental tools for youth. The objective of the project is to bridge the gap between what people know and what they need to know with respect to personal financial skills and provide opportunities for personal empowerment and For the past four years the Carrefour jeunesse- emploi de Côte-des-Neiges and the Jamaican Canadian Community Women’s League of Montreal Inc. have been very active in promoting financial literacy to the wider community in the city of Montreal. Content 1 2 3 Newsletter

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The Monnaie Money November 2013 Newsletter. News and tips for better money and credit card management and financial literacy.


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My Priorities! My Future!

Get Informed!


Financial literacy provides the foundation of saving and investing wisely. It is the basics for the responsible use of credit and money and the making informed financial decisions that can affect our families and our future. The MonnaieMoney Financial Literacy Project will provide fundamental tools for youth.

The objective of the project is to bridge the gap between what people know and what they need to know with respect to personal financial skills and provide opportunities for personal empowerment and

For the past four years the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de Côte-des-Neiges and the Jamaican Canadian Community Women’s League of Montreal Inc. have been very active in promoting financial literacy to the wider community in the city of Montreal.

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Did you know that November is Financial Literacy Month across Canada? Financial Literacy is a very important skill as it allows you to manage your money and make informed daily decisions with your finances.

On Friday November 22, 2013 at the Grande Bibliothèque, 475 Boulevard de Maisonneuve East, Room M.450.

Various partners in the field of Financial Literacy will be hosting ‘’CONNECT WITH FINANCIAL LITERACY 2013’’. You will have the opportunity to get information on financial literacy and the current community projects in the Greater Montreal area as well as to listen to experts in the field of financial literacy. It will be an excellent opportunity for general public to get informed on this very important topic.

Open to the Public 10h30- 4PM

10:30am – 1:00pm Promotional Booths 1:45pm – 2:45pm Presentations; Financial Literacy Community Project 3:00pm – 4:00pm Guest Speakers Featured speakers at the event are;

• Camille Beaudoin - Director of Financial Education at the Autorité des marches Financiers.

• Jérémie Ryan - Team Leader of the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada Consumer Education Branch.

• Richardson Joubert - ING DIRECT Community Relations and Social Media Leader and • Solange de Billy-Tremblay - Trustee in Bankruptcy, Certified Insolvency and

Restructuring Professional at de Billy-Tremblay & Associés Inc.

For more information please contact Brian Smith at (514)-342-5678 ext 228 [email protected] F o l l o w t h e e v e n t o n s o c i a l m e d i a a n d h a v e t h e o p p o r t u n i t y t o w i n s o m e f a b u l o u s p r i z e s !

T w i t t e r . c o m / m o n n a i e m o n e y # m o n n a i e m o n e y 2 0 1 3 F a c e b o o k : C j e c d n m m o n n a i e w w w . m o n n a i e m o n e y . c o m This event is sponsored by De Billy-Tremblay & Associés Inc. Trustee in Bankruptcy and Financial Restructuring Professionnal, the Autorité des marchés financiers, the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada, ING DIRECT & Credit Canada.



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Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi de Côte-des-Neiges 6555, Côte-des-Neiges, # 240 Montreal, Quebec, H3S 2A6 Jamaican Canadian Community Women’s League of Montreal, Inc. 5465 Queen Mary Rd, # 330 Montreal, Quebec, H3X 1V5

For more information, contact: Brian Smith, MonnaieMoney Project Coordinator (514) 342-5678 ext. 228 / (514) 817-3941

Welcome to our new sponsors!






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