monday 22nd february -

Home Learning Tasks Year 4 – Week Beginning 22/02/2021 Monday 22 nd February 9.00 – 9.30am 9.30 – 9.45 am 9.45 – 10.35 am 10:35 – 11:00am 11:00 – 12:00pm 12:00 – 1.00pm 1pm – 1.15pm 1.15pm – 1.45pm Virtual Library: Please use the following link: https://libr ary.thenatio nal.academ y/get-to- know- cookie-and- konnie- huq/ To access information about this week’s author, Konnie Huq, and to start listening to her book: Cookie and the most Guided Reading: Vocabulary Please join TEAMS with Miss Rowlands at 9.30 ready to start. We are going to be exploring the meanings and word class of new vocabulary by using our online dictionary. If you cannot print the sheet, please write the words and their definitions on a piece of paper. You will need: New vocabulary English: WALT: analyse a character description WAGOLL Today, we start our new text! We are going to read Chapter 1 of ‘Bill’s New Frock’, by Anne Finne. What are our first impressions of Bill? How would we describe him? We will be having a discussion before having a look at the WAGOLL together. Please re-join the meeting by 10.20 am if you decide to work independently, this is so that we can share ideas. You will need: Break Maths: WALT: add 2 or more fractions Please join the meeting with Miss Rowlands and be ready to start at 11:00am Today, we are building on our previous learning of adding fractions to build up to adding 2 or more fractions together. This will require you to think about the relationships between numerators and denominators carefully. Please re-join the meeting for 11:45 so that we can go through the answers and mark our work! You will need: Maths worksheet for today’s lesson Pen or pencil Lunch Daily Story Time Please join the afternoon Teams Meeting for 1.00pm with Miss Rowlands Science- to do with an adult! WALT: investigate gases Do gases weigh anything? Today, you will find out! We are going to be learning about Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, by looking at fizzy drinks and exploring how liquids become ‘fizzy’ when gas is added. Your investigation will involve weighing a fizzy drink, before then making it flat (by removing the CO2) and comparing the two weights. What did you find? Remember, you can take photos of you carrying out your experiments and send these into school! You will need: Worksheets for your investigation Two different fizzy drinks (e.g. coke and lemonade) and a measuring jug A set of scales

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Post on 04-Feb-2022




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Home Learning Tasks Year 4 – Week Beginning 22/02/2021

Monday 22nd February

9.00 – 9.30am

9.30 – 9.45 am

9.45 – 10.35 am

10:35 – 11:00am

11:00 – 12:00pm

12:00 – 1.00pm

1pm – 1.15pm

1.15pm – 1.45pm

Virtual Library:

Please use the following link: To access information about this week’s author, Konnie Huq, and to start listening to her book: Cookie and the most

Guided Reading: Vocabulary Please join TEAMS with Miss Rowlands at 9.30 ready to start. We are going to be exploring the meanings and word class of new vocabulary by using our online dictionary. If you cannot print the sheet, please write the words and their definitions on a piece of paper. You will need: • New


English: WALT: analyse a character description WAGOLL Today, we start our new text! We are going to read Chapter 1 of ‘Bill’s New Frock’, by Anne Finne. What are our first impressions of Bill? How would we describe him? We will be having a discussion before having a look at the WAGOLL together. Please re-join the meeting by 10.20 am if you decide to work independently, this is so that we can share ideas. You will need:



Maths: WALT: add 2 or more fractions Please join the meeting with Miss Rowlands and be ready to start at 11:00am Today, we are building on our previous learning of adding fractions to build up to adding 2 or more fractions together. This will require you to think about the relationships between numerators and denominators carefully. Please re-join the meeting for 11:45 so that we can go through the answers and mark our work! You will need:

• Maths worksheet for today’s lesson

• Pen or pencil

L u


Daily Story Time Please join the afternoon Teams Meeting for 1.00pm with Miss Rowlands

Science- to do with an adult! WALT: investigate gases Do gases weigh anything? Today, you will find out! We are going to be learning about Carbon Dioxide, or CO2, by looking at fizzy drinks and exploring how liquids become ‘fizzy’ when gas is added. Your investigation will involve weighing a fizzy drink, before then making it flat (by removing the CO2) and comparing the two weights. What did you find? Remember, you can take photos of you carrying out your experiments and send these into school! You will need:

• Worksheets for your investigation

• Two different fizzy drinks (e.g. coke and lemonade) and a measuring jug

• A set of scales

annoying boy in the world! It is recorded in three parts, so you can listen throughout the week!

worksheet or paper

• Pen or pencil

• Coloured pen or pencil to mark your answers

• Paper to record your answers and working out during Miss Rowlands’ teaching.

If you cannot print the work, please use paper to write your answers- I will share the worksheet on my screen during the lesson so that you still have access to the work!

Tuesday 23rd February

9.00 – 9.30 am

9.30 – 9.45am

9.45 – 10.35am

10:35 – 11:00am

11:00 – 12:00pm

12:00 – 1.00pm

1pm – 1.15pm

1.15pm – 1.45pm

Physical Activity: Follow a PE lesson with Joe Wicks to start your day

Guided Reading: Reading skill: Vocabulary Please join TEAMS with Miss Rowlands at 9.30 ready to start. Today, we are going to be reading through vocabulary

English: WALT: explore and describe features of our main character Today, we will be looking at the WAGOLL in-depth, identifying the features that I have included. Next, to prepare for your own writing, we will be labelling basic features of our main character, Bill, before editing these to add



Maths: WALT: subtract fractions Please join the meeting with Miss Rowlands and be ready to start at 11:00am Now time for the inverse! Today, we will be looking at subtracting fractions. We will be looking at visual representations such as bar models and part wholes so that we understand the relationship between fractions.



Daily Story Time Please join the afternoon Teams Meeting for 1.00pm with Miss Rowlands

Foundation: History WALT: write a diary entry as a Viking Today, we will be revisiting what we have learnt about the Vikings so far, imagining what it would be like to have lived at these times. What kind of Viking would you be? What sort of things would you get up to in your daily life? We will share ideas as a class before you complete your writing on Purple Mash!

with important exercise!

related questions together so that we know how to understand them in future. You will need: • Pen or pencil • Complex

sentences worksheet

If you cannot print the worksheet, please use paper to record your ideas.

detail. What do these features tell the reader about the kind of boy Bill is? Please re-join the meeting by 10.20 am if you decide to work independently, this is so that we can share ideas. You will need: • Pen or pencil • WAGOLL for this

week • Colouring pencils

to highlight features

• Character outline sheet to add description

Please re-join the meeting for 11:45 so that we can go through the answers and mark our work! You will need:

• Pen or pencil • Coloured pen or pencil

for marking • Worksheet for today’s

lesson • Paper to record your

answers throughout the teaching

If you cannot print the work, please use paper to write your answers- I will share the worksheet on my screen during the lesson so that you still have access to the work!

You will need: • Purple mash login details • Viking Life posters that

you had made previously • Paper to make more


Wednesday 24th February

9.00 – 9.30 am

9.30 – 9.45am

9.45 – 10.35am

10:35 – 11:00am

11:00 – 12:00pm

12:00 – 1.00pm

1pm – 1.15pm

Wellbeing Wednesday

Physical Activity:

Guided Reading: Reading Skill focus: vocabulary

English: WALT: develop our skills in writing description This lesson, we will be practising our



Maths: WALT: subtract 2 fractions Please join the meeting with Miss Rowlands and be ready to start at 11:00am

L unc


Daily Story Time Please join the afternoon Teams Meeting for

Today, we are starting our first week of ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’. We are introducing this to Today I would like you to complete the Yoga Mindfulness video linked above. This one is all about Tiny, the T-Rex!

Please join TEAMS with Miss Rowlands at 9.30 ready to start. Today, we are going to be applying our knowledge of vocabulary related questions to answer some examples independently. You will need:

• Pen or pencil

• Paper to record your thoughts and answers

character description writing by writing one about someone we know best – ourselves! Imagine you are the main character of a story. How would you introduce/ portray yourself to the reader? We will also be looking at semi-colons and how to use these in our work. Please re-join the meeting by 10.20 am if you decide to work independently, this is so that we can share ideas. You will need: • Pen or pencil • Paper to write

description If you cannot print any of these resources, please use paper to record your work.

Today, we are building on yesterday’s lesson: subtracting 2 fractions from an amount. Again, we are going to work with part whole models to understand what it means to take a fraction away from an amount. This will also develop your understanding and use of inverse operations. Please re-join the meeting for 11:45 so that we can go through the answers and mark our work! You will need:

• Pen or pencil • Coloured pen or pencil

for marking • Worksheet for today’s

lesson • Paper to record your

answers and working out throughout the teaching

If you cannot print the work, please use paper to write your answers- I will share the worksheet on my screen during the lesson so that you still have access to the work!

1.00pm with Miss Rowlands, I will do our afternoon register. We will start the afternoon by checking in with each other before beginning our ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ afternoon’.

encourage you at home to have time away from your screens and your devices in order to look after your mental health! Wellbeing Wednesdays will be asking you to work in an active, creative and practical way with the members of your family! This week, please complete some of the different activities below. You could…

• Make a den (inside or outside!)

• Form your own band and make your own musical instruments using recycled materials

• Write a kind note/ letter for a neighbour or a friend to show that you appreciate them

• Learn a new skill and teach this to members of your household

• Play board games with the people at home

• Find all of your favourite songs and all do karaoke!

Reminder: You also have a list of enriching tasks to complete in the back of your reading record.

Have a go at completing one of those too!

Thursday 25th February

9.00 – 9.30 am

9.30 – 9.45am

9.45 – 10.35

10:35 – 11:00am

11:00 – 12:00pm

12:00 – 1.00pm

1pm – 1.15pm

1.15pm – 1.45pm

Physical Activity: Start your morning by joining in with Joe Wicks! Remember to try your hardest and

Guided Reading: SPaG: Pronouns Please join TEAMS with Miss Truslove at 9.30 ready to start. We will be following the PowerPoint to introduce pronouns. Key questions: • What are

pronouns? • Examples of


English: planning WALT: plan our character description. In today’s lesson we will begin by looking at some example descriptions in order to help inspire you to plan your own character description of Bill. Miss Truslove will model how to fill in the planning sheet provided and share the prompt sheets with you. Please re-join the meeting by 10.20 am



Maths: WALT: subtract from whole amounts Please join the meeting with Miss Truslove and be ready to start at 11:00am Today we will be looking at how to subtract fractions from whole numbers.

Please re-join the meeting for 11:45 so that we can go

L unc


Daily Story Time Please join the afternoon Teams Meeting for 1.00pm with Miss Truslove

Foundation: WALT: interpret the 10 commandments. What are the 10 commandants? Which one do you believe is the most important and why? Discuss and come to an agreement as a group.

challenge yourself to achieve!

You will need:

• Pen or pencil

Paper to record your thoughts and answers

if you decide to work independently, this is so that we can share ideas. You will need: • Pen or pencil • Planning

worksheet • Prompt sheets If you cannot print any of these resources, please use paper to record your work. Your work from Tuesday will really help.

through the answers and mark our work! You will need:

• Pen or pencil • Coloured pen or pencil

for marking • Worksheet for today’s

lesson • Paper to record your

answers and working out throughout the teaching

If you cannot print the work, please use paper to write your answers- I will share the worksheet on my screen during the lesson so that you still have access to the work!

Above is an example of what I would like you to create. I would like you to create a poster displaying the 10 Commandments and write a brief passage identifying which one you believe is the most important and why.

Friday 26th February

9.00 – 9.30 am

9.30 – 9.45am

9.45 – 10.35am

10:35 – 11:00am

11:00 – 12:00pm

12:00 – 1.00pm

1pm – 1.15pm

1.15pm – 1.45pm

Physical Activity:

Spellings Please join TEAMS with Miss Rowlands at 9.30 ready to start.

English: final write WALT: write a detailed character description Today, you are going to be writing your character description of Bill



Maths: TTR Competition! WALT: practise our times tables. Please join the meeting with Miss Rowlands and be ready to start at 11:00am

L unc


Daily Story Time Please join the afternoon Teams Meeting for 1.00pm with

Introduction to Bug Club Virtual Reading Scheme WALT: independently read, and answer comprehension questions. During this afternoon’s lesson, I will be showing you our new

om/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ Start your morning by joining in with Joe Wicks! Remember to try your hardest and challenge yourself to achieve!

Good morning! We are starting off today with our spellings test. Please have a pen and paper ready. You will need: • Pen or pencil • Paper to

write your answers down

Simpson, using figurative language and a variety of punctuation to create a detailed image in your reader’s imagination! To start with today, we will complete a 10-minute activity on semi-colons, applying what he learnt on Wednesday. This is to refresh us as I would like you to try and use at least one in your work today! You will be completing the character profile on Purple mash. Please re-join the meeting by 10.20 am if you decide to work independently. I would like to hear some examples of your work! You will need: • Your work from

this week to refer

Flashback 4 Maths Starter displayed on the screen. Independent task: During this lesson, I would like you to complete a TTRS Soundcheck. You can leave the meeting to complete the soundcheck, and then re-join to give me your score. Once you have completed your soundcheck, I would like you to take part in our TTR Battle: Year 3 vs Year 4! I will announce the winner of the TTRS Battle in the afternoon! Please re-join the meeting for 11:45 so that we can go through the answers and mark our work! You will need:

• TTR login details

Miss Rowlands

eBook website that we have subscribed to! You should have received your passwords. Think about it as your school reading book…online! Independent Activity: I would like you to familiarise yourself with active learn during this lesson. Have a go at reading one of your books that I have assigned and completing the comprehension tasks. 2nd Activity: Once you have finished reading at least one book on bug club, have a go at completing this mindfulness session: You could also complete your mindfulness colouring that I included in this week’s pack! You will need:

• Active learn login details • Mindfulness colouring

worksheet • Colouring pens or pencils

to, especially your plans

• Paper • Pens or pencil • Semi-colon

worksheet • Purple mash

login details

Monday 22nd February: English. Please have this WAGOLL ready to discuss in our lesson. You will be making more notes and annotations in tomorrow’s lesson.

Bill Simpson was a short, skinny boy who had red curls

that hugged his shoulders. The red of his hair was mirrored on his confused, embarrassed face as he shifted regrettably in a pretty, pink dress. His voice snapped as fiercely as a mouse trap as his mum poured the dress

over him. Heavy steps carried Bill’s body down the stairs and out of the door, a scowl planted on his face. As he

walked, the beautiful ruffles of the dress were ballet dancers who danced in the wind; the dress was made of silk as soft as rose petals (Bill’s least favourite flower). Looking down at his feet, and taking an apprehensive

inhale, Bill charged into school ready to face the day of uncertainty that lay ahead. Surely this was going to be the worst day ever in school history! As he crept inside, he remained unnoticed, as if he had suddenly become invisible to everybody he knows. “Am I the only person who can see that something isn’t right?”, Bill said in a voice which became lost in the dusty school hall, which

was older than Bill’s great grandad. (Do this activity when instructed) Can you annotate the different types of figurative language used here? What does it tell us about our main character? What kind of image does it create in the reader’s mind?

Add 2 or more fractions

1 Completetheadditions.

a) 15

+ 25


b) 15

+ 35


c) 38

+ 38


d) 38

+ 18


2 Completethepart-wholemodels.

a) b)


d) Whichpart-wholemodelistheoddoneout?



3 Completetheadditions.

a) 37

+ 37

= e) 811

+ 611

= =

b) 37

+ 47

= = f) 411

+ 411

+ 611

= =

c) 45

+ 35

= = g) 311

+ 311

+ 811

= =

d) 85

+ 65

= = h) 37



= =








6 Completethenumbersentences.

a) 38


= 78

e) 49




b) 38


=1 f) 49




c) 316

+ =1 g) 57


+ 57


d) 49




h) 57


+ 57


7 Rosie,WhitneyandTeddyhaveeachbeenforawalk.

Rosiewalked 58


Whitneywalked 78


Teddywalked 38


a) Howfardidtheywalkaltogether? km

b) Jackalsowentforawalk.


HowfardidJackwalk? km



4= 9





4= 9



4= 9



4= 9



4= 9


5 Tommyisaddingfractions.



34 + 3

4 = 6


Monday 22nd February: Science – Investigating Gases Today, you will set up a comparative investigation to find out which fizzy drink has the most carbon dioxide in it, as this is likely to be the fizziest drink. You will weigh each fizzy drink, then shake it until it is flat and weigh it again. The difference between the two weights will tell you how much carbon dioxide is in each drink.

Have a look at the different drinks that you have available. Which one do you predict has the most carbon dioxide in it? This is just a guess! You can see if you were right at the end of the investigation.

How can you make sure your investigation is reliable? Underline the correct option in each sentence.

1. Use different OR the same amounts of fizzy drinks

2. Shake drinks for the same length OR different lengths of time

3. Use the same OR different weighing scaled each time

Carry out your investigation and complete the table of results below.

Name of drink:

Weight when fizzy:

Weight when flat:

Weight of carbon dioxide (the difference

between the two weights):

Look at your results and come to a conclusion. Which fizzy drink has the most carbon dioxide in?

Tuesday 23rd February 2021: English. Please use the image below in this lesson to make notes on description. Using your descriptive words and phrases above, can you write at least one sentence using figurative language? E.g. Bill’s fiery hair was like flames that danced around his head. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Subtract fractions

1 Completethesubtractions.


a) 23

– 13


b) 25

– 15


c) 35

– 15


d) 45

– 15


2 Jackhas 78


Heeats 48



Jackhas ofthechocolatebarleft.

3 Completethesubtractions.


a) 710

– 110

= = e) 812

– 412

= =

b) 710

– 210

= = f) 912

– 512

= =

c) 710

– 310

= = g) 959

– 559


d) 712

– 312

= = h) 13127

– 9127


4 Completethepart-wholemodels.

a) c)









7 Writethemissingnumerators.

a) 89


= 79

e) 710

– 510

= 110


b) 511


= 411





c) 89


= 39

+ 49





d) 79

– 59


– 49

h) 45

+ 15

= 37

– 27


8 Completethetabletoshow




5 Completethepart-wholemodelinfourdifferentways.

6 Kimhasread 67


Tomhasread 27


a) Shadethebarmodelstorepresentthisinformation.



b) HowmuchmorehasKimreadthanTom?

Kimhasread moreofherbookthanTom.














92 –

92 = 13


24.02.21 – Character Description Using the features that we have discussed, have a go at writing your own character description… about yourself! Make yourself the main character of a story. Once you have finished your writing, you could even draw yourself as this character!


Subtract 2 fractions

1 Completethesubtractions.



– 15




– 25




– 37




– 49


2 Completethecalculations.

a) 710

– 310

= e) 911

– 311


b) 23

– 13

= f) 67

– 47


c) 66

– 66

= g) 893

– 293


d) 34

– 14

= h) 10991

– 3991


3 Completethesubtractions

a) 95

– 65

= e) 83

– 43

= =

b) 95

– 55

= f) 113

– 43

= =

c) 95

– 45

= = g)143

– 43

= =

d) 92

– 42

= = h)153

– 53

= =


7 Fillinthemissingnumerators.

a) 1011


= 711

d) 154



b) 1011


= 711

– 411

e) 94




c) 1011

– 411


– 711

f) 114

– 34



8 AlexandAnniearetakingturnsplayingacomputergame.


Annieplaysfor 34




4 Jackhas214


Heuses 54



Jackhas kgleft.

5 Completethepart-wholemodels.

a) b)

6 Completethepart-wholemodelintwodifferentways.












Personality Adjectives

x Able

x Accepting

x Adventurous

x Aggressive

x Am

bitious x

Annoying x

Arrogant x

Articulate x

Athletic x


ard x

Boastful x

Bold x

Bossy x

Brave x

Bright x

Busy x


x Careful

x Careless

x Caring

x Cautious

x Cheerful

x Clever

x Clum

sy x


x Com

plex x

Conceited x

Confident x

Considerate x

Cooperative x

Courageous x

Creative x


• Dainty

• Daring

• Dark

• Defiant

• Dem

anding •


• Devout

• Disagreeable

• Disgruntled

• Dream

er •

Eager •

Efficient •


• Energetic

• Excited

• Expert

• Fair

• Faithful

• Fancy

• Fighter

• Forgiving

• Free

• Friendly

• Frustrated

• Fun-loving

• Funny

• G

enerous •


• G

iving •


• G

racious •


• Handsom

e •

Happy •


• Helpful

• Honest

• Hopeful

• Hum

ble •


• Im

aginative •


• Independent

• Intelligent

• Inventive

• Jealous

• Joyful

• Judgm

ental •

Keen •

Kind •


• Lazy

• Leader

• Light

• Light-hearted

• Likeable

• Lively

• Lovable

• Loving

• Loyal

• M

anipulative •


• M

ature •


• M

erry •


• M

ischievous •


• N

eat •


• N






Passive Patient Patriotic Perfectionist Personable Pitiful Plain Pleasant Pleasing Poor Popular Pretty Prim

Proper Proud Q

uestioning Q

uiet Radical Realistic Rebellious Reflective Relaxed Reliable Religious Reserved Respectful Responsible Reverent Rich Rigid Rude

• Sad

• Sarcastic

• Self-confident

• Self-conscious

• Selfish

• Sensible

• Sensitive

• Serious

• Short

• Shy

• Silly

• Sim

ple •


inded •


• Stable

• Strong

• Stubborn

• Studious

• Successful

• Tall

• Tantalizing

• Tender

• Tense

• Thoughtful

• Thrilling

• Tim

id •

Tireless •

Tolerant •


Character description! Whether describing a character for a story or a report, try using some of these wow

words! Physique gangling; gaunt; haggard; lanky; scrawny; skinny; spindly; withered / agile; athletic; lean; lithe; petite; rangy; reedlike; slender; slight; slim; thin; trim; willowy / barrel-chested; beefy; big-boned; brawny; buxom; chubby; fat; muscular; well-muscled; voluptuous; stocky Skin Colour apricot; black; bronze; brown; caramel; cream; ebony; fair; ivory; lily-white; milky; nut-brown; olive; red; white; yellow; Complexion Appearance - blush; flush; freckled; glowing; jaundiced; mottled; pallid; pale; pasty; rosy; ruddy; russet; sallow; splotchy; Texture - acned; cadaverous; craggy; greasy; leathery; peeling; pitted; pocked; scarred; sunburnt; wrinkled Hair colour Black - coal black; jet black; raven; sable; ebony; charcoal; ink-black; sooty; Dark Brown - brunet/te (male/female - male form rarely used); auburn; chestnut; chestnut brown; walnut; Light Brown - ash brown; mousey; chocolate; sandy; tawny; golden brown; nutmeg; nut brown; cinnamon; Red - fiery red; ginger; rusty; rust red; redhead; honey red; reddish brown; russet; copper; burnt sienna;

Blonde- ash blonde; strawberry blonde; platinum blonde; flaxen; honey-coloured; towheaded; light blonde; yellow-brown; fair-haired; champagne; tawny-gold; golden-haired; yellow-haired;

White - grey; silver; hoary; hoaryhead; snow-white; silver-grey; Hair style Afro; beehive; bob; braids; bun; coiffure; corkscrew curls; curls; crew cut; dreadlocks; French braid; mohawk; page boy; pigtails; pompadour; ponytail; shorn; skinhead; topknot; wedge / crop; fringe; locks; ringlets; strands; wisps; Hair condition disarrayed; disheveled; ill-kempt; knotted; messed up; messy; mussed up; mussy; uncombed; unkempt; ragged; ruffled; shaggy; tangled; tousled; twisted; untidy; matted / combed; kempt; neat; neatly combed; thick; thinning; tidy; / greasy; oily / dry; split-ended / flecked; grizzled; wiry; receding; unshorn

Facial Hair beard; bristles; five o'clock shadow; fuzz; goatee; moustache; muttonchops; sideburns; stubble; whiskers Eye colour Blue - bright blue; dark blue; light blue; luminous blue; piercing blue; sky blue; Brown - dark brown; light brown; Green - emerald; jade; light green; dark green; bright green; sea green; Grey - light grey; dark grey; deep grey; stone; stone grey; cobalt; slate grey; Hazel - light hazel; Lips - blue; cracked; dry; fat; full; luscious; parched; parted; red; ruby; thin; wet Teeth - buck; crooked; gap-toothed; gappy; gleaming; large; protruding; razor-like; small; sharp; shining; straight; white; yellow; Nose - aquiline; beaky; broad; bulbous; button; button-like; curved; eagle-like; hatchet-like; hooked; prominent; straight; turned up; Arms - long; thick; skinny; pudgy; strong; muscular Shoulders - broad; ox-like; sloping; drooping; hunched; rounded; Hands - elegant; long; long-fingered; rough; stubby; shovel-like; slender; spade-like Fingernails - bitten; broken; claw-like; dirty; hooked; long; painted; sharp; talon-like; Voice bass; bellowing; booming; breathy; cackling; childlike; croaking; crackling; drawling; droning; falsetto; faltering; feeble; flat; fluting; gravel; guttural; harsh; hoarse; hollow; husky; hypnotic; lilting; lisping; monotone; nasal; piercing; ponderous; purring; quavering; rasping; reedy; resonant; robust; sensuous; sharp; shrill; soothing; soporific; spluttering; squawking; squeaky; sultry; thick; thin; throaty; thunderous; tremulous; velvet; warbling; wheezing; whining; Facial bewildered; disbelieving; disgust; frown; puzzled; nonplussed; scowl; smile; Visual blank look; gaze; glance; glaring; glowering; hard stare; piercing; sideways glance; vague; vacuous; vacant; searching; empty;

Thursday 25th February

WALT: plan a character description

Your description may begin:

As most children do, Bill woke up one morning for school; however when he looked at his reflection in the mirror he…

Think about what you would write next. Refer back to your work form Tuesday and use your descriptive words and phrases to write sentences using figurative language.

For example: Bill’s fiery hair was like flames that danced around his head.

Who is the character you are describing?

What is your character doing?

What has happened to your character?

Physical appearance: (metaphors and similes will work well here, .e.g. The deep ravines which map the contours of his face, tell a thousand tales of heartache and misfortune… / Her hazel eyes are bright and optimistic, despite her tragic situation…)

Personality: (What is your character like? What do we know about them so far? How do they interact with others? Are there reasons to explain why they are the way that they are? We know that he is bullied; therefore is he a nervous character? Does he avoid conflicts? Is he opinionated? Does he feel unfairly treated? Baffled, confused, irate…)

Deepest secrets/ wishes: (How is your character feeling? What has happened to Bill that hasn’t happened to anyone else in the book and how is this making him react).

Subtract from whole amounts

1 Usethebarmodelstohelpyousubtractthefractions.


2– 23



2– 53



3– 53



3– 85


2 Completethesubtractions.

a) 88

– 58

= d)2– 57


b) 1– 58

= e)4– 57


c) 2– 58

= f) 4– 75


3 Matchthenumberswithadifferenceof 34








6 Completethecalculations.

a) 3– =2 310

c) – 712

=3 512

b) 4– =338

d) – 512

=13 712

7 Teddyhas4litresofjuiceand3jugs.

Teddypours 34



Teddyhas litresofjuiceleft.

4 Aishahas4pies.

a) Aishagives 58



Aishahas wholepiesand ofapieleft.

b) Aishathengives2piestoJack.



5 Alexissubtractingfractions.



4 – 34 = 1


1l 1l 1l 1l

The Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are:1.










Which three commandments do you think are the most important?





Friday 26th February: English – Semi-colon starter