monday 17/09/18 friday 31/08/18 peace run rooms 2, 4, 8 and … · 2018-08-31 · the oliphant...

This school is a Nut Free Zone. We now have several children attending our school who have a life threatening allergy to nuts. Thank you for your support. 12 Church Street, HAHNDORF, 5245. Ph: 8388 7058 Email: [email protected] Website: FRIDAY 31/08/18 Rooms 2, 4, 8 and 9 Zoo excursion and sleepover at school MONDAY 3/09/18 SCHOOL CLOSURE PRESCHOOL CLOSURE THURSDAY 6/09/18 9.00 P & F coffee and chat FRIDAY 7/09/18 Premiers Reading Challenge ends TUESDAY 28/08/18 2.25 Assembly (Rooms 3 & 6 hosting) MONDAY 17/09/18 Peace Run TUESDAY 18/09/18 7.00 Governing Council meeting FRIDAY 21/09/18 STUDENT FREE DAY SAT 22/09/18 AND SUN 23/09/18 24 hour Pedal Prix race THURSDAY 27/09/18 Festival Choir performance FRIDAY 28/09/18 Last day Term 3 2.15 dismissal Start of school supervision begins at 8.30am. Please contact OSHC on 8388 7420 if you need to book before school care. TERM 3 WEEK 6 30th August 2018 Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) The Child protection in schools, early childhood education and care services policy (2011) states that all children and young people in Department preschools and schools will access approved child protection curriculum”. The KS:CPC teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate and ways of keeping themselves safe. The curriculum is based on two main themes which are presented through topics and activities. Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust The two themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examined in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the learners: The right to be safe, Relationships, Recognising and reporting abuse and Protective strategies. As a Department For Education site we are mandated to teach the Child Protection Curriculum. More information can be found on the DECD website: As recommended by the National Sun Safe Guidelines all students will need to wear school hats as of the 1 st September. School hats can be purchased from the front office. The Oliphant Science Awards is an annually held competition for South Australian school students from Reception to Year 12 to develop their interest in science through a science based competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. Learning science encourages students to develop a range of skills such as observation, prediction and communication as well as expanding their knowledge within and between the diverse domains of science. The Oliphant Science Awards provide students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about science. Congratulation to the Rooms 5 and 6 students who submitted entries. Well done to Fergus Taylor who received a Highly Commended Award, with his hydraulic flood proof house. SUPPORTING OUR FARMERS Congratulations to Mrs Rixon, our S7 students and families for organising our soup and cake day. We raised over $900!!!. This project was part of their Civics and Citizen curriculum plus supports our work on developing empathy. Also a big thank you to the families who donated extra and supported this event.

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Page 1: MONDAY 17/09/18 FRIDAY 31/08/18 Peace Run Rooms 2, 4, 8 and … · 2018-08-31 · The Oliphant Science Awards is an annually held competition for South Australian school students

This school is a Nut Free Zone. We now have several children attending our school who have a life threatening allergy to nuts. Thank you for your support.

12 Church Street , HAHNDORF, 5245. Ph: 8388 7058 Email: [email protected] Website:

FRIDAY 31/08/18 Rooms 2, 4, 8 and 9 Zoo excursion and sleepover at school


THURSDAY 6/09/18 9.00 P & F coffee and chat

FRIDAY 7/09/18 Premier’s Reading Challenge ends

TUESDAY 28/08/18 2.25 Assembly (Rooms 3 & 6 hosting)

MONDAY 17/09/18 Peace Run

TUESDAY 18/09/18 7.00 Governing Council meeting


SAT 22/09/18 AND SUN 23/09/18 24 hour Pedal Prix race

THURSDAY 27/09/18 Festival Choir performance

FRIDAY 28/09/18 Last day Term 3 2.15 dismissal

Start of school supervision begins at 8.30am. Please contact OSHC on 8388 7420 if you

need to book before school care.

TERM 3 WEEK 6 30th August 2018

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC)

The Child protection in schools, early childhood education and care services policy (2011) states that “all children and young people in Department preschools and schools will access approved child protection curriculum”.

The KS:CPC teaches children and young people to recognise abuse, tell a trusted adult, understand what is appropriate and inappropriate and ways of keeping themselves safe.

The curriculum is based on two main themes which are presented through topics and activities.

Theme 1: We all have the right to be safe Theme 2: We can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust

The two themes are explored through four Focus Areas, which are examined in growing complexity in accordance with the age of the learners: The right to be safe, Relationships, Recognising and reporting abuse and Protective strategies.

As a Department For Education site we are mandated to teach the Child Protection Curriculum. More information can be found on the DECD website:

As recommended by the National Sun Safe Guidelines all students will need

to wear school hats as of the 1

st September. School hats can be

purchased from the front office.

The Oliphant Science Awards is an annually held competition for South Australian school students from Reception to Year 12 to develop their interest in science through a science based competition with a range of categories to suit a wide variety of abilities and interests. Learning science encourages students to develop a range of skills such as observation, prediction and communication as well as expanding their knowledge within and between the diverse domains of science. The Oliphant Science Awards provide students with an opportunity to expand their scientific literacy, by showing interest and understanding in the world around them and engaging in discussions about science. Congratulation to the Rooms 5 and 6 students who submitted entries. Well done to Fergus Taylor who received a Highly Commended Award, with his hydraulic flood proof house.


Congratulations to Mrs Rixon, our S7 students and families for organising our soup and cake day. We raised over $900!!!. This project was

part of their Civics and Citizen curriculum plus supports our work on developing empathy.

Also a big thank you to the families who donated extra and supported this event.

Page 2: MONDAY 17/09/18 FRIDAY 31/08/18 Peace Run Rooms 2, 4, 8 and … · 2018-08-31 · The Oliphant Science Awards is an annually held competition for South Australian school students

Hahndor f Primar y School and Preschool

Term 3 Week 6 30th August 2018

LANTERN FESTIVAL August 25th 2018

For the first few weeks of the term on Mondays, Room 9 has been learning how to make lanterns for the Hahndorf Winter Lantern Festival.

First we made the base out of special types of sticks called bamboo and cane. Then we stuck them together with a really strong tape. Then we stuck some really hard baking paper mixed with water and glue. When they had dried we decorated the lanterns with cellophane and drawings.

The Lantern Festival was on Saturday and we walked in the parade with our lanterns.

Ashah and Katelyn, Room 9


On Thursday the 16th of August, our class went to the State Library, it was so cool!! I learnt a lot of things like the State Library collects more than just books they also collect old posters, old trophies, old toys and more. We got to read some of the old books; some of the books were quite big. We focused on the author Jeanie Baker. We made mini collages like her books. It was really fun I would recommend it to lots of people. Jemma, Rm 8

When we arrive at the front of the State Library there were words carved into a rock. The words were written in Kaurna language, which was a welcome message. We looked at the Mortlock wing of the State Library. People can’t borrow the books in this part because they are so old. The Library collects all sorts of things from the past and they still collect things now. We focused on the book called Belonging by Jeannie Baker. Belonging is a book about what changes every two years and how it can change from a city to the country. We did small collages of a place where we think we belong. Yve, Rm 8

We arrived on the bus with 24 excited students and met a lady called Sharon who became our instructor for the day. We then went to the Mortlock wing and looked at over 100 year old books, some had weird titles. However, they also had collected posters and sport bats. We also looked at how the State Library has changed over time from the 1800’s, when it first opened to now. Inside one the buildings; the Institute building, we saw “treasure” items the library has collected. It was a good day overall. Marlon , Rm 8

Soccer Paddocks of brown, gooey mud

Squelching of my now brown boots Teams mates sliding around, white and black uniforms now an abnormal colour,

chestnut and chocolate. Me, eager to join my friends, my dad watching over me making sure I don’t.

Opposition arrives looking at the mud like it is a piece of mutated, mushy, murky broccoli that no one wants to eat.

The referee tosses up the coin, it lands on the ground, lurking in the mud. We glance at the pitch seeing if luck was our way or not.

The whistle blew, it was going to be a tough match. Everyone sliding around, mud everywhere, even in your eyes.

The whistle blew, it was going to be a tough match. Everyone sliding around, mud everywhere, even in your eyes.

The whistle blew, a sign of relief that we didn’t have to be on the hazardous swamp. Second half was worse with every player covered with so called mud, head to toe.

The final whistle blew, we trenched through the greasy grove. Everyone sore and tired from the big game, looking like monsters scurrying across the

pitch. Cameron, Rm S7

Winter Netball players fingers cold as ice as they shatter

when they attempt to catch the ball. When night comes, dark looms over us like a

blanket over our heads. Smoke from the oven sets off a dodgy smoke

alarm, frightening the poor puppy. Rain drips miserably down leaky windows. We race through the luscious green grass.

Sad songs stuck in my head as the storm rages on.

The next morning it’s beautiful like the storm never happened.

Out of nowhere the rain slaps the sun out of the way and takes control of Hahndorf once again.

Sofia, Rm S7

Page 3: MONDAY 17/09/18 FRIDAY 31/08/18 Peace Run Rooms 2, 4, 8 and … · 2018-08-31 · The Oliphant Science Awards is an annually held competition for South Australian school students

Hahndor f Primar y School and Preschool

Term 3 Week 6 30th August 2018

From the OSHC Hive…

Next Monday 3rd and Friday 21st September, are Pupil Free and School Closure Days. OHSC will be open for childcare on those dates from 7am until 6.30pm. Breakfast included before 8am. It is essential for parents to book asap for us to secure adequate staff for those sessions please.

We will be running GAMES DAY’s on these closure dates which means children may bring along games, DVD’s (deemed appropriate by the Director), toys, devices to play on or share, at times throughout the day. Children will be responsible for their own belongings and no internet is provided.

During the next 6 weeks, we are taking part in the Coles Bags Design competition. Children may create a design and if chosen, it may feature on the side of a Coles Shopping Bag. Coles Gift Cards and Prizes to be won. See OSHC Staff for details.

Thank you to the staff and parents who have given us some helpful feedback. If you would like to participate in our self-assessment please see OSHC Staff and within the next few weeks, we will be sending home Parent Surveys and children’s health details for updating.

Sheryle Joseph Director Hahndorf Primary School OSHC

Ph: 8388 7420

E: [email protected]

Parents and Friends 2019 Planning

Thursday 6th September 2018 at 9.00am at OSHC.

Please come along for a coffee and chat to plan fundraising events for 2019.

Babies and toddlers welcome.

Term 3 2018 Recycling Challenge

Five weeks into the School’s Term 3 Recycling Challenge and 3,401 containers

have been brought in and processed.

Keep up the good work by continuing to regularly bring in your containers.

Together Everyone Achieves More.

Niecy and the Recyclables

Page 4: MONDAY 17/09/18 FRIDAY 31/08/18 Peace Run Rooms 2, 4, 8 and … · 2018-08-31 · The Oliphant Science Awards is an annually held competition for South Australian school students


Thursday 30th

August Dad’s Night, 6.30-7.30pm

Friday 31st

August Dad’s Morning/Bunnings Visit, 9-10am BLUE GROUP

Monday 3rd

September Preschool and School Closure RED GROUP

Friday 21st

September Student Free Day BLUE GROUP

The Red Group have been talking about their feelings and the powerful impact of kind words. Our Big Buddies wrote some kind words and the Preschool illustrated them. Together, we went on a walk and spread our messages around Hahndorf. We left them in different locations in the hope that we would bring a smile to someone. Some of the messages were also sent home with children. They were then distributed around the Adelaide Hills. The Blue Group have been experimenting with hoops and discovering all the things that they can do with them. “Find the Numbers” has been an exciting activity and our children are very clever at recognising and ordering numerals 1 to 10. Last Friday, Mandy hid all the numbers outside, much to their delight!! We have also had campfires and enjoyed the social interactions while cooking marshmallows. We are looking forward to spending time with our Dads/Special Male Figure this week. Last week, we celebrated Book Week. The children dressed up as their favourite book character and paraded in front of the school children. We read many of the children’s favourite stories too. On Tuesday 28th August, the Red Group shared a woodwork activity with their Dads and Grandpas. Dads, Grandpas and the Preschool children made a woodwork car together. The Preschool children decorated the cars later in the day. Thank you to Bunnings for donating the woodwork activity. We have currently collected 72 containers for the Recycling Challenge. Our target is 400. Could everyone please continue to bring in their cleaned 10c containers to Preschool? Thanks!!

Hahndor f Primar y School and Preschool

Term 3 Week 6 30th August 2018