mohawk talk

Maddock Families, As the weather is changing and the days are getting colder, please ensure that the students are dressing appropriately. There will still be days when, weather permitting, students will be going outside for recess. Besides chilly days, November also means Parent-Teacher Confer- ences. Communication between a studentshome and school is exception- ally vital to an effective instructional environment. Working hand in hand with teachers can provide insights about your childs education. The con- ference is a great opportunity to ask questions about your child or voice any concerns you may have. This feedback could also assist us in address- ing the needs of your child personally and academically. New to Maddock this year is the online registration for Parent-Teacher conferences. All Maddock Families have been given a yellow sheet with their PowerSchool login, directions on how to login and setup an online appointment for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please contact the Maddock Office Staff or your childs teach- er if you are unable to register. You can also stop by for a Principal meet and greet in the Ben Carson room on Monday from 1:15pm-2:15pm and on Tuesday from 5:00pm-6:00pm. As a reminder, here is the Parent- Teacher schedule. Maddock School Parent-Teacher conferences; Monday, November 19 th from 12:15pm - 3:15pm Monday, November 19 th from 4:15pm - 7:15pm Tuesday, November 20 th from 12:00pm - 3:00pm Tuesday, November 20 th from 4:00pm - 7:00pm Continued on page 2 Principal’s Message Mohawk Talk Written by the Maddock Staff and Students November 3rd, 2018 November 2018 The Maddock newsletter is written by the staff of Maddock School. Thankful Thursday Its not happy people who are thankful. Its thankful people who are happy.

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Page 1: Mohawk Talk

Maddock Families,

As the weather is changing and the days are

getting colder, please ensure that the students are

dressing appropriately. There will still be days when,

weather permitting, students will be going outside for recess.

Besides chilly days, November also means Parent-Teacher Confer-

ences. Communication between a students’ home and school is exception-

ally vital to an effective instructional environment. Working hand in hand

with teachers can provide insights about your child’s education. The con-

ference is a great opportunity to ask questions about your child or voice

any concerns you may have. This feedback could also assist us in address-

ing the needs of your child personally and academically.

New to Maddock this year is the online registration

for Parent-Teacher conferences. All Maddock Families

have been given a yellow sheet with their PowerSchool

login, directions on how to login and setup an online

appointment for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please

contact the Maddock Office Staff or your child’s teach-

er if you are unable to register. You can also stop by for a Principal meet

and greet in the Ben Carson room on Monday from 1:15pm-2:15pm and

on Tuesday from 5:00pm-6:00pm. As a reminder, here is the Parent-

Teacher schedule.

Maddock School Parent-Teacher conferences; Monday, November 19th from 12:15pm - 3:15pm Monday, November 19th from 4:15pm - 7:15pm Tuesday, November 20th from 12:00pm - 3:00pm Tuesday, November 20th from 4:00pm - 7:00pm

Continued on page 2

Principal’s Message

Mohawk Talk Wri t ten b y th e M ad do ck S ta ff an d S tu d en t s

November 3rd, 2018

November 2018

The Maddock newsletter is written by the staff of Maddock School.

Thankful Thursday

It’s not

happy people who

are thankful.


thankful people who are happy.

Page 2: Mohawk Talk

Mohawk Talk November 2018 Page 2

This month is also filled with great events. November 7th we had an assembly for the

Veterans, the students did a fantastic job of singing and sharing poems. Special thanks to

Mrs. Ambutas, Mrs. Biondi and the Maddock staff for helping with this event. There was

also a representative from the Japan Information Center, who came to speak to our students

about the Japanese culture. We also learned what a school day in Japan would be like for a

typical student. Special thanks to Mrs. Krzystof for this amazing opportunity and sharing her knowledge about

Japan with the Maddock students.

We will be conducting a book drive in partnership with Bernie’s Book Bank during No-

vember. If you have any books that need to find a home and are in good condition, please drop

them off at the Maddock office (no workbooks, textbooks, or reference books). Our goal is to

collect 2,000 books, so please consider sharing your favorite stories with others.

In the spirit of our November theme of “Grateful”, Ms. Sullivan will be putting

together a care package for our soldiers overseas in Kuwait. They would appreciate any

of the following items; Sunflower Seeds, Beef Jerky, Gum, Protein Bars, Granola Bars,

Dried Fruit, Nuts (No Peanuts), Trail Mix, Powdered Drink Mixes, Tea, Hot Sauce, BBQ

Sauce, Baby Wipes/Wet Wipes and ChapSticks. The students in social committee will be

adding letters and we will be sending some of the artwork from the Veterans assembly as well. Donations will

be collected until November 21st.

Our next PFC meeting is scheduled for Thursday December 13, 2018 at 6pm. All parents, guardians and Mad-

dock friends are welcome to join us.


Mrs. Gonzalez

Page 3: Mohawk Talk

Mrs. Gorman’s K/1 News

Page 3

The students continue to work hard at learning. The majority of the students

know their letters and sounds and have also been learning and using all of our new

sight words. The students love to read simple books; some students are reading

them on their own, others need some help, and others are doing a good job pointing

to the correct word as the teacher reads the words. These are some ways you can

help your child to practice reading at home, as well. The students are also doing

well in math; they continue to count, practice recognizing numbers, and writing

numbers. Please have your child practice counting at home in natural ways such as

counting out how many pretzels they have for a snack and finding numbers in their environment and telling you

what number they see. Over Thanksgiving break you could go outside and talk about the different color leaves and

the changes that are taking place. Enjoy the time with your child.

November is always a busy month. We learned a bit about Veteran’s Day and had an assembly to honor veter-

ans where we sang some patriotic songs and listened to some poems being read to the veterans. Thanksgiving is

also in November, so we will be having the students reflect on who or what they are thankful for and write/draw

about that. We will be keeping busy for sure!

Finally, parent-teacher conferences will be held on Monday November 19th and Tuesday November 20th . If

you have not signed up for a time yet please get online to do it or contact us and we will be happy to help you. We

can’t wait to meet and talk to all of the parents. We look forward to seeing you!

Mrs. Gorman, Mrs. Banks, and Mrs. Conway

A Message From Our Social Worker

October was a busy month at Maddock! Red Ribbon Week takes place during

October. Maddock had a spirit week to show that we say no to drugs. Classrooms also

participated in a song contest and wrote songs during Red Ribbon Week to show that

they stand up against drugs. Responsibility was the character trait focused

on during the month of October. Responsibility means being accountable

for your words and actions and doing what is right even when others are

doing wrong. If others can depend on you, you are being responsible. It means working hard and hav-

ing a positive attitude. Students were recognized for demonstrating responsibility at Maddock.

As we move into November, we focus our attention to citizenship. Citizenship means showing

confidence in doing what is right even when others are doing wrong. It means getting along with others,

helping out, and following the rules. We can show citizenship by following the rules, being a good friend

and neighbor, volunteering to help others, or donating clothes or food to those in need. All of these things

help make our home, school, and community a better place.


Mrs. Jillson

Page 4: Mohawk Talk

Early Childhood The EC and PreK classes are hard at work learning more letters. This month we will focus our attention on V for vegetables, E for eat, and C for Community helpers. We will also practice our manners by saying please and thank you.

And this Thanksgiving, the PreK and EC staff want to take a moment to thank you, the parents and families, for

allowing us the honor of teaching your precious little ones. Happy Thanksgiving.

Here is a fun song to practice using good manners.

Please and Thank You (tune: Are you Sleeping?)

Please and Thank you, Please and Thank you

sound so nice, sound so nice!

Manners are important, manners are important.

Be polite! Be polite!

The Early Childhood Team

This year is flying by! We cannot believe the first quarter is already complete. We were so impressed

with how much progress we have seen in our students since the first day of kindergarten. We hope you are

proud. One area that is still a struggle for some of our students is the basic information section on the report

card. Please have your child continue practice saying and writing his/her name (first and last), address (city

and state), phone number, and birthday (year too). The more you practice, the quicker this information be-

comes concrete.

We are moving quickly through the letters and sounds and will start moving towards blending sounds

to read unknown words. It is impressive how much we learn in kindergarten.

Please remember to practice popcorn words with your child every

day and initial the calendar on their popcorn envelope after you do.

These words “pop up” in books all the time. Our students love spotting

these words when we read. New words are being added every week so

it is important to check the envelope daily.

Please continue to check your child’s folder daily. Graded pa-

pers should be kept at home. Please make sure your child has his/her

ID on every day. Mark your calendars: Parent Teacher Conferences are

scheduled for November 19th and November 20th. We cannot wait to talk to you about your child’s progress

thus far. Thanks!

Mrs. Kaplan Mrs. White

Mohawk Talk November 2018 Page 4

Page 5: Mohawk Talk

Second Grade News Second Grade continues to work on building comprehension skills in the classroom. We

work on this skill with our weekly stories and in small group guided reading. At home, please

talk about what you read as a family. You can talk about what is happening on each page or

discuss the entire story.

Please continue to practice your addition and subtraction

facts. All students should know all addition and subtraction

facts between 0 and 20 by the end of the school year. We

practice in class with flashcards and on xtra- Your children have also been using

Study Island. You are more than welcome to do

Study Island at home too, Another online resources that helps is Raz-kids. Raz-kids

promotes fluency and comprehension in literacy growth. Please use these at home

over Thanksgiving and Winter Break. The students are very excited for our Winter

Festivities and we look forward to celebrating their success.

We look forward to meeting all of you at Parent Teacher Conferences on November 19 & 20.

Thank you for your continuous cooperation and please contact us any time!

Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Fuentes, and Mrs. Stokas

First Grade News First Grade is progressing very smoothly. We have finished three math mod-

ules already. Module four began with developing and using subtraction language

and solving word problems involving addition and subtraction. The second half of

module 4 focuses on analyzing, sorting, identifying, and creating 2D shapes.

Module five will start with doubles math facts and end with comparing double

digits. Please continue to practice basic math facts at home. The children love the challenge of flash cards.

We have been working on writing longer and more detailed sentences and keeping on topic to create a para-

graph or story. The children know that every sentence starts with a capital and needs an end mark. It is tricky to

know what kind of ending a sentence needs. ASK your child and see if they know an asking sentence from a

telling sentence.

There are spelling words every week except the week of Thanksgiving since we

have a very short week. Continue to practice using the spelling flash cards.

Guided reading groups have been going well. The students are into the routines and

know how to keep up their stamina with reading to self for 20 minutes. We are proud

of them!

We are looking forward to parent / teacher conferences and a chance to discuss your

child’s progress.

Mr. Shizas & Mrs. McCarthy

Page 5

Page 6: Mohawk Talk

3rd Grade News them in!

Parents please remember to check homework and sign assign-ment notebooks every night. Brrr!!! The weather is changing! Please make sure your child is dressed ap-propriately for the cold weather. We look forward to seeing everyone at parent/teacher conferences on November 19th & 20th. We hope eve-ryone has a wonderful Thanksgiv-ing Holiday


Mrs. Ambutas

Ms. Kontogiorgos

The third graders have been busy hard at work! In math, we have been working on multipli-cation strategies, time, and word problems. Students need to practice their math facts every night for at least 15 minutes. All students are signed up for Reflex Math. This is great com-puter program to practice facts. In the coming weeks, we will be learning about rounding num-bers, fractions, and introducing division.

In Reading, our themes will be about cooperation, immigra-tion, and government. Why is working together a good way to solve a problem? Why do people

immigrate to new places? How do people make government work? Communities are the focus in So-cial Studies. We will be learning about early communities in Ameri-ca. In Science, we will be discuss-ing weather and weather patterns.

The Amazing Reading Race is off to a great start! Don’t forget to sign the weekly reading logs and return them to school on time. Students who complete all 4 weeks will receive a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Piz-za Hut! 3rd grade students should be reading for at least 20 minutes every night. Reading logs also count as a homework assignment, so make sure you are turning

Mohawk Talk November 2018 Page 6

Game Corner

This month’s game is called “Clumsy Thief”

This card game is a great way for 3-6 members of your family

and friends to get together and play a strategy card game that also

helps children mentally combine numbers to reach a goal of 100.

In “Clumsy Thief”, the goal is to get as much money as you can,

by grouping two amounts of money to equal $100. You can do this

by either grouping the cards in your hand, or by adding to other sets on the table and “stealing” them

from the other players. To do so, though, you need to be able to pair up numbers that equal 100, and fast!

Watch out for thief and jail cards, as they have extra abilities that can help you, if you play them at the

right time.

At the end, adding up your total amount is also a great exercise in ad-

dition and grouping compatible numbers, as well as exciting to find out

who has the most!

This is a fun game night activity for the whole family and the children

won’t even know they are practicing mental math and strategy. This

game retails for about $10 and can be found on Amazon and other retailers.

Mr. Chris Hunger

Page 7: Mohawk Talk

4th Grade News Fourth grade fun! Every Tuesday Ms. Sullivan and Ms.

Ezeldin’s students will be getting together to engage in

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) ac-

tivities. Each week is an engaging new challenge; don’t for-

get to ask your fourth graders what they explored each week!

Some reading skills to reflect on: fourth grade will be identify-

ing main idea and key details as well as learning about various

themes from diverse texts. Fourth graders remember to keep up

with those reading logs! Math modules: from subtraction to frac-

tion to multiplication, 4th grade will be working hard to conquer

these concepts.

We look forward to seeing everyone at parent-teacher conferences.

Your Fourth Grade Team,

Ms. Sullivan & Ms. Ezeldin

Page 7

5th Grade News Upcoming Events:

On December 7th at 1:30 we

will host a book tasting event for

parents and students. More infor-

mation will follow.

Important Dates:

11/19—1/2 Day—Conferences

11/20—No School—Conferences

11/21-11/23—No School

11/26—Return to School

The fifth graders are really get-

ting into the swing of things and get-

ting used to our routines. They have

been working hard and we are really

starting to see the results!


In math we are working on Mod-

ule #3 which focuses on Decimals

and Fractions. Students need to re-

member to record their homework in

their assignments notebooks. They

also need to remember to turn their

homework in on time for full credit.


In reading we are working on idi-

oms, affixes and analogies. Students

also have word study words that are

differentiated based on which group

they are working with. In class,

during Reader’s Workshop, we are

focusing on constructed responses.

Students receive homework eve-

ry Monday (unless we have a day

off) and are expected to return their

homework the following Monday.

They are responsible for reading for

at least 30 minutes each night. In

addition to reading, they are asked

to respond to what they are reading.

These responses are also due each

Monday as wel.

General Information:

We still have many students who

owe the $10 fee for our Scholastic

News subscription. Please send the

$10 to school with your child as

soon as possible.

Page 8: Mohawk Talk

Mohawk Talk November Page 8

Ms. Neal’s Literacy Class

The students have been doing a marvelous job in

literacy class. In Kindergarten they’ve been working on

the characters and settings in a story. In first grade the

students have been focusing on the main topic and key

details. While in second grade they’ve been describing

how a character responds to a challenge.

The third grade classes are working on main idea and details. Where-

as the fourth graders have been making inferences based on the details

used in the text. Fifth grade classes have been reflecting on how each

character responds to challenges or change. Last but not least, the sixth

graders have done a fabulous job with theme and how characters respond

to change. Every grade has stepped up their game by presenting their

group discussions in front of the class. We are targeting every area of

reading, writing, speaking, and listening in literacy and the students are doing a fine job.

Ms. Neal

Sixth Grade News Students are wrapping up their unit about Ancient Egypt. They have all

created a sarcophagus to decorate their locker with. Students have

learned about important Egyptian symbols such as the scarab beetle.

Also, students participated in a mock mummification ceremony as

well. On December 12th we will be going to visit the Ancient Egypt

exhibit at the Field Museum.

Students are reminded to continue working on

Mathia X. Students are given class time to work

on this program, however sometimes they may

need to go on this after school as well. This is a part of their math grade.

Students also have access to Study Island which covers both math and reading skills.

Students should check their grades on PowerSchool regularly. Finally, students are encouraged to

participate in this year’s reading program as well.

Ms. Krzystof & Mrs. Wachowski

Page 9: Mohawk Talk

Page 9 Mohawk Talk November

PFC News

SPIRIT WEAR sale is happening NOW! You may send your order/payment with your child to school. Order forms and payment will also be accepted during Conferences (Monday 11/19 & Tuesday 11/20). *Orders will not be accepted after 11/28* *Cash or Checks made out to Maddock PFC* *Sweatshirts(over polo), polos, zip up sweater(over polo) and cold weather accessories may be worn to school everyday. *Everything else is to be worn on specific Spirit Wear days and can be worn to all after school events to show School Spirit! *Order Form is attached to this email* PAPA JOHN'S FUNDRAISER is Monday, November 19th and Tuesday, November 20th. Order a Large 3 topping Pizza for only 10 dollars, unlimited purchases! A portion of each pizza sold with be given back to Maddock! Spread the Word!

3 ways to order: 1. In Person Located at 7856 S. Cicero, Show them the lime green handout (look for it in your child's folder) or say "Maddock Elementary"to receive the deal and for Maddock to receive a percentage. 2. Call To Order Just mention "Maddock Elementary." 3. Order Online and use promo code: FUNDRAISER1

POPCORN FUNDRAISER Perfect gift for the holidays or to enjoy yourself! Keep an eye out for the flyer in the next few weeks. Due Date: TBD BOOK DRIVE is happening throughout November. This is a great time of year to clean out your child's book and donate to our cause. Have your child bring them to school, drop them off at any time to the office or bring the along to Parent/Teacher Conferences. Your donation will help those without. Our goal is 2,000 books. Share the spirit of donation with your children.

Congratulations to our Maddock Mohawks Staff Volleyball Team for coming in 2nd Place last Saturday at the

annual tournament held at Liberty Jr. High. Go Team Maddock!

Page 10: Mohawk Talk

Mohawk Talk November 2018Page 10

Building Speech and Language -“Food for Thought”

The holidays are approaching and families will be spending more time to-

gether. This time of year provides great opportunities for your child to build

language skills. Families can help by using language in different forms and in

different settings. For example, during conversation parents and relatives can

talk with children about their day in past tense form. This increases the use of

past tense verbs. For instance, “What have you been learning in school?” You can discuss future events and

provide opportunities to use future tense verbs, for example, “What will you be doing during Winter Break?”

Children can talk about stories and activities using transitional labels such as First, Next and Last, which

helps them with sequencing and retelling skills. Families can use descriptors to talk about current events and/

or changes that occur during this time of year, such as the seasons and time changes. It can be fun to play

with words using idioms like, “It’s raining cats and dogs!” and similes, such as, “It’s as cold as ice!” or “Im

as hungry as a bear!”

You can also leave opportunities for children to ask questions about topics. This can be encouraged by

asking them if they have any questions regarding subjects or events that happened during the day or perhaps

movies they have recently seen.

There are endless ways of practicing language skills! Enjoy the time you have with your child as you en-

courage the use of language in its many forms!


Physical Education: News and Reminders

Hello Maddock families! Our students have been doing an amazing job of demon-

strating teamwork and good sportsmanship during their PE time. With winter approach-

ing, please remember to send your student to school with gym shoes on the days they

have PE. Some students have already had to sit out of PE because they were wearing


Third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students have been learning about their resting

heart rate and target heart rate zone. We have been monitoring our heart rates during

class and attempting to reach those target heart rate zones. We will being our volley-

ball unit after we return from Thanksgiving Break. Kindergarten, first, and second

grade have been participating in team games and have started practicing using scoot-

ers. Scooters are a fun way to develop lower body strength, muscular endurance, and

spatial awareness.

Please feel free to visit the gym during Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Sincerely, Mr. McMahon

Page 11: Mohawk Talk

Page 11 Mohawk Talk November 2018

The following students are being recognized for demonstrating citizenship at

Maddock. These students follow the rules and do what is right even when others

are doing wrong. They are kind, get along with others and like to help out. These

students demonstrate a positive attitude. Congratulations to our students of the

month! These students demonstrate many positive characteristics that will help

them be successful in life!

Emma Spitz (EC-10) Jakub Bizub (2-6)

Lamar Abdelhadi EC-11) Mackenzie Wilson (2-4)

Ahmad Issa (PKAM-3) Jacob Gibas (3-18)

Gabe Camacho (PKPM-3) Adam Michalik (3-20)

Lucas Prather (PK-5) Karen Hernandez (4-22)

Krystian Iwaniec (K-13) Julia Zadora (4-23)

Claudia Plewa (K-14)

Ethan Ponce de Leon (K-15) Mayrin Mondragon (5-24)

Krystian Tylka (1-1) Hannah Chance (5-21)

Daniel Chrobak (1-7) Olivia Bryja (6-26)

Alex Kreil (2-2) Cameron Valencia (6-19)

November Students of the Month

Page 12: Mohawk Talk

Page 12 Mohawk Talk November 2018

Congratulations to our October Readers! These students turned in all of their logs for the month of October!

EC & Pre-K

Eduardo Alcalde

Jameel Alquoq

Abriana Cahue

Damian Gmiterek

Angel Ledesma

Ala Saleh

Gabriel Selvek

Samantha Silva


Mutaz Abdelsalam

Rumaysa Abunain

Usseel Al-Qudah

Liam Anich

Isabella Arias

Daniel Avila

Dariel Barjaas

Penelope Basil

Elaine Doudin

Liana Doudin

Landyn Ferguson

Patrick Garcias

Krystian Iwaniec

Daniel Kobylarczyk

Jose Lopez-Diaz

Jack Matwiej

Oscar Mulica

Suhib Nassan

Edward Olivera

Arianna Richard

Samantha Perez

Sabrina Skupien

Fadwa Suleiman

Julia Toczek

Karina Tylka

Emily Valencia

Logan Whitted

Lucas Whitte

First Grade

Abdallah Alraiwe

Emmanuel Avila

Ali Awadh

Jabuk Boblak

Daniel Chrobak

Christopher Escobedo

Emily Garcia

Nicol Habas

Omar Jaghama

Bartosz Kozial

Camila Lopez

Sifyan Maklani

Kate Mondragon

Danna Munoz-Villaobos

Jacob Page

Lucas Rosciani

Scarlett Sokolski

Krystian Tylka

Bella Vasquez

Sebastian Wijas

Adam Zadora

Second Grade

Melanie Benitez

Jakub Bizub

Mciej Blachut

Logan Bozek

Giuliana Calvello

Esther Cervantes

Nicole Czaja

Stephanie DeLaTorres

Read Doudin

Jauffrey Farrell-Forrester

Priscila Gutierrez-Marquez

Alan Hernandez

Sofia Hernandez

Aaliyah Jidrawi

Alex Kreil

Adrian Kusper

Mario Morones

Reem Mousa

Dominick Obrochta

Ahmed Othman

Max Podniestranski

Asil Saleh

Karolina Stoch

Damian Toczek

Ayden Wilson

MacKenzie Wilson

Valeria Zamarripa

Third Grade

Layal Abdelmajid

Amnah Al-Qudah

Omar Alzubdeh

Dallah Albahlouz

Aiden Anich

Majid Awadh

Gwen Basil

Izabella Chrobak

Alicja Dziwisz

Naithan Flores

Noemi Garcia

Jacob Gibas

Eliana Gonzalez

Jan Kesek

Rafael Lopez

Christopher Majercak

Melany Mendoza

Adam Michalik

Maciej Miernicki

Cailey Mills

Emily Nunez

Melanie Ortiz

David Paliwoda

Arthur Plewa

Christopher Ramos

Julissa Rojas

Lisette Salgado

Lizbeth Salgado

Amnah Shakhatreh

Monika Skupien

Adrian Toczek

Alexandros Tserpelis

Nokxoel Vazquez

Yaritzi Vega

Nicholas Wijas

Fourth Grade

Sarah Abdallah

Sawsan Almahbosh

Mazen Almaklani

Emilia Baliczek

Leandro Baraja

Krystian Benitez

Isaiah Conroyd

Isabella Czaja

Nathan Gunther

Carolina Hernandez

Lidia Klimek

Conor LaPointe

Jayden Melesio

Giabella Patterson

Layla Patterson

Emilia Pisarczyk

Adriana Rivera

Alyssa Rosciani

Kacper Szymula

Kacper Tarczon

Edgar Villanueva

Julia Zadora

Fifth Grade

Andrea Aldana

Mohammad Allan

Juan Avila

Fernando Campos

Osvaldo Cevera

Hannah Chance

Dakota Dorman

Malak Fokaha

Ariana Hernandez

Saul Hernandez

Ameera Jaghama

Emily Juszczyk

Angelina Kolasa

Jozef Majercak

Mayrin Mondragon

Sarah Parker

Camila Perez-Padilla

Karolina Pisarczyk

Lisa Rosales

Stefania Rybka

Amira Salameh

Ayali Segura

Alexandra Smallwood

Natalia Stoch

Kasia Tylka

Sixth Grade

Ward Abdelkader

Fabian Alonso-Nunez

Assel AlQudah

Olivia Bryja

Pawel Greczek

Sebastian Iwaniec

Joseph Othman

Julia Prokop

Page 13: Mohawk Talk

Mohawk Talk November Page 13

November marks the time of year we set aside for celebrating with family and friends the things we are thank-

ful for. It is also the time of year considered “Flu season” in the United States which can begin as early as Oc-

tober and last as late as May. See facts below from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to

stay healthy this flu season:

The single best way to protect against the flu is to get vaccinated each year.

Strep Season is here!

Here are some signs and symptoms to look for at home:

Symptoms usually begin 2-3 days after contact, and the degree of illness can vary from child to child. Although you can’t always tell by looking, there is a somewhat characteristic appearance to strep throat.

You can suspect strep most strongly if: (1) The tonsils are beefy red (2) The uvula is red and swollen (the fleshy part at the back of the throat that hangs down like a raindrop) (3) There are big lymph nodes in the neck and under the chin.

The child may also talk as if he or she has a hot potato in the back of the throat. Interestingly, symptoms that tend NOT to be associated with strep throat are: stuffy

nose, cough, and laryngitis. (These suggest another cause such as a cold or allergy).

From the Health Department

Flu Season Information

An annual seasonal flu vaccine (either the flu shot or the nasal spray flu vaccine) is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others. When more people get vaccinated against the flu, less flu can spread through that community.

Generally speaking, everyone 6 months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season.

Get vaccinated early, it takes about two weeks after vaccination for antibodies to develop in the body and provide protection against influenza virus infection which is why it’s better to get vaccinated early in the fall before the flu season really gets under way.

Flu vaccination can help protect people who are at greater risk of getting seriously ill from flu, like older adults, people with chronic health conditions and young children (especially infants younger than 6 months old who are too young to get vaccinated).

Flu vaccines are offered in many locations, including doctor’s offices, clinics, health departments, pharma-cies and more. Stickney Township Public Health offers free flu vaccines to all BSD111 students, call today for more information (708) 424-9200.

Page 14: Mohawk Talk

Page 14 Mohawk Talk November 2018

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3

5th Grade

Field Trip

Spirit Wear Burbank All Star Volleyball


4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Kdg. & 1st

Grade Field Trip

No School -

Teacher Insti-tute Day

Veteran’s Day Assembly & Breakfast

Pfc Meeting 6pm

Wear a Purple

Shirt w/ Jeans

11 12 13 14 15 16 17

No School – Veteran’s Day

Picture Re-takes

Spirit Wear

18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Half Day

No pm Ec/PreK

Parent /

Teacher Con-ferences

Parent /

Teacher Con-ferences

No School No School –

Thanksgiving Day

No School

25 26 27 28 29 30 Foot Ball Day

November 2018

Please join us on Wednesday, December 19th from

9:30am to 10:30am for the Maddock School Holiday Sing-a-long!

Page 15: Mohawk Talk

Page 15 Mohawk Talk November 2018

Page 16: Mohawk Talk

Page 16 Mohawk Talk November 2018