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Module book January 2016

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         Module  book                                                                                                                                                                                        January  2016  

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Key for OEP Free modules: 1 = ZFMK (Museum Koenig) 2 = PALÄO (Steinmann-Institut für Paläontologie) 3 = IEZ (Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie) 4 = ZOOL (Institut für Zoologie) 5 = NEES (NEES-Institut für Biodiversität der Pflanzen) 6 = IZMB (Institut für Zelluläre und Molekulare Botanik) 7 = PB (Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie)

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Modul-Nr. Titel des Moduls Seite OEP1 Organismic Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and

Physiology 7

OEP2 Scientific Communication (Sander) 9 OEP4 Environment and Behaviour: Theory (vdE) 11

OEP5-A Environment and Behaviour: Practical (Bleckmann) Cognition and Behaviour


OEP5-B Environment and Behaviour: Practical (vdE) Neuroethology


OEP6-T Behavioural Ecology Theory (Bakker) 17 OEP6-P Behavioural Ecology Practical (Bakker) 19 OEP7 Current topics in Phylogenetics and Evolutionary

Biology (Bartolomaeus, H. Wägele) 21

OEP8 Palaeobiology of Invertebrates (Rust) 23 OEP9 Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy and Functional

Morphology (Hofmann) 25

OEP11 Experimental Evolutionary Ecology (Bartolomaeus) 27 OEP12 Molecular Phylogenetics (Bartolomaeus) 29

OEP13-T Marine Biology (H. Wägele) 31 OEP13-P Marine Biology (H.Wägele/Rust) 33 OEP16 Neurobiology of Sensory Motor Systems 35 OEP17 Neuroethology: Neural basis of behaviour and

sensory perception (vdE) 37

OEP18 Neurophysiology of Sensory Systems (Bleckmann) 39 OEP19 Neuroanatomy (Hofmann) 41

OEP21/PBPMO Plant Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology (Knoop)


OEP22/PSBE Plant Syst., Biodiv. and Evolution (Weigend) 45 OEP22/PSBE1 Plant Syst., Biodiv. and Evolution 1 (Weigend) 47 OEP22/PSBE2 Plant Syst., Biodiv. and Evolution 2 (Quandt) 49 OEP25/PMSP Plant Molecular Stress Physiology (Bartels) 51 OEP26/PMEP Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny (Knoop) 53 OEP27/PBCO Plant Biogeography and Conservation (Weigend) 55 OEP28/PBIO Plant Biodiversity (Weigend) 57 OEP29/PAPA Palaeobotany and Palynology (Litt) 59 OEP30/PCE Physiological and Chemical Ecology (Schreiber) 61

OEP31/PBDT Plant Biodiversity and Conservation (Weigend) 63 OEP32/PBEC Vegetation Ecology (Lobin) 65 OEP34/PMSY Plant Molecular Systematics (Quandt) 67

OEP35 Palaeobiology and Evolution of the Vertebrates (Martin, Sander) 69

M62 Vertebrate Palaeontology (Martin, Sander) 71 M63/ OEP Free

2D Vertiefung Wirbeltierpaläontologie Dinosaurier 73

OEP37 Chemistry of Natural Products (König) 75 OEP-VP Complimentary Projects 77

OEP Free 1A Biology and Evolution of Invertebrates (W. Wägele) 79 OEP Free 1B Introduction to Tropical Ecology (Schuchmann) 81 OEP Free 1C Distribution patterns, speciation and phylogenetics of 83

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vertebrates in the Palaeotropics (van den Elzen) OEP Free 1D Evolution and Biodiversity of Lower Vertebrates

(Herder, Rödder) 85

OEP Free 1E Comparative Morphology & Biology of selected Arthropod groups (Dorchin) 87

OEP Free 1F Presentation of scientific data in oral and written form (Schuchmann) 89

OEP Free 1G Ecology and zoogeography of the Pannonian area, with a field trip to the Neusiedler Lake 91

OEP Free 1H Speciation in Fishes: Patterns and Processes (Herder) 93 OEP Free 1I Bioinformatics for Master Students (Misof) 95 OEP Free 1J Comparative Morphology and Biology of selected

Mammalian groups (W. Wägele) 97

OEP Free 1K Biodiversity of the Alps, with a field trip to the Eastern Alps (Misof) 99

OEP Free 1M International Programs for Nature Protection and Conservation (Riede) 101

OEP Free 1N Beginner’s course: Programming in C/C++ (W. Wägele) 103

OEP Free 1O Patterns and Processes Shaping Biodiversity (Herder, Rödder) 105

OEP Free 1P Diversity, Form and Function in Birds & Mammals – Selected Topics (Töpfer, W. Wägele)


OEP Free 1Q Biogeography and ecology of islands (W. Wägele) 109

OEP Free 1R Theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics (Misof, Mayer) 111

OEP Free 2A Palaeontology and Biology of Texas - an Integrated Field Course (Sander) 113

OEP Free 2B Mesozoic Dinosaur and Plant Ecosystems and the Marine Realm in a Transect from southern Germany to northern Italy: Introductory Field Paleontology for Biology and Geosciences Students (Gee, Sander)


OEP Free 2C Mesozoic Dinosaur and Plant Ecosystems and the Marine Realm in England: Introductory Field Paleontology for Biology and Geosciences Masters Students


OEP Free 3A Behavioural Ecology of hole-breeding passerine birds (Lubjuhn, Brün) 119

OEP Free 3B Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics (Podsiadlowski) 121

OEP Free 3C Histology, tomography, and computer-aided 3D reconstruction of animal anatomy (Beckers, Koch, Ziegler)


OEP Free 3D Morphological character analysis in phylogenetics (Bartolomaeus, Koch) 125

OEP Free 3E Application of Immunohistochemistry in Invertebrate Systematics (Bartolomaeus, Quast) 127

OEP Free 3F Application of electron microscopy in Invertebrate 129

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Systematics (Bartolomaeus, Quast) OEP Free 4A Applied Aquatic Ecology (Tittizer) 131 OEP Free 4B Fauna of the north-atlantic coast line with a field trip

to Roscoff/Bretagne (Mogdans) 133

OEP Free 4C Strukturelle und materialwissenschaftliche Charakteri- sierung biologischer Materialien und Rezeptoren (Schmitz)


OEP Free 4D Biology of snakes (Westhoff) 137 OEP Free 4E Zoo Biology (Westhoff) 139 OEP Free 7A Sekundärstoffwechsel in Pflanze und Tier (König) 141

OEP-Free A IND Individually arranged practical courses 143 OEP-Free B IND Free choice of modules in other related natural

sciences 145

OEP-Free C IND Free choice of modules in other related sciences 147

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Organismic Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Physiology

Modulnummer OEP1

Workload 600 h

Umfang 20 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Thomas Bartolomaeus

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en) Biology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. T. Bartolomaeus, Dr. M. Koch, Dr. L. Podsiadlowski, Prof. J. Rust, Prof. D. Quandt, Prof. M. Weigend, Prof. L. Schreiber, Prof. W. Wägele, Prof. H. Wägele, Prof. B. Misof, Prof. T. Bakker, Prof. G. von der Emde, Dr. J. Mogdans, Prof. H. Bleckmann, Prof. M. Hofmann, Dr. H. Schmitz

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele The students will learn about mechanisms and processes working during evolution. They will acquire skills in reading and interpreting literature on theoretical aspects of evolutionary biology, as well as summarizing and presenting these. They will also develop skills in designing experiments on behavioural and evolutionary ecology, performing statistical methods, and presenting own results in form of protocols and oral presentations

Schlüsselkompetenzen Experimental design and techniques, writing of experimental protocols, analysis techniques, statistical methods, oral presentation techniques

Inhalte The module gives an overview on causal evolutionary biology. The topics of the lectures are: from individual to population, quantitative genetics, natural selection, adaptation, species-concepts, speciation, macroevolution. Experimental research will be done on topics like natural and sexual selection, heritability. During the seminar modern literature will be presented to topics on evolutionary biology.

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Organismic Biology: Evolution, Biodiversity and Physiology

(obligatory) Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture (40) Practical (40) Seminar (40)

10 4 3

420 120 60

14 4


Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination based on lecture,

seminar and practical


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in practical and seminar.

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Futuyma, D. J. (2005). Evolution. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Mass. Gould, S. J. (2002). The structure of evolutionary theory. The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.

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Scientific Communication

Modulnummer OEP2

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Biology, Geology/Palaeontology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Martin Sander, Dr. Carole Gee

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Pflicht


Lernziele The objective of this module is to prepare students for the international world of science by giving them the tools and helping them to develop their skills for effective scientific communication in the written and the spoken word. The focus is on hands-on training in writing abstracts and scientific papers, presenting research results in the form of a talk at a scientific meeting, and speaking freely in English.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Students will learn how to recognize scientific writing, select the appropriate scientific journal, understand various publication models, and navigate the review and publication process. They will learn to write up their results within the framework of the conventions used in abstracts and scholarly papers. They will also become familiar with presentation software such as Powerpoint and Prezi in putting together short scientific talks for international meetings.

Inhalte The Writing Scientific English part of the course will discuss the most important aspects of publishing a scientific paper, such as choosing the right journal and publishing model, writing the major sections of the manuscript, putting together the figures and plates, submitting the manuscript, and understanding the review process from the point of view of the referee. Additional topics will cover writing aids and English language usage (e.g., style, punctuation, prepositions, verb tenses). Special topics will include the use of LaTeX and EndNote, and compiling an English-language CV. The weekly language labs offer the students another opportunity to practice their spoken English and to ask questions within an informal setting.

The second half of the course, Visual Presentation of Scientific Results, will show how typology, graphic design, order of topics within a talk, the use of presentation software, creative modifications, and voice modulation can be combined to create an effective scientific talk presenting research results.

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OEP2 Scientific Communication Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 301- WS OEP 302 - WS

Lecture (40) Writing Scientific English Lecture (40) Visual Presentation of Research Results Language laboratory (10)







2 -

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written assignments: abstracts, a short research paper or thesis proposal Short oral presentation of research results

Graded Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and active participation in class discussions and in weekly language labs


Sonstiges Recommended Reading: In accordance with the “learning-by-doing” nature of Writing Scientific English, we will work intensively with specially prepared handouts in class and in the language lab instead of using textbooks. Nevertheless, a list of useful books will be given out in class. For the same reasons, a textbook is not required for the Visual Presentation of Scientific Results.

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Environment and Behaviour: Theory

Modulnummer OEP4T

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Gerhard von der Emde

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. G. von der Emde Prof. Dr. H. Bleckmann Prof. Dr. T. C. M. Bakker PD Dr. J. Mogdans

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele The students will acquire basic knowledge about the different disciplines of behavioural sciences. These include among others classical Ethology, Sociobiology, Behavioural Physiology, and Neuroethology. In lectures, these different disciplines and their premises and methods will be introduced. In the seminar, students will give presentations on the behavioural literature.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Oral presentation techniques, scientific literature search and understanding, knowledge about basic behavioural theories.

Inhalte This module gives the students a first grasp of the concepts of the different disciplines of the behavioural sciences, ranging from Classical Ethology to Behavioural Ecology and Evolutionary Psychology. The module will aim to develop students’ understanding of the complexity and diversity of animal behaviour, which has developed during evolution as an adaptation to biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. Students will learn that it can be studied from either a proximate or an ultimate approach, which together will lead to a full understanding of why animals behave in a certain way in a given situation. Students will understand that in order to study animal behaviour in all its aspects, scientists have to develop scientific hypothesis, which then are proved or disapproved experimentally.

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OEP4 Environment and Behaviour: Theory Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 401 - SS OEP 402 - SS

Lecture: Environment and behaviour (60) Seminar: Environment and behaviour 1) Sensory Ecology (20) or 2) Adaptation in a variable environment (20)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (seminar) Written exam (lecture)

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen Full attendance and active participation in seminar benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentations in the seminar and written handout

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading


Alcock, J. (2005) Animal Behavior: an evolutionary approach (8th ed.). Sinauer

Associates Incorporated, Sunderland, Massachusetts, 564 p

Zupanc, G.K.H. (2003) Behavioral Neurobiology, An integrative approach. Oxford

University Press, Oxford, 350 p


M. Pigliucci 2001. Phenotypic Plasticity: Beyond Nature and Nurture. Johns Hopkins

University Press

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Environment and Behaviour: Cognition and Behaviour

Modulnummer OEP5-A

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. H. Bleckmann

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten PD Dr. J. Mogdans, Dr. V. Schluessel

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele The students will acquire basic knowledge about the different disciplines of behavioural sciences. The module will aim to develop students understanding of the complexity and diversity of animal behaviour, which has developed during evolution as an adaptation to biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. Students gain an understanding of this approach by developing their own hypothesis about certain aspects of animal behaviour and subsequently testing their hypothesis through behavioural experiments. For data analysis students will learn to use different analysis methods and statistical tests. Students will learn about the process of producing scientific publications by writing experimental protocols and by giving presentations of their results to their fellow students.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Experimental design and techniques, writing of experimental protocols, analysis techniques, statistical methods.

Inhalte This module gives the students a first grasp of the concepts and experimental techniques of the different disciplines of the behavioural sciences. These include among others classical Ethology, Sociobiology, Behavioural Physiology, and Neuroethology. The practical course will be conducted in groups of 2-3 students, and students will perform experiments 6 hours per day using different animal models and set-ups. At the end of the course, each group will present their results to all their fellow students in the format of a scientific talk. Each student will give an oral presentation in a seminar series held at some stage during the four week course. The topics discussed will cover recent publications in the behavioural/cognitive sciences.

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OEP5-A Environment and Behaviour: Practical Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Participation in module OEP4 Environment and Behaviour: Theory

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 501 - SS

Practical (6 OEP + 6 M.Sc. Neuroscience)

8 240


Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

1. Experimental work and written protocol (50%) 2. Oral presentation and seminar participation (50%)


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Full participation in a practical experiment and seminar series

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Shettleworth, SJ (2010) Cognition, Evolution and Behaviour, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 700 p Zupanc, G.K.H. (2004) Behavioral Neurobiology, An integrative approach. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 350 p

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Environment and Behaviour: Practical Neuroethology

Modulnummer OEP5-B

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Gerhard von der Emde

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. G. von der Emde

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele The students will acquire basic knowledge about the different disciplines of behavioural sciences. The module will aim to develop students understanding of the complexity and diversity of animal behaviour, which has developed during evolution as an adaptation to biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. Students gain an understanding of this approach by developing their own hypothesis about certain aspects of animal behaviour and subsequently testing their hypothesis through behavioural experiments. For data analysis students will learn to use different analysis methods and statistical tests. Students will learn about the process of producing scientific publications by writing experimental protocols and by giving presentations of their results to their fellow students.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Experimental design and techniques, writing of experimental protocols, analysis techniques, statistical methods.

Inhalte This module gives the students a first grasp of the concepts and experimental techniques of the different disciplines of the behavioural sciences. These include among others classical Ethology, Sociobiology, Behavioural Physiology, and Neuroethology. The practical course will be conducted in groups of 3 students, and students will perform experiments 6 hours per day on two of four different topics. At the end of the course, each group will present their results to all their fellow students in the format of a scientific talk.

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OEP5-B Environment and Behaviour: Practical Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Participation in module OEP4 Environment and Behaviour: Theory

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 501 - SS

Practical (4 OEP + 4 M.Sc. Neuroscience)

8 240


Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol (50%) and oral presentation (50%) Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Full participation in a practical experiment

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Alcock, J. (2006) Animal Behavior: an evolutionary approach. Das Original mit Über-setzungshilfen (8th ed.). Elsevier Sepktrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, 579 p Zupanc, G.K.H. (2004) Behavioral Neurobiology, An integrative approach. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 350 p

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Behavioural Ecology Theory

Modulnummer OEP6T

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Theo C. M. Bakker

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en) Biology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. T. C. M. Bakker, Dr. J. Brün

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 3

Lernziele The students will acquire basic knowledge about the field of Behavioural Ecology, the science that studies the functional significance of behaviour.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge about basic principles, theories and their tests in Behavioural Ecology, oral presentation and discussion techniques, critical reading of scientific papers

Inhalte Ecology determines how behaviour contributes to survival and reproduction of an organism. Behavioural Ecology studies the evolution of adaptive behaviour in an ecological context. It thus studies the function or survival value of behaviour.

The following topics will be treated in the weekend seminar 1 basics: Causal and Functional Explanations of Behaviour, Testing Hypotheses, Economic Decisions, Competing for Resources, Evolutionary Arms Races, Sexual Conflict and Sexual Selection, Alternative Breeding Strategies, Aggressive Behaviour, Living in Groups, Parental Care and Mating Systems, Selfishness, Altruism and Cooperation, Helping Behaviour.

Seminar 2 consists of a weekend seminar in which the students present and discuss a timely topic in Behavioural Ecology like "sperm competition", "visual signals and sexual selection", "kin recognition", "parasite-host coevolution".

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Behavioural Ecology Theory Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Seminar 1 basics Seminar 2 6 participants + 4 from MSc Neurosciences

2 2

90 90

3 3

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Presentation 1 (50%) Presentation 2 (50%)

Graded Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance of seminars Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Davies, N. B., Krebs, J. R. & West, S. A. (2012). An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology (4th ed.). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK

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Behavioural Ecology Practical

Modulnummer OEP6P

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Theo C. M. Bakker

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en) Biology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. T. C. M. Bakker

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 3

Lernziele The aim of the module is to give an overview of the field of Behavioural Ecology, the science that studies the functional significance of behaviour, and to illustrate the methods used to study the function of behaviour. Moreover, the module aims at developing skills and a critical attitude for proper experimentation in Behavioural Ecology. Attention will be given to all aspects of experimentation. These include the development and formulation of hypotheses, the development of research design for testing hypotheses, data collection, statistical treatment of the collected data, presentation of the results in the form of both writing a scientific paper and giving an oral or poster presentation.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Experimental design and techniques, writing of experimental protocols, analysis techniques, statistical methods, literature search, oral presentation and discussion techniques, critical reading of scientific papers.

Inh alte Students will work in groups of 2 and will develop and conduct their own experiment on the basis of questions identified in their seminar papers, which require further investigation. This will involve defining the actual experiment in which their hypothesis can be tested. Experimental animals used for the experiments will be sticklebacks, cichlids and gammarids. Various research topics will be offered including intra- and intersexual selection, shoaling behaviour, kin recognition, anti-predator behaviour, prey choice. After collection, the data will be analysed, treated statistically, and presented graphically. Lectures that are integrated in the practical will focus on methodological issues like how to write a publication, introductory statistics, and the biology of sticklebacks and cichlids. On the final Saturday seminar, the results of the experiments will be presented in oral and poster papers and discussed by the students.

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Behavioural Ecology Practical Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture: methodological issues Practical Seminars 6 participants + 4 from MSc Neurosciences

0,5 6


15 180 45

0,5 6


Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol of the practical experiment in the format of a scientific paper (70%), and oral or poster presentation of the practical experiment (30%).


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Full participation in a practical experiment

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Davies, N. B., Krebs, J. R. & West, S. A. (2012). An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology (4th ed.). Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK

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Current topics in phylogenetics and evolutionary biology

Modulnummer OEP7

Workload 90 h

Umfang 3 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. T. Bartolomaeus

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. H. Wägele

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1/2/3 1/2/3

Lernziele The students get an insight into current research of scientists from other faculties or universities working on topics of phylogeny and evolutionary biology. They achieve a good theoretical knowledge on different methods presented by the scientists, as well as results of their latest projects. Students will be informed on timely research projects and learn, how scientists present own results. Students will also have the possibility to build up first connections with researchers from other universities

Schlüsselkompetenzen Insight into presentation forms of ongoing research projects; skills to assemble information on most recent topics in a short form

Inhalte Contents of the lectures will depend on the scientists invited. In general, these scientists perform research in the context of evolutionary biology, phylogeny and palaeontology, or are method related, which enhances, facilitates or enables research in the mentioned area.

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OEP7 Current topics in phylogenetics and evolutionary biology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP


Lecture: 20




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Short protocols of all lectures given, one extensive protocol on a selected lecture (to be chosen by the student)


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Full participation in the “Evolutionsbiologisches Kolloquium”


Sonstiges Lecture: Every Thursday 18.15 (whole semester)

Talks will be in German and English

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Palaeobiology of Invertebrates

Modulnummer OEP8

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Jes Rust

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Jes Rust N.N. (Geology/Palaeontology)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Geowissenschaften

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1 1

Lernziele Relevant methods in the practicals are comparative morphology, comparison of fossil and living taxa, palaeobiological and –ecological reconstructions, and foundations of phylogenetics. Different techniques for the analysis of invertebrate fossils will be applied ranging from light microscopy to confocal laser microscopy and X-ray examination

Schlüsselkompetenzen Obtaining a profound overview of the evolution, diversity and palaeobioloy of invertebrate animals represented in the fossil record.

Inhalte The students will learn how much of the evolution, palaeoecology, and palaeobiology of invertebrate organisms is written in the stone. They will gain knowledge of the treatment of fossils in phylogenetic systematics, of different adaptations of all important invertebrate fossil taxa to a broad range of various environmental parameters, and of the effect of mass extinctions, climate changes, and other environmental perturbations on the history of invertebrates. The lectures will provide an overview on the body plans, evolution, phylogeny and fossil record of all major fossil invertebrate taxa. In the practical exercises the fossils are represented with original material from worldwide localities and with a broad range of preservational peculiarities.

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OEP8 Palaeobiology of Invertebrates



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 801 - WS OEP 802 - WS

Lecture (50) Practical (15)

2 4



2 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

1 written examination


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Active participation in practicals, preparation of drawings.

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

D. E. G. Briggs & P. R. Crowther (2001): Palaeobiology II. – Blackwell Publishing.

E. N. K. Clarkson (1998): Invertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution. – Blackwell

Science (4. Aufl.).

B. Ziegler (1991, 1992, 1998): Einführung in die Paläobiologie (Teil 1-3). – E.

Schweizerbart´sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.

W. Westheide & R. Rieger (1996, 2006): Spezielle Zoologie, Erster Teil: Einzeller und

Wirbellose. – Gustav Fischer Verlag.

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Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy and Functional Morphology

Modulnummer OEP9

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Hofmann

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. M. Hofmann

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht

1, 3

Lernziele Goal is to understand the basic vertebrate body plan and the specializations in different major groups. Fixed specimens of representatives of all major groups will be dissected and selected tissue will be processed for histology. Differences in the organization and morphology of major organs will be discussed in the context of functional implications. We will discuss different requirements for respiration, nutrition, heat exchange, locomotion, metabolism, reproduction und much more.

Schlüsselkompetenzen The skills the student will have acquired by the end of the module is a thorough understanding of the vertebrate body plan, its function and its evolution,

Inhalte • Laboratory course: Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

• Dissection of representatives of all vertebrate classes. As 1/4 Block (1 week) or alternatively 2h (+ introduction) per week. Hard- and soft part histology

• Lecture and Lab: Structural skeletal adaptation in fossil and recent vertebrates.

• Function and special adaptations with respect to swimming, terrestrial locomotion , digging and flying

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OEP9 Vertebrate Comparative Anatomy and Functional Morphology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 901 - WS OEP 902 - WS OEP 903 - WS

Lecture (50) Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Histology Interpretation of the musculoskeletal system Lab course (20) Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy and Histology










Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written test


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Certificates of participation for all courses

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Vertebrates: Comparative Anatomy, Function, Evolution, 4th ed. by Kardong, McGraw-

Hill 2006

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Experimental Evolutionary Ecology

Modulnummer OEP11

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. T. Bartolomaeus

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en) Biology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. T. Bartolomaeus

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 3

Lernziele The students will learn to design and perform experiments dealing with evolutionary ecological problems. They will learn methods to handle and cultivate organisms, as well as methods in molecular analyses and statistics.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Experimental design and techniques, writing of experimental protocols, analysis techniques, statistical methods, oral presentation techniques

Inhalte On the basis of evolutionary theory of mating systems and the theory of sexual selection, experiments on evolutionary ecology will be designed and performed to get an understanding of evolutionary ecology. Experiments will be performed by using selected animal species. Paternity assurance, sperm competition and/or resource competition will be analysed. The module also includes a lecture on evolutionary ecology and a seminar about timely issues in evolutionary ecology.

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OEP11 Experimental Evolutionary Ecology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture (30) Practical (10 + 2 from MSc Neuroscience) Seminar (10 + 2 from MSc Neuroscience)

1 6 1

45 90 45

1 6 1

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination based on lecture,

seminar and practical


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in all parts of the module, presentation of an oral contribution during the seminar, protocols

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Mayhew, P. J. (2006). Discovering evolutionary ecology: bringing together ecology and evolution. Oxford University Press.

Shuster, S. M. & Wade, M. J. (2003). Mating systems and strategies. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

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Molecular Phylogenetics

Modulnummer OEP12

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. T. Bartolomaeus

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Lars Podsiadlowski (IEZ) Dr. Christoph Mayer (ZFMK)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht

1, 3

Lernziele The students will achieve practical knowledge in DNA Extraction, PCR, sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of sequence data by different computer based methods. They will also learn about limits and pitfalls of DNA based phylogenetic analyses.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Molecular techniques, experimental skills, theory and practice of phylogenetic analysis

Inhalte Part I:

Members of a certain animal taxon will be chosen for learning the standard methods of obtaining DNA sequences for phylogenetic analyses. DNA isolation, PCR and Sequencing methods will be covered in theory and practice. Data mining in public molecular biology databases; basal bioinformatic skills for working with sequence data. Phylogenetic informative genetic and genomic characters beyond sequence data (gene order, gene content etc.).

Part II:

The students will get a broad overview over the theoretical foundation of methods used in the field of molecular systematic and how these methods are applied - using computer programs - to real data sets. Subject of this course will be the complete workflow, from retrieving sequence data form public data bases, aligning sequences and analyzing sequences with various methods and finally obtaining a statistical validation of results with the aid of bootstrap values and posterior probabilities. It will be shown why the knowledge of these theoretical aspects is very helpful for a successful analysis of molecular data sets.

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OEP12 Molecular Phylogenetics Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 1201 - WS OEP 1202 - WS

Lecture (12) Practical (12) -Part I (producing and analyzing the sequence data) -Part II (theory and practice of tree reconstruction)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

final examination Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

short oral contributions protocols

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Knoop & Müller 2006: Gene und Stammbäume, Elsevier Wägele, Wolfgang 2005: Foundations of Phylogenetic systematics, Pfeil Verlag Lemey, Salemy et al. 2009: The phylogenetic handbook, Cambridge Univ. Press Page, R.D., Holmes, E., Molecular Evolution, Wiley-Blackwell Li, Wen-Hsiung, Molecular Evolution, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Hillis and Moritz, Molecular Systematics, Sinauer Associates, Inc.

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Marine Biology

Modulnummer OEP13T

Workload 150 h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. H. Wägele

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. H. Wägele

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1/3 1/3

Lernziele The students get an insight into functioning of marine habitats and will achieve a sensitivity for the fragility of these habitats. They achieve a good theoretical knowledge on invertebrate systematics, functional morphology, ecological traits and constraints. They will learn to recognize special adaptations as a necessity for the organism to survive in special habitats and they should recognize the problems of anthropogenetic influence.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Insight in marine biological subjects, Presentation skills

Inhalte The lecture gives an overview of abiotic and biotic factors, history and geology of marine ecosystems (coral reefs, mangroves, hydrothermal vents, etc.) and different environmental factors in marine habitats. Furthermore impact of human activities on marine habitats will be presented In the seminar, special topics are addressed, dealing with invasive species, pollution, medical application of marine organisms, etc.

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OEP13 T Marine Biology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 13 T01 - WS OEP 13 T02 - WS

Lecture (100) Marine biology and ecosystems Seminar (20)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Final written examination


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation, written handouts

Not graded

Sonstiges Lecture: Wednesday (whole semester)

Seminar: During weekend in ZG IV

Recommended Reading:

Sommer U. Biologische Meereskunde. Springer Verlag Hofrichter: Das Mittelmeer Band I und II Special literature

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Marine Biology

Modulnummer OEP13P

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. H. Wägele

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Biology Palaeontology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. H. Wägele Prof. Dr. J. Rust

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences MSc Geowissenschaften

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2 2

Lernziele During a field study, students will achieve a good knowledge on functional morphology, ecological traits and constraints in selected marine habitats. They will learn to recognize special adaptations (morphologically or physiologically based) as a necessity for the organism to survive in these special habitats. By anatomical preparation, special skills in preparation and identification of marine invertebrates will be achieved. Drawing and presentation skills will be trained. Different methods for working in marine environments will be trained. (Sampling techniques under water, conserving, monitoring, experiments with marine life animals).

Schlüsselkompetenzen Preparatory skills, planning and performing field work, knowledge on ecology and conservation.

Inhalte During the field course taking place in Banyuls-sur-mer in Southern France, students will observe marine organisms in situ. The course comprises analyses of identification of marine invertebrates, as well as studying life animals in their natural habitat and their ecological adaptations according to their environment. Selected species will be identified and systematics as well as ecological traits elaborated. Anatomical studies will be performed especially for those species, where this is necessary for identification or where special morphological adaptations will be demonstrated. During the seminar, life traits of selected species will be presented.

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OEP13 P Marine Biology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 13P01 - SS OEP 13P02 - SS

Seminar (10) Marine biology of selected species Field course: Biology and ecology of marine invertebrates (10)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Final written examination


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation, preparation of drawings

Not graded

Sonstiges ZG: II

Participation in Modul OEP 13 T is helpful but not required

Recommended Reading

Tardent, Meeresbiologie, Thieme Verlag

Westheide, Rieder: Spezielle Zoologie Kästner, Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie Sommer U. Biologische Meereskunde. Springer Verlag Hofrichter: Das Mittelmeer Band I und II Englische Spezialliteratur

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Neurobiology of Sensory Motor Systems

Modulnummer OEP16

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Heinzel

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Heinzel Dr. R. Spieß

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 3

Lernziele In the lecture and the seminar students will learn the general principles of neural networks for motor control, as locomotion, fixed action patterns or other rhythmic movements. In the seminar the students will give presentations on recent neurobiological publications or presentations of their own projects. In the practical, the students will learn the acquisition, data processing and presentation of electrophysiological recordings from neurons, sensory neurons and muscles in isolated preparations and intact animals together with simultaneous monitoring of behavioural data.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge on neuronal methods, experimental skills.

Inhalte This module gives the students a profound knowledge on comparative neurobiology of motor control in vertebrates and invertebrates. The comparative aspect is outlined by elucidating so called universal building blocks (as certain universal cellular, synaptic and network properties) which underly behavioural acts. The enormous role of sensory feedback as well as neuromodulation in shaping the motor output and behaviour is highlighted in many famous so called model systems: e.g. crawling in earthworms, swimming in leeches and fish, locust flight, chewing in lobster, as well as walking in lobsters, insects and the cat … The functional principles underlying well coordinated rhythmic movements of the whole organism are outlined at all possible levels of investigation: From subcellular levels, to ion channels, synapses, identified neurons, networks, to the behaving animal and beyond to biomimetic robots.

In the practical experiments all students will first work with two such model systems, namely feeding behaviour in larvae of flies and the giant nerve cells of the leech ventral nerve cord to study the concepts and learn experimental techniques in the field of neurobiology and neurophysiology (electrophysiological recordings techniques, microsurgery, modern computerized data acquisition, processing and graphic presentation of data).

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Neurobiology of Sensory Motor Systems



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP1601 - SS OEP1602 - SS

Lecture (50) Neural Networks for Motor Control Practical (8)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Final oral examination


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Full participation in the practical experiments, poter presentation

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Kandel E.R., Schwartz J.H., Jessell T.M. (2000) Principles of Neural Sciences.

McGraw-Hill Publishing

Katz P.S. Beyond Neurotransmission (1999) Oxford University Press

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Neuroethology: Neural basis of behaviour and sensory perception

Modulnummer OEP17

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Gerhard von der Emde

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. G. von der Emde N.N. (Biology)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 3

Lernziele In the lecture general principles of neuroethology are introduced to the students in a comparative way, using different invertebrate and vertebrate model systems. In the practical, each group of 3 students designs their own experiments according to the scientific ‘problems’ they have been given by the instructor to solve. Students will record electrophysiologically in electrosensory structures of the brain and sense organs of weakly electric and other fishes. In addition, they will use neuroanatomical tracing techniques to reconstruct the morphology of neurons, brain nuclei, and fibre connections of the fish’s brain and sense organs. Stimulus methods will be used to elicit animal behaviour and to collect psychophysical data of an animal. Results will be analysed and presented by employing modern scientific methods of data analysis and computer graphics.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Basic knowledge in neuroethology, experimental skills, learning how to write a scientific paper and how to give an oral Powerpoint presentation

Inhalte This module will introduce students to the general principles of neuroethology, i.e. the neural base of animal behaviour and animal sensory systems. Students will learn about different neuroethological model systems and gain knowledge about the generation of behaviour by the nervous system and about the principles of sensory coding by the sense organs and the brain. The module will develop student’s appreciation for the application of modern electrophysiological, neuroanatomical, and behavioural techniques to decipher the physiological working principles of animal brains. In the practical sessions, students learn to independently design, conduct and analyse electrophysiological, neuroanatomical, and behavioural experiments using modern scientific techniques. By writing a protocol of their own experiments in the format of a scientific publication, students learn how scientific papers and posters are designed and how the rationale, methods, results, and conclusions are presented in scientific journals.

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OEP17 Neuroethology: Neural basis of behaviour and sensory perception



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP1701 - WS OEP1702 - WS OEP1703 – WS

Lecture (60) Practical (12) Seminar (12)

2 4 2


180 60

2 6 2

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written experimental protocol in the format of a scientific paper (seminar paper)


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in practical experiments

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Heldmeier G. & Neuweiler G. (2003) Vergleichende Tierphysiologie, Band 1: Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie, Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York Zupanc G.K.H. (2004) Behavioural Neurobiology. An integrative approach. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 342

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Neurophysiology of Sensory Systems

Modulnummer OEP18

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Horst Bleckmann

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. H. Bleckmann PD Dr. J. Mogdans Assistant (N.N.)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht

1, 3

Lernziele In the lecture the students will acquire advanced knowledge in sensory physiology and neurobiology. In particular, students are supposed to learn how sensory systems represent/encode environmental stimuli and how the various motor systems and the modulatory systems of the brain function. In the practical, the students will learn to record extra- and intracellular potentials, inject neuronal tracers and process neural tissue, and acquire and generate signals with AD/DA-converters. An important aspect of the course is to teach the students independent research, i.e., to develop hypotheses, to design neuro-physiological experiments and to analyze, present and discuss scientific data.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Designing experiments in neurobiology, basic knowledge in brain functioning.

Inhalte This module gives the students a profound knowledge on the function of vertebrate brains. This includes the Anatomical Organization of the Nervous System, the Neural Basis of Perception and Movement, Coding and Processing of Sensory Information, Motor Systems of the Brain, Consciousness and, Learning and Memory. In the practical experiments, students will acquire a deeper understanding of the concepts and experimental techniques of the different disciplines of the neurosciences, ranging from extracellular recordings to tract tracing methods in peripheral and central neural systems. Students will design and conduct neurophysiological experiments on scientific questions using modern techniques for data recording, analysis and graphic presentation. At the end of the course, each group will present their results to all their fellow students in the format of a scientific talk.

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OEP18 Neurophysiology of Sensory Systems



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP1801 - WS OEP1802 - WS

Lecture (60) Neurophysiology of Sensory Systems Practical (12)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Students have to hand in a written experimental protocol in the format of a scientific paper (seminar paper).


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in a practical experiment

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Kandel E.R., Schwartz J.H., Jessell T.M. (2000) Principles of Neural Sciences. 4. Aufl. McGraw-Hill Publishing

Dudel J., Menzel R., Schmidt R.F. (2001) Neurowissenschaft. Vom Molekül zur

Kognition. Springer Verlag

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Modulnummer OEP19

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en) Biology

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Michael Hofmann, Dr. Eva Kreis

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Neuroscience



Lernziele The students will learn modern experimental neuroanatomical techniques and investigate the histology and connectivity of brains. Vertebrate and invertebrate animal models will be used to demonstrate the general morphology of the brains. Further, students will apply tracer experiments with both, fluorescent and light stable reactions and to learn how to analyze neuronal pathways and connections. Histochemical methods will reveal the distribution of neurotransmitter related enzymes.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Experimental design and techniques, writing of experimental protocols, analysis techniques, anatomical methods, oral presentation techniques

Inhalte We will investigate mainly fish brains, but also some invertebrate model systems to get on overview of the major differences in neuronal organization between them. Sensory and motor pathways will be compared and pathways will be traced from primary sensory centers through higher integrative centers to motor command areas.

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Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture (10) Practical (10) Seminar (10)

2 4 2

60 180 60

2 6


Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Students have to hand in a written experimental protocol in the format of a scientific paper (seminar paper).


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in a practical experiment.

Not graded


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Plant Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology

Modulnummer OEP21/PBPMO

Workload 210 h

Umfang 7 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Volker Knoop

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Volker Knoop Prof. Dr. D. Bartels Prof. Dr. L. Schreiber

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht 1, 3

Lernziele Students should gain a solid understanding of the physiological processes in plants on the basis of a well-founded, current knowledge of the molecular structures, reactions and processes in plant cells and tissues.


Inhalte The lecture will address all major topics of plant biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology including: biochemical pathways of primary and secondary metabolism, photosynthesis, respiratory chain, carbohydrates, plant hormones, membrane and storage lipids, membranes, long-distance and membrane transport, cell wall biosynthesis and external biopolymers, nitrogen and sulfur assimilation, abiotic and biotic environmental interactions, physiological stress, plant-microbe interactions and plant pathogens, plant genomes and gene expression, model organisms in plant research, gene technology and transgenic plants.

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OEP21/PBPMO Plant Biochemistry, Physiology and Molecular Biology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2101 - WS

Lecture (60) 3



Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Bob B. Buchanan, Wilhelm Gruissem, and Russel L. Jones. Biochemistry and

Molecular Biology of Plants, Rockville, MD:American Society of Plant Physiologists, 2000.

Taiz L, Zeiger E (2002) Plant Physiology. Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, MA

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Plant Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution

Modulnummer OEP22/PSBE

Workload 210 h

Umfang 7 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Weigend

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. M. Weigend Dr. J. Mutke

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele At the end of the module students should have a sound overview about the major lineages and families of plants (especially vascular p.), their systematics, morphology, and basic ecology. They will have a good background in morphology, taxonomy, and systematics and have a first overview about the broader field of biodiversity research.


Inhalte The lecture teaches the systematics, morphology and ecology of plants. It focuses especially on the systematics and evolution of vascular plants taking up recent insights from the field of molecular systematics. Vascular plants are the most important structural elements and primary producers in almost all non-aquatic ecosystems. They produce food, medicine, and technical products for the over 6 Billion people. The potential of biological structures and functions as models for technical applications in the field of biomimicry (german: "Bionik") is discussed. The lecture is accompanied by a seminar on plant biodiversity, including basic ecological and biogeographical questions.

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OEP22/PSBE Plant Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2201 – SS OEP2202 - SS

Lecture (120) Plant Systematics and Biodiversity Seminar (18) Plant Biodiversity







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation (30 min)


Sonstiges Recommended Reading JUDD, W.S., CAMPBELL, C.S., KELLOG, E.A. & STEVENS, P.F. (2002): Plant

Systematics. A phylogenetic approach. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Massachusetts (USA).

KUBITZKI, K. (ed.) (1993 - ): The families and genera of vascular plants. Several Volumes. - Springer; Heidelberg.

SITTE, P., WEILER, E.W., KADEREIT, J.W., BRESINSKY, A., KÖRNER, C.: Strasburger Lehrbuch der Botanik. - G. Fischer; Stuttgart.

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Plant Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution 1

Modulnummer OEP22/PSBE1

Workload 210 h

Umfang 7 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Weigend

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. M. Weigend Dr. J. Mutke

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele At the end of the module students should have a sound overview about the major lineages and families of plants (especially vascular p.) , their systematics, morphology, and basic ecology. They will have a good background in morphology, taxonomy, and systematics and have a first overview about the field of conservation biology


Inhalte The lecture teaches the systematics, morphology and ecology of plants. It focuses on the systematics and evolution of vascular plants taking up recent insights from the field of molecular systematics. Vascular plants are the most important structural elements and primary producers in almost all non-aquatic ecosystems. They produce food, medicine, and technical products for the over 6 Billion people. The potential of biological structures and functions as models for technical applications in the field of biomimicry (german: "Bionik") is discussed. Aspects of biodiversity conservation are discussed within the seminar.

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OEP22/PSBE1 Plant Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution 1 Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2401 – SS OEP2402 - SS

Lecture (120) Plant Systematics and Biodiversity Seminar (15) Diversity and Sustainable Use of Plants







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation (30 min)


Sonstiges Recommended Reading JUDD, W.S., CAMPBELL, C.S., KELLOG, E.A. & STEVENS, P.F. (2002): Plant

Systematics. A phylogenetic approach. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Massachusetts (USA).

KUBITZKI, K. (ed.) (1993 - ): The families and genera of vascular plants. Several Volumes. - Springer; Heidelberg.

PRIMACK: Essentials of Conservation Biology.Sinauer. SITTE, P., WEILER, E.W., KADEREIT, J.W., BRESINSKY, A., KÖRNER, C.:

Strasburger Lehrbuch der Botanik. - G. Fischer; Stuttgart.

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Plant Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution 2

Modulnummer OEP22/PSBE2

Workload 210 h

Umfang 7 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. D. Quandt

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. D. Quandt

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele At the end of the module students should have a sound overview about the major lineages and families of plants (especially vascular p.) , their systematics, morphology, and basic ecology. They will have a good background in morphology, taxonomy, and systematics. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of molecular evolutionary processes governing the change of DNA, and the application of this information to phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis.


Inhalte The lecture teaches the systematics, morphology and ecology of plants. It focuses on the systematics and evolution of vascular plants taking up recent insights from the field of molecular systematics. Vascular plants are the most important structural elements and primary producers in almost all non-aquatic ecosystems. They produce food, medicine, and technical products for the over 6 Billion people. The potential of biological structures and functions as models for technical applications in the field of biomimicry (german: "Bionik") is discussed. In the seminar major emphasis is put to provide an introduction to the rapidly developing methods in the field of molecular systematics, both in the laboratory and at the computer. Sources of information are presented from the sequence to the genome level.

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OEP22/PSBE2 Plant Systematics, Biodiversity and Evolution 2 Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2301- SS OEP2302- SS

Lecture (120) Plant Systematics and Biodiversity Seminar (18) Phylogeny and Evolution of Plants







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination (3 hours) Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation (30 mins)


Sonstiges Recommended Reading JUDD, W.S., CAMPBELL, C.S., KELLOG, E.A. & STEVENS, P.F. (2002): Plant

Systematics. A phylogenetic approach. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Massachusetts (USA).

KUBITZKI, K. (ed.) (1993 - ): The families and genera of vascular plants. Several Volumes. - Springer; Heidelberg.

SITTE, P., WEILER, E.W., KADEREIT, J.W., BRESINSKY, A., KÖRNER, C.: Strasburger Lehrbuch der Botanik. - G. Fischer; Stuttgart.

D. Hillis, C. Moritz and B. Mable: Molecular Systematics. Sinauer. D. Soltis, P. Soltis and J Doyle: Molecular Systematics of Plants II (DNA Sequencing).

Kluwer. K. Weising et al. DNA fingerprinting in plants and fungi R. Page & E. Holmes: Molecular Evolution - A Phylogenetic Approach. Blackwell.

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Plant Molecular Stress Physiology

Modulnummer OEP25/PMSP

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Dorothea Bartels

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. D. Bartels Dr. H. Kirch

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1, 3 1, 3

Lernziele The students will learn that adaptations to environmental cues (in particular dehydration) will be possible by a specific gene expression programme. The students will learn to analyse expression patterns on the transcriptional and translational level including RNA blots, protein blots and promoter reporter gene studies. This module offers an introduction to basic approaches in plant molecular biology including the generation of transgenic plants.


Inhalte Plants respond to adverse environments with a specific gene expression programme. The stress responsive genes allow the plants to adapt and /or to tolerate the stress situation. Model plants showing extreme stress tolerance and A. thaliana will be used to analyse and to understand the changes which take place during abiotic environmental stress conditions. During the course the students will investigate stress responses on the transcriptional and translational level as well as analyse regulatory sequences involved in stress specific gene expression.

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OEP25/PMSP Plant Molecular Stress Physiology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Any PBPM module

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2501- WS

Lab (12) Plant Stress Physiology




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Presentation Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Protocol to the exercises


Sonstiges Recommended Reading

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Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny

Modulnummer OEP26/PMEP

Workload 150 h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Volker Knoop

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. V. Knoop

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele By the end of the course students should have obtained a good understanding of land plant evolution from a molecular genomic point of view. They should be able to answer question on molecular biological techniques as well as on the diversity of land plant clades and the different approaches taken in molecular phylogenetic analyses.


Inhalte The lab course will deal with the phylogenetic information stored over 500 million years of land plant evolution, stored in the genomes of living plants. Molecular techniques, mainly DNA and RNA extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR amplification, cloning and sequencing and computer programs for database analyses and molecular phylogenetic constructions will be used to retrieve this information. Taxonwise, a focus will be the extant representatives of lower land plants, the bryophytes, lycophytes and monilophytes and locuswise a focus will be the mitochondrial DNA of plants with its peculiar mechanisms of gene expression such as RNA editing and trans-splicing.

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OEP26/PMEP Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2601 - SS OEP2602 - SS OEP2603 - SS

Lecture (40) Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics Seminar (15) Plant Phylogeny and Evolution Lab (12) Plant Molecular Phylogenetics




60 30 60




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination (2 hours) Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation (30 mins), protocol to the exercises


Sonstiges Recommended Reading Dan Graur and Wen-Hsiung Li. Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution, Sunderland,

MA:Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2000 Volker Knoop and Kai Müller. Gene und Stammbäume, Heidelberg, München:Elsevier

Spektrum, 2006. R. D. M. Page and E. C. Holmes. Molecular evolution. A phylogenetic approach.,

Oxford:Blackwell Science Ltd., 1998. J.-W. Wägele. Grundlagen der phylogenetischen Systematik, München:Verlag Dr.

Friedrich Pfeil, 2001. “Phylogenetic trees made easy”, Hall BG, Sinauer Assoc., Sunderland, MA (2001) „The mitochondrial DNA of land plants: peculiarities in phylogenetic perspective“,

Knoop V, Curr. Genet. 46:123-139 (2004)

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Plant Biogeography and Conservation

Modulnummer OEP27/PBCO

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Weigend

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. J. Mutke

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

3 3

Lernziele By the end of the module, students should be able to design and perform analyses in the fields of macroecology and biogeography using GIS, spatial data analyses, and statistics.


Inhalte Understanding the spatial distribution of biodiversity is crucial for its further exploration, use, and conservation. This module combines an introduction in spatial data analysis using GIS with theory and exercises from the fields of macroecology and biogeography. A special focus will be conservation biology including priority setting and analyses of the impact of global environmental change on biodiversity.

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OEP27/PBCO Plant Biogeography and Conservation


Any PSBE; PBDT recommended

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2701 - WS OEP2702 - WS

Seminar (20) Biogeography and Conservation Lab (20) Biogeography and Conservation



60 240



Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Presentation Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Protocol to the exercises


Sonstiges Recommended Reading BLACKBURN & GASTON 2003: Macroecology: Concepts and Consequences.

Cambridge Univ Press BROWN, J.H., RIDDLE, B.R. & LOMOLINO, M.V. 2005: Biogeography. 3rd Ed..

Sinauer. 752 pp PRIMACK: Essentials of Conservation Biology.Sinauer. SCHULZE, BECK & MÜLLER-HOHENSTEIN 2005: Plant Ecology. Springer. 702 pp

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Systematics and Biology of Flowering Plants

Modulnummer OEP28/PBIO

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Weigend

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten N.N. N.N.

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele At the end of the module students should have a sound overview about the major lineages and families of vascular plants, their systematics, morphology, and basic ecology. They will be familiar with the most important methods and terminology in the field of morphology, taxonomy, and systematics.


Inhalte The course gives an overview on the systematics, morphology, and biology (e.g., floral biology) of (vascular) plants based mainly on living material from the botanic garden, as well as on herbarium material. Methods for the documentation and analysis of plant diversity from the field of morphology, taxonomy, and, e.g., floral biology are taught.

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OEP28/PBIO Systematics and Biology of Flowering Plants Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Any PSBE module

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2801 - SS

Lab (15) Systematics and Biology of Seed Plants




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Presentation Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Protocol to the exercises


Sonstiges Recommended Reading JUDD, W.S., CAMPBELL, C.S., KELLOG, E.A. & STEVENS, P.F. (2002): Plant

Systematics. A phylogenetic approach. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Massachusetts (USA).

KUBITZKI, K. (ed.) (1993 - ): The families and genera of vascular plants. Several Volumes. - Springer; Heidelberg.

SITTE, P., WEILER, E.W., KADEREIT, J.W., BRESINSKY, A., KÖRNER, C.: Strasburger Lehrbuch der Botanik. - G. Fischer; Stuttgart.

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Palaeobotany and Palynology

Modulnummer OEP29/PAPA

Workload 150 h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Thomas Litt

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. T. Litt

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele Participants should gain an understanding of the evolution of land plants based on macro- and micropalaeobotanical data, and the application of this information to phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis. Aims include to develop skills in (1) morphological analysis of fossil plants, (2) introduction into the pollen morphology and pollen analysis (3) using SEM and Confocal Laser-Scanning Microscop (4) evaluation of palaeobotanical data in comparison with current research on ancient DNA and other biomolecular markers.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Obtaining a profound understanding of the plant fossil record and its evolutionary significance.

Inhalte Palaeobotany and palynology play a fundamental role to understand the evolution of plants from the earliest forms to the development of our present flora. Based on fossil material the plant evolution will be placed in the context of time, climate change and mass extinction. The course focuses on periods when major evolutionary changes occurred and addresses the rates and timing of the evolutionary change seen in the plant fossil records.

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OEP29/PAPA Palaeobotany and Palynology



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP2901 - SS OEP2902 - SS

Lecture (50) Palaeobotany and terrestrial palaeoecology Lab (15) Palaeobotany and Palynology







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Protocol to the lab course


Sonstiges Recommended Reading Moore, Webb, Collinson: Pollen Analysis Steward, Rothwell: Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants Steward, Rothwell: Paleobotany and the Evolution of Plants Taylor, Taylor: The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants Willis, McElwain: The Evolution of Plants

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Physiological and Chemical Ecology

Modulnummer OEP30/PCE

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 CP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Lukas Schreiber

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en) FG Biologie, IZMB

Beteiligte Dozenten

Prof. Dr. Lukas Schreiber PD Dr. Rochus Franke

Verwendbarkeit Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

des Moduls M. Sc. Plant Sciences Wahlpflicht 1,2

Lernziele In this course students learn to use a variety of different techniques used to analyse plant environment interactions. This includes methods of analytical chemistry (gas chromatography and mass spectrometry), molecular biology (gene expression and reporter gene fusion) and transport physiology (water and herbicides transport across leaf surfaces).

Schlüsselkompetenzen Laboratory techniques in modern plant research. Skills for documentation and presentation of scientific experiments and data.

Inhalte In the lab course relevant examples of plant environment interactions on the molecular level will be studied. Arabidopsis thaliana will mostly be used as a model organism. Experiments will deal with water and salt stress, effects of xenobiotics on plants, plant micro organism interaction and secondary plant metabolites. Experimental approaches include measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence, porometry, measurement of cuticular transpiration and uptake of xenobiotics in leaves, chemical analytics and analysis of gene expression in response to environmental stimuli.

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OEP30/PCE Physiological and Chemical Ecology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Any PBPM module

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Titel (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lab Course - Phytochemistry: Methods of Chemical Analytics (10)

8 300 10

Prüfung(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral and/or poster presentation


Studienleistungen Regular participation in lab course Protocol to the excercises


u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Taiz L, and Zeiger E. Plant Physiology, Sunderland, MA:Sinauer, 2006. Schulze ED, Beck E, and Müller-Hohenstein K. Plant Ecology, Heidelberg: Springer,


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Plant Biodiversity and Conservation

Modulnummer OEP31/PBDT

Workload 300 h

Umfang 7 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Weigend

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. M. Weigend Dr. W. Lobin Dr. J. Mutke

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1/3 1/3

Lernziele By the end of the module, the students should be able to map the distribution and describe the nature of earth’s major terrestrial biomes. They should have a sound understanding of the influence of the abiotic environment on plant communities and structure of the vegetation and have a first overview about conservation biology.


Inhalte The course deals with the field of vegetation ecology and conservation biology. This includes an introduction to the vegetation ecology of the world’s major biomes and aspects of biodiversity conservation. The seminar is offered at two levels: 1) "Biodiversity and Conservation 1" for students who have not participated in that seminar in PSBE3. 2) "Biodiversity and Conservation 2" adds other aspects and details for students who already heard "Biodiversity and Conservation 1" in PSBE3

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OEP31/PBDT Plant Biodiversity and Conservation Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP3101 – WS OEP3102 - WS und/oder OEP3103 - WS

Lecture (120) Vegetation Geography Seminar (30) Biodiversity and Conservation Seminar (30) Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation of Carnivorous Plants










Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written test Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Oral presentation (30 min)


Sonstiges Recommended Reading BROWN, J.H., RIDDLE, B.R. & LOMOLINO, M.V. 2005: Biogeography. 3rd Ed..

Sinauer. 752 pp FREY, W. & LÖSCH, R. (2004): Lehrbuch der Geobotanik. Elsevier, Spektrum Verlag. SCHULZE, BECK & MÜLLER-HOHENSTEIN 2005: Plant Ecology. Springer. 702 pp WALTER, H. & BRECKLE, S.-W. (1999): Vegetationszonen und Klima. 7. Aufl.

UTB, Ulmer, Stuttgart

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Vegetation Ecology

Modulnummer OEP32/PBEC

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Dietmar Quandt

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Lobin, Mutke

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele The students will learn methods of inventorying, identifying, and studying plants and vegetation types in relation to ecological factors. They should gain insight in the field work as well as related work in the herbarium and data analyses.


Inhalte The course deals with the field of vegetation ecology and field biology. This includes field work and related work in the lab, the herbarium, and computer software to study the structure and floristic composition of plant communities. The field work includes one large (up to 2 weeks) or several small field trips.

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OEP32/PBEC Vegetation Ecology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Any PBSE module PBDT recommended

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP3201 - SS

Lab (15) Vegetation, Ecology (including fieldwork and excursion)




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Presentation Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung



Sonstiges Recommended Reading BROWN, J.H., RIDDLE, B.R. & LOMOLINO, M.V. 2005: Biogeography. 3rd Ed..

Sinauer. 752 pp FREY, W. & LÖSCH, R. (2004): Lehrbuch der Geobotanik. Elsevier, Spektrum Verlag. FREY, W. & LÖSCH, R. (2004): Lehrbuch der Geobotanik. Elsevier, Spektrum Verlag. SCHULZE, BECK & MÜLLER-HOHENSTEIN 2005: Plant Ecology. Springer. 702 pp WALTER, H. & BRECKLE, S.-W. (1999): Vegetationszonen und Klima. 7. Aufl.

UTB, Ulmer, Stuttgart

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Plant Molecular Systematics

Modulnummer OEP34/PMSY

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Dietmar Quandt

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten N.N. (Biology)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

3 3

Lernziele Participants should gain a fundamental understanding of molecular evolutionary processes governing the change of DNA, and the application of this information to phylogenetic and evolutionary analysis. Aims include to develop skills in (1) generating molecular data from plants in the lab, (2) using computers for phylogeny reconstruction (3) estimating parameters such as substitution rates and divergence times, and (4) evaluating specific processes important in plant evolution such as hybridization, polyploidy and reticulate evolution.


Inhalte Our understanding of plant relationships and evolution has been revolutionized in the past decade using information from DNA sequences. Major emphasis in the module is put on providing an introduction to the rapidly developing methods in the field, both in the laboratory and at the computer. Sources of information treated range from the nucleotide sequence to the genome level. Case studies deal with important groups such as angiosperms, ferns and bryophytes in greater detail.

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OEP34/PMSY Plant Molecular Systematics Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP3401 - WS

Lab (8) Plant Molecular Systematics




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Presentation Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Protocol to the exercises


Sonstiges Recommended Reading D. Hillis, C. Moritz and B. Mable (1996): Molecular Systematics (2nd ed.). Sinauer. D. Soltis, P. Soltis and J Doyle (1998): Molecular Systematics of Plants II (DNA

Sequencing). Kluwer. K. Weising et al. DNA fingerprinting in plants and fungi (stark aktualisierte Neuauflage

in 2005) R. Page & E. Holmes (1998): Molecular Evolution - A Phylogenetic Approach.


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Vertebrate Palaeontology I

Modulnummer OEP35/M60

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, Beginn SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Thomas Martin, Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Sander, Ruf, Klein, Schellhorn, Stein, Konietzko-Meier

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc. OEP Biology Diplom Biologie

Wahlpflicht 2. Semester

Lernziele General understanding of the evolutionary history, phylogeny, and historical biogegraphy of the vertebrates. Detailed knowledge of the comparative anatomy and functional morphology of the skeletal system of the tetrapods. Vertebrate fossil deposits in the field.


Inhalte Theoretical background of the evolutionary history of the vertebrates. Occurrence of major vertebrate groups in time and space, historical biogeography and dispersal. Phylogeny of major clades of vertebrates, presentation of competing hypotheses. Functional morphology and adaptation. Practical course in comparative osteology of the tetrapods with fossil and Recent material. Discussion of the phylogenetic background and functional adaptations that can be recognized from the analysis of the skeleton. Drawing and labelling of selected specimens. Study of vertebrate fossil deposits in the field, synthesis of the field trip in a report

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Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Gruppengröße) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 3501 - SS

Vorlesung (dt. od. engl.) (20) Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution (Sander, Ruf, Schellhorn, Klein, Stein) (SS, WS) Vorlesung/Übung Osteology of the Vertebrates (WS)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en)

Klausur (90 min.)


Studienleistungen u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung


Sonstiges Literatur:

• M. J. Benton, Vertebrate Paleontology, Blackwell Science, 3rd edition 2004 • R. L. Carroll, Paläontologie und Evolution der Wirbeltiere, Thieme 1993

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Vertebrate Paleontology II

Modulnummer M62

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Thomas Martin

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. T. Martin, PD Dr. M. Sander, Dr. N. Klein, Dr. R. Schellhorn

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc Geowissenschaften MSc OEP-Biology

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1, 3. Semester 1, 3 Semester

Lernziele Participants should gain knowledge of the most important Fossillagerstätten through earth history on the basis of collection material, field work and scientific literature. They will learn the faunistic content, the sedimentary environment, the taphonomy, the palaeogeography, and the importance of a particular Lagerstätte for our understanding of the history of life. Furthermore, they will acquire basic skills in scientific presentation and publication.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Presentations of seminar talks, Concepitation of PowerPoint-Presentations. Reading English literature, independent literature research, Writing of reports and prtocols.

Inhalte Definition and type of Fossillagerstätte. List of treated Lagerstätten: Präkambrium: Ediacara (Australien). Kambrium: Chengjiang (China), Burgess Shale (Kanada), Orsten (Schweden). Ordovizium, Silur: Harding Sandstone (USA). Devon: Hunsrückschiefer (Deutschland), Rhynie Chert (Schottland), Eifel-Kalkmulden (Deutschland). Karbon: Bear Gulch (USA), Ruhrkarbon (Deutschland). Perm: Unterperm von Texas (USA), Rotliegend-Seen (Deutschland), Oberperm von Russland. Trias: Petrified Forest (Arizona, USA), Monte San Giorgio (Schweiz/Italien). Jura: Holzmaden (Deutschland), Solnhofen (Deutschland), Morrison-Formation (USA). Kreide: Jehol-Biota (China), Dinosaur Provincial Park (Kanada). Tertiär: Messel (Deutschland), Tertiär des Bighorn Basin (USA), Baltischer Bernstein, Santa Cruz-Formation (Argentinien). Quartär: Rancho La Brea (USA).

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M62 Vertebrate Paleontology II



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

M 62001 – SS M 62002 – SS M 62004 – SS M 62005 – SS M 62006 – SS M 62003 - SS M 62017 - SS M 62018 - SS

Lecture (engl./dt.) (30) Fossil Lagerstätten Mammals of the Mesocoic Fossil Lagerstätten Excursion Evolution and Paleobiology of the Dinosaurs Mammal-like Reptiles Seminar (engl./dt.) Research Seminar Vertebrate Paleontology II Seminar Polen Excursion Palaeontological Fieldtrip to Poland

1 1 3,2


30 30 60


1 1



Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written exam


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Protocol Excursion

graded graded

Sonstiges Literatur:

• Selden et al. : Fossil Deposits

• Briggs et al.: Paleobiology - A Synthesis

• W.K. Weidert Hrsg :Reihe "Klassische Fundstellen d. Paläontologie"

• Spezialliteratur zu einzelnen Lagerstätten

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Vertiefung Wirbeltierpaläontologie (Dinosaurier)

Modulnummer M63/OEP Free 2D

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jedes 2. Jahr im WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Sander, Ruf, Klein

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc Geowissenschaften MSc OEP Biology

Wahlpflicht 1. Semester oder 3. Semester

Lernziele Vertieftes Kennenlernen der Großreptilien des Paläo- und Mesozoikums, insbesondere der Dinosaurier, marinen Reptilien und säugetierähnlichen Reptilien. Methoden der Phylogenie-Rekonstruktion an Fossilien, paläohistologische Methoden.


Erstellen und Präsentieren von Seminarvorträgen, Entwurf von Folienvorlagen für PowerPoint-Präsentationen. Lesen englischer Fachliteratur, selbstständige Literaturrecherche, Verfassen von Berichten und Protokollen

Inhalte Evolution, Verbreitungsgeschichte und Aussterben der Dinosaurier, säugetierähnlichen Reptilien und marinen Reptilien des Mesozoikums, Ursprung und frühe Evolution der Vögel. Paläobiologische Fragen und Kontroversen wie Evolution der Warmblütigkeit, Zusammenhang zwischen Reproduktionsbiologie und Evolution. Methoden der Paläobiolohischen Forschung an fossilen Großreptilien. Histologie der Knochen und Zähne fossiler Wirbeltiere und ihre Aussagekraft über Individualentwicklung und Lebenslaufgeschichte. Anwendungen auf evolutive Fragen, Stichwort „Evo-Devo“. Theorie und Praxis der phylogenetischen Analyse mittels Computer bei fossilen Wirbeltieren. Praktisches Vorgehen bei der histologischen Beprobung und Untersuchung fossiler Knochen und Zähne.

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M63/OEP Free 2D Vertiefung Wirbeltierpaläontologie (Dinosaurier) Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema (Gruppengröße) SWS Workload

[h] LP

M 6301 – WS M 6302 – WS M 6303 – WS M 6304 – WS

Vorlesung (30) Evolution and Paleobiology of the Dinosaurs Vorlesung / Übung (10) Paleohistology Vorlesung / Übung (10) Phylogenetic Methods in Paleontology Volesung (30) Special Topics in Vertebrate Paleontology













Unterrichtssprache Deutsch, Englisch Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en)

Klausur (90 min)


Studienleistungen u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Sonstiges Literatur: • Chinsamy-Turan, A. 2005. The microstructure of dinosaur bone.

Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. • Currey, J.D. 2002. Bones. Structure and Mechanics. Princeton

University Press, Princeton. • Fastovsky, D.E. and Weishampel, D.B. 2005. The Evolution and

Extinction of the Dinosaurs. Second Edition. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

• Wägele, Johann-Wolfgang. 2005. Foundations of Phylogenetic Systematics. Freidrich Pfeil Verlag, München 365 pp.

• Peter Skelton, Andrew Smith, and Neale Monks: 2002. Cladistics. A Practical Primer on CD-ROM. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.


OEP Free 2D/M 63 Vertiefung Wirbeltierpaläontologie (Dinosaurier) 6

M 6301 Evolution and Paleobiology of the Dinosaurs V 2 30 30 15 45 1,5

M 6302 Paleohistology Ü 2 30 30 30 60 2

M 6303 Phylogenetic Methods in Paleontology VÜ 1 30 15 15 30 1

M 6304 Research Seminar Vertebrate Paleontology III S 2 30 30 15 45 1,5

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Chemistry of Natural Products

Modulnummer OEP37

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. G. M. König

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. G. M. König Dr. S. Kehraus

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Plant Sciences MSc Molecular Biotechnology

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

1, 3 1, 3 1, 3

Lernziele The module deals with the analysis and biosynthesis of natural products. The students will learn several techniques to isolate and characterize secondary metabolites, e.g. chromatographic methods (thin layer chromatography, high performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography) and spectrophotometric methods (UV spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy). A second part of the course mediates knowledge about methods to analyze and identify enzymes, proteins, and biosynthetic genes (electrophoresis, PCR).

Schlüsselkompetenzen Analytical methods of molecules

Inhalte The lecture and the seminar give an overview of the different classes of bioactive natural products. The students will understand their biosynthesis and their ecological relevance. They will get the ability to appreciate their diverse applications in medicine. In the practical course the students get profound knowledge of the analytical techniques for the qualitative and quantitative determination of natural products, as well as for their isolation and structure elucidation.

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OEP37 Chemistry of Natural Products



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 3702 - WS OEP 3703 - WS

Seminar (12) Drugs from Plants and Microorganisms Practical (12) Practical Course (incl. Reports)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination.


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Regular participation in the seminar and practical course; oral presentation during the seminar; protocols during the practical course

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Paul M. Dewick, Medicinal Natural Products, Wiley, 2001

Richard J.P. Cannell, Natural Products Isolation, Humana Press, 1998

Terence A. Brown, Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis, Blackwell Publishing, 2006

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Complimentary Projects

Modulnummer OEP-VP

Workload 120 h

Umfang 4 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS, SS

Modulbeauftragter see associated module

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

various (see associated module)

Beteiligte Dozenten see associated module

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 2, 3

Lernziele Introduction to scientific methods. Deepening of learning targets of associated module

Schlüsselkompetenzen Ability for independent scientific work. See associated module

Inhalte Depending on associated module

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OEP-VP Complimentary Projects


Participation in associated module and accordance of module leader

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

see associated module




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol



Certification of course content


u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Not graded


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Biology and Evolution of Invertebrates:

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1A

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. J. W. Wägele

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. J. W. Wägele N.N. (Biology)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology MSc Geowissenschaften

Wahlpflicht Wahlpflicht

2 2

Lernziele The students will learn how to identify and distinguish species, how to discover their relationships and phylogeny, which special adaptations to specific habitats they have, including morphological and anatomical structures, behaviour and life cycle characteristics. During the module students will gain an understanding of the effect historical processes and events had on the geographical distribution and on the evolution of body plans. This will include evolutionary processes, phylogenies, the effect of geological and climatic changes. Relevant methods are comparative anatomy and histology, foundations of phylogenetics, collecting and sorting in the field, and soft skills for presentations and those needed for field work.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge on invertebrate anatomy and systematics, preparatory and presentation skills.

Inhalte The course will usually be held at a marine station in Ferrol (Galicia, Northern Spain). Lectures will provide an overview on animal evolution, evolution of body plans and of ways of life, and on metazoan phylogeny. The practical exercises take place in the laboratory and in the field. Students will study the morphology, anatomy and histology of selected species. They will learn to dissect different types of animals, to make preparations for microscopy, to prepare drawings, to infer phylogenies. During the course, participants will develop further their ability to critically discuss current literature and to prepare scientific presentations. Part of the practical exercises take place in the field. Students will learn to discover and catch animals, to observe their life style, to study the morphology of selected species. They will learn to keep different types of animals living, to describe their adaptations, to prepare drawings, and the basic rules of taxonomy.

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OEP-Free-1A Biology and Evolution of Invertebrates Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 1401 – SS OEP 1402 – SS OEP 1403 – SS

Lecture (20) Evolution of Invertebrata Seminar (20) Practical (20) Laboratory and field course


2 6


60 120


2 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Active participation (including short oral presentations) in practicals, delivery of protocols and drawings (conditions will be specified depending on progress of practical work)

Not graded

Sonstiges ZG IV

Recommended Reading

W. Westheide, R. Rieder: Spezielle Zoologie, G. Fischer Verlag Jena (now distributed

by Spektrum Akademischer Verlag)

A. Kästner, Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie, G. Fischer Verlag Jena

R. Brusca & G.J. Brusca: Invertebrates, Sinauer Ass., Sunderland, Massachussetts

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Introduction to Tropical Ecology

Modulnummer OEP Free 1B

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. K.-L. Schuchmann

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Karl-L. Schuchmann, PD Dr. J. Boehmer

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele Students will be introduced to the most diverse and species-rich terrestrial ecosystem of the world: the tropical forests. This life zone occupies approx. 7% of the Earth´s surface, harboring as much as 50% of the world´s biodiversity. The lectures and related seminars will provide insights in complex ecosystems and webs of adaptation. This requires an interdisziplinary approach at all levels of biotic and non-biotic interactions.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Broad knowledge of ecological and evolutionary theory. Good command of English.

Inhalte The lectures and seminars will provide an overview of edaphic, climatic, and biotic characteristics of the tropics comparing both the Old World and the New World tropcial ecosystems and their evolutionary patterns in time and space. Following further key content aspects will be dealt with in detail: characterisitc patters of different kinds of tropical forests, floral and structural compositions, climate and nutrient cycles, web of adaptations and interactions between plants and animals, implications of forest destruction etc.

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OEP Free 1B Introduction to Tropical Ecology



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) WS Workload [h] LP

OEP-20a01 OEP-20a02

Lecture (70) Tropcial Ecology Seminar (20)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral examinations oral presentations

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung


Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Will be announced before start of course

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Distribution patterns, speciation and phylogenetics of

vertebrates in the Palaeotropics

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1C

Workload 90 h

Umfang 3 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Unregelmäßig WS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. R. van den Elzen

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. D. Rödder, Dr. F. Herder, Dr. R. van den Elzen, Gäste (Wissenschaftler, Gastforscher, Doktoranden des ZFMK)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele This seminar focuses to patterns of diversity in vertebrates of the Palaeotropic region. Participants are introduced to the fields of historical biogeography and speciation, which will be discussed in context of species richness, ecology and phylogeography. Students will learn to read scientific literature on theory and case studies of “old world” vertebrates, to give oral presentations, and to discuss the topics critically.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge of relationships between historical events, systematics and biology of vertebrates in the Palaeotropics. Practice in critically reading and discussing current literature on these topics.

Inhalte Lectures will provide an overview on historical biogeography, ecology,

phylogenetic systematics, speciation and species richness in vertebrates

of the “old world”. The chosen taxa, as well as the focus of the subject,

depend on the lecturers as well as on the literature chosen by the

students. Main topics (lectures and literature) are (i) plate tectonics and

distribution patterns of vertebrates, (ii) biogeographic history of

ecoregions, (iii) diversity of selected old world vertebrate taxa, (iv)

climatic history, and (v) speciation. Adaptations to ecologically extreme

environments (like deserts) and climatic change and its ecological

implications in the Palaeotropics will also be addressed in detail.

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OEP-Free-1C Distribution patterns, speciation and phylogenetics of vertebrates in

the Palaeotropics



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 20 B 01 – WS OEP 20 B 02 – WS

Introductory lecture (20) Seminar (20)

1 1

30 60

1 2

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) Extensive protocol

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and active participation in the seminar

Not graded

Sonstiges Weekend seminar (3 days), ZG IV

Recommended Reading: Will be announced before start of course

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Evolution and Biodiversity of Lower Vertebrates

Modulnummer OEP Free 1D

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus jährlich WS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Fabian Herder, Dr. Dennis Rödder

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Fabian Herder Dr. Dennis Rödder

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele The participants will gain insight into evolution and diversity of lower vertebrates (fishes, amphibians and reptiles). Morphological adaptation and geographical distribution are discussed in context of ecological and biogeographical concepts. Lectures and seminars will provide a general overview on patterns and processes related to lower vertebrate diversity, but will also allow deeper insight into some relevant key groups.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in biodiversity, systematics and evolutionary biology of the focus group; conservation and collection based methods (museum, zoo). Practice in critically reading and discussing current scientific literature.

Inhalte More than two-thirds of the vertebrate species known are fishes,

amphibians or reptiles. Lectures and seminars of this module will provide

an overview on patterns of diversity, systematics and evolution of these

“lower vertebrates”. Comparative anatomical studies will be performed in

the practical part to explore morphological traits relevant in context of

adaptation or systematics. Methods taught comprise those relevant for

collection-based research, key “tools” relevant for evolutionary and

systematic studies, and applied aspects relevant to zoos.

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OEP Free 1D

Evolution and Biodiversity of Lower Vertebrates



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 20-D 01 – WS OEP 20-D 02 – WS OEP 20-D 03 – WS

Introductory lecture (20) Seminar (20) Practicals (20)

1 1 4

60 60


2 2 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) Extensive protocol of practical

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and discussions during the seminar

Not graded

Sonstiges Time of course: ZG IV: March

Recommended Reading

Will be announced before start of course

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Evolution, Diversity, and Biology of Arthropods

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1E

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Thomas Wesener

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Dirk Ahrens Dr. Bernhard Huber Dr. Ximo Mengual Dr. Ralph Peters Dr. T. Wesener

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele Aims are to get detailed insight into the evolution, diversity, and biology of arthropods in general and of some groups in particular (spiders, millipedes, beetles & wasps). In addition, students will learn how to identify and to study arthropods, i.e. how to infer characters, to understand their evolutionary history etc. by means of comparative and phylogenetic analyses.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Principles of nomenclature, taxonomy and systematics; identification; statistical and comparative character analysis; reviewing scientific literature

Inhalte Students will acquire a general overview of the evolution and diversity of arthropods. They will learn:

• To dissect and conserve/mount arthropods • Study the external morphology of selected taxa (i.e., arachnids,

myriapods, crustaceans, and insects) with light- and scanning-electron microscopic methods

• Learn how to identify major arthropod lineages and species • Extract morphological characters and to infer differences between

different character states with computer-tools (morphometrics) • Understand basic principles of taxonomy including nomenclature • Exercise phylogenetic systematics based on morphology with example

data The module includes lectures, lab work, field excursions, and seminars with student presentations.

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OEP-Free-1E Evolution, Diversity, and Biology of Arthropods



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP


Lecture (14) Seminar (14) Practicals (14)

2 2 4

60 60


2 2 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

• Oral presentation (PowerPoint presentation) with hand-out, protocol of lab work (50%)

• Five part-ime exams (50%)


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and active participation in lecture and in discussions during the seminar

Not graded

Sonstiges Time of course: Zeitgruppe 1

Recommended Reading

Will be announced before start of course

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Presentation of scientific data in oral and written form

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1F

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. K.-L. Schuchmann

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Karl-L. Schuchmann

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele Designing scientific experiments and evaluating data for Bachelor, M.Sc., and Ph.D. theses; preparation of professional oral presentations; guidelining scientific writing.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Softskills

Inhalte Lectures and seminars along with practical exercises of scientific data presentations in oral and written form constitute the basis of the course. The content of the module is focussing on obtaining professional skills for a career in biological sciences. Topics constitute careful experimental design, data evaluation, and presentation in Bachelor, M.Sc., and Ph.D. theses. Besides active training of scientific data presentations (seminar talks, posters, oral presentations) and scientific writing constitute a major part of the module.

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OEP-Free-1F Presentation of scientific results in oral and written form



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) WS Workload [h] LP

OEP-20 F 01 OEP-20 F 02

Lecture (15) Seminars (15)







Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral examinations oral presentations written protocols

Graded 1/3 Graded 1/3 Graded 1/3

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attencance in the seminars

Not graded

Sonstiges ZG III, also during weekends

Recommended Reading

Will be announced before start of course

A script will be available.

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Ecology and zoogeography of the Pannonian area, with a field

trip to the Neusiedler Lake

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1G

Workload 240 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. D. Rödder, Dr. C. Koch

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. D. Rödder, Dr. C. Koch

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele Students will learn about subjects of ecology and zoogeography, in particular of the Pannonian area.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in biodiversity, ecology, biopgeography, conservation and collection-based methods (museum and zoos). Practice in critically reading and discussing current literature on these topics.

Inhalte The field trip to the Neusiedlersee area provides insight into the ecological and biogeographic peculiarities of the Pannonian area, also in comparison to the nearby Eastern Alps. Comparisons will also be made with habitats in central Hungary which will help to understand the interconnection between central and peripheral areas. Knowledge in metazoan taxa will be broadened and taxonomic studies performed.

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OEP-Free-1G Ecology and zoogeography of the Pannonian area, with an field trip

to the Neusiedler Lake



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 20-G 01 – SS OEP 20-G 02 – SS OEP 20-G 03 – SS

Introductory lecture (15) Seminar (15) Practicals (15)

1 1 4

60 60


2 2 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentations (power point presentation) + handout Extensive protocols of practicals Active participation in practicals

Graded Graded Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance in lecture and seminar

Not graded

Sonstiges Time of course: ZG IV: usually in August/September

Recommended Reading

Will be announced before start of course

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Speciation in Fishes: Patterns and Processes

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1H

Workload 60 h

Umfang 3 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus jährlich WS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Fabian Herder

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Fabian Herder

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele This seminar will provide background in speciation theory and encourage to critically discuss alternative hypotheses on the origin of diversity in context of fish model systems.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in speciation theory and case studies in nature; insight into patterns of diversity and divergence in fishes; practice in the use of scientific literature

Inhalte Speciation research asks for the mechanisms and processes generating

biodiversity. Fishes are with roughly 30.000 species by far the most

diverse group of vertebrates in the world, and have extensively been used

as model organisms to test hypotheses on the origin of species. In this

seminar, we review speciation theory and discuss theoretical predictions

in context of current literature on speciation in fishes. Examples

considered range from adaptive radiations in African rift lakes to evolution

of species pairs in northern lake whitefish or recently discovered cases of

hybrid speciation.

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OEP-Free-1H Speciation in Fishes: Patterns and Processes



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP 20-H 01 – WS

Seminar (16)




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) Extensive protocol

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and discussions during the seminar

Not graded

Sonstiges Time of course: ZG II, weekends

Recommended reading: will be announced

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Bioinformatics for Master Students – Beginner's course

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1I

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. B. Misof

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Oliver Niehuis, Prof. Dr.B. Misof

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht 1,3

Lernziele The course aims to teach students the skills to accomplish the tasks needed for many of today's bioinformatic challenges, such as extracting data from a program's output file, analysing data in a way, that no program provides so far, or simply handling and proceesing large datasets. Focusing on realistic examples –analyses of DNA and protein sequences in phylogenetic and genome projects – the students will develop (declarative) programming skills in the popular and easy to learn scripting language Perl. Students will apply their newly acquired programming skills to access and control external programs, such as relational database management systems, sequence alignment programs, and programs of the Basic Local Aligment Search Tool (BLAST) by making use of Perl modules from the BioPerl project.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Analysis and management of (large) datasets, Perl computer language, MySQL database query language

Inhalte The students will learn how to store, access, and manipulate data in the three types of variables (i.e., scalars, arrays, hashes) that Perl supports. Using loops (e.g. for, while, foreach) and control structures (e.g., if, unless), they will then develop the skills to takle more complex problems. By introducing filehandles, the students will discover how to retreive and to store data directly from/in a file, whose content they will then parse out by using regular expressions. By introducing references, they will finally learn to use nested data structures (e.g. two-dimensional arrays) to handle more complex data structures. The students will be tought the concept and the benefits of subroutines and modules, which will allow them to build larger programs and to reuse their code, or that of others. The latter will be excersized using the vast collection of free and ready to use Perl modules from the BioPerl project. The students will use BioPerl to store and access sequence data in the popular MySQL database management system, to search for similar sequences with the aid of the NCBI BLAST programs, and to align orthologous sequences with the programs TCOFFE, MUSCLE and MAFFT.

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OEP-Free-1I Practice in Molecular Analyses Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS

Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free-1I Lecture (12) Practical (12)

4 4

120 120

4 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination graded

Studienleistungen u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Sonstiges Recommended Reading James D. Tisdall 2001: Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics. O'Reilly. ISBN 978-0-596-0080-6 James D. Tisdall 2003: Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00307-2

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Comparative Morphology and Biology of selected

Mammalian groups

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1J

Workload 180

Umfang 6LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Unregularly in SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. J.W. Wägele

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten NN R.Ray

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele Students will learn about morphology, diversity and ecology of diverse mammal groups. The lectures and related seminar will provide a general overview on systematics of mammals, as well as insights into specific groups.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in biodiversity and identification and classification methods by means of scull features.

Inhalte The course will offer a comparative overview of mammal orders. For different groups we will review the diversity of species as well as the ecological, zoogeographic and evolutionary aspects. Diverse orders of mammals will be introduced and relevant characteristics studied and discussed.

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OEP-Free-1J Comparative Morphology and Biology of selected Mammalian




Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free-1J 01 – SS OEP-Free-1J 02 – SS OEP-Free-1J 03 – SS

Introductory lecture (10) Seminar (10) Practicals (10)

1 1 4

30 30 120

1 1 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) Final test

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Regular attendance, oral presentation

Sonstiges Time of course: ZG III

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Biodiversity of the Alps, with a field trip to the Eastern Alps

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1K

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Unregularly in SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Bernhard Misof

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Bernhard Misof Dr. Jonas Astrin

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology, Wahlpflicht 2

Lernziele Students will be trained in biodiversity of Alpine biota’s.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in biodiversity, ecology, biogeography, conservation and collection-based methods. Practice in critically reading and discussing current literature on these topics. Practice in carrying out field work in remote areas.

Inhalte The fieldtrip to the Eastern Alps introduces students into Alpine biodiversity via zoological and botanical determinations, broadening the knowledge in metazoan taxa. During extended hikes from the subalpine up to the nival zones we will treat geomorphology, climate, altitudinal zonation, adaptations to the alpine environment, glacial influence and current environmental threats.

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OEP-Free-1K Biodiversity of the Alps, with a field trip to the Eastern Alps Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free-1K 01-SS OEP-Free-1K 02-SS OEP-Free-1K 02-SS

Introductory lecture (10) Seminar (10) Practical (10)

2 2 4

30 60


1 2 5

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (no PP) and handout graded

Studienleistungen Protocol of practical benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Not graded

Sonstiges Time of course: ZG III Recommended Reading: will be announced before start of course

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International Programs for Nature Protection and Conservation

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1M

Workload 120 h

Umfang 4 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich WS

Modulbeauftragter PD Dr. Klaus Riede

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten PD Dr. Klaus Riede

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht 1,3

Lernziele Many species and landscapes require international efforts for effective protection. To this end, several multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs) have been ratified, such as CITES, CMS and Ramsar. Additional programs and conventions, such as the CBD, have been implemented to coordinate these programs with national biodiversity action plan and legislation. This lecture will provide an overview about this rather complicated and even confusing ensemble of MEAs, most of which are legally non-binding, but nevertheless initiated several useful nature protection programs. Because the city of Bonn hosts secretariats for several relevant International Organisations, we will try to get some hands-on experience through visits of the institution.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Getting familiar with MEAs

Inhalte Description of important MEAs, with special emphasis on their relevance for species conservation. All MEAs work at the “science-policy” interface. The module will outline the contribution of scientists to MEAs, by selection of endangered species to be listed on their annexes or designing species action plans. Special emphasis will be made on taxonomic problems related to listing. Excursions to MEA secretariats located in Bonn, such as CMS, IUCN Environmental Law center, UNCC, FSC etc., will provide opportunities for discussions with representatives.

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OEP-Free-1M International Programs for Nature Protection and

Conservation Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free-1I Lecture (40) Seminar (40) Excursions (40)

1 2 2

40 50 30

2 1 1

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination on topics of lecture graded


Oral presentation, written handouts

Not graded

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung


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Beginner’s course: Programming in C/C++

Modulnummer OEP-Free-1N

Workload 150 h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus unregularly in SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Wolfgang Wägele

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Christoph Mayer, Prof. Wolfgang Wägele

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biolgie, Wahlpflicht 2

Lernziele Students will learn the basics of the programming language C/C++ as well as how to design and devise algorithms for solving simple problems. At the end of the course they should be able to write small command line programs to analyze their data sets and to simulate simple procedures in natural or social studies.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowing how to write simple programs for the analysis of data sets has become a key competence in natural and even in social sciences.

Inhalte This beginner’s course provides an introduction to the programming language C/C++. Students will first learn the basics of C and how to use the additions of C++ to write simple command line programs. (A thorough introduction to object oriented programming will be beyond the scope of this course.)

Students from all subjects should be able to follow this course.

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OEP-Free-1N Beginner’s course: Programming in C/C++ Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Background knowledge in computer science or programming is not required. A high motivation is necessary.

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free-1N Lecture (12) Computer exercises (12)

2 3

75 75

2 3

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination graded

Studienleistungen Excerises u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung


Sonstiges Recommended literature: Martin Schader, Stefan Kuhlins, Programmieren in C++ Bjarne Stroustrup, Einführung in das Programmieren in C++ Ulrich Breymann, C++, Eine Einführung Nicolai Josuttis, Objektorientiertes Programmieren in C++ Online material such as: http://velociraptor.mni.fh-giessen.de/Programmierung/progI.pdf

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Pattern and processes shaping biodiversity

Modulnummer OEP Free 1O

Workload 90 h

Umfang 3 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. D. Rödder

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. F. Herder, Dr. D. Rödder, Gäste (Wissenschaftler, Gastforscher, Doktoranden des ZFMK)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele This seminar focuses to patterns of diversity in vertebrates. Participants are introduced to the fields of historical biogeography and speciation, which will be discussed in context of species richness patterns, ecology and phylogeography. Students will learn to read scientific literature on theory and case studies of vertebrates, to give oral presentations, and to discuss the topics critically.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge of relationships between historical events, systematics and biology of vertebrates. Practice in critically reading and discussing current literature on these topics.

Inhalte Lectures will provide an overview on historical biogeography, (macro-)

ecology, phylogenetic systematics, speciation and species richness in

vertebrates. The chosen taxa, as well as the focus of the subject, depend

on the lecturers as well as on the literature chosen by the students. Main

topics (lectures and literature) are (i) plate tectonics and distribution

patterns of vertebrates, (ii) biogeographic history of ecoregions, (iii)

mechanism generating diversity patterns of selected vertebrate taxa, (iv)

climatic history, and (v) speciation. Adaptations to ecologically extreme

environments (like deserts) and climatic change and its ecological

implications will also be addressed in detail.

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OEP Free 1O Pattern and processes shaping biodiversity



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP Free 1N – WS

Seminar (up to 20)




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) and extensive protocol


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Active participation (including 45 minute oral presentations) in discussions during the seminar, attendance at module lectures, delivery of detailed and extensive protocols and of power point presentations

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Will be announced before start of course

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Diversity, Form and Function in Birds & Mammals – Selected Topics

OEP Free 1P Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. J.W. Wägele, Dr. T. Töpfer, Dr. J. Decher




Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. T. Töpfer, Dr. J. Decher


des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht


Lernziele This course is designed to familiarize students with the basics of species diversity,

classification, selected evolutionary and functional aspects in the classes Aves and

Mammalia. Participants will develop an understanding of evolutionary and functional

interrelationships by own hands-on studies and joint discussion of presentations.

Schlüsselkompetenzen basic knowlegde of vertebrate biology, presentation skills

Inhalte Selected groups of birds and mammals and their defining adaptations and

specializations will be examined in detail by the students. Participants are expected to

read selected articles or book chapters in preparation of each day's topic, with subjects

ranging from classic morphological and ecological papers to current molecular

phylogenetic and evolutionary articles. The course will include an all-day mandatory

excursion to the Cologne Zoo.

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OEP Free 1P Diversity, Form and Function in Birds & Mammals – Selected Topics




Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP Free-1

Practical training (15)

Lecture (15)

Seminar (15)










Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Final written examination


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-

voraussetzung zur


Oral presentation, written handouts


Sonstiges For requests contact: [email protected] or [email protected]

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Biogeography and ecology of islands

Modulnummer OEP-Free 1Q

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. J. Wolfgang Wägele, Dr. André-A. Weller

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. André-A. Weller, Dr. Till Töpfer

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele In relation to their size, islands are among the terrestric areas representing the highest diversity of habitats and species at global scale. Based on comparison of Macaronesia and the Mediterranean, students will be introduced to a broad range of research topics dealing with islands, such as biogeography, landscape ecology and biodiversity. Emphasis will be given to botanical, ornithological, climatic and geological aspects (including endemism, distribution patterns, habitat use, morphological adaptations).

Schlüsselkompetenzen Broad knowledge of biogeography and island theories.

Good command of English.

Inhalte The lectures, seminars and the practical training (field excursions) will provide an overview of theories on island biogeography, speciation concepts and effects, as well as habitat characteristics, typical representatives of fauna/flora (including endemism), morphological adaptations and phylogenetic traits. This will include a comparison of islands in Macaronesia with those from the Mediterranean. In addition, natural and man-made threats to natural habitats and species richness will be evaluated. The practical training will include a two-week study excursion to one Mediterranean island (Cyprus), with emphasis on habitat diversity, endemism, and feeding ecology, migration patterns and habitat use in birds.

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OEP-Free 1Q Biogeography and ecology of islands



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) WS Workload [h] LP


Lecture (7) Biogeography and ecology of islands Seminar (7) Practical training (7)


1 4


30 120


1 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Final written examination Oral presentations

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung


Not graded

Sonstiges Study excursion Cyprus: ca. 15-30 September 2014

Contact for requests: [email protected]

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Theory and practice of phylogenetic systematics

Modulnummer OEP-Free 1R

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Bernhard Misof

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Christoph Mayer, Prof. Bernhard Misof

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


Lernziele Building on a good knowledge in genetics, this course aims to provide a broad understanding of the theoretical concepts used in molecular systematics, ranging from the alignment of molecular sequences, BLAST searches, models of sequence evolution, measures of genetic distances and most important the different methods/algorithms used for the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees. Furthermore, participants will learn how to compute and interpret phylogenetic support values. Computer exercises are an integral component of this course. Participants will learn how to apply their theoretical knowledge when using computer programs to analyze molecular data sets. Every participant will give a presentation in English.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Understanding the theoretical principles in phylogenetics and their application to real data sets.

Inhalte The students will get a broad overview over the theoretical concepts used in the field of molecular systematics and how these concepts are applied - using computer programs - to real data sets. It will be shown why the knowledge of these theoretical aspects is necessary for a successful analysis of molecular data sets.

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OEP-Free 1R Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP SS Lecture (20) Exercises (20) Seminar (20)

4 3 1

120 90 30

4 3 1

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Final exam graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Short oral presentation (seminar) Protocols / Exercisesheets

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading: Knoop & Müller 2006: Gene und Stammbäume, Elsevier Wägele, Wolfgang 2005: Foundations of Phylogenetic systematics, Pfeil Verlag Lemey, Salemy et al. 2009: The phylogenetic handbook, Cambridge Univ. Press Page, R.D., Holmes, E., Molecular Evolution, Wiley-Blackwell Li, Wen-Hsiung, Molecular Evolution, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Felsenstein, Inferring Phylogenies, Sinauer Associates, Inc. Hillis and Moritz, Molecular Systematics, Sinauer Associates, Inc.

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Palaeontology and Biology of Texas – an Integrated Field Course

Modulnummer OEP-Free-2A

Workload 120 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. M. Sander

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. M. Sander, Dr. C. Gee

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht 2




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OEP-Free-2A Palaeontology and Biology of Texas – an Integrated Field

Course Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Seminar (40) Excursion (40)

2 6

2 6

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination graded


Oral presentation, written handouts

Not graded

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung


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Mesozoic Dinosaur and Plant Ecosystems and the Marine Realm in a

Transect from southern Germany to northern Italy: Introductory Field

Paleontology for Biology and Geosciences Students

Modulnummer OEP Free 2B

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester + 3 weeks

Turnus Every 2-3 years, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Biology, Geology/Palaeontology

Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Carole Gee, Prof. Dr. Martin Sander,

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht 2

Lernziele The objective of this module is to give biology students a basic understanding of paleontology and geology. The weekly seminar from April to July in Summer Semester 2014 and the 3-week field course in July-August are especially designed with OEP Biology students in mind as an introduction to paleontological field methods. In seminar, we will focus primarily on Mesozoic localities with fossil plants and on terrestrial and marine vertebrates north and south of the Alps, although we will also dip into the Permian and reach up into the Eocene and Pleistocene. The field trip will include stops at active excavations, discussion of fossil organisms and their geological context, and visits to classical fossil floras and faunas in the field and in museums in the Alsace, southern Germany, Switzerland, and northern Italy.

Schlüsselkompetenzen In seminar, students will become familiar with the geologic timetable, the basics of geologic processes and sedimentary rocks, and the Mesozoic biota of Central Europe — fossil plants, dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and invertebrates. While doing fieldwork, students will learn to recognize and dig out fossils, to map geologic formations, and to understand Pleistocene glacial processes in the Alps. On the field trip, students will study the fossil flora and fauna found at classical localities and museums in Central Europe.

Inhalte The following seminar topics and field trip stops are slated: Early Permian Rotliegend flora and fauna, the Permian/Triassic boundary flora and fauna in the southern Tyrol, Triassic reef formation in the Dolomites, Early Triassic Buntsandstein flora, Middle-Late Triassic marine vertebrate and invertebrate faunas, Triassic and Jurassic dinosaur trackways in Switzerland, Early Jurassic marine fauna of Holzmaden, Late Jurassic terrestrial ecosystems (plants and dinosaurs) of North America, Late Jurassic lagoonal biota of Solnhofen, Middle Eocene lagoonal fauna, Pleistocene-Holocene glacial geology and biota. A prerequisite for the field trip is participation in the preparatory seminar course in Summer Semester 2014, which, like the field trip, will be conducted in English. The total number of student participants is limited to 25. The seminar meeting time during the summer semester 2014 is to be decided by the instructors and students at a meeting in early April 2014. The field trip is tentatively scheduled for 19 July 2014 to 8 August 2014.

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OEP Free 2B Mesozoic Dinosaur and Plant Ecosystems and the Marine Realm in a Transect

from southern Germany to northern Italy: Introductory Field Paleontology for

Biology and Geosciences Students


Good physical condition for three weeks of moderately strenuous travel and fieldwork; good observation skills in the field

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Seminar (25) Excursion (25)

2 6



2 6

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Seminar: a short talk on a selected topic Field course: recording of field notes throughout the trip, participation in mapping exercise, compilation of a day’s report for the field trip report (text and photos)

graded graded

Studienleistungen u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

In addition to the graded assignments above, mandatory attendance in seminar, and active participation in class discussions and throughout the field trip


Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Students will consult individually with an instructor about recommended reading and topics in preparation for their seminar presentations.

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Mesozoic Dinosaur and Plant Ecosystems and the Marine Realm in

England: Introductory Field Paleontology for Biology and Geosciences

Masters Students

Modulnummer OEP Free 2C

Workload 180 h

Umfang 6 LP

Dauer Modul 2 days + 2 weeks

Turnus Every 3-4 years, SS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Carole Gee, Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Biology, Geosciences, Palaeontology

Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Carole Gee, Prof. Dr. Martin Sander

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht 2

Lernziele The objective of this module is to give biology students a basic understanding of paleontology and geology through a two-week, hands-on field trip to Mesozoic fossil localities, museums, and other sites of paleontological importance in England. This is primarily a field course, with most teaching occurring on-site, although a mandatory, two-day block seminar will provide students in advance with the basic geology and paleontology necessary for the field trip.

Schlüsselkompetenzen In the block seminar, students will become familiar with the geologic timetable, basic geologic processes, the rock cycle, and the Mesozoic biota of England — fossil plants, dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and invertebrates. On the field trip, students will learn to recognize and dig out fossils, to understand basic stratigraphy and measure a geologic formation, as well as to become acquainted with important Mesozoic localities, natural history museums, and other sites of paleontological interest in England.

Inhalte Slated are the following field trip stops and topics: - Upper Triassic vertebrate fauna at Aust Cliff - Jurassic marine invertebrate & vertebrate faunas along the South Coast of England - Lower Jurassic marine invertebrates and vertebrates of Yorkshire - Middle Jurassic terrestrial plant community of Yorkshire - Middle Jurassic marine invertebrate and vertebrates at Peterborough - Upper Jurassic “fossil forest” at Lulworth Cove - Lower Cretaceous dinosaur & plant assemblages on the Isle of Wight - Upper Cretaceous chalk cliffs of Dover - Natural History Museum in London - Historic dinosaur sculptures at the Crystal Palace grounds in London - Living Mesozoic flora at Royal Botanic Gardens Kew - Darwin’s residence and place of work at Down House A prerequisite for the field course is participation in the preparatory seminar course which, like the field trip, will be conducted in English.

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OEP Free 2C Mesozoic Dinosaur and Plant Ecosystems and the Marine Realm in England:

Introductory Field Paleontology for Biology and Geosciences Masters Students


Good physical condition for two weeks of moderately strenuous travel and fieldwork; good observation skills in the field

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Excursion (14-20)




Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Recording of field notes throughout the field trip, compilation of a day’s report for the field trip report (text and photos)


Studienleistungen u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

In addition to the graded assignments above, mandatory attendance in two-day pre-field trip seminar, and active participation in discussions and field work throughout the field course


Sonstiges Recommended Reading

Any recommended reading will be provided to the students by the instructors.

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Behavioural Ecology of hole-breeding passerines birds

Modulnummer OEP-Free-3A

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Thomas Lubjuhn

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Jörg Brün

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht


Lernziele The aim of this course is to develop theoretical, organizational and practical skills to transfer proximate and ultimate questions in the field of Behavioural Ecology into scientific hypotheses, to test these hypotheses in practical field experiments, to analyse the results and to give answers to the initial questions. You will learn how to use hole-breeding passerine birds as a model organism for behavioural ecological studies, their handling, the difficulties and the advantages of working with free-living organisms. Further on you will learn about the difficulties of practically experimental design, the statistical analyses of the results, and the formulation of answers in form of a written protocol. Last but not least the experience of a self managed field camp will give a basic training in capacity for teamwork and social skills

Schlüsselkompetenzen Basic knowledge in Behavioural Ecology, practical fieldwork experience, handling of small passerine birds, ability to work in a team , organizational skills, linking theoretical knowledge with practical realization and vice versa

Inhalte A weekend seminar in March at the institute’s lecture room will give an introduction into the broad field of Beahviour Ecology. The successful participation is obligatory for the main parts of the course.

The fieldwork of the course will take place for 3 weeks, from the beginning of May, in a tent camp in a mixed woodland area near Wolfsburg / Lower Saxony. After some days of general introduction and training into avian field work banding and handling of small passerines we will try to transform some ultimate behavioural questions into practical experimental designs. These experiments will be conducted in groups of two for 2 to 4 days. After a one day break we will change the teams so each participant has the chance to gain experience in both major fields of bird observation and manipulation.

The last week the course will take place at the institute’s computer lab and lecture room. The results of the observations and experimental treatments are statistically analysed and presented in a written protocol in form of a thesis (rationale, methods, results, and conclusion) and short presentations of the results are given to the comrade students.

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OEP-Free-3A Behavioural Ecology of hole-breeding passerines birds Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Practical (6) Seminar (6)

8 2

240 60

8 2

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written experimental protocol in the format of a thesis and a short oral presentation of the results




u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Active participation in the general fieldwork and the practical experiments Weekend seminar “Introduction into Behavioural Ecology” - 45 min. presentation

graded graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Alcock, J. (2005) Animal Behavior: an evolutionary approach (8th ed.). Sinauer Associates Incorporated, Sunderland, Massachusetts Danchin, É., Giraldeau, L.-A., Cézilly, F. (eds.) (2008) Behavioural Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford Krebs, J. R. & Davie, N. (1993) An Introduction to Behavioural Ecology (3rd ed.), Blackwell Publishers, Oxford Gosler, A. (1993) Hamlyn Species Guides - The Great Tit. Reed International Books Ltd., London

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Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics

Modulnummer OEP-Free-3B

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus unregularly, WS, SS


Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten PD Dr Lars Podsiadlowski

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele Introduction of evolutionary patterns and processes of molecular sequences and genomic features. Introduction to bioinformatic principles and some widely used databases and tools. Basics of UNIX environment and programming language PERL (no previous experience necessary!)

Schlüsselkompetenzen Learning to obtain and handle genetic / genomic datasets with bioinformatic approaches. First steps into building own solutions with scripting languages (e.g. perl), simple database structures and basal statistics (R). Critically interpretion of recent publications.

Inhalte Databases – overview of public databases, how to retrieve information, automatic retrieval of simple or bulk data Storing and handling sequence data locally, comparing sequences via alignments and BLAST searches. Use of sequence data for population genetics and phylogenetics. How to handle the massive datasets of modern sequencing methods: Assembling genomic datasets from short reads and functional annotation of genes. Identifying mutations and selection pressure. Microbial genomes versus eukaryotic genomes. Model organisms and genome browsers. Genomics/Transcriptomics/Proteomics. Gene content, gene expression and systems biology. Evolution of the human genome and inherited diseases. Evolution of viral genomes. Phylogenomics and Population genomics.

Basal use of UNIX, PERL, R will be introduced accompanying these topics.

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OEP Free-3B Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture, Practical

2 6

60 180

2 6

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Thre short written exams during course. Short oral presentations discussing recent publications.


Studienleistungen Active participation in lectures, computer exercises etc. graded

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Sonstiges Recommended Reading: Samuelsson , Tore „Genomics and Bioinformatics“ Cambridge Univ Press 2012 (this book comes close to the concept of my course) Christianini N, Hahn M “Introduction to computational genomics, Cambridge Univ Press 2007 Haddock SHD, Dunn CW “Practical computing for biologists” 2012 Sinauer (helpful skills for anyone using computers beyond MS Office,,Facebook & Youtube) Lesk, Arthur “Bioinformatics” (more general overview of bioinformatic uses)

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Histology, tomography, and computer-aided 3D reconstruction of animal anatomy

Modulnummer OEP Free 3C

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Markus Koch

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Ökologie

Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Patrick Beckers Dr. Markus Koch Dr. Björn Quast Dr. Alexander Ziegler

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


2 / 3

Lernziele This course demonstrates how characters of the metazoan internal anatomy can be explored for phylogenetic analyses. The main objectives are to learn how histological sections are produced and interpreted, how tomographic imaging techniques are employed, how 3D models of internal organs are generated, how digital data can be publicly archived, and how anatomical studies contribute to reveal phylogenetic relationships among metazoan taxa.

Schlüsselkompetenzen (1) Interpretation of histological sections and of data derived from non-destructive tomographic imaging techniques; (2) improved understanding of the evolutionary anatomy of internal organ systems in metazoans; (3) software skills in anatomical 3D reconstruction and data deposition.

Inhalte The course starts with an introduction into the histology of animals exemplified by histological sections of sponges, cnidarians, flatworms, mollusks, annelids, arthropods, echinoderms, and vertebrates. Lab work focuses on techniques for paraffin sectioning of entire animals and staining methods in histology. Subsequently, the students will be introduced to different non-invasive or non-destructive imaging techniques that provide complimentary information on animal anatomy, in particular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and micro-computed tomography (µCT). Project-based work aims at reconstructing selected organ systems in metazoan taxa from digital histological and tomographic image stacks. For this purpose, pertinent imaging software is introduced and applied. The exercises are accompanied by a lecture that outlines the evolution of animal tissues and body plans to ease embedding the results of the projects into an evolutionary context, and that provides the theoretical background for digital imaging techniques, long-term data deposition, and computer-aided image processing. Results of the projects are summarized in original-article-like protocols and are presented by the students as posters and talks.

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OEP Free 3C Histology, tomography, and computer-aided 3D reconstruction of

animal anatomy



Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP Free 3C Lecture (12) Exercises (12)

2 8

60 240

2 8

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) Benotet/unbenotet

Written examination (protocol) Poster presentation Oral presentation

Graded (1/3) Graded (1/3) Graded (1/3)

Studienleistungen, Benotet/unbenotet

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Regular attendance Lab work on histological techniques (sectioning, staining, light microscopy) Computer work using data derived from non-invasive imaging techniques (MRI, µCT) Project-based 3D reconstruction of selected internal organs based on image stacks of complete series of histological sections and other tomographic data

Not graded Not graded Not graded Graded within the scope of the protocol and poster presentation, respectively

Sonstiges Schedule: Zeitgruppe II/Time block II Recommended reading: 1. Ax P (1996-2003) Multicellular Animals I-III, Springer Verlag 2. Metscher BD (2009) MicroCT for comparative morphology: simple staining methods allow high-contrast 3D imaging of diverse non-mineralized animal tissues. BMC Physiology 9: 11 3. Ruthensteiner B (2008) Soft part 3D visualization by serial sectioning and computer reconstruction. Zoosymposia 1: 63-100 4. Schmidt-Rhaesa A (2007) The Evolution of Organ Systems, Oxford University Press 5. Ziegler A, Ogurreck M, Steinke T, Beckmann F, Prohaska S, Ziegler A (2010) Opportunities and challenges for digital morphology. Biology Direct 5:45

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Morphological character analysis in phylogenetics

Modulnummer OEP Free 3D

Workload 150h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Markus Koch

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Markus Koch

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


2 / 3

Lernziele This course aims at improved understanding of how comparative morphology is applied to phylogenetic systematics. Main objectives are to learn how coding strategies in morphology impact on cladistic analyses, how published results are tested for reproducibility, how cladograms are interpreted in terms of their implications on phenotypic evolution, and how morphological character matrices can be used to discuss competing hypotheses on phenotypic evolution retrieved from different data sets. Case studies focus on the phylogeny of arthropods to broaden general comprehension of their evolutionary morphology and to update knowledge of the current discussion of arthropod higher-level systematics.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Conceptualization, cladistic analysis and optimization of morphological characters, inference of evolutionary scenarios from molecular and morphological cladograms

Inhalte The course is composed of morning- and afternoon-sessions, each starting with a short lecture followed by computer exercises (cladistic analyses) on the respective topic of the lecture. Topics concern current hypotheses on the origin of the Panarthropoda, the early history of arthropods (including the fossil record), and the phylogeny of Chelicerata, Myriapoda, Pancrustacea, and Insecta. The exercises introduce into pertinent software for Maximum Parsimony analyses and improve understanding of its applications. Published character matrices are provided to test for reproducibility, robustness and sensitivity under various weighting regimes, to infer implications of alternative topologies (e.g., by mapping on molecular trees), and to evaluate the explanatory strength of a given data set. The results of the exercises are summarized by the students at the end of each session in oral presentations.

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OEP Free 3D Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture (16) Exercises (16)

1 4

30 120

1 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

written examination graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Regular attendance, oral presentation of the results of the exercises


Sonstiges Recommended Reading: Scotland, R. & Pennington, R.T. (eds), Homology and Systematics – Coding characters

for phylogenetic analysis. Taylor & Francis. Wagner, G.P. (ed), The character concept in evolutionary biology. Academic Press. Wiley E.O. & Lieberman B.S., Phylogenetics – Theory and practice of phylogenetic

systematics. Wiley-Blackwell.

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Application of Immunohistochemistry in Invertebrate Systematics

Modulnummer OEP Free 3E

Workload 150h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus unregularly, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. T. Bartolomaeus

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Björn Quast, Dr. Jörn von Döhren

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


2 / 3

Lernziele This course provides an introduction into techniques to study the early development of muscular and nervous systems in invertebrates by confocal Laserscanning Microscopy (cLSM). Main objectives are to learn how immuno- and fluorescent stainings are interpreted, which kind of information on organogenesis can be obtained from such studies, and how data on organogenesis contribute to phylogenetic questions.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Theory and practice of immunohistochemical staining techniques, in-depth understanding of evolutionary anatomy of early developmental stages in invertebrates

Inhalte The course focuses on organogenesis of marine invertebrates. Project-based lab work includes fixation techniques and processing of fixed tissues for antibody-staining and fluorescent dyes, followed by cLS-Microscopy. The lecture provides theoretical background on the techniques, on data processing into 3D-representations, and on the use of developmental data in phylogenetic systematics. Results of the project-based work are summarized in original-article-like protocols and oral presentations.

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OEP Free 3E Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture (8) Exercises (8)

1 4

30 120

1 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Written protocol and oral presentation of the project-based results

Regular attendance, lab work on immunhisto-chemical techniques (antibody staining, confocal Laserscanning Microscopy), project-based 3D-imaging of musculature and nervous system in early developmental stages

graded ungraded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading: Schmidt-Rhaesa, A., The evolution of organ systems

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Application of electron microscopy in Invertebrate Systematics

Modulnummer OEP Free 3F

Workload 150h

Umfang 5 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. T. Bartolomaeus

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Björn Quast, Dr. Jörn von Döhren

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


2 / 3

Lernziele The course provides an introduction into electron microscopical techniques, focussing on TEM and including tissue preparation and ultrathin sectioning methods. Additionally, students will learn to interprete electron microscopical data and will gain insights into the ultrastructure of larval organ systems.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Theory and practice of electron microscopical techniques, in-depth understanding of evolutionary anatomy of early developmental stages in invertebrates

Inhalte Organs of developmental and larval stages are often regarded as highly conserved within animal evolution. Therefore their morphology and development has an important influence on phylogenetic hypotheses regarding high ranking taxa like the Lophotrochozoa. On the other hand structural features of larvae and developmental stages can often only be elucidated by ultrastructural investigations.

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OEP Free 3F Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Lecture (6) Exercises (6)

1 4

30 120

1 4

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written examination graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Written protocol and oral presentation of the project-based results

Regular attendance, lab work on electron microscopical techniques, focussing on TEM and including tissue preparation and ultrathin sectioning methods.

graded ungraded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading: Schmidt-Rhaesa, A., The evolution of organ systems

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Applied Aquatic Ecology

Modulnummer OEP Free 4A

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus SS, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Thomas Tittizer

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Thomas Tittizer

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele To develop practical skills by students in the investigation and assessment of running waters, training in taxonomy of aquatic macroinvertebrates.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Field work and taxonomic practice, application of statistical methods, writing of protocols.

Inhalte The module consists of two parts: field and laboratory. In the field: small, medium and large rivers are examined and modern methods and techniques of investigation are demonstrated/used. Also in the field, the species inventory (macroinvertebrates and macrophytes) are collected and the river structure are mapped. In the laboratory: the collected and preserved taxa in the field are taxonomically determined and evaluated. On the basis of the determined species, biocenotic parameters such as: abundance, dominance, constancy, diversity, food types and ecological functionality are calculated. Saprobity, degree of acidification and riverbed stability are also analyzed/identified. The taxonomic determination of different taxa is carried out with the aid of modern literature and optical devices (binocular). All major groups of taxa (Coelenterata, Porifera, Bryozoa, Turbellaria, Annelida, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Crustacea, Insecta), are determined at the species level.

For students without any training in taxonomy (e.g. Bachelor students), I offer an introduction to the determination of the animals.

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OEP Free 4A Applied Aquatic Ecology Teilnahme-voraussetzungen

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Practical: Biological-ecological investigation of running waters (14) (summer semester) Lecture: Applied Aquatic Ecology (winter semester)



8 2

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol (50%) and oral presentation (50%) Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in practical experiments Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading Amavis, R. & Smeets, J. (1997): Principles and methods for determining ecological criteria on hydrobiocenoses. Pergamon Press. Oxford, 531 p James, A. & Evison, L. (1999): Biological indicators of water quality. J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 569 p Wetzel, R.G. (2005): Limnology – Lake and river ecosystems. Acad. Press, London, 496 p

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Fauna of the north-atlantic coast line with a field trip to Roscoff/Bretagne

Modulnummer OEP-Free 4B

Workload 300 h

Umfang 10 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, SS

Modulbeauftragter PD Dr. Joachim Mogdans

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten PD Dr. J. Mogdans Dr. Nils Krützfeldt

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht


Lernziele The north-atlantic coastline of France offers diverse habitats including cliff, sand, and mud flats („Watt“). In this module, students will get to know the fauna of these habitats and will be trained in the understanding of the relationship between biodiversity and environmental conditions. In addition, methods will be taught on how to obtain free field data and to determine animals with the help of identification keys.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Broad knowledge of animal species, use of identification keys

Inhalte The module consists of an introductory seminar with practicals on the identification of marine animals, a two-week exkursion to Roscoff/Bretagne and a final week of post-processing in Bonn. In the first week of the module the students will prepare themselves for the ensuing excursion by giving oral presentations on selected topics of marine biology, on selected animal groups, and by identifying species with identification keys. Each student is expected to specialize on a specific animal group. During the two-week excursion, we will be accomodated at the reknown Marine Biology Station in Roscoff where we will also have a well-equipped classroom at our disposal. From there, we will conduct almost daily trips to diverse nearby locations along the coast, e.g. the Island of Batz, investigate fauna and ecology of cliff, sand and mud flats and salt marshes. An integral part of the excursion is a boat trip with the station’s own boat, the „Neomysis“, to take samples from the ocean floor with a trawling net. Finally, we will go for a short hike to the hilly country in the central Bretagne, the „Monts d’Arrée“. There will also be time to visit a few cultural landmarks of the Bretagne. On our daytrips, we will collect animals, bring them back to the Station where we will cultivate, inestigate and indentify them during the late afternonn and evening in our classroom. The majority of marine animals are invertebrates and therefore will comprise most of our collections. However, there will also be the possibility to study fish collected from tidal pools and of course we will observe many shore birds. In addition to the daily routines, students are expected to conduct small quantitative experiments. These include for instance the demonstration of fertilization and subsequent development of sea urchin eggs, a systematic analysis of tidal pools at different locations in the litoral, an experiment on location fidelity of limpets and other snails, a quantitative survey of the polychaete fauna and a study on the radula length of limpets. After our return to Bonn, the final week of the module serves to prepare and finalize individual day protocols, additional protocols on the small experiments and to put together the final group protocol.

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OEP-Free 4B Fauna of the north-atlantic coast line


Interest in Biodiversity, interest and fun fort collecting and determining animals Students will have to contribute with a co-payment to finance the excursion. The final costs per student depend on the amount of subsidy by the university.

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free 4B

Seminar Marine Fauna (6) Practical Marine Fauna (6) Exkursion with practical, Marine Fauna (6)

2 1 7

30 30


1 1 8

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written exam Graded

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

45 min. oral seminar presentation 1-2 single day protocols (group of 2 students) At least one additional protocol on a quantitative experiment (e.g. analysis of tidal pools, site fidelity of limpets and others) (group of 2-3 students) A group protocol that will be composed of day protocols and additional protocols

Graded Not graded Not graded

Not graded

Sonstiges This is a combined module for BSc Biology and Master OEP, i.e., students studying BSc Biology will also participate. Therefore, German is the preferred teaching language. The dates for 2013 are: August 12 – September 6 Literature Sommer U (2005) Biologische Meereskunde. 2. Aufl., Springer Verlag Tardent P (2006) Meeresbiologie. 3. Aufl., Thieme Verlag Westheide W, Rieger RM (2006) Spezielle Zoologie, Bd.1, Spektrum Verlag Brohmer P, Schaefer M (2000) Fauna von Deutschland. Quelle & Meyer Verlag Hayward PJ, Ryland JS (2008) Handbook of the Marine Fauna of North-West Europe. Oxford University Press The latter two books will be provided for each student.

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Strukturelle und materialwissenschaftliche Charakterisierung biologischer Materialien und Rezeptoren

Modulnummer OEP-Free 4C

Workload 240 h

Umfang 8 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Helmut Schmitz

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Institute for Zoology, Poppelsdorfer Schloss

Beteiligte Dozenten Prof. Dr. Helmut Schmitz PD Dr. Anke Schmitz Assistent (N.N.)

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht

1, 3

Lernziele In the module, the students will acquire advanced knowledge in material properties of different biological materials. In particular students will learn how to prepare and arrange samples for investigations with up-to-date techniques used in biomaterials research and will do experiments with an atomic force microscope (AFM) and a Hysitron nanoindenter. An important aspect of this course is to teach the students to develop own ideas and hypotheses and to design appropriate experimental protocols to test these hypotheses. In addition, students will learn how to present and discuss own scientific data.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Basic knowledge in material properties of biological materials including important up-to-date investigation methods.

Inhalte This module gives a profound knowledge about the preparing and testing of different biological samples with respect to their material properties down to the micro- and nanorange. This includes the decision which part of an animal should be tested, the preparation, fixation and embedding of a sample, the cutting and/or polishing of surfaces and the subsequent testing with an AFM and a nanoindenter.

Moreover, processing and evaluating of histological sections by means of digital photography and processing with Adobe Photoshop is taught. Results obtained are evaluated and processed for presentation with MS Excel and Powerpoint. Students are also taught to retrieve relevant literature from the library or from online databases (e.g. ISI Web of Knowledge).

Finally a presentation will be prepared in the form of a scientific talk. In this talk students have to demonstrate their knowledge about the techniques used and must be able to relate own results with relevant data from the scientific literature.

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OEP-Free 4C Strukturelle und materialwissenschaftliche Charakterisierung

biologischer Materialien und Rezeptoren


Interest in biomaterials

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free 4C - WS

Practical course (4)

8 240 8

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral Power Point presentation of results Written protocol of results in the format of a scientific publication

Graded (50%) Graded (50%)

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Participation in all practical experiments

Not graded

Sonstiges Recommended Reading:

Oliver, W.C., Pharr, G.M., 1992. An improved technique for determining hardness and

elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments.

Journal of Materials Research 7, 1564-1583.

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Biology of snakes

Modulnummer OEP Free 4D

Workload 90h

Umfang 3LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich WS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Guido Westhoff

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

Institute for Zoology

Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Guido Westhoff

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology



Lernziele This seminar will give an overview on the biology of snakes including topics like diversity, anatomy, sensory systems, behaviour and venom.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in all areas of snake biology to understand the vast diversity and evolution of a group of legless predatory vertebrates.

Inhalte Snakes are a very successful group of vertebrates with more than 3000 species. The diversity of habitats snakes are adapted to represents the versatility of the legless body. Snakes live on the ground, in the soil, on tree tops and are extremely successful in the sea adapted to an aquatic life even more than any other reptile.

Using the vertebrate bauplan we can see very special inventories and adaptations in the sensory systems, the locomotion as well as defensive strategies are unique. In the seminar we will learn about topics of sensory systems like infrared vision in pitvipers, anatomical features of legless locomotion, skin specializations and defensive mechanisms like venom injection and spitting behavior of cobras. We will discuss pros and cons of live bearing versus egg laying and hunting strategies like ambush and active hunting all as an example how different solutions have been implemented in the legless vertebrate model “Snake”.

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OEP Free 4D Biology of snakes Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Seminar 16 3 90 3

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) Extensive protocol

Graded 50% Graded 50%

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and discusions during seminar Not graded

Sonstiges weekends Recommended Reading: will be announed

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Modulbezeichnung: Zoo Biology

Modulnummer OEP Free 4E

Workload 90h

Umfang 3LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich SS

Modulbeauftragter Dr. Guido Westhoff

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. Guido Westhoff

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology (Bachelor?)



Lernziele This seminar will give an overview on the biology of animals in zoos and aquaria including husbandry, biodiversity, habitat design and conservation of nature and species.

Schlüsselkompetenzen Knowledge in all areas of modern zoos with all problems and challenges

Inhalte Zoos and aquaria are often the last resort where the city focused public may encounter real living animals. These animals have extremely different needs and also different meanings to the public. Zoos provide important education on biotopes, species behavior and animal conservation. However, the needs of animals depend on species and are met in zoos to very different extents.

What does which animal need, does it make sense to breed animals for conservation. Is it possible to keep any species of the wild in a zoo or aquarium? What message do people take from zoos?

How do we build exotic biotopes and how can we mix species in one habitat? How do we keep animals healthy and thriving and to what extent is it possible to release threatened species to the wild?

The Seminar gives an overview of all areas of zoo biology.

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OEP Free 4E Teilnahme-voraussetzungen


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

Seminar 16 3 90 3

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Oral presentation (power point presentation) Handout or protocol

Graded 50% Graded 50%

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Attendance and discusions during seminar Not graded

Sonstiges weekends Recommended Reading: will be announced

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Sekundärstoffwechsel in Pflanze und Tier

Modulnummer OEP-Free 7A

Workload ?? h

Umfang ?? LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus Jährlich, WS

Modulbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Gabriele König

Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)


Beteiligte Dozenten Dr. S. Kehraus

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology Wahlpflicht


Lernziele Please contact the course leader for more information

Schlüsselkompetenzen Please contact the course leader for more information

Inhalte Please contact the course leader for more information

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OEP-Free 7A Sekundärstoffwechsel in Pflanze und Tier


Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP

OEP-Free 7A

Please contact the course leader for more information

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Please contact the course leader for more information

Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Please contact the course leader for more information


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Individually arranged practical courses, internships etc. in Organismic Biology, Evolutionary Biology or Palaeontology at internal or external institutions

Modulnummer OEP-Free A IND

Workload 180 - 360 h

Umfang 6 - 12 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS, SS


Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

external institution

Beteiligte Dozenten

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 2, 3

Lernziele Introduction to scientific methods

Schlüsselkompetenzen Ability for independent scientific work


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OEP-Free A IND Individually arranged practical courses, internships etc. in

Organismic Biology, Evolutionary Biology or Palaeobiology at internal or external institutions


Bescheinigung durch promovierten Wissenschaftler und Genehmigung durch Prüfungsamt

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP


6 - 12

180 - 360

6 - 12

Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol


Studienleistungen benotet/unbenotet u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Bescheinigung über Praktikumsinhalt durch promovierten Wissenschaftler und Genehmigung durch Prüfungsamt

Not graded


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Free choice of modules in related natural sciences (e.g. Geosciences, Biochemistry, Pharmacology etc.) which are part of an accredited course program at a EU university

Modulnummer OEP-Free B IND

Workload 180-360 h

Umfang 6-12 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS, SS


Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

external institution

Beteiligte Dozenten

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 2, 3

Lernziele according to external module

Schlüsselkompetenzen according to external module

Inhalte according to external module

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OEP-Free B IND Free choice of modules in related natural sciences (e.g. Geosciences,

Biochemistry, Pharmacology etc.) which are part of an accredited course program at a EU university


Genehmigung durch Prüfungsausschuss

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP





Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol


Studienleistungen Bescheinigung über Praktikumsinhalt durch promovierten Wissenschaftler und Genehmigung durch Prüfungsamt benotet/unbenotet

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Not graded


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Free choice of modules in other related sciences (e.g. Agronomics, Economics, Law etc.), which are part of an accredited course program at a EU university

Modulnummer OEP-Free C IND

Workload 180-300 h

Umfang 6-12 LP

Dauer Modul 1 Semester

Turnus WS, SS


Anbietende Lehreinheit(en)

external institution

Beteiligte Dozenten

Verwendbarkeit des Moduls

Studiengang Modus Studiensemester

MSc OEP-Biology


1, 2, 3

Lernziele according to external module

Schlüsselkompetenzen according to external module

Inhalte according to external module

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OEP-Free C IND Free choice of modules in other related sciences (e.g. Agronomics,

Economics, Law etc.), which are part of an accredited course program at a EU university


Genehmigung durch Prüfungsausschuss

Veranstaltungen Lehrform, Thema, (Teilnehmer) SWS Workload [h] LP





Prüfung(en) Prüfungsform(en) benotet/unbenotet

Written protocol


Studienleistungen Bescheinigung über Praktikumsinhalt durch promovierten Wissenschaftler und Genehmigung durch Prüfungsamt benotet/unbenotet

u.a. als Zulassungs-voraussetzung zur Modulprüfung

Not graded
