module 1 (assignments 1-4) cbse 3203 barbara gonzalez bithy mazumder kalon lovence

Module 1 (Assignments 1-4) CBSE 3203 Barbara Gonzalez Bithy Mazumder Kalon Lovence

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Page 1: Module 1 (Assignments 1-4) CBSE 3203 Barbara Gonzalez Bithy Mazumder Kalon Lovence

Module 1 (Assignments 1-4)

CBSE 3203Barbara GonzalezBithy MazumderKalon Lovence

Page 2: Module 1 (Assignments 1-4) CBSE 3203 Barbara Gonzalez Bithy Mazumder Kalon Lovence

Assignment 1 The role of the pedagogue in the inquiry approach is a traditional form of instructions.

Inquiry learning emphasizes constructivist ideas of learning where knowledge is built from experience of doing and process of mainly socially based experienced. Theorist such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Dewey and many more has their own theories on how children learn. There are many levels of inquiry approach such as structured inquiry, guided inquiry, confirmation and open inquiry. Each of these inquiries has different approaches; structured inquiry has to do it with generating an explanation by evidence collected in the procedure. Guided inquiry is to test the questions and the resulting explanation. Open inquiry is to carry out an inquiry and communicate the results. Confirmation inquiry is to practice specific skills such as collecting and recording data. All these teaching methods offer a variety of solutions to the children of different level of learners. If one method doesn’t work with one child there’s another way to learn.

There are many different explanations for inquiry teaching and learning and the various levels of inquiry that can exist. Inquiry learning involves developing questions, making observations, doing research to find out what information is already recorded, developing methods for experiments, developing instruments for data collection, analyzing, and interpreting data, that students need to develop thinking skills and strategies prior to being exposed to higher levels of inquiry. All these skills need to be scaffolded by the teacher until students are able to develop questions, methods, and conclusions on their own.

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Continuation… Teachers are increasingly faced with the challenge of meeting the needs of all students. This is

especially true in classrooms that seem to only be multiplying while combing the lower level learners with the gifted. As a result, the differentiated method is implemented to meet the needs of the entire classroom while ensuring students is not neglected. Cathlin Tucker, an expert on blending learning and technology in the classroom describes this method of teaching as “the practice of modifying and adapting instruction, materials, content, student projects and products, and assessment to meet the learning needs of individual students.” (Tucker) Teachers are integrated this customized mode of teaching in an effort to bridge the gap and grant each student with an effective learning experience.

Students require differentiated learning from elementary school and should continue into their secondary levels of learning. Content, Environment, Product and Process are all elements that should be used to teach the differentiated model at. An example of implementing differentiated content is an elementary classroom is to “meet in small groups to re-teach an idea or skill for struggling learners, or to extend the thinking or learning skills of advanced learners.” (Tomilson) This is an excellent idea because it helps the teacher to have a more thorough opportunity to help the students to grasp a concept otherwise not understood. In addition, Thomilson advises an elementary teacher to “ have adequate space in the classroom to allow each student some quiet time without any distractions.” (Tomilson). The product is explained as “ using the rubric that match and extend students’ varied skills and levels.” (Thomilson). The process could be used by an elementary teacher by “ offering manipulates or other hands-on support for students who need them” (Thomilson). An elementary environment is a foundation for students’ needs to be nurtured and catered to through such avenues.

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However learning continues on to secondary and tertiary levels. Along this journey, students need all the help needed to be successful. Teachers who teach older must be adequately prepared to use other methods of teaching. Scaffolding is a strategy to use when teaching older students. Scaffolding was made popular by Vygotsky though his theory of the zone of proximal development. Margo DelliCarpini concludes “Teachers of older secondary level and adult ESL students often find themselves in mixed ability classrooms where scaffolding and differentiation of instruction are necessary.” (DelliCarpini) By using the scaffolding method with older students, teachers are able to help the students become independent learners who use their instruction to become critical thinkers and create their own way of learning.

Students in lower grades need much attention and many more factors contribute to their learning. However, as the levels of learning increases the students can still have custom made learning method while becoming more independent.

There are many types of cycles. Some of the most familiar cycles include the carbon cycle, life cycle and water cycle. One that may not be so familiar is the learning cycle. The “Learning Cycle” is a method used by many educators to bring about a more involved and creative inquiry approach within the classroom. It consists of “hands-on activity, reading science text, directed discussion, and problem solving.” In other words, it simply involves a teacher to facilitate alternating hand-on activities, and mind-on activities for her students. The learning cycle is broken down into three phases for a more clear and conceptual understanding.

Page 5: Module 1 (Assignments 1-4) CBSE 3203 Barbara Gonzalez Bithy Mazumder Kalon Lovence

The first phase is “Exploration.” In this phase, students are for the most part engaged in some kind of event or investigation. They are exploring and engaging themselves with hands-on activities while increasing their knowledge and experience. A teacher can support this first phase by sparking childrens’ interest whether it is through an object, or interesting question.

The second phase is “Concept Introduction.” During this phase, students think about ideas and build upon it through certain texts and/or discussions being guided and support by the educator. Here the children may read, may participate through active involvement, and may also explain their understanding.

The third phase is “Concept Application.” This phase consists of children having the opportunity to apply any learned skills and techniques through different activities. The teacher assesses the skills and abilities the child demonstrates through reflection and understanding of the hands-on and mind-on activities done in the previous two phases.

The learning cycle serves as a model of teaching based on scientific inquiry. It allows teachers to encourage their students to develop their own personal understandings through exploration. When this is done children then deepen those understandings through discussions, and later apply their conceptual understandings to new situations and activities. This model is very effective as it really gives children the chance to really gain deep knowledge and experience through different means of learning; hands-on and mind-on activities. Children learn much more when they are actively involved, and the learning cycle helps doing just that. It allows children to see that familiar concepts and observations can be applied to new and similar situations. The learning cycle is like most cycles. After children discuss their observations and the teacher assesses their understanding, they may apply their learned skills to other situations and thus begin by exploring, which leads them back to the first phase. When a new situation comes along, children must remember to follow the cycle and apply past knowledge to help them understand new ideas and findings.


Page 7: Module 1 (Assignments 1-4) CBSE 3203 Barbara Gonzalez Bithy Mazumder Kalon Lovence

Assignment 2 It is no surprise that technology is advancing as the years go by. It has become a

large part of humans and the functions of society. Technology has made our lives impressively easier in many aspects. Due to this, it is imperative for adults to keep up with the latest technology discoveries; and for educators to provide support and guidance to children in this regard. It is unfortunate, however, that not all educational facilities, including schools, libraries, universities, etc. have the budget , infrastructure, and current software needed to initiate optimal teachings and results for children to explore and work closely with. It is crucial for teachers to create “work-ready” citizens who can compete and survive in the global economy we live in today. Not only are skills that are relative to literacy, math, and science important, but so is technology.

Technology is emerging and becoming a “new way of life.” It is funny nowadays to see a five-year old holding an iPhone, or iPad in their hands, and for me to think that when I was five, all I had was a coloring book and some crayons. This is how massive the world of technology has escalated from past to present. Technology has provided adults and children, of course, to experience different kinds of activities through “hands-on” approach, which is essential for scientific inquiry. Students who excel in this approach are likely to develop the necessary skills to succeed and compete in life. Teachers play a huge role in introducing and developing children’s’ relationship and encounter with technology. One way to help this happen is for teachers to follow and use the MST Inquiry Model, which incorporates ideas and philosophies of Bloom’s Taxanomy, Gardener’s Multiple Intelligence, behavioral objectives, NYS standards, rubrics, and target-based assessments.

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Continuation…. The Math, Science and Technology Model (MST) influenced the development of the MST

inquiry unit by Sharon Anne O’Connor-Petruso. Petruso based her studies on Bloom’s taxonomy and Garder’s theory of Multiple Intelligences. The model seeks to integrate Math, Science and Technology in the classroom by adhering to education standards while applying the inquiry-based approach. In addition, Petruso focused on grades 4-6 because while all grades are important. These grades are usually the times where students are required to take numerous tests by the state. The teachers are to be the instruments students use to extract the knowledge needed to be successful. Therefore, by implementing the MST model, the students have the opportunity to use alternate forms of learning while keeping in line with the evolving world. As Petruso stated, the behavioral objective is to “ensure that each student discovers the importance of Math.” (Petruso) in order for a child to discover the importance of Math, the concept must be introduced by a proper standard. That way the student has a clear road map to follow. The responsibility now relies on the teacher to introduce Math the class in an effective way while igniting the interest of the student. To achieve this behavioral objective, the teacher must follow the guidelines set forth by the State. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics states that students should have “efficient and accurate methods for computing that are based on well understood properties and number relationships. “ (NCTM, 2014). A teacher should use reference the standards when creating a rubric for a lesson. A rubric is necessary because it provides a clear guide for the goals a class needs to achieve.

The MST model recognizes that students learn differently. As a result, a teacher should consider Bloom’s taxonomy and the MST inquiry of multiple intelligences when creating a lesson plan that would aid in the success of target based assessments. In order to reach the goal of the students’ success, the teacher should infuse all the above methods to have a well -rounded lesson. The lesson plan requires the co-dependence of the individual areas and models for learning.

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Classrooms today are making changes with how students are being taught; some of those changes are integrating Web 2.0 and source ware in the classroom. There are many benefits for students, by using the web students become well-versed, students get more hands-on by doing the activity on their own, and learning a different way to complete the task rather than writing only notes. In the article on benefit it states is that integrating mathematics and technology into elementary science inquiry are well documented. Highly motivational medium of technology also promotes constructivism and higher order thinking of skills. It is important for teachers to model and implement technology, because they prepare their students for the future since technology is an educational necessity.  

There are many sources online for teachers to help them stay organize and stay on track and teach more effectively. Sources like MST model, allows teachers to create lesson plans that integrate math, science, and technology. Teachers can also use blackboard, wiki, and multimedia tools to stay interactive with their students, these sources helps teachers and students stay updated and everything can be posted online for everyone to view. In the article, both authors strategies is that student take the advantage of using the internet to utilize the interactive tools of Web 2.0 that can be accessed in educational environment and other institution such as the libraries. It’s also important for students because they can interact with each other, share ideas, views, and experiences. It helps them create new knowledge and learn about new tools and resources.  

Page 10: Module 1 (Assignments 1-4) CBSE 3203 Barbara Gonzalez Bithy Mazumder Kalon Lovence

Assignment 3 According to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (“NCTM”), most students begin to gain

interest in math at grade three. If mathematics continues to be viewed as interesting and important, students are very likely to continue to think of it as interesting even when they approach the upper elementary grade levels, such as fourth or fifth grade. Mathematics can be a difficult and complex subject, but if it is done in ways that may appear as fun and interactive, children can learn to enjoy math as well as understand it. Teachers can support children’s interest in math by introducing them to some “free” interactive and self-correcting websites which may give them “hands-on” experience as well as practice in the many t areas of math, ranging from different grade levels.

The NCTM defines two different kinds of standards; the “process standards” and the “content standards.” The process standards consist of problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, connection, and representation. The content standards consist of multiplicative thinking, equivalence, and computational fluency.

One “free” interactive and self-correcting website that is effective for the aid of children and their understanding of mathematics is This is a wonderful website that is built for the development of certain skills in different elementary subjects ranging from pre-k skills all the way till 8th grade skills. You can simply select the grade level and area of study you’d like children to practice and gain experience on. Some of the process standards that this website addresses is problem solving. The website gives children the opportunity to solve problems that arise in mathematics, such as estimation, story problems, fractions, multiplication, etc. Another process standard it addresses is reasoning and proof. The website gives children the chance to make and investigate mathematical conjectures such as patterns and sequence. It also addresses communication, as children explore throughout the website and analyze their mathematical thinking while communicating their findings with peers and teacher(s). Representation is also evident in this website as it enables children to create and use their mathematical representations to organize and record their findings and mathematical ideas and thinking.

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Continuation…. The content standards this website offers is multiplicative thinking. It helps children in all grades, including 3-5,

reason and analyzes their thinking and understanding of complex areas such as fractions as a part or whole, division, and more. It also aids with equivalence as students learn mathematics through many different kinds of representations. They may use these representations to explore further complex ideas. Lastly, it also enables children to experience with computational fluency. They are able to explore and understand that certain numbers and operations have properties and relationships that make them work well together.

The National Council for Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) stress the importance of children already having an interest in math prior to the first grade. The website, supports this notion. They stress that “math is an important subject for students to master." ( The interactive games begin from the kindergarten foundation and continue into 12th grade. Students are able to guide themselves with an online curriculum provided. The curriculum adheres with state standards so students can be assured that they are guided correctly.

The process standards indicate that "students should be able to solve problems that arise in mathematics and other contexts." This website provides ample areas where this can be done. There are a wide variety of option which range from interactive games, flash cards and printable worksheets.

Furthermore, the content standards provided by the NCTM are upheld on this website. Multiplicative thinking, equivalence and computal fluency are provided through the activities for ages. Algebra hang mouse and Algebra word find all help students to practice and develop their learning skills.

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Assignment 4 Technology has been advancing by a large margin over the last decades. Certain

objects and machinery have become easier and quicker to use. It is becoming globally-impacting as it makes wonders for many; such as the efficiencies and smoothness a business can run because of it, the organization of ideas by people, and more. Educators, therefore, must do their best to catch up with the everyday discoveries and advances technology makes globally. This is essential in order to develop “global citizens,” who can go out there in the real world and compete and succeed with the latest gadgets and tools.

It is very necessary to be literate in the Global Age, and technology helps in the support of literacy in education. Literacy used to be thought of as simply having the ability to “read and write.” However, it has now expanded to include the ability in “listening and speaking, competencies in mathematics and technology, and proficiency in visual, communication, and calculation skills.” This broader definition of what now constitutes literacy globally brings about the necessary changes educators must now make into their teaching curriculum. Educators must now alter and develop their lessons to help children meet the expectations and definition of literacy. This can be done by brainstorming teaching methods, approaches, and materials. They can do this by incorporating technology into the classroom which allows children to utilize technology in different ways. This can help expand children’s understanding about certain concepts, while developing strategies and competencies in specific areas within the curriculum.

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Continuation… Globalization has created an even more competitive learning environment.

Educators are racing to find ways to keep abreast with the changing world. Students must be equipped with the best tools to be marketable. The preparedness begins in the classroom and technology is being used to facilitate learning. Literacy is especially important because students must be able to comprehend, understand and create critical problem solving methods. In addition, Sharon Anne O’ Connor – Petruso indicates, “the very meaning of literacy is changing. “ (Petruso 56) She went on to quote Kiger and Goldberg as saying, “it has now expanded to include, listening speaking and competencies in math.” [(Kiger 2006: Goldberg, 2006) Petruso. 56] The standards are placed higher when competing in a global environment.

As a result of such an age of globalization, the classroom is becoming more diverse and teachers need to also be able to prepare them to compete. This becomes difficult because the students sometimes need extra help e.g. ESL learners. Students also learn at different levels and speeds and sometimes need additional help. However, in a fast paced learning environment, this can be a challenge. Keeping up with the global standards is problematic when all students are required to perform and a certain standard. A teacher can use technology in the classroom to incorporate the outside world.

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Global age had come a long away; it has changed and continues to change how students are being

taught today. It has many impacts on the different kinds of learners out there. Today almost every

classroom has technology incorporated in it because of its multi benefit to diverse learners. There

are many research that shows the different benefits to children such as direct exposure to

vocabulary through computer related activities were especially helpful to children who either came

from low socio economic background or had learning problems.  Computer related activities can

also help children retain meaning. All the different technology that teachers uses to help their

students has advanced, tools such as e-book, videos, animation are viewed as powerful way of

having children excel in reading. 

All these are great examples of how technology has improved the education system. Children today

are much more advanced and have background knowledge in a variety of things due to technology.

Technology works for all types of children and different kind of learners from visual to kinesthetic.

Technology is can benefit even ell children who had hard time following and understanding, they

can listen to CD ROM of stories to better understand which serves as a "role model" for oral

reading in terms of stress and pitch. These are some of the many changes global age has changed

the teaching of interact and impacted the diverse learner.