mitigation measures - adb_updated_26!4!06

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  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06



    7.1 During Investigation and Preparation (a) Main Trace b) Galle Port Access Road


    7.1.1 Social and Socio!"cono#ic I#pacts


    %ote to So&an' Displace#ent o people (sa#e tet b *inapala) &as been included under

    investigation + preparation and construction stages as I ,as not sure to ,&ic& stage it is



    ADB & GPAR

    Displacement of people

    T&e RDA &as been #aing all atte#pts to reduce t&e nu#ber o a#ilies t&at ,ill &ave

    negative i#pacts due to various pro/ect interventions. As a result o suc& atte#pts #ade

    t&roug& various studies t&e nu#ber o a#ilies to be displaced ,as broug&t do,n to 07 at

    & di i All & 07 ili & b l d d i i

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    & di i All & 07 ili & b l d d i i

    Table 9! T&e tpes o p&sical properties aected and t&e nature o co#pensation paid tot&e#.

    Type of properties Compensation paca!e

    Dierent tpes o land 2o#pensation based on t&e #aret values

    o dierent categor o lands;

    2o#pensation to t&e crops.

    Aected &ouses Paid co#pensation or all. 334 a#ilies,ere provided ,it& resettle#ent sites and

    &elped to build &ouses. T&e cost o t&e land

    and ne, &ouses ,ere paid b t&e aected

    a#ilies out o t&e a#ount paid to t&e# b

    RDA as co#pensation. T&e certain

    co##on acilities suc& as electricit; ,ater;

    access and so on ,ere provided b RDA

    ro# its resettle#ent unds. >ntil RDAprovided ne, &ouses t&e aected a#ilies

    ,ere given #one or renting &ouses.

    Anot&er 56 a#ilies ,&o ,anted to

    resettle in t&eir o,n locations ,ere paid

    co#pensation and Anot&er additional

    allo,ance (Rs. 144444 or eac& a#il) to

    get resettled b t&e#sel es All t&e aected

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    T&e values assessed and reco##ended b t&e valuation sta ,ere paid to t&e aected

    properties ( land and &ouses)

    Some %re# acs of t'e resettlement process accor%in! to t'e comm(nities$

    T&ere are so#e proble#s re#aining to be solved in resettle#ent sites ( land


    So#e resettle#ent sites &ave not been given drining ,ater acilities et. (In so#e

    sites t&e capacit o t&e ,ater suppl sc&e#es is not ade

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    Galle Port Access

    As t&ere is no signiicant i#pact on t&e surace ,ater

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    7.3 During 2onstruction (a) Main Trace b) Galle Port Access Road Separatel)

    7.3.1 drolog and Drainage Aspects @ater Surace @ater Buantit

    Main Cinal Trace


    As t&ere is no signiicant i#pact on t&e surace ,ater

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    As t&e construction is ongoing and #ost o t&e deep cuts are co#plete t&e i#pact &as alread

    taen place. @&ere t&ere are co#plaints about t&e reduction o ground,ater levels in t&e

    ,ells are #onitored to ind suc& i#pacts &ave taen place. PI> o t&e RDA &as started suc& aground,ater #onitoring progra##e and it s&ould be continued or a considerable lengt& o

    ti#e to arrive at clear!cut conclusions.

    It s&ould also be noted t&at t&e stae&older co#plaints s&ould be careull &andled inerring

    its genuineness . T&e "nviron#ental :icers in t&e PI> could assess t&e individual


    . Seepage o ground,ater ro# deep cuts and causing loss to t&e ground,ater ,ells on

    &ills ,&ere deep cut o t&e road run t&roug&.

    T&e description given above applies.

    5. Reduction o ground,ater levels in t&e reclai#ed areas or road e#ban#ent + ot&er

    boarder develop#ent ,ors.

    T&is reduction #ainl taes place on t&e road trace itsel ,&ere illing is undertaen. T&ere is

    no &eav ground,ater usage in t&e trace and &ence even t&oug& t&is cannot be #itigated

    t&ere are no serious adverse eects.

    6. Increase o t&e ground,ater levels in t&e e#ban#ent areas and conse

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    7/39 Processes Cloodsdrolog and Drainage Patterns

    drolog + Drainage

    I#pacts on Retention Areas

    Deviated Cinal Trace

    As it is evident t&at t&e Cinal Trace causes less i#pact t&an t&e :riginal Trace + 2o#bined

    Trace in ter#s o t&e retention area transecting and t&e road,or in t&e AD section is

    alread in progress. T&e #ain i#pact on t&e retention areas is looding + ,ater logging.

    Provision o culverts ,ill convert t&e eisting s&eet lo, to converged lo,. o,ever as a

    #itigator #easure culvert ,ater proile calculations &ave been done and culvert si=es &avebeen opti#i=ed to #ini#i=e t&e ,ater level rise.

    T&e #ain #itigator #easure or t&is i#pact is to provide openings according to t&e design.

    Approvals ro# t&e aut&orities suc& as t&e Depart#ent o Irrigation + Sri -ana -and

    Recla#ation + Develop#ent 2orporation s&ould be obtained. o,ever during t&e approval

    process urt&er design c&anges s&ould be done to ulill t&eir re

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    &ave to be done in order to assess t&e i#pacts on t&e upstrea# to ulill t&e re

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    (c) Deposition o eroded soil and t&e te#porar stocpiled soil du#ps (peat soils); in

    padd areas.

    See #itigator #easures proposed under Section ? Soil "rosion

    (d) Road e#ban#ents running on t&e eisting #inor irrigation canals longitudinall.

    "#ban#ents on turnout structures ".g. Deegoda Irrigation 2&annel 9L04)

    RDA &as agreed to rela t&e canals in a ne, la out ; in collaboration ,it& t&e provincialirrigation engineer so t&at irrigation ,ater could be delivered to padd areas ,it&out an


    (e) isection o t&e irrigation sc&e#es because o t&e road e#ban#ent (".g. Deegoda

    Kaa. 55L444 ? 57L444. )

    As described above alt&oug& t&e sc&e#e is bisected its drainage continuit s&ould be eptintact. Ade

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    7.3.3 :rientation or 2ontractor and @orers


    @orers s&ould be educated o t&e good construction practices and saet #easures during

    construction p&ase. "special attention s&ould be given to ollo,ing aspects.

    1. Special brieing and or on!site training or t&e contractors and ,orers on t&e

    environ#ental re

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    #itigator #easures and #onitoring is not re

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    Cor t&e du#ping o cut #aterial a te#porar storage area #ust be selected.

    2ut and ill operations s&ould not be practiced on rain das. Si#ilarl ot&er in-situ

    construction activities including vegetation clearing and ecavation ,ors or

    oundations; etc. s&ould not be carried out during t&e rain periods to avoid t&e generation

    o surace run!o and &ence subse

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    To #ini#i=e oil spills during t&e construction period; all #ac&iner including dredgers

    s&ould be properl and regularl #aintained. Also t&ere needs to be &eav restrictions on

    uel storage or an #ac&iner suc& as concrete #iers t&at #a be resed or ,aste oil and lubricants s&ould not be disposed or burnt and

    s&ould be stored securel in ull co#pliance ,it& t&e national and local regulations.

    T&e ,or orce involved in t&e construction activities &ave to be provided ,it& proper

    acco##odation in suitable locations &aving good sanitar and solid ,aste disposal acilities

    ,it& ade

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    contractor is &eld responsible or carring t&e# out during construction and on co#pletion

    o t&e ,or.

    ADB Section an% Galle Port Access Roa% Area

    All dust e#issions t&at could arise during t&e constructional p&ase needs #ini#i=ation

    t&roug& #easures suc& as ,etting or ,et spraing o dust suraces; roads and eposed

    eart&,or suraces periodicall; transporting construction and ecavated #aterial or spoil

    ,it& covers; regular cleaning o t&e site and re#oval o ecessive or unnecessar ecavated

    #aterial (,&ic& could be reccled to bac ill oundations and or ot&er construction ,ors);

    screening and enclosing dust ,oring places; and even t&atc&ing o eposed soil areas ,it&

    live or dead vegetation. "norcing li#itations to speeds o construction ve&icles carring

    #aterial is anot&er #easure t&at needs to be practiced in reducing dust e#issions. Transport

    t&roug& #ore in&abited areas s&ould also be avoided ,&ere possible.

    2are s&ould be taen in stocpiling construction #aterial suc& as ce#ent to avoid

    unnecessar dust e#issions and t&e construction #aterial needs to be adese o ce#ent silos in &ig& elevations and t&e use o dust

    ll i ll b i b il & ibl d b i d 2 d

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    During t&e construction p&ase operation o an &ig& noise generating e

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    Main Trace

    2&ange o t&e runo pattern on t&e cleared road trace as t&e vegetal cover &as beendenuded and t&e underling soil eposed

    T&e i#pact is s&ort ter# and once t&e turing and road paving activities are started t&is

    i#pact ,ill be #itigated.

    >ndesirable stripped soils suc& as peat soils are piled ad/acent to t&e road trace and

    because o t&e intense rain t&ese soils gets ,as&ed o to t&e ad/acent lo, ling paddareas.

    All precautions s&ould be taen to avoid eroded soils invading t&e padd areas as ar#ers are

    aected. T&e i#pact could be #itigated i t&e e#ban#ents are properl co#pacted ,it&out

    leaving loose soil in t&e open. Additional drains could be ecavated to trap t&e silts so t&at t&e

    soils ,ill not get ,as&ed o to t&e padd areas. T&ese are &ig&l site speciic issues and t&e

    s&ould be addressed ater properl studing t&e site conditions

    Peat soils s&ould not be ept in t&e open areas ad/acent to t&e padd ields. Peat soils onceecavated s&ould be i##ediatel transported to pre designated soil du#ps. All te#porar

    peat soil du#ps s&ould be covered ,it& t&ic polt&ene s&eets to #itigate te#porar


    Ponding o ,ater upstrea# o culverts because o no leada,a connections

    A i d li ll l & ld b l d & d l d

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    6. Stabili=ing vegetation to be planted and #aintained in a continuousongoing #anner

    0. -arge scale nurseries s&ould be located ,it& access to good suppl o ,ater or t&e care

    and storage o appropriate vegetation to be re!used on site.7. >se o te#porar or per#anent drainage sste#s to collect ,ater co#ing to t&e slope and

    drain out ,it&out causing soil erosion.

    . 2onstruction activities suc& as site clearing; cut + ill and #aterial eploitation s&ould be

    planned during dr periods o t&e ear. o,ever; i it is not possible to carr out t&ese

    operations during dr periods; silt traps and interceptor drains s&ould be provided.

    7.3.7 Stabilit o Slopes

    Stabilit o slopes o t&e sides o t&e ecavation or t&e road,a is a ver i#portant

    consideration or a road trace running t&roug& &ill and undulating terrain. T&ereore;

    ollo,ing #easures s&ould be adopted to reduce t&e possibilit o slope ailures.

    1. :riginal designs s&ould be revie,ed in lig&t ,it& t&e ne, subsurace inor#ation gat&ered

    during ecavation or t&e road,a.

    3. Increase o t&e elevation o t&e &eig&t o t&e ,ater table; due to natural or #an#adereasons; at t&e top o t&e slope s&ould be #onitored.

    . Additional -oading at t&e top o t&e slope outside t&e R:@; due to construction o ne,

    structures etc.; s&ould be avoided

    5. Si#ilarl unloading at t&e toe o t&e slope even out side t&e R:@ could reduce t&e actor

    o saet o ill slopes against stabilit.

    6. Monitor ot&er indications o slope instabilit suc& as' settle#ent o t&e top o t&e slope;

    cracing o t&e surrounding area including t&e road surace; appearance o springs at t&e

    b & l d l i & d bl & & l

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    I#proper eploitation; &andling; transportation and storage o construction #aterial could

    &ave so#e adverse eects on t&e surrounding environ#ent. T&ereore; ollo,ing #itigation#easures are proposed'

    1. "ploitation o t&e construction #aterial and t&e subse

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    or disposal o spoil and ot&er construction ,astes and recla#ation needs to be careull

    selected. It s&ould be noted t&at t&e reccling potential o so#e o t&e construction generated

    ,astes suc& as roc #aterial; ecess concrete and brics is good. T&ereore atte#pts s&ouldbe #ade to trade o or sell suc& ,astes to relevant stae&olders. Cor ea#ple concrete and

    brics could be grinded up to #ae aggregates re

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    construction ,aste ro# t&e original location could be directl transported to per#anent

    ,aste disposal sites ,it&out eeping it in te#porar storageN

    . Te#porar and per#anent ,aste disposal sites s&ould be located on relativel lat lands to#ini#i=e surace erosion and slope stabilit proble#s. T&ose sites s&ould be located ,ell

    a,a ro# t&e drining ,ater sources.

    5. Te#porar construction ,aste disposal sites s&ould be located in suc& a #anner not to

    obstruct natural ground ,ater lo, resulting stagnation o ,ater

    6. 2onstruction ,aste consisting o peat soil; placed in per#anent du#p sites; s&ould be

    covered ,it& a suitabl selected soil cap to avoid eposure to rain ,aster and a grass cover

    s&ould be #aintained on t&e eposed surace o suc& soil caps to avoid erosion..

    0. Peat soils are &ig&l co#pressible and &ave ver lo, s&ear strengt& para#eters.

    T&ereore; stabilit o t&e eposed slopes o t&e per#anent ,aste disposal sites s&ould &ave a

    reasonabl &ig& actor o saet against ailure under t&e #ost critical condition

    7. Anticipated or alread planned uture develop#ents o t&e surrounding area s&ould be

    considered in location o t&e per#anent construction ,aste disposal sites

    . I a 1 ? 3# t&ic laer o inorganic soils could be placed over disposed peat soils at

    per#anent du#psites; t&e underling &ig&l co#pressible peat soils ,ill be co#pressed and

    i#proved.9. Transportation o peat soils i##ediatel ater ecavation s&ould be avoided; as t&e


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    7.3.13 -oss o Fegetation 2over o t&e Areas or Te#porar @or Space


    ADB Section an% Galle Port Access Roa% Area

    T&e ollo,ing #easures &ave to be i#ple#ented.

    2learing o green surace cover or construction; or borro, or or develop#ent; cutting

    trees and ot&er i#portant vegetation &as to be #ini#i=ed.

    -andscaping and road verges to be acco#plis&ed in continuousongoing #anner.

    Planting o native treess&rubs and orna#ental plants to contribute to t&e aest&etic value

    o t&e area and co#pensate or t&e lost capabilit o t&e area to absorb 2: 3and arrest dust

    particles in t&e air.

    At t&e conclusion o t&e pro/ect; all debris and ,aste &as to be re#oved.

    All te#porar structures; including oice buildings; s&elters and toilets s&ould be re#oved.


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    Sa#e #itigation #easures are relevant Galle Port Access vegetation cover o t&e area or

    te#porar ,or spaces. ut t&e degree o eectiveness is dierent due to lo,

    environ#ental i#pacts.


    ,a- Main Trace

    In terrestrial areas ,&ere vegetation &as been re#oved can be replanted ,it& tree species

    suitable or ,et =one. S&ade trees are preerable or t&e edges o t&e &ig&,a ,&ile ruit and

    ti#ber trees #a be used or t&e ot&er areas.

    ,- Galle Port Access Roa%

    Appropriate trees plants can be introduced to suc& areas to re!vegetate t&e#.


    7.3.1 Saet Precautions or t&e @orers and General Public

    Collo,ing saet aspects s&ould be ollo,ed during t&e construction p&ase o t&e pro/ect.

    1. Ade

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    Salini=ation o soils beond t&e Galle Port Access Road (nort&ern side) is predicted i t&e

    area is insuicientl lus&ed due to construction o t&e road across t&e drainage lo, ro# its

    i##ediate catcent. 2ulverts t&at allo, #ai#u# lus&ing and least obstruction to naturaldrainage could #ini#i=e t&e eect.

    7.3.16 I#pact on @etlands

    ,a- Main Trace

    T&e i#pact o construction o bridges etc. on rivers and strea#s is te#porar and t&at too

    could be #ini#i=ed t&roug& proper drainage acilities and #easures to #ini#i=e soil erosion

    ro# eposed suraces. Since trace does not traverses over large tracts o natural ,etlands;

    including res&,ater ,etlands; estuaries and lagoons; but abandoned padd ields in #ost

    occasions; t&e i#pact on ,etlands b and large is #ini#al. Mitigation o i#pacts t&ereore; is

    less relevant in t&is contet.

    ,- Galle Port Access Roa%

    T&is road trace traverses along t&e nort& ,estern boundar o t&e #angrove area at Magalla;

    across t&e strea#s t&at drain its i##ediate catcent. Since res&,ater input to a #angrove

    area is as i#portant as t&e tidal eect or its survival; it is vital to #aintain t&e res&,ater

    input to t&is #angrove area. 2ulverts o appropriate si=e and nu#ber t&at ulill t&is


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    Given opportunities or t&e a#ilies ,&o ,anted to select t&eir o,n locations or

    resettle#ent and get resettled ,it& t&eir o,n initiatives (56 a#ilies).

    T&e policies suggested on involuntar resettle#ent b t&e govern#ent o Sri -ana and

    AD8s policies on involuntar resettle#ent ,ere ollo,ed b t&e RDA in t&e ,&ole

    resettle#ent process. T&e RDA &as obtained t&e services o various parties to assist t&e

    resettle#ent process beside t&e activities o its o,n pro/ect sta.

    About 3949 a#ilies in total &ad various i#pacts and all o t&e# &ave been co#pensated

    according to t&e Sri -anen govern#ent and AD8s policies and guidelines on social i#pact

    #anage#ent ra#e ,or. :ut o 3949 a#ilies 71 &ouses (p&sical structures) &ad negativei#pacts and t&e all ,ere de#olis&ed or allo,ing t&e road construction ,ors to tae place.

    :nl 07 o 71 &ouses ,ere occupied b people and t&ereore; t&e ,ere relocated. T&e

    ot&er 54 &ouses aected ,ere /ust p&sical structures partiall constructed or not occupied b

    people. T&e o,ners o t&ese 54 &ouses ,ere given co#pensation alt&oug& t&ere ,as no need

    to relocate people (but t&e structures ,ere de#olis&ed to ac

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    to ot&er aected &ouse &olders suc& as

    &ouse rent; s&iting allo,ances and so on.

    At t&e ocus group discussions &eld b t&e consultant ,it& t&e aected and alread resettled

    co##unities t&e participants epressed ollo,ing vie,s on t&e resettle#ent process t&e &ad

    under gone'

    Positi"e "ie#s$

    T&e aected a#ilies ,ere given unior# si=e o lands in t&e RDA initiatedresettle#ent sites ( 34 perc& to eac& a#il)

    T&e inrastructure acilities re

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    1. Agricultural Productivit o t&e lands bordering t&e proposed road; especiall t&e padd

    lands; is liel to all during t&e construction period due to soil erosion. T&ereore; t&e

    contractor s&ould be ased to adopt #easures t&at #ini#i=e soil erosion during t&e

    construction period in order to prevent an loss o value due to reduced agricultural

    productivit. :t&er,ise t&e ar#ers s&ould pa a substantial a#ount or t&eir da#ages.(Rs. 164.44 per perc& o co#plete loss o cultivated padd land and Rs. 64.44 per perc&

    or not so,ing (ut land preparation &as been done) due to proble#s occurred ,it&

    construction activities o &ig&,a.

    3. Since tea is particularl vulnerable to dust ,&ic& #a cause degradation o

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    . >se o contractors8 o,n access roads or transporting #aterials instead o using

    eisting rural roads in t&e area.

    9. Avoid rain seasons in eart& ,or closer to padd lands and ,ater bodies in order

    prevent ro# #oving soil t&roug& run o ,ater

    14 Appropriate soil conserving structures to prevent #ove#ent o soil to ad/oining


    11. "cavated peat and bogg soils s&ould not be du#ped closer to padd ields and

    ,ater bodies as acidic conditions created due to oidi=ation o peat #a be

    &ar#ul to padd cultivations and ase o appropriate structures to protect t&e surrounding lands ro# t&e soil transported,it& runo ,ater.

    15. In %ugadu,a area o t&e GAR; it is reco##ended to use appropriate #easures to

    #aintain t&e

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    #onitoring o ve&icular e&aust e#issions b speciall trained Police personnel per&aps

    ,it& assistance ro# ITI or %R: and i#ple#entation o &eav ines or penalties or

    ve&icles not #eeting e&aust standards ,ould be o para#ount i#portance. Moreoverdevelop#ent o #ass transit and reor#ulation o diesel oil ,ould be beneicial in t&e long

    run to decrease t&e rate o SPM e#ission t&oug& air pollution in ter#s o elevated SPM

    levels due to generated or diverted traic cannot be totall curtailed.

    7..3 %oise

    T&is section describes t&e general #itigator #easures re

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    # in &eig&t) on bot& sides o t&e &ig&,a roads to ac&ieve noise attenuations up to around

    16!34 d(A) is one good #et&od o reducing traic noise trans#ission to noise sensitive

    areas (Garg; 1979). o,ever suc& noise barriers to be built &ave to be constructed suc& t&att&ere ,ould be no develop#ent o cracs or gaps on eposure to sun and rain; and t&ereore

    t&e #asonr ,alls s&ould be inis&ed ,it& render or ce#ent based paint. An develop#ent o

    cracs and gaps in noise barriers &ave to be regularl #onitored and i##ediatel repaired b

    t&e RDA. Alternatel concrete or an ot&er tpe o barrier sste#s is reco##ended in places

    ,&ere t&ere is no possibilit o &aving an eart&en bea# due to lac o space.

    Intensive noise reduction progra##es ,ill also be necessar in areas ,&ere 2ategor A lands

    suc& as orest patc&es and ,etlands are occurring. In t&is respect strict la,s pertaining to

    pro&ibiting t&e beeping o &orns (especiall t&e large diesel po,ered ve&icles suc& as trucs;

    lorries and buses ,&ic& are no,n to produce loud and &ig&l irritating noise ro# beeping

    &orns) ,it& &eav ines &as to be i#posed b RDA ,it& assistance ro# #obile Police orces.

    Also notice boards clearl stating t&at beeping o &orns are pro&ibited (since a particular

    stretc& in t&e road trace encounters sensitive lands) &ave to be properl erected on bot& sides

    o t&e road traces and even in t&e island stretc& o t&e road traces.

    It is also i#perative t&at a national polic be establis&ed on ve&icle i#ports noting t&at noise

    level generation ro# ve&icles increases ,it& age.

    Galle Port Access Roa% Area

    %oise sensitive areas suc& as sc&ools and religious sites are not encountered in t&e Galle Port

    Access Road area. o,ever t&e provision o noise barriers ,it& proper landscaping using

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    Arrange#ents #ust be #ade ,it& -ocal Aut&orities (-As) or ,it& private environ#ental

    (solid ,aste) #anage#ent ir#s suc& as Abans 2leantec& (PFT) -i#ited in order to disposeo t&e #unicipal solid ,aste disposed b persons using t&e &ig&,a in a proper #anner eit&er

    b closed trucs or an ot&er #eans suc& as se#i!auto#ated collection sste#s or ull

    auto#ated collection sste#s (ve&icles e

  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06


  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06


    :pen trucs transporting ,aste or &a=ardous #aterials s&ould not be allo,ed to travel

    unless suc& ve&icles are ,ell covered to prevent spills; possible dust and vapour

    e#issions; access to lies and birds; etc.

    "nsure t&at &oses are sto,ed in suc& a ,a t&at no li

  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06


    and t&e #itigator #easures applicable or t&e construction p&ase ,it& reerence to

    #ini#i=ation or prevention o surace and ground,ater

  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06


    435 S(mmary

    63537 Miti!ation of Social Impacts

    No Potential Impacts E.istin! miti!ation

    Meas(res ,if any-

    A%%itional Miti!ation Meas(res

    1 -ost o inco#e ro#

    crops; lost o long

    standing properties.

    Monitoring t&e

    i#pact on inco#e ;

    supporting to

    reestablis& liveli&ood


    2ontinuation o eisting #onitoring activities and

    establisent o GR2 ( Grievances readiness co##ittee)

    3 -ost o inco#e; lost o

    long stranded

    residences ;

    psc&ological i#pact



    ( p&sical; econo#ic

    and social) at t&e

    resettle#ent sites.

    GR2; #onitoring t&e ade

  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06


    5 Dust; noise; access

    diiculties ( routine

    travels and to t&e special


    :n going M+"

    progra# ; process o

    attending to



    T&e continuation o eisting M+" progra#. I#prove and

    intensi t&e eectiveness o M+" activities

    6 %oise; accidents; access


    %o et i#ple#ented Recurrent surves or identiing t&e proble#s


    7.6.3 Mitigation o drological I#pacts

    Drainage AD Section%o
















    Drainage congestion ;

    upstrea# looding +


    In all lo, ling areas

    as given belo,.

    Provision o



    "nlarge t&e si=e o

    te#porar culverts;



    RDA +



    Te#porar and Drainage congestion ; In all lo, ling areas. %one Sste#aticall stud 2ontra RDA +

  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06





    upstrea# looding +

    ponding o,ing to lac

    o leada,a drainagepat& connection

    4L774; L444;



    t&e location + nature

    o drainage pat&s +

    establis& leada,aconnections.








    "roded soil ro# soil

    du#ps getting deposited

    in padd ield; drainagepat&s etc.




    %one 2over soil du#ps ,it&

    t&ic polt&ene s&eets;

    establis& te#porardrain pat&s;

    2onstruction ot&e road across


    All t&e i#pacts statedabove. Inconvenience to

    ar#ers. isection oirrigation sc&e#es


    4L774; L444;6L444;9L04;6L4


    2oordinate,it& t&e


    "ngineer +



    Analse stae&olderco#plaints

    sste#aticall; appointa co##ittee ,it&

    District Irrigation

    "ngineer (DI");Divisional Secretar

    (DS); Gra#aSevaa(GS);


    Saba(PS); Irrigation

    Depart#ent(ID) +Agrarian ServiceDepart#ent (ASD)

    reps + eect suitable

    c&anges. Re la t&eirrigation canal




    PS ;


    RDA +2onsult

    ant; ID+ DI"



    Clooding o,ing to


  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06


    63538 Miti!ation of Aest'etic Aspects

    %o Pro/ect




    Potential location

    ,&ere t&e i#pacts

    ,ill be occurred



    Measures (i an)


    Mitigation Measures



    Part ,&o i#ple#ent

    Mitigation Measures

    Part ,&o supervised t&e

    i#ple#entation o

    #itigation #easures41. "art& cut

    + ill




    ig& I#pact

    during cons.

    ig& i#pact areas %o Application o



    ! 2ontractor RDA


    RDA Pro. Institute

    43 Roc




    ig& I#pact

    during cons.

    Buarr sites Fisual

    Supervision onl

    %oise + dust ! 2ontractor RDA


    RDA Pro. Institute

    4. Reloading#aterials


    Storage ards FisualSupervision onl

    Dust + air pollution ! 2ontractor RDA2onsultant

    RDA Pro. Institute

    45. ill


    -o, i#pact %ear To,n 2entres %o Fisual Supervisions ! RDA >DA Pro. Institute

    46. Road Side


    ig& i#pact To,n 2entres %o -ig&t Intensit ! RDA 2" >DA Pro. Institute

    40. Sot




    -o, i#pact ig& sensitive areas %o P&sical


    ! 2"A RDA >DA -andscape unit

    Pro. Institute

  • 8/11/2019 Mitigation Measures - Adb_updated_26!4!06




    2lare; 1997. Integrated Manage#ent o a=ardous Materials ? Part 3. Deain >niversit Press; Geelong; Australia.

    Garg; S.E.; 1979. Se,age Disposal and Air Pollution "ngineering ? "nviron#ental "ngineering (Fol. II). E&anna Publis&ers; De&li!114440; India.

    Sengupta; P.; %. Saiia and P.2. ort&aur; 3443. rics ro# petroleu# eluent treat#ent plant sludge' properties and environ#ental c&aracteristics. *ournal

    o "nviron#ental "ngineering; 13' 1494!1495.