environment mitigation measures in dmrc

DUST CONTROL MEASURES IN DMRC A Case Study S.A.Verma Sr.Addl. Gen. Mgr/Env.

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DMRC A Case Study


Sr.Addl. Gen. Mgr/Env.

“Clean Air Is A Basic Right. The Responsibility To Ensure That Falls

on Everyone.”

Overview Some Basics on Dust

Environmental Management during Construction

DMRC’s Mission & Culture

Formulation of Environmental policy

Implementation through contract mechanisms

Various dust control measures adopted


What Constitutes Dust?

Construction Dust is a general term used to what may befound on a construction site. There are three main types:

Silica / Soil dust – Silica is a natural mineral present inlarge amounts in things like sand, sandstone andgranite

Non-silica dust- The most common ones includegypsum, cement, limestone, marble and dolomite.

Wood dust – Wood is widely used in construction (butnot in DMRC).


Why is dust a problem?

Creates health problems, particularly for those withrespiratory problems

Causes environmental degradation, including air andwater pollution

Creates problems with visibility

Damage or make property and belongings dirty

Creates unsafe working conditions

Increases costs associated with the loss of materials oradditional work involved

How is it caused?

In DMRC, the most common ways when dust is generatedinclude:

Site preparation activities

Demolition activities

Construction activities/ Excavation

Vehicle movement

Uncovered stockpiles

In addition to dust, unmitigated emission from DG setsand construction vehicles also cause air pollution

Environmental Management during Construction

Policy Framework

DMRC being an environmentally consciousorganization, concern for environment is manifested inMission and Culture statement, which inter-alia state:-


• To make Delhi Metro self-sustainable


• During construction we should neitherinconvenience nor endanger public life nor shouldour work lead to ecological or environmentaldegradation………

Environmental Management during Construction

DMRC has developed Environmental Policy followed by action plan

to ensure proper implementation of its mission and culture.

Contract Mechanism DMRC has Conditions of Contract on Environment Management and

Environment Management Manual which lay down the guidance for

environmental protection measures to be adopted as part of mitigation

strategy for overcoming adverse environmental impacts during construction.

Contract Mechanism

6 Layers of Vigil

Inspection by trained Site Engineer

Inspection by DMRC Environment Department

External Audit

ISO 14001 (EMS) Certification by Contractors

ISO 14001 (EMS) Certification by DMRC

Public Complaints & Perceptions

An example of site implementation - Checklist

Response to Public Grievance Redressal Procedure-

DMRC has a separate department “Public Complaint Cell” for redressing public

complaint at the earliest.

Complaint registration

24 hrs helpline number

Online (www.delhimetrorail.com)

Metro Bhawan or any DMRC office

Contractors’ office

Complaint is forwarded to concerned person who takes necessary actions.

After taking necessary actions the same is communicated to Public Complaint Cell.

Public Complaint Officer informs the person on action taken.

Carrot & Stick Policy

Penalty & Awards

DMRC has provision for imposing penalty in case of

non-compliance to the Conditions of Contract on

SHE and Project Env. Manual.

DMRC also encourages contractors to maintain a

good site w.r.t. Environment by giving awards.


Dust Control Measures in DMRC

BarricadingDMRC introduced the use of barricades during construction inIndia. All construction sites including Batching Plant and CastingYard are properly barricaded.

Specifications of Barricades

Height- 2m

Length- 2.55m

Material- Plain MS sheet


• Restrict dust emission

• Crowd control and safety

• Prevent unnecessary unauthorized, or inadvertent access by people, vehicles, and equipment.

100% barricading at sites

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Toe Dust Cleaning

Toe dust accumulated onbarricade boards arecleaned on daily basis tominimize road side dustpollution.

This helps in keeping theroad clean.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Water Sprinkling-The practice of water sprinkling hasbeen carried out regularly at allconstruction sites.Generally RO reject water is used forthis purpose.The frequency depends on site andclimatic condition.DMRC has started using treatedsewage for sprinkling.Dust suppression chemicals are alsoavailable in the market. However it hasbeen found not feasible for DMRCconstruction works.

Water Sprinkling.wmv

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Wheel Washing FacilityDMRC introduced use of wheelwashing facility at exit ofconstruction sites.At such facility, high pressurewater jet is directed at wheelsof vehicles to remove all spoiland dirt so as to avoid anydeposition of material on publicroad.Where installation of suchfacility is not possible, manualcleaning of wheels is done withthe help of wire brush.Wheel Washing at BKP(Night).wmvWheel Washing at Kalkaji(Day).wmv

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Hard Surface in Batching Plant and Casting Yard-Areas within the Sitewhere there is aregular movement ofvehicles, hard surfaceis provided that is keptclear of loose surfacematerial so that dustemission due tovehicular movementcan be reduced.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Grass paving and tree plantation-

Grass paving and tree plantationare quick and effective means ofdust control for disturbed area.

Grass covers and protectsexposed loose soil, so evenwhen winds kick up the soilstays put.

In areas not expected to handlevehicle traffic, grass paving andtree plantation have been donewhich provide coverage tosurface soils and slows windvelocity at the ground surface

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Dust Collector at Batching Plant-

Dust collector is used at every batching plant to reducefugitive cement dust generation and air pollution.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Covered Conveyer Belt-

Conveyer belts are a source from where particulatematter escapes during concrete production. To controlthe flying dust, conveyor belts are covered with sheets.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Provision of exhaust fanwith duct facility in Cementgo-downTo restrict flying of dustthrough exhaust fan, a ductis connected to a bucket ofwater.This ensures dust get mixedin water preventingemission.This water mixed withcement dust is recycled atsedimentation tank.Exhaust fan.wmv

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Separate storage area for course & fine aggregate-

Separate storage area with three side covering isprovided for course and fine aggregate to minimizedust expansion.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Water Sprinkling on aggregate-

At batching plants, water is sprinkled on aggregate so asto avoid the generation of dust and particulate matter.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Covering of Muck-

The muck/soilgenerated fromexcavation is disposedoff at designated areawithin 48 hours.

While stored at site itis properly coveredwith tarpaulin sheetsto prevent flying ofdust.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Covering of material duringtransportation-DMRC is taking special care whiletransporting much/soil fromconstruction site to dumping areas.The material is completely coveredwith sheets to prevent dust beingairborne while transporting.Soil is disposed at designated area.All precaution are taken at dumpingsite to minimize air pollution.A checklist system has beenimplemented at exit gates of allcontracts to ensure truck does notexit the gate without wheel washingand covering.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Disposal of C&D Waste-All C&D waste

generated at site areeither recycled at IL&FSBurari or reused forbackfilling andtemporary constructionworks.

So far 1.8 lakh tons ofC&D waste has beenrecycled at this facilityby DMRC.

DMRC is in process ofestablishing its ownrecycling facility atRohini.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Speed Restriction-

Motorized vehicles at site are restricted to a maximumspeed of 10-15 kilometers/hr.

This results in improved safety and less dust emission.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Use of Green Net-

Green nets are provided to restrict the escape ofdust from any particular work/activity which mayhave capacity to generate dust.

Dust Control Measures in DMRC Air Quality Monitoring-

Air monitoring is carried outin three stages:

• Prior to start of construction forbaseline values

• During construction to monitorthe impact

• During operation stage to map theimpact of Metro in reducing airpollution.

Regular air quality monitoringat all construction sites.

Parameter and frequency aretabulated below:

Parameter Frequency Remarks

PM10 Fortnightly At elevated sites

PM2.5 Fortnightly At underground sites

Dust Control Measures in DMRC

Ventilation And Dust ControlInside The Tunnel DG/CIIBC approved

ventilation system is provided Fresh air supply shall not be

less than 6m3/min Oxygen level shall not be less

than 19.5% in the workingenvironment

CO, CO2, H2S and O2 levelmonitoring at every 4 hrs.

Major tunnel cleaning activitytakes place immediately afterTBM break through. This isdone by using water.

Thereafter frequently tunnelcleaning is done with thehelp of water.

Emission Control Measures in DMRC DG set monitoring-

All DG sets used at DMRC construction sites (above 800 kVA) areregularly checked for pollution.

Emission Control Measures in DMRC

PUC Certificate-

Only Pollution UnderControl (PUC) certifiedvehicles are allowedinside DMRC premises.

Regular checking isalso carried out toensure the validationof the certificate.

Scope for Improvement

Environmental Leadership Award

IUT Awards

ISO Certificate

Way Forward

Construction related standards with trigger values;

Financial incentives for implementing Environment Management best practices during construction

Capacity building

“If We Want To Reduce Air Pollution, We Should Invest Only In Best
