misused words unit 14. 2 of 22 unit 14 misused words unit 14 misused words accept, except advice,...

Misused Words Unit 14

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Page 1: Misused Words Unit 14. 2 of 22 Unit 14 Misused words Unit 14 Misused Words accept, except advice, advise affect, effect all ready, already all together,

Misused Words

Unit 14

Page 2: Misused Words Unit 14. 2 of 22 Unit 14 Misused words Unit 14 Misused Words accept, except advice, advise affect, effect all ready, already all together,

Unit 14 Misused words 2 of 22

Unit 14 Misused Words

accept, except

advice, advise

affect, effect

all ready, already

all together, altogether

among, between

angry, mad

any, either

bad, badly

beside, besides

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Accept, Except

accept (verb): to take or receive

except: with the exclusion of I accept your apology.

Everyone arrived on time except Tad.

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Tryout Sentences

1. I cannot (accept, except) such an expensive gift.

2. Everyone (accept, except) Latoya will (accept, except) the invitation.

3. Crystal works every day (accept, except) Monday.

4. Please (accept, except) my sincere apology.

5. (Accept, Except) for Gene, everyone refused to (accept, except) responsibility for the error.

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Advice, Advise

advice (noun): a recommended opinion

advise (verb): to give counsel; to offer an opinion Libby, I need your advice.

Bennett was unable to advise me.

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Tryout Sentences

1. Consuelo asked the attorney for his (advice, advise).

2. “(Advice, Advise) to the Lovelorn” is a weekly column.

3. I (advice, advise) you to seek someone else’s (advice, advise).

4. “Please (advice, advise) me” I begged Omar.

5. People who constantly seek (advice, advise) are not equipped to (advice, advise) others.

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Affect, Effectaffect (verb): to produce a change in; to influence; to assume, pretend

effect (verb): to bring about

effect (noun): the result, impression My low grades will affect my average. Andrew affects a French accent with ease. Congress tried to effect a change in the tax

system. My past eating habits had an adverse effect

on my health.

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Tryout Sentences1. The cold weather had a bad (affect, effect)

on my cough.

2. A pinch of salt in the soup will (affect, effect) its taste.

3. Ella attempted to (affect, effect) a reconciliation between the two boys.

4. You may be sure that Camillia will (affect, effect) an air of superiority after passing the test.

5. The supervisor tried to (affect, effect) changes in the filling system.

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All Ready, Already

all ready: fully prepared

already: by this time; previously I am all ready to begin my


The presentation has already been made.

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Tryout Sentences1. The invitations have (all ready, already)

been mailed.

2. Kenny is (all ready, already) to leave his house.

3. My manager is (all ready, already) for the meeting.

4. The police officer had (all ready, already) written the ticket when I arrived.

5. The pilot is (all ready, already) to take off.

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All Together, Altogether

all together: collectively; in a group

altogether: completely; entirely The tour group is all together at the


You speak altogether too rapidly.

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Tryout Sentences

1. I am (all together, altogether) at your mercy.

2. (All together, Altogether) we stand or fall.

3. The department members were (all together, altogether) when the visitor arrived.

4. You are (all together, altogether) too discourteous for my liking.

5. The distance is (all together, altogether) too far to cover in one day.

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Among, Between

among is used when referring to more than two items.

between is used when referring to two items. The responsibilities were divided

among three assistants.

The responsibilities were divided between two assistants.

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Unit 14 Misused words 14 of 22

Tryout Sentences1. There were differences of opinion (among,

between) the members of the board.

2. The hostess walked (among, between) her guests and chatted.

3. For the award the judge chose the Dalmatian from (among, between) all the breeds.

4. The pair of seals was tossing the ball (among, between) them.

5. Each writing assignment was divided (among, between) two students.

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Angry, Mad

angry: enraged

mad: insane I became angry when Shakira

revealed my secret.

The doctors determined that the woman was mad.

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Tryout Sentences1. In the book the (angry, mad) woman is

locked in the tower to protect the populace.

2. Are you (angry, mad) with me because of something I did?

3. When I lost my keys, my father was very (angry, mad).

4. He must have been (angry, mad) to have committed that terrible crime.

5. The defense attorney claims that his client was temporarily (angry, mad).

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Any, Either

Any refers to one or more of several persons or things.

Either refers to one of two persons or things. You may sit in any of these three


Either of the two seats is available.

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Tryout Sentences1. (Any, Either) of the two candidates would be a

good choice for the job.

2. In our office (any, either) of the three programmers could solve this problem.

3. (Any, Either) of the association’s members may receive a discount.

4. Jack and Jill are on the hill; (any, either) of them may fetch the water.

5. Ask to speak with (any, either) of the four doctors on call.

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Bad, Badly

bad: sorry; wicked; offensive; ill (use after the verb feel or look)

badly: in a bad manner; poorly I felt bad after drinking the sour milk.

The dog behaves badly when left alone.

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Tryout Sentences1. I felt (bad, badly) after eating that

chicken salad.

2. You should be ashamed of yourself for behaving (bad, badly).

3. The critics agreed that the star acted (bad, badly) in the part.

4. Paulie looks (bad, badly) after losing all that weight.

5. The class felt (bad, badly) when Mrs. Kurtz retired.

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Beside, Besides

beside: at the side of

besides: in addition to; in addition, moreover Please sit beside me.

Besides Loraine, Ellie has two other good friends.

Besides, Loraine knows Ellie’s stepfather.

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Tryout Sentences1. Jay sat (beside, besides) his friend’s

bed during her hospital stay.

2. (Beside, Besides) Orlando my family is also traveling to Sarasota.

3. I don’t want to go shopping; (beside, besides) the pantry is full.

4. Come and sit (beside, besides) me.

5. (Beside, Besides) Elinor I have two other good friends.