miss estephania 4 - cae

Miss Estephania 4 th L 4+ Date Activities Monday, March 23 rd Worksheets 1 and 2 (p. 2-4) Tuesday, March 24 th Worksheets 3 and 4 (p. 5-6) Wednesday, March 25 th Worksheets 5 and 6 (p. 7-9) Thursday, March 26 th Worksheets 7 and 8 (p. 10-12) Friday, March 27 th Worksheets 9 and 10 (p. 13-16) Monday, March 30 th Worksheets 11 and 12 (p. 17-19) Tuesday, March 31 st Worksheets 13 and 14 (p. 20-21) Wednesday, April 1 st Worksheets 15 and 16 (p. 22-23) Thursday, April 2 nd Worksheets 17 and 18 (p. 24-26) Friday, April 3 rd Worksheets 19 and 20 (p. 27-28)

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Miss Estephania 4th L 4+

Date Activities

Monday, March 23rd Worksheets 1 and 2

(p. 2-4)

Tuesday, March 24th Worksheets 3 and 4

(p. 5-6)

Wednesday, March 25th Worksheets 5 and 6

(p. 7-9)

Thursday, March 26th Worksheets 7 and 8

(p. 10-12)

Friday, March 27th Worksheets 9 and 10

(p. 13-16)

Monday, March 30th Worksheets 11 and 12

(p. 17-19)

Tuesday, March 31st Worksheets 13 and 14

(p. 20-21)

Wednesday, April 1st Worksheets 15 and 16

(p. 22-23)

Thursday, April 2nd Worksheets 17 and 18

(p. 24-26)

Friday, April 3rd Worksheets 19 and 20

(p. 27-28)

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension Worksheet 1

How The Camel Got His Hump By Rudyard Kipling

Once upon a time there was a stubborn Camel, who lived alone in the desert, eating sticks and

twigs and prickly cactus. Many other animals were working for Man, and one day they tried to get

the Camel to follow them. But all he ever said was “Humph.”

“Stubborn Camel,” said the Dog with a stick in his mouth, “Come and fetch

like the rest of us.”

“Humph,” said the Camel. And another day went by.

“Stubborn Camel,” said the Horse with a saddle on his back, “Come and trot

like the rest of us.”

“Humph,” said the Camel. And another day went by.

“Stubborn Camel,” said the Ox with a yoke on his neck, “Come and plough like the rest of us.”

But all the Camel had to say to that was… “Humph!”

And another day went by. The next day, the Man gathered his Horse, Dog and Ox together and

said, “I’m sorry, but the Humph-thing in the desert clearly will not come work for me. I have given

up, and you’ll have to work double time to make up for it.”

The animals were very angry. They decided to travel down to the oasis to find the magical spirit

who was in charge of All Deserts. They called him the Jinn, or genie. The three animals asked for

his help—the Jinn would never tolerate laziness in his deserts, especially from the Humph-thing.

The Jinn found the Camel sleeping in some shade. “Stubborn Camel,” said the Jinn, “What is this I

hear of your laziness? You must go work for Man with the other animals.”

“Humph,” said the Camel.

“I would not say that again if I were you,” warned the Jinn, “You have given them three days of

extra work.”

“Humph!” said the Camel. And no sooner had he said it, than a great humph sprang out of his

back like a big balloon. “What is this?” cried the Camel, “Now I certainly cannot work with a great

humph on my back!”

The Jinn chuckled, “You’ve brought that humph upon yourself by not working. Think of it as a gift.

You missed three days of work, so now you will be able to work for three days without eating,

because you can live on your humph.”

So the stubborn Camel humphed himself in to town to work for Man at last. To this day he has

never learned how to behave himself. And that was how the Camel got his hump.

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Instructions: Circle the correct answer

1. Why were the Dog, Horse and Ox angry at the Camel?

a. Because he was prettier than they were.

b. Because he stole their food.

c. Because he wouldn’t work for Man.

d. Because he had a hump.

2. When did the genie give the Camel a hump?

a. Before the Ox, Dog and Horse go to the genie.

b. After the Camel said “Humph!”

c. After the Camel hadn’t eaten for three days.

d. After the Camel worked for Man.

3. What did the genie say the hump would do for the Camel?

a. It would make the Camel stop saying “Humph!”

b. It would help the Camel carry heavy loads.

c. It would help the Camel trot.

d. It would allow the Camel to work for three days without food.

Put the events in order: # Order

A. Camel says “Humph!” to the genie. ________

B. The Dog asks the Camel to fetch. ________

C. The genie gives Camel a hump do he can work without eating. ________

D. Man tells the Dog, Horse and Ox that they must work harder

since the Camel won’t work.


E. The genie tells the Camel to work. ________

F. The Dog, Horse and Ox visit the oasis. ________

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 2


Look at the pictures and fill out with the correct vocabulary using the vocabulary from Unit 7







Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 3

Reading Comprehension

The Magnetic Compass

Magnets are not an invention; magnets occur naturally in mineral called magnetite. Magnetite is

an iron oxide that is easily magnetized when it forms. Magnetite is also known as Lodestone. The

Greeks are credited with discovering magnetism. In one story, the nails in the shoe of a shepherd

named Magnes stuck to a rock containing magnetite. The first practical use of a

magnet was invented by the Vikings, who created the first magnetic compass. It was

the compass that allowed them to travel so extensively by sea and to invade

England. Because the magnetic compass gave the Vikings such an

advantage, it was a very closely guarded secret in their culture. The

Chinese invented a magnetic compass too, separately from the Vikings,

and it was following the start of commercial trade with China that the

magnetic compass was introduced in Europe. This made it possible for the

Europeans, too, to travel vast distances across the ocean, although this

didn’t happen until nearly 500 years after the Vikings. Today, all ships use

magnetic compasses to navigate.

1. Who discovered Magnetism?


2. What was the first practical use of the magnet?


3. What did the Vikings invent, and how did it give them an advantage over other civilizations?




4. What do modern ships use to navigate?


Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 4


Look for the missing words in the word search puzzle.

k s p a t t e d h t s j f b k

e f h u r f t u t e w c r p l

w r b y b a r k e d d e j f x

g f a i z n e b j g v s d e n

b h y o h w s u m e a d g b m

o q l t e j c i d y t h e a d

z g d v t b a t l b z e c t a

f r n k d n o q a s m u i x k

v l e a f b h t j t v q o i z

h g i l p m z m t b u w v g f

m b r d t b t d g o c f l h w

s z f h e v h o p t m j d o l

e d l t a m q e w a t i k c w

b s t e i w p l d o f t e n o

h g n a r p s d i l y h n i k

1. barked 6. head

2. friendly 7. patted

3. often 8. edge

4. voice 9. leaf

5. bottom 10. sprang

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 5

Reading Comprehension

Ecology: Taking Care of Earth

The term ecology comes from a Greek word that means “the study of

the house.” Ecology is the study of how all living things interact with their

environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We all live

together on this planet and it is our home. Today, we also understand

ecology to mean taking care of the Earth so that humans, plants and

animals can all thrive. However, we can damage the environment.

Sometimes the damage is irreversible.

Ecology is a huge area of study. It covers every part of a living creature’s ecosystem

that affects its ability to live. Ecology considers how a living thing reacts to climate, soil

conditions. It also studies how much clean water is available and the amount natural

resources. By learning about how living things, including humans, affect each other, we

can make smart decisions that protect all living things and the resources they need.

There are many things that children can do to help make sure that their world stays healthy.

The decisions you are making today can affect the future.

Conservation is one area of ecology where we can all make a difference. It does not matter

how old we are or where we live. Conservation means using Earth’s limited resources wisely so

that they don’t run out. When you are home, take a moment to think about how you use

resources. Many people waste resources. Leaking toilets, half- filled dishwashers or clothes

washers, and unattended hoses all waste precious water. If you leave lights on and appliances

running in rooms where they are not being used, you are wasting energy.

There’s another way we can help conserve Earth’s resources. We can show our support of

businesses that make their products using methods and materials that do not damage Earth.

By buying their products, we are telling them that we appreciate their

efforts to be Earth-friendly.

We need to take the time to learn about how to save resources. More

importantly, we must then put into practice what we learn. Children can

do their part. They can show their families some ways to save resources.

Together, we can all make a difference.

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Instructions: Answer the following questions based on the reading passage.

1. The passage compares Earth to a house. How are they alike?

a. There are different rooms in a house

b. Earth is a warm and happy place like a house

c. There is a lot of little houses in earth.

d. Earth is the house of all living things, since we all live here.

2. What does ecology study?

a. The study of the floor.

b. The study of the house.

c. The study of the sky

d. The study of the living room.

3. What does Conservation mean?



4. What are some ways people waste resources?




5. What is one thing that you, personally, could do today to help conserve resources?





Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 6


Write a sentence with each of the given words.

1. stirring


2. after


3. meat


4. leaf


5. dark


6. voice


7. head


8. finger


Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 7

Reading Comprehension

The Emperor’s New Clothes

Hans Christen Andersen

Hans Christian Andersen was a famous Danish writer. He is known for writing fairy tales, such as “The

Little Mermaid” and “The Snow Queen.” His story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” was first published in

1837. Below is the beginning of the story.

Many years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of

new clothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble

himself in the least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the

theatre or the chase, except for the opportunities then afforded him for

displaying his new clothes. He had a different suit for each hour of the

day; and as of any other king or emperor, one is accustomed to say,

“he is sitting in council,” it was always said of him, “The Emperor is sitting

in his wardrobe.”

Time passed merrily in the large town which was his capital; strangers arrived every day at

the court. One day, two rogues, calling themselves weavers, made their appearance. They

gave out that they knew how to weave stuffs of the most beautiful colors and elaborate

patterns, the clothes manufactured from which should have the wonderful property of

remaining invisible to everyone who was unfit for the office he held, or who was

extraordinarily simple in character.

“These must, indeed, be splendid clothes!” thought the Emperor. “Had I such a suit, I might at

once find out what men in my realms are unfit for their office, and also be able to distinguish

the wise from the foolish! This stuff must be woven for me

immediately.” And he caused large sums of money to be given to

both the weavers in order that they might begin their work


So the two pretended weavers set up two looms, and affected to

work very busily, though in reality they did nothing at all. They

asked for the most delicate silk and the purest gold thread; put

both into their own knapsacks; and then continued their

pretended work at the empty looms until late at night.

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Instructions: Answer each question below

1. What did the emperor spend all his money on?


2. Where did the emperor spend most of his time?


3. How many suits did the emperor have?

a. One for each day of the week.

b. Two for each day of the week.

c. One for each hour od the day.

d. One for every morning, afternoon and night.

4. What did the dishonest weavers do with the silk and gold thread?


5. Why did the dishonest weaver cheat the emperor?

a. They thought it was funny.

b. They wanted to be emperor.

c. They wanted to stars a war.

d. They wanted money.

6. Design your own clothes for the emperor.

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 8


The emperor’s New Clothes: Understanding the words.

Match each word in Column A with its meaning in Column B

Column A Column B

1. __________ elaborate A. bag for holding things; backpack

2. __________ wardrobe B. a device for weaving cloth

3. __________ knapsack C. not worthy, below standard

4. __________ rogue D. cabinet or closet

5. __________ excessively E. happily; without problems

6. __________ loom F. complicated; having many parts

7. __________ unfit G. dishonest person

8. __________ merrily H. wonderful; magnificent

9. __________ splendid I. large amount; more than normal

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension: Read the story and answer the questions. Worksheet 9

In her journey through Wonderland, Alice has become very small. She knows she needs to become her normal

size again, but she’s not sure how to do that.

From Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

It sounded an excellent plan, no doubt, and very neatly and simply arranged; the only

difficulty was, that she had not the smallest idea how to set about it; and while she was

peering about anxiously among the trees, a little sharp bark just over her head made her

look up in a great hurry.

An enormous puppy was looking down at her with large round eyes, and feebly stretching

out one paw, trying to touch her. ‘Poor little thing!’ said Alice, in a gentle tone, and she tried

hard to whistle to it; but she was terribly frightened all the time at the thought that it might be

hungry, in which case it would be very likely to eat her up in spite of all her gentleness.

Hardly knowing what she did, she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out to the puppy;

whereupon the puppy jumped into the air off all its feet at once, with a yelp of delight, and

rushed at the stick, and made believe to worry it; then Alice dodged behind a great thistle,

to keep herself from being run over; and the moment she appeared on the other side, the

puppy made another rush at the stick, and

tumbled head over heels in its hurry to get hold

of it; then Alice, thinking it was very like having a

game of play with a cart-horse, and expecting

every moment to be trampled under its feet, ran

round the thistle again; then the puppy began a

series of short charges at the stick, running a very

little way forwards each time and a long way

back, and barking roughly all the while, till at last

it sat down a good way off, panting, with its

tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great

eyes half shut.

This seemed to Alice a good opportunity for

making her escape; so, she set off at once, and

ran till she was quite tired and out of breath, and

till the puppy’s bark sounded quite faint in the


Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Discovering the Elements of the Story.

1. Setting: Where do you think Alice is?



2. Characters: Who are the characters in the passage?



3. Problem: What is the problem Alice faces?






4. Solution: How does Alice solve the problem?






Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary: Memory game Worksheet 10

Color and cut the boxes. Use the cards to play memory game. (You can use an empty cereal box to

paste your cards and make them more durable and resistant).

To play:

1. Mix all the cards

2. Lay them in rows, face down.

3. Turn over any two cards.

4. If the two cards match, keep them. (Drawing and word need to match)

5. If they don’t match, turn them back over.

6. Remember what was on each card and where it was.

7. The game is over when all the cards have been matched.

8. The player with the most matches wins.




Miss Estephania 4th L4+







Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 11

Reading Comprehension

Read the poem and answer the comprehension questions.

My Teacher Sees Right Through Me

I didn’t do my homework.

My teacher asked me, “Why?”

I answered him, “It’s much too hard.”

He said, “You didn’t try.”

I told him, “My dog ate it.”

He said, “You have no dog.”

I said, “I went out running.”

He said, “You never jog.”

I told him, “I had chores to do.”

He said, “You watched TV.”

I said, “I saw the doctor.”

He said, “You were with me.”

My teacher sees right through my fibs,

Which makes me very sad.

It’s hard to fool the teacher

When the teacher is your dad.

Bruce Lansky

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


1. The kid in the poem didn’t do his: ______________________________.

2. What were the excuses the student gave his teacher for not doing the homework?

a. _________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________________

d. _________________________________________________________

3. Why was it so hard to fool the teacher?





4. What excuse would you use to fool your teacher when not doing your homework.






5. Imagine one of your parents is your teacher. Describe how a school day would be










Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary Worksheet 12

Look at the pictures, match the action shown in the picture to the correct vocabulary word.








Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension: Read the passage. Then answer the questions. Worksheet 13

While We Sleep By Sharon Noble

While you are asleep at night, some people are at work. Night workers do many important

jobs. They sleep during the day. Many cleaners work at night. They clean streets, offices and

shops while it is quiet and there are not many people around. Road workers keep our roads

safe to drive on. They often repair roads during the night when there is very little traffic. Some

railway workers work at night, too. They fix train tracks and railway signals so that trains can

travel safely. People are also needed to drive trains and buses.

Pilots fly planes at night, too. Many goods, such as fresh food and newspapers, have to be

delivered every day. Some truck drivers work through the night to make sure that these goods

arrive on time. Most bakers start work while it is still dark. They bake at night so that the bread

will be fresh when it goes on sale in the morning. News stories don’t only happen during the

day. Some reporters need to work during the night to make sure that all the news is up to date.

Hospital patients need to be looked after twenty-four hours a day. Many doctors, nurses need

to work at night. Fires, accidents and other emergencies can happen at any time. So, there

are always firefighters, police and ambulance workers on duty.

1. What do cleaners clean at night?


2. Why do road and railway workers work at night?


3. What kind of emergencies can happen at any time?



4. Do you think night workers are important? Explain your answer.




5. What is another job you can think of, that has to be done at night?



Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabulary Worksheet 14

Complete the crossword puzzle below using vocabulary words from unit 7.

Across Down

1. The lowest point or part of something. 2. Frequently; many times.

4. More than two but not many. 3. At or to the far/back of something;

typically, as to be hidden by it.

7. The limit of an object, or surface;


5. In the time following.

8. Large in area; spacious, wide,


6. Located near the bottom of something.



e o

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension: Pair the Cause and Effect Worksheet 15

Cause and effect are connected


A cause is the first event and the

effect is the second event, or

resulting action, that happens after

the cause.

First: Then:

Emilio forgot his house

key at school.

So, he went to his

fiend’s house while

he waited for his

parents to come


Directions: Read the events. Draw a line connecting the cause to the effect.

1. Sasha had to do school work

during lunch

A. Joshua didn’t get his birthday

card on his birthday.

2. I wanted to go back home

B. because she didn’t bring her

homework to school.

3. Since I knew my friends were

performing their poetry,

C. I went to the auditorium to

hear the show.

4. Because the mail was late

D. because I needed to finish my


5. The reason I didn’t go to

practice is

E. since I did not feel welcomed

at the party.

*Now, it’s your turn. Write your own cause and effect.











Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Vocabular Worksheet 16

Unscramble the vocabulary words.

1. urptesa:____________________________

2. isitv:____________________________

3. dclsoed:____________________________

4. leruhsdo:____________________________

5. tsrnirig:____________________________

6. dehlisil:____________________________

7. tanee:____________________________

8. ateptd:____________________________

9. gsnotr:____________________________

10. antusdredn:____________________________

shoulder head

stirring voice

stood eaten

pasture bottom

visit patted

beside scolded

hillside understand

strong behind


Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 17

Reading Comprehension

Read the story and answer the comprehension questions.

CHOCOLATE A short and Sweet History

We normally think of chocolate as a sweet treat, but it began as a bitter beverage!

Chocolate as a food got its start in ancient times, when it wasn’t just a dessert – it played an

important part in ritual and culture.

In ancient Latin America, chocolate was worshipped – literally! Both the

Mayan and Aztec people had gods that they believed were responsible for

bringing chocolate to the earth. The two cultures consumed chocolate as a

drink, which was popular among nobility. It was believed that the cocoa bean

had magical powers, and it was used during major life events like births,

marriages and deaths.

Chocolate wasn’t mixed with sugar until Europeans came in contact with the

Americans in the 1500s. They brought it home to Europe, where it became an expensive import

and a symbol of wealth. Instead of chili and corn, Europeans added cinnamon and sugar to

chocolate. But because chocolate was imported from another country, chocolate was

available only to the upper class and became a symbol of wealth and status.

In the mid-1600s, “chocolate houses,” which were like the coffee houses we have today,

were a trendy meeting place for English citizens. By the 1700s, chocolate was a part of life for

upper-class citizens in Europe; believed to be a nutritious drink with many health benefits. Back

in America, chocolate was so popular that it was included in the rations for soldiers on the

battlefield in the Revolutionary War.

In the early 1800s, the Industrial Revolution was in full swing, and

people quickly found ways of speeding up the chocolate- making

process. In 1828, a Dutch chemist found a way to remove some of the

natural fat from chocolate, which led to the creation of chocolate in

food form. The first chocolate bar was made in 1847, and by1868, a

company called Cadbury began selling chocolate candies. The same

year, Nestle invented milk chocolate.

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


1. Which cultures were the first to consume chocolate?

a. The Swiss and the Dutch

b. The Mayans and Aztecs

c. The English and the Mayans

2. How did chocolate become popular in Europe?

a. People discovered it grew naturally there

b. Explorers brought it back from the Americans

c. A famous actor drank it

3. For most of its history, chocolate was mainly eaten by:

a. Everyone

b. Peasants

c. The upper classes

4. Why was chocolate so expensive in Europe?

a. It was so delicious!

b. It took a long time to make

c. It was imported from another country

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 18


Draw and color your own picture for each of the given words.

army sea watch hearth

finger meat bow sprang

Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Reading Comprehension Worksheet 19

Read the two paragraphs below and decide what might happen next in the story. Underline the

words or phrases that give you clues about the ending, and then write a paragraph concluding the


Complete the Mystery

Jillian’s bedroom was a terrible mess. Her pillows, usually on top of her neatly made

bed, lay on the carpet heap. Jillian had taken every coat out of her closet, turned the

pocket inside out, and tossed them into a pile. Her shoes, which she kept tucked under her

bed in a neat row, were tossed all around the floor. She had dumped the contents of her

backpack out onto her bed and turned all the pockets in the backpack inside out, too. The

dresser drawers were open, clothes spilling out of each one. Frustrated, Jillian plopped down

on the rug and groaned.

Jillian’s mother appeared at her door. “What’s the matter,” she asked, “and why is it

so messy in here?”

“I can’t find my glasses anywhere,” Jillian complained. “I’ve looked everywhere I can

possibly think of, and still, no luck. I’m all out of ideas, Mom. Do you have any?”

Concluding paragraph:










Miss Estephania 4th L4+


Name: ________________________________________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________________

Worksheet 20


Complete the sentences using the word bank.

friendly belonged wished arrow voice scolded

lunch bow glad strong stirring

1. The book ________________________ to my sister, but she gave it to me.

2. She closed her eyes and _______________________ to be back home with her family.

3. The witch was ______________________ her frog and spider soup.

4. Today I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for ___________________.

5. I heard a strange ________________, and I got scared because I couldn’t recognize it.

6. The kids in my new school seemed very _____________________, they all greeted me on

the first day.

7. The Indian boy carried a ____________ and an __________________, that he used to hunt


8. My little brother got ____________________ because he was not behaving.

9. I felt ______________ when I got a 10 on my quiz, and made my parents proud.

10. Hercules proved he was ____________________ and brave, when he fought against all

the monsters.