millennium musings volume 2

MCTC - Millennium Musings Volume 2 (July’16 to Dec’16) The word Millennium has been taken from the name of our Club name 'Millennium City' Musings means: A period of thought or reflection, Like pondering/ contemplation 31-Dec-16

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Page 1: Millennium musings  volume 2

MCTC - Millennium Musings Volume 2 (July’16 to Dec’16) The word Millennium has been taken from the

name of our Club name 'Millennium City'

Musings means: A period of thought or reflection,

Like pondering/ contemplation


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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Contents From President’s Desk ................................................................................................................................................. 3

About MCTC ................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Executive committee members for period July’16 to Dec’16 ...................................................................................... 6

Summary of meetings from July’16 to Dec’16 ............................................................................................................. 7

150th meeting celebration ............................................................................................................................................ 9

Club awards during July’16 to Dec’16 ........................................................................................................................ 17

Members Education during July’16 to Dec’16 ........................................................................................................... 18

Humorous and Evaluation Club level contest ............................................................................................................ 32

Humorous and Evaluation Area level contest............................................................................................................ 33

Humorous and Evaluation Division level contest ...................................................................................................... 34

Humorous and Evaluation District-41 level contest .................................................................................................. 35

My Drawing Room ..................................................................................................................................................... 36

I Am Old: A Confession ............................................................................................................................................... 37

My Toastmaster journey ............................................................................................................................................ 38

One good quality – Stoicism?..................................................................................................................................... 41

Right time to invest .................................................................................................................................................... 43

Manage Your Personal Finance Better ...................................................................................................................... 44

Giving is gracious than receiving ................................................................................................................................ 45

New Elected Executive committee members for period Jan’17 to June’17 .............................................................. 47

Contributors ............................................................................................................................................................... 48

Editors Team .............................................................................................................................................................. 48

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

From President’s Desk Dear Readers,

It is a matter of great privilege and honour, to be the president of a club, as prestigious as Millennium City Toastmasters Club. Our strength lies in our diversity. We grew, and we grew, and we grew - and finally split our wonderful club, into two wonderful clubs! The enthusiasm and vigour shown towards the split, by MCTC members, is worth mentioning here. Many MCTC members came forward to take up responsibilities in the Executive committee of the baby club. The members of MCTC share a special bond. The two hours spent at the club meetings, are full of learning, life, fun, excitement and laughter. A single meeting of MCTC comprises of an array of speeches - right from finance, to the ABCs of driving, to marriage, to spirituality! Our members can be seen and heard, encouraging fellow toastmasters; pushing them to be and do their best. I can safely say that MCTC added value, happiness and contentment to my life, by leaps and bounds. It helped me connect with myself. I remember the 1st step I took towards the stage, as a table topics speaker - I remember being petrified :). However, the ever smiling faces and nodding heads in the audience helped me overcome my fear and begin my Toastmasters journey. One of MCTC's mottos is to help the guests feel welcome, and encourage them to speak in front of everyone. We know how challenging it is, to muster up the courage to face strangers, and speak in a language that is not our mother tongue. However, we also know, that a Toastmasters club is the only place, where one can make as many mistakes as possible, learn from them, and grow as a speaker. In fact, it is THE place to make mistakes! Receiving your first certificate as the best speaker or evaluator is a memorable experience. It takes you to cloud 9! A toastmasters meeting is the only place, where members are encouraged and awarded, week after week!

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Another great way of learning, and growing, is to participate in the various speech and evaluation contests held every 6 months. Starting at the club level, members have the opportunity to go up to the international level, and contest against the crème de la crème in the Toastmasters fraternity across the world. The contest season is around the corner now! I urge every member of MCTC to participate in it. Winning does matter, but the participation itself helps one to shackle the barriers of one's comfort zone and shed all inhibitions. The last six months have been exceptional for us, where we have been able to file the maximum number of education awards in District 41. It gives me a sense of great achievement, as I step down from the post of the President of MCTC, making way for fresh talent to steer the direction in which our remarkable club is headed. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the new President and his team, the best of luck. We have elected the best team possible! May MCTC continue to rise and shine, day by day. May we all keep celebrating MCTC's successes; one after the other! Here's to the best club in the world! Cheers! Shveta Gupta President Millennium City Toastmasters Club

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

About MCTC Millennium City Toastmasters Club

(MCTC) is a community club in

Gurgaon that meets each week to

conduct learn-by-doing workshops in

which participants hone their

speaking, communication and

leadership skills in a no-pressure

atmosphere. There is no instructor.

Instead, members evaluate each

other’s speeches. This feedback

process is a key part of the program’s

success. Meeting participants also give

impromptu speeches on assigned


All have different set of requirements.

Some join Toastmasters to fight the

fear of public speaking, some to

become better leaders, some to be

more effective at engaging an

audience, some to develop their

humor and wit. The reasons are

endless. MCTC invests time in its new

members to understand their

personal reasons of wanting to join

Toastmasters, aligns those needs with

the different Toastmasters' projects,

helps members formulate a growth

plan and datelines to ensure a sharp

and focused learning chart.

Each new member is assigned a mentor who helps him/her develop as a speaker and leader. As a protocol, speeches at MCTC can only be delivered after discussions with the speaker’s mentor. This ensures fast-track personal progress and quality speeches at the meetings. The club has members of all age groups from across the work spectrum. As peripherals, we have a lot fun at the meetings, network for professional and personal reasons and develop our personalities! We invite you to attend one of our meetings as a guest of the club and understand the dynamics of the meeting.

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Executive committee members for period

July’16 to Dec’16 President - Shveta Gupta

Vice President – Education –Rahul Kokadwar

Vice President – Membership – Anuj Garg

Vice president – Public relationship – Rakhi Aswal

Secretary – Ankita Dutta

Treasurer – Geetesh Patidar

Sergeant-at-arms – Nirman Sharma

Immediate past President – Amit Gulati

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Summary of meetings from July’16 to Dec’16

Date Meeting Number

Theme of Meeting

TMOD Best Speaker

Best Evaluator

Best Table Topic Speaker

Best Role Player

03.07.2016 142 Jam Shveta Gupta

Manisha Manchanda

Anjana Sharda

Bhowmick Shveta Gupta

10.07.2016 143 Lessons Learnt Amit Gulati Prashant Keole

Shveta Gupta

- Amit Gulati

17.07.16 144 E-commerce in India

Shashi Ranjan

Shveta Gupta

Amit Gulati - Shashi Ranjan

24.07.16 145 Freedom Anuj Garg Bakul Joshi Amit Gulati Amit Gulati Anuj Garg

31.07.16 146 It’s Good to be Bad

Nitin Sagar Manisha Manchanda

Ankita Dutta

Nirman Sharma

Nitin Sagar

07.08.2016 147 If you lose your temper, you lose

Bakul Joshi Nitin Sagar Anjana Sharda

Ankita Dutta

Bakul Joshi

15.08.2016 148 Love What you do S. Imtiaz Ali Rahul Kokadwar

S. Imtiaz Ali Prashant Keole

S. Imtiaz Al

21.08.2016 149 Evaluation & Humorous speech contest

Contest chair :- Ankita Dutta & Dipti Singhal

28.08.2016 150 150th meeting celebration

Event Chair - Shveta Gupta & Event organized - Amit Gulati & Rahul Kokadwar

04.09.2016 151 Logical Reasoning Rahul Kokadwar

Shveta Gupta

Bakul Joshi Mukesh Kalothia (District Director)

Ankita Dutta

11.09.2016 152 SWOT Analysis Shveta Gupta

Prashant Keole

Amit Gulati - Bakul Joshi

18.09.2016 153 Emotional Intelligence

Vivek Sharma

Shashi Ranjan

Ankita Anuj Garg Vivek Sharma

25.09.2016 154 The leader as a coach

Rakhi Aswal Ankita Dutta

Shveta Gupta

- Rakhi Aswal

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

DateDate Meeting No.

Theme of Meeting

TMOD Best Speaker

Best Evaluator

Best Table Topic Speaker

Best Role Player

02.10.2016 155 A Toastmaster's Education Journey

Shveta Gupta

Vivek Sharma

Anu Ghorse Anuj Garg Nitin Sagar

09.10.2016 156 Going beyond Rahul Kokadwar

Vivek Sharma

Manisha Manchanda

Manisha Manchanda

Rahul Kokadwar

16.10.2016 157 Black Monery Shashi Ranjan

Kavish Chauhan

Shashi Ranjan

Aniruddh (Guest)

Shashi Ranjan

23.10.2016 158 Mind mapping Rakhi Aswal Ahad Anuj Garg Sachin (Guest)

Rakhi Aswal (TMOD0

30.10.2016 159 Light it up Dipti Singhal Shashi Ranjan

Manish Dembla (GTMC)

Ankur Yadhav (GOT)

Shveta Gupta (Grammarian)

06.11.2016 160 Good Boss, Bad Boss

Ankita Shashi Ranjan

Shveta Gupta

Vikas Bajaj (Guest)


13.11.2016 161 Exploratory Books

Sachin Manisha Manchanda

Anuj Shashi Ranjan


20.11.2016 162 Goal setting & planning

Rakhi Aswal Bakul Joshi Amit Gulati Ankita Dutta Rakhi Aswal

27.11.2016 163 Eat the Live frog Bakul Joshi Nirman Sachin Rathi

Sachin Rathi Bakul Joshi

04.12.2016 164 Life Science Dipti Singhal Ali Ankita Dutta

Sourabh Ankita (TTM)

11.12.2016 165 Machine learning, what, how & why

Ahad Manisha Manchanda

Ankita Dutta

Kavish Ahad

18.12.2016 166 Passing the Baton

Rahul Kokadwar

- - Ahad Khan Rahul Kokadwar

25.12.2016 167 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Rakhi Aswal Prashant Keole

Nirman Rahul Kokadwar


Supplementary role players: New award started from 27th Nov 2016 and winners are

27.11.2016 – Sarika Sagar 04.12.2016 – Ahad Khan 11.12.2016 – Sourabh Bansal 18.12.2016 – Deepika 25.12.2016 – Sachin Rathi

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

150th meeting celebration Millennium City Toastmasters Club, had put together a very Fun & Informative 150th Meeting on 28th August 2016. The event was held at a vibrant venue and the meeting was followed by Lunch. The event was chaired by President Shveta Gupta. The meeting was graced by the presence eminent personalities Mr. Amol Arora & Mrs. Meenal Arora - entrepreneurs in education segment. The husband-wife duo Founded Shemrock Futuristic Schools to offer holistic development of young minds. They have been conferred with several awards nationally and are widely recognized Educationists.

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

President Shveta invited Mrs. Meenal Arora on stage. Mrs. Meenal delivered a module on Effective public speaking. She shared her journey as a public speaker, the challenges she faced and how she has transformed them in to opportunities. She started by asking the audience to pen down 3 things that deter them from speaking as well as they want to in public - Fear of the unknown. The exercise made sure the audience was aware of their phobias and how to tackle them as they listened to the module. She provided valuable insights and helpful tips:

- 75% of people fear public speaking. - Expect Murphy’s law - Be prepared to face it. Enjoy it. - Ask Questions about venue: Familiarity brings comfort. - 3P s - Prepare, Practice, Perform. - She warned against over-preparing/ over-structuring speeches. - There needs to be enough substance in your speech. A good speech is like a

pencil, it has to have a point.

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Next item was a skit. The participants in the skit were Shveta, Manisha Mehta, Amit & Dipti. They took us through the journey of formation of MCTC, the challenges of club, the current camaraderie of club. Through the skit, they

highlighted all the awards the club has won. Toastmaster Rahul had put together a beautiful video of photos capturing the journey of MCTC. Right from First EC to the recently concluded club-contests, from Educational achievements to Team luncheons - the video covered it all. It was a trip down the memory lane. He later conducted a Quiz basis the information flashed in the video. Rahul handed the stage back to Event chair Shveta. Up next there was a Fun Activity Session planned by Toastmaster Amit Gulati. He had multiple activities lined up one after the other, which had the audience all pumped up with excitement. All participants were given a bar of chocolate.

a) Table Topics :

1. My first day at College – Bakul Joshi

2. My first date. A rainy night and the car broke down – Kapil Ghorse

3. How I met my wife – My first proposal – Mr. Amol Arora

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

b) Tongue Twisters :-

1. I saw a kitten eating Chicken in the Kitchen

I saw a kitten eating Chicken in the Kitchen

I saw a kitten eating Chicken in the Kitchen

I saw a kitten eating Chicken in the Kitchen

I saw a kitten eating Chicken in the Kitchen

To Ankita Dutta

2. Eddie edited it

Eddie edited it Eddie edited it Eddie edited it Eddie edited it To Anu Ghorse

c) Shout it out - Toastmasters Shveta & Gaurav battling it out “Who’s shout is

the loudest”

d) Popping the peanuts -Toastmasters Nirman & Anirudh throwing peanuts high

up in the air and gulping them down as they come down.

e) Balancing the ball on the bat- Toastmasters Shashi, Geetesh & Bishan

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Amol Arora delivered a module on Entrepreneurship.

He busted common myths about entrepreneurship.

- Take charge of your life

- Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

- Replace ‘I wish’ with ‘I will’.

- As an entrepreneur you create jobs for others.

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Quiz by Quizmaster Rahul Kokadwar 1. When did Toastmasters international start? Ans- 22 Oct 1924 2. When did MCTC start? Ans- 25th June 2013 3. Who was first President of MCTC Ans- Ankur Rana 4. How many awards has MCTC got from july'15 to June'16 Ans a.Talk up Toastmaster ( 5 members in Feb and Mar) b. Smedley award ( 5 members in Aug & Sep) c. Beat the clock (5 members in May and June) d. President's distinguish club e. Raising star award 5. Who were the winner of ISC and Table topic contest in Feb'16 from MCTC Ans. ISC - Amit Gulati, Shveta Gupta & Mohit Mendiretta TT- Mohit Mendiretta, Amit Gulati & Anuj Garg 6. How many couples are members of MCTC and who are they? Ans- 1. Gaurav & Manisha 2. Anu & Kapil 3. Monika & Varun 7. How many DCP goals has MCTC achieved in last year i.e July'15 to June’16? Ans- All 10 goals 8. Who is DTM from our club? Ans- Kapil Ghorse

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9. Who recently completed ACB from MCTC? Ans-Mohit Mendiratta 10. What is the criteria for Rising star award Ans- 7 officers trained and 8 new members added 11. Who is second VP at Toastmaster international ? Ans- Deepak Memon 12. How many education awards have been filed from 1st July 2016 to 28th Aug by MCTC Ans- Kapil- ALS and DTM Rakhi- CL Prashant-CC Anuj- CC Mohit-ACB Rahul Kokadwar -CC 13. Under which area, division and district does MCTC fall? Ans- Area C1, Division C and District 41 14. How many members are part of MCTC? Ans-52 15. What is the criteria to achieve Select distinguish club? Ans-7 DCP goals 16. What is the tag line of District 41? Ans- WE CAN & WE WILL

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Club awards during July’16 to Dec’16

1. Rising star 2. Golden Gavel award 3. Fantastic fast five award

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Members Education during July’16 to Dec’16

MCTC Filed Highest Number of Education awards in

District 41- ie 28 education awards in first six months of

Toastmaster year

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

DCP status as of 31st Dec 2016:-

MCTC achieved 9 out of 10 goals in first six months.

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Humorous and Evaluation Club level contest

Humorous Club contest result:-

Winner – Manisha Manchanda

1st runner up – Rahul Kokadwar

2nd runner up – Imtiaz Ali

Evaluation Club contest result:-

Winner – Amit Gulati

1st runner up – Anu Ghorse

2nd runner up – Imtiaz Ali

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Humorous and Evaluation Area level contest

Humorous Area contest result:-

Winner – Rahul Kokadwar

1st runner up – Manisha Manchanda

Evaluation Area contest result:-

Winner – Anu Ghorse

1st runner up – Amit Gulati

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

Humorous and Evaluation Division level contest

Humorous Division contest result:-

1st runner up – Manisha Manchanda

2nd runner up – Rahul Kokadwar

Evaluation Division contest result:-

Winner – Amit Gulati

1st runner up – Anu Ghorse

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Humorous and Evaluation District-41 level contest

Humorous Division contest result:-

2nd runner up – Amit Gulati

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

My Drawing Room

Poem by Ahad Khan

nock of the wind at the door, Took me to the place long ignored.

Quite, silent since no one visited, With things handmade, some purchased.

Countless visions lead me somewhere, To the days some dark, some fair.

A couch of mine yet kept there, Vows of life, I wrote where. The broken vase tells its story, Not a vain display, but a piece of memory.

Red golden with dust visible, Number of tales still curtains unveil.

Sad, happy hours it shared, Who touched, who gripped, who used, who cared.

Chained with moments some photo-frame, Unclear yet priceless emotions drain.

Mannequin of silence standing aside, Endless dreams rest in her eyes. Tending to reveal fables manifold, Some words, some thought untold.

While I am lost deeply, If life going be unlike dummy.

A dried leaf enters meanwhile,

It might have travelled hundred miles. Finding a buddy, lonely room smiled, But leaf's presence was for a while.

Sitting on the floor, I stare, With the wind, leaf flew from there. Again I find silence around, Again flashes thoughts abound.

Thus people come and go from life, Though voices from the past always reside. A drop of eye falls with remembrance, Suddenly I am drawn to the sound pleasant.

A hanging wind chimes chanting its song, Who is listening, caring naught. Dancing freely with mighty breeze, Unlike I do, my wish to be.

Collect myself with all recollection, Looking around with affection. Together we float in the memory of sea, They are my companion , a part of me.

I am for them, they are for me,

I am for them, they are for me.


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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

I Am Old: A Confession

Poem by Ahad Khan

air turns grey, hands cold I am old. With reminiscence and blurred sight,

Past shadows some dark and some bright.

No desire in depth of wrong and right ways, Walking slowly on the road of left days. Shaken moves with karma in hands, Life slips like a fistful sand.

Happiness I sought all around, It was within me, Alas! not found. Forgot that problem carries a solution, Wrongly called it always an obstruction.

Wasted hours in things trivial, Hatred, jealousy, vain longing and fear. Pages torn yet as fresh as fragrance, Never faded but enhanced.

The golden imprint of stories, Engraved in the book of memories.

At the crossing stage, regrets are Can't get you back, now you depart. For blessings you showered, oh life dear! Being ungrateful is unfair.

Why didn't love you, I say with sigh When learnt oh life! You saying goodbye. Me, a pale wrinkled leaf Ready to bury, now I cease.

Journey ends here, should I believe? Or something is concealed I don’t see. This part over, next show yet to happen Life will play dice again, I sense.

Demise nearing with horrid face, To engulf me with jaw opened.

Breaking fence of scream, I will move to land unseen. Freeing self from ties of vale, The curtained life I'll have to hail.

Then I pull my soaring thoughts, Went so high now I pause. Such flashback will sure incite, Me to relive and write. Moments that gladden as well sadden. At seventy If live until……


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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

My Toastmaster journey

Article by Shashi Ranjan

n IIM & NIT graduate, I had worked for

an MNC for last 6 years. I was well

settled in my job. I had a good

reputation with my colleagues and seniors.

Needless to say, My career was picture. So I

became complacent in my life, I felt invincible.

Suddenly a turbulence occurred, and everything

vanished instantaneously. I knew that a tough

time had begun and I will have to prove myself


4 months ago (July’16), I started my

Toastmaster journey with the objectives to

improve the communication & leadership skills.

But I had an additional goal in my mind. The

self-esteem need – the need to prove myself

again and conquer the turbulent phase of my

life, career. I had to wipe out the rust which has

conjured my mind, due to complacency of 6

years of a steady job.

I was definitely not aware that Toastmaster

could become one of my key weapons. I see my

Toastmaster journey into the following parts.

Part 1: Self-doubt phase: Fixed vs Growth


When I joined Toastmaster, I was awestruck

with the quality of speakers at MCTC. I believe

the TM Amit Gulati speeches were

extraordinary, the award winning speech titled

“ordinary & outdated” is so good that I don’t

have words to describe it. laughed out loudly

when I heard the humorous speeches of TM

Prashant and TM ManishaI. TM Prashant took

the husband wife relationship to another level

through your jokes. When it came to table

topic, TM Anuj perplexed me through his logical

& on the feet thinking. And TM Shveta has an

amazing voice.

When you step into this pedigree of such

speakers, the self doubt is bound to happen.

Are you good enough? How will you face such

audiences? Can you even speak?

How many of you had such self-doubt? I read a

book from Prof Carol S. Dweck – Mindset, the

new psychology of success. As per the author,

there are two mindsets. One is fixed mindset

where people believe that basic human

qualities are carved into the stone. It’s inherent.

There are many such people who have fixed

mindset. People who believe leaders are born

and not made. While the growth mindset is

based on the belief that your basic qualities are

things that you can cultivate through your

efforts. I found growth mindset very beneficial

in each of my endeavors.


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The point is you can always change your

mindset. Put yourself in a growth mindset.

Think that you are a novice that’s why you are

here. You are here to learn. Think those

speakers as a source of learning. Then you will

feel your mind open up and your self doubt

going away.

Part 2: Improvement areas – Set a goal

There are some people who helped in my

Toastmaster journey. I am really grateful to

them. TM Anajana sarda critically evaluated one

of my earliest speech. She pointed out

improvement areas like pronunciation,

grammatical errors, sentence structure etc.

Then our VP education – TM Rahul, pointed out

the importance of practicing speech. My mentor

Rakhi Aswal helped me preparing my earlier

speeches and provided critical feedbacks.

It’s important to identify your improvement

area and work on those. Set action items &

goals to work on those. It really helps to

improve and boost the confidence.

Part 3: Learn from your frenemy

R Gopalakrishnan, former vice president of HUL

& current executive director of Tata sons,

narrates an interesting story in his book – the

case of Bonsai manager. It’s about fish in japan.

And the message is relevant for us in our

Toastmaster journey.

It’s a classics problem – solution saga. As is well

known, the Japanese love fresh fish, Such has

been Japan’s fascination with eating fresh fish

that, for many years now, there is hardly any

fish to be found in the waters off japanese

shores. So fishermen came up with a solution.

They built bigger boats and went farther from

the shore to catch fish. Unfortunately, this

created another problem. The farther they went

to fish, the longer it took them to get back to

the shore. By the time they got back, the fish

was stale. And the japanese, well, they like their

fish fresh.

To solve this problem, the fishermen came up

with another solution. They installed

refrigeration units on the boats. But the

japanese were clearly clever. They could clearly

tell the difference between frozen and fresh

fish. And they wanted their fresh fish. Besides,

frozen fish commanded lower prices,

threatening the viability of the entire fishing


So the fishermen came up with another

solution. They installed fish tanks on the boat!

They would catch the fish from the sea and put

them into the tank. So they could now take back

fresh fish!

But that was not to be either. As the tank got

stuffed with fish, the fish would flap around a

bit, then get lazy and lie resigned to their fate.

Motionless, inactive. Dull. And the Japanese

could tell the difference. They wanted fresh fish,

not sluggish fish!

Even as a seemingly insurmountable crisis

loomed over the Japanese fishing industry, the

wise fisherfolk came up with yet another

innovative solution. They still had to sail out a

long distance. And they still had the same boats

and the same fish tanks. But there was one

difference. In each tank, the fishermen put in a

small shark. The shark kept the fish active,

running around, busy. Sure, the shark ate a few

fish but the threat of the shark kept the other

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fish active and healthy. The challenge ensured

that none of then could afford to lie still. As a

result, what eventually reached the shore was

fresh, active fish. And the Japanese loved it.

We are like fish too. We need that shark to stay

sharp. In my Toastmaster journey, I have

identified some sharks which helped me to stay

active. I am really impressed with TM Ankita

innovative & unique approach each time in her

role. Similarly TM Bakul’s speed to Toastmaster

journey & enthusiasm are unmatchable. I did

take challenge that I should at-least try to learn

& match these people.

The point is you should create some frenemies

from which you can learn, challenge each other

etc. That will help you stay active in your

Toastmaster journey.

To summarize, Toastmaster journey provided

me with the life lessons.

Always have a growth mindset which will

help you learn more & more skills.

Set specific, measurable, objective goals

to work on the problem areas for


Make a frenemy group and challenge

yourself to remain active like Japanese


These lessons helped me to achieve success in

my professional career also. I have joined one of

the leading ecommerce companies recently. I

take this opportunity to thank Toastmaster and

my fellow Toastmaster for their contribution.

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MCTC – Millennium Musings (Volume 2)

One good quality – Stoicism?

Article by Ahad Khan

efore you read this blog, it is important

to understand one very simple think :)

That the life is a “work in progress” activity.

There will be a start but for sure there is no


Let’s start

Last month, I was introspecting myself and just

trying to decide on one good quality that I must

develop which will help me to become a better

person. It is a very tough question. Getting the

answer is equally tough. We have so many

people (around us) whom we consider role

model and the source of inspiration. They for

sure do inspire us to become better each day

and each moment.

However, I am more interested to learn from

great thinkers who are not alive now but who

have led great impact on mankind forever. We

have many examples of such great thinker. Few

names that immediately come to my mind are

Swami Vivekananda, Ravindra Nath Tagore,

Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, and Socrates. This list

is endless. Just that they are no more alive

To get an answer for my question, while I was

reading the life of above great thinkers on

Wikipedia, I happened to read the life of great

Roman thinker named “Zeno” of Citium. His

image is as below. What struck me the most

was his school of philosophy on “Stoicism”.

Crazy word ? Right ? Yeah, indeed it is :). I had

same question in my mind as you would have

when you hear/read word such as “Stoic” for

the first time

I started reading a lot about Stoicism on Wikipedia and on internet. After extensive reading, I was convinced and inspired by “Stoicism” philosophy. Also I got an answer to my question on what is that one good quality that I should try to possess. It is nothing but “Stoicism”. It could lead me to become a better person. You can read more on Stoicism at this link:

I will summarize my learning on Stoicism with 3 below questions and answers:


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What is Stoicism?

Stoicism teaches us that before we try to control events, we have to control ourselves first. It reminds yourself at all times of what you can control and what you can’t. We can’t control weather, we can’t control economy, and we can’t control other people. The world is beyond our control, unpredictable, and constantly changing. The only things we can really control are our own thoughts and beliefs. This is so damn true and at the same time such a simple

thing to understand and apply

How could Stoicism help?

Uncertainties are always there. Peep in your personal and office work We know the meaning of uncertainty so well. Should I bow down to uncertainty? NO. Transform uncertainties into opportunities to change

perspectives. What stands in the way becomes

the way

What Stoicism could lead to?

Stoicism is the school of thought to build leadership and entrepreneurship skills. One must have to draw lines between the essential and the inessential at every level of life. Stoic attitude allows leader earn respect in the face of failure, and guards against arrogance in the face of success.

My final statement on Stoicism philosophy:

What I concluded for sure is that more we practice “Stoic” qualities in good times, the more likely that we’ll find them in ourselves when they’re most needed.

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Right time to invest

Article by Nirman Sharma

advise everyone to learn about Real estate,

it provides highest returns, the greatest

value and least risk. Real Estate sector in

India contributes to eleven percent (11%) of

G.D.P directly and indirectly, it’s second largest

employer after agriculture sector in India. Real

Estate has been one of the oldest profession

since the beginning of civilization, just trading

pattern kept on evolving. In ancient times

people fought for fertile land or land near rivers

and in current scenario people struggle for

fortune land (Prime Location).

According to D.I.P.P (Department of Industrial

Policy & Promotion) the construction

development sector in India has received F.D.I

(Foreign Direct Investment) Equity inflows to

the tune of U.S.D 24.19 Billion Since 2000 April

to March 2016 and this figure is expected to

touch 180 Billion U.S.D by 2020 March. All these

predictions were made post demonetization.

After the Demonetization announcement

property Pundit’s(Experts) anticipates 30%

crash in the market. As per White Paper

published by Ministry on 2012, Real estate

constitute 30 lac crore of black money or 20% of

G.D.P and roughly 50% of total Black money. As

per report by Credit rated agency Fitch and

Property Research Equity 30% correction in the

property market will lead to flushing of almost

Eight Lacs Crore from the market!! That also

from only from 42 tier one cities.

They Say: if Price is Right it sells overnight, price

it wrong, it stays on too Long.

Despite stalemate and dilemma in the industry

it is right time to enter in the market with

discounting pricing available. Property Stalwart

believe that despite rough patch the industry

will still reach 180 billion U.S.D by 2020. The

time is opportune to place bets in this sector

with the paradigm shift from family owned to

professionally managed corporates entering the

industry and also with Regulation &

Development Act 2016 the market will resurrect

with stronger base and brighter future.

As Quoted by Andrew Carrmeige:” 90% of

Millionaire become so through owning Real


Buy Land: They are not making it anymore!! My

Suggestion to you all is Don’t Wait to invest,

Invest & Wait, Wait to Win.


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Manage Your Personal Finance Better

Article by Rakhi Aswal

Today’s highly inflation-prone economy, has a huge corrosive impact on our finances. Most of us find our bank balance back to zero within a couple of days of salary credit. I hear lot of my friends and colleagues say “I make money, but I don’t get to see it”. But then there are others who are able to save substantially, in-spite of the current economic challenges. Have you ever wondered what is it that they do differently? The answer is that they manage their personal finance much better. And you will be surprised to know that it’s no rocket science. Below are few simple tips that you can follow, to manage your personal finance: 1. Have a monthly budget in place: Make a budget in the beginning of the year, for next 12 months. Maintain budget by different categories of expenses like – Shopping, Travel, Medicines, etc. This can be accomplished by maintaining a simple, hand written register. Or this can be also done very efficiently on your laptop in Excel spreadsheets. 2. Track your Monthly Expenses: If can’t track it, you can’t control it. Keep a tab on your monthly expenses by keeping note of your spending. This will give you an insight of your expense trend which can be controlled by comparing to the annual budget.

3. Save before you spend: Every penny saved is, penny earned. Keep aside a fixed amount of money every month for long term investments. Systematic Investment Plan offered by various financial institutions helps in following a disciplined saving regime. In case you are a salaried employee then Employee Provident Fund is another very good long term saving option. 4. Take benefit of available tax breaks: Income taxes can have a tremendous impact on your take-home earnings. It is easy to understand various tax benefits that you can avail, by doing google search. Alternatively, you can consult a Financial Planner to make sure that you are paying minimum possible income tax. 5. Earn before you spend: Never spend your money before you have earned it! Unless extremely important try not to use credit cards as you tend to spend more on credit. You become more mindful of your expenses if you have to spend only out of the available bank balance and not from your future earnings! Try out these simple tips and see a positive difference in your personal finance!

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Giving is gracious than receiving

Article by Rahul Kokadwar

here are two major bodies of water in the land where Jesus walked. Do you know which country I am talking about…….


One is the Sea of Galilee, a beautiful lake 13 miles long and 7 miles wide filled with fish and water animals. The other body of water is the Dead Sea, 50 miles long and 11 miles wide, which is 1300 feet below sea level. Seven million tons of water evaporates from the Dead Sea every day. The salt content of the water of the Dead Sea ranges from 26-35%, making it 10 times saltier than the oceans of the world.

The Dead Sea is really a Lake, not a sea. Its so high in salt content that the human body can float easily. You can almost lie down and read a book! And all that saltiness has meant that there is no life at all in the Dead Sea. No fish. No vegetation. No sea animals. Nothing lives in the sea and hence the name Dead Sea.

According to, fish accidentally came into the Dead Sea from one of the several freshwater streams, their bodies quickly coated with a preserving layer of salt crystals and then tossed onto shore by the wind and waves.

Sea of Galilee is just north of the Dead Sea. Both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea receive their water from river Jordan. And yet, they are very, very different. Unlike the Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee is pretty rich with colorful marine life. There are lots of plants. and lots of fish too. In fact, the sea of Galilee is home to over twenty different types of fishes.

Same region, same source of water, and yet while one sea is full of life, the other is dead. How come? The River Jordan flows into the Sea of Galilee and then flows out. The water simply passes through the Sea of Galilee in and then out - and that keeps the Sea healthy and vibrant, teeming with marine life.

But the Dead Sea is so far below the mean sea level, that it has no outlet. The water flows in from the river Jordan, but does not flow out. There are no outlet streams. It is estimated that over 7 million tons of water evaporate from the Dead Sea every day, leaving it salty. Too full of minerals. And unfit for any marine life. The Dead Sea takes water from the river Jordan, and holds it. It does not give. Result? No life at all.

To a certain extent people are like the Dead Sea. Life is not just about getting. Its about giving. We need to be a bit like the Sea of Galilee. We are fortunate to get wealth, knowledge, love and respect. But if we don't


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learn to give, we could all end up like the Dead Sea. The love and the respect, the wealth and the knowledge could all evaporate. Like the water in the Dead Sea. If we get the Dead Sea mentality of merely taking in more water, more money, more everything the results can be disastrous.

Make sure that in the sea of your old life you have many outlet for love and wealth and everything else that you get in your life. Make

sure you don't just get, you give too, Giving is gracious than receiving.

Open the taps. And you'll open the floodgates to happiness. Make that a habit. To share. To give.

And experience life. Experience the magic! Make Giving your Living!

Since giving is gracious than receiving…….

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Newly Elected Executive committee members for period

Jan’17 to June’17 President - Shashi Ranjan

Vice President – Education – Ahad Khan

Vice President – Membership – Sourabh Bansal

Vice president – Public relationship – Sachin Rathi

Secretary – Bhanu Dravid

Treasurer – Arti Sagar

Sergeant-at-arms – Niket Singh

Immediate past President – Shveta Gupta

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1. Ahad Khan 2. Shashi Ranjan 3. Nirman Sharma 4. Shveta Gupta 5. Rakhi Aswal 6. Rahul Kokadwar

Editors Team

Shveta Gupta

Rakhi Aswal

Rahul Kokadwar