midterm portfolio – third draft

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  • 8/2/2019 Midterm Portfolio Third Draft


    Midterm Portfolio Third Draft

    Raymond Harari


    Damn it, my lighter is not working, Ill have to stop by the grocery store

    and Ill be late for work. Im down to my last ciggy. I need to restock urgently.

    If I dont get a smoke right now, Im literally gonna die. These are commonphrases heard daily from smokers. A better term should be found for this kind of

    people, maybe cigarette slaves? How is it possible that people prioritize this

    malign habit over work, social life and even family? It isnt their fault. Just like

    the other 1.1 Billion smokers around the world1, its probably not their choice

    either, but theyre addicted to it. It is widely acknowledged that cigarettes harmthe smoker, but what is not as known is that this destructive habit also harms

    their peers, in other words, us. You could argue that harming yourself or not is

    strictly your decision, but it is inexcusable to harm others. Each and every citizen

    has the right to be safe, and the entity in charge of enforcing this is no other than

    the government. Over the past years the government has taken measures to

    reduce smoking, but this vague attempt has shown only feeble results. It is timefor our government to stand strong for its citizens, and do what is right toprotect them. The government should once and for all ban cigarettes.

    Smoking is very bad for your health. Many diseases are directly correlated

    to the use of cigarettes. The surgeon general of the US Health department

    reported that among the different types of cancers caused by smoking are

    bladder, oral, cervical, pancreatic, kidney, lung and a myriad of other cancers2.

    These are diseases that could possibly kill anyone and even if they dont, they

    will deteriorate their lives. It also causes several other negative effects such as

    reduced fertility, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, dental diseases,ulcers and more illnesses of that sort. So the question that arises is: If its so bad

    for you and has no benefits, why do so many people do it? Well, there is astraightforward answer for this question. Good, no, GREAT propaganda.

    Successful propaganda has ben able to shape consumers minds into believing

    what the producer wants them to3. This strategy has worked wonders for

    cigarette companies such as Marlboro and Camel4. These companies somehow

    manage to drag consumers into thinking smoking is cool. After a while the

    consumers realize that its taking a big toll on their health, but when they dotheyre already addicted and cannot quit. As the leader of its country, the

    government has the responsibility to take care of its citizens. The US governmenthas taken measures to stop this, but those measures havent been effective5. If

    the government just bans cigarettes, once and for all, itll benefit all of its citizens.

    Smoking is not only unhealthy for yourself, but also for your fetus,

    whether firsthand or secondhand smoke. "Smoking cigarettes is probably the No.

    1 cause of adverse outcomes for babies," says Robert Welch, chairman of the

    Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Providence Hospital in Southfield,

    Michigan6. Dr. Welch says hed rather have a patient with diabetes or high blood

    pressure than a smoker, because he can control those diseases with medications,

    but he cant protect the baby from a smoking mother. Smoking affects the baby

    because it tightens the blood vessels, the only source of nutrients for the baby,

  • 8/2/2019 Midterm Portfolio Third Draft


    and sends nicotine and over 4000 chemicals that hurt him/her. Smoking

    increases the chances of premature births, stillbirths, underweight babies, heart

    disease and brain malfunctions. There is no reason for us to make that choice for

    the baby, and not give him/her a chance to be born normal. How would you feel

    being born with defects because your parents were reckless and smoked during

    their pregnancy? Everyone wants a fair chance at life, and if your parents are

    inconsiderate enough to not care, then the responsibility falls on thegovernment. The government has to protect all of its citizens, even if theyre still

    in their mothers womb. These fetuses not only represent our future, but

    possibly our leaders. They must be kept safe. By banning cigarettes the

    government will save innocent newborns.

    One of the arguments that could come up against banning cigarettes is

    that this law will be violated just as the anti-alcohol law was during prohibition.

    But this doesnt make sense. Drinking is a habit done mostly at night and for fun,

    and acquiring a drinking addiction is very hard. In contrast, smokers will have

    the necessity of smoking all day. Its much harder to hide the habit of smoking, or

    starting a cigarette black market than it ever was for alcohol, hence the cigaretteprohibition will be effective.

    If smoking was a decision made by a fully rational individual, one could

    argue that since it was made consciously, you should be allowed to damage

    yourself if you dont bother anyone. But the truth is that most of the smokers

    start this imprudent habit before the age of 18. These kids that begin smoking

    have no idea what theyre getting into. These kids are in no position to make

    such a big decision for themselves. Cigarette advertisements, movies, Formula 1

    drivers sponsored by cigarettes and celebrities are among the main smoking

    influences for young children. The Illinois health department has reported thatover 90% of smokers start before the age of 18, and the average is 137. Just

    imagine taking life decisions like the age of 13. I find it outrageous for a kid todecide to get married when he is 13 years old and there is a reason why these

    serious decisions are not made that early. Even if we are not able to prevent

    children from smoking entirely, delaying their decision will give them some extra

    years of life8. It is not acceptable that the government allows children to be

    influenced into such bad habits. The government is jeopardizing childrens

    freedom and success by keeping cigarettes legal. The government isinadvertently sending a message of approval to all their young citizens. The

    government should ban cigarettes and send out the right message to society.

    Since smokers start at a young age, perhaps it would be wise to just ban

    cigarettes for underage citizens. This wouldnt work either. The idea is to set aprecedent towards the consumption of cigarettes. If a youth knows that at some

    point in his life hell be able to legally smoke, he wont hesitate starting when he

    is young. We see this with alcohol. Kids know they will eventually be able to

    legally drink, and they also see adults drinking, so they start drinking regardless

    of the age restriction. More than 70% of teens have had alcohol9. We can clearly

    see a smoking ban will be successful, even though the alcohol one wasnt.

  • 8/2/2019 Midterm Portfolio Third Draft


    We can analyze this subject from an even broader point of view. It is

    obviously easier to begin smoking than to break the habit and stop. So if this is

    not halted, maybe well end up in a world full of smokers, people with diseases, a

    dirty environment and countless time wasted. Today, we live in a competitive

    world, where the slightest advantage might mean the difference between being

    superfluous or not. We have to make an effort not to be discarded, like millions

    have. If the government allows us to be unproductive, we will all becomeunnecessary and the world will go to chaos. Even if the ban is not passed now,

    we should be aware of how bad this is for us and teach our children. One day we

    will benefit from this effort. In the long run everyone will be thankful, even the



    1. http://quitsmoking.about.com/od/tobaccostatistics/a/tobaccofacts.htm2. http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/sgr/2004/pdfs/executivesu



    http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/bernprop.html4. http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1848212_1777633,00.html

    5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regulation_of_tobacco_by_the_U.S._Food_and_Drug_Administration

    6. http://www.babycenter.com/0_how-smoking-during-pregnancy-affects-you-and-your-baby_1405720.bc

    7. http://www.idph.state.il.us/public/hb/hbsmoke.htm8. http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/research/factsheets/pdf/0127.pdf9. http://www.toosmarttostart.samhsa.gov/families/facts/statistics.aspx


    Proposition: The government should ban cigarettes.

    Plan: Provide 5 reasons that support the proposition

    Goal: Convince the reader of why cigarettes should be illegal

    Audience: Writing seminar class and instructor.

    Paragraph 1:

    Says: Smoking causes a financial burden on us, its a waste of time and we do itbecause we are addicted to the habit. Due to all this reasons, smoking should be


    Does: Introduces essay by engaging people using interesting quotes used bysmokers daily, and then introduces proposition.

    Paragraph 2:

    Says: Its very unhealthy to smoke, many diseases are caused directly due to

    smoking. Since the government cares about the health of its citizens, and is

    trying to avoid superfluousness, cigarettes should be banned.

    Does: Supports Reason 1 and shows evidence.

  • 8/2/2019 Midterm Portfolio Third Draft


    Paragraph 3:

    Says: Smoking may deform and cause diseases to fetuses. The government has to

    protect those fetuses from being hurt, so they should be banned.

    Does: Supports Reason 2 and shows evidence.

    Paragraph 4:

    Says: Banning cigarettes might lead people into thinking that it will be badbecause of previous bans such as the prohibition but cigarettes and alcohol are

    not the same, therefore the banning of cigarettes will be successful regardless of

    past history events.

    Does: Brings up counter-argument and refute it

    Paragraph 5:

    Says: Smoking propaganda influences immature children to start smoking, so

    they dont make a rational decision when they start the habit. It is not fair for

    them to allow them to make such a big decision in their lives so young, and since

    90% of the smoking population starts under 18, almost all smokers started in an

    irrational period of their lives.Does: Supports Reason 4 and shows evidence.

    Paragraph 6:

    Says: Banning cigarettes for underage people is not a solution, since they know

    that theyll eventually be able to smoke, so they will start anyways. Evidence for

    this is alcohol, since its illegal for underage people and more than 70% of

    underage citizens drink.

    Does: Brings up another counter-argument and refutes it.

    Paragraph 7:Says: Not only should we make smoking illegal, but we should also have the

    desire not to do it to have a competitive advantage over our peers in such acompetitive world.

    Does: Ends the Essay with a broader thought about the propositions benefits.

    Changes from previous draft

    y Eliminated two reasons that supported the wrong proposition, andwerent as strong.

    y Cut down words to make the maximum.y Added a Paragraph that refutes the strongest counter arguments.y Added missing things in the outline.y Revised the paper to make it final.