middlesex county transit guide 2012-2.indd

Middlesex County Bus Service/Servicio de autobus en el Condado de Middlesex IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR RIDERS/INFORMACIÓN IMPORTANTE PARA PASAJEROS Rail Service in Middlesex County Middlesex County is served by four different rail lines: NJ TRANSIT commuter passenger rail services via the Northeast Corridor Line, the North Jersey Coast Line, and the Raritan Valley Line; and Amtrak regional and intercity passen- ger rail services operating along the Northeast Corridor. Numerous convenient connections to bus routes serving Middlesex County offer easy travel options to many destinations inside and outside the County. Transfer between the NJ TRANSIT Northeast Corridor Line and North Jersey Coast Line may be made at Rahway. Pas- senger rail service is available at the following train station locations: Using the Rail System • Be certain that you have the correct boarding information by checking with the ticket agent and train schedules. Most bus schedules list the rail stations they serve. • Pick up the schedule for your rail line (avail- able at stations) that lists train times and other schedule information. If you have questions ask your ticket agent. • Leave yourself time to purchase your train ticket at the station before boarding the train. You will be required to pay an additional charge of $5.00 on NJ TRANSIT for tickets purchased on board the train. Amtrak recommends arriving to the station at least 30 minutes before scheduled departure. Rail Ticket Options NJ TRANSIT has several rail ticket options avail- able to the occasional rider and for the daily com- muter. The following information will help you to use the rail system. QuikTik: Receive your NJ TRANSIT monthly rail ticket by mail, automatically, at no extra charge through QuikTik. There are five ways to enroll: 1) fill out an application at your station ticket office, 2) write to QuikTik, NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2246, 3) call 973- 491-7719 or 973-491-8491, 4) register online at www.njtransit.com; follow the “QuikTik Online Ticketing” link, or at 5) Ticket Vending Machines (see table that follows). Servicio Ferroviario en el Condado de Middlesex El Condado de Middlesex es servida por cuatro líneas ferroviarias diferentes: servicios ferroviarios de NJ TRANSIT a través del Northeast Corridor Line, the North Jersey Coast Line, and the Rari- tan Valley Line; y servicios regionales e interurba- nos de Amtrak a lo largo del Northeast Corridor. Hay muchos puntos de conexion convenientes a rutas de autobús que sirven al condado de Middlesex que provee opciones comodos de via- jar a muchos destinos dentro y fuera del condado. Transferéncias entre las lineas Northeast Corridor Line and North Jersey Coast Line se efectuan en Rahway. Las estaciones de ferrocarril de NJ TRAN- SIT que sirven al condado deMiddlesex son: Utilización del sistema ferroviario • Consulte los horarios y los agentes de pasaje sobre la información correcta de embarcar. La mayoría de los horarios de autobús indican las estaciones de ferrocarril que sirven. • Recoge un horario de su linea ferroviaria (dis- ponible en estaciones) que presenta las noras de los trenes y otra información. Si Ud tiene preguntas pregunte a su agente de pasajes. • Deje suficiente tiempo para comprar su billete de tren en la estación antes de subir al tren. Usted tendrá que pagar un cargo adicional de $5.00 en NJ TRANSIT para los boletos compra- dos a bordo del tren. Amtrak recomienda llegar a la estación de al menos 30 minutos antes de la salida programada. Opciones de tren de entradas NJ TRANSIT ofrece varias opciones tanto al pasajero esporádico como al viajero diario. La siguiente información le ayudará en escoger el pasa je apropiado. QuikTik: Recibe su bono mensual de ferrocarril NJ TRANSIT por correo, automaticamente, sin cargos adicionales a traves de QuikTik. Hay cinco formas de inscribirse: 1) llenar una aplicación en la oficina de pasajes de su estación, 2)escribir a QuikTik, NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2246, 3) llamar a 973- 491-7719 o 973-491-8491 4) a traves del internet al www.njtransit.com; sigue el enlace a “QuikTik Online Ticketing,” o 5) en boleterías automáticas(TVM) – vease la siguiente tabla. How to Board the Bus Where they exist, passengers should wait for the bus at official bus stops that are identifiable by the presence of bus stop signs. Where bus stop signs do not exist, riders may stop the bus by flagging it down by waving a hand high in the air and hailing the bus driver. It works to flag down the bus when the bus is sighted well in advance of it approaching you. Wherever possible flag downs should be done at corner locations. The bus driver has discretion to stop where it is safe to stop that is normally at the near- est safe corner to pick up and discharge passengers. Use “my bus” for next scheduled bus You can find out when the next bus is scheduled to ar- rive at bus stops all over New Jersey. • Find the bus stop ID number on the bus stop sign • Call 973-275-5555 to input the bus stop ID number, or • Text the bus stop ID number to mybus (69287) You will get the time of the bus that is scheduled to arrive at your stop. If there is no bus stop sign call 973-275- 5555 or visit www.njtransit.com/mybus to learn your bus stop ID number. This provides a convenient, quick response of 24-hour schedule information customized to your location and time. Fares Fares on NJ TRANSIT buses and trains serving Middlesex County are based upon a zone system. The fare increases as the distance of the trip increases. The best way to find out the proper fare in advance is to call the bus company or NJ TRANSIT or consult the internet site: www.njtran- sit.com/sf.shtml. Exact fare is the general fare policy on all bus routes. Passengers on NJ TRANSIT bus routes are re- quired to have exact fare in coins or $1.00 bills. Driv- ers do not carry money and cannot make change. Drivers on Suburban Transit and other private carri- ers do carry money and will make change. NJ TRANSIT Bus Pass NJ TRANSIT offers bus riders a monthly discount pass. This pass entitles the rider to unlimited one zone rides within New Jersey during a given month for a cost of $54.00. The bus pass also entitles users to free one-zone transfers on con- necting local NJ TRANSIT buses. Passes for more than one zone are also available. Holders of weekly or monthly Rail Pass are also entitled to a free one-zone transfer on con- necting NJ TRANSIT buses to or from a rail station. The regular bus rider saves money by purchas- ing a bus pass and avoids having to pay on the bus for the ride (payment on the bus is required for any additional zones traveled). For more information on the money-saving bus pass call NJ TRANSIT toll free at 800-648-0215 or write to NJ TRANSIT Mail Fare, One Penn Plaza East, Newark, N.J. 07105-2246. Transfers Transfers are available for connecting intrastate NJ TRANSIT bus routes. Passengers can purchase a transfer (currently 70¢ for first additional zone) enabling them to transfer to any NJ TRANSIT route. The transfer permits the rider to continue travel on a connecting NJ TRANSIT bus route. Here is how the transfer system works: First NJ TRANSIT Bus: When boarding the first NJ TRANSIT bus, ask the driver for a transfer and pay for it along with a regular fare. The transfer is good only on the day that it is purchased and only on the next connecting bus. Connecting NJ TRANSIT Bus: Give the transfer to the driver and pay no additional fare if you are riding within the boarding zone only. If riding two or more zones on the connecting bus, you must pay an additional zone charge. Senior/Disabled Resident Transportation Services Fare Information: Persons who are aged 62 and over, disabled, military personnel (Active Duty, Reserves, national Guard or Retired from Army, navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard), military personnel dependents, or on SSI may ride NJ TRANSIT buses and trains at a 50% or greater discount when presenting a Reduced Fare Identification Card, Medicare Card, or military/ military dependent ID. You can apply for an identification card by contacting the NJ TRANSIT Reduced Fare Office at 973-491-7112. When using reduced fare on private carriers you must present a reduced fare coupon. Coupon books are available at local banks and the Middlesex County Office on Aging at 732-745-3293. Transit Access for Mobility Impaired Per- sons: Lift-equipped and kneeling buses and ac- cessible rail stations are provided by NJ TRANSIT. Check your timetables for procedures to arrange trips using lift-equipped or kneeling buses. For further information on lift-equipped and kneel- ing buses and accessible rail stations, please call the NJ TRANSIT Accessible Service Information Hot Line at 973-275-5555. For private bus com- pany accessible bus service please check with the particular bus company for details. Access Link: NJ TRANSIT also funds paratransit services for people whose disabilities prevent them from using existing bus service. Access Link provides curb-to-curb transportation on a next day reservation basis from locations within ¾ Cómo abordar el autobús Donde existen, los pasajeros deben esperar al autobús en las paradas oficiales, reconocidos por la presencia de letreros de parada de autobús. Donde no existe letrero, los pasajeros pueden señalar al conductor a traves de sacudir la mano en alto. Para mejor eficaz y seguridad se sugiere señalar al conductor con la maxima an- ticipación possible, apenas se distingue el autobús. Donde sea posible se debe señalar el autobús en una esquina. El conductor del autobús tiene la discreción de parar donde esté seguro para embarcar y decargar pasajeros, normalmente en la esquina más cercana. Utilize “my bus” para el horario de autobús Usted puede aprender cuando el próximo autobús llega a una parada de autobús en todas partes de Nueva Jersey. • Localice el número de identificación de la parada de autobús en el letrero de la parada • Llame al 973-275-5555 y marque el número de identificación de la parada de autobús, o • mande por texto el número de identifi- cación de la parada de autobús a mybus (69287) • Recibirá la hora en que el autobús que está previsto llegar a la parada. Si no hay señalizacion de parada de au- tobús puede llamar a 973-275-5555 o visite www.njtransit.com/mybus para aprender el número de identificación de su parada. Esto proporciona una respuesta conveniente y rápida de la información de programación de 24 horas personalizado para su ubicación y la hora. Tarifas Las tarifas de autobuses y trenes de NJ TRANSIT que prestan servício al Condado de Middlesex se basa en un sistema de zonas: más largo el viaje, más alto la tarifa. La mejor forma de descubrir la tarifa apropiada por adelantado es llamar a la compañia de autobuses o a NJTRANSIT o consul- tar al internet: www.njtransit.com/sf.shtml. En general se necesita la tarifa exacta en todas las rutas de autobús. En las rutas de NJ TRANSIT se requiere la tarifa exacta en monedas o billetes de $1.00. Los conductores no llevan plata y no pueden hacer cambio. Los conductores de Suburban Transit y otras compañias sí llevan plata y sí harán cambio. NJ TRANSIT bono de autobús NJ TRANSIT ofrece un bono mensual. Este bono da al usuário el derecho de viajes ilimitados de una zona dentro del estado de New Jer- sey durante un més por $54.00. El bono también provée el derecho de transferéncia gratis de una zona en rutas locales de conexión de autobús de NJ TRANSIT. Bonos para zonas multiples también son disponibles. Usuarios de bonos de ferrocarril semanales o mensuales “Rail Pass” también tienen derecho de una transferéncia grátis en rutas de conexión de autobús NJ TRANSIT desde o hácia una estación de ferrocarril. El pasajero frequente ahorra plata en comprar un bono y evita pagar en efectivo en el autobús (viajes que compreden mas de una zona requieren pago adicional en el autobús para las zonas extras. Para más información sobre bonos desconta- dos, llame grátis a 800-648-0215 o escriba a NJ TRANSIT Mail Fare, One Penn Plaza East, Newark N.J. 07105-2246. Trasbordos Los pasajeros pueden comprar un trasbordo (actu- almente 70¢ para la primera zona adicional) para rutas de autobus de conexión NJ TRANSIT dentro del estado. El trasbordo permite al pasajero con- tinuar su viaje en una ruta de conexión de autobús NJ TRANSIT. El sistema de trasbordos funciona así: Primer autobús NJ TRANSIT: Al embarcar el primer autobús de NJTRANSIT, pide al conductor el trasbordo al momento de comprar su pasaje normal y paga la tarifa adicional. El trasbordo solamente vale durante el dia en que fue expen- dido y solamente en el próximo bus de conexión. Al embarcar el autobús NJ TRANSIT de conexión: Entrega el trasbordo al conductor y no pague tarifa adicional si sigue viajando dentro de la misma zona. Si su viaje comprende mas de una zona adicional hay que pagar la diferéncia. Servicios de transporte para residentes discapacitados y mayores de edad Información sobre tarifas: Las personas de 62 años o más o con discapacidad, militares (Servi- cio Activo, la Reserva, la Guardia Nacional o en retiro del Ejército, Armada, Fuerza Aérea, Infan- tería de Marina o Guardacostas), dependientes del personal militar o recipientes de SSI pueden viajar en autobuses y trenes de NJ TRANSIT con un descuento del 50% o más al presentar su tarjeta de identificación de tarifa reducida, tarjeta Medicare o identificación militar/ dependiente. Se solicita la tarjeta de identificación a traves de la Oficina de Tarifa Reducida de NJ TRANSIT en 973-491-7112. Para aprovecharse de la tarifa reducida en compañías de transporte privados se debe presentar un cupón de tarifa reducida. Libros de cupones están disponibles en los ban- cos locales y la Oficina del Condado de Middle- sex sobre Envejecimiento en 1-732-745-3293. Acceso de tránsito para personas con movi- lidad reducida: NJ TRANSIT provée autobuses equipados de elevadoras o “arodillantes” y esta- ciones de ferrocarril accesibles. Para aprovecharse de este servicio consulte el horario. Para mas información llame a NJ TRANSIT Accessible Service Information Hot Line al 800-772-2222. Revise sus horarios para los procedimientos de organizar viajes utilizando autobuses equipados con elevador o de rodillas. Para más información sobre los autobuses equipados con elevador y de rodillas y estaciones accesibles por ferrocarril, por favor llame a la Línea de NJ TRANSIT Accesible Information Service caliente en 973-275-5555. Averigue la disponilidad de servício de autobús accesible en las rutas de compañias privadas con la compañia misma. Access Link: NJ TRANSIT también financia ser- vicios de paratránsito para personas que tienen discapacidades que les impiden utilizar el servicio NJTRANSIT East Brunswick Milanos Deli, 206 Highway 18 North 732-246-2578 Windsor Pharmacy Highway 18 North at Race Track Road 732-257-3784 Edison Middlesex County College (Bus Passes Sold) 732-548-6000 Cashiers 732-906-2572 New Brunswick Rail Station (Bus Passes Sold) North Brunswick DeVry University of Technology 630 US Route 1 732-729-3821 Old Bridge Double D Food Store Highway 516 at Gaub Road 732-679-2999 Madison Variety 3062 Rt. 9 South 732-679-4181 Old Bridge Park Ride Route 9 North Park Ride Lot 732-721-0450 Suburban Transit/Coach USA East Brunswick Milanos Deli 206 Rt. 18 North 732-246-2578 Neilson Parking Plaza Tower Center Boulevard 732-249-1100 Transportation Center Tices Lane and Old Bridge Turnpike 732-249-1100 Windsor Pharmacy Route 18 and Racetrack Road 732-257-3784 East Windsor 7-Eleven 46 South Twin Rivers Road Dr. 609-443-3111 Muncheez Deli & Grill 9 Princeton Hightstown Road 609-426-0694 Twin River Deli – III 989 Twin River Drive North 609-448-9740 Edison Welsh Farms 1 Schulyer Drive 732-985-0729 Franklin Park Bagelicious Deli & Grill 3130 Rt. 27 N 732-422-7766 Town Cleaners 3562 Rt. 27, #118 Kendall Park 732-297-7030 Highland Park Saiff Drugs 325 Raritan Avenue 732-545-0687 Hightstown Krauser’s Food Store 119 Franklin Street (across from library) 609-448-2303 Monroe Township Clearbrook Commons Clearbrook Clubhouse 609-655-5760 Concordia Club House 1 Club House Drive 609-655-4664 Dee’s Café 357 Applegarth Road 609-655-1995 New Brunswick B&M Bagel 1 Penn Plaza 732-828-3545 Suburban Transit New Brunswick 750 Somerset Street 732-249-1100 Rutgers University 613 George Street 732-932-6982 Piscataway Gift Horse 174 Stelton Road 732-752-9351 Plainsboro Taru’s Dry Cleaner Prince Meadows Shopping Center 609-799-4800 Princeton Kiosk 1 Palmer Square 609-921-1145 Somerset Bagel & Deli 900 Easton Ave 732-448-0440 South Bound Brook Jimmy’s Deli 14 Main Street 732-356-6467 South Brunswick 8A Park & Ride Routes 130 & 32 (5:30AM to 10AM) 609-860-8041 South Plainfield Pauls Stationery 236 Hamilton Boulevard 908-769-1399 Shop Fair 712 Clinton Avenue 908-791-9229 Academy Transit Old Bridge Madison Variety 3062 Route 9 South 732-679-4181 Old Bridge Park and Ride 732-721-0450 Sayreville Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Service Center 732-525-0672 Krauzer’s Food Store 309 Main Street 732-254-0155 Saddle River Tours Atlantic City 800-872-6665 Carteret Klein’s Stationary 45 Washington Ave 732-541-7786 Short Stop Food 835 Roosevelt Ave 732-541-9135 Edison CBT Oak Tree Shopping Center 1655-300 Oak Tree Road 732-603-0060 Woodbridge Shoprite 870 St. Georges Ave,NJ 35 Woody’s Liquor 732-381-6776 Information Web Sites & Telephone Numbers Academy Express Sayreville/800 routes www. academybus.com 800-699-1339 Academy Lines Rt. Leonardo 800-242-1339 Academy Lines -8A Service West Hampton 800-709-1339 Coach USA/Suburban Transit www. suburbantransit.com 732-249-1100 Amtrak (Intercity Rail Service) www.amtrak.com 800-872-7245 Nationwide 800-USA-RAIL DASH (Davidson AVENUE shuttle) www.ridewise.com 908-704-1011 Greater Mercer TMA’s Ridefinders www.gmtma.org 609-452-1491 (130 connector) Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) www.co.middlesex.nj.us/awts 800-221-3520 NJTRANSIT (Bus and Rail Service) www.njtransit.com Hearing Impaired (TT Services, New Jersey Only) 866-241-6467 Customer Service 973-275-5555 Rutgers Campus Bus www.parktran.rutgers.edu 732-932-7817 Transportation Management Associations Keep Middlesex Moving (K.M.M.)( Car/Van Pooling information) www.kmm.org 732-745-4465 Greater Mercer TMA www.gmta.org 609-452-1461 Ridewise (Somerset Co) www.ridewise.org 908-704-1011 TransOptions,( Warren,Morris,Sussex,Union,Passaic,Essex Counties) www.transoptions.org 973-267-7600 BUS TICKET AGENTS/Agentes de pasajes de autobus NJ TRANSIT Local Routes Trenton (Transit Center, River Line) - Lawrence Township (Quakerbridge Mall) - US 1 Corridor - West Windsor (Nassau Park, Princeton Market Fair, Carnegie Center, Princeton Junction Station) - Plainsboro (University Medical Center, Forrestal Center, Forrestal Village) Montgomery (Montgomery Center, Princeton North Shopping Center) - Princeton Township - Princeton Boro (Palmer Square, Princeton University, Princeton Rail Station) - West Windsor (Princeton Market Fair, Nassau Park) - Lawrence Township (Mercer Mall, Quaker Bridge Mall) Princeton Township (Princeton Care Center, Princeton Shopping Center) - Princeton Boro (Palmer Square, Princeton University) - Lawrence (Education Testing Center “ETS”, Rider University) - Hamilton (Rail Station, Mercerville, Hamilton Marketplace) - Robbinsville (Project Freedom, Foxmoor Shopping Center) * SEASONAL: Princeton (John Witherspoon Middle School to Hibben-Magie Apart- ments) [service operates only when schools are open] Lawrence - West Windsor - Princeton Junction Rail Station [formerly 976] Health Line: Princeton Township (Princeton Shopping Center) - Princeton Boro (Palmer Square, Princeton University, Princeton Rail Station - Plainsboro (University Medical Center, Merwick Care & Rehabilitation Center) * Metropark Loop: Metropark Rail Station - JFK Medical Center - Grove Ave/Oak Tree Rd - Metropark Rail Station * Metropark Loop: Metropark Rail Station - Green St/Tyler Ave - Woodbridge Corporate Center - Harrows Gate (Gill Lane) - Metropark Rail Station * Metropark Loop: Woodbridge Rail Station - Woodbridge Center Dr - Harrows Gate (Iselin) - Metropark Rail Station * Metropark Loop: Metropark Rail Station - Colonia (Inman Ave/West Dr) - Edison (Grove Ave/New Dover Rd) - Metropark Rail Station * Metropark Loop: Fords (Ford Ave/Main St - Ford Ave/Webb Dr) - Edison (Parsonage Rd/Lafayette Ave) - Metropark Rail Station New Brunswick - Highland Park - Edison (Menlo Park Mall, Roosevelt Care Center) - Metuchen - Fords - Woodbridge Center Mall New Brunswick (Saint Peter’s Hospital, Rutgers University) - North Brunswick (North Brunswick Shopping Center) - Milltown - East Brunswick (East Brunswick Civic Center, Brunswick Square Mall) - South River Perth Amboy - Metuchen - Edison (Raritan Center, Middlesex County College, Heller Industrial Park) North Brunswick (Fashion Plaza, North Brunswick Shopping Center, DeVry College, Technology Center of NJ) - New Brunswick - Highland Park - Edison (Heller Indus- trial Park, Middlesex County College) New Brunswick - East Brunswick (Mid-State Mall) - South River - Sayreville - South Amboy - Perth Amboy - Woodbridge (Main St/Amboy Ave, Woodbridge Center Mall) Perth Amboy - South Amboy - Old Bridge (Laurence Harbor) - Aberdeen (Cliffwood Beach) - Keyport - Keansburg - Middletown (Port Monmouth Campbell’s Junction) New Brunswick - Rutgers University (College Ave and Cook/Douglass campuses) - East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall) - Old Bridge (Browntown Shopping Center, Old Bridge Civic Center) Piscataway - Plainfield (Rail Station) - South Plainfield (Hadley Center/Middlesex Mall, Municipal Building) - Edison - Metuchen (Rail Station) Plainfield (Plainfield and Netherwood rail stations) - North Plainfield (US 22 K-Mart, JFK Medical Center Muhlenberg Campus) * Plainfield - North Plainfield - Watchung - Berkeley Heights - Murray Hill - New Providence - Summit “Princeton Rail Shuttle” substitute bus service for the Princeton Dinky Rail line shuttle: Princeton Borough (Princeton Rail Station) - West Windsor (Princeton Junc- tion Rail Station) [operates on an as-needed basis, not a regularly scheduled service; does not have a bus route identification number] NJ TRANSIT Regional & New York Service Elizabeth - Linden - Roselle - Rahway - North Edison - Iselin - Woodbridge Center - Carteret - Woodbridge - Perth Amboy [Connects to: NJ TRANSIT 62 bus line in Elizabeth for service to Newark Liberty International Airport and Newark Penn Station] Dunellen - Plainfield - Scotch Plains - Westfield - Garwood - Cranford - Roselle - Elizabeth - Hillside - Newark * * Lakewood - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge - Jersey City (Journal Square, Exchange Place, Newport Centre Mall) - Hoboken Terminal - Weehawken (Lincoln Harbor) * * Bridgewater Commons Mall (limited service*) - Somerville (limited service*) - Bound Brook (limited service*) - ¨Dunellen - Plainfield - North Plainfield - Scotch Plains - Cranford (Union County College) - Mountainside - Springfield - Union - Hill- side - Newark (Washington Park) [service running between Dunellen and Cranford operates weekdays during peak periods only*] Seaside Park & Seaside Heights (seasonal*) - Toms River - Brick - Lakewood - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge - Newark (Newark Liberty International Airport, Penn Station) - limited service* to: Jersey City (PATH/Journal Square) and Weehawken (Lincoln Harbor) * Old Bridge (Browntown) - East Brunswick (Route 18) - Jersey City (Grove St Station, Exchange Place, Newport Centre) - Hoboken Terminal - Weehawken (Lincoln Harbor) Dunellen - Plainfield - Scotch Plains - Fanwood - Westfield - Garwood - Cranford - Roselle Park - Union - Hillside - Elizabeth - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) Bridgewater (Bridgewater Commons Mall) - Somerville - Bound Brook - Dunellen - Plainfield - North Plainfield - Scotch Plains - Mountainside - Springfield - Union - Hillside - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) Avenel - Rahway - Roselle - Linden - Elizabeth - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) Perth Amboy - Woodbridge - Port Reading - Carteret - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) * Somerville - Bound Brook - North Plainfield - Scotch Plains - Mountainside - Union - New York Express (Port Authority Bus Terminal) Note: this line operates weekdays during peak periods via Route 22; see schedule for exact times of service * * Freehold - Marlboro - Aberdeen - Matawan - Old Bridge (GSP Exit 120 Park & Ride) - Sayreville (Ernston Rd, Washington Rd, Raritan St Park & Ride) - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) * Old Bridge - Aberdeen - Matawan - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) * Spotswood - Monroe - Old Bridge - East Brunswick - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) Lakewood - Jackson - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge (Route 9) - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) [Englishtown/Old Bridge service via Routes 527 and 516 is available weekdays during peak period*] Suburban Transit Routes** (a Coach USA Company) Princeton - Kingston - Kendall Park - Franklin Park - North Brunswick (via Rte. 27) - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) * Princeton - Kingston - Kendall Park - North Brunswick (via Rte. 1) - Milltown - East Brunswick - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) * Old Bridge - East Brunswick - New York (Wall St) * East Windsor - Hightstown - Twin Rivers Service via NJ Turnpike Interchange 8 - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal & Midtown Manhattan) East Brunswick Transportation Center - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) [*operates weekdays only; peak and off-peak hours] * East Brunswick - Milltown - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) [*limited trips on weekdays during peak period only] * Kendall Park - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - New York (United Nations) * Princeton - Kendall Park - North Brunswick - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - New York (Wall Street) * * * Somerville/Bridgewater - Manville - Bound Brook - South Bound Brook - Somerset - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - Atlantic City (limited service trips and service is variable on each line by day of week*) * South Plainfield - Plainfield - North Plainfield - Dunellen - Piscataway - Edison - Highland Park - Somerset - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - Atlantic City Academy Bus Routes** * Sayreville to Wall Street*: Main St corridor from Memorial Way (Winding River) to the Raritan Street Park & Ride (Garden State Parkway Exit 124) - New York (Wall St) * A1a: Extends to/from Harbor Club via Main St, Washington Rd and Ernston Rd * A1b: Extends to/from Winding Wood Apartments via MacArthur Ave and Jernee Mill Rd * Sayreville to Midtown Manhattan*: MacArthur Ave at Washington Rd - Main St corridor from MacArthur Ave to the Raritan Street Park & Ride (Garden State Parkway Exit 124) - New York (Midtown Manhattan) * A2a: Continues to/from Harbor Club via Washington Rd and Ernston Rd * A2b: Continues to/from Winding Wood Apartments via Jernee Mill Rd Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Park & Ride - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal & Midtown Manhattan) * Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Park & Ride - New York (Wall St) * Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Park & Ride - Jersey City - New York (Wall St) * Route 9 to Wall Street: Lakewood - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge - New York (Wall St) Cheesequake Park & Ride - Atlantic City * Monroe (Concordia Shopping Center) - Cranbury - East Windsor - Robbinsville - Atlantic City Suburban-Academy Coordinated Schedule** * Turnpike Express to Port Authority Bus Terminal and Midtown Manhattan: Plainsboro - East Windsor - Hightstown - Twin Rivers - Monroe - South Brunswick (8A Park & Ride) - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal & Midtown Manhattan) * Turnpike Express To Wall Street & Lower Manhattan: Plainsboro - East Windsor - Hightstown - Twin Rivers - Monroe - South Brunswick (8A Park & Ride) - New York Wall Street (Lower Manhattan) Note: Certain trips require a transfer from Coordinated Line - 300 (Midtown buses) at the 8A Park & Ride ; see both schedules for details and transfer times Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) New Brunswick (Rail Station, Livingston Ave) - North Brunswick (Walmart, North Brunswick Shopping Center, Route 130) - South Brunswick (Route 130, Sum- merfield Center, Dayton, Herrod Blvd) - Exit 8A area* (South Brunswick, Cranbury) - Monroe (Rossmoor) - Jamesburg (Veterans Memorial Park) East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall, Civic Center Dr, Civic Center Mall) - Spotswood (Senior Center, S hop Rite, Clearwater Village) - Helmetta (Main St) - Jamesburg (Veterans Memorial Park) East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall) - Old Bridge (Birchwood, Costello/Maher Manor, Raritan Bay Medical Center, Inverness P&R, Rotary Senior Center, Municipal Complex, Browntown) Brunsquick Jersey Avenue Shuttle: New Brunswick (Rail Station, RWJU Hospital on French St, Van Dyke Ave, One Stop Career Center, Jersey Ave Rail Station, Board of Social Services) - North Brunswick (How Ln, Jersey Ave @ Route 1) Brunsquick Commercial Avenue Shuttle: New Brunswick (Rail Station, Neilson St, Morris St, Livingston Ave, Commercial Ave) - North Brunswick (Remsen Ave, Jack Pincus Apts) Jamesburg (Veterans Park, Railroad Ave) - Monroe (Concordia Shopping Center) - Cranbury (North Main St) - Plainsboro (Plainsboro Rd, Princeton Meadows Shop- ping Center, Plainsboro Shopping Center, University Medical Center, Merwick Care Center) - Princeton Junction Rail Station East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall) - South River (Willett Manor, South River Landing) - Sayreville (Winding Wood Apts, Ernston Rd, Cheesequake P&R) - Old Bridge (Madison Park, Gateway Shopping Center, Old Bridge P&R) - South Amboy (O’Leary Blvd, Rail Station) Somerset County Transportation** * Davidson Avenue Shuttle 851 (DASH 851): North Brunswick (Livingston Ave) - New Brunswick - Somerset/Franklin (Easton Ave, Cedar Grove Ln, Pierce St, Davidson Ave) - South Bound Brook - Bridgewater (The Promenade, TD Bank Ballpark) - Bound Brook * Davidson Avenue Shuttle (DASH 852): - New Brunswick - Somerset/Franklin (Easton Ave, Cedar Grove Ln, Pierce St, Davidson Ave, Elizabeth Ave, Cottontail Ln, Campus Dr) - Bridgewater (The Promenade, TD Bank Ballpark) - Bound Brook * Davidson Avenue Shuttle 853 (DASH 853): North Brunswick (Livingston Ave) - New Brunswick - Somerset/Franklin (Hamilton St, JFK Blvd, Easton Ave, Davidson Ave, Elizabeth Ave, Pierce St, Cottontail Ln, Campus Dr) Community Access Transit-1R (CAT-1R): Bound Brook - South Bound Brook - Frank- lin /Somerset (Easton Ave, Hamilton St, Amwell Rd, Cedar Grove Lane, Elizabeth Ave) - Somerville - Branchburg Other Service Providers** * Route 130 Connection (Mercer and Middlesex counties): Trenton - Hamilton - Rob- binsville - East Windsor - Hightstown - Cranbury - South Brunswick - Monroe * Princeton Junction Shuttle (Mercer County): East Windsor - Hightstown - Princeton Junction Rail Station Monroe Township: Monroe - Freehold ROUTE A Monroe Township: Monroe - Freehold ROUTE B Monroe Township: Monroe - Princeton ROUTE A Monroe Township: Monroe - Princeton ROUTE B New BrunsQuick Shuttle 1: Rutgers Student Center - Scott Hall - New Brunswick Rail Station - College of Nursing - 5th&6th Wards - (Colony House: peak hours only) New BrunsQuick Shuttle 2: Rutgers Student Center - (Colony House: peak hours only) - 5th&6th Wards - New Brunswick Rail Station - College of Nursing - Zimmerli Art Museum - Rutgers Student Activity Center Rutgers University Campus Bus: New Brunswick / Piscataway Campuses Middlesex County in the heart of New Jersey and at the crossroads of our region, offers various transportation alternatives. The Middlesex County Transit Guide has been developed as a tool to help you get to places of employment, shopping, recreation or medical and other services by way of public transportation. Your patronage of our public transportation facilities is important as it can help you with your transportation needs as well as benefit the entire community by reducing pollution, minimizing traffic congestion and conserving energy. This Transit Guide is Produced by THE MIDDLESESEX COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS Chistopher D. Rafano, Freeholder – Director Ronald G. Rios, Deputy Director Blanquita Valenti Charles E.Tomaro H. James Polos Carol Barrett Bellante Stephen J. Dalina Margaret Pemberton, Clerk of the Board of Chosen Freeholders John A. Pulomena, County Administrator Thomas F. Kelso, Esq., Counsel THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Olga Sgambattera, Chairman Gerald Tamburro, Vice Chairman Christopher D. Rafano, Freeholder Director Stephen J. Dalina, Freeholder Matthew Vaugh Vincent Martino Hardyah Singh Johal John J. Reiser , Jr., County Engineer Erik Wong, Alternate Kiran R. Desai, Alternate Steven D.Cahn, Esq., Counsel Dorothy K. Power, Secretary George M. Ververides, Director of County Planning THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE John J. Hogan, Chairman Richard Zipp, Vice Chairman KEEP MIDDLESEX MOVING, INC. Ronald P. Hutchinson, Chairman William Neary, Executive Director Keep Middlesex Moving , Inc. has prepared this document through a grant financed by New Jersey Transit. This document is disseminated in the interest of information exchange. The Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Middlesex County Planning Board, Middlesex County Transportation Coordinating Committee, Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc., and New Jersey Transit assume no liability for its contents or use thereof. February, 2013 of a mile of existing bus routes. Users must first apply and meet certain eligibility requirements. For more information about Access Link service in Middlesex County, call 800-955-ADA1. Middlesex County Area Transit for Senior/ Disabled Residents (MCAT): Middlesex County operates Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) services. These include various fixed route bus shuttle services available to all riders, and special transportation services for seniors and disabled residents. Special services for seniors and the disabled include medical, nutritional, shopping and other trips for eligible persons whose needs are not met by traditional public transportation. To find out whether this service is available to a particular area for a particular purpose contact MCAT at 800-221-3520. DASH (Davidson Avenue Shuttle): Somer- set County Transportation operates shuttlebus service from Livingston Avenue and the New Brunswick train station along Davidson Avenue. For information call 908-231-7115. Other Transit Services Keep Middlesex Moving (KMM): Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc. (KMM), Middlesex County’s Transportation Management Associa- tion, provides free ridematch service through a statewide database. KMM can help those interested in carpooling find other commuters who live and work close by and have coordinat- ing travel schedules. KMM also provides mass transit schedules and Park & Ride information, and handles bike locker rentals at many transit centers in Middlesex County. For information or to register for a carpool match, call 732-745-4465 or 800-245-POOL or log on to www.kmm.org. Rutgers University Intercampus Bus Ser- vice: The Rutgers Campus Bus serves all of the New Brunswick area campuses including Cook/ Douglass, College Avenue, Livingston and Busch. Access to the Campus Bus can be made only at official stops. Major transfer points with the pub- lic bus and rail system are at the following points: Douglas College Student Center, Downtown George St. Stops, New Brunswick Rail Station (Somerset & George Streets) Park & Ride service is available to access the Campus Bus at different locations. Call Parking and Transportation Services at 732-932-7744 for information. Campus Bus schedule information is available by calling 732-932-7817 or email: [email protected]. Bus Service during the academic year of September through May operates seven days a week except for holidays and special circum- stances. Bus Service to Atlantic City: Bus service to Atlantic City is offered from various points in Mid- dlesex County. For information on bus company services to Atlantic City from your municipality call the Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Bureau at 888-228-4748, option 2 or the casino of your choice; also www.AtlanticCityNJ.com. Airport Service: NJ TRANSIT Route 62 pro- vides service directly to Newark Airport and Route 48 provides, via transfer in Elizabeth at Broad and Jersey Ave, service to Newark Air- port. Most NJ TRANSIT trains on the Northeast Corridor and North Jersey Coast Line stop at Newark Airport Rail Station. From the station to the terminals one must take Air Train monorail for an extra charge. de autobús existente. Access Link proporciona transporte con reserva el dia anterior de acera a acera desde localidades dentro de ¾ de milla de las rutas de autobús existentes. Los usuarios prim- ero deben aplicar y cumplir con ciertos requisitos de elegibilidad. Para obtener más información sobre el servicio de Access Link en el Condado de Middlesex, llame al 800-955-ADA1. Middlesex County Transit Area para Resi- dentes Mayores / Discapacitadas (MCAT): El Condado de Middlesex opera los servicios de Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT). Estos incluyen diversos servicios de rutas fijas de autobús y servicios de transporte especial para personas mayores y los residentes discapacitados. Este servicio sirve a facilitar los viajes médicos, nutrición, comerciales y de otro tipo para las personas elegibles cuyas necesidades no son realizadas por el transporte público tradicional. Para saber si este servicio está disponible en un área en particular para un propósito determinado llame a MCAT al 800-221-3520. DASH (Traslado Davidson Avenue): Somerset County Transportation opera el servicio de autobús de enlace desde Livingston Avenue y la estación de tren de New Brunswick a traves de Davidson Av- enue. Para más información llame al 908-231-7115. Otros servicios de tránsito Mantenga Middlesex en movimiento (KMM): Mantenga Middlesex en Movimiento, Inc. (KMM), La association de administración de transporte del Condado de Middlesex, ofrece servicio ridematch (servicios de compartir coche) gratuita a través de una base de datos a nivel estatal. KMM puede ayudar a las personas intere- sadas en compartir el coche encontrar otros via- jeros con quienes viven y trabajan cerca y tener la coordinación de horarios de viaje. KMM también proporciona los horarios de transporte público e información sobre “Park & Ride,” y se encarga de alquiler casilleros de bicicleta en muchos centros de tránsito en el Condado de Middlesex. Para más información o para inscribirse en un programa de compartir coche, llame 732-745-4465 o 800-245- POOL o visite www.kmm.org. Intercampus Rutgers University Service Bus (Campus Bus): El servicio de autobús de Rutgers University (Campus Bus) sirve a todas las escuelas de la zona de Nuevo Brunswick, incluy- endo Cook/Douglass, College Avenue, Livingston y Busch. Acceso a los autobuses se logra sólo en las paradas oficiales. Los principales puntos de transferencia con el autobús público y el sistema ferroviario se encuentran en los siguientes puntos: Douglas College Student Center, Downtown St. George, New Brunswick Rail Station (calles Somerset & George). Servicio Park & Ride está disponible para ac- ceder al Campus Bus en diferentes lugares. Llame a Servicios de Estacionamiento y Transporte en el 732-932-7744 para obtener información. Horarios de Campus Bus estan disponibles llamando al 732-932-7817 o por correo electrónico: [email protected]. Durante el período del año académico, de septiembre a mayo, el servicio funciona todos los días de la semana, con excepción de los días feriados y otras circunstancias especiales. Servicio de autobús a Atlantic City: El servicio de autobús a Atlantic City se ofrece desde varios puntos del Condado de Middlesex. Para obtener información sobre los servicios de la empresa de autobuses a Atlantic City desde su municipio llamar al Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Bureau (la oficina de ferias y tourismo) en 888-228-4748, opción 2 o en el casino de su elec- ción, también www.AtlanticCityNJ.com. Servicio al aeropuerto: Ruta 62 de NJ TRANSIT proporciona servicio directo al aeropuerto de Newark. La ruta 48, a través de la transferencia en Elizabeth a Broad St con Jersey Ave, también sirve al aeropuerto. La mayoría de los trenes de NJ TRANSIT en el Northeast Corridor y North Jersey Coast Line paran en la estación Newark Airport. Desde la estación a las terminales hay que tener monocarril Air Train por un cargo extra. Rahway 1 New Brunswick 2 Northeast Corridor Line (New York-Trenton) Metropark (Iselin) 2 Jersey Avenue Metuchen 2 Princeton Junction 1,2 Edison 2 Princeton (Dinky Shuttle) 1 Rahway 1 Perth Amboy North Jersey Coast Line (New York-Bayhead) Avenel South Amboy 2 Woodbridge Matawan 1,2 Netherwood 1 Dunellen 2 Raritan Valley Line (Newark-Raritan-High Bridge) Plainfield 1 Bound Brook 1 Metropark (Iselin) 2 Princeton Junction 1,2 Amtrak (Northeast Regional 3 & Keystone Service 4 ) New Brunswick 2 check timetables for station service availability 1 Stations in adjoining counties convenient to Middlesex County residents. 2 Bicycle lockers available; call KMM 732-745-4465 3 Amtrak’s Northeast Regional operates between Boston, MA and Washington, DC. 4 Amtrak’s Keystone Service operates between Harrisburg, PA and New York Penn Station Ticket Vending Machines (TVM): Monthly and weekly NJ TRANSIT rail passes as well as one-way and round-trip tickets can be purchased at dedicated ticket vending machines using Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Debit Cards or cash (TVMs accept up to $20.00 bills), at all Middlesex County stations in the Northeast Corridor, Hobo- ken Terminal, Penn Station, New York, and Penn Station Newark. Senior or special fare tickets for round trips must be purchased as two one way tickets in two separate transactions. Avoid wait- ing in line! Other NJ TRANSIT Special Fare Programs Fares for Children: NJ TRANSIT also offers special fares for children. Up to 3 children four years and younger ride free when accompanied by a passenger paying any fare except a child or student fare. Children ages 5 to 11 are entitled to a reduced fare when accompanied by a passen- ger paying any fare except a child or student fare. Fares for Students: Students in grades 12 or under may purchase student bus tickets. Student bus tickets are sold in groups of ten and are discounted 33% off the one-way fare (rounded to the nearest quarter). They may be used only when school is in session. Student tickets may be purchased by mail, by writing to NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2246; or call 973-491-7112. Students can also save 25% off the price of a monthly rail commuter ticket. Ask the ticket agent at the rail station for an application. Weekend and Holiday Family Supersaver Fares: Family Supersaver Fares are available on both NJ TRANSIT buses and trains. Up to 2 chil- dren ages 5 to 11 may ride free with a passenger paying any fare except a child or student fare. These fares are valid weekends (or holidays) from 7:00 PM Friday (or the eve of the holiday) to 6 AM Monday (or the day following the holiday). The Family Supersaver Fare is not valid on certain bus routes. Boleterías automaticas (TVM): Se vende bo- nos mensuales y semanales de ferrocarril NJ TRAN- SIT tanto como pasajes sencillos y de ida y vuelta en boleterías automáticas que se encuentran en todas las estaciones de ferrocarril del “Northeast Corridor” dentro del condado de Middlesex, Hobo- ken Terminal, Penn Station, New York, y Penn Sta- tion Newark. Los boleterías automáticas aceptan Visa, MasterCard, Discover y tarjetas de debito or billetes de hasta $20.00. Boletos de tarifa especial o de mayores de edad para viajes ida y vuelta deben ser comprados como dos boletas de ida en dos transacciones separadas. Evita las colas! Otros tarifas especiales de NJ TRANSIT Tarifas de niños: NJ TRANSIT ofrece tarifas re- ducidas para niños. Hasta 3 niños de cuatro años o menos pueden viajar gratis si estan acompa- ñados de un pasajero que paga qualquier tarifa menos la de niños o estudiantes. Niños de 5 to 11 años tienen derecho a tarifa reducida si estan acompañados de un pasajero que paga qualquier tarifa menos la de niños o estudiantes. Tarifas estudiantiles: Estudiantes hasta el ul- timo año de secundaria pueden comprar pasajes estudiantiles. Se venden pasajes estudiantiles en bloques de diez (a un descuento de 33% sobre el pasaje normal (redondeado al proximo $0.25). Valen solamente los días de clases. Pasajes estu- diantiles se venden por correo en: NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza, Newark, NJ 07105-2246. o llame a 973-491-7112. Estudiantes también pueden ahorrar 25% del precio del bono mensual de ferrocarril. Solicite un formulario en la taquilla de la estación. Tarifa familiar “supersaver” fines de se- mana y feriados: Tarifas familiares “supersaver” estan disponibles para autobuses y ferrocarril de NJ TRANSIT. Hasta 2 niños de 5 a 11 años pueden viajar gratis si estan acompañados de un pasa- jero que paga qualquier tarifa salvo la de niños o estudiantes. Estos pasajes son válidos desde el viernes a las 7:00 PM (o la víspera del feriado) has- ta 6 AM el lunes (o del día después del feriado). Tarifas familiares “supersaver” no valen en ciertas rutas de autobús. 600 605 606 610 612 655 801 802 803 804 805 810 811 813 814 815 817 818 819 822 986 PRS 48 65 66 68 113 114 115 116 139 100 134 300 A1 A1a A1b A2 A2A A2B A3 A4 500 600 702 701 703 711 100 X 600 A 300 X 400 M 117 131 135 133 138 67 59 63 64 * Part time, limited, and/or commuter peak period service. Check bus schedules for exact days, times and locations of service. ** Bus route designations are used only on NJ TRANSIT buses and schedules and Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) shuttle schedules. A6 AC1 AC2 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 851 852 853 C1R PJS MFA MFB MPA MPB NB1 NB2 R 130 300 A5 OPTION OPCIÓN CONDITIONS OF USE CONDICIONES DE USO SAVINGS (over one-way fare) AHORROS (sobre pasaje sencillo) WHO SHOULD USE THIS OPTION? A QUIEN CORRESPONDE ESTA OPCIÓN? One-way Ticket Pasaje sencillo Valid on any single trip Válido en cualquier pasaje sencillo Occasional riders pasajeros esporádicos 10-Trip Tickets Boletos de 10 pasajes Valid for ten one-way trips within 20 days from date of purchase Válido en diez pasajes sencillos dentro de 20 días de la fecha de compra 10%-20% 2-3 day a week commuters or those riding 20 days or less in any month pasajeros de hora pico que viajan 2-3 días semanal o menos de 20 días mensual Intrastate Pass Bono intraestado Unlimited use on intrastate routes only during the calendar month Uso ilimitado solamente en rutas dentro del estadado durante un mes 15% for 2 or more zones 15% para 2 o más zonas Daily riders Pasajeros diários Interstate Pass Bono interestado Unlimited use on interstate routes during the calendar month Uso ilimitado en rutas entre estadados durante un mes 30% for 6 or more zones 30% para 6 o más zonas Daily riders Pasajeros diários Intracommuter Pass Bono de conexión Unlimited use on trips via Routes 9 & 18 from Weehawken, Hoboken, Jersey City and Newark during the calendar month/ Uso ilimitado en viajes via Rutas 9 & 18 desde Weehawken, Hoboken, Jersey City y Newark durante un més 28% or more for 6 for more zones 28% o más para 6 o más zonas Daily riders Pasajeros diários OPTION OPCIÓN CONDITIONS OF USE CONDICIONES DE USO SAVINGS (over one-way fare) AHORROS (sobre pasaje sencillo) WHO SHOULD USE THIS OPTION? A QUIEN CORRESPONDE ESTA OPCIÓN? One-way Ticket Pasaje sencillo Valid on any single trip; valid until used (no expiration)/Válido en cualquier pasaje sencillo; vale hasta usado (no se vence) Occasional riders pasajeros esporádicos 10-Trip Tickets Boletos de 10 pasajes Valid on ten one-way trips; valid until used (no expiration) / Válido en diez pasajes sencillos; vale hasta usado (no se vence) Daily or frequent riders/ Pasajeros diários o fre- quentes Monthly Commutation Ticket/ Billete mensual Valid for unlimited trips between designated rail stations during the calendar month designated on the ticket/Válido para viajes ilimitados entre las estaciones ferroviarias designados durante el mes calendario señalado en el billete 30% / 30% Daily or frequent riders/ Pasajeros diários o fre- quentes Weekly Com- mutation Ticket/Billete semanal Valid for the week the ticket is issued, for unlim- ited trips between designated rail stations from Saturday 12:01 AM through 6:00 AM the follow- ing Saturday/Válido para la semana emitido para viajes ilimitados entre las estaciones ferroviarias designadas desde el sábado a las12:01AM hasta las 6:00 AM del sábado siguiente 15% / 15% Daily or frequent riders/ Pasajeros diários o fre- quentes NJ TRANSIT BUS TICKET OPTIONS/OPCIONES PARA PASAJES DE AUTOBUS Bus Stop Board Here For 810 to Woodbridge Center 811 to South River 814 to North Brunswick 814 To Middlesex County College 815 to Woodbridge Center This Stop # 23497 For your next scheduled bus CALL 973-275-5555 or TEXT your stop # to mybus (69287) Brunswick Square Mall-Jamesburg Shuttle

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Page 1: Middlesex County Transit Guide 2012-2.indd

Middlesex County Bus Service/Servicio de autobus en el Condado de Middlesex


Rail Service in Middlesex County

Middlesex County is served by four diff erent rail lines: NJ TRANSIT commuter passenger rail services via the Northeast Corridor Line, the North Jersey Coast Line, and the Raritan Valley Line; and Amtrak regional and intercity passen-ger rail services operating along the Northeast Corridor. Numerous convenient connections to bus routes serving Middlesex County off er easy travel options to many destinations inside and outside the County. Transfer between the NJ TRANSIT Northeast Corridor Line and North Jersey Coast Line may be made at Rahway. Pas-senger rail service is available at the following train station locations:

Using the Rail System• Be certain that you have the correct boarding

information by checking with the ticket agent and train schedules. Most bus schedules list the rail stations they serve.

• Pick up the schedule for your rail line (avail-able at stations) that lists train times and other schedule information. If you have questions ask your ticket agent.

• Leave yourself time to purchase your train ticket at the station before boarding the train. You will be required to pay an additional charge of $5.00 on NJ TRANSIT for tickets purchased on board the train. Amtrak recommends arriving to the station at least 30 minutes before scheduled departure.

Rail Ticket OptionsNJ TRANSIT has several rail ticket options avail-able to the occasional rider and for the daily com-muter. The following information will help you to use the rail system.QuikTik: Receive your NJ TRANSIT monthly rail ticket by mail, automatically, at no extra charge through QuikTik. There are fi ve ways to enroll: 1) fi ll out an application at your station ticket

offi ce, 2) write to QuikTik, NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza East,

Newark, NJ 07105-2246, 3) call 973- 491-7719 or 973-491-8491, 4) register online at www.njtransit.com; follow

the “QuikTik Online Ticketing” link, or at 5) Ticket Vending Machines (see table that follows).

Servicio Ferroviario en el Condado de MiddlesexEl Condado de Middlesex es servida por cuatro líneas ferroviarias diferentes: servicios ferroviarios de NJ TRANSIT a través del Northeast Corridor Line, the North Jersey Coast Line, and the Rari-tan Valley Line; y servicios regionales e interurba-nos de Amtrak a lo largo del Northeast Corridor. Hay muchos puntos de conexion convenientes a rutas de autobús que sirven al condado de Middlesex que provee opciones comodos de via-jar a muchos destinos dentro y fuera del condado. Transferéncias entre las lineas Northeast Corridor Line and North Jersey Coast Line se efectuan en Rahway. Las estaciones de ferrocarril de NJ TRAN-SIT que sirven al condado deMiddlesex son:

Utilización del sistema ferroviario• Consulte los horarios y los agentes de pasaje

sobre la información correcta de embarcar. La mayoría de los horarios de autobús indican las estaciones de ferrocarril que sirven.

• Recoge un horario de su linea ferroviaria (dis-ponible en estaciones) que presenta las noras de los trenes y otra información. Si Ud tiene preguntas pregunte a su agente de pasajes.

• Deje sufi ciente tiempo para comprar su billete de tren en la estación antes de subir al tren. Usted tendrá que pagar un cargo adicional de $5.00 en NJ TRANSIT para los boletos compra-dos a bordo del tren. Amtrak recomienda llegar a la estación de al menos 30 minutos antes de la salida programada.

Opciones de tren de entradasNJ TRANSIT ofrece varias opciones tanto al pasajero esporádico como al viajero diario. La siguiente información le ayudará en escoger el pasa je apropiado.QuikTik: Recibe su bono mensual de ferrocarril NJ TRANSIT por correo, automaticamente, sin cargos adicionales a traves de QuikTik. Hay cinco formas de inscribirse: 1) llenar una aplicación en la ofi cina de pasajes de su estación, 2)escribir a QuikTik, NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2246, 3) llamar a 973- 491-7719 o 973-491-8491 4) a traves del internet al www.njtransit.com; sigue el enlace a “QuikTik Online Ticketing,” o 5) en boleterías automáticas(TVM) – vease la siguiente tabla.

How to Board the Bus Where they exist, passengers should wait for the bus at offi cial bus stops that are identifi able by the presence of bus stop signs. Where bus stop signs do not exist, riders may stop the bus by fl agging it down by waving a hand high in the air and hailing the bus driver. It works to fl ag down the bus when the bus is sighted well in advance of it approaching you. Wherever possible fl ag downs should be done at corner locations. The bus driver has discretion to stop where it is safe to stop that is normally at the near-est safe corner to pick up and discharge passengers.

Use “my bus” for next scheduled busYou can fi nd out when the next bus is scheduled to ar-rive at bus stops all over New Jersey. • Find the bus stop ID number

on the bus stop sign• Call 973-275-5555 to input

the bus stop ID number, or• Text the bus stop ID number to mybus

(69287) • You will get the time of the bus that is

scheduled to arrive at your stop. If there is no bus stop sign call 973-275-5555 or visit www.njtransit.com/mybus to learn your bus stop ID number. This provides a convenient, quick response of 24-hour schedule information customized to your location and time.

FaresFares on NJ TRANSIT buses and trains serving Middlesex County are based upon a zone system. The fare increases as the distance of the trip increases. The best way to fi nd out the proper fare in advance is to call the bus company or NJ TRANSIT or consult the internet site: www.njtran-sit.com/sf.shtml.

Exact fare is the general fare policy on all bus routes. Passengers on NJ TRANSIT bus routes are re-quired to have exact fare in coins or $1.00 bills. Driv-ers do not carry money and cannot make change. Drivers on Suburban Transit and other private carri-ers do carry money and will make change.

NJ TRANSIT Bus PassNJ TRANSIT off ers bus riders a monthly discount pass. This pass entitles the rider to unlimited one zone rides within New Jersey during a given month for a cost of $54.00. The bus pass also entitles users to free one-zone transfers on con-necting local NJ TRANSIT buses. Passes for more than one zone are also available. Holders of weekly or monthly Rail Pass are also entitled to a free one-zone transfer on con-necting NJ TRANSIT buses to or from a rail station.

The regular bus rider saves money by purchas-ing a bus pass and avoids having to pay on the bus for the ride (payment on the bus is required for any additional zones traveled).

For more information on the money-saving bus pass call NJ TRANSIT toll free at 800-648-0215 or write to NJ TRANSIT Mail Fare, One Penn Plaza East, Newark, N.J. 07105-2246.

TransfersTransfers are available for connecting intrastate NJ TRANSIT bus routes. Passengers can purchase a transfer (currently 70¢ for fi rst additional zone) enabling them to transfer to any NJ TRANSIT route. The transfer permits the rider to continue travel on a connecting NJ TRANSIT bus route. Here is how the transfer system works:First NJ TRANSIT Bus: When boarding the fi rst NJ TRANSIT bus, ask the driver for a transfer and pay for it along with a regular fare. The transfer is good only on the day that it is purchased and only on the next connecting bus.Connecting NJ TRANSIT Bus: Give the transfer to the driver and pay no additional fare if you are riding within the boarding zone only. If riding two or more zones on the connecting bus, you must pay an additional zone charge.

Senior/Disabled Resident Transportation ServicesFare Information: Persons who are aged 62 and over, disabled, military personnel (Active Duty, Reserves, national Guard or Retired from Army, navy, Air Force, Marines or Coast Guard), military personnel dependents, or on SSI may ride NJ TRANSIT buses and trains at a 50% or greater discount when presenting a Reduced Fare

Identifi cation Card, Medicare Card, or military/military dependent ID. You can apply for an identifi cation card by contacting the NJ TRANSIT Reduced Fare Offi ce at 973-491-7112. When using reduced fare on private carriers you must present a reduced fare coupon. Coupon books are available at local banks and the Middlesex County Offi ce on Aging at 732-745-3293.Transit Access for Mobility Impaired Per-sons: Lift-equipped and kneeling buses and ac-cessible rail stations are provided by NJ TRANSIT. Check your timetables for procedures to arrange trips using lift-equipped or kneeling buses. For further information on lift-equipped and kneel-ing buses and accessible rail stations, please call the NJ TRANSIT Accessible Service Information Hot Line at 973-275-5555. For private bus com-pany accessible bus service please check with the particular bus company for details.Access Link: NJ TRANSIT also funds paratransit services for people whose disabilities prevent them from using existing bus service. Access Link provides curb-to-curb transportation on a next day reservation basis from locations within ¾

Cómo abordar el autobúsDonde existen, los pasajeros deben esperar al autobús en las paradas ofi ciales, reconocidos por la presencia de letreros de parada de autobús. Donde no existe letrero, los pasajeros pueden señalar al conductor a traves de sacudir la mano en alto. Para mejor efi caz y seguridad se sugiere

señalar al conductor con la maxima an-ticipación possible, apenas se distingue el autobús. Donde sea posible se debe señalar el autobús en una esquina. El conductor del autobús tiene la discreción de parar donde esté seguro para embarcar y decargar pasajeros, normalmente en la esquina más cercana.

Utilize “my bus” para el horario de autobúsUsted puede aprender cuando el próximo autobús llega a una parada de autobús en todas partes de Nueva Jersey. • Localice el número de identifi cación de la parada de autobús en el letrero de la parada• Llame al 973-275-5555 y marque el número de identifi cación de la parada de autobús, o• mande por texto el número de identifi -cación de la parada de autobús a mybus (69287)• Recibirá la hora en que el autobús que está previsto llegar a la parada. Si no hay señalizacion de parada de au-tobús puede llamar a 973-275-5555 o visite www.njtransit.com/mybus para aprender el número de identifi cación de su parada. Esto proporciona una respuesta conveniente y rápida de la información de programación de 24 horas personalizado para su ubicación

y la hora.

TarifasLas tarifas de autobuses y trenes de NJ TRANSIT que prestan servício al Condado de Middlesex se basa en un sistema de zonas: más largo el viaje, más alto la tarifa. La mejor forma de descubrir la tarifa apropiada por adelantado es llamar a la compañia de autobuses o a NJTRANSIT o consul-tar al internet: www.njtransit.com/sf.shtml.

En general se necesita la tarifa exacta en todas las rutas de autobús. En las rutas de NJ TRANSIT se requiere la tarifa exacta en monedas o billetes de $1.00. Los conductores no llevan plata y no pueden hacer cambio. Los conductores de Suburban Transit y otras compañias sí llevan plata y sí harán cambio.

NJ TRANSIT bono de autobúsNJ TRANSIT ofrece un bono mensual. Este bono da al usuário el derecho de viajes ilimitados de una zona dentro del estado de New Jer-

sey durante un més por $54.00. El bono también provée el derecho de transferéncia gratis de una zona en rutas locales de conexión de autobús de NJ TRANSIT. Bonos para zonas multiples también son disponibles.

Usuarios de bonos de ferrocarril semanales o mensuales “Rail Pass” también tienen derecho de una transferéncia grátis en rutas de conexión de autobús NJ TRANSIT desde o hácia una estación de ferrocarril.

El pasajero frequente ahorra plata en comprar un bono y evita pagar en efectivo en el autobús (viajes que compreden mas de una zona requieren pago adicional en el autobús para las zonas extras.

Para más información sobre bonos desconta-dos, llame grátis a 800-648-0215 o escriba a NJ TRANSIT Mail Fare, One Penn Plaza East, Newark N.J. 07105-2246.

TrasbordosLos pasajeros pueden comprar un trasbordo (actu-almente 70¢ para la primera zona adicional) para rutas de autobus de conexión NJ TRANSIT dentro del estado. El trasbordo permite al pasajero con-tinuar su viaje en una ruta de conexión de autobús NJ TRANSIT. El sistema de trasbordos funciona así:Primer autobús NJ TRANSIT: Al embarcar el primer autobús de NJTRANSIT, pide al conductor el trasbordo al momento de comprar su pasaje normal y paga la tarifa adicional. El trasbordo solamente vale durante el dia en que fue expen-dido y solamente en el próximo bus de conexión.Al embarcar el autobús NJ TRANSIT de conexión: Entrega el trasbordo al conductor y no pague tarifa adicional si sigue viajando dentro de la misma zona. Si su viaje comprende mas de una zona adicional hay que pagar la diferéncia.

Servicios de transporte para residentes discapacitados y mayores de edadInformación sobre tarifas: Las personas de 62 años o más o con discapacidad, militares (Servi-cio Activo, la Reserva, la Guardia Nacional o en retiro del Ejército, Armada, Fuerza Aérea, Infan-tería de Marina o Guardacostas), dependientes del personal militar o recipientes de SSI pueden viajar en autobuses y trenes de NJ TRANSIT con

un descuento del 50% o más al presentar su tarjeta de identifi cación de tarifa reducida, tarjeta Medicare o identifi cación militar/

dependiente. Se solicita la tarjeta de identifi cación a traves de la

Ofi cina de Tarifa Reducida de NJ TRANSIT en 973-491-7112. Para aprovecharse de la tarifa reducida en compañías

de transporte privados se debe presentar un

cupón de tarifa reducida. Libros de cupones están disponibles en los ban-cos locales y la Ofi cina del Condado de Middle-sex sobre Envejecimiento en 1-732-745-3293.

Acceso de tránsito para personas con movi-lidad reducida: NJ TRANSIT provée autobuses equipados de elevadoras o “arodillantes” y esta-ciones de ferrocarril accesibles. Para aprovecharse de este servicio consulte el horario. Para mas información llame a NJ TRANSIT Accessible Service Information Hot Line al 800-772-2222. Revise sus horarios para los procedimientos de organizar viajes utilizando autobuses equipados con elevador o de rodillas. Para más información sobre los autobuses equipados con elevador y de rodillas y estaciones accesibles por ferrocarril, por favor llame a la Línea de NJ TRANSIT Accesible Information Service caliente en 973-275-5555. Averigue la disponilidad de servício de autobús accesible en las rutas de compañias privadas con la compañia misma.Access Link: NJ TRANSIT también fi nancia ser-vicios de paratránsito para personas que tienen discapacidades que les impiden utilizar el servicio

NJTRANSITEast Brunswick Milanos Deli, 206 Highway 18 North 732-246-2578 Windsor Pharmacy Highway 18 North at Race Track Road 732-257-3784Edison Middlesex County College (Bus Passes Sold) 732-548-6000 Cashiers 732-906-2572New Brunswick Rail Station (Bus Passes Sold) North Brunswick DeVry University of Technology 630 US Route 1 732-729-3821Old Bridge Double D Food Store Highway 516 at Gaub Road 732-679-2999 Madison Variety 3062 Rt. 9 South 732-679-4181 Old Bridge Park Ride Route 9 North Park Ride Lot 732-721-0450

Suburban Transit/Coach USAEast Brunswick Milanos Deli 206 Rt. 18 North 732-246-2578 Neilson Parking Plaza Tower Center Boulevard 732-249-1100 Transportation Center Tices Lane and Old Bridge Turnpike 732-249-1100 Windsor Pharmacy Route 18 and Racetrack Road 732-257-3784East Windsor 7-Eleven 46 South Twin Rivers Road Dr. 609-443-3111 Muncheez Deli & Grill 9 Princeton Hightstown Road 609-426-0694 Twin River Deli – III 989 Twin River Drive North 609-448-9740Edison Welsh Farms 1 Schulyer Drive 732-985-0729Franklin Park Bagelicious Deli & Grill 3130 Rt. 27 N 732-422-7766 Town Cleaners 3562 Rt. 27, #118 Kendall Park 732-297-7030Highland Park Saiff Drugs 325 Raritan Avenue 732-545-0687Hightstown Krauser’s Food Store 119 Franklin Street (across from library) 609-448-2303Monroe Township Clearbrook Commons Clearbrook Clubhouse 609-655-5760 Concordia Club House 1 Club House Drive 609-655-4664 Dee’s Café 357 Applegarth Road 609-655-1995New Brunswick B&M Bagel 1 Penn Plaza 732-828-3545

Suburban TransitNew Brunswick 750 Somerset Street 732-249-1100 Rutgers University 613 George Street 732-932-6982Piscataway Gift Horse 174 Stelton Road 732-752-9351Plainsboro Taru’s Dry Cleaner Prince Meadows Shopping Center 609-799-4800Princeton Kiosk 1 Palmer Square 609-921-1145Somerset Bagel & Deli 900 Easton Ave 732-448-0440South Bound Brook Jimmy’s Deli 14 Main Street 732-356-6467South Brunswick 8A Park & Ride Routes 130 & 32 (5:30AM to 10AM) 609-860-8041South Plainfi eld Pauls Stationery 236 Hamilton Boulevard 908-769-1399 Shop Fair 712 Clinton Avenue 908-791-9229

Academy TransitOld Bridge Madison Variety 3062 Route 9 South 732-679-4181 Old Bridge Park and Ride 732-721-0450Sayreville Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Service Center 732-525-0672 Krauzer’s Food Store 309 Main Street 732-254-0155

Saddle River ToursAtlantic City 800-872-6665Carteret Klein’s Stationary 45 Washington Ave 732-541-7786 Short Stop Food 835 Roosevelt Ave 732-541-9135Edison CBT Oak Tree Shopping Center 1655-300 Oak Tree Road 732-603-0060Woodbridge Shoprite 870 St. Georges Ave,NJ 35 Woody’s Liquor 732-381-6776

Information Web Sites & Telephone NumbersAcademy Express Sayreville/800 routes www. academybus.com 800-699-1339Academy Lines Rt. Leonardo 800-242-1339Academy Lines -8A Service West Hampton 800-709-1339Coach USA/Suburban Transit www. suburbantransit.com 732-249-1100Amtrak (Intercity Rail Service) www.amtrak.com 800-872-7245 Nationwide 800-USA-RAILDASH (Davidson AVENUE shuttle) www.ridewise.com 908-704-1011Greater Mercer TMA’s Ridefi nders www.gmtma.org 609-452-1491 (130 connector)Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) www.co.middlesex.nj.us/awts 800-221-3520NJTRANSIT (Bus and Rail Service) www.njtransit.com Hearing Impaired (TT Services, New Jersey Only) 866-241-6467 Customer Service 973-275-5555Rutgers Campus Bus www.parktran.rutgers.edu 732-932-7817

Transportation Management Associations Keep Middlesex Moving (K.M.M.)( Car/Van Pooling information) www.kmm.org 732-745-4465 Greater Mercer TMA www.gmta.org 609-452-1461 Ridewise (Somerset Co) www.ridewise.org 908-704-1011 TransOptions,( Warren,Morris,Sussex,Union,Passaic,Essex Counties) www.transoptions.org 973-267-7600

BUS TICKET AGENTS/Agentes de pasajes de autobus

NJ TRANSIT Local Routes

Trenton (Transit Center, River Line) - Lawrence Township (Quakerbridge Mall) - US 1 Corridor - West Windsor (Nassau Park, Princeton Market Fair, Carnegie Center, Princeton Junction Station) - Plainsboro (University Medical Center, Forrestal Center, Forrestal Village)

Montgomery (Montgomery Center, Princeton North Shopping Center) - Princeton Township - Princeton Boro (Palmer Square, Princeton University, Princeton Rail Station) - West Windsor (Princeton Market Fair, Nassau Park) - Lawrence Township (Mercer Mall, Quaker Bridge Mall)

Princeton Township (Princeton Care Center, Princeton Shopping Center) - Princeton Boro (Palmer Square, Princeton University) - Lawrence (Education Testing Center “ETS”, Rider University) - Hamilton (Rail Station, Mercerville, Hamilton Marketplace) - Robbinsville (Project Freedom, Foxmoor Shopping Center)

* SEASONAL: Princeton (John Witherspoon Middle School to Hibben-Magie Apart-ments) [service operates only when schools are open]

Lawrence - West Windsor - Princeton Junction Rail Station [formerly 976]

Health Line: Princeton Township (Princeton Shopping Center) - Princeton Boro (Palmer Square, Princeton University, Princeton Rail Station - Plainsboro (University Medical Center, Merwick Care & Rehabilitation Center)

* Metropark Loop: Metropark Rail Station - JFK Medical Center - Grove Ave/Oak Tree Rd - Metropark Rail Station

* Metropark Loop: Metropark Rail Station - Green St/Tyler Ave - Woodbridge Corporate Center - Harrows Gate (Gill Lane) - Metropark Rail Station

* Metropark Loop: Woodbridge Rail Station - Woodbridge Center Dr - Harrows Gate (Iselin) - Metropark Rail Station

* Metropark Loop: Metropark Rail Station - Colonia (Inman Ave/West Dr) - Edison (Grove Ave/New Dover Rd) - Metropark Rail Station

* Metropark Loop: Fords (Ford Ave/Main St - Ford Ave/Webb Dr) - Edison (Parsonage Rd/Lafayette Ave) - Metropark Rail Station

New Brunswick - Highland Park - Edison (Menlo Park Mall, Roosevelt Care Center) - Metuchen - Fords - Woodbridge Center Mall

New Brunswick (Saint Peter’s Hospital, Rutgers University) - North Brunswick (North Brunswick Shopping Center) - Milltown - East Brunswick (East Brunswick Civic Center, Brunswick Square Mall) - South River

Perth Amboy - Metuchen - Edison (Raritan Center, Middlesex County College, Heller Industrial Park)

North Brunswick (Fashion Plaza, North Brunswick Shopping Center, DeVry College, Technology Center of NJ) - New Brunswick - Highland Park - Edison (Heller Indus-trial Park, Middlesex County College)

New Brunswick - East Brunswick (Mid-State Mall) - South River - Sayreville - South Amboy - Perth Amboy - Woodbridge (Main St/Amboy Ave, Woodbridge Center Mall)

Perth Amboy - South Amboy - Old Bridge (Laurence Harbor) - Aberdeen (Cliff wood Beach) - Keyport - Keansburg - Middletown (Port Monmouth Campbell’s Junction)

New Brunswick - Rutgers University (College Ave and Cook/Douglass campuses) - East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall) - Old Bridge (Browntown Shopping Center, Old Bridge Civic Center)

Piscataway - Plainfi eld (Rail Station) - South Plainfi eld (Hadley Center/Middlesex Mall, Municipal Building) - Edison - Metuchen (Rail Station)

Plainfi eld (Plainfi eld and Netherwood rail stations) - North Plainfi eld (US 22 K-Mart, JFK Medical Center Muhlenberg Campus)

* Plainfi eld - North Plainfi eld - Watchung - Berkeley Heights - Murray Hill - New Providence - Summit

“Princeton Rail Shuttle” substitute bus service for the Princeton Dinky Rail line shuttle: Princeton Borough (Princeton Rail Station) - West Windsor (Princeton Junc-tion Rail Station) [operates on an as-needed basis, not a regularly scheduled service; does not have a bus route identifi cation number]

NJ TRANSIT Regional & New York Service

Elizabeth - Linden - Roselle - Rahway - North Edison - Iselin - Woodbridge Center - Carteret - Woodbridge - Perth Amboy [Connects to: NJ TRANSIT 62 bus line in Elizabeth for service to Newark Liberty International Airport and Newark Penn Station]

Dunellen - Plainfi eld - Scotch Plains - Westfi eld - Garwood - Cranford - Roselle - Elizabeth - Hillside - Newark


Lakewood - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge - Jersey City (Journal Square, Exchange Place, Newport Centre Mall) - Hoboken Terminal - Weehawken (Lincoln Harbor)


Bridgewater Commons Mall (limited service*) - Somerville (limited service*) - Bound Brook (limited service*) - ¨Dunellen - Plainfi eld - North Plainfi eld - Scotch Plains - Cranford (Union County College) - Mountainside - Springfi eld - Union - Hill-side - Newark (Washington Park) [service running between Dunellen and Cranford operates weekdays during peak periods only*]

Seaside Park & Seaside Heights (seasonal*) - Toms River - Brick - Lakewood - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge - Newark (Newark Liberty International Airport, Penn Station) - limited service* to: Jersey City (PATH/Journal Square) and Weehawken (Lincoln Harbor)

* Old Bridge (Browntown) - East Brunswick (Route 18) - Jersey City (Grove St Station, Exchange Place, Newport Centre) - Hoboken Terminal - Weehawken (Lincoln Harbor)

Dunellen - Plainfi eld - Scotch Plains - Fanwood - Westfi eld - Garwood - Cranford - Roselle Park - Union - Hillside - Elizabeth - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

Bridgewater (Bridgewater Commons Mall) - Somerville - Bound Brook - Dunellen - Plainfi eld - North Plainfi eld - Scotch Plains - Mountainside - Springfi eld - Union - Hillside - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

Avenel - Rahway - Roselle - Linden - Elizabeth - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

Perth Amboy - Woodbridge - Port Reading - Carteret - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

* Somerville - Bound Brook - North Plainfi eld - Scotch Plains - Mountainside - Union - New York Express (Port Authority Bus Terminal) Note: this line operates weekdays during peak periods via Route 22; see schedule for exact times of service


Freehold - Marlboro - Aberdeen - Matawan - Old Bridge (GSP Exit 120 Park & Ride) - Sayreville (Ernston Rd, Washington Rd, Raritan St Park & Ride) - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

* Old Bridge - Aberdeen - Matawan - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

* Spotswood - Monroe - Old Bridge - East Brunswick - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

Lakewood - Jackson - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge (Route 9) - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) [Englishtown/Old Bridge service via Routes 527 and 516 is available weekdays during peak period*]

Suburban Transit Routes** (a Coach USA Company)

Princeton - Kingston - Kendall Park - Franklin Park - North Brunswick (via Rte. 27) - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

* Princeton - Kingston - Kendall Park - North Brunswick (via Rte. 1) - Milltown - East Brunswick - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal)

* Old Bridge - East Brunswick - New York (Wall St)

* East Windsor - Hightstown - Twin Rivers Service via NJ Turnpike Interchange 8 - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal & Midtown Manhattan)

East Brunswick Transportation Center - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) [*operates weekdays only; peak and off -peak hours]

* East Brunswick - Milltown - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal) [*limited trips on weekdays during peak period only]

* Kendall Park - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - New York (United Nations)

* Princeton - Kendall Park - North Brunswick - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - New York (Wall Street)


Somerville/Bridgewater - Manville - Bound Brook - South Bound Brook - Somerset - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - Atlantic City (limited service trips and service is variable on each line by day of week*)

* South Plainfi eld - Plainfi eld - North Plainfi eld - Dunellen - Piscataway - Edison - Highland Park - Somerset - New Brunswick - East Brunswick - Atlantic City

Academy Bus Routes**

* Sayreville to Wall Street*: Main St corridor from Memorial Way (Winding River) to the Raritan Street Park & Ride (Garden State Parkway Exit 124) - New York (Wall St)

* A1a: Extends to/from Harbor Club via Main St, Washington Rd and Ernston Rd

* A1b: Extends to/from Winding Wood Apartments via MacArthur Ave and Jernee Mill Rd

* Sayreville to Midtown Manhattan*: MacArthur Ave at Washington Rd - Main St corridor from MacArthur Ave to the Raritan Street Park & Ride (Garden State Parkway Exit 124) - New York (Midtown Manhattan)

* A2a: Continues to/from Harbor Club via Washington Rd and Ernston Rd

* A2b: Continues to/from Winding Wood Apartments via Jernee Mill Rd

Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Park & Ride - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal & Midtown Manhattan)

* Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Park & Ride - New York (Wall St)

* Garden State Parkway Cheesequake Park & Ride - Jersey City - New York (Wall St)

* Route 9 to Wall Street: Lakewood - Howell - Freehold - Manalapan - Marlboro - Old Bridge - New York (Wall St)

Cheesequake Park & Ride - Atlantic City

* Monroe (Concordia Shopping Center) - Cranbury - East Windsor - Robbinsville - Atlantic City

Suburban-Academy Coordinated Schedule**

* Turnpike Express to Port Authority Bus Terminal and Midtown Manhattan: Plainsboro - East Windsor - Hightstown - Twin Rivers - Monroe - South Brunswick (8A Park & Ride) - New York (Port Authority Bus Terminal & Midtown Manhattan)

* Turnpike Express To Wall Street & Lower Manhattan: Plainsboro - East Windsor - Hightstown - Twin Rivers - Monroe - South Brunswick (8A Park & Ride) - New York Wall Street (Lower Manhattan) Note: Certain trips require a transfer from Coordinated Line - 300 (Midtown buses) at the 8A Park & Ride ; see both schedules for details and transfer times

Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT)

New Brunswick (Rail Station, Livingston Ave) - North Brunswick (Walmart, North Brunswick Shopping Center, Route 130) - South Brunswick (Route 130, Sum-merfi eld Center, Dayton, Herrod Blvd) - Exit 8A area* (South Brunswick, Cranbury) - Monroe (Rossmoor) - Jamesburg (Veterans Memorial Park)

East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall, Civic Center Dr, Civic Center Mall) - Spotswood (Senior Center, S hop Rite, Clearwater Village) - Helmetta (Main St) - Jamesburg (Veterans Memorial Park)

East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall) - Old Bridge (Birchwood, Costello/Maher Manor, Raritan Bay Medical Center, Inverness P&R, Rotary Senior Center, Municipal Complex, Browntown)

Brunsquick Jersey Avenue Shuttle: New Brunswick (Rail Station, RWJU Hospital on French St, Van Dyke Ave, One Stop Career Center, Jersey Ave Rail Station, Board of Social Services) - North Brunswick (How Ln, Jersey Ave @ Route 1)

Brunsquick Commercial Avenue Shuttle: New Brunswick (Rail Station, Neilson St, Morris St, Livingston Ave, Commercial Ave) - North Brunswick (Remsen Ave, Jack Pincus Apts)

Jamesburg (Veterans Park, Railroad Ave) - Monroe (Concordia Shopping Center) - Cranbury (North Main St) - Plainsboro (Plainsboro Rd, Princeton Meadows Shop-ping Center, Plainsboro Shopping Center, University Medical Center, Merwick Care Center) - Princeton Junction Rail Station

East Brunswick (Brunswick Square Mall) - South River (Willett Manor, South River Landing) - Sayreville (Winding Wood Apts, Ernston Rd, Cheesequake P&R) - Old Bridge (Madison Park, Gateway Shopping Center, Old Bridge P&R) - South Amboy (O’Leary Blvd, Rail Station)

Somerset County Transportation**

* Davidson Avenue Shuttle 851 (DASH 851): North Brunswick (Livingston Ave) - New Brunswick - Somerset/Franklin (Easton Ave, Cedar Grove Ln, Pierce St, Davidson Ave) - South Bound Brook - Bridgewater (The Promenade, TD Bank Ballpark) - Bound Brook

* Davidson Avenue Shuttle (DASH 852): - New Brunswick - Somerset/Franklin (Easton Ave, Cedar Grove Ln, Pierce St, Davidson Ave, Elizabeth Ave, Cottontail Ln, Campus Dr) - Bridgewater (The Promenade, TD Bank Ballpark) - Bound Brook

* Davidson Avenue Shuttle 853 (DASH 853): North Brunswick (Livingston Ave) - New Brunswick - Somerset/Franklin (Hamilton St, JFK Blvd, Easton Ave, Davidson Ave, Elizabeth Ave, Pierce St, Cottontail Ln, Campus Dr)

Community Access Transit-1R (CAT-1R): Bound Brook - South Bound Brook - Frank-lin /Somerset (Easton Ave, Hamilton St, Amwell Rd, Cedar Grove Lane, Elizabeth Ave) - Somerville - Branchburg

Other Service Providers**

* Route 130 Connection (Mercer and Middlesex counties): Trenton - Hamilton - Rob-binsville - East Windsor - Hightstown - Cranbury - South Brunswick - Monroe

* Princeton Junction Shuttle (Mercer County): East Windsor - Hightstown - Princeton Junction Rail Station

Monroe Township: Monroe - Freehold ROUTE A

Monroe Township: Monroe - Freehold ROUTE B

Monroe Township: Monroe - Princeton ROUTE A

Monroe Township: Monroe - Princeton ROUTE B

New BrunsQuick Shuttle 1: Rutgers Student Center - Scott Hall - New Brunswick Rail Station - College of Nursing - 5th&6th Wards - (Colony House: peak hours only)

New BrunsQuick Shuttle 2: Rutgers Student Center - (Colony House: peak hours only) - 5th&6th Wards - New Brunswick Rail Station - College of Nursing - Zimmerli Art Museum - Rutgers Student Activity Center

Rutgers University Campus Bus: New Brunswick / Piscataway Campuses

Middlesex County in the heart of New Jersey and at the crossroads of our region, off ers various transportation alternatives. The Middlesex County Transit Guide has been developed as a tool to help you get to places of employment, shopping, recreation or medical and other services by way of public transportation. Your patronage of our public transportation facilities is important as it can help you with your transportation needs as well as benefi t the entire community by reducing pollution, minimizing traffi c congestion and conserving energy.


Chistopher D. Rafano, Freeholder – DirectorRonald G. Rios, Deputy Director

Blanquita Valenti Charles E.Tomaro H. James Polos Carol Barrett Bellante Stephen J. Dalina

Margaret Pemberton, Clerk of the Board of Chosen FreeholdersJohn A. Pulomena, County Administrator

Thomas F. Kelso, Esq., Counsel

THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY PLANNING BOARD Olga Sgambattera, Chairman Gerald Tamburro, Vice ChairmanChristopher D. Rafano, Freeholder Director Stephen J. Dalina, Freeholder Matthew Vaugh Vincent Martino Hardyah Singh Johal

John J. Reiser , Jr., County Engineer Erik Wong, Alternate Kiran R. Desai, Alternate Steven D.Cahn, Esq., Counsel Dorothy K. Power, Secretary

George M. Ververides, Director of County Planning


KEEP MIDDLESEX MOVING, INC.Ronald P. Hutchinson, ChairmanWilliam Neary, Executive Director

Keep Middlesex Moving , Inc. has prepared this document through a grant fi nanced by New Jersey Transit. This document is disseminated in the interest of information exchange.

The Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Middlesex County Planning Board, Middlesex County Transportation Coordinating Committee, Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc.,

and New Jersey Transit assume no liability for its contents or use thereof.

February, 2013

of a mile of existing bus routes. Users must fi rst apply and meet certain eligibility requirements. For more information about Access Link service in Middlesex County, call 800-955-ADA1.Middlesex County Area Transit for Senior/Disabled Residents (MCAT): Middlesex County operates Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) services. These include various fi xed route bus shuttle services available to all riders, and special transportation services for seniors and disabled residents. Special services for seniors and the disabled include medical, nutritional, shopping and other trips for eligible persons whose needs are not met by traditional public transportation. To fi nd out whether this service is available to a particular area for a particular purpose contact MCAT at 800-221-3520. DASH (Davidson Avenue Shuttle): Somer-set County Transportation operates shuttlebus service from Livingston Avenue and the New Brunswick train station along Davidson Avenue. For information call 908-231-7115.

Other Transit ServicesKeep Middlesex Moving (KMM): Keep Middlesex Moving, Inc. (KMM), Middlesex County’s Transportation Management Associa-tion, provides free ridematch service through a statewide database. KMM can help those interested in carpooling fi nd other commuters who live and work close by and have coordinat-ing travel schedules. KMM also provides mass transit schedules and Park & Ride information, and handles bike locker rentals at many transit centers in Middlesex County. For information or to register for a carpool match, call 732-745-4465 or 800-245-POOL or log on to www.kmm.org.Rutgers University Intercampus Bus Ser-vice: The Rutgers Campus Bus serves all of the New Brunswick area campuses including Cook/Douglass, College Avenue, Livingston and Busch. Access to the Campus Bus can be made only at offi cial stops. Major transfer points with the pub-lic bus and rail system are at the following points: Douglas College Student Center, Downtown George St. Stops, New Brunswick Rail Station (Somerset & George Streets) Park & Ride service is available to access the Campus Bus at diff erent locations. Call Parking and Transportation Services at 732-932-7744 for information. Campus Bus schedule information is available by calling 732-932-7817 or email: [email protected].

Bus Service during the academic year of September through May operates seven days a week except for holidays and special circum-stances.

Bus Service to Atlantic City: Bus service to Atlantic City is off ered from various points in Mid-dlesex County. For information on bus company services to Atlantic City from your municipality call the Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Bureau at 888-228-4748, option 2 or the casino of your choice; also www.AtlanticCityNJ.com.

Airport Service: NJ TRANSIT Route 62 pro-vides service directly to Newark Airport and Route 48 provides, via transfer in Elizabeth at Broad and Jersey Ave, service to Newark Air-port. Most NJ TRANSIT trains on the Northeast Corridor and North Jersey Coast Line stop at Newark Airport Rail Station. From the station to the terminals one must take Air Train monorail for an extra charge.

de autobús existente. Access Link proporciona transporte con reserva el dia anterior de acera a acera desde localidades dentro de ¾ de milla de las rutas de autobús existentes. Los usuarios prim-ero deben aplicar y cumplir con ciertos requisitos de elegibilidad. Para obtener más información sobre el servicio de Access Link en el Condado de Middlesex, llame al 800-955-ADA1.Middlesex County Transit Area para Resi-dentes Mayores / Discapacitadas (MCAT): El Condado de Middlesex opera los servicios de Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT). Estos incluyen diversos servicios de rutas fi jas de autobús y servicios de transporte especial para personas mayores y los residentes discapacitados. Este servicio sirve a facilitar los viajes médicos, nutrición, comerciales y de otro tipo para las personas elegibles cuyas necesidades no son realizadas por el transporte público tradicional. Para saber si este servicio está disponible en un área en particular para un propósito determinado llame a MCAT al 800-221-3520.DASH (Traslado Davidson Avenue): Somerset County Transportation opera el servicio de autobús de enlace desde Livingston Avenue y la estación de tren de New Brunswick a traves de Davidson Av-enue. Para más información llame al 908-231-7115.

Otros servicios de tránsitoMantenga Middlesex en movimiento (KMM): Mantenga Middlesex en Movimiento, Inc. (KMM), La association de administración de transporte del Condado de Middlesex, ofrece servicio ridematch (servicios de compartir coche) gratuita a través de una base de datos a nivel estatal. KMM puede ayudar a las personas intere-sadas en compartir el coche encontrar otros via-jeros con quienes viven y trabajan cerca y tener la coordinación de horarios de viaje. KMM también proporciona los horarios de transporte público e información sobre “Park & Ride,” y se encarga de alquiler casilleros de bicicleta en muchos centros de tránsito en el Condado de Middlesex. Para más información o para inscribirse en un programa de compartir coche, llame 732-745-4465 o 800-245-POOL o visite www.kmm.org.Intercampus Rutgers University Service Bus (Campus Bus): El servicio de autobús de Rutgers University (Campus Bus) sirve a todas las escuelas de la zona de Nuevo Brunswick, incluy-endo Cook/Douglass, College Avenue, Livingston y Busch. Acceso a los autobuses se logra sólo en las paradas ofi ciales. Los principales puntos de transferencia con el autobús público y el sistema ferroviario se encuentran en los siguientes puntos: Douglas College Student Center, Downtown St. George, New Brunswick Rail Station (calles Somerset & George).

Servicio Park & Ride está disponible para ac-ceder al Campus Bus en diferentes lugares. Llame a Servicios de Estacionamiento y Transporte en el 732-932-7744 para obtener información. Horarios de Campus Bus estan disponibles llamando al 732-932-7817 o por correo electrónico: [email protected].

Durante el período del año académico, de septiembre a mayo, el servicio funciona todos los días de la semana, con excepción de los días feriados y otras circunstancias especiales.

Servicio de autobús a Atlantic City: El servicio de autobús a Atlantic City se ofrece desde varios puntos del Condado de Middlesex. Para obtener información sobre los servicios de la empresa de autobuses a Atlantic City desde su municipio llamar al Atlantic City Convention and Visitors Bureau (la ofi cina de ferias y tourismo) en 888-228-4748, opción 2 o en el casino de su elec-ción, también www.AtlanticCityNJ.com.Servicio al aeropuerto: Ruta 62 de NJ TRANSIT proporciona servicio directo al aeropuerto de Newark. La ruta 48, a través de la transferencia en Elizabeth a Broad St con Jersey Ave, también sirve al aeropuerto. La mayoría de los trenes de NJ TRANSIT en el Northeast Corridor y North Jersey Coast Line paran en la estación Newark Airport. Desde la estación a las terminales hay que tener monocarril Air Train por un cargo extra.

Rahway1 New Brunswick2 Northeast Corridor Line (New York-Trenton) Metropark (Iselin)2 Jersey AvenueMetuchen2 Princeton Junction1,2

Edison2 Princeton (Dinky Shuttle)1

Rahway1 Perth Amboy North Jersey Coast Line (New York-Bayhead)Avenel South Amboy2

Woodbridge Matawan1,2

Netherwood1 Dunellen2 Raritan Valley Line (Newark-Raritan-High Bridge)Plainfi eld1 Bound Brook1

Metropark (Iselin)2 Princeton Junction1,2 Amtrak (Northeast Regional3 & Keystone Service4)New Brunswick2 check timetables for station service availability

1 Stations in adjoining counties convenient to Middlesex County residents.2 Bicycle lockers available; call KMM 732-745-44653 Amtrak’s Northeast Regional operates between Boston, MA and Washington, DC.4 Amtrak’s Keystone Service operates between Harrisburg, PA and New York Penn Station

Ticket Vending Machines (TVM): Monthly and weekly NJ TRANSIT rail passes as well as one-way and round-trip tickets can be purchased at dedicated ticket vending machines using Visa, MasterCard, Discover and Debit Cards or cash (TVMs accept up to $20.00 bills), at all Middlesex County stations in the Northeast Corridor, Hobo-ken Terminal, Penn Station, New York, and Penn Station Newark. Senior or special fare tickets for round trips must be purchased as two one way tickets in two separate transactions. Avoid wait-ing in line!

Other NJ TRANSIT Special Fare ProgramsFares for Children: NJ TRANSIT also off ers special fares for children. Up to 3 children four years and younger ride free when accompanied by a passenger paying any fare except a child or student fare. Children ages 5 to 11 are entitled to a reduced fare when accompanied by a passen-ger paying any fare except a child or student fare.

Fares for Students: Students in grades 12 or under may purchase student bus tickets. Student bus tickets are sold in groups of ten and are discounted 33% off the one-way fare (rounded to the nearest quarter). They may be used only when school is in session. Student tickets may be purchased by mail, by writing to NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza East, Newark, NJ 07105-2246; or call 973-491-7112. Students can also save 25% off the price of a monthly rail commuter ticket. Ask the ticket agent at the rail station for an application.

Weekend and Holiday Family Supersaver Fares: Family Supersaver Fares are available on both NJ TRANSIT buses and trains. Up to 2 chil-dren ages 5 to 11 may ride free with a passenger paying any fare except a child or student fare. These fares are valid weekends (or holidays) from 7:00 PM Friday (or the eve of the holiday) to 6 AM Monday (or the day following the holiday). The Family Supersaver Fare is not valid on certain bus routes.

Boleterías automaticas (TVM): Se vende bo-nos mensuales y semanales de ferrocarril NJ TRAN-SIT tanto como pasajes sencillos y de ida y vuelta en boleterías automáticas que se encuentran en todas las estaciones de ferrocarril del “Northeast Corridor” dentro del condado de Middlesex, Hobo-ken Terminal, Penn Station, New York, y Penn Sta-tion Newark. Los boleterías automáticas aceptan Visa, MasterCard, Discover y tarjetas de debito or billetes de hasta $20.00. Boletos de tarifa especial o de mayores de edad para viajes ida y vuelta deben ser comprados como dos boletas de ida en dos transacciones separadas. Evita las colas!

Otros tarifas especiales de NJ TRANSITTarifas de niños: NJ TRANSIT ofrece tarifas re-ducidas para niños. Hasta 3 niños de cuatro años o menos pueden viajar gratis si estan acompa-ñados de un pasajero que paga qualquier tarifa menos la de niños o estudiantes. Niños de 5 to 11 años tienen derecho a tarifa reducida si estan acompañados de un pasajero que paga qualquier tarifa menos la de niños o estudiantes. Tarifas estudiantiles: Estudiantes hasta el ul-timo año de secundaria pueden comprar pasajes estudiantiles. Se venden pasajes estudiantiles en bloques de diez (a un descuento de 33% sobre el pasaje normal (redondeado al proximo $0.25). Valen solamente los días de clases. Pasajes estu-diantiles se venden por correo en: NJ TRANSIT, 1 Penn Plaza, Newark, NJ 07105-2246. o llame a 973-491-7112. Estudiantes también pueden ahorrar 25% del precio del bono mensual de ferrocarril. Solicite un formulario en la taquilla de la estación.Tarifa familiar “supersaver” fi nes de se-mana y feriados: Tarifas familiares “supersaver” estan disponibles para autobuses y ferrocarril de NJ TRANSIT. Hasta 2 niños de 5 a 11 años pueden viajar gratis si estan acompañados de un pasa-jero que paga qualquier tarifa salvo la de niños o estudiantes. Estos pasajes son válidos desde el viernes a las 7:00 PM (o la víspera del feriado) has-ta 6 AM el lunes (o del día después del feriado). Tarifas familiares “supersaver” no valen en ciertas rutas de autobús.

























































* Part time, limited, and/or commuter peak period service. Check bus schedules for exact days, times and locations of service.** Bus route designations are used only on NJ TRANSIT buses and schedules and Middlesex County Area Transit (MCAT) shuttle schedules.




























SAVINGS (over one-way fare)AHORROS (sobre pasaje sencillo)


One-way TicketPasaje sencillo

Valid on any single tripVálido en cualquier pasaje sencillo

Occasional riderspasajeros esporádicos

10-Trip TicketsBoletos de 10 pasajes

Valid for ten one-way trips within 20 days from date of purchaseVálido en diez pasajes sencillos dentro de 20 días de la fecha de compra

10%-20% 2-3 day a week commuters or those riding 20 days or less in any monthpasajeros de hora pico que viajan 2-3 días semanal o menos de 20 días mensual

Intrastate PassBono intraestado

Unlimited use on intrastate routes only during the calendar monthUso ilimitado solamente en rutas dentro del estadado durante un mes

15% for 2 or more zones15% para 2 o más zonas

Daily ridersPasajeros diários

Interstate PassBono interestado

Unlimited use on interstate routes during the calendar monthUso ilimitado en rutas entre estadados durante un mes

30% for 6 or more zones30% para 6 o más zonas

Daily ridersPasajeros diários

Intracommuter PassBono de conexión

Unlimited use on trips via Routes 9 & 18 from Weehawken, Hoboken, Jersey City and Newark during the calendar month/ Uso ilimitado en viajes via Rutas 9 & 18 desde Weehawken, Hoboken, Jersey City y Newark durante un més

28% or more for 6 for more zones28% o más para 6 o más zonas

Daily ridersPasajeros diários



SAVINGS (over one-way fare)AHORROS (sobre pasaje sencillo)


One-way TicketPasaje sencillo

Valid on any single trip; valid until used (no expiration)/Válido en cualquier pasaje sencillo; vale hasta usado (no se vence)

Occasional riderspasajeros esporádicos

10-Trip TicketsBoletos de 10 pasajes

Valid on ten one-way trips; valid until used (no expiration) / Válido en diez pasajes sencillos; vale hasta usado (no se vence)

Daily or frequent riders/Pasajeros diários o fre-quentes

Monthly Commutation Ticket/Billete mensual

Valid for unlimited trips between designated rail stations during the calendar month designated on the ticket/Válido para viajes ilimitados entre las estaciones ferroviarias designados durante el mes calendario señalado en el billete

30% / 30% Daily or frequent riders/Pasajeros diários o fre-quentes

Weekly Com-mutation Ticket/Billete semanal

Valid for the week the ticket is issued, for unlim-ited trips between designated rail stations from Saturday 12:01 AM through 6:00 AM the follow-ing Saturday/Válido para la semana emitido para viajes ilimitados entre las estaciones ferroviarias designadas desde el sábado a las12:01AM hasta las 6:00 AM del sábado siguiente

15% / 15% Daily or frequent riders/Pasajeros diários o fre-quentes


month for a cost of $54.00. The bus pass also entitles users to free

necting local NJ TRANSIT buses. Passes for more than one zone

weekly or monthly Rail Pass are also entitled to a free one-zone transfer on con-

sey durante un més por $54.00. El

Usuarios de bonos de ferrocarril semanales o mensuales “Rail Pass” también tienen derecho de

Bus StopBoard Here For

810 to Woodbridge Center811 to South River814 to North Brunswick814 To Middlesex County College815 to Woodbridge Center

This Stop # 23497For your next scheduled bus

CALL 973-275-5555 orTEXT your stop # to mybus (69287)

Brunswick Square Mall-Jamesburg Shuttle