meter and regulating stations (mrs) design

7/23/2019 Meter and Regulating Stations (MRS) Design 1/59 Design Of Meter and Regulating Stations (MRS)

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Design Of Meter and

Regulating Stations (MRS)

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Desain statsiun meter dan pengaturan (mtering and regulatingstation) yang baik diperlukan untuk:

• Sustained Safety

• Accuracy

• Pressure!o" control


Many particulars are to be considered and assembled into

speci*cations and dra"ings to accomplis+ for properdesign ob,ecti-es.

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#lo" Range $onsiderations

As a *rst step establis+ t+e gas load• Ma/imum #lo" Rate• Minimum #lo" Rate• 0+et+er loads are constant1 +a-e little or "ide -ariations•

2tmost care s+ould be taken "+ile assessing t+e load• In our conditions consumer try to pro-ide lo" loads to sa-e insecurity deposit1 "+ic+ e-entually result in meter under si3ing bad design of metering station

• ormally metering stations are designed for ma/imum !o"rate. 4o"e-er minimum +ourly loads s+ould be considered to

ensure t+at regulators and meters +a-e satisfactoryrangibility regulator to +a-e tig+t s+uto5 • #uture Pro,ections s+ould also be included. It is appropriate to

+a-e it agreed at t+e time of contract.

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Pressure $onditions

Inlet pressureInlet

pressure• Does it +a-e "ide -ariation

• 0+et+er it is more t+an normal MAOP of t+e instruments1

good to deli-er outlet pressure e.g. normally MAOP of metersin distribution system is 678psig and t+at of 'mcorrector is699psig. If inlet pressure is more t+an 9psig t+an aregulator at t+e inlet of t+e meter "ould be installed.

•  %+e ma/imum pressure "ill determine t+e MAOP of t+einstruments1 particularly of regulator

•  %+e minimum -alue of t+e pressure "ill be used for si3ingt+e regulator and metering e;uipment.

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<Pressure $onditions

Outlet Pressure•  %+is pressure is set by t+e contract operational


•  %+e regulator s+ould be designed according to t+e

minimum and ma/imum outlet pressure acceptable to t+ecustomer.

•  %+e amount of pressure reduction is a ma,or indication of"+et+er a single stage pressure regulator "ill besatisfactory or if multiple stage reduction is re;uired.

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<Pressure $onditions

 %ype of =oad• $yclic loads needs critical analysis1 to ascertain t+e e/act

peak load (design load)

• =oads t+at goes to 3ero re;uire regulators capable of tig+t>

s+ut>o5 • #or "ider -ariation of loads1 "e "ould re;uire +ig+errangibility meters.

• Special consideration s+ould be gi-en to select a meter forcontinuous loads1 suc+ as process industries1 city loads etc.In t+ese cases usually inferential meters "+ic+ does not

block are more suitable. Sometimes to ompro-e rangibillitymultiple meter runs are installed "it+ s"itc+ing e;uipments

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as $onditions Ambient $onditions

•  %+e pipeline ;uality gas s+ould be dry and clean

• If dust or ot+er particles (condensate +ig+er +ydrocarbon)are present1 *ltering e;uipments s+ould be installedupstream of t+e station.

• Dust *lters are e;uipped "it+ suitable mes+ or coalescing*lter elements. It is good practice to install a 69 micron*lter elements. %+e *lters can be selected from t+e tablesaccording to gas loads and pressure.

• If t+ere are larger pressure cuts and ambient temperature

are e/pected to be lo"1 t+e free3ing of measuringe;uipment s+ould be considered. In suc+ cases ade;uateselection of +eating tapes1 indirect>*red gas +eaters1in+ibitors like glycol in,ection etc.

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• A metering regulating station s+ould preferably+a-e noise le-el less t+an ?8 db (decibel)

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MeteringStation Survey

Sur-ey of meteringstation s+ould be done-ery carefully because

design of meter andregulating stationdepend on t+is sur-ey.A poor sur-ey canresult in undersi3e oro-ersi3e design.

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Selection of Dust #ilter

Dust *lter s+ould be installed at t+e inlet of t+e metering

regulating station to protect regulator pilots main -al-es1

meters etc.• Ma/imum !o" rate at minimum inlet pressure

• Ma/imum di5erential pressure @ psi• Ma/imum 69 microns solids• Design must meet ASM' code and ASI &6B.C code





0 25 50 75 100   %  a  g  e  o   f   i  n   i   t   i  a


   D   i   f   f  e  r  e  n   t   i  a   l   p  r

  e  s  s  u  r  e Pressure Differential Vs Percent Plugged

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<Selection of Dust #ilter

• It +as been e/perimentally establis+ed t+at *lters "+enclogged plugged to 89E +ad a 699E increase in di5erentialpressure1 and 78E plugged element +ad a 99E increase ofdi5erential pressure. It is t+erefore assumed t+at "+en t+edi5erential pressure across t+e *lter increases 699E from t+e

original di5erential 1 t+e *lter elements are 89E plugged and"+en t+e di5erential reac+es times t+e original1 t+eelement are 78E plugged.

• It is recommended t+at t+e *lter s+ould be replaced "+en t+edi5erential pressure is F of t+e ma/imum allo"able pressure

drop•  %+e 78E plugged condition is normally suggested. So t+e

initial di5erential pressure of t+e *lter "ould be 6 t+ of t+erecommended di5erential pressure for *lter replacement (i.e.F of t+e ma/imum allo"able pressure)

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0orking Pressure @ 699psig1 #lo" Rate @ B91999 ftC+r

Ma/imum Allo"able Pressure Drop @ B psig

Di5erential Pressure for replacement of elements

@F of Ma/imum Allo"able Pressure drop @6GB@ Cpsig

o" C psig is t+e ma/imum pressure di5erential limit for *lter

element replacement. According to 78E plugged rule Cpsig

(?9 in 0.$.) di5erential "ill be e/perienced "+en *lter

elements are 78E plugged. So t+e initial di5erential pressureneeds to be HG?9 @ 9 in 0.$.

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In t+e table see t+e capacity at t+e intersection of 699psig inlet pressure and 9 in0.$. di5erential pressure. %+e capacity is BB1999 ftC4r. "+ic+ is good for gi-enconditions.

#A AD #S #I=%'R $APA$I%J %A&='

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Remo-al of $ondensate

Remo-al of condensate is accomplis+ed by installing aknock>out -essel at t+e inlet of t+e metering station.ormally t+e direction of gas !uid is c+anged eit+er by

putting an obstruction plate or by employing multiplecyclones in parallel to remo-e li;uid particles. %+e c+angein -elocity enables t+e li;uid particles to drop do"n in t+ebottom of t+e scrubber.

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=ine 4eater

 %+ese are used to pre-ent :

• 4ydrate condensate "it+in gas stream to clog pilot line andregulator ori*ce

• Ice deposition around outside of regulator and control line

ydrocar!on De"point #oundary

   P  r  e  s  s  u  r  e $as


&ncreasing gas te'perature atconstant pressure "ill !ringt(e gas strea' in t(e rig(t of

t(e De" Point #oundary )i*e*$as P(ase+


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<=ine 4eater

=ine 4eater Selection is based on :

• ormal inlet station pressure

• Minimum outlet station pressure

• Design !o" rate

• Inlet gas temperature

• Outlet gas temperature re;uired

• Ma/imum pressure drop across 4eater $oil at design !o"

(less t+an 69 psi)

 %+e amount of +eat re;uired to raise t+e temperature of gi-en

 ;uality of gas to desired temperature is calculated from t+e

 ent+alpy cur-e.

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<=ine 4eater

At 899psig and 9K# inlet temperature 'nt+alpy@?.8 &tuftC

At 899psig and 78K# desired outlet temperature 'nt+alpy@?. &tuftC

Di5erence @ 9. &tuftC1 If t+e !o" rate @ MM$#D @ 6BB1BBB ftC4r %+en amount of 4eat Re;uired @ 6BB1BBB G9. @ BB1BBB &tu 4r&y using t+is +eating -alue t+e suitable si3e of 4eater can be selected from t+emanufacturerLs catalog

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Regulator Selection

• Regulators are re;uired to control t+e do"nstreampressure in t+e metering station at one or more points

• Regulators are si3ed for ma/imum anticipated !o"re;uirement "it+ t+e minimum inlet pressure

• Alt+oug+ many regulators can operate o-er a "ide !o"and pressure ranges1 often it is necessary to considerparallel runs to +a-e better control1 redundancy andcapacity increase

• Regulators re;uired to operate nearly closed position o-erlong periods of time "ill tend to +a-e more -al-e and seat

damage1 t+an a unit t+at is si3ed to +a-e -al-e open atleast 69E

• A small regulator can be installed in one line and t+elarger regulator in t+e parallel line to +andle larger !o"sup to t+e re;uired capacity

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<Regulator Selection

• Ade;uate "orking space s+ould be a-ailable for regulator1plug -al-es maintenance

• Regulators "it+ an e/ternal control line s+ould +a-esensing point 8 69 pipe diameters. $ontrol line may be

H16 or N depending upon t+e types of regulator anddistance from t+e pressure sensing point to t+e regulator

• 'ac+ regulator s+ould +a-e a separate sensing tap andcontrol line.

• Sensing tap s+ould not be installed on t+e *ttings suc+ ase/panders1 %ees1 'lbo"s etc.

• $ontinuity of operation is t+e most essential consideration.In case of fail to close regulators1 free3ing possibilities1 it isa good practice to +a-e parallel regulator runs.

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<Regulator Selection

• Pilots re;uire clean and dry operating supply1 +eating taps1small *lters can be installed on t+e pilot lines

• #or safety of regulator operation normally1 regulators "it+relief -al-e or monitoring regulators are used. #ordistribution system monitoring operation is preferred"+ereas relief -al-e is used for remote locations in general

• Regulator by>pass and parallel legs are good for performingroutine maintenance

• #or */ed factor applications t+e droop s+ould be in 6E

(accuracy). 4o"e-er1 for *eld tapping up to 69E droop isa-ailable.

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Regulator Si3ing

Most control -al-es are rated "it+ a capacity term called $-1

"+ic+ is de*ned as t+e number of gallons of "ater per

Minute t+at "ill !o" t+roug+ t+e -al-e "it+ 6 psi pressure

drop across t+e -al-e.

$- @ Q(P B.B)0+ere @ ;uality of "ater in gpm

 P@ Pressure drop in psi

ormally $- or -alues of t+e regulators are gi-en by t+e

manufacturers and formulae for calculating t+e regulator

capacity at critical and non>critical !o"s are gi-en. %+ecapacity tables can also be used.

According to AALs recommendation

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<Regulator Si3ingIf P is less t+an ?E of (P6) inlet pressure t+an use formula:

+ @ 7B.G$-Q(P(P6)) MS$#4r < formula > 6

Ot+er"ise use formula

+ @ 8.8 G$- Q(P(P6TP)) <formula >

$apacity #ormula as gi-en by di5erent manufacturers

ROCKWELL (Now SENSUS) @ Q(P9(P6>P9)) for P6P9 U 6.?

@ P6 for P6P9 V 6.?

factor for -arious ori*ces

 Or  i    f    i     c  e

Single Port Double Port

1/8” ¼” 3/8” ½” 3/4” 1” 1” 1 ½” 1 ¾” 2 1/8” 3”

K 33 132 292 52 85 13 2 42! 545 888 1!!4

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<Regulator Si3ing

• '/ample:

P6 @ Minimum inlet pressure @ 699psia

P9 @ outlet pressure @ B9 psia

$apacity @ 991999 S$#4r

P6P9 @ 699B> @ 6.BB U6.? use formula 6

991999 @ Q(B9(699 B9))

@ 9?61 so from t+e abo-e table "e can select t+e ori*cesi3e of 6 F +a-ing @79

for monitoring total capacity of bot+ regulators is normallytaken as 79E of t+e capacity of a single regulator. So diaregulator "it+ an ori*ce si3e of 6 F "ill be selected

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<Regulator Si3ing

#ind for @9?6

@79Q(B9(699>B9)) @ 91C9 S$#4r

If monitoring is re;uired1

calculated @9?6 "ill become @ 8?C9

0+ic+ means no" "e need an ori*ce si3e of 6? dia.

0+ic+ is a-ailable in C dia as R0>6>87S regulator. Its

MAOP is 678 psig "+ic+ can +andle inlet pressure of 699 psig


• $apacities can be calculated regulator selected from t+e

soft"are de-eloped by t+em• $apacity tables can be consulted

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<Regulator Si3ing (FISER


• #ormulas

(i) @ P6(abs) ($g) (6.) "+en P9P6 W 9.8

(ii) @ Q(89%) $g Sin (C67$6 QpP6) D' 0+en

P9P6 V9.8


P6 @ Inlet Pressure

P9 @ Outlet Pressure

$6 @ $g  $- 1 $g @ as Si3ing $o>eXcient1 See tables

  from #is+er catalog for C regulators

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Important $onsiderations

A regulator is usually capable of +a-ing more t+an one ori*cesi3e. MAOP of t+e regulator de*nes t+e ma/imum operatingpressure of t+e regulator body1 but pressure rating for di5erentori*ces may be less t+an MAOP. So great care s+ould be taken

for t+e selection of ori*ce for a particular ori*ce si3e1 ot+er"iseregulator "ould not pro-ide tig+t lock>up.

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S+uto5 Yal-e Selection

 %"o types are generally used

• Plug Yal-es

• &all Yal-es

$LU! %"L%ES

• Reduced port

• =ubricated

• Recommended to be used do"nstream of regulator or meter

&"LL %"L%ES

• #ull opening (lesser pressure drop)• on>lubricated

• Recommended to be used upstream of t+e meter regulator

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<S+uto5 Yal-e Selection

 %+e capacities of t+e -al-e can be calculated from t+e AA

formulas for regulators if $- is gi-en. 4o"e-er as a t+umb

rule one step lo"er t+an pipe si3e can be used for -al-e si3e

(i.e. for pipe -al-e is normally O. Some designers

prefer to use same si3e -al-es for symmetry and to a-oid

*ttings like reducers e/panders.

• &lock -al-es are installed on t+e inlet outlet of t+emetering and regulating stations1 ot+er locations could be.

• Isolations of di5erent sections suc+ as *lters1 regulators1meter stations1 by>pass legs1 blo" do"ns1 relief -al-es1scrubbers etc.

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Yal-e Zoint Selection

• 0eld neck !anges are used for abo-e ground applicationsfor ease of disassembly

• 0elded -al-es eliminate potential for leaks1 t+ese are moresuitable for underground applications

•  %+read -al-e ,oints +a-e +ig+ potential for leakage1 t+eses+ould be a-oided as far as possible. $an be used for smallinstrument -al-es

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Pipe Si3ing $on*guration

• AA recommend -elocities in piping system from 89 ftsec to99 ftsec. Di5erent companies use t+eir o"n limits onpipelines -elocities. =o"er -elocities are used to +a-e a;uieter system and to +a-e lo" "ear and tear ofinstruments

• SP= may use t+e -alue of pipeline -elocity of ?9ftsec fordesigning purposes

formula for calculation of -elocity:

Y @ 9.78 +DPf 

Y@-elocity (ftsec)1 +@-olumetric !o" rate (S$#4r)

D@ inside diameter (inc+)1 Pf @!o"ing pressure (psia)

• #rom t+is formula "e can calculate t+e diameter of piping in-arious sections of t+e metering regulating stations

D@ Q(9.78+YPf )

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• #irst of all determine t+e type of meter t+at "ill be bestsuited for t+e load applications

• In SP= follo"ing types of meters are generally used

'omesti Low Capaity Commerial *eterin+ Station

•  %+ese consumers +a-e -ery large -ariations in load "+ic+re;uire -ery +ig+ rangibility as suc+ diap+ragm meters+a-ing rangibility of 6:699 are used

!eneral Industry i+, $ressure Lar+e Capaity

Commerial *eterin+ Stations

• $omparati-ely lo"er !uctuations in load. ormally largecapacity diap+ragm or positi-e displacement rotary metersare used "+ic+ +a-e rangibility of 6:9

• In case of process industry "+ere it is not desirable to +a-egas supply s+uto51 turbine meters are more suitable

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Lar+e Capaity *eter Stations su, as -ertili.ers

Cement and $ower

• ormally inferential meters1 ori*ce or turbine meters areused for suc+ applications

• Ori*ce meters +a-e a rangibility of 6:C.8 and turbine meters+a-e rangibility of 6:6? (at 9) and 6: at a pressure of78psig

• #or diap+ragm and rotary meters t+ere is no speci*cre;uirement of straig+t upstream and do"nstream piping

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Seletion o- 'iap,ra+m and Rotary *eters

• =oad in S$# 4r (ma/imum and minimum)

• Metering Pressure (Minimum)

• In diap+ragm meters t+e capacity does not increase

corresponding to t+e pressure factor1 as suc+ consult tableagainst t+e ma/imum load and minimum metering pressureto *nd select t+e ade;uately si3ed meters

• $ompany is presently s"itc+ing o-er to rotary meters dueto t+eir sustained accuracy1 smaller si3e and non>ad,usting

accuracy features

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Rotary *eter Seletion

• $alculate t+e pressure factor against t+e meteringpressure1 suppose metering pressure @ 9psig (min.)

P.#. @ (9T6.B8) 6.B8 @ C.7C

• Ma/imum load @ 61999 $uft4r• $alculate uncorrected -olume i.e. compressed -olume of

t+e gas to be passed t+roug+ t+e meter at meteringpressure @ 61999 C.7C @ C67 ftC4r

• Di-ide t+is -olume by 9.?8 as a facor of safety @ C7?8

• $apacities of rotary meters in company used are: >

R$CM678 @ C999 ftC4r 1 R$8M678 @ 8999 ftC4r

R$7M678 @ 7999 ftC4r 1 R$66M678 @ 66999 ftC4r

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In t+is e/ample t+e uncorrected !o" rate is more t+an C999ftC4r and less t+an 8999 ftC4r1 so "e "ill select meterR$8M6781 t+e suX/ 678 depicts its MAOP

• $ompany +as decided to go for t+e automatic 'lectronicYolume $orrection by use of 'lectronic Yolume $orrectors.

So meter R$8M678 "it+ 'Y$ "ill be selected• Similar principle s+all be applied for t+e selection of %urbine

meters. 4o"e-er1 great care s+ould be taken to +a-estraig+t run piping upstream and do"nstream of t+e meteras recommended in AA>7

• ormally 69 pipe dia upstream of t+e turbine meters and 8

pipe dia. Do"nstream are to be used• A H dia by>pass line across t+e inlet -al-e of t+e turbine

meter leg is -ery essential "+ic+ is needed forcommissioning of t+e meter

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Ori/e *eter si3ing ori*ce meters formula

@ $ Q(+"Pf ) is used

&eta Ratio @ [ @dD @Ori*ce Dia pipe dia @ 9.8

may be used for design purposes

As a t+umb rule $ @ #b (AA>C) G6.6minimum -alue of +" may be taken as @ ? in 4O

pf  @ Absolute Static Pressure @ 899 psia

@ #b G6.6 Q(? G 899)

-. /ine Valve

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@ 6B71999

#b@ 6B71999 (6.6 G66?) @ 6979 (gi-en -alue of about 7 ori*ce dia.)

• o" *nd t+e -alue of ori*ce dia from t+e tables of AA>Creport

• Meter run dia can be found by using [ ratio@[email protected] +enceD@ d9.81 [email protected] @6 pipe dia for meter tube

•  %+e meter run can also be si3ed by using a computer soft"areprogramme de-eloped by manufacturers

• ormally 699 di5erential pressure recorder is used for

recording +" in t+e company

• Pro-ide ma/imum possible straig+t pipe upstream anddo"nstream of t+e ori*ce *ttings as recommended in AA>Cot+er pertinent instructions of AA>C s+ould be follo"ed

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ormal Piping Arrangement of Distribution MeteringStations



Di#%&r#g' /"ot#r(


O*/O++ ,-.,

O*/O++ ,-.,




$as lo"

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<ormal Piping Arrangement ofDistribution Metering Stations


O*/O++ ,-.,



$as lo"


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<ormal Piping Arrangement ofDistribution Metering Stations

   "  e  g  u   l  #

   t  o  r  $

   "  e  g  u   l  #

   t  o  r  $

   O   *   /   O   +   +

   ,   -   .   ,   

   1   i   l   t  e


   M  e   t

  e  r

   $  a  s   1   l  o  "

= $ i M i

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=arge $apacity MeteringStation

 %+ese stations normally +a-e four blocks

6. #iltration

. Regulation for t+e Meter

C. Meters

. Regulation for t+e deli-ery pressure if re;uired. %ypicalsketc+es of piping of large capacity meters in t+ecompany

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<=arge $apacity Metering Station

$as lo"

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<=arge $apacity Metering Station

$as lo"

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• Load and $ressure Re0uirements

=oad @ 9 M$#4r ma/imum

  @ M$#4r Minimum

Inlet Pressure @ 9 psig ma/imum

  @ 9 psig minimumOutlet Pressure @ ? psig

• Ot,er In-ormation

 %ype of Industry @ eneral Industry in Pri-ate SectorMonitoring Re;uired @ Jes1 by "ay of Data =ogging

Deli-ery Pressure Re;uired @ $onstant

as uality @ Probability of Presence of Dust

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• $roposal

 %ype of Measurement @ Meter "it+ 'Y$ "ill be suitable

#ilters @ #ilters "ill be re;uired for t+e remo-al of dust

Regulation @ Pilot Operated "it+ minimum droop

• Filter

Pressure (minimum) @ 9 T 68 @ 88 psia

(ma/) @ 9 M$#4r

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#A AD #S #I=%'R $APA$I%J %A&='

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• Re+ulatorsP6P9 @ 88C @ .C V6.?9so1 "e "ill use @ G P6 or @ C?6

for @C?61 ori*ce si3e of F is suitable

for monitoring @C?69.7 @ 8 implied ori*ce si3e of N$onsult Regulator catalog of -arious regulator manufacturersand select regulator si3e "it+ ori*ce N or e;uilentP9P6 @ C88 @9.6use formula @ Pabs G $g G 6.

$g @ 91999 6. G 88 @ ?6#is+er 6 C at B9E +as $g @C8#is+er F +as $g@99 and N +as $g@C9

So #is+er "ill be selected for monitoring

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• *eterRangibility @ :9 i.e 6:69

Diap+ragm or Rotary Meters can be selected.since Rotary meters are more rugged and 'Y$ is re;uired1 "e"ill go for Rotary Meter "it+ 'Y$

Minimum Metering Pressure @ 9 psigPressure #actor @ 9T6.B8 6.B8 @C.7C2ncorrected Yolume @ 9 C.7C @ 8.CB M$#4rma/imum !o" t+roug+ t+e meter s+ould be 9.?8 of t+e

ma/imum rated capacity of t+e meter.

so uncorrected -olume for design purpose @ [email protected]$#R$ 8M @ 8 M$# and R$ 7M @ 7 M$#So meter R$ 7M678 "it+ 'Y$ or e;ui-alent "ill be selected "+ic+

+as connection si3e of C

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• $ipin+Inlet Piping:Inlet Pressure (Minimum) @ 88ma/ @ 9 M$#4rD @ Q(9.78G91999)(B8G88) @ .99

Outlet Piping:Outlet Pressure @ Cma/ @ 9 M$#4rD @ Q(9.78G91999)(CG89) @ C.6B\

 %o c+eck if relati-e dia section of pipe can be used againstcalculated dia pipe1 assume pipe section @ 6ft

Darcy ';uation:dp@("6)/f/(=D)/(Yg) [email protected].?8G6G(89G89)(GC.67)

[email protected] psig\ 9.6?

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Di#%&r#g' /"ot#r(


O*/O++ ,-., 2”






$as lo"




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O*/O++ ,-., 1”




2” i#

$asir lo"


. . 


12. . 

Pipe Dia* 2. 



12. 6eedle Valve

)0 100psig+


12. 6eedle Valve

)0 100psig+



,ee to !e connected"it( ir %o'pressor

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Selection of s+uto5 -al-e

6. #or pressure drop in psig (sub,ect to P@CE of Pinlet)

dp @ 9.66BG#PpsiaG](A) in MS$#

. #or pressure drop in inc+es of "ater column

dp(inc+es of 4O) @ C.G#PpsiaG]G(A)

"+ere dp @ pressure drop

Ppsia @ Absolute Static Pressure in upstream pipe

(S$#4)@as #lo" in S$#4r

A @ Pipe #lo" Area in inc+es] @ compressibility #actor

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<Selection of s+uto5 -al-e

• $alculations

Inlet -al-e

since pipe si3ing @ so "e "ill *rst analy3e dia -al-e

#@9.C (from table)

Assume @ dp@6psi 1 @9MS$#4r1 Pressure@88psia]@9.?

2se [email protected]#Pabs G]G(scf+A)

[email protected].?(9A)


@9.C88 or [email protected]#rom table for [email protected] 6 dia -al-e is suXcient. 4o"e-er for

symmetry dia -al-e can also be recommended1 "+ic+"ill pro-ide lo"er di5erential pressure.

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<Selection of s+uto5 -al-e

Do"nstream Outlet Yal-e

dp@69 inc+es of 4O (as do"nstream pressure is -ery lo""e +a-e to keep pressure loss to be minimum)

]@9. from grap+

Since pipe si3e is "e "ill initially calculate A for use formula #@9.7

dp (inc+es of 4O)@C.G#Pabs G](A)

69@C. G9.7C G9.(9A)

[email protected] from table again [email protected] -al-e si3e b" 6 H to

6 6 is good1 so "e "ill select -al-e.