metallurgical & materials engineering


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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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laws and equations of chemistry applied to engineering



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Bragg's law gives the angles for coherent scattering from a crystal lattice. When X-rays are incident on an atom, they make the electronic cloud move. The movement of these charges re-radiates waves with the same frequency ; this phenomenon is known as Rayleigh scattering (or elastic scattering). These re-emitted wave fields interfere with each other either constructively or destructively (overlapping waves either add together to produce stronger peaks or subtract from each other to some degree), producing a diffraction pattern.GIBBS FREE ENERGY

Where G is the Gibbs free energy, H is the enthalpy, T is absolute temperature and S is entropy. This important equation is used to determine if a particular phase is stable as well as determining whether or not a chemical reaction will occur.VANT HOFF EQUATION

Where K is the equilibrium constant, T is temperature, H is the enthalpy of the reaction and R is the gas constant. It provides the materials engineer a means to determine how the equilibrium constant for a reaction or process will vary with temperature.5ARRHENIUS EQUATION

The Arrhenius equation describes the temperature (T) dependence of the rate constant, k, for an activated process that must overcome an activation energy barrier, Q. A is the pre-exponential factor and R is the gas constant. This equation is used to characterize the kinetics of many metallurgical and materials engineering processes.6FICKS FIRST LAW

Where J is the flux of an atomic species, D is the diffusion coefficient, C is the concentration of the species and x is the distance. Fick's First Law is used to study the movement of atoms (i.e. diffusion) within a material. Diffusion is very important in many material processes. Diffusion is also the controlling step in a large number of solid state transformations. Metallurgists and materials engineering try to control these transformation reactions in order to produce various structures, giving rise to desirable properties.7HALL PETCH EQUATION

This equation indicates that the strength of a metal is equal to the frictional stress plus a factor (k) times the inverse of the square root of the grain size (D). Reducing the grain size will cause the material to become stronger. Grain size reduction is also a means to increase the toughness of a metal.FOURIERS HEAT CONDUCTION EQUATION

Fourier's heat conduction equation is a partial differential equation that describes the change in temperature (T) as a function of time (t) and position (x). The material properties of heat capacity (Cp), density (rho) and thermal conductivity (k) also play a role. Solutions to this equation provides the materials engineer a means to predict the temperature variation in a solid body. This equation is one of several used in understanding transport phenomena in materials systems. The transport of heat, mass and momentum need to be understood and control in order to produce high quality materials for use by people.PROCESS CAPABILITY EQUATION

During the manufacturing of products, it is often necessary to determine the process capability (Cpk) of specific operations. In this equation USL is the upper specification limit, LSL is the lower specification limit, x-bar is the average and s is the standard deviation of the measurements made. Manufacturing is an important means to not only make product, but it will also increase the wealth of people. This process capability equation is often used in statistical process control of production operations.ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY EQUATION

The electrical conductivity in a material is related to the number of negatively and positively charged species (nnand np, respectively), the charges on these species (qnand qp) as well as the mobility of each species (nand p). Understanding how to create materials that have appropriate electrical conductivity has allowed for production of a large number of modern electronic items that we use on a daily basis.