message from the pleiades


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Eduard Billy Meier



Fran the German l anguage or i gina l scollected by the Stevens- El.der-s- jcel ch team during their

six year on- s i t e investigati on while events were happening

Edited and annotat ed by w. C. Stevens

Liberal r e f erence has been made to Elders and welchf i l e notes, memor anda , and r e co r ds of the trips


All rights, inc: ltrling that of translaticn into any otrer arespecdfIcal.Iv reserved. lb part of this publicatioo may be reprcdoced in anyfOIID, stored in a retrieval system, or be transmitted. by any rreth::d orIIEanS, electrical,, recordiriq, or otherwise, with--cut prior permtssdcn of tre cqJ';{right holders . All rights are exclusi velyheld by the a::pyright bolders ,

Originally p rinted. in the lhited. States of lnerica

Q:pyri.ghts 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, arrl 1979ty UFO m:JID l\RCJIlVES, P.O. lbx 172Cfj, 'rucscn, l1Z 85710 ; am QNESIS IIIPublishi..rq, Inc. , P.O. nra-er J J , l·Urrls Park, p,z 86017 , U.S.A.

ISBN 0- 934269- 14- 0

'Ihis is tiE J::x::x:k of ccntact rctes f It:lll tfe Pleiaies case that wassro.n at the errl o f the IIDVie d:x:::uIEntary lJFQ; ME RFAL.. \tU.c:h hascaused so IIJJCh interest.


Privately Published


Up to 500 wo rds may be quoted, in correct cont ext , f ranthis work free of charge provided this source i s c l early andcarplete ly identifi ed with that exerpt ,




"The on l y thing limiting the progres s o f theEa rth-human , is the Earth-human hims el f . -

SemjaseExtra terres trial Being


tecercer 1974. '!his is the reter fC£ in R:i.rMil a t a!::alt the t.iIIE theseccntaets with the Pl e ialian ext.ratez'rest.r'Lal.a beqan - Etluard was then\ wot:king part tine as a security gum:1 . ....trich c:harq:rl when he beganto care to at tent.ia1 I:::ecause of his gq::erimces ard tre of theship; he c1.aiJ!Ed to have taken .



After e leven years of investigation into this extensiveUFO contact case taking p lace in SWitzerland, and years oftesting of the physical evidence produced, such as UFO pho-tographs , recorded sounds of the spacecraft , meta.l residueand ship I s landing t r a cks i I have decided to publish rrore ofthe e laborate contact notes for your study and evaluation.These notes were never intended for public release, and

they have much infoDmation of a very personal natureto certain of the individuals involved. Also they are veryvo luminous and could not pcssi.bty be squeezed into one book.Thus we have purged out parts of a personal nature , dialogueof lesser interest , and conversation not of general concernto all.The Contact Notes have actually been translated several

ti..rres by bi- lingual scholars with different backgrounds, butthere have a lways been problems wi th the translation -- ac-curacy being critical. There are txco basic steps to trans-lating wri tten Lnformat.Lon fran one l anguage to another . Thefirst is transliteration ; changing the wcrds , The second i sinterpretation or r e-phrasing of the converted wo rds to ITOstaccurately express the original i dea in proper form in thenew language .Since there frequently are several choices for substitution

of words , scrre conveying different emphasis and sore convey-ing rrcdi.fication of the rreentnq , it is Impor-tant; that thetranslator have a considerable kncwfedqe of the original ideabeing expressed when he is making his choice of words .TIle second step is rrore troublesare because here the trans-lite r a ted words must be rephrased in the new l anguage torrost accurately convey the desired idea. '!here a re alwaysseveral ways t o re-phrase them, and so a gcx:xl understandingof the basic i dea is a lso critical .One Christian translator chose words and re-phrased in the

interpretation step according to her understanding in gcx:xlChr.iat.Lan t.erms , '!he student of '!heosophy interpreted interms o f her C1>m metaphysical concepts, and the phrasingcarte out quite differently . The Universi ty scholar tried tointerpret in tenns of modern scientific thought, and thatwas different too, because the cannunications were impartedto the witness in concepts we Ll undaratcod by him, who wasneither Christian nor Theosophist, nor scholar, but a farmerwith a l imited education and much practical experience in


the schcol o f life, a l ways experienced at a very rrodest in-care level . His concepts are frarred in the understanding hehas developed based on these experfences ,\1e have t r i ed f o r years to agree on one o r anothe r o f thetranslati ons, and finally cane to accept this present versionas the rmre accura te conversion into Eng lis h . Of course , f orr e a l accura cy, the Contact Notes s hould be r e ad in thei rorigina l German.'!his t rans l a tion was made by a young German college student

who spent a great deal o f t i.rre at the r.leier hare, liv ingwith them and observing the various witne s s e s in their dai lylives , and seeking very carefuf explanations . His transla-tions were then checked and approved, as he proceeded, byboth the others a t the hare and by Eduard Neier himself.'Ihi.s may be about as accurate as we can get a t this time.

\'1e have o ther problems in publishing these notes ..cever ,such as the r estrictions on r elease o f infonnation by boththe extraterrestrial s and a lso by other witne s s es and friendsinvolved.Our purging of the s e notes o f per sona l and other sensit i ve

infonna.tion mentioned in tile o rigina l note s necessarily r e-sults in sene discont inuity of thought , but we have s oughtto preserve as much o f the infonnati on as it i s possible tor elease publ icl y a t this t i.rre.We have carried forward the original paragraph numbering

within each of the contact notes in order to f acili tate a llfuture research . It a lso provided a l imited measure of thearrount o f sensitive infonnation in those notes that can notyet 1::::e released.\'men the notes first started, after the first contact with

this extraterrestrial team on 28 January 1975, Eduard (Bi lly)r.1eier sat down to write what he could r emember about; thecontact , and then discovered that it was caning through tohim rapidly, including the whole dia logue, word f or word ,just as though he had recorded i t . La.ter he found tha t thedia logue was in fact recorded by the extra terrestrials andwas 1::::eing rrechanically/telepathically played back to himfran a ccnputer- like device on the s pacecra f t , and he wasreceiving it in a form o f autcmatic writ ing .h'hen r.1eier was l oaned a typewriter , the Pleiadians asked

to borrow it for examination, and Bi lly took it to them onthe next contact . '!hey gave it back to him a few days latersaying it was a primitive machine, and then l>:ieier found thatwhen he sat down to hunt-and-peck sere notes, a contac t mes -


sage cerre through alIrost as r apidly a s the writ ing , en thetypewriter, \',Urking i t with only one f inger on his singl ehand , in a kind of autanat ic typing - - again t ransmittedf ran the canputer aboard the s hip.Still l a ter, s arel::ody gave M=:ier an UN. Se lectronic elec-tric t ypewri ter , and then the notes transmission was shiftedto i t in the serre way. At that point he was t yping nearl y 60words per minute, with one finge r , under rrechano/telepathiccontrol fran the ship . have recordings of this eutrmat.Ictyping.As the l e vel o f imparted infonnat ion trrcroved, the extra-

terrestrial s began informing o f sere things he couldnot reveal to o the r people, things tbat he needed to knowfor his 0NJ1 unde rstanding only.Then he discovered that ecre o f the d ialogue was being

l e f t out o f the t ext on the au tanat i c r e-transmis s i on. ThePle i adians t o ld him that they were witllo l d ing scrre o f thesens i t ive inf onration f or his own qcod. Nh a t he did not re-nember cou l d not be ccreprcrni.sed, He had one o f h i s firstserious a r gurrents wi th them ove r this and obtained a con-cession on their part.1he contacts were not a ll s.i.rrpl e dialogue . '!he r e ..·..e re r ea l

argurrents , discussions , hurror , agreerrents , and e ven soreoutri ght threats , and we have been able to pre s e rve exarrplesof a ll o f the s e f o r you .'!he fonnat f or this p r e sentation i s chronological in the

o rder that the contacts occurred. TIle notes ....'ere usua llywritten up within hours o f the contact and another personwould r ead them and wi tness and date the report .'!he initial s creeni ng of these contact notes was done in

9.-titze r land by the witnesses the re . I f you f eel that notenough infonrat ion i s g iven, or that proofs are being with-held, r emember- tha t those peopl e involved there have theirccn proofs and need no othe r assurance of any kind . 'Ihey arenot i.rrpe lled, nor do they s ee any need, to prove anything toanybody e l s e . 'Ihey have enough threa ts , harrassrrent , andintimidation now, and do not seek to add t o their ccn burden .

have per s uaded them t o share this much with you for yourown infonnat i on, to accept o r disbelieve as you choos e . 'Iheyare not the l eas t bit concerned about; your choice , nor arewe. Af ter a ll , you c lassify your own s elf in thes e mat .te r s .N:>body e lse does .The contact notes open with a per s ona l s tat.errent by :.:eier

about how i t a ll began fo r him.7

\'1e tackle this Contact Notes part o f the Pl e iades Reportwith a great deal of trep idation and no inconsiderable fear .we could deal with the objective physical aspects o f thiscase scientifical ly , and cou ld draw conclusions f r an thetesting and our exper iences during the investi gation .Reporting the subjective aspects o f this case i s much more

difficul t . Realiz ing our def iciencies in kna.vledge, exper'-'ience, and expertese in these mat ters o f spi rit and being,....-e f eel totally unqualified to judge and even to r eportthese rressages to you.There a re a s pects that we agree with, and there are sore

aspects that we have very qcod reason to a cce pt , but a t thes ane t i..rre there a re other aspects with which we total!Y dis -agree. Our disagreerrent hccever , does not make them any rmreor l ess valid. '!hey are as they are, and we each see them inour ocn way . \-Ie have tri ed not to filter these notes for youso that you may j udge f o r yoursel f.Here bhen i s our presentat ion.

Inter j ec tions , footnotes, coeeents and CCllllllent ary by the cOftllile r s of t hist ranslat ion a r e ins er t ed "here ne cessary, and are s e t out in d i f fe rent t ypes ty l e and s ize so as to cl ea rly distingui sh them f rom t he orig i nal t r an s -l ations . These co rrments are made according t o our own belie f an d limitedi n formation , and do not necessa r il y represent the view s o f t he origina lwi t nesses . If we disagr ee with them, it is fo r ou r ONfl r ea sons and does notIIIBl<e us any reor e ri ght than t hey . we a re only express i ng ou r own op i ni onwith far less knowledge of the case than t hos e r.ho e xper i enced it firsthand .



MY FI RST OBSERVATION - (Fduard J. Nei e r )

'!HE FIRST PHYSICAL CDm'ACI', 28 January 197 5


SEXDND <DNrACI', 3 February 197 5

TIlIRD m NrAcr. 8 February 1975FCXJR'IH OONI'ACl', 15 February 1975

FlFTIl m = . 16 February 1975SIXTII lXlNrAcr. 23 February 1975SEVENIH OONTAcr, 25 February 1975EIGlIDI OONl'ACl' , 18 Harch 1975

NlNIll mNrAcr. 21 1975TENIH OOm'ACl' , 26 Harch 1975

ELE.VmIH OONrACI', 15 April 1975'I\ 'lEI.FIH OOm'ACl', 20 Apri l 1975'IHIRTEENIH OONI'ACl' , 25 April 1975FCXJRTEENIH CDNTACl', 29 Apri l 1975FIFI'EENIH CDNI'ACI', 1 l>iay 1975

SIXTEENlli CDm'ACl' , 3 Hay 1975

SE.VmI'EENIH CONI'ACl' , 9 May 1975

EIGh"TEENllJ m NI'Acr . 15 May 1975NINEITEENlH m NrAcr. 16 19751WENTIE:IH OONI'ACl', 20 May 1975

TI1ENI.'Y FIRsr OONrACl', 27 l-1ay 1975TI'iIENlY SEX))ND CDNTACl', 28 Hay 197 5

TIVENIT 'THI RD OON'I'ACl', 3 June 1975'IWENI"{ F'OUR'IH OONTACl', 7 June 1975







TI'lENI'Y SIX'IH OONI'ACT, 18 June 1975




'IHIRTIEnI comet, 15 July 1975THIRTY FIRST CONI'ACT, 17 Jul y 1975


'I1HRTY 'IHIRD OONTACI', 12 Sept ember 1975

'IHIRTY FOOR'IH OONTACT, 14 September 1975

WIRTY FIFlli CX1.'n'ACT, 16 September 1975





At the age o f five I had my first consc ious UFO experience.'lhis was the observat ion o f a great disc-like (flying) ob-ject. It was on the s econd o f June 1942, at exactly nineo 'cl ock in the rroming, at BUl ach, in Kanton Zuri c h. 'Ibget.herwith my father, I was s tanding behind our house bes i de agreat nut-tree , and l ooking eastward in the sky, l ike beingattracted bu t o n l y vaguely knowing why . I f e lt an until nowunknown desire i n roe, whi c h canpelled rre to l ook high abovethe eastern horizon for scrretjunq. '!hat seemed very mys ter -i ous to rre then. So I just f e l t the strange desire , and Il ooked for anything in the azure bluene s s o f the sky 00 thisrather warm and beautiful Sumner rroming .Ten o r fifteen minutes may have passed before my eyes

fastened onto sarething peculiar . Fran out o f the light sky,with quick velocity, a silver flash shot down, hurled like ag igant i c rre tallic arrow', over Eschemoserberg, right towardthe 75 rreters tall Refomed Church s teep l e . But j ustshort o f that g reat ta.-.-er the silver flash cut to the r i ghtand shot past i t directly 'toward our house , and with enor -rrous speed swooped up again. In that small part of a second,the swif t fla sh became g igantically l arge and r ound, to agreat flat rretal d isc . It was l ike a huge discus 25 0 to 30 0rreters in diarreter . '!he disc sped a l ong at on ly 200 rreter sheight above us , canpletely silent . Like a flash , as i t hadappeared only a s econd before in the east, it now disappearedto the west; over the HOr agen for e s t .For a l ong ti..rre I stared westward after the disappearing

object, and then I realized that my perplexed f a ther wasa lso staring headshakingly into the we st. , I asked him ebout.the fast-flying disc , and he observed reflectively that,"'lhis mist; be the newest secret weapcn of Hitler" .At five years o f age that answer was quite insuf f i cient

f or me, '!he ponderous Arrerican bcnbers o f ten flew over ourvillage , dropping bcmbs while , as oft en happened, German"St ukas" and other f ighter c raft could be seen acr oss theborder. I n my e s t imat i on they were as primitive as the Am-eri can bcrebera , s ore of which had been shot down direc tlyover our village by the SWi s s Air Force, o r othe rwise cap-t ured. 'Ihis did not seem to agree wi th my f a ther's explan-ation. He, being a straight f orward, dependable, o ld f ash-i oned man , harbored no great thoughts about; t echnic a l de-


veioprenta , But I, as a five year o ld roy, was very inter -e s ted in s uch marvels produced by the wild and evil warcr iesaround the wor ld . I f o llowed, by radio , the cont inuous bcmbattacks o f the Arret-Leans and the rolling thunder- o f the heavytank and artillery guns which carried to our v il lage overrrany kilareters day and night.It was just not logical to Ire that a ll the primitive and

nurderous weapons of this s econd wor-Id war could have any-thing in ccmron with the futuri s tic d isc I had s een. '!heseand o ther reflecti ons about two very different wor lds rushedtogether in my consciousne s s a s I ponde red this bel ew thatnut t ree . '!here had to be another explanation than my fatherhad, not on ly because of my thoughts , but also because thedisc suddenly seered to me r a the r familiar . I could not getover the thought that I had already seen the sarre or verys imilar discs e l sewhere, and under rmre peaceful c dr cumatan-ce s .Hy thoughts and p r esentiJTents l e d Ire to watch the sky day

and night , especially at night when I could see "trave llings tars " high in the sky, sene bigger and ecrre smaller . Sat-e l lites were then still unknown , and I a l ready r ecogni zedthe banbers and fighters suf f icient ly by their continuousappearance . On the other hand these rrore primitive a ircraf twere not able t o fly so high , l ike the se "dri ven and o f tenflashing s tars ", which moreover o f ten executed zig- zagflights , like I had never seen any airplane make . Just as Isaw those travelling s tars then, one can see them today,very high in the sky, a t 20 to 40 kilareters height, atnight in a clear sky. 'Ib be s ure you are not watching sat-e l lites , the best t drre to observe i s between 22 :00 and 02 :00because at this tiirre the Earth fuLl .y s hadows the s ky franthe s unlight behind i t , and it can not r e flect f ran pass ingsatellites above . Even, in scee cases , certain s cientiststry to affinn the contrary. As the UFOs perform their con-trolled fl i ghts high in the sky, they are usua lly seen nobigger than stars . Hy f i rst observations were a lone at nightwhen I observed then as "t r ave ll ing s tars " , but this changedin a r a the r s hort t .Irre . One n i ce and warm l a t e Surrrner day Isaw, to my de l ight , a spher ica l object high in the sky ,s lowly approaching and descending unti l I could see that i twas a regular sphere. '!hen it disappeared in a flash with notrace and without any noise or reason.FollONing that ti.Ire these daylight operations were repeat-


ed, and one day I again felt sarething s t range in Ire . It waslike a voice sarewhere in my head, and a lso inexplicablepictures pr esented themselves. '!he inner voice and picturesadvised Ire intently and cont inuous l y t o s earch f or answer-sand also to f i nd them. 'Ibis began in the l ate Aut umn of 19 42only a few rn::mths before my 6th bi rthday .'Ihese strange thoughts , the inner voice , and the pictures

began to worry me, because in my ignor ance of such thingsthe thought carre to rre that I might be going c razy .'!his was the reason I turned to one of our protestant min-isters in the hope that he cou l d help me. And he did ve ryreadi ly, and with evident kncwledqe about this mat t e r , a l -though I had never told him anything bef o re . It seerred to methat he was very well Lnf orrred on this UFO mat ter and hadconsiderabl e kncwledqe in this respect . So he advised meabout; UFOs and my inne r voice and the pictures, and expl ainedthat I should try as quickly as possibl e , by myself, to an-swer the voices calling inside Ire. I c an still r errember hiskindly taking away my f ears with the words. "You need not\o,Drry, as you knew that what you hear and see insi de o f youi s only telepathy . " For my astonis hed l ook he then expl ainedto Ire in much detail what I should knew about t e l epathy.Besides this, he explained for me many o ther f acts which Iat that age did not unders tand teo well , but in later yearsl earned to undersrtand canpletel y when I a lso carte to kna v ofthis o l d wor-thy- of-dove c Ierqyman being an initia te .I did as the priest advis ed, and tried intently to direct

IIrf thoughts to the of ten neard voice and to addres s i t . Oneday , a short while later, I suddenly f e l t my thoughts makingcontact sarewhere, scrrehcw.'!he first reaction fran the o the r side was like a gent l elight l aughter, which I heard deep insi de o f Ire , pleasantand relaxing which calmed and delighted me. '!hen the contactfaded away once mere , and I ne i ther heard the voice nor sawthe pictures. SUddenly all was quie t again .St udent s of t his phenomena and r ea l wil l i mmediat el y r ecogniz e

t hese symptoms of va l i dity and be abl e t o relate to wha t is devel opi ng herewi t h Eduard Meier. To them hi s e xper iences have meani ng and confi rm t henature of what i s happening t o hi m.

But before that , whi le I continued my observations, inN::>vember of 1942 , I had a rather peculiar experience . Ithappened. in the "Lmgenziggen" , in an out -of- the-way meadow



behind HOragen forest which was used f or glider landings .One day, fran a c loudy sky, a pear-shaped f l y ing object des-cended and touched the ground. Out o f the ob j ect carre a veryo ld man, and he signalled for rre to care to him. I fo t Icwedhim without a word to say, and e j.Lcwed him to take rre intohis air-vehicle . Alnost i..Imediately, I noticed on the screensthat we were high above the ground. '!hen the pearly ship de-cended again and s e ttled gently onto the qround without myeven feeling the touchdown, '!he o l d nan nntioned for rre towa l k out , which I did , l ike wa l king in a dream. As SCXX1 asI was out the object rose s traight up and disappeared intothe s ky at a splitting speed as I stared in astonishrren.t .Deep in thought , I headed hare, deHberatdnq whether I

s hould t e ll anybody about my experience. '!hen I decided tokeep silent and not even t e ll the priest. So I l i ved withmy s ecret and becarre all the rrore reserved. D..1ring my simpleobject observations over the next two years , anotherfar-reaching experience frightened roe, EVen though explainedby the priest, I had no idea of the diff erent forms o f t ele-pathy, and becarre frightened when on my birthday, on 3 Feb-ruary 1944 , a new vo ice suddenly r ose in my consciousnessand or de red rre to nCM carefully learn and collect knowledge ,to be transmitted to me in this way. I feared I may be l o s -ing my sanity again , and so I was afraid . I did not dare t oentrust this new s i t ua tion to my parents because I did no tthink they wou l d be abl e to understand ITe . On the other handI did not trust this inner voi ce, which this tarre was veryc l ear in my consciousness , because I was of the opinion thatthis c ould be sere form o f delusion , though I a lways tri edto calm myse l f. In fear , I again confided this new s i tuationto the pr iest listened very pat iently and a ttentive ly. Itold him everything in the srrallest detail. Gently then,this wise man smiled and said that I had no need to worry ,because he was Inforrred about; these things. But, regretfully,he could on ly do so much , and teach Ire thoroughly certainmatters. I n this res pect i t would be necessary that I keepabso lute s ile nce , as these things did not agree wi th hispr ofession (as a minister) . He wou l d continue his miss ion,to work as a priest, and for certain reasons at this l oca -tion , to try to make clear to human beings , slowly , thetruths o f their r eligion. 'Ihis was a heavy undertaking, asthe hurrana in my hare village were very strong believers i nGod, and with this , superstitious too .


•I did not understand then, exactl y wha t he was talking

ebcot. , and a l so did not grasp the deeper meaning. It vason ly many years later, when I had already forgotten thepriest, that I c learly carte to understand that the voi ce inmy consciousness had nothing to do with i ns ani ty o r de lusion ,but was onl y another kind o f t e l epathy, and was the thought-voice of another hurran being who lived on another wor -Id.The priest explained that the voice sounding in my conscious-ness was a t elepathic camunication rretihod like the otherte lepathy event of two years before. '!his f orm of t elepathycould be exerci sed over unlimited distances and without i.m-pedirrent , except for spir i tual b lockade . For the first t i..rreI heard the express i on, t ele pathy , when he ca lled this f ormof carmmication by that narre , It could a l s o be exe rci sedfran human to human over their normat consciousness a s 'Well .'I\o:o years before , when he spoke of t ele pathy, he s poke o fspiritual t elepathy, yet not the ove rriding o f one ' s pr imarythouqht.s , transmitted through materi a l consciousness . In thesecond conversa tion he f i rst explained to Ire that I was ex-ceptionally receptive to extrerrely h i gh frequenc i e s, andthat c r eatures o f l ower l evels, s uch as Earth humans f orexarrpl e , wou .ld not be able to force entry into Ire (spirit -ua lly ) . 'Ibis woutd be onl y exclusive ly possi b le f or h igherdevel oped creatures , because I had care into this life tocarry out a special mission , and s o had to be protected f r anwicked machinat ions and influenc e s of l e s se r deve l oped in-tell i gences and beings .'!he explana tions o f the priest seemed very qcod, though he

gave Ire a blCM when he explained that my life would be verydi f ficul t and full o f pr i va te suf fer ing, whi ch has been t.rueup to today . ''lith his explanat ions I cvercerre my f ear andtroubl ed mysel f to enlarge the t e lepathic contacts, whi.chunt il nCM had been one-sided. I put ques tions and r ecei vedanswers too, which confirrred what the pri est had said.'!hese t e l epathic contacts tUITIed out to be c cmnunicati ons

with a human betnq who called himse lf SFA'IH . I \ initiatedinto what appeared to be gigantic events , which often s earedto Ire r ather mad. 'Ibe consequence o f this \ that it allbet; isolated Ire fran my environrrent . I a H oced intrigues totake p l ace against rre without de fence , a s I had a lsodone before. By this I became the s capegoat f or a ll evildeeds which happened in the v i lla ge . But I did not care aboutthis , and only silently smi l ed inside myse l f when such 00-


truths wer e o f f e r ed agains t me, and I suffered f or those . Iwas o f ten t reated to s uch b l CMS that a fterwards I couldnei ther s tand nor sit . In this way my who le pos.Lt.Ion becarrerrore toughened. as \'o'ell as a t SChCXII , which I began to miss.But thi s d id not dis turb me because I neverthe l e s s l e arnedmuch in s chool , to becane l ater and in better ti.rre s t i llmere thoroughly and deepl y educated by the t e j e patruc con-tacts wi th Sfa th .'Through my many unexc use d absences (the "mas terpi ece" in

the ....o rst, year arrourrted to 173 unexcused absences) , pecu-liarl y , nothing happened f ran the s chCXII administ ration. Onthe contrary, they l e f t matters as they we r e , unt il I hadcrnpleted a l l the s c hCXII l evels unt il onl y 6 months r erratnect,and then the s c hool admini s trati on s truck back . But thes eevents , which v•..ere only a t i ny jot o f my life , ant icipatedthe consequent course o f my h i story , in which I s hall not gointo detail here .It was then in 1944 when Sfath began te l epathic contact

with Ire , and I , turned by the p r iest ' s explanat ions , re-s pcnded posLt .tve Iy to this contact . St i ll I did not knewthen that the firs t contact o f 0..'0 years ago sp rang f ran thes erre s ource , and that the o ld rren who had taken Ire wi th h imin the pear-shaped c raf t was the sarre Sfath, himsel f , ....IhoOeM inf omed me te l e pathically about; being prepared f o r avery difficult and rrost trrcortant, mis s i on . I nON' had todecide for myself whethe r I wou td want to undertake theburden o f this per sonal miss ion o r not . Fran his explan-a t ions , I had been s e lected f o r this before my birth, andwas , a ccor ding to this , unde r s teady contro l by this person .'!hat it was r eally t rue , I wou ld be abl e to prove f r an thefact that at an age o f six rronths I had f allen ill f ran ave ry seve re case of pneurronia, and hope f or my survdval hadbeen g i ven up. Late in the n i ght , Dr . Strebel , a medic a ldoctor , had p r epared my parents f o r the s hock , that on thatsane night I ....rou.ld finish my life . As I l ay in a cam, a tthe pcdnt; o f l e av ing my earthly life , he , Sfath, had inter -vened and b r ought rre back to lif e .Of course I wanted t o examine this stat errent o f Sf a th I 5 ,

and s o I a sked my mother about events o f my babyhood. 'Ib rrryastonishrrent , she confinred Sf ath ' s ....-ords and explained,that a "miracle " happened, a s ther e really was no hope formy young lif e . Even Dr . Strebel c a lled it a mi racle whi.chwas p l ainly unexpl ainable for him, because accor ding to his


rredical t e s ts the ni ght befo r e , I s hou l d have been dead inthe norrunq ,Sfath explained to Ire many o the r matters , taught Ire , and

gave Ire data and inf onrat i on about whi ch I mist; remains i lent my whole l i f e .So the ti.rre passed unt il l ate Surrrrer 1944, when once again ,

as I strolled a l one, deep in thought , through the "Langen-zinggen" o f the Horagen fo r e s t near BUlach , I had walkedsene dis tance a l ong , when suddenly Sfath announced himse lfby his neM becaning fami liar telepathic method, and expl ain-ed to rre that I should wai t sore minutes and not get worried.So I just waited expectantly to see what v..'QUId happen. I tdid not take l ong, on l y a f ew minut es , and there a silveryobj ect fl ew- fran the sky . A, f o r my understanding, seemingrather strange f ormatdon of rreta l not rmre than five or sixmeters in diarreter . Near to Ire the object touched the ground,a pear l - l ike flying machine, as I stared in fas cina t i on. Icoul d nCM see sarething rroving in the s ide of the object , anopening f o ITlling i tself, and outstepped a figure . I t was ana lready very o l d man, who was inside of a very s trange suit .He was now walking 'towards me, like bef ore , when years agoI saw him f o r the firs t t iIre . '!his tiJre he was in a sort o fdeep-s ea diving-suit , which was quite silvery outside, andof which the helIret was missing . Yet through this suit hiswhote appearance seared venerabl e and wise , and I still re-nembered very well how he seerred to rre like a venerab le o l dpatri arch.A bi t awkward ly, the o ld man c erre up t o roe and spoke up in

my rrother 's l anguage, and the fl at dialect used in ourvillage . But evidently he was a b i t unaquainted with it,because he pronounced sene syllables incor r ectly, whichstruck rre a t once . He explained that he was Sfath , and thatI shoul d care with him now . Under an easy sort of coerc ionI f o j Iosed him, as I had done a f ew years before , to thepeculiar pearl- like ob j e c t , and ther e I was screhcc e levatedthrough the door wi thout r ecogni z ing how I was lif t ed.. Sud-denly the door c l os ed i tself behind us , then Sf a th l ed Irethrough another door into the inner part of the object , to asmall r ocm in which there were three peculiar chai r s . Thewalls and strange desks were fUll o f instrurrents and controls .I a lso saw sore different small windcws in which figuresrroved, and in sene I saw the who le l andscape around outsidethe flight machine . '!hen Sfath o r dered Ire to s it da.m. , and



he ....zor ked with s crre aparatus there . I did not understand.In the different small i lluminated wtndowa , I saw that thefigures and the pictures o f the landscape were changing andI s uddenly r e a lized that I was seeing a bird's-eye view.Inquiringly, I now turned my eyes to Sfath, who turned torre and sat down. He explained, "Those lit t l e 'windows ' arenot windows , but v.lewmq s creens , which a t present and alsoin the f uture will be developed on Ear-th" , It treated o f apicture transmis s i on by c e rtai n energies . Then he explainedto me that now we we re very high above the g r ound , at about70 k ilerreters height . He r e would stay for scrre f ew hours,as he wou l d have t o t e ll me many very Irrpor-tent. f a c ts andeducate Ire on sane ve ry Irrpor-tent; mat.ter-s . He explained t oIre my reason f or being a lre ady developed to the age o f a 35year o l d due to his efforts and that my spiritual develop-rrent was about equa l . I had passed and l e f t behind Farths tandards . And because o f this nobody ....uul d be able to answer-sane o f my spiritually directed questions . (\',hich r e a llyhappened as ne ither the priest nor my then t eacher Karl Grafwere able to answer sere o f my questions .)It is interesting f or Ire tcdey to r eca ll , hav ing then fel t

no fear when Sfath t o l d me that floated 70 , 000 metersabove Earth. I d id not even wonder about thi s as everythingappeared r a the r fami liar to me, and s e lf expl anatory . I nf act I no l onge r wondered about those explanations of Sfath,and I kept stoic calmness when he told rre that he wou ld fur-ther care f or me on l y until the beginning o f the 50s , andcouj d hand this mission over to another, as h is t.iIre wasnearing it 's end . . .Sfath explained that manktnd o f Farth would approach a

very dangerous ti.Ire , and the still running s econd wsor-Id warwould see i t 's end in the f ollowing year o f 1945, becausethe .t i.Ire woutd care when the event o f Sodccn and Garor r ha....ou jd be repeated in a ll it ' s rra lignance , and f ran which theend o f the war wo u Id be initiated. (Today it is evident thatthe dark p r ophecy pertained t o Hi ros hima and Nagasaki whichreceived the firs t a taauc bombs o f our age . ) Sfa th a lso madeo ther s taterrents about which I am obliged t o keep s ilent ther e s t o f my life .Sfath never told me his age , ye t I estimated h im t o be 90

to 95 years o l d . He never told me his o r igin, and what mymission wou ld eventua lly beccrre , '!he first I knew o f thel ast rratter carre decades l ater , f r an anothe r s ource .


But much woukd happen before then, and I would meet withIMnY things which o ften f o r ced Ire to the edge o f de l us ion,and a lso to the edge of death . I was a lways able tobridge the dangerous situation with my own forces , and onlyin a few cases was I given help, about which I now know forsure today, and that this was always directly or indirectlyby extraterrestrial intervention . <A1 the whole I was putpretty much on myself, and a ll ac t i ons and doings I had tomaster by myself . Fran that I learned very much and fina llywas able to prof it by each s i tuation .The s tay with Sfath l a s t ed a bit mere than f our hours ,

during which he transmitted great knowledge t o me. At theend o f the meeting he o rdered me t o lean back in my chair ,after which he then placed a format .Ion o f innurrerable wiresand tiny inst.runents around my head. Wonder ing about; thatand what might follow now, I l ooked calmly at him and how hemmipulated the but tons and switches, and s uddenly Irealized great things inside o f me. All s uddenly insideof lie a great knowledge , r ecognitions o f many kinds o f o ldand new things . I felt quite sudden ly peculiar f orces pen-etrating into we, l ike suddenly I knew events and occurrenceso f the future . I wanted to cure human beings o f sickness andrrany o ther things . Then a ll at once these influences s toppedand Sfath r erroved the s t range i nstnunents fran my head withthe explanat i on that now I would have the abilities whichwere awakened in me by the instrurrent , which abilities hadbeen developed inside myself at an earlier Hrre , I wouId no tlose these abi lities nCM, but I would neve r be a .lIoced touse these abilities egotistic a lly, o r f or prof i t , o r j ustfor derronstration . '!he knowledge and talents awakened insideIre ....'ere on l y a .lIcwed to s e rve nON f o r my own develqnent f orthe mission which I was to carry out . I f I ....'ere to of fendthis order, then an "irrpl ant ed fuse " would autanaticallyblock all , and it wou l d remain and be act ive until the dan-ger had passed. '!his , he a lso expl a ined, would a lso b lockscientific t ests and possible powe r-fu.l inf l uences f ran out -s ide , should it be t r ied, t o f o r ce entry into my knowl edgeand abilities so ent ruated, s uch as attempts by hypnosis ,in which case the b tockade would care into effect . '!he b l ockwas so s trong that under certain circumstances i t couldreactto menace the lives of those trying to force penetrationof these secrets . I'Ih.i.s has scrreti irres happened in the courseof my life, I coul d state .)


Thi s r emar kabl e ins trument and it ' s us e by Sfath r ema inds us o f a s imi la r" i nculca tion" devi ce used on Bill He rrmann by h is ex t.r e t e r ree t r ua r abduc t -or s f r om Reticul um. (See UfO FROM RETICULUM, by Stevens and Will i amJ . Her rmann , same pub l isher . ) In the Cha rl eston ca se t he device was us edt o incul cate vas t amount s of knowledge into Bil l Herrman ' s mi nd which wasa ll pr e vi ous ly to hi m, an d i t inc luded anci ent past history asas fut ur e event s as de sc r ibed by Eduard uet e r here . tluch of t he krrow l e dqewas incul ca t ed i n such a way t hat a given event happen i ng would tr i gger t her ele ase o f a quantity of knordedge not pr eviously in the cons c ious mi nd o fBill Herrmann .

After thes e l a s t explana t ions , Sf a th br ought Ire back t oEarth again, t o exact l y the s ame p lace where we had s tartedfran hours before . Then he once rrore disappeared into hispear- shaped ship and I never s aw him again. Only I sti llnoticed his voice for sere years a fter , when he transmitt edmany f acts and much knowl edge to ITe . On the 3rd o f Februaryin the year of xxxx, his voi ce d i smiss ed me as he s oundedo l d and t ired, and then he f aded away f oreve r .Only a few hours after Sfath I s f ading vo i c e , which had in

the rreant.Irre becare l ike a part of rre , a new voice carte intorre just as wi th Sfath. It sinply was sudden l y there and spoketo me. I f el t this voi ce a s w i ng young and fresh, f ull o ff orce and qui te different fran that o f Sf a th, ve ry soft andhanronic . 'Ibis new voice told me i t was a s he , and coul d beca lled A S K E T, and s he now woul d be my new ccrrpeny , Soshe becarre the s econd contact , and through her in the courseof the fa llowing years , I aqui red a phencrrena t knowl edge andphenarenal unde r standings . Through he r and her abilities Iwas l ed out the first t i.Jre 'towards the f ar 'WOrld, which Il ate r wou ld journey f or a very l ong t i.Jre, and there we re sofew s hort years f o r Ire to examine and exp l o r e s o many things ,and above a ll , t o learn f r an thi s .Upon establish i ng tel epathic cont ac t with Me i e r , Asket t ook over h is

educat ion Sfat h had left o ff and guided him through a s eries of ad -ventur es de s igned t o t oughen him f or adv ersity . It eas she l ed himt hr ough Af r ica and t he fr ench f o r e i gn legion, the Des er t Caravans , t hes lavers and the bootl eggers , i nt o t he ha nds of the Pi rat es o f t he Arab i anSea , and ac r os s t he Indi an Ocean with smuggle rs t o t he sub- continent o fIndi a he made his livi ng a s a snake c atcher , mendicant and aesthetic .In Ind ia he made his way to an Ashram nor t h of Delhi , he studied

and medi tat ed unde r a " t eache r " . And t he re Aske t cont acted h im many timesand he saw and photogr aphed her sh i ps on a number of occ as i ons , sometimesi n front o f hundr eds and e ven thousands of wi t nesses .


But t hat i s anothe r stor y , quit e extens ive a lso , and very ill uminating,but far t oo much to go i nt o deta il on in thi s r eport. In fact the OAls •..e r e we ll knOYtn t o the Ple i ad ians and As ke t knew Seejeee pe rsona ll y andeven ca rried ou t research projects with he r .



First Cantact Thesday, 28 J anuary 1975

I t was on Tuesday , 28 January 1975 , at 13 :00, when I wasoccupi ed at hare with trying to record "tape-voice s ", a trythat had been unsuccessful f or rronths , and a lso continuedfurthe r on . Neverthe l ess , on that day I was I ucky, even ifi t was otherwi s e than what I expected. I t concerned scnetrunqf o r this point in t ine crnplet e l y new, and pertained to anevent I had not expected unt il one year l a ter .Like f r an out o f no thing, suddenl y s crrething was ins i de o f

me, a f orce , whic h a ll()\o,'E!d me t o lis ten inside . St owjy a llbecarre c l ear for me, and f or the first t iJre r eso lved matter sSlCMly crys taliz ing themse lves. '!hey were words , thoughts ofscrrecne , whi ch s Icwt y made themselve s understandable to meand a l Icwed me to listen. '!hey ce re ve ry peaceful and veryf amiliar to me, though they carre up in this strange mannerand forced themselves into me, and they carte fran saneonewho was up to now unknown to me. Quite suddenly I understocdthe meaning o f these symbolic picture fo rms and words whichtransmitted. a mes sage to me, that I s houl d take a camera andleave the house , whi ch I did without ques t ioning and Wi thoutkncwing why I did s o , l ike obeying an irre s i s table c cnrrand ,The call s eerred t o be for me, a lJrost l ike a soft coer c i on.So I took my vehic l e , a rrotor c yc l e , and drove away . I drovea imles s l y , i t seemed to me, but we.l I gui ded to a certainp lace , as l a t e r becarre evident .I drove through the Vi llage (Hinwil) on seve ral s treets ,

and scrre ten minut es beyond . I carre to fie lds, drove acrossand a long through meadows and fo r ests , and in this wayreach-ed a quite l one ly area (in the Fr echt Nature Preserve ). On alittle r oad , near the nature pres e rve region, s toc:d a l ongdis tance t r ansport truck whose driver had disappeared intothe near f orest, apparently to do s arething . Interes ted inthe big van, I s topped and examined i t fran a ll sides . Itwas a German truck f r an the cont r o l number on the p lates .I g l anced a t my watch and no t iced that it was 14: 12. I had

been driving around for one fu ll hour a l ready . Just at thisrrcrrent; I heard a very si lent but s anehcw known , peculiarstirring in the air, s o I l ooked up into the c l oudy sky .

I s aw made me wo nde r' if I was dreaming, though thiss i ght was alre a dy lma.m to me s inc e earliest youth.Ye t what I s aw was not expected. s o soon, because as I hadbeen told, I counted on this first happening one year l a ter,s till to care .



Fran out of the c l ouds an ob ject came, reducing i ts s peedconsiderably and s i cwry curved a long about 350 met .era off or e s t . 'The stirring had sudden l y s topped as the obj ect r e -duced i t I s s peed nore , It nCM flew in carpl ete silence, andI coul d s ee i ts exact fo rm, a disc-l ike object s imilarshape on top and botton. The upper dcrre was sore l arger thanthe base, and was equipped \vi th red , high p l a ced, r ectang l esif I sa\"l cor rec t l y .Hastily I seized my camera and a trred at the ob j ect , be-

cause I knew ve ry f ran earlier experience that I had tobe very qudck with the photographing if I wanted to have achance at ge tting a photo on the fi lm . Because o f their ex-trrerre veloci ty , erratic fly ing, and thei r suddenly di s ap-pearing, these ob jects can s e 1dcm be photographed, and thenin IIDst cases are on l y s een in pic t ures a s dissolved shadows.So I quickly snapped the fi r s t picture , at exact l y 14 : 15 ,when the ob j ect was onl y 150 rreters away fran Ire , and a l sofly ing a t about 150 rre ter s above the ground .Only a f r act i on o f a s econd a f ter s hooting this p i cture ,

the ob j ect rapid ly s ped away to the west and disappeare d .'!hen s uddenly the sti r r ing was in the a ir again , but thefly ing ob j ect had r ap i dly r eturned a lready and was hover ingabout 100 rreters above the truc k as suddenly the s tirringgrew silent again. I t was exact l y 44 rre ters to the truck asl a ter treasured . I t wa s then tha t I s hot the second pic ture.But j ust a t the mcment I pus hed the r e leas e on my c arrera ,the ob ject began to approach f r an that hove r position - t os tcp s uddenl y in the a ir on ly 50 meter s above the groundbeyond the truck . New I was able to s ee the object very d i s -tinc tly , and to r ecognize i t as certainly not an Earth fly-ing rrechine , but an extrater r e s tria l fligh t vehic le, a t fi rststill an unidenti fied flying obj ect o f unknown or i g in, a"fly ing sauc e r " as the s e obj ects had in error and s o r edi-eu10usly i::lecare de s ignated.'!he Iooer s i de o f the disc s eared to vibra te as though it

a l . I t l ooked l ike l i t tle waves running cont inuous l yin and through the unde r s ide of the shi p , by which the skinappeared damaged and o l d , ne a r ly l ike a wash ing- board . 'Ihes ewave s s eerred to be i rregular and kind o f inconsist ent , butvery peculiar and of energet ic character . Solid matt er seem-ed t o dis solve in the r adia t i ons o f these waves . The t rucklooked l ike it was s uddenly enveloped in heat i-wa ves . I couldnot see it c l ear ly, and beside s this i t s eerred much f a rther


28 January 1975, 14:32 , Frecht Nature Preserve SOJt h.,'€'St of Hi.n\'1il village .This is the fcurth picture of the f irst series o f Ifrt.cgrafhs of the Ple i-edtan spacecraft m'rle bj B::iuard /·ei e r in S,'litzerlarrl. This craft a:ri.tted avariabl e In..rrr:1in:]-v.'hining scurrl as i t approached am prepared to land . !·leierrot.teed a rifpling wave-like rrotioo fran center to r im en the urrlerside.










ject wi th their f iner senses and f led in panic .Slo.vl y the object OCM curved down over the f or e s t 'towards

the c learing, and no.... very s i cwry i t sank doNn there . I na.vshot the next picture , the third one now, and that as ex-actly 14: 31. One minute l a ter the f ourth picture followed,taken f ran about 180 meters distance . '!hen I sew the objectsink dCMl1 f urthe r to the ground and finally touch gently onthe meadow ground of the clearing - carpletely silent, asthe s tir ring had died away .After the l anding I bofdl.y went. up and wanted to observe

the object f ran c lose-by , but about; 100 meters before theobject , a great power' seerred to check my progress . I t seerredl ike I was bucking the winds of a silent storm, or againstan oppoaite po.led rraqnet , ''lith a great effort I t r ied tostnlggle against this and to nove forward , I even succeededat this , but for only a few rreters , then the counteractingf orce was simply teo great , and I just sat down there onthe ground. I stared over at the object and waited to seewhat would happen, whi ch sure ly had t o care . And I was notmistaken, because in less than a minute sanething happened.Fran behind the object a f igure appear ed, obviously a humanbeing in a peculiar but nevertheless al ready knOM1 to mesuit, a cosmic suit , sarething l ike that used by our Farthastronauts , except it was not as c .lumsy and heavy as theEarth prcx:1ucts , but seemed to be very p liant and light , assoon as I could te l l. Actually the suit was rrore l ike acoverall of a peculiar gray color . Fran very c lose it lookedas i f it ....'ere rrade o f e lephant 's skin - at l e a s t the nateria lr eminded me o f the skin of an elephant which I once hadtouched in Af rica , and a lso another whose skin I onc e t ouchedand l ooked at c lose r in SWi tzer land, in the zoo. Besidesthis , the s u i t was c lose-fit ted on the body and extrerrelydurable which was easy to see . Around the neck r an a ring,which evidently served for the rrounting of a helrret , whichthis l ong- hai r ed ufonaut was not wearing new . Evidently theFarth a tIrosphere was suited for him. '!he head was free andno doubt that of a ....'Cm:lI1 o r simply a girl. '!he l ook o f herface was open and free , and nothing indicated supe.r-buman-ness , p retentiousness or spirituality . She just seemed t o bea norrra I hurran being, ...i thout super-ability o r super-beauty ,or even a supra-wor -Ld beauty . She simply l ooked l ike a quitenormal. f emal e c reature , though she was devilishly a ttractive .She a lso wa l ked qui.te norrral , like a normal wanan , yet scrre


stronger, rror e sure , and not particularly dainty, affected,proud, or trying to make any s pecial iITpression. She justwal ked like a wcman with natura l self- consciousness, s elf-confidence and easy nat ura l grac e .Stowty this creature c arre near to Ire , sei zed rre by my a rm

and pul led Ire up. '!he grip o f the girl was s trong and sure ,but yet very pleasant and secure . By s low s teps went toII¥ vehic l e , where we roth just sat in the dry grass .Then the lIFCrgirl began to speak, not in my hare l anguage,but in a per fect German, with an a ccent peculiar to rre. Theintroductory conversation was not very l ong, but then thefo llC1Ning conversat ion l ast ed for a l onge r t i.Ire bef ore thegirl went o f f again , dfsappeared into the object and flewaway, to vanish f ran my s ight seconds l a ter high above thec louds .She l e ft Ire a t 15: 51. Short l y a fter the s tarting o f the

s hip , a t 15: 58 , I shot sore rror e pictures fran about; 185rreters distance . \'lith interest, I noticed that shortly be-fore s tarting the s hip , reIOW' and to the sides of it, every-thing rrerged together in strong heat-waves which seerred todisso l ve the environrrent as we ll a s the contours o f the treesand all , whi le e verything changed into diff erent col o r s , ev-idently by sore radiation . Also the distances seerred to a l -ternate , and everything gave the iITpression o f being dis-torted, as I had a l r eady seen when I s napped the second p i c-t ure . At the start of the s hip here it was more e a s y to s ee,and I noticed the abso l ute c learness o f a b lue-red r adiati on,which nay be s een in the fifth exposure .Af ter s hcoting my l ast p icture, the ship t urned away over

the tops o f three firs , and s lowly withdrew northwards intothe sky wher e i t stopped j ust beyond the t rees. I took thel ast photo a t 16 : 00, being the l ast f rarre on the roll o ff ilm. Onty seconds after this l ast pic t ure the s t irringsound began again and the ship s hot fran a standing positionby read speed s traight upwards into the c l oudy sky and fina llydisappeared fran view.

Meier returned home from this fi rst contact with thi s £T woman , hesat dovo.fl t o write up l"ha t he coul d remember of the det ails of the expe r I eoceand the con ve rsat ion wi t h the ufonaut . he began to nrit e down the con-ve rsation, i t came ba ck to him word-far-word, j us t as it had been spoken ,r apidl y and c lea r ly . Thi s was h i s fi r st expe r- Ience with t he new form of" t r ansmi s s i on" t hat wss s oon perfec ted and refined to t he ext ent that l ongand deta iled dia l ogues wer e r e- c apt ured for the Con tact fil e .


28 January 1975 , 15 :58, Precht Nature Preserve near HinwiL , '!his is thefifth picture o f the first seri es o f o f the Pleiadian stripstaxen by" Etluard "Bi lly" i'e ier. This is o f the first t:YIE of Ple.ia::lian craftseen, Io.'hich we have called variation I for identilication . I t is al:o.ttseven rosters in dtareter ,


28 1975, 15 : 59, Frecht nature Preserve near Hirwi.L, This is tres ixth ard best picture o f the first seri es o f fh::I\:ograJX1s o f the Pleia:ii.a.1spececraft., Variaticn I , captured ty E:fuard !·eier in that first ccotect\<o'ith these taman ectreterreet .rtet teings '110m said they cece fran ....nat ""2call the Ple i..a1es.


Here are f-le i e r ' s first cont ac t no t es describing t he ex pe r i ence , and nowee present t hat f i r-st d i alogue just as Eduard l1eier r ecorded it in hi snot es . \-le have made on e change i n the form wher e have subst ituted lhenames of t he s peak e rs ,·,hen the original no l es us("d a symbo l fo r each speakerto save repetitious writing of the names .

First Conversat ion With The UFOnaut(True-to-\vord .repeat., as f ar as .rerrerroered)

UFO W:m:m- You are a f earless human being .I have un learned fear and have beccre ob j ect i ve .

UFO W:::IIBn- I know, because I have s tudied you for years.Very nice - and why this?

UFO W:m:m- Because I want to wake sanething c lear t o you .I s nobc:x:1y e lse suited for that?

UFO W:::IIBn- SUre ly, but ....'e have provided you, because youal ready occupy yourself f o r many years wi th this probl em,and think really and sincere ly l ike this as weLl .

'Ihanks f or the f .locer-s ,UFO Vbran- No r eason, because they are your own rre r -i.t. .

\-Jell , but who are you really?UFO W::::m'm- J ust cal l ID2 "du" (you) , as I do as wa Ll t o you .

who are you?I am called


um\'bIEn-Pleiades .

In the Pleiades?

"SEHJASE" , and I or iginat e in the

Semjese- Sure l y .A nice walk I would say . HCM did you perfo rm s uch a

walk - perhaps through hyper-space?senjase- You of t en knew rmr e than we desire .

s o? I am c l ose (mouthed) and no cha t rter box ,senjase- I know and because of that your kncwl edge is inthe right p lace . I and the others thus have no sor-rows forthat sake .


\.,b.y have you obstructed the way reward your s hipagainst Ire ? about the film in my carrera? Has it beendestroyed?

Semjase- Certainl y not, and you a t l east s hall have photo .proofs .

Mf!:ier- I s ee, I ought to publicis e , but how shall I arrangesuch?

Semjase- You wi ll , and l a t er I wi ll explain the way f or you.

Mf!:ier- then, but i s n ' t this .sarewha t dangerous, tol eave your ship l anded so openly when o the r human beings maypass a long here?

Semj ase-- Don t t; worry, because it is s o provided that noother human being can care nearer than 500 meters in cir-cumference around i t . And besides this, the bearnship i s pro-tected by the forest and the hill agains t s i ght fran veryfar .Mf!:ier- Yes, '!hen I am to beccrre drawn into the rreet ing bymyself alone?

semjase-- Yes , and you know why .

Mf!:ier- I understand - unfortunat e l y .

Semjase- ..'hen you a lso regret i t, there i s nothing to changein this , nor in the future.

Meier- I a lso understand - Hy dear fe .lIcw c reat ures .

semjase- Surely, their s pi r i tual r ecognitions have a l ongway t o go . But you have taken the trouble and have l earned.You have f ound the truth and have the kncwtedqe ,Because o f this, you stand out f ran the great mass o f hurranbeings, and thus we have decided on you .

M:!:ier- You a l ways s ay "we" , Does this neen, that .

Semjase- SUrely. I have a l r eady s aid tha t you o f t en kneerror e than may be plea s ant f or us . Pl ease keep silence aboutthis , because the truth i s a lready difficult enough f o r thehurran beings .

Jot!ier- I have never owned this kncMledge , and consequentlyI a lso can not tell about i t .

Semjase-- You can a lso tell it, as you do , and I knew that


you will hush. I know that you WOUl d even contes t a ll andthe whol e event, and o f f er it for fantasy if anyone shouldwant to f orce you to s peak .

M'ller- You really knew Ire very we Ll , '!hus we have chosen you , but enough of the quest-ions and enscers r do lis ten new very thoroughly to Ire , whatI have to tell you . Write everything down and go to the pub-lic with this then .

fuier- HCM can I , as I have nothing he r e fo r wri ting . Ia lso have no r ecorde r or anything s imil ar . N:J about that , because you can wri te it downl a ter . Fi rst , I wi ll explain it a ll to you so that you havea survey. en the other hand it is easier for Ire l a ter , topet myself in connection with you and give this into yourt.hcxJ.ghts , f ran which you can then wri te i t a ll dcwn word-fer-word, everything very exactl y .

Are you thinking o f the Satre manner in which youbrought Ire to here?

Semjase- You really know too mrch, and make a ll honor for us .'Ihank. you .

Semj ase- Al l right then. So do listen nCM and only interruptfIE when you r eally do not understand . . .

frOll t his point on a ll s ent ences s poke n by an y of t he Pl eiadians in anycontact a re numbered sequent i a lly , by con tac t , fo r future reference . Wehave been asked t o c ont i nue t he numbe ring s o as to f ac i l i t a t e c r oss-check-i ng with the original ve rsi on in Ge rman .

Semjase 's Exp lanation

Semjase- l/Already, for s ene t i.rre we have been urged. tomake contact with another Earth-hurran being, who rea lly andsincer e ly wants to be he l p f u l to our mission . 2/ Al r ea dyvery of ten we have tried this , but the human beings chosencere not kncwl edqeahl e enough , and willing, and a lso l a ckedsincerity and l oya l t y . 3/ And those .... had s e lected f or ourendeavors , feared for themse l ve s and kept silence about; ourappearfnq. 4/They insi s t they eo u rd be abused f or insanityand may be harned by official and s tupid-human intrigues,and be accused o f l ying. 5/But despite that , many boastifu l


humans care up, pret ending contact with us and pretendingeven having flown in the s hips . 6/Thos e are nothing rrorethan deceivers who s un themselves in doubt fu l g l ory and wantto profit f ran a ll . 7/ Earth-hurnans have whole organizations\ trouble themsel ves to explain our beamships , but abovea ll there exi sts a few that r e a lly wer e authent ic . 8/Theyhave many photos , which but expose nothing rrore than sorelights and light - a ppearances of na t u r al or igin, o r quit econscious f alsificati ons . 9/ 0l1y very f ew of these photo-proofs are au thentic and really show our bearrships . l O/r-bstof these photos are onl y c reat ions o f photographica l deceitmanu factured by c heater s and charlatans whose nerres becareknown wor l dwide by this . l1 / 'Their books and manuscr i ptswr i tten f ran thi s poaLtdon are a l so a decept ion fo r purposeo f r eputat ion and self -glory. I 2/ 0n the othe r hand, manydare to connect us with the human r e ligions, wi th which v.'ewant no concern in any way or any t .Irre , 13/Your so-calledsects don ' t shrink fran this s tep , and themselves deceivethe i r f e Ll .cw c rea t ures by s uch belie f. 14/The s e inf arrousand primit i ve rrechtna t .Lons s hould stop before the whore\oo'Orld is overccee by such . 15/ 1f these deceivers were reallyin contact with us , and resredned so, then \-.'e wo u ld have of-f e red them a c hance to get very c lear photographic proof o four beamshtps . 16 / But as they are r eally no t sincere humanswe have not g i ven this chance to them. 17/ Fo r ev idence o fthi s f act o f t ruth, w: gave you the chance to make distinctpictures o f one of our beamships . 18/ Yet a lso furthe r on,\...e will o f f e r a chance for you to obtain s t i ll better andc learer picture evi dence .19 /The Earth human being ca lls us extraterrestria l s or

star-peop l e , o r however he wants . 20/ He addicts to us s u-pernatura l things and does not knew us in the l e ast . 21/ Intruth we are human beings l ike the Earth human being, 'teo,but our knowl edge and wis dcm are super i or t o his , as we l I asour t echnology . 22 / Al l right , the Earth human has taken hisfirst very small step 'towar ds cosmic s pace fligh t , but thisis no mere t han the f i r s t primitive a t tempt . 23/Even if he....,ou l d reach the lobon by his miss iles, he has not r eachedcosmic space . 24 /By the hitherto manner ', he a lso ....,ou l d neverreach it at any t ime, f o r necessary f o r this i s an irrpulsionwhich is able to penetrate the hyperspace and disso lve theinfini te dis tance s . 25/Space and ti..rre a re not ove rcare byspace and t ime, but by spacelessness and timel ess ness , \.mich


rreans that space and t ine collapse into one anothe r and be-care equally directional to zero-tine . 26/ By that , a fewf ractions of a s econd are enough to rush through b i llions oflight years, p ractically without l oss of t i.rre, because thezero-tirre neutralizes space and t.Ine s i..multaneously .27/ Hany deceiver s pr etend they are in contact wf th (other)

planetary human beings of your sol ar system, and even havingflCMrl with o r i n their s hips. 28/'Ihat i s nothing rrore thanf alse, as rrost o f the stars (planets ) i ndica t ed are so deso-l a te that human life i s not e ven possi b l e the r e . 29/ otherp lanets (in this so lar system) on the cont r ary are longsince dead o f life , or are in the f i rst s tage s o f develop-ment . 3D/Stil l othe r sol a r syst ems have manifol d l i f e , andnot onl y human . 31/ 'Ihe forms of life are various , of humanand sort . 32/Also many aniIrel - like, or even plantfo rms , o f life have deve loped to higher states . 33/SJ thereexist sorts which aquired. much kncwtedqe and freed therrse lvesfran thei r lif e regions , and they a lso travel through theUniverse , and here and there care to the Earth . 34 /l>lany ofthem a re r a the r nast y corrterrporarfes and live in a certainbarbari sm, which is still wo r -se than yours . 35/You ought tobe on your guard befor e these , because they often attack anddes troy e verything that cares in their way. 36/ They evenhave de s t royed. whole plane t s o r beaten their inhabitantsinto barbarous bondage.37/ 'Ihis is one o f our mi s s i ons , to warn the Earth human

of these cre a tures. 38/Let this be known to the burrans, be-cause rrore and rrore the t .Irre approaches when a confl ict withthese becares unavoidable .39/A f urther mission i s airred a t your religions and the

connected underdeveloprent o f the human s p i r i t . 40 /1J.boveeverything there r emains bu t one that posesses the pccer o flife and death over each creature . 41/'Ihis is thea lone, whtch has l aid its l a \','S over a ll . 42/Ia\','S wh i ch areirre futable and o f e t e rna l validity . 43/ 'Ihe human being canr ecognize them in nature when he t.rcub.les himse l f to do so .44/'Ihey expos e for h im the way of life and the \-lay to spir-itual greatne s s , emlxxiying the goa l of l ife. v'hile thehuman indu l ges in his r elig i ons , and by this a heresy, hepines rrore and mer e a\vay (in spirit) which fina l ly l ea ds toa bottomless abys s.46/'Ihe human being may r ecognize tbat a God can never take

over the part o f the Creati on or de s tin the f ate o f a human


l:::eing. 47/1>. God i s only a Governor and rroreover a humanbeing who exe rcise s a pcwar fu.l reign o f t yranny over hisfe l Low c reatures . 48/God i s not the CREATION, but as we l Ionl y a c reature o f i t , like a ll Creat ion dependent c reatures.49/ But the human being hunts for h i s r elig i ous wrong beliefsand aff inns God being the Crea t ion itself . SO/He goes evenf urther and pretends a nOlTl\3.1 Earthnan by the nerre of "Im-manue l " who is a l s o called "J e s us Olri st n i s God ' s sen andthe Cre a tion itse lf. 51/ St i ll di f f e r ent s ects of the newt i.rre go on to maintain the s e s arre things , whic h a l ready ap-pr oach de l usion .52/ Yet , as a l ready rrent.Loned , beamship deceivers a lso wal k

in the sene direction, and very c l early put out the lie tothe cor i d , that \"''e o r our brothers and s isters fran o therp l anets o f the cosrros wou .ld care a t the or der o f God (wi thwhan they mean the Cr eation ) as Angels or s imilar, to bringthe Earth human the l ong hoped f or peace and the t ruth o frelig i on and the protection and o rder o f God . 53/ 'Ihat i snothing rrore than a .....e ll-considered f a l s ehcx:xi fran s ectariansand deceivers . 54/For.....e never had s uch o rders, and we aswe .lI will never do that . 55/'Ihe Creati on itself g ives thecarmands , because i t emlxxlies the greatest poser- in thisUniverse , and neve r i s in need of c armands or relig i ons .56/Religion i s only the p r imit ive wor k of human beings , inpurpose to l ead them, to suppress them, and f o r exploitat ion,to which on ly spiri tually def icient lif e can f all.S7/ Bring this t ruth to the light o f the wo r-Ld and make it

known, S8/ This i s a further part of our mission. 59/ 1fthis does not happen , then mmkind \...i 11 s Icwl .y destroy i t-s e l f and f a ll into comp l e te s piritua l darkne s s .

knew that you are awa r e o f a secr e t o ld scripturewhose o r i g ina l s were unfortunate ly destroyed by the carel ess-nes s o f our camli.ssioner , who was your friend, and who byregret has f a iled in fear . 61/Diffuse and s pread the t rans-lat i oo of this s cri pture, because it i s the on ly one whichi s authenti c truth. 62/ And as we know, you a lso wri te about;this scr i p tum and the truth . 63/ To us, i t s e ems t o be therrost important book to be writt en, but i t will be harsh inl anguage and wi ll rreet; with hate . 64 /1t only offers thetruth to Earth humans , though sore s peculations are in it.6S/But it is finally abl e t o des troy, for many, the madnessof religion , or a t l e ast t o t.eeper it very deliberately.66/ 1t i s an extraordinary wor k , and you ought t o make i t


accessible for human beings .67! For the first, I have t o ld you all necessary, but it

cannot be enough that way . 68!Hany further contacts wi llfollCM after this f i rst , and I w"ill call you at a g i venpoint o f t .trre, 69/But a lso by rreans of thought-transmission,which you ca ll t elepathy, I will get in contact with you andtransmit f urther inf onna.tion . 70/ 0;:) not wor-ry that I willdo this at unsui ted tirre, bu t only then when you want i t .71 /1 know to regard your character and a lso your will forindependence and thus I s hall a Iwaye direct myself to you .72 /Tne t irre wi ll care f o r you , when we will rree t; together

in my bearnship, and a lso when you wi ll be a llONed to under-take fl ight 'towards cosmic s pace with me. 73/But for thenext t ure, such will not be poss i b l e , because due to certaincircums tances and regrettabl e occurrences this i s not ad-vis able . 74/ 1V:x:Jut this I will Inform you a t a l a ter ti.rre indetai l. 75/50 live "-'ell until the next t ine when I willgive you furthe r inportant information . 76 / But then theconversati oo shoul d no rrore be so one-sided as today, when Ihad to explain to you. 77/In the f uture , each conver sat ionwill be quite norrre l , l ike i s usua l with questions and an-swe r s , 78 / See you again - and unt il soon . . . 79/ 1 say Hello .

Heier 's knowle dge of hyperspace and the flighl behavior o f thes e s hi pslias a lready known to See j e se , He had met and had face-to-face discuss ionswith a c osmonaut of t he OAL Universe in Indi a, and knew the di f fi cu lty ofphotographing such e l usive c ra f t . He also found out l ater t ha t As ket of t heOAt Unive r s e and Semjsse actual ly acquainted and s ometimes car r ied ou tmi ss ions t oge t her, which al s o r a i s es the que s tion o f "h and i ng o rr" t hecontact ee f r om one [ T group to anothe r . In f act, re.rer saw t he t wo ext r a-t errest r ia l t ogethe r on one occasion and they s eemed to be ve ryacquainted .It "as appa r ent f rom the ve ry beginning that Semj ase did not " anl Mei e r

interested i n other uro cases , pos s ibly fea r i ng that thi s mi ght di stracthis i nte rest fr om them. She is sha r pl y c r it ical o f other UFO cont act s andand de nounced many o f them as f r auds, wh i ch now t urned the UfO s tudy gr oupsagainst this case and Meie r person all y, and to some ext ent us as wel l . Upt hrough sentence 20 she ha s left t he i rrpress i on that t he i r be amstups aret he on l y real ones and t ha t all other s are dec ept ions . By sent ence 37 shehas correc t ed thi s but she made her po i nt , that they " ere the one s he shoul dbe dealing " i t h .In s entence 39 she s t rike s a very sens i t i ve ner ve fo r Ear th humanity

she atlerrpts t o point out tha t t he r e i s no s t r i c tly t rue religion on Earth


today . Thi s i mmedia t e l y e ar ne d Heier the enmi t y o f al l organized religi onso f the wor-Ld, and was direc tly r es pons i bl e for two of the a sas s a i na tionat t e rrpt s on Meie r 's life .The anti- re l i g ion s t a tements near l y ended ou r o f t h is case .

and i n Fact di d en d t eo other major Eur ope an I nvest i qa t Iv e e ffor t s , bu t inour case we had al r e ady e nscoveree t oo much t hat we s illlply could not di s-pr ove . Something was indeed going on . hhe t he r i t was benevol en t , Satanic,or the Anti -Chr i st, we c oul d not be sure . fo r proo f the Pl e iad ian UfOnau t sonly appeal ed to r e as on , i nsi s t i ng that nobody s houl d accept any s tatementcn f a ith a lone . The y insisted t hat we shoul d know r.ha t l'le be lieve and rihywe believe i t. Even the i r s t a t ements shoul d be que s tioned and subject tothe same t es t s . Th i s did not s eem qui t e so il l ogi c al , becaus e i n t his sensethey ne r e no t jus t attacking relig ions any mor e t han an y other system o fed ucation and belief . They pointed out t ha t Ear t h h i s t ories o f the s ameevent diff er f r om count ry t o countr y , and that i n Fact they a r e us ua llyqui te Fa lse , bei ng r e- int e r preted an d changed by each new r eg ime and eachgenerat i on to sui t it s own needs .

they l i kewi s e pointed out t hat the r e is no t ruel y al t r uistic govern-ment in t hi s worl d today , and that one i s as bad or as good as the ne xt.,and a l l are oppr e ss ive of human s pi r i t and man ag ed by power broke rs For t hebe ne f it of i nst i tut ional i ze d and en t r enched burdensome sys t ems o f control ,I\e became conce rned For ou r 01'll1 safety in cont inu i ng t h i s I nvest i qa t i en ,because now the Pl eiadians ftere at tacking all gove rnments as wel l , withoutexcept Ion ,Thi s thi r d po i nt o f vi ew r eminded us o f a po l it i ca l s tat ement r ecentl y . A

United St a t es Sen ator , co rrpar i ng po i nts of vi ew, s a id : "Remembe r t ha t theTerror i s t s to one side are the freedom fighters to the ot he r . " I t seemedlike the Pleiadi ans ...ere at t acking everybody enen i n f act t hey wer -e merelyobservi ng f r om an ou ts ide po int of ",iew . But they o ffe red no solutions,only appe aling t o r eas on, and saying that Ea rth human ity has a greate rdestiny than to doc il ly acc ept ensl avement by its kind - - if i t cans urvive the fa t e it ha s planned for it s e lf!We bec ame afraid t o dea l wi t h t he phi losoph ical aspects of these cont acts

and chose t o r epor t only t he t echnica l aspects, ..,;hich could be deal t withobjective ly, an d l imi ted our comment on t he se mess ages on ly to c arefullysel ect ed s tatements , editing out \'Iha t «ere no t prepared t o deal with .

f'.:O\'/ the "chickens have c ome home to r oos t" and we a re forced to face upt o we und er s tand no bett e r than you.We had no i dea t hi s i nves ti gat i on to the p roportion it has no"

taken on , or fte l ike l y would have t aken t he safer r out e of the othe rs . Weno l onger cou ld s i mpl y deny to ..,;e a l r eady knew, and I\e cou l dnot suppor t a ll o f I'.hat f i nding . I'le are sti ll i n that posit ion now.We can not hang , and can ' t l e t go .


I'le offer ou r f indings lit tle exp lanation . Tha t will ha ve to be doneby others, and i t may take st i ll more ye ar s .In sent ence 60 we sense a fee ling o f vani ty over a scriptum from the past

\',hich may ha ve been i nspired or ev en o f fered by one of the parti c ipants i nt h i s drama, wtm also c la ims pa r ticipa tion i n some of the Biblical dra ma ony,hich our wor l d r e ligions a re based . Pe rhaps t h is is one reason fo rt he extraterrestrial contempt. They j us t may i n fact knm<, mor e about itthan we . A ver y sen ior scientist who has made a mos t deta iled an d exhausti vestudy of this script um finds substan tial corroboration for i t ' s va l i d i t y asstated .Thi s br i ngs us to the second Pl eiadian contact Eduar-d nercr only s ix

days later and on his birthday . \,Ie reca ll t hat mos t of h i s meeti ngs wj t.hSfatf i n t t'le earlier contacts t ook place on , or wer e resumed on , Hei ert sbirthday . Students of t he strange phenomenon of s ynchronicity wi ll fi ndmuch of t h i s na t ur e to exc i t e t hem i n t h i s report .


SPEcrAL soraIn a l e t ter dated 11 J lU1e 1984 , L. V. (full identifica tion

known to the canpiler s o f this work) reported a simil ar con-tac t with an o l d UFOnaut in a gray s uit in 1945 when she was3\ years o ld and liVing in Trenton, New J ersey. He s poke toher verbally and flashed vis ual image s . M1en s he a sked hisname he told her s he coul d call him SFA'IH. He said they hadknown e a ch o the r 300 years earlie r , and that he c arte f ranthe sky . She saw him a t the back fence to their yard a t hare.Al l the t iIre the man was the r e a Hershey "Ki s s "-s haped s il-very-qray ob j ect about the s i ze of a small pumpkin e i thersat on the ground in the back driVelaY or hovered just ebovei t . l1hen she asked about i t the o ld man told her i t was aprotection, and he l et her touch it . She s aid it felt l ikee lephant h i de. It f e l t l ike it was alive . Several contactstook p l ace dur ing tha t earl y intrcx:iuc t i on and then stoppedunti l she was 8 yea rs o ld. '!here were contacts again at 16and 18 years o f a ge . At 23 s he heard a g reat and ve ry l oudhumning- wtrining noise outside the house , which she knew wasthe spacecraft but did not go out that t i..Ire beca use s he wasa l one and s arewhat frightened. At 25 years o l d s he saw theship f r an the Plei ades f or an hour and fourty minutes . Hers ke tch rrade in 1979 l ooks very s imilar to the Ple iacli an var-i a t i on two sty l e of the s hips vis i ting Swi t zer land . t-brede tails o f these contacts were r ecovered in a ser i es o f hyp-notic r egres s i ons carr ied out in 1979 by a trained expert, adoctor o f dental surgery. L.V. did not hear o f the Swfa ssontacts wi th Eduard until l a ter, according to herl e t ter, and upon hearing o f them she got in touch \'1ith ourinvestigating t eam.The hurnning- whining sound a t t r ibuted to the s pacecraf t

he re i s o f considerabl e interes t to us because , on four s e p-arate occasi ons, j ust s uc h a humning-whining s ound was heardand r ecorded by Eduard Heier and sore o f his assoc.letes , andthis sound was s o loud once, that it was heard and broughtpeopl e :running f r an two mi les away . The sound was s o intensethat Neier had to wrap h i s j a c ke t around his head in pro-tection, and s t i ll he was deaf and had aching eyes f or threedays after . 'Ihe se sounds were sirnul taneously r eco r ded onfour separate audio recorders by the Swis s group that day .There cere 18 witne s s es to the 9.ris s sound recording .


5eand OJntact I'blday, 3 February 1975 22:10 h

senjase- l / You astonished Ire after my first try, becauseyour r eceptiv i t y was greater than we had ca l culated. 2/In-deed we s hould be acquainted with surprises fran you a longt ilre ago , as in the course of the years you have S hCMIl fa r -thinking. 3/'lhough your canbinat ions o f thoughts are oftenextrerre, they get to the point o f the mat ter and suggestsol utions to pr ob l ems which rray perpl ex your ccntecporarres ,4/ Actually you s urpr ised Ire on that f irs t visit when yourematned s ilent and d i d not a sk as I gave you different ex-p lanations . 5/ In this I am thinking o f the discuss ion ofspace and time and zero t ime. 6/At l eas t there , I thought ,you wou l d have a ques t i on. 7/'Ihen I a H ewed myse lf t o ex-p lore inside of your thoughts and recogni zed that you r eallyhad no question, because you under stocrl my interpretati cn -even rmre than I tol d you • ••

&ier- You put Ire in a predicarrent , semj ase , Everythingtoday s eems to be praise and flattery. I do not l ike such athing , and i t seems primit i ve to Ire. So p lease keep off it.seajese- 12/You are ve ry open, but are used to this franyou . 13/ But I do not want to praise and flatter you , as ....seare l ong beyond this conduct . 14/1 will only give you c lears tat.eItents o f fact accordingly, as you l ike .Maier- '!hen I am content.Semjase- I S/ You no l onger think I am primitive?M=:i er- Certainl y not - - but why don 't you s earch f or itinside my thoughts? Or shoul d I excuse myself for saying?Sanjase- 16/ 1 believe you, yes, and I don ' t expect an excusefran you. Excuses are at best empty words and seldan offerthe r eal opinion . 17/ On the other hand, I doo 't feel yourwor ds o f fensive, because I knew well that you say what youf eel. 18/For your f e llow-creatures , your words may soundo f f ens i ve, but on ly because they do not knew and under s tandyour speaking exactly f ran your feelings, gu ided by your ownknowl edge and wi s dan. 19/'Ihus, much wi ll appear to you tobe pr imitive and even s tupi d . 20/ But a lways rerrember thegrt:Mth o f your fellaN' creatures, possibly not able to thinkand treat spiritually, because they have never l eamed itand s till l ay captured too much in the issues of pure human


inc lination . 21/hhen I want; to r esearch into your thoughts ,then I do so, i f this seems a llright t o me. 22/ I t is notour behavior , o r desire , to penetrate the thoughts of otherswhen this i s not important . 23/ Apart fran this , we have nor i ght t o for ce into the pers ona l s ecrets o f othe rs . 24/Ifone penetrates the thoughts o f another , then the dangera lways exists o f seeing rrore f ran this than was actuallythere . ..

M:::!ier- \'ihat about this concern, when UFO contactees pretendthei r f r iends f ran the stars , arronq other things , tel epathy?

Senjase- 26/Surely , s uch crea ture s do exi s t . . . 27/ 'Iheirc ommunica tion was e i the r or igina l ly t e l epathic , o r theyp ly l e t their tongue go .

Mtier- I have my thoughts , that many of those so-called UFOcontact ees could be s imply dece iver s . Hav wou td you charac-ter i ze thi s concept?

senjese- 31/On pure f a c ts , which can a lways be witnessed.Al l o f those would-be ccntactees suggest we are on a missionfor God , or to the Olrist ian relig i on . 32/An untruth whichdetracts fran the r e a l t rue.

loEier- hha t is the case with the other contactors?

Semjase- 33/Although many deceivers exist, there a re martywho r eally have had contact , or still have . 34/t\'urIErousarrong thes e never had rmre than visual contact . 35/Contact -ees then, only saw spa.cecraft f ran afar, often were ableto take pictures too . 36 /Only a f ew of them obtained per -sonal contact as it is today. 37/fobst of those c lothedthemse lves in s ilence , in fear fran t heir fe I l.ow c reatur es.38 /0ften, a l ready, s trange-race creatures have care to yourEarth in their expeditions . 39/They collected differentthings which could serve their investigations. 40/And so itwill happen again , such c r eatures caning here and performingthei r s tudies . 41/TI1ey care f r an dif f e r ent wor -Ids and sys -tems . 42/'Ihey often are stil l new in the fie ld o f spacetravel , and s o perform their expeditions to expand theirknowledge and understanding. 43 /Here it a lso can happenthat they care i n t o contact F.a.rth hUIT'BI1s unexpectedly,and then never r e t urn . 44 /They are not thirsty for mightand pccer and similar, and are g lad to f inally have calm and


o r de r in their a-on wo r' Ids , 45/It may als o happen that they,here and there, take pos es s ion of Earth hurrans , bring theseinto their spaceships and examine them care f ully t.h in-s t.nnrents and conduct a rrost; de tailed study o f thei r ana tany .46/But they l e t these humans go aga in, without except ion, asthey do not want to harm them. 47 / Tney o f t en are rmr e humanethan the Earth human is. 48 /But unfortunately, quite ba r -barous c r eatures also travel through the cosrms , andhere and there care t o Earth , too, many being power- hungryand wi c ked. 49/With them it can happen , that they k idnapEarth Humans , a s we ll a s o ther p lanetary human beings f ranothe r systems , and abduc t them away t o their hare planet.50/Ther e these poor- crea tures then lead a life on exhibi tionand beccrre objects of exper.irrent. . 51/ Earth hurrans , and in-habi tants o f other ....'oz-Jds , mus t take care about; thes e crea-tures , as in thei r malignance they o f ten use great pceerrfeel ings and other human character i s tics and rroverrents areoften very strange f or them, thus a life means nothing ofva l ue t o them.

J.Ei er- That 's a ll very interes ting, Semj ase , bu t I haveknown thi s f or sane t ime.

Sem.jase- 52 / SUrelYi I kno.... that you think far .

fuier- tce j L, okay, no,.; p lease tell rre one thing. You al-ready s poke o f dece i vers who with the i r fantas t ic UFO taleshave gained public i ty, and can you a lso t e ll rre scrre narre s ?

senjase- 53/Surely, but you knew IIDs t o f them by narre .

fuier- Nevertheless p lease t ell Ire ye t sane few .

Semjase- 54 /As you l ike; with v..non s hould I J:::egin?

In the firs t p lace , I am intere s t ed in, what aboutKenneth Arnold. Am I right that he ..vas no deceiver?

Semj ase- 55/Surely, this man was no deceiver , as he reallyhad s een UFO s paceships. 56/Also many o the r pilo ts have rret;with ours , or o ther str ange s hips . ..

1hank. you , this a l r e a dy suffices . . .

Semjase- 63/ \·:e coul d evidence this, but fran your side, youshould not t ry that , because the Fa.rth human is very diffi-cul t to convince o f the .. 64/One day, he has to findthe f or himse l f and t hen he will accept it as know-


l edge . •.This is evident, but how s hould I face this - they

will not give Ire relief when I r eveal the truth.Semjase- 67/Have no wor r ies , because you be long to a circ l eo f thinking human beings who wi ll help you. 68 /1 wi ll giveyou the nerres of those who are i.rrportant to you , but r errerober'them by yourself alone and never reveal them in public . . .(Seven nerres and addresses were then q.iverr . }Mtier- Are these names s uff i cient?Semjase- 69/They are , and now my t irre i s over . 70/9:) Ihave to l eave you then and transmit to you later , as i s be-eaning eamon , my thoughts a t a l a ter tirre r ep l ay, so thatyou can write them down.


= Ccntact Saturday , 8 FebruaIy 197 5

After some p reliminar y dia logue on anothe r ma l t e r , a re ferenc e ",as madet o the apparen t s upe riori ty in kno.... l edge and de ve lopment of t he e xt.rater-rest rial u rOnauts now v is i ting our Earth, e ven asc r i b ing per fect i on to some.Semjase repli es now to t hat particular refe rence.

Semjase- l O/ But we, as we ll , are still far distant fran thispoai .tdon , and ITD.1St deve lop ourselves continually f orward.l1 / we are not the s o-caHed super - t:e ings, as Farth rren l iketo c a ll us in their own imag ination. 12/t';le a l so are notteachers, miss ionarie s , or way- preparera , 13/l',Te just havean ob liga t i on in du t y to prese rve the existing life a l readydeve loping in this universe. 14/This means that we endeavorto keep o r der and to control certain lif e . 15/ He r e and the rewe open contacts with inhabitants of diffe rent wor I ds , s earchout s ingle one s of them and give explanati ons to them, buton ly when a race deve l ops i tself t o r a t i ona l thinking con-sciousne s s . 16/ 1hen we s I owky prepare them to get aquaintedwith the thought that they are not the only thinking c reat -ures in that universe. 17/ He re and there we also he l p bytelepathic rreens to instill certain cogni t i ons for the d i s-covery of ti..ITe-phased inventions .loeier- 'Ihen my cal culations are cor r ect?Semj ase- 29/Certainly, s t i ll about this I wi ll g i ve youinformat ion at another tirre , and thoroughly .Meier- As \<.'e ll about Jnmanuel?SEmjase- 30 / SUrely, you shall have expl anations about; At -l anti s and r.1u, but about; J rrmanue l you are a l r eady Informed.31/ Yoo know of the writings about; Jmnanue l , which corre s pondwith t.ruth , the writings of J udas Iscario th. 32/ 5;:) I do nothave to expl ain rmre about; that . (1)Joeier- But s arething interes ts rre, sernj ese , It i s oftenwr i tten that the star-human-beings can a t tai n great age ...Nhat about; this?Semjase- 33/ Ik> you relieve thes e a llega t i ons? No, I don ' t , because i t i s teo unbelievable . I c anonl y relieve this in the sense that a being (of s uch age) isj ust not human any l onge r , but a spiri t ua l emb::rlirrent .SEmjase- 34/You are r i ght a t that; a human may beccrre sene



thousand , o r e ven hundreds of thousand , years o ld when her eaches a certain l evel o f spiritual deve loprent and evolu-tion . 35/ But beyond this state, the spiri t no l onger needsa mater ial body, 36/He then does live in pure spirit andwithin such high s pheres that one can no longer ccrrmmdcatewith h im f rem this l eve l.

I see, but rray I s till ask one rror e ques t i on, oreven tvJo o f them?

Semjase- 37 /Just ask.

M3ier- You surely know that our dear Earth wcren keep the i rages s ecret ?

Semjase- 38/ SUre l y. 39 / 'Ihey deny themse lves by that .

}Eier- So I also believe . Ye t ha.... i s i t with you? Do youa lso have s uch de lusions?

Semjase- 40/certain ly not .

Meier- then, wi ll I a lso be a i rocec to ask you hew o ldyou are in f act?

Semjase- 41/ Ye s , and what do you asaurre?

M3i er- I am not exper ienced at est imating human beings ofyour k ind, but when I count by my s tandard then you wou ld beabout 32 or 33 years o ld .

Semjase- 42 /You under stand as you profess , as I really wouldte so old by Farth measure, f r an my looks . 43/ Yet you don ' tknew that the life ave rage f or us i s much higher and arrountsto s evera l hundred years , by which I mean about; 1 , 000 years.44/ Fr crn that , I am s till very young at 330 years , cor -r e s ponds to your 33 years o f your measure.

M3ier- hbat do you mean by "my measure"? If you had told rreyour aver age age before , then I wou ld have esitrnated youotherwise t oo. How could I know this then, as I a l so do notxno... everything?senjese- 45/ It i s a l ready okay; indeed i t was my mis take .But now I have to go again , and So f arewe l L

This 1, 000 years average age for the Ple i adi ans seems s t r enu ekv coinci-denta l, as t ha t is the r epo rted average ag e of Earth humans be f ore t heGreat fl ood , t he dense va por en vel op e s ur r ound ing t he Earth camei n t or r en ts eve rywhere f or score s of day s . l os s o f t he vapor en vel ope re-


duced the atmospher ic protection of Ear th 's creatu.e species f . om the ha rshr adr a t Iune of ou r sun , and the lifespans of a ll c reatu res decreased quitedramatica lly an d rapidly to under 100 yea rs fo r humans, and vegetabl e andplant yields r educed accordingly .Recalling the extra t e r r es t r i a l' s statements that ...e are descendents of

their ancestors ....hen they were here long ago, our 1,000 year Biblicallongevities take on nee meaning. Loss o f that atecspxer tc protection hassho rtened our lifes pans t o 1/IOth its former scale .In view o f this s ta r t li ng revelation , it i s no ...onder that the ex t r a ter-

r e s t r i als' fi rst ccmrcmcat ron mentioned one o f their prime and cont inuingconcerns, t he t eeunent 1055 of ",nat little prot ection remains in our t hinionosphere no<,/ . Ar e we fac ing anot he r reduction in lifespans , and al s omutat i on of fo rm, if we do no t ge t our i onosphere under cont rol . kindof l e gac y a re we leaving our ch i ldren?An interesting observation made l ater on in t he contac ts by one of the

ext r aterrestrials, describi ng a protecti ve sc reen the y us e around t hei rvehicles , and e ven around thei r person \'jhen out o f thei r vehicles , m dr-ca ted tha t t hey ag e in ou r a tmosphere a s much as wi thout thei r protect -ive sc r een !



(l) I t is diffia.l1.t to deny that SCI:'I:!thi.Ig unusual was cpirg en here inS.;itzerlarrl, and. it is a lso difficult to deey the extsterca of tbe ccntect.rressaq:?S, becaJJse there was just teo IIUCh. evidence a.It.side of I-a ier' scentrol that terrle:j to tre ccrteces as alkgrl. 'Ihe Ole thin;l that"''as within his o:ntrol was tt.e cx::nte1t arrl p,rasin:;J of the IreS53g?S them-selves. It is pceedble that su::h. a:uld be cn:ring f rtIJ arDther level. of thea::nscioosness of the nan himself arrl still be t:rans";lltted by the rerarkablerreans ccserved. In that case the transnitte1 infOIlIHtia1 CO.l1.d be heavilycolored by Hr. I-a ier's o m ideas . B..1t ideas were f nquently int.rcduc:Erl thatcere alien to l-e ier also.Jln:Jther W<rJ to 1.a:k at this is that, since t-e i er ' s earlier €ducaticn was

l.a:!gely centrolled by t:lE extraterrestztale, his ideas were also ccotrotjecto r at least stinulata::l by the::i, am ttererore rot :really his csn ideas atall. In that case we mast; fault the extraterrestrials for arrt i.n:rlequa.tearrl i.n:xI:plete cbservatia1 arrl p::ssibl e f alse ccocrcstcos, arrl rel..ieve theprimary witness of SlXE of the b ta-e,A perpkexinq aspect; o f this part.Lculnr- case is the repeated extraterres-trial refe rences to their particip:lticn in SCI:'E of the events in cur Bibl e .lEre a reference is again IlkDe to a nJj5teri.oJs scriptun ah:ut Jrrmmuel.'rre scriptun is purport-ed to be a d:xu:Ent wri t ten by Jtrlas Isd1arioth, Oleof the feo.; desciples with an ecccectcn, ...+0 a:uld read arrl write. In itJWas is p.:>rtrayoo quite differently am does rot eppeer to be strll a vil-lain as ccr 01rist.ian tlB::l1cq{ naxes him cct. to be . If me w:ul.d accept thepresent d1aracterizatial as p::ssibly Inaccurate, he a:uld a::nsi.der the r.ewp:n:trayal of Jtrlas as a devoJt disciple wtD. reccqruzdnq the greatness ofthe rran• .JtImmuel, am his superior pocera, and failing in a plea for theirgreater use, so.x;;ht to brirg arcct; a cawincing dEmnstrati01 of the rran ' Sposer arrl. ability to a::ntrol anything am. aI'rf sibJaticrJ., even tefore thehi.ctl priests of the larrl . FOssibly he thus agree1 to identify the ren,krxMi.n:;J very well that the priests a"ld autlPrities had .identif.i.e1Him arrl Jme.; Him well. ard that the hi.ctl priests arrl autlDrities w:ul.d seefor themselves . the poser of thi.s great nan, that he was irrleed a scpertcrI::eing. Jesus suh:1i.tte:i to the ab..1se, Jtrlas ' plan beckfdred, hence thegrief am arq.rish. .rccee was a wealthy nan. He did rot need thirty piecesof silver, a p i ttance. a-rl he was also the treasurer of the ap:JStolic qrcoparrl they did rot lac.1<; m::ney. 'Ihe roins w:.::uld have teen his proof of thefailed. o:nspiracy by the priests ha1 his plan 9X"X"'ef'lW.Jlrlas ' dx:urelt stJHP5Edly hidJen by tiE Essenes, of be o-e,

01e of tre rren cffirga:j with its safety tiEl, faj.Led, also f ailed. inhis missi.a1 of reveal.irq it in this life arrl lest his :r;osi ardhome in the precess .'Ihe Ta.lm..rl Irrmanuel , that mysterio.Js scriptun rrcnticned by toth Asket arrl


seej ese, a scr ipture reportedly wri ttm t1:f J\.rlas I scharioth as the allydesciple \',ro kept \','I"i ttm records, n'!Iltittls anot her scenario in \',hich alE!

JLrlah Dlarioth, the sen of a R'larisee poi.rtacren, Si1:J:n Dlarioth. stold ascroll of the teach:irr1s o f f ran J u:3as Ischarioth for his f a ther ,to be used in cc:nvictin:::J J;rr.-'1I1Uel. JtDah recetved 70 pieces o f f orthe scroll arrl was to receive arPther 30 u;x:n delivery of .kram.Jel. to tiEa:nstables . Jlrlah realize1 ...nat be hed cb1e, he threw the lD1eY tag infnnt of the hi.cP priests arrl elders arrl heit to the R:Jtter Field tehirrlthe walls of the city a:rl harq:rl himself. later was said tote deliberatel y intrc::dtx::ed. t1:f the Fharisees to save the n:r:E of Sim:l1, treHI3.risee fatber ,A nu.:h respected ard well krom scientist ard de:licate:1 reseercrer, also

a rom again Ou:istian (\'oro declines identificatim bere at trus tirre) ,seeirq the cha.1l.erlcJ2 offered t¥ this purported scriptun, urdertccsc a 0..0year sttrly o f it in relatial to our presently accepted tccses of our fe....'fest:arent erd its develcprent . Ch1trary to his initial expectiat.icns ., hefaro that this scr.iptun was i.n::1ee:j unique am very well a:uld have teen\'o'rittm I::efore any of our other present bccscs in the rbd 'reste-ent , ve krxx...that nme of trose were wr i t ten in ccoreccorary tine of these days, ardwere in fact eccconce o:rn:nitte:i to writin:;J after the partici-pants in trcse eventa were all deed.n-e srctesscr wrote up an entire treatise m this Th.1m.rl Jt::1:"anuel ard

his .investigaticn o f it \',tdch be p.Jblish:d se-e tine in the future \'oTelthe sccial c linate is less h:::stile to socn revetetacos.


Fourth Caltact Saturday , 15 February 1975 01 : 48 h

A fo ur th cont ac t look pl ace , s ti ll \'Iithin the Fi rs t three eeeks , and thedi a logue began to be l ess formal .The second cont ac t had l aken place afte r da rk , and no... the t h i r d and

fourth meetings ha ve been s hi f t ed to ve ry l al e at n ight . All o f these con-t ac ts have laken place i n qu ite di f fe rent l oca ti ons, and s ome r a t her r eecte ,'·tlen Me i e r thought t o ask about thi s l a t e r, he was lol d t hat there wer-ea l eaye unexpected cbs erve re , an d t his s hifting o f l ocations was int en ded t oconfus e anybody s eeking t o intrude upon t hese di scu ssions .Although surprised and awed by the phenomena l natu re of these ext r a t er-

r es t r ial cont ac t s \"l i th an Ear t h be i ng . Fe t e r was not t c t a l Ly di sa rmed byt hem becaus e t hey \'ie r e not c omp l etel y unexpec ted . And he had al ready under -gone ea r lie r cond itioning and prepa r ati on e xpe r-Iences i n Ind i a wi t h Askel ,anot he r e ..tra t erre s trial who al s o he l d di scu s sions l'lith Beier ea rli er i nhis life and i lTJla rted much i nformation be f or e t his time, i nc l udi ng an in-dic ation of these cont ac ts t o come, but not qui t e so soon .By t h is t i me teier had obs e rv ed t ha t Semj as e di d no t a l ways come al one t o

t hese con t ac t s, but had anot he r be i ng in t he ship when she ar r i ved , and hesuspe c t ed t hat t he r e may be other pr ot ec t i ve meas ur es beside s t ha t . She wast he on l y one so far \';ho made direc t cont act with him , and t he on l y one heseemed t o be i n t elepathic commun i cation at thi s t i me.He wondered about that cOlllTl.mication , and how di d she s peak the German

di a lec t so fluentl y? He a lso wonder e d she seemed t o know so much about\·,ha t was go i ng on . She cer ta i nly se emed to be we j I i n f ormed on a l most any -thing he menti oned . He ...sonder ed too about t he t ele pathi c t ransmis sionsafte r each of t hes e meetings . The d ia logue he r eceived was su r pr is inglyaccur ate and coecf e t e when it was r epeated back t o him . They ha d to ber ecor di ng i t and p laying it back s omehOri , but he nev e r salv any fo rm ofr ecor di ng dev i c e or equi pment. Ther e we r e no mic ro phones and they spoke i nno rma l voi c es , an d s ume t i mes a t a Ica l e ve l. They a l so s eemed t o be aware-of h i s acti ons , even out o f t he ir pres ence , and t he ac ti ons of othe r s t oo.He dec i ded to ask about these things .

Sanjase- 1/ In these last days I have r ece i ved many str ongthoughts f ran you ; you t roubl e yourse l f much with the ITOs tdiffe rent things , but for your own security I am not a H owedto answer a ll o f your questions .

You have told Ire that you woul d not penetrate mythoughts , except for sore urgent need!Sernjase-. 2/Certainl y . &1t I did not f o rce into your thoughtye t . You have dir ected your thoughts so int ently onto Ire thatI j us t had to r ece i ve them. 3/ You have a strong thought



for ce , not usually dem:mstra ted by humans .f·E ier - I had not consider ed this , and I did not want totroub le you .Semjase- 4/ It i s well a l ready, because then I cou ld occupymyself \....ith your questions which , r egret tabl y, I can no tanswe r a s thoroughl y as I wo u l d l ike. 5/ ! myself, and alsothe o the rs , f u lly trust you , but there do exi s t Earth hurrenswi th great in the i r hands who coul d elic i t such se-c rets f ran you . 6/1 knew, a ll r i ght , that you would def endyourse lf against this , but neverthele s s they might e licitsore things f r an you . 7/ 'Ihus \ \"E' have to take great care andprecaution eve rywhere . 8/But ask your que s tions a t yourdisc r etion because I do not want , and simpl y can not answerd i c tator ially to you , and I wi ll put my ques t ions aft er youra;'ffi .

foEier- '!hank you , Semj ase . You speak a per f ect Gennan l ang-uage - where did you mast e r this l anguage ?

Semjase- 9/A qood quest ion whic h can be easily answered.J ust l ike Farth humans , we have to l earn a l anguage . IO/ Yetthis is much easi e r for us , and less trouble . 11/he pos essa ll rarth languages , pr e sen t and earlie r , that we re everspoken, have detailed knc-..l edge o f them in ITOst di f -ferent ways . 13/ Fran them, l anguage t raining cou r s es aremade , as you wout d ca ll i t. 14/'Ihis work i s par forrred bylanguage-s c i e nt i s ts and machi nes , simil ar to what you ca llcanput e r s. 15/r-achines of similar s ort serve then, to trans -mit the desired language and ins till i t into us . 16/ t-1e a rel inked to such a machine or appar a tus then t ransmitsthe des ired language . 17/ 'Ihis is per fonned in a machine-in-duced hypnot ic- like state, and by this method the l anguageterm; and senses becare irrplanted and registered. IS/Thisproces s takes 21 days . 19/ 'Ihen ....e need anothe r 9 to 10 dayspracti ce to be able to speak the l anguage correctly as ....'e ll .20/'Ihis means must train \...i th the he l p o f appar atus andthe l anguage s c ient i s ts as we ll foe correct s peaking andpronounc iat ion . 21/ 'Ib l earn one language takes about; 30 t o31 days . 22/ I n r e spect to this , Earth means , especially atlanguage institutions , a re a lready using tape-recor de r s inthei r l anguage courses. 23/ 'Ihis i s alr e ady the firs t s tepto building apparatus and machines like ours , and to putthem into use . 24 / Such carputers a r e a l ready in r e s e a r ch a tdi f f e r ent p l a ces of your Dar-th , (1)


foEier- About; like I have imagined .

senjase- 25/1 knowfoEier- Hy next quest ion concerns what you have a l ready ex-p lained to rre in our first meeting, that Earth rren wou tdnever be able to travel the Universe i f they did not inventanother rre thod o f propulsion . I can on l y imagine he re thatyou mean a form of r adia t i on p r opul s i on , a hyper - dri ve , soto speak. In my opinion that mus t treat o f a dri ve which insare way changes rratter , l ikely beyond the speed of light ,and by that the beamshfps enter a hyper -space, in whichspace and ti..rre are para lyzed, as you a lready explained. Iassurre that space and t i..rre in such a way collapsing intoeach othe r are scrrehcw ccrnplet e l y disso l ved.

senjase- 26 / You take honors a s a s cie ntis t . 27/ \oJhen wec ons ide r then, that a ll your knowledge cons ists of autodi -dactical «ork, i t is phenarena l . 28/You are ccrpj .ete t y r i ghtin your assmrption . 29/ For travelling through cosmic space,a drive i s necessary which s urpasses the s peed o f light bymi llions of t ilres . 30/ But this p ropulsion can on ly careinto act ion when the s peed o f light has a l ready been r e a ched.31/ Fran that it fo l Icws that a f urther drive is needed r e g-u lating normal s peed up to that o f light. 32/This meansthen that a bearnship needs b.u drive s , fir s t the normal whichaccele rates up to the s peed o f light, and then a s econd f orthe hyperdrive , as you call i t . 33 /A drive then, which gen-e rates a mi llion-fold, and bi ll i on-fold, the speed o f light ,thus the hyper - speed by hyper - space i s pene t rated .34 /A space i n which the mass increases in re l ati on to s peed .35 /50 t i..rre and s pace collapse , and they beccrre ze ro t i..rre andze r o space . 36/ 'Ihis rreans ti..rre and space cease to exist .37/kld exactly by that , distances o f nurrerous light years aretrave r s ed in a fra c t i on o f a s econd, with no t i..rre. l a g . (2)

foEier- tees this mean that f or a bearnship and its pas s en-ge r s , the sarre t itre pas ses a s on the hare p l anet, o r anotherstar?

semjase- 38/Sure l y. 39/\';l)en, f o r example, ....'e l eave thePleiades and need about 7 hours to get to Earth, then on ourcwn p lanet , a nd on Earth , 7 hours pass . 40/\·;e need thisl ong because we first have t o fly beyond the r e a ch of theplanets by nonnal propuslion , and on l y far out in s pace canwe convert to hyperspeed. 41/ Back f ran the hyper space then ,


f ar outside your solar system, we convert to norma l. drive.a re never a llowed to enter hyperspace too near to a

p l anet . •.

Meier- '!hi s is ve ry interesting , but hCM, essentially , doess uch a hyper -dri ve work , and what happens to the norrm j drive?Semjase- 50/1 am not eLloeed to give you closer de tails onthis , because if Earth sci entist.s knew rmr e details theywou.ld have s olved their drive problems a lready in a s hortt .Irre , 51/'!his is not. in our cosmic int.erest. , as the Earthhuman i s s t i ll not f ree enough to f l y in cosmic space . 52/Bu the will in a g i ven ti.Jre solve the problem himself, which isnot far o f f . 53/1 am only e.LIowed to give s o much o f thissecret, many of your scientists already being on the r i ghttrack and wor king and conducting research on the necessarypropulsions . 54/1 am onl y a I Icced to say this concerningpropulsions ; your s c i enti sts a re a lready working on I i ght-emit ting dri ve s . 55 / Li ght -emitting drives wo r k for normalpropulsion , and rrove the beamships near p lanets and unt.L tthey are a s a f e distance a\vay . 56/'Ihere (another drive l i sactivated when greater distance s are to be cverccre , 57/ Thati s f or the hyper-propulsion system, surpasses t. Irre andspace. call roth o f the s e propulsions by o the r desig-nations , but the sense is similar. have another- l ang-uage than Earth h1..1ITBIls , and s o I have to expl ain it to youin tenns which you understand.

l-Eier- '!hat i s evident , ye t I do not understand hcJ..l such adrive functions . I understand the emittance , and themeaning o f "tac heons " , but I cannot imagine the ac tua l pr o-ce s s by which they r e s u lt in propulsion . Can you tell Irermre about; this ?

Semjase- GO/No, I am not a to do s o , because it mightrevea l the s ecret of the whole drive , and also the generatingand harnes s ing of the cacheons r and the sane wi th the emit-tance drive .

Meier- '!hank you, that suffi ces , f or I do not want to urgeyou. One thing still interests me . If I consi der right , thenthe form o f the beamship plays no deci sive rol e , yet a disc -f orm wou ld be the rmre idea l beca use , aerodynamically , in enatr.osphere , i t surel y o f f e r s the l e a s t resistance, whi.chwou.ld a lso be the case in water .

Semjase- 61/ Surely s o , you have struck a point .


62( But

tiaken in a ll , the f orm r eally p l ays lit tle part . 63/'Ihedisc-l ike f or.m vouches the l ea s t resistance , and a lso off e r sthe largest s urf ace, to e nable the drives on them to be rros t;effect i ve .

loEier- This i s evident , but how is it possibl e f or a beam--ship in the gr avi ty of a p lanet , or in its atrros phe r e , t oa ttain s uch grea t speed wi thout; g lal1ing, o r the passenge rssuccumbing to the huge pres sures?

5emjase-- 64/ 'Ihis is very easy to explain, and a lso no secretany rmre to .Earth humans , a t l eas t not the scientists ; thebeamship i s s urrounded by a pr otectian-beam-girdle, whtcha 11CMS eve ry interf e r ance t o g lide away, without pus hing .65/ The s ane a l s o happens i n the cosrros , which swa rms wt.thparticl e s . 66/ 50 the beam-pr o tec t ion s c r een f unctions toprotect the ship agains t a ll influence s and r esi s tances ,with anything contac ting the screen becaning d i sintegratedo r "f Icwed" away. 67/All pene trating, o r res istance-offer ingthings are simply diverted without evoking pressure. 68/ Apressure wou.ld mean r esistance and ....rou.ld inhibi t un l I rru.tedspeed. 69/But r errova j o f the protecting screen initiat e sanother Irrportiant; eff ect whdch is o f grea t importance to thepassenge r s . 70 / 'Ihe g lide- away e f fect o f the beam--protection-screen a l so neutralize s the a t t r a c t i ve f o rce of a p lane t .73/ . .. r esul ts in the beams hfp not being subjec t to thegravi t y f o r c es o f the p lane t . 74/The grav i t y o f a p l ane t is ,besides this , not a lways the sene, o r o f the sane s trength,owing to certain a l ternat ions which \'1i 11 be discovered byyour sci entis ts in a r easonabl e tiJre . 75/ 'Ihe beam--p rotect-Ive-screen diverts the gravi t y and attrac t ive force s , andthe beamshfp in eff ect beccrrea a miniature p l anet whfch cantravel a t nearly lightspeed through any atrrosphere wi.thout.risk . 76/As the gravity of a concerned p lanet does no t in-fluence the beamship , the passenge r s f eel nonnal and unburd-ened , as if they wer e on the i r p l ane t i t s elf, a Iways unde rthe premise that the p lanetary gravi t y i s in ac cordance wi t hthe ir anatanica l capabil ities . 77 / In the beamship its e lf,the gravity of cours e is t uned t o the pass engers and iscarpl e t e l y cont rollabl e . 78 / \'ihen pas sengers on spacecraftf ran other wor-Lds reeve in atmospheres a lien to them, or onhost ile p lanets unbea rable gravi ty , they use suits andsmall trans portabl e instrurrents whtch gene r at e f o r thatc reat ure , the necessary beam-protect ive-sc reen f o r the i rparticul ar ship and peculiar r equf r errent ,


pocer -, and will s t ill be f or a l ong t i.Jre, infinitely super -i or to a ll technica l rreans o f the Earth human being. 98/Andwhere this is not the case , they may be under the protect iono f another and rrore deve l oped i nt e ll i gence whose techniquesapproach the last perfecti on. These are nice expectations .senjase- 99/It i s the only way to preserve peace and notbring death and destruction to your Universe , and this mus tbe tol d to the Earth human , f o r hi s spiritual wis dan iss till very poor -Iy deve loped . lOO/ The Earth human shouldaccarodate himsel f to the thought , that his forefathers haveforced a ll o f mankind and the Eartl1 i tself to the edge ofruin, and had to evacuat e the p lanet in wild flight. (4)lO l /It shoul d also s erve to warn him of power-hungry andbarbaric death-br inging characters . l 02 / A second r a ce hadto experience this in your solar system. l03/ \1ithin theirl imitre s s hate and unquenchable thirst f or pcoer , they de-s troyed themselves to the l ast nan, and no creature survivedthe con f lic t . l 04/ 'Ihe y des t royed their own p l anet wf th avast explosion that b lew i t up , and nothing .remadned o f thatp lanet save the many thousands of asteroids , which s t i lltoday circle round your sun ...- as ner.oria l stones to thedeadly unreasonabili ty of human creatures . lOS/ Remnants ofthe one t i.rre s t anding and rnarve tous ry flourishing p l anet of"natoma", which its inhabitants dest royed in their bar-barous thirst for power' , and their unreasonable might , s u r -vive today . (5)

Dear gir l , that is very inte resting ; do you s t i llknCM rrore s uch things?

Semj ase- l OG/ Sure l y , but for today that has t o be enough .l 07/ 1he next tiIre you shall l earn IIDre.



(1) In crepcer 9 of UFO AEnJ::I'IQ-l lJJ.' B:JIOCAIU (this p.ililis.'-erL we learnof a .rercva'e pastor arrl his \rife, FEn:linio arrl aterce sets, havirgteen alrlu::tErl al:oaI:d an EI' space:;:raft tccerrer, rein;; fit te:i with l'J:>ai;earthat parfomed eutccatdc s iI:ul.tanea..1s translatial of the sr' s totheirs arrl theirs to his . 'rtere «as sere irrlicatioo that \"ith similarequi.pJB1t they can Learn 0Jr larq.Jages in a s f-crt; t ir.e. They a::uld edjus t;tre translator device to any present zarth'q.age as as these of0Jr pest.,

(2) E'arth. scientists recrntly sb.rly:in:J this prc:b1em of su;:er- lig!1t. speed,David Frt:nirq o f Mva.""Ce;j Prcp.1l.sim systece Lab-

oratory trere, arrl Ala" fbit fomerly of H:iustal, eqree that for tl:eprocess descril::e1 to rase place it would be necessary to transcerrl speet.rcn of into arctber ...'here tie oniinarycal lID.'S of d'lemical matter ro y, am tlat it might be possibleto 00 this in a field that ecceteretes all etccs in tfe f ield simlltan--EnJSly.

(3) This ran to unify has been 11B1t.i!nErl l:¥ these arrl other E1's as anecessary prerequisite to space trave l. If can rot get almg en cur a-nterre planet, can never bope to est aJ.c:n:J with other intel ligent l:e ingsquite dilferent fran us . 'Ihis and the need for a unifia:l planetary effortrrergin:J all of the technical resources. scientific kn::,.. arrl cape-bUity o f the planet in a o::nstructive prcqrem t:hat can r:vve forwardccoestvery, arrl witlu.1t the cestroctaveoess of the past, th::y say. is treally way we will ever <J2't into deep space.

(4) 'rtere are nar1'f stories of earlier i.nhiliitatim arrl evacuaticn of thisplanet bf spece-tiravekinq races, several t.ares over; ere teirq the caseinvolvin;J the Jeh::lva ' 5 lu tness pastor just lTJ2nti.alej.

(5) '!his is a p:c:ul.iar of an earlier story of the life a-rldeath of anather planet in car solar system. 'That descr-ibed to a groopI was a partdcdpent; with duri.rq 1956 in Victorville, Cal.ifornia, "'tel trespeoe srotrers of the Solar Cross oescrtrec to us tnat; scctety am it I 5

ma::1 destructi.crl o f its rxvn planet, which they callEd "r·" , in anatonic excllinge wi th superpccerful, themo--nuclear weap:ns . '!he explosialsu::c:essi vel y picke:1 up other che! etererrts in the fissicn-fusial d1ainof reecctcre due to the ever i..ncreasin:] heat generatEd, until all thesetter of that planet receee involve:1 in the process, erd it was allystqprl by the o:oli.n;J process of experetcn after the pre-et; was bla·;n tobits . '!his is reported in detail in chapter me of bj RichardHill er, the o::ntactee with th:se Space Brothers at tlHt tare. I'e were even


told bj those El's that certain Russian scientists an:j rnather.atic ians hadrun calculatiuls in orbital cecrentcs. recersrrq the orbits of Jov,.,nasteroids, arrl that ....'hen they did so, trey fa...-crl that the asteroidsall retnrred to a cc-rcn pairrt; a t a certain par-led in tarre, have neverteen able to anfirm this . '!his was told to us at that tare as an exeapleof wha t 0Jr "'on igrorant mrlless was Ieedtrq to. 1hey had j ust told usthat ale of cur big atonic e:oq;:erir:Ents had cptten cut of o:ntrol am vapor-ized the entire site isl..arrl to a o::nsi.derable depth urder water, Theysug:JeStro that had i t oot fortunately been over water arrl the greaterceol..irq effect of that rredfim, might have exper-Ienced the fate of theother planet. 1·Wrle.1<. \oee'-<s later Iro'e read of the super' expl osicn that didin fact vapcr.tze the entire site islarrl, whidJ. is rv;<I history.



Fifth Contact Sunday, 16 February 1975

This f i ft h contact t ook place j ust be fo r e mi dn i gh t only on e day a f ler thefourth mee ting with Semj ase , She greeted h i m and they d i s c us s ed a p roj ec lhe was wor kmq on and t he need fo r a great er s p i ritua l i nsi ght on t he pa r to f a verage Ea r t h humans. Then she remind ed h i m t ha t ou r Ea rth chron o logy isnot ve ry exact, a nd she offe r ed the foll owing in forma t i on for cceoa r f s onwith ou r pr e sent r eco r ds.

Semjase- 31/Hany researchers since o ld tines try to cal-culate the t ine of your Biblical "Gr e at Flood" , yet up tona.... with little s ucce s s. 32/Fr an your present O1ristianchronology, the Grea t Flood t ook place exactly 10 ,079 yearsago . 33/ It was caused by a wor-Idwt de catastrophe of cosmicor i gin, when a gi ant ccret; d i spl a ced Earth f ran its orbi tand changed i t s per-iod of r evolut i on and d i r ect i on . 34/ Att hat; t ine an Earth day was mor e than 40 hours and the s undid not r i s e in the east as i t dces nCM. 35 /Such changingpe riod and direction of r evo l ut i on events have afflicted theEar-th two rrore tines s ince the f Iced, but they have not pro-duced s uch destructive catastrophies . 36/ 'Ihe last change ofthis kind happened 3,500 years ago , about; wh ich I will speak.later. (1)37/Tne gr eat flcx:rl 10 , 079 years ago was pr oduced by a g i gantic

ccrret., which has a l ready caused much damage and rrove s throughthe Univer se since very ancient t ines. 38/\\e call it the"tes t.royer" , and we a re aware of its traveling through thisun i ver se for mi llions of years. 39/Fran your chrono logy,this dangerous caret posesses a revo l utionary period of 575and one half years , and will ccrre dangerously c l ose to theEar-th again in the year 2255 of your calendar, if not changedby cosmic c i rcumstances . 40/ 'Ihe l a st (c los e) passage to thisplanet tcok p lace 295 years ago i n 1680 . 41/But 10,079 yearsago, this giant caret , ori ginated by natural catastrophe,passed near Earth and very nearly de s t royed i t . 44/ The l as tcatastrophe produced by this caret was scrre 3,500 years ago ,as I ment i oned . 45/ I t happened exact l y 3 ,453 years back inyour chronology. 46/\'lith this ccrret; occurred an event seldomwi.tneased in this univer se, the tran sp l antat i on of a p l ane tf ran a distant solar system, t.hrown from its orbit andpu shed into cosmic space , where it ran parallel to t he gi antdestructive caret . than 130 years this plane t t r av-e led behind the giant, and on l y unimaginably s Iowl .y deviatedf ran i ts course . 48/'Ihen , 3 ,453 years ago , the de s t r oye r



pene tra ted this s o lar s ys tem and disarranged the p lanetaryo rbi ts . 49/Passing near E3.rth , i t s hrouded her in i t s vasttra il and dis turbed he r mightily. SO/Extens ive s torms andvo lcanic e rup t ions we r e the cons equence . 51/Hurnan beingsand animals died in gr eat numbers , rrountains were disp laced,and the depths o f the oceans c hanged. S2/ In the r-iediter-r anean Sea the l ava wa lls of the volcano Santorini were rentdeep and l arge quant i t ies of water penetrated. 53/This pr o-duced a might y catastrophy, because f r an this the vo lcanoexp.lcded and dest royed the I sle . 54/'Ihe explosion generateda huge atormfIocd which qreol up to 2, 000 meter-s into the skyand r a ged l ike a pzfrreve.l rronster over the ocean . 55/Al lins ide it was k i lled and destroyed and the waters were r edwith b leed. 56/I n Egypt this s tormf Iood i nundated l argeareas and caused epidemics , whi l e the floodwave r an backover the eastern shores o f p resent Syria and destroyed a llharbor citi es and the l andsc ape. S7/ 'Ihe caret shot throughthis sol ar system and rushed out into the cosmos again, toret urn in another 575 and a half years . 58/In its t railfo llo.o.'ed the displaced p lanet , about; the s ize o f Ea.rth , andwas captured by the gravity fie ld o f this Sun (and i tss ystem) . 59/'Ihe gigantic forces guided this p l anet intoo rbi t between Hercury and Earth. 60/And since then , thistransplanted inmigrant p lanet i s known to Earth men as thep lanet Venus . (2)

Meier- Fantastic , 5emjase .Semjase- 61/Surel y , but I have not f inis hed, as I want totell you new another o r igin, f o r this fateful caret a lsob rought a long your rrcon , a sma.ll planet fran a far away solarsys tem. 62/The Earth ' s l-b::!n o r iginated as a little p lanet4 .5 mi llion years o lde r than the Earth. 63/ It happened mil-lions o f years ago . 64/ reep in unexplored space, in a sun-eysten near the milky way (ecliptic) , a l one s tar floatedfar f ran the norma l courses of the sun-circling orbits .65/ I t was a "dark s tar" empty of life, very dange rous inits e rratic course into wh i ch i t was c ast by a huge erup-tion of its nat ive sun. 66/'ihis exploding sun destroyedrrost of i ts circling satellites, o r shot them as dangerousmissiles out i n to space . 67/'Ihat s un i tself then collapsedi nto i t self and t o r e a hole in the Universe . 68/ Her ma.t t erp ressed in upon itse lf by vast f orce s was carpr e ssed into asrra.lI VOlurTE. 69/\\hi le that SlU1 in its normal pulsatingstate had a d iar.eter of eleven mi llion kilareters , i t now



shriveled together to a densi ty of only 4 . 2 xt t crctcre (indianet e r) . 70 /Thus the matter became so ccroressed that as ingle cubi c centi.rrEt e r weighed seve r a l thou sand t ons . 71 /Since then it floats a s a dark gaping void in the cosrros ,which for mil lions of kilareters around her t ears everything'towards her . 72/ 'lhe a t - that - ti.Ire flung away dark star wascapt ured by a neighboring sun- s ystem and i t circled it thereon an unstable cours e . 73/ For many thousands o f years i to r bi ted that sun and its s a tellites . . . 74 /But still faraway fran thos e «or -Ida , the lifele s s dark-star traveleds pace . 75/ Big and inaccessib l e , i t float ed through the i cyunivers e , an expellee, a dangerous wande rer in a strangesys tem, dark and dead l y . 76/In the run of the mtLl .endumsit reeved rmre and more within the r ea ch of the sat ellitebodte s o f that system which i t had c irc l ed f o r so long atrirre , 77/Inperceptably its course nar-rcsced and the dange rgrew. 78/ m ti.rre i t fell s uddenly and unexpectedly .into tilenarrocest. o r bi ts of that sun and he r p lane ts . ..., a l -ready recognizable as a dark s phe r e , the des troyer r e f l e c t edthe sunlight whi Ie it drew behind i t a thin veil of l uminousparticle s . 8S/ Still s ore hundred thousands of uni ts of dis -tance to the nearest wo r t da , i t evoked on them helli sh s tormswhich destroyed great areas cul tivated there by peacef u lhuman beings . 89/ I n the n ight o f the third day a f t er pene-trati on o f the destroyer into the courses of the planets ;the cosmic traveler invaded the e lliptical o rbi t of the 6thplane t . 90/ Evoking grea t cosmic storms , i t dis p l aced thisplanet serre un.i ts out o f i ts course and dangerous1y nearthe s un . 91/ Irnrens e eruptions and storms rent the flouris h-ing beaut y o f this p lanet . 92/lobuntains collapsed intothemse l ve s and oceans wer e 'thrown f ran their beds as thatp lane t found a new course around the s un . 93/ Fi lled withhorror and f r i ght _fr an the vast power of nature , the humanbeings fled to the l arge plains scat tered ove r that planet.94/But t he r e l eased natural f o rce s overcarre them.thir ds of the inhabi tants of that planet we r e l os t i n thetesrcest,s o f natur e . 96 /\'lild waters tore away great parts ofthe s olid land, while expl cding vol canos buried huge p lainsunder- g lCMing l ava and l a i d it in ashe s and ruin . 97/Tnerotat ion of the p l anet s Iowed and the day becarre twi ce asl ong , and the p lanet changed direction in i ts o r bi t about;the s un . 98/Forced by cosmic dest iny, the s urvi vors had tobegin aga in - dest i t ute of culture - recast into a pr Ineva ttine of origi n . 99/ The des t r oyer rushed through the sys t em


s preading death and great destruct i on . IOO/It crossed thecourse of the 5th planet , a worl d a t the beginning of lif ef ormatdon , lOI/Still , this one , a t the tine of the event ,fortunat e ly, was teo distant to be serious ly darna.ged by theeffects . 102/Aside fran earthquakes and great sto.rrns lit t ledamage was done . 103 /'Ihe 4th p l anet in this sys tem was de-stroyed in this bat tle of wor Ids , l 04/ As the smallest ofthe p lane ts it hel d it s course which c rossed the path ofthe wande rer directly ahead. IDS/ And s o it happened, theyrushed on v...ith i r res i s tabl e f orce . l OG/ Like t\vo wild rron-s ters , they rushed togethe r ; a g iant and a & ...arf . 107/ Ye tbefore they could COllide, huge explosions rent the lif ele s sdwarf p lanet . lOB/Its sha ttered f ragrrents were flung tothe endless wfdths o f the Univers e , where they are s een asfalling stars or meteor s when caught by the f or ces of others tars and planets , and they f ind the ir f inal end g lCMinga\'laY in othe r a t::rrospheres . I 09/ Other parts o f the d'....arf fellinto the s un and were atanized . llO/ fobre parts feU intothe destroyer and becerre a part of it. UI / Fl ung , as by agiant ' s f ist, a l arge piece of that dwarf p lanet shot awaythrough s pace wi th dis tant a im . 112/ As it carre wi thin theinf1uence of o the r s tars , i t was s haken and struck. by meteor sand f all ing debr is changing i t s form . 113/ In the passingcent uries it took a rounder form, 114/ I t was dead and wastedand cover ed \...ith huge craters, and was i nhospitabl e f or lif e .U 5/ The forces of dif ferent systiems changed its speed, andsaneti.Ires i t ' s course, unt il one day it was attracted by as un-system and drawn into orbi t . 116/ As a dark dead star itpassed through the outer p lanet ' s orbits without caus ingdamage . 117/1n the inner orbit i t s truck s crre pieces of adestroyed plane t whfch only cut SCIl'E deep craters in i t .lIB/ This changed its course again and forced it para l le l tothe course of the second planet , which had a l ready developedprimitive life. 119 / 1he plane t was covered by l arge oceansand dens e orirreval fore s ts . 120/ Fran this point in t .Irre only34 days pas sed unt il the dwa r f caught up wi th the p l anet andwas caught into orbit around it. 12 1/ The force s of thatplanet vce re enough to tie the dwarf to i t as a new satelliteon a steadily changing elliptical orbit . 122/Since then i tc ircl es a s the a r ound Earth, 4.5 mi llion years o lderthan it s pr-imary body . (4)123 /In the 'dis tant solar system the destroyer r aged on .

124/It des troyed everythfnq in i ts path, t.hrowfnq by 00-



imaginable pcoer, the inner p l anet of that system into i tssun, befo re which the planet \ consurred by huge exp t osI onsand f e ll as p i e ce s into the sun and was atanized . . 12 5/ 'Ihedes troyer was deflec t ed f r an its course by a f ee... units, andshot dangerously near t he sane sun and back i n to the depthsof space . 125 /In the unimaginable ene rgies o f the near pas sby that sun, t he danger ous wanderer was liquifi ed, and inits .imrense speed o f passage through that s ystem, and thecosmic t urbu l ence generated, cast substances andparticl es f r an i t s surface , gene r a t ing a l uminous trail ahundred thousand uni ts l ong , q ro,...i ng l ike the de s t roye r i t -sel f , which had no,... become a giant deadly caret . 127/ In thecold o f cosmic space the wanderer s o lidified aga in . 12S/ Thel uminosity r emained with i t as well as i ts l uminous tail ,and myr iads and myr i ads o f sma l l e r partic l e s and gasses s ur-r ound i t since then ove.rf Icwinq it and the l ong t ail behindi t. .. (5 )U5/The one-thi rd survivors o f t hat distant ravaged s o lar

s ys tem regan t o r ebuild their societ y . 136/'Ihi s was dif-ficult and rich in privation, but in l e s s than 9 centuriesthey c r eated a new civilization and cul ture with advancedt echnical sciences. . . 141 /Then a t irre cerre when theyf Ie w around in disc-shaped rrachtnes and deve loped beam-drivesand t raveled the \...i dths o f the cosrros , 142/ Othe r sys tems o fsuns and plane ts were discovered and explored . 143/Newwor -Ids and possibil ities were d i s c l o s ed, and scrre began t oemigrate , their hare p lanet having beccrre to sma .lI for thenBv 144/The i r scientists c reated great spaceships ,sufficient ly equipped with rreens o f every kind, and fantast-ic capabi l ities f o r exploring space and l e a rn i ng nev things.145/'lhey f ound many habitabl e cor-Ids and s o lar syatems whi.chthey o f t en subjugated by use o f their radiation weaponsafte r short one-sided battles , t o conque r t hem f o r settle -rren t. of their r a ce. (6)146/Beside s thei r m:ms t rous techniques , they still improved

their spirit , and nothing that they want ed t o exp Ioru .re -matned str ange for them any l onge r . 147/ By ut i lizing the i rspir i tua l f o rces they r ais ed themse lves ahead o f rrany othe rraces , becaning thei r governors. 143/At that t.Irre they cal-led themselves "Ki ngs o f wtsdcn" , by t he wor d "I ffi'iI-!" whichon Earth i s trans l a t e d to mean "Cod" , 149/ Sp i ritua lly farsuperior to sene o f their contempcrar I e s , they soon governedthem in evil dictatorial f orm. 15D/But in the passing cen-


-t uri e s , having beccrre t i red o f the God ly scientists, theoppressed peopl e rose up against them, a t firs t by s ilentr evoluti on . l Si / Oppres s ed by the spiritual f o r ces and thegreate r kncwledge of the "Gods" , the nations were forced tobow in s ubjugation to their rulers . 152/But their wi ll forf reedan ins pired them to prepare s ecretly f o r a battle .153/Like a srrou l dering f i r e i t g l CMed undetected for 500years , to flame up a t a gi ven rrcrrent. a s an unquenchable wildfire t orc h . 154/ln Earth chronology that was about; 230 , 000years ago , when the conflict f o r freedcm began . i SS/ Evilwars spread to many p l ane ts and sate wer e destroyed . (7)

156 / A s cientist narred ASAEL took this chance to make tum-self independent and to f l ee . 157 / Secre tly he succeeded intakingpossession of a l arge fleet o f s paceships, manned themand fled under heavy war act ivity. 158/\'li th 133 c rossrenas(great s pacers) and about 250 explor e r c l ass ships having360 , 000 human beings aboar d , he departed his hare system.159/ 'Ihey f l ew f o r many years through s pace, until one daythey encountered a s un-system which offer ed life-developingpossibil ities f or them f ar f r om the i r horne sys tem. 160/ Aftertaking pcsee eafon o f the new p lanet, three hundred years pas-s ed, wh i le they cre a ted a new mankdnd , 161/ 'Ihen they s e t t ledt-o mor e p lane ts in their new hare system, and then resurredthe expl o rati on of their universe again .162/ Then they encountered your s olar s ys tem. 163 / fure

they put l anding partie s on three diff e rent p l anets andstarted the o r gani za tion of a new culture . 164/These plan-ets were r a ther inhos pitabl e and o f t en hostile . 165/ 50 theydeparted these p l anets again and on ly nov and then v i s i t edthen a f ter that . 166/ hhen on the (then) s econd p lane t , theFarth, intelligent life began to trove , they cerre again andna.v l i ved ther e . (8)167/ As in the nature o f hurrans , confl i cts over the control

of governrrent broke out again and once rrore they l e f t Earth.16B/ Fran the nee hare p lane t (in the Pl eiades) , deve l oprentson Earth we re continua l ly watc hed, and contro lled t o senedegree , through expeditions year aft er year . 169/ Fram t ineto t i..rre othe r attempts were also made to settl e this p l ane t .170/Also o the r creatures were depor-ted to Earth and s inplyl e f t here to their fate, with no t echno l ogy o r help . 171 /se-e degenerated and becerre wild and bes t ial. 172/ Then a tl a s t a t irre c arte when a great step cou l d be undertaken.173/ A certain cul t ure deve loped, which had exi s t ed sene


-thousands o f years . 174/ But once rmre , thirs t f or po...'erbroke out and a ll w'ere destroyed. 175/ 50 the Earth fellagain into her o ld charac t e r. 176/ 'Ihen it took sorenu Ll endums, until a new effort was undertaken, but no ITOrein the sense of an expedi.t.fonr on the hare planet dissensionin opi n i on broke out, because the scient ists once rrc re hade leva ted themse l ve s as Gods and held the nations in bondage .I77/ The resul t of this was that a group of dissenting scien-tists and other human beings a l lied themselves together andtook poseaaLon of dif ferent spaceships . 178/Al:::out 70, 000hunan beings fled that pl anet and settled on Earth . 179/Their l eader, named Pele gan, was voluntarily ackncwledqedby a ll as an IHh'H (Godl , and he matncafned tight control.l BO/ He had nearly 200 sub-l eaders, who ....'ere each respons i bl efor one special f i eld of sci ence . 181/ They were to be knownas "sub-Gods", and a lso cere ca lled "Gua r dians " . 182/ 01 thehare p lanet war r aged, and rnrch ....ras damaged and lost . 183/But the human beings finally aqu i r ed freedom and peace .184/ 'Ihis has r emained un t il nCM, and a l so \...ill neve r change .185/In Earth chrono l ogy this happened about; 50 , 000 years ago .18G/ Onl y on Earth i tse l f , i t was not a Iways so peacefu l andrrany mistakes were . 187/ By one of these mistakes theoriginal Earth race cerre into existence, whose des cendent slive today and have inherit ed the inclinati on to carmit thesane fau l ts as our f orefathers have a lready done .fr£ier- '!his i s r ea lly fantastic , Semjase . Ho.... does all thd.scontnnue? I am r eally anxious to kncse,semjase- 188/'Ihis I believe , yet for today I cannot tellyou rrore , as my tirre i s over. 189 / 'Ihe next t in'e you shal ll earn rrore . . .



(l) The tine parked giVEn he re for the great f locd as 10,079 years a;pro..qhly corrcsp::rrls to tre eecinared tdre of tre sinlU.n::J of tre mythicalislarrls o f Atlantis as reported bj the Greek Priest Solm. in Plato 's w:Jrkm 'AElJS. Other researchers since then, such as Otto } jauc:k, H. P. D:::n'lellyam reds spe-ce: am TlEtaFhUsicians such as H. Rardall steve-e. scottElliot arrt H.P. alevetsxy, also agree. t-ore auth:::lri tat.ive ecteo-ti£ic researcres that tJ-e flo::d rray have occurred ab:ut 11,385years <Cp.

(2) Of ecorse a pterec-erzec ccrret; f rrm the cort; clarl aro.Jrd our solarsystem seems OJt of the questicn. !'b CO'lEt I1Dre than a f&1 miles d tereterhas ever rem reported . can we be sure that such iI:r.ense t:o::lies d::l rotexist in a similar Cbrt-tyt:e clarl 01 scr..e other scale at eootrer level in0Jr gllaxy. I'e have certainly d.iscovere::l over am over again that we d::lrot krJ;::w all there is to kn:::W in 0Jr sciences, The Pleiad.i<ms even offenrla detailErl explimaticn of this rra:moth caret croe into l::eing, \otrich rrdYactually be plinlsible. A catast.J:qte similar to this, occurring in cursolar sysrsra, was by' Ir:r.ru1uel in his ','CRU15 rn CUrLISIGl am socseqceor. \\Orks al!ng this line . J-t! also oescrneo the cev-estet tcn wrt:U:Jht bj a g iant cceet; pesetnq thra..xtl our solar system. otrerresearchers have that Venus m:l}' 0CJt be a natural part; of cursolar system, arrl that cur !.tx:n <MY be a capture. I have never seen anyevi.den:e of this kird of eatertat aro.Irrl the "eier tcuscbald, alth::J..ql.I-Eier I-Olld be Interested in such corrocorat.Icn i£ he beard of any.

0) Cl:nsider the fact that this infOlI!i:3.tiOl was giV61 to Etluarrl I-eier in1975, mer 10 years ag:J, am try to recollect that little actually !c:r"oIab::ut black holes in spece at that t.trre , That was tefore tie sq:histicate::lorbi ting tel escq::es wi th all their m::rlem array of narvetccs equi.p:e1t rr:M

teing used to stWy this A scientific ccnsultant,this stare-ent., that this fits \otlat. we TO..... call a'"black role" sin:;p.ilirrity, ard in his research Ice-d that; these thiIq; arefairly prevalent , am that there !'My in fact te several such si.Ix;ul.aritiesnear cur solar syston in this galaxy .

(4 ) 1lccord.iIg to this chrrroIO:!i, 0Jr a xn is a frag:ent of a lcn:1 ag:Jdestroye::j 4th planet (uni.I'JhIDita:il of the original solar systec occupiedby' that race before i t s excdus in hlq:! setf-ccntatred qreat-apocer evec-uat.icrl a rks miles in dteoerer, me of which has core to OJX solar systema nu:±cr of tines .

(5) The rcq.Je "Oest.Iujer" pl.anct. repor'tedky tarred into an .im-ITEnSely lTh1S91Vt:! CO'lEt by a c lose pass tlm:::J.xtt the Pleiallan' s original



bcre solar system in another ccnstellatial .

(6) '!he Pl e ia:lian erceetcrs left their parent planet in another ccoetet-Iat.Icn arrl rcered space settling other worlds . c reated a kirrl ofspace ecprre ..tU.Ch t:tey exploi.tEd for their cxcn heretit.(7) Pleiadia..""IS (before they cocece Plei.a.:iians) fled. the arrl ultimately enqineered an:l. occupied three planets in the groopof s tars n:::J,1 call the Ple iades, hence cur n:r.E for these extraterrest ialn d n:;JS .

(8) PenEg;.de steieatere, escapi.n'g q:pressi!:n again. cere to ocr solarsysrsra, ....eere they vrareed al'rl operated surface tesee 01 three of 0Jrpre-eta . 'Ihey were forced to evacuate sevaraj, tdres bJt they always re-tl.rn'H:i as they cb m -l.


That was a stagger i ng r-evej at Ion and bogg les t he mi nd wit hout a l it tl ee xpl a i rvknq unti l i t i s r ead ever a few times . \1e ha ve been ab l e t o l e aveIIIOs t o f t his di al ogue in t act becaus e o f t he natu re o f t he ncns en s.rt. Iv e buthi gh l y i nteres t i ng s ub j ec t mat ter discu s sed .It has been postulated by ot he rs t ha t the "Great rlood" was caus ed by

prec ipitation of t he vapor envelope that shr ouded the Ea r t h to a greatdepth before t hat time , l'lhen this p lane t was like a gr eat gre enhouse an dthe surface never sa" t he sun di rectl y . Vegetation grew to gr eat s i ze andn our i s hed eu per abundant I v , A problem with t h is t heor y i s I'lhat was thecause o f t he change i n tempe r ature , enough cooling on a planetary sca l e toprecipitate t he va por envel ope? Thi s account a t l e as t offe r s a soluti on t ot ha t puz zl e . And it accounts for some ot he r things t oo, such as the obse rv e dchanges in po l a rity and sudden great changes i n c limate and the l and andwater surfaces , and t he buryi ng and eeeo r e s s mq of t ha t lush dense veqe-tat ion produc i ng ou r coal beds, a l l events that happen on a co smic scale,and suddenl y Ire are of f e red a caus e . There a re no records of that vas tdes t r uc tion except in nat ure itself , but we do have r ecor ds of t he retur nof a "des t r oye r " ce l e s t i a l bod y i n mo re recent times , whi ch may have beenr espons i b l e for other but l e s s seve r e co smic ch anges .There a re a lso sugges t i ons that Venus i s so diffe rent fr om the ot he r col d

bodi e s in ou r solar syst em t hat it may no t be na t I ce t o it , but a capt ur ei n t he no t t oo dis tant past , ano t her e vent that produced co smic dr at. ur ban -ces i n t hi s solar svet ee a t t he t i me. I-:e had not on ly t he great tida lwalles i n the Medite r rane an , as ment i oned , but a l love r the "ar I d . The greatAmazon ian In l and Sea was s loshed around i n it s bas in cont'letely dest r oyi ngdoz en s of gr ea t cities around its beaut iful sho res before it was eeot teci nt o t he Atl an tic l eavi ng black silt hundr eds o f feet de ep i n t he mout h o ft ha t gr eat ri ver and beyond int o t he ocean . The Gobi Sea was emptied intot he Arct i c and l a r ge i slands in t he Atl ant ic and t he Pacific , an d theIndian Ocean as well, comp letel y disappeared and t he gr ea t mount a i n rangeswer e r a ised. These ellents a r e so big t ha t t he y almost had to be t he resul tof for ces on an interp l aneta r y sca le , and t h is s t ory sa t i s f of themys t er i es that seemed unanswe rab l e be fore .The s to ry o f t he orig in of t he in another so lar system is un i que but

ce r t a inly no more i mp lausibl e than any such s t or y offered . Af t e rvje f i na l l ygot t o the I·loon an d b r ought back some s aeo t es of it s mat e r i a l , we di d infact find t ha t it was probab l y olde r t h an the Ear t h . The co llapsing sunthat s pawned our Moon i n thi s stor y i s no l onge r an unknonn pnenQttJenon .[ndeed , i t i s no.. beli ev ed to be quite ccmron and that the re are many suchsingu lar ities s ca t t e r ed throughout known space .rictuall y . acco r d i ng t o th i s s to ry . ou r rcon i s no t a pa r t of that huge

r ogue co l d planet , bu t a result of t ha t body's coll is i on " it h t he 4t hpl anet i.n the parent s olar so lar 5)stem o f the anc es tors of those we nO\\l


c a ll Pleiadians , t hey l i ve d in t hei r own s o lar s ystem i n a not h e r s tarconstella ti on. Ou r present r·lo on i s a lleged t o be a pa rt of t ha t destroyedfou r th p lanet , a nd the present Plei ad ians a re t he descendents of the sur-vivo r s of t h e s ixth p lane t of that s ys t em, a f te r t h e ir e xodus . So i n onesense they do have a special i n ter e s t i n our r·loon al s o.The s e c ond p l anet , ment i one d i n s entence 118 , is our Earth be fo re t he

capture of Ve nu s , be ing the f i rst t hen and Mars the t hird.The o ne t hi r d s u r vivor s of the Pl e i adi a n a ncestor s ' o rigina l p lanet

e vo l ved a n ew t ec hno l og y a nd des i gned and built the Gr e a t-space r e va cua tion"arks" i n j ust 900 yea rs, and began t o launch t h em eve r vetie r e for manyhu ndreds o f ye a r s mor e . Th e ext r a t e rrestr i a l s v i s i t i ng Swi t z e rl and a r e t h edescendents of one of t hos e space ar-ks who occupied one of t he t h r e e newpl a net.s e ngi neered for habitation in wha t we ca ll t he Pl eiades t oday. 'ha twas 23 0 , 000 ye a r s a go. The y h a ve expe rienced g rea t qams and q r e a t l ossesever since that time . I n a ve r y r e a l s e ns e we a r e descendents of t hene a rl ier colonists attempti ng t o set tl e he r e, t ogether ,. ith an a ssor-tmentof a bo rigines a nd e x i les.


Sixth Contact Sunday , 23 February 1975 22: 30 h

Semjase- l / l t has been sore t .:irre unt il you were r eady forthi s . .. ?

'!hat i s because I was busy and had to f inish Satethings .

Semj ase- 2/Such can happen. 3/But n(7,>l I want to f urthe rexpl ain sene things to you .

can ' t thi s wai.t , becaus e L, myself, have sarethingthat inte r ests rre very much r s orrething tha t inte r e sts othe r sa l so, whfch is the whole life of the human being.Sanjase- 4/As you prefe r , yet actua lly I wanted to give youa mis s i on , and to continue the s t ory I began l a s t t .Irre , 5/

this can wait when you have sarething rmre i.rrportant ,in your opinion .

Thank you, Semj ase . Indeed I present ly have sarethingtha t appears important to Ire ; the life of a human being , asI rrerrtdoned. I am interested in the developrent o f lif e,i t s arrangerrent, and the developrent of spiri t , and whatabout re-birth?Semjase- 6/0h yes , a field which not only wracks your brains .7/ Ye t on the o the r hand a s c i ence, being very extensive,about wll.i c h even we do not knew the l a st s ecr e ts . 8/ &J Ican only explain t o you what is known to us and what; we as -SUITe exists . 9/Altogether, there a re on ly f i ve main points ,which for us a lso are s t i ll uncertain. IO/ The se l ead tos ecrets of c reation, which is a lso inacces s ible to us . 11/Nevertheless I do not want; to wf tho.ld f ran you our ass urrp-tians .12/ The life f ran i t s beginning to goal i s divided, it i s

said, by seven main s t eps or per-Iods , 13/ 'Ihe s e a r e againdivi ded into s even sub-per icds that make up the who .le , 14/The s ub-per-Lcds may be carpared t o leve l s in schcot , exceptthey are not calcul a ted in years , but in lif e t .:irres . 15/ Ineach period thus , a quite certain devet oprrent; exis ts and avery certain goal. 16/ And s o ron a ll seven sub-periods ,which can last hundreds and thousands o f years , and then onerrajn period i s accarplis hed.17/ Spiri t lif e is s exl ess , because sex i s speci f ically

characterist i c o f o r ganic life to a s sure propaga t i on (of thespec ies ) . 18/ Spi ritual life , thr ough organi c form, observ-


es the Laws of rebirth (or cycles) to assure deve lopnent inboth d i r ections . 19 / Thus each form of life mis t. pass throughseven de s tined main peri ods , i nc luding their s even sub-l evels . 20/For f ixed posi t.Ion o rganic c r eatures , the peri-odic seque nce of the seasons is deci s i ve , while f o r spi r i t -condit i oned c reature s (suc h as human beings ) , the periodsa re i r r e gul ar and often r ated different ly individ ually .21/They are not fixed in a dest iJred r hythm l ike p lants, e tc.22/A r e-b i rth o f a spirit-conditioned human being can takeplace after the death o f his phys ica l body, in seconds , de-cades , thousands o f years or mi lleniums . 23f';'hen a sp i r i t -condit ioned life is interrup t ed, then it i s dis advantagedfor that . 24/ 'Ihi s i s because it cannot accarplish its sub-per dcd goal and must repea t as neces sary to achieve the goa lof the per-Iod,

Does this rreen the life mist; be lived a s econd t i.Jre?

Sanjase-- 24/In a c e rtain way , yes ; a t l east the part thatwas l ost. 26/ Acco r d ing l y , the next lif e may be shorter , t oo,because it may only be making good "mi s s ed" l e s s ons to f inishthe goal o f the per-iod .

So one could call this a Hell o r puru.shrrent., so tospeak?

Semjase- 27/Surely, beca use Hell in t ruth i s nothing e lsethan a self- inflicted punishrrent to be suf fered . 28/mother words a sel f caused fauLt; mrs t; be made good.

Maier- Fran this I unde rstand that Hell and sin in the r e-ligious sens e are pure nons ens e ?

semjese- 29/seen that way : yes . . .

Does this mean then, that nobody i s guilt y wh en hemakes mistakes in his life , that he can make qocd by r ecog-nizing the r eui t., o r wh a t ever' one might call this , carrnitsit no rrore , and absor bs it a s kncwledqe , f ran wht ch then hasto resul t a certain wi sdom?

Semj ase-- 30 / . . . Your interpre tat i on is \\'<:11 taken .

This wis dan was not cul t ivated in my own fie ld. Igot it fran the "Ta 1Im.ld .Jrrrranuel",Semjase-- I understand that , but I realize that this isa lso your ccn convic t ion.


You tease Ire , f or, do I really need justification?

Semjase- 31/0f course not , and you understand the sense o fmy words wet L 32/50 please don ' t split hairs .

1 only wanted to "pus h you on the roll" .Sanjase- 33/1 don 't understand what you rreaJ1.

'!hat means 1 e Ll csced mysel f a j oke.

Semjase- 34 /0h yes , I d i dn ' t knee... that . 35/This l ocutionis new for me. 36/CKl the other hand, your talk expressesyour peculiar hurror once rrore ,

1 sinply can not find e ve rything funny , or l a ughat:out things which o the r human beings wo uld laugh at. The irhurror often seems prirni.tive to Ire .

Semjase- (laughing) 37/'!hat is very ....'ell knoen to Ire, and 1o f ten have enjoyed your peculiar hurror . 38/ 1 do also l iketo l augh .

'!hat de lights Ire . But new we have got t en o f f ouroonversation .

Semjase- 39 /You are r i ght , because 1 still have to expl ainsarething on your question : the s even main s teps o r mainperi ods rreen , in their s evenfold divisions , each one who l eper-Iod, 40/ You might consider it a "s erres t er". 41/Fran thisit might rrean in your designation, one life s erres ter duringwhi ch seven subjects mus t be acccrrp.l.Lshed, 42/ 1 want toexplain this by a s chesres


I . PRINARY LIFE: 1) Prilmry dc\.-e.lcp:e1t o f intellect. arrl spi rit.2) pr-imary t.hi.n'<dnq of intellect arrl spirit .3) Primary thint;.irg of reescn,4) pr-imary exercise of intellect arrl spirit force.S) Pr.imary reascnable actioos .6 ) Pr.im3ry will-thin.1I;irg am Will-activity.7) Peascn-ccrditi.cnErl guidirg of the life.

creatures of these levels are ' o::nsi.dered insane,idiots. etc , , bf a.l.ready t.hi.nldng rea.scni.n:;; teings in troth their spiri t am intellect is rot yetspiritually develcp:rl. (They are T'Ie'"' spiri ts wOOhave to f irst f o rm tlunselves bf learni.IIJ ani exper-i ence. )


[Present pcstt.tco of

luMn teirql


(Present e:ira.tedzartn teirq3, scteo-taste, etc . J(Faoi bo rderlarrl am.spiritual scimtistsl


2) Effective rnalizatim of reascn arrl i ts use.3) Prirrlry ar::XrnI'l.edp::S lt arrl co;;ni.t.iOl of hi.¢ler

influenc:es.4) ea,lief in h.i.gher influenc:es with:ut tf-e

kro'1ledge.5) Belief in higher forces, stJ!:erstitim, fear ofevil, venerati.a1 of G:rl, etc.

[GeIminatirg tilre fo r etc.)

6 ) Primlly o:qritim of the t:n.le reality. seseerch,kn::::J..i Jeigeable c:leve1qne1t . First sptrttcsd ccc-niti.als arrl their exercise. !:piritual J-eal.inq,te1eplthy, etc.

7 ) Primrry c:leve1qne1t of \t;rn.tledge am wis:bn.

1) Mvanca:l. deve.1cprHJt o f tre intellect. High tech-n>lcgy. Searrl util..izat.ial of spiri'bJal forces ,Primary creectcn of livin;J force.

2) Realizaticn arrl exerctse of truth, mrlwtsccn, 5iD'1 breakcl:Mn of acceptEd reliefs.

3) First ut.i..l.izaticn of J<n::wlai:}e arrl wisbn.

4) arrl utilizatim of nature 's la'NS.Generati01 of scper-tectroiccies. 5ecarl creatdcnof livi.n.:1 forms

5) Natural exercise of am in thea::q1i.ticn of spiritual forces. further,nof accepte:i I:cl..iefs.

6) Lile in kn::wi.rq, abort; wisb:o, truth am Icqic.7) Primary of the reality as atsolutelyreef.

1) Clear kn::wl.e:i;e al::cut reality as al:s:>lutely reat ,2) Q;gtitim of spiritual knMledge arrl spiribJalwtsccn.

3) Utilizaticn of spiri t kJu..'1W;Ie arrl spiribJalwtsoaa.

4) (h;nit.ial of the rnality of the rnFATICN arrl .it' 5lnws .

5) Livirq accord:in;1 to the rnEATICN law . FUrificati.cnof Spirit arrl intellect. Cbgni ticrl of the ooliga-tim arrl force of Spirit. Breakrbm of bUrd ac-ceptaoces in I:cl..ief.

6) Q.ride:j arrl a:ntrolle::1 util.izatim o f spiritual





forces .7) creectm of first livin;J c reetnres , (1)

1) Crea.ti..rq arrl a:nuol..l.irq of liv in;J fares.2 ) Q;.ost.ruetial of tIEChIDical/ organic livirrJ thi.n:;Js .3) Spiritllal devel.c:p:Ent of forces for coot=l ofmaterial arrl o rganic f orms o f life.

4) mastery of life in all itsforms ard sorts.

5) Fbsitim of recconrctcos . Pani.niscences o f earlierliletilres, etc.

6) KiIq.=; of \'1i.s:bn - rn;-;H before their higher !P''er

7) Q:g:Utial of ::piritual reece, of universal loveard cre.ati.cna1 harmny.

I) Al:::klnN1e1:;p.l2ilt ard realizatim of Spiritual Pesce.un.iVErsa! love arrl crea.tia1al han:I::ny.

2) living ac:x:ordi.rx:.J to pare Spiritual3) Spiritual c reati..rq arrl creectcos .4) Dis--eIt:cdyi.n:;J of Spirit fran o rganic matter.5 ) First pare S?iritual existence.6 ) Final Spiritual existence .7) rase trc-ccer into the rnEATIrn ccnsctcusnesa .

I ) 'IWilight sleeping during seven feri.crls of rest.2 ) k"a1cening arrl of c reati..rq in the creettcoas CREATlrn, dur in;J seven par fcds ,

3) Creat.iI"q o f livirq forms.4 ) Creat.irq of new Spirit in of the

rnEATlOl.5) creetrrq of great Spirit in the rnEATlaI.6) [tet t.rans:ti.tte::1 j7) last reach of higtest iDp:ro<Je:Ent dur-inq the 7th


I'rte twilight s l eep of the CRFATIaI lasts seven per i crls/ great o-e per-icd/greattiJre lasts 311,040, COJ,0Xl,COJ years . In the tHUight state of theCllEATIaI a ll l ife ard the \,role universe ceases to exist . Just after i ts

it to create all thi.rq; aTle"I . D.1rirq the t\-.'ilight s l eep,ne i ther me nor space extst.. 'rtere is ally the nothin:;J, as all lies s l eep-i.rg inside the infinite tcscm of the rnFATIal ard null-tirre . l'hUe no e re-at.irq th:n:.Pt exists rbere is no force . TO titre, am no space. 'rtere isa1ly duratioo in a na-efess;J. J

N::M I am a little rrore wise.


Semjase- 43/You will bear this and e laborate on it . .

I hope I will be able t o do s o , though sore thingswi l l r a ther \vra ck my brains , especially the name less nothi ngwhich I have never understcxxl .

Semjase- (laugh ing) 44/You will keep possession of your head .45/But about; the narrele s s nothing, don 't ....,or ry too much , asa l so f or us this is a s ecret can not solve. 46/N:::1.V thetine has care for lIE agai n , that I must leave. 47ft':hat Iactually ....ranted to tell you I have pos tp::med to the nexttine - i f you don I t esteem s anething e lse more important.48/Yet I understand such matters occupy you very muc h , andyou want to be c l ear about that. 49/1 gave this to you ac-cor ding to hew I understand it mysel f . (2 )

t-Eier- Of course, Semjase , and I thank you f or that . I havestill anothe r ques tion , i f you wi ll admit it . It concernsthe Talmud Jrrmanue l and the j trsatonary by whose fault theo r i g ina l writings became destroyed in an earlie r tirre youtold me. D::> you mean the i.ona.ry H.R. (Rashid , the GreekOrthodox Priest in Jerusa lem) ; and i f so, what; connectionexists between him and your people? (3)

seajese- SO/This had to care - and I s ee having to tell younext t .Irre, tile first i nformation about these matter s . 51/Yes, it was l-LR. whan ....'e had pers uaded to our miss ions . 52/Unfortuna t e ly, he failed in many things. 53/He had been tool ong dependi.nq on his r eligion, which had qro sn roots i n-side him, and o f t en l ed him to think illogically . 54/A factthat regretfu lly could not be over ccre , 55/But about this Ican speak no rrore neM', becaus e I am especi ally tied by t.irretoday . 56/But a t the next rreeting you shall have information .57/Tne o the r things have tiIre and there is no r eason tohurry .

'!hank you , Semj ase , you satisfy my wishe s .



(1) nus is a rerarkable staterent, because it trdiceres the pct ent.Lal, form3I1 to create livirg organisns within his sci ences arrl t.echn::llO;Jies ....telt.rey reach a certain level of sq::hi.sticatim. I'e are just to 00this expariIrentally in 1al:oratories aro.n:l the mrld. \'.e have cceerved theextraterrestrials apparently Cbing this atreedy in a nurt:er of other UFOantact cases, where living forms are seen to have teen created bj tbcseITs to carry cot. certain tasks . 'Ire Ple.ia:lians use part r.echani.ca1/partorganic ectc-atcos to perform SIECific jccs aboard their IIDther--sh.ip' , suchas care arrl maintenance of their spacecraft. '!he also have anorganic part; in the central corpcter systen which has rat.icrlalam can be CXT.J:UI"\i.cated with te1eIBthically . nu; the beeesrups, ax::ef ini.slB1 ard a:r.rni..ssia1ed, beccrre veritable livin;J entities havirg a rrEta1arrl c:arp::si tes b:dy and arrl a livin:} mirrl . This exceeds thewildest ina:Jinaticrl of cur science fict..icrl eutrors, arrl coca again ccnfitmsthe "Tr uth is strarcer than rtctacn" .

(2) nus explanatim provided OJ Senjase seems vaguely like an cversirrp-lificatim of the Ch3.ins arrl fhmjs of the 'Iheosq;hists, or the \'br ld fur-icds arrl Gld:es of the R::sicrucians . Other easteI:n call thesegreat per-iods of ll'anifestatim arrl repose, Y1J;1as. Stu:3l2'nts of r:etat:f'risicsfflCO.lrIter these descripticns soc-ex o r later, arrl soret.ures in great de-tail. i'e i e r certainly ha::i to be eevare of this philosiI:tJY in sere degreef ran his spiritual stixrtes in an eshran in In::lia.

B) l-l Rashid, the par-Ish Priest o f a Gree,l( Q:rth:rl::::Jx te:ple in Jerusalan.was a ccntectee visited by t:hese Pl e i.a:lians, arrl the reings -frrm the DALuuverse as ....-ell, befo re Sanjase tegan her ccntecta with lliuard ref e r inSrit:zerlarrl in January 1975.


Seventh Q:ntact '1Uesday, 25 February 1975

that 's right . 9/Ye t youthem to you a lone, but youthus you wo u l d have to hide

JoEier- 'I'tx:lay you call Ire yourse lf . Evidently you have totell rre sarething Irroortant. , Semjase ?

senjase- l IAs you s ay , but you must keep s ilence about; it:

Meier- Okay I Semjase , I \'1i. ll do as you want - and will keepsilence about this .

Senjase- l /Sa I want; to tell you sarething 00'''/ that surelywill delight you: wi thin a short t i.rre I v...1 11 get a newbeamshi.p which then you wi ll a lso be e I l owed to photographfran near by, to ge t r a the r good pictures. 3/1n my presentship, regrettably, the autana.tic r adia tor s are bui l t -in,which rreens up to 100 meters , 90 to be exact, woul d destroyyour f i lm . 4/The r adia tion , as said , i s not harrnfu .l toliving creatures , yet, as I said, i t wou.ld affect your f ilms .Mller- Marvelous, I am delighted about; this . Am I a lsoa t I owed then, to capture the inside equtprent on the f ilmand undertake a flight with you, you have premised Ire?

Semjase- 5/You can fly with Ire when the ti.rre for this cares,but I am not to a llaY' you to make even one single picture ofthe inside o f the beamship. 6/Perhaps at a later tine,which I have not yet decided. 7/Also a t another ti..rre , youmay be a l lowed to take a photo of Ire , but this is not openfor discussion, because certain r easons do no t a lleM this.

Meier- Al l right Semjase, I do not want to urge you. It i ssufficient f o r Ire when you tell Ire i t may be possible seret drre , You a lso do not need to t e ll Ire the reasons , as theyare surely o f importance, and per haps you are not e H coed totel l.seajase- B/They are Inportant ,err, I woul d be a H ewed to t ellare not e Ll cwed to t e ll others ,it ins i de you.

M:!:ier- I do understand , and so you should not tell rre thereason .

Semjase- l O/ You are doing we l L, l1 / But neM I must ask yourot to forget my order. ..

Meier- Certainly not , how could I? But do you already want.


to go?

Semjase- 12/ No, 1 only r epeated asking because it is veryIrrpor-tent , 13/1 really have tirre today, and that rrore thananything e lse .

This p leases rre ; so we can talk a tiJre ca lmly?

Semjase- 14/1 am delighted as \-.£'11, as it i s canforting tos peak with a human being like you. 1S/You have a characterin your being very synpathe tic for rre , a peculiar manne r .16/ Als o your often ext.rerre ' 'lay of thinking and your philoso-phy attract rre ,

Are you making rre a proposa l o f marriage, Semjase ?

Semjase- (Laughing l oudly ) 17/ Tha t ' s it ; " 'E! v.alld make onen i ce couple !

One needs to have i deas, Sernjase.

Semjase- 18/ You s ure l y do not lack these , nor as we ll yourpeculiar hurror -.

Unfortunately my hurror often i s taken in earnest .

Semjase- 22/First, 1 want to answer your question fran l a s tt ine : H . R. was since 1956 one o f our contac ts . 23 /As youknew, he was a Priest of the Greek-Catholic Church . 24/\·;eo rde r ed him to undertake different mat ters , which he prem-i sed to do. 2S/&:J we thought h im t o be the right man tocarry out a d i f ficu l t missi on . 26 /In consequence, we sbocedhim the l ocation, where he could find the TalmJd Jrrrnanuel,this o r igina l s cripture written by J udas Ischari oth in thelifetiJre of Jrrmanuel. 27/ \'li th our he lp, he l ea rned the o ldAramean l anguage, and this way becarre able to trans l a te thewr t t.Inqs , 28 /He perforrred this ve ry correct l y , and made aGerman translation , whi ch i s known to you. 29/In readingthe or iginal wrt.tInqs , fell on pricks of conscience,and s uddenly knew no rrore ...mat he cou ld acknowl edqe as t rue.30 /On the out s i de , he p r e t ended conviction , that he belie ved.the Talmud, but in truth, the r eligions were too "'ell estab-lis hed in him, and he s u f fered r errorse. 31/1his was a lsothe r eason for him to r e t r e a t o f f icially frem his r eligiousbelief and still dedi c a te himself t o the trans lati ons,which , a f ter a ll , he did very corre c tly . . . 32/But , as said ,he was not convinced, and never knew what; he should do . 33/He lived cont inuous ly wfth the fear that the scr ipts would


be discovered and beccrre known, thus, consequent l y , .... hadto b r ing him into contac t wi th s areone who ....'ou td not fear ,and who vouched to us with h i s c haracter and kncwtedqe toprotect the scr ipts . 34/ Unfortunat e l y for us , a ll theITOre entang l ed h imse l f within his fear , and he began to blurout things , which cou ld beccrre dangerous f or himself and theTa1Imld. 35/He car ried this s o far, in the middle o f 1974 ,that nothing rema i ne d f or h im but t o fl ee f ran J e rusa l em(and his church the r e) and r etreat i nto Lebanon, where helived in a r efugee camp under a diff erent narre - t oge therwith his fami l y . 36/ But he as ....'ell had to flee f ranthere too, and ....ten t; out of that l and. 37/In f ear he hadenclos ed all the writings into a ....'ClOCJen wall , whe re they,only a few hours later, ....'ere q:np l e tely destroyed by a firewhen the Israeli mi lital:y invaded. 38/Because o f his guil ta l l was destroyed. 39 /That, e s sent i a l ly, is also our gui l t ,because we conf i ded too much i n him and expected teo mrchfran him, by which the most; ....,orthy evi dence was destroyed,which could have r evealed scrre untruths in the Olristian andother relig i ons . 40/But there sti ll does exist a quarter o fthe scr ipture in the German ver s i on , and i t wi ll be suf f i -cient to r e ve a l scrre t ruths and f r ee the human fran de l usion .

loEie r - So tha t i s how it was . . .

Semjase- 41/ Sure ly.

What i s H . R. doing now?

Semjase- 42/\·;te have s topped a ll contact with him since hefled fran Lebanon with h i s family and l e f t the wri t ings fo rdestruction . 43/ \1e onl y know that he was in Iraq the l a s t

heard. 44 / Fr an then ....te were no more inter e sted in him.45/ He and h i s fami ly have l o s t themselves scnewhere in thewo r Id , as a l s o he l os t his rea l narre ,l-Eier-- hh a t do you rrean? Is h i s name not H. Rashid?Semjase- 46/No, because on l y his cousin keeps this nerre ,47/ 1 don t t want to tell his present name, as he perhaps usesit again in some manne r like he p r ies t . 48/In spiteof a ll, we are not hostile minded agains t h im and do notwant to cause di f f icul ties for h im, and so ...."E! s hall not re-vea l his narre ,fot!ier-- It 's Okay, Semjase , I don ' t ....zant; to know him.

Semj ase- 49/ You are not anxious a t a ll ?



Meier- At t iJre s I am, but when i t shouldn 't be, then not ye t.

senj ase- SO/You are sincere.Meier- .••No.¥' I have brought with rre a who le list of quest-ions, which were put to me, and f or which I should ask ananswer.Srnlj ase- 92/Are these ques t ions fran your friend' s ci rc le?l-Eier- Ye s , but they a re a l so que s t ions which often occupymysel f.5erljase- 93/Very well , do ask .Meier- 'Ihe rros ti-rrent.Ioned question is whether I am e .Howedto bring friends , e tc . , to one o f our rreet ings?

seajese- 94 /'Ihis i s , unfortunate ly, not allCMed. 95/'Iher easons for this are knCMI'l to you . 96 / 1£ I were to a t rocthat, then we could t urn ourselves quite o f f icially to thewhole o f mankind. 97/ But we s t i ll don I t l ike that, about;which I have a lready s poken thoroughl y. (1)

Excuse i t.Semjase- 98/1 have on ly answered your question .

The excuse i s not f or ire , but f o r all those who havedirected the question to you.Semjase- 99/0£ course ; I should have knocn .

r-ty next quest ion concerns the Earth human r ace.have here ye llow, red, white , b r own and b lack hurran beings ;what about them? h'hy do those d i f f erences in color exi s t?

Semjase- lOO/TIlls does actually bel ong to the history o fEarth mmkind, which I wanted to tell you further . l Ol / Ye tI want to answer this question na.v , and can save these ex-p lanations unt i l l a t e r. l 02/On the Earth do exi s t , not onlythe f i ve color ed r aces you narred, but a l so o ther s eat1pl e telyunknown to you . 103/The y partly live in pla ces whe re stillno hurran being has found them, partly. . .

Meier- You rrean , they perhaps live under the Earth, l ikefor exarrple, according to the claim, the case in }'lexico, orunder dares in inaccessible regions , rrountains o r c hains ofrrountains , about whi c h mythica l things a re told?

Semjase- l04/eertainl y , and here and there those r a ces a lso



care to the wor -Id of the sun and j oin into the creed on thesurface. I DS/ Like in countries with many sorts of races ,they do not stand out and can nove unburdened, e speci a l 1ywhen they cover their f a ces l ike is camon in sare count.rdes •106/'Ihis is rrore diffieul t when their face color is rmrestriking, for exarrple, b luish, who • • •

. ..Live in areas o f India, don ' t they?107/You knew this?

I have eye s in my head .

aenjase- 108/0f course, but again you have outJ:un Ire . 109/But I wanted to tell you further , o f sare other co lo red raceshaving a l ready died out since a l ong t ine (ago) . UO/In thesane way , they are a ll still the prcx:1uct o f the Heaven ' sSons, which rreans that they were c reated by them, as well asthe s ti ll existing Earth r a ce s tcdey , 1U / 'Ihe Heaven ' s Sonsor star t rave l e rs , as we used to call our forefather s , wereat hare on may kinds of stars , having very different kindsof c li.Il"ate , thus they a l so evolved races who were abl e toaccaoodate themselves since the beginning to those c li.Il"ates .112/ Accor ding to the climate, a lso s kin color ing developeditself, o f which there are innurrerable color s in the Uni -verse . 113/ Also the body sizes were diff erent, because o fthe Idffferent} gravity o f each concerned planet, and rangedfran only 50 centi.rreters to even sere meters tall . 114/Ther ewere, and even are, c reat ures you wou ld te:rrn g iants ,or t itans, and also such c reat ure s lived once on Farth. 11 S/'!hey a lso l e f t descendents here , but they were eradicatedin t.ure, for they were o f t en evi l -minded and tyrannical .116/'Ihe present different col ored races are thus descendentsof the diffe rent c o lored ancestors , who cerre f r an diffe rentstars.

'Ihen the hUlMJ1 being was not basica lly c r ea t ed hereon Farth, and he does not descend f r an a rronkey?

Semjase- 117/1b you believe the rronkey-hurnan theory?

foEier- I am not stupid. t-1y reason tells rre o therwi s e thanthe c razy Icqdc o f Darwin •• •

118 / 1 have not es t imat ed you f or s t upid . . .

fuier- I haven 't meant; it that way ; that was just a \-o"aY ofsay ing what I fee l.


senjase- 119/1 s ee . 120/0kay then ; you are r ight with yourneaning, the human being not being a de s c endent of a rronkey .I 2l / He becerre c reat ed by our ancestors, who mixed themselve swith the Earthhuman creatures , who a t that tiIre ....sere c a lled"evas". I22/ A des i gnation , which nothing e lse . . .

. . . rreens, than the bearing one or beare r .Semjase- 123/Sure , yet onc e rmre you s teal the march on me.I 24/ Fran whe re do you knCM that?

Mtier- I have my he ad a l so for t o think and fo r to ccmc fne ron the o ther hand I a l so knC1N the TalnnJd .Jnrnanue.l , f o r senerrore , than just that , that still exists in the GeDl\3J1 l ang-uage .

senjase- 125/ 0 f cou r s e . 126/ But the then earthly c r e a t ureswer e of different fonns and characters. l 27/ 'Ihey were part-l y fu l Iy savage creatures of human- like f orm, \.mo were sent,out at earlier milleniums by our anc e s tors , and were by th i sthe ir descendents . 128/ 'Ihe s e de scendents o f the outsentones copulated with different sorts o f animals , and c r eatednew living creatures . l29/One s uch is the still 'today knownrronkey creature which r e p resents a human-animal nrutation . (2)130/S:::> the rronke y creature descends f r an the human being andnot the r e verse . 13I/Inter:rrediate mutat ions between humanand rronkey have a l ready been f ound by your researchers andsci entists but nostly a s skeletons o r parts o f ske l etons .l32/'Ihese intermediate mutat ions , partl y human being/partlyrronkey, are known t o the human being under names like"Af r i c anus" , "Pek ing man " and "Neande rthals" . l 33/ Four dif-ferent k inds o f these have maintained themselves ove r a llpast milleni ums , and their descendents do s t i ll live today,yet no more in l arge groups , but on l y isolated o r in verysma ll groups . 134/'Ihe y are so wild and timid that the humanbeing wil l sel dan s ee those . U S/ The human bei ng has ex-p ressed a special nerre for them: Yeti. . . 136/'Ihe e vas wser enothing l e s s than ve ry savage de s cendents o f the thousandso f years ago outsent ones ....'110 had then beccre depr i ved o frreans o f ass i stance . 137 / They were like wild anirna. ls wholived in g reater groups . 138/\,hen our ancestors f inallysettled on the Earth, they broke a strict l a \V and used f or ceon thes e c r e a t u res . 139/ This rreens they capt ured the wdId ,though attractive, f ema l e beings and coup led with them. 140/Fran that arose the firs t forefathers o f the p r e s ent human


beings of Earth. 141/Q1e c lass was ca lled "Adam" in the o ldancestors l anguage, which rreans "Farthhuman being" . 142/ Forthe first one this t e rm remained. as a name, and is sti ll soused today. 143/But as our foref a ther s were o f mixed r acesand different colors and s i zes , so they a l so gene r a ted. the i rdifferent c haracter i s t i c s according ly - c o lored r a ces o fdiffer ent sizes . 144/ 'Ihe smallest wer e just 50 centirreterstall , while the l argest and ITOst wicked ones reached twe l vemeters . 145/ 'Ihe i r l ooks were a l s o di f f e r e nt , and sore so rtsof them l ooked little l ike hurran f o rms. 146/ 'Ihey ....'e r e l e f tto die out, o r were killed, when they becarre too evil- minded,but scree f ound their way to distant i s olated pla ces andlived for many thousands of years , because the i r avera ge agewas 15 ,000 years . 147/ By the t.irre they too becarre victimso f t ime o r human beings , the l ast of them, whose lifewas taken by f orce, died a bit mere than 2 , 300 years a go.148/Today live , ac cor d i ng to our knavledge, s till s e ven suchcreat ures on the Earth, where they keep themse lves so we llhidden that they wi ll never be f ound , and will one day diea natura l death. 149/ t-b r e frequently then, these g i ant s ,titans and cycl ops, as you c a ll them, wer e just ta ll men .1S0/'Ihey o f t en served important might- thirs t y kings. 151/'!hey were called "Gol i a ths" and ....'e re especially used in \ ars .l-Eier- '!hank you , that was very detailed, Semj ase . No. yetI s till have a que s tion in r espect to the f ut ure . Can youtell rre sene f acts of the f uture , whic h is ahead f or humanbeings and the Farth?

5enjase- 152/Now you r eally put me in a predicanent. , 153/For many things it is qocd to knew them in advanc e : fo r manyother things i t is advisable not to knew them wh en one doesnot knew exactly ha.v to care by this kno ....I edqe , 154/ To youyourse lf I can confide a ll right wha t the f uture offe r s f oryou, but f or o the r human beings , thi s i s without doubt adangerous bmposition.

I don 't want to knew eve ry detail , but j us t sing l erratters in genera l vie e,senjase- I SS/ Neverthele s s, I fi r s t have to think this over ,and a lso consu l t the othe r s .

M:aier- Of course, Semjase , I don ' t wan t to mis lead you tosarething that is not within your eqreerent ,

senjase- 156/ 5::> to do is not e a sy, yet I thank you. 1S7/\·;e


have f ound in you very much the right human being , and I amvery g l ad about that . i58/You bel ong to a group o f humanswho occupy themselves with bor de r - land and spiritual scien-ces . 159/ 1 have o f ten endeavored in the interes ts o f thisgr oup . . . 160/You work together on a realistic basi s , andwithout coer c i on . 161/ 1 have mentioned o ther g roups o f theserre sort unfortunately occupying themselves with mat ter swhich are unreaL 162/ 'Ihey o f ten per f o rm experi.Iren ts whtchthey themselves do no t understand , and f or which they o f t ens earch wrong expl anati ons . 163/'Ihis i s not s urpri s ing, be-cause these groups , in prac tice, a ttract humans who havefallen t o any s uperst iti on and to the heresies o f the re-ligions . 164/1 congrat u l ate your group whi ch con f ronts anyma.t ter freely and openl y , and not in rcystacar f orm as o thersdo . 165/ You are on the right track , and shou ld maintain this .

loEier- Thank you Semjase . Am 1 s t i ll a llowed to pu t you aque s t ion, or was that your va ledic tory for today?Semjase- 166/ You amuse Il!i by your peculiar hurror , 167 / D:lques tion f urthe r , as 1 s t i l l have sene t arre ,

You have just rrentLoned our group, and f ran thatr ises my next que s t i on , as wel l as sore a lready befo re, whichis : about the s p i r i t wor-Id and about the so-caLted taperecorder voic e s . (3) Can you give TIe a tho rough explana t ion?

Semj ase- 168/Not in the way you wou l d want i t , yet 1 canexpl a in you sarething you c an t ransmit . 169/There are unfor -t unat ely many things the h1..1IT'6fl being is on l y a Ll .owed to knowwhen he has beccrre spi r i tually aware , and has developed hisspi r i tua l knowledqe and spiritua l wi sdan suf f iciently. 170/Thus I have to keep s ilent about many things - regre tablya lso wi th you. 171/A "spirit wor-Ld " as you call this , doesnot exis t . 172/ There a lone exis ts the finerna.teria l wor I ds ,in this respect . 173/'Ihese are wo r -Ids which exist in o therdimensions and con tain bodi l e s s spir i t f o rms .a spirit l e aves h i s f r arre (of flesh) , he c an not go j ustanywhe r e . He has to viv i fy a body again, or he goes into afinemateria l wo r-Ld , a spt - Eorro-vor t d thus , o f which thereare innurrerabl e ones . 175/'Ihe r e the spi rit lives inan individual form for s o l ong, unt il he returns again intoa newl y c r eat ed ques ti- body, 177 / 'Ihis rreans : each spirit hasan especia lly t uned for him dwe .lLinq (body) , i n whi ch helives out his life in ma.teria l f orm. 178/ One can obs e rve


over one wno te main per-iod this way , that the f ac i a l appear-ance of the guest bodies i s nearly a lways much the s ame, andonly changes very s i owt y , until a high spiritual l eve l hasteen attained. 179/ At very 10\Y' o r very hi gh spiritual po-sition, the faces of a ll guest <of a given spirit)begin to r esembl e one another. 180/ Na.v when a gues t bodyhas died, then the spirit vani she s and normally goes ove rinto the f inemat e r i al worl d. 181 / There he a lso has t o livethrough ce rtain per i ods , unt il he can c laim a new gues t body ,182/tmen the guest -frarre i s dest royed by f o r ce under Satec i r cumstance s , it can happen, that the spirit quickly f i ndshimse lf another guest body and inhabits it . 183/ He can evenpenetrate into f rarres \.;hich are a lready inhabited under suchcircumstances. 184/ Thi s results in two heavily confusedspirits in one single guest body. 185/ The standard processthough , is the spirit going into the finerna.terial wor-Id, andhe studious ly remains there during this period .

1his agrees about; with I11.Y own imagination, thoughnot in so much detail. But what. about; this: can we have anyconnectdons to this finerna.teria l wor-Id?Sanjase- l86/Surely, but i t is not advisable . 187/ Thespirits of the finerna.t erial wo r-Id are no ITDr e advanced intheir kncwtedqe than they wer e in their material lives. 188/Untruths and quite consc ious mis leadings are characteristicof them. 189 /Becaus e o f this , the material l i v ing onesshou ld not make contact with them, because they a re denieda great deal. 190/ I t wourd be better for the livingones to increase their knowl edge by their a-m spiritual l abor ,than to want to take poseas.ion of it in this way , as theyrrey si.rrply be l ed astray. 191/0f course there a l so exi s tspiri tual forms who answer i n sincere mind. 192 /But thes eare fBY' and they live in the higher s pheres, because theyare spiritually rrore deve loped. 193 /Yet on the whol e , the r eare only a f ew human beings who can wake connect ion to thedeparted ones, as you call it. 194/ Al though you have greatspir i tualistic c ircles on Errth, they of t e n are no mor e thandeception. 195/ Many mediums are only good actor s and indulgetheir actor 's inclinati ons. 197 /On the o ther hand the r ea l so exist those mediums who pride themse l ves on great things ,and who then in hypnot i zed s tat e emulate these in all per-fection, by which dece it again t akes p lace . 198/The ir f orceof imagination often goes so far tha t they really ca ll thingsof other human beings out o f their past or futur e, and can


even imitate their voi ce s in a ll perfection . 199/'Ihen a lsothere are these rredi.ums , don ' t f orge t , \vho a r e utilized byany one o r other s pirit ua l creatures o f othe r dinens.Ions f ora joke , or in an i ll-intended manner , 200/ The rea l mediumsare ac t ually very few, and rra inly the y are fully 1..1J1knc.Mn .

Then I have not been wrong . Yet nCM what about the"tape voi ces "?

Semjase- 201 /Here many factors care into p lay. 202/r-bstcases o f tape voices a re quite evident to deduce on yourknown radio frequenc ies , and he r e r adio amatnrea o f t en at Icwthemse lves to joke. 203/On the other hand, many of thosecontacts a re caused by carrnuni c a t ion means o f cosmic trave l -e rs . 20 4/Alsa the thoughts of human beings p lay an importantrole, and o f ten intrude themse lves a s listenable voices -and that not onl y on tape recorders - - but f reely audibl e .205/0ften a s earche r f or tape-voices unconsciously i..mitatesa p leasing voice by his thoughts , and s o transmits exac tlythe ensver into the tape-recorder, which he wants to haveor to hear.

But how i s that pos s i b l e?

senj ese- 206/If I s hou ld expl a in this to you it wou l d bevery carplica ted and t.roubre s crte , 207/But I can t ell you,each sender is a lso a r eceived, and reve rse , and can ca t ch-up the highest thought vibrations and g i ve them further to areceiver .

Then tape-recorder voi ces are truely no phenarena. o fa spirit \'.'Or ld?

senjase- 208/'Ihat ' s not ccmp t e tie I y right , a s , l ike r ealrredturns exist who have connect ions other clirrensions , sodo a lso exist real tape-voices, indeed care f r cm spi r -i tua l beings of di f f erent f inema t erial ....ror Ids , 209/But suchare few, like r eal mediums . 210/ln this f ield unfortunatelyi s much dece i t and quackery, fact i s a dduced to thel ove f or boasting of the human being .

'!hank you , Semjase . You have r eally helped Ire verymuch.8emjase- 211 /For today this a lso has t o be s ufficient, be-cause my obligat ions are c a ll i ng Ire again . 212/By regret Ia l so have to tell you , of (my) not being able to care here


for the next 24 days , because I have to perf o rm a far j ourneyto (P lease don ' t te l l the p l ace) where I have a cer -tain miss i on one has g i ven me.Maier- \1hat a pity , Semj ase , c an I s ti ll g i ve you then oneor two ques tions , when I will not s ee you for SO l ong?

Semjase- 213 / Yes. 214/Sirrpl y a sk; for there is s u ff i c i enttine .Maier- '!hank you. Unt il flCM, you still have not tol d Ire....ilere you s tay when you are not holding conver sation withIre . Can you gi ve rre de tails about; this ?Semjase- 2IS/Part l y I can Inform you about that , which rreansto you a lone . I can tell you this but you a r e not a Llcsced topublish i t. We have our bases on Earth, as v;ell as on manyothe r p l anets , where we a tways can stay . 2IG / Such a base \\'ea l so keep in thi s l and , S..,i t zer land; high up i n the rrountai nsat . . . . . . 217/1 have there my main place to s tay ....'hen I amon Earth. 21B/ But ....'e a lso have sene other Impor-tant; sta-tions ....tuch are s catter ed over the who.le oo r tc . 219 /Butthey a re a ll s o built that it wou.ld be trsposatbi e to f indthem when one doesn 't knew them exac t l y . 220/ But I am oftenon the go and perform dut ies on diffe r ent wor Ids , 221/ 1also go oft en f or vis i ts to my hare p lanet, and so I o f t endo stay in the Plei ades .

Can we l ater speak more tho r oughly on thi s ?Semjase- 222/0f course, but much o f thi s will be f or yourears onl y .l-Ei er- Neve rthe l ess I am anxious. The tine \.,i11 beccrre l ongfor Ire .

Part of the c orwersat r co in the opening dracuss rcn rn t hi s contact e asrestricted and had to be deleted in ea rl y t r ans c ri pts of thes e con tactnotes because they pe r taincd t o a futu re photographic ClJent and anticipatedphotographs that may not be i nvnediat e l y r el eas ed. 1·le may no,-, s t a t e tha tt hose pictures success fu l ly taken on 27 ne ar Jacobsberg-,\llenberg. at about 10 : 00 in the morn i ng and 16: 00 i n t he afternoon, an dthat a f ol Ios-up demonslration o f four spacecraft l ook place and \'las pho to-gr aphed on 3 "lar ch at 10 :00 in the mo rn i ng at the s ame place . The rest ofthe ccrwer s at ion at that time s ent as rortcx a.

Semjase- l / Tarorroo I r eceive mya l ready announced t.o you ear lier.


new bearnsh ip which I have2/For the l as t three days

we have had f our bearnships s tat ioned in your country . 3/Nehave deci ded t o ShCM you these four ships one ti.rre , f or whi cha f t er two days , a t 10:00, you s houl d go to , where wewill o f f er you a derronstration flight, which you may thenphotogra ph. 4/1 will not make contact with you , but I mayl and my s h ip, thus you can shoot c lose pictures . S/Regret-tably , I will not have muc h t ine, because I will s t ill haveto do sarething for a mi ssion I must per fo rm. 6/'Ihus thereis not (enough) t.Irre f or a c ontact. 7/To beccrre rrcre aq-uainted with my s h ip, I will perform a further journey inthe afternoon, and I l eave i t up to you whe re I c an rreet; youa gain for a flight contact, where you may take picturesagain.Maier- It wi ll be s u i ted for me at at 16 :00, becaus eI wil l be at this p lace then. I s this a l r i ght f o r you?

Semj ase- a /Sure l y . 9/1 will be there a t this t ime, a t 16 :00on the 27th o f February. 10/About my o l d s hip , I s till wantto explain that it is alre ady sene hundred years o ld, and o fthe o l der form. l1/'Ihe s e o l de r s hips wer e built on a waveprinciple , which was used for control o f stability . 12/ ButnON' these types a re being el iminated . 13 /1n this respec ta lso , my o l d one wi ll be taken hare on your 3rd o f !-1ar ch byone o f our pilots , and in carrpany o f a second, srraller s hipo f the Explo rer - class . 14 / 1 f you want to, then I can agreethat you may a lso photograph them as they start on theirj ourney .

Maier- of coursethey per haps care

seajese- I S/Yes .

Maier- 'Ihank you .

I wou td like t o do tha t , Semjase. Cou Idto ?

16/ But be there punct ually a t 16: 00 .

I wi ll mark this t i..Ite for me.The sched u l es we r e observed and di d in fac t ge t co lor photog r aphs

o f a ll four of the ships t oge t her i n the s ky in a gr ace fu l fly -by as t hespacecraft we re fli gh t checked , t he o ld one and it s es cor t fo r t he r eturntr i p t o Er r a , and Semjase ' s new var i ation II ship and it s es cor t f or fam-il i a ri zation .r aul' day s later, on } March 1975. just befor e the dep a rture of the old sh ip

and i ts escort, they approached wor kplace and made a l ow and slowpas sinq s al ute t o h im on a hill t op near Obe r-Ze l g a short distance f rom.Jac cbeber-q- Al Ientierq ,",here the fou r s h ip formation was photographed. Thes etwo p ic t ur es showi ng t he two spac ec ra f t in t he l ale a ft e r noon s uns e t, ,. i t h


the sun glinting orr the s ide o f the smaller escort , are among t hebeautiful and e vi dentia l Uro photogr aphs ev e r made . They are featured infull color en l argement on t he cove r and i nside of uro CONTACT rR0l1 TH(PLEIAD£5, Pictorial Vol ume I I, as wel l a s the four ship fo rmat ion seen andpho t ographed ear l ier.We as i nvest i ga t or s , to our c hagrin , r eceived our own good l es son i n

punctua li ty from t he ex t raterrestr ial s . t his happen ed v;hen we were therein Switze rland to begin shooting s cenes fo r a movie documen tary onthi s c ase . We had hoped all during t he negotiations on thi s mov ie that wecou l d persuade the ex t r a t e r res t ri a l s to pu t in an appearanc e for t he movie ,and had made r equ est s t o t hem but go t no an swers , but a l so no denia l .Ouring our many da ys on s ite i n the c ourse of t he ye ars of investigation ,we had a l so learned t ha t everyth i ng depended 00 "condit i ons" . thi ngs didhappen whi le we were there, but neve r on request . 50 we came t o i n fe r thatif we go t t he re with the r ight team, with the r i gh t attitudes and r i ghtmotives , at t he r i ght time , s omet hi ng mi ght happen .We a l r eady had indi cations that V'le ha d t he r ight team, an d non we were

there , and ready to go. had been to t he farm and introduced everybodyaround , an d the t echnici ans had ex ami ned the s i te s and t he conditionst he r e, and first s hoot i ng was s ch edul ed for the foll owing mor ning at 08:00 .Ever-ybody was awakened and break f asted on time, and t he equipment "as

loaded into t he ve hi c l es and ready to de part to make our established sched -ul es . Just as we were about to l eave the ho tel , a big truck pulled up andblocked the on l y ex i t out of the l oading area l'Io'here ou r vans were . Wepat i ent ly wai t ed fo r it to f i ni s h i ts business an d leave so .e could be onou r way. finally it de pa r ted and we le ft the ho tel, arri ving at t he f arms ome 40 mi nut es l a te!As we pull ed into t he yard , we wer e me t by ( va and some ot hers working i n

t he garden there , an d they asked vihy ne were l ate - as t h ree Pl e i adianships had fl oMl over a t l ow l e vel at abo ut ten mi nutes aft er 08 :00, an d wehad on l y missed t hem by a few mi nut es ! Had we been on schedule - - therewould have been our openi ng scene fo r t he movie . nev er had ano theroppo r tunity afte r t ha t .Thinking back , ou r si tuat ion at the hotel was not unmanageable . We co uld

ha ve l oca t ed t he dr ive r of t he t ruck and u rged r emova l s o we co uld ge t outof t he dr i ve, bu t we t ook the easier cours e , tryi ng not t o make eaves ,There nas an adde d explanat ion by thought t r ansmi s s i on on 2 Ma rch to the

contac t on 25 february 1975. That exp lana tion opened with a d i scussionabout pos sible relea se of s ome of t he cont ac t not e s > l'le pi ck i t up a t line14 o r thi s t r ansmi s sion a s fo11ol'ls :

Srnajase- 14/ 'Ihe IOOs s age tcday is not des t ined for the broadpublic, but a lone f o r those who are themselves conscious ofour exi s tence and l oyal t o the group, but besides that in


firs t order for your gove rrurents and sci ent i s ts . 1S/ Rai s e agroup f r an your circ l es which e specially dedicates itse lffor mis s ions , as tile f o llowing one \'1111 be, because thi s oneand further ones are o f .imrense importance to a ll liVingf orms on Earth. 16 / 'Ihis g roup ought to have as ite fie l do f act ivi t y , to keep scientists and gove rnments f rem br ing-ing into use certain matters , results of research, cogni -tions and achieverrents , which c an bring dea th, damage anddes truction to all creat ures and the whol e sun- system.17/ Today ' 5 mes s age is : Fo r many decades \\'e have norutared

a ll spheres of your wor l d , the increasing changes and thedange rous effects . IS/For s ere year s nee..... we have noticed as teadily increasing and dangerous change in your a trrospher e ,....tuch will have deadly consequences for all Earth life ; byincreasing measure the ozone belt of the stratosphere chan-ges due to i r res ponsible i nfluences o f human achieverrents .19JDifferent ozone -des t roying chemical s rrount as gas- sub-s tance s into the s t ratosphe r e and a f f e c t the ozone bel t .20/Especi a lly this t rea ts of the branine qasses, r eachinto the ozone s t.ra t um and s dis solves it . 21/ I t isa l ready a f f ected and destroyed by an average rreesure of6 . 38%. 22/An amount o f percentage "n i c h has a lreadybeccrre harmful and dangerous for al l forms of life , and i sable to call up mutiat.Lone I changes . 23/'Ihis i s an was r eached i n onl y 60 years . 24 / 'Ihe re are braninegas s ubstances whtch s Icwfy destroy the o zone bel t , as Ihave a l ready rrent .Ioned. 25/&J increasingly, ult r avioletr adiation s o f the sun can invade the a tmosphe re , whfch isab le to aff ect a ll c rea tur e s . 26/ CNer different area s theozone belt i s a l r eady danger ous l y affec ted and has becCIIEvariable in i ts pr o t ective func tion . 27/ At three differ entpla ces a l r eady the danger exi sts that i t wo urd co llapsewi thin a f ew decades and be ccrrp.teteIy destroyed, i f therel ease of destructive f ac tors i s not l imit ed. 28/ If thisi s not done , then i t means holes will be rent in the pro-tect i ve screen and the u l travio l e t r adiation ,...i 11 be ab leto pene t .rat.e unhampered , coul d carry in i tself thepadnfu t de a th o f a ll lif e. 29/Everything that cares intoreach of the r adiation penetrating through the hol es wi l l beexposed to helpl ess de s truction . 3D/In the main , the de-stroying chemical s and r adiati ons are set f ree by explosionengine s and mat t e r des troying proce sses of a ll s orts, forexampte aton-spr t tt.Inq and similar operat i ons , whi ch in




great amoun t; s i nce 1945 has subjected the who .le worl d t scours e and all liv ing things t o a wicked change . 31/r:e-structive chemical s and ga s s e s a r e r e l ea s ed by things o fdaily life, as each spray-bot .t.Ie r eleases besides b r rmine ,chemica ls of other sorts , mount to the atrrosphere anddestroy it s Iavly but sys temat ical l y .32/Recently res earchers and scient ists of dif ferent na-tions have p r ogr e s s ed so far I and have proceeded s o far intheir cognitions, that they have recogni zed the destructive"-Urk o f diff e rent chemicals , and e specially the brcrnine onthe ozone bert, and want. to evaluate this in the ir irrespon-s ible delus i on fo r might for war-technical purposes . 33/Theyhave a l r ea dy invented basic ideas for building missile bod-I es , whose destructive and deathbringing s ubstance s \.;i11 bebranides . 34/ Shot up into the atrrosphere and brought toexplosion the re , i t ....out d effect the t earing o f huge holesin the atrrosphere and the ozone belt and a ll radiations franthe s un ....'ou l d pene t rate unhampered. 35/Suc h a hole i s on l ys Icwty abl e t o c lose i tself again , whdch process may takehundreds of years, if no furthe r des truc t i ve substancesinvade. 36/ An additional f actor that cares into e f fect isthat the ozone bel t has a certain rroverrent. , and i s wandering .37/ A hol e wou l d not only dest roy a we l I de fined r egi on , buti t woul d wande r nearly uncont rollabl y and a l s o dest r oy o therregi ons . 38/'Ihis is a f ac t whtch is not yet known to yoursci enti s ts .39/Besides that , these are also f acts which unt il today

have been hidden f ran broad publicity. 40/1-1y nessage a iresto per s uade you to form a group dedicating itself to ourmiss i ons, whi ch sha l l serve to prevent such mad a chievements .41/&J do contact governrrents and scientists and make themattentive to their wrongdoings and activity / 42/It lies inthe interest of a ll o f rrank.ind and a ll life on E'arth to s ue-cess f Ully r e ac h a pr ohibition agreement arrong a ll nations o fyour wcr Id . 43/Turn yourse l f as well t o Hr . r-1cI:l r oy a tHarvard Unive rsity in the United St a tes, f or he is a l readya decisive sci entist in this f i eld .

The Hei er gr oup accept ed th i s chall enge and d id send a co py of t hi s com-meucet tcn to Prof. Michae l McElr oy o f Harv ard Univ er Si ty . but t he y neve rreceived any an swer from him. The y al s o s ent a co py o f thi s \-,a r ning t oeve ry fo r e i gn embassy in Swi tze r land and onl y r ecei ved an answer f r om one ,

Germany , which t hanked them for t he i nformat i on .



(I) Heier ahoays wante1 to brin:1 an:JtlEr vert t.rusted f r ierrl. or his wife,into Ole of the reetin:::Js to see seajese and. ber ship, and to....hat was to him. seejese in erorner exp1anatial pctneed cut tohim that if she al..lam him to brirq even Ole ocber perscn into the IIEetin:],that Ole sco-er or later w:ul.d want to do the scr.:E, and. havin:1 al..lD.rn thisfor him, she coujd rot; in all fairness &;ny the sene for the other. 'Irusit w:u.l.d cp w..n the line. always int.nrltJc:;in:;J new p3:ple wID were rnt apart of the o::ntact missial, and w:ul.d waste tine arrl frustrate and confuse,and might even harm the missial itself, because seen ttose others v.al1d1B;Jin to di.sagree oser what they S<M am ecerrerced. arrl a k ind o f f w::llid develop with FeCPle tal<irg different sides and. telievirQdifferent things at:cut the sam identical events, as has with theChri.stian 01urches, she said. l-i3ier rea::lily eqreed with her azqcrent; txrthe s till persdsted in tryin:1 to g-:!t j ust cne IIOre into the ccntacta, in"trich he never sccceeoed .

(2 ) A whole b::dy of literature, several becks arrl at l east O'le d:curEntarynovie has gro.n up this mythical creature gnarally called "BigFoot" in 1r.Erica arrl "Ye ti" in the Himllayas . There are a rarrcer of otherreees as \<ell. B.1t this creature is so elusive that n::> retains or p:::sitiveevtceoce of his e.xi.stax:e are ava.i.lable, save the casts of the Larqe teet-prints arrl Ole 8TI:n I! picbJre of O'le runnirg.

(3) Bere l-Eie r is ma..ld.rq rerereoce to scce researd1 ""Ork ocoe by meKalstantin Raulive in Gel:many in the 19605, foIJ.cwin:1 up en the ""Orkof Frie:lrich in 9.-.'eden. had eocxmered theof 00 voices cg:earirq en record:irg tapes with:ut apparent. l1l.mlninterve1tial and. urrler strictly a:ntzolloo lal::oratory exp:!rirrEnts. Fr iedrichJurgensen had his work in a l:cok RY<.'DEN" o rVoices Frrnl scece in Eh:;Jlish translatial_ 'I';J his cue fran .rurceece,Ratrlive repeated J:J:'.a!1Y of the 9werlish experiI:Hlts arC carried oct lIfirlY 1TDI:e

of his a-n, o::ntrihlting to the 72 , ax> such exmples a.l..rn<Dy recorced.Ratrlive p..lbl ished the results of his work arrl his analysis of thisen::n. in a 391 pece b::ok in reman " t.N-mPARES \'IIFD H:FBAR" (1heInatrlib1e seccrres Aulible) which was p.lbl..islH:l in Eh:;Jlish by tercer B:x::ks,Inc. , in Ne..... York, urrler the Eh:;Jlish title "BRFJIK--'Ilffi:1.Gi" . I t was meof these e:q:erinaJts that t·eier was trying to do when he received the g:n-tie ccerard to take his carera and. cp ootside, "'him resulte1 in his Fdr-st;correct; with secjese.



In addition to the contact events , for each of which we have the Cont ac tNot es , there ather spacec ra f t f li ght demonstrat i on events t ha t did notincl ude any contact or interch ange of dialogue betwe en t he ext raterrest rialbe ings and Eduard Heier . At first Heier almost a lriays ca rried his caeer ai n hopes of gett ing mo re photog r aphs of the beautiful alien sh i ps , but hequi ckl y l ear ned that i f the occupants of the c r a ft did not open t he pro-t ecti ve null- sight screen i n hi s direction, he could not get pic t ures ofthe shi ps anyway _ Thus he carne to know t hat if they did not i nvite him,or otherw i s e grant h im permi s sion , to take pictures , i t was moos-s i b l e to do 50 . Never t heles s he remained a l ways r eady for any oppor t uni tythat might p resent i t s el f .And such oppo r t unit i es d id e ventua lly c ome a long and he suc ceeded in

getting photog r aphs . The fi r st of t hese f li ght demonst rations speci f ical l yfo r pho tographs t ook place between t he 7t h contact on 25 February and t he8th Ofl 18 1975. The fi rst two were arranged by the e xt r ete r r est r i al."oman, i nc luding da te t i me and place, ."hich tle i e r a lre ady knew for s omet ime before t he actual occurrance . La t e r on he was g i ven ve ry l i t t le or nofor."arning o f i ntended fli gh t demonstrations _As predi cted , t he fl i ght demonstrat ion beg an at 10: 00 o 'clock, ri ght on

schedule wi t h the ar r ival of t wo "Strahlschiffes" (Beamsh i ps or Ray shi ps ) ,and t wo "Au fk l arern" {Exp j orer Clas s Scout Ships ) capable of r emote cont rolwhen no pi l ot was aboard . One o f the beamships was the o ld c raft first seenwhi ch we have call ed vari ation nuntler I, and the second be amshi p eas thenew replacement ship of the s ame 7 met e r diameter s i ze whi ch fte have calledva riation nurrber I I. The othe r two were identic al smalle r c r a ft of Jt o 5 met e r diameter s ize , whi ch had s pace for only one pilot "h enever he wasaboa rd . The variation I s hip i s r ecognized by its mor e abruptly squaredcurve to t he uppe r dome on top . I t also is character i zed by " hat lo okslike a supe r -sonic shock wave that runs in concentric c ircles fr om thecent ral cone on t he bottom to t he ou ter rim e dge in a s t eady flo,," when itcan be s een . This a l so pr oduce s an app ar enl wavy deformati on of the ex-ter na l phys i ca l appea r ance o f t h i s s hip , and sometimes makes i ts surfacel ook ol d or corrugat ed. The va r iation II shi p i s cha rac ter ized by mor e o fa ro unde d cur ve t o t he upper dome on top , a un i ver s a ll y cont roll ed ene rgycollector t hat runs i n a tiny t r ack a round t he t op o f t he upper dome,aand a more r e tr ac t abl e l ower cone on t he bot t om. the I oeer cone asretracted it i s poss i bl e to s ee a br i ll iantly r adi ant annular plate allaround the ship i ns i de t he rim flange . Thi s "ho le s ur face l ooks like anarc ee l derss flare ",hen the lo...e r cone i s r etrac t ed en ough for it to bes een. The re flection f r om thi s r ad i ant pl a t e c an be seen in t wo of thedaylight photos t aken at 10 :00 on the norning of 27 February 1975.



The f i r s t fli ght de ecnatr a t Icn without a co ntac t event t ook place righton time, at 10 :00 i n the mo rn i ng o f 27 February 197." when the four-shi pfo rmation of t wo St rahl schi Ffs and t wo Aufkla r e r s fl ew around togethe r inpe r f ect formation above the Jacobsbe rg- Al lenberg area . The n they separ a t edand fl ew a round some mo re in pairs, t hen on e be amship with t wo of thesmall er r econnais s ance c r a f t , then the t wo be amships toget her , e tc . teierwas able t o photograp h a ll of this , s hooting mo re than one roll of pos i t iveslide film in t he process . He got some pictures the s pacec r a f t soc lose that they f il l ed up t o one t hi rd of the frame . It was intl"oO of these t hat t he h ighly charged rad i ant plate could be s een bet.seent he bot tom ou l e r r i m fl ange hous ing and t he gap to the t hen mor e r etract edcen t r a l cone . He a lso caught the sun direc tly behind t he be amship in oneof the pic t ur es an d that one r evealed a mult i-co l or ed t enuous, ot he rwiseinvi s ible field of s ome k ind around the c r a ft and c lose t o i t s su r f ace .A s econd fli ght demonstrat i on l'Oas carri ed out by the e xt.rate creet.r tar

ships as a r ranged , at 16:00, nea r J akobsberg- All enberg \'Iohen Semj ase came backal one in her new Va r iat ion II c r a f t . She hov e red at ne ar ground l evel andlanded it i n s ever al p laces Ie avm q the e ha rac t e r r at i cal I v sw.i r l ed do..nqr.aes in a co unte r - c lockwi se di rection and curv ed from the outer ed ges ofthe c i r cle towar ds t he center . An interesti ng thi ng about these tracksi s that t he gr ass was no t broken over as one I,oul d expect f rom a c rushingr>eighl , but the gr ass sl ems wer e a ll bent in t he s ame di rection , Lr ke someplants t urn toward t he s un . Thos e plant s never qr ew ve r tica lly aga in , butnew gr owth in t he c i r c les up ve r t i c a l ly as normal.By 16 : 54 Semj as e was t o and s he fl ew t he ship i n a low pass

i n t he sunset t ing deep blue Sky with sca t tered wi spy wtule c louds and them creasm qly golden hues cas t by t he l ow sun , mak i ng one of t he many morebeautiFul UfO photograp hs c apt.ur ed by t h i s on e-armed man with a brokencamera . By thi s time the act i vity had moved , with Hei e r following the sh ipas it progr essed, until they "er e in t he vicinity o f f uchsbue l - Hofh aldennot too f ar from Jac obs berg-Allenberg "here this l a t e a fternoon 's fl i ghtdemonstrat i on began .ne te r was amazed and excited by a l l that had happen ed in j us t the las t

mont h , since t he Z8th of J anuar y, a ll thi s had begun . He had hadrace-to-race meeti ngs with ext.r ater r est er e! beings aboard tne r r ships , andhad s hot seve ra l roll s of ector photographs o f their cra rt , He had seent hem and ev en phctcqraphed them singl y and in fermat I on s of up t o f ours hi ps t ogether in t he s ky . How cou l d an ybody possib l y disbeli eve this inthe face o f a l l th i s evidence , he thought .






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As p reviousl y a r r an ged , in the 25 f eb ru a ry c ontact , the ext r e t e r r est r r a l sfl e,'j the departing old va r rat ro n I Shi p and its Auflda r er e scor t pas t theplace r.he r e ue t e r was work i ng t ha t da y as t hey were begi nn i ng thei r r r i pback t o the Pl e i ades whe r e the ol d ship wos t o be reti red . It had been 111use f or over 300 ye ar s, and i t was nol'l be ing soperceed ed by a better ve r-.s ion . Bot h the beamsh i p and the r econna i s s ance escor t have Pfe radr aopilots aboa r d. (Th u d no contact fli ght demons t r ation , } Harc h 1975 )The l a rge r c raft i s 7 met ers in diamet e r and uses a " a\le-stability

pr mc i pf e t ha t "as not in::or po r at ed in the newer va r r at Icn II c raft , r.hichuse ot her more updat ed systems .The sma l ler c ra f t is be l i eved t o be be twe en 3. 5 and '} met e rs in d iameter,

and i s on e of the several r emote cont ro ll ed reconnai s s ance va r iat i ons thatMeie r has seen. He ha s photog r aphe d t l'lO different ve r e t ons o f d lHerents i zes .The s e two pictures a r e the onl y ones r emai ning o f s eve r e r taken at t he

t tee , and for t unat el y ne have two t ha t q rv e us he re, the two spacecra ftseen one be l ow the horiZon and t he othe r abO\l e , wh ich us t othe Shi ps aga inst the tl\'O d i ffe r en t backgrounds . tight scatt er measu r e-ments show that t hey a re reflec ting the same li gh t and ar c nea r ly t hesame di s t ance from the camera . They a re h i gh enough above ground I eve l t obe p i cki ng up the sun ' s r ay s while ob jects on t he g round are in shadow,

can see t hat t he ter r ain fa lls s har pl y away from the phot ogr apher' sposi tion a ll t he ea y acros s the va lley , makm g an y k ind o f r igging a ll bu timpos s i bl e , thus e l imi nat i ng mode l s .The firs t o f t hese two pictures shov.s the t ee c ra f t t ogether above t he

hor i zon jus t a fte r pass i ng d i rec tly overhead at low level . As they fl )'aftay in a s t r aight leve l line t hey appe ar t o de scend because t hey a re goingaway from the photograph er. l i ght scatter eeas ureeeot s tell us tha t t he ya re l arger sur f aces refl ec t i ng the l i ght i n a b road band as opposedt o the fi ne point lights one f inds on the curv e s o f mode l s I n photographs .The smaller s h ip fort unat e l y i s tilted a t j us t the r i ght angl e to g iv e usshar ply refl ected rays from the sun qr ves us oppor tunill es for mo reana l ys i s of t he s ur f ace s o f the cra f t and t hey are made o f.The re fl ec t ed s unlight an d the angl e s o f the c raft above the t errain

i n t he foreground and bac kground , e t c • • comb ine t c q rve us one mo re o f t hemost remarkab l e an d beauti f ul pho t og r aphs ee kno,'j o f. hav e tr ied t o setup and stage some of t he much Simpler p ic tur es t han t h is , and found it allbut impos sibl e with both a rms , l o t s of equi pr.Jent , an d all t he he lp onecou l d de s i re . Stag i ng j ust one o f these p i c t ur es is most ce r t amfy not aneas y t h i ng t o do , and one ,"ho s ays it i s s i "ll l y has no t tiled to do Ithi mse lf, and if i t wer e poss i bl e a t a ll , one of the more rabi d cri tic swould certa in l y ha \le produced one by now. I say t hey can not do i t .









" fo ur t h High t ceecos r cn with no f ace-t o- f ace meet .mg be t ..eenthe took pl ace on 8 March 1975 at Obe r -Sadelegg, no t

fa r fr om $chmidruti . Some con fus i on has been i nt roduced into t he da tingof th i s event by the numbe r dating syst em us ed a t t he time. In conocnpr actice t he day i s put be fo r e t he mont h , i.e . 18 . 3.1975, whe r e as ot hers,such as here i n th i s count ry , put t he mont h f i r st and then t he day ,i . e 3. 18. 75 for the s ame dale . In t he Ober-Sadel egg case t he da t e was putdo"n as 3.8 . 1975 , l'o41 ich no rmal l y woul d have been r e..d 3 Augus t 1975. Butlooking at t he pictures on e can see t ha t the bi rch t rees beyond t he inc i n-erator a r e not ye t l eaved ou t and the grass i s a new green i n co lor, clear-ly indica ting spring i nstead of la te SUllfllCr . Thus t he da t e s hou ld be readas 8 Ma rch 1975, .hich is . h a t .e shal l use he r e . This a lso COlncides bet-ter with other events taking place at this time .Thi s i s one o f the most be aut i f ul series of uro p ictures eve r The

seven mel e r diameter s pacecraft variation 11 app roaches up t he valley fromthe soul h , t owards Eqqeei.d , passes east of t he phot ographe r , t hen movesfa r the r east a l ong t he stand o f t all pine t r ees, then t urns nor t nweat, andaround to the no r t h again as it begins lo deparL ue t e r snapped ni nefr ames on diapos i t i ve s l i de fi lm du r i ng this pass age of the s pacecraft .I t was he re that r,e first us ed some o f the most mode r n s l a t e-o f- t he - art

laser survey i ng equi pment t o pi npoint t he measuremenl s mos t accu r ate l y .shot al l t he an g les an d posit i ons o f the c r a ft as seen in t he pic t ur es , an d..e had stand in t he s pot di rec tly under where he ha d seen the cra f t" i th h is naked eyes as he taking the p i c tur e s an d ca r e full y r ecor dedthose dist ances as ..el l. The l og pile i s a measured 196 meters away andthe ne xt tree-line beyond that lies a t 260 dis tance from the camera .In t he 4t h pho to t he c i s t ern and firs t t ree-..e ll is 72 met e r s, the fi rststand of t r ees to the right of t he spacecr a f t is 150 meters, and t he secondstand o f t rees a t 204 met e rs from t he camera . In t he 5t h phot o t he fa rtree-l i ne is 354 mete rs away . A second roll o f f i l m s hot he re t h i s day was" l os t " i n pr oce s sing and ne ve r got lo see "ha t he had captured onthat; film.I t j ust down the h ill f ro m t h i s position t hat ne r e r shot his fo urth

811111 mot i on p ict ure s equence , one minut e and ten seconds long , as t he s h ipcomes ou l fr om beh i nd t he hill up an ascending pa th . The camera r uns onautoma tic as wal ks into t he ecene ,CIne o f l he 351m1 s lide pict ures f rom t his s e r i es, t he one s howing the ship

above the l og p i le , "as on e o f the four photos t es t ed by manyvery big l abora t or i es in t hi s country . Nobody has been ab l e t o duplicateany of the se photog raphs to da te .





The fif t h fl i gh t demonstration wi t h no face-ta-face meeti ng took place int he mor ni ng o f 18 Harch 1975, at Winke lr i e t , near Wetz i kon , f rom 09 ;0'} tonearly 09:30 . Heier had been surrmoned t o the rende zvous s i te and l\as t ol dthat he cou l d brioq h i s camera and equipment. He qu ic kly r es ponded andrrent wi t h s eve r a l rolls of ASA 100 positive slide film t o capture ...ha t.everhe coul d t hat day .He was s t opped, by the El s, on a dirt road just north o f Welz i kon, facing

a den s e s tand of t rees and the Neubau Hospital facilit y in t he distance tohi s left . The beaut i fu l va r iation 11 ship fi r st appear ed ove r the ...oodsand flew back an d fort h ove r the b road fi el d be tween the hospital and t hestand o f trees . The sky was overcast with thick c l ouds t ha t da y, an d t heship occasi ona lly went up in to t he c l ouds and t he n came back down be l owt hem aga i n for anothe r pass .Here ag ai n we us ed the Heerbruq l as e r s urv ey i ng i nst r umen t s t o get exact

di s t ance measureme nts. The fir s t t r ee i n t he r ight foreground is 111met ers f rom t he camera posi tion , and t he second one j ust a little beyondis 148 yards away . The tree-line on t he near side of the s tand of pinetrees i s 270 met e r s away.Heier continued t o shoot s lide pi c tures of t his c raft as it passed back

and forth be fo re him, finished the first roll o f f ilm, cha nged film forano t he r s imi l a r roll , and cont inued s hoot i ng the remarkable demonstrati on .He got pictures i n this ser ies o f the spacecraft i n va r ious ang l es oftilt t oward and away from t he came ra , thus giving us angle vi e ...s of t hel ower as well as the upper su r faces o f this ship . Twice i t put on a burstof s peed a s t he shutter "as being snapped and the image of the c r a f t easblurred by motion . In one frsll'e Hei er managed to captu re the i mage o f thesh i p j ust as it disappearing in the I oeer cloud matter , sur e ly some-thing that woul d be di f f i cul t to s tage with a mode l .t n several of t he p i ctur e s the upper surface of the ship i s s een aga inst

the backg round clouds and i n those c ases t he r e fl ec t ed 1 ight of the cloudi n t hos e p ict u res i s s o nearl y the s ame a s t he c louds t ha t the top surfaceof the c r a f t blen ds wi t h the clouds and i s di ff icu lt to s ee .In th i s ser i es of pic tur es it i s easy to distingui sh thi s r eal ship from

the models bec ause under t he amb ient co ndit ions t hi s day the "wi ndow-s en -sors" wtIich ap pe ar orange t o p i nk i s h i n c lear weather, wer e almost i nv isib lein a pa le s il ve r y orange color t ha t blended eas il y with the r es t of thesilvery color of t he s h i p . Al some angles of the ship they can not bede tected at all . This va r iation ,",oul d be d ifficult to ac h ieve i n a mode lcraft , t o say no thi ng of t he r i gg i ng required for a one -armed man t o tryt o operate a lone i n a very s hor t time.A ccot ac t did take place later th i s da y , at 15 :04 , a r t.e r a 2nd SU!lXllOns .




I !,"0,,s8-"0..J0











Eighth Contact 1\1esday , 18 March 1975 15: 04 h

Semjase retur ned from her miss ion days ea rl ier than s he had pl anned,and then called Heier to trus contact before he really expected i t. Hewas ove rjoyed as he greeted he r and anlliously opened t he

Today I have a lo t o f quest i ons , when you a llow.Semjase- l /lf there are not teo many.Meier- I don I t knCM; my firs t concerns the ma.tter /rough-ma-ter i a l s tuf f. l..Jhat a c t ually is that?senjese- is a sizeable i de a . 3/lt is a solid f ormof ene rgy , being s izable .Mei er- '!hat is ev i dent , but hew does it originate?Semjase- 4/TIle p r inc i p l e i s very easy, but I am not a t Icwedto tell it. 5/But i t is so, that a ll energy can be changedinto solid mat ter . GIl t i s also neces sary to bundle theconcerned energy securely and to concent rate it h i gh l y , thusi t may be converted into solid ma.tter. 7/By this , the e l e-rrentary building b locks of the solid ccrponenta o f ma.ttera re generated; neutron, pro t on and e lectron . 8/Fran thesethen f orm the a tans and the variety o f chemica l ccrrpounds ,which then in the i r d i f f e rent aggregation states form thesolid out e r mmife s tat ion which is known to your scientists .9/ Solid ene rgy as well as the ori ginal energy a r e o f thesane value in each direction. 10/ 'Ihis rreans , o r igin energyis abso lutely matter , a s origin matter i s absolute ly energyas well. l1 / Thi s means that , without exception, eve rythingin the Unive rse cons ists o f mat -ter- or energy . 12/ Both tenns,energy and mat ter , represent basically one and the s arre, butpreci sely in the ir s eparate forms : fine-rraterial and coa.rse-mater ial . 13/Coarse -material is mat ter : fine-rraterial i senergy.

a ll r ight, but this doesn ' t explain my question .I name ly want to know how mat ter ris es o r igina l l y .Semjase- 14/Frcm out o f the bas ic energy , o f course.l'eier- You r ender teo les s precise. I think, that beforethe basic energy must; be sarething e l se . Because fran whatI knew, e iways two individua l units, belonqing t ogether, re-sul t in a unit aga i n . . .

11 2

Semjase- 15/Vou are t irele s s and give me a pr edicament .Meier- I don I t i ntend to .Semjase-- I S/OkaY now, I shall explain a ll for you , a s faras I shall be a H cced, though you seem to know rrore in thisr es pect than we knOO'1 about you : rrat ter is the embod i.Irent o fi dea. 16/As energy, the mat ter i s ftne-mater Ia t , an d asmatte r , j ust highl y concentrated and condens ed. 17/One cangenerate both kinds by apparat us , which you a l ready do indiffe rent ways , 18/t>bnnally they are gene rated qu i t e natur-ally, that i s by spi r i tua l f orce , wh is preceeded by i dea .19/ The basic source for thi s i s The Cr eation, a vast spirit-ual r eservoir, a f actor which again ernlxx:ties the o r i gina lenergy . 20/Fran it ris e s idea . 21/The f orce of spirit then(which and who again e ne r gy) condenses and concen-trates the idea to fine-material energy, whic h then by s t i llhigher concent r a tion becanes coarse-materia l , or rna..tter .l-Ei er- Then in fac t , the ....more Universe is, inside and out ,on ly o f fine-rrateria l and coarse-material energy (.....hich is)compres s ed and concent r ated i dea ?Semj ase- 22/eertainly .loEier- But then, what i s this vast sp irit ual formatucn, thefactor o f '!he Creation?Semj ase- 23/It consi s ts of i de a , condensed in i tself towardsitself to o r i g inate s pi r i t ua l ene r gy . as ....'e ll do notknew much rrore about this .l-Eier- About like I imagined. . . Vet I still have f urtherquest ions .Semjase- 25/D:J ask, but be conscious that I am not a l Iovedto sol ve secrets for you \..nich are s t ill inadvantageous forthe spiri tual devetoprent; of Earth hurrens • 26/ 50 p l easesave questions of s c i ent i fic charac ter , as i n the f uture Inay have to l eave them unanswer ed .f.Eier- But I have j ust such ques t ions still prepared, asthey have been given to Ire. (1)Semjase- 27jl\ben these questions fa ll into my authori zationto answer , then of course I w.i. Ll answer them for you , butonl y fo r your 0 ....'11 reputati on, because these answe r s a r e ex-pected . 28/But in the f uture do not of f e r s uch ques t ions


any rrore , because 1 will have to withold the answer s franyou . 29/Such quest i ons could l ead too far , and finallybring rrore cognit ion to Earth humans than i s gocx:i fo r them.30/'Iheir s pi r itua l developrent is still teo l ocked in inthese r espects . 31 /But when you offer ques tions fran your-self, and they l ay in the intere s t o f your developrent , then1 can r eveal deci s ively rmre in the answers . 32/But thenyou \...i ll not be a .l I owed to dis cuss certain things (with theothe r s) and you are r eque sted. to keep them t o yourselfa l one .•.fuier- 1 didn ' t want to vex you , Semjase ,Semj ase- 42/1 haven' t fe l t it that \.yay , but 1 had to ex-p l ain to you .

'!hank you . Ye t can 1 g i ve the r erra.ining ques t i onsnCM?Semjase- 43/ Yes .

\m t about; our rrol ecul ar bdo.loqys are we on the rightpath of deve lopren t ?senjase- 44/Ve ry extensivel y , even. 45/ 'Ihey sti ll l a ckonly a few cogni t ions , which will open unexpected doors f oryou . 46/Your scient i s ts are just short o f very grea t dis-coveries and kncwt edqe which wi ll r e s ul t in very g r eat pos-sibili ties . 47/1 am not a lla.-.'ed, to revea l any rrore about;this . ( 2)

fuier- 1 am s atis fied. with that , thank you , , , r-ty nextquestion concerns the qenes , which f o rm the hereditary f ac-tors . Are you a I Locced to t e ll Ire sarething about; this?Semjase- 48/ 'Ihey are the carrier s o f hereditary cha r a c ter -istics, and thi s i nside o f the "cor or -bcdte s " .

'!his is evident to Ire , but hew does a gene condit i oni tse lf - and are the chrcrroscrrea the sarre f or a ll livingforms?Semjase- 49/'Ihey are not , whi ch conce rns the s econd ques t -i on . 50/ According t o the kind of c r eat ure , they are d i s t inctand a lso diff e rent in thei r number . 51/Hurnan c r e at uresstill normally have the sarre number o f chrarosare pai r s .

Have these cotor-bcdtes then any influence on thel imit of age of the form o f life? Or i s the age a gene tic-


Nhat functions then do

a lly-conditl oned f ac tor ?

5anjase- 52/ Sure , it i s gene-condit ioned. 53/The gene r eg-u lates via the b r a in and the s pir i t , the f unctions of thecells , and they r egula t e life, r egene r a tion and d i s integ-r a tion of the cel ls .

Meier- '!hank you, thi s suffic e s .the c hran:::>sares themse l ves have?

SEmjase- 54/They des t in c haracter , f orm and s ex o f the (par-t icul ar) c reat ure . 55/'Ihe y are a lso the e s sential car rie r so f the genes , which e f fect their true influence on the chro-rrosares and cause in them, according to exi s t ing f actor s ,no:rma. l o f mal - switching, and can evoke mutati ons .

I s fungolism a r r anged under such a mutat ion?

fanjase- 56/In thi s connect .Lon , on l y partly, f or this es-sentially r e s ults fran inj ury to the genes fran many causes,which in s are cases can gener a te s urplus chraros ares .

Meier- Unfo rtunately, I unde r stand tioo litt le o f this, butthe answer is sufficient f or Ire . But o f wha t do c hrcrroscnesconsi s t ?

Semjase- 57/ Hainly the a l bumins and nucle ic-acids.

tcej L, what i s i t with her edit y?

semjase- S8/You s iIrply do no t g ive up. 59/Each gene con-tains the once-existing characteristi c s . 60/ s ingl errar k contains in it the characterist ics o f both negative andposf .t.Ive decisi ve factor s , mal e and f ema l e. 61/Occasiona linfluences a l so r esu l t in "wrong- swi tching" or "wrong- breed-ing " whic h can produce mutat i ons . 62/1here may be a dcmin-ant gene over s c r eening a recessive one , beca use of whi ch itcannot then develop. 63/ But both gene s can be inhe rited.64/Sel f - evident also, genes can c hange in the cours e o f tine,because they are , as e verything in the Unive r se , subject t oevol ut i on or degenera tion proce s s e s .

I unde r s tand , e ven though this i s not a speci a lkrlcMl edge fie ld for Ire . But \.mat then i s the case wi thheredity o f kncwledqe o r s inpl y intell i gence?

Semjase- 65 /'Ihis i s by nothing connected with the gene,because intell i gence i s a result o f spi r i tua l e vol ut ion .66/Spiri tual thinking and i ts resul tant s pir i tual know tedqe ,

11 5

wfs dcm, and IrrteLt I qence, are pure f actors of s pirit, butwhich also precipitate organi c r e s ults - in the brain, whichconsi s ts o f a c i d substances . 67/'Ihe s e aci ds becore the car-riers of sp i r i t ua l wisdan and intelligence in solid form,whi le the spiri t sti ll hides in itself that sane es s ent i a lkncwledge as fine-rrat erial factors . 68/Als o , as the coarse-rraterial f o rm of life , eve rything is two d iJrensionally ori-entat ed, in consequence of which the pure-spiritual or f ine-rraterial forms of life are as well existing in coarse-rrarer -i al f orm. 69/In this case then, this rreans , wis dan and in-telligence exi s t in spiritua l -energe t ical a s well as coarse-rrater i a l form, as organic acid . 70/'ll1is enables wisdan andintelligence to beccre transplanted in coarse-rrater ial form.71 /'Ihis rreans , too, that these acids can be taken fran abrain and be p l anted into another brain . 72/By such , whol eraces of c rea t ures can then be brought to a s e l ected leve lo f wisdcm, knowledge and intell i gence, without each separa tebeing having to pass through the d i f ferent e vo l u t ion per i ods .73/By this, even a new spirit fonn (which Farth humani t y mayin error call insane o r idio t i c) nay be given a rrore hi ghlydeve loped f orm o f kncwledge and life . 74 / But in this direc-t i on your s c ienti sts have been working fo r s erre ti.Ire andhave achie ved. sere s ucces s - even though this i s not kno wnto the broad public. 75 /'Ihus inte lligence and wisclan are byno rreens genetica lly produced, because they are a l one trans-mitted and carri ed f orward by the ensou ling body spi r it.76 /Because of this , an intel l ectual or very wise human beingmay bear descendents which Farthrren wou l d call insane oridiot ic, a lso the reve rse of spi r i tuality and intellectuallydefic i ent humans bearing descendents of great spi r itual andintellectual deve l oprent., 77 /This is really only connectedwith ha.v far the body- inhabi ting spirit itself is developed.78/1f wis clan and intell i gence wer e gene-conditioned, then anew spirit would never find a habitation (body) , while thea l r e ady exis ting f orm of lif e wou ld degenerate and die out,because they wer e s pi r i t ua lized t oo r apidly . 79 /'Ihis i sbecause higher developed lif e i s e Iways being c reated, andthus for new- spirits , no life and developrent oppor-tun t .t.Ies\'.OUld exist . (3)

loEier- But wtly are rrenta l diseases inheritable ?

Senjase- BO/Real rrenta l dis ease consists o f powerfu l con-fusion of the already kncwtedqeebt e and educa ted s pi r it.BI/And as the genes are i nfluenced by spi r i t , they absorb


the confused impulses , s tore them, and create the confusedidea to a conf used f orm o f life . 82 / Becaus e o f this , i nju r edcreat ures norma l ize a ga in f r om gener a t ion to generati on - bythe irre s i stabl e f urthe r developrrent o f the s p i r i t; by theperiodically conditioned evolution. 83 /This rreans then ,that f or the conf used spi r i t , r t te--urcortant. f unc t ions o fthe genes are affected by mis-regulatioo o f certain factors .84/nrls mis- regulation f orwards i t s ilrpulses, to interminglethe brain 's acids with si..mi..lar mal factors evoking confus i on,a confusion whi ch i s on l y or ganic. 8s/ ln the evo lution o fthe spir it, the con f usion can becare nonnalized aga in overgenerations , a s I have a l r e ady ment ioned . 86/ln such a wayinjured forms o f life can each be dif f e r ently burdened, aswell as their descendents, too. 87 / Each, from the pos.It.Ionof developrent of the ensoul ing body spirit, can be nore orless injured; a l ess e r deve l oped spiri t being a f f ected de-cisively rrore than a nore developed one, which may e ven beabl e to neutralize such mis - r egul a t i on . as/so i t i s quiteposs ible f or an insane c r e a t ure to gener a te desc endentsteing in no manner- abnormal. 89/ But i t can happen a f ter manygene rat i ons , when a ll seems nonnalized, that smat I r ematrunqfactor s in exceptional case examples may experience an out -break o f the affliction in sere f orm,l£ier- Fantasti c . But there are s o many rrental diseases . . .

Semjase- 90/'Ihis wout d lead 'too far.

Naturally. Hay I put ano ther question to you then?

5enjase- 91/Yes.

l£ier- '!his concerns the p roblem o f relativity, e s peciallythe dilation of t.Irre ,5enjase- 91/ You are already Inf orrred about; this.

I do not ask for myself, f o r the question g ive r swant an answer f rom you .

5enjase- 93/0h yes , o f c ourse - f or this I have to go backscrer as the re exist different possibilities f or the over -a:ming of cosmic space. 94 /lb desc ribe them all wourd makeno sense because they are too incanprehensible f or the Earthhurran , and teo f antasti c to him. 9s/For flying ob jectsthere s till exists the possibility of mastering space . 98 /One pos a dbd.Li .tiy i s through hyper s pace , in which a dilationo f t iIre is r erroved, and in which the theory of r e lat i v i t y


remains just that , a theory. 97/ TIle turning-off ofa tin'e-di lation or tine-shift needs but the penetration o fhyperspace , as I have a lready explained. 98/1 am not e .lt cwedto revea l greater details . 99/'Ihe "jurrp" occurs very fas tby m:xrentary paralization of the prot ective screen underflash- like increased velocity, with the cons equence o f aflash- l ike inc rease in IMSS. l OO/ 'Ihis means that the initi-ation process runs s o fast, that by the speed of certainprocesses, generated by the apparatus , rratter is distortedwithin the mi l lionth part of a second, and becares fine-rrat -e rial form, which i s able to pass hypers pace . ti..rre lessly.l Ol / As I have s a i d , it does not only consist o f speed, eventhough it s urpas ses a miUionfol d the speed of light, butthere are othe r proce s s e s invo l ved. I02/ By speed its e l f thep roces s is i nitiated, rMS S d i f fer ent i a t ing i tse lf, by whic hhyperspace i s enabled. (4)l 03/ 'Ihe mass o f an ob ject inc reases i n relati on to the

qrcwth of i ts speed . I04/'Ihis rreana , mass g rows towardsun l imit edne s s . l OS/Our ships are s t i ll p rotected by prot ec-t ive-screens , and prevent this process, until the t urningo f f of this screen enabl es the distorting e f f ect . l OG/ J ustthis process is utilized then, to accel era te the essentialdistortion and to call up the dematerialization . . . I 07/ Bythis , at the s arre tiJre , space and t iJre are paralized anddisappear, in consequence of which the ship a lready re-mat --e r ializes i tse lf a t i t s destina t i on place, as it is demat -.erialized a t i ts place of departure . l Oa / TIle who le processneeds no l onger than a millionth part of a s econd, thus a l sof or c rea t ure s , passing hyperspace does not take alterat ionso f any kind . I09/ \\'hen spaces hips fly be l ew the speed o flight, this inevitably takes much tiJre , which is a lways thecase with nesccrera to cosmic flight . U O/ Fi r s t , they a lldo l earn fran experience s and cogni t ions . 111 / Second, thisspace-trave ling i s ve ry dangerous and l ea ve s its purposeopen to ques t ion . 112/ \'1he n s paceships reach lightspeedwithout passing d i rectly into hyperspace , then catastrophyfo r the s hip and i ts passengers i s asaured ., . , 113/ Speedsabove that o f light ho ld marry dange rs , when the bar r ier ofhypers pace is not penetra t ed and made an a lly. 114/ 1hedi lation effect i s on ly one o f these dangers . 117/ But a llforms o f life have to accanplis h their evol uti onary proces-ses, and thus the y collect e xper-ie nce and knowledge .118/Our f orefathers, teo, f a ced these problems, and went;


astray in space and t .Irre, 119/'!be sane does happen to oiliercreatures, and in the sane way . 120/ And so it happens that(occasi onally) tiIre--trave l e r s do appear f ran the past , andoften bring with them great p r oblems . 121/ 'Ihey often do notf ind their l1<:nEwor lds again, o r they find them destroyed.122/NoN" and then a lso, appear c r eatures s trange to our Galaxy,who have erne to Earth a l ready, and wi ll care here aga in.123 / sare s uch "tilre-travele r s" have a lready wrecked, inearlier age s , on Earth and wer e never able to l eave hereagain . 125/In the run of t i.Ire many of these beings diedout o r they degenerated, o r mixed themselves wi th Earthforms of life . 126/Even t oday s uch tiIre-trave l ers rreet Earth.127/ And there are many of them who never find their hereworlds again, and just set t le anywhere on another worId .126/ Sc:::fre l o s e the i r way in the widths o f s pace and die .1'30/'Ihe dangers of s peed a re very great , and they do a l rea dybegin a t a few kilareters per hour if the fl i ghtIPachines arenot s creened against this. (5)

By l ast question: we have a l ready talked about; theTalnud Jnmanuel. Jmnanue l has been represented the l a s t2,000 years as a main religious figure. \'1ill a new repr e-sentation o f this l ong dead human being serve once rrore tomake h im a center of belief and an idol? Is this hew theThlnud shall serve?

Smljase- 196/ No, J rrmanuel was himself only a human being ,like a ll o thers . 197/Ye t he was equipped with great knoe-l edge . He eml:xxlied neither a symlx>l , nor an idol , nor anysuch . 19B/He was a teacher , a prophet of spiritual knew-l edge and wfsdcmr no thing rmre , 199/ No creature should everbeccrre i dolized or even adored, as is the pract ice of humanbeings of Earth. 200/Nhen we a l Icoed the rerroval o f theTalnud fran i ts 2 ,000 years hiding place, the only r easonwas because the ti.Ire for truth had care. 201 / 'Ihe l e s s onsof Jnmanuel are not HIS l e s s ons , but those o f '!HE CREA.TIONand its l aws, which J rrrnanue l had t o l e arn , to r ecognize ,and to ackncwfedqe , He has on l y revealed that whi.chthe natural l aw provided for.202/Never again s hould the mistake o f the delusion be ccm-

mitted, and Jrrmmuel be seen as the eml:xxii.nent of his offeredl essons, and becare idolized. 203/ 'Ihe truth of the Talmudough t to be l earned and acknowtedqed as such by i tself,without invoking the narre of Jrrrnanue l and without his g lori-ficati on . 204/1rrp:)rtant a lone is the truth and the l aws ,


but not the person who has brought them. 20S/ If then anothe rcul t shoul d be cons t ructed around Jrrrnanuel , then the purposei s not accanplished. 206 /'The human l:ei ng shoul d no t beg lo r ified, becaus e only the truth and the l aws a re r eallyIrrcortant. .207/But now my t irre f or today is ove r , and I s ti l l "..ant to

speak (to you) about. my r equest , which I a s ked in the l astneeting .

loEier- Befor e you l eave , Semj ase , I s t i ll have scrre veryIrrcortant que s tions, i f you have enough tirre and i t wou l dnot t rouble you when I ask once aga in for things whi ch youhave a l ready, fran my v i ew, answered suffic ient ly. But Ihave f riends and aquaint ences "..ho e iwa ys give Ire the sanequest ions.

semjase- 208/If i t i s so important, then ask.'Thank you, Sernjase , - the question concerns friends

and aquaintences a l so wanting to care into contac t with you .At l east they would be content if they cou ld see you andyour beamship, even only fran a f ar, o r photograph or filmit. Is the re sti ll no chance to cont ent their eagerne s s forkncwdnqs, etc . ?semjase- 209/ Have I expr essed mys e lf too lit t l e c learly?210/ 1 tol d you a l r e ady severa l t irres that this will not bepossdb.le under any circumstances . 211/We have e lected youa l one , where \"'E! a l s o r 212/Nothing can be changed.213/I t i s known to IrE (that ) scsre of your f riends on ly wantto contact IrE because they doubt your infonnation and wantpI'COf . 214/'Ihey don 't even accept your photos , because theyare captured by dis trust . .. 215/they consi der themselves tobe rea lis tic, which is not true . 216/Thei r r ecogniti on ofreality i s not based on knCMledge . .. 217/'Ihey believe thaton l y what they can s ee wf th thei r own eye s can be r ea l ,wher ein they do not consider that they coul d be dece i ved bytheir own seeing . 2I8/ Evidenc e then i s on l y va lid if foundedon kncwl edqe and r ecognition, which neens on ly ha rd spirit-ua l v.ur k enabl es r eal r e a s oning , bu t never onl y seeing. 219/\.:e gave you the chance to collect photographic ma.ter ial soyou could confinn your details in r e s pect to the existenceof our beamships , with pict ures . 220/And a l though you havemany qood phot os , s crre do not believe you . 221 / Ql the con-t rary , they demand s till furthe r p r oofs in the way that weshou ld break our O\oJI1 good pr i ncipl es and take up contac ts


as we ll with those o ther Earth hurrans , 222 /'Ihis we wi ll notdo, and will deviate in no manne r fran our objectives . 223/Ne s t ill don ' t want , and are not a t i oced, to coerce to con-v ince Earth humans of the truth. 224/\'/e are on ly e l l csced todo what lies in reach of our ob j ect ives, and f or this wehave selected you, and you shoul d spr e ad the kncwledqe ac-cording to your best esti.Jrat ion. 225 / Ha.-J you do this is upto you , f or you are a f ree f orm of life. 226/EXpl a in toyour f riends that we are not wi ll i ng to g rant them theirdemands f or a contact with them. 227/lt is abso l u t e ly im-possibl e to concede this ; in every respect .228 /For the caning wni. Ie you a lso should not take further

pictures of my bearnship, because the ones you have are fullysuffici ent. 229/1 gave you enough chance to get qocdphotos , which becarre only doubt ed. nO/Thus i t shall s uf -fice for the time, for i t i s neithe r our nor your mission,to remove f ran doubtors and critic i ze r s their spi r i t - ob-structing act ivities . 231 /The mission lies in quite othe rf ields, as you ,,--ell knQIN.

This doesn 't s ound ve ry kind , 5emjase , and it alsodisappoints Ire that I shoul d not take any further pict ures .Dlring your absence I have bought Ire a f i lm carrera , becauseI wanted to ge t a rrovte o f your ship.

senjase- 232/Your disappointnent pities Ire , but the statusshould remain . 233/Still I wi ll admit your using the f i lmcamera, that you may be a H owed to film my s hip. 234/Butyou are prohibited fran doing this up c lose, and a lso younay not ge t Ire on your film . 235/But I will g i ve you ashort derronstrat i on o f my ship.

Mei er- Thank you. I could not film fran near anyway, e lsethe cerrere be destroyed . You had s a i d ear lier I could pho-tograph your new ship up c l ose . As you know, I tried thislast contact, which fa iled because my carter-a , so t o speak,"exp.loded" in my hands and fe ll , a nd the light measuringinstrurrent and s earcher were broken . I had to s end i t f orexpenai,ve repair . (6 )

Sf3njase- 236/ Did this r eally happen?

Meier- Of course; should I lie to you?

senjase- 237/Certainly not, and this was not rreant l ikethat. 238/1 am sorry about; the occurrence , and I wil l c learit up.



(t ) After these n:eeti..rq:; started. arrl Iccseed like t.IEy mi.l;t1t CO"' for acure, a-d !>eier's discussial grcup fC1.JTrl that he was get.tirq new infoma-ticrl. t.IEy I:eg;m to ann him with profoorrl questi.cns to be asked. o f the EI'cosccreuts, h:ping to get sore ne.... insights into sore of the thin::Js theywere stlrlying.

(2 ) rbi. ten years later , the benefLt; of hirdsight.. he are all awareof the specteculer edvarces in eolecular bdokcqy, resukt.Inq tcday in wh:Il e!'B'I scte-ces ani .iIrlust.r.ies worl!Uide .

(3) '!his is the first cuscusst cn we have seen of spiritual actacn in genesam. cnrcececres. am a very Ioqtcal, di.scussial of ....ny disa:lvantagej parentscan give b irth to perfect.Iy rorraf offsprirq, am. the other ....a y arccrd ,

(4) Ellterirq the hyperspace m:rle s inply I!a3!lS l eaVing the fhYsical realmofreality, in a process wbere mat ter is strlElly cowerted to ff'lergy a.:u tielas su:\3e11y reccoverred back to matter in i t s " reosreered" form . For i t sinstant in it:. 50 pcre energy, or spirit. f o.rm, the f e nce r matte r is 00

l.a"q=r b:::urrl b.i the !a' of the fhYsical/ realm, ani it cpezatesurrler the e1t.i..rely differE!"lt la'NS of the realm of pure spirit . whim searsto be l.JIlh:urlE:d am. limitless .(5 ) 1here is a ffiBil close::l race of d..imlnitive extraterrestrial peopl estill surviving in far western China. wh:I trace their ancestry reck to thec rash l..arrli.J"q of a hu;Je extraterrestrial explora tory airship over 12.0:0years at:p. 'rteee snail pecpte are p,ysiolcgically am genetically differmtfran Earth Iumns. '!hey were ax:e hunted cb,n as ''wi ldren'' in the days ofthe Khans, an:::) were alrrost w4'ID cut. (See SlNll:S rn E'illE, bj carylRcb in-Evans, p.Jblisherl l:¥ Nevil sceeman in Ehglarrl in 1978)

(6) l-eier oaxes ref e rence j-ere to the 27 February flight dEm:nstratial ofthe new variat.icn II ship. Iotlen he tried. to sneak. a prd1ibiUrl picture ofthe ship near the gro.zrl at close range. f2;>: was pret.en::iin:J rot. to take apicture he pressed the shutter release. ani the cetera. "expl.crlOO" inhis harri. fly ing 0Jt o f his grasp ani f alling to the grrurrl thei.rrpact the cere'ra arrl rrecrerusms ,

Thi s r e lat ive ly ext ens iv e di scus sion of techn i cal and ph i losophi ca l s ub-jects by the extr at e rrestrial vis i tor s has been character ist ic of the LFOc on tac ts with the Ple i ad ian t e ams . The Pte i adr en con t ac t s at (1 Tocuyo inVene zue l a involved l eng thy d iscus s ions s uc h as this , as \"; ell as thos e i nBogota , Col ombi a , and another c ase here i n t he United St a tes of Amer ica .A Yh ole book has been ab out s uch con t acts i n Pe ru and thedialogue car r ied on ove r a per iod of years .


Ninth Contact Friday, 21 March 1975 16: 18 h

Ther e had been some arguments in t he discussion group around ne I er overthe super iori ty o f t he Pleiadians and just how superior t he y mi ght be to usEar t h humans . Some thought they mi ght be the myt hol ogi ca l Gods of some o fthe great l eqends , Others t hought they mi ght be equiva l en t to t he angelicbeings of the bible . However they could nev e r agree on an y of this . Semjasehad t aken not e of this situation and sought to se t t he ma t t e r stra ight onceand for all. Th i s 9th contact took place j us t three da ys after the eighth.

Semjase- l /Unfortunate l y , today, the conversat ion wi ll be abit one-s ided, bec ause I have to s e t sore important thingss tra ight . .. 2/0f t en for appearanc e s ake, or profit , we areput higher than we are in t ruth . 3/But we are only humanbeings , l ike a ll others . 4/In your view we occupy apos i tion o f super-technol oqi .es and spiritua l p rogr ess , butthis does not pres uppos e p redaninance watch Earth humansascr -Ibe to us . S/h'e are neither guardians of Earth beingsnot Ood-aent; Ange l s , o r s imi l ar . 6/ Ha ny pers ons suggest W'E!are watching ove r Earth and her beings and would cont roltheir f ates. 7/'Ihis is not true , because we only per-form aself-se l ected mission which has nothing to do with s uper >vi s ing or regulat ing Earth fat e s . 8/ Thus it is wr ong toexpose us as s uperterrestri a l rressenge rs or guardians . 9/ Ifwe were s uch , we wo u l .d r egul a t e openly . 14/ 50 this i s nottrue , becaus e the Earth human goes his own evoluti onary way.I S/Surely , he i s barbarous , and a lso Irrpet uous in his r e-search, and often uns c rupulous . l 6/ But barbarism is peculiarto many c reature s , f or i t i s a nat ura l condit ioning and i ssuited, thus lif e i s ass ured. 17 / In t h i s I speak of natura lbarbari sm wht ch i s not degenerative. l 8/ Such is a lso thecharacter of more developed beings than Ea.rt.h roan and fi r s tends at higher l e ve l s o f s pirit ua l deve loprent.. . 19 / I t isnot sui ted f o r the Earth being to be degraded for this .. .20/He is a des cendent of wild ancestors and has to go theway o f his evol u t ion . 21/This l eads through misery andtroubles 'toward cogni t ion and knowl edqe . 22/But this takestoughnes s and a certain barbarism, wi thout wh i ch no inc lin-ati on f or a n€tv or bett er f uture takes p l a ce . 23/ At f i rst acertain bar barism inspire s r e s ea r c h and deveIoprent. , becausein this i s strength t o over ccste conf inenents which obstruc tprogress . . . 26/ Ea.rt.tunan IT'ay r ecognize that he woutd not be-care l iberat ed f r an sic kness i f l i fe was not cut short by i t ,



Inspf.rdnq ana l ys is o f the s i ckness genns and a search forprotective rreans , 27ITo r i s k life f or explo r ation purpos esis necessary barbarism (tha t may be toler ated) . 28/ Ye t a llkinds o f e vol ut ion is barbaric, because that gener ates thenecess ary s trength . 30/A great dange r i s o f s cientis ts mis-using the power- o f their knawl edge t o ove rccee the i r l e s sdeveloped f e llo .-l c r e a t ures and f orce them into slave ry andexpl oitati on. 31!Fran this they should be preven ted, as

as thei r t echn i cal achieverrents whic h on l y s erve fo rdes truction . 32/ Not in any be s t interest, their se t ting them-s e l ve s up as Gods , and by this ccrcmitting the serre mistakestheir forefathe r s a lready d id. 33/The s e influence s we want;to prevent . 33/Stil l we want to encourage ce rtain cogni t ionsand goo.. certain ways . 35/ And when interf e re in certai nmatrt er-s , that i s only so that Earth. beings wou.ld not canni.tthe s arre e r ror s for whdch our for efa ther s s o painfUlly s uf-fered .

t-eier- You have a l r e ady told Ire atout that . I):) you want totell Ire the f urther history o f mankind tcday?

Semdase- 36/Sure l y , so I to do .Meier- Am I a i t coed to put before thi s only one s ingl equestion whtch occupie s sere o f my friends and aquai ntences ?

Semdase- 37/Sure ly .JoEier- I t treats o f your beamship, r e s pectivel y your beam-s hips which I have photographed s evera l t urrea , I t is incon-cei vabl e t o my f r i ends that on l y I have s een them, and a l sophotographed them.

Semjase- 38/'Ihis i s easily enswered e the ta l ent for obser -vat ion i s r e a lly curs ory f or human s . 39 / 1he y do often s eeour beamships as any other Earthly airplane s , for whi chreason they pay them no rro re a t tent ion . 40/They are verysimply not accustared t o c l ose observi ng and v dewfnq . 41/ 011the othe r hand we protect our beamships a ga inst sight o f anykind and they can ' t s ee us . 42/It is easy for us to protectour ships as we desire in a di.arre of 500 rreters , i no r in parts , a t one s ide, upwards o r dcwnwards , aga ins ts i ght by (use o f ) a distorter -sc r e en . 43/I"ihen I a t Icw youto photograph my s hip f ran one side, then i t is p r ot ected ona ll othe r s i des agains t furthe r observation by the d istorte rs creens, thus none untnvi t e d a r e ab l e to s ee i t . 44/ Thi s I


That is ve ry ob liging of a t Icwe d t o r e cor d a tape of

wi ll ShCM t o your friends . 45/ ln this respect , 1 a Ll cw youone rrore t .Irre to take three further pictures o f my s hip, forwhich mat-ter- you s hou l d bring your f r iends with you. 45/ Buya new f i lm which they put i n t o thei r c amer a . 47/ Then docare with them t o the contact p lace whi ch 1 will ar rangewith you . 48/You s hou l d keep your position a little asidef rom them. 1 t hen appear i n my ship , you ought toshcot three pi c tures . 50/As usua l , the s hip distorter -scre-ens will be switc hed on s o that you alone will be able t osee i t . 51/ The n t e ll your friends they should no t be dis -appoint ed i f they a re not able t o s ee the ship as we I l asyou wi l l. 52/lt s hould only evidence f or t hem, my offe r o fthe distorter-screens being a fact . .. (1)

M=ier - Thank you , Semjase .Will 1 perhaps a t this t irre ,your voice?

Semjase- 55/1 have told you , the three photographs will bethe firs t and l ast proof frem my s i de. 56/1 can a lla... norror e , p l ease understand this. 53/ l f they a lready do notbelieve your words and your photo-evidence, and even accusethe latter o f deceit , t hen the s ame should be expected i fyou ....'e r e t o store my voice on a tape-recording . 58/Theycould accuse you o f dece i t and pr e t end the voice would belongto an Earth wcman, 59 /Such an exampj.e is o f rrearunq tesaconsequence , thus 1 can not a gree i t. 60/But 1 do notwant to engage in s uc h discuss ions in the f uture , f or I havea l ready explained. 61/Explain t o your f r iends, i f they areinterested in your de tails and want t o accep t them, thenthey s hould do this in conf idence in us and you , e l s e theyshould no l onger dedica t e themselves t o this IlE.t t e r , becausedoubts , di. a t .rus t; and c r i t icism are not servi ceable t o ourmis s ions .M=ier- That is harsh , Semjase .

Semjase- 62/lt has to be , as onl y the t ruth serves .sere o f my f riends hol d the argurren t ; how wo u Id they

proceed wtth my tasks , i f by the intrigues of my f e I l ow-c rea tures and authori ties , anything wo u.ld happen t o Ire ,whi ch has a l ready been the case one t.tme , (2)

Semjase- 62/ These are argurrents whic h rea lly a r e none , be-cause they wi ll have in their hands all notes and all that


you de live r to them. 63/When they have conf i dence in youand us , then this is sufficient for them already. 64/'Iheydon ' t need rror e , 65 / 'Iheir arguments do not a lone concernthis care about intrigues, for in them are a l s o establishedselfi sh thoughts and a g r e a t distrust o f you and your detai lsand your pict ures. 66/Partly , this is only another attempt ,in their way of r easoning , t o achieve their object ive of,vorking i nto f i rst position .. .loEier- Okay , I will no rrore speak of i t and no rrore troubleyou by such .Semjase- 68/You have not t roubled Ire . 69 / But nCM I want tospeak of other ma.t ters .

\'bu ld you a llCM one rror e que s t ion befo r e ?Semjase- 70/Sure ly.loEier- One ha s thrown against my head, that i t i s r a therstrange that you had cane to speak about the Ta lmud Jmnanue l ,and that your r e ports and details agree with the Talmud, asif they both r ise fran the sane pen , and thus a ll things notright . (3)

Semjase- . One really did?loEier- One did.Semjase- 72 /Oon ' t t rouble yourse lf over it, as it i s thecharacter of the urunforrred to continua11y c r i ticise andaccuse. 73 /&::1 they search for connections , whic h they cannot unde r s tand.. . 76/\Vhen Jnmanue l 2 ,000 years ago . ..setdown the knowl edge and the wi.sdcm, he coul d do this on lywith wor ds of certain rrearunq , then as nO\..... . . 77 /And whenin the present I s peak about the sane things , I must usecertain words whic h trans l a t e into certain rrean.inqs , now asthen. . . 84/ (They a re) sti ll caught up too much in thei r r e-ligions to r ecognize and accept any other a s t.rut.h ,85/They s till live in the astray belief that t.ruth kncwfedqeand belief would be religion, and that one could desi gnatethis a lso for a r elig i on. 87/'Ihey do not understand that ar e ligi on can suppress a being and make him depend on scrre--thing that stands above him and g ives him orders and advice .88/The result is a c reature no rmre master o f himse lf, butsubject ing himself t o sanething that remains pocer -fut Iyabove him. 89/'Ihus , there does not exist any f orm of re-


11gioo that i s a ll good. 90/'lhat I brought the Ta1m.Id intodiscussi on is only l ogi cal . .. 92/ 'lbe Ta1Im..ld represents ascr i pture that was really written in the t.iIre of .rmranue t , ..and we took. i t into consideration. 94/We could have newlystated the sane things , but this already existed. 95{'Iheway I see things in this question, it runs tcMard distrustand unsuited c r i ticism. 96/Whoever put this question to youis repressed. spiritually by his religion and lives a dis-tortioo.lirler- You use harsh words, Semjase .Sanjase- 99/ The truth i s a lways harsh. I OO/ But do spare rrein the fut ure , f ran ques tions that do not ari se fran youyourself . 101f t have indicated this to you one t i.Jre already .102/ Fran today I will not answer any rrore questi ons un l essthey are fran you . 103/1 have no need to continuous l y an-seer que s t i ons which are a lready known to you . 104/l>breover,i t 1s not my ob ligation to sponsor tihe f onmt i on of know-l edge f or Farth beings , or just for your f r iends , that Iundergo the answemnq o f illogical questions . Ihave to expl ain lies in my and your des tiny, but not in thatof your f riends or fellow creat ures . 106/If it werenot l ike that , 'We coul d r e veal ourse lves publicly for whatwe do, rot we really have no interest in this . 107/Tellyour friends that they will have to be satisfied with this ,that you were chosen f or contact with us f or very def initereasons . 108/! tell you this f or the final tine, and willagree to no rrore discuss i on o f it.

l£ier- I didn ' t intend to excite you. (4)Se:Djase- 109/ You haven 't done so, but it is unreasonable o fyour fri ends . . • l l O/ Thei r unj ustified dis trust and criticismis hannful to our mis sion .115/ At our f i f th contact, ended the h istory o f mankind

where sore 50,000 years ago in Earth chronology, our hare-\l,Url d f ound peace and l iberty. 116/ Shortly bef ore thi s tirre,70,000 human beings fled under the l eade r ship o f Pe legon.117/In spacecraft which they tcok by f or ce , they fled throughthe C05lT'OS and set t led here on Earth. 11 8/ Under Pelegonwere 200 s ub-l eaders , s c i entists, carq;>etent in the ir specf a .lfie l ds o f kncwfedqe , lt9/ By these , and others , Pelegon wasunan..i.m:Jus l y ackncwtedqed as "King of Wi s dan" (m -n-t/God ) andregarded as such. l20/ 1n the course o f milleniums , theyconstiructed great cities and inhabited. all the cont inents o f


Earth. 121/Regrettably this \<a1t well f o r only a narrcM10 ,000 years , until desires for and centrol prevailedonce rrore , and a deadly war raged over a ll the earth. 122/Wi thout exception a ll was destroyed, and on l y a f ew thousandhuman beings survived (on Farth) while o thers fled once rroreinto the cosrros and s e t t l ed far away wor'Ids , (5)123/For 7 ,000 years none r e t urned to Earth, and the hUIMI\S

l eft l:ehi.nd degenerated. and becarre cc:npletely wild. 124/'Ihen descendents of those who had s e ttled on f araway w::>r ldsretumed. 125/ TI1ey were again under the leadership of anIHWH, under' whose ccnrrend they bui l t on Atlantis and Mu .126/ 'Ibey built huge cities on each of the two separate con-tinents . 127/ For thousands of years they lived in f r i end-ship and peace , until a f ew scientists were again overcareby the old thirst f or might and pocer-, and tri ed to seizethe governnent . 128/But having tired of wars , the nationsrose up against them, and they occupied spaceships and fledinto cosmic space ; that being sene 15, 000 years ago in Earthchronology. 129/For b.o milleniums , they and their descend-ents lived in a neighboring solar system. 130/'1\000 millen-i urrs during which they had becare very evil and only main-tamed order under s trictes t control. 131/By mutat ion andtheir sciences , they extended their l i f espans to sene thou-sands of years.132/0vercc:rre by their thirst for poeer, they l eft their

wor ld about 13,000 years ago and r e t urned to Earth. 132/Their highest l eader was the scientist "ARUS", who was a lsocalled "'!he Barbarian" . . . 133/Like the I HWH 40 ,000 yearsbefore, he also had 200 l eaders and sub-l eaders, who wereccnpetent in special fie l ds o f science . 134/ In b.o groups,they s e t t led in the high north and the present Florida ofN::>rth l\rrerica, while they cont inuous l y attacked At lantis andMu in wars. 135/In onl y a few milleniums after their occu-paticn of Earth bases , they succeeded in des troying (thecivilizations of) Atlantis and Hu carpletely. 136 /The fewsurvivors went into servi tude , while many great s c ientistswere able to flee, and return to their hcrrewor Ids inthe · Pleiades. 137/But centuries before this pcdnt; in t.ure,the intruders boasted. o f their conquest of Earth, and !ffi'1HMUS l ed a s evere and b .lcody r eqterre, 138/ Still his sub-l eaders ass urred f o r thense l ves many things and became rroreand rrore independent . 139/Within on l y three decades theyhad gone far in their C1n'Il decisi onmaking, even though they


f eared the punfsbrrerrta of the 1ffi*! ARUS. 140/'!hey advocateda codex, to under a ll c ircumstances maintain their own raceand not a .lI cw it to fa ll to mutations away f rem themselves.141/ In a forbidden manner and secretly, they went out andcaught wild Earth c reatures and mutations who wer e distantdescendents of forrre r h1..UTla.T1 beings frem cosmic space. 142/Wild and beautiful femaIe beings were tarred and mated withby the sub-leaders who called themselves "Sons o f Heaven".143/ Each, according to his own r a ce, c reated mutated beings,crnpletely new fonns of lif e, who were o f dwarf- like stature,gigantic , or ani..rPal - like. 144/ Semjase, the highest l eaderof the s ub-le a de r s , mated with an EVA, a ferra. le being, whowas s till rrost .ry human-Like and a lso r a ther beaut.Lful (infeat ure and f onn) . 145/ The descendent of this act was o frrale s ex and a hurran being o f gcxxl f orm, 146/semjase c a lledhim "ADl\M", which was a word meaning "Earth hUJl'\3Il being".147/ A simil ar breeding produced a female, and in l a t er yearsthey were mated t o each other . 148/ foE anwhile, others sim-ilar had been produced, who f amed groups and tribes. 149/Fran the s e , present Earth mankand deveIoped. . . (6)150/ IHWH ARUS, angered by these activities , seized his

sub-leaders , when he could catch them, and killed or exiledthem. 151 /In tirre he changed his mind and r ecogni zed a newpccar he could exercise over the Earth beings .newly appodnted sub-leaders and guard angels , he broughtthree hUJl'\3Il races under his control. 153/ The s e were theancestors o f thos e who today are known as "Indians" ; thenthe (fai r -skinned) inhabitants who had settled around theBlack Sea; and the third were the Gipsies along the s outh ofthe foEditerranean Sea, who were called Hebrews. 154/ TIrroughhis guard-angels, IHWH ARUS subj ected these r ac es and f orcedthem under his control . 155/ As the highest ruler over them,he a j j cced himsel f to beccre venera ted and adored. 156/ Hea l Iowed them to venerate him above '!he Creation itse lf, andhis sub-leaders as assistant c r eator s . 157/He Irrposed harshand severe l aws demanding the b rood o f the guilty.158/His son "JEHAV", who took over his danini on was little

better f or he too, as 1ffi'S, demanded only b lood and deathfran the three enslaved r aces. 159/ 'lhe later descendents ofthese "Gods" became mere humane and deve loped a degree ofspi rituality . 160/ 'Iheir s piritual evolution changed theirminds and they decided to l eave the deve l oprent; o f the Earthbeings to their natura l course , and retired to thei r hare-


SO they left the Earth and returned as peaceful cre-atures to the Pleiades , where their own mankind had reachedadvanced states .161/United, we live together today and are an allied pop-

u lation in peace and lil::erty. 162/'Ihis is the essentialthat is Impor-tant; for Earth beings to knew• . •

The Pleiadians vi s i ti ng Earth feel that they have vest ed interests herecoming over fr om their own belligerent and often chaotic past, and, per-ceiving yet another atomic devastation by the scientists' new ascendency, alegacy to us from their own history, seek to head it off if possible.

162/FUrther necessary kncwledqe regards a cosmic change,of which I have already spoken once . 164/ r t treats of tbe"Age of squartus", also called the "Golden Age ". 165/Inthis respect I must first explain the religious interpret-ations concerning this epoch are wrong. 166/ A certain ir-responsible fanaticism treats this as the religiously pro-c laiIred "f inal days" . 167/Ey no means is this new age af inal tiIre, because in truth it brings real life. 168/'lllisepoch enables everything to deve tcp to highest potential,including spirit, according to providence . 169/But it willtake many centuries after entering that period. to reach suchadvanced l e vels . 176/ At first, as usual , the irreligiousscientists will profit fran the new advances while the can-rron people will be restrained by their religions. 171/Causedby the change of epoch, religious people will fa ll into fan-atical religious delusion. 172/ Especi a lly the 184 yearsof the t i.rre o f change, religious beliefs of all sorts willshoot up like mushrocms and bring many humans under theircontrol. 173/Murder, suicide, and exploitation o f all kind,as well as religious s lavery to false beliefs will be thedai ly l ot, by which the who le world will be shaken. 174/False prophets will o f fer salvation publicly in a fanaticsearch for victims and new fo.l Ioears , (7)175/'Ihis is the initial phase of the "Golden Age ", the

transition phase of 184 years. 176/'Ihe culmination of thispericx:i will care in 2028 (our years) . 177/ 'Ihe revolutionaryforce of this new epoch has begun in 1844, and since thenthe extensive a lterations on Earth rush irresistably forward.178/The New Age a lready demands Lts- tribute, religious de-l usion, rapidly developing sciences, r ampant c r nre , and warsof extirpation, characteristics o f this tiIre which can notbe ignored. 179/'Ihe first half of the transition period.lasted 92 yeara . . until 1936, while the Earth felt the last


of the "Age o f Pisces" (as it was called) . 181/ Since thattime, rapidl y evol ving events , discove r ies , inventions ,etc; , were characteris t i c as for no other t ime . 182/ 'lhiswhole sun-system with a ll i tiF inmmerable creatures i s un-der the control o f the new age . 183/Each and everything i sinfluenced by i t , because this i s a cosmic l aw. 184/1t isaccording to this l aw, to which are subj ect a ll rrovenents ofplanets and all f onns of l i f e in the Universe , that theEarth proceeds in the TIm of cosmic events s ince 1844, whichaccording to evol ution r ep l aces a ll h itherto existing r eg-ul a tions not o f the Creat ional character. 186/ 'Ihe or i g in ofthis epochal change is in the r adiation e f f ect of the hugecentral sun around which your system circles once in 25,860years, and passes through 12 epochs within the rreaning ofyour astrologer 's Zodiacs. 187 / 'Ihe F.a..rth has alr eady touchedthe ooter borders of the "Gol den Radfa tdon" of the centra lsun , which are of the strongest and rrost revolutionary r ad-iation. (8)189/ But a lso much mi s chie f i s connected with this , quite

especially in r espect to religions and the use of new dis-coveries and achieverrents . 202 /'Ihe way-shocers of thes echanges are in cosmic des tiny and appear under the Creationlaws . 203/'Ihe way-preparers for these revol utions (a f fect -ing hwrens) are a l so human beings who , as prophets andteachers , announce the truths of knowledge and spiri t ualwisdcm. 205/'Ihese way-preparers will be considered r evol-uti onari e s , heretics , and exiles , for they will announce thetruths f or a ll to see .212/'Dlese revelations are of much interest, and a l s o of

great i.ITportance to humans and yoo should spread the word byall means , 'Ihis i s our desire . 213/1 knCM you have unde r -taken the diffusion o f rrri rressages and other things a l ready,yet, regrettably, they are not suf f i c i ent . 214/It woutd beof bene fit for you to f o rm a group t o occupy itse lf wi ththese mat ters . 215/DJ.ring the l ast two weeks your l al:::or shave not been as successful as we had expected. 216/'Ihis i snot your feul.ti, but ours, f or we have ourse lves tobe deluded about; the l oya l t y of certain ones . 217 / Unfortun-ately they are II'Ore inprisoned within their religions than

had cal cul a ted. 218/But we did not want to penetra tetheir secr ets, thus this observation excaped us. 219/'Ihere-fore i t beccrrea necessary for you to find a new way .

You tell rre thi s so easily - but what shall I dothen? I am a s tranger in this fie ld, in the public sphe r e ,


and have no connections . I real l y do not knOw' hew I coul dreach the public .

Sanjase- 220/Belie ve Ire, a ll are not b lind and dumb who ares earching f or the truth, and who as well wi ll recognize it.221/50 do not worry about; being an unknown TI\3fl in this mat -ter. 222/I.cxJk for qcod fri ends who want to be o f servicein this ma.tter, because s uch f r i ends do a l ready wa it foryou . 223/By their he lp you wi ll reach newspapers and mag-a z ines, and to r adio and televisicn s tations . 22 4/ Perf onn,with thei r help, rreetings and l ectures, and call out yourknowledge on public s treets . . •

Meier- You demand very much , Semj ase , and I do not knowwhether I can succeed in i t . You evidently do not considerthat I can becane t:hrc:1,.;n for another tine into the madhouse ,f o r I am poserj e s s agains t intrigues by the authorities .Certainly, sore people wou l d listen up when I trouble mys e lfin this Il\311J1er for the matter, but will this r eally be ser -ved that way? By regret, I live here on the Earth, beinggoverned, ruled and enlivened by human 1::eings who o ften fearthe troth and try to s uppres s i t by a ll rreens , I do notr eally fear this, no r f or making Ire ridicul ous , and 1::eingder ided and accused o f l ying , but I fear that newspapers ,radios and author ities will publish canpletely distorteda ff i nrations and expositions concerning my statarents andde tai l s , which wi ll a lone be very negative f or our ma.tter .I f I am o f f icially procla..i.rrEd a madrrBn, then I have achievednothing at a ll that \<iOUld serve the matrter- , (9)

Semjase- 226/1 understand your arqurrents carp1ete1y . 227/but consider an o ld p r over b which you scrre ti imes use on Earth :"No s oup i s e a ten as ho t as i t i s boiled. " 228/ 0£ courseyou and your friends will be made to l ook r idiculous and bederided, and if the one o r the other happens , or he is heldby author i t i es ' intrigues away f ran his doing , then thereare s t i ll o ther f r iends the re who can carry the task forward.

Meier- en the premise, these friends being true f riends too.When they are only f r i ends .in name , then they are cortfness ,f or f riendship s uch as that only l asts when profi t can bedrawn fran i t . True f r i ends , who also are s ti ll friends inmisery, one .finds rarely. Besides this there is the problemof finances, because to serve the matter the way you suggesttakes a l ot o f money.


Senjase- 229/D::m I t worry about finding qocd f r i ends , for Itold you a lready, that they are waiting for you. 230/'Iheywill even be s uch qcod friends that they will endure theunjusuLf fed ridicule and derision, and even amuse themselvesby it.. . 233/Together with your friends , you will never bea lone, whe reve r you may be . 234/ 1 mys e lf wi ll be only athought away fran you, thus you can speak wi th rre a lso when-ever you want. 235/1 will de l iber a te on your p r obl ems anda lso talk with the othe rs , a fte r which I can give you seneadvice, fran which you may decide . 236/At a given t ilre Iwi ll g ive you a report. 237/Provi s ionally, i t i s your mat-ter, to troubl e yourse lf with forming a suitable group off riends which may serve our mission. 228/Also f or the fin-ancial side, you need not worry, because in that too youwill f ind suf ficient help. 239/[0 not fear , all things willtake thei r course as calculated. 240/ Sti ll I will be incare of a ssisting you financia lly myself , as there existsthe possibi lity o f • . • . • .. . . .• . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meier- SUch things are unfortunately forbidden us , sernjase ,Fran our not understandable to Ire l aws , these things are nota llowed. ..Semjase- 241 / 1 have not known that , but i t i s unders tandabl ethat this could be forbidden . 242/ But then I have anotherpossibi lity: we knaN' Earth humans de light in trinkets . 243 /You coul d sell your fellCM creatures such things . 244/1 amready to procure you crystals , etc . , fran other planets,which you can s e ll at reasonabl e price to the trinket- lovers .Maier- '!his will not run, as a lso that way I would run intothe mills of l aw. One would accuse rre of decei t when I sellthings to people and tell them they or i g inated on o therplanets. I wou .ld have to prove this , o r I could be strong lypunished. 01. the o ther hand I can be s ure the authoritieswould conf iscate such objects , to ana l yze the ir s tructure sand ccrrponent.s , and I surel y would never get them back . IknCM too \\."ell the machinations of the a uthor ities . . . as wellas the o ften p r imit ive l aws .5emjase- 245/1t can I t be really l ike that?"Eier- Oh , but it can - by regret.

5emjase- 246/1 don 't und erstand i t , f or i t is illogical.247/We have not occupied ourselves with your l aws until nCM;


i f it i s as you say, then we cannot do this .. . 248/Suchl aws are simply irrpossible and enslaving the c reat ures .Heier- Like that i t i s , unfortunately, and I don ' t knaY hONI cou l d escape such l aws.Semjase- will solve your problem. . . 250/If you want ,then I will bring you the c rys tals as well as o ther things,if nevertheless you want to have SClI'e. 251 /And don ' t f earfran the a uthor i ties i f they should confiscate sore o f them.252/Because , even if they woutd analyze them for c enturi e s ,they wou .ld not notice other than the sarre kind o f objectsyou also have on Earth. 253/'Ihe atcrnic carposi tion, struc-ture, etc , , are of equal f orm throughout the Universe fora ll such (physical) objects . 254/ Gold r emains gol d ,and it has the sane character i stics in the whole Univers e .255/ioJhether it o r i g inates in the Pleiades o r on Earth, thereis no dif f e rence to notice. 256/50 a lso , c rys tals rerraincrystals, without analyzable dif ferences , whether they r i s efran Farth nON o r fran another planet. 257/Nat ure worksaccording to Universal l aw, which assures the unity o f allsuch. things • •.

'!his i s calming rre , and I will deliberate on it.Perhaps I will find a way myself.Sanjase- 259/'Ihis I credit you f or i nevertheles s, I willa lso care for this matter. 260/50 we should let it be f ortoday • • • • • •At that point the contact en ded and Hei e r was let out o f t he ship t o

return home, Where he would t ake a shor t nap, then a t t une hims el f and pr e-pa re t o r ece i ve t he "transmis s i on" of t he r ep lay o f t he dialogue o f thateee t.Inq ,



(1) 'Ihe Er cx::aIU1dUt, t:h::J..x;tt not to sh:::w tle ship fully to tleother witrEsses, was to da:l:nstrate the reascn t.tJy ccrers in thevicinity of' s P'OtD events JDt re;ort.irq see.irq tle shifShad pot:o:p:apro. reascned that if the other witnesses d:Eerv£rl theinstall.atial of a new sealed roll o f f ilm in z·'s cetera, an:i pi.ctures

takEn en it \\otril-e they watched , that evB1 if they didn 't see tle shipthat \<O.lld in the they \<O.ll.d have to l:eli.evethat those pictures were taken a t the tine arrl place indicated, arrl w:::ul.dbe acre likely to urrlerstarrl tle visibility screenirg precess arrl its reed.

(2) h<rl alrea::ly mi..racul.cusly survive::1 the f irst of a mrreer of attaIpts CX1 his life . In a rn.rti::e.r of these, scccessfuj.Interverrtdcn t¥ tre Ple.ia::lians frust.rat:e::1 the miroerccs efforts . \'e evenwit:nessErl ere su::h etterct; ccrseives, arrl the nan was miracul.a.1s1y saved,As seen as J.)cier h<rl overcrna his a...n adverse fee.l1tqs ah:ut any giveneseeserretaco attmpt., the Pleiadians tell him wh:l i t was ar:rlwhy that ere wanted to ¢ r id of him. fu aske::1 th::m crce, if they krE.oIthat IIlrh alxut tiE plan, and o,;h:) the perpetzatcr was, \\oily didn' t they 009::IIethirq ah:ut it before the weapcn was fire:i. Ie was told that suchinterdi.cti.Ol \OJld be, because the w::llid-te assass:i.nw:uld then a rei plan. By letti.rq him cp thro.qJ. with i t , arrlthinldrq he had 001e i t , that ooe 'te"It t:hra.ql tle stages of :t8IJ::lr5e arrlfear of d.iscDveIy, arrl CIIleI:t3lE his desire to ever try cqlln, tlus thatregative ere:rgy was reut.ral.1zEd.

(3) Altlnq\ rerereocee to the Talm.rl seen inordinately frequent at ctces,i t cx:min;l back up, tpcanse it was drrccdved in the past-life re:in::ar-na.ti.alal patxem of, arrl also the Pleicrli an visitors, in the pestn\ootdd1 a.lso involve::1 tiE Greek Priest, M. Pashid, as well as scrre of thefrierds wto will <3fP2t3X to }-clp in the future .

(4) seejase repeatedly dail::nstrated :in:patience with qtESt.llnssre had al.rea::ly anssered O1Ce, a c:haracteristic we have rcted before inotrer cases o f this kirrl.

(5) '!here is evidence o f other grna.t deadly wars fa.4lt en Farth, evmusiIg devastatirg atanic weap:ns, in 0J.r far distant past arrl alncst; in-anceivably 0J.r present eq= of sct erce, whi..dl is really l ess tren300 yean; old. the 'Iakauti D:cI.m:nts of Japan, whi..dl pre-date all otterrecords tbere arrl all records in the western world, cpiIg back C7Jer 24, 0::0years, trese claims of earlier atrnW: of thist.Orld. 'Il'e;e 'Ia.'<auti tccceeora, CX1 \\otrich the ancimt Stinto 'I'eachirq; andtIE old Kojiki history are based, descrjlE a great \'OrldJide atonic war of:


that ancimt t.1nE, ard even a:ntain map; tre locat.iJ::ns of each ofthe ata!lic blasts, ard the cities destroyed. The en the map; area I!lJS1utx:m-shapEd clo..rl. 'ItE Hirrlu Mmal:harata descril:es erctber greatw:xld at:anic war that ccccrrer 8.on years ac:p. "tridl wiprl cut wtJ:)!enati.rns arrl vast armies of II'H1 am equi.pre1t, arrl left total arrl in i ts place. Ibt.h of these great records descxdbe extra-ten:estrial. teirqs arrivin'J fzxm the sxres in t.hei.r silvery celestial sh.ip;of mrlescribable beeuty am p:::wer.

(6) 'Dl1s is certainly a \JJliql.E variatial en the Jldan arrl E.Ve myth. b.ltmay not, after all, be as inplausible as it at first seere, 'ItE Pdventistsect has crlied up tie g'!"lel"at..ials in the liste3 in the Christ-ian Bible, am arrive at an origin for Am arrl Eve urrler 5, ceo years ecp.Is it p:ssible that both aco:unts have sore troth in than?

(7) EVa1. a C."Ur5Ory 1o:k at tbe history of all .rel..i.gkns for this last 100years CErtainly tears alt. trese statB!B'l.ts. The sam might be said forfO litical l::eli.efs as well .

(8) 5ttrlents o f 1lEtafhysi.cs am the ancient IJI'jStery scrccie have alwayskrn..n of trese cycles of ag::s . ani that tie fOJrrlaticrls for the teachingsof each new at:F- are laid CIcw1 duri.rg the t:eginni.rq of the 200 year cusp.or CM!rlap: the transiticn stage. Arrl an exaninatial of the tel eqz IIEta-IilYSical saterfal. tears this cct., All of the an::epts for the !quarian Pq=tegan to l::e received bj searching mirrls in tbe early l E0:5, arrl trey havebeen in develqm:nt ever since tren.(9) was certainly correct here. for 00 or JJ"I3I)3z ine yet hasoorrectl.y am t:ruely rep:n.taj this cetter to th:ir a:nstit:uen.ts . '!hey Cb

investigate tte real details t:l"lmEel.ves, arrl always call in 9::IIE stylin:J himiel.f as an "expert" m this case, "tv has never ac-tuall y investigat.OO arq of tbe details e ttrer, arrl both l.a.rlly pro::laimtlei.r CH1 subjective ideas as affi.nrat.i.cns of fect., when. trey are anythirqbet, that. W! have never beei able to eccccnt; for this lack of rESID"lSi-bility in rq:orti.rq.


A. gx:d exiIIple of t:hi..s "self-dejua icn" ment.i.aled in note (9) is typifi.erlb{ tre fo1.1cwin:J act:1Jal cxx:urrence .An eratnre UFO researcher fran rJest Oezmany, cl.airning to represent; a

N";;'St reman UFO organizatirn. arrl at least me U.S.A.. urn qrcop, presentedhinEe1.f at the r< farm to j t.rlge the case for the w:Jrld. Little did bekrl::1w that there h::d been rrany Slrll before him al.reirly parforminq the seremissial.'!his "expert;" was IIIO!t rn the patio, as rrcst; Slrll "experts" ware, and was

evaluated by the frierrls erccrd I·Eier first . Ta\dng his measure, treydecided rot to .....aste t-''s valuable terre en him, as he was up to no gx:danyway . They answered his questicns arrl a1J.o..Bj him to Icck t:Juo.41. toethree picture a1.b.Jrs of f·' s of the Pl craft.'llx:Ee euxns hed the taken by !'', and others of his groop,

in 110 pa.rti.o..tlar order arrl with no notes or captials for any of tre pic-tures in the enxms. TIE lot incltrle:j pictures of several of the nn:1els ofthe spacecraft rn::rle Vi different; partdes, incltrling me fum.ish3j by theP1ej irlians trersetves... a very gx:rl ere with gx:rl finish am texture.N::w, ccntzary to p;pllirr l::elief, of m:rlels are rot; difficult

to d.isti.rqtrish f rrm of the real thirq, even with the unaidEd.eye , as any scale rrcrleJer .kno...s very wel l. Ed:J:"! definitirn. is differrnt,the reflective planes 0'1 the surface of a SlH1l m:rlel cast light differrnt-ly than planes 0'1 a full scale coject, and the surface textures en asnail object; up close are always very different fran trose of a 1a.I:g:'object at a rttstarce, 1hese thin:;Js, arrl otters, can be reedf.Iy detectedeven if tbere is no attenuating' matter in S1.JSIBlSicr\ in the arbient air atthe tace. If trere is any kird of noistw:e or snxe in the air that day,cetecctco is even easier.'llE rerrren "expert;" , irrrre::1iately the pictures of the m:dels

in tie plastic p::ckets of the enxm pages, f ell for the fallacicus ideathat if ooe pooto was of a rrcrlel, tf-ey arrl he o:ntrived to cbtaino:pies of the III:rle1 pictures to take 2t<Jay with him. He readily obtained af6'l fran tbose assisting him, am Mlilt he ccctd rot; get way he s :iIrplylifta:l fran the alb.m when the ctj-ers ' tacks were turned. After all, itwas at, that he rot goirrJ to be ta.ken into the inner ctrcle oftlris qrrxzp, arrl he may never have arotter chance. 'rhat; was the sunand substance of that man's " investigatirn.".'Iha.t "PJ<P=t" tcdc his poctce back to vest; Gemany, wh?:re he ha::1 o::pies

n:a:3e of his rro:lel pictures, am sent them to several UFO organizaticnsarcerrt the w:Jrld, incltrling GJ::aJrrl Saucer ratch (<:s'1) in lh::enix, Arizrna,....ecee n:eth:rls ware exposed as unscientific years agJi 'Ihe H.1tual UFO !'et-W::l1X (t-UFm) , who rel.Ied urcn (S'l testaoqr Flying" Saucer FeviEw (FSR), infn:J1arrl, who sent tleirs to percy Famel for analysis; am p::ssibl y toCblemm VOl Kevi czky at the Inte.rc:cntinental UFO (IaJFCN) in l'£w


York, wt-o did his Qo1I'1 testing arrl subjective analysis, arrl reportedly saidbe a:ul.d dq:>licate all of tbe pictures. 'Ib this date he has not duplica:t.ooeven the sinplest me.'rreee experts tested tre rffit Germm's pr-ized of m:rlels,

d:JtainErl freely f ron fo', arrl care up with the rHIEr:kable an::::lusirrJ. thattrey were ma1e with m:rlels!. att n:Jt:hirg was said al:o.Jt the cccple ofpictures of tie real ships that that \'est G2.Im3I1 etso bed, cb.ri.a.Lsly ctcce-in:} to test, am sp:njirg treir t.irre ani m:rey 00, tte m:rlel pictures. Ofa::urse trey g:Jt the results trey so l.a.rlly p.lblicize:1. ThEy pootosof m:::del.s am fa.llrl that tbey were r::totcs of at rntercec, 00 the ctber hard, erose to test the p-ctcs that we hcrl

reescn to were real after spen::1.i.rg m:nths 00 the iJwestigatia1. relived with tre ! faoily arrl frierds, walkErl over all the p-oto amother o:ntact sites repea.te:1ly arrl measured evet:yt:hi.rg there. re sp::ke tootter inpartial wttressee am otrers of the several actual urn poctcqre-IiErS wt-o hcrl taken pictures of the pJpiaiian craft, neacers of the grwpof pecpte with fo'eier at t:he tune, etc. , arrl we erose ocr pootce fortesttm fron tfe rest supported p-oto events we foorrl. .re selected ally farr for cur testing; me each with tie cost.

testable informatia1 in the picture fr<IIE f'rrm each of the four rest pootoevent series of the oceeo or IIOre al..reirly at the tine; arrlwe o:::ncentrate:1 cur efforts arrl reso.rrr:es 00 the test.i.rq of trose farrpi.ctures exh3ustively, si.g:n.irq for IIOre than $60,0);).00 altcq?ther in treprecess, W2: tested the pictures in many of the Lll:oratories incur cccntry, arrl we re;Jer that we were testiIq p-ota; of m:rlels.'rte rrain differen::e in the approach l:etwee1 I:ntero2p arrl tte otj-era, was

cur of t:he m:del pvtos arrl cur det.ennina.tia1 to test t:he .realspacecraft for reality, the cconrerecccceres, veryunsciEnWi.cally, teste:1 t:he pi.ct:uIes of the m::rlels for rrcdela, arrl careup with treir natural ccocuestcoe, ThEy really did not need any testingfor this at Interoep hcrl passa:1 that step l£n::J before wten we erose to treat

the m:rlel p-otoe as just that, arrl decided that trcse pictures did notrecessarily ccntemnate tre real urn at all wten cne kne.-I thefacts.

13 8

The Plei adi ans had i ndicat ed to Heier t hat t hey cou l d in f luence phen omenaand cou l d c ont r ol ev ent s . They ga ve us adequate and convi nc i ng e vi den ce ofthese capabi lit ies on a number o f occ asions du r i ng ou r e years on t hisi nvest i gat ion .One t i me, in Europe on ou r way t o s ee Meier , we wer e pi cked up and taken

to an i ntervi ew with a senior intel ligenc e officer of a certa i n na tionalgoverrment . Dur ing that inter vi ew, a s a fe was opened andtile " e r e shown an object . Ins i de of t ha t s a f e a t that time, on a t op s he lf ,laying rIat, was a plai n powde r -blue folder with an enc l os ur e clip , and as i gnat ure s hee t was fasten ed to t he f r on t. That f ol der was ne ve r t ouchedor moved as we c rouched in front o f the opened s a fe . Aft e r view i ng andinspecting t he object of int erest , it was r e t ur ned t o a bag inside and t hes a fe was car e ful ly c losed and l ocke d , an d t he pi ece of fu rniture di sguisingi t .. as r e t urned t o normal appearance .Tha t i nt e rv iew l as ted s eve r al hou r s, an d t hen we wer e t aken back t o ou r

t<al k-up ape r t.eeot , whi ch was kep t l oc ked and guar ded by a wat ctman - andour rooee wer e a l so kept l ocke d. Beside s t hat we wer e on a secure t opfloor .We got back t o the apart ment around OO: JO (a fte r midnight) , and s a t i n

lee and Brit ' s r oom for about a hal f hour t alking as l ee hispocket s and put h i s wallet . pas sport an d money on t he top of a low wardrobechest right there bes ide t he bed . There was noth ing up there on t he t opof t ha t war drobe chest at the time but W"ia t l ee reeoved f rom hi s pocke t s .I t woul d have been impossi bl e to have miss ed anything e lse there .we finally turned in f or t he night, and l e e and Brit l ocked the i r door

and went to bed.At 06 : 45 nex t mor n i ng , St evens , a l read y up . went to El ders ' doo r t o ge t

him up f or an e arl y breakfast and knocked. The door was s t i l l l ocked , andl ee got up an d unlocked it and let Stevens i n whil e he dr e ss ed .When l ee r each ed for h i s wal l e t an d money on t he wardrobe , he di scovered

f or t he fi r s t t i me, t hat they wer e cove red over by the blue fol der f rom t hesa fe t he n i gh t be fo r e , l ying j ust as it had been i n t he s a fe ! Br it wasawakened by our and ob s erved the f ol de r a l s o. Nobody had got tenup and unlocked t ha t door s i nc e going t o bed t he night befor e . The r e hadbeen no c a l l e r s , and the fo l der was only a few feet from t he s l eepe r s .l eavi ng Brit t o guard the f older and ge t dres s ed , l ee and Stevens went

down t o a lower l evel , to a phone, and c a lled the o f fi ce r we had vi s itedthe night be fo r e . He was dLmbf ounde d upon hea r i ng o f the fo l de r in theroom and he l d t he line op en whil e he went to t he s a fe and ch ecked .Sure enough -- the s ena tt ive blue f older was in fact missing fr OID t he

sa fe . He asked us no t t o touch it, and s aid he would be r i gh t over . Hearr i ved in a ve r y f ew mi nutes , with a bodyguard , and r emoved t he fol dera f t e r insis ting on our assur an ce that we had not l ooked i n it, an d ask i ng


The Pleiadians had indicated t o Heier that they could infl uence phenomenaand could COfltrol events . They gave us adequate and conv incing evidence o fthe se capabi litie s on a nUllt>er of occasions du r i ng our 8 years on t hisi n\lestigation .One time , in Europe on our wa y t o s ee Heier , we were p icked up and t aken

to an interview wi t h a senior inte ll igence o ffi cer o f a certai n nationa lgover nment . During t hat i nterview, a mult i ple- secured s a fe was opened andwe were shown an object . I ns i de of t hat sa fe a t t hat time, on a t op s hel f ,l a ying fla t, was a pl a i n powder- blue f older with an enclosur e clip , and as i gna t ur e sheet was fas tened to the f ront . That folde r was never touchedor eoved as we crouched in front o f the opened sa fe . After viewing andi ns pect i ng the objec t of i nteres t , it was r et ur ned to a bag ins i de and t hesa fe was carefully c los ed and locked, and the piece of furni ture disguisingi t was returned t o normal appearance.That interview l asted s everal hours , and then we wer e t aken back t o ou r

wal k- up apartment, which was kept l ock ed and gua rded by a watclY:lan - andour rooms were also kept locked. Besides that we were on a s ecure topfloo r .We got back to t he apartment around 00:30 ( a fter midni ght) , and sat in

l ee and Brit 's room for about a ha lf hou r talk i ng as lee enpt I ed hi spockets and put his wal let , passport an d money on t he top of a low wardrobechest r i ght t he r e bes ide t he bed. The re was not h i ng up there on the topof t ha t wardr obe chest a t t he time but what l e e r emoved r r on hi s pockets .It would ha\le been illllossible to ha\le missed anything el se t her e .we fi na lly turned in for the night, and l e e and Brit l ocked their door

and went to bed .At 06:45 next mor ning , Stevens , a l ready up , went t o Elders ' door to ge t

him t4l for an ear ly breakfast; and knoc ked . The doo r was s till l ocked, andl ee got up and unlocked it and l et Stevens in while he dressed .

\oIlen lee reached for h is wa llet and money on t he wardrobe , he enscoverecfor t he first time, that they were cover ed over by the blue fol der f rom t hesafe the n i gh t before , l ying j ust as it had been i n t he safe ! Brit wasawakened by ou r exci tement and observed t he folder also . Nobody had gottenup and unlocke d tha t door since going to bed the n i ght befor e . The r e hadbeen no c al lers, and the folde r was on l y a few feet from the sleepers .leaving Brit t o gua r d the folder and ge t dres sed, l e e and Stevens went

down t o a l ower l evel, t o a phone, and called t he o ffi ce r we had vra t t ect he night befor e . He was durrbfounded upon hea ri ng of the fo lder in theroom and he ld the l i ne open while he went to t he sa fe and checked .Sure enough - - the sens i tive blue folder was i n fact missi ng f rom the

sa fe . He asked us not to t ouch it, and said he would be r i ght over , Hea r- r- Iv ed in a ve ry few mi nu tes, with a bodygua rd, and r emoved the folde ra fter insisting on ou r a ssurance that we had not looked i n it, and asking


us to promise not to re l ease this Fact For a saFe time . which we have done .He was persistent in wanting t o know how we had done t hi s , and wasn ' t quitesatisFied wit h our thal we did not do i t .This i s joet one of se veral such incidents t hat made believers out of

us , and maybe hi m loa . 'ole were at least satis Fied that HeieT did notper fo rm the t r i ck, as he was not around and wee not i nvol ved in anyway wi t h this man.There is no doubt in our mind that some ve ry unusual agency , cap able of

some r emarkabl e Feat s of magi c was involved, and whatever it was , it had todo wi th our own i nves t i ga l i on of t he Pl e i adi an con tac ts in Switzerland .


Tenth Q:ntact Wednesday , 26 K3.rch 1975 15: 20 h

The ext r at e r rest r i al con tac t s wi t h Eduard Meier are s t i l l coming so closet ogethe r that he bar ely has time t o reco ve r and re sume h is dail y lifebe for e an ot her one lakes p l ace . Thi s t enth con t ac t comes only e ight day safte r t he l as t , and the cosmonaut opens t he mee t i ng in a ver y business likemanner .

Sanjase- l i lt i s now t ine to speak about; iIrportant ob ject -i ves, weaning the s p iri t ua l deve loprent; of Earth ht1IT'eI1S .21m this respect I don ' t want to sul:mit to any ques t ionsun jess they per-tatn to the expos.Ltdcn i tself, a matter whichyou shoul d unde r s tand, p l ease . 3/ 'Ihe human being i sthe carrier of his s pir it, whi ch never dies and which a lsoin his deepest s l eep does not itse lf s l eep; which r ecordsa ll thoughts and rrovements; which t e lls the human beingwhethe r his very thoughts are right o r wrong. 4/This spiritin the human being i s carri er o f the Creation danain , andi s posesaed by a ll human beings . a /The s p i r i t ho lds theout .Iook f o r perfection, f or harmony, peace, r ecogni t i on,understanding, knowl edqe , wisdan, truth, beaut y and l ove ina ll things . 9/'Ihey a ltoge ther f OIITl the spiri tual kingdanwhich exists wi thin 'Ihe Creat ion. (1)l1 /In a dream, the human being may c r e a t e marve lous wo r Ida ,

l ike '!he Crea t i on creates consciously the knCM1 wor l ds .12 / For the human being , this ability g r ows f ran his con-s ciousnes s , exist ing i n s i de o f h im. 13/ He himse lf is theheavenl y kingdon, the dc:rnain o f Cr eati on . 14/0ld philoso-phers spoke o f the human being as the microcosm in themacr ocosm, because eve rything that exists in the universeis connected to the human s p i rit . 15/ 'Ihe d.i..rrensions of thehUI'l\3Jl being are without end. 16/ The copy o f 'lhe Crea tion,the s pirit, exists inside him, and a t the sarre t i..rre tran-scends a ll dfrrensf ons , a human being i s happy , thi scares f ran ins ide, because i t i s a s e l f c r ea t ed state . 22/Eve rything r i s e s fran the imler being .26/A human being may appear o l d , but this i s on l y a passing

s tate . 28/ 'Ihe spi r it remains young and i s never s ubjectedto the appearance of a ge . the human understands theexistence o f his spirit, then age no l onger a f f ects him.33r-lb v i c i s situdes o f life and environrrent can make himrroum. is light . 36/And so wherever light fl ash-es up, darkne s s and ignor ance di.sappear , 37/ Ignorance is


but darkness , which is overccee by the light of wisdcm. 381Wis dcm is the mark of spirit . 40 / \1isdan i s a lso themark of a human being who has recognized the existence ofhis spirit and wor ks in accordance with Creati onal law.42 /\1isdcm and spirit are b.u aspects of the s arre thing, likethe sunlight and the sun . . . 44/In this Universe, everyc reated existence, in cons equence o f Lt.s - forces, generatesforces, which , follo.ring Creational l aw, m:mifests as truth,knowledge and wis dcm according to given principles.45/'Ihis existing "for ce i s '!he OU'ATION. 46/And fran this ,

the re is onl y one exis tence that governs the Universe , on l yone Creat i on, on l y one truth, one knowledge , one wis dan,equally directed and r esre.irunq f or a ll t.Irre , 52/ \Vhen thehuman being advances his knowl edge and wisdan, he will rec-ognize '!he Creation. 55 /Knowledge o f the truth brings un-limited wisdan. 56/Wisdan is a recognition o f the laws o fCreation .62 /!.J:Jve and wisdcro go togethe r because the Creation and

i ts laws are l ove and wisdcrn a t the serre t.Irre , 63!'Vhe rethe re i s wisclan and kncwtedqe , there i s l ove and r ecogniti on,and where there is l ove and r ecognilion there i s Cre a t i on.68/ Wisdan and l ove increase the desire within rren to conformto natura l law, because spirit and Creation are one and theserre , 69/'Ihe Earth h1.BTla11 speaks of love, which he does noteven know. 70 /He believes t o know his act i ons in love, butdeceives himself in this . 71/N:J one can put l ove into words,because it i s a state (of being) . 72 /lJ:Jve is Imper-Lshab.leand does not c hange. 73/'Ihe path o f spi r i t runs throughcognitions of truth, know fedqe, wisdcm and l ove. 74/J>Eaningthe mission o f spiri t i s to spread truth, knowl edge, wisdanand l ove.82/\'bnders upon wonders are h idden within the kingdcm o f

spirit . 83/The visible universe with which the human beingoccupies himself (conscdousIy) is on l y a small spot withinthis marvelous , unl imit ed, spiritual existence Creation .84/Universes l ike this one are in the irmurrerable mill i onswithin the infinite s p i r i tua l exi s tenc e o f '!he Crea t i on.85/ \'bat is visible to the physical eyes o f a human beingrepresents only a dot in infinity . 86/\'bat is not visibleto mant s eyes is i.mneasurable, inconceiVab le, and unthink-able , confusing his human intell i gence and capac ity . 87/Allthe universe he sees is only a simple one o f many s uch,which must be counted in myr iads, because there do exist


universes inside of universes , universes opposite uni verses ,universes above uni vers es, universes below universes , anduniverses outside of universes , in this first cause, mighty,a i r-poserfui intelligence existing within The Creation . 88/And with this Irrrrense spirit, with these ori ginal forces o fexistence, o f Creation, the spiritual int elli gence o f thehurran being is connected, -because a fraction of this spirit -ual intell i gence o f '!he Creation live s in every human beingas spirit, and ensouls him.1ll/Milliards of human beings l ook up at the stars in the

heavens without rea l cognition. 112/ Ye t astroncrrers , whenthey l ook up at the heavens, discover who le new worlds andwrite books about; them. 113/What they see and r ecognize ,the othe rs do not see a t a ll and they do not understand ,even i f they l ook in the sane p lace . 11 4/ Although theireyes s ee, they are b lind. 11 5/ 'Ihis i s similar to the di f -ference in v iewpoint between a ccrrtron and a s pi r i t ua l humanbeing ; the one who lives fran spiritual and Creati onal l aw,sees and r ecognizes a ll around, within e ac h f orm o f life,all objects , each thought and act , within each c r eat ure ,within a ll nature , and a lso in a ll conceivable circumstancesand events , • . •'!he Creation.125/ 'Ihe human being i s a lways spiritually great and con-

structi ve . 126/ The Spi r it, the spring o f all the infiniteCreational build-up, is the innemost character of the hunanbeing itse lf. 127/ The outer human being i s fu ll of limit-ations , because this i s not him, but on l y his frane , hisrraterial body o f limitati on, of mis- leading matter, a f ontof Labor and pain, l imited in cognition and wi l l .. . 128/When the outer being l ooks materially at his inner being, hesees litt le but the f orm and figure . 129/ Ye t, i f he lookswith the spir itual eyes o f cogniti on, and he knCMS that ll- revealing consciousness in him i s a lso in a ll others ,even though they do not know it, then h i s manner changesfundaIrenta lly as he considers his fellow c rea t ure . 130/ Hethen no l onger simply l ooks at a man , a woman , o r a child,but sees the other as a carrier o f Spirit, which knows allabout; i tself and its existence, and wants to r eveal itselfto everyone if only the chance were offeredv. , 136/ A humanbeing can be deprived of a ll his posesst ons and be exiledfran his hcmeland, but fran his inner spirit no one c anexi le him.137/ &J the human being shoul d a lways be consc i ous o f this


Creational part, without which he could not take onebreath - could not generate one thought , wi thout which hecoul d neither r ecognize o r see, hear o r experience . 138/Thus the great wis e one s o f a ll tarrea say : '''rh e Creat ionspi rit is nearer the creature than his CMIl breath. "140/ 'Ihe spirit can live without the light of physical

eyes, ears , anTIS , l egs , e ven without outer reason and con-sciousness . 141/ But a lways the r e i s the Creat ional for cebehind a ll . 146/'Ihe mare light hi s spir i tual intellectreceives, the rmre his peraonaH try gains force. 147/ Hebeccrrea aware of the past and the future, which shape hiseternal present . 151/ • . . the whole spi r itual realm i s vis-ibl e to those who can l ook inside and understand the Creationpresent in a ll . 157/ 'Ihe human being is separated one f rananother in space, but connected to all in '!he Creation.159 /1f he does not know '!be Creation, he can be misled anddece ived by fa lse doctrines . 164/ A human being in contactwith his Creation r ealize s hi..mself everywher e in space andtine, and within a ll matter. 165/ He is everything withinhimself, and can awaken to '!he Creational in everything andaffect i t by recognition and experience . 166 / Because theCrea t ion is inside a ll , whfch is v ivi f ied by i t s sp irit,everything is one within a ll. 178/ A spir i tual being ident i -fies himse lf with all matter, and all creatures of the wor-Ldand the Universe. (2 ) l80/He knows that everything arosefrom truth, rises truth, and will r i s e fram it for timeeternal. I SI / Fram that he i denti fies hi..mse l f '<lith a ll andeveryone, and every thing. 183/ A materia l being i dent i f i e shimself with his body, his rroney, his posessions and gcods,his utterances and the sound of his voice . 184/ 1f , on theother hand , one ident i fie s with the a ll , no hate or avaricecan live in him, and he rrakes no sel f ish dif fer entiationsany nore. • •

'!hat is wonde'rfu.l, 5emjase, and I feel delighted withyour explanations .seajese- 264 /'Ihis results fran having confirrred your CMIlthinking. . . only no one could corrobor a te this fo r you , asthe truth has beccrre r are .

Unf ortuna te l y , you are right, because the truth isnot real l y desired .Semjase- 265/0:m ' t be grieved by that, because the spirit-


268/ You can r ead it in the Tal -

ual evo lution of the Earthbeing proceeds i rresistably . 266/You should ass ist in spreading the truth, because you are aprophet of the New Age . How could I , and how wo u.ld I care to such? '!hat i sa little too much .senjase- It was destined.mid,

'!his should be I ? But this is c razy! (3)Semjese- 269/Nothing evades i ts dest iny.

I firs t have to digest this , and I don I t know whetherI can arrange mys e lf into this matter.Semjase- 270/You Hill , as I a lready told you i t is destined .277/ But now I have a quest i on f or you; the photo-negativesand the f i rst f ilm recording of our beamships are us. 278/'Ihey are your a m. property a ll right , but if youcould leave them us , i t would be useful to us .

I f you need them, t hen I l e ave them wt th you , be-cause, i f neces s ary, I can rrake further copies f r an thephotos . But \vi ll you explain to rre , why the negatives andthe film are so iroportant to you ?Semjase- 279/'Ihey are not on ly important for me, but fo rus , that means our scientists. 280 / In the photos you havegiven me, v.B have obse rved. s arething unknown to us untilnO\.;>'. .. 28I/It t reats especially o f the antenna guide beam,by whtch ene rgies are a t tracted. .

Please t ell me nore about that , f or such thingsinterest me.senjase- 282/1 am only then a t Iowed t o do that , if it isdestined for you a lone, for it trea ts of secrets , which youare prohibi ted to t ell. 283/But I can explain, it treats ofa new- phencrrenon in connection with the a l teration of theEarth atrrosphere (around the ship) , in which hitherto in-visible ene rgies suddenly becane visible . (4)

The conve r sation t ook a flatter y t urn for l'le i e r' and he became a lit t leemba rrassed.

Please, Semjase, don 't let us talk about me.

senjase- 290/ 0f course, It is unpleasant for you, I knew,


rot fran ti.rre to tiJre , a lso such things should be dis cussed.291 /B..1t rrey l eave o f f about; this today as i t is ti.rre f o rIre to qo, 292/In our next rreeting I wi ll corrtdnue the l es-son on spiritual knowfedqe , f or this i s the rrost task of our contacts .

Wi t h that, the cosmonaut s igna lled farewell and rapidly depa rted . Meiergot on his Mo-ped and rode home deep in thought .



(l) In later develqm;nt at this tbere, it was poi.Jlt.ej cut tbat; tbecreat.iJ::n is in all that is lMnifest am all that is rce, am that tTe sunof all that is mmifest plus all that is rDt manifest ma.1<esup'Ihe creeetco,'Ib.ts fNer'J creature is in tax:h with every ctber creature am with tre allof Creatim all tbe tfne, w-ether it is aware of this or rce,

(2) A I£rSCI'l spiritual IJ:);Jly takes trelife of arrj ctrer creature, all having their e.xist.mce equallywithin 'Ihe All has its part arrl it s piece in tre Divire Planam serves a special p.ITFCSe f illed by IJ:) ctber, Thus an attack en thelife of arrj creature is an attaek en 'Ihe Creaticn itself arrl carriesa cost for the perpetrator of the act..lln. 'Ihe is rPt nrxxed 'Ire Eu:Xlhists Jcrn..r this arrl they do rot kill even a fly, amthey are careful as they walk SO as to rot step en the sna.l..ler;Jcreatures en the gnund .

(]) foMer had teen told that te h<rl a past; life reJ.ati.cnship withue Ta1nu1, arrl a destiny in this respect.,

(4) In ere of cur analysis exercises, ""trile ere of UFO fh::Ita'; with a jet fighter airplane in it, wewere g:Jin:] thnn:;;hsteps in c:tEervabl.e data in tfe pi..cture in a search for antI'wm:ni.c effect of f rapn:ies beycni the visible rarge of vibrat.icns, ",tenSlrl:len.l.y In roe of the steps, Jim discovered that be h<rl revealed"'nat to be an field of sere kird radiat.irq f:ron tf-e Plei-< ship U'rler attack by a jet figIter of the adss Armj, to thefighter Ill!Ik.iJxJ itS tum a!:o.Jt 4 miles C'MaY to ret:um en erotrer pass at

We later l.eamerl that after sane 22 direct; passes en thespececrert, the pilot of the adss fighter activated his emerent. antralsystem, ...m:id1 bro..ght his gLn careras arrl his guns into qEraticn. As IEaIIIHi the system, it sufinly b;gan to SIdre arrl hn:ned cut, nelting nu::::hof that black tcx systan. 'Ihe j e t fighter brdI:e off a::ntaet arrl returnedto i t s bese , Sanjase told fomer that she had teen forced to I'altral.izetre attack before i t becere daJ"qettus. That eoctre attack wasen a wrole roll of 3:mn slide f ilm, arrl was also recorded en arm atrlio tapeth:ro4nJt i ts durati.a1. re have analyze:1 trose recorded saJrds in thecost s:pristicatErl Iaboratordes in the 1fI,Orld arrl verified its sut.lEnticityas well as that of the taken. 'rte Dilett.cso wasstLrlyirg was o f trese arrl also (IE of the fcur l-aer UFO

analyz.ej exhaustively by every precess kn:7..n. '!hiswas p..Jblished in l.arg2: 12" x 12" s ize in full color in UFO <Dm'Cl' Ff01'!HE PI.EIAI::E:i, pictorial \Ul. I , arrl the analysis of the recorded see-ds wasreacx:mplistEd for a scene in the ecvte cnm"CI' al:nJt this s.riss urn case.


Eleventh Ccntact lliesday, 15 1\pri1 1975 15:40 h

Semjase, but with us , each un-Fran where shall I take this?rrcney a lready , though the ob-

In anticipation o f this c ontact, and knowing what it was going t o beabout , Meier had been gi\ling a lot of t hought t o what Semja s e had s a i d i nthe l a s t mee ting , and had been pon dering concepts o f spirit, an d so he waswell primed when this encounter Final l y took place. Upon arriva l he s t a r t-ed abrupt ly wi t h a ques t i on.

Meier- Forrner -Iy I r ead a book with the title "Living FranThe Spirit" that was l oaned to Ire . I s i t knccsn to you, andif so wha t can you tell rre about; i t?Senjase- l /No, I do not know this book, 2/hben you area.l Ioced to lend it to me, then I want to occupy mys e l f withi t.

Of course, but I have to firs t a sk my friend F .L. ,who has loaned i t to rre ,

3/He will give you permiss ion, don ' t worry/ 4/ButnCM I must speak of your mission : I find your effort f o rspr eading the trutb good, but it proceeds too s Icwfy andbears too l i t t l e fruit . S/By regret , I have no t i ced every-thing being burdened. onto you , and that you nove f orwardvery slCMly . 6/I t i s urgent ly demanded. that a group beforrred, whi ch dedicates i tse l f to activity. 7/ Troubl e your-self .i.mrediatel y for the f ounding of s uch a group, becausethe time presses .l£ier- You can ea s i l y speak,dertaking costs much mmey ,I have r eally advanced muchjective does not s tart we .lL,

senjese- 8/1 a l ready understand your financial probl ems ,and I knew that they burden you very much . l1 / Olange s o fthis kind are not evoked fund.aJrent.a lly by the mass o f man-kind, but by the init i a t ive of the s ingle ones who l ay thecornerstone f or change . 12/ 'Ihe s e who l ay the cornerstoneare those essentially res p:msibl e f o r the building, whichccrcrroc o r in the future is construc ted f ran it. 13/80also you and your friends are responsible for what r isesfran your \'oUrk in the future . 15/To yours e lf I have to saythat you are a laborer o f spirit .in each direction . 16/though you are talented with your hands , i t i s not your l ineto express yourself with your hands . 27/ Spi ritual f orce is


imreasurably highe r than physical f o r ce , thus you demand cer-tain per fo:rmances fran your body f o r which it is not able .28/In this s tate your spir itual force drives you, whi le yourbody is a l ready l eached and exhausted. 29/SUch a strugglerreans BOre than only a v ictory over the physical; it rreensde lusion for you to carmand your spiritual forces to exer-cise things which destroy the physical body . 3D/Take theevent, when years ago you have gone with the enpty waterboxthrough the des e rt . 31/Your body was a l ready l ong sinceleached out, fully exhausted and unable to make even thesma.llest rroverrent . 32/Your spiritua l force sti ll by yourcemnand, forced the body forward, over which you had lo s ta ll cont r o l. St i ll your spiri tual will drove you throughthe hot s and, while your body had a l ready surpassed a ll t o l -e r ance and was a wi l l- l ess robot o f your s pir i t . (1)

foE!er- You knew that ?seajese- 33/1 told you before, that had observed youthrough the years very c losely, and s t udied you.

Krier- All right, but I had to conduct so, e l s e in thiscase I woufd have died miserably, including belli the otherones .

Semjase- 34/'Ihat is no t very right, because we wou ld havelet brought help to you, l ike in the other dangerous situa-tions too, into which you have care. 35/We have o f ten in-fluenced Earth humans to rescue you when you were carpletelyat the end. 36/But we really interferred only in ext.rerreenergencies, exactl y three tdmes , (2)

I have noti ced nothing of this .

semjase- 37/You couldn ' t have , because we only influencedothers to f i nd you.

Krier- let us t urn f ran tha t . It is gone . Nhat inter estsIre rrore i s the f o:rnati on o f our group . There s t i ll existsa probl em. You have p r ohibi ted Ire fran making further pho-tos o f your ship. Sti ll I am occupi ed by thought , to be ausef u l natter , i f we had rrore diapositi ves f o r l ectures ,which we coul d ShCM. One or two rmre f i lms (rrovies) wouldbenefit as wel l. Wil l you not s till a llCM Ire to rreke f urtherpictures for this purpose?

Semjase 43/fut I have told you•••


Of course , semj ase , but there are concerned picturesthat we can use for l ectures . . •senjase- 44/0kay , I agree to i t , then you are a f I cwed to ge tthe pi ctures you need, and films too.Meier- '!hank you, Semjase . - But what about the fi lm andplx>to-nega t ives I have g iven you? Do you s till need them?

45 / 1 have a l ready deal t with them and ana l yzed thephenarenon, but by this the f ilm and negat ives have beccreunuseable.

M:rler- What a pi ty , but what did you dis cover? Why did ther adiati ons appear?

Semjase- 46/I t treats only o f a t::nospheric perterbat.Icns ,which will dissolve • . •

M:!:ier- l'kM, yet, I sti ll wan t to dir ect a question to you ,which s ince l ast night has had me wracking my b r ains . Ithappened then, yesterday , on the 14th o f Apr i l , exactly fiveminutes before midnight. I had just returned. fran a s hortnight l y walk and s'tood a t the western side of the house , inthe garden. SUddenly I heard a peculiar piping- stirring(sound) , which came by enornous speed f r an the east , andflash-like disappeared in the west, during which I believe Ialso saw a very great shadow, about which I am still notsure . I knew at once, having a lready heard this sound be-f ore, and that a t nine o ' c lock in the rrorning o f 2 J uly 1942,when I saw a huge "flying disc " rushing over our v i llage andhouse. I knc:M very well this pecul iar sound, and thus havenot deceived myse l f . I t must have been a beamship rushinga l ong . l'kM I wonde r whethe r it was you , or s cneone o therthan you, and why didn 't you then make contact with ne? (3 )

Semjase- I SO/It was neither I no r anyone o f us.

Me1er- '!hen i t RUSt have been a strange s hip.

Semjase- 151/ 'Ihis coul d be, because bef ore this , differentstrange objects have flown into the Earth space, which we00 not a lways control. 152 / rbnrally they leave the Earthagain , as soon as they have satisfi ed the ir curiosi ty orcraving f or knowl.edqe ,

M:rler- \'2hat was i t the evening o f the 20th of March, a t19 : 30 hours? t-ty chi ldren and my wife had called me to the


winOCM, because they saw, within only about; one kilareter ofdistance, in the east , an object o f r eddish or ye llCMishcolors , fly ing fran north to south. several neighbors hadseen this fran the street too, and wondered about; it. (4)SaDjase- 153/'Ihis was none o f us either, but the event i sknown to ere. It treats o f a beamship o f a r a ce :knchJn to usfran a neighboring system to our hate planets . 1SS/It treatso f peace-mi.nded t:eings who , for the sake o f expediti on,travel through space to other wor-Ids , 156/ Especi ally theEarth interests them, and so the i r s hining beamships aref requently seen. 1S7/ 'Ihe i r teclmologies are not yet as fardeve loped as ours, and the c reat ures are as \Ell r a ther un-concerned whether they are s een or not .

sort o f beings o r characters are they?seajese- IS8/'Ihey are hurran f onns, and what is rmre iIrport-ant, i s that they are peace-mi..nded and in contact with us ,whic h unfortunately can not be said about a ll who crossthrough the Univers e.

A li t tle ecre small t alk and Semj ase aga in i ndi cated t hat he r time wasup , and that she IflJSt l e ave . Wit h tha t s he s ignalled a and left .


- -






(1) seajese has J:J:lirle a referen::e rere to an escape across an African des-ert l¥ l>k!ier arrl t::w:) carpani.cns, their Frerx:h Ebreiql 1.e:;Jicn basein the sahtra, vm.ich alm::st cost them their very lives . 'rrere were othernear death e:sc"afe3 teo, where Maier ' s enhJrarx:e was tested to its limit.

(2) 'Ibis seem to a:nfinn a w:>rldn:.J beoeeo these P] p i aj l ansam otrer extraterrestrial races, t:ecause was I:ei.rQ a:ntacte::l byAsket of the tar. lhiverse before this t1n:e , ",te1 be hai rrx; yet heard ofsecjese,

(3) 'Ibis is the first tane l1ner bed heard this !P.lfrl since his firstre!WLertrl urn eoperterce with his father in, a scurrl which therewas ro mi.stakin;J. hrl IJ:M we l earn that i t was rot f ran a Pleiaiian cper-atial.. \o.le w:n:ler to.I many other extraterrestrial socdetdes are involved intle deve1.c:prEnt of these eventa, Cb.1l.d it be true that <rlvan::e:i spirit,mare is in a:ntact with a greater :reality of we are ally aSIlilll part? l-bre arrl rmre this was I:ei.rQ da!I:nst.ratErl to I· arrl hisfriHrls, arrl atso to us . A big quest.ial is, to.I uu:::h of this calld ale manharrlle?

(4) 'll-e ctservatial. at 19: 30 beers 00 20 l>Brch 1975 was f i..ln:Erl 00 armrru..rie film by Etlual:d l> as his f anily watched . 'Ibis IIDt.i.oo picture se-qceoce was sh:w1 in the urn IIDVi.e by l>Eier that was used in thefeature 1.ergth m::Ni.e aJIDlCI', ar.d also in tf-e ll:OVie fCDtnge that was sl"'o.nin tfe &:!amhip video dcx:.u:!J31taIy series p.Jt oct; by ceoests III .


'l\«!lfth Q:ntact Smday, 20 lIpril 1975 15:11 h

The pr omised t ime finally c ame when Heier woul d be allowed to take soeepictures of the Pl eiad ian sh i p in f ront o f a few of his t rusted f r iends.He was acco rdingl y con tacted telepa t hical l y by Semjsse and advised of theevent an d lia s t old that he cou l d bring hi s caeer-a and some f r i ends t o wit-ness the pho tographing . They l oaded Hei er ' s camer a with nell fi l m as sug-gested by Semj ase. and got i nto t " o vehicl es and heade d out f or the r en-dezvous following Hei e r on hi s Ho- ped . Reachi ng t he selected spo t t heyparked the cars and got out in the chi ll ai r and Meie r s pac ed himsel f alittle di st ance f r om t he othe r s as instr ucted . He t ook pictures o ft he group of wit nesses on the hi l ltop as t hey wai l ed . When th e spacec r aFtap pear ed , Meier began snapping pict ur es of it a s it maneuve r ed about overt he i r he ad s . He kept shifti ng hi s position i n an e r rcr t to ge t t he wi t -ne s ses in the foreground and the s pa cecr a f t in t he sk y above t hem, a t whichhe was not t oo s ucces s ful. He fi ni s hed that roll of film and beganto r e l oad the c amera with anot he r f r es h roll hh ich he opened and set outr eady t o l oad. After rel oading t he c amer a he began to concent r a t e on thecra f t i t sel f , tryi ng to get bette r pi ctures t han be fore. He finished thatroll o f fi lm t oo an d the ETs f lew away and t he pa rty l e f t t he scene , l eav-ing Heier t o fa l l on on hi s Mo- ped . Instead , Hei er s tuck ar ound f or a whi l ehop i ng Semjas e woul d come back . Indeed she did , and the following exchangetook pl ace .

seajese- l /'Ihirty minutes ago , I gave the chance fo r youand ecee o f your f riends to produce s til l mere pictures o fmy beamship . 2/ 1 had a lready pranised this chance, but notwith the tmderstanding tllat you could capture peoplewith it on the film. 3/1 really do not agree with this .loeier- I know but why shoul d no persons appear in the pic-tures?

SaDjase- 4/1 do not want to discuss this , but I have reason .Meier- '!his sounds a bit l ike an evasion to rre , Semjase .

Senjase- 5/You are right , because you will s urely call thisso .Ioe!.er- I thought we a lways wanted to p l ay with open cards?Semjase- 6/Surel y , but my 1::::ehavi or ahouLd not cause youdiffi culty ; unless I told you the reason, and then you mightsuffer the enmity of your group.Ioe!.er- Per haps you are r i ght, but I \<,U.)ld prefer a c learf ront.


seerjase- 7/ If you r eally want to put up with i t ?

Of course I do, Semj a se ,

seenase- 8/If you think so, and you can account f or i t .10 / In princ i ple , i t i s not drepor-tant; for rre i f you capturewitness pers ons in the film, but I don ' t agree wi th (it) i fpersons are s o photographed for whan such pho to evidence i snot valid proof , and whose thoughts are f illed with doubt ,c rit ici sm, o r other hannful things . (1) l1 / 'lhree o f the pho-tographed persons in case are pl a gued by a treasure o fdoubt, in diff erent degrees , but in a fonn that i s under-standabl e . 12/ A fourth person s t i ll i s a disturbing anddangerous elerrent, who questions our matter . 13 /'!hi s personis teo worldly to accept any r e a l s pir itual truths . 14/ 'Ihisone even doubts wha t he s ees wi.tih his CMI1 eyes , as I wi llshcM•• •

'!his i s harsh , Semjase, because doubters too have ar i ght to their CMI1 convictions .

sesajese- 16/ certainly , that i s r i gh t , but these kind ofdoubts are rooted in materialism and a disbe l ief , whichr i s es fran a material intellect , fran which a ll s piritua l -intellectua l talents a re missing. 17/ '!his i s not f ran lacko f r eason and b r ains , but f ran a ce rtain r elig i ous confine-rren t , fran which this person is no t able to f r ee himself.18/ But I have a lready talked one ti.Jre about such factorsbeing disadvantageous f or your group, and hannful , as I havea lso explained to you. 19/ You are j ust too generous and teoconfident o f certain persons , by which your mi ssion wi ll behurt.

Mtier- Nha t you explain is al r i ght evident , but I want toconcede the chance to everyone .5emjase- 20/Your gene rosi t y honors your s ize, but you c annot use i t generally, o r e lse you will suffer disadvantages .

Okay, I will cons i de r it, but this will take t .Irre .Pm I nevertheless e j Icced to shoot rrore p i ctures, for thepurpose o f the planned l ect ure s ?

Semjase- 21/SUrel y , but rerrember my words . 22/ 1f you doconsider that , then I will have to de l iber a te earnestlywhether I will not have to destroy the f i lm .

5emjase, p lease do a lla,y rre ti.Jre to conside r .


SEEjase- 23/1 will give you this - alright, but I knew heMfast you can think . 24/1 will admit you s ti ll 13 to 14 rrorepictures , by which you will have assembled 50 such. 25/'Ihenthey will have to be enough. 26/ And I also want t o a lleMyou s ene chance for two or three rrore f ilms . 27/ 1 wi ll callyou for the next pictures at hours today.l£ier- Okay, Semj ase , thank you.

5emjase- 28/Have you brought wi th you the pockets or elseboxes and s o f t material , for which I asked before my l e aving(last ti.Jre)?

l£ier- Of course .Senrjase- 29/Well then, because I have brought you differentcrystals and minerals . 30/LabeI them with their p laces offinding (source) and by designations which I will tell you .31/You needn't worry, for , if anyone shou ld analyze them,then one will not find differences f ran minerals endcrystarsof the sarre sort o f Earth origin . 32/1 a l ready told you;the construct ion , etc . , being the sarre in this whole Uni-verse , the serre kind of minerals are va lid to the sarre l awseverywhere . 33/For your personal property I have broughtwith fie a very special curiosity, a small but beautiful can-bination of r eck- c rys tals of different s izes. 34/ l-b s t o fthese things originated in my hare system. , but there area lso sene f ran Venus and of the asteroid bel t of your system.35/1 had no t.irre to analyze them yet, by regret , thus youwill have to do this yourself, if you can l earn sarethingfran i t .Mtier- I don 't understand such in detai l , t o my r egre t .Semjase- 36/'Ihen l et them be analyzed by an expert , but dohide the ir or igin.Mtier- S:J I will do. (Then Fo l Lcwed the delivery, l abel ing ,and packing of the crystals and mineral specimens .) \,'hat Is t i ll wanted t o ask : I know the Ptef.ades is l ocat ed i n thes tar-picture of Taurus as a so-called open star-aggregation ,yet hew many stars do essentially belong to this system?Sarrjase- 37/&n'e 254.

Maier- Qui te a l arge number .Sanjase- 38/Sure ly, but there do still exist mach greater.


systems . 39/Yet nCM it i s tine again that we must part.40/ But I can still wa lk a piece o f the way with you , fo r 1have l anded my beamship a b i t as ide f ran here.

After t ha t Semjase departed and did pe r form a brief flyby. during JllhichHeier again s nappe d pictures of the spacecraft . Aga i n he tried . unsucces-s f ully . to ge t anot her pers on in the foreg round of a picture with the ETship .After t r ansmi s s i on of t he abo ve r epor t on Sunday a f t ernoon . Semj ase gave

the ev ent ecee ecre thought and re-contacted Hei er on Monday IXlr ni ng/

Added 1h:ught -transmissiCll, "bnday, 21 April 1975, 09: 37 hrs.•

Senj ase- 41/1 am not just delighted about; the day yesterday,as ccnt.rary to my orders , you made further photos again withunsuited persons in them. 42/Indeed, I nCM have to earnestlyconsider whether 1 should destroy the film so far as thesepersons are exposed in them. 43/Against three o f your c los-est friends and two of your chi l dren, I really have no ob-ject ion , except that in these p i ctures are a l ready exposedthree dangerous factors . 44/1be ma.teri al intellect o f thethree persons is very strong and they do not .reascn and actfran spiritual intellect. 45/1bey believe that they could,but here in this respect they are sel f-decei ving. 46/ Theirspiritual intellect i s under developed. 47/They fancy spi r -itua l intellect being the s erre as material intellect, f orthey don ' t see the difference . 48/'Ihis is dangerous f or ourmission; in consequence o f which 1 am forced to make myselfdecide whether a destructicn of the fi lm is not demanded ,49/1f 1 r eally must do this, then I still have enough tineto do that before you get the negatives in your hands . (2)50/In thos e earl y rrorning hours 1 expl a ined to you that 1wou.ld offer proofs f or certain persons living carpletelyoutside the spirib.ta l vibrations and doubting everythingbecause of this , that they could s ee with their a-m eyes .51/50 1 troubled myself to s tart the ship visibly before a lleyes and to (then) l et it df.sappear-, 52/1 even tried tofly the s hip directly over your wai ting friends , arrong whanwas the rrenti oned person who l acks the spiritual abili ties .53/As expected, this one doubted my ship as such, a lthoughhe could see it with his eyes . 54/1 checked his thoughtsand found that in that man no recogni tion flashed.. 55/Histhoughts were rrere doubts . 56/His material intellect was sos trong that he did not notice the penetration o f my thoughts ,whi le with. the o thers this was evident, even though they did


not understand this process . 57/'lli.ey fe lt my thoughtsinvading by a brief cooling of the forehead, which in ig-norance of the fact , they took for a breath of wind.59/When you made the second series of photos, I really

becarre angry, and I a t Icwed it only because I was not c lear,and still am not so, whether I should admit these photos; Istill have to decide upon this. 60/So p lease, for thisr eason, do not be disappointed if I should destroy the film.61/But I wou ld concede later a chance for you again makingnew pictures, where only those persons suited for our mis-sion wou ld be a llCMed in the pictures . 62/Please do under-stand this for , when you yourself are not able to make thedecision, then I must; decide f o r myself, and this I \vill doin the next 24 hours . (3) 63/Especially I became earnestlyupse t about; one daughter of the concerned man because shefostered thoughts wicked in form . 64/But I do not want totell them to you because they were offensive . 65/1 wouldthink that , in decency, such a person would not broadcasthis thought. 66/And just such people you should not takeup in your group, because they work destructively in alldirections .72/ ('lli.e three) continually criticise my o rders and do not

try to understand my reasons and node of action . 73/'lli.eywill not recognize the facts , and because of that, they mist;remain outside our matters with respect to knoc.l.edqe of themission . 74/'lli.ey do not themselves understand theirs erre a lways questions and c ritical doubts, and they do notunderstand what I have a lways explained several t.Irres . 75/So they also may not understand what I have exposed concern-ing them several tirres. 76/' they do not understand thatunreasoned poser- can be overccrre by reasoned power', andexactly that I will have to do nee... , as you, at least in thiscase, t rea t against your kna.vledge and ability. 77/You knewvery well , such persons being unserviceable for our matterin every r e s pec t, but nevertheless , you have not c losed themout of your group. 78/Fran that , I see myself forced toexclude all that i s d isadvantageous. 79/So I order that youare no rrore a llowed to inform the above rrentdoned personsabout; matters and events of our contacts. 80/1 do not want ,and can not prohibit you f ran contact with them, but orderthe keeping f ran them of further important mat ters and in-f ornation . 81/If you do not perform accordingly, then Iwould have to interrupt our contacts and search another


contact person . 82 / 1 don' t wan t to interfere with your per-sonal concerns and decisions, but this ma.tter i s no t yoursa lone, because it i s originated by us , f o r which reas ona lso r e s erve to ourse lves a certain power o f decision. 83 /I f I have to int errupt our contacts, then this woutd pity rrevery much , because I have found in you a wor-thy person, towhan I felt myself very connected, In spite of that , 1 can-not devia te fran my given objectives . . . 84 / 80 decide f oryourself which way you want to go - which way will be therrost \\Urthwhi l e for you. I • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Meier- • • • • • • ••• • • • • ( 4)Senjase- 8S/Please do not interrupt rre f or new I mas t; speak,and can neither agree to questions nor obj ections . 86 /1 cannot take over your decision, as this is yours a lone . 87/Youhold the be, or not be, in your con hands , and 1 am not a l -Iowed to advise for the one o r the other, because you , your-self, have to make the decision . 8S/According to our unan-Irrous deci s ion , I have conceded s ix days f or you to deliber -ate , and 1 myse lf. . •.. .

Mrter- 1 have a l ready deci ded, semjese, This I wanted. tosay already before this .

Sanjase- 89 /1hat i s final?

l£ier- You do knew this.

Semjase- 90 /1 had hoped f or this , but 1 didn' t dare speakit. 91 /SUrely it i s no t e asy for you , because 1 catch veryshcx:::ked fee lings frem you .

l£ Damn, i s that s o .i..rrpJrtant? 1 know for sure, havingteen wrong . I am siIrply an idiot , f or 1 o f ten have \oJrOI1ghopes . I t is well that you have told Ire the truth. Athrashing wou t d be very suited indeed: be cursed a t i t a gain .

Sanjase- 92/ Ple ase don 't get yourself excited, as not on l yyou make mi s takes; s uch a l so happens new and then with us .93 /Your "wrong hopes " , as you say, are o the rwise understand-able f or roe, because I know in much detail your rrcde o fthinking respecting s uch ma.tters . 94/ But p l ease do not callyoorself an idiot, as o f such s tate there is no j ot in you.95/011 the othe r hand , you cause rre pain when you humiliateand abuse yourse l f so much. 96/1 really do f eel a strongpain in IT'e f or that . 97/1 have s urely been too harsh yo you,


-and a lso you are teo harsh on yourse l f .

ScxJn I wi ll start to weep; confound this . . .Semjase-- 98 /1 too am in the m::x:x:i f or doing so. 99/ hby dosuch s i tuations have to care up ?

Maier- I have to l d you: because I have been unreasonabl e andwrong.Semjase- I OO/ Unfortunatel y not everything can be predeter -mined, because we a ll have to undergo mistakes to l earn.l Ol-1 03/ But please don ' t curse yourse l f any rrore , for I don 'tl ike s uch things . . .

That dis cus s i on c losed with scee small t a lk, but t he r e was still enct ne rno te added to that cotmunication . as further a f terthought . by Eduard Heie rh i lllSe lf, i n the fOrlA of a kind of memor andum for record .

Ibte to the Q:ntact o f SUnday, 20 !lprt1 1975 :

When on SUnday nnrning, a bit past 04 :00, my ccrcentonswanted to s ee f o r themselve s the l anding- p l a ce of Semj ase' sship , we searched the environrrent f or pressure tracks wherethe s h i p could have Landed, '!he search was in vain, for inthe darkness we cou l d not see well enough .In the a f ternoon o f funday (the 21st ) a t 13 : 30 hours , I

went once ITDre to the p lace and found the tracks easy to see.'Ihese ware about 30 meters beyond the deepest p lace we hads earched, bel ow btu weather-fi r trees , where there was a bigfla t place.With speci al interest, I noti ced, that when I reac hed,' by

a f o rest trail, with my vehicle We-ped) , the place o f thenight landing o f the beamship, there a military J eep ob-s tructed the middle of the way f or Ire . I was forcedto l ower my speed and to dri ve very SICMl y a long side of theJ eep , a t the hcod o f which s tood a captain o f the SWiss Armywho was occupied in making a detailed drawing of that lo-cation. 'J\.K) o the r o f f i cers searched up and dam the tra iland the area with detecting inst.rurrents. While passing theJ eep and the captain, I cou l d see the drawing very well , andsaw a c ross marked on the s ide o f the hi l l exactly therewhere my carpani.ons had stood and over which the beamshiphad flONI1 upwards t:.a.¥<ud heaven . ..Cont inuing a long the tra i l , I increased my speed after my

s trange observation, and drove up the hi ll , where I stopped


and wanted to go dcMn to the military rren and ask them whatthey were doing. But as I reached the hill' s c r est, the r esounded a call fran the Jeep, and quickly the two officersran to the i r car, and by break-neck speed, sped iMaYcb,.m the rough trail.I myself then searched the environnent and found the l and-

ing p lace of the beamship. After that I went; and searchedover kilareters of the area f or the military officers , be-cause thei r investigative behavior touched rre as peculiar.'!he search was in vain, and as f ar as I drove over the area,I could not find the military rren or their vehic l e .Yet when I a gain drove on the main road in the direction

o f Pfaafikon, and Look ed back a t the hil l where the beamshiphad l anded, there the mi litary Jeep stood again , whi l e theofficers again searched the env irorurent. I t urned aroundand drove back to the hill , but onl y cane within 100 rretersof the J eep , when the sane p lay was reenacted, as a t myf i r s t appearance . '!he militaries hurried to their car andrushed away.'!his peculiar behavi or o f the military evoked the suspicion

in rre that their presence had to be connected to the beam-ship e vents , which mus t have been observed by scretcdy andr epor-ted, or the Anny had r ecei ved notice o f the event insam other f ashion.

It s eemed s t range that t he aut ho r i ties had become aware of t his contac tso soon etten the party had s een no other veh i c les a r ound that a r ea v<h ilethey were there. ne t er wondered how the y had found out , unless they hadt hei r own s ur ve i llanc e prog r am go ing and had picked up the arri val anddepartur e themsel ves. He e ven en tertained t he idea that one of t hos e pre-sent at the t i me migh t be i nvo l ved , but di smis sed it as unl i kely . Still hewould have t o be more c are ful in the future . There co ul d be problems.



(1) 'rtere is always tre p::Jtential of ham to professialal ar.d pJblicpeccle wOO 00 rot want to be asscctated p.Jblicly with tiE exotic subject ofUFQ:.;. .su:il as ccctcrs, .l& p::>liticians, etc. A-.d rrlx:dy siD.ll.d beinclu:3ed in soch a witluJt his krn-ll€dge am peratsstco, becauseof tie pcestbie barm to his status b'f associettcr. 9rlJ.ev:iden::e cculd be mtsused.

(2) had cnl.y recently taken the pictures. am tie fi lm had rot beensent in for pro::essirq

0) senjese did in fact later destroy tlPse pictures still en the roll off ilm, as sre had threereoed,(4) 'rrese are the \o,Ol'ds secjese has used yet. arC very d.isb.J.rbin::1to l-trier, for be rDI clearly kJ"o..s wto is in o:nt.rol arC exactly \'Irete IEstanis with than.


'lhirteenth Contact Friday, 25 lIpril 197 5 17,20 h

Meie r was nurriedl y summoned t his day for a contact on ver y shor l nol i ce .He dropped what he was doing and pr oceeded i rrrnedi ately to the r en dezvousplace , Where he Found t he ex t rat e r restria l be ing al ready t he re and "ait i ng.

Semjase- It'llie tdrre tcxlay , regretfully , i s very scarce,thus we can onl y discuss the mos t; i..rrp:Jrtant (things) . 2/Forthe f irst , I b ring back the l oaned book , about; which I don ' tneed to expres s myself rror e. (1) 3 / 1 refer to the j udqerrent;whic h I have g i ven you in my l ast contact . 4/l-¥ views havenot changed.

M;rier- I wi 11 convey your answer to my friend , and in hisnarre I a lso thank you for your trouble .Semjase- SI lt i s not wortih rrentioning, and on the o the rhand , I am delighted that your friend wanted my judqesrent; onthis book, 6/1f a ll of your friends were so r easonable,con£ident and f r iendly as he , then everything wou.ld run bet -t e r with our mission . 7 / 1 am de light ed about your other twof riends , though they are s ene ponde rous in object i ve . 8/'Ihismat ter i s o n l y their thinking, whic h they first have to ed-ucate toward new objectives and new recognit ions . 9/ St ill 1can assure them of finding their endeavo rs , the ir per ceptivefacul t i e s and thei r will being remarkeb.le , 10/ Alxmt theothe r persons in the g roup 1 a lready have spoken in our lastrreeting, and 1 do not want to care to that aga in. l1/ 'Ihedecision i s done in this respect, by which i t is suff icient .12/ But their whol e mind i s not ....-ell f or our undertaking. soI have wonde r ed whether I s houl d destroy the fi 1m which youexposed on Sunday rmrntnq o f the 20th, a t 10: 00, in whichthey were photographed. 13/ In respect to the (possible)hann f or our mission, o f their kind o f thoughts and opinions• .. 1 have decided to destroy the fi lm as was advised.. 14/'!hus I have des troyed that part of the film on whichthe dist urb ing f actors are exposed, i s / Your c l oser friendsshoul d not be disappointed for that , as in the day taroITC:1N',I want to g i ve you one more chance, during the a fternoon , tophotograph further p ictures. 16/ 1 have but to settle on thedes tinat ion , no disturbing f a c tors the re being a t Iowed, suchas the nent i oned. pers ons present . 17 / Event ually uninit i atedpersons photographed will not dis t urb init i a ted ones i f theyoppose the task .

164 Of course 1 observe your decision, Semjase, thcogh1 pity the destruction of the fi lm. '!bat you offer one rrorechance for photographing makes it acceptable again. \.,batI"lC:M s till interests rre , is another matter . Here and there 1can observe UFOs , which, according to their f orma, do notbelong to you. In rrost c ases the objects a re but so veryf ar away , that one can not see rmre details, or even photo-graph them, which doing wou ld be very interesting for can-par'Lson, can 1 do anything in this res pect, to saretiIre geta chance to pho tograph them? (2) The second question con-cerns the crys tals you have b rought Ire . l-ty friend, F . L. ,was delighted with the green malachite stones . He no.... asksyou whe ther you could b r ing him a still greater p iece ofthis sort o f minera l ?

Semjase- 18/1 r egard i t very interesting that you pass overthe des truct i on o f the fi lm so easily, which i s just not inyour character , because 1 know ve ry ,",'ell how much you canbecare excited if anything does not run as you des i r e . 19/You pose rre a riddle in this respect . 20/But you a lso honorrre that you sinply accept my deci s i on.21/Concerning the strange UFO that you want to photograph

for a carpari son , 1 myself can do nothing, unfortunately.22/Yoo well might influence than with your thought , concen-trated on their fl i ght and light emission, but not in a ,",'aythat you could ccnmand them to care near enough to c apt urethem on film. 23/Frcm my s ide 1 have on l y a possibility todo so. 24/'30 1 will do this if 1 have a chance, and callyou. 25/ 0 f course 1 wou ld l ike to bring a p i ece of the mal-achite stone for your friend, F . L. 26/But this s hould notbeccrre a standard, a s I have agreed in genera l , b ringingstones and c rystals , when they are destined f or your col -l ection ' s purpose or for the selling of them. (3) 27 /But foryour three c los est f r iends I will make an exception. 28/Butthey will have to be pat ient , because it will be sare weeksbefore I c an provide suc h things a gain . 29/ 1n r e spect toyour l ect ure s c oncerning our mi ssion, \ ,'e have concilliated .30 / '30 I can tell you the decision, that we agree t o yournaking sti ll s ere dozens rrcre diaphotos of my ship; thiscontrary to my f omer decision . 31/We care to that fran theopinion that a s u f fic i ent number o f pictures o f this kind isuseful for the matter and of wor-th , 32 /Apart fran that, ,",'eroth decided in the last rreet ing that the disturbing factorsbe avoided, which was the basic cause of my deci s i on that


you s hould make no further photo evidence. 33 /Nevertheless,we want to l imit the p i c tures to an arrount o f 100, whichsurely will be enough. .. (4)

I am delightfully surprised, Semjase . 'Ihanks veryruch.

Semjase- 35/Your thanks are not neces s ary.

Meier- Neverthele s s I am delight ed. But new s ti ll a ques-tion : Does the r e exi s t the possibili t y . . • ?

Sanjase- 36/Regretfully, I rust intenupt you; as I havesaid, my tiirre is very l iInited today.

I have only a very short question.

St3njase- 37/If so, please ask.

I s there the possibi lity, that you could bring franyour hCXI'E p lanet, o r fran any o the r worlds , SCXI'E picturesany t.troe, or that I c an g ive you my carrera by which you thenget pictures ?

Semjase- 38 / 'Ihis I have to deny , unfortunate l y , because suchwou ld go 'teo f ar. 39/Beside s the crystals and s tone s , wehave to l imit ours e l ve s t o things o f the Earth.

Meier- 'Ihank you , Semjase, this s uff i c e s for Ire. But Ihave just rerrembered , having been on the 21st of April , theday after our l ast rreeting, aga in at RavensbUhl, having ob-s erved militaries there searching the who l e envi...ronITent .Have you noticed anything of this natter?

Semjase- 40 /That i s a further question, but I knew nothingo f that event. 41 / It might \\.'e ll be poastbte, scrreone havingobserved the departure of my ship and having announced thisto the authorities , o r to the Amty , which neM' and then hap-pens , unfortunately, a f ter which a s earc h may be per f o nmed .'!his happens when we are not carefu l e nough or when l e s scaref u l s trange s hi p s a ppear and e ven l and . 42/ As you know,we do take precautions in every respect to pr event suchoccurrenc e s . 43/'Ihough a ll c aut i on i s no t enough , becaus eoften there a re obse rving eyes whe re \\.'e don I t assurre them tobe, even at very l ate t i.Ires o f night . 44 /'Ihis may unfor'tun-ately l ead to unpl eas ant incidents , especially when we flyseveral t.trrea to the concerned p lace, or have to touch do.-m


there . (5) 45/Especially authorities and the Arrrr:I f eel 'them-selves rrenaced in their when they are inforned ofsightings o r landings of beamships (whic h are beyond the i rcapabilit y to cont rol) , although we are not interested inupsetting or rrenacing their primitive forc e , as this missionis obligated alone to Earth human beings . 46/'Ihough theyare very rrach interested in our ships , and carry out res earchand examinations, the author i t i es and the Arrrr:I deny thesef acts very s trong l y . 47/Al l infonnation in this r es pect.,concerning s paceships , sightings, touch.dcMns, etc. , are muchdenied by them, as well as their s ecret r esearches and ex-aminations o f beamsh i p l anding places , e tc . 48/ So do notworry about; the military you have rret; at RavensbiieL, becausetheir investigations are s ecre t anyway, and they hide them-selves behind untruths about; what they do. 49/'Ihey willcontes t in every respect, your observations , even if youwi tnessed. (it) with photographs , which matter could be dan-gerous for you , as you know a lready f ran your cwn experience.SO/SO do not wor-ry about the machinations of the Army , asthis coul d otheLWise beccrre dangerous for our rna.tter.. .

Wit h t hat, Semj ase s ignalled t he end of t he meeting as her time was up,waved goodbye , and i mmed iately depa rted .



Ul Senjase' s dtscussdcn o f the bxk in qteSti.m was a critique of itsspiribJal value in light o f the perscnal a::nvict.i..aJs of the eirtbcr arrl hispartial1ar (Oint of vi ew.

(2 ) '!his naxes reference to an int.eresti.rg ph::n:::m::n:n ccserved OJ UFOinvestigators. Q1e wh::J bas seen t1fQs perscna1.1y, sears to have l ess dif-f iculty eeeirq than ag;lln, alnost as tlu.J:t1 their awareness was awakened,or they learn a way to, o r sarething that they may have Lacked Wore.Frequently, <nee a perctpient. sees a real UFO, he is rot easily fooled bj

else, aIrl he uore easily sees the real phen::m2h3. again. I t maybe that he bures eore coservant; t:h:ln he was tefore.

0) Sanjase ax:e expla1nerl that, as faimess is an :inp)rtant principle intheir socteey, she cerecc lightly grant Ole perscn a favor arrl deny thes.:m:!! to arrt1Er equally e lqi bJe. S'le tries to avoid seen a:nflicts bjcarefully wit:hh::Jl.dirq the f irst extensiaJ. of privilege.

(4) foEier actually succeeded in ever 500 of the realPl ellrl:ian ships, possibly as lMJ1y as 700, lart; he never g:J t to keep nu::haver 300 of them. sere were " lost" in processing; sere were lest enrcuteto or f ran the pro:essor facility; arrl IIB!1Y nore were sinply stolen bypecple "''00 nanage:j to get them in their posess.ten l.a-q ero.l:Jh to make offwith the ooes they wanted . '·Eier ' s reese was repeatedly brcken into andpictures am. diasl1des were stolen. It is a v.t:n1er he to retainthe cres he 1Bs left.

(5) 'Ihe extraterrestrials cx::nstantly the a:nt.acts in differB1tplaces arrl at different taces, with ro d.iscemab1e order o r pattern. '!heyeven tccsc crlvant.cqa of bad wea..ther to interfern:nce in thea:ntacts, arrl SCIlEt.ilIES the next. a:ntact poirrt; was far distant fn:mthe Ole before.


Fourteenth Ccntact fuesday. 29 Jlpri1 1975 14: 00 h

Heier i s di scovering t hat he can get ment a l stimulation Semj ase l i kehe can with no other hUDan be ing . He feels spil'itually uplifted after oneo f these contacts , and spends a lot o f t r ee t hinking about th i s . The r e isa certain familiarity about a ll thi s t ha t he l ongs rcr and seeks to f t'flew.ith each contac t. He tri e s a ca ll and ge ts a response .

f£ier- I am l onging for sere spiritual ref reshing, Semjase,so I have s ent my thoughts to you and called you .seejese- 1/ 1 am very g lad about this , but i s there no onein your own envirorurent , where you could offer yours e l fspiritually?M:lier- By regret , there isn I t , because a ll thos e who areinterested in this fie ld live far away and have thei r dailyduties . For these r easons we nost .ry have together onl y twoo r three weekends where we can Indujqe in s p i r i tual tiherres ,Semjase- 2/'D1at i s not qood , because under such circumstan-ces the spiritual developnent s uffers. 3/Because o f this ,you nust choose s horter t iIres between (your) meetings , a tl east one ti.Ire each week. 4/ I t wou.ld be good. i f you coul d ,together, gene r a te a p lace whe re you can raise a center andlive together in c lose envirorurent . 5/50 you wou t d havethe c hance to exercise yourse lves spiri tually each day.

M:tier- '!his i s a good. idea, Semjase, which a lready my fri endF . L. and I mysel f teo had thought o f , a great f armyard, abit retired, and servi ceabl e for our aims. '!he realizati on,bccever , presents diff i culti e s , beca use s uch things are veryexpens i ve and we wou ld have to lay a t l east 500 , 000 9..n s sFranks on the tabl e .

6{hben you work earnestly tcqether, then you couldr ealize this p l an . 7/ I am r e ady t o help with crystal s andstones you could sell , by which means you cou ld collect thefinances faster .

M:tier- I told you one time, that I cannot; simpl y o f f e r s uchob j ects with the note that they care fran o the r s tars , etc.

seejase- a /OJn I t trouble yoursel f ove r that , as I have de-l iber a ted on i t and f ound away. 9/ Sell the crystals ands tones only f or crystals o f quite natural o r igin, and o f the


sort . . . (designa ted) .. . 10 /D:::>n 't nene a p lace o f oraqan , buton l y note on the r ecei pt that they are quartz, malachite ,rose quartz, etc.

to you think. i t might wor k this way?senjase- H /It i s on l y l ogi cal, this being in a ccord wi .tihyour laws , and no deceit i s involved. 12 / Since the l asttiIre , I have occupied mysel f wi th your l aw-s e t t ing, and havef ound many l aws invented which are not worthy o f the humanf aun o f l i fe in many respects , o f ten being s o stupi d andpr imitive that I became tired of their s t udy . 13 / Anythingo f l ogical and l awful conc l us i ons c an on l y be found in ve ryf B'l o f the l aws, as 94\ o f your l aws are outsi de a ll humandignity and r eason, not to speak o f r easonabl e l ogi c . 14/Hitherto we knew o f sever a l things in your l aws being notwell , but we had no reason to occupy ourselves in detailwith them unt il you c a lled my a ttention to it . I S/ But wefound i t wor se than our wor-st; expectations .z.eier- You unfortunate l y are right , as I have said f or rnanyyears . But there i s no s ense in dis cussing this , because i tis in the behavior o f the creed o f people that s uch l aws areabl e to exi st. The people as a who l e wou ld have to opposethese l aws to initia te a c hange 'toward the bette r .sem.jase- 16/You s peak wi s e ly, but the individua l who offe rsthe idea i s the one who can spread it and take the mass withi t .

loEier- '!his i s f u .lLy evident , and I think the l i gh t ing o fthe idea coul d gro..t into a fire when the g l cx:m i s greatenough. I rrean by this, to l et the pcwa r o f the s piri t eo r k .5em.jase- 17/ You speak my opinion. . . 18/Is sarething trou-bling you?

loE:ier- You ask for i t , but what I say wi ll not p l e ase you .

Semjase- 19/ Te ll i t even i f i t does n ' t delight ITe .

fuier- I t treats of o rde r s concerning sere o f my a cquain-tances .

senjese- 20/ You wi ll not be abl e to carry it out becauseyour f eel ings oppos e ?

EXactl y . I e steem this to be teo harsh, because


every human being has the r i ght to learn .

Sanjase- 21/Surely, but you evident ly have added teo manythings when I s poke of a seclusion of the rrentioned personswhen it had to do with iItportant things . 22/But I have ex-plained to you, that I can not prohibit your contact (withthem) , that I but made a decision to suspend those fran im-por-tent; things until they have f ound their spir itual way,which, according to my est.i.m3tion, will not happen fast .Maier- h'hich things in this r e s pect are f or you importantthings?

Senjase- 23/'Ihose are chances o f s eeing the s h i p , as wellas being exposed to the photos in which the ship i s seen .24/'Ib that is a lso inc luded going to the contact p l aces , andthe ment ioning o f a contac t p lace bef ore that contact hastaken p l ace . 25 / Ex:c eptions a re not excluded when I recog-n i ze this being suited for the one or the other pers on .26/'Ihe posa dbf.I Lt y exi s ts f or such an exc ept i on f o r a t l eastyour acquaintance , Hr . J . , because during the l ast weeksseveral changes took place inside him. . . 27/Unfortunately,the change is no t such that I could agree to carplete in-c lusion in a ll matters fran which I have to s epara te him.30/'Ihat he works hard in himself is evident. . . 31/'Ihe manis struggling inside, which , after taTDrrcM, will increasevery much. You told fie that 1otr. J _ thought only in pure ma-ter ial- intellectual fonn, and on the 25th of April you stillwe re of the serre opinion . IicM" does this agree with yourpresent expression? I am not c lear on that , though I amdelighted with your change of mind.

Senjase- 32/Fran the 25th to nCM a l ot was done insi de Hr .J . , though unconsc i ously and uncontrolled by him. 33/D..1r -ing the f ew days a change has taken p l a ce which o rdinarilytakes years . 38/'Ihis will beccre conscious to him, and f oryou t coorroc. 39 /And this will be the essenti a l push f or10k" . J . to basically develop his s p i r itual character . 40/rnthis r e s pect, I have a .lIowed mys e lf to l ook a bit into hisf ut ure and to conside r sare f acts in his develqxrent . 42/Believe me, the day tarorrc:M wi ll no t be easy f or Mr . J _,because his f eelings will try in him to go their own way ;this I could see very c learly .


t2ier- nus is interesting, semjase, but 1 don ' t understandwhy you speak o f taIDrrcM?

Senjase- 43 / 0h yes , you cou l dn ' t know thi s, o f course. 44/'!he f uture tol d rre that he corea to you tarorrow afterncatand will read the 12th Contact Report a t the place .45/'!his because of sore notes fran your side, after whichyou will then discuss sore things . 46/But here you sti llare not to speak wi th Hr. J . about what 1 have justexpl ained to you. 47 /'!he earliest you may do this is four-teen hours after the talk, because he has firs t to digestthe matters o f the 12th report to a certain degree .Maier- You make rre l a ugh , because your f uture-view can notbe right in such de tai l , a t l east not the t.ime, l>ir. J . hastold me by phone, that he wou ld care to me in the rroming,but not in the afternoon as you have s een in the future.Senjase- 48/ 50 you doubt my wor ds?

Meier- Just so. 1 do not sfmpry believe such things , f o ras you knew, 1 am an unbelieving person . For me do counton ly facts, truths, and effective kncwfedqe , Care what may,you will first have to prove to Ire that your prediction hap-pens . Before that I will not ackncwf edqe, but 1 acceptteaching any t Iroe, and don 't be surprised.Senjase- 49/1 understand, but the s urprise will doubt lessbe on your own side.Meier- 1 will s ee . But, one thing disturbs me. You haveIooked inside Hr . J . although you said you wou l d do s uchthings only in errergency.

Sanjase- SO/You are as pertinaci ous as ever, yet 1 don 'twant to conceal the expl ana t ion f r an you. l>1r . J. has oc-cupied himself intens i vely twice in the last two days withour matter, while unconsc i ously scrre thoughts vanished. franhim, which , dir ected to IrE , have r eached IrE . 51/'Ihis isunconscious for him because he does not know the way ofthought - transmission . 52 /'Ihese r adia ted thoughts caused rreto tum my a t tent ion to him, thus 1 pene trated him by f orce ,where 1 obtained these recognitions . 53 /1 noticed then,l>ir. J . needing a certain ti..rre to elaborate them. 55/By myresearching inside him, 1 nCM f ind that we are a l Iowed togrant him our confidence, f or Hr. J . is l oya l and worthy o f


our con£idence, which does not exclude that we have to s pendSaTE t.irre s till , before 1 can rerrove my r e s tri c t i ons withrespect to his person yet. . .

1 have noti ced you a lso suffering fran mistakes ,because you have made a great mistake in the destructi on ofthe ilia-film of the 20th of April . ..Sem.jase- 61/'Ihis s ounds l ike malici ous j oy.

So it does , in a certain way, if not to yourself , atleast for your dear t echnology . But the mistake, this youshou ld deduce for yourself.Sem.jase- 62 /We are a lso subject to mistakes , as 1 have rren-t.Ioneds but which evil have 1 and our t echniques burdenedUfOn ourse lves?

Should 1 really tell you?

Sem.j ase- 63/Surely, because a lso 1 want to .rerrove the mis-takes by myself. ,Meier- 'Ihen 1 will keep my rrouth c l osed, because 1 do notwant you to des troy s t i ll further things for Ire .senjase- 64/1 will not do that, because I want to have onl yone mistake, not two , which is what 1 mean,

Can 1 trust this?Sanj ase- 65/Surely, because you know that 1 don 't lie .l£ier- Well then - you have des troyed exact ly the wrong ha l fo f the film, in which a ll the r e s t of the pict ures were a l soaff ected. About ten pi c t ure s are s ti ll v i s ibl e to use, andon thes e are a l l per s ons , and a l so your bearnship recogniz-able. '!hey are vague and unc lear a ll right , but one canstill r ecogni ze a l l .

Semjase- 66/1t i s really like that?Shoul d 1 lie to you f ran my side?

Semj ase- 67/0f cours e not , and under the c i r cumstances thisis not s o Impor-tant; any rmr e ,Meier- '!his calms Ire very much, and f r an your explanat i ons1 am nON really furnished up in feelings .Semjase- 68/1 do not understand that.


loEier- N::M you make rre l a ugh . I s that so di f f i cul t tounderstand?Semjese- 69/1 do not understand your " furni s hed up" whatdoes it rreen?loEier- Oh yes , that i s an expression f o r "I am on the darnagain" , or "I am okay once rmre" ,

(Laughing) 70/Sareti.rrEs you have express ions whicha r e s trange to rre ,

If you were an Farth being, l ike Ire , then you wou tdknew s uch expressions being just "in" at the pr esent tiirre ,They belong , so to s peak, to the dai ly lif e .senjase- 71/1 unde rstand fran my side , stilL . .. .. m:::uent... I f eel. .. . . .

I hear it too, Semjase , a trac tor i s caning a l ong ..•72/Ne must; l e ave , or e l s e the vehicle will be

stopped by the pr etecti ve screen of the s hip , and will getswi t c hed of f. 73/Ye t this wou ld not be wis e , because thenthe human beings woul d feel s arething unusual. 74 / 1 had notcalculated that anyone woul d make the e rror o f caning here .75/ '30, f arewell then, and remember my words ,

Bye , 5ernjase . Think of rre again s oon .Srnlj ase- 76 /That was a nice greeting f o r departure, bu t newso l ong, my f riend• . • . • .And with t hat . Semjase quickly depar ted, l eavi ng t he pens i ve Meie r at

t he scene of t he cont act . She depa r ted in time and the tract or engine wasnot s topped.


20 JIflril 1975, 10:00, Rilvensb.Jhl , S ...Itzerfard. Eduard r'Eier Wds invite:I tobri.rq sa:E ctcse frierrls to a event h'hich the extrater haj premised. He was told to have them provide fresh film for hisc:arera which trey ha..l.1d load into the canera themsel ves. Then SEr.J.jascw:::uld provide a f light dcm:nstratirn fo r h im to p-rtcqraph. rut she \..ulldcnly agree to open the protective screen in his di.rectia1 for the, because this was also a dEm:nstratiCfl for his friends that r-c t e rC'O.1ld sec and the ship \..hen few others could see it. They 1oD..J.1d.cnly see him texe the which they hO.J.1d te able to recoqruze ashavin::] been rrede Q1 that my at thast tuse cnly. ntis ves expected toccwtrce then that his pictures were rear, ard tha.t the ship did rot. raveto be exposed to everyh:rly a."d pcsstoie darq=rs ,_n ile this lPin::] 01 .

17 5


20 1975. 10:00. RavEnSh.lhl . s,.;itzerlan::L 'Ibis is another one of theten FOOtcgrafhs that suppcsedky survived seejesc ' .s dt tmpts to destroy theput of the fi lm with the ship sln-vin:;J oee i: the beeds o f the spectators.Sh:.> rrey in fact rove socceeded, t1n.J;Ih aeter d id not thin\( so. becausetreee pictures are clearly da.Jble exposures, arrl alm:::Gt certainly resuttedFrcra the re-use of a part..ially exposed rollof film wi th:::ut rolling the filmforward to a paint. pest. the last f rzrre used. '!he tso seen bere canbe separated in a ccrpcter an::] each picture v i ewed irdividually , arrl ttelthe ship is rot seen over the hBa:ls of anyl:xrly 00 the f rere incll.rling thecraft .







Rega rdi ng t h e ten pi c t u r e s in thi s c ont ac t as ha v l ng s urvi ve d at hre a tened des t ruc t ion be c a us e they c on t a i n ed images o f people I n the samep ictur e as the beamship , we c un on l y concl ude tha t Nr, nc icr lS mis t akenhe r e and had los t coun t on hI S fi l ms e xposed on t he 20 th o f Ap r i l . andaga i n on the aft e r noon o f t h e 26 t h , e.hen he phot o g r aphe d t he s hi p wi t houtwi t ne s s es p r esent, because t h e ten phot og raphs "Ie h a ve s e e n wh i.c h r esemb l et hose ment i one d here, a r e c l e a r ly doub l e - e xp osure s , an d c a n be s epara t e d ina c omputer i n t o sepa r a l e photogr aph s .It is e n t i r el y po ss ib l e tha t Semj a s e d e s t r o yed the f ilm she s a id s he had ,

a nd all t hose ph o tos t oo , beca us e Hr . Flei e r- did no t a t t ha t t i me ha ve t hebest of c on tro l ove r h is ph o tos and films . He may have ha d a p a r ti al r o llo f p ictures of the pe op l e f r om t he 20th in h is camera a t. t h e e nd of t hatp i c t u r e - t a king session, and ro ll e d it bac k i nto t he f ilm cart r i dge ,',he n heremove d i t from t he c ame r-a, leav i ng a t a i l o f the f'Llm e xt e nde d f r om t hec ann i s t e r f o r possibl e re-use t o t he e nd. Putting it with t he unu s e d f ilmt o be f i ni shed later, he may ha ve , in t he e xc i t emen t o f t he t r I mm q on thea f t e r noon o f the 26 t h , unknowi ngl y , l oaded it i nto h is camer a and startedaga i n I,d t h frame number one ; o r he may ha ve knowingly l oaded it a qai n wrt. hthe int e n tion o f a dvancing t h e film pas t the e a r lie r exposures with t hepeople, t o new f r ame s for the pre s ent oppo rlunit y , and j us t fo rgot t o doso; either of ",h ieh wuul d have doub l e - e xpos e d t hat fi r st frame and a llsubsequent pictures up to t he nex t unexpos e d f r ame.I n t h is case, t he doub l e exposures wou l d have t o be t he first fr ames on

the r oll, and all wi t h edge numbers under 12 . Un for t unat el y, near l y all o fthe o r i g i na l d ispos it i ves h a ve bee" los t, and \';C have been unabl e t o l ocatethese or igina ls f o r poss ible ve r i f i c a t i on .f o r tunate l y , thi s c a s e does no t hang by a s ingle pIece o f eVidence .


Fifteenth Contact; 'Ihursday, 1 May 1975 15: 57 h

Semjase- 1/ 1 have ca l led you so urgent ly, because I have t otal k t o you about very important things . 2/ 50 l isten verycarefu lly so that no misunde r standing s houl d ari se .

t-Eier- J ust speak , Semjase . As us ual , I am a ll ear s. \'.bileyou talk I can at least cat c h my breath , fo r you have huntedIre through ve ry much landscape , - - up h i ll , down hil l - -through t horns and water puddles I had t o run , haven I tyou called Ire to the Kanton t'lall i s (a ve ry distant County)?senjase- (laughing ) 3/1 well coul d have ccmnanded you s t i llf a rtl1er away , but didn 't think i t necessary. 4/I t was Im-por-tent; to o rder you herev because we are fully undis turbed ,whi.Ie in the surroundings c l oser to your hare today, manyhumans are taking excursions .5/ But list e n nOW', wha t I have to explain : i t being e v i dent

to Ire that afte r ye s t e rday you ....'ou.ld a r r ange as f a s t a spos s ible , anothe r discus sion nr . J . 6/ As you knew, Iwas pr epared and r e a dy f or this , thus I coul d arrange a t.Irreto f a llON your ta lk f r an the beginning . 7/This enabl ed Ireto r ecogni ze things , whi ch I had hoped f o r basically , andhad s een in a Iook a t the fu t u r e , that there is up anintense change toward spir i tua l cogni t ion in Hr . J . 8/1 wa sa b i t surpr i s ed by the presence o f his daughter , wh i .ch waswor-thwh i Ie f o r he r and my advance . 9/ Frorn he r as wet L, Icould s ee thi ngs whic h i nd i c a te a change 'toward spiritua lcognition . 13/ 1 have to confess t o hav i ng made sore mi s -take s , which brough t Ire to wrong conc l us i ons . l 6/Yet I donot want to exc l ude that you can care in the serre way t owrong deci s ions , as 1. 17/At a ll ends \oo'e a r e human beings ,even when caning f r an diffe r ent s tars and (different ) spi r -i t ual pos i t ions , being fundarrerrta j Iy like-minded c r eatures ,who have to go the way of the i r con evo l ut i on . l 8/ Thi s thendocs not exclude my rrekf.nq mistake s , whi ch I a s k your friendsand acquaint e nces to unde rstand . 21/ hle rea lly a re no t c rea -tures of per f ection a s SCf'["E wo u t d l ike to l abe l us . 23/Hs uch things happen under Ire , then I do ca ll them, beca us e i twoutd make no sense for Ire to hide o r contes t them. 24/Suchwoutd only work t o my own disadvantage .

67/ N::M I wan t to expla in about; the he lp which I pranis edto your g roup , in whic h I will have t o a s k you to evalua t e


such assistance as ....'e ll a s o ther . . . 68/No per sons not beinggr oup rrerobera should be initiated into the s e things. 69/ 'Iba ll o f thos e , I suggest you keep silence about sere things .75/ &3 I want to direct, in your interest , tha t you may handover to certain persons, contact reports and photos , bu t nophoto negatives , films o r d isposi t ives . 76/You also s houldhand over crystals and minerals only to rrembers o f the group ,or to o the r secure persons, but never t o s t r anger s t o yourgroup.77 /You should perform film and slide l ectur es, but be

careful o f the lecture materials . 78 /'Ihere exist those wh owou td l ike to seize possession o f the materi al a t you r d i s -posa l , and who e ve n do not neg lect intrigues for this pur-pose . tsn« this be very caut ious , for we can not interferei f you shOUl d cause di fficu lties for yourself .80/Now I want t o speak about; my help: 1 f o l Iowed with

interest , your ta l k about astra l t r avel, as you ca ll suchthings . a I /At f irst 1 want to s a y that many have c l airred tohave experienced s uc h "t r a ve l s" . 82 / l t i s r eccstmended thatsuch affimations be taken with caut ion , because, arronq onethousand s uc h c laims are on l y tv.'O or three r eal ones ....rhi.chstand a ll examinati on and can be cons idered real. 83/ Alarge number are deceptions , and many rrore unconscious per-ceptions , as you have a lready seen . 89/Astra l t r avels are areality , and are in f act possibl e , but there a re many f ac t orsto be considered , because fallacies o f the senses can arisethrough sel f - s ugge s t ion . 94/ Al so then, pictorial vis ionscan be interpr e t ed a s a s tra l t r ave l s , and many o ther (such)things. 95 /Also there i s the process o f a human being pro-jecting his image spiritually to another place, and thenthinking he had pe.rforrred ast ra l trave l. 96 /In the concern-ed p lace, his image can be seen , but not i n as t ra l f orm.97/ 10 this ca s e i t appears more like a mirage, t ranspa.rentbut recognizabl e . 98/Such pictures can thus be a ttr ac tedf ran the past , o r be project ed into the present or t he f u-ture , even being capabl e o f being photographed. 99 /'Ihispr ocess is no t difficul t when the methcx1 i s M O...".IOO/ As a help for your gr oup , I want t o o ffer an experi-

trent; in this respect , whe r e once rmre I want to stress tha tthis is on ly for interna l group rrernbers . IOI / All o f you mayremember the 20th of Apr il , and s o everyone will s t ill knCMwhich c lothe s he had ....o rn (that day). I 02/My proposal nCMis that you may shoot a d ia-photo, . . .meanwhile I project


s ore o f you pictor i a lly f ran the 20th o f Apr il into thepresent, by the mentioned s pirit image projection . l03/Forthis I wi ll need the he lp o f the conce rned persons , becauseI wi ll r ep r e s en t he r e on l y the cont roll i ng factor. 104/ 0 fcour se I Nill be with my beamshi p near the images o f theconcerned persons in s uch a way tha t they a re exposed to-gether. IDS/ For this experi.Irent 1 have s e l ected three peo-p Ie : L. E. , "J . and B. . . .

three men , Sem-

may s eem injurious .

v.urds . . . lID/So nobodyis no evil in my

knew this , but f or s ore i t

109/ The r eoffended .

You speak s o ob jectively abou t; thejase, as if they experiment - r abbits .

107/ 1 d i dn ' t rreen t o o f f end .

Sernjase-need. fee l


Okay , okay just do what you cannot anit.senjase- I ll / Th i s s ounds as if you are o f f e nded.

loeier- But I am no t , dear girL . .

Semjase- 11 2/ Sur e l y . .. 113/ But new a ga in the t ime has carethat ....e have t o s ay goodbye , but I myse lf wi ll ca ll youagain after a s hort wh i .Ie , because there are o the r mattersto be c l e ared.


placesBut c a llare nearer

rre then t o O1ina , or Oliahuahua , as thesethan this p lace .

i t a lso be the South Pole o r North Po l e ?

M::!ier-.....hich I

As you des i re , semja s e ,don 't like much.

on l y there it i s a bit cold

As eo r e and mo r e the ..ord o f Hei e r ' s cont ac t s gel s ar ound , the ext r at e r -r est rials choose more and mo r e remote contact Sill'S s o as no t to be di s -turbed , and not t o d i s t urb anybody el se . t he s e e r tee ha ve taken ne t e rinl o t he heart o f den se ..oods , into wtce on l op of high mounla inshou lde r s , and oft en ve ry far from home. Some o f t he s it es are a lmost Im-possible to get t o , such as t he a as seobor and t he Bacht e Ihorn t r s it e s . Onone occas i on the meeting t ook place i n t he mi ddle o f a l a r ge herd of COftS

in a very rr-...ddy pa sture dur i ng heavy r a infall.


Sixteenth Contact saturday, 3 M3.y 1975

Thought Transmission

08 :17 h

senjase- l /Lbn I t cons i der i t a d i s tur bance when I invadeinto you so unexpec t e d l y a t s uch an early tirre f or you, buti t is of demand : By SaTE inattenti on you have ccrre into scrretrouble which I must of necessity r emove. 2/ Your inatten-t ion was having rroved too carelessly \...ith the film and photoexposing of the l a s t two weeks . 4/In consequence, scrre per-sons have beccme a ttentive to certain things o f which theys hould have no know ledge , as these can injure our mat ter.5/Also from my side, the inattention was when I derrons trat edthe fl i ghts f o r your f ilm and photo purposes, caring t oolit t le for the e nv ironrrent, becaus e I was concentrating onmy ship and your camer'a , 6/50 escaped f rom my observationas well as yours , s crre people saw your filming and becarreastonished by the performance . 7/So;re of them fo t Icc...ed youunnot iced and made inqui r ies about; you. .. 8/S:> three per-s ons under-took steps to expose your activities at certainplaces . 9/'Ihis concerns two p laces wher e you made importantexposures o f my ship. (1) 10/'Ihe danger ris i ng f ran thiscare l essness on our part i s l e s s i.mportant for you than forour matter i tself, and for certain cognit ions of researchwhic h could result from investigations by your scientists,and which ....rouLd be of no benefit for the humans of yourwor -Id at their p resent deve lopment . l1 / 'Ihese r ecogni t i onsof scientific basis f or r ese a r ch could be detected at theceathe r -Ei .r , which I had used for ce:::cnparison purposeand the obj ective of my f light . 12/ 'Ihis had picked up s crreradiations f ran my ship and s ucked them up, because I carrevery near, and even touched the branches with my ship. adiation, which is harmless f or c reatures, endures forrronths and could be detected and analyzed by your scientists ,which could incr ease thei r r e s earc h knowledge . 13/ Not masterof these things, they could make mistakes , which we couldnot a llow, because i t was a f a ult o f our carelessness . 14 /As our t echniques do not a llow this once absorbed radiationto be wi-thdrawn f ran the t r ee, the only poss ibility thatr emained was to e l iminat e the tree... 16/ 'Ihi s \ the im-portant noti c e I had t o g ive you today, with the objectivethat in the fut ure you are not so careless in s uch matters .18/ 'Ihis is one o f the reasons why we a lways per-form our


touchdowns where we can not be observed, and the tracks bef ound by scientis ts and analyzed . 19/ 80 the l anding p lacesmust; mainl y remain secr e t , which a l s o has to be unde r stocxiby your group ITEfllbers as a dut y . 20/We have no objection toyour internal group knCMing , as l ong as the conf idence ands i lence is prese rved. 21/ N::1N I do not want to disturb youfurther. 22/ &> far then. . • (2)

f£ier- But I have a ques t i on , as you have a lready made thiscontact with lIE: now. You explained to lIE: in the last con-tact that should handle the c rystal s and s tones accordingto rules you def ined. I nCM have a poss ibilit y to sell sereof these to a quite certain man , Should we take this chance?senjase- 26/1 have expr ess l y indicated, that the ob j ectsmay on l y and exclusive ly be s o ld o r g iven to persons who arewor king and thinking in conformance with your group.1oEier- But the rrentioned person i s an expert in this field .senjese- 27/1hat is absolutely un inportant.f£ier- I was told of this person being occupied with bor-de r l and and spiritua l sciences matters , and that he has goodcontacts . He a lso cou l d per-form analyses for us.secrj ase- 28/You may tell the narre o f this person , f or he i sknown to Ire by your talking , as I have eardropped on thisone . 29/But nevertheless I lTDJSt remain with my rule . 30/In t irre this may change , o f course , but f or nCM I reuat; staywith my order . 31/You may , o f course , l e t that person ex-amine and analyze the crystals and mine r als , but only whenno word of o r igin is a f Icwed, 3 2/'Ihis I must; c cnrend, as Ia lready expl ained, dangers nenace eve rywhere.f£ier- As you s ay , Semjase . I wi ll act according ly.



(1) Q1e of these places was the site of the l:Dlie fo::Jtaqe fi.lnB:l at 17:30in the afteInxn of 18 M3rd1 1975, 1IIIl"e1. 2 minutes ard 20 seccrrls of su;:er8:Im fiJ..m.. a full novie film cassette, was exposed of the ET ship tall pilE tree in fralt of a boose, After circling for sere sece-de, attarres quite IEdr the of the tree, the ship abruptly chm:;'ed arrl passed directly CNer the tq:l of the tree. As the ship m'rle thisclose pass, the whole tcp of the tree swaye:j with the passirq of the shipard then srepped tack into p:sit..ial as it had not t:een dtstnrted.(2) 'Ihis is the f irst tree to be I;ilysically recoced bj the Pl e ialians inthis case am never replacerl. nus is rot an easy t.hin:::l to do in S ritzer-land, because trees are protected ard canrot; be cut cb.'I1 or raJDVEd. witlxutproper authorization arrl a permi.t., All people teing aware of this, it isrot unusual for thEm to pel.Ice each other. Pesides this, the tree was 01s:neb:rly else 's prcperey arrl steed in f rcnt; of a bccse , I t w:::W.d beve beenpractically inp:lssibl e for 1-eier or any of his frierds to do this en-detecte1.



• ],.!l"HM






seventeenth O:ntact Friday, 9 K3y 1975 02:48 h

Thi s time Heie r was surrnoned for a con t ac t a t a gi ven t ime and a gillenplace, and he dutifully set out t o meet the schedul e , because he had comet o unde r stand the need f or punctuality. The Pl eiadians were a lways the reas indicated , bu t this time they «ere no t t here a t the appointed time andhe had t o wait much l onger than he e ver ha d before . He had become upse tby th e de l ay and hi s long wait, and he lost no time in letting Semjase knowabout it.

You l e t me wait here a very l ong tiJre for this con-tact. ..5emjase- l / 'lhi.s has care about because of our inattentive-ness; and because of your f ilm and photographic Jabcra dif -ferent problems have arisen. 2/ We had to regulate and neu-tralize them first . 3/To prevent such further e vents wehave sett l ed on an o rder, that f or the next while you oughtnot to make any rrore photographs or films. 4/On the othe rhand, the material you have is sufficient for you.

I r egret that, but you seem to be dramatizing thematter , which i s a strange view of you for me,

Semjase- 5/'Ihe whole mat ter i s much mere earnest than yous eem to assume . 6/Not without purpose, I had to e l iminateforms of lif e . . . 7/Such concerns, under l aws of our r a ce,acinit such e l iminat i ons on l y in case o f errergency. B/Andin that case, such errergency was ahead , though i t may notappear that way to you. 9/But this you will understand, i fyou knOW' now, that the militaIy you watched were indeedactive there on the 21st o f April because o f my beamship.10/ 'Ihis we have verified besides other concerns . ll /yourf ears and essucpt.tons were correct. 12 /But still many otherthings have occurred in this respect , thus we had to s pendITDJch tiJre these last f ew days rerroving these difficul ties .13 /We needed to f ind out a ll those humans fran out of thecreeds, who had rea ched dangerous cognitions of our activ-i ties . 14/rn a ll o f the s e we were f o r ced to eliminate theirrrerories in this respect, to avoid harm o f any kind. 15/I:bknew, the confusions and troubles have been serious , and Idramatize them in no way . 16/I:b also under s tand that , f orsore while I can not allOW' any IIDre photographs, ff.Jrns , etc.- and this by longer s i ght (foresi ght ). 17/Instead , I will


a llow you to capt ure o ther things onto your films . 18/ Butthere is stil l sate tiJTe and you have to be patient.. .fuier- On Saturday we have our next rreet ing , you know, andthere I wil l explain such matters . - I f you admit it now, Ihave one o r two personal quest ions for you?

Semjase- 29/SUrely .fuier- For many years I obse rved a phencrrenon which I amnot abl e to explain . For a very l ong tilre I have tried tofind out about; my past lives , o r a t l east in parts .I have tri ed in rrany ways but neve r succeeded corr ectly. Innonna.l consciousness I have met with matters whic h revea l edmerrories of f onrer lives , but that was a ll , f or I neverfound certain details . I t ried to find extraordinarily qocdhypnotists f or this purpose , who coul d regre s s Ire into thepast. But even the best o f thos e f ailed and I dfdn I t gounder hypnos i s , but on the contra ry , my senses becarre rroresharp. I a lways fe lt i t when they tried to pene trate intoIre, and flash- like , sanething inexplainabl e f ormed up insideire and blocked a def ense which the hypnotists were not abl eto pas s . A s econd f actor forrred in the sene way and COWlt -erattacked, without my consc iously wanting such. If thehypnotist did not stop he wou ld be f orced t o by physicaldisccmforts that would care to him. But hew and why thesede fense b locks occur i s a riddl e f o r Ire . Fo r that reason Iwanted to ask you, and can I maybe hypnotize myself?

seajase- 30 /This question I have feared for scrre t ine . 31 /I f e a red that l::ecause there are o ther things connected whichI am not a llCMed to tel L ..fuier- I underatiand ccnpl etely, and I am well satisfiedwith what you gave . But for today this may be sufficient,because I have to go heme again into my bed.Semj ase- 102/ 1 regret having to tear you out o f your s l eep,and you must; be s t i ll tired because (of i t ) ?loEi er- o f course I am, and bes ides I am f reezing, as inspite of the wann days , the nights are still col d . But thereal c ause is my wife , as I left without waking and Inform-ing he r . I f she suddenly wakes and I am not there, then s hewi Ll. be a f rai d . '!hus 1 have to go hare aga in and l ay in thebed l ike nothing has happened.


-Eighteenth Cbntact 'Ihursday, 15 May 1975 21:34 h

semjase- l / Befo re today we ware discussing other things ,but today I want to continue with the discussion of spirit.2/ A person may react to the word or the designation "TheCreation" in different ways , as though 'i t were s crre thingapart and t::eautifu l o r qcod , 3/SUch i s not exactl y the case .S/SUch characteri zations as "ami pres ent ", "a ll-powe r f ul","all kna.ving" are valid characteri zations o f the nature of'!he Creation . l O/Millions o f religious humans do not un-derstand the tirue nature o f 'Ihe Creation . l1 /l1henever theyspeak o f i t they tend to personi fy it as a God-being (whichis then i tse lf a separation f ran The Creation) , and theyconfuse the idea o f """ Creation. 13/50 i t is very inport-ant to knew as much as possible about; the character and thenature o f 'Dle Creation, f o r when the word is understcx:dprcper-Iy i t bouys the inner mind and oonnects it to i tssource as soon as the word is heard. (I)14/ 'Ihe exper ience reveal s '!he Creation as tmlimited beauty ,

harmony, wisdan, kncwfedqe , and truth •• •enduring endless ly.16/ 50 whenever a human per ceives a thing of beauty, a H eMer,an animal, c louds , water , l andscape, musi c , color , etc , , heccnsi ders it in cormection wi th the l imit l ess grandeur o f'!he Creation itself. 17 /When a human recognizes and realizesthis , then he lcnc:Ms that this recognition springs f ran l imit-less cognition, vnich i tself i s 'l11e Creation . 18/Nhereverlif e rroves , e ven inside the tiniest creature , like a mic robe ,he sees the limitless Creation.20/ 'Ihe Creation is inside o f every human l::eing, (and every

other c reature and thing ) , being a fraction of that mani-f estation i tself. 21/ Q1ce this thought has penetrated deep-l y inside a person and he can experi ence it, he l oses allfear and doubt . 2/M1en he k:nc:7Ns hi-s contact is with the 'a ll-knoetnq , almighty, Creat i on , he enjoys peace and tranquility .23/Reflecti on on this gives the narre "Creati on" grea t rrean-ing. 24/ 'Ihe rrore he rreditates on this reality, the rrore hisintelligence i s i lluminated, and the rrore poeerfui his per -sonality beccres , and his whole life and Labor- i s b lessed.27/'Ihe Creation r ises in his consciousnes s and he s ensespeace, strength, knoN'ledge , wisdan, delight and hope . 34/ Hecan overcare obstacl es , and achieve his ob j ecti ves , and hesuddenly has no rrore need f or purely IIa terial things . 36/


One must; l earn a spiritual - intellectual manner of thinkingand recognize its validity until the first successes areachieved.38/But the way does not stop here, because further expl or-

ation, research and devefoprent, and further recognitionl eads to the l imitle s s endurance of time. 39/Everything mayhappen in the course of tirre to p r event one fran achievinghis objectives, but the spiritualized person knCMS no l imitsand does not a llCM himself to be stopped short of his goalsby any events o f the f uture. 40/For him the f uture a lwaysexists in the pres ent , whe refran he beccmes detennined to doeverything here and now to obtain the highest spiritual stateof consc iousness, and he does no t fear the f uture f o r thefuture is nCM j ust as present as the pres ent i tse lf .S3/When the spiritualized being sees other s bef o re him, he

sees '!he Creation in them. ••

Meier- What you are saying s ounds so unde rstandable andl ogicaL I f only humans could ccmprehend i t.

Semjase- 100/ So they will , but this will not happen txaror-row,lOl/You and your group are onl y l aying the basic s tones f oran avalanche , which will start rruch later.l£ier- I have spoken o f this before . But nCM I haveone rrore questi on which was directed to Ire .

Semjase- 102/'Ihere ought to be no . ...•.Meier- Pl ease 00n ' t be in a hurry , because I consider thisquestion to be quite justified. I f you want to tell us abouts pirit, then you a lso have to explain sene things of i t .Semjase- 103/1£ so, then this o f course f a lls under my ob-jective.. . 104/What i s the question?

l£ier- 'Ihe prayer in the Talmud J rrrnanue l , can you g ive anexplanation?

Semjase- lOS/ SUrely , but in this mat ter I will have to s tartscrre SCX>Jler so that my answer is understc:cd correctly . 106/Prayers should be understood as onl y that . 107/ A prayer istruely a a wishful call upon the spirit o f the humanbeing himself (the Creation part in the Creation collective ) ,rreaning grant Ire this o r that . 108/ nx>s e who are consciouso f the f o rce , the knowl edge , and the abili t y o f their spi r i t ,no l onger resort to such prayers because they a lready live


in the knc:Ml edge that the poser and might of their spir i t iscapable of anything . 109/For that reason, they detennineconstantly, the might of their spi r i t . 110/ 'Ihe unspi r itual -dzed one , being unaware, is unable, thus seeks to activatehis spirit by conscious prayer . . . 11l/ Further explained,this rreans that the spiritualized human i s always using thef orces and abilities of his spirit , and quite consciously,whi l e the unspirit ualized one expresses ooly wis hes inprayer, and those to an exterior (usually per -sonified), when the source i s within through his personalcontact with '!he Creation i tse l f .l28/But now to the interpretation of the prayer establ ished

by JlllIlaIluel: (2)

MY SPIRIT AlMIGHTYMy Spirit who is a t Ikncwinq, a lmight y , and all l oving in Ire .

YOUR PRESE1lCE BE SANCTIFIEDYour presence conf i nns to rre your controlling power over a llmatters concerning myself .MAY YOUR WISrx::::N BEXX::NE rnNSCIOOS 'IO 10lEMay your be extended in the consciousness of my thoughtsin order to enable rre to apply a ll truths, wis dcrn and l ove,peace and freedan, given to and aquired by me and a ll mankind.

YOUR room BE EXTENDED IN ON EI\R'llI AS 1'1ELL AS liE/WENMay your poser beccre effective in rre, in a ll material aswell as all spiritual aspects .PLEASE FURNISH wrrn ALL I NEED FOR = EACli DAYPlease grant rre a ll I need f or my materi a l as well as myspiri tual l ife and developrent, for you are nlAT I ACI<In= E >IT ERRORSSo that I may recognize my f aUlts and e liminate them sincethey hinder rre on my way o f evol ution.PLEASE IX) = LFAD INIO TEMPrATION . BUT 'IO RIGIIT DEOSIONPlease do not let Ire make e r ror by materia l and wrong think-ing, o r beccrre dependent on belie f s alone.FOR YOO ARE IN AS room AND I'IISlx:>l FOR EI'ERNITYMay I beccrre conscious of your a lmight y f orce s inside Ire a llthe tiJre .130/1 can not explain rrore about this, as i t has to suf-


fiee in this f o rm . 131/Certain further de tai l s about; it Iam not to tel l .Iotller- 'DUs might be under standable enough. . . Further ex-p lanations are likely s uperfluous.Semjase- 132/ Surely , and besides that , I have r eached withmy expl anations c l o s e to the l imits o f what I am a llCfWed toexplain .

All the greater thanks , Sernjase. I might have beenable to explain but perhaps not with such precision . Itseemed rrore right i f you wou l d explain these things , as inmy pers on or about; my person, a lways and wi thin a ll conce rns ,doubts deve lop. As you may knON: " 'lhe p rophet in his concountry ..Semjase- 13 3/ Certainly , but those are unreasonabte re-sponses . . .t-ei er- I agree , but tell that to my fellow c r eatures .

Semjase- 13 4/ 'Ihat i s hardly possible .Meier- l.his is not rreent; exactly as said, as i t is just aproverb, that one wou.ld l ikely be confronted withdifficul t ies i f he tri ed to expl ain sarething l ike tilis a llby himself.senjase- 135/1he rreanings of your interpretat ions are, byregret , not always evident to ne,t-eier- '!bat I S not teo irrportant, because \I.'e can a lwaysc l arify our understandings.

Sernjase- 141/ But nON I have a question for you : You ex-p lained that you wou l.d develop our matter, about; which Ihave s t i ll seen nothing . l42/Have you fai led in this re-spect?Meier- I don ' t want to call it exactly that , to have failed,as in our l ast discussion too many things cerre up , and Istill could not speak thoroughly about; the matter , but bythe end of this rronth everything should be in r i ght position.In this respect I a l ready improved the pre-work , which Isti ll have to transmit to the others .Semjase- 140 /'Ihen I am c a Irred , for I wanted t o knew thismatter bednq regulated bef ore I l e ave for sere tiJre , and


by thought-transmission .

are you doing thatwill only be in contact with you

You rrentioned this before .is so irrportant?

seagase- 144/ This is destined for your ears only .

Mtier- '!hat is very interesting, and nCM I understand yoursecrecy.senjese- 14S/ I t is that way , because there is muchconnected with i t . 146/ But now I have a proposal for yourgroup, before I do go away for a l onge r tirre , to turn theira ttention once rrore to my ship . 147/At a given tirre , whichfor certain reasons 1 do not want to announce in advance , Iwill again g ive your g roup the c hance t o see my beamship.148/ Regarding this, 1 have again chosen a t i.rre of night ,because , in the darkness everything (luminous effects) canbe better observed . 149 / 1 will dennns trate for them thepossibiliti es o f the different energies , which in the dark-ness can be s een f o r their light e f f ects . I SO/ ScIre kindsof energy I can only use high in the atnosphere , to avoiddeadl y e f f ects on E3.rth f o rms of l i f e . lSI /Neverthelessthis wi ll be an unfo rge t table show for your group rremberaobse.IVing the derronstration, as \\'ell as for any other casualobservera, because I will exercise no protective rreansagainst s ight. 152/ You are requested to take necessaryacticn to observe protect ion needed, as wel I as to be surethat no others besides yourself care c loser to my ship than910 rreters , because they could be barrred, IS3/You 1 willprotect and screen in this r e s pect so that you suffer noharm, 154/ At this action, it wourd be of much rreaning andwor-th for yourse l f and your group, and for the who le missiontoo, i f you wou t d take with you scrre uninitiated observerswho \o;Ork with public a t i on organs , and in offices havingdecisi ve influences . I SS/ But take care tha t these pers onsbe suited for our matter and not be detractors seeking todis rup t . 156/In consequence be very careful. 157/Selectthese persons carefully . I S8/But don ' t i n i tiate them, byany rreena , into the hCM and why of the undertaking, but onlyexplain i t as dealing with an interesting matter which theywill witness . 159/ Arrange f or these persons according towri t ten c larification, because this will be o f importance(la ter) • (3 )


You s uddenly go very far , Semj ase , as I consi derthat hitherto you were very e a ge r to protect yourse l f andyour s hip (fran obs e rvation) a t every c i r cumstance .

semjase- 160/ It will be a unique one-tame derrons tratioo'Which I will not repeat again. 161/ But this derronstrationhas beccme necessary to underpin your whole caning wor k foryour group. 162/ we, don I t want t o give your group only re-ports and ob j ect i ves , but as well to help them to be o f s e r -vice to you, when s uc h is demanded, suitabl e , and necessaryin our v i ew .foei er- 1hat ' s but real ly, neverthe less very much : in factrrore than I eve r expected• • .

164/1 know, but now to o ther ma.tters, being dest-ined for you and Ire a lone • . •.• • .. . • .• . • •• • • .. • • •• . . ... • .•. ..

After t hat Semjase bid Heie r goodbye and left to proceed on ot her bus-iness of her own . He got on his Mo-ped and r ode home with the good news ofyet another f l ight demonstration t hat al l could witness .



(1 ) In aTJ::::ItlEr a:ntext, 1he creeetcn was descrfr.e:j as the sun of all thatis lMJlifest arrl tnMnifest (the matter realm l::eirq O"lly a very sr.all part.of the wh::lle) , arrl that all that; IS, is 'IHE rnEATIal exreriencing itsrolArizaticn ...hich profu:es the created am. i ts especte-ce, all of whichccntJ.nwlly a±ls to the total experi.ence of 'rte for further ap-plicatim in that which is created. In o ther words, IT is in us am workst:hro..J#1 us (ard all that is created! arrl v;e are IT (in its parts). Thereis . 00 separate perscni..ficaticn indi catEd, except. as sore part ctccees torepresent i tself as such, which arrt part can do within its O>TI level ofa:n::ept.

(2) nus prayer is very to the IDrd's Prayer' , am eeyin fact. have t:he SC[IE origin in history - the differences result.i..1q' frandifferent tIanslat.iJ::ns Of different translators with different I.l:'lderstaxd-in:;Js arrl rojectives.

(3) 'Ihat flight dan:nstratial ted<:. place after a nurter of delays arrlp::stp:::ne:Ialts f o r cne reasc:n or aJ'Pther that kept P=t=PiJ"g up. arrl finallycare about; nearly cne year later, 01 3 ppril 1976, fran 02 :00 to 03:00 PH,an::1 is fully reported in a j oint staterent; prepared arrl s i.gned bj sansSChutzbach, Jao:t:us Eert.schi.nger, M. FlimrEr, 1·1. Rufer, Olga. \'dl.der , arrlkMl.ia Stet ter. A descriptim of this event , inc:ltrlirq that statecent., ispJb1.ishe::1 in uro a::rmcr FKl-l. 'IHE PlEIADES, A Preliminary Investigatioo&tort. 126 thrc::u:;lh 129 .


Thi s i s another s pectacul ar first i n t he an nals of t he conteeoc r ar v UfOphenomenon . The s e e xt r a t e rre s t ri als not onl y ann ounced t hei r ap pearance i nadvance, but they i nvited t he obse rvers t o bring outs ide witnesses, andeven i nFormation media personnel to t he demonst ration scheduled .Others o f Meier 's group ...itnessed s uc h demonstrations 8150- beFo re this

and again a ft erward, s uc h as J acobus Bertschinge r wi th Heier on 14 Harch1976 ; Hans Schutzbach on 2J April 1976; and WOl Fgang Wit zer on 6 June 1976 ,a ll of t hes e event s a lso r eport ed in de tail i n t he Pr e limina r y Repor t o fInves t i ga t i on .On Sat ur day , 12 J une 1976, another whole group , incl udi ng ag ain s ome out-

s i ders , wi t h Four J5mm s ti l l came r as and one Bmm movi e camera, ob s erved andphot ographed, togethe r and simultaneously . f r Olll different vantag e point s ,an ev en more ast ound i ng Fl ight demonstration by t he Pl e i ad i an s . This wasreported s 81Jlli e s o f the phot og raphs i n t he Pre l iminary Repor t a lreadymentioned . r oot age i s shown i n "BEAMSHIP: THE 110VIE r OOTAGE" v ideo r e leas e .Thi s has never been hea rd of be Fore, o r s ince , and t he fl ight demons t ra-

tions were s uc h , at a ll al titudes and a l l par t s of t he s ky , t ha t pyrotech-ni cs were cOlrpletel y out of question . Ther e was no way one man, or a teamof trained men . ...ithout a real s pacec ra f t , c ould have staged the displ ayswitne s s ed .It was dur ing an ea rlie r ni ght o f J April 1976, that Meie r and t he group

were pur s ued by unwel come ob se r ver s with di r ect i on f inding equi pment on l opof t he i r cars . The y had located Meier i n t he woods ( evi de ntly by "b ugging"his Ho-ped ) and "ere c l os i ng in on him Ywhen Semj a se warned of t he ir ap-proach and ""'ere they were . Me ie r " as forced to t ake a d rffe rent routeou t of the f orest an d c r a shed on hi s mot or - bi ke , into a ditch, fracturinga r i b and dislocating h i s shoulder, i n ad di t i on to abrasions and mud .semjese , depar ting f rom t he demonst rati on (wh i ch included five s hips ) ,

a r ri ved on the c rash scene with a small apparatus tha t s he applied toMeier ' s r ib a r e a . ".tIen she did t hi s he felt an e l ectrical sens a t i on an dthe r ib was heal ed . She said, because s he had no t brought t he r ight i n-s trument she co ul d not do much For hi s shoul de r or hi s t wisted foot .AFt er treatment. and some distraction of the pursuers by t he ex t r ater-

restrials , Meier made hi s way out of t he forest by anot he r "ay and arrivedhome alon e , muddy , we t s nd br ui sed , but no t s er iously i njured .The othe rs wai ted a time For Meie r t o show up , and then began s t ragg li ng

back to the Heier house Fr om "here they s t a r t ed , only to Fi nd Meier al readythere drinking co f f ee . The men discus s ed the si t uation at length and thenfinally reach ed a consensus that s omebody in the group was leaking con tactInfc rmat Ion t o others out s ide or the group . They would have t o be a toholelot more car e ful until they could i den t ify the s our ce of t he l eak and stopt he bet rayal , in l'<tl ich t he y succeeded s hor tly a Fter.


Nineteenth Ccntact Friday, 16 May 1975

'Ihough t Transmission

14: 09 h

senj ase- l / 'Ihis has been an easy matter, satisfying yourinquiry with respect to F .0 . 2/For hours I have occupdedmyse l f with him, penetrating into his mind as f ar as neces-sa ry. 3/'Ihis was accarplished. without great dif ficu ltybecause this person has no strong defense • ••

Semjase then gave Heie r a complete and deta ile d personal and spi r itualcharacterization of r .o., and h i s capabilitie s and i ntentions. and how t heywoul d or cou ld not affect Meie r and hi s group .

t-eier- You are once again speaking hars h words; Semjase,and I necessarily have t o think o f s ere things , which s crret i..rre ago l ed to scrre differences .

senjase- 23/You know very well the truth i s harsh, and myhaving made c e rtain mi stake s I because you are l eading inthat d i rection , aren I t you? 24/1 can assure you o f havingcorrected my mistake and will not carmit that e r ror again,but this you know quite well . 25/&J why then do youremind Ire o f that?

I j ust wanted to be assured that all i s correct.This by no rreans s hould you conside r a reproach, o r anythinglike that .Sanjase- 26 /1 understand - but further things , I haven ' ttine to tell . . .

That ccotact was ended by Semjase sifl1)ly breaking orr the transmission.


'IWentieth Ccntact 'fuesday 20 May 1975 10: 14 h

I tri ed d i f ferent ways in the l a s t f ew days to makecontact with you, but failed crnpl ete ly . I have sare im-portent, per s onal concerns which I wanted to discuss with you .Sanjase- 1/ 1 have recognized your attempts , but f o r certainreasons I did not arrange myself for them. 2/You have firstto care c lear with certain tlrings yoursel f.l£ier- Exact ly about tha t do I want to tal k to you . Fi r st,I had a strange exper i ence a fter our l ast contact , j ust afew hours later. Bes i de s with my c lose s t fri end I have notrrerrtdoned this to anybody, because I f i rst wanted to bec lear about, this , and because o f this I want to ask youwhether you have intrigued anything in respect to my s trangeexperience . I do not know what I should think abou t it.

3/You are very carefu l , and scarce ly expres s your-s e lf. 4/&:> you ev i dent ly want t o knew wha t c hild of truthI am?

loEier- You are wise .seajese- S/Als o you honor me. 6/It may indeed be tracedback to Ire , if this answer suffices .foEier- I t s uff i ces as far as my a ssumpt ion, but I want youto "le t the cat out o f the bag" .senjase- 7/You l ike l y mean that I should give you rror e Ln-fonna.t i on . 8/nus you shoutd get: Our high council has con-s i dered that you are mature enough to care into contac t wi tha higher form of spirit which has pass ed. beyond the rebirthand r e incarnati on (cycl es) . 9/ Because of this we have in-forrred the c reat ure of that spi r i t ua l dirrensdon and s phere,who has s tarted ccmnuni cat i on with you. .. l1/'Ihus try forhigh concent r a t ion and a faculty of acceptance, to f ulfil lthe task. 12/ I t wi ll be difficul t and t .Irre constnunq, (1)foEi er- You have fun with rre , because f ran whe re shall Itake a ll this t ine to dedicate myself to s t i ll mere suchkinds o f things ? I do a lso have to care for the livel yhoodof my f amily. Ha.y shall I do this then?Semjase- 13/ This problem is known to me, and a l so I knowthat your added wor k wi11 consurre much time , many rronths and


r easonable , because thei s establis hed inside of

years even . . .Mei er- But I won ' t be able to survive that l ong. Ha ...... e l seshall I live and sti ll be able to take care of my fami ly?senjase- 15/ 'Ihe t ime will be di f ficult ' f or you and yourfami ly, but i t wi ll be worthwhile tine . 16/You want t o bringyour fellow c reat ures he l p and show them the truth, in con-sequence of which you a lso take need and misery a short t .irreupon yourself. 17/ No goal s are achieved without trouble sand sacr ifi ces. 18/ Rerrember the r e a l p rophets of the past ,and what they accepted . 19/ 'Ihey as we ll were not spared.Meier- You have Ire under de lusion by your confounded Ioqf c ,On the other hand you evident ly i..m3.gine that a ll is veryeasy for me . But I am not liv ing in any heaven, just simpl yon the Earth...

Semjase- 21/It will not be as hard as that , s o don 't getexci ted.

Meier- You can ta lk easily, f o r you are not in need ofchas ing for the rroney ,Sanjase- 22/Ibn ' t wor ry, for I know that a ll will not becaneas bad as you at this rrcrren t; ass urre ,Meier- '!hat ' s o f nonsense and gossip use for me, but ther el ikely i s little else f or me than to j us t sccop out thiss oup .Sanjase- 23/1 know that you arewelfare of your fe llow-crea t uresyou _

Mei er- 1his view wi ll l ike l y as well s till be your l og i cwhen I get worked up as a dead body f or f e rtilizer, ye s ?seajese- 24/ You make hars h and peculiar j okes .Meier- One has to l et in fre s h a ir.seajese- 25/Sure ly, but you menti oned having dif f e rentquest ions?Mei er- Of course . I have brought her e with me f or you 0.,'0pieces o f wri t ings , which you should r e ad and judge . 'Iheone is a flyer fran my pencil, and the second is a birthhoroscope analys is about my person . I n the first one , my


group thinks the wor ding is tCXJ harsh and f rank to be accept -able . They tol d Ire the readers wou l d be shocked . About thesecond, I quite sIDply want to knew what you think aboutthis analys i s.

semase- 25/As you wish . • . (reading both scri pts) . . •Meier- (ScIrE seconds l a ter) \ofnat do you tJtink o f this?

semase- 26/1 see nothing in your flyer I could not agreewith . 27/ As we ll I see no reason for reproach in the harshtone . . . 28/Facts o f truth a r e important . . . 29/1t would beinexpedient if f ine , nice words were used. 30 /'Ihe truth canbe exposed on l y by c lear f acts , but not by c i r currwri t ings andn i ce words . 31 /Such a form wou l d be judged to f ail in thebeginning , as a l ready many such bringers of the truth haveexperienced bef o re you. 37/Tney l ove the truth a ll right,but to announce i t in public is for them another mat ter.

do not want to establish a g l obal o r ganizat ion o ftruth or to swamp over within a short tine the world's dwe l -l ers by the truth , a s s uch is not o f use for our mission.39/ Q'lly sma ll groups are s uf.ted , , , 40/ And by them tile truthwill s Iowfy sprea d ove r generations and centuries to a ll o fmankind , 41/ You ones are e f f ecting only the bas ic prepara -tion wor k .46/Tne truth is harsh and can never be announced in sof t

words ; this they should consi der. 47 /Tney s hould calmlyreflect on the true prophets o f o l d , whose l e s s ons o f truthwere couched in much harsher expressions than this flyer.48 /Tne truth i s never readily accepted and in consequencestrikes e nmit y . 49 /This a l r eady the old p rophe ts experi-enced, who o f ten gave their l i f e for it, and this will hap-pen now and in the f u t ure as we.l .I• . .

M::tier- '!his as well I have tried to explain• • • but I do notbelieve that my explana t ions have born much f ruit .

Sanjase- 50/S::> l e t the group 's c r i t i c s knew my exp lanations,for they ought to r ecognize the l ogi c there.

M::tier- So I wil L But nC1n' about. the s econd scr ipt ?

Semjase- 51/Sc:tre things are well called wnile o ther a spectsaccord to unreality. have s t udied you ove r the yearsthor oughly, and in a ll aspects .. . 53/He r e we discoveredthat you have a good intuiti on, which i s expr e ss ly contes ted


•'!his was more than I actually

in "this analysis .. . and there is evidence that the origin-a tor of this reacting was Inf o rmed about; many things inrespect to your person .. . (the r est of this ana lysis con-cerned the person who originated the horoscope chart and theinterpretation in hand) .lotrler- 'Ihank you, Semjase .wanted•• •



(l) 'lhe ne« o:mrun.i.cator was a discarnate intelligence which crlvise:i thatit o:u1d no identified as Arah:lt Athe.rsata, ",to began an extensfve th::u:tlt-t.ransnissioo PYegrGIlI with the of a voture to be collocte1 into an eventual h::ck.


21st Contact 'fuesday, 27 May 1975 02:06 h

There has j ust been a demand on me, to see you andto talk to you . At hare I am s till working and find no calm.'!he whole day I did not ge t away f r an the t ypewri t er, writ-ing the mes sage Arahat Athersata gave me. Hy wife l aid downfor s leeping one hour ago, and so I can l e ave untroubled. Ihave reflected very thoroughly about; what you have told me,but I don 't find a way out, o r how I can manage i t a l l.Everytlring is consuming too much tirre ; the contacts withyou, then the Contact Reports which l a ter you transmit to meagain ; a ll the tasks and demands which I per-form f o r you ,and now s t i ll the writ ing of the rnessages fran Arahat Ather-sata. Al l this together is si.nply very much , and I can nol onger earn the livelihood for my family and myself. I havea l right s t i ll sane people who care to me and whan I cure oradvise , but I am not able to live on their small gifts a lone .Since our f irs t contact I have lived solely by my own bankaccount, and have paid for the nece s s ary mater ials as we .l.L ,which had to be provided. t>1y account is na", scooped out and16, 000 f r anks gone , and I don I t knew how this a ll can con-t inue. I already told you once, I l i ve here on the materia lEarth, and not s impl y sorreplace in the Heaven . You evi-dently imagine it a ll teo easy in respect t o our life whichhere depends on financia l rneans , still.Sanjase- l / Sure ly, I see your hesitations and problems, bu ta ll the mat ters are neverthe l ess too trrcortant to be menacedby sorrows of that kind . 2/ Perhaps you are causing yourselftoo many problems i n this respect, for you wi ll find qccdf r iends who \"'i ll a s s i st you in this . 3/ On the other hand ,the spreading of t ruth a lways has been connected with prob-l ems, which should be evident to you . 4/1):) once r errernbera ll the t ruth announcers of former' times , who had to over-care s imilar problems . . . 7/ But why are you expressing thesethoughts in this direct ion?

Mly? I consider that a peculiar question fran you.Does n t t; it occur to you that I have to feed my fami ly andkeep i t alive? I can not sinply l e t my wife and children gohungry , and there are other things caning together , creatingeach rrorrth new pr oblems . '!here are running costs for thehouse, t elephone , electric i t y , ins urance, e tc . '!his costs


lie each rronth around 2,100 Swiss Franks , o f which I collectby myself scarcely one third, which is why my bank accounti s enpty. Also the equfprentis needed f o r f ilming and photo-g raphs have cos t much rrore money,

8/1 understand; so you have no t on l y the troubleto finance fooda , but the many other things a lso needed?

Exactly that .

senjese- 9/1 hadn't c onsidered a ll this , because such prob-l ems are strange to us. I 2/ Under these condit ions it isbetter if we defe r at l east sore things for a while, andccntinue tbern in l a ter years .

'Ibat i s and f ine, 5emjase , tot you are not con-sidering that I g rON' o lder and will not live eternally as amQserabl e l i ttl e Earth human .

13/SUrely , but I do not knew any other way, andenyhcw you say that it is necessary that you exercise wage-fu l work f or your livel ihood. I 4/Because o f this we willhave to l imit sere matters , even if this is unserviceablef o r our mission . I S/ Here I do not understand your findingno support; fran your group, as e verything is also in theirinterest teo...

Beaut i fu l ! Also the ITl2iT1ber s of the group have the irtroubles in caring f o r the i r livelihood and families, anda ll things connected therewith.

17/ SUre l y , but in spite o f that , I do not s eec learly. 18/1 a lready told you of the p roposa l o f gettingc rys ta l s f o r you , which you cou ld s e l l .

You contradict yourself, for you did tell roe, thatprovisionally I had to "rrnrrmt.fy" tihem ,

Semjase- I 9/ 1hat wasn 't rreant the way you interpret i t ncM.20/ As I only s uggested certain rreens , f or definite reasons .

Al l right , but h<:1.Y' shall I present these to thepeople, and what if, at any control points , r adiations aredetected that show them not of Earth origin?

Semjase- 2I /You will f ind the help of qocd friends; thusyou burden yourself with unnecess ary problems in this re-spect. 22/About the radiations you can be earned, as in


this r es pect the best analysis would show no such r e sults .'Ihen other p lanets send out exactly the sarre r adia-

tions into cyrstals as our E:1rth?

Sanjase- 23/ In this assumption you overshot the goal , asthe rrost different r adia t i ons , which of course are partlyabsorbed by a ll material things , are as well stored withincrystals, and are different for each p lanet. 24/0Jr tech-niques a llow us to withdraw such radiations out of materialforms again, so l ong as the forms do not contain changeablelif e. 25/In that way I r erroved the radiations in the min-e rals and crystals surrendered to you, which then upon in-trcduction into Farth space cook up the r adia t i ons of Farth.26/1f these extraterrestrial radiations had not been with-drawn, they would be noticeable and even dangerous for scrrefonns of lif e .

'!hen in this respect, if I conceive right , by chan-geable lif e you mean what we term flor a and fauna . Then, asyou were not able to reverse such r adiations in living crea-t ures , you found i t necessary to e liminat e two trees, whichhad picked up certain radiations fran your ship?[In another discussion on the "el imi nated" trees , Meier asked the ET cos-monaut how this was done, and her answer was qu ite brie f and direc t. Shesimply said, "We changed i t s time", and sure enough, those trees disap-peared completely , roots and all.]

Semjase- 27/You express it wel l.'!here i s s t ill a question in regard to the crystals

and minera ls . How are you able to free them of their radi-ations? is the process and how does i t function?Sanjase- 33/Once rrore one of your questions I am not a llC1n'edto ensser, 34/Your scientists a l ready knew how to absorbsmall va lues of certain radiations out of certain materials ,but in a r ather l imit ed way . 35/Our process is by regener-a tive mode while yours is of a destructive nature .. . 38/'!heapparatus could be cal led a neut ralizer .

But I still want to talk once rrore about IllY problem ,which during our conversation I have considered again . Idon I t know yet parts of the task have priority, but Iask myself whether this i s s uited?


senjese- 44/Al l i s iJrportant , and anything g i ven up is aIces , 45/But it does not seem possible any other way so wehave to take this step. 46/About this, I must; deliberatewith the other-a ,

Meier- I r e a lly r egret i t , Semjase , but I am no t equippedwith such financial means that I can live without earnings .You rrentioned again the crystals and minerals, and remindedIrE again of these things . Possibly with a little help I canotlle rwis e undertake sanething in this direction . en theether- hand, for 30 to 40 days rrore I c an live with my family,in t roubl e , before I have r eached the canplete end. I f Ican arrange sarething by them I may be abl e to survive with-out giving up srnething. Otherwise there is nothing to dobut shrink e ve rything to an absolute minimum, which I wouIdregret very mrch , '!hus I wi 11 use the remaining tiIre to seewhat can be done.senjase- 47/1 am delighted to hear your words ,ftller- I am concerned as much for a ll this as you, so Isti ll want to t ry my l a s t resorts .

seajese- 48 /You are great, because in the final end i t isnot dealing with your a,.m we lfare and profit , but with thatof your mankind itself .Meier- I t is wor-th this, as I see i t , when I cons ider wha tthe future c ou l d be .

semjase- 49 /You are sel f les s .

Meier- Nonsense , then I would not care about my livelihood.NoH yet, I sti ll have sarething whic h I have to discuss arrongus a l one, i f you s t i l l have sane minute s of t ime • • . ?Semjase- 52/0f cours e.

Meier- then . . . . • . . . •. . .. . . . • . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .• . . . . •. .

Thi s may sound like a pitch for money now, but r emember when Heier wasmaki ng this corrpl a i nt t o the UfOnauts , nobody was r ead ing these not es , andhe was i n f act in dire s t r a i ts . We have tried t o put cer s e jves in hisshoes . He was wor ki ng as a security guard (n ight ftatchman) ft'hen thiss tar t ed wi th the Pl eiadian s, an d t hen ve r-y s oon t he UfOnauts took up s omuch time, bot h day and ni ght , t ha t he l os t hi s j ob . At thi s point he hashad 21 contacts for r eco rd , seve r a l no t for record , and 9 photog r aph i cevent.s , a ll i n unde r four mont hs time, and these event s t ook place in many



di fferent p l aces , some ve ry r eecte , di fficult , and time co nsumi ng to ge tt o, Hi s f riend s and acquam t ance s were by now tak ing up nearl y every dayand a ll evenings t oo , t r ying t o fo llow r;ha l was go ing on, and he has hadt o write d Ol'," hundred s of pa ges of noles dur i ng t he s ame time. He has hadt he expen s e of II'lJch film and dev e loping, supplies to keep go i ng , t he ext raexpense of the cons t ant vis itor s using up litt l e res ource he had , andt he e xpe ns es of a l ways running a ll over the place to delive r and pick upfi l m i n p roces s i ng , meet t he e xt r at e r r est r i als , ca r ry out the va riouserrands given him, and still keep his f ri ends (rOlll be coming i"",,atient andangr y with him. have come t o agree t ha t his objec tions were ve ry welljus ti n ed .


22nd ccetact _y, 28 May 1975 18:17 h

Semjase- 1/1 am a b i t astonished that you have called rre sos hort a t.Irre after our l ast contact. 2! Have you found asolution a lready for solving the probl em, o r have o therinp::>rtant things appeared?

fol:y' things are not i..nportant, and I have not found asolution to my problem. But I f o rgot to g ive you Impor-tant;news, which is that fotr . V. wants to care on the 2nd o f July ,perhaps with his wi fe and o the r s , about whic h I am not sure .l'J1at 00 you thi.nk about; this?

Sanjase- 3/By r egret I did no t watch for this matter su f -fic i ently. 4/But I know that a change of opini on is takingp lace inside different persons, a change toward qccdthings which may help our matter. 5/But these things cannot a lways be f o reseen as diff erent f actors deciding tbei rdrrpo r-tance, 6/The rrost iJrportant concern here is a s trongrelig i ous inf luence.. _ 7/But I am delighted to hear thatthe first s t eps are in progress , and acceptance may findearlier realization than was foreseen . (1 ) Can you explore certain things o f Impor-tance for thefuture?senjase- 8/SUrely, but onl y if they are o f great importance .9/ To these things still, we must let 'them run their course,in which res pect i t wou.ld be senseless to I cok into thedir ect future . l O/He re the rrat.tcr is only that differentpers ons c hange their manner of thinking. l1 / But this we arenei ther a .lI owed to influence by any coercion nor by the rev-e lati on o f f acts about the future , and krlcMing the future isuse less because we are not to use this knowl edqe,13 / '!he viewing of per sonal concerns and facts o f develcprentof any c reat ures in the future should not be exercised, be-cause each creature must go its own way in nonnal develop-rrent , and is not a llowed to jurrp over any grades in develop-rrenti , without liVing through the necessary experience ofthat grade . • . (2) I consider that l ogical, and the rrea:ning and s enseof i t is c lear. '!hen the re is no sense in f urther discus-sing this meeting .

Semjase-- 14/SUre ly, that is r i ght - but certainl y you have208

not j ust called Ire because of this matter?

Meier- Of course no t , as I want to discuss s arething whichactually we shou ld have discuss ed a l ong tine ago. After ourcontacts , you transmit me our conve rsations only t o a de f -ined point . You are transmitting to Ire on l y the main con-vers a t ion, whi l e you neve r send with it the fina l words ,the l eaving, the actual p r ivate matters , and the welcare aswell . 'nle greetings , leavings and purely private thingsmight not be Important; for the humans and this mission, butwe have discussed things which might be of interest to myfe.l I cw c reatures . Here I neen those concerns which do notf a ll into my obl igat ion of s ilence . Can yeo change this? (3)

Semjase- 15/ If this i s your des i r e , then o f course I can,but I did not want to trouble you wi th teo much work , 16/ Asour pr i vate mi s s ion-ca used things do not really belong inthe r eportis , and scrre parts can not be revealed. at a l l. ButI coul d transmit the othe r matters .

Meier- I IIUlSt agree , and I will r eadi l y take up the ad-ditional work f or Ire .

Semjase- 17/ As you want iti in these concerns I l ike to ac-cord to your wi s hes .

flEier- 'lhank you , Semjase . can you expl a in to rre once, \<,nyyour thought - transmis s i ons a t a l a ter point in t iirre a l waysappear stereot yped insi de Ire , and why no r epeats of anywords o r sentences appear? In your t r ansmis s i ons I oftenhave great troubl es with the writing, as you j ust sirrplykeep dictating, and do never r e peat even one single word ,Your report transmissions rea ch into my consciousness, as wehave done the conversation. (4)Semjase- 18/Already f or sere ti.Ire I was waiting for thi squestion, and for a l ong t .trre I have wondered a t your con-s tant s i l ence about this .

foEier- I thought I c ould solve the r idd l e mys e lf .

5emjase- 19/ And did you?

I do not know. Saret..i.Jres it seems to me in yourtransmissions that your thoughts are rrechanical , as if theycare f ran a machine. Here I think of a tape-recorder , whichrepeats exactly what was recorded. Fran that I have care to


the conclusion, that you don I t per f orm the transmission per-sonally, but that they are sent by a machine o r s anethingsimilar. 'Ihe reason coul d be that you s uf f e r fran the saneproblem as Earth beings, that you are not able to store wor df or word in the b r ain, which mat ter have discussed. Butthe succonsctous , with its powera , never f o rgets, and youmust be abl e to take information fran there , wnfch you mustdo with a machine or sarething like that , whic h then beamsthe transmissi on directly to me . '!his is my idea. Of cours eI may be canple tely wrong . '!his could be arranged that nouseless repetiti on of words cerre through in the transmission ,and I am having great troubl e in writing dcscn the caningsentences and words fast enough.senjase- 20/1£ I had not heard this expl anation personallyI would have doubted you said i t . . . 24/Your expl anation issurprising in its accuracy . . . 24/Your explanation is s ur-prising , and I am shocked.. .

Mtier- But why? I do not unde r s tand .

Sanjase- 23/You still ask? 24/Your explanation i s suffic-iently correct that I am surprised... 25/SCne abilitiesinsi de you rraist; have increased during our tirre o f contacting ..• . 26/This could be dangerous in certain circles, as yoursoc:iety is not mature enough f or s uch knowledge . 27/ Yourscientists v..ou l d menace the life of your whole wor'Id , andput its survival in questi on. 28/Have you consi de r ed thedetails o f s uch an apparatus? (5 )

l£ier- Of cours e , because if I consider sarething, then Iwant to do that fully . I thought about the inner workdnqso f the machine, and have care to the concl usion . •. . . .

senjase- (Interrupting ) 29/'lhis, you are not e Hcwed to ex-plain . . . 30/This c ould be dange r ous . 31 /Your scientistsmight l e arn to deve l op such a dev i ce, with which they wou tdbe abl e to subject anyone to' thei r cont r o l . 32/They couldlift themselves up f or dei ties , and do exactly that which weseek to prevent . 33/In consequence, I will now have todiscuss with the others, because if ve have to eliminatesomething s pecial, then .

foeier- t-bTent ! r-arent , Semjase . - Are you saying that , thatyou want to ext inguis h sarething inside rre? Then you woul dhave to wait a l ong ti.rre f or this, because then you would


have an exper ience in a "b l ue marve l" , r-ty rrothe r ' s s on WJUl dnot so easily a llow that.•.• • •

Semjase- (Interrupting) Ibn I t get exc i t ed, fo r f irst I donot deci de such by mys e lf, and for the second, you wou.ldnei ther f eel anything no r l a ter be inj ured. 35/This i s s o le-l y the matter , the knowtedqe about. quite a s peci a l sys tem ofkncwl edge get t i ng rerroved, about; which you have becare con-s c i o us in your de l i ber a t i ons ••.

And you believe , that 1 wo utd si..rtply admit yourIhOrking up my brains into s a l ad ? And woutd vo luntar ily a l -l ew you to e r ase my personal brain ' s go:xls?

Semjase- 36/ l f this mist; happen, then you shoul d not exciteyoursel f because o f it.

fuier- ...0:> not believe that I wou l d a lleM' this so easily.

Semjase- 37 /Our abili t i es in this respect are s o very pre-cise and o f absolute certainty, that you wou ld ne ither beable to do anything a gainst it, nor r ealize o f it the t iniestnotic e . (6)

But I wou ld knew, sorrething s impl y not bei ng the reany rrore ins i de of me, wou l dn ' t I?

Sanjase- 38 / Sur e l y , as only a certain thing is r erroved, butnot your reminis cences .

Okay so f ar, then I could defend rre against thatneve rthele s s . I est.inate that without my r emini s cence s Iv,ould be no mare suited for my task in r e s pect to our mission,or am I wrong here?

Semjase- 39 / You are r i ght . ..

fuier- So do what you want , as the c ons equences are yourstoo, and may injure your tas k . If you be lieve 1 am j us t ates t - r abb i t , then there will be "v inegar" o f a l l.

Semj ase- 40/HOI.'1 do you mean that ? 41/1 don ' t want t o rrakeany tests or exper irrent with you . ..

fuier- \m.a.t e lse i s this c onf ounded elimina tion? ??

Sanjase- 42/ It i s witltin the recogni t ion and kncwledge of ahigh l y deve l oped science o f our r a ce. 43/'Ihe chance ande ffect o f s uch an elimina tion are absolute l y certain, and


the preci s i on does not l e ave the swalle s t inaccuracy .

Thus I am no t est-rabbit , but an execution-rabbit,if this designat ion p leases you rm re ,

senjese- 44 / 1 do not understand your exci t.enent , f or youwill not s uf f er one s ingle j ot o f damage .

'!hat does not matter to Ire . It l s a ll the sane . Nythoughts a r e !!!Y thoughts , and exactly l ike thi s they shouldr emain. I f you o r yours dis rega rd this fac t , then Iwill simpl y " l ock the shop" , des troy a ll the materia l , andtravel to the desert o r the j ungle and never return to c i v-ilization.

senjase- 45 / You ....uu l d r eally do this?

1 wou fd, and without he s i tati on . ..

seajase- 46/You wou l d destroy your missi on , and ou r s wi thit together?

Meier- Did I expr e s s myse l f too l ittle c learl y?

Semj ase- 47/ 'Nc:M I r eally don vt; unde r stand you any more ,

M:rier- Do you r eally think, that I wou Id let you j ust easilytake away my thoughts , as far as I a lready e l s e have troublesand mi ser i es to develop my mis e r able eartfneorm s p i r i t ualkncMledge? D::> you knew Ire s o little as to believe, that Iwou td Simply l e t you extinguish my gathered thoughts? '!hati s confoundedly il l ogi cal o f you , and exac t l y this I wou.ldnot have thought you ever dared. But you and yours can havei t now, wha tever you wan t; e i the r you do no mi r ac le ins i deo f my brain, e tc . , o r \VE! have talked the last t i.rre together .

Semjase- 48/You ho ld that pos i tion?

Has my speech no t been c lear enough?

Semj ase- 49/1 j ust want ed to be sure, and I see your eyess peaking the same l angua ge. SO/ As we ll the r adia tions o fyour f eelings witne s s the sinc e r i t y of your ....'ords , 51/ 1r egre t i t very much , having excit ed you by my explanations .- 52/ Nei the r I nor the other ones want to rrenace our tasksand mis s ion, o r hurt you by any mi schief. 53/In resu l t Ibelieve I can be r e s ponsibl e f o r , if I g ive you on one con-dition the pr anis e , 1. . . . ..

212 I do not rely on matters of belief, you knew as we l Ias I do .Semjase- 54/1 want to explain that I can take the respons i -bility to assure no exercise of rranipulation in respect toe limination. (fran rrermry) , i f I tell you, never to givenotice by even a single wor d o f your knowl edge in this re-spect.Meier- I wonder' heavily about. your mad behavior, Semjase,because there is so much unc leared matter i n it . You knewvery wel L that I never take great oaths, that but a "ye s " o ra "no" are decisive f or me. \fuy didn 't you ask me in thet:eginning whether I wanted to keep s ilence o r not , in whichyou then would have had an answer accordingl y , that I wo u Idkeep silence i f asked. do you then threaten Ire ands peak of an e l imina t ion . . . I don I t understand that. (7)semase- 55/ It «ou .ld have soon beccrre apparent to you , ifyou hadn' t p layed up your excf.terrent; s o much , 56/You wo ul dhave r ecogni zed the l ogi c in my words. 57/But , as a t themxrent; you a re unable to do s o , I will expla in : The e limin-ation was well rreant, because in this way you would be ex-posed to no more dangers . 58 / If you hadn 't that knowl.edqeany mare then nobody coul d entice i t fran you - e ven byforce , which unfortunately must be taken into cons ideration,f or this possibility exists . 61/This is a f a ctor of inse-curit y which cou l d be e liminat ed. 62/'!here might happen . . . .}oEier- (Interrupt ing) t-k:m2nt , m:ment , Semjase. No\v the coinhas fallen on me, and I underat.and you carpletely. But yetI want to say . . . '!he r e s ti ll is a third possi bility , which

senjase- 63/'Ihat ' s i llogical as I have conside r ed a ll pos-sibilities .l-Ei er- If you believe that , you are on the wrong track , youare wound wrong.Semjase- 64/1 don ' t understand the meaning of your words .

It means if you think you have unde rtaken a ll pos-sibilitie s , then you are j us t not thinking c learl y , or onewinding has burned out insi de of you . . .

Semjase- (Makes astonished face, then l a ughs ) ... thi s I .re-


74/ 'lhispr op:>sa l

gard a s f unny. . . I wi ll have to t e ll the others . . . 65/1 amdelighted you ' re making j okes aga in, even when I wonder haNf ast you ge t your f eelings under control aga in. 66/But youspoke of another possibi lity . . .Meier- I t involves a cororrmtse ,Sanj ase- 68/But I did not consider .

Nevertheless , there i s one and I even regard• • •this posadbd.L i.ty the roost fair, i f it can be arranged intdrre , You have a l ready taken my pranise, but neverthe less Iwant to t e 11 you my proposat , But fi r st I have to know thet ir.e conce rning the method of e l iminat i on . How much ti.ITe«outd be needed for such an e l imination, starting f r an thecamrnand unti l i t i s accomplished?semjase- 69/ 1 don ' t understand the sense of your question,but I can t e ll you the necessary t irre exactly : when we takeour apparat us , which f o r s uch matter s are cons tant l y pre-pared f or such e l iminations, and adjust them to the de s iredcreature , then i t takes l ess than three minutes, whereasdistance plays no roll.fuier- And how much tiJTe woutd you need i f I would s e nd athought-order for s uc h doing vi a your own per s on?senj ese- 70 / 1 do not see c learly, but we would need a f ur-ther minute f o r transmitting your order .foEi er- \'leU , this woufd then be less than four minutes , ifI concei ved i t cor rectly ?Semjase- 71/ eertainl y .fuler- So do listen to my canpranise . .. I keep poses s ion ofmy kncw t edqe, but if the situation should occur, that any-body tries to force Ire beyond my power- to re lease the s ecr e t ,then I send my thoughts to you , whe reaf ter you start as soonas poss i ble the e liminat i on .senjase- (Astonished l ook )Meier- I s that so dif f i eul t?senjase- 73 / 1 myself s hou l d have thought o f tJtis .s o l ut i on i s even a gcxxl one , , . 76/1 will tell yourto the other s . 77/Tney might even agree with i t . ..



'!hen the case is Indeed ended and c an finally ge tburied. Nclw yet I stil l want; to p i ck up a mat ter about; whichce once had talked , before you l eave, narrely with respect tothe c rys ta l s and precious stones , which accor ding t o yourinterpretations cou ld beccrre dangerous for 'uarans when theyare in their posessi on or carried on their person .Semjase- 78/AOOut this I have a l ready g iven you explanation .

loeier- Of course, but I have talked with scxreone about; theseconce rns , and we have CCf!E t o the opinion, being only rightand proper , that we should descr ibe these thoroughly in ourcontact r epor-t , as i t is o f i..rrp:Jrtance to Ea..rt.I-. burrans ,Semjase- 79 /'Ihis s ounds l ogical , and in e f f ect I ....rant; toexpl ain the s alient facts once mere s Each and all c ryatc .Ia,semf-cryateIa , precious stones and semi-preci ous s tones , as....'ell a s different minerals o f Bar-th o r igin, a r e r ece i versand transmitt ers o f human esrotuona.c f eeH nqs and tihouqht;energies . eO/Each, according to their k ind, store rrore orless these energies which thei r owner-s dis charge , concen-trating them again and influencing the ccnere considerably.81/ 'Ihe Earth sphere vibrates with the energy of rrost evilpowe r a , which surround the Earth l ike a heavy coat . 82 /'Ihesenega tive f orces arise and are f urther deve l oped by the vastnegative thought-energie s of the Earth-human creatures,which p laces the who l e wor Id under the spell o f dangerousand deadly radia tions . 83 /But as crystals of every sort , aswe ll as preci ous stones and different mine r a ls are strongreceivers and absorbers o f such energies, it is unavo idablethat by these negative human energies and thoughts , theybeccrre extraordinarily charged with evil characte r and hecatea dangerous cause o f need and misery. 84/Each according toi ts sort and character , beccrre rrediators for s ickne s s , l ang-uishing states and even death when they are in the poses sdono f humans , 8S/Especially crystals and precious s tone s o fevery kind are ve ry sensiti ve r eceivers and collectors ofnegat i ve human thought energ i e s and negative errot ions . 86 /By that they are a l r e ady s trongly influenc ed by their or ig-inal p laces of growth bef ore they are f ound by h1..lmIDS . 87/'Ibis is a consequence of the very strong negative power'swhich surround the Earth . 88 /If the human being wants tohave c rys ta l s and precious s tones in his pose s s ion , to ownthem as valuables , use them for decorati on , o r as a b ringer


of heal th, then he is o r dered to f irst release the dangerousr adiations , which appear as an osci llation (v ibration ) , be-cause otherwise they are able to b r ing hann to him, 89/Ee-s ides this, it is necessary that these c rys tal s and s tonesbe f resh ly neut r a lized at l e ast e ve ry five years , as theyrecharge themse lves again after this ti..Ire f r an the Intrenseene rgi es o f the negative thoughts o f Earth rrankdnd, 90/ Theneutraliza t i on can be per'fomed by a s imp.le apparatus whicha f ter this expl anation I shall describe .91/1f the human being does not s ubjecthis pcsaessdons o f

this kind to required neutra lization. . . then he s hould no twonder- i f he i s persecuted by sickness and misery, by needand sU£f e ring , and by a l anguishing state, by i ll l uck andeven dis aster and death . 92/ The human a l so has a tendencyto wear talismans etc . , f or h i s protection, but is not con-s c i ous of the fact that p r actica lly a ll o f these talismmsand l ocke ts are of littl e use , and work on l y in cons equenceof the relief he l d in any e ffect . 93/ <A1 the other hand , thewearers o f such things a l so do not knew that they expos ethemse lves , by these l ocke ts etc . , to danger •. • as a lso the s ethings are often s trong receive r s o f negat ive thoughts andreflect them to the ccners and wearers , 94/Consequent lysuch things should l ikewis e be subjected to ne utralizat i on ,but in l e s s than five years . For each, according to themine ra l o r rra.ter i a l , the t itre vari e s f r em six rrorr ths toaround two years , 95/Much r ecamended are c rystals andprecious stones , and mine r a l s , o f extraterres tria l o r i gin,i f they care f ran eortds whic h a re e i ther unpopul ated o rare populated by c reatures o f harrroru.c character . 96/ Obj ectso f this kind f ran s uch wor lds have not fo r mi lleniums beenin!1uenced by degenerati ve negative human pcoer a and thoughtsas is the c a se on Earth. 97/Crys tals and precious stonesmust be exposed to strong negat ive charging f or s everal mi l -Ieruums befo r e they beccrre receiver s like those of Earth .98 / 0f course this charge can be dimini s hed in a f ew minuteswhen s uitabl e apparatus is used. 99/ Bas ically c rystal s ,mine ral s and p r ecious s tones o f eve ry kind are receivers andemit ter s of qood, positive forms o f energy when the y f indtheir grCMth in harrrondous wor lds . 100/ 'Ihis is the emlxxli-ment o f natura l law everywhere . lO1/ When they are worn bycapabl e thinking creatures imned.iate l y next to their body,they quickly adapt themselves to that c rea ture , and receiveand emit the peculiar energies o f that one . l 02/ But when a


mi.L l en.iums o l d negative form of energy cha rges them, s uch ason Earth, then they de generate tcwards the negative . 103/ Thereverse is possibl e as well , but this is unknown on Earth ,and speci f ica l ly the positively gener ated f orm. 104/ Crys tals ,miner a ls and precious s tones fran hanronized wor lds shouldon Earth not be s ubjected t o neutra lizat ion wi .th r e spec t tonegative thought energies. 10S/ 'Ihis i s f i r s t needed only ifbefore caning into possession of the human they had been, ac-cording to character , exposed for 2 to 4 rni lleniums to thenegat i ve wicked r adia t i ons. 106/If they core Into possessiono f hunan beings bef ore this t .Ine and are carri e d on them,then they need only a simple inner c leaning each seven years ,but not a neutralization.

i s the s i tuation with pearls then?

Sanjase- 107/ 'Ihey are o f the serre character as crystals ,precious stones and minerals.

I s ee , and what i s the nature of your rrentioned neu-traliza t i on? can we simply use water here , or i s this neu-traliza t i on achieved by conjurat ions and secret formulas?

senjase- 108/ 1 have already told you one time that this isa ll nonsense.

I do know this , but I am offering this question be-cause your interpretation is important for my fe llo.v-crea-tures and they should know the tnlth.

senjase- 10 9/ 0 f course, as a lready said, a neutralization ,or only an easy inner c larification too, of such objects,can not be accanplished by secret formulas , conjurations, bywater or other means of this nature . 110/ For the neutraliz-a tion, o r the e a sy i nner c larification, is needed a specialapparatus which absorbs the mentioned energies and neutral -i zes them. l ll/ This rreens that they are "drawn out" of thecrystals or precious stones and are converted to neutra lenergies . 112/ 'Ihese neutra l energies are then "s uck l ed up "again by the crystals and stones, and form balanced forcesfor a certain t irne . 113/'Ihis in the case of a neutralization .114/In the case of a c larification there must be absorbedf ran t i.rre to tine only the penet rated degenerative forces ofnegative or positive form, and neutralization whereby theseare simply released. llS/A new charge of the crystals andprecious s tones i s not needed in this case, because accord-


'!here is no needyou would g i ve a

ing to natura l l aw they a re able to genera te their bal anceof forces by themselves. 116/Mlen I have rrent ioned thenthat such crystals and preci ous s tones nust be subjected toc larificat ion, i t i s onl y neces s a ry i£ the wearfnq person isdegenerat ed negati ve l y , as f o r example torturers who takedelight in the vexa t ion o f other humans. 117/Crysta l s andprecious stones in the posseaadon o f ordinary negative humansnever need to be subj ected to a c l arification; under theprernfse o f course that the stones are harrrondous and extra-terrestrial or igin, for on your Earth these s t i ll possessthe ir own na t ural and worthwhile forces usefu l to the humanbeing.

This will s urely be c l ear enough .fo r further explanation. But you did s aydescription o f the necess ary apparat us .

SEmj ase- 118/ Surely, but at f irst onl y you shoul d know thedetails, as perhaps you can by that gain a f inanc ial advan-tage , which wou kd he l p you to overccrre your financial prob-l ems . 119/So what is needed i s the foilow,ing (and shedescribed a plan o f constructi on) .

'Ihank you , Semjase , '!hat in itself is very easy t oconstruct , and I will build this apparatus as soon as I getthe ti..Ire and chance . l'bN yet i t might be s u f f i c i ent f ortoday , for I have f inally to make good sore s l eep . ArahatAthersata has g iven rre on !-bnday a further sequel to hisrressage , c laiJred a whole day. After this I had ,o f cours e , the whole night to do many things and my workdnqwhich I had missed. during the day. 'Ihen in the early rrorn-ing at 02 : 00 I carte to your contact , and then I worked fur-ther unt il the a fte rnoon , whe re I still r eceived visitors .After the visits I wanted to sleep a while, but then youtransrnitted rre the r eport; and I had to write i t down. At01:30 I final ly got to bed , and at 09 :00 I was cal led to thetel ephone . The tine for s l eeping has been scarce forhours of being awake , as a r esult of which I now want tomake good s are s leep i ng .

Wit h that this contact ended and Neier rode his Mo-ped home i n a state o fcomplete ex haust ion .




0) 'Ihe visitor errt.tctpated bere was Barr- , Karl Vei l of wiescecen rest.GemEny, pJblisher of UFO l'W:HRIanm, the ooly veexty UFO resvspaper inthe vor-Id. 'Ihe concern expressed bI Sanjase in phrase 6 was vef.L fcurded ,f or Karl ard. }lnny Veit were in fact staunch Olristians, very f i..nn in theirl:::eliefs of their pnt.icular sect, ard. they were not ooly "turned off" , roteven offended, bj the attitu1e of these so-catted "Pleialians" , ard. theyinm=rliately asscctated than with the Pnti-Qu:ist, of literature,ard wanted. nothi.rg IIDre to do \'li th the sit:ua.ticn. t'h2n we Intervteoed Karlen 01e of orr t-r-Ips to Solitzerlarrl, he had no part.icufar cccntez-evidence,nor- any special reasrn to oo.Jbt the extstence of the UFOactivity Indicated,Ixrt, be th:u;}ht it was irrel..igiaJs ard bed all the I,By arccrrt.(2) jere tre extraterrestrials make refermce to cur need to exper -iencetie ecorse of cur ocn evoluticn, ard the prohibitioos against over leapingor bypassing it, a o:ncerrJ. that has ernE up in a nurcer of UFO contact;cases before this.

(3) By roN t-eter has dtsccvered that the t.ransmtss.tcns are teing edttedan:i PJr92d at sene level before they are t.ransmtcted to him in the form ofthese o:ntact notes. Elrb:>ldened bj his grawi.rq faniliarity wi th the ex-t.reterrestz-iala, he cha.llerqes this ard wants the rest o f the ccntect;

dialcgue t.ransmtcted as \'>ell .

(4) wttresses whJ have ccserved the recepticrI of these transnissicnsreport. that the wr iti.rrJ a:::IIES very rapidly, ard uninterrupte:ily in a steedycadence, right thn::uJh to the errl of the nessage.

(5) 'Ihere seems to be sene precess of irrluctive Iearninq that takes placein extErdErl UFO ccntacts such as this . 'Ihere are even cases of illiteratepertscns ceccmtrq strl:jenly literate, ard. o f others SlrlH1ly ne-I

1.anguag5. t'e 00 nat urrlerstarrl the prccesa bj which these faculties areattained.

(6) A form of very carefully ccnt.rokled, irrluarl erres.ta had been reportedin a mrri::er of UFO cases. '!his is screrrurq like selective de-prcqrarmtrqin a mirrl rontrol precess such as is rDN bein:;J erplcyed bf w:.Jrld intelli-g;nce orqanizar.Icns,

(7) '!his was the fit:st of several erqry excharqes !·eier has had I..ith theseextraterrestrials. H2 1'.'aS l csing pacae-ce \'lith their derards at the seretune he b2gan to exper-ience a kirrl of f eniLiar-ity that ertoldE:ned him SCIre.


"'e have now recorded 22 cOlllllUO ications c ont acts i n ex ac tly fou r mont hss i nce t he beginn i ng \lII ith t his ex traterrest r i a l t e am, a phenomena l r ec ord ,and f r om t he ve ry s t ar t t hes e vi sitor s became more and more demanding ofMeie r an d hi s pe rsonal ti me .In addition to t he s e f ace-En-face mee tings (e xcept for t h r ee thought-

tran smi s sion s ) t here were t en fl i ght deeo nst.ra t t on e vents, a t seve r a l ofwhi ch Me i er was a l l owed to bring othe r wi tnesses , and even some r epresent-atives f r om t he news media "er e i nvit ed on e time. Up to fo ur o f t he other\lIIi tnesses brOUght thei r 01'1O came ras and II'IBde photogr aphs of t he space-shipsduring thes e demons t rations , besi des Meier . Severa l of his closest f r i endshad a l so \lIIitnessed the arrival and/or depar ture of the ex traterres t r ialspacec r a ft on t hes e f ace - t o- f ace meet ings .Sometimes Meier was l e d c ons iderable d i s t ances throoJgh col d and r ain ,

even at the lat es t hours of n ight and t he ea r lies t times of mor ni ng , tothes e mee t i ngs . He was t ri ed and tes t e d i n many ways, and beg an t o de ve lopa familiarity that allowed h im to cha l l enge them on a co upl e o f occas i ons ,and he began t o negotia te with t hem to some degree ins tead of s imply ac-cepting t he ir assignments and i ns truct i ons, and a l l they t ol d him .


23nl Cbntact 'I\lesday , 3 June 1975 10:44 h

Semjase- l / You took much t.irre before you called Ire again .Arahat Athersata has g iven Ire much material. Besides

that I had to occupy myself with different people who carteto Ire for help. And further I have troubled myself to pre-pare a l ecture respecting the real ity of your person, thebeamships, e tc . , and about; the UFO matter in general. Con-nected wi th that has been a tape-recorded discussion, whichi tse lf has c l aiIred b.u carplete nights. Also I had to as-semble the films and dias lides , which a ll has consumed veryrmch t irre •• •semjase- 2/r-ty staterrent was not a rebuke . 3/ 1 am g lad youhave worked so much f or our mis s ion , as nON you like l y canstart with the first lect ure.Meier- So I hope, and in thi s mat ter I wi ll talk with theo ther -ones next saturday I f o r the sake of organization of i tand the l ike.

Semjase- 4/nKlt i s because you really are not able todo i t a ll by yourself a lone. 7/ If they want to be a part o fyour matter , then they as we ll should do this and not besatisf ied with only reading the contact reports . 8/'Iheirhelp mast; be e f fective , o therwi se it i s of no use .

Jeier- '!hat is evident, Semjase, but you have to considerthem still being irrpr isoned by certain doubts , and partlyabout; their posi tion. sera of them shrink fran telling theirnarres publicl y , as that might r e s ult in financial or pro-fessional dis advantage • • •

Semjase- 9/'Ihese reasonings do not all sound s o logical.Certainl y , parts o f the rra tters I have to acknowledge, butothers I don I t . I O/ At a ll tines announc e rs o f truth had toa ccept certain diff i cu l tie s , but they neverthele s s s e rvedsincer e l y . Of cours e , but the ti.rres have changed, and today onecan no l onger nourish oneself on wi l d honey and Iocuata l ikeancient Elias , who as far as I know had as well no fami ly totake care o f .

-Semjase- l1 /Sure l y , but nevertheless do speak with them.


Mrier- This I will do . - In the l ast days I have been think-ing about; o rder , l aws and r egula t i ons whi ch were o f f e red bythe prophets of o ld. ' ..bat new intere s ts rre a r e the l aws inr espect to mat r im:my. 'Ihe l ast l aws in this respect (:'b s aiclaw) were rathe r barbarous . Since then, t irre has c hangedand the human being has beccrre i f not IT'Ore humane , at l ea s trror e r e f ined in his bar barity. 'Ihat i s the tolay I see it .

Semj ase- 12/Only ti.rre but not the human has c hanged, thuswhy s houl d the l aw'S l:e changed? 13 / 'Ihis i s f irst admittedwhen the Earth human has really becare humane and lives ac-cording to spi ritual l aw

M::!:i er- Then you are o f the opi n ion that the o l d l aws inrespect to sex and mat rim:my are s t i ll as valid today as inthat epoch?

semjase- 14 /Sure ly . .. 15/ "/hen a crea t ure l oads , a ga instbetter knowledge, qui te cons c ious l y , a guil t upon himself ,then he pays an a tonerrent , beca us e that i s the l aw o f just-i ce. 16/ 1f the consc i ous l y self- laden guilt i s too great ,then a punishIrent in bal ance of such gui l t is suited,where the concerned creature is urrcorthy o f life and l osesits j ustif ica t ion f o r existence . 17 / 'Ihe a tonerrent then fol -IONS a t a l a ter pcdnt; in t ine, a r e b i rth , which life thencarplet e s the f omerl y e liminated lif e . 18 / 'Ihis i s validonl y f o r creatures o f barbarous nature , because they canunder s tand this exe rci s e o f l aw. 19/ In s uch case , not on lythe t i.Ire, but the form o f lif e c hanges , and in this wayr i s e s in s pi ritual deve Ioprent. , f or whi ch the exercise o fl aw is a lso changed. 20 / N::::M, instea d o f e l iminat i on , cas -tra t i on or s t erilization , the l aw p r ovides , instead , f orexile f o r lif e, and this into s e parate c i rcl es o r groups .21/OJlpr its are separated by s ex to distant wor'Ids and i s -l ands f or the r est o f the i r life where , l a cking the others ex they can not mul t dp .ty , 22/ 'Ihe Earth human might be inpos Lt don fo r such a t the present t i.Ire i f he were not so cor -rupt and dis united.

I understand, Semjase, but as these l aws are c hange-able they can not be of Cre a tion or igin, because the l aws ofCreati on are e terna l and unchangeabl e.

Semj ase- 23/Sure l y . 24/ 'Ihese l aws , a s pr e s e rved in theTa lmud, are o f human origin and rreant to regul a te Earthcreatures. 2S/These l a.....s were given by the h ighest l eader


o f the human r a ce s , Gove:rnor of the Heavenly Sons , by theCod. 26/His p rophets and rrediators and selected hl..UTlaI1S an-nounced these l aws arrong the races , which observed them un-fortunately for only a short t ime, and confounded them l a t e r ,which was a furthe r s tep in the direction of the abyss ofl a ter manki.nd.

loeier- HeM is this with yourselves? D:J you have hl..UTlaI1S mak-ing these l aws?

Sanj ase- 27/t'fuerever there a re thinking fOIThS of lif e, thereare established l aws eve rywhere . 28/Fach , fran the positionof spiri tual deve lopment of the tribe 's l e aders , have takenlaws fran the true na t ura l l aw and expressed them in respon-sible form \vi thin human-natural l aw. 29/ In consequencethese l aws are of natural l ogi c , and a re not illogical andprimitive, such as ones established on your wor-Ld,

fuier- I have kncxcn for sene t ine, our l aws being oftenprimitive and even s t up i d , but they a re not changed so quick-l y , as the humans in qovernrrent; s t i ll exercise pure wor l dly-mater-Lat pcear, Actually you have a lready answered ere inrespect to the existence of your Laws . Hy next question is,whether you have as well on your am p lanet, fOIThS of c rim-inalit y and other degenerat ions against wtrich you have Laws?

Sanj ase- 31/I t i s nonsense (to think) that we are super-rrenand no l onge r need l aw. 32/Only there where the Creationa ll aw beccmes selfevident do expressed l aws fa ll away. 33/'Ihisonly occurs at very high spi ritual l eve l s, in pure-spiritua lspheres , where mater.tet Ity i s a thing of the past. 34/l-la-terial forms of lif e are s t ill a fflicted by 'teo many mis-takes , than that they can simply neglect l aws appropriateto thei r l evel .

fuier- But s till , hay then do you manage the exercise ofsuch l aw? I f I understand right , then you have establishedfor certain crfnes , a certain punishnent , such as life exile?

Sanjase- 35/certainly, whi le with you puni.shrrent; i s exer-cised in a primit i ve way, which is no rmre the case us .36/Our l aws are of a mere spiri tual l evel and consequent.Iyrrore humane , which can not be said of yours . 37/Heavy crimesare no l onger punished by elimination and injury to thephysical body , as is s t i ll your barbarous habit on Earth.39/'Ihe f allible c reatures are exiled to other worlds used


exclusively f or this purpose. 40 /'Ib s uch wor lds are exiledon l y creatures of the serre sex . 41/In that 'Yay propagat ioni s prevented and no descendants are produced . 42/'Ihe exiledones are l e f t to the i r ccn rreans on these wor lds and have tocare f or themselves with their own hands . 43/No machineryor apparatus i s l e f t a t their dt.sposa l , and they are for b id-den to produce such things . 44/'Ib assure this ob j ect i vethese wor lds are controlled and secretl y produced. rreans areeliminated; besides this , any contact to any other s isc l osed. o f f . 4S/<n sore o f our wor l ds , the fallible creaturesare a l so exiled to g reat islands , if the grade o f f a llibilityon the concerned wor ld is very l ow. 47/'Ihis manner o f pun-Lshrrent; assures security, and a t the s erre tiIre the f allibleones are no burden to the s oci ety . 48/ f.breover this f onn ofpunishrrent i s humane and suited, because the fa llible onesare not obs tructed in their deve .loprrerrt. ,

Mller- Fantastic . But our mankind on Bar-th is s t i ll toodisunited and teo corrupt f or such a fonn.SBnjase-- 49/1 already tol d you s o .

l'ttier- But during your explanatioo I had a quite fantasticthought . Cou ld it be that in ancient times , our Earth aswell, has s erved as an exile p lanet?

senjase- SO/Yes , sure ly, your assurrption is cor rect. Sl/rnvery ancient t .Irrea differ ent fa llibl e c reat ures were exiledfran diff e rent worlds in thi s Universe to your Farth, aswell as fran our race a l s o . have no exact dates . (1)

Mller- But may I ask , what i s your s ituatioo with matri..nnnyand. the procreat i oo o f descendants? . .

5enjase- 75/ .. . 0Jr r aces are monoqarroua , after a thoroughc learing up of f a c ts in r espect to belonging togethe r . 76/l-listakes of course can not be excluded, but these , i f neces -sary, are still l a ter e l iminated. 77 /Descendants are reg-u l ated by the highe s t council , rreaning that a definitearrount o f b i rths within a defined amount; o f tiIre i s observed,so as to preserve the race without overpopulating. 79 /Harr ied coupl es r emain during their l ife in that alliance.80/So divorce as you knOll it is insufficient and admitted inon l y the worat; cases, such. as when one i s exiled. 81/Butthis is r are . 83 /Our laws have been the sane f o r milleniums .

224 But what about the chance that a human being of yourr ace may l ave a human being of a sub-developed wor-Id?secrjase- (laughing) 88/EXactly the serre as you : thehurrans l ave another with a ll their fee lings, l ike I l ove you You want to say that , to have yours (2)senjase- 89/Surely, I am enarroured with you.loEier- You are mad , my child, you could be seven t irres mygrandrrother , and on the other hand is poasib.le .senjase- 90/Stop, stop - first I knew your whole interpre-tation of l ove very exactly, and on the other hand Iam conscious of the deep f r i endly fee lings you have ,and that you a lso are enarroured with rre . 91/So you needn 'tconsciously distort your words and give another touch to thethings that you r eally fee l. 93/Ieave your feelings to theirnatural course, because I knew them teo we Ll for you to hide'them f ran Ire . 94/On the oilier hand, I knew thoroughly al:outIre and you, that our fee lings a r e of merely dear friendlynature, and we would not have to be ashamed o r f rightened.95/I f i t was l ike this arrong a ll Earth humans , then you wou.lda l ready have the paradise.

W=ll , well - so you knew my fee lings and my differ-ent iat ion between rove and l ove .senjase- 96/Surely, and because of that, I as well fee lluck inside of ITe , as you say.loEier- So in consequence, you knew that I hold the view,that many sorts of l ove are possible, and that love in afriendship and l ove in a matrirrony are only separated bysmall differences , and that the sincere l ove of fe.lIow crea-cures in general "hangs by the serre chain"?Sanjase- 97/1 know this , and your opinions in this respectare to be admired. 98/1 only think that in this respect youare misunderstood and attacked through erunity by your fe llavcreatures.loEier- You are r ight. But I am highly delighted by yourupright l ove . Your f riendship is of great wor-th to me. Butyou haven I t answered my quest ion ccrnpletel y .Sanjase- lOO/Unfortunately I did not lis t en : I f a human of


our r ace s hould f all in l ove to a r ace of another wor-Id , anda r a ce be.low our spiritual g rade , and they roth want thisa lliance, then it is possible under our l aws. 102/l'Jl1etherthe creature o f the o the r world i s be.lew our spiritual gradep lays no i.JTp::)rtant part, as one can be deve tcped,fJeier- '!hen 1 consider this fair. But are s uch eventsnomal ?'

senjase- 103/No, they are actually very rare .

l-Eier- Sti ll another question, Semj ase. HeM great by numberis your mankind?senjase- 10 4/1 can only answer you this question when I ex-p lain that we are connected to an a lliance (o f p lane ts )\oJhich extends itse l f far into the Cosrros . 105/ 'Ib this al-liance belong different solar sys t ems , and the t o tal arrountof i nhabi tants of the human kind of lif e escones to c l ose to127 billion . lOG/ The re are s till innurrerabl e other intell i -gent f o:rrns of life of non-human character and standard, be-s ides forms o f human (and o the r ) beings who are unknown tous or with whan we siJrpl y are in no, (3 )

l-Eier- Fantastic. But what about our Farthly solar systemif 1 may c a ll it that? lb.... many f orms o f lif e , and 00'" manynon-hurran c reatures exi s t , where I a lso incl ude the que s tion,which sotar p lanets are inhabited?

107/ 'Ihat, unfor-tunate Iy , i s a question which f orquite certain r easons 1 am not a t Iowed to answer to theE3rth humans .

And to rre , quite a l one for myself?

Semjase- l OB/ Sure ly.Then do s o p lease, after our talking, but can you a t

l e ast t ell s arething about the possibilit y o f inhabi tat ionof our neighbor ing p l anets?

senjase- 109/1 am on ly a t Iowed to expla in so much , thatdifferent of the s e p lanets have in f onrer t imes beenoccupied by our r a ce s , and are by mtnimaj treasure stilltoday important f o r us as bases .

l-Eier- Are you s ure o f that?

115/Naturally, for I have troubl ed myse l f very


rmch about; these matters . 116/Besi des that , 1 know everys ingle p l anet o f this s ystem, and thus I do not onlyassurre • 117/ Surel y , ther e are Sate diff erent forms of lifef ran the widths of the Universe active in this s o l ar s ystem,but they have not settled there . U S/ Like oursel ves, theya lso keep bases here , but their races are living f ar out -side in the Cosm:::>s , on their CMI1. wor-Ids , (4)

A l en gt hy e xchange about hi gher de ve l oped forms of s piri t who take upccemeu cat tcn and c ontact with Earth humans t hen Fo.Llowed , l'lh i ch concl udedwith:

Semdase- 145/ Then I would recommend• • • • • • •••.In ccrmend, grandma.

Sanjase- 146/1 am no Earth \\UIloID .

fuier- 1 just had this c r a zy thought , and thus 1 just s implyhad to scratch one ti.rre by this thorn .Semjase- 147 /And - are you con t ent ?

Yes , as your reac t ion was clearly evident . Theacquatntance saretiJTes s imp ly l e ts f eelings awaken , whfchare unrea l . . .senjese- 148/ SUrel y , and as well we are subject to suchconcerns . 149/ 0 f ten I have had the f eeling, like just now,that you are a human being of our r ace.M:rler- In a distant way , this i s even correct.

senjase- 150/ SUrely, but t ine and space lie between that.And wi th t ha t cceeent this eee t roq ended and Semj ase s ignalled Fare...el l

and departed in her 7 met e r spacecr a Ft .



(l) '!his prospect; has been bj others am raises saIecur real origin. \t1y was I'rliD, or m'nl , bare <It Earth

aicre for a tdrre before Eve? J'Ind h::M l.J::rq in fact was that tin:e? \'hy didtfe " f all" cxne with the arrival of Eve? W1ere did the other races o::mef:ron? Wn were the giants, c:ycl.cps. unicorns, satyrs, etc.?vh3.t occurred in the th::usarrls arrl mj ) 1 jms of years before cur cwn 're-corded histories (of ooly the last few t:h::usarrls of ytXlrS) tegan?

(2) This sinple state::alt has been used b.i critics to c laim a Ieee affairI-ktier am. this extraterrestrial w::m3fl, Io'l'1e1 sirrply rea::li.rq the next

rure seeterces \'Dll.d have revealed that sbe is spaa.'ting of altruistic love,ani rot the venal l ove!, in any SEnSe of the "'Olrl. A£:parently thereare surE still \ob:) are U'R'Iare of the difference.

(3) '!his off-Mrd revelatial of an au.terce, or a o:mn.nity of planets arrlcivilizati.cns, is b:mne cut bj a a::nsirlerable nwi:ler of sul:stan.tial oroa::ntact cases, an::1 seans to be well ani bf trcee races n:wfreely in spece , This reference to a IUIi::er of"lt creatures trave ling" in space am cx:min;J here to cur solarsystem, am. this planet, is also S\.If!Drted by the nuri:er arrl variety of UFOccntect; recorts J:J:I<rle. Truely we uust be in quarantine, arrl for SOIE rnascnseen to be lrrler bj a vast cm:::unt of inte.ll..igen::e of mmykirrls . rhy? }Inj awarmtly tj-ose visits are rot l imited to next-dx:lrneig'Ilnrs in S{ECe. Are we that far behind?.. 'Ihi.s also answers ato.Jt this visitor ' s use of the collective fODD in descri.birqUFO visitors to Earth. 91e is referrir:g to them, the shif:s of the a.ll..iiInoe,curl all other visitors of wtn:n they are aware, as well as th:rsetheir tut rot of Earth origin.(4) Ferhap; sene of the urn visitors wto claim trey erne here fran cneor arother of the planets of oor solar systen are in fact a::min';J f rans:neb:rly else ' s bases ti'Ere, arrl use that paint; of retereoce tpcanse of ocrCW1 limitm. of any other planets in cur uuverse,


We had been l abo r ing unde r t he assumption that these extrat e rres trial svi s it i ng Switze rland came from a specific pl ace. And t hey do but now wear e f orced to expand that concept , which also i s bou rne out in t he obser-vations of Edua rd Meie r , t o i nc lude the va r i e ty of other e xt raterrest rialac t i vi t y an d also ot her contacts wi th h im. He has even pho tographed anumber o f other [T s pa cecraft which do not belong t o the Pleiadians , s omeof which wer e unknown to t hem. Although thi s part icular gr oup includingSemjase does have a home planet , t hey are a part of a bigger alliance ofmany s i milar humans , r.h o also ha ve other di fferen t home planets , and whoare also trave ling i n space on miss ions o f t he i r min , r.t1i ch some times doesbring others o f t hem her e to Ear t h t oo.As t he y said , their society of compatible and s imila r human beings, in

t he i r societ y a lone, nurrbered s ome 127 bi llion , whi ch i s 26 t imes the pop-ulation o f Ea r t h a t t he present time -- and if we are t o even pa rtlybel i eve t he r eport s , there a re many other a l l iances o f humans , andable groups of ot her ki nds and racetypes , s ome o f r,t1om fi nd t he ir \'jay heretoo . Truel y a staggering concept to consider .I n our l i mit ed study o f nea r l y one hundr ed r ec urr ing uro contact cases

of great depth an d prol onged and pro fo und natu re, we have found only t wor.h er e t he e xtr a t err es tri al visitors may be comi ng f r om the same place .Thi s seems t o indicate a phen omenon of much wider s cope than i s popul ar l ybelieved , and certainl y seems t o bear out much o f what is being said i nt hese cont ac t not e s .When are we goi ng t o wake up t o the reali ties as t hey actua lly are? ??


24th Contact Satarrday, 7 J tme 1975 09: 08 h


semjase- l / 'Ihe r e s eerred to me, a f ter our l ast contact , aneed to look once more a t the developnent of your e f fo rts .2/'Ihis, because a short ti.rre a f ter our meeting, I cauqht.scrre thoughts fran H.J . , and noticed you having beenwith him a t the tine discussing sarething. 3/lt being ofinterest to Ire a l s o , I listened. 4/H.J . lets h is pers onalthoughts again s lide into trails I once a lready had to re-buke , and espec i ally because they can be hannfu l to our mis-s ion . Sil t deals wi th his demand f or rre to make myse lf andmy beamship v i sible to him and the others . 6/ Eecause ofthis I must explain once more that this i s not possible , asI have already said . 7/He simply can not tolerate this , forhe wants to work into the important pos i t ion, which I cannot admit , and on the other hand doubts are rising in himonce again . a/He c l o tlles his words according to his wishes ,which i s not what he says . 9/\1hen he demands a contact forthird person proof he means tha t is sma ll degree . m / zss en-tially the demand is intended for him working into f irstposition , and his doubting he re p lays a deci s ive rol e . 11/Fo r the last tine, I s hall nON' expla in that contac ts withany of the others is out of the question and not pcsstbre ,and that f or the f o llCMing r easons :1 . I f we open contact with an Earth human , then this isbased on his pri o r pre-conditi oning , often l a s t ing decades ,i nc luding s tudy and guidance in many concerns . (1)2 . \1e can only open connect ion with Earth humans when nec-essary spi r i tual conditions are fUlf i l led .3 . \1e can only open contact with an Earth human if hi sdeve loprent has proceeded so far that he i s able to work outand recogni ze basic truths by h imse l f , a lone, without thehelp of fe I I rw c r e a tures or any books o r lit e r at ure beingresorted t o .4 . I f neve rthe les s we init i ated contact with an Earth humanwithout these premises being fu lfilled, then such a contactis only a preliminary undertaking for a special purpose, andafter achieverrent o f the ob j ect i ve the rresmry is e liminated,as for exerrpfe happened with the per son whan we l e t find theTa1m..Id . Neve rtheless such humans must be especi a lly suited


for the objective, as for the f inde r o f the Talmud, who hadbeen an expert in l anguages, but of whon, r egre t f u lly, weexpected t oo much. (2) (3)

5 . If we open c on tact with an Earth human , then we undercothis in accordance with h igher authorization, and exactlywi th the person des ignated for this. One r eason i s toomany hlUl\311S in the f irst position may upset everything . Youhave a proverb, " 'IOO many cooks spoil the stew" .6 . are not e Ll cwed to make ours e l ves visible to rroreEarth beings than corresponds w i,th our objectives . 'Thisprecaution concerns p r ivate and military and o f f i c i a l de-sires aimed a t taking posesa.icn of one o f our ships andother such objects of our contacts . Because o f this, ...."eonly cultivate contact with Earth humans known to us a strustworthy , and in whcrn have confidence in the securityof the object ives , exactly as for our spec ial mi ssion wi thyou and your group.

7 . '!hen with the selected human contact, we initiate c an-rmmication in secret ways and meet them a t diff icult andhard to r e a ch place s which often discourages those less s in-ce r e , and the sensation seekers as weLl . Still , the r e aremany others who upon sighting us , panic and beccrre fright-ened, which might have dangerous consequences f or scee , ( 4)

'!hese are on l y seven r easons why we c annot agree to thedesire of H.J., and there are others , but this s hould beenough. This ought t o be the l ast tirre I have to menti onthis .14/'Ihis new derrend causes ire to reconsider my offer to the

o ther s , that before my l onger-t iIre leaving , and at a c e rtainpoint in time , we wou l d derronstrate the possLbt.Li.t.Les o f ourenergies. 15/ 1 am wondering whether 1 have not once againmade a mistake, which 1 don ' t want t o do . 171'2D I s hallhave to discuss for another tiIre with the othe r s whether myproposal has been a wrong de c i s ion, and if the derronstrationcould hecare undesired.loei er- 1 regret tha t you noti ced our conve r sat ion, as Iwou l d have kept silence about; this , f or I have feared whatyou now have s a i d .

Semj ase- 19 /But I haveannounce to you .

stil l another mat t er wruch 1 wan t to32/All truth and kncsvtedqe has re-


mai.ned transmit ted and i s pres erved up to the present epoch ,though i t may be f o r gott en, disr egarded and l ost by theEarth human . 33/And as t ruth , knowl edge , wisdan, and l ove ,and a ll power o f the spi rit are unchanqeab.le and constant ,and the earre in the present, this a ll mus t be conceived.there and continue up. 34/In other words , truth, knowledge ,wisdcm, l ove, etc. , mus t si..rrply be brought together again .35/Mlat you call , by an o ld f o r you l anguage , the backward--r e l a t ing "r eligion" , should f or this case, and which has tobe done , by the serre o l d l angua ge , be c a lled "rel=e--qeon " .36/nlls means that a ll has to be b r ought togethe r a gain ,which is, to be considered. r el-e - geousIY, bu t not relig i ous -ly. 37/ In consequence, the already existing materia l s shouldbe newly assembled, to lead into the future . 38/After there legeon mus t begin the way of evolution, which has afo ld meaning. 39/You kncM one rrearunq of evo lutioo as de-veloprent and unfo.ldfnq in the sense of s arething a lreadyexi s ting, but s till concealed, that muat; develop, which ina s p i ritua l sens e meana, mus t r i se f ran the s ub-conscioustowards the conscious . 40/'Ihe s e cond meaning o f this tennhas been l ost to you for a l ong time, narre i y that s arethingnot yet existing i s explored, developed, and unfolded, andbeccrrea , 41 / And because this rreaning of evolutioo was l ost,IMIl lives under a fa lse impressicn that evolving materiala lready exi s ts to be unfo.lded and developed. 42/ 'Ihe in-

spiri t has s tored only those mat ters and thingswhich it collected in the cours e o f its materi a l existencein materia l bodie s and l i ves. 42/'!his , a ccor ding to yourunderstanding, is ve ry much , but in t ruth i s very little .44/Dlring innurrerabl e further live s , the spirit mus t explorefurther , must search, and mus t find ; thus he must assemblefurther knowledge, r ecognitions and experiences, which thenestablish themselves in him as f a cul tie s . 45/Because thespi rit continues a fter the material death of the body, andexists within spheres o f liv ing o f the "othe r wor l d " , i twor ks upon the achieved results o f the other lives, and fixesthese r esults inside i t i n what you call "the s ub-conscious " .46/Upon taking up the human f orm o f life again, the obtainedknowledge and f a cul ty i s anchored in the s ub-conscious , andmust evolve s lc.wly in the human f onn of life to help in newl essons and recogni tions toward developing conscious tal-ents . . •

M:!ier- '!hen I s till want to give you another ques tion . Nhat232

is the situation with Mars and Venus and other planets?

sanjase- 54 /There are r eally existing forms o f life 'there,but 'they are o f othe r- values canple tely than the Earth humanbeing assurres. 57/But as you speak o f Hars: during 'the l astdays , I have been tllere and I f ound scrrething nice . 58/ 1have b rought it here with me f or you . 59/Her e -It is a larger piece o f Rubin in Zoi s i tian matrix . 60/1have wor ked on i t only gently whi l e l oosening i t out. (GivesRuby to fo'e i e r)M;rler- Oh. • . M:u1y thanks, Semjase, this i s f antasticallypretty . ..

sanjase-- 61/Surely, but keep it for yours e lf a lone . 62/Thenext I have here is one p iece of my hcnewor'Id, which a f r iendhas brought along. 63/lt i s the piece according to the wisho f your friend, which you can gi ve him.M:rier- Aga in, many thanks , 5emjase . Certainly he wil l bede lighted. Could you j ust , for my a-m. collection , bringa long still a piece o f mal achite and an 9raragd? (5)

Senjase-- 64 / Surely, but I won "t bring smaraqds in pure form,as as no other- things of precious value s . 65/Thereasons lie within your mat e r i a list ic f orm of wor-Ld,

M:rier- I already understand, but neverthe l e ss I am thankfulto you. But nCM I must say that I should leave, for my wayhare i s very l ong, and a t 12 :00 o 'clock I necessari ly mustbe there .

Sanjase- 66 /If you want , 'then I can bring you near to yourhare village.

M:rler- And my vehicle ?

Senjase- 67/ 0h ye s , I had not thought o f it. And we cannotge t it in this ship. 68/Wi th a greater ship it wou ld beposaijae, but not with this one .

M:rier- Okay, I assumed that, and so I a sked. But - youonce told be, in the beginning of our contacts , thatat a suited occasion you woutd take ITE with you f or a flight.Is that still valid, or have you consi dered s crrething e lse?

Semjase-- 69/This will soon be poss ibl e.'!hat's good. Then I am delighted, and start hare now.



U) \-ie are mere arrl more, in extensive ar-q::>ing UFO o::ntactcases, that tre ccorectee is often identi£i a3. and s tulie:.'.l for SCIJ'E t.iIret:efore tbe first actual o::ntact. is initi,ate1. this invol vesII01ths arrl even years of pre-sbrly arrl preparatacn, even !ping" back intothe chi..l.dln:::xi of tiE cortectee , In sere cases even his educatioo sears tobe influn:a;j bj tbe extraterrestrial..s in tlEir preparatia1 of tiE witness.

(2) 'Ite literat1lre of UFO o:ntact stories is full of cases of such of events. factors . and even ti1:e. f :ron tre a:nscials IIBlDry of tf-epercipient . R'!! have p tzzlei over this an::I possjbtereescns for it for a lag tine.

(3) 'Itere is also IIllCh evroe-ce f or very careful arrl del..ilErate selecticnof a very specdf.ic wi tness after tl'orcu:;;h arrl extensive evalua t..i.a1 bf tbeextraterrestrials, arrl awroval f or such act.ten by super-tor o:::xltrolling"autbJrities.

(4) 'Ite seani.rq preference for reccte arrl nearly inaccessible correctsites has teen rcted bf all researcbers stlDying" UFO correct cases.(5) - f:ron Gree.'-< sr.w:agb3. 3narag is an Old 'I'estaIent tetm for avariety of beryl.Lixm alun.iJx::silicate or beryt, oJ a ridlgrem color caused by the presence of chro:ni.un. It is kn:;J,.,n in thewesrem \\Gr id by i ts amral nere - Elrerald.


-In anot he r dialogue conce rning l aki ng a c lose Fr iend i nto a cont ac t ,

a f ter refer had tried to s neak one i nto t he cont act under a tarpaulin ont he back of his Me- ped, it car efull y expl a ined t o him that even if onlyone s pec ial f r i end were admitted i nl o a co nt act, he woul d then be s et asi deFr om the rest o f the group. or h i s c ontemporar i es, as is the principa lcont act.eej but in a ll fai rness, t hey r e f t.e r a t.ed , he c an not t hen be deniedt he same exten sion of c ourt esy t o hi s s pec i a l f r i end, wife , brot her , etc • •who t hen can ne i t her be denied the privi l ege for t he same reasons .But the extrat er r estrial woman went on t o fur ther expl a i n that, as ea ch

pe rcipi ent s ees t he s ame t h ing through different eyes , f r om differ entenvironmental background , educ at i ona l Ieve l , and expe r i ence , he does nols ee or understand i t t he same way as anot he r , an d l he seeds of fa cl i ona li smhave been sown.f urther , eac h new contac tee wants lo ask many o f the same questions

a l r eady an swe red , to hear t he answer s wi th hi s own ears , may beanswer e d s lightl y diffe r entl y or in mor e or less de tail , and so the answer-sare not heard the same e ithe r , another temp t a tion to factionali sm, "h i chi s i n fact di s ruptive and ev en de e t ruc t.I ve t o t he orig inal ob jecti ve .Having experienced all these fa ilur es many times over , t he r ules fo r

contact , in t h i s gr oup , ha ve become fai r l y f i rm - - and ext ens ion of cont ac tf r om one contactee t o another i s ve ry r arel y approved. Thi s may a l so beone r eason why t he se extraterres t ri al s r e fused to i denti f y any other oftheir Earth human contac t e es to Me i er .Thus we see one a r gument agai ns t t he extens i on of UfO contacts beyond the

origina l ccnt ac t ee , and i n fact we r a r el y do see any such e xtension i n anyof t he contactee c ases . Perhaps ou r i gnorance a lone i s t he r eason we askfor s uch e xt en sions o f contact , when r eas onable examina t ion of t he problemsinvol ved would lead us t o the conc l usions i ndi cated by the El s .



Two fl i ght demonst r ations "ith no r ace- t .c-race con tact t ook place be tweenthe 24th c ontact on 7 June and the 25th contact on 16 June 1975. Hei e r"as sUll'ltlOl'led t o the fi r s t Mlich t ook pl ace at 10: 38 on 12 June , and t hesecond ch t ook place a t 12 :15 on 14 June 1975. by the Pleiad i ans and wasto ld that he coul d br i ng his camer as and equipment . By now he had quite aco llection of came r as , i nc ludi ng movi e came ras , spa r e f ilm, li ght meter ,e t c ; , which l oa ded his lit tle Mo-ped down pretty good , bu t he s ucce ss fullymade bo t h appointments i n time to captu r e s ome IOOt e IlOst remarkab le pic-t ures of the Pl eiadi an s pacecr a f t in fl ight demons t r ation , deliberatelyf lown by for the pictures he woul d t ake .In th i s ca se also , he set up h i s movie camera and fi l med the beauti rul

ship as he s nappe d still pictur es wi t h his J5 nm hand c amer a . The moviecamer a capt ured a 20 s econd "bli nk-out " i n t he mi ddle o f its runningsequence showi ng t he powe r t owe r s, an d the re was anot he r f ilm s equence her ethat shows au t omobiles pa s sing on a r oad underneath the hover i ng spaceship .In the se r i es o f st i ll pictur e s made a t this s i t e we s ee one of t he seven

met e r va r i a tion II ships s l owl y approaching i n wi de "5" t urns f rom thel eft backgr ound to the right foreground and ove rhe ad and beyond the wit-ness . As it r e ached a cer t a i n posi tion in f ront and above the camera , t her e flecti ve un der s ur f ace o f the rim fl ange began to re flec t the light ersandy colored pe rimiter r oad that came around the fie l d ove-r .....i ch t heapproach was being made . That r oad was over I SO met ers away and quites ifi1lly c ould no t have been reflected i n the bottOlll of a model ship unles sit was ne ar ly 100 met ers abo ve and 100 met e r s away, and if i t wer e a mode lit wou ld appe ar ve r y tiny i n the photograph , .....i ch i t does na t .This s hi p then c i r c l ed back aut ove r t he va ll ey i n t he foreground, at a

h i gher vi ewi ng ang l e and it was photogr aphed be s i de a ve ry small wispycl oud that s low ly di s s i pated during the pho tographic event . Again the.... i ndow- sensor s" are barely vi sibl e in t he dome o f the sh i ny s i l ve r ship .Twa of the e xt r a t e rrestria l spacecra f t were present together a t thi s

photo s i t e du ring these ev ent s , but t he y ne ve r got close enough t oget he rs o t ha t Heier could get them bo t h in t he photo field of hi s camer a a t thesame time. \<hile one was pe rforming at low level, t he other rema i ne d onrrhigh s t a t i on above protec ting t he scene . Thi s s or t o f s ur ve il lance andprotection of the ared du ring any event i nvol Vi ng them wa s o ften r esortedto by the extraterrestrials.Meie r shot s eve ral rolls of film during each of these fli fllt demons tra tion

events . Some pic tur es were " los t" in pr ocessi ng , some dis appeared duringor di na ry ha nd ling , and s ome were outright s t o l en in break- ins and robberie sof t he Mei er horne, whi ch ha s been a t a r ge t many times .










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25th Contact Monday, 16 June 1975

I n fir st position , I am intere s ted in the r e sult ofyour discussion about the derronstra t i on . Did you a ll agreeon scmetrunq?

l /SUre ly, but it will not p l eas e you very much , asI must report to you , that I wi ll not execute the providedderronstrat ion in the way I had o riginally provided for . 3/At f i rst I was willing to dem::mstrate my ship to the membersof your group, and to sene others , and that quite v i sibly,but this can not happen new or in the (foreseeable) future .4/'Ihis has c rys talized itse l f out o f l a te events , and a tthis t iIre the matt er mus t r ema in so. 5/Council •5 deci s ionwill on ly admit a sma ller dem:::mst ration of scrre things , butin a l imit ed way . 6/1 wi ll not protect the smalle r derron-s trat ion against s ight , and i t c an be watched as we ll byundnvotved per sons , but you mus t a t this derronstration haveno outstanding persons p resent, as I had o riginally p lanned.

'!hat 's not really de lighting rre , 5ernjase . can 't youmake an exception? You can ' t just s inply "freeze" a ll thiss uddenly because .. .

senjese- 7/To my r egret, this i s a decision o f the counc il ,which I mus t obs e rve .

But •• • • ••

senjase- s/re i s not poss ible, because I can not offend ourl aws . . .

All right. I don I t want to e nt i ce you to injustice,and ee will arrange ourselves for the new situation .

Semjase- 9/ SUrely.Meier- Ne ll then, I wil l l ikely have to expl a in this verythoroughly to the o the r s . To urge you f urthe r wou ld makeno sense .

Sanjase- lO/You are very understanding. 11 / N:::1,q there i ss t i ll an i.IYportant mat ter which I mus t discuss as instructedby the counci l. l 2/It is the matter concerning the e limin-ation o f your kncwtedqe in certain concerns . Al l agree inexecuting the elimination according to your i dea . 13 /Youra l t e rnate solut ion has f ound agreerrent , and has been ac-


c epted. 14 /Also yo u were r ebuked fo r the f act that youpranis ed to exercise the beg inning l e s sons f or enlightenrrentthis rronth. 15/ Hy obse rvat ions have s hewn your not hav ingye t unde rtaken any s teps in organiz ing thes e l es s ons.

You know that in such things I am a null and needass istance .

Sanjase- 16/ Sure , but ne verthe l e s s you do f ina lly have totake this in hand, beca use t.Irre presses for dif f erent things .17/ I f in this r e s pect you ge t no he lp f r an your group ITem-ber s , then you will have to take everything in hand yours e l f ,because enlighternrent has beccrre urgent . 18/ I t i s no l onge rsuffic ient that you spre ad alone insi de of your group andcertain inter ested circ l e s , what you know , because the tiJrehas OCM care , to i n f orm the public as we l l. 19/ Thi s meansthat you have to s tart troubling yours e l f to infonn thepublic a t l arge . 2D/ 'Ihis i s becaning rrore urgent. 21/ Ifyou have a l r eady prepared a l ect ure , then you will have tom:x:lify it nCM to speak o f furthe r facts . 22/'lhis new factori s the destruction o f the ozone bel t , whi c h continues t odeterio r i ate more and rrore . 23/ Prepare as well a flye r onthis dange r . 24 / Send i t to newspaper s and t elevision , e t c . ,and cry out this rrenacing danger f ran the roofs . 25/ F\trtberyou s hould inse rt into the l ecture that the a tcmic dangerhas increased again by imnense proportion . (See speci a l no tef ol l owing . )

fuier- You can talk s o eas ily , Semjase, as fi r st I ge t r e-buked that everythi ng I write on paper i s too hars h . On theo ther hand , a j ways , the silly ques t ion rises , why you wouldnot a ssi st us f inancially . . . I ndeed, I s ceetarres c ry andweep , f o r I consider s uch things confoundedly unreasonable .I have a t tines consi dered s iJIpl y tihrcwdnq everything av.-ay ,and go doing sare nonnal daily wor k . Fo r f i rst , I am thenaway f r an my financ ial sorrows , and f or s econd , I do nothave to answe r illogical questions ...

Semjase- 26/The execut ion o f your task i s within your ownconside r a t ion . 27/If you want to r e t r eat, then this woul dbe unfo r'tunate r on the other hand we don I t t i e you by f orceand coerci on, and you are f ree to decide . 3D/Consider thaton l y a very f ew Farth humans have simi lar opportunit y , andmany o f the s e l a ck the courage to r eveal the mat t e r s open ly .31/ As a human being it i s your d uty to tell what; you knew


and to he lp your f e l Iow creatures this way. 32/You did knewfran the beginning that i t wou ld be difficult , and thatothers would not j ust s tand by helping you . 33/In conse-quence , I consider that you think scrrehcw teo easilyand teo earl y about ending our concerns ; , , 34/1 have .

Meier- You real l y tal k easi ly.

Semjase- 35/ Pl ease l et me speak till the end. 36/ 1 seeyour being angry, because the s ucc e s s wi th he lp i s not asgreat as you expect ed. . . 37 /Th.ere is no need f or youranger . . . 38/Your f e.l I cw c reat ures have to l earn f i rst. 41/I n your help I thus want to expl ain that you should oncerrcre de l iberate i t a ll very thoroughly and calmly beforetaking a nega tive decision. 46/You have the very trouble-ecrre preparation work for those who will care after yourtime . 47/Consider a ll very thoroughl y unt il you arrive a ta decision, r i sing not a lone f ran rage. 52/ 'Ib the illogi calquest ions concerning f inanc i al he lp, they should considerthat we have no means o f currency as used. on Farth. 53/Evenif we wanted, we coul d not sati s f y your financ i al rreans ,whi ch you call "rroney". . . 54/Fortune p l ays , etc ., wi llnever serve, f o r these a r e extra or dina r ily evil . . . 55/Athird and Important, potnt; i s that we do not a t i oe ourse lvesto be p rovoked by your s peeche s and ques t i ons , because thisEarth i s your hare, not ours . 56/And as far as we are hereand want to he l p the Earth human , within his developnent ,then this corresponds to an obligation which have Irrposed1JP)Il ourse lves and is not a "must;" , 57/OJI mi s sion i s avoluntary self obligat ion . 58/'Ihis i s fran our side, towhich is added your s i de , that the Earth being mis t; troublehimself, and mus t; contribute his own money also. . . 59/'IheEarth human must take upon himself a certain obligation andbear certain things by himsel f. 60/ I t i s wrong f o r him totake out help and ass i stance without contributing s rnethingtherefor . 68 / 1 f the Earth human ac ts according to the pr in-c i p le that taking i s better than giving , then he wil l notr e l e ase himself f ran his malicious egoism. 69/And theEarthJran i s egot istical , one and enmass , thus expl oitationi s written in capital l e t t ers on your worl d ,

Mller- That was confoundedly c lear, Semjase. 1 still havesore further quest ions . I want . . .

Semjase- 99/ By r egre t I can not accept than, f or I sti ll


have to perfonn sare things . 100/ You can ask your quest ionsthe next t.irre ,

Maier- Of course . As you wish. Can you tell IrE at l e ast,a little bette r point in t iIre f o r the OCM diminished fl i gh tderronstrat ion?

senjase- 101/ 1 have told you a l r eady , that I can not do sobecause o f certain r e a s ons , and 1 do not want to tell the s er ea sons rror e c l osely . l02/ I t wi ll be at tha t point in tinewhen 1 have to go away for sare tine .



f ollowi ng the seventh cont act on feb r uary Edua r d Hei e r and hisf r iends prepa r ed a l ett e r t o Pr o fes sor Michael a McElroy a t Har va r d Uni-vers i ty . as sugges t ed by t he Pleiadi an ....oman . and they mailed i t t o h im byr egiste red pos t. They neve r rece i ved any repl y ft?m Or . McElr oy. Theya l so , a t about t ha t s ame t ime. prepa r ed a similar l e tt e r and sent it t oeve r y f ore ign embas s y and legati on in S....Lt ze r I an d , f rom wh i ch they onl yr ece iv ed one r epl y. From t he Hes t Ge rman Ambassador . t hanking them fo rthei r l etter to h im and For t heir co nce r n . Nobody e lse seemed t o c ar e .Their let t e rs t o those ment ioned peo pl e described the na t ur e of the ur-

gent problem. i t s causes . and the e r rec t a that woul d result if we di d no tget control of t he problem . They a lso suggest ed the cure .But the Pl e i adi ans wer-e not al one i n their concern fo r a ll t he life on

our pl anet Ear t h. fo r i n 1976 . other ex t r a t errest ria l human beings con-t acting a man in Mexico t old him essenti a lly t he same t hi ng, and thosea l ien visi t or s . who sai d t hey come f rom a pl an e t in Andromeda and had beenobservi ng and s t udyi ng Ear t h f or sorne time. r eported a sim il a r observationof t he depl etion of ou r i onospher e and att r i bu ted i t to s imila r causes .Thos e e xt rat e r rest r i a l s s ent a s t ep fu rther and t ook t ha t t lexican govern-ment atomic sc i ent i.a t , a man represent ed h i s co unt ry i n many atomicco nfe r ences and s emina r s around t he wor l d , a nationally and i nt e r na t i ona l l yr ecogni zed e xpe r t in t he fi el d. a pub.lLc o f ficia l of t he Mex i c an govern-ment, .... ith them On a t rip int o space t o al l ow h im t o see and measure . wi t ht hei r i ns trument s , what they l>;ere tel ling him. He was conv inc ed .When he trie d to te l l his s tory and how he knew what he was t a l king about

he was take n t o a menta l hospita l to t ry to cure him of his sudden madness .As this was agai nst h is lIII i ll it wee done by decree . He was "debriefed"and treated f or hi s "mental illnes s " fo r some time before he was released .By t hen he had been st ripped of h i s positions and credentials and was re-lieved of his job a t t he University. and out of work . Th i s may answer theus ua l quest i on of , I'>hy don ' t the ext rater rest r ials . if they ar e so seer t ,go ri ght t o t he pub lic of fic i a ls invo lved ins t e ad o f cont acting a pooruneducat ed fa rme r li ke Eduar d ne t e r , The Andromedans kept comi ng bact tot he p r ofessor. howeve r . and he was "hosp i t a l i zed" aga i n , and t r eat e dsome mor e . He became so disench ant ed with Ea r t h humanity t hat he soughtto l eave ."ith hi s ext ra t e r r es t r ia l co ntac t s . He disappea r ed i n 1984 andhas not been seen or hea rd of s ince . ( See Uf O CO:-.lTACT fROM byt hi s same publisher . )Anothe r group o f ex t rater r es t rials who s aid their home pl anet in the

Pleiades were carr yl ng on r egular contacts ."i t h l . Z. in Mi nnesota over II\8nyyea rs lime. Thes e ETs were not allied or associ a t ed ."i th t he Pl ei adi ans


vi s it i ng Switzer land and wer e al togehter a different society corrpl etely,ye t in 1978 t he y t old their contac t ee about the acute s e r i ous ness of t heozone pr oblem, it s caus es , t he mechani cs of the p roces s es that we r e caus i ngthe ozone l os s , and suggest ed ways t o s lOw the de pl e tion, though possiblytoo l a t e a l ready. They t o l d l . Z. about the huge "hole" in the i onosphe r ea t t he Sou t h Pol e be fore i t s dis covery a ye a r l at er by scientis ts analyz ingpola r orbiter miss i on t ap es . The y a l s o tol d L Z. t hat ve r y s oon the prob-l em woul d s pr ead to t he Nor t h Pole, wh i ch i s e xac t I y what we s ee today.Thos e ETs went fu r ther and blamed the r adiati on a fte r-eHec ts of a tomice xpl os i ons fo r a large par t of the pr obl em, and po inted out that our Earths c i entists s till do not know all e ffects of s uc h e xpfc s icns , nor hanthe l ong t erm e r t.e r cerrect.s a r e propagated . The ir explana tion comes veryc l ose to Semjas e' s e xp l anation of " f i ne - mat ter" I"coar s e- mat t er" rel a t ion-s hip , in tha t the di s t urbance i n " coa rse-mat t e r " by radi a tion known t o usi s ampl ified i n " fi ne- ma t t e r " i n the form of radiati on e r rec t.s compl e te lyunknown t o our sc i en t ists , l"ih i ch in tu r n aga i n a f fect "coa r s e- matte r" .In the f all of 1986 we f i nall y go t around t o sendi ng a f ac t finding sci -

en t ific mi ssion t o Antarctica t o collec t data and try to solve lhe prcbl eeof how the " ho l es" gal t he r e . The l e vel o f progr ess .. e ha ve made ir. onewhol e yea r i s exemp l i f ied by lhe art i cle cl ipped from the ARI ZONAREPUBLIC news pape r o f Phoe nix fo r Sunday , Augus t 10 , 1988.

SCIENTISTS AI M TO FIND CAUSE OF OZONE HOLE, by J ames Gl eick,as abs t rac t ed f rom the NEW YORK TI MES .

At::os::teric sciffltists are stIug:Jl.i.n;J to €><plain ere of t-.relIl'j5t.eries ever to COlfrm.t then: a wi.denin:] am d3n;JeroJs rolein tj-e oz.cne laye r over S::JJth;} f orward a series of thecr.iee, arrl unsatisfied by all of tnE, the

scien tists are rra'dng f inal prep;rrat.icns for a rare research expedrt.icntret; will fly into the deed of tbe Arctic winter next weel<.At tbe sere tarre, biolcqists are hei.ghtEnrl concern over the

darqars to tarran;;s arrl CXEdn life f zrm even s:-all Increasesin ultraviolet ra:::tiatioo. ....trich ozcne layer blocks ,Q:n:em has intensifierl s trce last fall, when scientists were

s tunne:l by satellite data s.h:.JNing the llI3gl1.ittrle of the role, appearseach septeccer ard cctccer, The is IMIly t.Irres worse than basteen predicte:i aver the last 15 years enid cxncern over the g1cbal effectsen cea-e of gasses, soch as fll.nro::arl:x:ns .By flyin;; fcur teens with edvarced into the rnertcen fuse

en /o\:Hm b SCurrl, ordinarily close:1 to traffic in winter except; for oatn-tenence flights , the scientists tqE to ceoeen Tho ectrecep:>ssibilities .

role o::uld be a t ransient climate that \o,·ill 'P ;:y,,-ay OJ


itself . Or i t cono be caused bf nan-rrarrt pcf Iut.Icn, in which case itcould o.:ntinue to widen , reaching pcpalated areas of sart:h rsrertce, Pus-tralia erd sart:hern Afr i ca, and appear at the tbrth IDle as we lL , "I t' slike rolling dice, " said Hichael B. I-rElroy of J-flrvard lhive rsi ty' s renterfor Earth and Planetary Ihysics. "The bi.g--crx1ey questim is : If \".'hat's

in Antarctica is likely to be a f oretaste of wbat; might inthe rorthern regioo. "The mystery has rene'..•red \·:orld-Hide interest in the cacne issue, wruch

beqan in 1971 wi th. fears mer gasses released by scpersceuc j ets erd spraycans . '!he lhite.:i States banned flooro::artx:ns in spray cans in 1978 , erd afed Eln:.'q:ean cccrrtztes follo.-.>ed suit, rut glctal prcduction for uses ranq-irg f ran air---o::::n.lit.:icneIs to foam bas o.:ntinued. to gro.·l .All of the pnrl:ict..i.oos assured that such gasses in the stratcecoere \oO.l.ld

result in a s teedy, gra:fual, glctal deplet.icrJ. of cea-e, fbi scientistsfirrl tberselves forced to ccnfrcrrt, a.strl1en, highly local ized herorrhagingof oz.cne that rene of their calrulaticns predicted. Inst:ea:l of decl ininga f ev percent. over decedes., the Mtm:ctic oz.cne has plurq=d 40% s.trce 1979."01 the me ham i t ' s very exhiliirating arrl challengin:J, an:! 00 the

other, it's f rust-ratrinq an:::l scary - scary because i t ' s hard to placeyew: beta with. any a:ufidence, " said R'l1fiJ. J . Cicen:ne of the NatiaJ.alCenter for Al:Jn::GI::heric Research .cecoe is an unstable form of oxygen with. nolecules of three etrms

instead of the usual 0-;0 . In the UH,:er emcspoere , it forms ard breakscb-m. ccntjrrccusky in chemical precesses that have proved sensitive to thepresence or other rare gasses .The Antarctic role appear's 8 to 16 miles up at the errl of winter as the

spr-trq SlID rises briefly <:Ner the tortzcn . Bj the errl of N.Jvrnt::er , theoacre levels recover. Fach year, t::h:ug:l , the role ras exparded . In 1985i t reached a size equival.ent; to the lhitEd States .\';hen the o:zcne is thin, the ultraviolet radiatioo reachinq the gro..rrrl in

Antarctica w::.uld pnrluce a tan even in the .1ckr, pale octccer sun, a levelthat ores: p:pJlat:W areas l.;ulld eterpty increase the incidence of akincancer' ,

the initial report. of the role bf British scientists in Ba rch 1985caused little exc i terEnt , partially because the British team in l\nt:ill:cticawas ....n arrng etrrospoerfc scientists.But last. year, scientists at the Nat.i!nal 1lel::alautics an:! space Ahinis-

traticn prcdcced satellite data the British firrlings arrl sh::Mi.Ix:Jh:::;l..r big the f-ete was . NASA. scientists Earn that the depleticn of ozcnewas so severe that the ccrpcter analyzing the data had teen suwressin;J i t ,having been prcqramed to assurE that deviaticns so extrere IIIlSt be errors.The scientists had to g::> rock ard reprocess the data" back to 1979 .


"Just as an rertl"qua..1<e precedes volcanic erupticns, this call.d te a etq-nal of saret.hiI'q \oQ1:5e , " said MaIX sctcecert., a NA..'iIi. scientist a t theCb:fimj Space Flight center in Greelll:::elt , H:L " I t call.d te the 1e.rlin:J

of sarethi.nq mzre cEt.rirrental . It call.d exp3I'rl a.rt:ward to more-pep-ulat£rl areas. \'e just d:::rI't k:n:::w rf4lt. J"Vo'i. nk; the Arc:.ti.c e-q;e:l.i.tial prepares for departure, I'lIB<I theories are e-erc-

i.fl;J, all specciettve am n:ne a:nviIx::ing. scce use d\::lins of ch2micalrrect.ials to Link tre role to the grafual depleticn a.l..reerly coserved .others explain the role in teIms of cyclical ab:CGph er ic processes thatteve 00 to gasses .The atm:sp'lere high ove r the Antarctic is the coldest place Q'\ zartb,

15 to 20 degrees colder than over the tb rth sote, The difference cer-esrrc» a.symretries in the f.l!u of the a tm:::GJ.i"ere ' s weatber systems .scm clilMte experta tfrink a in the mrlinary dynanic I'!Dt.ia1s of

waves arrl cyclcnes in the cpper at:rre:sFhere might cause the ho l e . Fbrexarple, an tlp'>'elling of air over the poke could push aside the layer ofatm::Gfhere with the rrost cecoe, replacing it with lo-oza1e air f ron Ioeeraltitlrles.9.x::h an explanati.c:n .inplies that the hole m y lave cere arrl g:::ne in the

past l::efore it a::uld be reasured , Even so, to be a:nvincin:;J, StX:h an ex-planatic:n reeds to answer the quest..i.oo : \'hy rD'/?Che theory ties the role to volcanic particles that have up in the

polar atI:J:lsI:here. the particles COJ1d be beated bf the sun, causing thetheory that the dyna'nic effects COJ1d be

affected b.I a d'lange in solar activity.Jerry l-lahl1:an., director of the G:q:hysical Fluid Dynanics Latoratory in

Pri.n::et:al, N.J. , is me of th:JSe ",to f avor' a explanatia'l. al-t:h:o;h he thin.'<s all of the tbecrfes suff e r fran a level o f E"Ji-ceoce "sc-eeere between arrl n:::n-existent ". 'Ihe tole points to

in the""q ca:rp..rter ''m:x3els'' USErl to ma.'t<e predicticnsaJx:ut Earth's cktrrate , he said , bJt i t does ret; necessarily c:cnfinnthe verse. CIZa'IE! warnings of the last decade ." Yoo CDU1d say, ' Aha ! ve 've fo..ll'rl the great =*-in:l gun , , .. l-\:mlnan said.

"att. the chemistry does oct really match up . So far , there's a lot ofwishful hard wevirc, "He has bee a 01inese l unch that ozcne levels will rise again this year,Ch the other hard, !.CEl..roy o f Harvard f avors a creaicer explanaticn, am

he pet; me forward. last IT01th in the British '!hegasses that brea.1{ cbm czcne incll.rle, nost prcni.nently chlorine, forrmr Iyreleased b.I spray cans am. rIM b.I a best; of in:1ustrial precesses .theory relies en an:>ther e laoont as well : brcatre, a n:u::h rarer used insp:ciali.ze:J'Ung e::tUifr.e1t .In the sequerx:.e of chenical reectrcos be prcccsee- !'t'cll a::o.mts of


brrmine pnrlu::e large ozone depletkn. If this treory is correct, pcddcy-makers might firrl that strictly ccntrolling branine \.o..lld be tmre effectivethan ccntrolling chlorine.All o f the trecrtes rreke specifIc predict.ices about; the polar etrrospoere

that sh::uld be testabl e - hence the Antarctic expedt tacn, anrccrced bj theN3.ticnal S:::: ience Fturdatim.''Ycu kn::M lu.; nu::h exc item2nt is caused in scientific circles am in-

dustry am ccverrmeu.,II said cicero-e of the Natiooal center fo r Atnos-poerfc Research. "gut so far, the enly peopl e are sure of thenselvesare IUt a::nvincin;J to their ccl.leeqces , l>bst o f these theories wkl.L bitethe dust. "Thirteen researcrers will j oin the 130 pecple sp:njin::1 the win ter at the

t>ti·Urdo base . 'trey will launch a seri es of 33 htllocns with. high-atrros[tlererreasurin;J tnstrments , hrl they will use an assortrrent. o f efvarcedgrwrrl instnIrents, inclu:ting vertccs spectzrrreters , capable of det.ect.ingthe minute quantities of varicus chanica! bjpnrluct.s wtcsse existence ispra:licted bj the var-ious tbecrres , '!he spectzcreters rreesure the scat-teredwavel.eoqfhs of sunlight am-IID:n1ight, in effect l ettin;J the sun arrl m:x:ninterro:;Jate the ecrcsjxere.'Ihe scientists ccrra f ran the State lhiversity of N30l York a t Staly Breck,

the lhiversity of 'i ,'yanin;J, NASA's J et Prq:ulsion lator a tory in raseoena,Ql1if., am the Natimal cceeruc am AtlJJ::lsP1eric PdninistratiooTs Aerannylatoratory in Eb.1l.der , Colo."This is cne of the nest; cha.llerxJin;J thirqs that we ' ve ever a:T.'l2' across in

atm:s};:heric cheni.stry, " said susan sotcran of the Aen:n::my Laboratory, teemLeeder of the exp2'di.ticn. " \·h3.tever the source is, .... need to urrlerstarrli t :tecause this is a in the ozc-e that 's of alEol utel y unprecedentedprqnrticns. j ust never seen anything like \'lhat .....e ' re exper -ienc.inqin the Antarctic. "Bar a m. theory, also pot. forward in l'WIURE, is, relying en SC1!E

corpt.tcered interactia1s of chlor-Ine ard SWllight.!·earr-..m.ile, binlcqists bave teen stewin::1 up research s ince the 1970s en

IDl ultraviolet light aff ects liVing org;mi..gtE . 'Ihe rrost recent results,reported at a ccnference last m:nth in \·ashi..ngtrn , carry inplicati.cns forpbanktcn, crops arrl people .I t is well kIn-,n that ultraviolet light causes skin cancer in tanana .

'Ihe \\avelengths scree-ed by 0Z01e happen to be precisel y the ....avelengthsabsorbed OJ r:N1'l.. t·,hen the radiaticn is absorbed, i t turns to heat, \ dnBge cells.less urrlerstcxrl, bJt loog suspected, is that organisns liVing near the

ocean surface nay I::e kille::i in minutes by Increased ul travinl e t light, amthat f arm. c rops can be barrred . SCientists have teen test.Irq these effectsin exp2'rir:Hlts with 1.azr:p3 intensifie::i in the srort; vevete-ctns, like the


stnl.a!ps used in satcos , an::1 with lasers tune::1 to precise fre-querx:::ies •

That article probably ne ver go t the attention i t s hou l d ha ve , because itwas pr i nt ed i n the back pa ge s of the paper . It should have be en printedin banne r headline s on the front page, because it i s the life of all ofus and a ll living things that ee have ser i ous ly endangered in our indus-trialization o f our planetary home.


26th O::rltact Wednesday, 18 J une 1975 04:11 h

Semjase- l/Regretfully, today a l onge r conversation is notpossible for rre , because I am obligated for a special task.2/'Ihus in the caning tiIre I will not be able to care intocontact with you as often . 3/Please understand that we haveto space our contacts rrore in tdrre ,

loEier- Are you still going away?

Semjase- 4/ As I have been ordered, but I am not l eaving yourso jar system.

What about; this rn::xrent with the derronstrat ion?Semjase- 5/'Ihis does not deal with my l onger t rip , beforewhich I want to exercis e the derrons tration .M9:i er- I see. I thought that we wer e finally a t this point .

Semjase- 6/1he tine fo r that does not press, as I s tillhave a l ot to do before this . 7j J.'rj' new task i s taking Ireonly to Sate p l anets o f your system, and to your satellite ,the Moon . (L) s /nus is in cormection with sarething thathas happened since our l ast rreeting. . . 9/Farth s cient istshave begun undertakings for reconnaissance and explorationo f sate o the r worlds , which derrand our attenti on . lO/ Bes idethat are scrre new aspects in certain affairs , which two ofyour great posers want to exercise about the middle o f July.11/ 'Ihese are the States of Ane:rica and Russia , who are coop-erating to c l ear up certain f actors for mutual ac tiv i tiesinside a space l abor a tory.

M::der- nus i s interesting, but I thought this undertakingwas expected in the early I 80s . . . . . . Have you done thingsto interfere at t.i.mes in this respect>

23/ Surely, but not we a lone . have fo j Icwedthe who l e deve loprent, and a l so influenced i t in c e rtainrreasures , 25 /On the o ther hand we have had to troubl e our-s e lves for e l iminations in different cases , or to he l p pro-j ects fail.M:tier- '!hat s ounds l ike you have s crret .Irrea interferred inmatters .Semjase- 26/Surely, if you want to consider i t s o .


Maier- I want to t ell it tbat way. - - '!here i s sarethingnot fUlly e vi dent for me, because you just OeM made a strangecament, that you are not the only ones who are keeping thei reyes and ears open in these concerns , and have interferred.Are you concealing sarething f ran me? And this not only new.For scrre ti..rre I have noticed your having a secret ahead o fme, where i t a lways seemed l ike you were wai ting for myquestion .

senjase- 27/Can I t you imagine what i t is?

I 'm having my assurrptions here .

semjase- 28/Then tell i t.

fuier- I 'm not stupid, as l a ter it will sound fran the others ide, l ike I had made a feol of myself.

semjase- 29/Your sudden fear i s unknown for you. 3D/I tdoes not fit.J.i:!,i er- All r ight, you got me. You kno,... very well fear is astranger to me, and that you are taking unfair advantage .

senjase- 31/Surely. - - But I had to be unfair.J.i:!,i er- Well , in result it deals with the folleMing : Alreadyfor scrre ti..rre I have assumed, that besides yourselves arestill other extraterrestrials hunting a long in our wor-Ld,but having different wishes and hopes , each according to hisoen, '!hese creatures could be s trange to your r a ce , atl east sere of them, whi le others might rise f ran your raceitself .

SE!mj ase- 32/Yes, s urely, but speak on .

Maier- I can imagine that not a ll of the extraterrestrials ,who interfere in concerns here on Earth, have the best ofintentions for us , but where it is not evident to rre why youa llow them to continue .

semjase- 33/Because each fonn of lif e i s justified in itsown existence, and thinks and acts according to its CMl1character and fonn . .. (2) are not a l Iowed to interfere ,if not necessary for s urvival, thus we are only a llowed tobe act ive in the way of teaching. 35/But go on speaking.

Good, that explains your behavior , and I see i t asl ogi cal . - So I start f ran the assumption, that certain


strange to you f orms o f life fran the widths o f the universe,are hunting along on our Earth and in the cosmic space, andpossibly trying to influence o ther forma o f life in differentways . en the othe r hand, I also assume, that there are oneo r several groups o f descendants .o f your ancient race whohave not yet returned to you, and in consequence still liveaccor ding to the ancient fonns , and still influence manyf onns of lif e , as we ll as the Earth h1..1IMJ1s acco r ding to thatf a ctum and appear as messengers o f a God. It i s evident torre that concerning this you have not told rre the whole truth,as .....e have talked about the s e things s e ve r a l t.trrea beforethis.

Senjase- 36/1 have never told you anything o ther than thetruth.

'!hen l e t rre explain it another way. About thiswhole matter you have told me only hal f the truth, and onlyha l f explained that.

37/Your explanation i s true .Meier- Very kind of you. But why haven I t you tol d rre a ll?senjase- 38/'Ihe tiJre has not yet been mature for that . 40/In your assunpt.ton you are right, because there are othe rcreat ures in Earth space , than ours alone . 41/ 'lhe r e are as....'e ll scrre splinter groups o f our C'J'JIl ancient race who corehere as ....'ell as v i s i t ing o ther .....or t ds, and they still liveaccording to older ways. 42/They try to influence lif ef o rms , e specially Earth humans , ac cording to their manner .43/As their ancestors appeared like Gods , so a l so do scrre o fthese.. . (3)

Meier- Your infonration sounds l ogi cal, but fran that r i s esa new aspect, which is, what i s your information about; Farthhumans being in contact with these creatures?

senjase- About; this as well , I have given only part explan-a t ions . SUch c r eat ures do, but r are l y, take up contact withEarth h1..1IMJ1s, and try to influence them. .. 54/But, a t therrarent t iJre pres s e s , and I have to say goodbye . 55/But Iwant to rreke you aware o f sarething : In a short tilre a dif-f i cu l t task will care your way, which in the last days hasdeve l oped. 56/It is concerned with, that in great calm, youinf onn a group o f humans about the truth, and enlighten


(Germany) ?

them. '!he contac t in Germany i s finally caning to a real -i zation, and in the next fffi'J days , yo u \.nll r e ceive a nee-s age concerning this . 57/'lbe first possibilit y in this re-spect had to prevent, r egret fully , because t he tirreavailable to the other side was Insuffdcdent; f or our mat ter .56/'Ibis tiJre the needed tiJre has been p repared, in conse-quence of which all c an develop itself as provided. 59/cnlyunprovided matters and occurrences ce r e able to change thep lans , but na.v there will be better s uccess.

You mean the people fran _

semjase- GO/SUrelyM:rler- 'Ihen the motor de f ect a t the time was • .• • • . •• ? (4) 61/Yes , but while the matter that happened was alittle different than you assurre , there was s carce informa-tion about it .

M:rler- Dear little rre, I should have considered this .

Sanjase- 63/Be conscious that , you will have no easy pos-i tion, because, though they are very tolerant and open-minded, they are restricted in certain belie f s .Meier- I knew, but in the fina l anal y s is, one can speakwith them as humans .

seejase- 64/Sure ly, but in this case, i t will demand moretroubles fran you .. . 65/You will have to trouble your bestfo r ces because these peop.le are very irrportant for spreadingthe f acts . .•

Meier- Are you k indling a f i re in Hell for rre? 66/No, but you will recognize SOClIl enough the cor -rectness o f my words , 67/But na.v really the tine has ernefor Re• • • • •• • •• •



(1) \oe f ra:::Jl."Sltly eocccnter, in UFO cortece cases, retereoces to the Erentitim to our !·txn, such as in cur repxt tit.l.erl urn AB:U:TIrn KrMIRASS:>L.. ntis mest; be all irq::ortant paint; for cp=Lat.1a\s ccn::emin;J Eartharrl perhaps cur solar systan. A f ra:::Jl."Sltly aske:i is ...tty d:n't wesee evidfflce of this activity tlal, ard an a.1Irost equal.Iy fnquE!1t resp:nseis, "O::n't we?" severer becks have been wri t ten alxut this in recent; years.(2 ) This is a very irrp:>rtant d:rt.rine f ar peace am survival within Thecreetdcn. tb creature is given Wn.i.nance, or para:IO.lIltauth::lrity, over artY otter (t:h::u:jJ. Farth nan crocses to elect himgel.f tothis fOSitial), arrl trey all exist equally within the vast creeercn, \o.hen-ever any sup2riority to h1nEe1£ arrl sets cut to carry a stick,or sets hinself up as an auttority, he mist. t:e ecare that there is alwaysarother with a bi.g;Jer stick. Each creature within The creettcn g:es itso-n wtrt in evolutiln am is allawerl free reign unless arrl until it te.-nresa dar"q2r arrl a IIEnaCe to arty other. c-e does rcc interfere with amtherwith::::ot j ust cause. 'IhJs many different Er mtities may ecce am cp with-cot, epeci.f.ic Interference, as lag as trey cceerce the natural lz.... of '!heCreat.icn.

(3 ) There are always backsliders or iJIperfec:t.icns in every evolut.ia1 thatget stuck a t certatn l evels f or a t inE, am are th2n passed up by trcsetmre proqressdve, - teo will, in tinE, eaten up again.we: d:J etsc have sene luran races evolved t::eycn::3. us l::ehird the Plei.a:lianvisitors, ard sa:E of tlEn are Pleialian here ct:servirq' arrl sereevm atte:Ipt.i.n:;J to Inpcse their will Q1 zartn tanana . 'rteee are f reabn to evolve, like all etters, so l.crq as trey cb not beccrre adirect darqer to life ard ooirg. 9JCh , accrm:tirq to the Ple iaiians visi t -in;J So'ii tzerlarrl, are tf-e ffi'H desca"dents still c:nning tere f ran theirpresent ref\qe planets.

(4) '!he party f ron Gemlany, CiCE to ssttzerlarrl expect.:irq toinvestigate this UFO case, art! th;n .....'hen trey (g:x:d 01rist.ians) faJrrl sa:Eof tl2i..r reliefs challerqsrl, th'y de::idErl this case was the Jlnti-< atWJtX, erd scught to leave in their new with::::ot wast.irq arry noratinE Q1 l.ook.i..rq any further into tbe facts o f the case. they gJt. intotretr car arrl started to leave, the " exp l.c:&:rl" arrl blew the intaltesystem apart, severely the arrl trey tOO to leave the cararrl wait for other rrsans to get 'nere was always a al:::o.1tthis "in:p:JSsible" ecctoeot ,


27th Ccntact wednesday, 25 June 1975 14:37 h

Sanjase- l / TOOay you are not in any hurry - I had to callf or you severa l t imes .

M:;ier- By r egret, I couldn 't s imply go away, f or my wifewas not a t hare , so I had to wat ch tile children . (1)Semjase- 2/Because o f that I had to call you for l onger thanan hour. 3/ Today I have a surprise for you.M::!ier- '!hat de lights me. have you prepared? - Apartf ran that , you told Ire the l ast time, that a l onger timewould pass before we vomd rreet; again .

Semjase- 4/1 can answer your second quest ion firs t , thatour intensi ve task does not begin f or s crre days , for whichreason the time is not p ressing. 5/'Ib your first question,I have to say , that you are a llowed ( to go) f or a f lightwith us, i f you want t o , for we are now r e ady fo r such Fantasti c! - Anytime . - l'JIl.er1 wi ll it s tart?Sanjase- 6/You are not s urpr i s ed?Meier- s hould I (be)?

Semjase- 7/You astonish me wi th your feel ings . 8/If tihfsis allr i ght with you, then we can s tart a t once .

Meier- So l et's go g i r L - To where is the j ourney ?

Semjase- a/once rrore you pose Ire a r i ddle, because I cal)not f ind any erro t.ton o f delight , or fear , in your feel ings .

I am teo much a realist , Semjase. lO / 'Ihat may be the r eason, and besides you areborn in the Pquarius Zodiac , who are able to control rroreprecis e ly. . . l1 / We have decided to make a flight with youtowards Sat urn. 12/For this we need a tilre of about; two anda half hours , i f you have that much t .Irre a t your di.sposa.l?Meder- Will that put it in question? (2)

Semjase- 13/ 0 f course i t won ' t .Good , What about; get ting sore photographs?

a l lowed to shoot sore pictures?(3}


Am I ·

Semjase- 14 /we have agreed positi vely in this respect.

Meier- You speak o f "we"?

Semjase- 1S/we are here with three beamshtps, and a lso willfly with three persons. l6/You will s ee berth of the othe rsas S(XJi1 as we have started. 17/ 'Ihey are floating at presenton l y a few meters above us, and have s creened themselvesagainst sight. (4)

Meier- Okay , what are we waiting for?

secrjase- l 8/ You are in qui te a hurry, but I still have tofirst explain s arething : You are akl cwed to get s ene photo-graphs f ran my ship . 19/5C:rre pictures are admitted to youo f both the o ther beamships, during the s tart and 'touchdown,20/ fureover, you may get one or b.u p i cture s on our s i ght-control means (v iewing screen) . 21/You can as well capturethe Earth on your fi lm , as a lso Mars, Jup i ter and also Saturn.22/ we will a lso admit you sere pict ure s of your ro-loon . 23/But you have to observe this f or s ure , t o make no otherpho tographs , than I mysel f am admitted to a llCM you.

f!trier- Of cours e.

semjase- 23/0kay, then we can go. 24/Have you hidden yourvehicle?

f!trier- As usua l.

Semjase- 25/'Ihen cane on. - And do not worry about yourcarrera, because we have protected aga inst the hannfu l factors .

(Godnd togethe r to the bearnship, we a re lift ed simply bysore invisible e l evating power' , like a lif t, into the ship,arriving at once insi de the cockpi t , whi le behind us thehat ch c loses i tself autanat ically and fu l Iy silent.Inside the cockpit is a yellow-green light evidently caningthrough the on-board wtnco-s , which fran the outside Lookedan orange-red color while inside it was a greenish-yellow.'!his rais e s IT!Y f irst quest ion . ) (5)

Meier- How does it happen, that the on-board windows areor ange on the outside, and here inside they are a ye l Icw-green?Semjase- 28/ 'Ihe out e r s ide is especially coated, and colorsitself a ccording to the atmosphere outside (the ship) i ndifferent colors . 29/Ni thin an atrrospher e s uited for us ,


the matier'Lal. colors itself or ange (on the outside) and caststhis ye llow-green light inside. 30 / When the outside colorsitself o the rwi s e , f or example green, blue , red or yet icc,etc. , then the light inside changes imredi.ately as wel l.31/1'1ithout taking special analysis , we are that way infonredwhether we need f or this atnosphere, pretecti ve dress o rnot. 32/A failure in this manner o f determining the a t:rros -phere is crnpletely iJrpossible, and besides that , the autio-rrertdcs open firs t , then the Sluice, and then the outdoorhat ch , only i f the pilots wear the concerned protect ivedress . 33 /'Ihis i s activa ted. by sensors which have theircontacts in special p laces on the dres s . 34 / 1f one wantsto l e ave the ship in an unsuitable for us a tmJsphe re , thenthis is only pos sible with a protective dre s s , or e lse thes ecuri t y autanatics wi ll not act i va te in opening the door .35/Nhen we are up in the stratos phere o f a wor ld, whe re theatmosphere vanishes, then the outside of the onboard wfndcwsbeccrrea transparent and c l ear, and diffe r s hardly f ran yourclear g lass . 36/'Ihe wtndows prevent , with a special coating,the entrance of a ll r adia tions, res ult ing thus in no danger(fran this s ource f or the crew) . 37/'Ihey on l y l e t in neu-tralized light . 38/For purposes o f observat i ons, we haveour control rrechanisms , which allows for us much bet terobservat ion than Iookfnq out through the onboard wtndoes ,which for photographing pict ures might not be suited well,because the pictures wil l likely be unclear, at least forthat tine when the outsides are colored. 39/At greater dis-tances this effect is reduced, thus you can make betterpictures there . 40/Ha.-I f ar this will succeed for you, Idon I t know, because we have never before this troubled our-s elves f or photo appara tus of your s ort , and thus do not as

know the capabilities of these .'Ibis we will see just nCM. (And l>1eier p repared his

camera and s napped three photographs of the tv.u o ther s hipsahead on departure. )

Senjase- 41/Sure ly, but new I mus t; r eque s t no further ques-tions whi ch wouLd be t r ansmit ted in this r eport, because youmay not tell a ll the events of this f light until I g i ve youpermission to do s o . 42/'Ihis a lso applies to desc riptionso f the interior and the equiprents o f this beamshfp,

As you prefer.



Semjase-- 43/It must be this way for quite special reasons.

t-trler- Al ready okay , Semjase, I 'm keeping my rrouth c losed.

('!he flight l asts 2 hours and 34 minutes , traveling con-side r able distance to the p l anets Mars, Jupiter and saturn ,around the l ast one and back again to Earth, where we a l sopassed through part of the asteroid bel t . After l anding thefollcMing conversation took place: )Semjase- 44 / HcM do you fee l?Meier- Fantastic - Imnense ly impressed. 45/You don ' t have any rrore to say?Mrler- Shou ld 17 Fi rst I have to think of a ll the f antasticimpr e s s i ons . A matte r that s t i ll intere s ts Ire wou l d be thedistance flawn. HCM many fl i gh t ki laret ers have we traveled?

Semjase- 46/ According to your manner of calculating, itbe around 3,000 million k.i lareters .

Meier- Dear- mankind! And that within only two and a halfhours . If I consider having traveled twel ve years over thedear rrother Earth, and have passed there a ltogether 2. 7million kilareter s , then I should ge t j eal ous of you. '!hispresent space j ourney is rror e than 1 , 100 t irres greater thanmy c rawt Inq a long the Earth. t-1an ! 'That 's sc:mething, when Ithink o f that distance !Semjase- 47/Surely, in that s ight this number is very great ,but you will accustan yourself to s uch, because we havedecided to take you , after scrre tine with us , on a muchgreater journey - to the Pleiades .loeier- ? ? ? ? ? PLEIADES? - - - But that i s nearly 500 light -years o f dis tance !Semjase- 48/ Certainl y. 49/But nCM, regretfUlly, I mus t go,because my ob liga t ions are calling fie .




(l) r-Eier was get:t:in:J a little of the a:::nstant de!:wrls en his tine,ere:cry ani resources, am was t:e:}innin:J to feel like he had seal ofthe exuaten:estrial loCIBI1 am her spacECraft. He was beirq criticizaj bJhis friEnis for rvt prtrlu:in;J I1Dre for rrx. than into the ccn-tacts teo. or at l east ¥hEre they a::uld see I1Dre of "'nat was llaf:!Enin1; a.-rlhe was beirq critici.2.Erl the extraterrestrials for rot IlEetin'J tbetr-objectives I1Dre rapidly, ani for fai..l.in1 to 1:llm. his frien::ls into a rocreactive Sl.JHX)rt grwp. The necress of tbese exotic o:ntacts had worn off.ani re was in ro hun.y to rush off to another call - always l.crq distances;;rway over difficult am tryirq routes, u.sually in bed weather or verylate at night. am SCIIEtiIIEs toth, t:Jn.q1 this ale was o::rni.n;J in rnid-after--rccn. his wife returned. did respo-d, taki.rq his cemraani r idin:;J off en his 1'b-fED' an.1 finally arr-ived en the scene - n:::t reallyeJq:eCt..irg then to l::e toere after so lcrq a tiirca, am rot particularly care-i.rq whether they were or rot. The ETs lll.1St have antic.i.pare::i his fai..lirqinterest ard prcvtded the needed stlnulus to reererqtze him.

(2) f>Ean1ng, "If I ckn't. d::> I still g=t to fly?"•. . •ard seajese affimsthat he w::uld.

(3) f>Eier decides to p.15h his lu:::X a little, sin:e he has resp::rded totl'eir call agtin.

(4) Fbr the greater everts, Sanjase has oft:a1. arrived with ad:li.tic:nal.protective spececrare, ",h:::> ranain screeed frrn sight. fur the 3 1pril.night de:lLllstratial, ",tel was Injured escapin:J fron un'au-n pcrscers,she had 4 ctber prot:ectirq spacecraft \orb:) nmrinerl invisible to si.g:lt. Itwas tecanse of this that seejeee was able to lard arrl treat !-mer's brr:kenrib. Incidentally, at that tine, she told him he had n.o other rimprevtccety brcseo ",'hich had rot hea1£rl straight. Cllec::king bade !oeierd.isc:overe:i that he nay rave bn:ke1 rtts in smethin;J else,;l rocg::ortunity at the tfne, did rot ¢ any treatIrEnt ard they tealed tren-selves.

(5) Here again. as in .so many other crnpletely 1.lJ'lCO"Ir1eC UFO. or !lOrecorrectly, UFO correct cases, we nave the use of an elevating bea::n ofenergy of sene kiIrl descrit:e:J . fib stairs or IIEChanical wereneeded to rp aboard the ships .


Th i s comp letely unexp ected and mi nd-blow i ng cha nge o f ev ents t urnedHeier around again, and he began to t ake more ser i ous, and e ven avid,interest in t hes e Pleiadi an cosmonaut s and t heir ob j ec t i ve s .He beg an to rous e hi s fr iends t o activity and purged the doubters f r om

inner gr oup privil eges. He began to t ake t he inner group more closel yi nt o his confidence , and as soon as they became active helper s he wasallowed t o s hare some of his ins i de in forma tion with t hem, t hus wee formedt he inner core of those beg an t o surround h im.They were s i ng led out by name by t he ETs an d were given in formation , and

sometimes even objects , to l e t t hem know that t hey were acc ept e d by theex t r a t e r rest r i a ls , and also to keep their i nt e r es t up .By no" the eor d was around, and people began to s eek Heier out , and as

t hey arr ived i n dr ov es , from eve r yehere , c ont r ol became a problem. Hand-ling t he vi s itors was t aken ove r by t he i nne r group members, s ome of I'1homhad t o move i n with t he Meie r f ami l y to manage .The ac tivity around He i e r an d t he int e r es t it was a tt r acting event ua lly

for ced Hei er to move , and t he fthol e gr oup t r ansfe r r ed the center o f oper-a t i ons t o the pr e sent Hinterschmidrut i site .


28th contact; Friday, 27 June 1975

'Ihought Transmission

10:47 h

Thi s is the s econd purely thought- transmission, with no rece-tc- recemee t ing t o be re- fo r r eco r d . The reception process was similart o t hat for the contact no t es . In t his pr oces s, however, it is done, thereis a lso an i n t erac tion be tween t he transmitter and the recei ver, and t hist r ansmiss ion can be interrupt ed as in a conversat ion and questions asked,with remedt ate answers prov ided. I f thi s i s simply ment a l - t e l epa t h i ctransmission, then in this case i t bec omes a t hr ee-way process , and i n t hats ense a lone is di f fe rent.

senjese- 1/ Sc1l"e Impor-tant; things have happened which wemus t; transmit to you 2/'Ihis pertains to s crre occurranceswithin your group, which shall be discussed here. 3/In thatrespect, our s tation leader wants to get into c loser contactwith you and t ell you the s ituation. 4/His name i s QUETZAL,and he i s top l e ader of our s tation here . . .. Are you r eadyto listen to him?

Of course .grea t chief wantsrre?

Why Not? But what have I done that theby himself to get in crnmunication wi th

senjase- 5/I t dea l s with an event in your group, as I a l -ready said. 6/You are not the guilty one. 7/But new lis t enf or the voice o f h im , Quetza l .

Quetzal- l / My honor ing salutati on, dear f riend - - 2/ Sincethe l ast time, we have caught up different uncontrolledthoughts f ran sore members of your group, whe re certainf a c tors came to our at tent ion, which now, regretfully, Ihave to discuss with you in r ebuke : .55/A furthe r pcdnt; must be made in respect to the contactnotes : As we have seen, you f inally trouble yourselves forthe finishing of the contact notes f or publication.56/He re a f a c tor cares to our attention which i s not ourintenti on, as we have former ly discussed this r e s pect verythoroughly. 57/According to the view of sere of your rrem-her s, the r e ports should be elaborated and sp r e ad onl y inpart, l eav ing a ll pers onal conce rns , e t c ., out (of the fin-ished version ) . that cannot agree fran our s ide . .59/Our decision continues , in consequence, that the r eportsshall thus be published according to the f ixed words , letter


by l et t e r, exact l y as it is at hand . 60/By that are as wellinc luded a ll per sonal affa i rs , whi ch in consequenc e then arenot to be le f t out . 61/'Ihe reports are onl y worthy andcarplete when they are r epeated and r eveal ed word by wor d,and contain a ll the facts . 62/'lhis is an objective based onvery thorough de liberat ions and logi c . 63/Al l personal andother matt e rs , which are not rrentioned in the reports , arenot admit t ed and s hou l d not be published, as these s ince thebeginning were spared. f r an the reports . 64/ All the pres entcontact notes contain exac tly the matters to be of fe r ed andexplained to Earth mankind. 69/We can not accept any de l e-tion o f any facts, explanations , informa tion, o r o ther partsof the conve rsations . 66/In this respect, a ll must be in-c luded, even i f certain matters are undelight ful for senerremoera , 67/ But thi s not onl y concerns sene of your members ,but as well our se l ves , because we sti ll do make unrecognizedmistakes . 68/'Ihese are the deci sive matters which I have torrent.Lon today.

expect OCM, a recognit ion o f the rrentioned mi s take sand their rerrova l. 70/It i s not ve ry delightfu l f or us ifwe have to cons tant l y troubl e ourse l ve s in this respect .71 / Once we give an expl anat i on o r an orde r , then that shou l dbe enough . 72/It s houtd never happen that mat t ers have tobe r epeated seve ral tines and discussed aga in. 73 / m thisrespect we also have o r dered Se:mj ase to anit , in the fut ure ,any kinds o f repetitions o f a once explained f actor. 74/ For\oo'hat has once been explained and discussed needs no furtherexplanat ions . 75/'Ihis is no t on l y t ine consuming , but il-Ioqi .ca f and s uper fluous . 76 / By no neens do we try to ex-e rcise dictator i a l treasures o r to f orc e our wi ll or ourknowledqe onto Earth beings. 77/ l'le only have undertaken aself-irrposed mission to transmit l e s sons o f truth and scrreother things . 78 /'Ihose who want to accept and ackna.o1ledgethis may do so by thei r own decisi on, and one who wants toref use may a lso do that . 79 /'Ihe acknowledg ing ones must beaware that quite def ini te p r inc i p l e s are necessary to pre-s erve or de r , thus s peci a l ob ject i ves and o rders must beobserved, as we.l I as not anitt ing certain assis tance ex-pected o f them. . .Here a new personal ity i s int roduced, has been obs e rving all ac t i vi-ties up to now but ..ho has remained s ilent. Quetzal i s t he Head ofthe sur fac e base mai nt a i ned by t he Pl e i adians in a r emot e and i naccess i bl ereg i on i n t he Alps nea r the Fr ench- I talian- Swi ss bord er . He control s t he



orbiting and also pos it i vely controll ed obse rvation monitors which collectinformation for relay to the mot her - s hi p i n s pace. He leads an e xtrater-restrial sur face t eam which live s in that protec ted facil ity on t hi s planet .It i s also protected f r om the dest r uc t i ve effects of ou r atmosphere and t hedangerous r ays f r om our s un .The group members around Heier had sens ibly decided to ed i t and leave out

sensit ive comments and a l l direct references to personal i t ies ment ioned i nthe notes be fore any r el eas e outside t he gr oup. Quetzal 's posit i oni s that t hey, t he Pleiadians, ha ve a lready purged wha t they think s houl dbe l eft out, be fore t he c ont ac t notes were t ransmitted back to andthat t hey do not need purging agai n .Some of t hose comments are damaging t o certai n persona l it i es, and even

l i bel ous und er our laws , and s o we ha ve t aken exception to Quetzal 's demandand have edit ed and del e t ed as we considered appropriate . Thos e de l et i onsare t he ga ps in the s en tence number ing s equenc e fo r each of the Plei adianspeak ers shown here i n our ve r s i on of t he contact mes s age fromthe Pl e i ades.Anothe r reas on f or some o f t he l arge r gaps in the number i ng s equence, i s

our de letion of unkind references t o our vari ous rel igi ons and bel i efs, andto our politica l systems, petty as they may seem t o the extrate rrestri al s .Thes e systems are ours, and we l i ve here , - - and i n our free r i gh t t o cho ose,we make t he choi ces Wh ich may seem expedient to us.To be t ter unde rstand s ome o f the c riticism of our rel i gi ous be l ie fs , one

wou ld do well t o arm hi msel f with some mor e scholar l y and unbiased studyo f rel i y ions in gen eral, such as I AND THE FATHER ARE publ i s hed by t heEdenite Society , THE BIBLE REVI SI TED, publ i shed by U. r. O. I . C. C. i n Seat t le ,and THE RAMTHA SELECT TEACHINGS, Vol. I , by the Ramtha Foundation. Other-wis e he may not unde rstand t he rela tionships , and c oul d feel i mpelled t odefend his own part i cu lar s ecular be lief unne ces s ar il y fo r lack of know-ledge, and some t ruths co ul d be ove rlooked.

, ,


29th Ccntact >U1day. 7 J uly 1975 10:37 h

Meier- I t took this l ong untd l you troubl ed yourself tocere here after my calling? Has sarething special happened?

Semjase- l /Surely , but about; this I have dn forrred you.

leier- I under'atand, But i f you have sufficient ti.rre , thenI want to ask you sare questions, for quite a lot have ac-cumu lated.

Semjase- 2/For today the re i s s uffi c ient ti.rre a t my dis-posal.

! Very we l L, TIle first question I would like to knowi s , how things are in the matter of the damaged rrotorcar ofthe family v., because I have heard that i t could have teena life endangering event. I don I t understand heM you areabl e to nanipulate s uch a c razy undertaking and p laying withthe lif e of human beings.

senjase- 3/lt was not exactly l ike that , and I explainedbefor e , that the matter was sarething different than youass urre : On 'the one hand, had to find a way to fashionthe undertaking in treasures to generate f or you the necessarytitre for cooversat ions . 4/CX1 the other hand we were concern-ed about; stopping an accident , which necessarily would havehappened i f we had not worked in this way. 5/Fortunatelywe noticed that by a manipulati on we could prevent coreeconsequences . 6/By rreans of our apparatus , we found insidethe engine of the vehicle a grea t danger, when we troubledourse lves f or switching o f f the e lectri cal systems , in whichwe wou.ld have placed the car out o f operation fo r three days.7/The r ecognized discrepancy in the engine was so dangerousto the users of the vehic l e , that we calculated a probabil-ity that this f a ilure wou l .d occur within a few kilaretersand the acc i dent wou ld have happened, and the consequenceswould have been deadly f or the occupants ; and because o fthat we acce l e rated the process o f destruction of the nocorand influenced the further events . .. a/By that , the caningacc ident was prevented and the occupants s aved. 9/HcMeverthe eng ine being destroyed was not our r eurt , because thistraced back to the actual discre pancy in the engine itself.lO/Ne on ly expedited the e f fect o f the exi s ting danger, bywhich we prevented i t fran becaning worse.


loeier- You knew that the engine was canpletely destroyed?Semjase- 11 / Surely. I t becarre unusabje.. .

Dh yes - - - It calms Ire that you are not the causeo f the actual misery, as the r epair has cost about 3 , 000 [11($1,500 .00), as I was told. According to your explanation Is hall r egard i t as a life rescue .

Semjase- 12/ Surely . 13/But what new is your question?loeier- You are in a hurry. Have you suddenly beccre cur-i ous? New Hr. and Nrs . V. have asked me what you and theothers think of her work?

Semjase- 14/Her work is very dil igent . 1S/ She has with-steed many attacks and intri gues and proceeded with her workin spite o f the difficul ty , and has also obtained much suc-cess . 16/ Fran our v iew, I am a llCMeC1 to say, that we regarda ll of her work and trouble highly and advocate i t .17 / She and they are due great praise . 18/Unforttmately,they must be advised of scrre negative factors .. .

loeier- On that I wanted to ask you a question too. 'Ihe Vs .are convinced that sere of the names you mentioned as de-ceivers, are not guilty of such deceit . What do you say tothat?

Semjase- have r ecorded your hours- long discussions ,and am Inf o rrred of them quite thoroughly. 21/But I a lsoexpl ained bef o r e, that you would have a very troub l es arepos.i.tdon , 22/ 'Ihis has ccrre true as you do knew. 23/'Ihistroublesare posit ion will continue for you in the future aswel L. . . . . 24/'Ihe mere we have Looked in different p laces,the more we f ind certain things against you in progress, andintri gues are being built up against you . 2S/Fran differentquarters you have been for sare t .irre watched very thoroughlyand very tightly controlled, whi le a l ready scrre wicked-mindede ferrent.s are a lso p lotting i ntri gues against you. .. 27/Inconsequence, be very carefu l in every r e s pect. 28/Eviltongues are a ccusing you of espionage for foreign JXJW€rs ,whi le o the r s are accusing you of deceit, by which they seekto prevent you fran spreading the truth. 29/'Ihese e lerrentson the one hand belong to religious circles , and on theother to a s t i ll secr et organization desiring to suppresswhat you say. au/ certain l ine s in this r e s pect are running


to dif ferent secr e t a lli ances and confederat ions, as well asto and the military, and to certain individual swho f eel menaced by what you say. 31/Certain other e ke-rrents are looUrking against you because i f you are proved tobe right they could be accused o f deceit •• . (1)

lolrler- You give Ire a fantastic out l cok , Semjase . But act-ually 1 have calculated on things l ike that .

Semjase- 32 /You had to, because you do knew these thingsfran earlier t.ines , (2 ) . _. • • . . _. .

Of course, and so I do not excite myself. But youranswer' c oncerning certain deceiving elerrents is not satis-fying Ire . Please explain this in rrore detail for roe, as youhave sinply gone around my question .

Semjase- 33 /1 have a l ready given you different explanat ionsabout; this , but I shall do s o f or another t.iJre : Fran therecording, the discuss ed acceptances are wrong in respect tothere being differences in the truths in the way that ourexplanations and interpretations wou l d correspond with onlya part o f the truth, and \'o1)u ld at f irst, under confrontationwith other expl anations and interpretat i ons o f r other . c re-a t ures caning to you Earthhuman beings , l ead towardsthe final truth. 34 /In the present tirre, we are the highestdeve loped c reatures who fran outside your wor-Id travel tothis Earth, and a lso are in s tat ion here . 35/Although s tillother c rea t ures are penetrating into your Earth space, fly-ing here, and sore having as we ll their stat ions here, so wecor r espond to the highest evo l ut i on of a ll of them. 36/'Ihesecond highest form o f life behind us is a lit tle rrore than1,340 years o f total evolution behind ourselves . 37 /50 o fall present extraterrestria l f orms o f life which inllabit theFarth space , we are in advance in total evo l u t ion by a fewrrore than 1,340 Earth years . 38/\'l'hen we then transmit ex-p l anat i ons and interpretat i ons, these accord to the highestl evel o f r ecognition and kncwfedqe and to the highest knowntruth, which not by any explanation and interpretaticn f ranl esser deve loped c reatures, under confrontat ion , could leadtowards greater truth. 39/Which matters in consequence thatwhat; we transmit to you, is the finally known truth up toand within our l evel o f spirit , which also resul ts that inrespect to the forrrer ly rrent.Ioned deceptive e rerents , we canon l y revea l the eff ective truth, and I fran my s ide have to


renain with my explanations , because they are the truth.40/I f then certain persons doubt my expl anations in thisrratter , they mus t; s oone r or l ater r ecogni ze the truth o f mywords. 41/ 'Ihis espec.ta t I y in respect to the deceptive pr e-tentions o f certain ones who spoke wor l dwi de o f presurredcontacts with hurran beings of your nei ghOOring p l ane t Venus .42/Mter not too many years it will beccrre evident to you byyour sciences , that on that p l anet exist no hUll\3J1 c r e a t ureso f the f o rm described by certain deceivers , neither in spir -i t ua l nor materi al f orm . 43/ I f then my explanati ons a rer e f used by di f f e rent Bar-th humans then this i s o f no grea tiITportanc e , because the Earth sci ent ists will themse lvesevidence and prove my informat ion in a few years , by whichat the s ane tiJre are the different pseudo-contactees provento be deceivers , o r had been.44/For the sincerel y interested Earth human, I want to

trouble myself to give sore inportant explanations with re-spect to the p lanet Venus : Often the Earth ' s sol ar s ystemis passed by carets and wandering p lanets o r wande ring stars ,about which the fo llCMing is an explanation : carets appearin different forms ; one tirre as wande ring planets and aswandering stars, which by the great attractive pceers o fother stars and planets, and by suns, are drawn into theirsphere of influence. 45/Because o f their great speed theyusually rush through the gravity belt and distance themselvesagain , where by the inc reased friction o f the planetary,sol ar and star f orces their s urface i s liquified and l os e smatter. 46/This matter o ften forms itself as a very l ongtail behind the fleeing ccxret . 47 /Fran so l ar energies e tc , ,the emitted particles then beccrre visible as a shining taiL48/On the other hand the so-ca j Ied "enpty space" i s notenpty, because i t is alive with innumerous partic les andother things , which by the constant f riction with the wan-der ing p lanets , s tars , e t c . , ca use thei r tails to shine .49/Yet there exist besi des the s e carets s till the ve il- likeemet ic bodies.SO/ In general canets have r ather eccentric cours e s , and

cir c le, l ike the s ystem's planets, around the sun , but uponvery much l arger courses . 51/These system's canets deve lopthemselves norrre l Iy at first near the sun with their ilrpres-sive l ong tails, which o f ten c an be many mill i ons o f kilo-meters l ong . 52 /But tirue ly gigantic carets are quite rare ,for whi ch reason the greatest number of a ll carets is not


perceivable by the naked eye . 53/ Only the really great andr ather c lose to Earth carets are percetved by the mere eyesof the Earthhuman being. 54/The average carets are nothingrrore than sma.ll and very weak sphere-shaped clouds of lightwithout tail . 5S/But of this s ort o r caret are innurrerousones . 56/'Ihe veil- l ike ccerets are the most; f requent ones ,and they possess three main characteristics : '!hey are sur-rounded by a veil cana, with o r without inner central densi-f i cation ; then the core and then the taiL 57/The f orms ofthe care can be very different ; e lli ptica l , round, o r drawnout in any direction. S8/'!he centra l densif i cation appearsthat way , that the cera beccrea brighter and rrore ccmpact; onthe inside . S9/ '!he core itself f o rms a bright ly shiningzone and embodies the essential caret, which can measure afew hundred meters up to many thousand kilareters, whi le thetota l diarreter o f the caret 's head, measured. together withthe ccea, arrounts often to many hundred thousand or evenmi llions of kilareters . 60 /Each, f ran the sort of caret andthe influences, consists in the tail of dust particles or offorms of gas, o r of dust particles and gas f onnati ons to-gether . 61/ Mere gas tails keep themse lves much c l oserdiIrensions than the dust tails, which only appear in greatercarets that are very light, while the gas tails are not verybr ight and are enornous ty tenuous . 62/'!he system-cconectedcarets have very long e lliptical courses which extend them-s e l ves very far out into the COSfI'OS. 63/'!hese courses leadvery often half way o r even rrore into other systems , untilthey start their r e turn flight again trwards their origin-ating system. 64/But the courses can a lso run 50 far thatthe way l eads through one o r several s ys tems and the waybeccmes accordingly l onge r . 65/Because of the l ong courses ,the carets often need many decades of years befor e they flyagain through their hare systems, while on the contrary,system-wanderers , carets which fly through dif ferent sys tems ,posses orbiting ti.rres o f many hundreds o r thousands of years .66/And l ike a ll p lanets, s o a lso are carets s ubjected to thelaws of gravity, thus they also f orm their courses accord-ingly. 67/And j ust these different courses and the i r leng-ths are decisive for ce rtain changes and occurrences in thevery different sys tems of stars and suns, even as such oc-curences and changes are only very rare .68/ScrtE l e s s in detail I have already spoke about these

f actors of carets , while nCM I had to explain sarething rrore .


69/f!o this is necessary for the explanation that on Venusexists no fonn of human l i f e : Millions o f years ago a hugedark star destroyed hal f of a plane tary system many light-years fran your sol ar system. 70/Mte r the destructi on ofthat far away sys tem, the wanderer rus hed out to the widthsof the Uni verse, and took up its course tcMards Earth, wherei t was f o rced by the great p lanets and the sun into a neworbit which in consequence of that brought it on again andagain into this s ystem. 71 /Known as "the destroyer", itf of Icwed i ts new course and produced f or itself in the courseo f - millions of years , a s table o r bit . 72/'Ihis course l edthe destroyer uncontrollably c lose t o s tars and s ystems , o rto other wandering stars and canets , which were by its g i -gant i c s ize then forced out o f o r b i t o r were attracted byi ts gravity and were "kidnapped" . 73 /1his happened as \Ve l!on l y a few thousand years ago , when this i.mnense destroyerdrew an ob ject into i ts gravity and cours e , and l ed it overmany miUions o f kilaneters toward the Earth 's solar system.74 /'Ihe destroyer itself flew very far outside the reach o fEarth gravity, but the object trai l ing in i ts gravity f ieldpassed dangerously close to Earth and evoked great c a tas-trophies . 75/ 'Ihe whole sol ar s ystem was p lunged into dis-o rder and chaos at that tiIre and all its p lane ts were pushedinto new o r b i ts . 76/'Ihe new object disturbing the hanronywas f o rced by the gravity of the greater p lanets and the SUninto a course between Earth and and was unable tol eave the s ystem. 77 / And being the br i ghtest and rroa t; re-flective planet o f Earth1s solar system, c i rcl es s ince thenaround the s un and i s ca lled by the Farth hurrans "Venus".78/'Ihese events , where Venus was captured by the Earth 'ssol ar system , happened 3, 453 years ago. BO/By the eventso f the tiJre Venus was guided into a very quie t course, forwhich it has one of the l east eccentric o r b i ts . B2/ 'Ihi s isthe essentia l effect o f that ancient c lose pas s age to Earth,by which the rotati on o f Venus was a l so influenced. 83 /Bythe g ravity of Earth, the r o tati on of Venus was s Ioved downand it started r otating in the oppos i te direction. 84 /Andin effect o f the very short t irre o f passage through Earth I Sg rav i ty, the rotati on o f the s Iowed p lanet was not able toincrease itself, f o r whic h r eason it attained an extrerre l ylong tine for on.ty one rotation, and maintains fran that daythe SlCMest rotation t.iIre in the whole sol ar system. 85 /Since then one day on Venus l asts 117 Fa.rth days , while the


tine for r o tat i on around the 30 degree inclined axis o f thepores arrounts to 243 Earth days .86/By the gravity o f Earth Venus was robbed in i ts fl i ght

3 ,453 years ago of its own rotat ional energy, and therearose a very great heat o f fri ction . 87/And this fri c tionalheat i s a lso the cause of the phys i cal conditions which pre-s ent ly rei gn on Venus . 88/'Ihe physical conditions a l oneshew the f alsity o f a ll those who affinn that human lifeexi s ts on Venus . 89 /'Ihis matter is canpletel y outside thefrarre of nat ura l chance, because the env i ronrrental condi-t i ons on Venus I s urface and the atrrosphe re are absolutelydeadly for human c reat ures . 90/'Ihe s urface tenperature o fVenus , measured at a depth of 32 kilareters , is a t present457 degrees Celsius . 91/'Ihis is a lso the reason why a ll thewater of this p lanet has turned to vapor and f orms today thevery thick s tratum of c louds . 92/'Ihat a lso produces an a t -rrosphere s o dense that the pressure at an accepted sea l evelis 334 t irres higher than of the air on the Earth. 93/Andinterpreted in your scientif i c tenns , the abnosphere o fVenus is a lso a danger to the life of human creatures , be-c ause it consists by volurre o f 87% carbon dioxide, whi l e thepercentage dif f ers in sere p l aces . 94/Oxygen exists at pre-sent in the ICMer s tra tums in only 4.23%, and nitrogens andr are gasses are r eported to be 55 .47%. 95/Wa ter vapor i svery r are at present , and the a tIrosphere i s considerabl ygreater than that of your Earth . 96 /'Ihe actua l pressure ofthe Venus atmosphere i s 107 t ines greater than the pressureof your Fart.h I S atIrosphere. 97/And this i s a lso a mat terwhich is hosti le to human forms o f life . 98/By this de-creasing only very e acwry great pressure, human f o rms o flife would be squashed into indis cernabili ty and destroyed,and even rretallic fonns can suffer the sarre fate. 99/Inexplanat ion, I want to reveal her e , that we have found onVenus , Earthly appar a t us, which by the i..rrrrense pres s ure o fthe atmos phere of Venus was ccmpfe te.ty squashed and darragedeven befo re they r eached the s urf ace o f that p lanet. 100/Especia lly thi s has to do with the expl orati on means o f yourstate o f Russ i a , which were shot towards Venus by the sci-entists o f that l and . 101/ 'Ihese destroyed devices l ookedl ike they had been thrown a t great velocity against a Ireta lwall .162/ Venus has a rragnetic field o f very ICM measurerrent ,

and a lso what you call the "Van Allen Belt" is express ed


very l aw, in consequence of which what you call the "s o l arwind" factor i s not screened very much . l 03/ 'Ihen must ber egarded as well the ve ry high temperature , which injuresthe belt. 104/ But a lso the l a ck of water has its consequen-ces in nourishing the hos t il i ty against lif e of this planet.l OS/Fran the event o f 3 ,453 years ago , the planet i s atpresent in the first phases of recovery and restoration.106/ SIa.vly, over the cours e o f centuries and mi.Lleni.uma ,natural condit ions for lif e, and forms of lif e o f the rrostprimitive kind will deve l op, as those are usua l on eacherre r ging lif e - developing \'.'Or l d . . . 107/ 'Ihus for eventhe ITOst unreasonable one it is evident that we are dealing ,in the case of Venus, with a planet that is rraking its firsttrove s wi thin the status of prcducing lif e .

regard to the p lanet itself, i t must be explainedthat especially in its equatorial reg i ons it is very flatwith structured r e lie f r e gi ons far away . 109 /Concerning thetemperature, day and night sides are nearly equal , whi lethe re are great differences in the strength of the wind be-tween the l ower and the higher r egions . 1l0/ At the surfacei tse lf the wind is s till , and first deve l ops in the highe rr egi ons. Hl/At s till higher r egi ons the winds increasevery much and reach velocities of 117 meters per second.112/ The Iowest; l eve l o f c loud exists a t 43 . 17 kilareters(above the surface) , but this can a lways vary because ofat:nospher ic storms e tc. 113 /'Ihis is especially l ikely overthos e regions where the winds are pressed downwards andr each the surface and b .lcw against the rrountains, whichthemselves r e a ch heights of 2.3 kilareter s on average. 114/The c liIrate and structural weather are on the whole veryconstant on Venus , but nevertheless sbcw cer-tedn differences .115/ Thus it is that human lif e on this p lanet is up to nows til l impossible i f no t accorded technical means for help.116/In the sense then, mentioned by deceivers , no life infact exists on Venus . 117/ But canpletely other f orms (o flife) does exist , but there can be no canpari son betweenthese and human forms. 118/The p lanet is still very wild,f or how e lse could this be afte r 3 ,453 years? 119/For ex-ample may serve to you the Earth r-bon , as when you Look atit you have nearl y a copy of the Venus which presents i tse lfbe l ew the thick stratum of c louds . we or otherforms of life go to Venus , which is r i ch in very differentminerals and othe r materials, i t i s only possible for us by


using s peci a l protective dress which pres erve s us f ran thedangerous influences o f the Venusian a trrosphere , the greatheat, etc , , as well as in r egard to the different f orms ofpoi s ons and gasses which neve as dead ly c louds over thep l anet . 121 / And bec ause the p l anet i s subjected to certaindiffe r ences, \'i'e mus t; a l so take this into consider a tion, asf o r exampfe , for dif ferent l cx:a t i ons where the tenperatureincreases to rmre than 500 degress Ce l s ius directl y on thes urfa ce, and where a l so the va lues o f c arbon d ioxides , o fnitrogens , he lium, a rgon and neon gasses change va l ues;while a lso the atrrospher ic pressures diff er between 88 up to107 atmospheres (AT) . (3)122/n-tese are the basic explanations which I have to offe r

in respect to the ability o f human o r s imi.lar to hurren lif eexisting on the p lanet Venus . 123/ 1 f I had to describe otherp lanets o f your s un system, then by regret a lso there I\o,uuld have to refute a t different p l ane ts the deceptive in-f o rnation o f certain e l errents and substitute f or i t the rea ltruth, because othe r s uppos edly inhabited p lanets of yoursys t em contain no s uch fo rms o f hurran life • . .

Meier- Your explanations could not be much c leare r , and soI assume that these should be sufficient f or reasonablehuman beings . But; wha t ma.tter sti ll i s not evident for Irenow, i s that concerning the publ i cation o f our contact r e-ports. n-te l ast contact has been on ly o f though t -trans -mis sion kind , and besides that your chief has care in.SEmjase- 143/ SUrely; as this has once been demanded, afterdifferent unhanronious things appeared in your group. . .147/ Concem ing the contact r eports , I a lso explained to you ,that these s hou l .d be published within internal c i r c les , asthey a lready exi s t . 148/Cklly f o r external circles shouldthey be censored of a ll personal concerns, e tc . 149/ &1t ifany externa l c ircles appear who want to get unshortened.reports , then they s hou l d a l so be handed them in ccmpletef onn. 150/ 'Ihe censored f onn of the reports i s valid a l onefor broad publicity.

M:tier- had a l s o considered this , senjase ,

Semjase- 151/ 'Ihen we mus t; have a mt.sunder- stienddnq ,

TIle r e must; be - but l e t I s no l onger talk o f this .n-tere has a lso been i ts qocd e f f ect, as this way I a lso got


once in contact wi th your chief.Semjase- 152/Surely, but there should be no l imit on that.153/ At a l a ter point in t irre we have further oppor-tuni.t.Les ,as we have provided f o r this . 154/But this will be on lywhen we will prepare you for the great j ourney, which willtake you farther away than any Bar-thhuman has traveled inthe last 2, 000 years You rrent.Loned sarething in the last rreetdnq , Youtold rre that I could once care with you to the Plei ades .Semjase- 155/Surely, but this will on l y be a short part o fa l arger trip, because the aim seen fran the Earth is manylight years distance.Meier- Oh dear - that is fantastic. I only wanted to takephotographs there . By regret the l ast pictures have nearlya ll been bad, about; the travel to Saturn, Either they wereove r or underexposed, or the film was just b l ack .Semjase- 156/'Ihis," unfortunately, had t o be expected, .. .be-cause you rray need for s uch cases, speci al equi.prent ,

Nevertheless I will by again on the next tri p . Ifj ust sare pictures would be successful f or me, even halfway , then I am content .5emjase- 159/ Bes i de s this , there is a chance that we wi lltake you up again on the next rreeting, for a furthe r specialf light . 161 / He r e 'We a lso want to s ee whether you are ableto make certain pictures , f or we have produced in this aim aspecial apparatus .

lmat shall I photograph?5emjase- 162/ You will r e cognize this s een enough , but ncsvmy ti.rre i s ove r again , f or I still have to carry out certainduties.




(1) As gJt. into this UFO investiqatia1., as the investigators , careurder investigatia1., arrl we l::eg3n to rotice rrany arrl urU:Elievabl e

ocr terepocoee were tafped, cur mail was intercept.erl arrlware folla-m. 'Ibtal m:de <lH=OintnEnts with us, or

:intercepte::l us, am warned us to tack off. \'e were p icked up by specdakam questialEd . were stq::{;ed in different a::untries enrccte to

arrl fran SNitzerlillrl, and were tnterrocated and saretinEs givm instruc-tioos by cne service, arrl tiel again and differently E.Verytarre vtsdted the r'Eier fann, a military st.nrq--IDint was set up en thehill just above the t'eier reese lcx::k..irg right d::k.n into the fanily livin:;Jrccm. I"e received threats by mail am by telerrcoe, and ca:::asimallyinUmidat:e:l in perscn , \'J1enever we went to ale of the a:ntact. s ites or[Xrt.o sites were the UFO pictures were taken, we SCM lcw-flyirq recnmais-sance aircraft pass CNer cur hea::1s, and we even tren severaltines. It was ccctcce to us that we were the roes J::e.irq watcbed at trosetdrres . art: I-."e. I-." urrlerrping cnly a little of Io.'hat !'a er and his groopwere e:q::erienci..nq at h::I:rE in SNitzerlillrl. neier was , a:n:ng mmy othert:hirqs, sf-ct. at in asassainaticn ettecpcs, 9 up to the errl of thefirst rf1ase of all" .investi.gaticn in 1983, and three of them were acb.Jallyp:>int-blank efforts designed rot to faiL 'trey were in fact miracukuslyfrustrated every ctne by what appeared to be extrat.en:estrial int.ercesskn.(2) senjese is making reference bere to a private unrecorded discussknwith !·eier in which she told him that in his 0Nl1 reincarnaticn history, hewas coce ale of the Biblical Prq:h2ts in the Old 'l'est:.c:m2nt clu:cni.cles.,\\om was even then in o:ntact with their ancestors visiting here, arrl serve::ltrsm then nuch as he is tnterded to do tcday - am. that the trials f'CM

are 00 mere severe than they ....sara then .

(3 ) Q1 the trip to saturn, the e:q:elitioo of three ships wert. to the innerplanets first, incl u:.ling Venus. At Venus, senjase took her ship into theal:l!DsJ;:heric enve.l.q:e of that planet am. do.-.n t.hrcu:#l i t to near the surfacebelc-. TIley ererqed fran the dense cla.rl cover into clear air at accut;f curty k.i.laIEt.ers above the grom:1 level, arrl senjese flB'; her craft cocearo.lfrl the planet for a vie..; of i t . foe ier said that in sore places thegrrurrl Iccsced pretty IIllCh like the !.tx:n , with many scat-tered inp3.ctcraters . I-E said it Iccsed fairly level in the equatorial regia1S and atthe pokes which seared to have sardy deserts trr epcts , I-E 5a'.N sore 10.;nrxmtains everaqinq 2 to 3 kilC1'l'Eters in height at mid-latib.rles . Ss:njasesaid they o:uldn I t stay lal:J because of the h:::Gti.le -cx:::nlitioos, andtrey went; back up and rejoined the other ThD srnps am proceeded en tor·errory.



t hat

'''''"fl y clos er to known objectssize , that this might off se t

Aft er Hei er ha d shot seve ra l rolls of fi l m in a number o f Pleiadian spaces hi p flight demonstrati on events, he was asked how the pictur es comi ngout . He replied that t he pi c t ures wer e good, but that his f r i ends and thec ritics l'>ho ha d seen t hem argued tha t they wer-e all of objects i n a lights ky wi t h no referen ce poi nts t o c l ea r l y demonstrate distances, and thatt h i s ki nd would be easy to fake wi th a mode l suspended on a line . Het hough t t hi s cou ld be a pr ob lem i n useing photographs o f t he craft t o provet he contac ts were r eal .Heier t old Semja se that i f they could

cou ld be measured later for di stanc e andcriticism.And so he was surmoned to a l S: OO ren dezvou s near Fuchsbue l -Ho fhalden ,

northwest of Wetz ikoo , and was told he could bring h i s came r as . \-.hen hear r i ved he was t ol d that the extraterrestrials woul d fl y their ship a round8 t a ll weat her-fir , a he rmit spec i e s of evergreen , which stood alone ont he shallow s lope of a hi ll overlook ing the Pfa ffikersea, and that i s justwhat t hey di d, flyi ng s o clos e to the tree t ha t the r im of t he ship bro kesome of t he small branches at t he fl i ght l eve l o f t he ship . Thi s t ookplace on 9 J ul y 1975.Me ie r s t a r ted his pict ure-taking with the br anches of another s imilar

t ree i n the ne ar for egr ound to t he right o f the pictu r e frame . Thos e lowbranches were ins i de the j arrmed f ocu s set ting on hi s camer a at the timeand are s een out of foc us in the picture, c learly s howing that branch wasl es s than JS feet from the camera l en s .The sh i p hove red there in the a ir as the photographe r ",alked about 20

s teps to his left an d dolm t he h ill for a second pi cture, exactly what hisfr i ends had advis ed him to do . He t ool< that second picture from a closerperspective and with the Pfaffikers ea now seen i n the bac kground beyondthe hovering ship .Then t he s hi p was s l owly fl own completel y around t he tree i n a counte r

c lockwise direction as Meier got a pic t ure of it on the right ha nd sideand then t he left . It went a round aga in and he s napped two pictures o ft he s hi p behi nd t he t r ee wi t h t he branches part l y obs cu ring t he ship .Thes e pictures, t hough they were exactly \\ha t t he c ri tics want ed t o see ,

now came unde r cr it i c ism by accus ation s t ha t Heier had used a IIIOdel on aline and a IIIOdel tree. Nobody seemed t o give an y t hOUght to ho.. a one-armed man driving thi s distance on a Ho- ped would ca r ry suc h a t ree and aIIlOdel, rigging , cameras , e t c , , without be i ng observed by sceeeooy ,No f ace- t o- f ace meeting took pl ace t h is date .




30th Ccntact 'I\.1esday, 15 July 1975

Thought Transmissi on

09: 46 h

Semjase- 1/1 have recei ved your diff erent thoughts but Icou l d not res pond (i.rmedia t e l y ) a s my p r e s ent task occupiesrre ve ry much , 2/ lmd as I OeM take up contact with you todayit will be, f or certain reasons , for only a short : Pre-pare yourself to be r eady in the earl y norning hours o f the17th of J u l y , which is within two days . 3 / At a g iven t iJreI wi ll ca ll you then, and take you f ran a sui ted l ocat i on .4/ You s hould equi p yourself with s u f f icient fi lm mater ial asthis will be of Irrcortance , 9/ Prepare yoursel f furtller tobe absent for a l onger time, because you will undertake . ..a further flight , which is not possible even for many space--travel ing creatures . l O/Wi tltin this Universe are few formso f life able to ove rcare such gre a t distance s , because thisi s onl y possibl e through hyper s pace . l1 /Wher e this has beenmade posa t b i e by advanced technical deve.loprenta , the Uni-verse offers no l imits . 12/Also space and time are nol onger barriers , and so as well the barrier between univers -es can be negoti ated. B IAs you knC1N fran t amer t..inEs (1) ,so a lso are knccn tiJre- j ourneys f o r certain f orms of lif e . . .

Do you know these things?

Sanjase- 14/ SUrely . 15/ As Aske t i s well known to lIE. 16/But p lease do not Interrupt, Ire , because my t ine for thiscontact i s very s hort; we wi ll not be able to accarrplish thecaning trave l in my small s hip, as f or such trips it isunsuit ed. 17/ .• •We shal l go over to a great -space-fit tedship. 18/ So prepare for a l together a t l east 30 hours o ftine (away) , because with this s hip \<;e will trave l f ar out-side the s tar fonnations to you. . .. .. 19/Here a lsoyou shoutd have an opportunity to make sare pictures . _. . . . ,and pcsstbty to view, f ran a distanc e , the anc ient harep l anet o f our human r a ces . (2 ) 20/1bday i t presents a peculiars ight , originating in the destruction of a great s tar . 21/'Ihat destroction 'took p l ace a very l ong t.:iITe ago. . . 24/Be-cause o f i ts eye-like shape this formation i s called by us"IHNH- HATA". . . . .. 25/This Dane means , trans l a ted into yourl anguage, "Eye-of -God". . . 26/According to your astronanic a lc atalogs , you f ind this "Eye -of -God" within the s tars o f


"Lyra" (constellation) , and you call it "The Ring Nebu la ofLyra " o r "H-57". 27/lhese are the concerns 1 had to report;today. 28/lf nCM you still have a question, then I have ashort tine to answer . (3)

I£ier- I f eel myself p l .aced into a kingdan o f f antasy , sem-j ase . But tell rre , where in the sky or heaven can I findthis "Eye-of -God"?

8anj ase- 29/To do this you need a bigger telescope .

I£ier- A pity . - In respect to the p lanned journey , I s tillhave a questi on: Nhen I count the distance in kt.Icme ter-s ,what i s the mm1ber?

senjase- 3D/It exceeds all your ma.thematical posstbt i i.taesof calculation manyfold . 31 / Telling a number , which I couldgive you. . . but only in my terms, would in consequence beabsurd. ..

l£ier- But then a few hours wi ll not be sufficient.Sanj ase-- 34/Vou f orget about the negation of space and tilrein hyperspace .

I£ier- rear rre , then this will becCIT'E j ust a short trip tothe end o f the Uni verse, a trave l into e terni ty , so to speak?

36/Your thoughts are wrong, f or we dont; reach anend of the Universe , f or such an end does not exist . 37/Weonly nove to a barrier o f this Universe .

loeier- But how are we able to execute this traveling whi leyoo are occupied with the other matter .. . ?senjase- 38/1he further h'Ork will be continued after myl eav ing by others because, a f urther mission has been givenme, which i s also cormected with the trave l ing, as you callit.

loEier- I understand. 'Ihen you are not going to the Univer -se I 5 barrier s iIllpl y to grant ITE this trip?

5emjase-- 39/ You guessed it, because there i s a quite cer -tain task but cormected with i t . 4D/But nC1N' I can speak nofurther with you , as tirre p r esses , and I s till have othe rthings to do.



(1) foEier is ra:ni.n:3ed bere of his earlier CJ1""1;PiIq' ccntacts with Asket, aht.tran---like h:!iIq' wh:l said she Ci:IIE fran tiE "[};L thiverse, a thiverse oferotrer fOlarity c:g,:osed to curs, which a::urrt:.el:bal curs in rranifest-etdcn, His a:ntacts with As.loot went en ever a span of IlDre than tel years.As.lret arrl her tea:n prepare::l tomer for his presmt ccetects with the teenfran the Pleiades . '!he plei cdi ans arrl the IW.s have been in o::ntact. arrlin en projects of varices kirrls with each other for a very 1.aqtine. In erccoer ccewersetdco, not recorded, lbier was told that he washin:Ee1£ of the sarre spirit as the estraterrestrials visi tiJlg him. arrl haslive::l arrl travele1 with than before in the history of his scat . '!his is atlB!e we have beard in a high IEIT81taQe of the extensive c:n--t.Pl.rq casesof antaet with ectraterrestri.als. 1b oor fa.' of trese othercases are Jon.,n to !-mer.

(2) secjese later expl.a.iIH:i that their ercestcrs, arrl cera, sfrce we I::othcere fran a ccrrrcn heritage, de:scerrled fran the refugees fran that greatsun-system, sore of wh::m flerl to the Ple ia:les, s::IIE to tbe Hya::1es, arrl an1.1llter of other places ...'here they f oord h:Gpi table planets in their escapefran

(3) '!his reference to "'!he Eye of Q::d" in p1eiaii an history basbeen t:wiste:i bf the jeal.oos antilg:nists of this case into aderisive statecert that " clain:s to have .1cx:lke1 into the eye of Qrl",

ally reveals their actual i.gnrance of the facts in this case .


31st Contact; 'Ihursday, 17 July 1975

fo r t his 31s t con tact wi t h the extrat er r es t r ials i n l ess t han six mont hs ,Eduard Meier made pl ans f or an absence o f ove r 30 hour s and preparedhimself for thi s antici pa t e d trip. He got up early, care fully bathed anddressed, and l oaded hi s bike an d s tar ted out fo r t he r emot e and verys ecluded r ende zvous s pot s e l ect e d by the female cos monaut . Again the routewas ver y di f f i cul t t o negot i a t e and woul d certainl y discourage fol l ower s .Arriving at the s i gnified location , he unloaded t he equi pment he would

carry a long wi th him and care full y hi d h i s Ho-ped against accidentaldiscovery . Shor tly a fte r thi s , the spacecra ft arr i ved and he wa s gr eetedby the now familiar extraterrest r i al woman , Semj ase , It was 10: 14 i n t hef orenoon and he was i nmedi atel y taken i nt o the Pl eiadi an shipa l ong wi t h hi s equi pment br ought fo r the trip. They ascended into thes hi p i n the beam o f energy and took right off on t he gr eatest event i n

l i fe .After the tr ip Heier "I8S br ought back to the s ame spot , r et ri eved h i s

Nc-ped, st ill und i s t ur bed , an d rode a ll t he way home i n «onde r an d con-templa tion. Af t e r he had rested from t he stra in of all the exci temen t , hegot up , weened his face , an d went ou t and settled himse l f a t hi s modes tdesk to receive t he "t r ans miss ion" .SUddenl y he was "tuned in" and t he f ollowing edited transcript was

r eceived as be for e , r apidl y, with no repe ats , and no s t oppi ng for cor-r ections, i n a cont inuous run until the t ransmission was completed .

semjase- l / Tc:day is your big day .

Meier- After a ll you have tol d Ire I fee l the same way .

senjase- 2/You had to think about; what would be expected.3/But now I must explain at this time , that you have to keepsilence about certain concerns . 4/At a l a t e r t.irre I will beable to allO'iv you to tell about the experience . 5/Fran thatI will l e ave out of the transmission o f the report c e rtainthings o f which yOUITBy not speak. 6/ But ccrre now, f i r s t wemake a j ourney tlrrough your s o lar system.

{\\Ie go to the ship and are lifted up inside by the transportbeam, and on l y a few s econds a fter this the ship float s uphigh, and I shoot f r an about. 50 meter's height , s ere di.a- pdc-tures o f the environrrent of the departure point. I take thepictures partly fran straight above , and partl y franthe s ide. I c an take these pictures still tlrrough theentrance hatch as we c l imb very s lowly higher. Af t e r shoot -


ing the pictures , SeInjase c loses the hatch, and within onlyseconds , the s hip rushe s up to several k i laret e rs heightwithout my noticing any pressure or any othe r change . zvery-thing is just l ike I was standing on solid qround on theEarth. Different sudden a l terna tions o f the cours e producedno bodily effect, though I can see through the "windows" onboard that at diffe rent ti.rres we shoot; a long in the c r azi e s trroverrents , l ike a great pendah.nn.)

semjase- 7 /\'le will new l e ave the gravity f i e l d of Earth.

flirler- 'Ib wher e s hall \'o"e go nCM?Sanjase- 8/ At first to Venus, where you may a lready useyour carrera .

M:!:ier- \'ihat about the Venusians? Can photograph them?semjase- 9/You like to j oke . ..flirler- I onl y wanted to see what you wou .ld s ay.S;mjase- U /Your ways o f thinking can oft en be urccbiescre .12/ aut look he r e now : We have produced this apparat us here ,to give you better possibi lit ies f or getting photographs .13/You can ho ld your camera quite s imply bef o re this screenand then photograph outs i de . 14/As you s e e , you are able to100.11;. through this transparent mat eri a l to outsi de , l ike itwould be a sirople pane of g l ass . is/The device fixed on i tsside i s for gene r a ting different r adiations which make v i s -ible existing tones o f c o l ors , etc . , o f the ob j ects to bephotogr a phed, or simply i lluminates these s o they can bestored on f ilm. 16/In that way you can obtain bet ter colorpictures, . ..we hope . 17/ Fo r our part, .....e have another cam-era quite similar to yours . 18/So i f you have a film forIrE , then I can assist you with this s econd c arrer a .M:!ier- Naturally. - But sereno- I wonder , as you onc e toldlIE that you use quite another t echnique for gett ing photo-graph-like pictures . And nCM you s uddenl y care up with as uitable camera .Semjase- (Laughing quietly) '!his camera is a product of yourtechnology, which one of us has obtained.Meier- ' s urprises me, as then you vou t d have to go intoour villages or towns .

Semjase- 20 / 15 that s o s trange for you?


I a lways see you only in your (space) dress, and withthese, neither you nor any others of you cou ld walk (un-dis covered) before the eyes of the Earth h\.lITBI1S .semjase- 21/Surely , but we a lso own dresses of your fashion .22/we do need these, because here and there we walk in yourc i rcl es .

'!hat actually doesn ' t surpr ise me, but why don I t yougo out f or an evening with me?semjase- 23/About this matter, we can make a date .

'That i s nice, but with us we have the so-calledpolice, who s areti.rres check up on different persons . Whatwill happen i f scmebcdy demands fran you your personal(identificati on) papers?semjase-- 24/You have many questions , but have no worryabout this . 25/Ne do not use personal papers l ike yours,because we do not need s uch things in that f orm. 26/But ifthat should happen, that we get asked for such kind ofpapers , then we a re able t o take care of this by thought-in£luencing . 27/1his consists in, that we prcduce by theforce of our thinking, sham-pictures for the concernedquestioners . . . 28/'!he police officer , or other , wou ld thenin f act be of the opinion that he r eally had in his handsthe passportis , etc., and would examine these.foEier- But that' s cheat ing, Sellljase.semjase-- 29/No, it deals onl y with the questi on of hallu-c inati on, if you want to t e nn it this way .

I unde r stand , but we better l e ave fran this therre .('!he flight 'towards Venus does not take very l ong, and so Ihave s uffic i ent tdrre f o r examining in rror e detail the meansfor the photographing: '!he viewing screen l ooks to me l ikec l ear glass, through which everything outsi de can be ob-served. Only I s ee that this whol e viewing screen i s veryfinely scanned [s harpened iIrage] , s imi l ar to [ laser] scannedphotographs . '!.he s ize of the screen was about SOcm by sOan,whi l e the color - r adiat i on dev i ce i s installed inside theside of it and r ecess ed, and thus I could not examine i tsinner wor kings . Besides this device , there were many rros tdifferent apparatus of a ll kinds a ll around the cockpitr oan, installed within a circul ar control console and in


the walls . 'Ihese strange appearing to rre apparat us , Which Ia l r eady had seen on the f i rst f light , quite ev i dently s ervefor the guiding and controlling of the bearnship, while evi-dently so serving as 'WE!:11 f or explor a t ion dev i ces, distanceneters , r adiati on control rreans , and other such things , andp l ay an iIYportant ret e [in the operation of the f light-machine] . All o f the viewing and p i cture display s creensdiffer basicly fran a ll othe r known to me apparatus o f thesane character , of Farth o r i g in. Al l of the f onns , symlx>lsand f igures, in these s creens were displ ayed in beautifuland o f ten f antastic colors and arrays , and were displ a yed indepth, contrary to the known to fie Earth disp l ay o r pictures creens, which in practice are only able to sh<M displayso f signs and pictures by f oreground [flat 2-d..i..rra1sional , nodepth] image s , while these screens showed everything invivid 3-dimensic;mal e f f ect , l ike they were materially real ,and not just gene rat ed. by Impulses , '*ten 'WE!: approach Venus ,I have to tear myse l f fran this consideration because sen-jase starts talking.)

senjase- 30/ NcJw you can get sore pictures of Venus I stratum.31/'Ihen I will shew you the surface of the p lanet itself.32/By regret I c an on l y do this via the v iewing screens andthe "windows.". 33 /'Ihe s pecial viewing s creen o f the devicefor photographing will have to be c losed because o f the highterrperatures o f this p l anet . (1) 34/'ftle screen is rrore ableto resis t extrerre cold , but not such great heat. 35/But donot be dis appointed about the appearance o f this wcrtd,36 /'Ihe p lanet is i n a stage of first deve l opment o f primi-tive lif e. (2)

Meier- You have a l ready rrentioned this, s o I am not dis-appointed.

Sanjase- 37/ Surely, but s t i ll there are dif ferent thingshere, about which you have to keep s ilence .

(I quickly shoot the a .lIcwed pictures , then the beamshipdives away f r an i ts position and rushes toward Venus . Im-rrensejy dense rraases o f c l oud suddenly surround us , and ofthe most; different coloration. '!his cover o f c louds is un-believably many kilareters deep, and there seems no end asw'€ are sinking down through it to r eac h the surf ace of theplanet. But finally we have penetra t ed so far , and thec louds change density and open up. 'ftle r e at nearly 40 ki lo-



rre ters height we l eave the last cloud fonnations, and I s eethe s urfa ce of Venus on two different viewing screens . Thelandscape is wild- looking and c r ater-covered. Only in partsmay be seen not too high rrountains . At one s ide I see ahuge rrountainless area which i s f u ll of crater s . SemjasenCM points out a polar r egion , she s ays , and the mountainsdo not extend this far .) (3)M:rler- But that 's nearly all enpty and lifeless , Semjase .It looks to rre l ike a second M::on.

Semjase- 38/Surely, this I have explained to you.

Meier- But what is that down there - there beside thesrna l I c rater?

Semjase- 39/An exploration sonde f ran your. Earth.I see, and what i s i t l ike ? I f you wou ld curve

around the p lanet two or three t.imes , so that I can see aswell other regions and the night side, I wou.ld . . • ?

Sanjase-- 40/Surely, I also intended to do this .Meier- 'Ihank you .

(And a lready Semjase speeds the ship around Venus . Certainobse rvational discoveries here are not a Ltcwed to be ex-p lained a t this t ime . )

Sanjase- 4l/'lhe next aim i s to Mercury , and then we go tothe greater p lanets , which you have a lready seen one ti.rre ,but certain matters which you will see, you are not a H ewedto tell the othe r s .Meier- TI1at 's all r i ght. You know I will behave accordingto your wishes .

fly t.c1.oJards different p lanets of this s o lar system, wheresever a l t iJres I make pict ures , but only at greater distance .Clo s e-up photos o r pic t ures of details are not a j rcced bySemj ase. She gi ves no further infonnation f or this behavior .turing the whole tiJre , different very matte rs werediscussed, about which, unfortunately, on l y s o much is al-Icwed to be explained. . . sere o f the there existing fonnso f life are o f canplete l y dif f erent character than human,and as well are not interested in the Earth h1.IlT6Il being. Asan excepti on, are to be seen different existing s urface sta-


t ions o f extraterrestri al intelligences , other fo rms o flife, which are not at hare on these So l p l anets, but arejust stationed there for certain missions .. . When we areagain back over Earth, I see i n space diffe rent f light co-jects bes i des the two Earth satellites [ApJllo and Soyual ,and c an see f ive [other] objects , which a re surely space-c raft of extraterrestrial or i g in. In response to a questionon this , Semjese a f f i nns that only one o f the five belong tothem, while the othe r f our ships are o f other r a ces v i s i tingour p lane t , who are her e to observe the l inking of the"Apor ro-soyuz" c apsu l e s . Peculiarl y , I c an not see thoseob j ects through the "windcws" , o r the new viewing s c r een o fthe special photographic apparatus , but only on the screenso f the beamship. Semjase expl ains that all the ships aremasked fran sight [by the occupants] , and could onl y be seenon their zero-sight pjc ture s c reens . the zero-sight screeni s explained a s including a special viewing means , which i sable to pick up a ll that the eye and l e s s s ophisticatedmethods l ike radar beams can not see . I am satis fied bythis explanat i on as Semjase does not want t o go into detail.Then I turn my a t tent ion to a newly appearing ob j ect , highover the Earth, on the hor i zon, invisible to a ll human eyes ,and outside o f all possibilitie s o f viewing with Farth tech-nical a pparat us; quickly approach the new obj ect andfly only a short distance f ran i t . It i s the "Soyuz" spacecepsut e which wi ll be linked wi th the "xpoi t o" capsule .Cl earl y I can s ee the l etters "CCCP" painted there in l argel e t t e r s . I know thi s c apsule contains two living Russianhumans , and peculiarl y touched, I turn for that r eason tosenjase . )Meier- To Ire this whole undertaking i s crazy . Inside o fthis small gondola are two liv ing human beings .

Sanjase- 43/ It is true , the capsules are ve ry small ando f f e r r ea lly no space for liv ing . 44/ 1 know, you fear tothink that you might be the r e insi de. 45/You have goodreason to f ee l like that.foEier- You s peak in riddles , Semjese ,

Sanjase- 46/In t.i.rrE you will under s tand my cords , - but , doyou want to s ee inside the capsule?

How will this be possibl e? The object i s c losed and


sealed a ll around?senjase- 47/You do not knew the possibi lities of our t ech-nology, which a llows us to distort any matter in such a wayby our r adia tions , that it beccres invisible to the eye .

are able to do thi s in a very strictly controlled man-ne r, and can guide the effect very exactly in this respect .

'!hen p l ease l e t Ire see your wondar -pdece ,(Semjase occupies herself with sore apparatus , whi le I veryinterestedly Icok through the especially built v iewingscreen for photographs, in the direct i on of the Soyuz cap-sule. Very suddenly a part of the capsu le quite simply ciis-appear-a , and I Look i n astonishrrent onto the two human be-ings who res t l ying within tile seats, which Icok like l oafersor sarething l ike that. \'1ithout intending, I spoke to gem-j ase because of that :) (4)

semjase, there .senjese- 49/Ib not fear , because nothing happens to them.SO/To them the matter of the capsule is s ti ll the sane asbefore, because only .for- us i t has beccre transparent tos ight .loei er- But that is nothing rmre than a flying metal coffin,semjase ! '!he men are r eally squeezed into this box . Andhew is anybody able t o shoot; this thing up here , becauseeverything is really so pr imitive . Just Iook at that insideequiprent and apparatus - really primit ive .

5enjase- 51/Be not excited, because there will r eally be noaccident to those humans . 52/'Ihey will get back t o Earthagain quite "-'ell. . . 53/Everything may Icok quite primitive,by which you express the r ight wor-d, but consider here , thatyou Earth beings are j ust at the beginning of space-explor -ation, so to speak, s till standing in the baby shoes. 54/Because of that your technologies can not yet be very highlydeve loped.loeier- '!hat may be correct, but when I Icok at your ship,then .semjase- 55/Here you cannot make any canparisons , as ourtechnol ogies are thousands of years in advance of yours.56/Fran your l e ve l, thi s primitive capsule and its equi.prent;


represents a very Irrpor-tent; and highly deve loped t echnology.57/So you should not be unjust. , as the differences in deve l -oprent; between you and us is t eo much.Meier- Yes , that a ll r ight - but this flying rre'tal coffin. . .

Sanjase- S8/Don ' t wor-ry about it, as you still are not ableto solve the riddle of your thoughts , which trace way backinto the past , of a past lif e . (5)Meier- You are making Ire c razy, because you t urn me to aquite special thought . Is it really so, Semj ase?Sanjase- 59/You have p icked up the first thoughts ; reflecton -it and make the solving of i t your task .M:rier- I wi ll trouble myself for that.SEmjase- 60/Surely you wi ll do this , but Look there now,that is the second capsule, and inside i t are three humans .M:rier- Oh yes, the Arrericans . At what t .Irre will the mi ra-c le occur?SEmjase- 61/1n a few minut es the f inal naneuvering willstart. 62/D:::l start nON' sheoting the pict ures , in which Iwill also assist you . 63/After l inking the two capsules ,which wi l l happen aoon , you can photograph sene diffe rentsatellites of .Earth and of extraterrestrial or igin too.64/After that we will depart for our great -spacer on stationin this system, with which we wi ll then go to other differ -ent systems. . . where I have to fulfill a mission. 6S/'Iherea lso should be a surprise for you teo, 66/But nON pay a t -tention to your task.(I a ttentive ly watch the two space-capsules drift s Icwtytoward each other. I notice that the "Apollo" capsule i sdecisively greater than the "Soyuz" . sernjase explained i tthis way. '!he "Apollo " capsule of the Americans is l arge rbecause it is carrying the l inking apparatus , which willserve as the transfer-channel f ran one capsule to the other.'Ihis linking mechanism, after finishing its task, will bereleased f ran the "Apollo" and be a l Iowed t o II just driftaway ". I work with my cerrera and, tocether with semjase,who i s new beside rre with the second carrara, shoot; a numberof pictures . . . After taking the p ictures , 5emjase againworks at her apparatus , and this tirre I can see both cap-



17 July 1975, N:xtr space . M:!ier photographs the dc.cking maneuver' f ron Sanj<lSe'S shi p . These oolor pbotceclearly reveal, the yellOtl'Lsh green hue ccst; inside by the to pink "wi..riJa..;" sensors f ran outside .

sules and the connecting link, and of course again a ll thehumans inside. In the "Apollo " I notice that the space ismuch greater than the "Soyuz ", and the capsule o f the Amer i -c ans i s deci sivel y rmre r ichly inst.n.mented. Despite mydread a t the coffin- like narrowness o f these s pace-capsules,I no,.( have to l augh as I observe one o f the Americans float-ing without gravit y , burrp his head on sarething , and het ouche s his hand to his skul l . I do not knCM which manbecause I knew none o f these capsu l e-dwelle rs by narre or bypicture . N:M 8emjase switches off her instrurrents and thel inked capsu l es are seen norrre t ry again.)Senjase- 67/ The tine has care to nove for the rreet ing withour great-spacer .U'Jithout further wor d , she starts the beamship movdnq again ,and a lready a few minu tes later the FaIth has shrunk to agreat s tar, which shine s bluely through space. Hav ing seenthis before, I tum to Semjase, who s i ts in her peculiar-shaped chair , which is very accarodating and ccmfortable ,guiding the beamship through the dark space in which areb i llions o f s tars c l earer and more distinct than they can beseen fran Earth . A truely fantastic pict ure which I wi llnever f o rget. '!his is heaven, full o f life . Arrong thegreat and small stars are groups and c l uster s and the bigband of the Milky Way, i.ntreasurable in s ize and beauty, anda thousand o ther things . All is sinply fantastic. I amimpressed by the irmeasurable size of the Unive r s e. On thef i r s t f light and earlier, bef ore this , I had payed toolit t le a t tent ion because o f othe r distractions, but nCM Iwatch a ll this with calm and clear eyes, and I am unabl e todescribe the spl endor and beauty o f this Universe, becausewords fail Ire , and I suddenly f eel myse l f free and light,and very much above the strugg l e of living and lif e o f thedays on Earth, where I have always regarded myself as stran-ge l y misplaced . Here this f eeling i s gone and everythinginsi de Ire i s ccrprete ty sarething e lse . I feel really can-f ortabl e and a t hare , and I don ' t knew why . I am abso lvedo f a ll Earthl y concerns, SOrraNS and problems. I feel f ree.At that tiJre Semj ase disturbs Ire in my considerations andthoughts . )

68/You rush toward s o lving your riddl e much fasterthan I had calculated. 69/ 1 have ear-dropped on your per-


s anal thoughts , as they have been so strong. 70/You arequick in understanding this: it is okay and well. 71/"&:Ml ook there to the front, there is our g r eat - space r whichwi ll take us aboard .

(At a diff icult to estimate distance is hanging a huge Iretalsphere in the dark space, r eflecting on l y weak f y the lighto f the Sun . Ve ry s l owly nON' the speed o f the beamship de-crease s . 5emjase is sit ting very attentively before herappara tus and instnm'ents, and steers wisely and carefullyin the direct ion o f the huge s phere, which looks to rre likea small p lanet . [A fonre.tion o f s everal luminous l ens-shapedships was rrovtnc in the vicinity . One l eft the fornati onand performed a strange surmersaulting maneuver, which Iphotographed. ) I can see, way down in the l ower third , alit t le to the l e f t , a yawning pert; i s open, which I recog-nize as an entrance hatch , doubt l e s s l y a hangar, into whichwe are nON' s i cwry flying . Innurrerable beamships of the sarretype as ours are s tanding there in or der l y rc:MS by seriesand directi on, and onl y a 100 x 100 rre ters square o f thehangar entrance is c leared. I l ook back a t the hangar en-trance and can s ee that the wall i s shifting itse lf andc l oses the hatch . Everything a ll around is now br ightlyi lluminated, and the light , whi ch appears a bit b lue , seemsto care f ran directly out of the walls . The who le hangar i svery huge and this sphe r ical s hi p , accor ding to thes e s i zeshas to be gi gantic . I ask semjese for i ts rreasurerrents .)

Itrler- HeM b i g is this spaceship , Semjase?

semjase- 72 /rt is l arge, very large even, and it is thegreatest o f i ts sort. 73/I t i s a very special s hip whichembodies all t echnologi es known to us . 74 /Altogether it i si ts own per fect wor-Id , a wor -ld i s able to fly (a lJros tanywhere). 75/It hides insi de a carplete inhabited city o f144, 000 r e s i dents. 78/Everything needed for liv ing c an bep roduced inside the s h i p i tse lf, and i t i s abs olute l y in-dependent o f any thing of any kind fran outsi de its cover .77 / '!his spaceship r epresents our; developrent , and i sworking together with. different othe r ones of its kind. . .78/They are finding useful appl i cation for int ers tel l ar nUs-adona and for keeping orde r . 79/Theyare abl e to rrove withina ll s ystems and all spaces, and also f or them negotiatingthe barrie r betxceen Universes is no mere any obs tac l e ...

are just at the first of these great missions •• .







M:rier- Fantast ic . If I understand you r ight, as you ex-plained, then you are able, with this great ship, like theothers of thi s c l ass .senjase- 81/You have understood Ire right .

'Ihen do tell Ire one thing p lease; you have formerlyt o ld Ire that you knew Asket well?Ssmjase- 82 / Surely .loeier- Please don t t make Ire buy fran you each question. . .t'fuere did you knew Asket , and what do you know about; her andher race? And what do you knew in this connect ion about; herand I ?Semjase- 83 /'Ihere i s no s ec r e t. 84/Asket has expl ained a llto me, and fran that I know, that about; 10 years ago , youhave teen together in contac t . 85/All details are known toIre - as well as your t ine-trave l s into the past with he r 'help. ..M::!ier- You are frighteningly open, sernjase, since Asket hasforbidden rre to speak. of this before she wou.ld permit; Ire todo so by a sign .

Semj ase- 86/You have j us t r ece i ved this s i gn.M::!ier- You mean by that , that your just now indicated knew-l edge of this i s the s ign?

senjase- 87/Yes , surely, but you are still obliged to l imitspeaking in this r e spect , that you sti ll must; maintain s i -l ence about; the tine-travel and what you have l earned. 88 /You are now a t Iowed to publish your wri tten r epor-ta about;your contac ts with Asket in 1964 . 89/Have you preservedthem well?loEi er- Of course . I have just .....aited for the permis sion tospeak, and have pr eserved it a ll wre.lL But, hcxc does i thappen actually , that you know Asket?Semjase- 90/After the break-off of her contact with you in1964 in India, she contac t ed our High Council and succeededin obtaining their ccoperat.Lon, 91/ t'lith the help of herr ace, f ran the "DAL-Uni ve r s e" , we obtained knowledgeof higher technical capabi l i t ies and r e ceived the most exactdata that a s s i sted us in f urther developrent of these gr eat


spaceships, which now is being put to qood use . .. 92/Here,w:!: can no.-.r leave our ship because the rcx:rn i s atrrospheri-cally balanced and pr epared• ..(By the t r ans port. beam we l e t our s e l ves s lide out of thehat ch and stand on the rretal floor of the great - spacer. Forthe f i rst new, as I am outs i de the beamship , I r ealize thatthe cleared l anding space is surrounded by g lass-clear walls,and the i..nnumerable other bearnships are beyond these walls .Between these (parked) ships many human beings are rushinga long, who quite evidently occupy themselves with the var-i ous ships . But I a lso see walking, rrechanical apparatusquite l ike sene kind o f robots , who as well are hurryingquite busy a l l around and execute various works , Very farbeyond, I am j ust abl e to see Sate bigge r beamships , whichare of a f orm ccmp letely diff erent fran the ones hi the rtoknown to ITe . semjase occupi e s her s e l f with a small thing inher hand, and I see that befo re us the transparent wallopens and r eveals an entrance . Then I notice a carpletelys ilent small vehi c le flooting near , not rrarch bigger than aVol kswagon car. It f Ioat.s c lose to 20an above the floorsurface, and it is equi pped with ve ry canfortable seats in-side . Semjase ca lls rre to take one of the seats bes i de he r ,and the strange-rroving vehic l e f l oots away and rise s SICMlyhi gher and higher . I l ook back and see that the transparentwall c loses i t self aga in, after our ship was brought by thea l ready s een r obots into the rredn hangar- ha l l. (6) The hang-ar- hall s eems to take up this whole Locez- part of the space-giant for i ts ccrctete diarreter , and to have a height o fcertainly 600 to 800 rreters (1,800 to 2, 400 feet ) . Thecei ling above , like the ...."alls, teo, r adia tes a very s oftb lue light , l ook ing l ike a s ky, and if I am not mistaken,there , exactly in the cent er above is a great hole . Soon Ican see that this i s s o , as the r e i s an opening in thedirection in which "-'e a r e nCM floating in our trans portationvehicle, and we c limb up inside this opening . Al s o insidethis shaft is the gentl e blue i l lumination , which comes fromthe walls . For minutes we c limb up ,.;i th increasing speed,unt il Semjase s uddenly l e ts the £looting vehicle into a s i dewall and s tops. Here i s another area about 100 x 100 rreter sdiarreter, and I f eel myself suddenl y thrust into a wor-Id o frrarvels . hnerever I l ook, I s ee green fie lds , trees, bushes ,and f .lowera , '!his i s a real lit t le "Garden of Eden" in thiss pace giant .)


ftrler- This i s f antastic , semjase .SmIjase- 111/It i s alrrost natura l , as I told you, beca usethis spaces hip is i ts CM1l independent small wor l d .

You speak easily , but I am seeing this f or the firsttine . I am carpletely overwhe 1Jred. - But hc::M high are to."e inhere in fact?Sanjase- H 2/ I don ' t understand what you rrean?

I rrean, how far have we floated up until now, insideof this giant - how many meters?

SEmjase- 113/ About to 11 ,000 meters. have stoppedhere near the center o f the ship, there , where exists theactual town .

Dear me. Oh, then during this short ti.rre , havec lirnl::ed up by means of this vehicle, higher than our highestrrountain on Earth, than l-hunt Everest.SmIjase- (Laughing) 115/\'le have c l imbed up very quickly, inthat you are r i ght, but c onc e rning fuunt Everest, I have tocorrect you, as i t is no t the highest rrountiafn on Earth .Mller- N::7.<i you make rre l augh, Semjase, l-bunt Everest isindeed the highest rrountain o f my dear rrother Earth.SmIjase- 11 6/ l-ty wor ds are true - they are a matter o f f act .117 /But of course you can I t know this , as you start fran ther eason- based premis es . Il B/ Your s c i ent i s ts count the heighto f a c ountry o r o f a rrountain, in "rret e r s above sea l evel".119/ 'Ihere exactly, i s the mistake, f o r such rreasurerrentisshould not use sea- l eve l as the starting pcdnt .. 120/ 'Ihes tarting podnt; f or all measuremmts s hould be f ran the centero f the p l anet , which never changes . 112/'Ihis is becausep lanet foDTIS are never exactly round, but tend rmre towardsan ellipse shape. 122/ When you say that l-bunt Everest i sthe highe s t rrountain o f Earth, then this is correct only sof ar , with respect to sea l e ve l. 123/ But in truth i t i saround 2, 150 meters l e s s high than the highest rrountain o fyour wor ld. 124/When you measure Earth rrountains , then thecenter o f the p l ane t is deci s ive, and measured fran there,you will see, the highest rrountain o f Earth. i s not l-buntEverest."2ier- I unde rstand. Your explanation i s very illuminating.


we will thus have to search for the highest rrountain there,where the extensi ons o f the Earth have beccre en l arged toellipt i cal f orm (by the Earth' s r otation) . As far as I know,the rrountains exi sting in these zones be the Andes o fSouth Arrer i ca, in which consequence we shou l d find the high-est rrountain there, or am I going wrong in that ?

You are sharp-minded , as you hit the point. 126/1):)you knew the rrountains within the Andes?

Maier- Onl y a f ew of them. One of the highest rrountains ,as far as I knCM is the "ChiInbor azo" in Ecuador .Semjase- 127/ SUrel y , and by that , you have narred the high-est rrountain of the Earth.Maier- Have 1? I.egendarious !

Semjase- 128/ 50 i t i s .M;der- Hc:M do you rrean that?SEmjase- 129/ Vou said " Ieqendar'Loua" , 13 0/'lbis i s indeedsurrounded by very many legends and tale s, and has p l ayed inearlie r tames a very inportant role in respect to extrater-restria l intel ligences and their act i vi t ies . (7)Maier- I didn I t rrean l egendari ous in that way. 8Jt whatare we going to do nCM? And what about taking pictures ofhere?

SemjaSe- 13 I / The l ast, unfortunate l y , I cannot aUON' . Pl easeunders tand . 132/ You will l a t er be able to capt ure appara t uson your film, but rrore i s not permitted. 133/ hle will walkncM through the parks ' f acil i ties to another transport p it,which will lif t us up into the control c enter. 134/It i slocated a t the top in a cupola of this great -spacer c r aft .135/There the l eader of this ship i s wa i ting • . .

Mrler- I shall enjoy i t , 5emj ase . rank: has this l eader?

Semjase- 136/In your tenns , one cou l d s ay "Gove rnor " l ikely,or even "King" .Maier- I see, and to speak. to the uprose chief o f this g i antship , don ' t wait for a genuf lection by rre when I stand infront of him. Such j okes are not my l ine . Even befo re thedear Gc:d in person , I wou l d not c hafe my knees .Sanjase- 137 /'lhe l eader i s an "I Hi1H".



M;!i er- That is all the sene to Ire , and if he wants Ire topolish the ground in f ront of him, then he ought to do thisin f r ont of Ire first please, then I will decide whether Iwill trouble myse l f l aying my head in the dust before him,which mat-ter- even then I would not do. I am not eager forsuch kinds of s alutat i on cererronies . '!hey are humiliatingand s lavish, and doggish devoting.Semjase- 138/1 s ee you really fee l this way.Meier- D:J you think I would joke about that? I regard ah1.lITBIl being as simply a h1.lITBIl being, whether he is fran thiswor ld or another, or whether he is a beggar, or God in per -son, and whether he is ignorant o r wise, they are a ll ofequal right . No one has rmre right than any other, andnobody i s rrore than any other . And i f your dear Go1 up therein the cockpit does not l ike this , then he s houtd l eave i t,or get o ld and gray f ran anger. 'Ib Ire it is r eally a ll theSaITe. I will neither cringe nor offer honor and devotion.I f he wants to give rre a hand and wi ll make shake-hands ,then Okay, e lse he may poison himself in his rreca rcranta.Perhaps I will thrCM a t him sorre flCM:!rs f ran this beautifulgarden here.Sanjase- (SUddenly laughing - then rrore l a ughing behind inthe park, and suddenly the other sounds l ike 11E.le l aught e rwhich ends abruptly) 139/ You are qood.. . You are really good.Meier- What does that rrean , and what about this l aughterdown f ran the ceiling, which has stopped so quickly?Sanjase- (laughing) 139/He had. . . he has turned off thespeaker system, and he is surely l aughing up there in thecupola.Meier- You mean, that has been the dear Go1 of this box?Has he ear-dropped on us?senjase- 140/Surely . . . 141/'Ihis he has been . . . but pleasedon t t call him "Dear God " , because this evokes painful mem-ories about our very early deveIoprenta , have a 11-right maintained this appellation of "Iffi'lli", but it now hasfor us a canpletely new rreaning.Meier- I f that 's the way i t is .semj ase- 143/'Ihank you - It has been a funny j oke.


M:rler- I only ho l d my oparu.on, and I don r t think it funny ,because I meant; i t earnest ly.

Semjase- 144/SUrely, and we shall honor your thoughts , butto us i t has been a j oke , because you were so ser ious andused expressi ons which reveale d your fee lings c lea r ly . . .148/NcM let us go.(l'E slCMly wa lk a little ways through the park . The pathsare sof t and not of netai , sere artificia l sai lor simil ar .He re is a fantastic wor l d o f flowers , o f often corrpletelystrange blosscros and scents . But I a lso see f lowers andbushes and trees exactly like I knC1n" on Earth. we need onlya few minutes to cross the park, then we s tand again beforea transp:;rtation pit with a vehicle float ing gently in it,which n(7,oJ' use f o r further driving , if I may use this tecrn.With increasing speed we float h i gher again, and suddenl ythere is the f ree sky above us . As far as my eyes can seeand reach, I am viewing the infinite vastness of the Universe .stars shine , and I ask myself how we could sinply float outthe r e , because we should not be abl e to live up here wherethere i s no a i r . '!hen we reach the end o f the shaf twhere is the cupola about which Semjase had spoken. a g iantarea exists here o f desk-like f o rma t i ons into which apparatusand screens have been installed. Before them are human be-ings and an unknown to me f o rm of lif e, which I soonrecognize as being rrechandcat , Real human-machines , an-droids . (8) '!his canplete cockpit is a giant cupol a of se v-eral kilareters diarreter . Over and above is seen the freecosnce, and I wonder that I can breathe. 'Ihen I r erremberthe canpletely transparent walls o f the hangar, and i t be-cares evident t o me, that the who l e cupola mus t consist ofthis transparent mater ial. So I ask 5emjase about; i t . )

Mller- Semjase, can you explain to me, what kind of matteris this transparent material which is fo:rming this cupola?I s it a kind o f glass?

Semjase- l 49/ No, that i s not g lass, nor any kind of g lass .l SO/It is a very stable metal alloy, as also are the wallsof the bearnship.

Deeer • • • . •• ?Semjase- l Sl / Rerrember the Earth space-capsules into whichyou were able to look?



IoBier- You neen, that everything i s made transparent byapparatus?

152/ SUrely; a ll walls as well as the eupora arecarpletely s table , and of the mos t; ham rretal. 153/ But theradiat ions gene r a ted. by our apparatus can wake them appeartransparent . 154/ 'lb the e ye then, i t l ooks l ike nothing i sthe re , o r l ike l ook ing through c lear g lass .

Fantastic .

Sanjase- iSS/Care nCM.

(And we float on in the vehicle t owards the middle of thehuge carmand cent e r . I see the re a ho rseshoe-shaped f o rm-ati on about one meter h i gh , c anpl e tel y covered with appa-ratus and p i c t ure scre ens , and a ltogethe r not much bigge rthan an aver a ge r ccm , A single hunan being is s tandinginsi de this horseshoe and l ooks towards us. Semj asebrings our t.renspcrtet.ton ve h i cle to l and on a marked areaabout 60 rreters f ran the horseshoe, the watching hunan beginsto care toward us . I now s ee c l earl y that he is wearing adress s imilar to that o f senjase, and there i s a l ook ofl ove and friendl ines s in his face . I est.i.Irate him to beabout 70 to 75 years o ld. NcM Sern.jase gets out of the ve-hicle and hurries toward the o ld man , wbo a lso rroves quicklyto Semj ase . '!hen they are together and embrace one another .'!his I consi der really humanfy, and not much different franour own Earthl y f orm o f greeting . Any1lt::M, a pain touchesrre which I am not able to define. (9) But I push away thef eeling and walk slowly toward roth, who are nON speaking toeach other, but I cannot under a tend a s ingle word, becausethe l anguage i s carpl etely s trange to me . But then I careup to them and s ee the o lder man who is watching rre , smi l eknavishly . '!here Semj ase speaks to rre. )

senjese- 156/ 'Ihis i s my f a the r.(At first I am astonished, then I push my hand out , which i ss e i zed by the man and pres sed . It is a gent le but f innpres s ure , like that o f Semjase . I confess to being con f used,or j ust beaten, because I wou l d never have expected to s eeSemjase 's f ather. '!hen the p leasant voice of the man s oundsto rres )

SaIljase's Father - l i lt i s a great delight f o r me, s eeing


you here . 2/Sernjase has already reported very much to Ireabout; you . 3/Be wel ccrred here with us .(Again I wonder , as the f a ther o f Semjase i s speaking thesane gocd German as Semjase herself oces.}loEier- Thank you very mach,

(I cannot say rmr e , because now Semjase I 5 fathe r enc l oses meinto his arms and ve tccrres Ire . Quite suddenly I an unabl eto speak as a conf ounded l ump i s in my throat. The devilmay know why. Semjase seems to sense this , for she speaksonce mere to her father in that incanprehensible l anguage .He then turns to Ire . )

SEmjase's Father- 4/Call me "PTAAH" . 5/Possibly it hasrreaning for you, as in f a rner t irres it was used on the Earth .

? ????

Ptiaeb- 6/1 see, you do not know the connection. An ancestoro f mine had been, in farner t iJres, on your Earth and livedas one of your then people . He was an and was relatedby rna.tri.rrony to his wi f e "BAS'IH" . He used the eerre nerre asI , Ptaah . On your Earth you sti ll have very o l d traditions ,tales and l egends about him. (10)Meier- By regret , that is not k:ncMn. to Ire , but I will searchin this respect in our books to see if I can find sarething.Semjase- 157/You surely will , if you trouble yours e l f about;South Arrerican stor ies o f Gcx:ls, because therein lie manybeginnings . 1S8/ In mos t case s they are connected to eventsconcerning Venus and other p l anets o f your solar s ystem. (11)Meier- You de light rre, Semjase, you prohibi t rre f ran speak-ing about; these things, and then you do speak o f them•• •Semjase- 159/1 only explain what I am a llc:1Ned to.

Nc:M I am on s lippery ground. may I t ell andwhat not?

senj ase- 161 /About this we will talk with one another verythoroughl y by ourse lves alone .

Meier- Okay, but what about your f orm o f address , 5emjase?I r eally don 't know hO'W I shou ld address you peopl e , whetherby "you " or "Mr." or "Mis s ", etc.?

Ftaah- (9ni l ing) 7/What I understand fran what you say, the


because theseand everythingl e t t er, and in

f orms are very s impl e . a/Because each f orm of life has equalvalue, each is addre s s ed by the serre f onn. 9/Thus in yourtenns by "you". 10/In consequence cal l me "Pteeh'' in themanner just described. l1/But nON' I have a question, do youspeak any other l anguage besides this?lEier- Ye s , a little English and Greek.Ftaah-- 12/ The form of the o ld Greek l anguage?Mrier- The new Greek.

Ftaah-- 13/1hat I S ve ry good, because I a lso maater- thisl anguage. 14/ That way we can talk in this l anguage , and Idon ' t need to use my transla tor .

?? ? ? ?Semjase- 162/ 0 f course you can not knew this; my fatherdoes not speak any 'WOrd of GeIJT'6Il. 164/ M1at he has spokenunt il new was our cwn language. 164/But you see the smallapparatus at my beI t; here? 165/'Ihis is a l anguage-trans -rorrrer-, a l anguage pattern conver-ter, as you might call such .166/Wi th this l anguage device we can transform one l anguageto another and make it understandable to both. 167 /But wespeak very readily in other l anguages as well , and g ladlybypass these apparatus , if there is a chance to do s o .Mrier- Oh, so i t I s l ike that ! Again sarething fantastic.'!here i s only one problem of concern, that I rraster neitherEnglis h nor Greek . I f then I shoutd writ e everything downl a ter , then I 'WOuld slip as well .Semjase- 168/ Cbn 't fear fo r that rratter,troubles wi ll be .rerroved in the transmis s i on,wi ll be understandable f or you letter a f terl ike way you will a lso write it OONn .

'!hen that i s okay, I was afraid of that (problem) .Ftaah-- (N:Jw really speaking Greek) 1S/ Carre new, we are al-r e ady on the IT'Ove to our "transmit" posit ion .(In fact , I s ee that outside the cupola the star format.Lensare slcwly changing. must be driving at great speed, but .I have not i ced nothing about that, that the gigantic space-ship has s tarted to IT'Ove. NcM we are al l three sitting invery canfortable chairs at the horseshoe-shaped equi.prrent;console . On picture screens are the bodies of our sun-


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --

system, and many other great and srrall stars and other thingsto see. I nearly l o s e my eyes, so much different and fan-tastic i t all i s . . . We must be rroving fast. I ask Ptaahabout it .)

Ptaah, how fast are we flying now?

Ptaah- 16/Look here , this instrument shows the velocity.17 / You can read i t very easily by yourself, even if you donot understand our symlxlls or unit of rreaeure , 18/In yourunderstanding, these l ines are l ike decimals , and these sharpar-row-headed branches s how the hundreds ncrninators . 19 / 'Ihesehalf-crossing l ine s nark the thousands , and thes e pointl inesthe hundred- thousands . 20/'Ihese ring- lines here mean foryou sarething l ike the speed o f light . 21/N:M you can j ustr ead together the values and by that canbine the speed your-sel f .

l£i er- Yes , . . . a m:xrent . .. (I count; very carefu lly, and Ireach a resul t o f 89 values in the decimal f ield, then b«>point- lines and e l even values . . . ) .. . '!hat's fantastic !

Ptaah- 22 / You grasp quickly. 23/You have counted right . . .24/ Our tenns are different but they give equivalent values .

Moie>:- Legendary.

Ptaah- 25/Hc::M do you rrean that? I do not understand i t .(Semjase starts speaking (in Greek l anguage ) and evident lyexplains to her f a ther what I rrean by " l egendary" . SUrelyhe does not understand thoroughly by his expression . It i speculiar, that I know these words in the Greek l anguage, asI have never known them before. I suddenly am simply speak-ing perfect Greek, and I do not understand this , so I ask : )l£ier- On what i s this based, Semj ase , that I suddenly speak.fu lly and per f ect ly in Greek?

secjese- 169/My father has turned o f f the l anguage trans-l ator , and .instead turned on the l anguage-f omer . 170/ 'Ihisdevice starts operating the l anguage canputer o f the s hip.171/nus ccrcuter i s nee constantly trans fo the des iredGreek language into tmpuis ea, and ernit ts that . 172/Yourbrain is catching up these iIIpul s es , and by that you canspeak each des ired word without knCMing i t before . . .Meier- I don't know, I can only say "f antast i c " . Gi r l ,what do you think? Hc:M long will it take until we are as


far , as we Lf on Earth. ?

Ptaah- 26/Perhaps another

Mei er- Here I am curious .cosrros - l ike we are nCM?

thousand years in your chronology.How l ong will we fly through the

minutes , then we wil l "transmit "Ftaah- 31/Still about 30to anothe r system.

Mrler- Transmit ? '!hat 's " t i.rre travel ing" isn 't it?

Sanjase- i77/Surely, but such is a lready known to you.

Do we still have tirre before we transmit?Semjase- 178/Oertainly .

Well , you spoke dawn there in the park about our dearIHWH, who had ear-dropped on us by the speaker ins talla tion.When can I see him and where? Is he perhaps troubling him-sel f to care here?

(Semjase and Ftaah start l aughing again , then Semjase says e)Semjase- i 79/ You have a lready saluted him.

? ? ? ? ? (Scire s econds pass before I understand. ) Ohthat - dear, dear. The father of Semjase, Pteah, is thel eader of this space giant , an "I HI'lli", a good Gcd himself ,in per son ! Oh, - that j ust s lipped off my tongue . I reallydid not want to. . .

Ftaah- 87/ Please don ' t worry about i t. 92/1 a l ready under-s tand. .. have care to our podnt; of transmission .

(Pteah and Semjase turn themselve s to the instrurrents at thehor seshoe-shaped formation. light-l::odie s shine up ,and a dark picture screen cares alive . Strange forms andsymbol s appear on i t. For the first t i.rre I hear a tone , avery soft and calming singing of metal . I l ook up at thetransparent cupola and see the scene suddenly wash away ina whi.t.Lsh mi lky veil. 'Ibis only l asts a very short rrcrrerrt. ,and a lready I can again s ee stars moving, but that a lso isf or only a few seconds , then they s hi f t a long s Icwty asbefor e. At the who le r ealization I fee l scrrehcw peculiar,but I f eel a great tranquility ins i de myself. Then I heartile voi ce of Semjase. I wonder about this as Ptaah hadasked for silence, whether sanething had to be de layed withthe transmis s i on?)


SEmjase- 180/If you want, you can try s crre photographs here,but whe ther they wi ll succeed I can not est iIrat e . 181 / Byregret we do not knew whether Fa.rth camer as can take picturesthrough the eupora, but this we wi ll know after you havedeve loped your f ilms . 182/ If you still l ike , we Can havethe equipnent brought fran my beamship.

K:tier- I wou.ld be thankf ul f o r the instrurrent, semjase , forwith that it certainly will succeed. But what i s the rretter ,i s there no s uccess with the transmis sion? . .

5emdase- 183/ l1hy? 184/Haven ' t you noticed?

M:rler- I have, but I can ' t explain it . • .5emjase- 18S/ Then you need only l ook out the cupola intospac e ; nCM what do you see there?

(I foUCM the instruc t i on, and am astonished . )Gir l , the re are canpl e t e ly othe r forrreti ons of stars

than I know fran Earth. Of course I knew only a few bysight, but I see none that I can r ecogni ze . lmy is that?

Where arefirst hyperleap.

tear- t Fran that!

SEmjase- have made the

Meier- This - - - Man alive !then nCM?

Sanjase- 187 /You are around sao lightyears f r an your heme-"-'Or ld.. . l S8/ The re - l ook there above , that forrretion ofs tars ther e , that i s our hcmewor -Id, these are the Pleiades .189/ we are only 211 mi llion ki l areters fran the nearest star.190/ Unf ortuna tel y we can not arr ive c los e r , because we needa safe distance to be able to transmit again . 191/ Perhapsyou can succeed neve rthe l e s s in getting sore p i ctures withthe apparatus , which has a lready been brought (fran thebeamship) .

(Caning f r an s anewhere , an android appears, bringing thephotographic device . Very c leverly it assembles it inside afrarre and p laces it in order . Suddenly the thing speaks toIre , and once rror e I am fla ttered, a lthough I understand nota word . Sernjase quickly enlightens Ire. )

Sanjase- 192/It wishes you a good success.

l<eier- But that i s :imp:lssible . Can this thing think andact independent I y? 'Ihat wou ld be c r a zy .


Ftaah- 95/But nevertheless it does .

Semjase- 194 /Its whole lxxlily construction i s half-organic,and its b r ain chemica l .

Ftaah- 97/It is rea l , and highly deve loped. 98/You willunderstand this bet ter a fter a s hort t.iroe, when i t is rrorenorma t (for you). 99/I t is only the newness that makes itstrange. 100/But take care nCM about the pict ures becausethe next l e ap i s being prepared• . .

(I f o llow the suggestion and hope the pictures care out. Ikeep thinking about Ftaah 's words . He i s correct, as thes trange phencrrenon o f the transparent rret.a l in the spacecaps u les , and the s ane with the hangar walls, and now thedare here in the control center, a l ready do not seem sos trange. The sane with the photographic apparatus and theviewing screens , and the who l e control center and instru-rrent s . Ftaah is right . I t i s only a ma.tterof fami liarity. )

Ftaah- 101 / You are in thought s , my f riend. 102/\'1atch thes tars . . . In 9 seconds we start the next j ump.(I do as advised, and exper i ence a ll again l ike the firsttirre. But this tirre the proces s is much rrore familiar.N::1w' I understand the peculiari ty, that during the splitsecond, I f eel once more a deep tranqui l ity, now rrore Earn-H iar to Ire than the f irst t .irre , I can even analy ze i t as asarething t .Imete a s , I will surely try to explore this nexttiime • • • )

Moller- Oh my•• •

Ftaah- 103/ we have reached our next stop. 104/ 'Ihe nebulousf ormat.Lon you s ee f ar in front is what you ca ll the "Or i onNebUla". l OS/It is about 1 ,800 lightyears fran here to yourEarth.

M:rier- Can I get scrre photographs?Sem.j ase- 19S/SUrel y , i f they succeed. for you.

(Again I troubl e myself a t s hooting pict ures. If they careout on ly fair , then I am satisfied. Lest; in thought I workautaTat ically . I am paying attent ion to neither the en-v.i.ronrrent; nor anytlting else . My own thoughts remain on thee terni ty . '!he f eeling was s o great and pcwerfu l that a llwor ds fai l me. At the next l e ap I want to observe myself.



I want to see whe ther I beccrre nebul ous l ike the mi lky IraSSa lso, and whether I can feel anything inside of ITe . It .. _)

ptaah- (Reading thoughts interrupts) 115/ This wi ll be pos-s ible i f you watch ve ry carefully for i t . 116/ After a fews econds we s tart the next l e ap .

(I realize his words only half way , because my thoughts aree lsewhere . I concentrate my eyes on myself and wonder ,••• then qui te suddenl y I can not see my body, and in anothersplit second i t is nomat , '!he f i r s t thing I notice is mywatch, and I rerrereber- that whenever I carre too near Semjase 1 sbeamship , my watch a lways went too fast or e lse too s Iow, (12)I t strange l y seems to be running normally nCM. I have not . . .Semj ase interrupts my thoughts . )

Semjase- 197/ Dis tanc e s are no problem for us , and we canunhesitatingly j ump anywhe r e back and forth through space,and don I t have to do this in any sequence.

(I on ly half hear the words spoken to Ire because my thoughtsare still f ar away . A litt l e abs entmindedly I take a f ewp i c t ures, and soon experience again the diving into eterni ty. )Ptaah- 119/ Hello . - You are very far outside and away inyour thoughts , and have you discover ed anything new? ..(ptaah turns again to his apparatus and occupies hiInselfthere , together with Semjase . Again I experience the chang-ing s tar fonnatioP.5 and other rratters. I occupy myself withphotographing, and uncountable thoughts rush through Ilo/b rain . I am new photographing the new star f ormations as Iam addressed by Semjase . )

Semjase- 202/You have a l r eady made your pictures he re andwe have the t i.Ire f or speaking . 203/Here we are a t the be-ginning of the great leap• • •toeier- Are we already in the Andrcrreda system?

Semjase- 204 / You have a l r e ady photographed it . (13 )toeier- I have another question . Vk>uld it be pcssLbt e foryou a t sore t.tne, to g ive Ire sore wri t ten l ine s fran you?

Semjase- 205/ 1 don ' t unde rstand .I rreen , whe ther you wou.ld once write on a s heet o f

paper Sate words which I could show my group?


Al l o f them wou ld enjoyf r an you to see and hold

Semjase- 207/WIly that? What purpose woutd i t serve? 208/1see no need for this .

Pl ease don' t be that way.i t , if they had sarething personalin their hands .Sanjase-- 209 / 15 that so i.rop:>rtant ? 210/ And hC'n" sha ll I dothis, as I don ' t have the necessary utensil , and I do notrraster your script. 211 /We ours e l ves use crnpletely dif -ferent syrntors f or writing.Meier- i s not s o important . I can help you here a bitwith the writing . I f I assist you it might go well . Youjust have to ask i f you have troubl e with any word.But, speaking o f your scri p t , how does i t l ook? Can youshce Ire that once ?

Semjase-- 212 /SUre l y . - Look here a t these markings and youcan s ee the synoors of our a lphabet.!iller- l-1ay I copy them, and will you explain the pr onounc-iation?

5emjase- 213/ Surel y .(I take the writ ing IM.p f ran my portfolio (shoulder bag) , andsketch these canpletely strange to me writing s ymbol s on thepaper , always together with the p r onounciation as Semjaseexpl ains these to me. '!his takes only a minutes.)Mrier- Nrhl I have it, Semjase , but I sti ll l ack the umlautsetc . Are there such (pronounciation keys)?

Semjase-- 214/In our l anguage these do not exist.Heier- Okay, okay . I also 00 not understand much aboutumlauts , consonants and whatever e lse, s o we IM.y l e ave thisand occupy ourselves with what you want to write . You see Ihave cared for this and brought with Ire paper and a fe l t -writer . I thought thi s writing means would be best suited.Can you work with it?Semjase-- 215/SUrely, onl y what i s evident for Ire is, whatshall I IlCM wri te?Meier- Ch , just anything. . .

Semjase- 216/ 'lhat ' s a very broad berm,


Heier- Of course, but you surely wi ll f ind s arething. - -What about , i f you would s irrp.ty wri te a sma ll l e t ter to ourgroup?Se!njase- 217/'Ihat sounds well , but what shall I write tothem?Mtier- Please don ' t be s o much crnplicated . J ust write sorenice words , which are f ran yourself and not fran roe, l ike Ihad dictat ed. them•• •Sanjase- 218/! want to t ry i t but hCM sha ll I beg in? '!hatis not c lear to me.!oEier- Typically wcren .. .Semjase- 219/ How do you rrean that?Heier- Quite si.nply in the way ; you wcrren are saretiJresr ather he lpless creatures If you have to do certain thingsthat are s crrehow s t range to you . And in that , there seemsto be between you and the f erna. le c r eatures o f Earth no dif-f e rence . Unt il now I had a lways , and on ly , seen that in a llmat t e r s you were canpletely otherwis e than the waren on theEarth, which is exact ly the way I i..nE.gined a real wc:manshould be in her way of thinking, a c t i ons , etc. , and notj ust si..Itply wcman fy , Now I s uddenl y s ee this line o f char-acter .in you and recogni ze a lso in you certain things whichare deep-rooted f erre.Ie , ntis in no manner troubl es me, butit s hews that you are on l y a no rma l human being , a wcrnan,who a l so has f enal e character i s t ics , and as I nCM understand ,this might be un i versal. Is it?Semjase- 220/I • • •ptaah- (Interrupting Sernjase before s he answers) 160/ You'revery pensive . 161/'Ihere is , l ike you say• . .

221/ 1 don ' t want to contradict . ..

(I take that state.rrent as interesting. Sernj ase ' 5 face turnsto a gent l e red color , very evident ly a react ion to the justspoken words , Secr e t ly I am delighted about this , forna.v I knew exactly, that she i s influenced by feelings , eventhough she c leverl y hid them. One only had to touch theright p lace, to Icosen the control over her f eelings .)

Sernjase- 222/Pl ease don ' t .


- (She has picked up my thoughts) 'lbat was not meantbadly, Semjase . Quite the contrary. By the nON revealedcharacter , you have much increased my esteem in your beinga wanan.Semj ase- 223/1t is not a lways good to knON the f eel ings o fothers .

Joeier- In that you are l ike ly right, but do you believe thatyou have been able to conceal yours fran me?

SEmjase- 224/1 had thought so, but now I knew that I havenot succeeded. 225/You really did not delude yourself .

M:rler- Still why shoutd I ?

Semjase- 226/Perhaps because I am a waren?1£ier- But that ' s nonsense. Please l e t me explain , thatsuch fee lings are not rel a ted to sex .Ftaab- 162/A very deep-seated truth.

Meier- 'Ihank you Ptaah. ..

Semjase- 227/Please , l e t ' s not speak o f this any rrore.228/Care, gi ve me the paper and the wr i t er.

(I understand, and 50 I g ive her the things without a word ,and she now starts writing - without hesitation . . . She fin-ishes her writing , in which I on ly helped a very little. )

Meier- You have written this a ll very kindly , Semj ase, andI myself am delighted with it.

Semjase- 229/1s that so?Meier- Of course , Semjase, e l se I woutd not s ay it. lmyway ,many thanks . No.Y I have a ques t i cn about this script: HeMo l d is writing at al l , and where does it o r iginate?

Semjase- 230/'Ihat is easy to expl ain : these l etters, we areusing here are only 11 , 000 years Ol d , and we had taken themove r , at that tilre , f r an our ancestors who lived on Earth.231/Our o lder l e t ter s and script-fonn was mrch rrore ccrrp.tex,while this here n ON' is much easi e r . 232/'Ihis s cript-fonnwas developed by different o f our scientists on Earth, whoused f or a pat tern, the seen fran the Earth star f orrratuons ,233/TI1ey connected certain star pictures by lines, and theresult evolved. into these f ODTlS . 234/As our script consists


of small circles and l ine s , the c i rcles r epresent s tars andand the l ine s j ust connect them. (14 )

1hat 1 s interesting, and your expl anati on suf f i c e sf or me, in that this s c r i pt i s no rmre known on the E'arth.

Semjase- 235/It has onl y been forgotten , but was in us e manycent uri e s ago , during whic h i t was o f t e n changed in detai l.236/ Still sene f ew scri pts o f Earth humans today are s iIrplya ltered forms of these shapes that have been made into l et-ters , which trace back to our o ld symbols.

Mller- '!his is a stonishing! . '!hen the script on Earth wasnot deve loped by Farth rren themselves?Semj ase- 237/ I t you speak. of the Earthbound foref a thers ofyour human r aces , and not of the heavenly ancestors, thenyou are correct. 238/It was first b r ought by the Sons o fHe aven, who were the ones res ponsible f or the r e-errergenceof Earth humans (frem savagery) .

There are myths .Semjase- 239/Earth humans still don ' t knCM very many things .240/But OCM ee have to interrupt our conver sat ion, because ,as I see, my f a ther has finished his p reparations for thegreat leap. 244/And a s I am already s peaking of such, thenI want to ask you sarething: I n a few minutes , we will j umpfor s even minutes into the "e terni t y " , as you call i t . 245/'!he fee l ings and s ensations the re are canpl e tely otherwis ethan in normal existence in rra terial life. 246/Fo r thatreason i t is a lso not pcss dbte for us to receive your thou-ghts and feelings wi th proper concentration . 247/In con-sequence of which neither I nor my f a the r, nor any of us ,could r epeat for you your fee l ings and thoughts , sothat you could write them down . 248/ 1f you neve rthe l esswish to do this , then there i s a chance on a technical basi s .

Meier- of cours e I am interested in r emembe r i ng my f eelings ,but , am I not able to do this myse l f ?Semjase- 249/But surely... 2SD/ But you kn"N that your CMIlability to rerrernber i s not deve loped so highly that you canrepeat word for wor d fran rrerrory . 251 / 'Ihat a s well is thecase f or us , for which we need technical assistance for trueword repeats.Meier - I under s tand. Mlat do you s uggest then? Nat urally



I am interested in writing everytlting in detail.

senjese- 252/That1s not difficult. 253/The bocths , whichyou can s ee there , beside the screens, are equipped with allnecessary rreens , to store up feelings and thoughts. (15)254/'Ihe thought impul ses r ece i ved are stored in a specialccrnputer and can l a ter, as may be desired, be repeated wordfor word frcrn i t . 255/The neuret , shapable and adaptable insize , which you see there, is equipped with very fine sondesand is as 'Well covered by a special , Hne-rreshed net ofsondes which pick up every kind of energy and transfonres itinto Irrpurses which are then transmitted to the ccmputerwhere they are registered and stored. 256/'Ihe energy ofthoughts and fee lings i s measured in very high values andcan be r eceived only through those instruments. 257/Theenergies o f f eelings and thoughts exist only in very highf r equency f i elds , o r hyper -fr equencies . 258/To nON be ableto r egis ter your thoughts and f eelings, it i s necessary thatyou p l a ce yourself into the chair and l ay the head under thehe.lrret; c ap, which then will adapt itself autcm3.t i cally toyour head.

loei er- '!hat I S a ll I have to do?

Semdase- 259/ No, that i s not a l l .self in the booth. 261/The great23 s econds .

260/But nON p lace your-j ourney s tarts in j ust

loeier- At your service , Miss General.

(As Semj ase explained to me, I quickly sit down inside oneof the three booths , in the extremely comfortable chai r . Assoon as I have s eated myse l f , the peculiar heIrret; rroves overmy head and sinks down s ilently. I t is big enough that itc loses around my whole head, and only l e ave s my face open,thus I can s ee and watch everytlting. But the hejrret; is nottouching my head; on l y l ying c lose around it, keeping aboutone and a half centirreters distance to the skull , as I cans ee when I p l ace a forefinger between the heIrret; and thehead. NoN I am t ense and expectant , f or I wonder' what i sgoing to happen. Ptaeh and Semjase IT'aIlipulate the apparatus ,and nON I can see again haw the fantastic heavens and starschange . In a f raction of a second they are nothing marethan a whi t i sh milky mass , a shining mass , as I have a l readys een in the o ther hyper-leaps . But new suddenly as well ,


this milky whiti sh shining is gone and there is darkness .But nUN what is this? Suddenly all i s merging into a goldencolor , and nCM everything i s l ike silver. But - my dear -this glis t ening light, thi s beaming s hining s p l endor! Eve ry-thing is rrerged into g list ening light - o n ly the glisteninglight . I t is stronger than a ll the s uns of the Universe.. .reer, oh dear , this g listening light , and i t does not hurtthe eyes! Dear, this mist; be e terni t y , the g listening lighto f the ete rnal . .. but see, there i s nothing besides theeternity; man alive, hCM marvel ous! Harvelous? l-1an a live ,that is itse lf ma.rvelous . Eternity and marve l ousness areone and the sane. <:nly why do I separate it? \oJhy do I putthe eternity into terms o f tirre? Ti.rre does not exist , andthe e ternity i s marve Ious , l-1an , just wha t is this? '!hi stranquili t y , this peace - what i s i t ? HOW' could I haveachieved this? Love , oh that deep a ll enc:arpassing l ove.Nothing i s there , but IDVE : wonderful, marvelous . Oh ye s ,I am, but I am not . Everything i s so deep, and full of l ove .Of course, I am eternity, and I am inside o f eternity. HeMcould I eve r forget this? Oh ye s , I am a human being, hc:Mcan I . _. why do I f orget that? I am onl y a guest in etern-ity - and those l ov ing voices , calling for Ire , fran wherei s i t caning? I can s ee nothing, only the glistening light ,canforting . Who is c a lling Ire? I see nothing ; man a live ,I am nothing any mcre , I can ' t see myself. I am eterni ty ,in the e terni t y . Oh, hUN is that , but I don I t s ee with myeyes , still I s ee everything . And I am not lis t ening wi thmy ears , yet I hear eve rything . Yes , the l ove, how power fu li t is, heM Irmense, infinite and wonderful. Everything i sl ove and splendor; why doesn 't the human being understandthis ? . •. '!he calling cares out o f the light. I s it the callo f eternity? Oh how hard it i s . . . to not think that I amonl y a guest in eternity , that I am on l y a human being. HcMpainful it i s , this being a human . I do no rrore want to be .I want to r emain here a s e ternity inside o f e t e rnity .. . thisdeep. Yes , I want to s tay he re . Never again do I wan t toreturn . He r e is the exi stence, the r e a l exi s tence . . . Howcan I feel strange having to r eturn to a mater ial \'oUrld? Ibel ong her e ... . . . .. . ... . .. ... • . ... . .. . • ... . ... . .•.. . •. • ... •.Pain, why are you shaking Ire? \oJha.t is it?

Semjase- 262/00 you still not understand?Ma1er- I - - - Dh yes, of course ! - - - Pitiful - very much


pitiful - why have you brought rre reck here?Sanjase-- 263/ You want to j oke , but ....-e have a ll been insidethe ti1rel essness , and \<iOuld a ll l ike to s tay there . 264 /Butwe are not r ea dy to stay , because we have to ahsol ve the wayo f evol ut ion step-by-step - as you also mus t do, dear f r i end .265/ 1 knee quite we ll , hCM painfully your heart a ches nCf,ol,as a ll have exper ienced the serre thing . 266/But ....-e haveto adj us t oursel ves f o r that and do know, that under noc i rcumstances o r condit i ons are we a Llcced o r able to remain ,until we have r e ached that l e vel o f consc iousnes s . 267/ 1 doregret ve ry muc h that you fee l dis t urbed insi de , a s I cans ee i t on your f a ce . 26B/ But you will over ccere it, J:::ecauseyou can think about i t r e a lis t i cally . 269/ For that reasonwe a l so took r e s ponsibility fo r this equipment. . .

Semj ase, can 1. . . . .. .

semjase- 271/Ccme !

162/ Th i s wi l l sure l y he lp - j ust ho ld him tight • . .(Semjase puts her arms a r ound me and holds fie and holds mef o r a f ew rrarents , and 1 f eel s ecure . I amstanding s ecurelyon my CJ',o,'Tl l e gs now. )

Mrler- 'Ihank. you Semjase , many thanks .

(She release s Ire and wat ches Ire c l os ely , whi l e a l ovingsmile shadows over he r a lready t.eaut i fu l face. )

Pt.aah- 163/ Such thoughts are eortjiy o f you . IPtaah l a ughskindly. He evidently has picked up my thoughts. )

Meier- 'Ihanks. - Mle r e are we now? . . . 1 s ee practically nos tars.

Pt.aah- 164/ \'R: have r e ac hed our goal .

Meier- Bet ter explain to me nCM, just wha t a r e we actuallygoing to do here ? Semj e ae has s aid to me tha t s he wouldhave to execut e he re a speci a l task?

Semj ase-- 279 / J ust l e t yourself be surpri s ed, dear friend .2BO/After about ten minute s you wi ll understand a ll , andsurel y, as well , will be delighted .

- as 1 s ee it, we are rroving through space,. • . only in f ront of us I s ee a s tar, which is getting bigge rand bigger , and f ar behind that , I can see five small b l ue


points. \mat k ind o f a star is that, and what are the b l uepoints?

Pt.aah- 178/ 'Ihat i s Caltos, the last point in this space .179/ Being t\o..u ti..rres as l arge as your hare system, i t has agreater luminosity. 180/The blue points v i sible beyond arealso stars . They are sel f -radiant b l ue stars, which gen-e rate very intense light . 181 / You may no t be able to seewith the naked eye, but there are no t five o f those , bute leven stars . 182/1£ you want , you may o f course take pic-tures o f them.

Yes, I wil l , and get the pic tures directl y throughthe cupol a . I' U a lternate a little, taking sere throughyour device and then I will j ust take pictures through theeupora, '!hat way I can later see which photographs care outbetter. I wonder which wilL • .

Ptaah- 183/'Ihat i s up to you. You may do as you pref e r .kier- 'Dlanks . - But what about; the b lue stars over there?HCM big are they, and i s there any lif e on them?Pt.aah- 184/ 'Ihey are no bigger than your hcrrewor -Id , a lthoughthis k ind o f s tar is nonrally five to s ix tines as b i g asyours . 185/ They are as inhospi table and hostile to life , asthe great planets o f your so lar system, such as Jupiter ,Saturn and Uranus. 186 /'Ihe grav i ty a l one makes l ife veryrarely possible on these s tars , and not even any spiri tualforms o f life are at hare on them. 187/And in the f ew ex-ceptions, the existing c reatures are very small, not exceed-ing a height or size o f seventy centimeters (28 inches) .I SS/ The gravity o f s uch stars would damage them if they werel arger . 189/But of course , this is different f or each suchstar o r planet, while the atrrosphere i tse l f p lays no role,because different forms o f life are accarodated to hav ingdifferent atIrospher e s . 190/ 50 not a ll c reature s breatheoxygen l ike ourse lves and Earth hurrans ,

But i t i s sai d , that very great p l ane ts or stars maybe inhabited, too, by accordingly greater f o rm; o f l i fe , i fthere is life a t a ll on them?

Pt.aah- 191/50 it happens only in certain w-ell def ined c i r -cumstances . 192/ About this the s c ience o f Earth i s in e r ror .193/ 1 f life s o existed on your p lane ts Jupiter , Saturn, and


Uranus, then the f o rms of lif e would have to be semi-mater-ial only, and very sma l l. 194/ 'Ihis is not the case, thatgreatness fosters greatness. 195/Fo r this special case,greatness can onl y be conquered by smallness , but onl y if o fextraordinarily stable form. 196/On your planets J upite r ,saturn and Uranus , great forms of life would never be abl eto survive . 197/ But as you knew, no such creatures are athere on those p lanets, neither materia l nor spiritual.

1 was tol d about this matter , and a l s o was shewn a tthe p lace and l ocati on myself, where 1 noticed, that theseso-called p lanets are not really p lanets . 1 may appearstupid when 1 ask a question about the stars , but 1 havebeen shown the diffe rence between stars and planets , andsurely this will be o f interest t o other hurran beings too.

you thus explain the difference between stars andp lanets??taah- 198 / 'Ihat is not difficul t , and easi l y explained;planets are cosmic bodies whi ch have practi cal l y no l i ght oftheir own, and which get their light by conversion o f theirsun 's r adia t i ons falling on them. 199/Stars are which have their own force of radiation , and whichgenerate light fran their own radiations. 200/Both are i n-habitable by c r eat ure s o f sorts ; s tar s as well as planets ;if a trros phe r i c s and othe r circumstances pennit i t .

1 see , and what about the suns? Are these also in-habited? Are they perhaps on l y on the outs i de s o lar f orma-tions , whi l e inside may exist inhabitable p lanets?Ftaah- 201/HCM have you care by this question?M:rler- Oh, 1 have read in books about; these matt ers . A manby the narre o f Jakob lorber, has written decades, or evencenturies ago, sane about; s uch things . He rroreover has alsowri tten about; Saturn and o ther p lanets , which with Semj ase1 have nCM seen for myself, when Semjase b r ought rre to thesep lanets and 1 was able to explore them with her he lp.Ftaah- 202/1 unders tand . 203 /Unfortunate l y , there exist onEarth many humans who write such kinds of books and otherliterature . 204/As you can see , these are produces of f an-tas y . 206/ Al s o the f antasy interpre tation with r e spect tolivability of your sun . . . as no sun i s l ike such st.aterrent;s ,

Meder- Yes. Okay, 1 thought so. But what about; the pre-


tenti ons then, that humans have received rressages f ran An-ge ls o r fran God, etc . , by inspirations?

Pt:aah- 207 /In a few cases , s uch inspirations are true, butthey never contain relig i ous info:rrna.tion . 208/ Religionsexist s o lely on your CMJl Farth. '!hey do not exist anywheree l se in the Universe. 211 / sare space-traveling people havebrought Earth religions to o ther planets but on ly f or thepurpose o f studying them.

Moder- '!hos e are strong wor ds . We are told on Earth, es-pecially by the Christians , that Jesus Christ is theactua l master and ruler of all the wor lds in the Universe .He i s r e garded as a God incarnate and is seen as equal to'Ihe Creation i tse lf. What can you s ay about; this?

Ftaah- know the s e de lusions o f your world, but con-sider if it were true, which i s inpossibl e , then in a llprobability not the human beings of Earth wou l d be the r a ceto whan would be a llcx::ated the task of publishing a religion .216/As, for many rni lleniums on many worlds o f the Universe ,the Earth human represents the rrost; materialistic c reaturedeve loprerrt , deficient in s piritual evo lut ioo f or the run o fmillen1ums . 217/It i s a f act on many worlds, that theEarth human being def ies (real) spiritual grCMth and de-ve l ops himself on ly within g ross materialism. It \ooUUldreally be a paradox o f s uprerre magnitude i f s uch an one ,arrong those avai l abl e , were chosen for such uni versal de s -tiny (and he can not e ven l eave his planet or s ystem) . 218/But in s p i te of this , the Earth hmnan abrogates to himselfthe inrneasurable arrogance of this presumtion while he revelsin his materialistic mania o f which we know no equal. 219 /'!his , p reci se l y , i s a real danger, for as s oon as the Earthhuman becares master o f the technologies f or s pace-dri ve andtravels to s trange worlds , and brings them by power of hisweapons or lies or deceit under his control , s o a lso will heinclude in his doing, the crazy spread of his religion tohis conquests , and the existing universal harrrony will bedestroyed. 221 /'!his means that the s till guaranteed peacewould be destroyed by your religions and degenerate to mrr-der ous wars and great destructi on. (16) 222/And just to pre-vent this occurence i s a great and difficult mission f o rs p i r i tually developed space-trave l ing forms o f lif e .. .

(Semjase interrupts our conve rsation .)


Semjase- have reached our goal.

loeier- . . . '!his I see. You are r eally preparing surprisesfo r rre, But l ook there in front , the re hangs a s paceship,and beyond it are stars.

Semjase- 290/lhat ship is our goal .loei er- Its shape is f amiliar to rre ; l ike that o f the tlDAL"?. .•Asket, of course . that is the riddle, the s urprise .'!here in that ship is Asket too, r i ght?

Semjase- 293/ you be s urpr i s ed.

'!hen I am r ight . Eh, why are we rushing s o fas t andso c l ose to there? Do you want to ram the s hip?

Ftaah- 236/we are just get t ing c l ose to it, s o you and8emjase • • •

Meier- I cou ld ?

Semjase- 294 /Surely . 295/Care now, .l e t us go down to mybeamship.

ISemjase takes my hand and pulls rre to a sort o f box, o fnetat , beside the horseshoe-shaped contro l and steeringequiprent. '!here is no door on the box, but instead, about;a one rreter d.i.arreter hole in the lx>ttan o f it, which islighted by a b luish s hining light , a pit, which runs to end-less depth and seems to have no end. I l ook down and s eethat the walls o f the pit ge t closer and f inally s eem totouch. I can not see the end. Dear', and we are going toget in this?)

Semjase- 296/J ust step inside and slide down,

(Little man , that r s just crazy. I will rush like a torpedointo the depth and touch down directl y inside o f Hel l. Butwell , 8emjase has a lre ady said I should junp into i t , so Iwill do just that. I l ike l y c an do no wor e than break a llmy bones , and as well I can go no deeper than by this directr out e. N:::M just j lIl'rp in, ccmrade, and I jurrp . . . Man, I amhanging still in the a i r , oh , now I s Iowt y go downwards ;faster and faster . Lit tle man , what a s liding pit. I l CXJkup. 'Ihere i s Semjase a lso. But now I s IaN' again and thereis a floor below Ire . I am standing on sarething solid . Andhere as well are the l ot o f beamships fran before . are



a t the hangar ieve i .)

300/ Care now, l e t us go to my beamshi p .(we walk ove r to the ship and are lift ed inside . Al r e adythe hatch closes i tse l f behind ua . )

301 / Are you excited?

I s that s o difficul t , i f one s hould suddenly see scme-one he neve r expected to see again , and at so strange ap l ace, so far fran bore that I can not even .imagine thedistance to here? I really 00 not know heM I can digest a llthi s . . . What do you rreen that I will fee l pain and mis e rywhen I have to r e turn to Earth? I a l ready could weep t othink o f it. I woutd l ike west to s tay he re in s pace . . .

seajese- 302/'Ihat i s unders tandable - but woul d you be abl eto take r e s ponsibility for . that ?

}ltller- N:J. For I know that I must accanplish my missionand task , and I s till have other unavoidable ob liga t ions .

Semjase- 303/ You see, you are not able to escape fran yourself-generated obligations . 304/ You knCM heM i.rrportant theful fi lling o f your mis s ions is , and that you have to neces-sari l y go your own way. 30 5/ this i s>rtant because inconsequence, you a re on l y abl e to evolve in that way . 310/New we go ove r , the port has been opened .(I see that the hangar door s have been opened during ourshort conversat ion, and s lowly the lit tle beamship rises andfloa.ts through f r ee space towards the huge space ship ofAsket only a f ew hundred rreters away. Like with the justl eft giant , we float into the port, but which i s very muchsma l ler than the one o f the space giant of Ptaah , NcM weare a l ready inside , and at once the opening c l oses itselfbehind us . All this pr oceeds ve ry quick ly, and ve shiftthrough the exi t to the f Ioor o f a sma ll hall . As we standhere, I see a ll around us rreta l lic, light - r adiat i ng walls .'!he re are no othe r ships here, on ly ours . Word lessl y , I nONgo with Se:mjase, who wal ks .in the direction of the wa ll tothe right s ide, and in which now s uddenly an opening appear s ,and we go through . Behind us the srna ll passage is a l readyc losing itself again . Ne are now standing inside a friend l yrrxm with very canfortable seats and things whtch have to bedishe s . - l-an a live ! - '!he re s he s tands ! '!here stands Asket


and s he smiles . I - I am dunb and can 't speak, A confound-ed b lcx::k is in my throat, and I choke with it. . . lIbot Aske twalks 'toward Ire - wordles s and smi l ing , and now s he touchesmy hand, squeezes it, and draws rre reward her • • • Dear man ,i s this r e a l , I am not dreaming? Oh gir L . . )

Asket- t / Yoli r eally are not dreaming . Be very wekccrre withus . 2/It i s a delight and honor to greet yeo here . 7/1 seethat a change has happenedr I am sorry.Joeier- You rrean my ann?

Asket - a/ Ves .1oEier- IX> know, that I have a l ready accarodated myself toit, l ong ago, and I c an ' t even i..rrB.gine any rror e , a life withtwo arms for Ire . I have forgot t en that.Asket- 9/1f you s ay so, then it mus t be . l1 / But why don 'tyou a he lping device?

<XI Earth unfortunately, these things are still veryprimitive .Asket- 12/1 could have a device produced for you , which\>,QUId Jui ry subst i tute your arm . 13f A half organic appa-ratus .

Many thanks , Aske t , that i s really very kind of you .But do believe rre r on one hand I can no rmre imagine myselfa life with two arms , and on the othe r hand , I know verywell that I have not just lost my arm without purpose andsense. '!he accident and the l os s had to be. By that eventI have l ea rned i.rrrrensely much , and will further on l earnstill more ,

Asket - 14/ 'Ihe s e thoughts are worthy of you . I j ust thoughtthat a hel p in certain ways wou td be o f service to you.

M3ier- I r e a lly thank you very much, Asket , but I do notwant it. You knew that such an apparatus woukd a lso conj ureup rrany Earth troubles . We have many others there who havealso lost legs and anns , who wou l d then desi re such means ,and against whan i t \<oOJ ld be unfair for Ire to conceal suchfran them. 'fu this , rroreover, i s added. the problem, thatrrany of those humans , i f they had such helping devices,wou.ld again becare unappreciative fo rms o f lif e . You knew,things being as they are, that the human being fa lls a gain



into ITBter ialism, i f only he is \ov"ell- up again. en the otherhand, scientists and goverrurents would discover the rna.tter,and this could l ead to catastrophe. I f I had such a semi-organic apparatus or prosthesis , then for sure I could notconceal it for l ong . The consequences would be that theywoul d take it away f ran roo to examine and s tudy very thor-oughly, and if i t was semi-organic, then a .....ay for under-standing and duplicating the details ITBy not take l ong , franwhich the scientists could then produce .robot.s and similarthings . These would be used for evi I war-connected purposes ,posadbky catastrophic for Farth . As enticing as your of-f e r i s, Asket , j ust for those reas ons I could not accept it.Asket - 1S/ Thos e are unsel fish words , dear f riend, and youare right in them roo , 16/ 1 a.l Icwed myself t o be guided. bymy canpassion . . .(NcM the wall in the l e ft background opens and another ferra Iehuman cares in .)

Asket- 19/ 'Ihi s is Nera. 20/She is my deputy.(Spontaneous ly, I give her my hand, and again I notice apleasant pressure of the hand.)

I am delighted to make your acquaintance . (A littles i l ly, but what e lse can I s ay?)

Mera- 1/ Your words are fine ; don 't consider them silly .2/For my part, 1 am delighted to welcare you here .foeier- Have you r ead my thoughts?Nera- (laughing) 3/1f you mean by that , have 1 penetratedinto your mind , then no. 4/Your thoughts are very strong ,in consequence of which they can not be mistaken and notheard.Meier- 1 see, but in what mat-ter-s are you the deputy ofAsket?Nera-

Meier-s pace,

5/1 am the second-coordinator .'!hat would be for determinationor l ike that , WOUldn 't i t?

of Iocat.Lons in

Semjase- 312/SUrely .Meier- 'Ihen you are not the cc:mnander of this ship, Asket?Asket- 21/ No, 1 am the First -coordinator here . 22/'Ihe con-


trol or ccrrrrand of this ship r e s ts with Stal o r.Man or wife?

A<;ke t - 23/'!hat is the nerre o f a man. 24/By regret you willnot see him. shall remain together down here in thisroan. 26/ According to your understanding, w'12 are carpletelyprivate arrong ours e l ve s (not carrnitted to o the r s ) . 27/Butbefore 'We ta lk together I want t o first c lear up with Sent-jase sore regulating facts . you can talk toNera . 29/1 will not need long.(Okay , then I shall be satisfied in conve r s at i on with Nera.She a lso is evidently a very nice girl .)Ne.ra- (laughing) 6/kn I ?

loeier- do you mean? ...Oh, my thoughts, yes , so I feel.Ne.ra- . 7/You a lla.v yourself to be guided very much by erro-t i onal f eelings , and these errotions are sincere. 8/1 haveobs e rved this before in Earth human beings.

??? D:J you knew such ones?Nera-Ear-th,

9/Why shoul d I not - I have a l r eady been various ly on10/But tha t was a l ong t.Irre ago .

loeier- '!hat 's the reason, I understand. But , may I perhapsknee if you or Asket are caning the r e again soon?

Ne.ra- 11/In your t.trre , no rrore • . •But then when I am a lready l ong dead and rrouldered?

Ne.ra- (laughing1 12/You seem to have ove rccrre the horror o fdeath planted in you by the religions.

loei er- Shou ldn 't I ?Ne.ra- 13/That i s right. 14/Yes , wi ll ccrre there oncerrore , l ong afte r your departure .

lwEier - h"hy?Ne.ra- lS/It is a ll connected to Earth evo lution.

then it wouId be senseless to que s t ion howOh yes ,and why?Ne.ra- 16/ I f you mean the de tai l s , then

1'E:ier- s o I thought by mys e l f.

you are correct .'l'nen I a 1so do not


ask f or mysel f on l y , but can you poss ibly exp lain to me, whyI am conf ront ed before, as well as with Sernjase , and nowhere teo, only with \'oDITBI1 ly beings ? Until nay I am not ableto answer that questi on. I s there SaTE special r e as on, orjust happens ?

rEra- 17/Di d Semjas e not enlighten you about that?fuier- No, and I never asked.

Nera- 18/Ne ll , s o I wi ll give you the answer: on the onehand i t i s the s ame with us a s wi th Semj ase ' s people ; wer ecognize no diffe r ence in value between male and femalec r e a t ures , as you find on Earth. 19/ Both s exes are ackncw-l edged as equa lly capabl e . 20/Because o f this our beamshipsare c rewed by mal e and f emale forms alike, whil e as weLl therrost vari ed pos i t ions are equally oc:cupied by both sexes .21/m your specia l case , Asket determined in your contacts ,that you are able to deal with f ema l e fo rms of lif e betterthan mal e . 23/For that r e ason i t is on ly l ogic a l for us tomake c ontact wi th you main l y wi th female forma, and to us emale f orms on l y for certain things . (17)Meier-gone ?

'!his may be, Ner a , but whe re have Aske t and SemjaseHave they gone over to the entry r oan?

Nera- 26/sem jase has brought a "r e cor ding device" back tous . 27/Tney likely have gone to take care o f that .

Meier- Oh ye s , Semjase t o l d me sarething about this . Areyou a llowed to tell rre what this is a ll about?

Nera- 28/'!hat is no s ecr et. For scare years we r esearc hed anew t echn i que for t irrE-tr ansmissi on, ove r i.rrmeasurable dis-tances and l engths of t.irre , as we l I as through differentd.i..rrensions. . . 29/In that r espec t t\'e have developed small,spir a l - shaped t.Irre--sonde s , which we sti ll transmit f ran t .Irreto t .irre fran our dimension into yours . 3D/And as Semjaseunde r stands the s e t echnologi e s and works with us , i t i s onlyunder standable that we guide (s ene of) our sondes t o youram Earth. 31/Sare t irre ago , we transmitted such a s onde toyour Earth, which was l o s t , bec ause of a very little mistakethat had r i s en in the calculations o f time. 32 /Because ofthat , the s onde l anded several thousands of kilcrneters t othe east . 33/'Ihis mistake was discovered sore rronths agoby us , and we wer e able to find out where the sonde reallywas . 34/ Semjase searched the location and found i t there ,


and has brought it back to us . . . (18) But there , they arer eturning .. •

I s ee, and why has Semjas e not transported thatthing back to here another way, by t ine traveI, o r hyper -s pace t.ranspcrt; or similar? . ..Okay, then we l e ave this .But now a small s pecde I request o f you , Asket: For a l ongt.i..Ire I have tried to get Semja s e to pennit a photograph o fher , but regrettably I cannot; get permission fran her. I amwonder dnq if you wou t d l et lIE capture a pict ure o f you andNer a here on my film? \'k:Juld you pennit this?

Asket- 33/1f this delights you , o f course . Semj asei t unfortunately is that way , because if you wou.ld s hoot apicture of her and published it on Earth, then her secur i t ywould no rror e be guaranteed . 35/For tha t reason she hasprohibited this when c e rtain difficulties carre up in yourgroup . 36 /aut I am a f raid when making pictures o f lIE andNera here now, that they will not care out well .

'I\'hy not?

Asket- 37/1 know fran my stay on your F.a.rth , picture s al-ways being very bad when s hot in our ships or within theirimredi.a t e surroundings . 38 / They rrostl y are diffused orsimply not s harp. 39/'Ihis has to do with certain harml e s sto liv ing f orms ene rgy r adia t i ons which dist urb images ,especi a lly on color films , o f t en disp l ac ing and c hang ingthem.

tccre you occupied with f ilming? And what about theappara tus which Semjase has constiructed f o r lIE to get betterphotos?

Asket - 40/0£ my CMJl int eres t , 1 have occupied myself withphotographing, and a l s o s ee the di f f i cul ties respect.Inq theenergy radia tions, whi ch may even destroy the film in scrrecases . 41/But , which apparatus do you speak o f ?

(Asket turns to Sernjase and speaks to her, and nee she ex-plains the f o llowing .)

Asket - 42/Sernj ase has explained the gear, which unfortun-a tely you wou.ld not understand . 43/1 'i'i th r egret , 1 have totell you that thos e pictures will as well not be very gcodwi th the help o f that instrurrent . 44/Ne wi ll s earch togethe rso to elabor a te an e ffective instrurrent for a later pos a f -


Of course 1 ...i ll keep it a lone,

b i l i ty . 4S/But if you nevertheless want to make s ome pic-tures of us now, then you may do so. 46/ lf you makeno use of it and keep the picture f o r yourself alone, youmay make a group picture of us .. .M2der- Thank you, Asket .if i t is a good one .

Asket - 47/So get the p icture now. 48/At a l a ter point inti.rre you may a lso be a t Icxced to shoot sane pictures of Sem-j ase, when she is no l onger vulnerable on Earth . 49/Thi smay be several rmre years. (19) SO/Concerning me, r ecog-nition i s no rmre important , for 1 will not ccrre to Earthagain for a l ong tame,(Asket, Nera and Semj ase s tand together , and 1 shoot somepictures new. Contrary to Sernjase , Asket and Nera do notwear space c lothes , but normal c lothes (fo r them) , whi.chactually are rathe r different fran those I knew of Earth\'oUTEn I s f ashions. Yet they are a ll well dre s s ed in them. )8emjase- 314/This wi ll be sufficient for now, for "-'= s tillhave to discuss many things . 31S/NOt a ll o f this i s destinedfor the kncwt edqe of Earth humans . 316/So I wi ll have t oexc lude rmch f r an the l a t e r transmission .. .After t he p i ctur es Asket takes 62 full sentences t o bel abor Me ier for

hi s failur es i n ge t t i ng his "mi s s i on" started, fa il ures i n persuad ing hi sfr iends t o support i t mor e act i vely , failu r es in ge l ting r ecogni tion,f ailure s i n do i ng l ect ure s and cont.act Inq officials , failures in gettingan i nforma t i on organ s t a r ted, e t.c , , rein forc in g Semjase's already severecr iticism of Heier fo r t he same . They ha ve t r i ed t o persuade him to seekt o use Karl Ve i t ' s UFO NACHR ICHTEN as an organ -- and he has protesl ed t hatthe Veil s would not be a ll that i nt e r es ted in his "miss i on" .

All r i ght . . .. I . . . . Oh yes , .. . I will nee... t r oubl emyself very much not t o have to live further on withthese mistakes . It i s r i ght, what you have just told me,Asket , but I f e e l s crrehcw shocked. But I will really try,because I do want to perform my mission the ...ay I j ust haveto per-form i t. I t is as well ev.i.dent; to rre respecting therren t ioned by you public organ , as this would be good, andperhaps the only means to spread a ll rapidly. But I haveexhausted mysel f carple tely f inanc ially , and really can notundertake anything rrore , I could see a chance i f I cou l dbuy rre a s uited machine , to be abl e to print such a newa-


paper , o r a rronthl y paper and o ther things . But I do r e a llyhave no mare capital at my disposal . I do a lso knew thatwithin a few rronths I will be carpl etely at the end, ifsarething doesn ' t c hange . But I do not know h<:::M' I couldchange i t , as fran my side I am a t the s top o f my knowtedqe ,and do not knew any further what I could do in this. Ir eally do not knew, Can you he l p rre?

seejase- 322/ The i dea with the nachine is good. . . i f youcootd get the necess arymeans f or that . 323/ 'Ihis wo u fd he l pconsiderably, and also acce l erate the perfonnance of yourbegi..nning of your mission . 324/1f your group rrembers wou .ldhelp you in this r espect, then you could s urely solve theproblem by one or another way . 325/But I can not say thatyou have to buy such a machine , for we have to l e ave suchrratters to you and your group . 326/You yours e l ves have tochoose the de c i s i ons in the s e matters . 327 do not careto you to ccnmand you , but to a dv ise you , within certainrratters and directions . are not at Iowed to o rder youor to explain to you in advance , (what) the fut ure is b r ing-ing in certain mat.texs , 330/ Tf you knew this , then we \VOU l ddeprive you o f certain deve.loprerrt., which you irresistablynust go through. 331/80 I can only say to you, the idea o fthe machtne is a very good one .

A few week s after this , a delivery truck arrived at Meier' s door with theanonymous donat i on of a compl ete r eproduction ou tfit. including printer andcollator , and a supply of paper and loner. and lhe " STlf-t£R derZEIT" was bo rn .

Asket - 124/You have many photographs which witness ourexistence and which rea lly should be s u f fic i ent. 125 /Butthis fact as well is not acknowledged, and further proofs ofour existence and our beamships is cont inually demanded ,

except ion a ll the rrernber s of your group want;a t l east s ight contact with our ships , o r s imilar . 127/ButSemjase has a l ready provi de d this chance t o four o f yourgroup rrernber s . 128/This as has been f ruitless ,and rrore s ight contacts are desired. 129/ Semj as e has aswell p r anis ed this, though \'o'e are not qui te delighted about;it, fo r a derronstrat ion as p lanned will remain fruitles s .130/ But as nothing shou l d remain untried on our part, wehave thus agreed to a l ast such s ight contact . 131/I-b rewill not be possible . wi ll not be contented


with this, for him i t wou td be bet-ter- i f he no l onger trou-b les himse lf in this mat.ter-, 134/Only satisf y ing one 'sdesire for sensation is rreantnq .le as for our mission . 136/Eve rything i s out o f puzpoae and injurious to the rratter.137/ As a final observation, in Earth terms, we are furtherdeve loped fonns o f lif e , and no l onge r able to nove in suchl eve l s of mind as Earth bednqs . 138/ nus is not p retentiouson our part , but a l aw of Creation. 139/It is the sane witha ll f orms of lif e - a lso with Earth humans . 140/'Ihey, aswet L, are no l onge r able to nove within s till l oser to theml eve l s, thus they are not able to ITOve in l evel s of thesecreatures , who in Earth judgerrent are insane , but who intruth are only underdeveloped. 141/ For to adjust to a lltasks in the existing Laws of Creation , ea ch world creates,in ccoperat .ion with the Univers e , f r an tine to tine, eachaccording to l eve l of evolution, one o r rrorc creatures ofadvanced deve l oprent; through whan necessary facts rray betransmit t e d . 142/ 'Ihese higher deve loped c reatures have beencalled Prophe ts on Earth, who unfortunately , in their tines ,were a lrrost without exception persecuted and pursued, whichcondition still has not changed. ISO/And because this isthe way i t i s , there is no necessity or intention to makeourselves further known (to a ll) .lSI/Besides us , there are sti ll other extraterrestrial

inte lligences, who rrove in the Earth realm, but who are inuniquely different pos Lt.Lons in evolut i on than we , and whomay be advanced over Earth humans by only a f6v centuries . ..I S2/ '!hes e c reatures may thus care into contact Earthhumans and r e a ch understandings with them. I S3/ Beca use sereof the se int e ll i gence s are not much developed beyond Earthmankind, they may behave l ike Ccmrandera and such, and rroreadvanced creature s may inter f e re to prevent evil consequen-ces . I SS/ Sene Earth. humans have had rea l contacts with suchextrat e rrestrials , and o thers take such r epor-ts and elab-orate them f antasy , thus c reating new s tories. 167/'!here a l so appear l esser deve loped intelligences who thirstfor carrrand and want to keep the s cep ter over Earth humans ,and conscious of the affini ty f or re lig i ons on Earth, theyl earn to apply them for thei r a,.m purpos e s . ..

fuier- Nha t do you think about the influences of these joserf o rms of life and being (caning he r e); are they of benefitf or humans o f this wor ld?

33 1

Psket- 169/CXlly partly , according to eachone ' sdeveloprent .170/ But behind these contacts are rrenace s too, which Earthbeings can see when wars and ca tas trophie s befa ll them.171/ r-'lany pccer'fu.l l e ade r s o f Earth are unconsciously l ed.astray by such intelligences . . . (2 0)



(1) Evidently in this spectat fo rwith:ut radiatial. interference; the pick-up sensors, the scanners. lensesor s:n!!th.irg. is ret; sufficiently shie.kle:i fnn the hiJt1 teeperatures ofthis ere plaret so tot. at; the surface .

(2 ) \ole cb oot krxM \l,hether this is int:6Jjej to ceen original f irst de\.'e1-qmant, or first deve1cp:rent of iIeo'l life after the cataclys:nic effects ofthe capture, if tret; pert; of tb:!; story is true. 'Ihere is SO!E o::njecturethat this fonrer planet. of an:Jther system may have had life in deve1.qI:Hltin its original eun-systen in this sceoerto, ....hich was lost in i ts cetas-t.n;:ptic rerovat and transpl.antati.a'l he re . straJY,Jely. there is arotf-erscenario o:nceming the uniqueness of Venus in oar solar system, that isveI'f similar to this, p.Jblished in the booc \oOilllS ill CDLLISICN, bj BffinuelVelikovsky. .9.rl1 theories nay account; for sene of the myster ia.Js ananalieso:nceming venus, such as different rotetacn, no satellites , etc .

(3) Ole year later, ASnOUfl na.gazine for Jlil:;Iust 1976, p3Ig:! 11, atlIVJnCErlthe ne,.,'S that the space prdJes bed fourrl the bases of Val\JS ' clarls a tal:alt 40 ki.l.aTEt:ers above the surface, arrl peqea 12 arrl 13 .iIJ:l.;:qsof the cratered surface. W1en we vtstted the ra::s rbti.cr1al Cb5ervatory atFlzqstaff, Ari.zcna, in February 1981 (as part; of cur 1nvest.igatiaJ. o f the9.tiss case) , \l,tlich was proj ect for the Vem1S t:q:ograply sttrly, Ray.Jordan arrl Edc Eliascn sh::wed us the first relief DEp of ValUS, \l,hi.chthey had just ccccleted na1d.rq. This cap sh::we:1 several lew ranjes of

of IlDl!ltains in the mirl-latitlrles, marl y level podar- ttqicns, a.-.da . cratered surface. f·Eier recoroed trcse rotes reported here n::w in 1975.Arrl at that tiIre be descrihrl the Venus Landscape to us in detail , in 19TI ,all before such infOIIIldt.i.a1 had teen p.JblishEd any..tlere. fb.l could thisnan have Jo-o..n?

(4 ) In the urn o::ntacts fran Ret icuh.m ta1<;.irq place at Charl.est:.01, 5:uthcarolina, the extraterrestrials s rrs-ed their ab:fuctee h:::w' trey cculdselectively cancel rot any vibrati.cna1 frequBlCy in their viewirJ:j devicesthey oestret, arrl bj so do irJ:j CUJld lcx::k thro..qh the roof of an auta ,obi IedrivirJ:j en a reed celc-, in Florida, arrl they Iccked tl'u:o.Jgh the roof ofthe space shuttle assanbly hangar at rape Kennedy , arrl s l'u.oled Bill Bar-mannthe Prep:lIati.a'l \>,Drlc l:eirJ:j dcoe en our space-ship CbIUTbia inside . Bi llHen:Iram vie.m all of this en a vary sharply focussed 3--d.1r.elsiooal irragescreen, ....md1 sin.e1 the f igures in full depth, as he were viewirJ:jminiab..1re fiq.rres performinq in a box, was seeced in a unique seat,tefore a sectial in a curving o::ntrol ccosote set into the wall of theRet.iall..ian spacecraft, arrl was sh::wn h::u to use the cx:ntrols en the viem.rg


screen to peoecrete a solid surface arrl 1nY' to zcan in arrl to the'Ibis is cnly ale 1ID:re exalple o f scores, of that

exceed arrs lMJlifald. (Fran UFO a:tm'CI' Fro1 RETIUJLU1, by s tevensard Willian sermann, 1979)(5) Here Semjase nakes the seccod refe rence to Hei e r ' s Fermer life exper-ience as a Pleia::lian ccercoeuc . After that he Incarnated as me oft he prq:hets in tbe old 'resteceic , arrl was in ccotect with "than" at thattine.

(6) !-6er n::w rctacee that tf-e seentrq t.ra:nsparency of the rreual. wallto be a pnrltrt o f tbe sere k.ird of techno1.o;Jy that alJ.o.1ed then

to see all ab:ut cctstoe the ships, as th:::a..rP the walls were rot; tibere,....hUe to erctrer wit:h:ut benefit o f that technology, or fran the,the surfaces sean to t:e ercoth wirrbolless n:etal. fb.; often we have hadthis mystericus reported in other UFO ccntacts is difficult tocccnc, there have teen so many.

(7) certainly awrq>riate for H:u nt Orini::orazo ard i tsvicinity. \'hen this invest.i.g;lticrl teen was exan.initq a case in Ecu:rlJr in1972, we fcurrl ab.rrlant evidence of extraterrestrial cortece with thenatives o f that many th::usa""rls of years a::p. local l eqerrlab:ut a great ruler ...tD "cere f rrn the s.\cy" ard set up a vast k.i.n:D::o tha.tstretdlerl as far as the eye o::uld see in all direct.i.a1s Frrra his erxrrtatnaerie, we fcurrl a hu:;Je pyrani.d en the east s ide of tIE A.-rles, at a highetevectco, a 300 foot; tall tarple, an ab3rrl:ne::l city in the dense jungle,am a great struet:ured facility en the sh:ulders of a high ou..mtain in theOti1±orazo rarqe, that was quite evidently l evele::l by a ceny necetcosize atonic blast several tiv.lsarrl years arp, which left- a vitrifi e::isurfece layer 1/4th of an in:::h thick. covering an area equal to scores ofcity blocks, at an B,OCO feet. altitlrle . TIE mystericus "caves of the'Ial..l.o6" is rot far fran here in the sh.:rl:w of J.b.Jnt Orirri::oI:?ZO. a cityurderg:ro.Jrrl, arrl may have teen ..tErE the ILPJ..latiat of the aban::k:ned citywent t.n"dergrwrd after the blast in order to escape the fallcut. . . i'e raverot; Ieaznsd m..:ch in these th:usan::1s o f years s ince, because we are p repar-'in:} to 00 i t again . f'b w:::n:ier the Pl e iali.ans thin\<;. we need help!

(B) In an:Jther s imilar case takirq place near B::g:1ta, Cblarbia, rran-srepedhalf-nechanical/half-organi.c creatures were reported to have t:een ccserved.1h:y were canyinJ cut rcutine q;erat.i.a1s ard funct.i.als atoard the nother-ship perfect.Iy, em were use:l to run nacturery, to carry cut rcutine tasks,arrl to m::ni.tor devices an:i activities aboard. They also used inrecord arrl a:ntrol q:;:erat.i.a1s of n;Jeti.tive nature. TIE Cblarbian wttressnever heard of J.Eier, or !''eier of him, tercre these repcrra were m'rleavallable arrl released, which was m'U1Y m:nths after the experteoces for


roth, yet toe experferces occurred mly a fe-; m:::nt:hs apart. Sr Fabio zezpaof 1\rg'fltina investigatErl the CblaTbian case am p.Jblished. a report in hisj OJ.D1al , CIlARI1\ DINENSICN, pr-inted in soercs Aires .

(9) />Bier is rot sure who this !"lB'l rran in Se:nj ase' s l ile is ard be feelsa of j ealccsy.

(10 ) Pt.aah was the chief G:rl in />B"q;:hite theolcgy centered in l-EJIiri.s,Egypt, in the thi..t:d milleniun, B.C. , am was rrqarded as the Creator of thetruverse. IE CiJIE frrm the stars.

(11) In a cursory search, 'ffl2' have teen unable to firrl specdfIc referencesto Ftnah. in scotn 1'nErican mytlpl.cgy, rrxcever \\B have seen ansiderableevtde-ce there of a::nnect.irrLs to Fqypt am. 1'ncient Assuria 4.00J to 5,00Jyears arp (\..trich eqrees with the ctne o f E'taah in l·E:rPUs). 'n-e caves atPaute in Ec:ucd::Jr ccotatred scores of such artifacts , am. 'ffl2' exantred am.

lIBJlY of them in coerce. TIley bave teen shilled to theVatican in Pore.

(12 ) en three separate cccestcoe, cne or another of us i.nvesti.qators, havercted tinE coerces 01 elect.rente watches that were in the vicinity of thePleia:lian ceerebtpe, ani apparerrt.Iy the c:tlarlgas took place at that t.tne ,other spring operated watches, also present, slo"'Ed 00 suchcha.rqe. Tin:e charqes 01 watches ani autrnDbile electric ctocxs in thevicinity of a spacecraft; awroa-ch had teen reported to us a rnnter of timestut 'ffl2' were cnly able to acbJa.lly verify this pherurerJ::n the fed tim2snota:l i t arrse.lves . 'IlE charqes were able to record were inccnsistentin the sense that SClIJ2tirJEs the charqes were forward ani otter cures taoc-ward! or stq::p:rl. Also, the calerdar watch c:hanJ.'rl days am. date . As ....Bdid rot actually ccserve the cnerqes taking place, co rot kn'.:JN whetherit was by of m:NEm2I'1t, either way, or sinply by jurp charqes .\'1:> co rot kn'.:JN h::M this bappens , If this was a trick rnploye::l by scrreb:::dyto fool us, 'ffl2' nust ccntess - it did .

(13) 'Ite stars seen in space within the Jln::1rorff1a system, Icoced there,f ran within the system, so lllJCh like the stars in orr galaxy, seen fronbere, that !·Eier saw TV disceI:nable difference. IE does rot kn'.:JN the stars .

(14 ) This is a surprising staterent., because alnost; the sarr.e infomati.crtwas q.iven to N::.w Eh';}larrler John B. in a rerarxable way in an"autanatic writing" seeetcn, at 02 :00 in the rrnming, in the dark, in thebeserent; of his reese, in 1881, in which be was given this syrri::ol-fonn,arrl was told that i t was the predecessor of all written foms 01 Earthtoday , am was derived by the t'Egi fran ccservtrq the stars . fE was alsogiven, at that tilre, a table of exi.sti.rq l..arlguag;! forms derived fron it.'!his was said to be the ancient "wr'Lt.inq of the G:rls" , ard was used as


sacral writing l:¥ the M:qi . 'Ihi..s syni::ol-fonn was used. in the magic talis-mans of the distant past, am in the sigH s of the great alchBni..sts (thef irst scientists) of history . I t was said to be the secret Ibl yWritin:} of KinJ sotcren, I'E'CO.}'1i.z€d tOOay as the father of certain mysticsects. arrl is still used in secret rites in sane soctetaes . te>'brcu:Jhp.JblishOO. his "t:ransniss:ials" in an old seertcen w:::nX titJ.e:j OAHSPE. firstprinta:1 in 1882.

(15) 'Ihese t:h::::ught recorders have l::een IrE'fit.i.cre:l before, arrl are awar-ently stardml equiplent en the ahfps ,

(t 6) 'The history of civilizatirn m Earth sears to tear cut this pro-jecticn esscred i:¥ Sfath. Earth hlmmity d:es in fact tHralstrate an urgeto exp:lrt i ts 00lie.f systera wterever possfbte, as t:h::u;Ih trey werethe cnly true coes, Witness the "Irquisi tial". arrl \l,hat the Spaniards didto the gnat civilizatials of SCUth reertca .(17) In an::JtlEr discussjcn 00 this subject of lIDSt1y Feraje a::sn::n:nrt..sIIB.ld.rrJ these cxntac:ts with Maier, seejese pcdnted cut that in nany centur-ies o f Earth esperteoce, they have ccservea that we are lES'5toscue to females than males in OJI ecctety, arrl fear them less, so it wasauy reasc:rOOle to take c:dvanta;le of this characteristic .

(18) Elsa S•• a cemen girl in the orient. was in bar-p..p-t.B1t near Z3ha:'3en in Iran. m the with Irrlia, ...tal she wasa..a.1<r::nrl I:Jf a sam aJtside. Gettirg up, she fo1.1cwed the so.rrlever a sam dure am, 01 the otter side. a;rl silveryship h:Jverirq ally a few feet off the grrorrl. am. a '...a:M!l in acoe-ptece aj.Ivezy-qray suit di.g:J irg in the sam with a cecnire tret; was

a pl UIE of sarrl cut of the excavatim. Elsa wajked ever ard askedthe st.ran:;ler \'Ito she was and ....nat she was ooirg there . 'Ih:! \-.anID stepped atrD:H1t arrl said that she was "senjea" , arrl that she was rea::l'Ilerirg a"til:e-spira1." (scrde) that hi:rl been lost trere , ::re finisJ"ej d:ig:Jing itcut of the gro.:arl, am "Heated" it arC the d.i.gpJ:g rrec::hine over to bership am aboard, nat she "floate:i" up arrl inside the craft. arrl themchine started to cove, plSSirq directly over Elsa. arrl then acceleratedto speed as it depart:e:j. A f e,.r days later, after;J thiss tory to several. other beckpeckers, sare:ne gave her the cd::lress of OOIST,Kar l Veit ' s arganizati.cr1 at W;>i shXlen, Yest GeImany, p..1blisher of the a1l.yurn in the w:>rld, a callEd urn mamannl, am. advisErlher to serrl the story to th!n as they interested in sudl things. S'Edid arrl the story was received bj Karl Veit, the sa:e .1IEIl \ootose aut:a:rbilesas MMqed by an explosial lohile he was visi ti.n:J reerer arrl fanily at thefann in Hint.ersc:hnidruti.



(19) sere is a c lear irrli.catial that these p1eiadian ccneects are rot<pin} to a:l"Itinue forever , arrl that SEmjase will Ieave within a f eN yearsof cur tiJre, arrl will then ro 1In;}er be vulnerable to disa:Jvery arrl .i.droti-f icatial \'ohe1 she is walking a street en zartn.

(20) 'llE transnissial at this poirrt; went into the earlier d.isa.Jssicns andtreeti.Iq3 with Aske t , arrl devel <:pIH"its l.ea±i.n:J up to &nj ase cp:ni.rq rresenew cx:ntacts after aln:ost a 10 year ecseoce bj Asket. was rt.Mgrantei to release the Il1U. ccntact notes , and because SOlE had beenscattered arrl Icst. they were retransnit:ted fran the stereo records of th::JSeearlier IIEPt.irqs . re have collected these IY\L totes for a separatetreatlrent at a future erne, 'llE 'iIOrk of the ccntact rctesfron the: big trip was !nterrupta:l bj a new ccntect, the 32rrl , 01 8 sep-tercer, ahrost SO days after the J::egi.nnin;} of the big trip - the 1.cnJestgap in the Pleiirliim ccrcects up to the cut-back in cur investigatirn in1982 .


The entire thought-transmi s sion o f that memorab le trip aboar d Fi rst thesmall seven meter spacecraft , and then t ogether aboard the 17 kilometer gr eat-spacer mot her-shi p , t ook several da ys, dur ing whi ch Edua rd Hei er and his groupanxious ly wai t ed the development and return of the seve ral rol l s of supposedlyspectacular photographs made by Hei e r , and also by Semj ase wi t h a secondc amera , during the time they were gone .finall y the developed pictures were ready fo r pick-up, "hich took a lot of

lIlOI1ey for the nurrtler of fi l ll\S e xposed and the small nurrbe r o f people t o pa yfor them. The funds were ra i s ed and t he pack age s of pictur e s ...e r e s ent for .The group t hought they now had the photo proo f they wanted a lmos t i n t he i rhands 85 they impa t i ent ly waited . When the packa ges a r rived and were opened ,a ll wer e crushed to s ee tha t ev ery picture made us ing the "s pecial vi ewingscr een", wi t h bot h Meier ' s came ra and t he second s imi l ar one used by Semj ase,wer e gros s ly ove r e xpose d and light to the po i nt of l osing much o f the imagei n t he pictur es. They were so bad that most are not even r epr-oducab.le , Theothe r pictures taken ab oard the ships, without using the de vi ce , ha d naveyfl as hes of co lor s hot thr ough t hem, and were also di stor ted , and all butuse l es s as well . .. Host of thes e were a lso overexpos ed , evident ly due to t heproperties o f t he li ght aboard t he sh i ps .Another problem was a lso noted now t hat t he pi ctur es were ba ck . The 49rrm,

·s lightl y wider than norma l angl e spr e ad of the lens on Me ier 's camera , wastoo wide t o get clos e-up shot s of the images i n the s pe c ia l vi ewi ng screen,and was even wor s e with the sma lle r normal view ing sc reens , without ge tt i ngthe edges o f the screen in the picture , and he had problems wi t h the focusbecaus e his c amer a had no through t he l ens focus i ng, but the small window onthe upper left side of the camera body , and eve r yt hi ng a lways looked like itwas in f oc us t hrough t his window. It was t hi s lack o f distance measur ementand control that resulted i n the pictures of Asket and Ne ra in the smal l roomaboard the DAl ship being ou t o f fo cu s . Meier di d not know h i s focus was of f

he ana pped t he pi ctures .The d i s appoi nt ment was crushing, and Meier was for ced to r e sort t o co l l ect-

ing other images to i llus t r a t e what he was trying t o describe to othe rs,i ncludi ng obser vator y pi c tur e s of some of the s t e l l ar wonders. Some o f t hes ebecame mounted i n t he pic ture albums by hi s fr i ends, and event ua lly becameconfus ed by others as t he pictur e s fr om the trip . In fac t that was what wewere t old once by somebody t he re al so, v.-h ich knew was not true, becaus ethos e obs ervatory vi ews a r e only poss ible from the poi nt i n s pace occupied byThe Ea rth , and through s pecial hydrogen and othe r f ilt ers no t avai l able forsmal l c ameras . Eduard Heie r has never told us that thos e pictur es were t akenon t ha t extended trip .Hei e r COlllTlUnicated his di s appointment t o Semjase , and she c ame and picked

up t he di apos i t ives fo r thei r own sci ent i s t s to s tudy to see t hingswrong. Those dias never brought ba ck t o Meier .


Anot her pr obl em was t he one experienced before , with t he disappearance ofthe spacecraft photos . Here agai n , mos t of the photographs made aboar d themother -ship , not us ing t he special screen , were "los t" in the processing lineof handling from laboratory back t o HeIer , and he never s aw them. Thosewoul d have been the best ones. Onl y t he f ew pi c ture s that were on t he ot herrolls -t oge t he r with t he photos through t he spec ial vi ewi ng de vice, even cameback to and that wasn 't man y .Mei er was shown remarkable wonde r s on this trip, an d then was given heavy

responsi bilities. He i s flattered and then severel y cr i tic i ze d for hi s fail-ings . The carrot and t he stick t echni que is app l ied repeated l y an d is havingthe des i r ed effect .


32r>:l Ccntact lUlday, 8 5eptBtber 1975

thought Transmission Contact

14:16 h

Semjase- l /Since yesterday I r eceived your strong call. 2/Are you far enough along with your l abor to be able to writedown the next r e port?M:::!1er- Not this ye t , but sarethi ng has interferred, and Idon ' t knew what I shoul d begin .Semjase- 3/15 this so irrportant that you had to call fiebecause of it?l£ier- I think so. As you knew, I am a t present repeat edlywriting down a ll the contact notes , and in whdch I havewritten Alma 1964 with the help of Asket's rrerrory. But nowI can find no rmre o f the r emaining (contact) r eports . Evi -dently I have hidden them too well, and then l ost them. Ir eally don I t know what I s hall do?

Semjase- 4/You real l y can't find them?Then I would not have ca lled you so urgently.

Semjase- 5/Surely. . . 6/'Ihen l eave these reports for now,as , if you can 't f ind them, then you like ly do not have themany rrore , . . . but have you searched thoroughly?Meier- Of course . I put everything upside down .Semjase- 7/ Tnen you will have lost them.Meier- So I a lso believe . should I do now?

Semjase- 8/ I f you really can ' t f ind them, it is no t soiJrportant . 9/ 1 will contact Asket and tell her yourmi s ery. lO/ She will transmit t o you once rrore , a ll mis singreport.s, 11 /All about the events and conversa t ions are s toredby her . 12/ You c an write the s e repor-ta again . 13/How f arhave you p r oce eded with them?

Meier- I could still write the f i r s t conversation with _ _ rthen the rest is miss i ng .

Sanjase- 14/ Well, then you have go t ten quite far . 15/ So a tthe end o f that repor-t. about _-,,--,,' give an explanation thatyou can no rrore find the rest o f the r e port.


I have a lready done this , and now I take this con-tact with you as the direct sequel (continuation o f the re-port aboard the great spacecraft on the extended trip).Semjase- 16/Indeed you think of everything. 17/50 we willcont inue the further thing this way: I (wi ll) transmit toyou the second half of the report o f your trave l with rre toAske t .. 18 /\'ilrite an appropriate note , and then cont inue wi ththe report. will insert the missing f ac ts f r an thereport with Asket later, when they can be transmitted byAsket .M2:ier- Okay , then you may begin .senjase- 20/D::m I t hurry so rnrch : 1 can not trove s o fast .21/ 1 was not prepared for this situation, and carmotrelease mys e lf for thes e things at the rrorrent.. 22/ TarorrCM1 can make myself avail abl e for this again, for 1 must fi r s tprepare . 23 / 1 still have othe r Labor-s to per f orm ,and at the p r e s ent 1 am doing one too . 24/ 1 can not justleave it omit ted .

Okay , I should have thought o f that .then g i ve Ire not ice terror-row?

SEmj ase- 2S/Surely .

So you will

Thought Transmission , 'I\1esday, 9 september 1975Second part. of the r eport. o f the 31st contact which tcokp l ace on 17 J uly 1975, aboard the Pleiadian Great -spacer.

The di scussion of a number of mat t e r s whi ch Hat e r is not al Iowed toreveal had taken place . He was advi sed of a series o f events t ha t wouldt r ans pire , .invo j vinq him and also ot hers of our wor l d . Asket continues.

Asket- 203/ These mat t e r s dis cuss ed are onl y f o r you, andfor a ll other (Bar-th) human beings they f all under the s ealo f s i lence . 204/1t is very Impor-tant; that you gi ve no s i gnof them, for they are not a ll<JWed to influence the eventson your wor l d . 20S/ You are only then at Icwed t o tell ofthese things a f ter they have happened. 206 / 'Ihis i s up toyour own deci s ion after that .

M2:ier- You can trust me you know.seajase- have to prepare f or our return .Nara- 31/1 am ve ry delighted to have rret; you . 33/80 live


34! Perhaps webe many years

nCM, and r eturn in peace to your wor Id,will rreet; another ti.Jre again , but tltis mayf ran now.

This will be when 1 am o ld and chattering, o r no?

Ne.ra- 35 / You will remain the sane for us , as he r e your l ooki s not s o i.rrq:lortant , but your per son . 37 - fare we l l.38 /Hy Iabor calls ITE , and I r e a lly have to go.(Nera l eave s - t iurndnq to Asket, and disappears. )

. . • I f the ti.Jre is suffi c ient , then 1 s till have aquestion.

Asket- 211/J ust ask Ire .

Meier- '!hanks . - You have said , the gear f o r the photograph-ing is use l ess . - I rrean the one fran Semjase . loJhat aboutthe one you want t o produce in cooperat ion? Do you thinkthat l a ter I wi ll be able to get better pictures with i t ,and that I won I t a lways have troubl e s with the frarre o f thes c r een?

At:;ke t - 212 /1 think the ins t rurrent will be good. 213/ Butwha t do you rrean with , the s creen I s f r ame troubl ing you?

Meier- Know, the instruJrent o f Semjase I s i s sere c cnpt exfor photographing and r a the r smalL l\n en 1 shoot; a picturethen a lways the sma ll screen-frarre disturbs Ire , and thisconfounded object i s a lways in the picture . Always the hal f -oval f o nn o f the frarne appears in the v iew.

Thi s part of the specia l viewing sc reen frame showed up i n several of t heApollo-Soyuz docking pho t ogr aphs we had seen be for e they disappeared in atheft a t the Heier house . t..hen thos e s lide s wer e printed t his was usuallylost i n t he pictur e ' c r opping .

Asket- 213/1 will take care that the s e di f f icul t ies willnot appear in your (new) gear .

Meier- l1hen shall I now us e this instrurrent?

Semjase- 353/ On your next trave l , o f cours e .

Meier- And when wi ll this travel be?

Semjase- 354 /'Ihis is not f ixed - in any case, i t may be al ong tine . 355/Eefore another j ourney, 1 will firs t "abduct"you into another dtrrensdon ,


Meier- What do you rrean by this?

senjase- 356! Each p lanetaLy body has diff erent parallelwcr Ids , as "-'ell with your bcrewor -Ld, the Farth. 357/'D1eseparallel wor -Ids exist in super- and sub--ordered diJrensions ,thus s trange f or your nOl1MI tine . 358/Cn such parallelwor-Ids , nearly i s the sane as in the wor -ld ofnormal. ti..rre . 359 / Cnl y small differences prevail , especiallywith r espect to t ines . 360/And so to such a paralle l wor -IdI want to take you .

Meier- Fantastic, and will this be now?

Se:njase- 361/This i s not c leared yet.. . 399/By r egret, wer eally do have to hurry now; we have already ove r drawn ourtine. . .

Asket- 234/But you can regulate this by a s hort time l ap.

semjase- 340!Surely .

Meier- Shall I beccrre a bit younge r , or a b i t o l der ?

Asket- 235/Sare seconds younger. 236/ But new really, en-ough , dear friend . - Farewell , and think of us - it has beena j oy to see you again . - Fare\l.'ell .

(All , qcod, here is the ship . I disappear inside it and Sern-jase enters . She l e ts the ship slide out o f the hangarport, and a few' minutes l ater we are again in the g i antspaceship of Pbaah , As before, we are carri ed up by a glid-er, walk through the park , and nove again to the central ,where Ptaeh is sit ting at his "horseshoe--console " . )

Ftaah- 243/we are just about to change back into our ownUnivers e . 244/we will s tay a little t.Irre at the barrier , toc lose i t aga in.

Me-ier- Does this take much t i..rre?

senjase- 348/Sure l y , because we are not a l Iowed t o l e t its impl y fa ll together, but mist; c lose it systemat i cally .349/ 'Ihis takes time and much care . 350 / Fran Universe toUni verse , there are on ly a f ew points in the barrier whichcan be used for pass age . 351 /They shourd not be s trained orover burdened, e lse the s t ructure is danages . . . 352/Every-thing mus t thus be perf orrred in or der , which o f course takestime .


I underacand, Then I wi ll be unneces sary f o r a

Pt.aah- 25 4f1;·Je can nevertheles s talk together. 246/'Ihe who leprocess o f c losing i s p r oqrarrrted , and i s perfomed auto-matically , without our special activity.eet er- Nhat will 'We do after c losing the barrier?Pt.aah- 248/The ques t ion i s j ustified . 249/It is pr ov i ded toj ump into different systems , where you and Semjas e wi llv i sit SC'ITe p lanets and (other ) f OIInS o f life.

Oh, that i s marve l ous. Can I then a l s o talk withthese forms of life ?Pt.aah- 353/This, by regret , wi ll not be possible . 354/loJecan only a llOW' our ship to beccrre v i sible on the fewe st; o fthese wor-Ids , 355/ 50 a lso we can not .I eave our ship, andwill have to be content with Iookfnq a t everyt.hing fran ourbeamship. 356/Neverthele s s it will be very interesting f oryou.Joeier- It is very much r egre t tab l e , yet I don I t want to urgeyou. I thank you a l l for of fering at l east this chance tolIe . . . NrnJ I s till have sarething e l s e . Hitherto you , Sem-j ase , have spoken on l y nega t i ve l y of Earth r eligions . Atl e ast that has been the impr e s s ion whi ch unini t i a tedones wou ld get f ran your expl anations. I myself do know yetf o r s ene years , this impres s i on to be decept ive and thatthis negative character i s address ed to a certain f orm ofr e lig i on . But this i s not evident in the hitherto explan-ations, thus the uninforned ones are s ure to think that a llr eligion i s being discr edited. '!his impression i s wrong, Iknew, but unti l now you have undertaken nothing to correctthis mi sperception .

Pt.aah- 249/ 'Ihe questi on i s j us tified, and I wi ll g ladl yanswer f or you . 250/Like a ll conce rns , everything needsce rtain p r epara tion . 251/Nothing can be undertaken and im-proved wi thout pr oper p r epara t.Ion , 278 / A l e s s on can neve rbe t r ansmitted in its deepest meaning at the beginning o fthe l ess on . 279/At f i rst are the nece s s ary preparati vecorks , and introductions t ot i cc, to p roceed s tep by step tothe core o f the lesson and transmit the essential kno.v ledge .280/'Ihis p r ocess can not be inverted, which consequence maybe catastrophic . 281/Take fo r example the education of aprofessional , as they are conronty called by you on Earth.



282/When a person wants to becare a physic ian then he cannotat once occupy h imself with the deepest secrets of the pro-f ession and l e arn to be s uch. 283 /He must- fi r st troublehimse lf with the preparat ive wor-ks and l earn everythings l ON'l y fran the beginning. 284/\men he has done this , andreached a certain kncwfedqe, then he i s first able to occupyhimself with rrore advanced matters and s lCJ,01ly reach thekernal o f kncwtedqe o f that profession.285/It is the sane with spiritual l e s s ons . 286/Because o f

this my daughter has until nCJ,01 not gone into deeper rr.atterso f Spirit and expl anat ions , because fi r st the seed has to beS<MI1 . 287/'Ihis seed has f i rst to adapt i tself t o the soil ,and if it fe ll onto ferti le ground, it then has to enri chitself by enlivening processes, to be abl e to ge nninate.288/'Ihis rreans that the hitherto o f f e red l e s sons and explan-ations by Semjase are only the f oundation stones for theessential nCJ,01 f o llowing main wcrk , 289/The up to nCJ,01 trans -mitted matters represent in truth onl y the preparation wor k ,by whi ch Earth humans may care into the truth, and to under-s tand the l a t e r follON'ing l e s s ons and explanations . 291 /M1en hitherto 5emj as e only spoke o f Earth relig i ons in neg-ative f onn, then i t was because the Earth human had to bemade a t tent ive to the error in his religions, .. • f or theseare l ike nowhere else i n this Unive rse . 292/hb en the talkis o f Earth religions, just then this is rreant in the formand manner as they exist on Earth and find the i r exe rciseand consequences . 293/Religions in this rreaning area danger not onl y on and for the Earth.294/ Re ligions in the meaning that they exi s t on Earth, are

then unique in this Universe, and they find no equal. 295/'!hey control the Earth human and the whole planet, and retardyour wor ld thousands o f years, in Spir i tual r e s pect. 296/Every Spi r i tual evolut ion is b locked by these religions andf inds no progress . 298/Your religions s till c ontainreal worth , but this becanes s o i ndis ce m able that on l y af ew people are able to see the effective truth there . 299 /'Ihese few who are able to s ee the real truths f ran thescripts , are harmed and confounded by those dependent onthese wrong beliefs , and thus can not s pread the truth.300/When Semjase speaks in negative fonn about; Earth re-

ligions, s he is addressing the f a l s i f i ca t i ons in them vtuchhave been built up partly conscious l y . 302/'D1e Earth relig-ions 'are only c a lled such in narre , but are just degenerat e


cul ts. ·305/ In your case we call them "culti c ", because,Indeed, religious f acts are interpreted and fal s ified bycul t ic dogmas . 307/One religion is the measure of all re-ligions ; by this in a ll re-t y ing facts .. .30B/ But this i s only Creational - lawfully right i f i t is

based on harrronfc cooperation with the rel-e-geon . 309/'Ihisrreans that the re-tying and the again-connecting has to bein hanronic unison and to wor k t ogether . 310/Re lig ion cannot exi s t wi thout r e l-e-geon, j ust as relegeon cannot existwithout r e-lig i on . 311/ Both f a c tor s have to mes h and can-p lete each other. 315/lhe Farth human must f ind the truthand re-connect it again in the right neesure and f orm. 316/So he mus t think relegeously to f ind the truths in the rea lreligions, and to incorporate them into the canplex o f re-l egeous kncwredqe , 32 1/By vari ous c ircumstances, and not inthe least by the vanity of human creatures, the I HWHs , Kingso f Wisdan, National l e ade rs , and l eaders of hUIMIl races , arein Earth human tenns called God and are substituted for '!heCreation i tse lf. 322/1his i s still seen in the f orm o fappellat ion of Earth humans , when they speak o f the ir Godsas Creator . 323/'Ihe term of the male, "HE" and "HIM" waseven in mi lleni ums not extinguished, thus this term doesstill witness 'today on Earth the human- ness of the God andCreator and other De .i,ties . . . • • •

Meier- '!his is very de tailed. . . I think that this explan-a t i on should be sufficient . In any case I nCM see this .

333/You are awake inside . 334/You have becare wise .

Meier- '!hat is your oparu.on , t-1any humans say that I am afantast and am far fran the truth.. . . . . '!hen I want to knCMsarething e l s e nCM. I heard and read sarething about; ourscient i sts trying to produce our CMIl. Earth beamships . Isthat true ?Ptaah- 355/1his is true , as such flight Lnstirurrentis havebeen bui l t on Ea rth . 356 / 'Ihey a r e not beamships , but de-v ices s imi l ar to our shi ps which are on ly equipped withexplos i on rrotiors , and recently by repu l s e drives having athrust e f fect . 357/'Ihe building o f such s hips is not new,because the first o f this sort had been de signed and wer eunder construction in your year 1941. 35B/In the middl e o fFebruary the firs t test fl i gh ts were wade , reaching altitude so f 12,500 rneters , wher e s peeds o f a bit rrore than 2,000


k ilareters per hour were developed. 359/The order for thiswas g iven by a l eader of your Second War, Adolph Hitler.360/At the end of that war everything of the project wasdestroyed to keep it fran fa lling into the hands of theenemy. 361/Different plans, equdprrerrt; and apparatus , over-l ooked in that destruction was discovered. 362/Frcrn this ,different groups deve loped the tcday existing ships in disc-f orm of Earth origin.363/'Ihese "fly ing discs", as they were called by their

builders, have been test flown. 365/The l arges t of theseEar-th flight machines of this kind r e ac hed nearly 100 metersin di.arre'ter- , and a number have been constructed. 366/This ,of course is contested by the gove:rnments of the possessingna t i ons , and very urgently so. 367/Sare of these machineshave c rashed, because they are sti ll in deve Ioprent. . 368/Uninforned hurrans of Earth who have seen these machines fly-ing , believe them to be of the sane sort as our beamshtps ,and that they ccme fran extraterrestrial worIds .M'tier- So that I s how it is . Then different observed "UFO"sare not a ll s uch , but quite si.nply Earth "Flying Di s c s " .

Ftaah- 369/Yes. 37 0/They have even had emergency l andings ,because thei r construction, equdprrent; and apparatus are stilllacking. 371/By their explosive and .repulse drives , andl a te l y a lso atcrnic , they have problems. 372/Hurrans who thencare near such l ocations have been rrenaced by such radiations.373/When emergency l anded ships of this sort are attacked byobserver s , by which I mean that they C<XlE teo near to them,they may be frightened by the pilots , or even kidnapped anddeported to insure absolute silence . 374/Such events areunfortunately not rare on E3.rth •• •375/There a lso exist evil-minded intelligences fran the

cosrros , who a ttack your Earth, or beccrre lost there . 376/Butthose are not enough to be of much inportance . 377/!.>lanyobservations of "fly ing discs " and kidnappings are of Eartho rigin. 378/0f that Eart.hrren should be conscious, as theirpilo ts are '-.'ell aware that they will be aasurred to be ofextraterrest r ial o r igin. 37 9/'Ihis knowledge is used by themwhen they announce to any c redulous witnesses that they areextraterrestrials. 3aO/Conscious a lso of the power of reli-gion, they do not shrink f ran calling themselves angels andGod-sent; ones, to "re scue " Earthmen, while they appoint thedeceived credulous as their contacts and give them Lnat.ruc-


tions, pret ent i ve l y for the welfare of mankind , which intruth s erves only as espionage in their cen country. 368/N:::M our tiJre is up and we s tart f or the next l eap .Pl ea se remelltle r that thi s was all ."r i U en do'IIn, dated, and s igned by

wt tresses on 8 Sept embe r 1975, l ong before ....e had any de fi n i tive i nfor-mation on the crashed discs r ecove r e d by the Uni ted States Government , thesec ret HJ-12 group , and the bodies of the alien occupant s of the damagedcraft. Thi s i n forma tion all came t o ligh t much l ater.

Meier- '!hank you for your explanations, Ptaah, whe re do wego nC1N'?

Pt.aah- 38B/Because to our t echnologies distance has beccrrerreaningless , we can j mnp her e and the r e ; one t.Irre nearer toEarth, then aga in much farthe r away. 3B9/'Ihe sequence isno t i.rrportant . 390/In a ll we will s how you scrre very dif-f e r ent and int e r est ing things.Other things intervened at t hi s point and i t became necessa r y to termina t e

this tran smis sion, and defer the continuation of the tran smis sion of t hegreat trip t o anot he r time. During the next contact on ly fou r day s laterno mention was made o f the big trip or fur ther transmis sion of those event.s,


33m Contact Friday. 12 Septenber 197 5 10:57 h

Sanjase- l / Yesterday you tried several tines to call Ire .2/Unfortunately, I could not r espond , because there weresere very important things to do, which could not be pose-paned.

M::tier- nus I f ound out , as you just warded me o f f . i':hathad you to do that was 50 inportant ? I as v..'ell had sarethingimportant, appearing s o for rre . Narre ly, on the night o fNedne s day the 10th o f September , a t 20 : 45 hours , s outhwes t;of Hinwil , we saw a very great or ange-red colored (luminous)ob ject . seen fran my hous e, it was about 1.2 to 1.4 rre ter sin diameter (apparent s ize) , and wi thout any doubt i t was asphe rica l forma.tion . After a f ew minut e s the ob ject disap-peared in a b lack and evi dent l y artificial c loud. At 12: 45I cou l d see the object again in the s outheast. The light ofthe object was this tiJre very intense , and the s ky had apeculiar vio l et-roo-bl ue color. Enough light was gene ratedthat I could film the object while it jumped around l ike aj eck-o-Lant.ern, '!hen it suddenly sank c10Nn very s teep inthe area of Bachtelberg, and then it s iIrply hung in the air .'Ihi.s a lso I was able to film. '!hen it s hot o f f likea missile towards the east , ret urned a ga in rap idly to veryc lose and s tarted to pulse a very intense light. The pecul -iar col o r of the sky f a ded, and then the object jumped arounda ga in l ike c razy. again I was abl e to f ilm it, during ....ilichit dis appeared fran my v iewer f rarre . Once rmre I got i t inthe carrera field and f ilrred a ga in . I on l y hope the fi lmcares out which I wi ll t ell you when it i s devetoped,\'ihat I am wondering is this; was thi s ob ject a t:eamship?

Was it one o f yours? did you derronstrate so openly(r i gh t over town) if it was one o f yours , because it couldbe seen as well by o thers? Or was it a s trange object? Andwhy do you suddenly fly around here with such b i g ships whenyou told Ire that the great ones wou ld on l y care here in anerrergency? The obj ect wou ld have to be a t l e ast 600 to 700meter-s in -, i f I have est imated. the distance f ran roeto the ship correctly, which was at the farthest about 20kilaneters.last night I s aw the ob ject a gain at 21 : 00 , when I t hung

very far away in the air, near the rrountain we cal l "Rigi ".'!hi s rrountiadn is , seen fran my house , in the ncrtfecest; di-


rection. What about this ob j ect , and why do you just S\'«X)pa long here in the environrrent with it?Smljase- 3/lt was just concerning this . were so rruchoccupied by the ob j ect seen by you, that I cou ld not speakwith you , and had to tell you to wait . 5/'Ihe ye s ter day andbefore yesterday object was the serre , which you had a l r e adyseen in the evening of 20 April, and photographed. 6/'Ihatwas not a beamship , as we say , hut a "small-spacer" t ype .7/Also, it does not belong to us, hut to rather unkind in-telligences . 8/'Ihey are very interes ted in our work , 9/Andfo r s are t i.rre they have been int erested in you, f or the ywant to kidnap you. 10 /'Ihese intellige nces intend to bringEarth and F..arthIren unde r their contro l. l1 /For this theydo not shrink f ran kidnapping. 12/It i s one of the groupswho operate through E:rrth religions and f ind success inthis .

Maier- But what are these "birds" up to? 'Ib what group dothey belong? Are they perhaps rrember a o f the "pyramidrroles "?

seajase- 17/1f you are speaking o f the "Gi zeh Intelligen-ces " , they are similar.Meier- Fran your words I gathered this. But what do theywant fran rre? You said they are to Ire a rrenace.

5emjase-- 18/ Yes , they are a menace which you should not un-deres t imate. 19/ They know o f the deve.loprent; of your life,as well as your missi on . 21/This is a rrenace to them, be-cause i t exposes them and f rustra tes their plans, and al oog-tenn undertaking i s brought into ques t ion. 26/'Ihis isnot done openly, and they s eek. to avoid confl ict , becausethey are only a few thousand in number . 27/Their technol o-g i es have gone out of date , and they fear the Earth expl osiveweapons . 28/Thus a t present they are l e s s l ike l y to ent e rinto a war than might have been the case earlier.

Girl , that i s great, then per haps we can have sorep leasing H resorks ,

Semjase-- 30/The case i s not c lear, and depends on what thehumans want to accept.. . 31!'<E have troubled. ourselves forsare tirre for stopping the penetration of these intelligen-ces, and we have been able to control their l imits . 32/By



appearfnq the r e , they hope you wouId a .lI cw yourself to bemisled, to go to a suited place for them to kidnap and deportyou . (1 ) 34/80 be very careful , and do not l e t yourself bel ed into inconsiderate s t e ps . 35/Though we are watchingthem, in certain matters they are equal to us , and we haveour need for them.

M:,ier- These are nice expectations, yet in any case, I wi lltake care .

Semjase- 37/SUrely, and you relieve us by that. 38 /Keep onas before, and do then only corne to my contacts when you a resuitably protected . (2) I a lways have my arti llery Ire .Semjase- 39/Very we Ll , this instrument is qccd protection, fo r you?

loEier- You make Ire smile, gir l. '!his is no instrument, buta pocket arti l lery, a gun-stick .

Semjase- 40/It i s a weapon.Meier- Your confounded Ioqi .c, You rrake fun of Ire . Il ater write dccn this conversation, this will cause interest,because many don I t think I am able to handle such a deadlyweapon, (3)

Semjase- 41/'!his is only a matter of reason, l ogi c, and thel aw' of nature (survival). . . . in your mission youhave to protect 'you r s e l f against evil-minded intelligences ,we will be attentive and guide the events . (4) 65/But itneeds fran your side ext.rerre caut ion and readiness for anyevent ua lit y .

Meier- In this respect , I am interested in sanething aboutwhich you may be able to g ive Ire sane information : about thepyramid-fellows kidnapping humans when they considerit suited. NcM I have read sane days ago, sanething r e-specting this so-called "Bermuda Triangle " , so to speak, in'Which humm beings have been kidnapped by extraterrestrials.A certain Hr. U.V. Bemus on a farm in "Gut tcustefe.ld" , a t6441 Atze.l.rcde, in Germany, explains in a new article in"NEUES ZEITALTER" (" New Epoch"}, in Number 13 o f 13 Barch1975, that the extraterrestri als operating there , in prac-tice, wou l.d be indirect births of satan himse lf . Contrary


to this , I received sane weeks ago, an article about theseevents in the Bermuda-Triangle, f ran a group rrember o f ours.In this other arti c le the events in this p lace, where humansand even whol e ships disappear, is ascribed to piracy on thehigh s eas . Are you infomed about these matters , and if so,what i s the situati on?seajese- 68/ 'Ihese e vents are known to me, but they are notin the least secret. 69/Tracing rrost o f the e vents to ex-traterrestrials i s only nonsense. 70/Certainly, there areexisting, certain things in the Bermuda Triangle, whichbelong to extraterrestr ial intelligences , but not in therna.nner stated. 71/The thesis that satan-like c reat ure s andsuch powers .are in p lay, ris es a l one fran religious fan-a tic s who ascril::e every inexplicable occurrence to Satani cforces. 72 /For the first thing , Satan is on l y a product o fthe fantasy o f your Olristian rel i gions . 73 /'1he events inthe Bermudas , respecting the Bermuda Triangle (mystery) maytrace back to quite na t ural events. 74 /'lhis p l ace is verysuited to high seas piracy, as you call this , and such actstake p l a ce again and again there . 75/On. the o ther hand,this r egion is naturally menaced, by which many ships crashand s ink with a ll the c rew and passengers . 77/ For about tw::>decades , these hitherto unexptedned events to the Earth(indigenous) being, were used by certain religious and a l soUFO groups to ascr -Ibe such a c tivities to the extraterres-trials. 78/Fo r these , those events were a "found rreal n, tofeed the c r edu lous human beings untrue and unreal Lnforma-tion, whi le they invent ed satani c extraterrestrial power'sresponsibl e f o r the myster i es o f the Bermuda-Triangle . 79/Like the religions , UFOlogy needed a f onn o f Satan to re-s train thei r adher ents. 86/50 the events there are onlyspeculative when they are ascribed to extraterrestri a l in-tel ligences .

leier- So I have asaurred ,

Sanj ase- 89/In the future now you will have the task, towrite dcMn many f acts of the e s s ential spiritual lesson .90/As f ast as poss ible I will transmit you the rerrainingpart of the report of the great j ourney . 9l /'Ihe t.i.nEhas graNn ma.t ure when you s hould diffuse this , which meanstroubl e sare \';Ork ahead for you .

Of such I am already acquainted.


sernjase- 93/Surely,s til l have many other


my tirreto do.


has passed again , as I


(1) Bare the old crlversary thu:J2' ceres up again. Even trcse IlOre efvarcedthan we, sean to have their enanies wh::> seek to frustrate their p jans arrlc:harx;Ie their efforts. '!he Pl e iadians have tlEir Gizahs . In the space warsof ancient In::lia arrl old Orina as well, arrl even trcee of GrEek mytto1o;ly -arrl trere are ctrers - we firri the extraterrestrial. adversaries in cxnflictocar Earth arrl other inhabite:1 planets in cur uuverse, arrl .irrvokvfnq theirp::p..1latia1s in the ccntest. This nay in sere cases be because of theirrccc-ccorectacos with the evolvin:] nnmities here, as irdi.cate:1 for thePleiadians . In otrers the cx::nnect:.icns are less apparent ."Ra" in !HE I.A:1 bf taJ. Elkins arrl Carla Rdert, prd::ably states

this mzre clearly than rrost.. IE sees the real cenflict as cnl.y tso s universal, pokar.ized as service to ot:h2rs arrl service to self . Allactivities arrl act:ia1s in service to otbers is intrinsically gx:d, fo r i tbenefits nore, arrl. the reverse \'O.lld rold for ecctcos in servi ce to self .This is a lhiverse-wide divisiaJ. of interest , tecause he sees lhh oersalevoluticn as prcx:eerli.rq rtUtually toth patha s.imJltarEa.Jsly, as it isself evident tlat cne can rot exist with:ut the other. 'nere can be IJ:)

givers with::ut takers arrl vtz-e-vtz, "InJs tbere is always an edversary,A-rl reli.gia1. has its devil.

(2) Again, /o\=:i er is to ccctrre his interests to Pleiaiian o:n-tacts alene, arrl is warned crce more of the dangers of such ccntacts toanycne, f ran his am. species, an::1 of the earlie r warning to be able toprotect himself . b::ught hinEelf a heavy . 44 revolver arrl holster , arrll eame::1 to fast-drat.... arrl. sboct. the weap:rl wi th <m3.Zing speed ard accuracy.

(3) t·E;ier 's acx:uracy with the is lege-rlary. He cree drew arrl sluta 5 fran:: cctn tossed into the air. Arother tarre he hit a p:stage sta1p atCl'lJer 100 feet. at dus.'I(. Still an:::Jther t.i1:E , he sbct; the hat off the headof a running !:kID M:j just f ired a pistol p:lint-blanc into his ctest,A I:x:x::k arrl creta! t:a;l deflecte::1 the b.ll.let.

(4) This certainly tarred cut to be true, because l·\=:ier has, to this date,miraculoosly SUIVivOO. 10 assassainatioo attaIpts arrl several ccnt.rtvedaccidents that f aile:1 to step him. \"e wi t:nesse:1 cne of the attaIpt.e:1assainati.als first hand, arrl were ccovtrced tha..t ecrrebcdy or SCID2thirg h3dinterfernrl to III:7Ve him cut of the hJ.1.1et's path after i t was fi..rej .


34th Crntact smday , 14 Sept:eniJer 1975

Meier- Since our discussion last Saturday , sore questi ons. have care up. 'They are very Impor-tant; to us , and so I haveasked for this rreet ing .

senjase- l / Fran my s ide I am happy to f o s ter the contactwith yeo, but a t the m::rrent i t is rmr e i.rrportant that youf inis h the r e por-t. o f your trave l. 2/ 1his is the rmst; urgentwor k , f or another matter is p r e s s ing which mus t be done .3/&::> I would Lt ke very much , if f or the nex t t irre you carefor f inishing that r eport before you ask any more questions .4/Pl ease do spare ere fran thos e until our wor k on the report;i s fin i s hed. ..

As you think .the pos sible disorder,

It wou l d really be bet ter , as withi t cou ld be af fect ed.

senjase- 6/But nCM gi ve Ire your questi on . 7/Since I ama lready he r e I s hall speak and gi ve you answer .

loei er- '!hank you . - You know the questi ons a re very i.rrport-ant for us , f or we must know c learly about certain concerns .Mr. Hans Jacob, fran our group , has said that in therrorning o f Saturday I September 13th, l ast Sa turday I he re-cei ved a peculiar l e t t e r, about; which we didn1t knew whetherit was wri t ten by a nan o r a wcman . 'D1e writer o f the let-ter is a s piritual ist and thought he had contacted Glorialee . Hr . J a cob had f omerl y had a book by Glo ria lee, about;whic h this l e tter r ela tes . AOOut one year ago the wr Lt e r-c lai..Ired a contact with Gloria Lee in s eance.. .

senjese- 8/'D1ese events a re unkno...m to me. 22/Mlere thisperson gets the knowledge i s unknown. to me. 23/ Ye t i t maybe poasdb l e that this pers on has care i nt o contact wi th her .24/ 'Ihi s wou td this per s on inde ed having s piritual-istic pcwer a , 25/But as I have explained before , such per-sons are few and they r are l y seek public ity .

Meier- I rerrernber your wcrds , bu t cou l d you f ind thi s per -son f or us , or at l e as t examine t o s ee if the details arecorrect ?

senjase- 26/n:m ' t you have details about; him?Meier- No. '!he l etter was, i f I r errember r i ght , posted


which isthen s he

f ran Mannedorf, SNit ze r land, but without the sender ' s name.A narre was s ugge s ted by Mr. Jacob as Acke :rm:mn, I believe,o r Richenbach .

27/ Then this person does not want to be knOn'll?M:rier- Evidently. . .

5anjase- 28/ Mlen that is the cas e , then I can do nothingf or you. . . 29/\'Je are not to injure the pers onalsphere o f another in that way against his wi l l. 30/1f hedoes not want to be known, then we are not a.l Icced to changethis on our part .

Very r egr ettabl e , but we s hou l d be inter ested inf inding out i f the inf orrration is correct . Can you ass istus in that?5emjase- 31/Thi s is poss ible if we• ••M:!ier- \oJe ll then in this r e spect I first want to call yourattention to another problem. D::> you know o f anyone by thenarre o f "Seph "? \'illether it is man o r wcman I do not know,

32/A very pecul i ar narre, but - no , i t i s unknownto Ire . do you ask?loEier- This i s s trange. The sarre per s on a f f irms in the s anel e t ter to 1>1r . Jacob , having been in contac t about ten yearsago with an ext r aterre s trial f orm of life . \o,1hether this hadbeen purely te l epathic , o r in rrateria l form, I unf o rtunately00 not know . In any case , this person has , i f the detai l sare true, heard sarething f ran thi s creature , whi ch evident-l y r e fers to us . At l e ast that is what Hr. J acob said, asthe l e t ter spoke o f the advi sing o f the a ppearance here in1975 o f a contact per son. This was told to the writer aboutten years ago. \'iha,t do you s ay to this?Semj ase- 33/- - 'Ihat i s very inte r es ting . 34/ But theseevents a re unknown t o me. 35/SUt 1 wi ll t ry onc e and s eei f poasdb.le we can expl o re this . 36/ Wa i t here , I will careback again soon .(Semjase walks away and dis a appears into her ship,s tanding a litt l e aside . A f u ll 27 minutes pass .r e t urns. )Semjase- 37/Ptaah has e l aborated the data and brought under-


control through f an- s haped analyzers , great areas o f the en-v irorurent here in a search. 38/He has found such a personas you describe . 39/It is a man about 41 years o ld,by the narre of Alois Rickenbach. 40/1n his profession hedoes this as a free l abor . .. 41/In earlier ti..mes his occu-pation was with graphics.. . 42/He is involved in spir itual -scient ific concerns , and has contacted traces of truth. . .43/He is active spiritualistically, and very l oyal, and inthis he i s gcod.. .

Meier- '!his i s interesting. does this man live? 46/You cannot, l e ad me astray with that.

M;ller- a pity . I thought . . .

senjase- 47/1 have told you that we are not a .lI cwed to dis-close the secrets of a personality or any creature, if itdoes not want it .Meier- Al l r ight. I had to test it. Nail' what about thisc reature narred Seph?

Semjase- SO/Here your ti.Ire infonnation i s not correct, andeven the narre i s incorrect. 51/You have spoken it with a"ph" , when it should have been an "f ". . . 52/Follrteen yearshave passed since that man, who wrote the l e t t e r to lo1r . Ja-cob was in contact with a creature by the narre of "Seth" .53/'Ihis was a creature f ran the Alpha Centauri system, whowas here on Earth f or scrre e leven rronths , 54/In this con-nection Sefh and the man in question met unexpectedly andmade friends , as you call this . 55 / 1n the course o f thee leven rronths , Sefh initiated the man into different ma.ttersand connections, and a lso explained to him our caning, be-cause Seth was well infonned o f this by Ti.Ire-Visions . 56/But ..... do not knew one another, and a lso have never seen orspoken (to each other) . 59/And as Sefh knew many events o fthe future , he knew about us and explained to the man , in-viting him to spread this knowkedqe , GO/But the man fearedthis step, and told Seth, that he did not feel himself strongenough for that mission .

Meier- N::1.... I see the pattern, and there is nothing secretin the tale. One only has to know the c i r cumstance s . I sthere any chance that ve cou ld get in contact t ...ith this man?

Semjase- 62/Surely, the c hance exists , but the p r obability


is very sma t L, 63/TI1e man i s suckl ed with f r ight and doesnot f ind the courage to make himse l f known .M9:i er- '!hen you cou ld influence h im s o that he announce shimself to us a t l ea s t once rmre ,

Semjase- 64/ 1 am not a t rewed to do that . 65/ '!his would bea coer c ive influence on his f reedan o f decision .

M9:ier- '!hen not , Okay. But how is it possible that withinso short a tine you coul d find out a ll these detai ls?5emjase- 66/'Ihis is on l y possible with the analyzers , butwhich I am not a l Icwed to expl a in in any rrore detail to you .

Al l right , then ve l e ave this . I sti ll have anothe rquestion r e s pecting a certain Asthar Shes an . D:::> you knowanything about him?

Semjase- 67 /'!he narre i s known to Ire .

M9:ier- '!hen what does i t concern? I have sene scr ipts frana group in Berlin, which discusses this Asthar . canyou tell me about it?

Semjase- 71 /As I said, the narre is known to Ire. 72/\'ie a lsoknew of the scripts, and scrrething e lse rmr e , 73/1n spiteo f a ll our endeavors we could not f ind this person . 74/l·Jecould not find him a t the mentioned l ocations , nor evenloca lize a place . 75 / Ne explored many s ys tems of norma Itine, and o the r systems behind these as well , but no.onerecoul d we find him. 76 /Al l is very secretive, and an inter-esting case , as a ll cases l e ad back again to Earth, ande speci a lly to Germany . 77/ Tnere are traces concentra ted ina quite def ined place and in a certain f orm. 78/lt is thecenter o f a very pcce.rfu I s ecret organization, which isknown under the narre , "'!he '!hule Society " . 82/'!hey uset ele pathi c f orces and have much kncwl.edqe o f extraterres-trial technologies , occurrences and intelligences . 84/ to;leare a l so sure that the ini t iators o f the se impUl ses have thegoal o f ma.intenance and e levation o f the white r ace on thisEarth descended f ran the past Arus-race. 86 /Al l i s s creenedby spirit ual f orces that are difficult to penet rate .

Maier- NoN' 1 still have another que s t ion : ....'e have a l r eadytalked o f the Bennuda Triangle l ast tiJre , but s ere quest ionshave r e sul t ed f ran that discussi on . It appear s that once


nom you have r e vealed half the f acts and kept s ilent about;the rrost irrportant part . I am Inforrred that a irpl anes a l sodisappear there, and not only ships .

senjase- l 03 /You are really tir e les s , and not content unt ilyou knCM the last details .

Meier- '!hey are Impor-tant; f or a ll of us .Semjase t hen took 81 full s ent ences t o de sc ri be na t ur al di mension door s

and hen. t hey work , i nc l udi ng those i n t he BerlIlUda Triangle . It woul d t akeanot he r len pages to abst ract that in formation he re , and we do not have thespace r emaini ng i n t h i s book. She a lso mentioned deep sea ETbases t here . (l )

Meier- A further matte r I am int e r e sted in i s the s o-calledappearances of the saints . . .Sanjase- 186/ You are r eally unt i rabl e . 187/Al ready, once,I have explained that . 188/ Asket as well , has g iven youmrch kncwl edge about. the s ame thing . 19B/ You have thus beenthoroughly inf ormed, and it i s unexplainabl e for me, thatyou s hou l d a s k again f or this .

D:J you have better bra ins ?

senjase- 202 / 'Ihey are much in advance o f yours , but alsonot un l imited. 203/For tha t r eason I c an not transmit toyou our conve r sat ions f r an my brains , but I need theapparatus , which r ecovers the knowl edge word f o r 'WOrd franmy s ub-conscious , and transmits this to you in thought f orm.204/ No rrater i a l c r e ature has an unlimited f orce o f rrerrory ,20S/ 'Ihi s is f i r s t attained in pure spirit forma , wh en thespi r i t can l ay asa id the mat e ria l body .. . and be near e r tothe existence than to the life .The discus sion t urned t o o t he r thi ngs and Heier illust r ated a po int he

was trying t o make ",i t h one o f his proverbs . Th i s broke the t ense s i t ua-tion and Semjase laughed . The conversation then became mor e r e Laxed andMeier da red a personal remark .

senjase- 227/ Hahaha - - - 1 think. that i s a canica l saying .

Maier- '!hen at least you have sarething to grin about again .

Senrjase- 229/ Hahaha, that is r eally f unny . 230/ 1 wi ll ap-pr opr i ate thi s prover b , if you a llcw rre . . .

Mai er- It has not qrcwn in my field , and s o t o s peak r ep-resents the cccrrcn heri tage . But you a re as we Ll a hurren


being and thus a part of that her i tage .

Semjase- 231/You are really having a s pecial discuss i ontoday.

Occasi onally one needs a breath o f fresh air. Andbesi de s , I can dis cuss things fantastically with you . Andfurthenrore you are s imply very a t trac t i ve , and I have of t enasked myself whether I shoul d not one t iJre take a bite outof you , but though I said that s incer e l y , I do not dare sucha thing, s o I e scape in other things .

Semjase- 232 / You are really very furmy . 233 / \'fuat wouldhappen i f your wife heard s uch words? 234 / 15 s he not j ea l -ous, as you call this? 235/ You have once said s arethingl ike that.fuier- '!his terre , she does not hear rre , and a t the rrarenti s sleep ing. On the o ther hand I rea lly had my troubl e withher because of you . She really was j ealous o f you. But i tnow seems that s he has calmed down in the l a s t rrorrths ,

Semjase- 236/ 'Ihis is well, fo r on l y s he herself is abl e tooverccrre those feelings . 237/SQ you have gone away withouther knCMing?Mo!ier- Certainly, I have now begun doing that . She quic k lyinfluences Ire . It i s the rest thing to do.

The discussion turned t o Arahat Athe r sata, a vo i ce that was dictatingl ong telepath ic messages to Meier to be wri tten down and co llected , tak ingnJch o r h i s time and ener gy . Meie r wanted t o know 'ftho the voi ce was andwhere it c ame r r Olll and why .

Semjase- 253/He has already joined. t h.e l eve l o f existenceo f pure spirit ua l fOnTI. 254/ Not even I am able to ge t intocarrnunicat i on with him. 255/'Ihi s mus t; be done by our highcouncellor s , who a re a l r eady half-spiri tua l f onns . 258/ Likethis a lso are the f acts in respec t to "o the r wor l d ' s " f ormsof life , when the s e f orms still are round in mater i a l bodies .266/ But be yourse lf consci ous tha t everywhe r e you will findunreasonabl e oppos i t ion , beca use di f ferent det r iIrEnta l ele-rrents are s trong ly endeavo r ing t o a ccuse you o f dece i t f or\<ohich even the rrost; infarrous rreens are not enough. 267/Al-ready, severa l t iJres , I have tol d you that diff e r ent groupsare \o.Urking to disturb your work ,

I knew , You have a lready said• . .



senjase- 301/Then try at least by the end of the week tohave everything c lear, so that I can transmit the remainingr e po rt of the journey with us .Meier- You knew that I have many people this week, whichwill occupy Ire very much , and in consequence I wi ll hard l ybe able to write .senjase- 302/Certainl y . 1 onl y have to be Informed about;your t irre , 303 / rn spite of your many obligations you willbe able to receive scrre o f it and to write .Meier- You are very s ure.senjase- 304/ 1 have controlled these possdbtLi .t.Le s a little .305/1t i s nON ti.rre for you to go hare. 306/IX> this whileyour wife is sti ll s leeping. 307/It will be better this ·day .308/'Iben I will at once transmit to you the f i rst part o four talk. 309 /For rror'e , there unfortunately wil l not besufficient t.irre r your best friend does a l r e ady occupy him-self to visit you .loEier- You evi dent ly are lis tening around the whole en-virorurent?secrjase- 3I 0/Certain events are knC1WO to us . 311/ Go nON,for your tine i s s Iowfy getting scarce .


'Ihought-transmission on 'l\.te s day , 16 Sep tember 1975

(As the hyper-leap preparati ons and activitie s are the s anef or each " jump" , I will no longer des c r ibe them, and contentmyse l f with writing dc::Mn the thoughts and explanat ions onpaper' , So r wi 11 l et the uni..Irportant things drop in favoro f the essent ial parts o f the transmiss ions by semjase .)P'taah- 438/ Here we are mrch f arther fran Earth than befor e .439/ '1be dis tance to your hare system is now 960 decil lion*lightyears . .. (2 ) 440/'Ihis is the Galaxy of "ASAP" , andthere in f ront o f you, you s ee the world o f "Desrron" , 441/I t is inhabi t ed by human creat ures , which according to yourhistory wou .ld be sarething l ike equivalent to your Mi.dd IeAges. 442 /They l i ve in great er villages, which a re similarto those you have in your o r iental regions . 443/A secondrace on this world do not live in solid houses. 444/ It isncmadfc and builds huts f ran plants and bushes. 445/Youwill be able to s ee this wor ld f r an c lose-up, f or 5emjasewill b ring you to there in the beamship... 446/But l ookfirst towards this giant sun there in front . 447/It hasal r eady declined in f or ce, and will die away after scrre mi l -leniums. 448/TI1e ITOOl'l , which you s ee ther e , is about; fourtames as l arge as the Earth l>mn . 449/After sare 3 ,200years , it wi ll rush into that giant s un, because tihe threecosmic bcxlies 'n'Ork. s Icwty towards one another .

Meier- And what will happen to the human beings?

Semjase- 372/By then, they will have developed a useful f orthem techno logy, by they wi ll then have the possibil-ity o f escaping f r am their world . (3)

And if this does not happen?

Semjase- 373/ r t coul d be. 374 / I f t hf.s were p revented bysarething , then help fran ou ts i de wou td be b r ought in. 374/This i s an obliga t ion under cosmic l aw.

That is reassuring. But hCM is it nCM? Can ....oe tal kto the human beings down there?

senjase- 375/'Ihis , by r egr e t will not be possibl e , nor onany o f the wor-Ids which we will visit in the next few hours .376 / r t i s everywh e re the r e s uited, that ....oe not be recognized,

· An un imagi na ble nlJllt)er , ce r tain t o be i n error, but hOt'l we do no t know.


thus we have to hide ourselves with our protective screens .377/\'Je are on ly a llCMed to be seen where the concerned evo l -ution a llows this .

loei er- '!his i s a great pi ty, but r unders tand .Sanj ase-- 378/Ve ry well , so care new,(The journey l asts only a few minut es , during which r makes ane photographs . \'Je ret urn to the ship and Ptaah initiatesthe next l e ap . )Ftaah- 450 /He r e we are 700 sext i llion light years f r an Earth,in the Ga laxy of "Nepon" . 451/What you see here is the sys-tem of "Lesa " , 452 /You s ee there the three big f ormat.ions?453/ 'Ihe b..u over there , which stand c lose to e ach othe r , aretwo s ister p lane ts o f Irrtrense size . 454/'Ihe littl e fartherin the dis tance s t i ll great format.Lon is the giant rrcon o fthe siste r wor -Ids , 455/ r t i s nearly 520 t.irres greater thanthe Ear-th,

loei er- Fantastic .

Semjase-- 379/'Ihat i s abso l u tely norma.l . 38D/Only for theE3.rth human being and other non-space-travel ing races do theconcerns seem to be rronstrous and fantast ic, as you call i t .381/Your s c i entists can not imagine s uch giant wo rtds , evenin their bol deat; dreams .. . 382/'Ihe truth s urpass es theirability to conceive.

loeier- r don ' t doubt what you say .Semjase-- 303/ Care new , - On these worlds a lso , we will un-dertake a s hort f light .(Again r shcot cere pic tures, and hope they care out wel l.Expl anati on o f 15 September 1975 : One of the two "Les a "wor Ids i s inhabited by human forms o f lif e . )

M ter the next hyper leap

Pt.aah- 456/ '!his , he r e above us , is an oxyqen-wor -Id in sim-ilar s ize to your Earth . 457/Als o the atmosphere has s imilarvalues, while the surfa ce o f the p lanet o f f e r s only a certainsimilari ty to your wastes, and in many respects i s rror es imi lar to the p lane t "Venus" f ran your system. 458/ he ares t i ll in the sys tem "Les a " which is very extensive and mustbe c rossed in hyper l eaps . 459/ The p l ane t has quite pr imit i ve


plant and ani.Jral life , but was in earlier times I1'Ore popu-l a ted. 460jA cosmic event destroyed a ll and r educ ed it tostone f or mi llions o f years . 461/For scrre rnilleniums newthe conditions are changing again and new lif e i s developingitself . 462/As you are able to see frcm here, there aredifferent col ors shining. 463/'Ihese are waste- , water- , andforest-regions . 464/'lliese desert-like landscapes conafst;partly o f massdve rock, rrountains , and ve ry f ried and brit-tle stones, which s l cwt y f aU to s and again, and then in thecourse o f tine will change into earth . 465/The rrountainsthemse l ve s are no taller than 2 , 000 meters , and they l ookvery similar to the rrountains of your Venus . 466/But youwill s ee this for yourse lf when you are there with Semjase ,467/You will also be abl e to photograph through the openingo f the hatch, f or the at:nosphe re is very well suited fora ll of us .Mei er- '!hen s urely the pictures will be better too, Askethas explained that the scanning instrunent i s not quitef ui.

After Another Hyper leap

Pt.aah- 612/Mlat you see here in front , is an enc l ave o fstars in the Galaxy "Haran . 613/It i s in the system "Taro" ,and sore thirty trill i on ligh t years distance fran your hare-eorjd. 614 /r-bst worlds of this systan appear b lue in col o r ,which you can s ee later when you fly there with Semjase .615/ 'Ihe s e wor lds are a ll s till active l y volcani c , and aftersene millions o f years the f i rst life will start developingi tse l f on them.

Serre minutes later on one o f the vol canic wor -IdsJoitier- loJha.t i s that down there , Sernjase? It s eems to rre tobe a fly ing object . Are any popul.ated wcr Ids her e?Semdase- 389/Surel y , i t i s a f l i ght machine . 390 /Its or igini s unknown to me. 391/1 will tty to get into contact withi t .. .

(Semj ase wor ks with sam o f her instr1.JIYEnts, and also talksin a not lUlderstandable language f o r me, characterized byfully strange rre lodics, and speaks into an instruJrent . Evi-dent ly she has no s uccess .)



l£ier- Couldn' t you make contact?

senjase- 392/Hy efforts get no .re sponse .deal with creatures who do not maintainrrnmication.

393/ It has here tointergalactic

Iheard any


see . - Nhat l anguage did you speak? Il ike that, and it is absolutely strange

394/You could not knew it. 395/Itlanguage of signs o r symbol pictures .

have neverto TIE.

concerns a

M'tier- 'Ihis I do not understand. One can on l y draw a l ang-uage of signs and symbols, or paint or write by certainrroverrent.s • .•Semjase- 396/Not exactly so, as a l anguage of pictures canr eally be spoken , 397/But to explain this to you now wouldtake too much trirre ,fuier- So we leave fran this .

After Another Hyperleap

are we na;v?

Ftaah- 616/'Ihis is the system of "Exes" in the Galaxy of"Dere n" . 617/Fran here the distance to Earth is 480 quad-rillion lightyears. 6I8/Also , this star-cluster consistsonly of volcanic wor-Lds which radiate their am light power.619/In spite of their am powe r of light, it is s ti l l r atherdark on these wor lds . 620/'Ihe light only penet rates to theoutside, but is not able to illuminate the world's surfaces .

Can I fly there with Semjase?

Pteah- 621/'lhere is nothing speaking against such if youwant to .

I wou ld l ike to photograph sane volcanos .

Sanjase- 398/'Ihen care on.

Af ter Another Hyper leap

Ftaah- 622/This giant planet there in front belongs to anoutside t o the l e f t there group of stars . 623/TcMards thestar Cluster, is a distance of three billion k ilareters.624/'Ihis p lanet is an ice-wor ld, and eleven t i.Ires greater


than the p lanet Saturn in your sol ar system.

Mtier- '!bat is gigant i c . But one thing is not c lear to me.It has struck me that in the traveling, a lways aga in,we per fo:rm cont inuous l y , in a s teady run o f hyper leaps , youdo not seem to care that nearby p lanets and s tars are in theway o f dange r. Semj ase has told me earlie r that you have tomaintain a security distance to the next star and p lane t . .•Nhy do you naN negl ect this precaut ion?Ft.aah- 626/ 111th my ship ....'e have much bet ter capabilitiesfo r overcaning distances . 627/ '!he t echnologi es o f our s h ipenabl e s us to a l so neutralize t ime, as you know and have nowexper ienced. 628/ By this p r ocess it i s poss ibl e fo r us toachi eve a s afe distance in l e s s tirne and to then transmit .

Mei er- '!hat i s not e vident f o r me . Scnething the r e i s notright in the mat ter I o r a re you keeping s arething fran me?

Ftaah- 629/ You are t i r eless . 630/01 the one hand , we ne u-tralize the t ine until short l y before the point o f departure,and on the othe r we gener a te in the s pac e a neutra l , tiIre-l es s tunnel , through we can then ove rcare within asplit - second, the s hort dis tance fo r s a f e pos.Lt.Ion ,

M3ier- 'Ihi s is neverthe les s not c l ear to Ire . If it i s asyou say , why do you then s t i ll per f orm hyper l eaps ? I thinkthis process would a ctually be easier than a hyper l e ap.Besides thi s we can ta l k , and wou l d not e Iways get I arrtredagain by the transmission . . . then are you perfo rming itso crnplicatedly?

Ptaah- 631 /You observe caref u lly and keep deep-runningthoughts. . . 632/ 'Ihe ti.rre less ness t runnet i s indeed easi e rto hand le than a hyper l eap. 633/Such a t urmel can onl y begener a ted within certain distances, i s which the sort o fenvi ronment mus t a lways be r egarded. 634 / In differe nt ga l -axes and sys tems , the different ene r gi e s l imit the extent o fa . • .

M3i er- If you a t I cw it I wo u .ld like to ask another ques t i ono f burning interest to rre .

Ptaah- 638/ You knee... you c an a lways ask .

Meier- then, thank you . - You know, I have l ong beeninterested in whether the re exi s ts in our Universe , forms o f



lif e a t about; the sane position in evolution as we h1..1ITE.I1son Earth.Ftaah- 639/ The vari e ty o f '!he Creat i on knews no l imits.

M:rler- Yes , I am always in awe of i t . . . But there is sare--thing e lse haunting my brain . Before we spoke of the time-l e s s-t unnel, the re i s still sanething not c lear t o me. Some-thing not c l ear about; this j ourney . You have said that Iwould be about; one half hour younger in r e l a t i on to the othe rhumans of Earth. I knew, a ll r i ght, that my arm watch a lwaysgoes c razy when I get near Semjase I s ship. N::M the wa t chs eems completely crazy, because I have on it the dat e of the19th. Fran that , . I will a lre ady have been gone mor e thantwo days , c rossing with you around the Universe . You, Sem-j ase , had t old Ire that I wou l d need about 30 hours . Butbesides the t i.rre , I am neither t ired, nor do I hunger orthirst . HO'iV is that?

Pteah- 648/But Semjase has given you scrre o f our fruits ,and a lso s ere vegetabl es for dinner .

M:rler- Of course , but this was a long ti.rre ago.Semjase- 407/ 'Ihe vegetables and fruits are , canpared to yours imilar p rcxiucts , rtruch rmr e nourishing, and thirst-quenching .408/'Ihey are able to calm your hunger and thirst f or up to90 <o f your) hours.

Meier was g i ven an apple grown aboard the great- spacer he t ook homewi th h im and gave to hi s good f riend Gui do Hoosebrugger . Being as r are asi t was, Guido did not eat it but put i t on a shel f in his kitchen t o sa veas l ong as pos s i b l e . Three mont hs late r that apple s ti ll had not begun toputr ify, but slowly dess icated and shrunk i n s i ze 8 S it l os t mo i s t ur e .We exami ned that apple many mont hs aft er t ha t and i t s till had not begun t orot . i nquired of Semjase about t his phenomenon , she sa id i t wasno mys t ery , because t he pro duce qrown aboa rd the sh i p VIas cu ltiva ted freeo f destruc t i ve bac ter ia .

I a ccept this explanation, and it seems as you s ay .But still sanetlling is not a ll r ight . am I not t ired?

Pt.aah- 647/'Ihis is a lso simple to expl ain. 648/You b reathehere in this roan, the eerre a ir as we. 649/But this i s ad-justed to the conditions o f our hareworld , and is much mer eheal thy and invigorating than that o f Earth. 6S0 / 'Ihe oxygencontent i s s crre values higher than on Earth, and also the


ccrrpound of other crcrrenes i s scnewhat diffe rent . 651/Butal l this is as breathable for you as ourseIves . 652/ 'Ihedifferent carposi tion of the air keeps us awake l onger, andin need o f less s leep than is the case on Faeth. 653/'Ihatis why you are not t i red.

Mei er- Your explanation enlightens rre , but nevertheless youhide sarething fran rre . SC:rtething is s inply no t r i ght . '!hatI do feel. I s my watc h really p laying so mad that i t s ud-denly i s days in advance?

8emjase- 409/ Your watch is very exact.

Mei er- • •. ? ? ? . .. 'Ihen this rreans , that for rmre thantwo days we have been t rave l ing around the Univers e here?

5emjase- 410 /eertainly; we have used rrore ti.rre than we hadpr ovi ded.

Meier- l-1y dea r , I get mad - and you talk o f this so sfmpfy ,What do you think wi ll happen at hare about Ire? f.1y wifegets too upse t . I have told her that a t the l a t est I willbe hare again by the evening o f the 18th. Dear g i r l , mywife has a l r eady reported rre mis s ing to the police. 'Ihatwill cause a p lay!

SEmjase- 411 /It will not be all that bad ,Meier- So you s ay . Can you imagine the arias my wif e cansing? She really can substitute for a who le orchestra .

semjase- 412/00 you wor-ry about your wife ?

Mei er- Not such as that , but if it i s pcsaab.le for rre , thenI woukd prevent (myself) fran such theatrical and musicaleffects.

semjase- 413/Then that is good, and we wi ll s t i ll be manyhourson the trave l ing.

Meier- You make fun of me. Hy wife will then at once can-cel her love f or Ire .

secjase- 414/I t will not be that ba.d, will it?

Meier- Do you have doubts?

654 /You go a bit f ar in your j oke, my child.

All, Semj ase i s only f ooling Ire? '!hen you surely have


contrived acrre tihtnq . I s my watch perhaps running correctly?Pt.aah- 655/You have a very good watch .Semjase- 415/Sure ly, s o it is. 416/1 just wanted to t easeyou.Meier- [X) you perhaps rrean, according to the proverb: "Lovelikes to t ease"?Semjase- you think. of this as fri endship, then yes .Meier- '!hen I am calmed . Yet what have you hitherto con-cealed?senjase- 418/Fathe r a l ready said your watch runs a ll r ight ,and we a re indeed already s o l ong on the \.;ay . 419/But youneed not worry in this r e spec t, even when we sti ll needanother day before we wi.Ll. bring you back . 420/You yourselfhave evidently not yet conceived what pcss.tbi.Lt.t.tes are atour disposal , respectively the t i.rre. . . 421/It v,ill l a s t . . .fuier- Oh , I see. - '!his I had forgotten. You will surelytouch the t i.rre-trave l ing; perhaps in the s ame way , as 1 knewf r crn Asket?Semjase- 422/Sure ly. 423/Because move i n free space andinfluence no occurrences , we can travel wi.thout; hesitationsere t .Irre back into the pas t and live on therein, withoutanything changing. 424/ Al though you will be on the whotemore than three days away f r crn your hare , you wi ll have beenaway by F.a.rth nonnal t ime only about; 24 hour s.fuier- 'That s ounds a bi t c razy . Now I am a bit more thantwo days away fran hare, and wil l together be sore more thanthree days away . So this neans e I have started wi thyou on the 17th, f o r this j ourney, and nov I am morethan two days on the way with you , as tcx1ay we have the 19th .Now I will spend another day with you , and then travel withyou back into the past , to be hare again on the 18th, al-though in truth I am still in the 20th on the great journey,and c ross around with you through the Unive rse. I s that a llright s o?Semjase- 425/ Oertainly .Meier- Actually very sirrple? Eve ry human being will surelyunderstand this and not even break his brain ther ewith?


Semjase- 427/It can be under s to:x1.Surely , sure l y , it is also the atrrp test, thing in the

'nUr ld ; that I c an start the gre a t trave l wi th you on the17th, s tate in the 19th that I am a l r eady he re rrore than twodays , and r e t urn taror rc:M on the 20th, and r e a ch there onthe 18th? Indeed, that i s r e a lly ve ry s impl e , and everyonemay per fectly understand that . I t i s on l y dea l ing with asimpl e c razyness o f Uni versal extent . 'Ihat even a childshou l d be abl e to under stand . It is as s impl e a s the e l im-inated trees • • •

Sanjase- 428/&:w I don' t under s tand you.lEier- lhat i s very easy . 'Ib rre , a ll i s ve ry i lluminating,and I unders tand ve ry wel l. But explain this c l earl yscrret.Irre to my dear f e llow-c rea t ures ...Semjase- 429/'lhis behavio r is characteristic f o r the ignor -ant and doubting Earth human beings . 43 0/ 50 00 not troubleyourself further with thes e matter s . 43 1f1jVhen you tri ed togive p roofs these were useless , because the under s tanding i sl a ck ing f or certain conc e rns , that a r e not sponso r ed bypocer . 432/ 1n earlier ages for the human beings o f Farth,visible proofs ....'ere nece s s ary , to give them certain f onnsof thinking . 433/By these v i sible proofs they s tarted tobelieve in marvel s , and ....tent; astray aga in . 434/'1he presenttine o f E3.rth has pass ed. for v i s ibl e p roofs , and the r e mus tonly be the way o f c lear and l ogi cal reason and c l e a r mind .

That t ransmission ended wi t h that and was resumed l a t e r , on the sa me day.




(l) t.hJan..n to Etluard retec, also investigatErl a o::ntact case visitors q::erata:i a UFO base deep in the Puerto RicanTra1ch 35 miles scutrwest. of cato PDjo, arrl this base was established atthe profctnrl depth of 9, CX)) feet tela-.' the surface! It was et.affed by rmrathan 60 hu:n:m-like teings of ent.Lrely different race-type, arrl trey h;drrore than 25 other craft a t this base . These ext.raterrestr.ials told thatat:ductee, a Baptist I-tinister, that they had six other bases 01 our planetarrl a total of nearly 700 tein:;ls j-ere. 'Ihis o::ntact was initiate:j by th::seEIs in 1964, ard in 1972 the at:ductee was told that they at that tane had83 otIEJ::" o::ntacts with Earth tnrrans , 'rre first. tine the minister was takento the un::1el:wa.ter base was in 1972, when they ptcxed him up at his Bapt.Lst;Missioo in the hills of Bayarcn above san Juan.'rrcee extraterrestrials told that Minister that they e<mE frrm a planet

they cal.Ied "K03hnak " , which ""Ull.d ansider to be sore 1,200 lightyearsdistant, which they t.raveled in about; 4 beers by using other dhrens ions ofreality, up to eight . They told him that their pecote had to te rotatediMay fn:m this planet every 6 m:::nths because of the harsh radiaticns in oursystem, which sbcrtens our ages. They said they ooIJIBlly live to I-o'hat we""Ull.d count as 8CO to I ,CXXJ years. They told the witness that nun was asold as his Earth, arrl that IIDre ancient extratetTest.rial races were theoriginal ancestors of nearly all the inhabitants of this planet . '!hey saidthere were many other extraterrestxtats bere roN also. 'These EIs used bethaulible speech arrl telepathy as a TIBanS o f camunicaticn. (urn crNf1lLT FRNltVERSFA, ereveos-sercbea)They ITllCh ccrcerred about; our aterrent sciences arrl our lack of true

spirituality. Does this see-d f<milia r? hrl Fduard !'Eier knew rene ofthis mill we o::mrnnicatErl it to him in 1979 . Q1e thing that kept us !pingwas this rerarkable ccns.tstency of Interrelated data ccnirq cut of var-iouscases that had 00 o::ntact of any kirrl between thEID. As said, I-Eier neverheard of this, oor the l1inister of our Fduard !·Eier . IIrrl trerewere mmy others like this , such. as the Hialeah man wm was taken to anun:.'.lerwater base off the coast of reru by still different extraterrestrialal:rluct.ors, also nent.tcoed in the retere-ce above.l.hkrao.n to l'Eier, we hive also investigate::l other UFO cases invol ving

extraterrestrial tnrren tein:]s wh::l stated that they =e Errm wmar; we callthe Ple i..a:les .

(2) This is me of those suprarely o::nfusing things \>'12' o::nstantly run I ntoin UFO invest.iql.ticns . '(12 expect; to, arrl 00, enco..m.ter unusual an:! highlybizarre cojectave realities that strain o-e'e credulity, Io.hile at the seretine I::ein:;J urrleni.abl Y real in cur actual perceptfve sense . This nurcer


g::es beyarl all hman cxn:::ept.i.m o f reality. Cur scimtists calculate ocrentire \m::I.m lhiverse to be ct1 the order of 10 to 20 billial years old,besed en J':o.i far the rrost kno.m cbjects are th:::ught to be. That isall can calculate, incl u:l.i.n;l;J teyarl the fa.rtrest stars we canperceive with cur lIDSt sq:hi.sticatErl astrcrx:mical instrurents . The ootsi.del imit of perc:eptial f ran gro..rrl based ccservatcrf es is cnl y 2 billiCl1light}'&ITS, arrl tbat; fran the m:st cdvanca:l syste'O. in cxn:::ept.i.m is ally14 bi.l.lia1 l..i.ghtyears . 14 bi1.l.i.a1 is cnly l/lth of ale trillim, arrl meth:usarrl is ooly me qua:lri.llicn, am me tlD.lsa.rrl qu<rlril l ia1cnly ale p:ntil..1.ia1, an::1 g) en. Or are our pe rcept.tees as l irnitei as thatinfesting mite wh:::6e entire wor'Id is the l.eq joint of a flea? N:::! hesitatedto report; this figure, tut that is not; fair en ocr part., as /oeier \'h:o isequally perplexed bj the did n::Jt withlnld it f rrrn us . \·ie do rotJan.I \'o'hat these astrannical rurroers mean in any real sense or \o,TIy theywere given. If tbere is a.."TY validity at all to this, i t may s ignify a farlesser .in:p:lrtance for Iurans in the screee than we l ike to eccecc,

we are, after all, cnl.y the bacteriun infest.i.nq a spore-like planetin a f1aHer-head universe in a garden of universes en Ole s ide o f a rock . • .

(3) This is teginn1n:;J to EnErge as a pettem of $OlE kfnd, First theoriginal 4'rian ancestors were forced to l eave, then their Pleiadian de-ce-oerts have bed to Leave other planets . sere is erotrer ht.nanity sim-ilarly threeteoed, EVen with cur cen pl..anet a differt'nt s i t:ua.tial isde\Ielq)irg that rrHY force us, or at Ieest; m:IJ1Y of us. to leave this planet.D:plet:.icrl of resa.m:es by arrl will forcesa:e kirrl of evaccetacn for sw.vival . J.1aytE that is ....Tty ro extrater-restrials have sh::;l..n any interest in want.i.rg cur planet . Pel:haps planetsare, after all, crdy the nests in l..nich a huranity is tom and nurturesitself until it Iearns to fly . like Wbj bi.nis. ecce they leave the nestff!,o/ <n:E back .



Thi s eye- openi ng tr i p must have impr essed nerer considerably. He hadalready been exposed t o t rave l in extrater rest rial and ex t radi mensionals pa cec ra ft and thei r occupant s , in the form o f Sfat h ' s c raft an d that oft he DAls , and he ha d now seen and photographed the Pl e iadian ships as we l l .The stor i es o f repeated colonization, i nhabitation , and popul ation o f t hi spl anet by ot her human being s from s omewhere beyond Ea r t h is no l ongers trange t o hi m, t hough i t s till may be t o us . It is because of hi sl ong preparat i on an d accus tomiza tion wi th t hem t hat he is not terr i f ied andoverl y i nt imi dat ed by them. He also has begun to fee l l i ke one o f t hem, ast hey ha ve t old him he i s . Thi ngs ar e not qui te so s t range now, and Meiercan s tand up t o the extrat err e stri a l s and stat e h i s case, and ask his manyquestions .Thi s man ha s been gi ven histor i es o f extr ater r est r ia l interfer rence in

our evo l ution going fa r ba ck i n time; h is t or i es wh i ch at firs t seemedi mpos sibl e t o be lieve , but gr aduall y he came t o accept t hem. I·le did nothave t he be ne fi t of such f amil i a r ity , and s o we sought t o see what cou ldbe f ound t o con fi rm or re fu te his s tory of extraterrestr ial ancestors ofEarth humans , and ea rli er co ntact wi t h t hem.Hell , f or s t a r t e rs , t he classic Greek philosopher , Apollon i us of I yana ,

born i n Eapp adoc i a abo ut 400 B.C . , fo .lLowi nq a copper map t o t he City ofGod s , made his way to Tib e t where he met Ki ng l ar chas , a human from beyondEar t h ( extr aterrest r i a l) who had f l ying disc -shaped c r aft a t his disposal ,who co ntrol led gravi t y, and who was served by , among ot hers , r obot s ( aut o-matons ), part mecha n ical and part organi c c reat ure s , whu also waited onApololloni us an d h i s companion Danus , Thes e c r eatures could raise them-selves and glide i n t he a i r. (\-.£ ARE NOT THE fIRST. Andr ew Tomas , Ch . 19 )The 4,700 years o ld Babal oni an "Epic o f Et ana" describes t he fl i ght of

UFO contactee Et.ana as he was bei ng taken away f r om Earth on a t ri p t oanother pl an et. .. "And so they fle \"! for another hou r, and once agai n Et anal ooked down; t he Eart h was now like a grinding stone and t he sea like apot . Af ter a t h i rd hour , t he Earth eas onl y a speck of dust and the s eano longer seen. " (1','[ ARE I\'OT THE rIRST, Andrew Tomas , p, 113)Acco rding t o Chi ne se hi s t or i c al t raditi on, i n the yea r 2, 309 B.C ., Hou

Yih (Ch i n-Chiang I au- yu ) was t ake n t o t he Moon i n a "Cel es tia l Bird".Hou Yih " ascended i n a r ush of fi e r y air" (e f fl u lI,?) and flew i nt o space ,where t he sun s tood s t i ll (di d not r i s e and se t ). On the Hccn , t hatChinese astronaut saw t he " frozen- l ooki ng ho ri zon". Hi s wi f e Chang Ngo alsofl ew t o the Moon, which she found t o be a lighted sphere of enormous si zeand very co ld, where " t he light of t he f100n has its bi r th i n the Sun . "Hou Vih and Chang Ngo went to the noon i n "an eno rmous ship t ha t appearedon t he sea o f the ni ght , brill i ant l i ght s \_hi ch wer-e extinguishedduring actual daylight." That ship, t he y we r e t ol d , coul d sai l t o t hestars as well. Thei r contacts were carr ied on for 12 year s . ( CHINA RECON-



s t a t ement , " In fini t eThe r e i s no l imi t t o

f1ahabhar a t a we find theper f ect ones , and Gods .

STRUCTS magazine , Peking, August 1961)In t he ancient Ch i nese book , Shi Ching - - when the Devi ne ["'Peror saw

discor d r i s i ng in the wor l d , "corrmanded Chong and li to cu t o f f allccmrcrnca t t cos between Ea rth and t he s ky - and sinc e then , the re has beenno mor e going up or ARE NOT THE FI RST. Andrew Tomas, p , 116 )A thirt eenth cent ury text, Cl ea r Knowledge , a trea tis e on cosmol ogy i n

anci en t India, CO"'Piled by the Ti be tian scho l ar Peqbe-Lerre , describes hO'o'll"the First men on Ea r l h «e re created by Gods . Thi s pr imordia l race hadthe abil ity to fly in the sky , as t hei r progenitors did , but event ua llythey lost the power t o t ravel i n the a i r . " (,,£ ARE "'01 H£ rIRSi . AndrewTOIlIas. p . unlegends i n the anc ient Chi nese "Fenq-she n-yen-L" describe an age of

wonder 4 ,000 yea rs ago i n China which r ival t he a ir wars de s c ribed in t heMahabhara t a of In d i a. Oppos ing fac tions eer e a i ded by t he Ce lestia ls l'Ihot ook s i des , j ust like t he Gods i n Ind ia , and t he Gods who s uppor t edt he Greeks , and othe r s . Combat ants fl ashed dazzH nq beams o f light , r e-l e ased poi soned gass es , l aunch ed fir e dragons and g lobes o f fi re , hurledlightning darts and thunde rbolts , and co ul d see images hundr eds o f milesaway. Celestial of t ranscendent wisdom descended from t he s tars to teachthe ancient Chinese .A rock pa inting found in 1961 , in the mountains of Uzbeki s tan , USSR , ne ar

t he to..n o f Navai, depict a man in a haughty posture s t anding ins ide apod-shaped vehicle sur rounded by r ays . The men around him appear t o bewear ing st range r espira t ors on t he ir faces . The 3,000 yea r old pa i ntinga lso shows a man with a l amb, and a knee li ng woman without t he masks , anda man on hi s knees wea r i ng a respira tor , and paying homage t o the be i ng i nt he veh i c l e . Th i s c learl y depict s a visi t by ext r aordinary s pace visi t or s .In the caves of Fer qana , also in Uzbek i stan , not fa r f r om t he above s it e ,

is a wall painting of a domed disc-shaped object sur rounded by rays andrising on a rushing do"," efflux of light. A man in a "space-suit" ccec fe te"ith fish-bow l atmospheric b reathing helmet over his head, is ho l ding agrooved disc to his breast with one hand. and has the other raised in agreeting or salutation . (GOOS fROM OUTER SPACE, Erich von Daniken , Putnam,p . 107 s t ory; IN SEARCH Of ANCI ENT GODS , Erich \iOn Dani ke n , Put nam, i llus -t r a t i on numbe r 71 , pa i nt i ng)In t he fif t h vol ume of the

is t he space populat ed by thethe ir de l ightful abodes ."".tIen ..e sought t o question Heier Ofl such ..arks , he kne l'l nothing about

thee, He did know of other wr itings in the Ashoka Ashr am which Ire havenever heard of. Tr ue l y, the l eaders of Earth humanity have care fullyselected what they want us to read and know, and ha ve just as care fullysuppress ed and hidden other knowl edge t hey did not want us t o be awar e o f ,


and t hey have been doing this for mH eruums , An adj unc t of Meier 's mis-s ion i s to h e l p break this cycl e . Th i s finds little favor authori ties,civil, military, or eclesiastical , and is but one of the danger s t hi s manf aces.Thi s "h ype r -le api ng" around this Uni verse i n t he J Ist contact may sound

bi zarre and t otally i mpossible to mos t of us at our pres ent s tate of t ech -no logical development, but so were a l o t of other t hi ngs onl y 200 yea rs agot ha t are taken for gr ant ed, without que stion, t oday.eve n t he hyper- leaping , t hough not our r ea lit y today, i s not beyond our

conception . By the time we had re leased our fi r st report on t he Pleiadiancontacts i n Swi tzer land , t here wer e already t wo s tudies well a long i n con-fidential de ve lopment , which deal t with t hi s ve ry specific co ncept. Theyboth resulted in papers bei ng presented be fore t he prestigious Amer i canInstitute of Aeronautics and As t r onaut i cs (AIM -BD- I Z33 and AIM-al - IS33 )an d ne ither author was aware of the case i n until we broughtit to t heir attention i n 1979 and 198 1. Hei er had neve r heard o f ei thero f t hese gent l emen or their work.The first paper , AIM-80-12 33, Prospects for a Breakthrough i n Fiel d

Dependent Pr opu lsion, was presented by non e other than Al an C. Hol t , o f t heNASA J ohns on Space Center , made hi s presentat ion at the June 3D- July 21980 , Conference at Hartford , Conn ecticut . Under the paragraph Spac e- Time/Fi e l d Relationships, we fi nd point 3 to r ead, "The t r ansmi s s i on of anobject or space-time mass/ene r gy pattern from one s pac e-time poi nt t oanother by altering t he pat t e r n to achieve a ver y prec ise resonance wi th a' vi r t ual' pattern associated wi th a distant space-t i me point." Thi s t h i rdpoint of t he primary effects of the model pos tulated comes cl os e t o de -sc ribing our hyper-leap process. Alan Holt 's concepts were also f eaturedas a Sc ience Digest special in 19a2. Alan Hol t was i nvol ved i n t he astro-naut t r aining program at NASA Hous t on.The second pa pe r , AIAA-BI -lS33, Inves tigation o f a Quant um Ramjet for

Int e r s t ell a r Flight , was presented by ano the r U. S. space program heavy-we i ght , H. David Fr oni ng , .Jr ,.; Sen ior Sta f f Engi nee r in t he Spac e Shuttl ede ve l opmen t program at 11cDonnel Douglas Astronautics Co., o f Hunting tonBeach , Cali for ni a , designe r and builder of the Spac e Shut tle ser i es ofa irctaft . Fr oning made hi s presentation at t he j ul y 27- 29 1981, Confe r encei n Colorado Springs , Color ado . Fr oning' s paper , i nc l uding 7 pages offo rmula and mat hematical equati ons ; showed t ha t a hypothetica l t rip to t heAndr omeda Eafax y mi ght be pos sibl e in one mont h s hi p- t i me. htJen he ca l -culated our s t a t ed 7 hour trip to or f r om t he Pl e i ades, he r epor t e d, "Suchac celerations and decellerations a r e wi t h i n the t hr us ting power poss ibil i -t i es o f l i ght - emi t t i ng pr opul s i on s ystems, such as t he one presented .


35th Contact 'ruesday, 16 Septenber 1975

Thought Transmission

19:14 h

667/ Tney wal k the l ast steps

Res uming a f ter the break in the previous transmi s sion , which actual l ycont inued ove r the intervening day , with another break before this .

Ptaah- 656/You were intere s ted before, respecting o therwcrI ds and f orms of life.

I am interested if the re exists in the uruverse , anyother wor lds and creatures who a ccor d to E'al:th l evel s now?

Ptaah- 657/Hany parallels can be found . 658/ 'Ihus a lso areworlds in exist ence which are ve ry similar to Farth, and onwhich a r e living a l s o human fonns in nearly the sane deve l -oprent state as the Fart.hrM.n enjoys . 659 / Such a world c anbe f ound in the Galaxy "Aratan", in the system of "Neb",and the world i s ca lled "Kartag" .

'Ibis I do consider interesting, yet wi th these de-tails I can do notlting. I t is "all Spanish" to Ire .

Pt:aah- 660/Kartag is a wor ld where the human beings wara gainst one another. 661 /'Ihei r t.Irre is one o f the use o fatomic sc i ences And why i s this not prevented by you?P'taah- 662/I t i s not at our dfsposaI to interfe re there,because that system is under the oontrol o f a high l y deve l -oped f o rm o f life, which troubles itself for the preventionof catastrophe . 663/Kartagian life is at an inp::>rtant pointo f change in their evolution, and near the end o f theiratonic age . 664/'Ihey stil l des troy one ano ther with atolltcmbs , but this will not last for l ong . 665/ 'Ihey will agreewi th the contro lling intelligences.

Meier- '!hen they are sore further developed than the Earthhuman?Ftaah- 666 /'Ihat is correct.o f unreason.

Meier- '!hat is p leasing .Ptaah- 66B/ Certainl y , but they sti ll had to go the way o fthe ir e vol ut i on, and interf erences into this fran outsi de


are advi sed in f ew cases.loEier- Does this mean , by this non-inte rference of rroredeve loped bei ngs , who have means at their di.spcsat , thatthousands o f forms of life will be ki lled - in this casehuman fonns?Pt.aah- 669/Yes , that is i t , certainly. 670/Interferencecan only be per-forrred i f recognizable catastrophe of greatextraplanetary extension announce themselves.loEier- '!hen this means , that the inhabi tants of a wo r Id ,this wor ld, can be canpletely destroyed, i f the greatersystem i s not rrenaced?(l)Pt.aah- 671/You see the facts wel l. 672/Each creature rmsttake its own. path of evolut ion, even i f tbis includes self-destruction.loEier- This seems sanehow r ough , and even barbarous . Buti t i s conceivable to me, f or it is a l aw which is well es-tablished in nature. l1hat degenerates negatively is thusdest royed so that i t can not rrenace the bet ter forms ,Pt.aah- 673/'Ihat i s right ; you know the l aws very wetL.674 / Onl y by the observance of the l aws can lif e p rcx::eed.675/It i s wrong when degenerate lif e i s maintained in suchFo rm that it becanes still wor s e . 676/ AA e l iminati on rep-r esents only the r i ght observance of 'the l aws of life . 730/Nevertheless they wi .lI have to learn i t - - sooner- than theEarth human expects . 731/But I know as well that much painis connected t o the prccess , 732/But we l eave this therrenow. 733/h'€ shall now transmit to the wor'Jd of Kartag , foryou shal l ge t acquainted with it .

After the HyperleapPt.aah- 734/l1hat you see there is Kartag; go now wi th Serre-jase, she wil l show you the ,,"u rld from closer .

OVer Kartag with SemjaseMeier- You have told me that the inhabitants of this wor ldwould be a bit more developed than Earth humans . But I don I tsee any airplanes , or similar. I f they have atonic bcmbshew do they deliver them?


Semjase- 446/You err . 447 /Tney have flightma.chines but theyare not l ike your Earth airplanes , for they are a l r e ady rmrerrore l ike bearnshi ps . 448/Tney a l so do not drop their deadlyweapons f ran out o f the i r flying mach ines , but shoot them upby r ockets , and then guide them back down onto their enemy.449/'Ihe r ocke ts are s imi lar to those you use on Earth forl aunching sate llites . 450/Only their teclmologies and rreth-ods of propulsion are different f ran those of Earth. 459/'!heir atonic missiles a r e very dangerous and much strongerthan those you have on Earth . 483/Tne time is up.

So we may go . do we jump to nCM?

sanjase- 484 /\'Je will go t o the Galaxy o f "Beberas" , to theworld o f "Neher" the r e , in the system of "Kra s" .

\ome re i s that , and what i s inte r esting the r e ?senjese- 486 /1hi.s has been in earlier tiInes a desired ob-j ective of many races capable of space travel . 487 /'Ihereexist many planets that you wou fd call anci ent wor l ds en-livened by many anirra. l forma , 488/And these animal s may bevery big o r o f extrao rdinary tall growth. . . 489/1hey maysurpass a ll standards o f similar animal s on othe r wor Ids ,490/And just this fact a ttracted many s pacetravelling racesto these worlds .

kinds of animals live the r e ? You ment ionedhuge specfes i s it perhaps thi s kind of animals, like thesaurians? (2)

senjese- 492/Surel y , as you call these animals .

Me1er- Girl , I think this i s f antastic. I want to l ook a ts uch animal kinds fran near-by. Perhaps I coul d s hake-handswith a special f orm o f rhem. \'ihat do you think?

Semjase- 493/You are funny .

\'ihy so? I think that new I have to Icok at theseplaythings fran near, if I coul d have the chance, I must notmiss such an opportunity as this .

Semjase-- 494 /They are g iant animals , and they can be verydangerous . In spite o f that, I want to touch once the tai l o fone o f these l i t tle animals .



49S.hkluld you really do that?

not? If you give lie the opportunity, then youwill s ee for yourself . P.esides this, I have with Ire mypocket artille ry, and especia lly against that, nothing canresist. I f a saurian wanted to put lie on his rrenu, then Iwou ld b low away a bit o f his brain .

semjase- 49G/Your fearlessness f r ightens Ire , and I knew yourreen your words earnestly, even i f you smile wi th them.

Co you think I j oke in such things?

SeEjase- 497/ lib , I know you rreen it. 49BlBut you are oftenpeculiar with your words and hurror , and s o i t i s not a lwayseasy to know when you a re IfIaking f un , and when you rrean yourwords earne s t l y . 499 / 1 at f i r s t have to o r ient mys e lf wi thyour thoughts when you speak l ike that . SOO/You woutd r ea l -l y dare yourse lf with the s e huge ani.rna. ls? . . SOl /Surely youhave your weapon with you, and you could stop a saurian withsuch an instrurrEnt , bu t . . .loEier- Girl , this is no instrurrEnt . '!his is a . 44 rraqmmrevo lver .

Semj ase- s02/SUre, s o you say. S03 /But listen naN, youcoul d indeed stop a s a uri an with s uch a weapon very ....ze.lL504 /But it is sinply not poss ibl e that we could walk theworld o f "Neher" , o r I v..roukd wi llingl y o f f e r this f or you .

have to mask our ships a gains t sighting because ofdiffe rent reasons .

Mrler- Are there human bednqa liv ing there a lso?

5ernjase- SOG/ Surely. 507/'Ihere a re , but not forms of lif ec r eated on these wor-Ids , SOB/On ancient wo r' Ids human c r ea-t ure s do not yet exi s t , because they r i se norma lly in l a t e rti irres ,

Ret urning to Gr eat- s pacer

Ye t you say tha t human beings neverthe l ess live on"Neber", I s this then an exception to the norma l case?

Semjase- 51D/ lib, because these f orms o f life were disp l a ced'there r but care nO\'I' , l et us go up to the cupola. 511/Fatherwi ll expect us already . 512/ . . . '!he humans on "Neher" areno t l ike developed speci e s (of humans) because they have


beccrre wild and degenerate . 514/In the course o f many mil-l eniums they have developed themselves to wild atti t udes , asthis was as well the situat ion on Earth. 515/On the wor -Idof "Neher" the reason is, that t\..u diffe r ent human racesfran two different pla ces had const ruc ted r esearch s tationson the planet, and lived there for many years and expl o r edthis wor-Ld, 516/As on Earth, they constructed pyramids, andin this way were protected by solid waLl s against the host ileand wildly grcMing envd.ronrrerrt. , 517/'Ihen a cosmic catastro-phe damaged the bcrewcr Id of one r ace , and in consequence,those living on "Neher " could not r e turn. 518/'Ihe hcrrewor -Idof the second r a ce suf f e red a deadly epaderructhat ki l led. of f a ll humans . 519/Thus a lso, the second raceon "Neher" was not able to r eturn, and decided to remain onthe p l ane t .520 /In the wet-tropica l c l imate , in the cours e of time,

their entir e techno logy de t erior iated and was lost.they realize d the f irst , it was a lready teo l ate toovercare the decay. . . 522/Critical parts were a lready dam-aged beyond repair and they were unable to substitute them.523/'Ihey could only watch the decay and hope for rescue, butthis did not happen in t.Irre , 525/'Iheir descendents becames lowly rrore pr imit ive as the technologies dis appeared, andthes e adap t ed themse lve s body and spirit to the wild andbarbarous wor-Id, 527/'Ihey degene r a t ed back to wi l d andprimitive hurrans , whos e descendents s ti ll live there todayon this \'oUr ld o f "Nel::er" .

Enorrrous , - But - s anething is not evident to ITe.You said that the humans deve l oped themselves backwards toprimit ive s tate . But this woutd mean those humans to be aproduct of nat ure and not a c reature o f 'Ihe Creation itsel f.

senjese- 528/I t is no t a s you are thinking. 529/ TIle humanf orm i s indeed a c reat ion of '!be Creati on . 530/It does notdescend f r an any animal s , as f or exampl e the monkey, as scrreof you on Eartl1 believe . 531/'Ihe evolu t i on of the humanform i s ve ry l ong , i f one consi ders the phys i cal deve.loprrent;o f the f orm. 532/It was firs t c r e a ted in primit i ve form,but wi th the destiny o f becaning advanced human, and wasvivified by the Creati onal forces for h\.1lT8J1 advancerrent .533/'Ihus a lready in the pr imary t.Irre of c reation it had thatdes t iny. 534/'Ihus this f orm o f lif e i s basically a separatecreation s ince i ts ancient beginning. 535/Because of this



i t was possibl e on Earth in very early ages for the wildhumIDit y to mix and mate with the space trave l ers ., breedingup the human forms you have t oday . 536/Human c reatures whorerrain neglected do not develop themselve s the sane, and byuncontrolled inbreeding can even retro-develop. 537/Buteven this never goes s o far that the c reat ure l oses i ts es -sential hucanness, because at a certain point the degener -ation .runs out due to an in-conscious striving for self-preservati on, which obstruc ts further det e r ior iat ion . 538/'!his point i s r eached wher e spiritual knowl.edqe is l o s t andthe instinc t f or self- p reservati on prevails .

So a human creat ure can never fall back so f ar thatsurvivability and consequent ly recovery i s l ost?

seajase- 539/In sore rreaning , yes , but with the dif f e rencebeing the f o rm o f non- recovery due to the inabi lit y to con-tro l . 540/Here we speak. o f a nat ural recovery which has tobe exper ienced by the human f orm in this stage o f develop-rrent; towards conscious thinking and self-preservation . 542/'!he state o f this. naturally evolving recoverability/preserv-abili t y a£fects body perfonnance tlrrough the limbs, o rgans ,r e flexe s , notions , etc . , evoked by the envirornrental influ-ences . 534/SUch reflexes are not performed in a controlledmanner before (rational) thinking has been acti vated. 544 /Reflexes are the e f f ect o f a cause outs i de the process ofthinking . 545/ \oJhen fina lly thinking begins , then the reflex-e s are replaced by detenninat i on . 546/ l-b verrents andact i ons are then per'forrred in a contro lled manner canple-rrenting the instinctive reflex actions, and r e ason has begun .54 7/ In addit i on to this , natural preservation through roo-

tion, reflex o r controlled, i s another kind o f sel f - p reserv-a t ion that is a lso instincb.J.a1 and designed for sel f - surviv-abili ty. 548/'Ihis is o f a nature incapable of notion. 549/'!his form can be evoked by various danger factors, s uch asl a ck of oxygen when dealing wi th Earth life condit ions .550/'Ihe Earth human , l ike we, needs oxygen interspersedwith different gasses, which l e ads to ccrctete incapacityand l oss o f rrotion i f such f orms o f lif e are f o r scrre t.i.rredeprived o f oxygen . 551/'Ihe l ack o f oxygen and certain gas -s es in the b rain, results in a paralysis o f certain f unc-tions, which also nay include scrre of those parts that act-Ivefor self preservat ion . 552/So the brain is disabled in scrreactivi t y and incapable o f action . 553/'Ihinking s tops and


the body l imbs and organs then react on r e flex on ly . 554/'Ihough the creature is s t il l liv ing in this state, i t i sincapabl e o f thought nor rrotion . 555/Life the n p r oceedsor ganically-functionally, like a rrachtne , 556/ Nhen the bodyi s given fCXJd, i t still digests it, but the brain is unableto evaluate it o r to realize it . ..

lo2ier- Girl, this is c ruel. - 'Ihis means that such a humanl::eing is living dead . . .

Back in the Huge Spaceship o f Ptaah

Ptaah- 740/ 'Ihat was the l ast l oca t i on where we wouj .d go onthis trave l. 741/ 10 a f ew rrarents we will transmit back tonear your solar system, then I will answer s are o f yourquestions.

l£ier- Thank you, Ptaah, I am rather anxious f or that .

Ptaah- 575/ \ofuen are you not ?

After the Transmiss ion - Still Outside Our Solar System

It is p l easing to see the hare s ys tem again . Anyhc:M,I fee l at hare on Earth - even if it o f ten appears strangeto lie.

Ptaah- 742/Each form of life is connected by rroving f eel-ings towards i ts hare. 753/ .. .NcM I wi ll answer- sene of yourquest ions o f before .754/Our wor lds a r e not , as on Earth, s eparated into dif-

f e rent s tat e s (or nations). 755/Each wor ld has one actua lnation and one single wor ld governrrent , a s you would callsuch in Earth terms . 756/ On each world the gove rnrrent func-tions as an executive institution, and they are a ll subord-inate to the "High Council" . 757/'Dlis High Councf.I is theessential gove:rnrrent o f a ll o f our worlds , thus to say, thecent e r o f govemrrent . 758/,lhis council is not on our hare-wor -Id, but on a very s pe:c i al p l anet . 759/ It is this qovern-rrent 's c ent r a l star for our r ac e s . 760/'Ihe Hi gh Council ,which lives on this p lanet, consists of half- s p i ritua l/half-rnatez-Lak creatures (cross-dirnensional o r bi-dirnensiooalbeings) . 761/'Ihese are human f o rms o f life o f quite enornousposition in knowledge and wisdan, who are in a state o ftransiti on. 762/ 1n the i r evol uti on they have a lready pro-gressed so f ar that they release themse lves fran thei r mat-


e r i al body, and are a l ready semi-spirit , and a lso s emi-mat -e r ial. 763 / 'Ihey are , 'too, the only, s till called human fo rmof life , who are able to ccrrmmfcat e with higher pure-spiritforms , which i s impos s ible for pure-materia l f orms of life .773/Tne oscillations (vibr ations) of the spirit ual spheresare much higher than we can generate . 776/Tne Earth humanis able by his spi ritual condition, to take up contac t on lywi th c reatures o f the s arre grade of osc il lat ions , and underc e rtain c i rcumstances , to initi a te ccmnunicati on . 777 / 'lllismeans that Earth beings can only CCITE into contact wi th thoseof about. the s ame position in evoluti on . 778/'Ihis is asafe t y measure in Creational law, by which no f onn of lifetaps rmr e knowledge than is a Llcwed according to the stateof evol ution . 748/Our worlds then a re a ll sul:ordinate tothe centra l govert"lIr61t which i s formed by the s emi- s pi r itual"High Council " . 785 /50 the p lanetary governments are onl yexecutive organs operat ing on the advice of the High Council.786/Tne governrrent of the High Council is based on the

Creationa l natural Law, and is a f orm of goverrurent unknownt o you . 787/ Fo r a ll events and a ll regulation is alonebased on natura l l aw, fran which as we .lL, every single f ormof life is r egul ated, and each decisi on of the High Councilaccords with the f orm of lif e a ffected . 788/Tnis pr emis esthat every single c reatur e has in spiritua l concerns , aposition in evo l ut i on , but where minimal differences can notbe excluded. 789/Our t e a che r s in s pi r itual evolution trou-b l e themselves by every means a t their disposa l , t o studythe spi ritual deve Ioprrent; of e a ch single creature . 790/50much for our worI da and races .791/ In the whole Universe are f ound innurrerable fo rms of

s pace-trave lling life ; humanoid as well as non- human races.792/But on the whole, l ike-minded and like-intent i oned onesf ind c loser a l l iances together. 739 /These a l liances are ofva lue t .cward mutual he lp i n e a ch r e s pect, as "-"€ll as in re-spect to a ll evolut ionary conce rns . 794 /There is a \\'Onder-fu l ccoperat.ion in a ll conce rns of lif e, even those whichbeIonq to other unive r s es , as for example , the "DAL" Uni-ve rse, with whi ch you are f amiliar .796/But this does not exclude confl i c t , because in sane

dif f e r ent cases the r e appear confl i ct seeke rs including non-human forms , who, ac cording to their character , exercisetheir power . 797 / Fran s uch beings of cours e we must be pro-


tected. 798/'Ihis leads , here and there , to war actions andto destruction of creatures and mater ials . 799/Mlen a lli-ances exist arrong different creatures , they are usuallyinst ituted to watch over l ocally inhabited space. 800/ (He r e )these regulating services are exercised by "Gr e at s pac e r s "l ike this . 80 l/These are great space stations equipped wi thevery thinkable t e chni c a l means to r epel enemies i f neces-sary.804/But this universe, and many other universes as well ,

are popuj.ated by many different kinds of creatures, and sois unavoidable that conflict is a way of lif e . 80S/Butwherever posafb.le, this does not result in e limination o ffo rms of l i f e, materials , e tc . , because every c reat ure needsits evolution , and fundarrenta lly this i s paralle l in manyways. 80G/As profound, as the Earth human, and many otherf orms o f lif e in the innurrerable univer s es , is developedtoday, so a lso our forefathers have s tood, fram wham as wellactually, the Earth human has descended.

JoEier- 'Ihese are far reaching concerns . But your wordshave r ais ed many new questions . I assume this would leadtoo far to go into detail if you were to talk about them,or am I wrong here?

Ftaah- 809/You are correct.Well then , we may l e ave this . But what I am yet

interes t ed in hearing, i s: why i s Semjaae anxious for notbeing seen by other hurrans , as was a lso the case with Asketand Sf a th . Semjase has given me scrre explanations whichstill do not satisfy me rnrch, Can you tell me rrore ?Ftaah- 810/Besides us, there are s till other differentcreatures of extraterrestrial origin, who here and theremake c on tac t with Earth Hurnans . 811/In earlie r ti.Ires thishappened much rmre frequent ly, which had good rea s on . 812/'Ihis reason is tha t in earlier times , by which I mean mil-leniums, very many humans knew about the existence of the"Heavenl y Sons " . 813/They were in regular camnmication,and even exe r c i s ed trade with them. 814/But by the inter-ferrence of different e vil- inc l ined e I ererrta , o f Earthl y ando f extra terrestri al o r igin, these contacts decreased, andstep by s tep, the kncw.ledqe of the extraterrestrial inte lli-gences was l os t . 815/Secret ly, other l e s s benef icial intel -ligenc es built stations on the Earth and on neighboring


p lanets , and f o s tered cults . 816/'Ihis was a ll done in deepsecrecy. 817 / Besi des thes e machinations, ther e existed un-dertakings by other less evil-minded intelligences, whotroubled themselves to assist the real evol ution of theEarth humans , because these were descending fran them. 819 /Af ter many mi lleniums one could not expect them to suddenlyappear before the Earth human very officially with beamshipsand with space-ships if f r ont of his eyes, because the know-l edge of these craft, and them, had beccrre l ost to him. (3)820/A sudden re-appearing might have been catastrophic .821/'Ihen your "Sol " system moved into the epoch o f fis hes(Pis ces zcdtac j , and the way was c l eared f or a net... chance toenter Earth a ffairs without being noticed. 825/But s t il lbefo re the "Age of Fishes " , prophets were chosen and pr e-pared. to wor'k for this intention . (4) 831 /By then Earth man-kind had degenerated so far that an o f f i c ial appearance o fextraterrestrials wou ld have been a ttacked and made warupon. . . (S) 833/80 consider ing these fac tors , landings bybeamships are only done secretly. 834/And contacts withEarth hUIt\3IlS i s done quietly and a lone.838/Mlen t.he.epochs c hange , so a l so do the minds of the forms

o f life . 839/'Ihi.s has a l so happened to humans now. 84 0/ 'IheAge o f Fishes was characterized by r e lig i ous fanaticism•. .841 / 'l'hen the bi rth pains of the Age of kJuarius began, andsuddenly the Earth human s tarted to listen inside o f himself.842/And he started to think and to expl ore , and suddenl yrecognized l ogic only in truth. 844/He developed in a s hortt.ilre his thinking abilitie s, and searc hed and explored. . .which i s a c haracter i s tic o f the Age o f kJuarius . 846/ Andthis is one o f the main r e asons why certain human beings arenow being contacted by extraterrestrial forms o f life aga in .8S0/The present Age of Pquarius demands thinking and spi rit-ual evolution o f the hurrans o f E:.rrth . 851/'Ihis can not beachieved by s eeing and listening with the physical organsonly, but on l y by reasoned thought. 852/1f we appeared o f -fic i ally in our beamships and spacecraft , the effect of de-l il::eration and o f thought woufd suffer, because the Earthhuman , in his present state o f evolution, does no l ongerdeliberate and search t.'1at ,<l' he can s ee with hiscen eyes arid hear with his ears. 853 /Be.yond the seein g andhearing , the interest is s hort- lived, becaus e that soon be-ca res a natura l event to him, and he no l onge r cares . 854 /l'IDat he mONS no ITDre interests him. 85S/His interest is


only aroused by s ecrets fo r which he can hunt; , _.

Meier- 'Ihat is r eally very rmch that you are explaining ,Ptaah , But I still have othe r ques t i ons , i f the tiirre suf-f i c es . One quest ion he re concerns our Earth . I o f t en thinkthat , because the weafher- and the c l ima.te s eem to rre playingc r a zy . . . I could consider this being in connecti on with theatanic banb 's explosions , that thes e could be the cause f o rthat , which rra t ter is s t i ll contested by the dear science s ./lin I go ing r i ght in thi s , or am I wrong in my ass umptions?

Ptaah- BB7/ You s earc h very thoroughl y f o r a ll reasons in arratter . BBB/Earth1S rragnetism has been dis t urbed by theatanic explosions . BB9/ In this respect, the expl osi ons pro-duced a weak r epulsi on o f the Earth, influencing the rota-t i on by nea r l y irmeasurable va l ue . 890/By this means theEarth has a l so been for ced a lit tle out o f nonnal o r b i t andnCM s i cwt y s earche s out i ts new o rbi ta l course . 892/By thisact , the Earth s c i entists have carmitted a c r.irre againstthei r ccn p lanet and a ll Earth rrankind, because the forcedchanges by these explosions will have f ar reaching effect o fgreat iIrportance, and can produce catastrophic resul ts .893/Al ready the magnetic poles are being displ aced incr eas-ingly . 894 /Thus today the rragnet i c poke is a l r e ady dis -p laced into the canadian I ce sea , whil e a lso the south petehas been dis l ocated, and rroves in the direction o f SouthArrer i c a . 895/By the t i.rre o f the third mi llenium, i n about;1 , 000 years, the mig rati on o f the pol e s will have progress edso far, that the south pol e wi ll be in South Arrerica , whil ethe north pole wil l have rroved to saudi Arabia . 89G/Thecalcul a ted l ocation of the north. pol e in the year 3 , 000 ed in a l ocation point between J i dda , on the Redsea, and l-Ecca . 900/A mrch greater danger i s pres ented bythe r e l ease , in those explosions , o f e lerrentary r adiat ions ,which will pres ent great r i ddles to Earth. s cient i s ts , be-caus e they have not concei ved their sort and f orm. 901/' f a c tors o f Earth life are influenced by the r e l ease ofthe s e e l errentary r adiations , and are injured . 90 2/ 1he ca-tastrophic e f fect a fter an a tanic expl os i on the s ize o f theHiroshima banb l asts fo r s e ver a l centuries, and negat ivelyinfluences a ll processes o f life preservation . 903/'Ihe pureatm::>sphe r ic s tratums o f the Earth a re influenced in a quitecatastrophic manner by the release o f these e tesrentery r a-


diations , which cause e l ectrical energies in great magni t ude .90S/'Ihis happens in ve ry high frequency r anges, which s tillare unknown to Earth sciences . 906/ 'Ihese energi es 00 notdea l with the known to you usual e lectrical energy, but o fan electrical r adiati oo energy which is near the u l tra - viol e tspectrum. 907/'Ihis radiation energy mingles itself with theoxygen in the air and gene rates huge quantities o f o zone .908/'Ihis ozone value increases 34 f old a short t irre afterthe explosion . 909/these dangerous concentrations destroyin wide s urroundings , a ll micro-organisrns o f wide variety,which are o f critical iITportance f o r the preservation o fEarth lif e . 910/ Then a short t ilre a fter the explosioo theozone values decrease drastically to very ICM levels . 9111Certain elerrentary effects penet-rate a ll mat ter and endurefor hundreds o f years, duri ng which ti.rre they a lways andcont inually k i ll a ll mic r o-organisms whi c h care near them.91 2/ Che f actor in relation to the ozone is this l e thal de-struc tion.913/A further Impor-tant; factor i s the eff ect on the ozone

t:el t which s urrounds the E3.rth and p rotects it fran u l tra-violet radia tions fran the s un . '!hose gasses are injured insevera l ways , and can no rrore absorb the ultra - viole t r ays.

Semjase has a lready spoken of that in re l ation toindustrial gasses . But one thing is not c lear to rre yet .Natura l flashes o f the a tIrospher i c lightning a l so producesozone . Why does this not destroy the micro-organisms?Ftaah- 914/Nature wor ks exactly according t o its l aw. 915/'!he industrial ozone i s generated f r an different factorsthan lightning. 916 /'Ihe lightning c l eans , whi l e the otherpoi i utea . 917 /'Ihe healthy o zone t:elt proVides a nat ura lprotectic:n for Earth creatures fran the strong u l tra- violetradiations o f the sun . 918/ Direct i rradia tion of liv ingc reatures by this radiation, and furthe r simi lar r adiationsfran othe r parts of the Univers e , wou l d inevitably evokedeath f or a ll f o rms . . . 921/Nature herself a l ways gener a tesj ust as ouch ozone as necessary to guarantee lif e . . .

M1at about; the atanic radiations, which fran myreckonings ITD.lSt surround the Earth to very gre a t heights?Pt.aah- 92S/Your r eckonings are nearly right, but it doesnot dea l with the act ua l a tonic radia t i on . 926/As I s aid ,quite specia l elerrental radia tions are a lso gene rat ed by the


expl osi on . 927/'Ihese r e a ch great hei ght and spread them-selves around tile globe, influencing tile different s tra t ums .928/ In your denaninations 'the s e stratums are ve ry diffe r ent-l y named, as for exampl e the rrenaced at.ratum which you callthe "Van-Alle n Belt " . 929 /'Ihis belt cons ists e s peci ally ofcaught by the Earth magne tic f i e l d , e l ectrons and prot ons,which have a life-important f unction for Earth EKis t e nce .930/ About this I am not ye t a llowed to give you rrore inf orm-ation , because f r an the explanations your scientists coul dqathe r much kncw.ledqe f o r the i r r e s earche s . ..A group o f di ffe rent ex t r a terrest ri al s who also s ay t hey c ome from t he

Pleiades, but I\n o s eem to be unawar-e of t he co ntact s going on i n Switzer-l and, ha ve been co ntacti ng a man ne ar St. Cl oud , Mi nne sota, s i nce 1958,and they are t e lling L. Z. al most the same t h i ng but in s lightl y dif ferentwords conce rni ng t he e f f ec ts o f our a tomic exp l os ions on our protecti vei onosphe re and t he Van-Al l en belt . Those ETs a r e human beings j us t l i ke usand t he Pleiadians vi s i t i ng Swit zerl and .Ther e i s s t i ll anot her gr oup o f ext rate r r est r ia ls who say t hey come f rom

t he s tar group we cal l Andro meda (cons t e l l a t i on), who are a lso humans jus tli ke us, t hat have been co ntac t ing a senior Unive r s ity pr ofesso r in Mexi coCity s ince 1972. And t hey ha ve expressed gr av e conc ern abo ut our atomict esting and what it i s doing to our plane t I s systems . They picked t hatprof es s or up and took him out t o the ionosphere and t he Van- All en belt sot ha t he coul d meas ur e fo r hi msel f what t hey we r e t e l ling h im. He us edthe ir highl y sophi s ticat ed i ns t r uments to do t h i s and was s ati sfied t hatt hey were r epor ting t he damage accurate ly . us-n CO:-lTACT f ROH At'.'OROHE:OA,by Rodrigue z and Stevens )An ET contact case i n Venezue l a and another i n Colomb i a, Sout h Ameri ca ,

both i nvolVing ex trate r r est r ial human beings who say t hei r home is in thePl e iades, are te ll i ng t he i r co ntactees t her e es sentially the same t hi ngabout t he damage t o our i onos phe r e and t he belt, and t hey de -scribe our atomic t est ing as t he pr i ncipl e caus e . I f we ha ven' t ki lledoursel ves rapidl y i n t he explos ions , we are s lowly ki ll i ng ever ything e lseon our plane t wi th t he a fte r e ffects of our folly . The Pl ei adi ans may ber i ght. This is not t he wor k o f a sane species .

ltEier- So nothing can be done about; -thf.a, Witil tile Van-Al len Bel t I can imagine nothing , as lit t le a lso can I e lab-orate of the mat ter with the e l ectrons and protons , but a llthe same, I am interest ed in hCM this bel t i s s tructuredand built. I mean what; rroverrent; does it have?

931/ 'Ihe Belt exi s ts a t a hei ght of 1, 000 k i l ometers


average . 932/'Ihe charged particles are in constant rroverrent,and that on spiral courses f ran pole to pole.. •

So far I understand, but eve rything els e is to me aso-ca lled "Bohemian Vi llage " . '!his unfortuna tely i s phys ics,and o f that I understand j ust about as much as our tech-nicians and scientists do about; your technologies , which is :no thing .

Ptaah- 933/'Ihat i s not of great importance to you , for theinsides of that exi s ting spira l values are decisive ly great-er and o f mare .inp:>rtant neaning.

M:!ier- You may be r i ght . If you at roe, I want; to ask youstill again about; sare mat ters respecting the (UFO) contact -ees . First: hCM many contactee s are the r e in the wor Id to-day; Second : Are you really Inforrred about them enough toknow sate details about them?

Ftaah- 934/'Ihe number o f r eal contactees on Earth i s pres-ently a t about 17 ,422 individua l s . 935/'Ihese are scatter eda ll over your l ands or nati ons as you call them. 936 / 0fthat number , only a few percents ever care to publicity withtheir kncwl edqe , 940/0f that great mnnber (the number in-creases constantly) are only a few hundred cases known out -s ide their l oca l circles ... (6)

M:!i er- That is a c lear answe r . But nCM what about theGi zeh- knaves as well , being able to take human beings withthem on their flights?

Ftaah- 959/'Ihey have nothing in camon us , with re-spect to our mi s s i on . 960/ \men I s a i d before , that in thiscentury, only three human beings ....'ere taken f or fl i ghts tothe CQSIIDS , human beings fran Earth, then I spoke o f us , rotnot these o ther f onns o f lif e . 961 /'1'0 fulfill the ir a im ,they have contacted different Farth human beings and a lsotaken them with them on fl i ghts into the cosrros , and they dos uch things much rrore than we . 964 /Besides these c reat uresare still o ther ones, who he re and t:here kidnap Earth humanbeings, about which f act Semjase has already Lnforrred you .965/But these cases are relatively r are , and those k idnappedones are not nOI:m3..11y r e t urned to Earth . 968/ But as ...."ellher e there are a lso except ions , though r are. 968/But therealso exist inhuman r ac e s f or which the Earth is a ....retccreexpedition (hunting) p lanet , fran where they rob Earth hurrenbeings .


Mtier- And what do you do about; thi s ?

Ftaah- 969/'Ihese a re not matters into which we are a I Iowedto interfere . 971/We are not a lla;..ted to interfere by f o rce.972/As far as i s poss ible, we try in s uc h case s , to get intocontact with those intelligences to prevent these actions .973 / 1-le o f t en pursue them in this respect urrtd I far out inthe cosrros , when they do no t accept advice on or near theEarth itse l f. 97 4/Regretably, we have been only partly sue-cess t u t , thus Earth humans have been kidnapped. 975/As Isaid , we are not a llowed, in such events , to inte rfere byforce, though we have the c apabili t y in this respect . 976/

have to keep ours e lves a ccording to or de r , because eachc reature has to walk its 0NI1 path in its 0NI1 way to develop,and we are not a l Iowed to int erfere in this respect, umessthose k idnapped are our own. (7) 977/0il the othe r hand theexercise o f pcce r wou td invite the use of pocer- which couldlead to conflict and pos s ibly war . 978 / 'Ihisare not a l l owed to provoke, because our weapons in e verycase are int ended f o r defens e a l one , but neve r designed f ora ttack.

Joeier- '!hat is intere s t ing. I have al r eady s een dif ferentweapons inside of 5emjase ' s ship, as v.'ell as in the ship o fAsket when she was he re . Also Sfath had weapons in his ship ,and your space-giant he re is equi pped wt.tih dif ferent weapons ,How does this agree with your affi rmat ions that ext rater -restri a l intelligences have no weapons , or at the l e a s twoukd not use them? Frcm different r eports about UFOs Ifee l that peace generates peace .

Ptaah- 980/Neither we , nor any o ther f orm o f life can dowith having no, o r unsuited weapons , 98 l/Every single r aceof a form o f life in the Universe di.sposes of we apons o fscrre kind, like you on Earth als o have such . 98 2/ Also , be-yond Earth is not onl y peac e , because the rros t different andInnumerab.le wor-Ids in the Universe are inhabit ed by moat;diff e r ent c r eat ures of human and non- human character . 983/l-lany o f then have not yet rea ched a l evel o f balance , anduse their weapons for a ttacks against other c r eatures . 984/'Ihese can not be, and are no t e i ro cea, to simpl y eradicateand sla ughter, but will have to defend themselves . 985/'Ihatis a l aw o f c reat ion , which i s expr e ssed in the Laws o fnature very adequately . 984/1f one l ooks with on l y a bit


o f interest at nature , he sees that each form of life strivesfor its own self-preservation, exactly according to law.987/ 'Ihis struggle for survival i s not achieved by sense lesskilling, but by defense against attack. 988/ 'ilie first thingeach f orm Learns i s to defend itself against eventual attackin one form or another. 989 /'ilie fi rst line o f de fense is inl ogi c a l flight , and the s econd is to fight when e scape isimpossible . 990/\oJith humans , the first step in de f ense isnot f light, but reasonabili ty . 991/In this the human beingfinds by his thinking processes , other ways t o accanplishthe first s tep. 992/Reasonably this f irs t step consists inspeaking, in dialogue, by which the opponents are taughtreasonability . 994/Failing in that , a defense is needed,and this may cons i s t o f a weapon. 995/In the case o f ani -rra ls they pr ovide sharp t eeth, hcoves , horns , poisons , e tc , ,a ll l:eing natural weapons f or them, but the human beingdevelops his weapons through his reasoning ability , vihich hecan use according to his deliberation and choi ce when thisbeccrrea nece s s ary f or him.l-eier- By this you t e ll rre nothing net..., because I have al-ready seen this in nat ure as a lit t le boy. But now I amint e r e sted. Ha.v far outside our s o lar system is the nextinhabited system, and does that v.urld 's inhabitants knewo f our Earth?Ftaah- 'The next inhabited system i s around five lightyearsaway f ran Earth. 998/Different worlds i n that system a r einhabited by human f orms o f life , who di f fer little f ranyour r aces. 999/ I n the ir deve Ioprrent; they are s ane years inadvance o f that o f the Earth human beings, spiritua lly asw'12:11 as techno logically. 1001/ They have a lready achievedspace-flight in primitive form, and also do visit Earth.I 002/ Because their cosmic flight capabilities are ve ry l im-ited, they depend on assistance stations . l 003/Mid-way be-tween their wor -Id and Earth, they have cons t .ruc t ed a s paces tat i on , which you can see far outsi de in space there . . .(pointing to screen) . l004!They need such stations becausethey are s t i ll unable to launch their ships ove r l arge dis-tances . lOOS/ Al s o, connected to their space-flight new , i ss evere body pain, f ran which they narcot i ze themselve sfor l onge r j ourneys in the COSlTOS . 1006/B€sides the otherr a ce s of these worlds , this one race canes o f ten to Earth .1007/ Thi s i s because their homeworld , whic h in no qreater;


than E3.rth herself, s uffers fran overcra-rling , and needshuge quantities of food. 1008/For thi s r eason , beings franthat p lanet, called "Akart" , care to Earth often to collectthere plants , vegetables , fruits and grains , to nourish the i r23 billion population . (8) 1010/They are rrost ly s a tisfiedwith taking seeds of fruits , grains and vegetables , and a lsop lant stocks, to set out on Akart to grCM there. l Oll / Theycollect rrore useable nourishrrents on other (less populated)wor-Ids which they a lso visit often and periodically. 1012/In themselves, these forms are of r a the r peaceful character,and have had to suffer much in the l ast centuries . 1013 /'Ibday they l i ve under a dictatorship, as you wou jd call it,by which they have relatively bet-ter- living conditions.1014/Their great p roblem is their severe overcDOWding, whichthey could relieve by emigration, but their t ec hnologie shave not solved space transportation on sufficient scale tobe of any help.

That i s a lot. but do other c reatures in that sys-tem also care to Earth, and why don I t they assist that over-popUlated p lanet?

Ptaab- 1016/'Ihe others cane there and also to Earth, butthis occurs r a ther seldan. 1017 /'Ihe reason they do notassist the overcrowded race , is tha t these creatures havenot p roceeded far enough in their deve l oprrent; or their im-proverrent; to offer them greater technica l and spiri tua l help .10l 8/ 'Ihes e humans are s t i ll too much caught up in the rna-t eri al and worldly things , and are not a l Icwed access togreater pcwer .

loitier- I see . Again the l aw of evolution.. . Oh yes , I havestill one rrore question : Ho;.; do you see the mat -te r- of your(public) appearance on Earth; when vli ll you land officiallyand present yourselves to the people of Earth?

Ftaah- 1066/1his is not provided for s t i ll a very l ong tine,as well as with others 'too, 1067/On the contrary, nearlyall our extraterrestrials will retire f ran your p lanet , i fcertain cf.rcumatences ccrre up . 1068/ 1his wi ll be, when anuntil new unknown to us human r a ce fran the cosrros willstart to visit the Earth . 1069/ Our reckonings in probabilityindicate this occurring before the year 2000 , o r a shorttirre before, if unanticipated factors before then do not putthis enterprise in question . 1070/1£ these negative


factors do not deve lop, then Ear-thman wi ll , in this caningti.rre , around 2000, first oficia lly rreet; with h1..1ffi3I1 beingsf ran other wor l ds. 1071/ Misled by their CMTl unreasonability ,and the false info rmation being spread c oncerning s uch ex-traterrestrials, the first (public ) appearance of theses trange vis itors will at first s pread horror and panic onEarth. (9) . . . 1072/ But no dange r fran the s e human- Like formswill rrenace you, because they will be peace fu l and hannless .1073/'Ihei r cul t ure and spiritual estate will be very muchsuperior to your CMTl , and s o they will not j ust l and onEarth unexpected. 1074/ 'lhey will announce themse.lves to youfirst by radio and television, and prepare Earth men f ortheir arrival, and will then land with one of their egg-shaped s hips, which will be used by 8 to 12 other forms o flife . . .

Joeier- '!his is very Lnt ezest nnq r but where will they l and?

Ftaah- 1075 /It will assuredly be in Arrerica.

! Always this 1Irrerica, why so?

Pteah- 1076 /'Ihat i s the way it is, because they have thebest ccmm.mications rreans. 1077/ 'Ihe popuLat.Lon of thatcountry is rrore r esilient in connection with the c learing upo f infonnation about; extraterrestria l f orms of life andtheir existence, and may be mere p r epared to ove r ccrre toolarge a panic a t the first offic i a l rreetings .

But surely there a r e othe r possdbt.Li.t.Les besidesxcer.tce, are there not? (10)

Ftaah- 1078/Sure l y, ther e are, but I on l y explain t o youwhat our probability ca lculations have shown. 1079/ 1t wi llbe of r evolutionary importance , if this l anding can be s uc-cess fully performed, which is still r eally dependent on thenegative f actors which could develop. l OBO/In any case aplan i s not fixed, whether the occurrences will happen thisway, because I do not take this Lnfo rrnat .Lon fran a view intothe future , but fran p robabili ty calculations.

Maier- So this i s not c learly f ixed? can you tell Ire franwhere the human beings will care?

Ftaah- 10Bl /1 am not a L j owed to g ive informati on of fici a lly.1083 /1t i s connected t o the deve .loprent; of the f orms o f lifethe re on Earth .


I understand.

Ftaah- IOB4/Na.... I have sarething to say . lOBS/My daughterhas nON advi s ed you several t .Imes to troubl e yourse lf in alesson-like m3I1I1er for the s p reading of the gi ven to youconcerns . IOB6/You have prepared a l ecture a ll right , butthen not used. it efficientl y . IOB7/toJe have a .lI cwed you forthis pu.rpoae to get very qood photographs of Semjase I s s hip,and we gave this chance for photographing while with us onthis tri p . IOBB/But until nON you have not troubled your-self f or any publici ty with your lectures in f u lfi l l.rrent o fyour miss i on . I OB9/ 'Ihis is very much unserviceable f or ourconce rns , and this is irresponsibl e of you . I090/Asyou do not trouble for that, you give bad service for ourmissi on . I 091/With the new pictures f rem this trip, you arein posession o f very much photo material , which nON you mustevaluate . 1092/It is unuseful for the whole matter when younON l ock a ll the mat e r ial away s crrewhere and l eave it fallow.l093/Your mission is to put this a ll together and to make itknCMI1 to the int erested public by giving explanations.l094/ I t is no rrore suited anyhow, that you keep s ilenceabout; these things , bec ause the who le mission i s o f greatImpor-tance . l 09S/ Onl y by such caning to publicity can youspread this kncwledqe and accanplish your mission f or whi chyou have been impre s sed in the fo rm o f a prophet , and youhad under-taken this mi ssion to yourself quite consciouslyand willing ly. I 096/ '!he t.irre urges and you have t o r eachout to the public .

'!hat is easy for you to say. I knee.... , I have writtena lecture , and a l s o cared for the select i on of the a lreadyexisting picture s . But you knew, that in a materia l v iew Iam an absolut e nu .lL, and thus a lso unsuited in arrangingl essons by myse lf . In consequence I have g iven my desire inthis to Hr. Hans Jakob f ran Wet zikon, that he might thenarrange these l e s s ons . But this necessi ty has evidently notappealed to him, for he a lways s ays , that such l ect ure s inpublic are not usefuj , Bes i de s thi s he i s o f the opinionthat i t i s hannful f or our mi s s i on when , for example in themat ter o f UFOs , (othe r c ase s) wou ld be s poken o f negat ive l y .Ye t he wou ld really be the s ui ted man to be able to arrangesuch l ect ure s . But this he does not perform. And he a lsois a f raid o f speaking in unc.i.rcurnscr.Ibed l angua ge . He be-lieves that pretty diplanatic express ions wou ld l ead rrore


e f f ecti vely than direct and open l anguage which i s s trroryteo direct .Ftaahr 1109/ He wil l have to recognize that by himself .1UO/He still i s really the s ui t ed man to ini tiate the l ec-tures . 1lll/ He s houl d now trouble himse lf f or this , as thi stask is a llocated. to him by us . . . lll2/ At first in inter-e s ted circle s s uch l ect ure s could be arranged, to sp readthem s t e p by step into wide r publici ty . 113 / 1f, contrary toexpectat i ons , he should not trouble h imself for that , thenwe had better l ook f o r anothe r s uitable person and excludehim fran our work, in the sense that he should no longerhave deci s i ve influence in our miss i on . l114/ In furtherr espect , i t wou l d be o f use f or our mission if othe r grouprrembers a l s o , in srra j I circles, wou ld per-form lect ures ,because by the addition of smaller groups is the whole nCMinc reased. 1U5/ Such srrall c ircl e s can be f ormed in thefami lies of relat ives and a cquaintences . 1U6/ If each per -son \<,Qu Id trouble himse lf f or l e ading toge the r sane fewfriends, acquaintences or f ami l y rrembera for s small l ect urethen the deve loprent wou l d proceed f orward .

M::!ier- 'Ihis is rrore easily sai d than done . It a l s o rreens afinanc ial prob l em, f or this rreans cap i ta l , and anyhow Is till have to live too, which I am j us t abl e to do.ptaah- 1117/ 'Ihat may be ; this i s underacandabte , U18/ Buton Earth i t is eamon, that f i lm and dia- Iecture s a re of f e r edf o r an entrance f ee. lU9/You could do that . 1120/ Butdon I t take a t the l ectures a fixed arrount , but a donation o frroney . U21 / 'Ihis i s remunerative and as well usefu l fo ra ll , as each person will give accor ding to heM he esteemsthe value o f the tal k to him.

'!hat i s a good i dea .

Ftaah-- 1123/ 'Ihi s way you wi ll not fa ll into the t emptat i ono f thinking you would draw money fran our missi on .

Joeier- '!hat is my greatest prob l em in this r espect .

Pt.aah- 11 24/You may have renounced materia lism, but. youhave to f eed your fami l y as well as yourself . 1125/ Rerreml:er ,each work must be wor-th i ts earnings . 1127/ But the t i.ITepresses, and you have to be returned to Earth . 1128/ Semjasewill take you with her, f or I shall remain here outside with


my spaceship. 1129/Then live well, and beccrre just foryour mission. 113 0/ We will rreet; another time.. . 1131/Go inpeace and l ove, and rerrember that we are always with you inthought and othe rwise as well . ..That conc l uded the t r ansmission of this l a s t pa r t o f t he transcript i on of

the gr eat t rip that Eduard Heie r was t aken on with t he Pl eiadians. We havehad to l e ave out a cons i de rabl e amount of dialogue t o reduce redundency,t o l ea ve out persona l mat t e rs, and to try t o concentrate on in formation ofwidest inte rest t o the greater amount of the publ ic . We hope this ha s nowanswered some of your quest ions as i t did ours .



(1 ) These visitors have r epeatedl y warned that our madne ssis our own , and i f we choose to des troy o ur world and ou revolution, fo r all time, nobody will come from anywhere t os a v e us f rom oursel v e s. \-e all walk. o.rr a..n patjr, ani if we teccce adanger to curaekves., axrl to others, urder the laws of nature, we are dest-Ired to rerove corsetvee arrl the threat; to others as well ! I'e wo.l1d rot bethe first. Wa create• . • or dest:ro<{••• Olr a..n future . EARTH HENACHIEVE RATI ONAL CONSCIOUSNESS BEFORE IT I S TOO LATE?

( 2) were arurrafs al that planet of a kirrl of similarto cur prehistoric din:&mrs, axrl other aniP.als of great size in cur reeotepast here en Farth.

( 3 ) 'Ihese extraterrestrial ccotectcrs have descr -ibed repeated colrruz-atial of Farth bf ancestors, for ere reascn or erctrer, IrrEt of treir civi..lizaticn with than,. cn!y to ret:um crce core mil-leniuns later in a.n:xher cycle.

( 4 ) several. "pLq:h ets" of the Old Test.:r!Hlt. were in fact "cx::n.tactees" ,j ust like trose of t!rlay, axrl 1;pt their infonnaticn f ran their extrater-restrial scurces ,

(5 ) In the !'tidlle 1q::s , in rrerce, three extraterrestrial visitors ....tocare hn to Farth fran a vehicle .in the sky, were taken before the Bish:pof Jl1:::e1.anj wto tHnrxrl tben for arqals.

(6 ) This is an extraonlinary staterent., and. the highest f igure haveever heard for the nUJi:er of UFO ccotectees 00 Earth. Still fran the cal-culated 60 ,0:0 to 70, (XX) UFO sightings per year for the last 35 years ofthis m:rlem per-ted, 17, 422 is cn!y . C03\ or 17 cut of every 2,100 si.ght.ingsresulte:i in cx:ntact. I'e am ,ao...rare of less tj-an 100 valid UfO cx::n.tacteecases in all the UfO files we have exanin:rl in 35 years of rol..l.ect..i.n1,hIt trese am cnes that cere to p,lblic atte'l.ticn. Ctnsiderin:J all,in the light. o£ UFO histDry, we can fiIrl 00 serials quarrel. with thisfigure.

(7) In arct.her dtscusaicn en{:pi.Iq;, am victims abduct£d intoslavery, the extraterrestrials poirrted cut that urrler the natural lafi ofaffinity, like attracts like, ani th::ee al:rluc:t.£rl urrler th:sehave likely at:tractErl alrlu::tors of that nature bf their a...."1 activities orfeelin:;;s, which are acre easily detected bj erose of stdl nature, andtreretore they have drawn tfcse entities to thm5e1.ves , arrl any ursearrarrtedint.erfe :rerce is a violaticn of the f ree will activity of I::oth parties .


(8) 'Th'2nty three billicn is ahrost; 5 t.tnes the p::p.l1.atia1 of Fart:h livirqen a s .imi.lar s Ized planet. Im3gine, could reach that in less tren 200years, at cur- rate of increase for the Last; 50 years .

(9) witress cur tzeatnent; of urn visi tors in our- plblic cette, fran thefirst real urn nnvie '!HE OOY TIlE FARm SIaD SITIL to tie last big urnpro::luct.i.a1, "'I' , brcedcast; CNer a maj o r renorx, arrlthis rot ooly ooce . 01e;J can be said of t:ha.t slu.'I:i.rYJ: peruc did rotresult tcrlay, tnt; v.fut .if this were real, as in the realistic orscn \'ellspcrt.rayaL several decades arp?

(10) I'e III..lSt rerercer that ElUq:e does rot really 1.CNe us as IIUCh as welike to tfrink they do - am for g:oj reason, "eier rather see thisapproach m'rle in Siitzerlarrl, or in any otber European naticn than in thelhitE.rl States of rrrerfca. If he had. his Hay this \..UJ.1.d IE the lastplace he reo::ImErrl for such a larding arrl ccntact .



have f inally care to a break-potnt; in these contactnotes on this r emarkable case, and this cares a t thepodnt; where the l ast "transmis sion" on the extended extra-terrestrial trip has j ust been concluded.Eleven l ong years after we started this invest igation -

and the f irst f ive years of it were intense - we can neitherprove nor disprove the r eality of these extraterrestrialcontacts. have many other witnesses, nearly f ourty ofthem, and we have a t l east four other photographers of thePl eiadian c raf t bes i de s He ier. We had a rretal sample, aspecarren of ET p lastic- like material, live " landing tracks"and o ld tracks photographed ove r years, and we had live re-cordings of the spacecraft sounds , c apt ured on four differentoccastons, and once before thirteen othe r witnesses, . . .withf our audio tape recorders a ll being used simultaneous ly.examined and tested a ll we coul d to the best o f our abili tyusing the l ate s t state-of-the-art equipnent and the bestengineers we could find to do so. We discovered that thereis no "go-nogo" t e s t, and that a ll we cou ld do was correlateand corroborat e other aspects of this case. 'This is Hei e r ' struth . All we can do i s report i t.We found the contact notes intriguing, but they did not

prove anything conclusively, except that l'-ieier siITply couldnot write the l onger 30 and 40 page r e ports in one s ittinghad he not been under contro l and doing this autaTlat ical lyand rapidly. 'The sheer vo lurre o f the material is staggering .'Ihere are over 2 , 000 pages of notes l ike you have just beenreading. '!here are references t o events , dis coveries , andthings that l-ieier the man cou ld have had no knowledge of ,given his f onnal education and station in lif e, and in f actnever heard of .There are s harp criticisms of other ET contactees , as if

to deter and his group f rom further i nvest i gati on ofthem. At the sarre t .irre Meier was t o l d that there are rranyother ET civili zations coming her e and carrying out r esearchand study pr o j ects, and that 'the actual number of rea l ETcontacts i s counted in the tens of thousands .Eduard He ier asked many qcod questions and he got many

answera , but then he f ound that scrre of the answe rs wereonly half-truths , with the "othe r- ha lf not rrent t oned . He


l ost h i s awe o f the Ple i adians and sought to argue and tonegotiate with them.'furoughout all this there are hints that t-Ei e r is the

Pl e iadian contactee now because he has saved them o r the irancestors in a similar capacity before. '!hey even hint thathe may be one o f them, born into an E3.rth bcdy by choi ce tocarry out a vol unteer mis s ion . I f so, he is s tuck with hisE3.rth bcdy and its l oca l m::>rtalit y now . He i s also handi-capped by the Earth physical nature o f his body and i tshuman frailtie s .It may be that the man , an E3.rth human nON, got in

his own way as the contacts progres sed, and he continued tol a g in carrying out what the Pl eiadians considered urgentreques ts. hhen their other Earth proj ects carre to a c lose,that team o f extraterrestrial s moved on to other proj ects inanother solar system, l eaving t-E:ie r to other EI's stil l herewtvJ may not have had a l l the o r iginal object.Ives ,l-eier t ired of the attention and the constant stream of

visitors to his hare l ong ago. For years he has refused torreet anybody , He has answered a l l the questions many t imesover , and answers none any rrore , '!he only answer s one willget new is a quote fran an earlier answer to sarebody e l s e ,and this is handled by friends around t-1eier and his groupwho seek. to remain there to observe and s tudy f or themse Ive s ,l-eier, the Earth human who neve r want ed any public ity in

the f irst p lace , was worn down by the constant attacks onhis person and his f amil y by o the r l ess dnforrred, i gnorantpeople who never bothered to check out what he said, andnever bothered to really Iook a t the truths o f anything in-volved, but only chose to a ttack. with f a l se s tatarents andpersonal abuse . l-e i er has s urvi ved 17 ass ass ination a t -terrpts on his lif e as of this writing. Obviously this i sscrrething nobody wou l d ever seek. f or himse l f , and certainlysarething f ew o f his a ttackers can even relate to .I f He i e r c ould undo a ll this by simply denying it, he

p r obably would have done so l ong ago , but he is not a l one init . There are many other witnesses who cou l d corrobor atewhatever point Meier sought to deny . His heal th has f ailedand he now suffers f ran many human debiliti e s and physicalpains .None o f his troubles , none o f the threats , and no a t tacks

of any kind have ever been imposed on Eduard l-Ei er by theextraterrestri a l s . Truely ALL o f his dangers have a lways


care fran his untnf orrred f ellCM humans o f this p lane t . 'Ihata l one i s a testiJronial that stands sharp and clear, and i scertainly nothing humans can be a t all proud of.I t s tands as a rronurrent to our ignorance and weakness as ahuman c i vil i zation . Maybe we are an aberrant species thatwill s e l f-destruc t to save the r e s t o f our ne i ghl:x:>rs franour folly .

loe i er's p r e sent reputat i on f o r stubbornne s s and arroganceinc rease s wi th each person who visits the f arm, '!hat IXX>rf amily has had no r eal p r ivacy in thirteen years , and theyj ust want to be l e f t a lone . feel i t roos t important tor emind the reader that no ma.tter wha t Hei e r ' s past incarna-tions may have been, or what his present "mis s i on" i s, Billyi s human - ve ry human - and he s uff ers fran human weaknea-s ea , He c hose to be human in this life and he cares < fu.l Lyequipped with all our frailtie s as well as our bles s ings .Reading the notes , we s ense an inner cament like , "what a

remarkabl e man " , and we don ' t want to f orget that because,if f or no othe r reason , his courage and de termination befor ea ll that has transpired, p lace him c l early in that catego ry.'!here is one redeeming aspect to this who le thing, and

that is that the r eal truth will eventually errerge and s tanda lone . "Billy" lo1eier has his CMIl truths and we mus t; eachs eek ours, \oo'hether we agree with foeier o r not .And if one p i ece o r fra grrent o f infonration touches a

s park of truth a t a persona l l evel, then this loiESSllGE bookand lo1eier 's contacts wi l l have served the Ple i adians , ourrea l ancestors , purpose ,With this r e port we have barely s cr atc hed the surface on

the mass o f contact no tes. Perhaps a t sene tiJre in thefut ure , i f there is enough inter est, will go a lit tlefurther into 'Ihe lo1ess age Fran 'Ihe Pleiades .



The next folder following this Concusions contains the original EnglishtraDSbtions of the original Contact Notes in German, which we had so muchtrouble getting accurate and approved by "Billy" Meier himself, who did notwant any of this material published outside of his ori ginal gro up of friends.It is due to our own naive lack of experience that we foolishly took it upon

ou rselves to publish wha t we thought to be the most important informationin the world for the public at la rge. With hindsight we see that thi s may nothave been the best tbing to do, but we have to live with it now.In our original production of these notes we took it upon ou rselves to omit

certain passages that could have offended certain religious sects, or couldhave been.considered libelous in nature. This has come back to haunt us andrequire explanations on our part.In the next folder of original translations of these same notes, from which

our MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADES, Vol. I, was written, you may findthe few missing paragraphs tha t we left out in our version, for whateverreason, as we have now come to the conclusion that the truth will come out inthe long run anyway, and those who take offense will jut have to do as theyplease. If you are turned off by any pa rt of these Contact Notes, they are notfor you anyway.One additional advantage of referring to this folder is the outline of major

subjects covered in the fore part of these tran slations, which may assist onein finding certain subjects of interest in this section of notes.
