menstrual pains & its relief remedies

Menstrual Pain - Causes and Relief Our body goes through a lot of changes especially during our adolescent years. A girl can feel uneasy, awkward, confused and unsure during puberty as she witnesses some physical changes in herself. The first menstruation or rather periods is a sign for a girl entering womanhood. Periods can be a cause of worry if it is painful and irregular. Personally being a gynecologist and women I am putting forward few tips which can be useful, but before that you should be aware of the different menstrual problems- Various menstrual problems: Menstrual Cramps and Pre-menses Tension- Have you ever felt irritated, depressed and nervous? Even your breast seems fuller and there is lower extremity swelling? Sometimes you may have headaches or insomnia. You may wonder what's wrong? Well these are due to hormonal changes and imbalances. Irregular periods- can be caused due to hormonal changes. Painful Periods- Women often have a common problem Dysmenorrhoea medically termed for painful periods. You can feel the pain either immediately when you get your

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This document shares very important and good remedies which can be taken during the menstrual phase.


Page 1: Menstrual pains & its relief remedies

Menstrual Pain - Causes and ReliefOur body goes through a lot of changes especially during our adolescent years. A girl can feel uneasy, awkward, confused and unsure during puberty as she witnesses some physical changes in herself. The first menstruation or rather periods is a sign for a girl entering womanhood. Periods can be a cause of worry if it is painful and irregular. Personally being a gynecologist and women I am putting forward few tips which can be useful, but before that you should be aware of the different menstrual problems-

Various menstrual problems:

Menstrual Cramps and Pre-menses Tension- Have you ever felt irritated, depressed and nervous? Even your breast seems fuller and there is lower extremity swelling? Sometimes you may have headaches or insomnia. You may wonder what's wrong? Well these are due to hormonal changes and imbalances.

Irregular periods- can be caused due to hormonal changes.

Painful Periods- Women often have a common problem Dysmenorrhoea medically termed for painful periods. You can feel the pain either immediately when you get your menses or during the period of flow. Sometimes even few days before your date you might witness pain.

Excessive flow- This is a very common condition. Many women suffer from this menstrual problem. You can become anemic or sometimes even have fibroids. For excessive flow, one should definitely try the coupe menstruelle which are awesome in its own way and is way cheaper than any other preventive products used during menstruation.

Page 2: Menstrual pains & its relief remedies

Stoppage of Periods- Medically known as Amenorrhoea this normally occurs at menopause and when you are pregnant, other than this it's abnormal. The reason can be due to worry, stress, anemic, fright, emotional disturbances, grief, tuberculosis,malformation of the womb after some illness.

Adopt simple measures and watch the difference-We as women often don't give importance to our health. Some of the issues that we face during our periods are completely normal.What we need is a normal balanced food. Try having less junk and oily food during menstruation.Avoide smoking. Drink lots of water and juices and just follow some freehand exercises. Avoid stressful workouts during menses. And the most important have good sleep.

Natural cures and home remedies for menstrual problems-Below are some ingredients which can be very useful for getting relief. These are easily available in the kitchen.

Papaya- For easy flow papaya is a very good fruit. Both ripe and unripe papaya is helpful.

Sesame seeds- Sesame seeds have great medicinal value. A tablespoon of it every day during periods will ensure proper menstrual flow.

Parsley-Parsley increases the menstrual flow and helps in regularizing your periods monthly. It also reduces cramps. Parsley juice should be mixed in carrot, beet and cucumber juice and taken for relief.

Ginger- For painful periods and proper menstrual flow ginger can be very effective ingredient for relief. Ginger can be taken by adding a fresh crushed piece in water and boil it. Sugar can be added for flavor into the mixture and consumed after meal thrice a day.

Page 3: Menstrual pains & its relief remedies

Ayurveda tablets for menstrual problems-Ayurveda medicines are tested to be 100% safe without any side effects. These tablets can cause relief from all your menstrual problems.

Freehand exercises-Some women have the notion that exercise should be avoided during periods but in reality it is important that you do some gentle exercises for flexibility, general fitness and good health. Walking is a good exercise. You can combine it with muscle relaxation exercises, range-of-motion exercises and deep breathing exercises.

Benefits of Yoga -It is been proved that yoga can be very useful in curing many health problems naturally. Even various menstrual problems like heavy bleeding, menstrual cramps, and back pain, abdominal pain can be treated by practicing yoga. Kapalabhati, Anuloma viloma are certain asana which are very helpful.