members at the entrance to fort ·...

01 August 2017 Number 577 Members at the entrance to Fort Glanville Sunday 27th August —the legendary ‘Oxenberry Tiddlers Ride’ 17th 22nd September National Veteran Motorcycle Rally Barossa Valley 1st October VVMCCSA motorcycle only swap meet volunteers required

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Page 1: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


August 2 0 1 7 Num ber 5 7 7

Mem bers at the entrance to Fort Glanville

Sunday 2 7 th August—the legendary ‘Oxenberry Tiddlers Ride’

1 7 th—2 2 nd Septem ber—Nat ional Veteran Motorcycle Rally—Barossa Valley

1 st October—VVMCCSA m otorcycle only sw ap m eet—volunteers required

Page 2: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Adelaide Cycle Refinishers 8281 8804

Call in and see

Jess Hawley at 6 Peacock Rd Para Hills West.

Repairs * Paintwork.

Pin striping to all makes and models. Pickup and delivery


The Club was form ed in 1956, the first of its k ind in Aust ralia, with the object of Preserving, Restor ing and using Veteran, Vintage and Post Vintage Motorcycles.

Mem bership is open to all and owning a suitable m achine is not a pre-requisite.

Machines m anufactured pr ior to January 1 st 1 9 6 6 are eligible for Club Events.

The Club has a st rong fam ily or ientat ion and features m any social act iv it ies as well as Runs and technical help.

The Club m eets on the second Tuesday of each month in the Payneham R&SL Club, 3 6 0 Payneham Road, Payneham com mencing at 8.00 p.m .

Annual Fees are due by the 30 th June each year. A joining fee of $ 1 5 .0 0 is applicable to new m embers.

The Annual Subscript ion is $ 3 5 .0 0 to all mem bers city and country.

I f you require m agazine to be posted to you, an addit ional $10.00 is required (postage to Country m em bers is free) . Em ail opt ion of Smoke Signal is available – contact the editor.

Club Web Page - www.vvm em ail secretary@vvm

Life Mem bers - This in an honour of prest ige, awarded to m embers for m eritor ious service to the club of ten or m ore years.


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 1 6 Com m it tee. PRESI DENT. Brian Forth 8 2 5 1 4 2 1 3 0 4 0 9 5 1 4 2 1 3 VI CE PRESI DENT. Bob Gill 8 2 5 8 4 9 8 2 SECRETARY. Bill Lorim er 8 2 6 5 6 4 6 8 0 4 1 1 5 4 4 3 5 3 secretary@vvm TREASURER. Terry Row e 8 3 3 2 5 9 0 7 CLUB Captain I an Hese 0 4 0 9 0 8 3 4 3 6 LI BRARI AN. Philip Holm es 8 5 6 4 0 2 2 7 RECORDS OFFI CE. Paul Knapp 8 2 4 3 0 1 3 0 0 4 2 1 9 7 3 7 3 3 COMMI TTEE. Daryl Rosser 8 3 2 6 0 6 5 8 0 4 1 9 8 1 7 7 4 5 W ayne Law son 0 4 2 1 6 3 6 3 3 8 Bret t Mitchell 0 4 3 8 3 7 9 7 8 8 Greg Pat terson 8 3 6 3 0 4 9 5

MAGAZI NE EDI TOR. Brian Forth, 1 9 Condada Drive, Banksia Park 5 0 9 1 secretary@vvm Paul Knapp 8 2 4 3 0 1 3 0 0 4 2 1 9 7 3 7 3 3 Printer Trevor Cooke C/ MTA; 0 4 0 0 4 4 7 9 5 2 . Approved Persons ………………..1. Bob Gill (North ) 8 2 5 8 4 9 8 2 secretary@vvm

2 . Phil Jenner ( South ) 0407397445

3 . Paul Knapp ( w estern) 0 4 2 1 9 7 3 7 3 3 4 . Bret t Mitchell ( east ) 0 4 3 8 3 7 9 7 8 8 5 . Jane Clarke . (South) 0 4 0 9 2 3 9 0 7 6 CLUB REGALI A OFFI CER Greg Pat terson SMOKE SI GNAL DI STRI BUTORS Brian Forth, Bob Gill and Bill Lorim er. CLUB PUBLI CI TY Brian Forth— 0 4 0 9 5 1 4 2 1 3 secretary@vvm

Monday-Friday 9-12 noon; Tuesday-Thursday 9-5; Wednesday-Saturday closed

Page 3: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Presidents report.

Mem bers, Last week Glen Hitch long serving member passed away. Glen is seen here with good friend Dean Govan (on his right) —RIP Glen.

At the print ing of this m agazine, 58 m em bers have not paid their 2017-2018 subscript ions which includes 15 m em ber with historic registered vehicles. Please assist us by paying your subscript ions ASAP please.

August 2 7 th—Oxenberry Tiddlers Ride from Oxenberry Wines, well pat ronized by m em bers with a interest ing tour of the VALES —see page 15.

In the July magazine there was a 1960’s club registration form on a 1904 Lewis Precision. Terry Parker provided the following com m ents—Thanks for the Sm oke Signal-often see nam es from the ear ly days. One

is Harold Rosenhain, and what follows is in no way crit ical of him – knew him well. The Lewis was said to be

1904, based I suppose on the com m ent that it was first registered in that year by W H Bowering of North

Adelaide. Regist rat ion started in SA in Septem ber 1906, the first Lewis registered, No. 8 being that of

W Torode, a well publicised enthusiast of the day. I went through the records to No.1000 and no Bowering

appears. Reg. records were not available in the 1950’s and many stories were perpetuated for want of data. Regards Terry Parker

Classic owners are asking that m em bers of VVMCCSA support their for thcom ing event by registering m otor-cycles for the run or stat ic Display. Ent r ies can be m ade at the following link— ht tp:/ / w w w .classicow classics- at - hart /

Brian Forth, President

To the Honourable Secretary 27 June 2017 The Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle Club of South Austra lia inc.

Mr. Bill Lorim er Dear Sir

I’m writing in regard to proposing an alteration to the club Constitution as per Item 16 of the current Const itut ion which is as follows: -

16. Alterat ions to the Const itut ion: Any m em ber wishing to propose any alterat ion or addit ion to the Const itut ion of the Club m ust give not ice in writ ing, signed by five financial full m em bers, at an Annual General Meet ing of the Club or an ext raordinary general m eet ing, stat ing the proposed alterat ion or addit ion. Not ice m ust be repeated at the next General Meet ing of the Club, and at the next General Meet ing subsequent to this, at which General Meet ing a vote shall be taken thereon to elect the proposed alterat ion or addit ion which shall upon being passed by a two thirds m ajority of all financial full m em bers present , becom e part of the Const itut ion of the Club.

Our proposal is to change the wording of I t em 3. Definit ions, Sect ion d) which current ly reads: -

“A post vintage m otorcycle is a m otorcycle em bodying a m ajor it y of com ponents m anufactured

after Decem ber 3 1 st , 1 9 3 0 , and pr ior to January 1 st , 1 9 6 6 . A post vintage m otorcycle is deem ed to

have a birthday on Decem ber 3 1 st of the year of it s m anufacture .”

The proposed alterat ion is to have I t em 3. Definit ions Sect ion d) read as follows: -

“A post vintage motorcycle is a motorcycle embodying a majority of components manufactured after Decem ber 3 1 st , 1 9 3 0 and prior to January 1 st of the year 30 years prior to the current year.”


Gary Jolly

Life Mem ber # 1 3 3

The full financial m em bers proposing this change: -

Tony Morisset ; 102 - Linda Clarke; 157 - Michael Clarke; 364 - Jim MOTTILLO; 17 - Don Tonkin and 82 - Bob Gill.

This m agazine is printed by

Mem bers direct debit to VVMCCSA subs

W estPac Bank BSB 7 3 5 0 0 6

Account num ber 0 7 1 3 6 8

2 0 1 6 Subs—$ 3 5 .0 0 ;

Postage of m agazine ext ra $ 1 5 .0 0 .

State your Nam e and m em bership Num ber

* * * Ment ion subscript ions w hen paying. Em ail w hen paid secretary@vvm

Page 4: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


VVMCCSA Com m it tee Meet ing 2 4 th July 2 0 1 7 , Goodw ood Com m unity Centre .

I n At tendance-Brian Forth, Garry Jolly, Bill Lorim er, Paul Knapp, I an Hese, Bret t Mitchell, Daryl Rosser, Greg Paterson, Terry Rowe and Bill Lorim er. Apology Wayne Lawson.

Brian Forth welcom ed the new m em ber to VVMCCSA com m it tee and glad to see all posit ions have been filled.

Minutes of the last m eet ing were presented as printed in the Sm oke Signal. No Discussion Acceptance m oved Ian Hese Seconded Terry Rowe Carried

Treasurer’s report presented by Terry Rowe. There are approxim ately 58 m em ber un- financial of which 15 have a historic vehicle on the club books. Acceptance m oved Garry Jolly Seconded Paul Knapp Carried

New m em bers. Applicat ion received from Philip de Groot . Acceptance m oved Bret t Mitchell, seconded Daryl Rosser Carried

Correspondence A subs renewal, Bank statem ents from Westpac Bank

Em ails I n and Out 1 From Fred de Bernadinis re. ex USA shipping agent

2 From and to Holdfast Bay re. Moseley Sq display 2018

3 From Brian Forth to B2B Com m it tee re. ent ry fees .

4 From Michelle Moore re. selling price for 1949 Moto Guzzi

5 From Rodney Mc Donald with photo of bike forks for I D

6 From Richard Pudney at Whyalla needs help with the rebuilding of a Tr ium ph Model N 1927

7 From and to Lew Hylton at Classic Owners MC Club re. Hart to Hart r ide and display

8 From Stephen Hooper advising the passing away of Glen Hitch of Wilm ington

9 Not ice of the Concourse de Lem ons com ing to Adelaide in Sept . 2017 Publicat ions received - The Vintage Motorcycle from the UK Acceptance m oved Greg Paterson Seconded Bret t Mitchell Carried

Club Captain report—Runs Rides and Events. Brian Forth reported on the ride- in to Fort Glanville, good weather and very interest ing talk and display of som e of our State History. I an Hese the new Club Captain reported on his aim s and init iat ives to vitalize club runs. 1/ 27th August Oxenberry Winery Ride, Tony Morisset organiser and leader, Sausage sizzle lunch. 2/ 17th Septem ber Barossa r ide to Nuriootpa to view Veteran Rally Bikes 3/ 1st October Club Swapm eet at Balhannah 4/ 15th October Club Hills Ride, Dan Moriarty organiser and leader 5/ 18th Novem ber Scarpantoni Winery r ide.

General Business 1/ VVMCCSA web site has been restored by the provider Jum ba. 2/ I an Hese was asked by Peter Allen to invest igate the possibilit y of the Club purchasing a Defibrillator for the Veteran Rally and beyond, discussed and decided against . 3/ Paul Knapp m oved a m ot ion that the VVMCCSA sponsor a Trophy for an early bike category in the Hart 2 Hart Ride and Display. Seconded Terry Rowe Carried 4/ Garry Jolly suggested the idea of having caterers to provide food for our m eet ing night suppers. Garry will invest igate the opt ions and prices. 5/ Garry Jolly suggested the idea of the club collat ing a Services Directory t o assist m em bers seeking inform at ion and contacts for restorat ion. 6/ Bill Lorim er carried out an init ial m eet ing with SGIC re. the Club insurances, further discussion needed to clarify all points raised. 7/ the Com m it tee then discussed the need for a special m eet ing with all Com m it tee m em bers and all Approved

Persons/ Regist rars to discuss the new legislat ion from DPTI regarding Historic Regist rat ion and the Clubs poli-

cy on the Allowable Modificat ions to vehicles. The proposed date for the special m eet ing is 13th August at a

venue yet to be decided. Meet ing Closed. Bill Lor im er- Secretary

Note—July 2017 magazine I featured a 1960’s VVMCCSA registration form of a 1 9 0 2 Victor- Minerva , m anufactured in Freeling South Aust ralia is st ill a live and w ell here is South Aust ralia. From the present owner, he purchased the m otorcycle as in the photo. Apparent ly the 1st owner was r iding it hom e along Tor-rens Road, pass the old Rowley Park when suddenly a horse ran onto the road from stables near buy, cleaned up the m otorcycle and rider, but unfortunately the horse died at the scene. Apparent ly there is a photos around to prove this incident .

Page 5: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


VVMCCSA General Meet ing 7 2 9 , and AGM—1 1 th July 2 0 1 7 , at Payneham RSL Clubroom s.

Brian Forth chaired the m eet ing.

Visitors- - - - Stephen Sm ith

W ho are W e - Geoff Schaefer, Ron Truscot t , Photo taken at Murray Br idge –Dean Govan has supplied a de-

tails report see page 10.

Minutes of last m eet ing presented as printed in the Sm oke Signal, No discussion Acceptance m oved Marie Hurley Seconded Philip Holm es Carried.

Treasurers Report presented by Terry Rowe, No discussion Acceptance m oved Tony Morisset Seconded Rob Sm yth Carried.

New m em bers. Applicat ion from Dim it ri Econom os was presented with badge and inform at ion book.

Correspondence. Mem bers Logbooks for processing, Com m it tee contact list form from Federat ion Bank statem ent from Westpac Club insurance renewal from SGI C Em ails I n and Out 1 Num erous em ails to and from Website hosts re Crashed site

2 Num erous em ails to and from Leon Mitchell, Peter Allen, and David Radloff re Crashed site

3 Num erous em ails advising com m it tee of paid subs.

4 From David Holbrook re. Club Captain posit ion, prepared to assist

5 From Steve Cram p, has a Tiger Cub T20 for sale . $7500

6 From David Canty re. historic rego of his 1980 Laverda

Publicat ions Received. 1 The Bullet in of the Veteran CCSA

2 The Throt t le Lever from Newcast le

3 The Radiator from the Riverland

4 The Buzzer Box from Model T Ford Club SA

Club Captain report—Runs Rides and Events- . Sponsors day r ide- in was supported by 19 m em bers, a quiet day and well received at each locat ion. 16th July Ride- in (or drive) to Fort Glanville 10am 27th August Oxenberry Winery Tiddlers Ride 17th Sept Ride to Nuriootpa to view Veteran Rally Bikes.

The General Meet ing was suspected for the Annual General Meet ing. All posit ions were declared vacant and Philip Holm es chaired the AGM elect ions.

Annual General Meet ing—elect ion of Com m it tee for 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 as follow s.

President - Brian Forth, nom inated by Colin Behn, seconded by Tony Morisset -Carried Vice President—Garry Jolly, nom inated by Mike Canty, seconded Brian Forth - Carried Secretary- Bill Lorim er, nom inated by Richard Kretschm er, seconded David Holbrook—Carried Treasurer - Terry Rowe, nom inated by Dean Govan, seconded Richard Kretschm er - Carried Records Officer—Paul Knapp, nom inated by Br ian Forth, seconded Bill Lorim er - Carried Librar ian - Philip Holm es, nom inated by Daryl Rosser, seconded Terry Rowe - Carried Club Captain - I an Hese, nom inated by Ian Hese, seconded Bret t Mitchell - Carried Editor - Brian Forth, nom inated by Bret t Mitchell, seconded Paul Knapp - Carried Com m it tee 1 . Greg Paterson, nom inated by Bill Lorim er, seconded Ian Hese - Carried Com m it tee 2 . Wayne Lawson, nom inated by Paul Knapp, seconded Bill Lorim er—carried Com m it tee 3 . Daryl Rosser, nom inated by Rob Sm yth, seconded I an Rounsevell - Carried Com m it tee 4 . Bret t Mitchell, nominated by Dean Govan, Seconded Garry Jolly - Carried Machine Regist rars—com m it tee appointm ent and Authorised by DTPI — Bob Gill, Bret t Mitchell, Paul Knapp, Jane Clarke and Phil Jenner. Elect ions of com m it tee com pleted

General discussion . Garry Jolly and Tony Morisset presented a proposed alterat ion to the const itut ion which is to also be presented at the next two general m eet ings then a vote taken. ( see page 3 for the m ot ion )

Buy Sell and Swap read to m em bers. Meet ing Closed Bill Lorim er- Secretary

1 st October 2 0 1 7 —VMCCSA—sw ap m eet—Balhannah Oval volunteers required—contact Bill Lor im er .

Page 6: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


For Sale.

Ensign beaded edge tyres; sizes—24 x 2 1/4”; 26 x 2 1/2” 26 x 3” and 28 x 3”; replica Chatter-Lea hubs, spokes and r im s; Brian Forth 0409 514213 ;

8 inch headlight r im s—2 only good condit ion & chrom es—$20 each; Volkes a ir filter –good condit ion—$100 and a Norton headlight shell—$50; John Deacon 0417 565882 (July17)

Velocet te sw ing arm assem bly for sale—$139 Bret t Mitchell 0438374788 (July17)

2 0 0 3 Honda VTR 2 5 0 cc tw in , ex condt , tools and m anual, not reg, S/ A YYN-904 $2900; ex Bob Frankham’s, Contact John Byles 82623965 (July17)

1 9 5 5 Trium ph Tiger Cub – one of the first Plunger fram e T20 Cubs built – full restorat ion about 7 years ago – everything works, original elect r ics, gear indicator and lights all work! great bike to r ide. Bike is reg-istered with the Tiger Cub owners club –UK, Reluctant sale as I have too m any bikes and one has to go. $7500 Call Steve Cram p 0418592888 (Aug17)

Dust ing sidecar rear m ount ing $30; John Byles 82623965 (Aug17)

6 volt globes, head light and sm all ones, cheap st ill in the box; Richard Kretschm er 0407744066 (Aug17)

W anted.

Pre W W 1 photographs of m otorcycles and car wanted, can copy and return. Leon Mitchell 8278 5120

BTH m agneto for 1936 Panther lightweight single seater steel st rap m ount ing; Bill Lorim er 8265 6468

1 9 5 5 G8 0 Matchless Wanted a pair of spoked wheels front and rear to suit in a presentable usable condi-t ion. Must have plenty of chrom e left with bearings fit ted but tyres and braking parts not essent ial. Contact either Brian Kuerschner 0418854565 [email protected] .au or David Conway 0400095462 [email protected]

Norton— 1 9 4 7 ES2 I am looking for a kick start lever and gear change lever for m y 1947 ES2 if any one could help m y num ber is 0418759880 Regards Norm Pascoe (July17)

1920’s Douglas parts Wanted—Looking for a com plete Veteran or Vintage Douglas Flat Twin Engine or parts and Two Speed Gearboxes. Also looking for Original Tanks, Tinware, Maggy, Flywheel and Wheels to suit . Thanks Glenn Mckenzie glennm ckenzie66@gm 0421 515 611. (June17)

Panther 6 0 0 cc sloper wanted—John Booker 0419 849934 (May17)

Leather Jacket for sale– size 44; see Regalia Officer at club m eet ings.

1 9 2 0 's BSA flat tank—m otorcycle wanted—Dimit ri on 81720598 or 0411 575 805 (Jun17)

W anted 1 9 5 0 's cyclem otors wanted, eg Vincent Firefly, Cyclem aster, Ducat i Cucciolo. Call Dim it ri on 8172 0598 or 0411 575 805 (July17)

W anted—4 inch a lloy front guard t o suit 21 inch wgeel; Steve Cram p 0418592888 (July17)

1 9 3 2 Trium ph Silent Scout , m ain gear shaft pinion—part Nr A90A; John Deacon 0417 565882 (Aug17) ;

Honda Benley speedo wanted for a early 1960’s, preferable working; Ian Hese 0409083436

(Aug17) .

Lucas Magdyno, wanted 58 tooth fibre gear and

clutch fr ict ion disc; David Holbrook 82635562


‘Wanted’ old helm ets whether full face, Open Face, Jet Type, older Pudding Basin even old Leather Flying helm et types. W anted Dust ing sidecar body only . Anything suitable to m atch chassis we already have. Contact -Contact Brian Kuerschner. 0418854565 - [email protected] .au

Buy, Sell and Sw ap_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Please Note ads w ill run for tw o issues unless requested otherw ise. I f your item is sold before the second issue, please advise the Editor. Full nam e of Seller , Regist rat ion Num ber & / or Engine num ber MUST be provided, otherw ise add cannot be printed. Deadline is the one w eek pr ior to each General Meet ing.

Page 7: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Club Runs & Events. All m em bers/ visitors part icipat ing in Club Runs MUST lodge a Rally Entry Form with the Club

Captain before the event . This ensures that you are covered for Third Party Property and Public

Risk from hom e, on the Run and return to hom e. This is a Club requirem ent . Do not forget to fill

out your Histor ic Regist rat ion Logbook before leaving hom e and always carry that logbook

every t im e you go r iding . This is a legal requirem ent . Enquir ies to Club Capta in—I an HESE.

2 0 1 7 .

August 8 th General Meet ing 7 3 1 —Payneham RSL clubroom s—8pm

2 7 th* * Oxenberry—t iddlers r ide . Organiser by Tony Morisset and the southern boys. 2 9 th Com m it tee m eet ing—7.30pm Goodwood Com m unity Club.

Septem ber

1 2 th General m eet ing 7 3 2 —Payneham RSL clubroom s 8pm . 1 7 th* * Barossa r ide visit ing the Nat ional Veteran Rally HQ . Start point to be advised 1 7 th— 2 2 nd Nat ional Veteran Motorcycle ra lly—based at Nuriootpa caravan park. 2 5 th Com m it tee m eet ing—7.30pm Goodwood Com m unity Club


1 st VVMCCSA—sw ap m eet—Balhannah Oval—volunteers required

1 0 th General m eet ing 7 3 3 —Payneham RSL clubroom s 8pm 1 5 th* * Club r ide— Dan Moriarty organizer 2 3 rd Com m it tee m eet ing—7.30pm Goodwood Com m unity Club

Novem ber 14th General Meet ing 7 3 4 —Payneham RSL clubroom s 8pm 2 6 th* * Scarpantoni Ride –McLaren Flat—Tony Morisset organiser 27th Com m it tee m eet ing—7.30pm Goodwood Com m unity Club

Decem ber 12th General m eet ing 7 3 5 —Christm as Dinner—Payneham RSL. 1 7 th* * Club Ride—possible to a count ry hotel for a m idday m eal

January 9th General Meet ing 7 3 6 — 8pm Payneham RSL Clubroom s– Com m it tee before this m eet ing 7pm . 2 1 st* * Breakfast r ide— possibly to Hahndorf—then a ride to swat m eet , an ent ry fee now required. I nvitat ional Events –t oo num erous to m ent ion, see Com m it tee and General m eet ing m inutes for info . ( These are not VVMCCSA club runs, but m em bers are w elcom e to join them ) .

* * denotes club points on runs & r ide events* *

SW AP MEETS - Any new dates or sw ap m eets please advise editor ,

HAHNDORF- ?? January 2 0 1 8 Victor Harbor ?? February 2 0 1 8 Lockleys school tba 2 0 1 8 BALLARAT – 2 5 - 2 6 - 2 7 February 2 0 1 7 CAMPBELLTOW N – 1 2 th March 2 0 1 7 CLARE– 1 9 th March 2 0 1 7

W OODSI DE – TBA 2 0 1 7 ; NARACOORTE 5 / 6 / 7 May 2 0 1 7 ; SEDAN – ?? June 2 0 1 7 . KAPUNDA- 2 1 st May 2 0 1 7 ; Globe Derby 3 0 th July 2 0 1 7 ; W I LLUNGA – 2 0 th August 2 0 1 7 ; GAW LER - 1 1 Septem ber 2 0 1 7 ; VVMCC MOTORCYCLE ONLY 1 st Oct 2 0 1 7 .

STRATHALBYN – 1 5 Oct 2 0 1 7 ; BENDI GO – 1 2 - 1 3 th Nov 2 0 1 6 ; GAW LER Motorcycle expo - ?? Nov 2 0 1 7 * * plus m any m ore check the w eb site* *

check this site - ht tp:/ / w w w .au/ car.htm

Histor ic Regist rat ion. Please ensure you com plete your new logbooks before leaving hom e and that you carry it w ith you w hen r iding the m otorcycle the book is allocated to. Enquir ies to

Bob Gill 8 2 5 8 4 9 8 2 ( North) - Paul Knapp 8 2 4 3 0 1 3 0 ( w est ) - Jane Clarke 0 4 0 9 2 3 9 0 7 6 ( south) Phil Jenner 0 4 0 7 3 9 7 4 4 5 ( south) - and Bret t Mitchell ( East ) 0 4 3 8 3 7 9 7 8 8

Back- up t ra iler is required every run—Every r ide has to be covered, please contact m e & nom inate. Reim bursem ent of $ 6 0 for pet rol m oney.

Nat ional Veteran Motorcycle Rally—Sunday 17 Septem ber 2017 to Friday 22 Septem ber 2017. Will be based at the Barossa Valley Tourist Park , Nuriootpa.

Web address—ht tp:/ / vvm nvr / Em ail to- nvr@vvm

Page 8: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Fort Glanville tour—Sunday 1 6 th July 2 0 1 7

Kym Moreton ( a L/ Corporal and bugler of the Ft Glanville society) arranged a visit to the Fort during th

fr iends gathered at 1 0 am in the w arm th of ent rance building w here w e received an int roduct ion of thview the m em orabilia , clothing and photographs on display. W e then ventured out in the cold and brisk breezy w ind com ing in off St Vincent Gulf to begin our tourno f ir ing of cannons or m usket or anyone e lse other than us.

W e w alked the ram parts, check out the guns, the store room s used to house shells and explosive locathe officer and m em bers accom m odat ion. Finally w e ventured back to the w arm th of the entrance buiBiscuits w ere provided. On behalf of those w ho at tended, I thanked Kym for m ak ing the Fort available

There is t alk of an open day this year and you never know the VVMCCSA could be invited to have a sta ENTRANTS FOR THE—FT. GLANVI LLE RI DE I N


Nam e Year Make Solo/

Out fit

Peter Arr iola 1 9 5 7 Jam es Solo

Graem e Bart let t 1 9 5 2 Norton Solo Paul Knapp 1 9 5 7 Trium ph Solo Brian Forth 1 9 4 7 AJS Solo Richard Kretschm er 1 9 5 6 Norton O/ Fit

Rob Sm yth 1 9 2 4 AJS Solo John Deacon 1 9 4 9 Norton Solo Colin Behn 1 9 9 6 BMW Solo

Bob Gill 1 9 1 3 BSA Solo Greg Paterson 1 9 6 0 Honda Solo Steve Cram p 1 9 7 3 Trium ph Solo

Sunday 1 6 th July w as the tour of Fort Glanville . 1 0 .0 0 am 1 3 keen m em bers arr ived by bike despite the for som e of us the car w as a safer opt ion.

Approxim ate ly 2 1 people arr ived to explore the fort . Greeted by tw o Fort Glanville volunteers, Kym and admire the 1880 built fort. With the original guns in place and immaculately restored magazines, soldiers’ quarters and court-yards it is obvious the volunteers m ust go to huge efforts m aintaining the st ructure so vulnerable to ocet ion. As w e st rolled through the fort surrounded by huge solid w all and underground buildings w e w er

access to the w hole fort . A rear opportunity to catch a glim pse of the past and how real the threat of a Russian invasion w as. Kyknow ledgeable and answ ered every quest ion asked, obvious his passion for the fort and its w ellbeing obsessive or proud Matchless ow ner.

Kym and Tim both ask that if anybody m aybe interested in becom ing volunteers / m em bers at the forly $ 1 1 .0 0 per year. You w ould be suited up and t rained to be a Fort Glanville soldier and of course f ireally. The constant threat of being sent to the lock up for bad behaviour puts m e off.

Special thanks to all of the volunteers at the fort , especia lly to Kym and Tim for their t im e and effort . WTURN YA HEATERS UP AND KEEP W ARM Regards Jas

Page 9: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


2 0 1 7

their off season. 2 0 m e m bers and

this historical place and a chance to

our . There w ere no Soldier s on display,

ated direct ly below the gun s, check out uilding for w arn tea or coffee and

e to those w ho at tended.

at ic display.

Team Toro, w ish to thanks VVMCCA for our contr ibu-

t ion to Variety. The VVMCCSA logo seen on the r ight rear guard ( also left r ide) of the 1 9 3 7 Buick sedan, the oldest car in the event—Sandra & I an King

e threatening w eather,

nd Tim , w e set off to admire the 1880 built fort. With the original guns in place and immaculately restored magazines, soldiers’ quarters and court-

ocean front deteriora-re lucky enough to have

Kym w as ext rem ely ng is no different than an

fort , m em bership being on-e the cannons occasion-

t . W ell done guys! son Maloney

Page 10: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Who are we?

March m agazine–Hi Brian, I t was a 2 day rally to Murray Bridge, Wellington & St rathalbyn on 5th & 6th Decem ber 1970, there were 26 ent r ies all pr ior to 1930, I rode our 1917 BSA but broke an exhaust valve and didn't finish. I have ident ified in the group photo, the bike riding out is Jeff Schaefer on his 1927 277cc W m odel Trium ph, the bike on the far end looks like it is the late Doug Bennet 's 1929 Norton, from the oth-er end first Harley C15 is Bob Jones 1924, next is Brian Caires C95 1922 Harley, the black out fit is Frank Jarvis 1927 Ariel C50, I think it is Stephen Jarvis ast r ide it with Frank behind. I n those days we often had St John officers t ravelling with us and i think the two on that occasion were Harold Steer, the bigger one, and Bernie Fresney. There were two 1929 Indian scout out fit s and I just cant pick the num ber so it was either Terry Ellingsen or Tom Caires next to the Ariel. I cant ident ify anybody else. The next photo looks like the tall fellow in background is Ray Mann and the group of three are Max Norm an, Tom Caire, hanky on head, and a St John officer whose nam e i don't know, the last photo group are Leslie Jones, Clem Evans handing som ething to Ron Truscot t with Wally Woollat t in background. best I can do. Cheers Dean

St Johns officers at club rally's

Murray Bridge r ide 1 9 7 0

Page 11: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Page 12: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Club runs from the past

Page 13: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


David Jennings

2 0 1 7 I oM sidecar accident

Page 14: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Page 15: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


OXENBERRY W I NERY TI DDLER RUN—2 7 th August 2 0 1 7 , 1 0 .0 0 am . The Oxenberry Winery Tiddler Run will be held on Sunday 27th August 2017. Please gather at t he winery - parking cars and t railers in the block to the left of the winery carpark. Note, Oxenberry W inery is located on Kangarilla Road, McLaren Vale - NOT the Scarpantoni Winery at McLaren Flat ! Each year we wave to a few lost souls who ride past heading to the Scarpantoni prem ises.

From Oxenberry we will head out towards McLaren Flat turning left at Foggo Road to loop back to Twenty -Eight Road and through to Chapel Hill Road. This is probably the m ost scenic road in the area as it passes through vineyards on the left , then a Conservat ion Park. On our r ight is the Onkaparinga Gorge. We eventual-ly j oin back up with Kangarilla Road just outside the township of Kangar illa and then m ake our way via Dash-wood Gully Road to Meadows. Most people are fam iliar with Meadows - there is a good bakery and also two cafes - plenty of opt ions for coffee, cake or a pie. After a short stay in Meadows we will follow Greenhills Road to the outskirts of Macclesfield then loop back through Meadows and onto Brookm an Road for a short run through Kuitpo Forest . At the Kuitpo Rangers' Headquarters we will stop for a brief regroup to catch up with our Marshalls then head over the Willunga Hills via Peters Creek Road. We will return to McLaren Vale through Douglas Gully, Blewet t Springs and Moritz Roads. At Oxenberry a warm sausage sizzle cooked by Jim Mot t illo and crew will await us for just a few dollars. As usual I would great ly appreciate volunteer m arshals - part icularly as we need nine on one st retch of this rally. I f you are able to look after back-up t railer dut ies please contact m e or the Club Captain. Total rally distance is slight ly over 80 kilom et res. Look forward to seeing you there! Cheers,

Tony Morisset 0 4 1 1 8 8 8 3 1 3

Jim ‘Chef’ Mottillo

Corner Marshalls required

Page 16: Members at the entrance to Fort · 2019. 10. 21. · Brian Forth reported on the ride-in to Fort Glanville, good weather


Of undelivered return to— The Veteran & Vintage Motorcycle. Club of S.A. Inc. P O Box 1006 ELIZABETH VALE, SA. 5112.

Mem bers at Ft Glanville

Bob Gill checking his BSA