melbourne's drinking fountains

1. Holmes College 2. William Angliss Insitute of Tafe 3. Victoria University of Technology city campus 4. RMIT buiness 5. College of travel and Hospitality 6. ScottsCollege 7. College of advanced Education 8. Chinese Australian Hisorical Museum 9. Princess Thetre 10. Bourke Street Mall 11. Chinatown 12. City Experience Centre 13. Central Post Office 14. Melbourne Town Hall 15. City Square Areas of Interest in Melbourne Map of Drinking Fountains in Melbourne Drinking fountains located by Melbourne council Drinking fountains that I have also located Key Drinking fountains found also located by Melb. city council Key Original map from: edits made to highlight and add drinking fountains by Haley

Upload: haley-smolenski

Post on 30-Mar-2016




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A map of Melbourne's drinking fountains


Page 1: Melbourne's drinking fountains

1. Holmes College2. William Angliss Insitute of Tafe3. Victoria University of Technology city campus4. RMIT buiness5. College of travel and Hospitality6. ScottsCollege7. College of advanced Education8. Chinese Australian Hisorical Museum9. Princess Thetre10. Bourke Street Mall11. Chinatown12. City Experience Centre13. Central Post Office14. Melbourne Town Hall15. City Square

Areas of Interest in Melbourne

Map of Drinking Fountains in Melbourne

Drinking fountains located by Melbourne council

Drinking fountains thatI have also located

Key Drinking fountains found also located by Melb. city council


Original map from: edits made to highlight and add drinking fountains by Haley