medon – project partner meeting wp5 public outreach / dissemination océanopolis 9 th march...

MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

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Page 1: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

MeDON – Project Partner meeting

WP5 Public Outreach / DisseminationOcéanopolis

9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

Page 2: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

Lycée de l’Harteloire – Brest

L.Stervinou (biology teacher and project Manager)  : ecology – disadvantages such as antifoulingM.Gourmelon (mathematics  teacher) : use of information (including sound / acoustic)M.Jamel (Professor of physics and chemistry) : operation of use sensorsM.Leteure (French teacher) speaking, journalistic articleM.Le Bris (English teacher) : exchange in English with school (currently working on presentation skills)

Friday 4 th of November: Students met Yannick Aoustin and Jean-Philippe Schneider:

Friday 18 th of NovemberLucia Di Ioro met the students in their school.

Action 5.1Educative activities with schools

Page 3: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

Work Package 5 : large dissemination of the project towards the public during public events

Researchers’ Night 2011120 researchers and PhD students - 2233 visitorsa great police investigation, a “speed-searching”, experimentsa special European station with MeDON.

Page 4: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

Action 5.1Film

Page 5: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

Work Package 5 : large dissemination of the project towards the public during public events

The “Fête de la Science”1300 students and 2000 visitors

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Action 5.1Educative activities with schools

Page 7: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France


Action 5.1Educative activities with schools

Page 8: MeDON – Project Partner meeting WP5 Public Outreach / Dissemination Océanopolis 9 th March 2012-Océanopolis, Brest, France

Panel 1 : How do we sense the sea / Observe and monitor the ocean ?

Several methods : Satellites, research vessels, buoys, ROVs, Divers, cabled

observatories, commercial vessels … What type of parameter is monitor, and what for ?

Panel 2 : Medon Cabled observatory The panel is to be displayed on the top of the model Panel : Why chosing Molène Island : the site’s characteristics

Panel 3 : Focus on a case study : Acoustics Sea Bed Activity/ Scalops Boats traffic Ie : Focus on Ensta work

Panel 4 : Who’s working on such a project ? Engineers, acousticiens, biologists, technicians, public outreach &

education, coastal management Touch screen with interviews of these people And 1 film on the Medon observatory.

Action 5.1Exhibition Content

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