meditations,quotes, vol 49

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  • 8/3/2019 MEDITATIONS,QUOTES, Vol 49


    Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN


    NARCOSIA Publishing -2008

  • 8/3/2019 MEDITATIONS,QUOTES, Vol 49



  • 8/3/2019 MEDITATIONS,QUOTES, Vol 49



    Gheorghe Cornel ARDELEAN


    NARCOSIA Publishing



  • 8/3/2019 MEDITATIONS,QUOTES, Vol 49



    CIP description of the Romanian National


    Gheorghe Cornel Ardelean

    ISBN 978-973-88998-0-3

    ISBN 978-606-8048-28-4

  • 8/3/2019 MEDITATIONS,QUOTES, Vol 49



    Urge to read, analyze and apply

    these meditations

    By reading and analyzing the

    meditations of AGC, by applying one

    or more thoughts we will find solutions

    that will help us:

    I. Discover:

    1. qualities;

    2. defects;

    3. capabilities;

    4. skills;5. some opportunities

    to succeed in life;

    6. finding a partner for life;

    7. keeping our marriage;8. discovering our feelings;

    9. discovering our


    10. etc..

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    II. To prevent some:

    1. mistakes;2. accidents;

    3. divorces;

    4. trouble;

    5. bankruptcies;

    6. failures;

    7. conflicts;

    8. etc..

    III. Become:1. more efficient;

    2. happier;

    3. more loved;

    4. more honorable;5. appreciated;

    6. more respected;

    7. more loved;

    8. more organized;

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    9. more optimistic;

    10. more plan;

    11. most active;12. best;

    13. fairer;

    14. more humane;

    15. more unselfish;

    16. popular;

    17. more famous;

    18. etc..

    IV. Come out of:1. the state of lost hope;

    2. the state of pessimism;

    3. the state of despair;

    4. the state of passivity;5. the state of inactivity

    6. etc..

    V. Participate at:

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    1. social life;

    2. political life;

    3. the activity of non-profit organization

    4. etc..

    VI. Find more

    opportunities to meet

    favorable or more

    favorable conditions.

    VII. To let us change ourlives more in better, to

    make it more beautiful.

    VIII. To expand ourchances to find the right

    partner for life.

    IX. To let us realize and to

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    maintain a happy marriage.

    X. To let us raise andeducate our children better,

    to take more care of them.

    I am writing these meditations

    and adding these books, other

    publications and on the Internet, etc..

    because we need them every day and it

    is necessary to apply them so that we

    each achieve what we want: a more beautiful life, a more prosperous and

    happy one. These meditations reflect a

    tiny part of reality, of what would be

    good to be present in real life and inhuman relations.

    I expect good news from you,

    good deeds that you have done

    influenced by the fact that you have

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    read and applied one or more ideas to

    make your life more beautiful, more

    prosperous, more happy and to be positive lively models for others.

    Each of us can become a positive

    new model for those around us thus

    participating in the creation of a better

    human society, of a more prosperous

    one, and a happier one.

    I would be very happy and

    excited if one or more ideas that you

    have read, help you in one way oranother or make you happier, more

    prosperous, etc..

    I wish you all health, happiness

    and the achieving of all things that youwant.

    I expect your news, ideas,

    opinions, troubles and joys, etc..

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    Sincerely, love and with much joy,

    I invite you to visit my site and to write tome at: [email protected]

    Ardelean Gheorghe Cornel


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    VOLUME 49

    1) A positive conception of lifeincreases our credibility.

    2) A positive conception of life helpsus achieve a more beautiful life.

    3) The uncertainty of incomesinfluences our life in a negative way.

    4) The uncertainty of incomes affectsour efficiency.


    Those who discover unique ways towork efficiently for a better life have more

    chances to achieve their own happiness.

    6) Those who discover unique ways towork efficiently for a better life have more

    chances to achieve their personal goals.7) Those who discover unique ways towork efficiently for a better life increase

    their credibility.

    8) Those who know how to take

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    advantage of the opportunity of creation

    increase their ability to achieve their own

    happiness.9) Those who know how to takeadvantage of the opportunity of creation

    have more chances to maintain their

    efficient collaborations.

    10) Those who control circumstanceshave more chances of achieving their

    desired future.

    11) Those who control circumstanceshave a greater ability to participate in

    creating their future.

    12) Those who control surroundingshave more chances to meet favorable


    13) Those who know that discipline isthe key of the future know that theexchange of information is useful.

    14) Those who know that discipline isthe key to the future have a greater ability

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    to achieve true friendships.

    15) Those who know that discipline isthe key of the future have a greatercapacity of becoming more credible.

    16) Those who have had bettereconomical and social conditions can

    more easily find a right partner for life.

    17) Those who have had bettereconomical and social conditions can

    obtain information on a lot easier.

    18) Those who are oriented towardsuccess achieve social relations a lot


    19) Those who are oriented towardsuccess have a larger contribution in

    achieving greater good.

    20) Those who live their lifepassionately must be promoted.21) Those who live their life

    passionately have the ability to prevent

    many failures.

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    22) Those who create occasions todevelop must be appreciated.


    Those who have opportunities todevelop have a greater capacity to

    contribute to global humanization.

    24) Those who expand their positiveexperience achieve efficient co operations.

    25) Those who expand their positiveexperience maintain their efficient co


    26) Those who expand their positiveexperience are more credible.

    27) The need to succeed sometimesleads to finding the right partner for life.

    28) The need to succeed leads tosuccesses.

    29) Most of those who wander withoutthe purpose in life maintain a happymarriage a lot harder.

    30) The ability to consciously chooserequires a great exchange of information.

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    31) Most of those who have the abilityto consciously choose have the ability to

    select a happy marriage.32) Most of those who have thecapacity of consciously choosing prevent

    many mistakes.

    33) An enterprising spirit is an engineof development in all areas of activity.34) An enterprising spirit increases ourability to achieve personal objectives.

    35) An enterprising spirits increases ourability to find the right partner for life.

    36) Efficient people must beappreciated.

    37) Efficient people in positive actionshave more chances to achieve a happy life.

    38) The sense of quality helps us avoidmistakes.39) The sense of quality increases ourchances of achievement.

    40) The sense of quality increases our

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    ability to make quality actions.

    41) Constructive thinking must beappreciated.42) Constructive thinking does notaccept the non-abiding of human rights.

    43) People who respect theircollaborators develop their confidence in

    the future.44) Those who are involved in more

    projects have a greater ability to succeed

    in life.

    45) Those who are involved in many projects have more chances to achieve

    their own happiness.

    46) Most of those who are involved inmore projects meet more favorable

    situations.47) People who can control theiremotions have a greater ability to achieve

    their desired future.

    48) People who control their emotions

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    have a greater capacity to create a happy



    Solving problems through positivemethods contributes to increasing our trust

    in our own forces.

    50) Solving problems through positivemethods increases our ability to achieve a

    happy marriage.51) Those who are remarkably giftedhave the ability to achieve their own


    52) Those who are remarkably giftedhave the sense of responsibility.

    53) Those who are remarkably giftedare flexible.

    54) Those who are remarkably giftedtake good rapid decisions.55) People who have had successesmostly have the sense of organization.

    56) People who have had successeshave the sense of sensibility.

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    57) People who have had successeshave the sense of flexibility.


    People who have had successeshave known how to cope with many


    59) People who have had successeshave stored favorable situations.

    60) People who have had successeshave reacted with understanding.

    61) A broad picture createsopportunities of participation in major


    62) A broad picture must be valorized.63) A broad picture helps achieve future


    64) A broad picture helps us achieveour personal goals.65) Those who have high objectives inlife also have the sense of self control.

    66) Those who have high objectives inlife are sociable.

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    67) Most of those who have the abilityto react with understanding solve

    problems through constructive methods.68) The majority of those who have theability to react with understanding are


    69) The sense of achieving quality ineverything we do is an engine of progressin all areas.

    70) The sense of achieving quality ineverything we do develops our preventive


    71) The sense of achieving quality ineverything we do contributes to achieving

    the greater good.

    72) The sense of achieving quality ineverything we do maintains our maturelove.

    73) The sense of achieving quality ineverything we do helps us obtain a happy


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    74) People with human social behaviorssolve problems through positive methods.


    People with human social behaviorshave a long-term thinking.

    76) People with human social behaviorsdevelop their efficient co operations.

    77) People with human social behaviorshave a greater ability to achieve their ownhappiness.

    78) People with human social behaviorsmust be supported.

    79) People with human social behaviorsobtain efficient co operations.

    80) People with no hopes for the futuremust develop their humanist ideas.

    81) People with no hopes for the futuremust form and develop their preventivethinking.

    82) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who are


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    83) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have a

    constructive thinking.84) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have a

    long-term thinking.

    85) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who havehumanist life conceptions.

    86) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who find

    solutions to solving all problems.

    87) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those with a positive


    88) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have thesense of efficient communication.

    89) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have

    positive social relations.

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    90) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have

    trusted them.91) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have

    become optimistic.

    92) People with no hopes for the futureneed to connect with those who have theability of rapid perception.

    93) People who have been in prisonrightfully are wrongfully, if, after they

    have been released, they have managed to

    succeed, they must be taken as an


    94) People who have not succeeded informing a happy marriage must develop

    the sense of responsibility.95) People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must solve

    problems through positive methods.

    96) People who have not succeeded in

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    making a happy marriage must develop

    their constructive thinking.


    People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must understand

    that a happy marriage is not a thing of


    98) People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must overcomethe difficult moments.

    99) People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must participate

    in global efficient co operations.

    100) People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must assure

    their incomes.

    101) People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must persevere.102) People who have not succeeded inmaking a happy marriage must develop

    their efficiency.

    103) Positive behaviors must be

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    104) Positive behaviors help to succeed.105)

    Positive behaviors contribute toglobal humanization.

    106) Positive behaviors develop thesense of organization.

    107) People who know how to takequality decisions must be rewarded.108) People who know how to takequality decisions achieve great successes.

    109) People who know how to takequality decisions obtain efficient global co


    110) People who know how to takequality decisions achieve their personal


    111) People who know how to takequality decisions must be appreciated.112) People who know how to takequality decisions achieve outstanding


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    113) People who know how to takequality decisions react with trust.


    People who have the ability to prevent possible mistakes have their own

    value system.

    115) People who have the ability to prevent possible mistakes have an

    enterprising sense.116) People who have the ability to

    prevent possible mistakes efficiently

    manage their time.

    117) People who have the ability to prevent possible mistakes identify

    favorable situations.

    118) People who have the ability toprevent possible mistakes have an efficient

    thinking.119) People who have the ability to

    prevent possible mistakes have a positive


    120) People who have the ability to

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    prevent possible mistakes achieve their

    own happiness.


    People who have the ability toprevent possible mistakes achieve efficient

    co operations.

    122) People who have the ability to prevent possible mistakes obtain happy

    marriages.123) People who have the ability to

    prevent possible mistakes achieve efficient


    124) People who have the ability to prevent possible mistakes find their right

    partner for life.

    125) People who have the ability to prevent possible mistakes can achieve a

    happy life.126) People who want to obtain successmust form and develop their positive


    127) People who want to obtain success

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    must form and develop their constructive



    People who want to obtain successmust form and develop their personality.

    129) People who want to obtain successmust form and develop the ability to

    resolve problems through positive

    methods.130) People who want to obtain successmust form and develop the ability to

    motivate people.

    131) A great capacity of assuming thenecessary risks for achieving great

    successes helps us become more


    132) Pessimism can be removed andreplaced with optimism also through thecontribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    astute behavior.

    133) A great capacity of using abilities

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    helps us become loved.

    134) A great capacity of self-surpassinghelps us maintain our way of beingunderstanding.

    135) A great capacity of making peoplemore optimistic must be a model.

    136) A great capacity of continuouslyenhancing performances helps us becomehumane.

    137) In achieving our successes acontribution is also brought by the

    formation, development, maintenance and

    usage of tolerant behavior.

    138) A great capacity of anticipatinghelps us achieve more favorable


    139) In order to escape poverty it isnecessary to also form, develop, maintainand use attachable behavior.

    140) A great capacity of anticipatinghelps us maintain our way of being

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    141) A great capacity of teaching peoplehelps us become loving.142) Confidence in ourselves helps us

    become preventive.

    143) Obtaining more and greatersuccesses can be achieved also through the

    contribution of the formation,development, maintenance, usage of a

    persevering behavior.

    144) A great capacity of making peoplemore optimistic helps us become more


    145) A great capacity of using availableideas must be used.

    146) A great capacity of using eachfailure to achieve successes helps us

    become productive.

    147) A great capacity of maintaining a positive efficient own lifestyle helps us

    become optimistic.

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    148) A great capacity of remaininginvolved in the same area with even

    greater objectives helps us maintain ourway of being loving.

    149) The self efficient use of our timehelps us become initiating.

    150) Will helps us become constant.151) Our happiness depends a lot also onthe formation, development, maintenance

    and usage of daring behavior.

    152) A great capacity of using abilitiesmust be appreciated.

    153) Responsibility helps us becomepersevering.

    154) Aspiring towards a moremeaningful life can also be achieved

    through the formation, development,maintenance and usage of humane


    155) The desire to be grand helps usbecome productive.

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    156) A great capacity of beingconvincing helps us become more loved.


    A great capacity of dealing with pressures, no matter how great they are,

    helps us maintain our humanity.

    158) A great capacity of continuouslyovercoming boundaries helps us maintain

    our way of being liked.159) A great capacity of being flexiblehelps us become more preventive.

    160) A great capacity of establishinggreat personal goals must be supported.

    161) Problems cannot be solved by theideas that created them but also through

    the contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    cheerful behavior.162) A great capacity of using qualitieshelps us become optimistic.

    163) A great capacity of remaininginvolved in the same area with even

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    greater objectives helps us maintain our

    way of being loved.


    A great capacity of analyzing asituation logically must be rewarded.

    165) The obstacles that prevent us fromachieving our personal goals can be

    surpassed also through the contribution of

    the formation, development, maintenanceand usage of understanding behavior.

    166) Communication helps us becomeconsequent.

    167) In order to prevent not achievingour personal goals, it is necessary to also

    form, develop, maintain and use our

    pleasant behavior.

    168) Responsibility helps us becomeorganized.169) We can overcome the difficultiesthat we must overcome also through the

    help of the formation, development,

    maintenance and usage of consequent

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    170) Obtaining more and greatersuccesses can be achieved also through thecontribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance, usage of a

    willful behavior.

    171) Will helps us become productive.172) A great capacity of adopting visionsmust be maintained.

    173) A great capacity of continuouslyenhancing performances helps us maintain

    our way of being liked.

    174) Confidence in ourselves helps usbecome perfectionists.

    175) A great capacity of working hardhelps us become productive.

    176) Adaptation helps us maintain theway of being cautious.177) Our own happiness can be achievedand maintained also through the

    contribution of the formation,

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    development, maintenance and usage of a

    behavior of being inclined towards

    research.178) Aspiring towards a moremeaningful life can also be achieved

    through the formation, development,

    maintenance and usage of perfectionist

    behavior.179) We can overcome the difficultiesthat we must overcome also through the

    help of the formation, development,

    maintenance and usage of continuous self

    motivating behavior.

    180) A great capacity of continuouslyenhancing performances helps us become

    more optimistic.

    181) A great capacity of preventingsituations of being deceived helps usbecome more tolerant.

    182) Problems cannot be solved by theideas that created them but also through

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    the contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    friendly behavior.183) The desire to be grand helps usbecome more preventive.

    184) Rather than lamenting that we donot have successes it is more useful to also

    form, develop, maintain and use daringbehavior.

    185) Self-imposed discipline helps usbecome charitable.

    186) A great capacity of being popularhelps us become more enthusiastic.

    187) A great capacity of achieving whatwas proposed helps us maintain our


    188) A great capacity of using availableideas helps us achieve more efficient cooperations.

    189) Continuous self-motivation helps usbecome creative.

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    190) Rather than lamenting that we donot have successes it is more useful to also

    form, develop, maintain and usecommunicative behavior.

    191) A great capacity of remaininginvolved in the same area with even

    greater objectives must be a model.

    192) We can become stronger and wecan not allow ourselves to be influenced

    by the world also through the contribution

    of the formation, development,

    maintenance and usage of realistic


    193) A great capacity of using eachfailure to achieve successes helps us

    achieve more performances.

    194) A great capacity of succeeding inevery way helps us become morepreventive.

    195) A great capacity of creating onesown safety helps us become loving.

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    196) A great capacity of doing what isbest must be imitated.


    Our happiness depends a lot also onthe formation, development, maintenance

    and usage of sensitive behavior.

    198) A great capacity of being popularhelps us maintain our efficiency.

    199) Our happiness depends a lot also onthe formation, development, maintenance

    and usage of decent behavior.

    200) The solutions to the problems wehave or that we want to solve can be found

    also through the contribution of the

    formation, development, maintenance and

    usage of diplomatic behavior.

    201) In order to rise up once again for thefirst time for the who knows what time itis necessary to also form, develop,

    maintain and use animated behavior.

    202) In order to prevent failures it isnecessary to also form, develop, maintain

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    and use energetic behavior.

    203) Perseverance helps us becomeunderstanding.204) Some mistakes can be preventedalso through the contribution of the

    formation, development, maintenance and

    usage of astute behavior.

    205) Our happiness depends a lot also onthe formation, development, maintenance

    and usage of enthusiastic behavior.

    206) Our own happiness can be achievedand maintained also through the

    contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    peaceful behavior.

    207) A great capacity of positivelyinfluencing people helps us becomeenthusiastic.

    208) We can prevent some failures alsothrough the contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

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    continuous self efficient behavior.

    209) Communication helps us becomevoluble.210) Pessimism can be removed andreplaced with optimism also through the

    contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    humane behavior.211) A great capacity of forming a

    positive own lifestyle helps us maintain

    our way of being cautious.

    212) Will helps us become tenacious.213) A great capacity of learning how toachieve personal goals helps us maintain

    our way of being loved.

    214) We can prevent the falling apart of ahappy marriage also through thecontribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    stable behavior.

    215) Optimism helps us become

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    216) Release from our self-imposedrestrictions can be made also through thecontribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    confident behavior.

    217) A great capacity of preventingsituations of being deceived helps usmaintain our way of being loving.

    218) A great capacity of being flexiblehelps us become more efficient.

    219) A great capacity of using each personal mistake to achieve successes

    helps us become more practical.

    220) A great capacity of using eachfailure to achieve successes helps us

    maintain our productivity.221) A great capacity of continuous self

    perfection helps us maintain our tolerance.

    222) Our own happiness can be achievedand maintained also through the

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    contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    decisive behavior.223) Self-imposed discipline helps usbecome reserved.

    224) Our resistance to changing for the better can be overcome also through the

    contribution of the formation,development, maintenance and usage of

    meticulous behavior.

    225) Confidence in ourselves helps usbecome analytic.

    226) We can form, develop and maintainthe state of being ourselves also through

    the contribution of the formation,

    development, maintenance and usage of

    an altruistic behavior.227) A great capacity of managing lifehelps us become wise.

    228) Communication helps us becomesturdy.

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    229) A great capacity of succeeding inevery way helps us maintain our wisdom.


    A great capacity of positivelyinfluencing people helps us become


    231) Obtaining more and greatersuccesses can be achieved also through the

    contribution of the formation,development, maintenance, usage of a

    consequent behavior.

    232) A great capacity of teaching peoplehelps us maintain our humanity.

    233) In order to rise up once again for thefirst time for the who knows what time it

    is necessary to also form, develop,

    maintain and use tenacious behavior.

    234) We can become stronger and wecan not allow ourselves to be influencedby the world also through the contribution

    of the formation, development,

    maintenance and usage of self confident

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    235) Will helps us become audacious.236)

    Positive experience can be achievedalso through the contribution of the

    formation, development, maintenance and

    usage of tenacious behavior.

    237) Continuously making ourselvesefficient helps us achieve more


    238) In order to escape poverty it isnecessary to also form, develop, maintain

    and use popular behavior.

    239) A great capacity of beingunderstanding with people helps us

    achieve more personal goals.

    240) Continuous self perfection helps usbecome attachable.241) A great capacity of anticipatinghelps us maintain our efficiency.

    242) Our future can be projected andachieved also through the contribution of

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    the formation, development, maintenance

    and usage of unpretentious behavior.


    A great capacity of drawingattention must be appreciated.

    244) In achieving our successes acontribution is also brought by the

    formation, development, maintenance and

    usage of intellectual behavior.245) A great capacity of rapid instructionhelps us maintain our optimism.

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    About the author and his ideas

    Hmm ... I do not know where to begin. It is difficult to really know

    someone. Often, the person on whom

    you stopped is difficult to decipher.

    That is not the case of Gheorghe

    Cornel Ardelean. From the first

    moment I knew and he got my


    I recognized him immediately

    from the descriptions made by hiscolleagues: "One small, with white

    haired man with many books and

    newspapers in his hand, they said. My

    curiosity pushed me to address him,cheerful, open; he began to talk to me

    as if we knew each other for years. A

    person opened both to dialogue as well

    as current jokes. I got to know him

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    even better when we met at Club

    Central. A nice company as long as

    you succeed not to be attracted in that part of the discussion where his future

    plans are. Plans that are repeated

    endlessly become a burden for the

    people around him. Not because it

    would be something wrong in what he

    says but through their very


    On several occasions I have read

    some of his meditations, others have been published in the magazine

    "Freedom in Thought".

    By their simplicity and the fact

    that they expresses absolute truths, forthose who do not take seriously the

    writings of Cornel Gheorghe Ardelean

    they may seem indeed to read seriously

    what to write, I bet they will find

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    among the apparently simple lines, a

    message equal to a person who has

    suffered enormously because ofhuman and system injustices.

    The cry of a man eager for more,

    eager for simplicity, for the truth and

    for a Utopia, wishful of a perfect


    If even 10% of what he writes

    would be put into practice by us, then

    certainly we would set ourselves and

    with others at the same time.Surprisingly, nobody sees that Cornel

    Gheorghe Ardelean even puts into

    practice what he writes, which means

    that he really believes it.With an analytical style

    impossible to confuse, Mr. Cornel

    Gheorghe Ardelean is successful in a

    few lines and penetrates into the

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    essence of truth. By this thinking, he is

    venturing into an area still unexplored

    in specialized literature.Specialized topics are part of the

    absolute truths that each of us have

    deep within our being, so

    acknowledged, so obvious, so natural

    that no one has ventured to put them

    on paper.

    But surely there will be many

    who, after reading and rereading these

    absolute truths will solve many of the problems of their existence. The

    novelty that makes Cornel Gheorghe

    Ardelean stand out besides putting on

    paper a well-known truth, is that it alsoleads to problem solving. It is a

    promising start in an area of astute

    competition and often an unscrupulous


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    I wish you success Mr. Ardelean

    and may these meditations help as

    many people as possible. Do not giveup, continue on the path that you have

    chosen and maybe in the nearer or

    further future the world will be at least

    5% as you want it to be.

    Do not give up ... We ... only a

    few, I must admit, we are beside you.


    Graduate of the Academy of Theater

    and Film

    Former journalist of the national

    newspapers and Romania Libera,Evenimentul Zilei, was Her Majesty's

    Paul of Romanias adviser

    a businessman resident in Italy

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    Gheorghe Cornel

    Ardelean Writer (66

    books written in English,

    66 in Romanian,7 edited)born 03rd.11.1954, in

    Macea, Arad County,


    [email protected]

    www.ardeleancornel.euI have known the economist Cornel Ardelean

    for dozens of years, as a guy that outraged the

    thought of some who did not believe in his ideas,

    innovative, simply put but with a long and efficient

    duration. After the Revolution he proved that he is

    indeed a good economist by founding the first smallenterprise of Arad County, in the year 1990 of the

    post-communist age.

    I have always been by Cornel Ardeleans

    side, never ceasing to believe that the man can rise

    above his time if he wishes to and if he has the

    potential to do it.


    President of the Writers League of Romania

    Arad Branch

    ISBN 978-973-88998-0-3

    ISBN 978 606 8048 28 4