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People are sweating and bathing in minerals all around the world! And they have been doing so for thousands of years. Why? In this article, we're going to talk about the benefits of these delightful rituals, and how and where you can get involved.


According to Dr. Mercola, sweating is really important for the health of your skin, but it's also promotes relaxation and helps with stress relief. What else? Well, sweating also:

• Help your body expel toxins• Helps your body control your internal temperature and stops you

from getting too hot• Clears out your pores, reducing acne and blackheads• Improves your circulation

Dr. Mercola states that men who used a Finnish-style, dry heat sauna every day cut their risk of death from a fatal heart problem by half when compared to men who only went once a week. So you could also improve your heart health while relaxing at the sauna.

Now let's look at some of the best way to sweat and bath in minerals.


Jucuzzis were invented by the Jacuzzi brothers, who were born in the late 1800s and raised in northern Italy. The eldest was actually an inventor who took to aviation design in his early career but wound up inventing a pump to move water with water towards the end of his life.

After his death, his brother developed the idea further. His son was suffering from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). The hydrotherapy offered by a Jacuzzi warmed up his body and joints, making them more flexible and provided pain relief.

Jacuzzis also ease sore, achy muscles after a workout, improve sleep quality and help you relax.

Sweating and

Bathing in Minerals

around the World


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Does your Jacuzzi need some mineral action? Why not add a combination of Epsom salts, sea salt, ground ginger, baking soda and apple cider vinegar for a mineralizing, detoxifying soak?


Where did folk enjoy sweating and bathing in minerals before fire, when people ate their food 100% raw and saunas didn't exist? Cue hot springs! These soothing waters, with their dramatic landscapes, all natural areas that have some immense healing properties. Where are some of the best ones?

Pamukkale, Denizli: T u r k e y

You'll find this blindingly-white-turquoise fountain below the Heiropolis ruins. It's a 17-tier pool overlooking the city.

Termas Geometricas: P u c o n , C h i l e

At the bottom of a canyon in the middle of Villarica National Park, is this Asian-inspired hot spring with 20 pools, two cooling waterfalls and some nice facilities. Ah, the wonders of the world.

The Blue Lagoon: G r i n d a v i k , I c e l a n d

This is everyone's favorite place to take a picture, and a geothermal lagoon in the country's black lava fields. It's rich in mineral salts, sulfur and silica. The Blue Lagoon makes for a superbly healing location.

Takaragawa Onsen: G u n m a , J a p a n

The Japanese onsen is famous in Japan, and this is one of the most scenic: dwarfed by mountains and trees, the four outdoor baths are located right by a brook once frequented by samurais and shoguns. These waters are said to heal wounds, and improve circulation and arthritis.


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There are numerous types of sauna out there on the market.

For starters, there's the traditional wet Finnish-style sauna, which uses hot stones. The heat source is usually a fire or electricity, and it's good for your respiratory health because of the steam, according to David Wolfe. Try adding an essential oil to the water you add for optimal benefits.

Dry Finnish saunas are heated on the inside like a large oven, but they also heat the body from the outside, just like the wet variety!

Infrared saunas actually start heating you up from inside! They're great for treating bacterial and viral infections and detoxing the body. They don't need to be as hot as general saunas, and use less energy, says Dr. Mercola.

High EMF saunas, or electrical saunas aren't healthy for your body. That's why we have ground technology, of course – to try and mitigate the damage caused by EMFs. If you want to test for EMFs, meters cost between $100-200 (USD).

10-15 minutes is the optimum length of time you should spend in a sauna per session.


In ancient times, public bathing facilities included saunas, massages and relaxation therapies, like your modern-day spa. They were also great for your social life, used as places to meet and socialize, among other things!

The earliest public baths were found in the ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization, but evidence of their use has been found in ancient Greek, Roman, Ottoman (Turkish), Japanese, Indonesian and Russian history.

Where are some of the best ones?

Cagaloglu Hamami: I s t a n b u l , T u r k e y

Opened around 1741, this was the last hamami built under the Ottoman Empire. Florence Nightingale is believed to have bathed there.


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Porchester Spa: L o n d o n , U . K .

This spa receives more than 26,000 visitors every year, and it was built in 1929. It now contains two steamy Russian relaxation rooms, three Turkish hot rooms, a new Finnish sauna cabin and an Ice Cold Plunge Pool.

Yrjonkadun Swimming Hall: H e l s i n k i , F i n l a n d

These Roman baths combine elegant and historic, with the three saunas and the art deco pool from around 1928. There's a schedule for women and another for men, and you can swim without any bathing suit on!

Jigokudani Onsen: J a p a n

There are many onsen to choose from in Japan, but this one combines the healing powers of the onsen waters with a little wildlife: in winter, the snow monkeys, or Japanese macaques, play in the water and surrounding snow. There's a spot for humans 400 yards downstream.


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And if you're suffering from any of the following symptoms, you could be dealing with a case of colon dysfunction, per Andreas Moritz, author of the book The Liver and Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse:

• Neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain or pain in the lower stomach area (particularly the left side, in the region of the descending colon)

• Digestive problems, IBS/colitis, Crohn's disease, constipation, diarrhea and/or bloating

• Fatigue, brain fog or sluggishness• Skin problems, like acne.


Some health experts, like Angela A. Lansford of The Colon Therapists Network, claim that all sickness begins in a toxic colon. This could be due to the fact that colon problems can cause nutrient deficiencies, specifically mineral deficiencies, says Andreas Moritz.

Andreas Moritz also states that a weak, irritated, congested colon is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Their job, he says, is to break down potentially harmful waste material. However, a side effect of this life-saving exercise is that the microbes produce poisonous substances.

According to Moritz, processed food can do several things in the colon, including:

• Fermenting, rotting and hardening, providing the perfect breeding ground for parasites and pathogens. Toxic chemicals that pollute the blood, lymph and organs are happily stored there as a result. This waste is often called mucoid plaque.



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• Forming a barrier, which prevents the absorption of nutrients within the colon

• Preventing your colon walls from moving your digested food along so it can be expelled.


So how should you feel once you have a squeaky-clean colon? Here are the main benefits, according to Dr. Edward Group:

• Increased energy and concentration• Weight loss• Better general colon health and more effective digestion• Whole body detox

Shelagh Braley, who wrote an article on the benefits of colon cleansing for Gaiam Life, also claims that cleaning up your bowls also increases fertility, since fat is estrogen-based, and if too much is present in the body, it's more difficult to get pregnant.

Braley also points out the fact that buildup in the colon can also press on the uterus and surrounding reproductive organs in the female body, causing strain. She notes that many naturopaths recommend that both partners do a colon cleanse before attempting to conceive.

LaDonna Braun was able to conceive naturally at 48 as a raw foodist. Braun refers to Dr. Gabriel's book Conscious Eating. In this book, Dr. Gabriel Cousens states that, ¨Human pre-pregnancy and prenatal nutrition has the potential to minimize the influence of heredity.¨ So there really are many benefits to colon cleansing. Now let's have a look at how you can go about it.


Whether you choose to see a colon hydrotherapist or buy and use a colema board or enema bag, using water to cleanse the colon is often a very effective method of cleansing your colon.


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According to the Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists, during a colon hydrotherapy session, warm, filtered water is introduced into your colon through a small tube that is gently inserted into your behind. All waste is drained away discreetly in a closed system with absolutely no mess or odors. The Hippocrates Health Institute website states that colonics help re-tone and reshape the colon, and the entire therapy is both relaxing and effective.

Enemas are great for use at home, and a range of herbs and other good stuff can be added to create different effects, like milk and salt or eucalyptus and lemon juice to help remove parasites. The popular coffee enema can reduce levels of systemic toxicity by up to 700 percent, according to a study by the National Research Council, documented here.

Colema boards were designed to simplify the self-administration of an enema at home, and the experience is like a mixture between a colonic and an enema. Check out how they work in this neat demonstration.


Also recommended by the author Moritz, Epsom salts are a laxative that cleanse the colon and the small intestine. In his book, Moritz says that you can mix 1 teaspoon of oral Epsom salt with 1 glass of warm water and drink it first thing in the morning for three weeks. It will usually flush out everything within one hour. Are Epsom salts a safe laxative? They have been approved by the FDA. Here's more information on this and Epsom salts' use during constipation.


These brand names are both used to describe products that introduce oxygen into the intestines to neutralize toxins and cleanse your digestive tract. They are easy to use and worth experimenting with if you're interested in doing a spring clean of both your large and small intestines gently. Check out the products here.


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Herbal cleanses combine ingredients from nature that gently stimulate your own body's digestive tract to expel mucoid plaque, toxins, parasites and other unwanted nasties. The formulas out there may contain any or a mixture of the following:

• Bentonite clay, which is thought to pull old waste from the bowel

• Psyllium, which is a bulking agent that increases water content in the stool to improve regularity.

• Ginger root, to reduce flatulence and improve digestion

• Buckthorn bark, which is a milk laxative and stimulates peristalsis

• Milk thistle, to protect the liver from invasive toxins.


According to Dr. Mercola, castor oil is broken down into ricinoleic acid in your small intestine, which irritates the intestinal lining. This is how it reverses constipation, but it may also cause digestive discomfort, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal side effects. If you don't want to put it into your body via the mouth, why not try a castor oil pack?


There are many ways to cleanse the colon, and with the increasing amount of toxins in our environment, periodically cleansing in this way can give your body a helping hand at processing and eliminating them and keeping your healthy.




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According to the Health Wyze Report, most sources estimate that 85% of Americans have parasites. The late Dr. Hulda Clark, an expert on parasitology, says we all have them. She found Ascaris eggs and larvae, for example, in all young children tested with her specialist equipment.


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Not only do they nibble away at the nutrients we put into our body, they also cause a wide range of interesting symptoms, including palpitations, difficulty sleeping and food allergies. Dr. Clark claimed that parasites play a key role in all disease, even the common cold.

Since most doctors are not trained in the treatment of parasites, you could be unwell for a long time and either get the cold shoulder from physicians, or an incorrect diagnosis, like depression. Most doctors will only diagnose you with a parasite infection if they show up in tests, but parasites can go unnoticed for a long time, silently doing their damage inside your body.

What's the answer? To take control, some recommend a parasite cleanse every six months as a minimum. You can also prevent their build up by introducing anti-parasitic foods and herbs into your daily diet, creating an unfriendly environment they won't want to live in. Here are some foods, herbs, spices and other techniques you can use in your arsenal against these health-destroying creatures.

H E R B S & S P I C E S


Ever noticed how traditional dishes in tropical regions contain more spices? This practice comes from ancient indigenous wisdom and goes back thousands of years, but ginger's benefits are also now backed up by modern science -- particularly its action against heartworm. It has more than 40 pharmacological actions: here are just a few. It's worth popping into everything and anything to prevent the wriggly worms from getting comfortable in that precious body of yours.


Cinnamon is an anti-parasitic, warming spice that creates an environment parasites won't like. Add it to desserts, drinks or as part of a spice blend, and make the most of its healing powers.


Neem is an Ayurvedic herb used in India for thousands of years, and it's one of the most effective anti-parasite treatments in the herbal kingdom according to Dr. Kulreet

Chaudhary. One of its main benefits is its toxin-removal power, which is vital when you consider that when parasites die, they can severely burden your system, particularly your liver.

Black Walnut

This herb is a recognized vermifuge (which means it kills parasites!), and contains high concentrations of tannins, natural iodine, and compounds like juglone. These natural chemicals are believed to behind black walnut's slimy worm eradication powers. You can even make a pesto out of it!


Fennel is known to be antiparasitic and antifungal, so it helps with shunning Candida albicans, but it also helps to remove and expel the wigglies and their wastes, like neem. It makes for a nice tea, too, making it a great ally during a cleanse, when it's easy to get dehydrated.



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Wormwood is a bitter herb with a long history of medicinal use. It contains lots of powerful active compounds like sesquiterpene, lacrones, tannins and thujone, which that are great for knocking out intestinal bugs.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is a purgative, meaning it aids your body in flushing out hazardous worms and other small pests. It's also ideal for increasing good bacteria levels, which can support your immune system and improve digestion, too.


Spicy cayenne and black pepper are also warming herbs that can make worms feel mighty uncomfortable. In her book Cayenne Pepper Cures, Sharon Daniels talks about how a mixture of honey and cayenne pepper helps lure parasites in and kill them dutifully. This is also a great spice to make any dish a little more interesting, and therapeutic.


Cloves are great for taking down parasite eggs, according to Dr. Hulda Clark. Find the recommended dosage in this book.


Lemon and Ginger

While it might be necessary to chug down bitter herbs and weird supplements (like diatomaceous earth, discussed below) to get rid of parasites naturally, this tasty tea is one anti-parasite drink you might already be enjoying on a regular basis. It's easy to get well when you're having a good time, right? Don't forget to add a low-glycemic sweetener to taste, as parasites love sugar.

Other Teas

The herbs and spices above can also be combined you make your very own herb and spice blends – ginger, cinnamon and cloves, for example. If you don't mind the taste of some of the bitter herbs, go ahead and pop them into a metal tea container or other herbal tea device. If they're a bit strong for your liking, why not try adding a healthy, low-glycemic sweetener, like stevia.

In India, bitter herbs are often added to milk, which takes the edge off the strong flavors. If you consume dairy, this could be a viable option for you. Coconut and other nut and seed mylks are a tasty alternative for vegans and other avoiding dairy for health or moral reasons.

F R U I T S &


You definitely know that fruits and veggies are healthy, but fruits that are high in sugar, such as mangoes and bananas, can actually feed parasites. Experts recommend a low-glycemic diet when cleansing that includes plenty of leafy greens like lettuce and spinach, lemons, and the following anti-parasitic fruits and vegetables.


Garlic has been used for centuries to fight parasitic infections, as David Wolfe tells us, here. Want to get well? Try making a garlic tonic as David describes in the video.


Cucumbers are thought to contain enzymes that kill tapeworms. They're also super hydrating, helping you flush out toxins to boot. Here's a creamy cucumber and aloe parasite killing smoothie recipe you might like.

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Eating raw tomatoes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning is thought to flush out worms. Why not try it for yourself?


Pomegranates contain lots of antioxidants, but the stem, root and rind of this fruit contain the alkaloid pseudopelletierine, which is an effective anti-parasitic for use in cases of tapeworm and roundworm, according to Hassan Amjad's book Pomegranate: Anatomy of a Divine Remedy. Amjad claims that it can be used without any side effects, even in children. He says an adjunctive laxative is necessary to expel the worms.


Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelian, which increases digestive juices and helps weaken and destroy intestinal parasites. Pineapples can be added to a fruit salad or eaten alone on an empty stomach.


A study carried out in 2007 found that papaya seeds showed that it's possible to get a stool parasite clearance rate of between 71.4% and 100%, with no side effects. Try the study on your own body. You'll need 20ml of a mixture of papaya seeds and honey. The participants look this natural remedy for seven days.


We now know just how important healthy fats are, but did you know that some are great at killing parasites? Here are some of the most effective fats for you to choose from.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is extremely anti-parasitic, according to Dr. David Jockers. He recommends using 2-3 drops of oregano oil in water with freshly-squeezed lemon juice three times a day for ward off the worms.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids, which are naturally antimicrobial. They can help combat bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites in one fell swoop! According to the book Coconut Cures by Bruce Fife, coconut meat and the oil can kill or expel parasites like tapeworms, lice and giardia. In animal studies, coconut oil has been shown to reduce protozoa (single-celled parasites) within the digestive tract, states Fife. Coconut preparations have also been used to treat tapeworm infestations in India, he notes.

You can also use coconut to treat head lice, and that's evidence based.


In David Wolfe's book, Eating for Beauty, he talks about the benefits of eating a handful of pumpkin seeds and garlic twice a day on an empty stomach to kill pinworms. He states that they are safe for use in children and pregnant women against tapeworms, when harsher herbs are inappropriate. The active compound curcurbitin is thought to paralyze the worms so they lose their grip, writes Wolfe. A clinical study carried out on goats confirms their effect.



Some would never consider doing an enema, until they realize just how powerful they can be. Coffee, milk and salt, eucalyptus and lemon juice and baking soda enemas all help you tackle the worms from the inside and lessen the burden on your organs of detoxification during a parasite cleanse. Enemas aren't essential but they're a tool you'll value highly once you experience their effects.

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Fermented Foods

Per Dr. David Jockers, in an article he wrote for, fasting with fermented drinks like fermented whey from grass-fed cows, fermented ginger, kombucha, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar or others is a powerful way of destroying parasites. Probiotic supplements are also highly recommended to help re-inoculate the gut and destroy parasites, he adds.

Once you've cleansed, he suggests using fermented raw dairy and vegetables like amasai, cheese and kimchi and sauerkraut. These foods are all rich in L-glutamine, a substance that helps rebuild the gut after it's been damaged by parasites.

Diatomaceous Earth

Food grade diatomaceous earth (FGDE) is actually made of the fossilized remains of diatoms (algae). Its particles cut through all parasites that are comfortably nestling in your digestive track. It also chelates heavy metals, but it may also absorb other nutrients, so it's best taken first thing in the morning and late at night, when the stomach is empty.


Zappers are bio-electric devices that can be used to kill parasites. They work by introducing a square-wave, positive offset current to the skin at a frequency that kills parasites, molds, fungi, viruses and bacteria electrically, according to Dr. Hulda Clark. The low voltage is too small to harm you, she assures. Here's more about zapping.

Did any of these foods or methods surprise you? It's actually quite easy to add a few of these anti-parasitic elements into your daily routine, and not feel like you're doing a cleanse at all!

In fact, many health experts recommend a gentle approach to detoxing. You may not even feel any detox symptoms this way and the results are more sustainable. Moving parasites out of your system really is the key to wellness, and you might be surprised by how good you feel once they're out.

However you choose to purify your body and get rid of parasites from your being, enjoy the journey. Here's to your wellness!




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5 H O B B I E ST O H E L P


Have you ever experienced flow? It’s a state of effortless focus that comes with being fully immersed in an activity that’s just challenging enough for your level of skill. While in flow, also referred to as being ‘in the zone’, you lose sight of your stresses and sorrows, and simply fall into the moment.

When life wreaks havoc on your mood, it’s especially important to treat leisure as a form of self-care; a remedy for your anxiety and depression, soothing with that exquisite flow state. So let’s look at some leisurely hobbies where you can easily find flow - along with a slew of other benefits to nourish your mind and body.


Gardening can do wonders for your mental and physical health. Surrounded by fresh air and natural ambience, gardening sees you ambling around the backyard or balcony, taking life at a slower pace, engaging both your thoughts and your hands. Seeing your flowers bloom, or eating something you’ve grown, can provide a tremendous sense of achievement, boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem.

What’s more, spending time around nature gives you a hearty dose of the soil bacteria Mycobacterium vaccae, which, research suggests, may help decrease symptoms of anxiety and even improve your ability to learn new things.

To start gardening right away, head to your local nursery for potting mix and some seeds (or seedlings). Don’t despair if you don’t have a backyard - it’s just as easy to set up an indoor garden.


Studies have shown that writing can have a positive effect on your health and well-being. Whether you engage in expressive writing (writing about your deepest thoughts and feelings) or creative writing, this hobby offers ample practice at self-awareness, focus, and articulating your thoughts - all useful skills for managing and communicating your emotions when anxiety or depression take hold.


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Best of all, you can begin whenever you’re ready - simply find a word-processing app that suits you, and start typing. If you don’t mind sharing, consider starting a blog and connecting with other bloggers in a community.


Creative pastimes are widely recommended as excellent relievers for stress, anxiety and depression. Apart from the benefits of experiencing flow while crafting, the sense of accomplishment upon completing a project can offer a stellar boost to your self-efficacy and confidence, which in turn can reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

You’ll find a myriad of creative hobbies out there that are easy to take up. Activities like drawing, crochet, knitting, clay modelling and colouring require minimal tools that are easy to find. But if you can afford the time and tools, you may also enjoy trickier crafts like woodwork, metalwork, jewellery-making, leatherwork and robotics.


It’s common knowledge that music does wonders for us, but let’s look at some of the science that backs this up. Experiencing music - whether you’re making it or listening to it - has been found to lower anxiety in women undergoing surgery, cancer patients and the elderly. It’s also effective for helping both adults and children with depression.

Consider singing in the shower (if you don’t already). It’s a quick and easy way to get musical with the instrument you’ve had all your life. But if singing isn’t your thing, small instruments like a ukulele, harmonica or keyboard can easily fit into a lifestyle and home that’s not yet ready for a full-size (and full-price) guitar, saxophone or piano.

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When you exercise, your body is flooded with natural chemicals known as endorphins, which trigger feelings of euphoria and reduce your perception of pain. Thanks to the ‘endorphin rush’, exercise makes a great tonic for when you’re feeling stressed, depressed or anxious.

The benefits, however, aren’t limited to this temporary high. In addition to improving your overall fitness, blood circulation, cardio health and bodily tone, research shows exercise stimulates the production of new neurons in parts of the brain that deteriorate under stress. On top of this, any sporting activity offers a great way to meet and get to know other people, strengthening your support network to help prevent the isolation and loneliness that can contribute to anxiety and depression.

Are your hips and knees pain-free? Start running. It’s easy, and you don’t even need a pair of shoes to do it - just read up on how to run properly beforehand. If your muscles and joints aren’t keen for a pounding, try swimming, cycling or yoga instead for low-impact fitness alternatives.

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Writing is a handy tool for communicating with others and tracking our ideas. But did you know it also has the power to heal and improve the way we live?

No, it’s not magic. The act of writing combines mental and physical mechanisms that focus your thoughts while freeing you to express yourself. These mechanisms working together can offer incredible benefits that go beyond simply getting words on paper.


Since the late 1980s, studies have shown that writing about your deepest thoughts and feelings (what psychologists call expressive writing) can have a positive effect on your health and well-being. Though test subjects experienced distress, negative moods and unpleasant symptoms at the time, the months following their participation revealed noticeable physical and emotional improvements, including:

• Improved immune system function• Improved lung function• Improved liver function• Improved mood and feelings of well-being• Reduced pain intensity• Reduced blood pressure• Reduced depressive symptoms• Fewer stress-related visits to the doctor• Faster onset of sleep• Faster healing from wounds

Science doesn’t fully understand why this works yet, but current theories suggest writing helps us develop a coherent narrative - that is, we can get the story straight on what we experience and how we feel about it. This in turn enables us to take a structured approach when dealing with emotional memories, thus reducing stress and the effect it has on our bodies.



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The good news is you can start expressive writing right away with just a pen and a notebook. When journaling your thoughts, don’t worry too much about spelling, punctuation, grammar, or even using real words. The aim is to focus on exploring your feelings and experiences.


According to research from Princeton University, writing instead of typing notes does a better job of helping you learn and remember information. The researchers concluded that as their test subjects could type faster than they could write, they were more likely to simply transcribe everything they heard. But, limited by how quickly they could wield a pen, subjects who hand-wrote their notes were forced to process information before jotting it down.

This mechanism works with both words and pictures, debunking the misconception that doodling in class means a student isn’t paying attention. Drawing your notes, also called visual note-taking or graphic recording can be another effective way to process and capture new information, particularly if you struggle to write down words while someone is talking, or if you find you listen better when your hands are busy. In some cases, drawing your notes can provide an even greater boost to memory over the written word alone.

If you already draw as a hobby, combining words and pictures should come naturally. Otherwise, it can help to read a guide on visual note-taking beforehand.


Letters are one of the most intimate forms of communication. They’re tangible, tactile proof that someone, somewhere, is thinking about you. It’s a powerful feeling, knowing you’ve not been forgotten. Powerful enough, it seems, to reach people on the brink of suicide. By sending personal letters to patients who had recently attempted suicide, therapists significantly reduced the likelihood of a repeat attempt.

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There’s something undeniably special about receiving a handwritten letter. Last year, the University of Leeds in the UK piloted a volunteer letter-writing program pairing students with older residents around Yorkshire county. The program’s success was attributed to reducing loneliness in the community. But even participants who didn’t consider themselves lonely reported finding value in the friendships they formed through exchanging written correspondence.

But with the speed and convenience of email and text, why would you go to all the trouble of writing and sending a piece of ‘snail mail’? Modern lifestyle blog, The Art of Manliness, answers it best:

Ink from your pen touches the stationary, your fingers touch the paper, your saliva seals the envelope. Something tangible from your world travels through machines and hands, and deposits itself in another’s mailbox. Your letter is then carried inside as an invited guest. The paper that was sitting on your desk, now sits on another’s. The recipient handles the paper that you handled. Letters create a connection that modern, impersonal forms of communication will never approach.

Though in decline, letter writing still remains a popular hobby today, with plenty of sites aimed at helping people connect with penpals all over the world. But if you’re still a shy about writing to a stranger, consider exchanging written letters with friends you know in person as a way to get to know each other better.

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The humble slow cooker is every busy household’s best friend. The one in my kitchen certainly sees a lot of action, no matter what season it is. It’s just so easy to prep and serve a delicious dinner, even when my schedule gets hectic.

The best part is how little you actually need to create a mouthwatering meal. Many slow cooker recipes I find online ask for a lot of ingredients, typically to a make an exciting seasoning. But most of the time, I get away with the bare minimum.

Here are my favourite ‘bare minimum’ slow cooker recipes. They’re simple and delicious, and fit in nicely with a healthy, balanced diet.


• 4.5 lbs (2 kg) boneless pork shoulder• 1 cup chicken stock• 2 onions, sliced• 4 garlic cloves, sliced• Sea salt

Layer the onions and garlic in the slow cooker and pour in the stock. Place pork on top and sprinkle with salt. Cook on LOW for 8 hours or HIGH for 6 hours, or until meat is tender. Strain ingredients and save the liquid. Shred the meat with 2 forks, mixing in the onions and garlic. Discard fat from the strained liquid, and add the liquid back to the pork in small quantities until the meat is moist.

Serving suggestions: Mix with a homemade salsa and serve on top of nachos. Season to taste with cayenne, cumin and cinnamon, and serve on burgers with sour cream. Or serve in a lettuce leaf wrap with shredded carrot, sesame seeds and soy vinaigrette.



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• 4.5 lbs (2 kg) beef rump• Half-cup beef stock or water• 6 cloves of garlic, halved lengthwise• 10 half-inch sprigs of rosemary• Sea salt

Cut 12 shallow slits into the top of the rump and insert garlic cloves. Cut another 10 smaller slits around the garlic and insert rosemary. Sprinkle rump with salt. Add the stock, then cook on LOW for 8 hours.

For a little extra kick, dust the meat with cayenne and black pepper along with the salt.


• 2-4.5 lbs (1-2 kg) diced lamb• 1 cup lamb or beef stock• Your favourite root vegetables, chopped• 1 tablespoon of cornflour in a slurry

Lightly sear lamb pieces in frypan. Toss meat and vegetables in the slow-cooker, along with the stock, and cook on HIGH for 4-6 hours. Before serving, stir in the cornflour slurry and allow sauce to thicken.

If you like it spicy, add a tablespoon of chilli sauce or a teaspoon of chilli paste plus a few garlic cloves when you pour in the stock.


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• 1.5kg whole chicken (skin on)• 2 large lemons• 4 carrots, chopped• Half a celery, chopped• 25g butter, melted• 1 tsp sea salt• 1/2 tsp Black pepper

Mix salt, pepper and butter together. Chop the lemons into quarters and squeeze the juice over the chicken. Roll 4 lemon pieces in the butter mixture and stuff inside. Pour any remaining butter mixture over the meat. Add vegetables and top with the remaining 4 lemon pieces. Cook on LOW for 8 hours.

For a more complex flavour, add a handful of sage to your stuffing.


• 1 pumpkin, skinned and chopped• Half-cup vegetable stock• Cream

Cook pumpkin with vegetable stock in slow cooker until soft. Blend with stick blender. Top with a bit of cream and serve.

Make it even better: Add little nutmeg or cumin for more depth of flavour. Sprinkle parmesan on top to give a salty twang. Or for variety, try coconut milk instead of cream.


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b y H a n s H a g e m a n

A brain injury in kindergarten set him years behind his classmates in reading. The effects of what he called his “broken brain” lasted for several years after that. It wasn’t until he met the successful father of a college friend, that Jim Kwik realized he’d had everything he needed to not just catch up, but to excel.

Jim is now a leading international expert on accelerated learning and memory. He is proof that anyone can achieve mental superhero status if they want to. All it takes is the right motivation, the ability to be present, and the proper mechanics.

Jim had believed for many years that his intelligence and his memory were fixed. There was no room for him to grow. Two head injuries made this belief even harder to shake. The meeting with his friend’s father forced him to look at things differently. This man challenged Jim’s beliefs. He introduced him to the power of journaling and the classic books on personal development.



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Urban Monk Academy


Learn how to set goals, get focused, gain moreenergy, and make things happen.

My name is Pedram Shojai and I’m a physician, Qi Gong Mas-ter, Author, Film Producer, seasoned martial artist, and successful businessman. I’ve got a lot going on and people always ask me how I do it all. I decided to share my secrets. I’ve spent quali-ty time meditating on how to help more people and make the world a better place. I took my powerful 3 day seminar called “Energy Economics” and blended it with my higher level “Life Mastery” course because I wanted a single resource where our students can learn to get out of their own way and achieve true mastery, happiness, health, and wealth in life.

This may sound lofty but I’ve been teaching Fortune 100 CEOs, elite athletes, and dedicated students these skills for the past 15 years. A blended course that was less expensive and available to more people was what I was striving for as my regular week-end seminars run $2,000 and higher. What I created here is a 3 month, 12 module course with all the resources needed to learn how succeed in your diet, career, and relationship goals.




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