media prelim task

Preliminary Task Evaluation Ellie Spence

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Post on 14-Aug-2015




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Preliminary Task Evaluation

Ellie Spence

Page 2: Media prelim task

How effective was the pre-production workflow for your preliminary task?

We worked well as a group, sharing and discussing ideas and noted down what each other had said. What helped us a lot was creating story boards to help us visualise our final ideas towards the task. Listening to one and others ideas and cooperating well has a group really helped as it made it easier to think of an interesting video. We could have done a few things better if we had a second chance to do so. I think we spent to much time thinking of an idea rather than getting on with the task, we did argue quite a bit causing problems within the group but we know now to just get on with the task and to complete a quality piece of filming. It was quite difficult thinking of an idea we all liked causing us to fall behind slightly.

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What technology did you use to film the task and how well did this go?

The technology we used to film the task was an IPad. This was a good piece of equipment to use as they are easy to hold as they are light and quite thin. The camera quality of the IPad is also good making our filming clear. The problem we had using the IPad was that you have to hold it and keep a steady hand as it doesn’t fix onto a tripod.

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What did you learn from the actual filming that you will need to think about in the future?

We learnt that when filming you need to keep a steady hand to get the best piece of filming, if you can’t keep still then the video will look poor and very hard to watch. I learnt that when filming in the future it would definitely be easier to use a tripod to keep the control and stillness for a better quality piece of filming.

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What technology did you use to edit your preliminary task and how well did this go?

The technology we used to edit our filming was iMovie. This was a very useful piece of technology as it helped us create a quality video. We added sound to go over the top which made it a lot better. Without iMovie we couldn’t of done this and our video would seem boring. We also had to choose which clips we wanted and cut parts out so the video would flow better. Considering it was the first time we used iMovie I think we did a pretty good job.

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How well does your completed preliminary task meet the criteria set out for it?

I Think our preliminary task meets some of the criteria set out because we had two character of which one opens a door sits down and exchanges dialogue to the other character and we also used shot/reverse shot.

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What do you think, overall you have learnt from the process of completing the preliminary task?

Overall I have learnt how to film a good piece of video. I’ve learnt how to use various camera shots, camera movements and how to film with an iPad. I now know how to use iMovie and to edit clips and add different sounds and effects.