media coursework question 1

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Post on 07-Nov-2014



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Page 1: Media coursework question 1

Q1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?

Page 2: Media coursework question 1

This is the digipak for our artist’s album. Our artist fits in to the indie genre which we wanted to show clearly but with individuality

Here we are following the conventions of the indie genre as we are using hats and skinny jeans which is typical of indie rock artists

By using grey as our background colour we are giving the feel of darkness and appealing to a certain audience instead of trying to please everyone like a mainstream artist would

We are using contrasting stairs to the background which challenges the indie genre as using bright colours is very typical in the pop genre

Using a guitar is a common prop used in our genre which clearly shows that our artist uses instruments; typical of indie with artists like kings of leon

The used pink as our font colour is this colour represents compassion love which is the theme of our album

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We kept the background for our digipak as for our advert to show a clear link between the two

Our costume fits the indie genre perfectly as we have used hats as a running theme and sneakers which are seen as very alternative usually worn by artists like Avril Lavigne

Again, we have used lots of instruments in our magazine and kept the same guitar as indie artists such as Ed Sheeran have the same instrument in all of their videos which shows love for music

The indie genre usually breaks the typical conventions which is why we have used bars instead of stars for our rating which would draw peoples’ attention to the advert

Our theme is the same as our album title ‘Keep Moving’ as the boxes show that the artist is moving all the time

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We are using the same guitar throughout the video which promotes the album as the guitar also features on our digipak

Showing the artist actually playing the guitar follows the indie theme as it shows that the music for the song is self produced

Using the chequered shirt adds to our theme as it makes our artist look scruffy which is key to a lot of indie videos

We are using the same hat in our music video as the one in our advert which acts like an identifier for our artist which people can recognise him by like the paw print on Ed Sheeran’s guitar

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We have used this camera angle as it looks different to typical music videos

Our artist has got a long fringe as lots of indie artists use this to cover their face and hide their emotion

Using close ups to show emotion challenges the conventions of the indie genre as this is common in the pop genre. We did these shots to appeal to a wider audience

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This shot shows that we have a narrative in our music video which is a typical indie convention as the artist doesn't usually like acting the part and prefers to be liked for just their music

We carried the theme of the dull, grey colours with our main character to emphasize our album theme

The character’s confusion adds a depth to the story of our video which follows our genre

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We used some shots using the same costume but taking away the hat leaving our artist’s persona bare with nothing but his voice which shows people more of his personality

The tree in the background links to the narrative which we wanted to show, we wanted the audience to believe that the character and artist are living in the same world whatever that may be

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Here we can see the artist becoming a character in the narrative which happens in a lot of indie music videos. Usually the artist makes eye contact with the character in one scene of the video

The hat is now a utensil used for collecting money and the artist is sitting on his coat which could symbolise a deep issue within society. These messages are common in the genre and follow indie conventions

There is also a change of setting in this scene as we go from naturist surroundings representing life, to a brick wall used to symbolise a ‘block’. This urban setting follows indie conventions

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Here we are using the stop motion technique to create the effect of time passing

We are following the conventions of the indie genre as these types of techniques are often used as they are not used in mainstream music videos

Our setting is a hospital which links in to our narrative, we wanted to use this setting as lots of indie music videos do this

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This shot shows that the character in the narrative and the artist are meeting

There is a questionable storyline which makes the audience question why and how the artist is linked to the character which follows indie conventions

We have used a white jumper for the character as it contrasts against the background. Also, we have used symbolism which is typical in indie music videos as white represents hope

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The title of the song ‘holes’ is shown in our video at the end as our artist falls into this circle

We have an unclear conclusion to the music video which is common in the indie genre

Dead Leaves are very common in indie music videos as they make the audience feel sad