media audiences star trek


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PRODUCTSMr. Daley Laurence Jones

Page 2: Media audiences star trek

How The Media Industry Identifies Audiences For It’s Product

Psychographics: is the study of personality, values, attitudes, lifestyles, and interests. This area of research focuses on interests, activities, and opinions. Psychographic studies of individuals or communities can be very valuable in the fields of marketing.

Demographics: are the quantifiable statistics of a given population. Demographic Profile: is a term used in marketing and

broadcasting, to describe a demographic grouping or a market segment. This typically involves age bands, social class bands and gender.

Target Marketing: is when a company specifically directs marketing efforts and merchandise towards a group of customers. A well-defined target market is the first element to a marketing strategy. The marketing mix variables of product, place, promotion and price are the four elements of a marketing mix strategy.

Marketing Mix Strategy: is a business tool used in marketing and by marketing professionals. The marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brand's offer, and is often synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place; in service marketing.

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The Four Ps

Product: How will the consumer use the product? What role does the product serve?

Place: Where do consumers go to use the product? If they look in a shop, what kind of shop?

Promotion: How and by what manner will you promote your product? When is the best time to promote or advertise your product?

Price: How much is your product worth to the consumer? How much are competitive products in the same line worth?

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Examples of Target Audience

AMC’s Breaking Bad is centered around the criminal life of a chemistry teacher whom contracts lung cancer and starts manufacturing crystal meth.

The target audience for BrBa is mainly 16+ as the show incorporates many illicit themes. Including: homicide, drug trafficking, money laundering, drug abuse, violence and many other themes that are not suitable for a young audience.

Top cat was a cartoon that ran from November 26, 1961 to April 18, 1962. It details the daily life of a tom cat.

The target audience for Top Cat was originally for American kids aged 12 and below. Despite the fact that it was aimed at a younger audience many adults still enjoy the show today as they were young when the show was aired. The show still has a big fanbase as the show is still regularly aired on TV.

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Star Trek was created by Gene Roddenberry in 1964, the original show was produced and aired in 1966. The show itself is centred around the adventures and voyages of the crew of the USS Starship Enterprise. The show tackled many moral and ethical issues within society at the time through the use of hidden meanings and Allegories. Star Trek was a sort of social commentary of the 1960s, a very turbulent time during the 20th century.

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Trekkies Trekkies or Trekkers are the group of people associated with

Star Trek as being extremely devoted fans. What is unusual about Trekkers is that they are not like any other “fandom”, they are instead obsessively and almost religiously devoted to Star Trek to the point at which Star Trek becomes much more than just a television show.

The media usually portray Trekkies to be very nerdy and almost religiously devoted to the franchise.

Comic Con which is held in San Diego, is a place Trekkies may be found to congregate.

Star Trek has had a major impact on tv and media as a whole, there are many cameos and references to Star Trek in a vast proportion of modern tv shows, radio shows and podcasts etc such as Family Guy, Futurama, The Big Bang Theory, Pegg-Frost movies, The Ricky Gervais show among many others.

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Star Trek (Abrams, 2009)

Directed by J.J. Abrams, this film marked the beginning of a series of prequel Star Trek films. The film was very successful and has received critical acclaim, from both fans of the original series and the public in general. The film also helped re-spark a love of Start Trek amongst modern audiences.

Runtime 127 min Budget $140,000,000 Opening weekend £5,950,203 (UK) Gross $257,704,099 (USA)

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Differences and similarities between original series and modern prequels

For this film, both fans of the original series and younger “less-trekkie” audiences would have to be impressed. In order to not neglect either fanbase, the film had to incorporate both original gags and traditions from the original series and also incorporate other things to draw in a younger audience. Things such as more well-known actors such as Simon Pegg, Chris Pine, John Cho, Chris Hemsworth and Zachary Quinto… All of which are pretty well known for their roles in other popular films.

Same characters Same gags and traditions

(E.G. “I’m a doctor not a…”)

Still holds democracy as key importance

New cast More CGI / special effects in 2009

film 2009 film is blended with more

genres than just Sci-Fi and Adventure, it also incorporates Romance, Comedy, Drama and Adventure

Similarities Differences

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Trailer Analysis (Star Trek teaser)

The trailer itself has no particular plotline. The trailer starts out with Kirk in a bar bickering with Captain Pike about Starfleet and recruitment. The rest of the trailer consists of similar, small yet dramatic and effective scenes; which themselves consist of dynamic and arty shots. Between the dramatic scenes there are blackout-type sequences with open-ended, witty writing.

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Poster Analysis

Main cast

James T. KirkSpockNyota Uhura

Cast and production credits

Italian title: “IL FUTURO HA INIZIO” which translates to “THE FUTURE BEGINS”


Scene of Kirk riding on his motorbike up to The Enterprise about to be recruited into Starfleet, a scene that features in the film

With the main cast enlarged at the top of the poster, it creates a dramatic presence about the poster. The use of colours and font also establish a sense of drama and urgency, which overall makes this poster very effective. The scene in the midshot develops the vast scale of the film and it’s scenes.

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2nd Poster Analysis



Cast and production credits

The scene of the Starship Enterprise in warp speed, being pulled back into the black hole is a scene that features in the film right at the end.This is a powerful and tense scene so it creates a nice poster.

Overall, this poster is simple yet effective, the colours are simple and basic and the image is simplistic too. This is however, very effective and creates a hard hitting poster.

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Trailer vs. Poster

The poster did an adequate job at selling the film as it was eye catching and innovative, it was designed well and works very well, it also played down the legacy of the franchise to make the film appear to be more exciting.

The trailer has similarities to many other modern action/adventure type films and was also quite effective at selling the film and making it look appealing without being too “Trekkie” or nerdy; this was done by adding lots of dramatic and action-y shots into the trailer.

-----------------------------Conclusion--------------------------------- The poster probably drew more attention, due to the fact

that it’s a poster and can be put anywhere (on and off a screen) and therefore more people would have seen it. so it would have gotten more publicity.

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Cast, Past and Present

The old cast were, at the time, ground-breaking. It was the first cast ever in history to be multi-cultural and to incorporate a multi-ethnic cast without depicting minorities as being minstrelsy or taboo.

The new cast can’t rival the previous cast in terms of being as “good” or ground breaking as them. But the old cast are old for a reason, their time has come and past and they cannot rival the modern cast in terms of popularity (depending upon whom you ask) …except for Leonard Nimoy, who indeed does stands the test of time and has appeared in both the original series and the re-boots.

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