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1 Star Trek Reliant PART I Star Trek: Reliant Created by Ryan A. Keeton Based on Star Trek By Gene Rodenberry

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Page 1: Star Trek Reliant - Author Extrodinare · 1 Star Trek Reliant PART I Star Trek: Reliant Created by Ryan A. Keeton Based on Star Trek By Gene Rodenberry


Star Trek



Star Trek: Reliant

Created by Ryan A. Keeton

Based on Star Trek

By Gene Rodenberry

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Captain Arryn Steele- At age 32 he is the youngest captain in Starfleet. Given command

of the U.S.S. Reliant as a reward for his heroic actions as first officer aboard the U.S.S. Gorkon

during the Dominion War, he is ever conscious of the fact that many in Starfleet believe he has

gained his position because his father is the Admiral in charge of the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps.

These same people don‟t realize that he has been estranged from his father for years. A quick

thinker, Captain Steele is at his best when the stakes are high. Although trained for diplomacy, as

all Starfleet Officers are, he prefers action to words and turned down a posting to a larger Galaxy

Class ship so that he could command a combat vessel, a decision that has strained the bonds

between he and his father even further.

Commander Dearra Kiljian- Hailing from the planet Betazed, Dearra was recruited into

Starfleet Intelligence as a Lieutenant jg and did information analysis for Starfleet Command

during the Dominion War, despite the fact that she requested on numerous occasions to be

reassigned to the front lines. She now feels that she will have to work twice as hard to prove

worthy of her posting as first officer. A shrewd judge of character and practical in all situations,

Dearra is not above using somewhat less than honorable methods to accomplish her mission or to

protect her ship and her crew. To her, honor is a quaint notion that gets people killed most of the


Lt. Commander Harry Kim- After seven years in the Delta Quadrant as part of the

historic Voyager mission, Harry Kim spent two years at Starfleet Headquarters working on

Admiral Janeway‟s staff. Eager to get back out into space, he leapt at the opportunity to become

the Tactical and Second Officer aboard the Reliant under Captain Steele. He has matured greatly

from the eager ensign that he was and shows great command potential. Captain Steele has taken

an interest in Kim and as a result, the two have become fast friends.

Dr. T‟kim- Half Vulcan and half human, T‟kim grew up in Shikar City on New Vulcan

before attending the Vulcan Science Academy for Medicine. She then became part of the

Federation Interspecies Medical Exchange and studied xenobiology on Earth. At the young age

of seventy six she holds two doctorate degrees: one in interspecies medicine and one in

interspecies psychology. Unlike other Vulcans, T‟kim has found a natural balance between her

logical side and her emotional side.

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Lt. Cdr. Jennifer Sandara- Not much is known about the early history of Lieutenant

Sandara. What is known is that she was accepted to Starfleet Academy‟s prestigious engineering

school at the age of sixteen, instead of the normal age of eighteen. Considered a prodigy by

many, she has worked hard to be the best engineer in Starfleet. Having served under on the

U.S.S. Enterprise for five years, her Chief Engineer, Commander Geordi LaForge felt that she

was ready for the challenge of being the chief engineer of her own ship. While she is a genius

when it comes to the mechanics of a starship, her one flaw is in her interpersonal skills: she is

more at home with a tech manual and a hydro-spanner than with a group of people. Nevertheless,

Captain Steele has great confidence in her and works to mentor her in the arts of leadership.

1LT Aidan Jax- Lt. Jax is an enigma to many. A Starfleet Marine who hails from the world

of Artemis Prime, he is one of the descendants of the genetic super men who survived the

eugenics wars and were exiled from Earth. Standing at seven feet tall and possessing a mass of

three hundred pounds of solid muscle, he is an imposing and intimidating figure for even the

most hard of heart. Embracing his people‟s warrior culture, he endeavors to be the best Marine

he can be. In charge of not only ships security, but the detachment of thirty Starfleet Marines

who call the Reliant home, he is forthright and honest and one of the quietest members of the

crew… unless he‟s angry.

LTjg Nog- The first Ferengi in Starfleet, Nog earned his commission during the last year of

the Dominion War. After hearing about his exploits, Captain Steele put in a personal request to

Colonel Kira aboard Deep Space 9 to have Nog reassigned to the Reliant as helmsman. She

agreed and Nog eagerly accepted. Tempered by the fires of war, yet still enthusiastic about his

career, Captain Steele sees great potential in Nog and does his best to bring it out whenever he


U.S.S. Reliant NCC 51293-

The fifty seventh Defiant class vessel ever constructed, she is an upgrade to the original Defiant

design based on the after action reports of the Defiant class ships that served in the Dominion

War. Equipped with a Federation cloaking device that is now allowed to be used in the Alpha

Quadrant, the Reliant has a weapons load with twice the power of the original design, including

four universal turret mounted pulsed phase cannons that can allow the Reliant to project its

massive firepower in 360 degrees. These turrets are controlled a periscope targeting device that

lowers down from the ceiling in the weapons station at the back of the bridge and is manned by

the ships tactical officer.

The Reliant also features the ablative armor design that Captain Sisko added to the original

Defiant, as well as improved warp and shield capabilities. In addition to this, the Reliant is also

almost twice as large as the original Defiant in order to accommodate a standard Starfleet Marine

detachment as well as two assault shuttles used for boarding ships and ferrying troops from one

place to another.

The Ships‟ motto:

“Sic Semper Tyranus”

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On the border between the Federation, Romulan and Klingon Empires

Sluubas bowed as deeply as he could as he was ushered into the dark and foreboding

chamber where his superior sat on an elevated throne. He remained stooped over and did his best

to control his trembling as the Nausican who had ushered him in swatted his back to move him

along faster.

“Watch who you‟re pushing around, pal! I was a grand champion choomba wrestler back

on Ferengenar.” Sluubas snarled.

The Nausican chuckled and swatted him again.

His bluff called, Sluubas shuffled forward without further protest and dropped to his

knees in front of the throne where a massive humanoid shape sat, his face cloaked in shadow by

the hood of his heavy black robes.

“Y-y-you summoned m-me, my prince?” Sluubas asked, his teeth beginning ti chatter

from the fear he felt.

For a long moment the form said nothing. Sluubas began to hope that maybe he would

survive the meeting with his superior with all his body parts intact. That hope was dashed,

however, as the being opened his eyes to reveal two golden irises that glowed in the darkness

under his cowl.

“Sluubas,” the prince said in a deep resonating voice, “you disappoint me.”

“How have I offended thee, oh dread lord?” Sluubas asked.

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The prince leaned forward. “Come now Sluubas, we‟ve worked together for too long.

Don‟t ruin our history by insulting my intelligence.”

The terrified Ferengi swallowed hard and nodded. “I-I-I can explain—”

“I don‟t require an explanation, Sluubas.” The prince said smoothly as he held a hand up

for Sluubas to remain silent. “You are a Ferengi, after all. It is in your nature to want what isn‟t


Sluubas nodded emphatically but said nothing as his superior continued. “I don‟t mind

you stealing, Sluubas. In fact, I encourage it. However, I draw the line when you steal from me.”

Sluubas‟ eyes went wide with fear as he felt tow Nausicaan hands reach out and grab his

arms, pulling them and binding them behind him. He tried to move away but two other rough

hands grabbed him by the shoulders and held him in place while yet a third Nausicaan brought a

wooden chair over and forced him down into it.

“For every offense, a penance must be exacted. Isn‟t that what you told one of your

underlings two weeks ago when you killed him for stealing from you?” the being on the throne


Sluubas nodded. “Please my prince, I‟ll return it all with ten percent interest.”

The being remained silent and Sluubas began to panic. “Okay, make it twenty!”

“It‟s not the money, Sluubas,” the prince replied shaking his head, “it‟s the principle of

trust. What you stole was not meant for you and now my faith in you is broken, but don‟t worry

my Ferengi friend. After today, I will be able to trust you implicitly.”

Sluubas began to shake now as a Nausicaan with a box stepped forward and opened it

above his head. “Please, my prince! I beg you for mercy!” he sobbed.

“This is mercy, Sluubas. I should kill you for what you did but you are still somewhat

useful to me.”

The Prince‟s bright eyes shone like lights from under his cowl as he inclined his head to

his henchmen.

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The Nausicaan holding the box nodded back and looked down at the terrified Ferengi.

Then he smiled and took out its contents.

Sluubas screamed but it did no good.




Captain Arryn Steele closed his eyes and imagined what the bridge had sounded like

during the time of Jonathan Archer as he sat back in the command chair of the U.S.S. Enterprise.

For a brief moment, he could almost feel like he was there, over two hundred years before,

taking those first tentative steps out into a wondrous galaxy filled with knowledge and danger.

The illusion was broken, however, as the sound of the turbolift doors opening brought

Arryn back to reality. Opening his eyes he turned to see a man with graying hair and a trim beard

standing by the turbolift door. Immediately, he stood to attention.

“Admiral.” He said by way of greeting.

“Captain.” The Admiral replied as he stepped closer. “You know, the captains‟ chair is

off limits. No one is supposed to sit in it.”

“Actually sir, the tradition is that a new captain about to go out on his maiden voyage can

sit in it once.” Arryn replied.

The Admiral smiled. “History was always your strong suit, son.”

“Rules and regulations were always yours, dad.”

Vice Admiral Adam Steele, head of the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps, cocked an eyebrow

at his son‟s retort. “Your wit is as sharp as ever, I see.”

Arryn smirked. “I learned from the best.”

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The air was tense for a long moment but the Admiral finally acquiesced with a nod. “I

hear your ship is ready to depart.”

“We slip dock today at 1400.”

“And you weren‟t going to even say goodbye to your father?”

Arryn shook his head. “We haven‟t spoken to or seen each other in six months, dad. Why

would I go out of my way now?”

“Because you care? Because you might not be back this way for a while?” Adam replied,

a hurt tone in his voice, “Or maybe just because I‟m your dad and it‟s the right thing to do?”

Arryn‟s expression hardened. “It‟s a little late for the right thing now, dad.”

“I hope not.” Adam replied softly, “I‟ve already lost one son, I don‟t need to—”

“You have no one to blame for losing Jacen but yourself.” Arryn snapped, his anger

suddenly flaring. “You’re the one who kicked him out.”

“What else was I supposed to do, son? He broke the rules!”

“Yes he did! He got caught cheating on his final exam at the Academy, hoping to ace it in

the hopes that dear old daddy would be proud!” Arryn retorted angrily. “He made a mistake! The

first one in all four years he was there! You could have taken up for him! Hell, they would have

let him stay and repeat his graduating year if it hadn‟t been for dear old daddy, mister „By the

book‟ himself, recommending he be expelled!”

“Son, you don‟t understand.” The Admiral said quietly.

“I understand just fine, dad.” He spat the word from his mouth like it was poison. “You

were more concerned about your reputation than you were for your son. Admiral Steele, the hard

ass had to show no mercy!”

Admiral Steele shook his head sadly. “You haven‟t changed a bit, son. You still don‟t

understand the need to be hard on your subordinates. No excuses, no exceptions! Everyone gets

treated the same!”

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“He wasn‟t your subordinate, damn it! He was your son!”

Adam made ready to respond but was cut off as a computer voice announced “Captain

Steele, your shuttle is awaiting you in docking bay four.”

The bridge was quiet for a long moment before Admiral Steele broke the silence. “I guess

it‟s time for you to go.”


“Well, good luck then.”

Arryn nodded and moved past his father to the turbolift. Not another word passed

between them as the doors closed.



Commander Dearra Kiljian took one last sweeping look around the Intelligence Situation

Room that served as the eyes of Starfleet Command. Displayed across the massive screens that

dominated the circular room were the positions of every vessel in Federation space as well as the

position of Romulan, Klingon and Cardassian ships within one hundred light years of the

Federation border.

And below those screens were Starfleet enlisted and officers who were working hard to

process the intelligence data that was being gathered by agents all across known space. She

smiled because her job, until two days ago, had been to process those reports and turn them into

an intelligence picture for the admiralty.

It‟s what she had done since being recruited by Starfleet Intelligence at the beginning of

the Dominion War to be an intelligence analyst. Her job had been to analyze Dominion battle

strategies, predict their next targets and devise counter strategies to defend against them.

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She had become so skilled in the arts of strategy and tactics that she had earned two rapid

promotions and been placed in charge of developing the plan that liberated her homeworld from

the Dominion.

But as good as she was, she had no desire for a desk job. She wanted to be out there on

the front lines defending the Federation from the Dominion. But now the war was over and after

practically begging Starfleet for reassignment, she had been picked to serve as the first officer on

a brand new Defiant class ship.

To say she was excited would have been an understatement but at the same time she was

also very nervous. Most officers had to work aboard a starship a long time before they were

given a command position and it had been over five years since she had served aboard a starship.

She knew she would have to work extra hard to earn the respect of her crew and her captain, who

was a war hero himself.

Although she hadn‟t met Captain Steele his reputation wasn‟t unknown to her. He had

earned the Christopher Pike Medal of Honor for his actions during the liberation of Betazed for

singlehandedly stopping the Dominion counterattack.

The report had been an incredible read.

Steele had taken command of his ship, the Excelsior class U.S.S. Gorkon after his captain

had been fatally wounded and led the attack wave into the oncoming Dominion formation. Once

he had fought his way to the middle of the enemy fleet and his ship had been disabled, he had

ordered everyone to abandon ship and set the self destruct. The resulting explosion had taken out

the Dominion command ship as well as four other cruisers and had broken the Dominion line.

After that, the enemy had fled back to Cardassian space but the battle to dislodge the

Jem‟Hedar from the surface had taken weeks. Still, with no ship to command, Steele had

gathered the survivors of his crew that were still able to fight and volunteered for ground duty.

Together they had fought in thirteen different engagements.

That he had selected her to be his first officer gave Dearra a certain sense of pride. After

all, he could have had his pick to be his second in command.

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“Taking a last look around, Commander?” a voice asked from behind her.

Dearra turned to see her old boss, Admiral Jellico, standing behind her. She smiled and

nodded. “Yes sir. I‟m on the way to catch a shuttle to the Reliant.”

“I would imagine that you‟re excited.” Jellico said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

“Yes sir.” Dearra replied.

“It‟s quite a challenge to be taking on but I have every confidence in you.” The Admiral

said patting her on the back as he led her to the door. “But if you ever get tired of living on a

cramped ship, let me know.”

“I‟ll keep it in mind sir.” Dearra said as they reached the door. “Thank you for

everything, sir. You‟ve been more than just a superior to me, you‟ve been a mentor and a friend

as well.”

“I‟m just happy to help a young and aspiring officer like you to reach your potential.”

Jelico said. “Good luck aboard the Reliant.”

“Thank you sir. I‟ll keep in touch.” Dearra said as she turned and walked out, closing the

door behind her on the previous five years of her life.

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Lieutenant Commander Harry Kim took a look around the bridge of the U.S.S. Reliant

and nodded with satisfaction. Around him, the crew bustled with activity as they prepared the

ship for her maiden voyage and shakedown cruise.

“Attention all hands: EVA on the starboard nacelle in two minutes. Cease the use of all

energy radiating equipment immediately.” The computer announced.

“I wish that thing would shut up.” Said the Ferengi behind the helm console.

“What‟s the matter lieutenant?” Kim asked.

“It‟s the computer announcement system sir.” replied Lieutenant Nog, the helm officer.

“I just get tired of hearing it announce things every five minutes.”

“It‟s not that bad lieu—”

“Attention all hands: EVA on the starboard nacelle in one minute. Cease the use of all

energy radiating equipment immediately.”

Kim frowned. “I‟ll have Sandara look into it.”

“Thank you sir.”

“Commander Kim,” a deep yet quiet voice called out from the security station,

“Commander Kiljian is at the airlock and requesting permission to come aboard.”

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Kim turned to face the hulking human in the Starfleet Marine uniform who had addressed

him. “Thank you Mister Jax. Lieutenant Nog, I‟ll be at the forward airlock. You have the


“Aye sir.” Nog replied as Kim made his way off the bridge and forward to the airlock

where he was greeted by a tall human woman with aristocratic features, long black hair and

piercing blue eyes. He was almost taken aback by her looks until he remembered why he was


“Commander Kiljian?” he asked.

“You must be Lieutenant Commander Kim.” She replied, her tone even and professional.

“Yes sir. Welcome aboard the Reliant.” He said as he offered his hand to her.

“Thank you.” She responded, shaking his hand politely before handing him a datapad.

“These are my orders transferring me to the Reliant.”

“I‟ll see that the captain gets them.” Kim said. “They beamed your personal belongings

aboard an hour ago so they should be stowed in your quarters by now. Would you like me to

show you where they are?”

“No,” Dearra shook her head, “I‟d rather get to work, if you don‟t mind. What is the

ships status?”

“We‟ve begun the pre-start sequence for the warp engines and we switched to internal

power systems an hour ago. Life support and environmental systems are all online and

functioning and we are in the final stage of preparation for departure.” Kim reported.

Dearra nodded, satisfied at the report. “Good. Why don‟t you show me around until the

captain arrives?”

“Sounds good. If you‟ll follow me, I‟ll give you the dime tour.”


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Arryn sat in the co-pilot‟s chair of the Archer, one of the Reliant’s two assault shuttles

and tried not to brood over the run in with his father aboard the NX 01 but it was difficult. He

loved and respected his father very much but they also had very different ideas on what role

Starfleet should play in the Federation.

Arryn felt that while space exploration and the furthering of the sciences was a noble

quest, Starfleet had a higher duty to defend the Federation from people who weren‟t nearly as


His father, on the other hand, believed that wars were barbaric trips down a path that led

to days best left forgotten. He believed that diplomacy was the answer and that any beings

enlightened enough to have achieved space travel should be enlightened enough to resolve their

disputes without have to fight over it.

The father felt his son possessed an arrogant Federation first, all others second attitude

while the son felt his father was naïve. Both wanted what was best for the Federation but they

had a hard time agreeing on just what that was.

“I love going out to the fleet museum.” The Archer‟s pilot said, breaking Arryn‟s dark

train of thought. “I can never get enough of seeing all those ships.”

“A bit of a history buff, crewman?” Arryn asked.

The pilot smiled. “Yes sir. My dad was a master chief on board the Intrepid before he

retired and my grandfather was the ships cook on the Excelsior so I grew up listening to the

stories about these great ships and the people who made history on them.”

“What‟s your name?” the captain asked.

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“Moore, sir. Crewman First Class Ronnie Moore.” The pilot replied.

Arryn nodded. “How long you been in the fleet, Moore?”

“Two years, sir.” Moore replied proudly.

“This your first space assignment?”

“Yes sir. I„ve been on ground duty my entire term.”

“Looking forward to it?”

“Hell yes! I mean, yes sir.” Moore stammered

Arryn smiled. “My sentiments exactly.”

“I can‟t wait to go aboard and see the ship.”

“You haven‟t been aboard yet?” Steele asked as he arched his eyebrow.

“No sir. I got my orders two days ago but they made me wait so I could pilot the Archer

up to the ship.”

“And I sidetracked you by detouring us to the fleet museum.”

“It‟s no problem sir. Like I said, I love the museum.”

Both men went silent as they came across the horizon and caught sight of Starbase 1.

Moore smiled as he said “I never get tired of that sight.”

Arryn chuckled, his sour mood dissipating quickly at the beautiful sight in front of him.

“You ain‟t seen nothing yet kid.”

Reaching over Steele activated the subspace com system. “Assault shuttle Archer to

control tower.”

“Assault shuttle Archer, this is tower four: Go ahead.” A smooth voice replied.

“Tower four this is Archer en route to U.S.S. Reliant, requesting permission to enter the

approach pattern.”

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“Archer, we have you on our screens now and are sending you flight instructions.”

“Very well, Tower Four. Thank you.”

“I‟ve got the instructions here sir.” Moore said, “They‟ve cleared us all the way to

docking bay 94. We‟ll be there in sixty seconds.”


In front of them the huge doors with the number 94 on them began to retract and both

men were able to see the Reliant in front of them.

“Wow. Now that‟s a beautiful ship.” The pilot said as they closed in.

“Yes she is.” Arryn replied proudly as he tapped his com badge. “Shuttle Pod Archer to


“Reliant here captain.” Lt. Nog replied.

“Nog? Where‟s Commander Kim?” Steele asked.

“He‟s giving Commander Kiljian a tour of the ship sir. I have the bridge right now.” Nog


“Very well,” Steele said, “open shuttle bay two and notify Commander Kim and

Commander Kiljian to meet me there.”

“Yes sir.” Nog said, closing the link.

Arryn smiled and patted Moore on the back. “Welcome aboard.”


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Jacen Steele looked over his shoulder for what seemed like the one hundredth time as he

crossed the street and made his way to his appointment. He hurried along the street to deliver his

package to his superior, a Ferengi named Sluubas, who was in no mood to wait.

In fact, Sluubas hadn‟t been the same since his mysterious trip a week prior. It piqued

Kras‟ curiosity, but not enough to ask Sluubas about it for while he was human and by his very

nature, stronger than the Ferengi, Sluubas hadn‟t risen to the level of Archbishop of the Dak Nos

Parrish of the Interstellar Guild of Businessmen and Merchants by being stupid.

In fact, Sluubas was one of the most cunning beings Steele had ever run across in his

many years as a freighter captain, which made him even more cautious as he entered the

warehouse where he was to meet Sluubas.

“Hold.” A surly Nausicaan snarled as Steele entered.

“Well hello there, Trok.” Steele greeted the Nausicaan sarcastically. “I can‟t tell you how

much I‟ve missed your sunny disposition.”

“Human not funny.” Trok growled.

“Just search me so I can talk to Sluubas.” Steele replied, his patience wearing thin.

Trok grunted and did a quick search over Steele, pausing to check his long trench coat

extra thoroughly. “No weapons.” The Nausicaan grunted as he grabbed for Steele‟s Klingon

disruptor pistol.

Steele was faster though as he placed a hand on Troks and squeezed hard.

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The Nausicaan‟s eyes went wide with surprise and pain. Steele smiled as the Nausicaan

fell to his knees. “Not what you were expecting, Trok?” he snorted derisively as he released the

hand. “It‟s artificial, asshole.”

“Now, now, Jacen, it‟s not polite to antagonize my guards that way.”

Steele turned to find Sluubas approaching from his office, a Ferengi disruptor in hand and

aimed at his chest. Beside him stood yet another Nausicaan and an immensely massive human

who towered, even over the Nausicaan, by a good ten centimeters.

Jacen cocked his head and nodded. “I have to give it to you Sluubas, you sure know how

to make a guy feel welcome.”

The other Nausicaan, who had by now regained his footing and his confidence, again

reached for the disruptor pistol on Jacen‟s hip and again, Jacen grabbed him by the wrist, only

this time he squeezed hard enough to hear the bones in the alien‟s forearm begin to snap.

The Nausicaan‟s eyes went wide with pain again but he said nothing as Jacen scowled

and continued to squeeze.

“This time it‟s broken, Trok. Next time, you don‟t get it back.”

Sluubas laughed loudly and waved Trok away to deal with his injured wrist while

holstering his own weapon. “I like you, hew-mon. Come inside my office. We have business to


An hour later, Jacen Steele walked onto the bridge of his light freighter, the Jade Phoenix

and sat heavily in the pilot‟s seat as his partner, an Andorian male named Shran, took the seat

next to him.

“They‟re loading the cargo bay now.” Shran reported as he began the ship‟s pre-flight

checks. “Goon is keeping an eye on them.”

Jacen chuckled. The Klingon male they affectionately called Goon, was a veteran of the

Imperial Klingon Defense Forces who had left the military to work as a soldier of fortune. He

was also the proud owner of one of the most ill-tempered Targs in the galaxy.

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“I believe that Goon and his pet will inspire Sluubas‟ people to behave themselves.”

Shran laughed. “If they don‟t, the Targ will eat well for the duration of the trip.”

Jacen nodded and began his pre-flight check as well.

“Did Sluubas happen to tell you what it is we‟re ferrying to Roclaw on this trip?” the

Andorian asked.

Jacen smiled. “Come on now, Shran. You know my rule: Don‟t ask, don‟t tell. It‟s why

people hire me.”

Shran shook his head. “Yes, and one day it‟s going to get us killed.”





“The warp engines have been modified somewhat from the original design of the Defiant

class,” Commander Kim explained as he gave Dearra the tour of main engineering. “We‟ve

incorporated some of the design changes that Master Chief O‟Brian designed during the war and

also some modifications by Lieutenant Commander B‟lanna Paris at the Utopia Planetia Yards

on Mars.”

“I suppose that explains why the Reliant has nearly twice the available power of the

original Defiant.” Dearra speculated.

“That would be correct.” A female voice said from behind them.

Turning, Dearra came face to face with a tall dark haired woman with broad shoulders

and a slim waist who wore the rank of lieutenant.

“Commander Kiljian, allow me to introduce our Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Jennifer

Sandara.” Kim said.

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“Good to meet you.” Dearra greeted.

“Thanks sir.” Sandara replied. “Now if you‟ll both excuse me, I have to recalibrate the

warp field inducers on the starboard nacelle.”

“Again?” Kim asked.

“They keep showing a point zero-one-five variance in their output ratios.”

“That‟s well within the standard.” Dearra commented.

Sandara fixed her with a look that Dearra almost classified as contempt. “That may work

for Starfleet Engineering, but not for me. Not when I know I can have it down to a point zero-


Dearra acquiesced with a nod. “The hop to it lieutenant. I don‟t want anything keeping us

from departing on time.”

Sandara looked at her strangely for a moment then smiled and nodded. “Aye sir.”

Both Harry and Dearra watched as the chief engineer made her way quickly out of

engineering before returning to the tour.

“I think you just scored some major points with her.” Kim said.

“How so?”

“Sandara has spent the last five years over at Starfleet Engineering‟s test facility at San

Francisco Fleet Yards. She‟s not one for small talk and, to be honest, she‟s not much of a people

person.” Harry explained.

“Then why did the captain choose her for this posting?” Dearra asked as they continued

to make their way down the corridor past the crew quarters.

“He had to almost drag her kicking and screaming,” Kim replied with a smile, “but he

enticed her with a promotion and the chance to see what one of her engine designs could do in

the real world.”

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“You mean?”

“Yep,” Kim nodded, “Sandara was the one who redesigned the Defiants’ engines to get

the boost in output. We never would have been able to modify the other ships systems without


“Like what?”

“Oh, the multi-directional pulse phaser array, the enhanced sensor package, not to

mention the cloak—”

“Bridge to Commander Kim.”

Harry stopped and tapped his combadge. “Kim here. What‟s up, Nog?”

“Sir, Captain Steele is inbound aboard the Archer. He wants you and the X.O. to meet

him when he arrives.”

“We‟re on our way, Kim out.” He turned and smiled. “Ready to meet your new captain?”


Arryn Steele stepped from the assault shuttle to find both Commander Kiljian and Lt.

Commander Kim awaiting him at the position of attention. “At ease, people.” He smiled as he

stepped forward and offered Kiljian his hand. “Good to have you aboard, Commander. I trust

that Commander Kim here has made you feel welcome?”

“Yes sir.” Dearra replied, shaking Arryn‟s hand. “She‟s a beautiful ship. I‟m looking

forward to serving on her.”

“Good.” Arryn nodded. “How‟s the preflight coming, Harry?”

“We‟ll be ready to depart within the hour sir.” Kim reported proudly, “That is if Sandara

gets the nacelle variance fixed before then.”

“She‟s still fiddling with that damned thing?”

“She says she‟ll have it fixed before we depart sir.” Dearra quickly interjected.

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“You‟ve taken a liking to our chief engineer?” Steele asked with a smirk.

“No sir. It‟s just that if she is as good as you and Mister Kim say, I think she should be

allowed to give us her best effort, so long as it doesn‟t detract from her duties.”

Steele considered what she said and fixed her with a stare for a long moment. Dearra was

beginning to feel like she had said something wrong when he suddenly smiled. “I happen to

agree with you.”

Dearra let out the breath she hadn‟t realized she‟d been holding and the captain laughed.

“Relax commander. I value my honesty and integrity over everything else.”

Dearra smiled slightly. “Remember that, sir, when I tell you something you don‟t like.”

“I‟ll keep it in mind.” Arryn said as he stepped forward toward the turbolift. “Let‟s go to


“Attention all hands: The Commanding Officer is now aboard. Lieutenant Commander

Kim stands relieved.”

Steele shook his head as the computer finished its announcement. “We have got to get

that damned thing fixed.”


Steele couldn‟t help but smile as the doors opened and he took in the buzz of activity

before him.

“Captain on the bridge!” Nog announced as he stood to attention in front of the captain‟s


“As you were.” Steele said as he moved to take his rightful place. “Report, Mister Nog.”

“Sir, we have completed all preflight checks. The Reliant is ready to launch.” Nog

reported proudly.

“Good.” The captain replied, tapping his combadge. “Engineering, what‟s your status?”

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“Impulse and warp engines are online and calibrated, sir. Just give the word.” Sandara‟s

voice replied.

“Lieutenant, the word is given.” Steele said with a smile as he closed the channel.

“Ok, everyone, let‟s take a moment to savor this experience.” Steele said. “When we‟re

older, I want us all to remember these first few moments when the Reliant put to space.”

The bridge was quiet a moment as the crew complied with their captain‟s orders and he

nodded to each one of them in turn as he looked around the bridge and locked eyes with them.

When he came to Commander Kiljian, he nodded to her and faced sat in his chair.

“Ok, moment‟s over.” He said. “Departure stations.”

Quickly everyone moved to their assigned station on the bridge. Nog took his place at the

helm, Jax his place at security, Kim in the tactical booth behind the captain and Dearra at her

station monitoring ship‟s operations.

“All stations report ready sir.” the X.O. reported.

“Very well.” Steele said allowing a slight smirk to come across his face. “Mister Nog:

release docking clamps and clear all moorings.

“Docking clamps released, all moorings cleared and thrusters are at station keeping, sir.”

Nog responded.

“Very well,” the captain replied turning to Dearra, “X.O., get me the dock master.”

Dearra activated the com system. “Control tower reading, sir.”

Steele leaned forward in his seat. “Control, this is Reliant requesting permission to


“Reliant, this is control tower four. Space doors are opening and you are cleared to

depart.” A female voice replied.

“Thank you control, Reliant out.” Steele said as he leaned back. “Mister Nog, docking

thrusters ahead full.”

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“Thrusters ahead full, aye sir.” Nog said as he increased power to the docking thrusters

and like a majestic bird, the Reliant slipped her dock and began sailing out into the stars, the spot

lights of docking bay 94 following her out into the night until she was out of their range.

“We‟ve cleared the inner marker sir.” Harry reported from his tactical station.

“Then let‟s get underway. Mister Nog, take us to full impulse.”

“But sir, Starfleet standard operating procedure says that ships have to remain at half

impulse in the Sol system until they reach the outer marker at Mars.” Nog replied cautiously.

Steele shook his head and smiled. “Mister Nog, one thing you are going to learn about me

is that I never accept the standard. Now, full impulse if you please.”

“Aye sir.” Nog replied. “Full impulse.”

“Good.” Steele said as he stood up. “Mister Kim, you have the bridge. Notify me when

we‟re ready to go to warp.”

“Yes sir.” Harry replied.

“X.O., join me in my ready room. I think it‟s time we got to know each other.”

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Dearra took a seat in the chair across from Captain Steele‟s desk as he walked over to the

replicator. “Computer, one thirty two ounce cup of Steele recipe two dash one.”

The computer beeped and materialized a large cup of dark liquid that Dearra could see,

was fizzing. “I don‟t mean to pry sir, but what is that?”

Steele smiled as he took his cup and walked over to his chair and sat down. “This,

Commander, is the nectar of the gods.” He said as he took a large drink.

Seeing the perplexed look on her face he explained. “It‟s a drink invented in the 20th

Century called coke.”

“Oh.” Dearra nodded.

“Want some?”

“No thank you sir.” Dearra replied too quickly.

Steele laughed. “Suit yourself.”

The captain tapped a button on his display screen and Dearra‟s service record appeared

floating above the desk. “I love advanced holographics.”

Dearra leaned close and her eyes went wide with surprise. “Sir, these are the restricted

files of my record. No one is supposed to be able to see them without my authorization.”

“I know.” Steele replied nonchalantly. “However, there is an obscure little addendum to

that regulation that allows the commanding officer of said individual to access restricted files and

logs for mission related reasons. I wanted to know the X.O. I was getting, so I accessed them.”

“I‟d hardly call that mission related, sir.” Dearra replied as she tried to not sounds as

offended as she felt.

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“Of course it is, Commander.” Steele said. “We were on mission from the moment we

left spacedock.”

“I doubt that Starfleet Command would see it in the same spirit as you do, sir.”

“Well, it won‟t be the first time Starfleet Command and I have agreed to disagree on an

issue.” Steele said with a smile. Besides,” he gestured to her file, “I was impressed by what I


“I suppose that‟s a comfort.” Dearra replied.

Steele laughed. “Not only is she a fine strategist, but she has with and humor as well! I

have to say, I pick em good.”


“Of course.” Steele said. “You don‟t think you got this job just by luck of the draw, do


“Well I had put in for a transfer back to—”

“For the fourth time and you were about to get rejected again.” Steele finished for her.

Dearra sat back, her expression hardening. “Admiral Jellico said he was working to find

me an assignment.”

“I almost had to arm wrestle Admiral Jellico to get him to let you go.” Steele said, taking

a long sip from his drink. “Fortunately, he saw things my way.”

Dearra sat in silence brooding over what Steele had told her. She had trusted Jellico

when he told her he was trying to get her an line assignment.

“Don‟t let it get to you too much, Commander.” Steele said as he sat his drink down.

“Jellico didn‟t get to be the head of Starfleet Intelligence by telling everything he knew.”

“He told me that the captains he spoke to all wanted an experienced veteran as their first

officer, not someone who hadn‟t been on a starship in five years.”

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“That part was true.” Steele explained. “What he didn‟t say though, was that he only

asked the captains whom he knew would say that.”

“So why did you want me aboard then?”

Steele sat back and placed his hand behind his head. “It‟s simple actually. I wanted an

X.O. who thought like I did.”

“What do you mean?”

Steele leaned forward on his desk and looked Dearra in the eye. “Let me ask you a

question: You have an away team on a quarantined planet, guarding the only spacecraft that

could leave orbit and several members of the infected population were threatening to overrun the

position and acquire the spacecraft. You know that once they launch, they‟ll be able to go to

warp before you can destroy them. What do you do?”

“I target the ship with quantum torpedoes and destroy it before they can acquire it.”

Dearra said without missing a beat.

“But what about your away team? They‟re not infected.” Steele argued.

“Doesn‟t matter. If we can beam them out then we do so, but if it comes down to

destroying the ship with them on target or allowing these infected people to possibly spread the

outbreak to another planet, the logic is simple. Kill a few, save millions.”

“I tend to agree with you. Unfortunately, many at Starfleet Command don‟t. ” Steele

sighed. “Don‟t get me wrong: I‟m happy the war is over and I am glad that we can get back to

exploring space in a peaceful manner. I just don‟t think we should be doing so at the expense of


“Is that why you wanted me as your first officer?”

Steele chuckled. “Well, it wasn‟t the only reason. I also admired your strategy at Betazed.

It was gutsy and would have worked brilliantly if Vice Admiral Soral hadn‟t decided he was

smarter than you.”

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The mention of the Vulcan Admiral who had been charged with retaking Betazed made

Dearra curl her lip into a snarl.

He had protested when Admiral Jellico had presented her plan to Starfleet Command but

he had been overruled. Nevertheless, when Admiral Haskell had been killed leading the attack,

Soral had jumped in and used the opportunity to change the strategy to his liking. His actions as

been a stunning display of Vulcan arrogance that had cost Starfleet five ships and thousand of


A daring counterattack led by the starship Gorkon had shifted the tide back into the

Federations favor but not before the damage could be done. Truth be told, Steele himself had

become slightly jaded to Vulcan logic after the incident, but he did his best not to let it show.

“Someday, Commander, you are going to be remembered as one of the most formidable

admirals the Federation ever had but for now, you need to learn how to be a captain. That‟s why

I chose you.”

“Bridge to Captain Steele.” Harry Kim‟s voice interjected.

“Go ahead.”

“Sir, we‟ve reached the outer marker and are clear to go to warp but we‟re picking up a

distress call.” Kim reported.

Steele was on his feet. “On my way.”

“Captain on the bridge.” Nog announced.

“Report.” Steele commanded.

“Distress call is from the Acropolis, sir.” Kim reported. “She approximately thirty light

years from us and says she‟s under attack.”

“Data on Acropolis?”

“Subject vessel is a second class bulk cargo freighter. Ninety one crew and thirty

registered passengers.” The computer‟s feminine voice replied.

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“Hell of a time to be without a doctor.” Steele sighed.

“Where is she?” Dearra asked.

“She‟s meeting us at Starbase Forty Four.” Steele replied as he activated his combadge.

“Engineering: what‟s our maximum capable warp speed?”

“I can give you warp seven at present, sir.” Lt. Sandara replied. “Seven point two, if you

push it, but I wouldn‟t. At least, not until I get the intermix fine tuned.”

“No promises, Steele out.” The captain said as he turned towards the helm. “Mister Nog:

set an intercept course, warp seven.”

“Aye sir!”

“X.O., red alert.”

“Red alert, aye sir.” Dearra replied.

“Mister Kim, is the cloaking device online?” Steele asked as the alert klaxons began to


“Yes sir.”

“Good. Cloak the ship and don‟t reply to the distress call. I don‟t want whoever is

attacking them to know we‟re coming.”

“Yes sir.” Kim replied as he pressed the button that activated the cloaking device.

Immediately the lights dimmed to a bluish hue.

“Course set and laid in sir.” Nog reported.

“Very well.” Steele replied. “Execute.”

The Reliant seemed to stretch for a moment as her warp field enveloped her and then she

was gone in a flash, racing faster than the speed of light.

“Time to intercept?” Steele asked.

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“Four minutes, twelve seconds.” Dearra replied.

“All stations manned and ready sir.” Kim reported.

“Marine teams are standing by in the transporter room and the shuttle bays sir.”

Lieutenant Jax said.

“Very well. Mister Kim, charge weapons and arm torpedoes.”

“Aye sir.” Kim replied.

“Bring us in behind the enemy ship, Mister Nog.”

“Aye sir.” Nog said.

“Two minutes to target.” Dearra said.

“I have a visual on the target, sir.” Kim announced

“On screen.” Steele commanded.

The scene on the view screen changed from streaking stars to a long rectangular shaped

freighter that was being systematically pounded by a sleek looking vessel with boxy engine

nacelles above forward swept wings.

“Drop us out of warp within weapons range, Mister Nog.” Steele commanded.

“This is going to be tricky—hang on.” Nog replied as he throttled the Reliant’s engines

back and dropped the ship from warp two thousand meters behind and under the aft engine

section of the enemy ship.

“Cloak is holding sir.” Dearra Reported. “All systems are stable.”

“No sign that they detected us sir.” Kim added.

“Good.” Steele said as he stood. “Mister Jax- I want a team in a shuttle and a team on the

transporter pad standing by to board.”

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“Aye sir.” The massive human said as he stood and trotted off of the bridge to join his

fellow Marines.

“Mister Kim—drop the cloak and transfer power to weapons. X.O.— raise shields.”

The Reliant shimmered into existence just slightly under and behind the enemy vessel,

and Captain Steele had trouble hiding the smirk on his face as he imagined the look on the

enemy captains‟ face.

“Open hailing frequencies.” Steele commanded.

“Frequencies open sir.” Dearra replied.

“Attention unknown vessel: This is the Federation Starship Reliant. Cease fire and

prepare to be boarded for inspection.”

“No response sir.” Dearra reported.

Steele turned to face the tactical station. “Mister Kim, lock forward pulse phasers on their

engine section and stand by to fire. Let‟s see if that gets their attention.”

Steele waited a tense moment as he studied the view screen in front of him, then turned to

face Kim.

“Enemy vessel is powering their warp engines, sir. They‟re running for it” Dearra

reported suddenly.

“Not likely. Mister Kim: fire.” Steele commanded.

At her captains‟ command the Reliant unleashed her powerful pulse phasers into the rear

deflector shields of the enemy ship. They sparkled and crackled with energy as they tried in vain

to absorb the powerful blasts that were being poured into them before finally sputtering and

going out.

“They‟re locking weapons on us.” Jax suddenly reported.

“Harry, target just forward of their engines and fire.” Steele ordered as a sudden idea

came to his mind.

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“Sir, there‟s no vital systems in that—”

“Just do it, Harry.”

“Aye sir. Firing.” Kim complied.

The Reliant lashed out again, her pulse weapons ripping a hole in the hull plating of the

enemy ship just forward of its engines. Steele watched for a moment and then smiled as a green

plume of warp plasma began to erupt from the hole.

“Direct hit to their port warp plasma conduit, sit.” Kim reported. “How did you know?”

“I‟ll explain later.” Steele replied as he turned to face Jax. “Get your teams—”

“Sir, their warp reactor is beginning to overheat.” Dearra suddenly reported.

“What?” Steele spun around.

“Warp core breach in thirty seconds.” Kim said.

“Scan for life forms.” Steele said, thinking fast.

“Sir?” Kim asked.

“X.O., do it!”

“I‟m reading numerous life forms aboard sir.” Dearra replied.

“Lock onto one and transport directly to the brig.” Steele said, “Nog, lock a tractor beam

onto the Acropolis and prepare to go to warp at my command.”

“On it sir.” the Ferengi replied.

“There are a lot of people on that ship sir, which one do you want?” Dearra asked.

“Core breach in ten seconds.” Kim said nervously.

“Any one.”

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Dearra began working at a frantic pace as Kim counted down the seconds until the enemy

ships warp core breached and destroyed the ship and anything in the surrounding space.

“Got him!” she announced.

“Nog!” Steele said.

“On it sir.” Nog said as he throttled the ship‟s engines to warp, dragging the helpless

Acropolis behind them.”

“Five, four, three—” Kim counted.

“Sir, the ship! Its warp core is normalizing and powering up.” Dearra reported.

“Those slippery bastards.” Steele growled, “They know we can‟t turn around and pursue

without dropping from warp and letting the Acropolis go first.”

Steele and the rest of the crew watched helplessly as the enemy ship‟s engines flashed,

speeding them off into warp.

Steele sighed as he stood. “Stand down from red alert. Nog, set a course for Starbase 44.”

“Aye sir.” Nog replied.

“What are we going to do now sir?” Dearra asked as she came to stand by his side.

“First,” Steele said, “we‟ll have Mister Kim here scan for their warp plasma signature.

That should give us a decent idea of where they went.”

“But if they‟re smart they headed in a random direction to throw us off. They won‟t set

their true course until they get that leak plugged.”

“Exactly.” Steele replied. “Which is why you and I are going to have a little chat with our

new guest down in the brig. If they‟re stupid, we catch them with the plasma. If they‟re not


“He can tell us where to find them.” Dearra smiled.

Steele nodded. “Mister Jax, you‟re with us. Mister Kim, you have the con.”

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Jacen checked his sensor screen one last time and then leaned back in his pilots chair as

he slowly chewed on an old Starfleet ration bar and watched the world of Roclaw grow smaller

on his rear view display screen.

“Well that was loads of fun.” Shran said drily as he entered the cockpit and took his seat

next to Jacen.

“Everything secure?” Jacen asked.

“Yes. Our new cargo is secured and Dorg‟rah says the engines are spun up for warp.”

Shran said, “And the sooner we get away from this planet the happier I‟ll be.”

“Oh, what‟s wrong Shran?” Jacen smirked, “Roclaw a little too low tech for you? Too far

out on the frontier?”

“I don‟t mind the frontier.” Shran replied, “I just don‟t like planets where you have to

catch your dinner. Planets like that are magnets for trouble.”

“That‟s why I eat these.” Jacen said pointing to his ration bar. “Besides, it‟s not like we

were there a long time.”

“Long enough.” Shran muttered.

Jacen was about to ask what he meant by the comment when suddenly the intercom

activated. “Captain,” said the gruff voice of the Klingon they called Goon, “We have a problem


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Jacen sat upright immediately. “What is it, Goon?”

“Come to the cargo bay.” Goon replied.

“See, I told you.” Shran chided.

Jacen waved him off as he stood. “It‟s probably nothing. Just a glitch in the lift servos.”

Two minutes later, as Jacen found himself in the cargo hold staring at a small vial of

white liquid that he held in his hand, he couldn‟t help but think that maybe Shran was prescient.

“What the hell is that doing on my ship?” he demanded.

“Don‟t know, boss.” Narq, the Ferengi load master, said apologetically. “But we got a

whole case of it back here.”

“A case!?” Jacen nearly exploded. “A whole case of this baktag?”

Goon laughed. “Captain speaks tlhlngon Hol when he‟s angry.”

“Shut up Goon or I‟ll show you just how adept at the Klingon language I really am.”

Jacen growled as he whirled on Narq. “I swear to you Narq, if you swindled this from our buyers

back on Roclaw you‟ll be desiccated discs on the Ferengi exchange before we hit our next port.”

Narq put his hands up. “Not me this time boss, I swear it!”

“What‟s the problem?” Shran asked as he strode into the cargo hold.

“This.” Jacen replied handing the vial to him.

Shran‟s eyes went wide. “Tell me that‟s not—”

“It is.” Jacen snarled as he snatched the vial back. “Get back to the cockpit and check our

sensors for ships behind us and then set a course for the nearest Federation Starbase.”

“You want to get Starfleet involved in this?” Shran asked incredulously.

“Better them than the Romulans. Besides, I know a few people. With any luck we can

still get out of this with our skins attached.”

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Dearra watched the prisoner in the cell closely as he paced back and forth like a

frightened animal and was satisfied.

The prisoner was Orion but it wasn‟t a big deal to Dearra. The big green men liked to

bluster and boast almost as much as Klingons did but, thanks to her training in interrogation

techniques, she knew exactly which buttons to push to make him talk.

She knew from psychological operations training that Orion males weren‟t all that fond

of the strong female types found in other races. They preferred their women complacent and

obedient, so much so that it un-nerved them completely when they were placed in a position of

weakness by a female.

They were used to dealing with women who came at them in a sultry and seductive

manner to get what they wanted but even then, Orion men were only vulnerable to the charms of

the female persuasion for so long.

No, Dearra knew that she didn‟t need the Orion male pliant.

She needed him mad. So mad that he couldn‟t think.

“What‟s the matter, tiny?” she asked, scorn practically dripping from voice.

“Argh!” the Orion howled as he turned and lunged at her, only to be thrown back again

by the force field that kept him contained in his cell. “Chi boska pi dut-ka no wi gow!”

Dearra smirked. “Oh, now that‟s not very nice to say to a lady.”

“Report.” Captain Steele said as he entered the brig area.

Dearra never took her eyes off of her prisoner. “Nothing yet.”

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“You‟ve had him for six hours now, Commander. I was hoping to see some results at this


“I understand sir.” Dearra said, her gaze still fixed on the Orion male.

“Bridge to Captain Steele.” The voice of Harry Kim called out.

Steele tapped his com badge. “Go ahead Harry.”

“Sir, we‟re on final approach to Starbase 44.”

“Very well, I‟m on the way.” Steele said closing the channel. “Work fast commander.

Once we get to Starbase 44, we lose control of him.”

“That‟s going to require me to get,” she paused as she searched for the proper word,

“creative sir.”

Steele considered her statement for a long moment and then nodded. “Do it, but be quick.

We need to know why they were attacking that ship.”

Dearra nodded. “I‟ll have a report for you shortly sir.”

Steele turned and exited the brig holding area as Dearra faced the lone remaining guard.

“Leave us.”

“Ma‟am?” the young human Marine asked.

“You are dismissed, Marine.” Dearra said, her voice suddenly becoming as hard as rock.

“Wait outside until called for. Am I clear?”

The Marine snapped to attention. “Yes ma‟am!”

Dearra watched him go and waited until the doors shut behind him before turning on the

Orion male in the cell. Fixing her gaze on him he closed her eyes and began to reach out with her

telepathic abilities.

Inside the cell, the Orion shook his head as if he someone had suddenly slapped him

across the face. “What are you doing, female?” he growled.

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Dearra didn‟t answer as she probed into his mind deeper, tossing aside his mental

defenses as if they were nothing. The Orion‟s hands flew up to his head and his face contorted

with pain. “Get- out of- my mind!” he gasped.

Dearra smirked. “Not going to happen, tiny.”

The Orion fell to his knees as green blood began to trickle from his nose. “It- hurts!”

“Of course it does.” Dearra replied, her voice as calm and smooth as glass. “But since

you didn‟t want to talk to me I had to resort to more unpleasant means.”

“Argh!” The Orion howled in pain as he collapsed to the floor, his body huddled into a

fetal position. “I‟ll talk! I‟ll tell you anything you want to know!”

Dearra smiled, her concentration fully focused now on the being groveling before her.

“Oh yes, I know you will.”





Arryn entered the command Center of Starbase 44 and couldn‟t help but be impressed by

what he saw. Surrounding him were large banks of viewscreens showing different computer

generated scenes. One which was dedicated to space traffic control, or S.T.S., showed the

umbrella shaped space station and all of the incoming and outgoing ships within fifty thousand


Another showed a display of the Romulan / Federation border and the ships stationed

along it while yet another displayed the same information for the Klingons and the Cardassians.

Finally a last viewscreen was dedicated to communications and surveillance of the station.

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Steele made his way down the stairs to the central control hub where several officers

and crewmen worked to keep track of the stations operations. As he approached a young female

ensign looked up and stood to attention.

“Can I help you sir?‟ she asked.

“Captain Steele here to see Commodore Shallak.” he replied.

“Yes sir, he‟s expecting you.” The ensign replied eagerly. “If you‟ll follow me?”

Steele gestured and the two made their way towards the office doors that overlooked the

command center. On the doors were the black squares with a single gold pip centered in them

that symbolized the rank of Commodore.

The ensign touched the door chime and a moment later the doors opened with a quiet

whoosh to admit them. “Sir, Captain Steele is here to see you.”

“Come in Captain.” The Commodore said, his brusque Andorian accent evident in his


Steele nodded to the ensign who turned and departed as he entered the cool office of

Commodore Shallak and approached his desk. “You wanted to see me sir?”

The Commodore stood and gestured to the vacant seat across from him. “Yes Captain, I

did. We have a delicate situation here and I‟m not sure what to do about it yet.”

“What‟s the situation sir?” Steele asked.

The Andorian‟s antennae folded inward towards each other in a gesture equivalent to a

human arching an eyebrow. “We had a freighter captain turn over something rather interesting


“What was it?”

The Andorian held up a vial of white liquid and Steele‟s heart froze.

“Ketracel White.” Steele breathed.

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Shallak nodded. “Banned by all the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant. Possession,

transporting or manufacture of it is illegal and an automatic life sentence to a penal colony.”

“No wonder they came here with it. If they had gone to the Romulans or the Klingons it

would have been an instant death sentence.” Steele said, rubbing his temples. “The question then

becomes: Where did they get it?”

“That is the question indeed.” Shallak said. “The captain of the freighter is in a holding

area but he doesn‟t want to talk. He says he only brought it here to get rid of it once he

discovered it aboard his ship. I was hoping you would talk to him.”

“Me?” Steele asked. “What good could I do?”

“You tell me,” The Commodore said as he leaned forward, “he‟s your brother.”
