#measuresoe campaign gallery

"In today’s Experience Economy, experience IS the marketing! Market researchers must understand how well that happens, how engaged customers are, how long memories last, whether [these experiences] lead to purchases. Embracing SOE can be great way to get at these issues." -Joe Pine, Author, The Experience Economy (@joepine) Joe Pine

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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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"In today’s Experience Economy, experience IS the marketing!

Market researchers must understand how well that happens, how engaged customers are, how long memories last,

whether [these experiences] lead to purchases.

Embracing SOE can be great way to get at these issues."

-Joe Pine, Author, The Experience Economy (@joepine)

Joe Pine

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“As the online landscape evolves and digital touchpoints take an increasing share of advertising budgets, it is more and more important to have a correct attribution model,

including experiences. Take millennials’ experience with music…despite an increase in streaming,they appreciate more and more live music.

Therefore, measuring brands’ Share of Experience is most probably a better indicatorfor ROI than Share of Voice. Social media should take SOE into consideration if they want to

remain relevant for advertisers.”

- Corneliu Vilsan, Operational Marketing Director, Pernod Ricard (@Pernod_Ricard)

Corneliu Vilsan

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“Brands need a 360°  view of their customers…Everything is an experience,when we see a TV ad, when we consume a product, when we shop a fixture, we are experiencing the

brand. To evaluate the value of every element, we need to [know] what people are exposed to,

and we need measurements along the path to purchase in order to optimise the brand’s strategy and the tactical implementation of that strategy.

A key part of this process is researching brand experience, from the large and special, to the small and quotidian.”

-Ray Poynter, Managing Director, The Future Place, and Founder, NewMR.org (@raypoynter)

Ray PoynterRay Poynter

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“It’s no longer sufficient to measure share of voice and just for a small number of advertising media. This is just measuring who shouts loudest, where.

With real-time experience tracking, there’s an opportunity to measure what messages people notice from what media and importantly how they respond to those

experiences. Taking advantage of that rapid insight is what will differentiate the best communicators in the future.”

-Prof. Paul Baines, Professor of Political Marketing, Cranfield School of Management (@DrPaulBaines)

Paul Baines

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“In our world today of media fragmentation, time shifting and multiple screens, we have to be creative in how we build our

relationship with our customers, and we need to be equally creativein how we measure our efforts.

Share of Experience (SOE) allows us to know how we are reaching our customers across all possible touchpoints, even the ones our customers create themselves!”

-Catherine Willis, General Manager of Customer Research, Delta Air Lines (@delta)

Catherine Willis

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“Brands grow by creating by generating Fame, Feeling and Fluency – easy, quick, System 1 mental shortcuts that make your brand the instinctive choice. Repeated brand experiences of any kind areimportant, because every new experience a person has with your brand refreshes and replenishes

these mental shortcuts – builds mental availability, generates feeling and strengthens mental associations with your brand’s distinctive assets.

The beauty of a brand experience measure is that it enables you to demonstrate the contribution

of your marketing activities in their totality across all touchpoints.”

-John Kearon, Founder and Chief Juicer, BrainJuicer (@chiefjuicer)

John Kearon

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“If you had to boil down the whole of behavioural science into two words, those words might well be ‘context matters.’”

MESH Experience seems to be one of the research companies which understands this best.

-Rory Sutherland, Vice Chairman, Ogilvy & Mather (@rorysutherland)

Rory Sutherland

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“Brands help products differentiate themselves, and quality experiences are essentialfor brands to make emotional connections with people that go way

beyond rational features and benefits.

Evaluating individuals’ brand experiences throughout paid and non-paid forpoints of interaction, in terms of intensity and share would

therefore appear to be a very relevant way of thinking.”

-Damian Blackden, Worldwide Chief Strategy Officer, Maxus (@damianblackden)

Damian Blackden