mcvp ad mexico 13.14

[email protected] +57 300 5568048 Wido.hurtado ACCOUNT DELIVERY MC 13.14 My name is Wilder Hurtado and I am from Colombia and I studied industrial Engineer at “Universidad Nacional de Colombia”. I define myself as a happy person, who worries about current issues, passionate about entrepreneurship. I joined AIESEC in 2010 and I believe that «once AIESECer, forever AIESECer». I love to travel and reading a lot, I love photography as well. I speak fluent English and also count with a good Portuguese. I will invite you then to read my application AIESEC CONFERENCES LDC Manizales 150 delegates/2009 Natco Medellin 300 delegates/2009 RDC Ibagué 150 delegates/2009 NPM Bogota 250 delegates/2009 RTC Sta. Marta 250 delegates/2010 FACI Chair Zonalito Mzl 1 100 delegates/2010 FACI PAE Santa Maria 150 delegates/2010 FACI TtT Santa Ibague 150 delegates/2010 FACI Zonalito Mzl 2 100 delegates/2010 FACI CONAL Mexico 200 delegates/2011 FACI

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Here i attach my application for mcvp ad 13.14


Page 1: MCVP AD MEXICO 13.14

[email protected]

+57 300 5568048



MC 13.14 My name is Wilder Hurtado and I am from Colombia and I studied industrial Engineer at “Universidad Nacional de Colombia”. I define myself as a happy person, who worries about current issues, passionate about entrepreneurship. I joined AIESEC in 2010 and I believe that «once AIESECer, forever AIESECer». I love to travel and reading a lot, I love photography as well. I speak fluent English and also count with a good Portuguese. I will inv i te you then to read my application

AIESEC CONFERENCES LDC  Manizales  150  delegates/2009  

Natco  Medellin  300  delegates/2009  

RDC  Ibagué  150  delegates/2009  

NPM  Bogota  250  delegates/2009  

RTC  Sta.  Marta  250  delegates/2010  FACI  -­‐  Chair  

Zonalito  Mzl  1  100  delegates/2010  FACI  

PAE  Santa  Maria  150  delegates/2010  FACI  

TtT  Santa  Ibague  150  delegates/2010  FACI  

Zonalito  Mzl  2  100  delegates/2010  FACI  

CONAL  Mexico  200  delegates/2011  FACI  

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NST  ICX  Colom

bia  •  Segmenta;on  per  Deparment  based  on  Goverment  


•  Workgroups  in  @Colombia  to  develop  new  products  based  on  the  segmenta;on  

•  Increased  60%  the  development  internships  sales  in  Q1  Regarding  the  strategy  builted  •  Crea;on  of  ICX  Iden;ty  

Trainee  &  Ceeder  Brasil  

Crea;on  of  a  development  project  called  “Fundae”  Which  increased  Development  internship  in  80%  in  one  

month  Re-­‐rasing  with  some  accounts  regarding  my  experience  as  

trainee  and   them  new  products    

+Crea;on  of  IMPACTO  project,  with  MCVP  icx  and  NST  icx”  

+Increased  Raising  numbers  in  Q4  

+Sales  training  to  middle  and  lowperformers  

+Crea;on  with  the  NST  product  sheets  

+Strenthening    new  coopera;ons  with  @Peru,  Colombia  and  Brazil.  


er  @


Fitting The team. Experience that makes me good at…

@Conference Creation… I’ve been FACI in 5 conferences (Local- Regional and National (including CONAL MEXICO :D) outsiDe @, I have offered sales training to almost 300 people, coordinating the training depatrment of my Enterprise and nowadays, I am working with my own Project based on consultancy, offering sales and marketing trainings to differents groups around Colombia (middle and small companies).

Living with other people.. I have lived with 1 brazilian, 1 greek, 1 russian, 4 colombians, 1 french and 1 peruvian all in one flat during my Exchange in Brazil .. Yes.. trainee house Rocks!!.. then I lived with 2 Colombians, 1 brazilian girl, 2 mexicans, 1 Kenyan at the MC flat in Mexico… outside @ Right now I live with 2 roomates it is been a crazy year !

The biggest experience was given by AIESEC during my internship, it was really difficult to work with people who does not know nothing about spanish, people who got to the school without breakfast and they always offered a big smile to you. fr

…Emotional Intelligence

AIESEC Background

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Fitting The team.

Project Management Before @, I was the director of a Social Project, working with poor people, teaching them music. In AIESEC I’ve had several Leadership roles, and outsider @, I have experience being Team Leader, Sales Manager, Service Manager, and actually I am developing my own Enterprise .

My biggest Achievement in @ All the experience!!! When you work in a Enterprise and lead non-aiesecers groups, you understand the big impact that the organization makes on you. You understand that you can change the World and make anything you want if you have commitmen,t and if you live the AIESEC Way everyday. Something that I will never forget is the big smile of the people in Brazil when you spoke to them about entrepreneurship and about your country, it is a good thing when they realize that Colombia is not a jungle.

My biggest failure in @ Being OCP of 25th AIESEC Aniversary @Manizales, We did not achieve the revenue to develop the event, we did not made a good planning and we were working day by day. Also when I was LCVP ICX I had a problem with a trainee because we did not pay attention to the visa process. You learn from the mistakes!

Not at all, one thing that I like the most of AIESEC is that it does not matter if you are below or above the line of one MCVP or MCP, all positions are important and we need to work together as a team to achieve the results. We have to remember that one of our purpuses is to develop our Communication Skills, and the way to do it, it’s not Only to know how to speak to a conference, it is to show assertiveness when you speak to anyone, it does not depend on the possition or the relationship you have with others, it depends on the way you scalate and give the information to anyone in a Group.

W o u l d i t m a k e y o u uncomfortable to have an i n t e r m e d i a t e communication between you and the MCP?

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Are you applying part time or Full time… Why?

I am applying for full time position. The main personal restriction that I have is that I am moving to Mexico, and the main professional restriction that I find is that the position need a person aware all day of the work, this in order to ensure a good customer service and an accurate account delivery with LCs and national Partners.

Motivation and Career My  career  plan:  I have been an AIESECer since 2009. I took a rest in 2011 but now I am back applying to Mexico. Why? Just because I want to end up what I always dreamed when I start in AIESEC: BE AN AIVP. To get to this, I need to develop myself, develop the people whom I will work with, give results to Mexico, and the most important thing: convert the passion into excellence by giving to the people HIGH QUALITY EXPERIENCES!

…In  10  years…


As an enterpreneur, this new experience will give me the understanging of how important is to make everything we planned; we usually neglect our time and since the World is changing every second, we need to do differents things everyday in our companies to achieve our goals, always be updated and offer high quality services, products and experiences to the World. As Wilder, this position will let me understand the different ways of work that we have among the cultures, will let develop my teamwork skills, let increase my resilence. In 10 years I want to say that AIESEC Mexico taught me the importance of working as a team, learn everyday at least one thing and be a better person every day. I always wanted to be a enterpreneur person and @ gave me the baises to raise my company, in 10 years I want to say that my Enterprise is still working because AIESEC.

Why  @Mexico  I’ve been in several countries and I know a lot of AIESECers around the World, based on my experiencie, I choose @Mexico because it has the potencial to grows up as the largest young organization in the Country and because all the Mexican AIESECers are people who feel the organization in a different way, people with high potencial to develop their Leadership, make them believe that they can change the World and impact other lifes. I want @Mexico because I’m sure that there will be the place where I will not only find friends but a family. Why mexico? Because its Culture, its food, its landscapes and the most important thing is because Mexico is showing a high increase in its economy and I am totally sure that we can capitalize a lot of sectors and help mexico to grow together. Besides giving to the country leaders and people who understands the global reality and can impact the World.

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Motivation and Career Who  is  a  real  AIESECer?  A real AIESECer is a person who worries about the local, National and global Reality. It’s a person who shows resilience, who likes to share things with other cultures. An AIESECer, is a person who believes in small actions that change the World…a Real AIESECer is a person who uses everything he learns in the organization for his own life, how lives the values inside and outside the organization, it is not a person who is in the organization Only because he wants to be part of something, it is a person that being part of something wants to be a leader and change the World. An AIESECer for me is a person who always shows ATTITUDE, BELIEVE, and COMMITMENT in every action that makes for the World,

Understanding National Reality What things has AIESEC Mexico done best and worst in the last years?

• Win  Global  Absolute  Growth  Leadership  award  ING  Global  Award  

• Increase  its  number  from  2010  to  2013  in  a  huge  percentage,  specially  with  iGCDP.  X  growth  

• Posi;oning  in  the  external  market,  increasing  the  internships  and  achiving  a  good  relevance  with  the  organiza;ons.  

• Good  image  inside  the  network.  Now  Mexico  is  nown  as  a  good  compe;tor  and  Mexico  in  the  network  and  it  is  seen  a  a  good  country  to  make  an  exchange.  


• Mo;va;on  and  good  advance  in  organiza;onal  culture.  

• Good  progess  in  leadership  development  programs,      


Internal  and  External  Grow



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@Mexico  is  showing  a  very  good  growth  and  it  has  been  recognized  on  the  network.  But  we  need  to  focus  all  our  strategies  to  achieve  Sustainable  Growth.  The  quality  of  the  internships  and  the  experiences  can  be  beger.  The  Strategies  are  running  but  we  need  to  improve  our  performance  with  it.  Here  I  will  men;on  the   main   areas   of   opportuni;es.   Something   to   clarify,   Here   I   am   going   to   speak   about   the   internal  customer  and  the  external  customer,  all  organiza;ons  around  the  world  have  both  kind  of  customer;  The  internal  customer   in  this  case  will  be  all   the  AIESEC  Membership  and  the  external  customers  will  be  TN  takers  and  EPs.    

 2.  Trainee  Service  n  all  organiza;ons  we  will  find  external   and   internal   issues.   The  external   issues  affect   us,   and  we   cannot   have   a   direct   solu;on  for  them,  but  we  can  have  a  preven;ve  plan.  The  internal  issues  impact  us  directly  as  organiza;on  and  we  can  have  strategies  and  ac;ons   to  solve  them.     Although   we   have   presented   migra;on  issues  with   the   trainees,  we   are   not   developing  an   accurate   customer   service   with   them.   They  are   thinking   that   AIESEC´s   lack   of   support   with  them   on   their   experiences,   it   makes   them  incomfortable.   Support   it   is   not   only   going  with  them   to   get   a   house,   it   is   to   be   in   constant  Communica;ons   with   them,   measuring   their  experience   in   the   company,   in   the   country   and  with   the   LC.   We   need   to   have   mee;ngs   with  them  monthly.  

4.  Accurate  sales:  We  are  selling  to  the  TN  takers  without  analyzing  the  plamorm.  We  are  telling  to  the  customers  and  crea;ng  expecta;ons  that  we  can’t   supply.  Example:   Juanito  goes   to  PWC  and  tell  to  the  customer,  that  he  is  going  to  bring  him  a   Trainee   with   4   lenguages,   Especialist,   from  Kenya  in  three  weeks.  

  3.Customer   service:   AIESEC   is   not   having   a  constant   Communica;ons   with   the   external  enviroment,   as   I   told   you   before,   it   creates   a  wrong   image   of   AIESEC.   If   we   do   not   have  constant   Communica;ons   with   the   external  customers,   we   are   not   crea;ng   links   and  confidence   between   both   sides   (AIESEC   –   TN  Takers).  This  Communica;ons  are  included  in  the  profesionalism   of   being   account   manager   and  LCVP,   if   we   do   not   know   what   the   customer   is  thinking  about  us,  we  won’t  know  if  the  TN  taker  is   very   sa;sfy  and   if   they  will  be  willing   to  have  more  internship  with  us.  During  the  sale  process,  The  expecta;ons  and  all  the  Ac;ons  we  make  to  carry   on   a   sale,   have   to   be   clear   with   the  customer.  Customer  service  is  an  added  value  to  the  product,  and  the  TN  taker  has  to  know  how  the  migra;on  processes  are  and  what   issues  we  can  find  toward  the  match  and  realize.    

1.  Membership:  @Mexico   has   a   good   talent,   a  good   planning   strategy   and   growth,   but   its  memebership  is  not  exploring  and  developing  all  that   the   organiza;on   can   offer   internally   and  ex te r n a l l y.   T he   l a c k   o f   c on s i s t en c y,  professionalism   and   innova;on   (specifically   in  the   training   and   delivery   processes),   make   that  the   implementa;on   of   the   strategies   became  difficult.   This,   impacts   the   internal   client  (aiesecers)   and   external   customers   (EPs   -­‐  External   sector).   It   shows   a   different   image   of  what  AIESEC  is.  We  are  not  offering  a  serius  and  corpora;ve   image  with   the   external   sector,   this  makes  that  the  tn  takers  might  think  that  AIESEC  is   not   organized   and   does   not   have   strong  knowledge  about  the  product  and  what  they  are    really  are.    

Areas of Opportunities… Understanding National Reality

“I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day. And if you are not,

just know that every minute that passes you have an opportunity to change that”

Gillian Anderson.

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Understanding National Reality What’s our main bottleneck to achieve relevance as a national association?

The main bottleneck is that we are capitalizing the external sector but we are not doing it in a intelligent and strategic way. @Mexico increased its numbers but is not making an accurate accountability management with the external sector (customer service), also @ is selling its products but it is not personalizing the products and creating packages for them, (When I speak about packages it means that we can offer 2 professional internships and as an added value we are going to give to the tn taker 1 development internship for free, for example). Also @Mexico is not creating sellers, it training people who tell to a customer the product. To become a seller you have to analyze the platform, the sector where you will capitalize and create a good proposal based on the enterprises needs.

Questions per function How can we double the number of iGIP realizations with our current partners? Regarding the bottlenecks and the areas of opportunities I mentioned before, here it’s my proposal to double our digits showing in the next process..

1.  Sa;sfac;on  poll  

2.  Iden;fy  boglenecks  and  


3.  Tracking  process  

4.  Reraising  ac;on.  

LC  to  Trainee  &  TN  Taker  

MC  to  LC  

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Questions per function 1.  Sa;sfac;on  poll:  We  need  to  set  up  a  mee;ng    with  every  customer  to  evaluate  their   sa;sfac;on   with   AIESEC   and   see   what   they   are   wai;ng  from  AIESEC  and  also  let  them  understand  what  we  are  wai;ng  from   them.  We   have   to   document   every   single  mee;ngs,   we  have   to  upload   the   surveys   in  podio,   and  at   the  end  of   every  mee;ng  is  mandatory  to  set  up  the  date  of  the  next  one.  

2.  Iden;fy  Boglenecks  &  GCPs  We  need  see  the  main  problem  with  the  tn  takers,  and  agack  it  from   the   bases,   if   the   customer   is   very   dissa;sfy   with   the  experience  because  the  trainee  is  not  doing  right  things,  we  are  going   to   speak  with   the   trainee,   give   some   feedback   session,  document   the   session   in   podio   and   evaluate   again   the   next  month  with  the  trainne  and  with  the  tn  taker.  If  the  customer  is  very   sa;sfy,   we   have   to   evaluate   what   we   are   doing   well   to  keep  with  the  ac;ons  and  replay  them  all  into  others  accounts.  

3.  Tracking  Plan.  Every  process   to  be  successful  needs  to  be  tracked.  We  need  to  document  everything   that   we   speak   formaly  with  the  TN  taker  and  the  Trainee.  A  lot  of   tn   takers     and   trainess   change  what   they   said,   if   we   have   it  documented   and   we   will   no   have  problems   from   both   sides.   Also,   we  have   to   set   up   one   mee;ng   per  month   with   the   TN   taker   and   the  trainee.   This   mee;ngs   will   be  mandatory,   it   is   beger   to   evaluate  the   experience   monthly,   Why?  Because  if  the  tn  taker  or  the  trainee  are   not   sa;sfy   with   something,   we  will  solve  the  problema  asap  and  it  is  not    going  to  be  a  snow  ball.    

LC  to  TN  Taker  -­‐  Trainee  

We   are   going   to   track   our   accounts  through  podio,  we  are  going   to  have  a   one2one   mevng   with   each   LCVP  every  two  weeks  in  order  to  evaluate  the  accounts  and    set  up  ac;on  plans  that  we  are  going  to  develop  with  the  account  the  next  month.  Also  we  are  going  to  document  the  mee;ngs  and  set  up  commitments  and  next  steps.    

MC  to  LC.  

4.  ReRaising  Plan.  If  we  follow  the  steps  men;oned  before,  we  are  going  to  know  if  the  customers  are  very  sa;ssfy  and  all  the  needs  of  the  Enterprise,  these  in  order  to  create  a  new  Package  for  them.  From  MC,  My  proposal  is  through  podio,    

create  reminders  for  the  LCs  that  adver;se  them  that  its  ;me  to  set  up  a  mee;ng  with  the  tn  takers  for  the   reraising   process,   If   i   know   that   the   trainee   is   going   to   end   the   prac;c   in   2  months,   the   account  managers  will  start  to  create  a  new  Package  for  them,  base  don  their  needs  and  crea;ng  promo;ons.  If  the  tn  taker  is  a  company  that  we  know  they  have  Money,  we  can  offer  them  2  trainees  more  and  offer  for  free  one  development  internship  (the  example  men;oned  before).    

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Questions per function How to Cut in half our current delivery time… To  evaluate  our  current  delivery  ;me,  we  have  to  go  back  to  the  external  and  internal  issues.  As  I  men;oned  before,  we  cannot  avoid  the  external  problems  (as  migra;on)  but  we  can  have  a  plan  to  prevent  them.  About  the  internal  issues,   we   can   clean   the   house   and   preparate   ourselves   to   reduce   all   the   delivery   ;me   from   Raising   to  Match,    Match  to  Realize  and  Realize  to  ReRaising.  Here  I’m  going  to  show  you  step  by  step  what  we  have  to  do  to  reduce  our  ;me  in  half.  In  this  moment  since  Raising,  @Mexico  is  taking  arrount  3  months  and  a  half  (even  more)  to  realize  an   iGIP   form.   Internally,   It   happens   because  we   do   not   study   previously   the   plamorm,  we   don’t   know  what   the  companies  are  looking  for,  and  at  the  moment  of  the  sale,  we  just  speak  about  internships  but  do  not  sale.  

Here   in   this   link   you   can   take   a   look   to   our   current   delivery   ;me   :hgp://;;on=getReportData  

Step  1:  Preparate  and  Study  our  Market  

In   every   sale   of   anyproduct   we   have   to   understand   first:   the   customer   needs   and   then   the   economic  sector  where  we  are  going   to  sell.  We  need   to  be   intelligent   from  the  begining  and  we  need   to   realize  where   AIESEC   can   capitalize.   With   MKTN   area  we   have   to   make   market   studies   per   LC   and   create  different   packages   for   each   economic   sector.   We   can   pull   out   the   informa;on   from   INEGI  (,  there  we  will  find  sta;cs  and  trends  per  state  and  economic  sector  in  Mexico.  If  we  know  the  market,  its  trends  and  its  needs,  we  can  agack  it,  crea;ning  needs  or  supplying  them  with  our  products.   For   example,   if   I   know   that   the   company   ABC   is   in   the   metallurgical   sector   and   they   are  expor;ng  to  Colombia,  guess  what  we  are  going  to  offer..  :D    

If   we   understand  what   the   company  where  we   have   the  mee;ng   does,   it   is   easier   to   close   the   sale.  Remember  that   it   is   important  to  have  different  proposals   for  them,  We  are  sellers  and  sellers  are  not  speakers  of  a  product.  WE  HAVE  TO  TELL  TO  THEM  FROM  THE  BEGINING  THE  TIME  THAT  TAKES  US  FIND  A   TRAINEE  WITH   THE   PROFILE   THAT   THEY   ARE   LOOKING   FOR,   also   it   is   very   important   TO   BE   CLEAR  ABOUT  THE  MIGRATION  PROCESS  and  what  kind  of  problems  we  can  have  toward  the  process  as  well.  Also  it  is  very  important  to  play  with  the  ;mes,  if  i  know  that  I  can  bring  the  trainee  in  4  weeks,  it’s  beger  if  I  say  to  the  customer  that  the  trainee  is  going  to  be  there  from  4  to  6  weeks.  If  the  TN  TAKER  knows  that   from   the   beginning,   we   are   not   going   to   have   angry   customers   when   we   present   an   issue.  IMPORTANT:  if  you  are  only  the    account  manager,  you  have  to  track  the  matching  process.  DO  IT!.  

Step  2:  Be  a  good  seller  &  Play  with  the  ;mes  

Step  3:  If  something  happens:  Communicate  with  them.  

Remember  that  based  on  the  TN  TAKER  FLOW,  our  delivery  starts  when  I  upload  the  JQ  form.  To  be  successful  on  this  step,  the  secret   is  communica;on  and  give  added  value.  Remember:  We  have  to  train  our  people  in  account  management.  We  have  to  keep  a  good  communica;on  with  the  TN  Taker  and  always  tell  them  what’s  going  on  with  the  process.  If  we  don’t  find  enough  profiles  on  the  plamorm,  also  we  have  to  tell  them  that,  it  is  not  because  we  don’t  have  profiles,  it  is  becasue  if  we  do  that,  the  TN  taker  will  know  that  we  are  working  hard  to  bring  the  person  as  soon  as  possible.  When  we  have  a  match,  we  have  also  to  tell  to  the  TN  Taker  and  the  trainee  the  process  and  how  it  is  going.  From  my  experience  as  a  trainee,  there’s  nothing  worse  than  e-­‐mail  to  the  LC  asking  about  my  visa  process  and  never  recieve  an  answer,  Remember  we  are  giving  value  experiences  and  those  ligle  details  can  make  the  difference.  

When   the   trainee  arrives,  we  have   to  present  him   formally   to   the  TN  Taker,   in   that  mee;ng,  we  have  to  set  up  expecta;ons   from  the  three  parts.   In   this  mee;ng  you  as  a   representa;ve,  have   to   let   them  know  that  we  are  going  to  have  one  sa;sfac;on  evalua;on  per  month,  these  in  order  to  evaluate  if  the  expecta;ons  are  being  achieved.  Remember  to  document  the  mee;ng  in  podio  and  put  next  steps  

Step  4:  Expecta;on  and  next  steps.  

Page 10: MCVP AD MEXICO 13.14

TN  takers  &  Trainees  

Analyze  the  markets  and  

the  plamorm    

Lack  of  communica;on  with  tn  takers  and  trainees  during  the  process  

Lack  of  tracking  to  the  match  process  

and  the  migra;on  process  

Lack  of  account  

manament  (post-­‐sale)  

Lack  of  Customer  service  

sa;sfac;on  polls.    

Questions per function Biggest Mistakes and plan to increse our NPS.

@Mexico   has   strategies   running   out   to   agack  these   areas   of   opportunitnes   that   I   men;on  here,   but   we   have   to   understand   since   the  membership  that   just   join  to  the    organzia;on  the   importance   of   the   comunica;on   with   the  tn   takers   and   the   trainees.   A   lot   of   these  problems   are   because   we   don’t   make   things  that  we   promiss   or  we   take   longer   to  make   a  task   because   i   have   study,   i   have   to   chill   out  with  my  friends,  etc.  (this  mistakes  are  already  explained  on  the  ques;ons  above).      

To   increase   our   NPS   score,,   first   we  have  to  be  clear  with  the  meaning  of  “customer  service”    

Customer   service   is   the   ability   of   an  organiza;on   to   constantly   and  consistenly   exceed   the   customer’s  expecta;ons.  

If  we  want  to  speak  about  customer  service  and  increase  our  score,  we  need  to  create  a  culture   of   customer   service,   to   understand  the  importance  and  evaluate  the  boglenecks  as  I  did  it  in  this  applica;on,  Also  we  need  to  have  a  constant  training   in  customer  service  to  all  AIESEC  membership  (it  includes  MC  an    EBs)  to  be  always  updated,  in  order  to  always  give  to  our  customer  an  added  value.  

1      2      3      4      5      6     7          8   9        10  

Dissa;sfy   Neutral   Sa;sfy  

The   best   way   to   evaluate   the   sa;sfac;on   is  ussing   numbers,   it   will   be   great   ot   have   a  customer   service   system,   where   I   can   know  the   sa;sfac;on   score   per   TN   Taker   and  Trainee,  Also  a  system  where  the  LCVPs,  LCPs  and   MC   can   measure   the   sa;sfac;on   score  per  LC.    

To   measure   this,   we   need   to   have  indicators:   My   proposal   is   to   have  measurement  of  1  –  10,  From  1  to  6    the   customer   is   dissa;sfy,   7   to   8  Neutral  and  9  –  10  very  sa;sfy.    

If  we  get  a  dissa;sfy  we  have  to  make  inmediaty  the  feedback,  it  doesn’t  mager  if  the  score  is  6  or  5,  if  the  customer  scored  that,  it  is  because  he  is  dissa;sfy  and  we  need  to  do  something  to  raise  our  score  up.  You  will  be  success  if  your  LC’s  overal  score  is  over  80%.  Why  80%  and  not  100%?  Because  we  must  be  realís;c  and  all  the  people  will  never  be  totally  sa;sfy  every  ;me.    While  we  implement  the  system  and  we  create  a  culture  of  use,  we  will  be  moving  our  goal  up.  A  lot  of  companies  has  as  a  sa;sfac;on  goal  of  90%.  We  can  develop  the  program  with  Informa;on  System  Area  and  the  polls  with  Marke;ng  and  Communica;on  Area.