aiesec us mcvp application


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MCVP Innovation MCVP University Relations


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AIESEC in the UNITED STATESMember Committee 1516 Application

Samson Wu




EMAIL [email protected]

PHONE 1 (415) 734 - 8776



Page 2: AIESEC US MCVP Application

Dear Reader,

Yes, yes, I know this super cliche, but I figure I should dedicate a section of the application explaining the application. Through out the application you may feel like I am not being the most filtered, but as explained in question 3 of the General Questions, one of my values are trust/honesty. I take pride in always striving to be truthful and speak with purpose. So I will keep this section short, but just know that I will try to incorporate as much of myself and the way I would speak into my responses as possible.

Thank you for your time and consideration!AIESECly,


1. Please Describe your relevant past experiences/positions held inside and outside of AIESEC

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2. Rank 3 fields in which you have the most experience in and give 2 concrete examples of the success

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3. Top 3 Personal Values and how have they shaped you

Trust - Trust to me is the most important value that I have, whether it is if I have trust in someone or if someone trusts me. To me, I believe trust moves the world and creates families. Having this value made me an individual that believes in integrity. I try to always live up to my words to others, I try to be honest to others, and I try to look at an individual with a positivity that they could be trusted.

Optimism - I try to stay an optimistic individual, I don’t always show it, I enjoy looking at life with a little more color. To me, things are never as bad as it seems. I always try to offer a more optimistic view in a stressful situation and I take great strides toward helping others see things in a more positive life. I strongly believe that if everyone is able to not be as negative we can see growth. This ties into a lot of what shaped me, when I was a kid I would constantly beat myself down. Somehow there were always a stranger that was just able to say the right thing to show me that things will get better and now I try to always provide that for others. Basically, all of this can be summed up in one statement “Be the reason someone smile today.”

Independence - I greatly value my independence. It has a lot to do with why my parents wanted me to come to the US. Being raised in China, it hindered my ability to do what I love since the weeding process was really strong. Although I enjoy being in a team environment, I enjoy my times alone and I enjoy explor-ing the place I live alone. With this I always like to not rely too heavily on others, I delegate when I can, but if I feel like something can be taken care of by myself, I enjoy working on my own projects.

4. List 10 Strengths and 10 Weakness

StrengthsSelf motivated

Solutions oriented


Flexible and adaptable


Decision makingSelf discipline





Too solutions oriented

Lack of filterLarge personality when engaged

Lack of communicationActive mind, hard to focus on one thing.

Not extremely vocal about personal opinions

5. Prioritize top 3 Strengths and 3 weakness. How will tehy affect the role/s that you are applying to?

Top StrengthSolutions Oriented - Relying a lot on logic and prior experience, I am extremely solutions oriented. I will always be coming up with new solutions and processing potential ideas and answers. Flexible and Adaptable - I am able to foresee/plan very well but after working in event planning and AIESEC for so long, I am able to quickly bounce back from things changing really quick and adjust the plans.

Optimistic - Although I dont always look the part (RBF - Resting ***** Face). I am an extremely optimistic person and am always hoping for the best. I am able to see the realities but also look at the silver lining.

Top WeaknessImpatience - Patience has always been an issue with me, being that I enjoy efficiency and productivity, I can get extremely impatient when I sense that things could be more efficiently ran or there could be better discussions to be had. I usually display this in Coffee Shops early in the morning. “Get me my coffee”Stubborn - If I don’t feel like resources are used in the most efficient way or if I feel like things are illogical, it is hard for me to consider the option, thus making me stubborn. Too solutions oriented - Although I put this as my top strength, it has proven to have caused my problems because I usually oversee personal emotions because I am too focused on the solution. I am working on it, however, by taking a step back and gauging the room.

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6. What does the AIESEC US Manifesto mean to you and how do you see this playing a role in the 1516?

I am just going to be honest, even as a previous LCP, the AIESEC US Manifesto was always a little con-

fusing to me. But now, after taking a step back from operations and exchange, I see the bigger picture. AIESEC US manifesto means more than just a bunch of statements, it could be potentially seen as the Declaration of Independence (this will be a bit of a stretch in simile terms, so stay with me). In the Declara-

tion of Independence, there is a line “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” This is a very powerful line in the Declaration of Independence as I believe it states exactly why we need a new foundation. Much like the manifestos, it is giving AIESEC US more foundation. A lot of people look at the Manifesto and expecting it to be giving it directions on how to growth AIESEC US, but no, much like the Declaration, it is simply laying the foundation of what we believe in. It will provide us with the “why” and it can alter our ways of conducting operations if we allow it to sink in, since it was written for the plenary, by the plenary.

Now in more of a strategy term, AIESEC US Manifesto is also an excellent platform for growth for AIESEC US. As a core, they do a really good job in solidifying why AIESEC US is relevant, but I believe we can still take it forward as strategies. This does not mean that I want to change it or evolve it, it simply means that I believe they can be more than just a statement. Such as the 3 year plan, when I was working as an intern last summer, the company incorporated a lot of their mission and motto into their 3 Year plans, ensuring that they are properly delivering what they are promising. Potentially as a session, we should bring up the Manifesto discussion once again with the SNC delegation and together from the discussion develop differ-ent parts of the 3 year plan. We could also consider having the manifesto integrated in exchange sales. Not just integrated in the material, but be a part of the pitch and why we want to promote exchange.

7. What are the largest organizational opportunity that you see for AIESEC in the US in 15.16?

Well one of the biggest thing I am excited to see is the fact that we are putting such a big focus in innovation and organizational development. For this answer, I would like to refer to Dey’s “Organization Life Cycle”

We are finally moving AIESEC forward and towards “Builder & Explorer,” we are building the organization through LC-LC collaboration and Local Committee Development. We are exploring new opportunities and ideas, to ensure that we are creating the best AIESEC US the world needs. To me this is very exciting. We are moving away from Command and into a more “Collaborative” AIESEC US.

Another thing I am interested in, is how much focus AIESEC US has now. From the MC to the LC, we now have more focused programs, more focused exchange and more importantly more focused leadership programs. We are no longer a bunch of students trying to do everything at once, we are leaders that under-stands what AIESEC US needs and how we can take AIESEC US forward as one of the leaders of AIESEC internationally.

8. How do you envision AIESEC US at the end of your term

As with any MC term, I envision AIESEC US as a fully developed entity with the correct focus. I would love to see AIESEC US being the purveyor of innovation, whether it is in helping identify new products or creating new structures to promote more exchange and synergy. I want to see AIESEC US being more collaborative in exchange, such as national Cold Calling Parties, just like how AIESEC Canada’s LCs helped each other cold call to raise meetings so that the nation could achieve its goals. I mean how cool would that be? Lastly, AIESEC US should be on the top 5 MCs list on all the functions.

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All of these visions are all linked to two things: Organizational Development/Innovation and Focus on the LC level. As a strategy, I want to give the national plenary more chances to express their ideas and opin-

ions – AIESECer SoapBoxes! Secondly, I want to consult other organizations that have had the same struggle, take their experience, and apply them to our culture. Put all of that into a three to five year strate-

gy, potentially leading up to AIESEC 2020. Lastly, really dive into each LC’s culture and understand how it fits into its reality – by focusing on each LC’s strengths we can take AIESEC US forward as a unit from the LC level. In sum, we will be able to drive more sustainable growth by having a more bottom up strategy when it comes to innovation and product research, thus allowing more space for the MC to work on new long term projects and partnerships.

9. Are you willing to take up a functional role other than what you apply for?

Yes, I am very passionate about helping AIESEC US move forward and if it shows that I am better in an-

other function, I would more than definitely take up the challenge.

Innovations1. You are leading National Innovation Team, and the pressue is to create an AIESEC US 2018 3 year plan. How do you see AIESEC evolving and what’s the role of Innovation team in this evolution?

“National Innovations Team” is such a specific title. With this team, I would first make them compile in-

formation from the members of AIESEC US, we’ve done countless surveys as of now, there is definitely something there that we can create a quick report on. Second, the team would then help identify the key bottleneck that is keeping AIESEC US behind. Third, they would identify what opportunities AIESEC US have that we can tackle immediately. Lastly, they would present all of this at either NatCos or NPM where we can get enough of the National Plenary to understand the past and the reality of AIESEC US, and together plan for a more sustainable and high achieving AIESEC US. Doing so would not only be able to fully utilize our resources and information but also invoke collaboration. The team would also be fostering conversation throughout the year to help the entire AIESEC US connect on a more deeper level, offering insight while collecting information from the leaders of AIESEC US.

2. Choose 1 global trend, which you think AIESEC can capatilize on the most. Provide validation of this trend. How would you capitalize on this trend? Proposal a project plan, your budget is $5000

In this weforum, it highlights the top 10 global trends that we are currently expecting for 2015:

On the list, number 6,7 and 9 (Rising pollution in developing world, Increasing occurrence in severe weath-

er events, and increasing water stress) all relate to a single issue “Environment.” Although, it is already a well used as a campaign for most companies it has never been a focus. Most countries and companies talks of sustainability but rarely do they adapt it into focus or a project. My plan is to capitalize on both the popularity of this trend and the global network that we have to offer. I am hoping to launch a huge push for our environmental GCDPs and creating websites and postcards marketing purely on going abroad for envi-ronmental purposes.

A lot of the projects we have at Cal Poly are extremely focused on key issues that they are trying to help fix in some part of the world, but sadly the projects don’t last long enough to really make a lasting impression.

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So here is my plan,Website: -AIESEC oGCDP Projects based on Environments and Sustainability highlighted based on issues that they are trying to fight-Sections for those that are accepted to a certain project to create/link directly to a GoFundMe to get their families and friends support to go on the project, in the same platform-Linking their social network with a hashtag so their faces and pictures will be posted on the website-Get specific companies to sponsor the people going by selling what we are trying to do with the website.Marketing:-”Green” marketing material that will be sent to all the LCs and other environmental based NGOs to help promote the projectsCurrently, my prediction is that around $2500 will be spent on printing and mailing the recycled marketing materials to each LCs and NGOs that are interested. $500-$1000 on website hosting and building. Then I want to invest a total of $2000-$2500 in to the LCs to help those that are interested in having an event, to help them fund a huge “Global Sustainability Fair”Timeline:

Hopefully with this big push and focus we can really see this project take off as a part of AIESEC. It will have a ton of marketing and promotion to students since environmental issue is become a big part of our educa-

tion and what we care about.

3. Highlight one potential product innovation for either ICX or OGX. Outline a timeline with action steps to develop and implement the product innovation into AIESEC in the United States

One of the biggest partnerships I believe AIESEC US needs to capitalize on is the OGX Exchange + Study Abroad partnerships. Thus a project we should consider promoting is the “Study Abroad Extension Product,” yearly there is a bunch of students that would study abroad and constantly come back saying that they wish their abroad experience would be extended. With this we can offer them a discounted ex-

change rate and we can sell it as “Since you are abroad already” or “Since you are going abroad” consid-

er extending your stay. But we can also sell this in a larger sense to the universities, I believe this project is something that is very attractive to schools that have a strong focus on expanding internationally or have a strong support system for Study Abroad.

To get this project started we would first need to identify some tester universities to gauge if they would be interested in helping out. From that point, we can develop an agreement with the school to promote this project along side study abroad or allow us to contact those that have been accepted to the pro-

grams. With enough positive experiences and good customer experience management we can use those

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universities as GCPs for a longer national project push to show that this is something that definitely works and it would be useful for schools to help their students capitalize their experiences.

On a more internal side, we should consult with the LCs with OGX focus and have them help create a whole new project based on the realities of their universities, quarter system vs. semester system. Then have the project brought up nationally on how to sell to students that are about to go abroad/are abroad. With enough of a push we can get this project up on it’s feet without much coaching from the MC level and have it be a LC driven product depending on their reality.

4. How can you work with the RC team to foster bottom-up innovaiton in AIESEC in the US

As a Regional Coordinator now, I feel like we are constantly tested to be innovative. Regions are slowly becoming more and more collaborative and the RC is now tested to come up with more ideas to continue that momentum. As a first step however, is to test the RC at the hire if they have an innovative mindset, if the RC is able to have the thought process that is constantly being innovative then we can work together to come up with new ideas, if they are not then I would help coach them to the importance of having a more innovative mindset. From the RC level, they will be able to get one on one connection with a section of the US and foster Innovation on a member level. Since AIESEC is always recruiting for new talent, they will always come with new ideas and innovations that they’ve seen work in their community. As a session, we need to ensure that everyone understand that just because something works for one organization does not mean it cannot be applied to another. From that level the RC would then work with the Nation-

al Innovations Team to collect the output to a final product that is geared for Long-Term organizational growth. They will also continue to foster this mindset for their LC and we can see at real time if something could be a GCP for AIESEC nationally.

The RC can also lead their own Regional Innovations Manager as an addition to the RST, someone that is dedicated to creating innovation and collect GCPs from other organization and see if they can apply it to it Regionally. The RIM can also foster this through designing RoKS Sessions dedicated to get people thinking about innovation in a session. Potentially the RIM could have a simulation that represents a bot-tleneck of AIESEC US and see if as a region they could come up with a solution for this testimonial.

5. What key innovations does AIESEC need to make to move closer to our mission and stay true to the AIESEC way?

Within AIESEC US I believe we have lost a sense of what it is like to “Enjoy Participation.” One of the key projects that I was considering was a push for was “Discere Faciendo” which is “Learn by Doing” we are waste a bunch of time in AIESEC US trying to train our memberships through a cycle when we forget that as students we all have our own learning styles. In order to really utilize our people to the fullest we need to take out the structure that we have been taught and take it by the handle. Have new members imme-

diately take up projects and together work to help promote exchange. We need to make sure that each LC is able to be innovative to create projects that the new members can take up as soon as they join. This way we can ensure that they are taking up the participation side of being a part of AIESEC. “We are a group of movers and shakers” as we call ourselves, it is time to start that immediately when we allow them to call themselves “AIESECers”To elaborate on this a little more, my plan is to completely change not only the member education cycle to have a more immediate integration of the AIESEC process. Such as having the new class of members plan an entire recruitment once again from the start, offering them the chance to see exactly what we do. From that point also have the new OGX managers recruit for the EPs that they want to work with. This whole time the VPs would be offering coaching sessions and helping out with any logistics, training will only be a subject during induction. Then from that change RoKS into a weekend long Good Case Prac-

tice competition, have the LCs come together to solve a series of problems and have externals and a se-

lected team (RSTs most likely) judge and offer their insight. By doing this would allow the new members to immediately see what innovations can come from other LCs and start reaching out on a national level. The Good Case Practice competition will range from functional (iGIP, oGIP, MKT, etc.) to an entire

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LC. During this time, the older members will be continuing operations on their side and then after this RoKS be invited to a different RoKS that develops their team management skill. The Oldies RoKS will then focus on creating leadership platforms and working together to solve National problems, regions will then be challenged with a series of the same problems and they will not only be judge regionally but at a na-

tional level too and immediately see if their solution can be applied to AIESEC US.

This whole process including the change in the RoKS Structure will call for a more “Learn By Doing” and experiment culture. The members will be expected to perform and think at a higher level. One of the ques-

tion that I overheard during a TM discussion was “We always know how to sell OGX and ICX experience, but how exactly do we sell TM experience?” By applying this structure we can finally answer that by saying that our members are constantly challenged every step of the way, the more you do the more you get out of it. I believe this is the true AIESEC Way and it will also help AIESEC US set a whole new standard for what we look for in membership.

UNIversity relations1. Identify 3 UR GCPs from the national network and outline a plan to implement across US

AIESEC Arizona’s Class Credit - In AIESEC AZ, joining and participating in AIESEC will qualify as class credit for those that want extra school credits. Nationally, we can develop a sales subproduct for our TMP program to display the specific skills that students are able to attain from working with AIESEC. From that point we can have the LCPs and VPTMs go sell with their academic professors to see if they can get a meeting with the dean of the college. On the MC side, they can offer Online Webinars for professors or faculty members that are curious about how our program is ran nationally. If properly worked on, the packet can be completed within a month and the sales can begin 1 month after the MCVP UR’s selection.

AIESEC Appalachian’s University Professor Partnership - AIESEC Appalachian had a great GCP where they contacted university professors and got their buy in to our OGX programs. This is definitely something easy for AIESEC US to do since if we offer the OGX subproduct to be sold to universities it will promote LCs to sell it as well. The timeline of this would be relatively quick, once the product is designed and is released to the plenary with the proper training during NatCo training, the LC will then be able to sell to the proper people. It does not matter what professors they sell to as long as they are able get some interest the word will spread.

AIESEC SLO’s Career Center Partnership - This took a while for AIESEC SLO to master and sell but all it took was a little focus from the LCP and VPER side, it is possible. The national implementation plan is relatively the same as the AZ’s Class Credit, the main difference is to focus on selling specific TNs. Selling the why of AIESEC is important but since the Career Center really wants to focus on projects, if we are able to sell specific national projects the buy in will be easier.

2. Create a sample portfolio of two products for universities based on our current programs and GCPs

Check them out here!



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OGX for Class Credit (Global Student Development Program) - This is a really popular product to dis-

cuss within the AIESEC US network, but no action has been taken to really take it forward. This product will simply highlight the benefits of going abroad through AIESEC and the importance of bandwagoning the international development trend that the world is going through. But to start this product we would only have it for certain national products that has a set job description and take aways. Only after seeing the GCPs from it, that we can potentially offer it for more national projects.

TMP Program for Leadership Development (Global Leadership Development Program) - This is a po-

tential product that I am currently trying to see if we can apply for LCs that has shown a strong Talent Management structure where we can potentially take the TMP Program on a university level. By simply selling to the university as a leadership development opportunity, the university can potentially provide AIESEC more support in giving us resources and guest speakers. This product is not meant to set up any specific partnerships but to inform the university of the program and potentially receive any support.

3. What is your previous EXP working with University Fac and administration? What can you bring?

From my experience, most faculty members are highly supportive of AIESEC and what we have to offer for the students. Most of the faculty that were somewhat involved in AIESEC when I was President were always amazed about what AIESEC does. After seeing our events and daily duties, most faculty actually volunteers their time to help out as well. However, one of the biggest issues that they bring up is always the security of the students that go abroad. From what I learned is that if we are able to help ensure that we are doing all we can and to show that we have more than just a local presence and that we have national and international support we will most likely receive their trust. We can also discuss what other schools have done to build credibility. As President, I always made an effort to learn GCPs from other schools to not only help my LC but to show the innovative mindset of our students. Lastly, I always stick to the “why” of AIESEC. I always make sure to close off any conversation with an understanding of why we do what we do.

In closing all of this I would like to develop a sales folder for University Sales as they are one of our biggest potential partners with almost limitless resources that are able to help our LCs. Examples of the content would be: Why of AIESEC, GCPs and Testimonials from other LC, What we offer students, and The benefits of schools promoting international development.

4. Outline a strategy to partner with universities where AIESEC does not have an LC

This whole process is designed for a direct sale from MCVPUR to the University identified to sell to: -Locate any nearby AIESEC LC to be support and communicator-Display how AIESEC works through various testimonials and explaining our process-Reach out to any near by Alumnus that will be able to help build credibility-Sell specific projects from OGX such as Shape Colombia and Teach China-Sell the portfolio of AIESEC US Membership breakdown-Introduce the potential structure/relationship: -Building a new LC within their university, if the school is offering assistance -Introduce an SU system, if there are LCs near by and the school support our mission -Have a direct relationships and have them promote the program and send EPs to the MC This is a very simple strategy, but most schools have a simple mission of helping their students. With the global development we have been seeing, most schools are moving towards a more international cam-

pus and having an AIESEC presence can really help their students. As MCVP UR, his or her job is to really create interest and explain how everything works. With proper follow up and structure, I know most US universities would be willing to consider a partnership with our programs.

6. AIESEC US is currently working to develop a franchise based expansion strategy. What do you see as the biggest opportunity in taking this approach and how do you see this strategy shaping expansion?

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5. List 3 universities that need to be a priority in establishing AIESEC in 2015-2016. Explain

Links I used for research:

University of Kansas - This university used to have a pretty strong AIESEC chapter and was only dis-

banded not long ago in 2014. I still believe this university has a lot of potential. The enrollment is amazing with more than 20,000 students and has an amazing list of alumnus that has taken internationally which means most likely the school’s career center would be pushing for international development. This is also an amazing location for AIESEC US with a lot of highways intersecting at the city of Kansas and if the LC is properly developed could potentially be a strong powerhouse of OC members and if we really expand into the city with iGIP we can see a lot of powerful partnerships and hotel contracts. San Francisco State University - After the disbandment of AIESEC San Francisco, we have lost one of the most student impacted city in the US. San Francisco has an amazing amount of schools and students, especially in SFSU where they offer specific programs to promote students going abroad. The school has been putting ads all around SF promoting international development and travel, that means the interest is there, now AIESEC needs to harvest such a powerhouse of students in one of the most successful me-

tropolis in the US for iGIP.University of Oregon - This university is home to 20,000+ undergraduate students and has a ton of po-

tential when it comes to promoting OGX. This university is also at a good center point between Washing-

ton and California, and each of the states have strong LCs that would be able to provide any support for the students interested in starting. One time in AIESEC history, there were 2 LCs in Oregon and I believe if we really dig in to AIESEC life there will most likely be a lot of alumni nearby would be interested in helping out.

6. AIESEC US is currently working to develop a franchise based expansion strategy. What do you see as the biggest opportunity in taking this approach and how do you see this strategy shaping expansion?

One of the biggest positives of the franchise based organization is that it provides more incentives for those that are helping up the franchises. Having this expansion strategy would give AIESEC US more reach with more universities since it offers the students a on local level a lot more control over their devel-opment. The short-run reach of a Franchise model is extremely large since with 1 month of pure interest gather and base creation a whole organization can be built. This year we had a new fraternity come to Cal Poly, Delta Tau Delta, and they operate close to what a franchise does. Someone from the nationals came over and created interest and got students together and after 1 week of training and providing information the chapter was able to take off. It is currently sitting strong at over 50 members. Although AIESEC is ran differently than a fraternity we can learn a lot from how they are able to expand. Another opportunity we can really take away is the amount of marketing a franchise model is able to provide. By spreading our nets wide we are able to really attract both students and companies that want to understand what we are all about, for so long we have been so exclusive that it is hard for us to get into the limelight but with a properly structured franchise based expansion strategy we can really take off. However, from my studies I did learn that franchise model is a short-term model and is not meant for corporate sustainability. But I do believe with a more developed structure set up on the LC side we can put our eggs into two very powerful baskets as long as we have a good understanding of the difference between franchise expansion model and the LCs, AIESEC US will be able to prosper with the two models.

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Innova&ons(–(Blank(Paper(Challenge(This is going to be deep.. Hint: 5-7-5

These are two cool rocks, AIESEC US can grow big, Why not just do it? TM and Innov Get AIESEC US involve At all the level.

One Three Year Plan Entire US NP Makes Growth from Collab-ing. Growth cant be stopped UR ER make new Sales Being Relevant.

I believe if we have two very structured RoKS for AIESECers at different levels we can really drive AIESEC US membership forward, with more focused RoKS on development rather than training. We can also bring in companies to lead case practice competitions to offer more in a conference. Need: VPTM, VPBD, VPER and VPUR

As the main driver of the Three year plan, collaboration with all of the MCVPs are necessary to drive down the KPIs related to the goal. It will also require us really understanding our market different by conducting competitor analysis and performing new kinds of sales

Promote Green Exchange, Follow the Global Trends, Why not just do it?

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Innovations - One Year Plan

May 2015

Jun 2015 Jul 2015

Aug 2015 Sep 2015 Oct 2015

Nov 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2016

Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016

3 Year Plan Preparation

3 YR Plan Creation

LC-MC Plan Compiling

RC Selection and Regional Planning




RoKS 1

RoKS 2

RoKS 1

RoKS 2



RC Selection and Regional Planning

3 YR Plan Follow Up

3 YR Plan Revisit

3 YR Plan Follow Up

3 YR Plan Revisit

LC Goals Data Collection and Compilement

Market Research & Competition Analysis

OGX – Sustainability Project

OGX – Sustainability Project Promotion

OGX – Sustainability Fair

LC-RST Innovations Focus

LC-RST Innovations Focus

3 Year Plan Revision, planning for 2019

LC-MC Plan Compiling

ICX – Subproduct Revision

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I’d like to think of University Relations as a game of monopoly where our ultimate goal is to get all of the university resources we have available to us. *There isnt enough room to fit it all but Taxes are probably the most important, where we compile any legal issues or main bottle neck for UR for the next MCVP UR, this is a new type of sales, so it will require a lot of transition *If we have a dice that only have “1’s” on all the side this board can highly pretty much how university relations can work in AIESEC US and where the team can come in.

*Conference Touch Points




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*Community Chest would represent consultations with MCVP Innovations, TM, OGXs and iGIP/AD to discuss where UR can affect their functions and Market research

*Chance would represent Product Creation with MCVP BD, ER, Innovation and Marketing

*Train Station is Travel planning with MCVP Finance to potential new university partnerships *Utilities are session designing with MCVP TM and Innovation to get a National Sales Strategy for US. It is a bit later in the board to ensure the MC is able to have enough experience and resource to support the NP

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University Relations - One Year Plan

May 2015

Jun 2015 Jul 2015

Aug 2015 Sep 2015 Oct 2015

Nov 2015 Dec 2015 Jan 2016

Feb 2016 Mar 2016 Apr 2016

Market Research on UR Products

UR Product Creation

UR Product Introduced to NP




RoKS 1

RoKS 2

RoKS 1

RoKS 2



MC Sales to new university

LC Sales Coaching

Research on new universities to


LC Sales Follow Up

UR Webinars

UR Webinars

UR Webinars

MC Sales Closing

UR Re-planning

MC Sales to current universities

Finalization of Expansion Model

MC Sales Closing

UR Product Revision + New products

LC Sales Coaching

University Data Collection

University Data Collection

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Appendix Letter of Recommendations

Lydia Edwards (LCP 2015 of AIESEC SLO) Jeff Chen (MCP 2011-2012 of AIESEC US)

Kathy Wright (Director of Cal Poly Executive Partners Program)


University Relations Application Subproducts

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To whom it may concern,

There is no one I would recommend more than Samson Wu to shape the future of AIESEC United States.

When I look at Samson, I see a mentor, a leader, and a friend. As a mentor, Samson pushes people beyond what they think they are capable of. I have experienced this first hand as he was the one to encourage me to run for LCP, the decision that changed my life. As a leader, he relentlessly leads the charge into new territory. The strategic thinking behind each action he takes is incredible and so vast it is almost indescribable. As a friend, he is a rock. He is there for people when they need him most, but more importantly he is there when people don’t realize they need him.

Samson knows what he does is important and he knows how to do it well, but what sets him apart is that he constantly wants others to do well. He turns things from being negatively viewed to positively viewed without so much as twitching an eyelid. He turns weaknesses into opportunities for growth and problems into slight bumps that can be overcome. The most important part of his problem solving technique is that he does not tell people the answer. He asks insightful and reflective questions that lead the person or group to the answer. He knows the value of personal growth and facilitates this in his interactions with people.

He conducts himself in a way that commands respect, no matter what age or level of experience the person he is interacting with has. He commands respect because he is deserving of respect, a trait that people notice as soon as they meet him. Samson Wu is a once in a lifetime kind of person; He lives and breathes opportunity and improvement and is unbelievably intelligent. He is intelligent in the realm of AIESEC and beyond. He always has the answer, and if he doesn’t he is not afraid to go find it.

There is a reason that AIESEC San Luis Obispo won the Ultimate Transformation award, and that reasons name is Samson Wu. He recognized, even before he was the LCP, what AIESEC SLO needed to succeed. Not only did he push the LC further than we have ever gone before, but he did it in typical Samson fashion: without taking any credit.

Samson Wu is the perfect candidate for a position on the MC team and frankly, an MC team without the drive, passion, knowledge, and smarts of Samson Wu is not one worth having. It is both a privilege and an honor to offer my highest recommendation to Samson Wu.


Lydia Edwards Local Committee President- AIESEC San Luis Obispo

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February 2, 2015

To the National Plenary of AIESEC United States,

I write to endorse Samson Wu to be on the Member Committee of AIESEC United States for 2015-2016. Samson and I first met when we were OCP and Chair respectively at WNC 2014. During that conference, I witnessed and heard many of Samson’s brilliant leadership stories where he transformed teams to fulfill their potentials and creatively solved for ad-hoc and organizational problems. As an active alumnus and former President of AIESEC United States, I make this commendation with assurance and excitement.

Samson is the catalyst for any chemical reaction on how to create a high performing team. His strong work ethics and humility not only hold his teammates accountable for their goals but foster a result-oriented culture that inspires everyone to work harder and smarter. His enthusiasm for results also complements with his empathetic personality where he stimulate and inspire his team to achieve extraordinary outcomes and also develop their own leadership capacity in the process. These were all evident when he stepped up to lead the OC team to delivered a memorable WNC despite the initial series of unforeseen obstacles and when he led AIESEC SLO to grow 100% in OGX realizations and won the Ultimate Transformation Award of 2014. Samson’s work ethnics and emotional intelligence are what make him a great leader, but his ability to mobilize a team to solve difficult problems is what differentiates him from other great leaders.

People instinctively follow Samson’s leadership because of his focused approach to strategy and problem solving. Through his OCP, LCP and Steering Team experiences, Samson had led teams to solve for different levels of problems from local operations to regional strategy to national governance. Regardless of the case, Samson leads his teams to define the strategies through solving for the core problems that bring in the highest return and feasibility. He promotes creative and focused solutions because he sees every problem encountered is an opportunity for the team to achieve its collective vision and he wants to seize every opportunity. To materialize the strategy and vision, he carefully tracks the execution progress and proactively mitigates from any identified risks and issues. In short, his optimism, focus and adaptivity in problems soling are what make him an exceptional leader and strategist.

Samson has integrity, emotional intelligence, focus, flexibility, optimism and class. He has the leadership qualities that will help AIESEC US fulfill its role in AIESEC 2015 but also unleash the entity’s potential for 2020. With my utmost sincerity and confidence, I endorse Samson Wu to be on the Member Committee of AIESEC United States for 2015-2016. Sincerely,

Jeff Chen Advisory Associate at PwC President of AIESEC United States in 2011-2012

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February 1, 2015

From: Kathy Wright Director, Cal Poly Orfalea College of Business Executive Partners Program (EPP) Board Member, AIESEC San Luis Obispo Chapter To: Selection Committee for National Board of AIESEC, U.S. Subject: Samson Wu Endorsement I would recommend without reservation Samson Wu for a position on the National Board of AIESEC because of his dedication, passion and experience with the local AIESEC chapter as well as his excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills. He is one of the most outstanding students I have come across as a mentor for Business Students at Cal Poly’s Orfalea College of Business over the last 5 years. I also have been a member of the AIESEC Board where I have seen Samson’s leadership skills as President this past year. I met Samson when he was a freshman at Cal Poly and began working with him on understanding his strengths and finding an area where he would be able to leverage these talents. I have found him to be extraordinarily talented in the area of leadership and collaboration as evidenced by his high involvement in activities at Cal Poly, leading the AIESEC chapter, and coaching other students during group mentoring sessions. I have been amazed at the number of things he can juggle while attending school full-time and how well he does all of them. He holds himself and others to high standards and is someone who is very approachable and congenial. Samson is someone I would like to have on my team. Samson is an extremely successful person at this stage of his life and is doing all the right things to grow his skills and experience. I am confident he will go on to do great things in the future and will have a high impact on the organizations he decides to join. The National Board of AIESEC would be very well served by someone of his considerable talent and experience and I would highly recommend him. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter please don’t hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Kathy Wright [email protected] 209-872-2175 (cell)

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• Proven leadership skills through various leadership positions and extracurricular activity • Strong background in providing quality customer service and project management • Performs highly under pressure and very detail oriented • Focused, consistent and resolute scholar-leadership record

EDUCATION: California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Sept 2012 – Present Bachelor of Science: Economics Expected Graduation: June 2016

LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE: AIESEC San Luis Obispo – San Luis Obispo, California Local Committee President

Jan 2014 – Dec 2014

• Managed over 60 customer and stakeholder accounts • Increased overall operation for 2014 by 60% and membership by 40% • Oversee all not-for-profit operations (Finance, Marketing, HR, etc.)

Net Impact Chapter at Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo, California Chapter Vice President of Guest Relations

Feb 2013 – Dec 2013

• Handled networking duties, finding guest speakers and attend business council meetings • Maintain Net Impact’s image in San Luis Obispo • Advised and contributed to an organization restructuring to ensure growth

Orfalea College of Business Executive Partners Program – San Luis Obispo Student Committee Member – Events Coordinator

Jan 2013 – May 2013

• Assisted the Program Director with planning and executing events • Contacted companies and partners for potential events

RELATED EXPERIENCE: Orfalea College of Business – San Luis Obispo, California Academic Peer Mentor

Nov 2013 – Dec 2014

• Prepare College of Business students with weekly advising in all aspects of the college • Provide encouragement and motivation to struggling students

Williams-Sonoma Inc. – San Francisco, California Corporate Brand Finance Intern

Jun 2014 – Sept 2014

• Worked with the finance team to develop a cost splitting structure for one of the brands • Created a seven new P&L Statements to be used in the future in measuring brand health • Completed daily financial assignments and attended team meeting

INVOLVEMENT: Alpha Kappa Psi – International Coed Business Professional Fraternity SKILLS:

• Computer Software: MICROSOFT Office Applications, Google Drive; Adobe Photoshop • Business Software: Salesforce CRM, EssBase and PODIO PMS.

Phone: (415) 734-8776 | E-mail: [email protected] !

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The Global Leadership Development Pro-

gram helps students around the world gain

real life experience in business operations

and management. The program begins in

the Team Members stage and goes up to

Executive Board locally and the members

are trained to balance school while develop-

ing the leader within themselves. Opportu-

nies of the Global Leadership Development

Program spans beyond just daily operations

as it can also go into conference planning,

international relations, and much more.

Example Universities



Student Exchange Management

Business Development



External Relations



“AIESEC gave me the confidence to reach be-

yond my bonds in leadership. Within a year of

working with AIESEC I was able to learn proper

business procedures and recruitment planning.

Through my work I was able to interact with

other passionate students aiming to not only

develop themselves but others as well”

Samson Wu

Local Committee President 2014

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The Global Student Development Program is

specifically designed for those students are interested in expanding their cultural experi-

ence. Our students are brought to specially designed programs to not only develop their network but offer them a chance to see the world first hand. Our projects try to allow any and all students the ability work on projects that either develop them professionally or help out the local community. Students that go through this program are taken care of every step of the way.

Example Universities



Teach China

International Project Management with PwCEnglish Literary and Art in Indonesia

Journalist with Economic Times

Teach Spain



“AIESEC gave me the confidence to reach beyond my bonds globally. I was able to fully immerse myself into the culture of Taiwan while I was there. The program leaders at my school really took the time to ensure that my project was right and that I was properly taken care of while abroad.”

Samson Wu

Exchange Participant, Summer 2013

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