mays landing survival guide


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Mays landing survival guide . By John Liberty. Animals. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Mays landing survival guide


By John Liberty

Page 2: Mays landing survival guide

Animals.Fish are a good resource that you can eat. You can find them almost every were in Mays Landing such as lake Lenape, Cloverleaf lake and the Old Great Egg Harbor River. Their meat is is good no matter what the weather is. You could use their scales for armory or make weapons out of their scales. Fish are a very plentiful resource in Mays Landing. Fish have very good proteins too. find information in the piney power website .

Page 3: Mays landing survival guide

Animals Deer are a good resource in Mays Landing. Deer have good meat to eat with high protein . Their skin is warm which means that you can use there skin for warmth. Their meat is good cause deer come out in the winter most of the time. So if you hunt them in the winter there meat will not go bad. All you would need to do is put the meat in the snow and it will stay cold and fresh. Deer can also make light. You could use their fat for light. Like they did back then with whale blubber. Find information of piney power com.

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Plant life Trees are good for a lot of things because they have good resources to offer. For example, you can make boats to go catch the fish and make wonderful shelters out of them. Birds use trees to lay their eggs so one morning you could have eggs. Eggs have very good protein and you could use the bark off of the tree to make a fire to cook the eggs. Trees are is very plentiful in Mays Landing. To find more information about trees in this area log on to piney power com Clip art pic

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Plant life Sun flower- Sun flowers are good for there seeds.

They attract bees so if you are really smart you would use them as traps. You could get a stick and then whack the bee and there you have it good fish bait. They can be find almost ever were in Mays Landing. You could eat there seeds too. Sun flowers would not be a good spot to make your shelter cause a sun flower attracts many kinds of life that may hurt you or even kill you if you are allergic to bees or any other animal. Find information at pine website for more information log on at piney

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Water- Water is a good recourse in Mays Landing. Water has fish in it and has a lot of food such as plant life , fish and fresh water animals. It is good for drinking a taking a dip when it is hot outside. Find information on the piney power website

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Terrain Dirt- We have lots of dirt in Mays Landing.

You could use dirt for shelter and make hills so you can make a look out. Dirt could be used for planting. But it would not be very good. Mays landing is basically dirt. This is a very high resource. Find information on piney power web

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Geography Woods- We have many woods in Mays

Landing. You can find all most ever resource you need to survive with. You can make weapons out of the resources in the woods. You could use use trees for a fire. You can make shelter out of the resources in the woods. You can make clothing to wear such as cloths made out of the leafs. Find on the pine website. Clip art pic-

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Geography River- We have one good river called the

Old Egg Harbor River. It has great food resources. You could drink from the river and catch food such as fish ,stiny rays, eels and striped bass. It is also good for bathing and taking a dip. It’s a good resource to find food to eat. Find information on piney power website


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Climate Summer- we have very hot summers

here in Mays Landing. You would need plenty of water . Also during the summer there is plenty of life so you should hunt during this time of year and store food for the winter which has less life. You would need lots of shade. You would need to stay active and drink plenty of water. Also our summers are known for very bad storms mostly thunderstorms so take shelter and don’t go out in the open.

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Climate Winter- Winter here is very cold. You

would need fires and keep warm in a shelter. Winter also has good things about it. You can store food under the snow and they would stay fresh. Winters around here get to be blow 0 sometimes and stays around 30-20 degrees mostly. So you would need plenty of warmth you would need to get this warmth from animals with thick skin such as deer. Found Information at pine website. Clip art pic-

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Survival tips Stay healthy by drinking plenty of water and

eating plenty of food with proteins in them. Stay warm Get shelter if there is bad weather examples-

Tornado= a ditch or deep hole or basement get to lower grounds Thunderstorms= stay away from all water and metal. Never go out in the open if you happen to be in the open lay flat on the ground

Have weapons to protect your self from animals and to hunt the animals.

Keep cool during the summer and stay warm during the winter.