may: 2021 theme: visionary leadership for sustainable

TJC INSPERIA 1 Inside: 1. Chairman Message 2. Principal’s Message 3. Note from IQAC 4. Critique’s View (theme based) a. Faculty i. Visionary Leaders- A Game Changer for Sustainable Future ii. Visionary Leadership-During a Crisis and Beyond b. Student i. Sustainable Leaders- Vision to Reality 5. Activities & Events a. Guest lecture: Balance of Trade & Balance of Payments b. Guest lecture: Amendments in housekeeping operations in the present & past pandemic period in hotels. c. Industrial Visit: Holiday Inn, Bangalore d. Culinary Workshop: South Indian Cuisine e. Project from Karnataka Thanda Development Corporation Limited: Lambani/Banjaran Embroidery f. Guest Lecture: Jewelry Design g. Guest Lecture: Fashion news & update on social media May: 2021 Theme: Visionary Leadership for Sustainable Growth

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Page 1: May: 2021 Theme: Visionary Leadership for Sustainable




1. Chairman Message

2. Principal’s Message

3. Note from IQAC

4. Critique’s View (theme based)

a. Faculty

i. Visionary Leaders- A Game Changer for Sustainable Future

ii. Visionary Leadership-During a Crisis and Beyond

b. Student

i. Sustainable Leaders- Vision to Reality

5. Activities & Events

a. Guest lecture: Balance of Trade & Balance of Payments

b. Guest lecture: Amendments in housekeeping operations in the present & past

pandemic period in hotels.

c. Industrial Visit: Holiday Inn, Bangalore

d. Culinary Workshop: South Indian Cuisine

e. Project from Karnataka Thanda Development Corporation Limited:

Lambani/Banjaran Embroidery

f. Guest Lecture: Jewelry Design

g. Guest Lecture: Fashion news & update on social media

May: 2021 Issue

Theme: Visionary Leadership for Sustainable


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h. World Heritage Day

i. Guest Lecture: Is there an Indian way of thinking

j. Creating water diary: World water day

k. Virtual Industrial Visit: Cedar Crest Ice cream, US

6. Rhythm of Art

7. Poems

8. Stroke or Genius or Triumph Stroke

9. Star Achievers of T John College

10. Sound-Out- Sr. Rose Mary Balappa

Dr. C. Karthikeyan, IQAC Director

Dr. Dippi Verma, Associate Professor

Ms. Kalpana Chandrasekhar, Assistant Professor

Ms. Suman Mishra, Assistant Professor

Ms. Renu Kukreti, Assistant Professor

Ms. Pooja V, Assistant Professor

Mr. Vineesh Vinay Vedsen, Assistant Professor



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Dr. Thomas P John

Chairman, T John Group of Institutions

Dear Stakeholders,

Greetings and hearty welcome to all the stakeholders of T John College!!!

“Building Careers, Transforming Lives” is our motto and it best describes our aim at T John

College, Bangalore. TJC has over the years perfected the art of aiming for the highest and

embracing the excellent. The institution always remains in constant process of building upon our

common intellectual wealth to leverage success in academics, quality placements, research

and development. It is heartening as a leader to share that the T John College has carved a

name, in the academic scenario. Education, now a powerful tool is the only way for socially

desirable changes in the personality of our students and to influence positive changes towards

stakeholders of society.

It is the only medium which enables you to move from darkness to brightness. I strongly believe

that, there can be no better way to drive and improve our nation’s prosperity and social

economic well-being than through the education system.

Message from the Desk of Chairman

“Leadership is not about titles, positions, or flow charts. It is about one life influencing

another.” ~ John C. Maxwell

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With New Education Policy on the cards, the scheme of things in educational system is getting

competitive, simultaneously offering enormous opportunities for up skilling, developing the right

attitude, and make innovative approaches to make life better.

States of the art technology are now the key facilitators for success in future. Dream big, think

big, experiment and be passionate in whatever you do. Challenge the norms, create new and

make your identity. We all live in the age of instant results and quick fixes. Today, we can do

most things at the click of a move and that is the status quo of life of every individual.

Hence, the route to achievements comes with sheer hard work, dedication pushing oneself

beyond one’s capabilities, striving for excellence and making the best of opportunities. If you

are passionate about something, then follow your passion and success will be yours.

Also, always remember that nothing stays forever – neither success nor failure. The only thing

that is constant in life is change. We have to accept the changes and challenges of life and be

mentally focused, strong and determined. Keep learning about new things, God has created

infinite capacity in you, make use of it; handle adverse situations fearlessly, with courage.

I am confident that if you cherish and live these values, you will go a long way and achieve

success in all spheres of life! I congratulate the entire team of T John College UG Staff for bringing

out this Newsletter. Wish you all a very safe and happy life ahead.

“Leader is an action, not a position”

-----Donald McGannon

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Sr. Rose Mary Balappa

Principal, T John College

Visionary Leadership for Sustainable Growth

In the 21st century, the proactive involvement of individuals is required to lead the organizations.

An enterprise needs good, if not the best visionary leaders to stay and sustain in the competition.

Companies must carefully harness the leadership strategies and build an organizational culture

that fosters the growth of a talented workforce. Career paths are being taking an unexpected

sharp turn which prompts new and innovative leadership styles, lifestyles, and entrepreneurial

attitudes. The speed at which dramatic organizational changes are taking place, calls for a

paradigm shift in the approach to visionary leadership in the organization. These trends affecting

work roles are driving the organizations to adopt innovative styles of management with a new

perspective towards leadership. Leadership is a critical management tool for the sustenance of

any economy.

Message from the Desk of Principal

“Average leaders raise the bar on themselves; good leaders raise the bar for others; great

leaders inspire others to raise their own bar.” ~ Orrin Woodward

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A great leader shows an ability to make the decision and act boldly in the face of setbacks and

adversity. Leaders are sensitive to and are aware of the needs, feelings, and motivation of those

they lead. Visionary leaders develop the ability to predict and anticipate the future. These

qualities will trigger sustainability in every aspect. A visionary leader is effective in manifesting his

or her vision because s/he creates specific, achievable goals, initiates actions, and enlists the

participation of all the people. The modern world is fast changing. It requires leaders with a key

component of 'vision' for the future added to their characteristics.

An effective visionary leader is a blend of traits and results. Visionary leadership is imperative for

shaping a group of followers into teams and gradually develops them as high-performance

workgroups that serve as a competitive advantage to a business. Future leadership is game-

changing and future-focused to come together and paint innovative and exemplary methods of

facing these challenges.

Visionary leadership continues to grow in rapidly changing contexts in which leaders are

expected to work, and put more focus on traits of leadership, the role of balanced approach for

sustaining relations, styles of thinking and adaptability, and leading diverse and geographically

dispersed employees. Effective visionary leadership has to customize and concentrate on the

type of business, the necessity of change and has to put more effort into developing

organizational culture. Effective leadership can be seen only if it sustains till it achieves the goals

set. In this regard, visionary leaders should create learning opportunities for employees to learn

new skills. Leaders must develop high tolerance levels towards the employees, which will allow

them to take risks, make mistakes and learn. Visionary leadership focuses on change. The newly

changed system will ultimately have to stand on its own feet, but every new system needs

support and nurture.

Leaders are required to lead from the front and to develop effective strategies to recruit, retain,

and develop effective successors. They should become a catalyst for employees to change.

Every leader is expected to be solution-oriented rather than problem-specific.

“Earn your leadership every day.” ~ Michael Jordan

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Visionary leadership is arguably the key factor in determining and enhancing the capabilities of

synthesizing future changes in demographics, human needs, along with developing a very clear

and specific vision for the organization system. Leaders play a critical role as change agents in

the quintessential transformation process. Successful change efforts necessitate the leader to

articulate a compelling vision that appeals to both internal and external stakeholders;

communicate a sense of urgency, led by example, show strong personal commitment, and

enable stakeholders to contribute to their full potential. Successful change management,

therefore, requires the organization to overcome several leadership challenges and to develop

a focused and proactive strategy to address change. The leadership has to encourage

innovation at all levels, and also has to promote it. All organizations should spend some valuable

time to implement this style of leadership and imbibe it in the process. This will bring forth more

ideas, more possibilities and enable more people amongst the followers to start having practice

and interest in the decisions, risks, and change. That personal interest and trust that a leader

generates among any followers is the key.

Visionary leaders bring in sustainable change through the willingness to do the inner work of self-

knowledge and self-development. They commit to being conscious co-creators of social and

planetary transformation and inspire and enroll others as partners in their vision for the world.

Through daily practice, they become more authentic, sincere, transparent, and trustworthy. Their

goals, plans, and directives create a field of possibility that is real, grounded, relevant, and

achievable for greater sustainability.

Students, parents, teachers, and institutions must come out with innovative ways to attain the

best education in the world where the focus is on the skills and attributes. After all, they are the

future of our nation and they deserve the best. Existing integration of the teaching and learning

process with the university curricula implies further attention to quality. Steps should be focused

on the following activities: We need to continue to improve open educational platforms which

allow students to have access to high-quality learning resources. We need to conduct

quantitative and qualitative research and evaluate current models of online teaching and

learning, with a particular focus on students' long-term sustainability. Adopting and enhancing

skills is the one thing necessary to achieve any goal worth having.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.”

John C. Maxwell

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Dr Dippi Verma

Associate Professor & IQAC Coordinator

Visionary Leadership for Transformational Change in T John College

In the era of globalization where sustainability depends on quality of an institution which is

measured through accountability and credibility, the Prime task of IQAC is to steer the institution

towards sustainability.

A visionary leadership focuses on change. The transforming leadership approach leads to

revolutionize. The new changed system will ultimately have to stand on its own feet, but every

new system needs support and cultivate.

Aligning with the view, T John College through IQAC has formulated and initiated many

strategies which are imperative for shaping an institution towards excellence.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of T John College fosters culture of ownership and

accountability among major stake holders’ especially heads of the Departments, faculty

members, non-teaching staff and students. To create the environment, IQAC organizes activities

like motivational talk, involves major stakeholders into goal setting and planning, delegation of

decision making at different levels, hold accountable for the subject handled and work


The diligent strategizes of IQAC strives to attain excellence in imparting education to the

students in T John College. The College focuses to produce critical thinkers with the capacity to

acquire new skills and adapt to the fast-changing world. Students should be able to put their

learning to work in the present world, and 50 years down the line. To achieve quality in

curriculum delivery and holistic development of students and faculty members are given

Note from IQAC

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail

----Harold R. MacAlindon

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adequate support through expert suggestion, frequent reviews, formative, and summative

feedback. The curriculum delivery in T John College not only focuses on syllabus completion but

also on placement related assistance and value-added learning through guest lecture,

assignments case studies etc.

Research has always remained one of the most important agenda of T John College. With NEP

2020 paving its way in Indian Education System, T John College is steadfast on its stand on the

need for promoting and nurturing skill of research in the Colleges. The IQAC advocates the

importance of resource mobilization for research. It encourages faculty members to achieve

research and development projects. T John College tries to bring output of quality research that

will benefit the society.

To achieve the set goal the IQAC of T John College has initiated the reform of evaluation process

in the College. The College believes in the improvement of the examination process by

developing an innovative evaluation system. To enhance credibility of the evaluation process

John College has constituted a centralized exam cell. The objective of the exam cell is to

expose students to continuous evaluation rather than focus only at the term-end exams. This will

keep the students develop the habit of studying regularly and the question of putting extra effort

towards the end of the semester shall not arise. The examination section takes care of all matters

related to conduct of examinations, evaluation, processing and declaration of results.

The role IQAC in T John College is to lead the College from the front and to develop effective

strategies which can bring positive transformation. It acts as a change agent for the future.

“A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of

the credit.” —Arnold H. Glasow

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Visionary Leaders- A Game Changer for Sustainable Future


Ms. Pooja V

Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Applications

In the 21st century, a pro-active involvement of individuals is required to lead the organizations.

An enterprise needs good, if not the best visionary leaders to stay and sustain in the competition.

Companies must carefully harness the leadership strategies and build an organizational culture

that fosters growth of talented workforce. Careers paths are being taking unexpected sharp turn

which prompts to new and innovative leadership styles, lifestyle, and entrepreneurial attitudes.

The speed at which dramatic organizational changes are taking place, calls for a paradigm shift

in the approach to visionary leadership in the organization. These trends affecting work roles are

driving the organizations to adopt innovative styles of management with a new perspective

towards leadership.

A great leader shows ability to make decision and act boldly in the face of setbacks and

adversity. Leaders are sensitive to and are aware of the needs, feelings and motivation of those

they lead. Visionary leaders develop ability to predict and anticipate the future. These qualities

will trigger sustainability in every aspect.

Critiques’ View-Faculty

“The challenge of leadership is to be strong but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold,

but not a bully; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but

without folly.” ---Jim Rohn

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A visionary leader is effective in manifesting his or her vision because s/he creates specific,

achievable goals, initiates actions, and enlists the participation of all the people. There are as

many leadership styles as there are leaders. The various studies of business people and

psychologists have developed useful and simple ways to describe some styles of leadership,

which can help aspiring visionary leaders to understand which styles they should use or adopt as

per the environment.

Visionary leadership is an imperative for shaping a group of followers into teams and gradually

develops them as high-performance work groups that serve as competitive advantage to

business. Visionary leaders are successful at manifesting their vision-based leadership on an

inspirational, positive picture of the future, as well as a clear sense of the path to reach the goals.

Great leaders give real thought to the values, ideas and activities that they are most passionate

about and pursue. They achieve them only by setting realistic, demanding goals and then going

after them relentlessly, with the help of other talented men and women who are equally

committed and engaged. The effective visionary leadership has to customize and concentrate

on situational basis and necessity of change. The effective leadership can be seen only if it

sustains till it achieves goals set. The visionary leaders are noted for their situational and

transformational attitude and approach which compels followers to transform the old mental

maps to create the culture of innovation. The visionary leader must create his or her concept of

what the organization can accomplish. They create innovative strategies for actualizing their


Effective Visionary Leadership

“Management works in the system. Leadership works on the system” Stephen R Covey. An

effective visionary leader is a blend of traits and results. Visionary leadership is an imperative for

shaping a group of followers into teams and gradually develops them as high-performance work

groups that serve as competitive advantage to business. The future leadership is a game

changing and future focused to come together and paint innovative and exemplary methods of

facing these challenges, says Ravindran, CEO, SHRM India (Times of India, 15th Feb 2012).

“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure

that impact lasts in your absence.”

— Sheryl Sanberg

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Visionary Leadership-During a Crisis and Beyond.


Dr. Geetha Bhatt

Assistant Professor,

Department of BA Journalism

A true visionary think about the future or advancement in a creative and imaginative way. A

person who is ahead of her/his time who is not driven by dogma, s/he is an exceptional being

practical in thought, word and deed and has a powerful plan for change in the future. S/He is a

person who fights for a cause but one who embraces all with loving humanity, understands the

strength and potential of people working for her/him. Possessing tremendous patience and

emotional intelligence even during adverse circumstance s/he understands people the way

they are, spends no time in ridicule but only works towards transformation of the situation and

her/his focus is more on the solution and not the problem. The social and economic crisis

caused by the current Covid-19 pandemics is an extreme but relevant example of the types of

challenges leaders face today. It demands mastering crisis management and requires a

leadership style that is invariable one-person leadership which could be perceived as an overly

directive action. Exceptional circumstances call for a more human centric and radically driven

leadership style. Attributes leaders need to successfully lead their organization are through three

typical phases of crisis. An unexpected crisis tends to follow a clear pattern of 3 phases: First of

responding to the acute situation and managing continuity; second that of recovering and

learning from the situation to emerge stronger; and thirdly thriving to prepare for and shape the

next normal.

“Leadership is the ability to guide others without force into a direction or decision that

leaves them still feeling empowered and accomplished.”

– Lisa Cash Hanson

Critiques’ View-Faculty

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In the rapidly changing times we face several challenges. An idea can really change one’s life,

provided the implementation of strategy with innovation and vision is in the right place. Standing

out from the pack depends on how well a leader communicates, leads and motivates the

people around him. These life skills are critical success factors for developing strong business

relationships and career advancement. The changing world of work has brought about the birth

of a market that instantly recognizes the importance and nurtures the top performers to become

visionary leaders. A visionary leader is effective in manifesting her/his vision because s/he is the

one who creates specific, achievable goals, initiates actions and enlists the participation of all

the employees.

Visionary Leaders require core values, clear vision, empowering relationships, and innovative

action. Today, as we enter the new millennium, thousands of new visionary leaders are emerging

in all fields of human endeavor around the world and are leading a revolution energized by

power of the soul.

It appears that leaders in today’s organizations are attempting to utilize their personal concept of

sustainability to adjust and continually improve overall performance. A decisive step forward lies

in creating a definition that encompasses this concept from a holistic perspective. Definitions for

sustainable leadership are understood by many in the environmental field; however, there

appears to be a lack of understanding by the 'common person' how sustainability in leadership

relates to their particular company.

“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for

doing it.”

— Andrew Carnegie

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Sustainable Leaders- Vision to Reality


Ms. Deepthi Shalini. D

I Semester,

Bachelor of Computer Application

When we think about visionary leadership, we may think about father of our nation Mahatma

Gandhi, who revolted against the British in a very different way.

Visionary leadership is not rare or it’s not something that is beyond what we think who knows we

might also be having visionary leadership and we may not know it.

What is visionary leadership?

A visionary leader is an individual who sees the potential for how the world should exist and then

takes steps to get there.

Visionary leadership takes a very important role in sustainable development. In this quickly

changing world, a leader must develop the vision to foresee how to evolve as an organization. A

leader can organize some meetings for setting the goals and plans for the sustainable growth of

the country. Leadership for achieving sustainable development is rooted in living processes.

Today’s challenge for attaining sustainable development is complicated and will need everyone

to work towards creating more sustainable future. Therefore, leaders, rather than providing a

solution need to “create opportunities for people to come together and generate their own

answers”. Leaders also make people to participate in all the activities.

“A leader is someone who holds her- or himself accountable for finding the potential in

people and processes.”

— Brené Brown

Critiques’ View-Student

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Leaders must think beyond their vision to get the desired result i.e., the community, the society or

state where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without

undermining the stability and integrity of the natural system. They should take courage and

make good ideas for attaining the sustainable development goals.

Therefore, a visionary leadership is very important and plays a great role in sustainable growth.

Each one should think themselves as a good leader and share the ideas with each other. This

helps to achieve the sustainable goals and to have good sustainable growth.

“We are not interested in the possibilities of defeat; they do not exist.”

— Queen Victoria

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Guest Lecture on Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments

Date: 16.03.2021.

On 16.03.2021, Department of Commerce in association with IQAC conducted inter-

departmental guest lecture on Balance of Payment & Balance of Trade for MCOM 1st Semester

students. The guest speaker was Assistant Prof. Geo George, invited from the Department of

Management Studies.

The speaker gave a talk on the basic of balance of payments and explained about the

components of the same. The talk covered the aspects of current account, capital account and

the current account deficit and surplus. The speaker gave a detailed view of the importance of

the balance of payment and balance of trade in the economy of India.

The first half of the lecture comprised about the theoretical aspects of the balance of trade,

balance of payment and its components. In the second half the speaker gave a practical

exposure to the students. During the session an analysis on balance of Payment of India for the

year 2020-2021 was also conducted by the guest speaker. There he gave an analytical view

about the various aspects of BOP of India by highlighting the changes in merchandise imports

and exports, receipts, Net FDI & Net foreign portfolio investment.


“Success isn’t about how much money you make; it’s about the difference you make in

people’s lives.”

— Michelle Obama

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Amendments in Housekeeping Operations in the Present & Post Pandemic Period in


Date: 28-01-2021.

Department of Hotel Management at T John College organized a guest lecture for 1st semester

students on 28-01-2021. The speaker of the day was Ms. Sruti Sahoo, Deputy Housekeeper from

The Oberoi Bangalore. The topic of the day was “Amendments in Housekeeping operations in

the present & Post pandemic period in Hotels”. Ms. Sruti Sahoo spoke on the expectations of the

hospitality industry from the students and present housekeeping operations in the pandemic

period. The talk also covered the importance of grooming and communication skills in hotel


The guest lecture was very interactive and informative for the students. The students were able

to understand the importance of grooming for themselves as well as in hotel management

industry requirements.

Department of Hotel Management visited Holiday Inn.

Date: 11-02-2021

The students of the current 1st semester BHM visited Holiday Inn, Bangalore on 11-02-2021.

Holiday Inn is located along Seshadri Road across Bangalore Turf Club.

Holiday Inn is the UK owned American brand of hotels and a subsidiary of Inter-Continental

Hotels Group. Founded as a U.S. motel chain, it has grown to be one of the world's largest hotel

chains, with 1,173 active hotels and over 214,000 rentable. Our students were well received by

the HR Manager Mr. Priyaranjan and his team and took the students around the property and

explained the functions of each department.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

— Anaïs Nin, Author

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The property consists of 272 well-appointed rooms, 22 premium rooms with a private balcony,

and 22 suites with an individual living room and facilities like a microwave and a dining area to

attract long-stay guests. Soham SPA, a floor above the lobby level is one of the best in the City.

After the property round, students were asked to be seated at the meeting space, "Equus" for

High Tea, and Mr. Priyaranjan addressed students on various topics such as the Check-in

procedures followed during a pandemic, the future of Guest Registrations, etc.

The overall session was very interesting and informative

“The comfort zone is a nice place, but nothing grows there. Take the leap today and start

your business!”

— Caroline Cummings

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Culinary Workshop by Department of Hotel Management

Date: 18.02.2021 T. John College- Department of Hotel Management has conducted a Culinary Workshop on

South Indian Cuisine on February 18, 2021. The key person of the day was Chef. Palani Murugan.

He is one of the most celebrated faces in the hotel industry. As we all know that the South Indian

cuisine is extremely diverse which represents four distinct regional styles: Tamil Nadu, Kerala,

Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. Chef Palani Murugan demonstrated cooking methods of

various South Indian dishes such as Paneer pepper soup, Drumstick soup, Madurai Kozhi,

Chicken Chettinad, AmburBiriyani, Mutton sukka, Allepey fish curry, Tender coconut milk kheer,

etc. We all enjoyed live event with great enthusiasm. Not only we were able to see his cooking

talent and expertism but also, we were privileged to taste the food that was prepared by him.

Aspiring students and faculty members participated in the workshop. 5 colleges of Bangalore,1

college from Chennai & 1 college from Mysore participated in the workshop. There was a total

footfall of 49 students for the workshop- more than we expected. We were really happy about

the event. Along with TJC students and staff even those who participated in the workshop had

beautiful experience which they will remember for years to come. The workshop was very

interactive and beneficial to all participants.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

— Warren Bennis

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Karnataka Thanda Development Co-operation Limited Government of Karnataka

Date: 05.02.2021.

A project from Karnataka Thanda Development Cooperation Limited (Govt. of Karnataka) was

taken by T. John College, the objective of this project is to highlight the Lambani/Banjara

embroidery from Karnataka to enable the same to reach the wider audience and achieve

better visibility. KTDCL is trying to upgrade the traditional unique Kasuthi skill (stitching and

embroidery) of Banjara costumes to attract the young Lambani generation and fashion world to

renew, promote and strengthen socio-economic conditions of the community by training and

developing the same. Which will help revive this beautiful ancient craft, which is an integral part

of our Banjara heritage?

The students of BSc Fashion and Apparel Design and Management studies (MBA) developed and

short movie for showcasing the garment as the photo-shoot took place in TJGI campus on 5th

February 2021, as this short movie was premiered at Lambani fairs which were held in Hampi on

15thfeb, 16th Feb 2021.

“Leadership is having a compelling vision, a comprehensive plan, relentless

implementation, and talented people working together.”

— Alan Mulally

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Guest Lecture on Jewelry Design by FAD Department

Date: 13.02.2021.

The guest's name is Mrs. Spoorthy.S. Babu is currently working in Dream Zone College Bangalore.

She expressed her thoughts about "Jewelry Design", and discussed history, Types, Traditional v/s

Modern methods used in jewelry design. The students were educated on how the fashion

industry works in Jewelry designing; the speaker guided the students on making their career in

jewelry design.

Guest Lecture conducted on Fashion News and Update on Social Media

Date: 13.02.2021.

The speaker of the event was Mr. Tejashvi. V is currently working in ICAT Design and Media

College, Bangalore. Through his presentation, he spoke about "Fashion News and Update on

Social Media", How to Stay Up to Date with News from The World of Fashion Including Trending

Brands, Latest Fashion Trends, Designer News, Styling Tips & Much More.

He also spoke about the latest fashion news, Blogs, Beauty coverage, Celebrity Style, Fashion

week updates, culture reviews, and videos, Fashion shows, Ramp Walks, Designer Wear, Model

Gossips, and Style Tips straight from fashion designers. The session was a fruitful and informative

one; the students were educated on how the fashion industry takes advantage of social media

throughout the world. It was a very good opportunity for the FAD students to begin their careers

in this area.

“A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can succeed.”

— Ralph Nader

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World Heritage Day – 2021

Date: 21.04.2021.

T. John College celebrated World Heritage Day on 21st April 2021. The event was organized by

the Department of Fashion and Apparel Design and Cultural Committee.

World Heritage Day is observed every year on April 18, to preserve the human heritage and

recognize the efforts of the organizations working for it. World Heritage Day is a collective effort

of the communities in the world to do what is necessary. This year's theme for world heritage is

‘Complex Pasts: Diverse Futures’ which is set by the International Council of Monuments & Sites


To show up solidarity to Indian cultural heritage the Staff of T. John College took part in a cultural

catwalk, representing various states and their traditional attire.

The best-dressed male & female faculties were awarded. In the male category Mr. Vineesh

Vedsen, Asst. Professor, Department of Management Studies, and in the Female Category Dr.

Felcy Judith, Associate Professor and H.O.D for the Department of Computer Application, were

declared as winners.

Department of Fashion and Apparel Design and Cultural committee of T John College thank the

Management, Sister Rose Mary Balappa, Principal, T John College, and Dr. Karthikeyan, IQAC

Director, Dr. Dippi Verma, IQAC Coordinator, All the Department Heads, and all the faculties for

their encouragement and support. Indeed, it was a fun-filled day to remember and cherish.

“The greatest ability in business is to get along with others and influence their actions.”

— John Hancock

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“Not everybody can be famous. But everybody can be great, because greatness is

determined by service”

― Martin Luther King, Jr.

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“Is there an Indian Way of Thinking”

Date: 28.01.2021.

Mr. Kevin Fernandes (Professor IIPR)

With the vision to expose the students of BA JEP to various thought processes of great writers and

thinkers, an online Guest Lecture was planned by Ms. Neelanjana Bose, HOD BA Department on

the topic “Is there an Indian way of thinking?” The Guest Lecture was conducted on the 28th of

January 2021 from 12 pm to 1 pm, through the ZOOM platform.

The resource person Mr. Kevin Fernandes, Assistant Professor of IIPR (Indian Institute of

Psychology and Research) presented the topic in a lucid way to make students understand the

difference between the Western way of thinking and the Oriental way of thinking.

Mr. Fernandes has the ability to synthesize his love for art, literature, music, travel, and culture in

an academic space. He can articulate and apply complex theories to learners in an engaging

and compressible manner.

The literary piece “Is there an Indian way of thinking” written by a stalwart of Kannada literature

Mr. A K Ramanujan is considered to be one of the most thought-provoking topics of today’s time.

Mr. Kevin was able to explain the concept of context-sensitive, concept- free and concept -

specific mode of thought to the students.

Overall, it was an interesting thought-provoking session.

World Water Day – 2021

Date: 22.03.2021.

On occasion of WORLD WATER DAY, held on 22nd March 2021, BA Department organized an

assembly to create awareness on Value of water by safeguarding water effectively for


The Assembly began with a Sanskrit prayer on water by Dr. Geetha Bhat, Asst. Professor BA Dept,

followed by a talk by Mr. Vijay Kumar, Asst. Professor of Psychology, BA Dept. He spoke about

the importance of water conservation. Ms. Kalpana C., Asst. Professor of Language, BA Dept.

spoke about the facts of water as a resource.

“The way to achieve your own success is to be willing to help somebody else get it first.”

— IyanlaVanzant

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An activity of “Creating Water Dairy “was introduced to the students by Neelanjana Bose, HoD of

BA Dept. Whereby the students were asked to record their water usage for one day in their daily

activities. Few suggestions for alternate methods to reduce the water wastage was given by the

students. This activity of “Creating Water Diary” was held for MBA, MCA and MCOM students of

1st semester, all the students participated in this activity were enthusiastic and the relevant

suggestions given by the students for reducing water wastage were exemplary and very

practical. It was evident that the slogan “Save water and it will save you” stands strong as we

realize the importance and value of water in our students and faculty lives.

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”

— U.S. President John F. Kennedy

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Virtual Industrial visit to Cedar Crest Ice cream, United States


The Department of Management studies, organized a virtual Industrial visit to Cedar Crest Ice

Cream for BBA I Semester students. The students have seen the plant, the procurement of

materials the process of manufacturing of an ice Cream. They have learnt the operational steps,

the business processes and the quality control applied at every stage of the production. The visit

gave a very good insight on the manufacturing, operations and management to the new

students. Overall, it was a very good experience for them.

“Don’t follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you.”

— Margaret Thatcher

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Rhythm of Art

Kavya. C, 1stSem, Bachelor of Computer Application

Department of Fashion & Apparel Design

"The greatest leader is not necessarily the one who does the greatest things. He is the one

that gets the people to do the greatest things." Ronald Reagan

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The Little Plant

In the heart of a seed,

Buried deep so deep,

A tiny plant

Lay fast asleep.

“Wake”, said the sunshine,

“And creep of the light”.

“Wake”, said the voice

Of the raindrops bright.

The little plant heard

And it rose to see,

What the wonderful,

Outside world might be.

“Come little Leaves”

“Come, little leaves”,

Said the wind one day.

Come down to the meadow

And thy shall play.

Put on your dresses,

Of red and gold,

For summer is part

And the days grow cold.

Dancing and Leaping

The leaves went along,

Until winter called them

To end their sweet song.

Soon, fast asleep

In their earthy beds,

The snow lay a coverlet,

Over their heads.

May the road

May the road

Rise up to meet you,

May the wind be

Always at your back.

May the sunshine warm

Upon your face,

And the rains fall soft

Upon your fields.

And until we,

Meet again,

May god hold you

In the palm of his hand.

Ms. Ayesha Firdose W

BCA 6th sem 'B' sec

“No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of the enemy.”

— Admiral Horatio Nelson

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Our I Semester BCA students took part in the Youth Day Competitions held from 16-02-2021 to 19-

02-2021 conducted by Vivekananda Cell. In Poster making competition, Indhu and Swetha from

I BCA have won first prize and in essay writing competition, Kavya. C from I sem BCA bagged

the second prize.Aman Gupta, Sixth Semester BCA student has been certified as ETHICAL

HACKER by Metaxone Solution Pvt.Ltd.

BCA I semester students, SherinIype Sunny and BillintiRanjith Kumar has created a website for

KasiVishwanathar Temple.

Stroke of Genius

"A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't

necessarily want to go, but ought to be." Rosalynn Carter

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Bangalore University Rank: First

Mr.Rakesh Joshi,

Department of Hotel Management

Mr. Rakesh Joshi of T. John College, Department of Hotel Management was awarded a Gold

Medal in the 55th Annual Convocation 2020 conducted on January 30, 2021 by Bangalore

University for securing 1st Rank with a score of 84.61% (5246/6200).

The Management of T. John Group of Institutions is immensely exhilarated at his excellent

performance and awarded cash prize of one lakh rupees. At this enchanting instant the

management highly appreciates his commendable accomplishment. Mr. Rakesh Joshi is

presently preparing for his Master Degree in Australia. We wish him the very best in his higher

studies and future endeavors.

"A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from

within them." ----M.D. Arnold

Star Achievers of T John


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Bangalore University Rank: Fifth

Mr. Husain Riyaz

Department of Hotel Management

Consistent topper in academics & active participant in intercollegiate competitions Mr. Husain

Riyaz has fetched laurels to T JOHN COLLEGE, Department of Hotel Management (B.H.M) by

procuring fifth rank in University Examinations conducted by Bangalore University during the

academic year 2016−20.

The Management of T. John Group of Intuitions is immensely pleased at his brilliant performance.

At this enchanting instant the management highly appreciates their commendable

accomplishment. Mr. Husain Riyaz got placed in Trident BandraKurla, Mumbai as Housekeeping

Assistant through OCER program of “The Oberoi Hotels and Resorts”.

T John College extends Hearty Congratulations to the Star Achievers

on their Remarkable Achievement.

"Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or

position." Brian Tracy

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It’s not the position which you hold is important, it is the way you deliver your responsibilities

righteously which is important. Let’s have a sound out today with such a personality who sits in

such a position.

1. What motivates you to face the challenges coming forth?

Small efforts that I take every day helps me to keep myself motivated throughout the day. My

morning starts with meditation and daily prayer. It fills my mind with positive thoughts and

inspires to start the day and meet my targets for the day. I show eagerness to learn new things

from the people in my surroundings. The willingness to learn from mistakes without getting scared

of committing mistakes also plays an important part in keeping me humble, calm, and

motivated. I always make time for little things which make me happy by taking to people,

cooking, sewing, and reading books. As we all know very well, we cannot give what we don’t

have, if you are not happy you cannot make the people around you happy. This automatically

helps me create a balance in my professional work, social life, spiritual life and personal life.

2. What is your opinion on millennial generations’ way of thinking?

The millennial generation is always filled with energy and ready for all the advancements. They

learn technology in the tips of their fingers. They have everything they want for their success but

the only thing is they do not know how to deal and manage their emotions and societal

pressure. They keep struggling internally and externally which leads to a lot of negative

impressions in their minds like stress, low self-esteem, peer pressure, depression etc. They get

easily distracted by the charisma of social media, materialism and temporary relationships.

They should focus on their mental and physical health by having proper diet, proper sleep and

having regular exercise.

3. Can you share one of your memorable experiences with any of your students or staff?

I have many such memories with my students and staff. I would mention about two of my

students from my previous institution.

His name is Robert. Back then he was in 7th Standard and was quite weak in mathematics. He

had a tendency of getting fear of mathematics exams. I started to tutor him and took care of his

studies. I kept on mentoring and motivating him to practice more and learn. Eventually he came

out with flying colors and became the topper of the class.

Sound Out


Sr. Rose Mary Balappa, Principal, T John College

“Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want

to do it.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Another similar incident I remember about Nick. He also had his family problems which

distracted him and led to wrong paths. I counseled him and got to know his interest in chemistry

and the experiments in chemistry. He used to love to perform experiments and I used to keenly

listen and see him performing the experiments. He slowly started focusing on studies and was

again proved as a bright student in his class.

Among my colleagues I remember many incidents but the memorable one was with one of the

lady faculty. We both shared the responsibility of being the class teacher of a batch. After lot of

medical procedures and health issues she had conceived. The way we both used to share our

work and responsibilities was memorable and students could also learn the importance of

sharing the responsibilities and caring for peers. Later she was blessed with twins of one boy and


These are the memories I would like to share with all. Even in our testing times with what we have

if we started to share with other, it makes a huge difference in others life.

4. What accomplishment fills you with pride so far this year?

This year has been a tough year in all respects. With the pandemic going on in the country,

many are struggling in different aspects of life. No doubt the pandemic has been strenuous for all

of us but still it has been a great life lesson for all.

During this year we conducted online classes for our students and learnt the usage and

application of technology in the field of academics. We went digital for all the National level

webinars, International conferences and panel discussions. It was a proud moment for all of us

we could successfully conduct various events on online platform.

Apart from this we had LIC visit to our campus and GCM meeting which went on really well and

satisfactory. T John College has hired qualified faculty which gives me immense happiness and

pride as am a part of this process.

Also, we are working for NAAC and autonomous which are the coming milestones for the


“Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.” —

Dalai Lama

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5. If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?

In the current situation, I would say all to take care of yourself and the people around you.

Students should have dream, chalk out the plan to achieve it and work harder to make that

dream come true. To have such motive in themselves they have to love themselves,

acknowledge the mistakes and critiques with open mind with a thirst to know learn and develop.

They should be helpful, learn to share and care, being respectful for others and always have a

positive attitude. At last, no matter what they should not forget take time for themselves to pray,

to laugh, and to smile. I ask them to keep smiling to make their day bright and also to brighten

others day.

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by

a lion.” – Alexander the Great