may 2012 newsletter - dodgeville umc

Dodgeville United Methodist Church 327 North Iowa Street Dodgeville, WI 53533 Prepared especially for… Newsletter May 2012

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May 2012 Newsletter - Dodgeville UMC


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I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth as long as the wicked are in my presence."

2 But when I

was silent and still, not even saying anything good, my anguish increased.

3 My heart grew hot

within me, and as I meditated, the fire burned; then I spoke with my tongue:

4 "Show me, O

LORD, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life.

5 You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the

span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. Selah – Psalm 139:1-5 (NIV)






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Easter is now over and it’s on to … Pentecost! Pentecost, of course, is the day we celebrate God’s gift of the Holy Spirit to humanity. Because of that empowerment, it is also the birthday of the Church—the day the Church was empowered to do God’s work on earth. This year, the Church’s birthday is Sunday, May 27

th. Did you know that?

Sometimes we read through the Bible, which is good. But, it’s really ‘a first step habit’ that helps us to get familiar with God’s word and also helps us begin to appreciate God’s word for what it is and what it does for our lives. The second step we must take, regarding God’s word, is the spiritual discipline or ‘habit’ of meditation. Reading God’s word is great, but to really get to know it—to get out of it what God wants us to get out of it (like knowing when Pentecost is)—takes something a little different. We need to learn to slow down and meditate on sections of God’s word, until we truly come to a good understanding of what that section is all about. Does that make sense? Some say that ‘no principle of scripture is more important than meditation’—meditating on what God’s word has to say. For instance, how does your pastor come up with so many themes for preaching throughout the year? Meditation is the answer. The more I meditate on scripture, the more I learn important themes for both my life and ours… One of the tragedies of our day is that meditation is linked more to non-Christian systems of belief than it is to biblical Christianity. It is true that

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New Lost & Found Box In an effort to keep our coat racks and shelves from becoming cluttered, we have placed a box for lost and found items in fellowship hall. Please place any items left in the church in this box. If you are missing something, check the box to see if your items are in there. Thank you! Beth Schlueter Connections Coordinator

the world has adapted the principle of meditation for its own purposes, but that shouldn’t be an excuse to take this incredible habit away from Christians! Meditation is simply … deep, focused thinking. For Christians, it involves taking a biblical text and—as Pastor Selwyn Hughes puts it—‘putting it like a sweet on your tongue and holding it there until you have sucked every precious drop of spiritual liquid from it.’ Unfortunately, only about 1% of Christians engage in this spiritual habit. We read the word (and that’s good) and sometimes we even study it (using extra-biblical materials to help us understand). But, we will never really get the best out of it until we learn how to meditate on it. The added exercise of meditation is like a bellows on a little flame … that transforms it into a blazing fire! Are you ready to get excited about the Christian faith that you claim and follow? Are you ready to get excited about God’s word to you? There’s so much more there than we usually expect or give credit to. Here’s one of the most helpful bits of advice I’ve ever been given when it comes to God’s word and growing in my faith: read less and meditate more… See you at God’s House (and don’t miss the birthday party!),

Pastor Rom

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An Invitation to Commissioning On Sunday, June 24 our congregation will commission our new Stephen Ministers. Throughout history, when God has called people to special ministry, members of their community have commissioned them for the important new work they are taking on. Now we invite you to help carry on that biblical tradition by being a part of commissioning those who have responded to God’s call to be part of our congregation’s Stephen Ministry. Our Stephen Ministers will be completing substantial training to equip them for their task on May 19. At the time of commissioning, we lay hands on them, pray for them, and send them out to minister, asking for God’s blessing and the Spirit’s wisdom and power. This commissioning service offers an opportunity to show our support for this ministry. Our Stephen Ministers will be depending on our support in the time ahead as they assume the duties of their ministry. How can we help? First of all, we can pray for our Stephen Leaders, our Stephen Ministers, and their care receivers. This ministry calls for both time and effort. At times they may feel tired, discouraged, or convinced that they are not accomplishing anything. The assurance of our prayers and appreciation will help them keep moving forward. We can also affirm and show our appreciation for this valuable ministry. We can tell them how much their hard work means to us, tell others how much we value our Stephen Ministry, and focus attention on our Stephen Ministers to bless and affirm them in special ways—as we do with our commissioning services.

Continued on following page

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We can become involved in this ministry in many ways. Some of us may recognize a call to use our special gifts in this ministry and may apply to be a Stephen Leader or Stephen We can become involved in this ministry in many ways. Some of us may recognize a call to use our special gifts in this ministry and may apply to be a Stephen Leader or Stephen Minister. Others may accept the care of a Stephen Minister. We can be ministers of referral, watching for people in need and suggesting a Stephen Minister’s care. We all can give our enthusiastic support by keeping Stephen Ministry always before us and by praying for and affirming those who have answered God’s call to serve in this way. As we commission our newly trained Stephen Ministers, let us thank God for all that they will bring to this congregation in providing care to others, and let us promise them our daily prayer and support as we send them out to minister among us.


(unless otherwise noted) [Christian Education Ministry Team: Julia Harman, Sarah

Godfrey, Julie Piper]


JUNE 3, 2012 *Free


(Transportation from DUMC TBD)


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NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER OBSERVANCE We will again be observing the National Day of Prayer – this year on Thursday, May 3rd. Our church doors and sanctuary will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Also, there will be an assembly at the Dodgeville Elementary School at 6:30 PM with finger food at 8:00 PM. It is an opportunity to join with Christians across our nation in prayer for our country, our government, our churches & future. We are again reminded of 2 Chronicles 7:14 – “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves & pray, & seek my face, then I will hear from heaven, forgive their sins & heal their land”. This suggests that we have not only a privilege & a promise, but also, as God’s people, a responsibility. Please take time to stop in and pray – or take a moment to pray for our nation, wherever you are. The theme of the National Day of Prayer this year is “One Nation Under God”. Please dwell on this phrase and proclamation as we approach & observe this year’s National Day of Prayer. Pastor Charlene

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Staff News The weekend of April 13-15, the program staff attended their annual staff retreat – this year we traveled to Pine Lake Camp. These annual retreats are vital to the future and growth of Dodgeville UMC. Their purpose is to help the staff recharge, plan for the next program year, and grow stronger as a team. As part of our closing worship Sunday morning, the staff agreed to and signed a staff covenant recommitting ourselves to God, to each other, and to service at Dodgeville UMC. Our hope is that by taking the time to go on retreat together each year, we will be better equipped to Love God, Love People and Serve God by Serving Others. Beth Schlueter Connections Coordinator

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Celebrate With Our Graduates Please join us during fellowship time (10:00-10:45 AM) on Sunday, May 27 to celebrate our graduating high school seniors. We will be having a cake in their honor. At 10:30 AM, there will be a gift presentation and blessing of the graduates in the lobby.

Michael Digman – Dodgeville High School Quintin Puckett – Dodgeville High School Carissa Tolzman – Dodgeville High School Isaac Moen - Dodgeville High School

Congratulations and best wishes on a new and exciting chapter beginning in your lives.

UMW THANKS YOU Many, many thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to the success of our Spring Rummage/Plant/Bake Sale. Thank you to all of the workers as well as everyone who donated rummage items to sell, very yummy baked goods, and plants to enjoy this summer. The monies collected will be used to further our mission projects on the state and local level and to support our church. Thank you, once again.

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CAMP NEWS Camp Scholarships are available for United Methodist Camps from the Dodgeville United Methodist Women. Contact Marilyn Liddle at 935-3674 and the Wills and

Memorials Committee, Cathryn Tredinnick at 935-3248.

UMW Meetings and Events for May

*All women of the church are invited and encouraged

to attend these meetings and/or events.

Please join us for the annual Friends’ Night Celebration which will be held here at our church on Thursday, May 2, starting at 7:00PM. Mr. Len DeMert of Cassville, WI will speak on his mission work to the people of Haiti. David and Matty Olson will provide special music. Refreshments will be served following the program. We look forward to seeing you and your guest!

-------------------------------------------------- The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Star Circle will be Monday, May 14, at 7:00 PM at the home of Edna Dunham. Martha Boyer will be the co-hostess and Susan Dunham will present the devotions.

-------------------------------------------------- The regular monthly meeting of the Grace Post Circle will be Monday, May 21, at 1:30 PM at the home of Eunice Jewell with Marian Reynolds presenting the devotions.

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All Women Welcome!

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Monthly Income __$11,432

Monthly Expenses Paid $12,447

Net Income for month $<1,015>

Apportionments Paid $0 (figure included in Monthly Expenses Paid)

Unpaid Apportionments ___$1,162 (not included in Monthly Expenses Paid)


Years Income __$34,829

Years Expenses Paid __$39,714___

Net Income for Year $ <4,885>__

Apportionments Paid _$ 3,243 (figure included in Years Expenses Paid)

Unpaid Apportionments _$ 3,243___ (not included in Years Expenses Paid)



Lois McComish, Finance Chair

Prayer Ministry Team Wow, we are a third of the way through the wonderful year of Christmas, 2012. Yes, we are in a new month with a new emphasis for the Shoe Box Project. So far we’ve been looking for donations of small toys, school supplies, and hygiene items. Remember, complete lists are on the Information desk in the narthex. In May we are asking for candy. Please remember no chocolate as it melts. Hard candy that is individually wrapped is a good choice. We do re-bag candy, so anyone wanting to donate a box or two of zip-lock type sandwich bags, they would be most welcome. Please keep praying for this outreach project. Bless you all. As always, if you have any ideas or suggestions please let me know; 924-0053, or [email protected]

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#278 Giving means thinking positively. “Make the most of every

chance you get. These are desperate times.” (Ephesians 5:16 The


As we begin the month of May in our church, we’re making the transition from spring to summer. We’re moving from a busy, busy time to a little bit slower schedule over the summer with generally lower attendance (unless you live in a vacation area!). The “snowbirds” return from the south and others are missing due to vacations and other activities.

What is God calling you to give this summer – of your time, your talents and your treasures? Do you have time to help clean and paint some Sunday School rooms? Do you have a talent to offer during Vacation Bible School – even if your own children are grown? Perhaps you can try giving your regular tithes and offerings electronically through your bank over the next three months, especially if you have lots of weekends when you’re out-of-town. Here are some thoughts to share as you move through this summer: 1. Be positive when inviting members and friends of the church

to give. Your church does good work and you are inviting others to invest in that ministry.

2. Giving to God is not a transaction. Anytime you give anyone a gift it is a reflection of your relationship. Your commitment to the church should be a reflection of your relationship with God in Christ and the Church.

3. People give to change lives. 4. Money is never an end in itself in the church. Money is a tool

for ministry. A bank account that is bursting at the seams but not used for ministry is like having a sanctuary no one is ever allowed to enter.

5. Churches that have regular stewardship campaigns receive more money from their members than those that do not. You get what you ask for, not what you wish for.

Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation

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Wisconsin Stewardship Stories

If you have a stewardship story or idea to share, please send it to us today. The Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation reserves the right to edit all submissions. Authors also grant permission to the Foundation to share their writing in this forum with other U.M. churches.

“Even in these tough economic times, I feel truly blessed. I may not have as much disposable income as I have had in the past, but I am finding that some of the things I spent my money on did not give me lasting contentment. I am eating out less, but the food I am eating is healthier and better prepared. As a bonus, I am spending less on gas to go places where I will spend more money on things that I do not need. I admit that I am lucky – I have a job with income and benefits. I may wish for more money, but I am not suffering. And yet I know that there is a lot of suffering throughout the world. The following passage is from 2 Corinthians 9:11-13: You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous in every way. Such generosity produces thanksgiving to God through us. Your ministry of this service to God’s people isn’t only fully meeting their needs but it is also multiplying in many expressions of thanksgiving to God. They will give honor to God for your obedience to your confession of Christ’s gospel. They will do this because this service provides evidence of your obedience, and because of your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone. (Common English Bible) This passage reminds us that we are called by God to give to others less fortunate than ourselves. Because we are part of the United Methodist Church, we promise faithfully to participate in its ministries through our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness.”

-Susan Hutchings, Finance Chair, Trinity UMC

in Montello, Wisconsin

Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation

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Loose change will be used to assist those in our country who have experienced tornado damaged this spring. So far,

$78.18 has been given.


Our December 2010 Christmas Eve offering of $3,085 went towards a well in Timmapur, Prakasam, India. This new well is serving a community of 350 people. “When the LWI India team arrived, community members were utilizing a municipal water system located 1.5 kilometers away to meet all of their water needs. Because of this and the community’s practice of informal defecation, families were suffering from diarrhea and severe dehydration. During the team’s stay, community members assisted the team with the water project whenever possible. The nearest school is located .25 of a kilometer away from the community whose students, teachers and administrative personnel all have access to the new, safe water source. The LWI India team shared an introductory hygiene lesson with community members. During the hygiene education, the team addressed: Disease transmission, germs and good and bad hygiene behaviors. Before leaving the community, the team had an opportunity to establish a partnership with the local church who will continue to cultivate community members after the team leaves the area.

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TORNADO WARNING SHELTER AT DUMC Someone will open the North and East doors to allow residents to get to the basement or upstairs women’s bathroom for shelter. This is intended primarily for the residents of the mobile home community of Dodgeville, but is open to anyone.

Mission Trip Stock Sale

The mission trip youth and adults are once again selling shares of stock for their trip to the extremely economic-depressed area of Flatwoods, West Virginia this summer. We are blessed to have twice as many people going this year, however that means we also have to raise more money to send everyone! We've already worked hard to raise more than half and need to come up with about $100/per person in stock sales. Stock shares cost $10/ea and with your shares you will receive a stock certificate, a hand-written postcard from the mission site, and an invitation to the Shareholder's meeting in September. All donations/stock purchases offset the cost of the trip. These trips have historically impacted the lives of our youth and the folks we help in big ways as only God could work. If you haven't yet sponsored one of our missionaries, we strongly encourage you to do so and to share this opportunity with family, friends, and neighbors. Please contact our Youth Ministries Coordinator, Craig Brown, at (608) 234-0288 to learn how you can help.

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If you think the upcoming

is just for those involved in the worship ministry, then you’ve missed the whole point! Here’s what others are saying: “I knew the seminar would be very beneficial for worship leaders, but even though I’m not one, I attended. I was really amazed because God used the teaching to challenge and encourage me in my walk with the Lord.” J.I., Missouri “God really healed some things in my heart through the teaching”. M.A., Connecticut “Tom has an engaging and unassuming teaching style that allows him to proclaim great truths of Scripture without making you feel like you are being lectured to…His style and material hit you in the heart and even after a full weekend you are left wanting to learn more.” M.B., Oregon

Could you use a boost in your spiritual life? Do you desire a

more dynamic relationship with the Lord? If so, you don’t want to miss this exciting event!

The Church office at 935-5451

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Beth Schlueter—healthy


Julia Harman—back pain

Mary Forseth—cancer

Bonnie Buckingham—at

Upland Hills

Bonnie Oxnem—fractured


Nancy Bonjour – cancer

David Nondorf—in hospital

Bonita Zimdaras – Lou

Gehrig’s Disease

Far be it from me that I should sin against the

LORD by failing to pray for you. 1 Samuel 12:23

4 - Rick Beerkircher 9 - Kaitlin Oxnem 10 - Ryan James 13 - Samantha Udelhoven 24 - Madison Berg 24 - Mary Berryman 25 - Kaitlyn Berg 26 - Howard Rideout 27 – Todd Biddick 28 - AJ Bandyk 29 - Shirley Martell



May Anniversaries

2 - Kevin & Jan Kirschbaum 13 - Jerry & Suzanne Tremelling 18 - Matt & Beth Schlueter 30 - Kim& Cathy Bandyk



Monfort United Methodist Church Steak Supper

Wednesday, May 9th 5:00-8:00 PM

Tickets $11.00 Ribeye steak, baked potatoes,

cole slaw, rolls, pies

Upland Hills Health Blood Drive

Wednesday, May 16th 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM

“Go Fish” Concert Darlington Festival Grounds

Saturday, June 23 7:00 PM


“LIFT” Coordinates available drivers and vehicles with passengers needing rides, offering $0.50 a mile reimbursement. Call 877-798-5438 or 608-930-2191 to

learn how you can help!

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