maxs international pricebook 2011

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  • 8/2/2019 MAXS International Pricebook 2011

    1/61MAXS GmH Am Sassah 1 61169 Fdg 1



    w vd m ha

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  • 8/2/2019 MAXS International Pricebook 2011

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    Da Vad csms,

    i as yas p b w dad ha 2010 was h Ya h paa Fd. W dgd dvyhg w d dsad ha sgm h sss ad ddad svs svgha sss as w as ss. W, ha mmm s 2011.

    Adday, 2010 shd as sdd h ya ha w w say had h hs.W hav sd ay das, as, d ws ad ays d wha s mssg h. May y s h d a a assy ha wd ma a sv ma aygsy. o y wd s ay a w va wd d aas ha w hag ha h s a sgs. o has y s a ssy aas

    v ms mhsv. pas mmag wh s y ds ad das. Wh w a a vyhg d , i ass y w w s ad gv y das s adhgh.

    cay s wh sadss ha w wah Jt da m h ea ma. b mays sa sg ha v. A hsy MAXS iaa th may was ad Fdg,Hss, Gmay 1995 as cMc S GmH ad gw m es ms mhsvaa whsa. i 2006 cMc S was hasd y k2 e ad Jt e was ad. i2007 k2 e was hasd y Jad ca. Fay (a wh m h ), a h d 2009 Jt e was s ad MAXS iaa was ad a may ssg h sam, h sam mada ad a xadd d . MAXS iaa s h sam hdgas Maxs S ad www.maxss.m, w s ha a sd Gma sag aamas.W ha y y sss ad wad wg sy wh y 2011 ad yd,

    y MAXS iaa tam


    Am Sassah 161169 Fd gwww.maxsaa.m

    MAXS 2011 About uS

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    MAnFreD ulricH

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    SteFFen Appel

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    naa Sas Maag+49 (0) 6031 16 26 [email protected]

    nicolAS cArDi

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    MicHAel zilG

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    DAnielA HenninG

    D Ag+49 (0) 6031 16 26 12

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    AnDreAS brAunWahs Maag+ 49 (0) 6031 16 26 [email protected]

    MAnuelA becker

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    DiAnA pAtzelt

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    i ada wh 2 s 4 h Gma Was A (WaG) gh wh adx 2 s2, ss 2 m 1.1 aa mas a y sd ss ga ag. A ds ha h ma has a m vy ss ha 7.5 J ad ha h ma has a F sd a ag sam ad ha h maas ms sg s md ada wh 24 s 1ad 2 WAG .V.m 25 s 1 WAG .V.m 25 s 4 m 1.

    Vas hs sadads may ad ssaa may as ad s ss.MAXS GmH dss y ds whh a ay gsd ad hd vy ssay ada sgs ad sas.

    S 1s Jy 2003 a asa ss m dvs ms d ass h

    w tpeD (1999/36/eG) riD/ADr sad h m aa as.exdd h a y hs asa ss dvs whh w sd hd ssd h eu. np d s a s ss jy dah, may s a a sa vag a aa d ad a ad ag ams msa agas ay s sh a d.MAXS GmH y dss pd asa ss m dvs wh h eu.

    th ceca (cm e) s sd a ag ds md sdwh h ea u. th ce sadad s mas v ha h ds mywh a va ce gds.Vas hs sadads may ad ssaa may as a h sa.o ds h sgs gds xam gadg h Sm pss Vsss Dv, h emag cmay Dv (eMc), h psa pv em Dv(ppe), h raa ca Dv, h Say tys Dv ad h Dvs Say A as aa y d g.

    Say ad ma a a ssy a MAXS GmH. i e h a a m magas ad ms whh ms wd d s ad s aa ad vds. MAXS GmH as sda a my wh hs ms ad gas

    f InSIDE pEntAgon AnD thE IMportErS SIgn An ESSEntIAl MArk on MArkErS

    CErtIfICAtIon for trAnSportAblE prESSurE EquIpMEnt DIrECtIvEr

    CErtIfICAtIon of proDuCt SAfEty

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    protectiVe GeAr




    MASken & zubeHr

    bAttlepAckS & poDS

    Hopper & AcceSSorieS

    co2 & Hp

    MercHAnDiSinG DXS Paintballs PG.08

    XBall Paintballs PG.08

    Zap Paintballs PG.09

    Diverse Paintballs PG.09

    Paint-Grenades PG.09

    Zen PG.11 Tippmann PG.11

    TPN PG.11

    Macdev PG.12

    GOG PG.12

    Empire PG.12

    BT PG.12

    MilSig PG.13

    Regency PG.14

    Toys PG.14

    Tippmann PG.16

    Macdev PG.17

    Smart Parts/GOG PG.18

    BT PG.18

    Empire PG.18

    Zen PG.18

    Regency PG.19

    JT PG.19

    NXe PG.19

    Annex PG.19

    MilSig PG.19

    Holosight PG.21

    VForce PG.24

    SLY PG.24

    JT PG.25

    Annex PG.25

    VForce Accessories PG.25

    Sly Lenses PG.25

    JT Lenses PG.26

    Annex Lenses PG.26

    KM PG.26

    Anti-Fog PG.26

    NXE PG.28

    Sly PG.28

    Pods PG.29 BT Vests & Accessories PG.29

    Viewloader PG.31

    Invert/Empire PG.31

    Dye PG.31

    Annex PG.31

    Loader Accessories PG.32

    Custom Jerseys PG.33

    SLY PG.35

    DXS PG.36

    BT PG.36

    Exalt PG.37

    Goldhammer PG.37

    Additional Products PG.37

    NXe Gloves PG.37

    Annex PG.38

    Rockstar PG.40

    Raza PG.40

    HK Army PG.41

    PB Fashion PG.41

    Syndicate PG.42

    Russian Legion PG.42

    Energy Armor PG.43 2XU PG.43

    SLY PG.43

    NXE S.45

    SLY S.45

    Annex S.45

    Zen S.45

    BT S.46

    SLY S.46

    Additional Protection S.46

    SLY S.48

    Macdev S.48

    Hammerhead S.48

    Smart Parts S.49

    NXe S.51

    SLY S.51

    Tippmann S.51

    Rockstar S.51

    Macdev S.53

    Ninja S.53

    Pure Energy S.53

    Stako S.53

    Zen S.53

    CO2 Prelled S.54

    HP Accessories S.54

    CO2 Accessories S.54

    CO2 & HP Accessories S.55

    NXe S.56

    Sly S.57

    Black Star S.57

    Zen Netting S.59

    Bauer S.59

    Chronographs S.60 Turf S.60

    Pro Series Fields S.60

    Tournament Series Fields S.60

    Jungle Series Kits S.60

    Urban Series Kits/Fields S.61

    Kids Series Kits/Fields S.61

    Accessories S.61




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    pas s wd wd d h ad DXStM, XatM, d zatM h hghs ay ad sv paash s . Wh h vav s .g. e DFt Fs pas ss w hmas s yas. pas maad paas a h hghs ay ad ms vm dy aas wd wd. A ads axsvy dsd e y MAXS GmH s Fay 2010 . h ad VF.


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    DXS pAintbAllS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    DXS bas tag

    Basic trainings paintball with EcoFill.

    ECO Fill 151-111

    DXS r S

    Premium recreational perormance with EcoFill.

    ECO Fill 151-112

    DXS Fd

    Best quality Field-designed paint or pro essionally managedPaintball Parks with EcoFill

    ECO Fill 151-113

    DXS Fs

    Best cold-weather perormance money can buy with Cr yoFill.

    CRYO Fill 151-114

    DXS b

    DXS Bronze Paintballs are engineered or paintballs astest, mostcompetitive, highly skilled game yet, with ECO Fill.

    ECO Fill 151-117

    DXS Sv

    DXS Silver Paintballs eature premium quality ormulation or theheavy demands o commercial Game Fields, Tournament Promoters,and Pro Shops, with ECO Fill.

    ECO Fill 151-118

    DXS Gd

    The new DXS Gold Paintball is an ultra brittle Paintball with the greatDXS ECO Fill.

    ECO Fill 151-119

    DXS Gd H

    Best Award winning brittleness and ultra markability with DFTFuse Fill.DFT Fuse Fill 151-120

    X-bAll pAintbAllS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Xba cs

    The Conquest is a per ect practice paintball.Fill Color: Yellow 151-201

    Xba Mdgh

    Midnight is a basic grade p aintball.

    Fill Color: Blau 151-202

    Xba pdm Ss

    The Podium Series is an advanced grade paintball.Fill Color: Orange 151-204

    Xba Sa cam

    The Scenario Camo is a paintball especially designed or scenarioplayer. Fill Color: Red/ Yellow 151-206

    Xba i

    Inerno is a premium grade paintball or weather conditions, that areto rough or the Hellre. Fill Color: Orange 151-207

    Xba H

    Hellre is a premium grade paintball or the highest eords.

    Fill Color: Orange 151-208


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    zAp pAintbAllS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    zAp cy

    Cryptic is a perect practice paintball.

    Fill Colors: Orange/ Yellow/ Pink 151-152

    zAp i'd

    Inkd is a basic grade paintball.

    Fill Color: Orange/ Yellow/ White 151-153

    zAp pa

    The Proball is an advanced grade paintball.

    Fi ll Co lo r: O ran ge/ P in k/ W hi te/ Ye ll ow 151-15 4

    zAp r cam

    The Recon Camo is a paintball especially designed or scenario player.

    Fill Color: Orange 151-155

    zAp ch ryry

    Chronic is a premium gr ade paintball or weather conditions, that areto rough or the Chronic 420. Fill Color: Yellow 151-156

    zAp ch 420 ryryChronic 420 is a premium grade paintball or the highest eords.

    Fill Color: Orange 151-156

    DiVerS pAintbAllS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Mxd paas

    Box with 2000 mixed paintballs in dierent color s. Caliber 68. Idealor recballers. Mixed Balls 155-102


    Second grade paintballs in uniorm color.Assorted colors 155-006


    Our own brand is characterized by a good quality. By its characteristicsit is well suitable or the hobby player. Asso rted colors 155-002

    ras 500bx

    Reballs are reusable paintballs or trainig sessions. These ballsare made rom a special caoutchouc mix ture, have excellent ightcharacteristics and can be reused ater a short cleaning.

    Yellow - Reusable 159-100

    pwd bas

    These Balls are lled with a powder. Can be used specially or i ndoor

    elds because its easy to clean. Powder Fill 159-150

    pAint GrenADeS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    tma bgby Gad

    Use the large loops to hook these grenades to your belt or vest, andwhen the time is right, just throw them. There is no pin to pull. Thisbaseball-sized missile releases 10 ounces o paint on impact.

    Pink 159-106-PI

    Blue 159-106-BL

    Green 159-106-GR

    tma by bMb

    Laying a trap or your opponents? Then, this grenade is or you. In lessthan two minutes, you can attach a Bo oby Bomb to a tree, doorwayor stake it to the ground and tie the trip string across the area youwant to protect.

    Green 159-107

    tma pd r

    They may be small, but dont let their size ool you. This small grenadepacks a powerul punch. Each Pod Rocket releases paint on impactproducing a large marking radius.

    Green 159-110


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    nEW // MACDEv ClonE vX thE prEvIEW

    MaDv w sashd 1969 Sydy, Asaa. S ha m, MaDv gs hav wg hds mas, hydas ad gg say. i h md 90s, MaDv gs dsgd ad maad h wds s a amm dd aa a sysm, ad d day y maag mas,as, a sysms, asss ad hg h aa dsy. i 2003, MaDv ad h cyg ag mas, asg ss mds 2004, 2005, 2006 ad 2007. i 2007, MaDv ad h Dd ma vg h xas s vav dv aa mas. ths v s wh h as h c VX ma 2011.i e h ad MAcDeV s xsvy dsd y MAXS GmH s 2007.

    th c VX s h a g Russian Legion d Frankfurt Syndicate 2011.

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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Hgh Vag 2

    The High Voltag 2 is a Blow-Back-Marker with reective eye andan eGrip. Black 211-003-BK

    t 3

    The Triton 3 is a solid Blow-Back-Marker, perect or rookies.Blue 211-004-BL

    o 4

    The Orion 4 is a solid Blow-Back-Marker with ront grip, perect orrookies.

    Blue 211-002-BL

    Silver 211-002-SI


    im ds p Ss A.n.


    The Gryphon is a new marker rom Tippmann based on the T98, butwith a composite plasic body.

    Red - Basic 248-036

    Black 248-036-BK

    tma Act ra

    The Tippmann ACT Rental Paintball Marker shoots great straight ou t othe box and has tons o upgrades and customizations that you can add

    to make it truly your own.

    Black - Basic 248-012-BK

    98 Custom PS Ultra Basic

    The Tippmann 98 Custom Ultra Basic Paintball Marker shoots greatstraight out o the box and has tons o upgrades and customizationsthat you can add to make it truly your own.

    Black - Basic 248-009-BK

    98 Custom PS ACT

    Tippmanns new 98 Custom Pro Platinum Series eatures built in up-grades or enhanced speed and accuracy. Available as Basic, Responseand eTrigger version.

    Black Basic 248-010-BK

    Camo Basic 248-010-CA

    Black - Response 248-014

    Black - eTrigger 248-015

    98 Custom Pro PS ACT

    Tippmanns new 98 Custom Platinum Series is now easier toupgrade, modiy and maintain. And comes with double trigger anda droporward.

    Black Basic 248-021-BK

    Black- eTrigger 248-022

    SL 68 II

    Tippmann is reintroducing a paintball legend with a ew modernupdates, including a redesigned integrated eed neck that ts mo stcurrent standard hoppers, as well as a redesigned ergonomic grip orenhanced comort and control.

    Black - Basic 248-042

    tpX ps

    The TPX .68 Caliber Paintball Pistol boasts an innovative, compactdesign, specially engineered to be lightweight, easy to maintain,customizable, and best o all, dependable.

    Black 248-041

    A5 neW

    The new A-5 is now more reliable, accurate and easier to maintain, andincludes ten new upgrades.

    Black - Basic 248-026

    Black - Response 248-050-BK

    Black - eGrip 248-051-BK

    X7 phm

    The X7 Phenom with FlexValve Technology is the rst electro-pneumatic paintball marker to oer the combination o improved airefciency, superior accuracy, manual or electronic mode ring, and theexibility o CO2 or compressed air usage.

    Black - Mechanical 248-046

    Black - eGrip 248-043


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    tag o bas

    The Tango One is built or a un paintball experience at an aordableprice, with an all aluminum die cast receiver, heavy duty stainless steelbraided gasline and durable black matte nish.

    Black - Basic 248-044

    Sa o

    Sierra One includes an AR15 style six positio n olding and collaps-ible stock and an AR15 style shroud with our Picatinny rails orcustomization.

    Black - Basic 248-035

    bav o taa ed

    The Bravo One Tactical Edition includes an M16 style collapsiblestock, shroud with b uilt-in sight, a high- peror mance 11 barrel, anintegrated carry handle and a removable magazine.

    Black - Tactical 248-030

    Black - Tactical w/ eGgrip 248-032


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    im ds p Ss A.n.


    The designers at MacDev have now made a new marker specicallydesigned or use in scenario paintball. Black 287-005-BK

    c VX

    The Successul Clone Rened. In 2009, the Clone set a new benchmarkin quality, perormance and eatures. The gun was picked up andused by many paintball proessionals, including the amous RussianLegion. In 2010, MacDev designers have rened almost every aspect othe marker ensuring its place as the mos t desirable paintball markeror the 2011 season. There are so many renements to the Clone VX,

    that you cannot appreciate them all until you hold it.

    Black 287-007-BK

    Black/ Gold 287-007-BK-GO

    Blue 287-007-BL

    Brown/ Orange 287-007-BR-OR

    Brown/ Silver 287-007-BR-SI

    Grey/ Blue 287-007-GY-BL

    Grey/ Red 287-007-GY-RD

    Green/ Grey 287-007-OL-GY

    Red 287-007-RD

    Silver 287-007-SI


    im ds p Ss A.n.


    Sold in black only, the eNVy has been designed or the entry level andeld rental players. Built using the latest technology. Black 283-051-BK


    Sold in black only, the eXTCy has been designed or the intermediatelevel players using up-to-date technology. Black 283-052-BK


    Electro-pneumatic Paintball Marker. Sold in black only, the G1 hasbeen designed or the entry level and Scenario players. Built using thelatest technology.

    Black 283-050-BK


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    em ta

    Empire Paintball introduces the updated version o one o the mostrevered markers ever built, the Trracer. The new design is b ased on theclassic Trracer and the internals are compatible with the original.

    Black Dust 286-020-BK

    paha er3

    The ER3 paintball marker is the perect ch oice or the beginner paint-ball player. This marker is ready to shoot right out o the box. Black 246-012-BK

    iv M

    The Mini denes high perormance in a compact package. Engineeredto crush rivals, the mini is clinically tested and proven to removeopponents rom the playing eld. Almost light as a eather with noexternal hoses when it comes to consistency. The Minis patentedvalve and ow designs have made shot drop-o nothin g more than areerence to the way the gun used to sho ot.

    Black Polished 286-004-BK

    Black Dust 286-004-BK-DU

    Blue Polished 286-004-BL

    Blue Dust 286-004-BL-DU

    Olive Polished 286-004-OL

    Red Polished 286-004-RD

    Red Dust 286-004-RD-DU

    em Ax

    The Empire AXE is the n ewest paintball marker rom the scientists atEmpire Paintball. The new shape and extended grip rame give you acomortable ring position or all day play.

    Black Dust 286-010-BK-DU

    Dust Grey/ Silver 286-010-GY-SI

    Dust Olive/ Earth 286-010-01


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bt4 cma

    The BT-4 Combat is the marker that started the BT-4 Series. Its theperect scenario or woods ball marker which allows you to build the

    perect one-o-a-kind beast. Black 247-001


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bt omga

    The new Omega paintball marker will take you into battle withoutbreaking the bank! The rugged aluminum body will withstand heavyduty combat situations and provides increased perormance anddurability.

    Black 247-014-BK

    bt Da

    For the scenario or woodsball player who wants r ealism, Battle TestedPaintball oers the Delta paintball gun. Based on the worlds mos trecognizable submachine gun in the world. Black/ EU 247-002-BK

    bt Da e

    Battle Tested Paintball strives to create markers with real-world lookand eel. The Delta Elite paintball gun design is based on the worldspreeminent submachine gun and is the ch oice o many players whodesire authenticity.

    Black/ EU 247-003-BK

    bt tM7

    The TM-7 utilizes Mini Technology to inict maximum orce roma marker o minimal size. Dont be ooled by the size o the TM-7sexterior, it can hang with the big boys.

    Black/ EU 247-008

    Black/ Export 247-007

    bt tM7 Se

    The TM-7 utilizes Mini Technology to inict maximum orce rom

    a marker o minimal size. Dont be ooled by the size o the TM-7sexterior, it can hang with the big boys. Olive/ Export 247-009

    bt tM15

    The TM 15 paintball marker is an excellent choice or any woodsballor mil-sim enthusiast. Its high perormance body is strong, yet lightenough in weight or all-day action.

    Black/ EU 247-011

    Woodland/ EU 247-011-01

    Desert/ EU 247-011-02

    Terrapat/ EU 247-011-03

    Black/ Export 247-012

    bt4 cma ra 5 pa cm . pas k

    The BT-4 Combat is the marker that started the BT-4 Series. Its theperect scenario or woods ball marker which allows you to build theperect one-o-a-kind beast. Yellow 247-006-YE


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    kSs cqb

    The shorest and lightest marker in our line up. The CQB easilyoutperorms other markers in its class in terms o accuracy, range,reliability, and efciency.

    Field Marker, Non Mag Fed 253-000

    kSs cqb pro

    The shorest and lightest marker in our line up together with the CQB.The CQB PRO easily outperorms other markers in its class in terms oaccuracy, range, reliability, and efciency.

    Mag Fed 253-001

    kSs coMMAnDo pro

    The standard model o the K-Series, the COMMANDO PRO has the bestcombination o size, weight, and peror mance and it can be convertedrom magazine eed to hopper eed in minutes.

    Mag Fed 253-002

    kSs elite

    The ELITE is the our agship marker and it comes ully loaded withmany accessories and arrives in an elegant aluminum case. Thissemi-auto 0.68 Cal. paintball marker delivers pure perormance andreliablity.

    with CATS 253-003

    kSs elite pro

    The ELITE PRO has all the great eatures o our ully loaded ELITE modelplus comes standard with our popular 13CI Mobile Air Tank Stock

    (MATS) System. This semi-auto 0.68 Cal. paintball marker delivers p ureperormance and reliablity

    with MATS 253-004


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    MSs pArADiGM

    The very rst limited edition marker rom MILSIG with unprecedentedquality and perormance designed specically or the hardcore milsimenthusiast.

    Mag Fed 253-005


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    chm 2Ater years o development and testing RegencyPaintball releases the rst high end spool valve markerMade in Sweden.

    Black 288-000-BK

    Black/ Silver 288-000-BK-SI

    Blue 288-000-BL


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    pw p rs

    12 am as.Yellow 782-048


    The Power Popper eatures a dozen bright hun ting orange balls made

    out o oam.

    Camo 782-046-CA

    Purple 782-046-PU

    pw p D ba

    thpwpwhadaas21ghhgyw as mad am. Blue 782-047-BL


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    V paa sas dvg h ms advad ama aa g gads m h dmads days ays. n ma wha ma y a shg, h s way ad h may m nwY wh ms g. Ah w w s h sss: A V chs, bads, ad Swhs aad y m waay.


    ClonE vIrtuE olED boArD

    iasd pma ass sss aa

    pssa ay bad y m waay

    uma adjsay & sma easy s ga dga x dsay

    S ma ma md swa

    Gam mvg dsg 9 d & ag mds

    pdy rmmdd y Wd c chams rssa lg


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    ba Sv

    Importent saety device. Helps p revent accidental discharge.

    Normal 514-016

    Wide Mouth 514-017

    Sagh Sh Sg

    Designed or cleaning marker barrels quickly and efciently.

    14" 599-004-14

    16" 599-004-16

    org k

    Includes all neccessary O-Rings or your Tippmann marker.

    T98 348-011

    A5 348-015

    X7 348-047

    uvsa pas k

    Includes a large range o replacement parts or your Tippmann marker.

    T98 348-000

    A5 348-017

    X7 348-048

    Dx pas k

    Includes a ull range o replacement parts or your Tippmann marker.

    TPX 348-402

    T98 348-019

    A5 348-018

    X7 348-049

    X7 Phenom 348-176

    D tgg k

    The Double Trigger Kit installs in mi nutes and is ergonomically-designed to increase trigger speed.

    T98 348-005

    A5 348-100

    X7 348-073

    rss tgg kThe Response Trigger is a patented rapid air-assisted ring system thatcan shoot up to 15 BPS without batteries.

    T98 348-022

    A5 348-023

    X7 348-052

    eG e ugad k

    The E-Grip Kit is a serious upgrade or your Tippmann marker.

    T98 348-051

    A5 348-071

    X7 348-072

    cas S

    Adding a unique look and added comort, the easy-to- install Collaps-ible Stock Kit eatures three adjustable stock mounts.

    T98 348-008

    A5 348-113

    X7 348-028

    G36 Sy Fdg S

    The G36 Folding Stock provides a stable mil-sim look. X7 348-027

    cmmad S

    The Commando Stock has classic mil-sim look. X7 348-069

    cmmad A th S

    Commando Stock with Air Thru unction. X7 348-029

    Ak47 Sy Fg

    Foregrip in a cool AK47 look. X7 348-030

    Xp5 Sy Fg

    Foregrip in a cool MP5 look. X7 348-031

    M16 Sy Fg

    Foregrp in a cool M16 look. X7 348-032

    X36 Sy Fg

    Foregrip in a cool G36 look. X7 348-033

    uMp Sy Fg

    Foregrip in a cool UMP look. X7 348-076

    A2 Sy Fg ma wh mag

    Foregrip in a cool A2 look that can be used with a magazine. A5 348-109

    A2 Sy Fg mag s

    Foregrip in a cool A2 look that cant be used with a magazine. A5 348-110

    M16 Va Had

    Vetical Handle that completes the M16 look. X7 348-042

    Xp5SD Sy Shd

    Shroud with MP5SD look. X7 348-034

    Ak47 Sy Maga

    Curved AK47 style Magazine. X7 348-035

    M16 Sy Sh Maga

    Straight M16 style Magazine. X7 348-036


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    X36 Sy Sh Maga

    Short version o the G36 Magazine. X7 348-037

    Xp5 Sy Sagh Maga

    Straight version o the MP5 Magazine. X7 348-038

    Xp5 Sy cvd Maga

    Curved version o the MP5 Magazine. X7 348-039

    9mm Mag W Xp5 Sy Magas

    Adapter to use 9mm Magazines with your X7. X7 348-040

    uMp Sy Maga

    Straight UMP Magazine. X7 348-077

    Mp Mag b

    Curved 9mm Magazine with ASA conection. A5 348-093

    Mp Mag rm

    Curved 9mm Magazine with remote conection. A5 348-094

    X7 exas cham Maga

    Expansion Chamber Kit or CO2 use. X7 348-095

    Ak47 Sy F Sgh

    Front Sight in AK47 style. X7 348-041

    M16 Sy F Sgh

    Front Sight in M16 style. X7 348-043

    X36 Sy cay Had

    Carry Handle and aiming device with G36 look. X7 348-044

    lw p cy H

    Low prole loader or cyclone eed s ystems. X7 348-046

    cy Fd Sysm

    Cyclone Feed System or rapid reing and more accuracy. T98 348-025

    pay ra k F n pS Mas

    Rail Kit to add additional accessories. T98 348-010

    Va & ex. cham k

    Expansion Chamber Kit or more accurate CO2 use. T98 348-156

    98 Custom 3pc Tactical Conversion Kit

    Conversion kit with stock, sh roud and magazine in AK47 style. T98 348-050


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    MaDv Ay S

    Allen-Key set with all neccessary keys to maintain your marker. 387-016

    Ma Dv Ma l

    Special lubricant or High-End-Marker.

    Small 616-031

    Large 616-024

    MaDv Sa k

    All neccessary seals or MacDev Markers.

    Droid 387-009

    Cyborg RX 387-029

    Clone/ Clone VX 387-132

    MaDv Sw k

    All neccessary screws or MacDev Markers.

    Droid 387-011

    Cyborg RX 387-028

    Clone/ Clone VX 387-045

    VX ugad k

    Update your old Clone to the new VX d rive standard. This easy installkit comes with ull instructions, and is partially pre-assembled andgreased.

    Clone/ Clone VX 387-133

    MaDv th k

    Spare-part kit or MacDev Markers.

    Droid 387-012

    Cyborg RX 387-030

    Clone/ Clone VX 387-046

    V c tgad

    The ultimate Tuningboard or the best per ormance. Clone/ Clone VX 387-500


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    D Shd F ra

    MaDv D Shd wh ras . Drone 387-202

    D Shd Ha ra

    MaDv D Shd wh w ras . Drone 387-201

    D S

    Adjsa MaDv D S. Drone 387-200

    SMArt pArtS/ GoG

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Sma pas i ba Ha bad

    Tuningboard or ION and eXTCy. ION 383-107

    Sma pas ql Fd n Md rs

    Replace your stock Ion eed neck with a quality clamping eed neck bySmart Parts. The Smart Parts Q Lock provides a quick, easy, and securemethod to attach your hopper to your gun.

    Blue 383-157-BL

    Red 383-157-RD

    Silver 383-157-SI

    Sma pas ql Fd n n rs

    Replace your stock Ion eed neck with a quality clamping eed neck bySmart Parts. The Smart Parts Q Lock provides a quick, easy, and securemethod to attach your hopper to your gun.

    Black 383-106-BK

    Blue 383-106-BL

    Red 383-106-RD

    Silver 383-106-SI


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Sg k

    Aws y ads vy ah h h s vyadjsm.

    T98 347-025

    bt4 pay pas k

    Spare Parts Kit or the BT4. BT4 347-026

    D tgg k

    Double Trigger kit or rapid reing.

    BT4 347-013

    A5 347-014

    T98 347-015

    TM15 347-030

    bt tM 15/7 pas k

    Parts Kit with all neccessary spare-parts or TM 7 and TM 15 markers.

    Player 347-032

    Team 347-031


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    paha Gti pas k

    Spare-parts kit or Piranha GTI.

    Medium 346-051

    Deluxe 346-052

    M pays pas k

    Spare-parts kit or Invert Mini.

    Small 386-022

    Medium 386-023

    tada iv M ugad bad

    Tuningboard or the best accuracy o the Invert Mini. Fully Adjustable 386-031


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    ZEN Tactical Stock 98

    Tippmann 98 collapsible stock. Tippmann 98 348-913

    zen X7 W S

    Tippmann X7 wire stock. Tippmann X7 348-914

    zen tM A5 W STippmann A5 wire stock. Tippmann A5 348-916

    zen A5 Mp5 Sdg S

    Tippmann A5 stock with MP5 look. Tippmann A5 348-902


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    zen X7 Mp5 Sdg S

    Tippmann X7 stock with MP5 look. Tippmann X7 348-915


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    cm org k ppb

    O-Ring kit or Regency Crome. 15 O-rings 388-001

    cm Sw k

    Screw kit or Regency Crome. Complete - 21 Screws 388-013

    cm th k

    Tech kit or Regency Crome.

    Spare-Part Kit - Small 388-017

    Spare-Part Kit - Large 388-018


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Vl px Sg

    Pull-through squeegee. Quad disk design provides our times thecleaning efciency o a standard squeegee.

    Natural 599-000

    Vl ba pgs

    Helps prevent accidental discharge. Required saety device. Orange 599-012

    Jt layad

    JT lanyard, which makes it possible to carry the ID-card around theneck.

    Yellow 599-016-YE


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bas ny ba cv

    The NXe Ballistic Nylon Barrel Cover was designed or ultimate protec-tion o the eld and ater games.

    Black 599-031

    Orange 599-032

    eva l ba cv

    The NXe Elevation Series Nylon Barrel Cover was designed o r ultimateprotection o the eld and ater games.

    Avalanche/ Grey 599-033-GY

    Dynasty/ Blue 599-033-BL

    Atermath/ Red 599-033-RD

    Camo 599-033-CA

    M/ty ch Sg

    NXes Barrel Squeegee is the most indestructible squeegee designon the market.

    Blue 599-034


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Ax Swa

    Swab or accurate cleaning o barrels. _ 599-056


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    coMMAnDo Hadgad

    SadadM4ymdhadgad,agasgh,12 amm d smh a ad ash hd. 12" barrel 353-000

    cArbine Hadgad

    Sadad M4 d wh ym d hadgad,agasgh,15ammdsmhaad dag ammashhd.cmawhMilSiGkSs mas.

    15" barrel 353-001

    15" barrel/A5 353-002

    15" barrel/T98 353-003

    15" barrel/Spyder 353-004

    S Hadgad ty A

    A complete handguard with a rail interace sys tm, aluminum ported

    smooth-bore barrel and integrated dummy suppressor..

    Type A 353-005

    Type A/A5 353-006

    Type A/Spyder 353-007

    S Hadgad ty b

    A complete handguard with a rail interace sys tm, aluminum portedsmooth-bore barrel and integrated dummy suppressor.

    Type B 353-008

    Type B/A5 353-009


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    S Hadgad ty c

    A complete handguard with a rail interace systm, aluminum por tedsmooth-bore barrel and integrated dummy suppressor.

    Type C 353-010

    Type C/A5 353-011

    Type C/Spyder 353-012

    riS Hadgad ty A

    A complete handguard with a rail interace systm, triangular r ontsight and 10 aluminum smooth-bore barrel.

    Type A 353-013

    Type A /A5 353-014

    riS Hadgad ty b

    A complete handguard with a rail interace systm, triangular r ontsight, 12aluminum ported smooth-bore barrel and aluminumash hider.

    Type B 353-015

    riS Hadgad ty D

    A complete handguard with a metal rail interace systm and 12alu-minum uted and ported smooth-bore barrel .

    Type D 353-017

    riS Hadgad ty e

    A complete handguard with a rail interace systm, triangular ro ntsight, 17aluminum ported smooth-bore barrel and aluminumash hider.

    Type E 353-018

    Type E/A5 353-019

    Type E/Spyder 353-020

    riS Hadgad ty F

    A complete handguard with an high quality precisio n cnc machinedaluminum rail interace systm and 12 uted ported ried bullbarrel.

    Type F 353-021

    riS Hadgad ty G

    A complete handguard with a rail inter ace systm and two-piece21aluminum uted and ported smooth-bore barrel .

    Type G 353-022

    riS Shd ty A

    Universal 12 cm long Tactical Shroud with 4 short plastic picatinny railsor any barrel with external diameter up to 1.

    There are 2,5cm and 2,6cm Barrel Retainer Rings

    mounted. Package includes extra 2,2 cm BarrelRetainer Ring and bolts.


    riS Shd ty b

    Universal 20 cm long Tactical Shroud with 4 long plastic picatinny railsor any barrel with external diameter up to 1.

    There are 2,5cm and 2,6cm Barrel Retainer Ringsmounted. Package includes extra 2,2 cm Barrel

    Retainer Ring and bolts.353-024

    riS Shd ty D

    Universal 15,5 cm long Tactical Shroud with 4 long plastic picatinnyrails or any barrel with ex ternal diameter up to 1.

    There are 2,5cm and 2,6cm Barrel Retainer Ringsmounted. Package includes extra 2,2 cm Barrel

    Retainer Ring and bolts.353-025

    riS Shd ty e

    Universal 20 cm long Tactical Shroud with 8 shor t plastic picatinnyrails or any barrel with ex ternal diameter up to 1.

    There are 2,5cm and 2,6cm Barrel Retainer Ringsmounted. Package includes extra 2,2 cm Barrel

    Retainer Ring and bolts.353-026

    riS Shd ty F

    Universal 30,5 cm long an high quality precision cnc machinedaluminum Shroud with built in rails or any barrel with externaldiameter up to 1.

    There are 2,5cm and 2,6cm Barrel Retainer Ringsmounted. Package includes extra 2,2 cm Barrel

    Retainer Ring and bolts.353-027

    riS Shd ty GUniversal 36 cm long Tactical Shroud with 4 long and 8 short plasticpicatinny rails or any barrel with ex ternal diameter up to 1.

    There are 2,5cm and 2,6cm Barrel Retainer Ringsmounted. Package includes extra 2,2 cm Barrel

    Retainer Ring and bolts.353-028

    paadgm Hadgad S

    Milsig 19 cm long an high quality pr ecision cnc machined aluminumShroud with built in rails and receiver top rail.

    Fits Milsig K and M-Series markers. 353-029

    Sadad M4 S

    Standard 6 position carbine collapsible stock. Compatible with MILSIGM and K-Series and Tippmann A5 markers.

    _ 353-030

    pDW Sy Sd Fdg S

    A lightweight olding stock. Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Seriesand Tippmann A5 markers.

    _ 353-031

    M4 Sadad S Hgh Sgh

    A lightweight olding metal stock with High Strength reinorcedsteel brackets.Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Series and TippmannA5 markers.

    _ 353-033

    Ar Sd Fdg S Hgh Sgh

    CTR style tactical stock with adjustable length and locking unction.This stock has high strength steel reinorcement brackets.

    Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Series and TippmannA5 markers.


    cma S Hgh Sgh

    A rugged modular stock system constructed rom durable highimpact polymer plastic. It eatures 8 adjustable length positions anda locking unction.

    This stock has high strength steel reinorcementbrackets. Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Series and

    Tippmann A5 markers.353-035

    Mp S S Hgh Sgh

    A rugged modular stock system constructed rom durable highimpact polymer plastic. It eatures 8 adjustable length positions anda locking unction.

    This stock has high strength steel reinorcementbrackets. Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Series and

    Tippmann A5 markers.353-036

    cma A th S (cAtS)

    CTS style Air-Thru stock with adjustable length and locking unction.The Air-Thru system allows you to connect your r emote line directlyto the rear stock. This stock has high strength steel reinorcementbrackets. Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Series..

    K&M series 353-037

    A5 353-042

    M16A2 Sy F S Hgh Sgh

    standard M16 stock with high strength steel reinorcement brackets.Compatible with MILSIG M and K-Series and Tippmann

    A5 markers.353-038


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    MAtS (M A th S)

    The 13CI HPA Carbine Stock is a complete standalone high pressure airsystm.This is a 3-Position collapsible stock that utilizes a rellable13CI HPA Cylinder which holds enough air or roughly ~120 shots.Cylinder is not included.

    K&M series 353-040

    A5 353-041

    tA5c Sysm A

    Tactical conversion kit includes a 12 cm (4x short plastic rails) railinterace system, metal magazine well, dummy magazine, barrelretainer rings and a RIS attachment mount.

    A5/ 12 cm 353-043

    tA5c Sysm b

    Tactical conversion kit includes a 20 cm (8x short p lastic rails) railinterace system, metal magazine well, dummy magazine, barrelretainer rings and a RIS attachment mount.

    A5/20cm 353-044

    tA5c Sysm c

    Tactical conversion kit includes a 20 cm (4x long plastic rails) railinterace system, metal magazine well, dummy magazine, barrelretainer rings and a RIS attachment mount.

    A5/20cm 353-045

    tA5c Sysm D

    Tactical conversion kit includes a 36 cm (8x short and 4x long plasticrails) rail interace system, metal magazine well, dummy magazine,barrel retainer rings and a RIS attachment mount.

    A5/36cm 353-046

    Msg Mag 20 rd/ k&M ss

    20rnd magazine 0.68 Cal. spring magazine designed specically orthe MILSIG K-Series and M-Series paintball markers.

    Magazine Winding Tool is needed or 20 rounds ocapacity.


    ram Fas Mag/ k&M ss

    Dummy metal magazine _ 353-073

    Da pas k / k&M ss

    Spare part-kit or Milsig K-series. SMALL 353-074

    Da pas k/ k&M ss

    Spare part-kit or Milsig K-series. LRG 353-075

    Sd A Sysm Maa k/ k&M ss

    A basic maintenance parts kit or servicing the side air line system orthe Air-Thru Stock, 90G CO2 Stock or 13CI HPA Stock.

    Consists o rubber and teon o-rings and hose pins. 353-090

    kSs orgs k/ k&M ss

    A basic rubber O-Ring maintenance parts kit or servicing MILSIGmarker.

    _ 353-091

    kSs Sgs k/ k&M ss

    A basic Springs maintenance parts kit .Consists o a 100% and 110% hammer spring, power

    tube valve spring and trigger spring.353-092

    cmmad k/ cqb l

    Milsig Custom kit converts CQB Lite paintball marker to Mag FedCommando marker.

    It includes optimal components as stock, h andguard,sights, realistic magazine etc.


    ca k / cqb l

    Milsig Custom kit converts CQB Lite paintball marker to Mag FedCarbine marker.

    It includes optimal components as stock, handguard,sights, realistic magazine etc.



    im ds p Ss A.n.


    Holosight Zielvorrichtung in drei verschiedenen Aushrungenerhltlich. Keine Batterien im Lieerumang enthalten.

    551 921-016-551

    552 921-016-552

    553 921-016-553


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    nx dg h wds s aas, pas as s a sm VF tM mass. Sx yas agpas s w sadads y dg h VFtM Am. th s h mas s s hagsysm h s ad s a g ag. th ag aws h s a sg s sysm, wh ggg. tha

    savs h sm a my, mad a m xsv hma s sysm. th V G, g hadg mas h am s, s haad vy w y s w sga: tgh lgh Ma!. thad VFtM s xsvy dsd y MAXS s 2010.


    GoGGleS &AcceSSorieS

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    i Jy 2010 w d h ad SlY em xsv ds. Sy s a yg ad vy vavAma ad. th ad d 2006, h dg ya h may, was h sgh a a.tday SlY s a ag ds aa ays. idg h xs mas, whh s y a y

    ah ms w d ay msa.




    Vv d, s am am m

    uVi wa ssa s gas

    tgh mdd y am wh s w

    Sd va das wh xm g


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Am Fd Vs G2

    V-Force Armor is rst choice as an entry level goggle.

    Black 704-000-BK

    Olive 704-000-OL

    Am thma Ggg *bad neW*Thermal Black 704-011-CL

    Am p G 2

    V-Force Armor is rst choice as an entry level goggle.Black 704-010-BK

    Vaag Fd VsV-Force Vantage, the Son o Proler, raises your game up to the nex tlevel. This is your rst step-up mask.

    Black 704-004-BK

    Green 704-004-GR

    Charcoal 704-004-GY

    Shd Fd

    V-Force Shield delivers best all-round protection and long termcomort combined with the maximum peripheral vision.

    Black 704-002-BK

    Green 704-002-GR

    Vaag p

    V-Force Vantage, the Son o Proler, raises your game up to the nex tlevel. This is your rst step-up mask!

    Black 704-009-BK

    Green 704-009-GR

    Charcoal 704-009-GY

    Red 704-009-RD

    Reverse Charcoal 704-009-BK-GY

    Shd pV-Force Shield delivers best all-round protection and long termcomort combined with the maximum peripheral vision.

    Green Metal 704-003-GR

    Gun Metal 704-003-GY


    Created rom the anatic intensity o top international competition,Proler is the most legendary mask s ystem available today.

    Black 704-001-BK

    Green 704-001-GR

    p Se

    Created rom the anatic intensity o top international competition,Proler is the most legendary mask s ystem available today.

    Blue 704-005-BL

    Olive Drab/ Tan 704-005-OL-TA

    Charcoal 704-005-GY

    Red 704-005-RD


    Tight, light and with a mean sleek look, V-Force Grill simply is the topo the line mask system.

    Black 704-006-BK

    Charcoal 704-006-GY

    White 704-006-WH

    G rvs

    Tight, light and with a mean sleek look, V-Force Grill simply is the topo the line mask system.

    Olive 704-007-OL

    Red 704-007-RD

    G Da

    Tight, light and with a mean sleek look, V-Force Grill simply is the topo the line mask system.

    Olive / Tan 704-008-OL-TA


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    p Ggg

    The Prot Goggle System shows the way orward or any serioustournament player, putting style rst, while emphasizing saetyand unction.

    Black Polished 704-050-BK

    Black Fade Tan 704-050-BK-TA

    Blue dust 704-050-BL

    Digi Camo Grey 704-050-CA

    Digi Camo Olive 704-050-CA-OL

    Olive/ Metallic Green 704-050-OL

    Red Dust 704-050-RD

    Silver Dust 704-050-SI

    Camo woodland 704-050-WC

    White Pearl 704-050-WH

    p Ggg le

    The Prot Goggle System shows the way orward or any serious

    tournament player, putting style rst, while emphasizing saetyand unction.

    Neon Green 704-050-GR

    Ice Pick 704-050-WH-WH

    Tangerine White Orange 704-050-WH-OR

    Digi Camo Olive 704-050-CA-OL

    Mica 704-051-01

    Zinc 704-051-02


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Aha e

    The JT Alpha goggle with 180 eld o vision is ideal or beginners andamateurs. It is interchangeable with most JT assessories

    Single Lens/ Black 700-013-BK

    Thermal Lens/ Black 700-017-BK

    Sa pShd

    JT Spectra Pro-Shield Paintball goggle system. The origi nal and themost popular paintball goggle system.

    Thermal/ Black 700-121-BK

    Spectra Flex 8

    The JT Flex 8 with 260 eld o vision is one o the most upgradablemodular mask system worldwid and combines perormance, comort

    and versatility.

    Olive 700-151-OL

    Grey 700-151-GY

    White 700-151-03

    Sand/Camo 700-151-01

    Camo 700-151-CA

    Spectra Flex 8 Full Coverage

    The JT Flex 8 Full Coverage with 260 eld o vision is one o themost upgradable modular mask system worldwid and combinesperormance, comort and versatility.

    Grey 700-152

    Olive 700-152-OL

    Sand 700-152-01

    Camo 700-152-CA


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Mi 7

    The MI 7 goggle rom Annex is a special designed rental gogg le.

    Single Lens/ Black 704-060-BK

    Thermal Lens/ Black 704-061-BK

    Thermal Lens/ Camo 704-061-CA


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    ra Am ls

    Thermo cured anti-og and anti scratch hard coating. With QuickChange system.

    Clear 712-000-CL

    Smoke 712-000-SK

    Amber 712-000-YE

    ra Am thma ls *bad neW* Thermal Clear 712-007-CL

    Mh/ Shd/ p rga ls

    Thermo cured anti-og and anti scratch hard coating. With QuickChange system.

    Clear 712-001-CL

    Smoke 712-001-SK

    Yellow 712-001-YE

    Mh/ Shd/ p M lsThermo cured anti-og and anti scratch hard coating. With QuickChange system.

    Blue 712-002-BL

    Gold 712-002-GO

    Silver 712-002-SI

    Mh/ Shd/ p ra ls

    Thermo cured anti-og and anti scratch hard coating. With QuickChange system.

    Clear 712-003-CL

    Smoke 712-003-SK

    Yellow 712-003-YE

    G rga ls

    Industry leading thermo cured anti og and anti scratch lenses withunbeatable distortion-ree optics and Quick Change system.

    Clear 712-004-CL

    Smoke 712-004-SK

    Yellow 712-004-YE

    G M ls

    Industry leading thermo cured anti og and anti scratch lenses withunbeatable distortion-ree optics and Quick Change system.

    Blue 712-005-BL

    Gold 712-005-GO

    Silver 712-005-SI

    ram SaV-Force goggle replacement strap.

    Grill 712-100

    Morph - Shield 712-102-GY

    Armor 712-145

    Vantage 712-146

    p ram Sa

    V-Force Proler goggle replacement strap.

    Blue 712-101-BL

    Green 712-101-GR

    Black 712-101-BK


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    thma ls

    The Prot Goggle replacement lenses give the tournament player the

    exibility to advance in any environment.

    Clear 711-050-CL

    Smoke 711-050-SK

    Yellow 711-050-YE

    thma ls Md

    The Prot Goggle replacement lenses give the tournament player theexibility to advance in any environment.

    Silver 711-051-SI

    Red 711-051-RD

    Blue 711-051-BL

    Purple 711-051-PU


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    e Sg ls

    The Elite Lenses have a 180 degree eld o vision. They are ogresistant and optically correct.

    Clear 710-010-CL

    Sa Sg ls

    The Spectra Lenses have a 260 degree eld o vision. T hey are ogresistant and optically correct.

    Clear 710-020-CL

    e thma ls

    The Elite Lenses have a 180 degree eld o vision. They are ogresistant and have a dual pane thermal lens.

    Smoke 710-011-SK

    Clear 710-011-CL

    Yellow 710-011-YE

    Sa thma ls

    The Spectra Lenses have a 260 degree eld o vision. T hey are ogresistant and have a dual pane thermal lens.

    Smoke 710-021-SK

    Clear 710-021-CL

    Yellow 710-021-YE

    Sa thma Gad ls

    The Spectra Lenses have a 260 degree eld o vision. They are ogresistant and have a dual pane thermal lens.

    Blue 710-030-BL

    Smoke 710-030-SK

    Chrome 710-040-CH


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Ax Sg ls

    Single lens or the Annex MI 17 goggle.

    Clear 711-060-CL

    Smoke 711-060-SK

    Yellow 711-060-YE

    Gradient 711-060-01

    Ax thma ls

    Thermal lens or the Annex MI 17 goggle.

    Clear 711-061-CL

    Smoke 711-061-SK

    Yellow 711-061-YE

    Gradient 711-061-01

    Chrome 711-062-01

    kM StrApS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    Shortbus 712-200-01

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    Rockstar Neon 712-202-01

    Rockstar Black 712-202-BK

    Rockstar Grey 712-202-GY

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    Koi Fish Chinese 712-203-01

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    Russian Legion 712-204-01

    Bukkake Gangban g 712-206-GR

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    I Kill You 712-207-01

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    Skulls Brown 712-208-BR

    Skulls Green 712-208-GR

    kM Sas 7ih

    Custom Gogglestraps in dierent designes, can be used with almostevery goggle.

    Benjamin 712-210-WH-GY


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    zen Majsay

    Sasayagad amagass.Ag.60ml 709-008

    250ml 709-009

    n Fg z o

    The No Fog Zero One Spray is a very good Anti Fog Spray. It comes in a15ml Spraybottle with an Micro Fiber Cloth. with sot cloth 709-007


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    & poDS

    Fdd 2004, h s nX y s wh h aa dsy. tha mgh a as why nX s hh may ams h hghs ags ad h wd. S 2009 MAXS s hag h xsvds nX. th d ahs m aas, ggag, ga ad aa vss

    sy asss.


    Sly W w s as ad mass, SlY as s aas. th ay h as a asy m wh svas ad vs wh vav das ad w maas.




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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    b exd

    Adds 4 to the belt, allowing to t up to a 56-58 waist.Black 604-164

    2d Hass Sp Ss

    This recreational harness is the per ect pack or the everyday player.Itis a low prole way to carry 2 pods with extra paint.

    Black 604-090-BK

    Camo 604-090-CA

    2+1 pd &ta Hass Sp SsThis recreational harness is the per ect pack or the everyday player.Itis a low prole way to carry extra paint and a Tank. Black 604-099-BK

    3d Hass Sp Ss

    This recreational harness is the per ect pack or the everyday player.Itis a low prole way to carry 3 pods with extra paint.

    Black 604-091-BK

    Camo 604-091-CA

    4d Hass Sp Ss w/pd ej

    The NX-SP40 was designed or the player at any level. It has highendeatures such as pod ejection, a body wrap belt, and a non slip grippad.

    Black 604-094

    Camo 604-094-CA

    4+1 pd ad ta Hass Sp Ss

    NXe recreational harness or 4 pods and 1 air tank.Black 604-095-BK

    Camo 604-095-CA

    3+2+2 Hass tp Ss

    The Pro Pak Plus, 3+2+2 harness with S2 technology holds up to 7pods in ejector sleeves and elastic loops. Black 604-087

    4+3+2 Hass tp Ss

    The Pro Pak Plus, 4+3+2 harness with S2 technology holds up to 9pods in ejector sleeves and elastic loops. Black 604-088

    5+4+2 Hass tp Ss

    The Pro Pak Plus, 5+4+2 harness with S2 technology holds up to 11pods in ejector sleeves and elastic loops. Black 604-089

    eva p pa ps2:

    NXes Elevation Paks are some o the most como rtabe Battle Packson the market. They are a masterpiece o NXes high per ormanceplaying gear.

    "3+2+2 Harness(Jet Black)"


    "4+3+2 Harness(Jet Black)"


    eva p pa ps2:

    NXes Elevation Paks are some o the most como rtabe Battle Packson the market. They are a masterpiece o NXes high per ormanceplaying gear.

    3+2+2 Har ness (D ynas ty/ Blue) 604-191-BL

    4+3+2 Harness (D ynas ty/ Blue) 604-192-BL

    eva p pa ps2:

    NXes Elevation Paks are some o the most como rtabe Battle Packson the market. They are a masterpiece o NXes high per ormanceplaying gear.

    3+2+2 Har ness (A termath/ Red) 604-191-RD

    4+3+2 Har ness (A termath / Red) 604-192-RD

    eva p pa ps2:

    NXes Elevation Paks are some o the most como rtabe Battle Packs

    on the market. They are a masterpiece o NXes high per ormanceplaying gear.

    3+2+2 Harness (Digital Camo) 604-191-DC

    4+3+2 Harness (Digital Camo) 604-192-DC

    eva p pa ps2:

    NXes Elevation Paks are some o the most como rtabe Battle Packson the market. They are a masterpiece o NXes high per ormanceplaying gear.

    3+2+2 Harness (Alex Fraige) 604-191-01

    4+3+2 Harness (Alex Fraige) 604-192-01


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Sy Hass 3+4 S11

    The right blend o style, durability, and comort or the true proes-sional. The Pro-Merc Harness delivers.

    Maroon 604-223-RD

    Neon Green 604-223-GR

    Orange 604-223-OR

    Silver 604-223-SI

    SlY Hass 4+5 S11

    The right blend o style, durability, and comort or the true proes-sional. The Pro-Merc Harness delivers.

    Maroon 604-224-RD

    Neon Green 604-224-GR

    Orange 604-224-OR

    Silver 604-224-SI

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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Sdad z 100

    Tube to store 100 Balls.

    Black 602-000-BK

    Clear 602-000-CL

    Yellow 602-000-YE

    Fay Sdad 100

    Tube to store 100 Balls.

    Clear 602-001-CL

    Blue 602-001-BL

    Smoke 602-001-SK

    Yellow 602-001-YE

    Fay Sdad 140

    Tube to store 140 Balls.

    Clear 602-006-CL

    Blue 602-006-BL

    Smoke 602-006-SK

    Yellow 602-006-YE

    nX140 rd pd

    Tube to store 140 Balls.

    Camo 602-025-CA

    Clear 602-025-CL

    Smoke 602-025-SK

    bt VeStS & AcceSSorieS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bt Sa Vs

    The Static Vest is designed or all you light, ast, and deadly players.

    Battle Tested Paintball has created a lightweight paintball vest or theheavyweight player.

    Small - Medium 604-103-S-M

    Large - XLarge 604-103-L-XL

    XXLarge 604-103-2XL

    bt Hrt Vs

    The HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) vest rom Battle Tested Paintball isdesigned or those guys who preer to be up close and personal withthe enemy.

    Medium-Large 604-102-M-L

    XLarge 604-102-XL

    bt ba Vs

    The Chest Rig rom Empire Battle Tested Paintball is a new partialMOLLE system vest. The Empire Battle Tested Chest Rig holds 6 p odsright up ront or lightning ast reloading, and easy retention oempty pods.

    Black 604-122

    bt M Vs

    This ull MOLLE vest has enough space to mount everything a soldierneeds on the battleeld. A Heavy Gunner can mount our o the 3+4Pod Pouches.

    Small - Medium 604-101-S-M

    Large - XLarge 604-101-L-XL

    XXLarge 604-101-2XL

    bt rad ph

    Pouch to store a radio. Camo 604-109

    bt G/Sm ph

    Pouch to carry grenades. Camo 604-105

    bt uvsa iD ph

    Pouch to store the ID saely. Camo 604-108

    bt z ph

    Pouch that can be closed by a zipp er. Camo 604-106

    bt b ph

    Pouch to carry a tank at the vest. Camo 604-104

    bt pd ph

    Pouch to carry empty pods. Camo 604-112

    bt M ph

    Pouch with multi unctions. Camo 604-107

    bt bg Sg

    Sling to carry the marker more comortable. Camo 604-114

    bt uvsa Hs

    Holster to carry a paintball pistol. Camo 604-115

    bt taa Hs

    Holster to carry a paintball pistol. Camo 604-116

    bt pd ph

    Pouch to store a pod.

    2+3 Camo 604-110

    3+4 Camo 604-111

    bt thgh rg

    To add additional Molle parts to the vest. Camo 604-113


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    ogay w h mm amm a ad h DYe Max, h may yam wh hgh d h: th r. th ad s w s g asg ay w, maa ad s hadg. ths as w hm h m h ham s.


    F g w advs hS Fds m h wmay Gsds.

    Hopper &AcceSSorieS


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Vl eVo 4

    The eVLution 4 was built rom the successul platorm o the eVLutionpaintball loaders. This eye activated orce eed loader is made o ex-ible impact resistant revy material or the toughest o conditions.

    Black 600-034-BK

    Vl Vly J

    The VLocity Junior has one orce mode setting which allows an onmarker eed rate o 20 BPS.

    Smoke 600-023-SK

    Black 600-023-BK

    Vl Vly S F

    The VLocity Select Force loader has 8 o rce modes which allows an onmarker eed rate o up to 25 BPS.

    Smoke 600-019-SK

    Black 600-019-BK

    inVert/ eMpire/ bt

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    ovdv S

    The Overdrive Sonic dB Loader operates on one 9-volt alkaline batteryor hours o continuous operation. Black 600-062-BK

    iv Ha t

    The Halo Too is the best perorming loader or the money. With a costthat is less than hal the price o some top loaders, the outstandingperormance o this paintball loader will make this an easy choice ormost players.

    Black Dust 600-010-02-BK

    iv Ha b

    The HALO B uses a spring driven, true orce-eed ball stack, which notonly keeps the stack intact at all times, but also provid es instanta-neous acceleration when a ball is needed.

    Black 600-033-BK

    Smoke 600-033-SK

    iv Ha b wh r Dv

    The HALO B with Rip Drive uses a spring driven, true o rce-eed ballstack, which not only keeps the s tack intact at all times, but alsoprovides instantaneous acceleration when a ball is needed.

    Black 600-013-BK

    bt rc lad

    Empire Battle Tested Paintball has created a loader that will optimizethe perormance o our awesome paintball markers. The Empire BTRip Clip is designed using HALO technology or sound-activated orceeed loading.

    BT 4 347-007

    BT 98 347-008

    em phy

    Empire Paintball presents the New and Improved Empire Pro phecyLoader System. Still made rom durable and ultra-strong polycarbon-ate material, you can eel secure that it can take some hits and keepworking.

    Black 600-030-BK

    DYe loADer

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    r lad

    The ROTOR Loader ar exceeds pro level eed requirements with animpressive 50+ balls per second eed rate. The constant eed r otorcarousel combined with the opposing rotation o the center rotor armprovides smooth, consistent, rapid, and dependable eed perormanceshot ater shot.

    Black 600-057-BK

    Blue 600-057-BL

    Grey 600-057-GY

    Olive 600-057-OL

    Red 600-057-RD

    White 600-057-WH

    r ladld ed

    The ROTOR Loader ar exceeds pro level eed requirements with animpressive 50+ balls per second eed rate. The constant eed r otorcarousel combined with the opposing rotation o the center rotor armprovides smooth, consistent, rapid, and dependable eed perormanceshot ater shot.

    Red Liquide 600-057-RD-LI

    Olive Liquide 600-057-OL-LI

    Olive Camo 600-057-OL-CA

    AnneX loADer

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Ax lad 200

    Made o tough polymers or extreme durability. This loader canwithstand punches, crashes, slams, and bangs while continuing toloader your marker.

    Black 600-060-BK

    Clear 600-060-CL

    Olive 600-060-OL


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    loADer AcceSSorieS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    kM r S Fd

    The Rotor Spine speed eed is a great investment and upgrade or yourpaintball loader. The Spine eed is very easy to ins tall on your loaderand is one o the most eective speed eeds on the market.

    Black 600-226-BK

    Black and Grey 600-226-BK-GY

    Clear 600-226-CL

    Red 600-226-RD

    Red and Black Swirl 600-226-BK-RD

    Yellow and Black Swirl 600-226-BK-YE

    r lad Shd

    Sdassvas,hgdgamadshdswvaas ag sd y h. Black 600-206

    V cw

    thVcwdssdsysmmasadgashav wh.nmg hd.nmaassgdsg.thcwsadghgd asm dsgaws a w y hh wh vg a m mg a .

    Vlocity JR. Std 600-209

    Vlocity JR. Ultra Sot 600-210

    Vlocity SR. Std 600-207

    Vlocity SR. Ultra Sot 600-208

    Rotor Std. 600-213-BK

    Rotor Ultra Sot 600-213-BK

    V r S cy

    Ahghmg,damaadgadyr.Dsgdd jamsadaaag,whvdgsmhaadssyyr.Syam

    xsadjammdasadawshmd aad jam hmsvs y .

    Blue 600-214


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    MAXSiMuM cuStoMS proDuctS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    csm M Jsy

    thM Jsyaxdawdws hsas. isa gmm s hs y av tam.

    Customised design 727-020

    csm Hadad

    Wh h smHadadyhavasysh assy, a y tammas.

    Customised design 727- 021

    csm pdag

    The Podbag holds up to 40 Pods and shows to which team it belongs. Customised design 727-023

    csm ba

    With the custom Banner you will never o rget to present one o yoursonsor at the award ceremony.

    Customised design 727-022

    MAXSiMuM cuStoMS JerSeYS & DeSiGnS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Maxmm Go Jsy

    thMaxmmGoJsyhassmasaddgshshdad am g.

    Tournament Padding 727-024

    Maxmm pro Jsy

    th Maxmm p Jsy has a sa p addg hshd,am,wadhsg.Ahashgad gv ad h awsm .

    Pro Padding 727-025

    A Day Dsg

    thsdsgswmadyyaddsgsdy Ma k hms.

    Design rom MK Network 727-030

    Mk Dsg

    ths dsgs w mad y Ma k hms. Design by Mario Kulic 727-031

    AppArelcaeMAXSIMuM CuStoMS

    smd v v shd addgs w addgs hms aha msh maa s ad ay Jsy Maa

    smd hgh d v v hs addgs shd addgs am ad w addgs gad gvs aha msh maa s ad ay Jsy Maa

    MAXSIMuM pro jErSEyMAXSIMuM go jErSEy

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    nx mass ad a as, SlY s as dg vav hghd hg ays. th maa h s w h aa

    s: 3M usg h ays msh ad sh maa hghs wag m, s h ay dy d ay msa.




    ghwgh am mad as w ad ams

    w d wh sh asy y/x

    hmmd 3d mssd a ass a ad ma as

    ad msh ss maxmm va

    S a a ha d g x ass sa as

    hm ad a hma gs


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    SlY pAntS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    SlY pm pas S11

    The Pro-Merc Pant demonstrates in its wearers a striking individualityand at the same time evokes uidity o movement and light weightperormance.

    Maroon - XS 732-021-RD-XS

    Maroon - SM 732-021-RD-SM

    Maroon - MD 732-021-RD-MD

    Maroon - LG 732-021-RD-LG

    Maroon - XL 732-021-RD-XL

    Maroon - XXL 732-021-RD-2X

    SlY pm pas S11

    The Pro-Merc Pant demonstrates in its wearers a striking individualityand at the same time evokes uidity o movement and light weightperormance.

    Neon Green - XS 732-021-GR-XS

    Neon Green - SM 732-021-GR-SM

    Neon Green - MD 732-021-GR-MD

    Neon Green - LG 732-021-GR-LG

    Neon Green - XL 732-021-GR-XL

    Neon Green - XXL 732-021-GR-2X

    SlY pm pas S11

    The Pro-Merc Pant demonstrates in its wearers a striking individualityand at the same time evokes uidity o movement and light weightperormance.

    Orange - XS 732-021-OR-XS

    Orange - SM 732-021-OR-SM

    Orange - MD 732-021-OR-MD

    Orange - LG 732-021-OR-LG

    Orange - XL 732-021-OR-XL

    Orange - XXL 732-021-OR-2X

    SlY pm pas S11

    The Pro-Merc Pant demonstrates in its wearers a striking individualityand at the same time evokes uidity o movement and light weightperormance.

    Silver - XS 732-020-SI-XS

    Silver - SM 732-020-SI-SM

    Silver - MD 732-020-SI-MD

    Silver - LG 732-020-SI-LG

    Silver - XL 732-020-SI-XL

    Silver - XXL 732-020-SI-2X

    SlY JerSeYS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    SlY Jsy pm S11

    At SLY we are transorming perormance gear to meet the r equire-ments o style while emphasizing the use o striking quality textiles.

    Maroon - SM 731-051-RD-SM

    Maroon - MD 731-051-RD-MD

    Maroon - LG 731-051-RD-LG

    Maroon - XL 731-051-RD-XL

    Maroon - XXL 731-051-RD-2X

    SlY Jsy pm S11

    At SLY we are transorming perormance gear to meet the r equire-ments o style while emphasizing the use o striking quality textiles.

    Neon Green - SM 731-051-GR-SM

    Neon Green - MD 731-051-GR-MD

    Neon Green - LG 731-051-GR-LG

    Neon Green - XL 731-051-GR-XL

    Neon Green - XXL 731-051-GR-2X

    SlY Jsy pm S11

    At SLY we are transorming perormance gear to meet the r equire-ments o style while emphasizing the use o striking quality textiles.

    Orange - SM 731-051-OR-SM

    Orange - MD 731-051-OR-MD

    Orange - LG 731-051-OR-LG

    Orange - XL 731-051-OR-XL

    Orange - XXL 731-051-OR-2X

    SlY Jsy pm S11

    At SLY we are transorming perormance gear to meet the r equire-ments o style while emphasizing the use o striking quality textiles.

    Silver - SM 731-051-SI-SM

    Silver - MD 731-051-SI-MD

    Silver - LG 731-051-SI-LG

    Silver - XL 731-051-SI-XL

    Silver - XXL 731-051-SI-2X


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    SlY GloVeS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    SlY pm Gv

    thpMHagvsmmhSlYamvashg advaags.

    Black - LG / XL 723-030-LG-XL

    Black - MD / LG 723-030-MD-LG

    SlY p Gv

    Die Prot Gloves sind wie alles von SLY optisch gut durchgestyltund besticht durch Qualitt und Innovationen. Di ese Gloves sind einHighlight und berzeugen durch hohen Tragekomort.

    Black - LG / XL 723-032-LG-XL

    Black - MD / LG 723-032-MD-LG

    DXS pAntS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    DXS pas 2011

    th 2011 DXS pas ms wh msh va sys m ydy,adaads s ,syadjsawasadgmaydsgdsdah h hs.

    Red / Medium 732-071-RD-MD

    Red / Large 732-071-RD-LG

    Red / X-Large 732-071-RD-XL

    DXS pas 2011

    th 2011 DXS pas ms wh msh va sys m ydy,adaads s ,syadjsawasadgmaydsgdsdah h hs.

    Black / Medium 732-071-BK-MD

    Black / Large 732-071-BK-LG

    Black/ X-Large 732-071-BK-XL

    bt pAntS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bt pas cma ze Wdad Dg

    Empire Battle Tested Paintballs Combat Line is designed to be bothlightweight and durable. The pants have an indestructible kneematerial and venting panels sewn in to keep you cool. The lightweightand exibility o the combat paintball gear allows you to be ast, silentand above all deadly.

    Medium 722-020-MD

    Large 722-020-LG

    X-Large 722-020-XL

    XX-Large 722-020-2X

    bt pas pssa ze ta pa

    The Empire Battle Tested Proessional Pant eatures our signature hardrubber molded kneecaps coupled with serious padding and adjustablestraps that position the knee pad where it should be, regardless oyour height. Built-in Flex Panels add comort and venting to the kneearea. Hip z ippers allow you to open or close extra venting areas, which

    will keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The highlyadjustable waist oers a customizable t on this paintball pant orplayers o all sizes.

    Small 722-019-SM

    Medium 722-019-MD

    Large 722-019-LG

    X-Large 722-019-XL

    XX-Large 722-019-2X

    bt JerSeY

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bt Jsy cma ze Wdad Dg

    Empire Battle Tested Paintballs Combat Line is designed to be bothlightweight and durable. The jersey is designed to be unc tional whileyou blend into the surrounding terrain. The pants have an indestruc-

    tible knee material and venting panels sewn in to keep you cool. Thelightweight and exibility o the combat paintball gear allows you tobe ast, silent and above all deadly.

    Small 721-036-SM

    Medium 721-036-MD

    Large 721-036-LG

    X-Large 721-036-XL

    XX-Large 721-036-2X


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    bt JerSeY

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    bt Jsy pssa ze ta pa

    The Empire Battle Tested Proessional Jersey is designed to beworn with a vest. The breathable main body material wicks awayperspiration, keeping your core cool on those hot summer days withyour loaded out vest on. The zippered neck makes it easy to put on andremove, and oers neck protection. Reinorced elbows and extensivearm padding on this paintball jersey make you more comortablewhen crawling around on rocks, sticks, and thorns.

    Medium 721-035-MD

    Large 721-035-LG

    X-Large 721-035-XL

    XX-Large 721-035-2X

    bt GloVeS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    S Gvs ze ba

    The Empire Battle Tested Sniper Glove continues to be a lightweight,stream-lined, ull-ngered glove with a exible, breathable mainbody construction. This paintball glove eatures silicone printing onthe Clarino palm and ngers to enhance your grip.

    Small 723-027-SM

    Medium 723-027-MD

    Large 723-027-LG

    X-Large 723-027-XL

    cma Gvs ze Wdad Dg

    The Battle Tested Combat Glove combines breathable airprene pad-ding and the hal-nger design which gives you the best combinationo protection, speed, and exibility. A gel knuckle pad is sewn into theglove to give you unsurpassed impact protection where you need it.Terry cloth thumb material is great or getting rid o pesky smudges orrain on your goggle lens.

    Small 723-028-SM

    Medium 723-028-MD

    Large 723-028-LG

    X-Large 723-028-XL

    eXAlt SHoeS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    exa trX cas

    The Exalt TRX Paintball Cleat designed with 10 spike locations orsuperior grip. Lightweight design and interchangeable spikes or anycondition you may ace. Designed by Paintball Players or PaintballPlayers!

    Size: US 8/ EUR 41 725-007-8

    Size: US 9/ EUR 42,5 725-007-9

    Size: US 10/ EUR 43,5 725-007-10

    Size: US 11/ EUR 45 725-007-11

    Size: US 12/ EUR 46,5 725-007-12


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Gdhamm GH Shs

    The Goldhammer Paintball Spike Shoe, are developed or the spor tstop athletes and active players, who demand the highes quality anddurability rom their products. Goldhammer Shoes are ultra light andeature a running shoe like torsion rigidity.

    Size: US 8/ EUR 41 725-010-08

    Size: US 9/ EUR 42,5 725-010-09

    Size: US 10/ EUR 43,5 725-010-10

    Size: US 11/ EUR 45 725-010-11

    Size: US 12/ EUR 46,5 725-010-12

    ADDitionAl proDuctS

    im ds p Ss A.n.


    These multi colour bracelets with Velcro closing system signalizethe team afliation o the individual players. Easy taking on and opossible.

    Green 772-010-GR

    Orange 772-010-OR

    Red 772-010-RD

    Yellow 772-010-YE

    Masha Jsy

    Light sportswear to identiy the marshall on the eld. New design.Large 772-022-LG

    XL 772-022-XL

    XXL 772-022-2X

    nXe GloVeS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    nX eva Gvs ba

    The Free-Flow Fingerless gloves promote ease o use, supreme unc-tionality, and eatures that every paintballer will love. The completelyopen 4-nger design along with a microber thumb allow completereedom so that you can s eamlessly interact with your equipment andeliminate dirt and paint simply with your thumb.

    Small 723-060-BK-SM

    Medium 723-060-BK-MD

    Large 723-060-BK-LG

    X-Large 723-060-BK-XL


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    AnneX JerSeYS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Ax Jsy

    The Annex Jerseys are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Jerseys are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld.

    Black/ Medium 731-055-BK-MD

    Black/ Large 731-055-BK-LG

    Black/ X-Large 731-055-BK-XL

    Black/ XX-Large 731-055-BK-2X

    Ax Jsy

    The Annex Jerseys are specially designed or the needs o woodland

    players. The Jerseys are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld.

    Digi Camo Black/ Medium 731-055-01-MD

    Digi Camo Black/ Large 731-055-01-LG

    Digi Camo Black/ X-Large 731-055-01-XL

    Digi Camo Black/ XX-Large 731-055-01-2X

    Ax Jsy

    The Annex Jerseys are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Jerseys are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld.

    Digi Camo Sand/ Medium 731-055-02-MD

    Digi Camo Sand/ Large 731-055-02-LG

    Digi Camo Sand/ X-Large 731-055-02-XL

    Digi Camo Sand/ XX-Large 731-055-02-2X

    Ax Jsy

    The Annex Jerseys are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Jerseys are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld.

    Camo Woodland/ Medium 731-055-03-MD

    Camo Woodland/ Large 731-055-03-LG

    Camo Woodland/ X-Large 731-055-03-XL

    Camo Woodland/ XX-Large 731-055-03-2X

    AnneX pAntS

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Ax pas

    The Annex Pants are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Pants are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld. The pants have padded knees and the

    pockets can be closed, that you wont loose something o ut in the eld.

    Black/ Medium 732-025-BK-MD

    Black/ Large 732-025-BK-LG

    Black/ X-Large 732-025-BK-XL

    Black/ XX-Large 732-025-BK-2X

    Ax pas

    The Annex Pants are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Pants are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld. The pants have padded knees and thepockets can be closed, that you wont loose something out in the eld.

    Digi Camo Black/ Medium 732-025-01-MD

    Digi Camo Black/ Large 732-025-01-LG

    Digi Camo Black/ X-Large 732-025-01-XL

    Digi Camo Black/ XX-Large 732-025-01-2X

    Ax pas

    The Annex Pants are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Pants are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld. The pants have padded knees and thepockets can be closed, that you wont loose something o ut in the eld.

    Digi Camo Sand/ Medium 732-025-02-MD

    Digi Camo Sand/ Large 732-025-02-LG

    Digi Camo Sand/ X-Large 732-025-02-XL

    Digi Camo Sand/ XX-Large 732-025-02-2X

    Ax pas

    The Annex Pants are specially designed or the needs o woodlandplayers. The Pants are made o solid materials and the colors are veryinconspicuously in the eld. The pants have padded knees and thepockets can be closed, that you wont loose something out in the eld.

    Camo Woodland/ Medium 732-025-03-MD

    Camo Woodland/ Large 732-025-03-LG

    Camo Woodland/ X-Large 732-025-03-XL

    Camo Woodland/ XX-Large 732-025-03-2X


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    Wv wg gh wh rsa egy s ay 2009. rsa egy s a gaay h gy d ma ad s a h

    y sd ssg ad sg h s aa. nx shgds hy as dy s ash.

    roCkStAr EnErgy

    W a d h xsv d asm ds h 3 m wd hamam rssa lg. th jsys w dsgdy a MAXS my. (Mk)

    ruSSIAn lEgIon

    W a sssy dsg Syda mhadsg ds wdwd s h yasw. Syda s wh a d h h ams e ad h Gma dham am aa.

    frAnkfurt SynDICAtE

  • 8/2/2019 MAXS International Pricebook 2011

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    rockStAr SMAll kit

    im ds p Ss A.n.


    Embroidered Rockstar Energy Patch.Logo 730-425-01

    Star 730-425-02


    Rockstar Energy Keychain.- 730-440


    Rockstar Bandana.One size ts all. 730-430

    Swa bad

    Original Rockstar Energy sweat band.One size ts all. 730-236


    Embroidered Rockstar logos ront and back Imported.Collateral 730-431-01

    Black 730-431-BK

    S S

    Various Rockstar sticker.Star 730-426-02

    Star 2 730-426-03

    t ca

    Stylish Trucker Cap with Rockstar logo embroidery.PCD Flat 730-433

    HFT 730-434

    t pa

    Rockstar Energy Drink t-shirt, black with logo.

    Small 730-242-BK-SM

    Medium 730-242-BK-MD

    Large 730-242-BK-LG

    X-Large 730-242-BK-XL

    XX-Large 730-242-BK-2X

    Hd pa

    This agreement is governed by the laws o the Federal Republic oGermany excluding UN sales law..

    Small 730-242-SM

    Medium 730-242-MD

    Large 730-242-LG

    X-Large 730-242-XL

    rockStAr lArGe kit

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    t G Sa ba

    Black Womens Tee with Rockstar Energy Star logo.

    X-Small 730-244-BK-XS

    Small 730-244-BK-SM

    Medium 730-244-BK-MD

    Large 730-244-BK-LG

    X-Large 730-244-BK-XL

    t M S

    Rockstar Energy Skull-shirt, black with Skull & Roses logo.

    Small 730-243-SM

    Medium 730-243-MD

    Large 730-243-LG

    X-Large 730-243-XL

    XX-Large 730-243-2X

    ca thds ba

    ththdsrsahashwsahhsyadhdaydgadyha,hasgg as a g m.

    7 3/8 730-432-BK-01

    7 1/2 730-432-BK-02

    7 5/8 730-432-BK-03

    7 3/4 730-432-BK-04

    ca thds Wh

    ththdsrsahashwsahhsyadhdaydgadyha,hasgg as a g m.

    7 3/8 730-432-WH-02

    7 1/2 730-432-WH-03

    7 5/8 730-432-WH-04

    7 3/4 730-432-WH-05


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Barrel SockStylish saety device.

    666 599-057

    Eyeball 599-058


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    HeadbandStylish designed Headbands rom Raza. Inamous 734-088

    Atari 734-089

    Inamous T-ShirtT-Shirt in Inamous design made o a special material similary likeJersey cloth.


    Medium 730-300-WH-MD

    Large 730-300-WH-LG

    X-Large 730-300-WH-XL

    XX-Large 730-300-WH-2X

    Jersey Get WeirdCrazy designed Jersey with neon colors. Large 731-040-LG

    X-Large 731-040-XL

    XX-Large 731-040-2X

    Jsy Ahhhssh

    Crazy designed Jersey with neon colors.


    Large 731-041-LG

    X-Large 731-041-XL

    XX-Large 731-041-2X

    Hk ArMY / pb FASHion

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Hk A ov ba/ Gy tSh

    Hk Amy Sh, Hk A ov Hk A v h Wd.

    Medium 730-169-BK-MD

    Large 730-169-BK-LG

    X-Large 730-169-BK-XL

    XX-Large 730-169-BK-2X

    t ivad

    Hk Amy ivad tSh.

    Medium 730-178-BK-MD

    Large 730-178-BK-LG

    X-Large 730-178-BK-XL

    XX-Large 730-178-BK-2X

    Hadad Sms

    All PBFashion Headbands are 43 in length and 2.5 in width or thatperect t. Also included is a comortable terry cloth sweatband toabsorb sweat, provide padding, and help you stay cool while you play.

    Simpsons 724-198-02

    Hadad MDads

    All PBFashion Headbands are 43 in length and 2.5 in width or thatperect t. Also included is a comortable terry cloth sweatband to

    absorb sweat, provide padding, and help you stay cool while you play.

    McDonalds 724-198-03

    Hadad rsg S

    All PBFashion Headbands are 43 in length and 2.5 in width or thatperect t. Also included is a comortable terry cloth sweatband toabsorb sweat, provide padding, and help you stay cool while you play.

    White 724-194-WH-BK

    Black 724-194-BK-RD

    Red 724-194-WH-RD

    Hadad b

    All PBFashion Headbands are 43 in length and 2.5 in width or thatperect t. Also included is a comortable terry cloth sweatband toabsorb sweat, provide padding, and help you stay cool while you play.

    Neon 724-193-GR

    Red 724-193-RD

    Hadad rasa

    All PBFashion Headbands are 43 in length and 2.5 in width or thatperect t. Also included is a comortable terry cloth sweatband toabsorb sweat, provide padding, and help you stay cool while you play.

    Rasta 724-199-01

    Hadad Gy Sa

    All PBFashion Headbands are 43 in length and 2.5 in width or thatperect t. Also included is a comortable terry cloth sweatband toabsorb sweat, provide padding, and help you stay cool while you play.

    Grey Scale 724-199-02

    pb Fash Sadaa

    Stylish designed coustom Sandanas orm PBFashion.

    - 100% cotton headband tailor-made to a lightweight mesh- Built in terry cloth h eadliner- One size ts most- Velcro closure

    Realtree w/ Realtree Mash 724-197-01

    Black w/ Black Mesh 724-197-02

    Brown w/ Realtree Mesh 724-197-03

    D igital D eser t w/ Realtree Mesh 724-197- 04

    Digital Tiger w/ Realtree Mesh 724-197-05

    Advatage w/ Realtree Mesh 724-197-06


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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    Syda Js y 2011

    The 2011 season team jersey o the german top team FrankurtSyndicate.

    Small 783-195-SM

    Medium 783-195-MD

    Large 783-195-LG

    X-Large 783-195-XL

    XX-Large 783-195-2X

    Sd cw tSh

    Syndicate Suicide Crew T-Shirt.

    Medium 783-179-BK-MD

    Large 783-179-BK-LG

    X-Large 783-179-BK-XL

    XX-Large 783-179-BK-2X

    ca tSh

    This Frankurt Syndicate special edition T-Shirt comes with a coolcartoon design.

    Medium 730-199-MD

    Large 730-199-LG

    X-Large 730-199-XL

    XX-Large 730-199-2X

    lg tSh Wh

    T-Shirt with Frankurt Syndicate logo print.

    Medium 730-196-MD

    Large 730-196-LG

    X-Large 730-196-XL

    XX-Large 730-196-2X

    Vag tSh b

    Syndicate T-Shirt in a cool Vintage look.

    Medium 783-180-MD

    Large 783-180-LG

    X-Large 783-180-XL

    XX-Large 783-180-2X

    Gs tSh

    Special Girly-shirt with Syndicate logo print.Small 783-181-SM

    Medium 783-181-MD

    Large 783-181-LG

    ba S 2010

    Important saety device in Syndicate design. Important Saety-device 783-191

    ba 2011

    With the Syndicate Banner on the Grand Stand everyone knows orwhich team you are!

    Syndicate Sponsor-Banner 783-194


    Syndicate custom Headband. Red 783-185

    M Jsy 2011

    Promotion Mini Jersey in the 2011 design. 2011 Mini Jersey 783-193


    Podbag in Syndicate design to carry UP TO 40 pods. Holds up to 40 Pods 783-190

    ruSSiAn leGion

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    rssa lg Jsy 2011

    The 2011 season team jersey o the russian top team and three timeWorld Cup Champion Russian Legion.

    Small 783-400-SM

    Medium 783-400-MD

    Large 783-400-LG

    X-Large 783-400-XL

    XX-Large 783-400-2X

    rssa lg tSh

    Stylish russian T-Shirt design.

    Medium 783-401-MD

    Large 783-401-LG

    X-Large 783-401-XL

    XX-Large 783-401-2X

    Sas tSh #2

    Stylish Russian Legion T-Shirt design.

    Medium 783-402-MD

    Large 783-402-LG

    X-Large 783-402-XL

    XX-Large 783-402-2X

    t ca

    Trucker Cap with Russian Legion design.One size ts all 783-403


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    ruSSiAn leGion

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    ba 2011

    With the Russian Legion Banner on the Grand Stand everyone knowsor which team you are!

    Fan Banner 783-404


    Russian Legion custom Headband.

    Red 783-405-RD

    Blue 783-405-BL

    M Jsy

    Promotion Mini Jers ey in the 2011 design. Display Size 783-406


    pdag rssa lg dsg ay a 40 ds. Holds up to 40Pods 783-407

    enerGY ArMor

    im ds p Ss A.n.

    egy Am Wsad

    Energy Armor is a lie technology designed to work with your bodysnatural energy eld. Energy Armor is a avorite among the averageperson, not just elite athletes. The common consumer receives asmuch benet rom our ION band as a top athletic perormer. Strength,balance and exibility are important or all walks o lie.Negative Ions Provide Many Positive Results, Such As:Higher levels of focus

    Improved exibility and balance

    Elevated relaxation of body and mind, which can ease the pain felt

    with severe, chronic painIncreased feeling of serenity

    Increased strength

    Lessened recovery times from an injury

    Black/ Medium 783-299-BK-MD

    Black/ Large 783-299-BK-LG

    Black/ X-Large 783-299-BK-XL

    Red/ Medium 783-299-RD-MD

    Red/ Large 783-299-RD-LG

    Red/ X-Large 783-299-RD-XL

    White/ Medium 783-299-WH-MD

    White/ Large 783-299-WH-LG

    White/ X-Large 783-299-WH-XL


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    2Xu cmsss t Sh Sv

    2XU long sleeve compression tops are the choice or athletes wantingto get maximum compression benets or the upper body. By usinggraduated compression throughout the arms o the garment, venousreturn to the heart is enhanced, removal o lactic acid boosted andmuscle soreness and atigue minimised.

    Medium 735-000-MD

    Large 735-000-LG

    2Xu cmsss t lg Sv

    2XU long sleeve compression tops are the choice or athletes wantingto get maximum compression benets or the upper body. By usinggraduated compression throughout the arms o the garment, venousreturn to the heart is enhanced, removal o lactic acid boosted andmuscle soreness and atigue minimised.

    Medium 735-001-MD

    Large 735-001-LG

    X-Large 735-001-XL

    2Xu Ms cmsss Sh lg

    Building on 2XUs market leading compression tight, 2XUs elite tightsare or the athlete who wants even more. Combining a new generation70 denier abric with our existing high power 50 denier abric, 2XUelite compression tights oer superior compression to enable greatermuscle stability and injury prevention.

    Small 735-010-SM

    Medium 735-010-MD

    Large 735-010-LG

    X-Large 735-010-XL

    2Xu S rvy

    With graduated compression engineering to promote increasedcirculation, the 2XU black Recovery Sock is designed or long perio dso wear during travel or recovery. This power ul lightweight sock alsoprovides improved venous unction and increased DVT protection.

    Small 735-011-SM

    Medium 735-011-MD

    Large 735-011-LG

    2Xu S ra

    The 2XU white Race Sock is a sport styled sock ideal or competitionand training wear to stabilize muscles or less atigue and tissuedamage. With graduated compression engineering, the race sock alsopromotes increased circulation to ush by-products more efcientlyand minimize blood pooling in the extremities.

    Medium 735-020-MD

    Large 735-020-LG

    X-Large 735-020-XL


    im ds p Ss A.n.

    SlY bad Hd

    The Bandit Hoodie ro m Sly has a totaly unique look and is availablein two colors.

    Black/ Small 730-185-BK-SM

    Black/ Medium 730-185-BK-MD

    Black/ Large 730-185-BK-LG

    Black/ X-Large 730-185-BK-XL

    Black XX-Large 730-185-BK-2X

    SlY bad HdThe Bandit Hoodie ro m Sly has a totaly unique look and is availablein two colors.

    Grey/ Small 730-185-GY-SM

    Grey/ Medium 730-185-GY-MD

    Grey/ Large 730-185-GY-LG

    Grey/ X-Large 730-185-GY-XL

    Grey XX-Large 730-185-GY-2X


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    cae protectiVeGeAr

    th SlY ws v wh vaad hgh as. is sd, dd

    ad d y aa ays, aaays. F xam h wads, whh aavaa w vss: F ad a ay.thy a say agd h smsd ad ha as aways a s ahad.




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    im ds p Ss A.n.

    n p

    The NXe Neck protector is made out o high quality Neoprene withmoisture releasing vent holes.

    Black 724-030

    n p exa