mathematica - fitting penner's skin scattering

Co ef fici en ts and colors fr om d 'Eo n and Luebke skin sc at te ri ng wo rk ScatterCoeffs 0.0064, 0.0484, 0.187, 0.567, 1.99, 7.41 Sqrt2 ScatterColors 0.233, 0.455, 0.649, 0.1, 0.336, 0.344 , 0.118, 0.198, 0 , 0.113, 0.007, 0.007 , 0.358, 0.004, 0 , 0.078, 0, 0 GaussianFnvar _, x : 1 Sqrt2 Pi var Ex px x 2 var Sk in scatte ri ng pr of il e ap pr ox im at ed a su m of mu lt ip le gaussians. We do n't wan t to wo rk wi th th ree dimensional RGB vec tors so he re on e of the in put s selects wh ic h chann el we want ScatterFnx_, rg b_ :  Apply Plus, Tabl e GaussianFnvar, x , var, ScatterCoeffs ScatterColors rg b Out[1]= 0.00905097, 0.0684479, 0.264458, 0.801859 , 2.81428, 10.4793 Out[2]= 0.23 3, 0.455 , 0.649 , 0.1, 0.336, 0.344 , 0.118 , 0.198 , 0 , 0.113, 0.007, 0.007 , 0.358, 0.004, 0 , 0.078, 0, 0 In[5]:= Th is is th e function de fi ne d wi th integrals, as in th e pa pe r DiffuseLightΘ  _, r_, rgb_ : NIntegrate ClipCo sΘ x , 0, 1 ScatterFn  Abs2 r Si nx 2 , rgb, x, Pi, Pi DiffuseWeightr_, rg b_ : NIntegrate ScatterFn  Abs2 r Si nx 2 , rgb, x , Pi, Pi DiffuseIntegralΘ  _, r_, rgb_ : DiffuseLightΘ, r, rgb DiffuseWeightr, rgb This is a bi t faster to evaluate, it' s a tr an sl at io n of th e co de us ed to ge nerate th e lo ok up ta bl e DiffuseWeight2r_, rg b_ :  NSum ScatterFn  Abs2 r Si nx 2 , rgb, x , Pi, Pi, 2 Pi 20 DiffuseLight2Θ  _, r_, rgb_ : NSum ClipCo sΘ x , 0, 1 ScatterFn  Abs2 r Sinx 2 , rgb, x , Pi, Pi, 2 Pi 20 DiffuseIntegral2Θ  _, r_, rgb_ : DiffuseLight2Θ, r, rgb DiffuseWeight2r, rgb In[11]:= Le t's th ec k th at th ey are si mi la r ... DiffuseIntegral0.1, 8, 1 DiffuseIntegral20.1, 8, 1 DiffuseIntegral0.1, 15, 1 DiffuseIntegral20.1, 15, 1 Out[11]= 0.979266 Out[12]= 0.990889 Out[13]= 0.990641 Out[14]= 0.994601 In[16]:= Le t's gen er at e a ta bl e of data to be used for th e num erical fitti ng. .. channel 1; 1red 2gr ee n 3  blue dataThetaRVal FlattenTableΘ, r , DiffuseI ntegr al Θ, r, channel , Θ, 0, Pi, 2 Pi 20, r, 0.25, 6, 1 20 , 1;

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Coefficients and colors from d 'Eon and Luebke skin scattering work

ScatterCoeffs 0.0064, 0.0484, 0.187, 0.567, 1.99, 7.41 Sqrt2

ScatterColors 0.233, 0.455, 0.649, 0.1, 0.336, 0.344,

0.118, 0.198, 0, 0.113, 0.007, 0.007, 0.358, 0.004, 0, 0.078, 0, 0

GaussianFnvar_, x_ : 1 Sqrt2 Pi var Expx x 2 var

Skin scattering profile approximated a sum of multiple

gaussians. We don't want to work with threedimensional RGB

vectors so here one of the inputs selects which channel we want

ScatterFnx_, rgb_ :

 ApplyPlus, TableGaussianFnvar, x , var, ScatterCoeffs ScatterColorsrgb

Out[1]= 0.00905097, 0.0684479, 0.264458, 0.801859, 2.81428, 10.4793Out[2]= 0.233, 0.455, 0.649, 0.1, 0.336, 0.344, 0.118, 0.198, 0,

0.113, 0.007, 0.007, 0.358, 0.004, 0, 0.078, 0, 0

In[5]:= This is the function defined with integrals, as in the paper

DiffuseLightΘ _, r_, rgb_ : NIntegrate

ClipCosΘ x , 0, 1 ScatterFn Abs2 r Sinx 2, rgb, x , Pi, Pi

DiffuseWeightr_, rgb_ : NIntegrate

ScatterFn Abs2 r Sinx 2, rgb, x , Pi, Pi

DiffuseIntegralΘ _, r_, rgb_ : DiffuseLightΘ, r, rgb DiffuseWeightr, rgb

This is a bit faster to evaluate,

it's a translation of the code used to generate the lookup table

DiffuseWeight2r_, rgb_ :

 NSum ScatterFn Abs2 r Sinx 2, rgb, x , Pi, Pi, 2 Pi 20

DiffuseLight2Θ _, r_, rgb_ : NSum ClipCosΘ x , 0, 1

ScatterFn Abs2 r Sinx 2, rgb, x , Pi, Pi, 2 Pi 20

DiffuseIntegral2Θ _, r_, rgb_ : DiffuseLight2Θ, r, rgb DiffuseWeight2r, rgb

In[11]:= Let's theck that they are similar ...

DiffuseIntegral0.1, 8, 1

DiffuseIntegral20.1, 8, 1

DiffuseIntegral0.1, 15, 1

DiffuseIntegral20.1, 15, 1

Out[11]= 0.979266

Out[12]= 0.990889

Out[13]= 0.990641

Out[14]= 0.994601

In[16]:= Let's generate a table of data to be used for the numerical fitting...

channel 1; 1red 2green 3 blue

dataThetaRVal FlattenTableΘ, r , DiffuseIntegralΘ, r , channel,

Θ, 0, Pi, 2 Pi 20, r, 0.25, 6, 1 20, 1;

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an extended range that we will use to check how the fit extrapolates

dataIntervalExt FlattenTableΘ, r , Θ, 0, Pi, 2 Pi 20, r, 0, 12, 1 20, 1 ;

LineInterpa_,b_,x_,x0_,x1_ :


dataGraph ListPlot3DdataThetaRVal, InterpolationOrder 3

cosGraph ListPlot3D

x Firstx , Lastx , ClipCosFirstx , 0, 1 dataIntervalExt;

Plotting against the simple lambert cos lighting model,

of course that's not dependent on r ...

Show dataGraph, cosGraph



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In[24]:= Ok, let's have a peek at our function to understand its shape... We'll plot a

single slice, then a graph with three slices and the Lambert's clamped cos

 plotIn2d PlotDiffuseIntegralx , 5, 1, x, 0, Pi

PlotDiffuseIntegralx , 1 , 1, DiffuseIntegralx, 3, 1,

DiffuseIntegralx , 6 , 1, Max Cosx , 0 , x, 0, Pi


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0






0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0






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In[26]:= We have to find a function of cosΘ

which could look similar to the DiffuseIntegral

Show Plot Max Cosx 0.5 0.5, 0 ^ 3, x, 0, Pi, plotIn2d


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0






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Let's find the fit now, first we have to define a parametric function,

the fitting process will optimize the parameters to minimize the error

piecewise linear models...

fitFunctionΘ _,r_ : Max CosΘ Mina0ra1,1 Max a2ra3,0,0

fitFunctionΘ _,r_ :

 Max  Max CosΘ Mina0ra1,1 Max a2ra3,0,0,

 Max CosΘ Mina4ra5,1 Max a6ra7,0,0

nonlinear models...

fitFunctionΘ _,r_ : CosΘa0ra1 a2ra3^ 3

fitFunctionΘ _, r_ :

CosΘ a0 r a1 a2 r a3^ 3 Clipa4 r a5, 0, 1

 Max CosΘ, 0 1 Clipa4 r a5, 0, 1

fitting NonlinearModelFitdataThetaRVal, fitFunctionΘ, r ,

a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, Θ, r , Method NMinimize We need to use NMinimize for nonsmooth models

fitParams fitting"BestFitParameters"

Plus Abs fitting"FitResiduals" Print the sum of residuals

We plot the fit function over

dataIntervalExt to check that it extrapolates well

dataFit x Firstx , Lastx , fitFunctionFirstx , Lastx . fitParams


fitGraph ListPlot3DdataFit, InterpolationOrder 3,

ColorFunction "SouthwestColors", Mesh None;

Show fitGraph, cosGraph

Show fitGraph, dataGraph

Out[28]= FittedModel Clip 0.817767 0.11103 r, 0, 1 1131111

Out[29]= a0 0.0605281, a1 0.0903942, a2 0.0210583,

a3 0.689657, a4 0.11103, a5 0.817767, a6 7.15776, a7 5.89292Out[30]= 12.4611

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lightVector Normalize1, 2, 0;


SphericalPlot3D1, Θ, 0, Pi, Φ, 0, Pi,

ColorFunctionScaling False, False, False, False, False, False,

ColorFunction x, y, z, Θ, Φ, r  Max x, y, z.lightVector, 0

Our function

radius 3;

SphericalPlot3D1, Θ, 0, Pi, Φ, 0, Pi,

ColorFunctionScaling False, False, False, False, False, False,

ColorFunction x, y, z, Θ, Φ, r

fitFunction ArcCosx, y, z.lightVector, radius . fitParams


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Use NMinimize to find a fit with a custom error metric, i.e. perceptual,

weighting more the darker areas or we can fit the log of the

functions or we could use the Weights option of NonlinearModelFit

Constraint fit i.e. zero at r1,

Θ2Pi or better, equal to CosΘ for r going to

Find artisttunable parameters and use Manipulate to validate them...

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