math models of or: variants of transportation...

Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation Problems John E. Mitchell Department of Mathematical Sciences RPI, Troy, NY 12180 USA October 2018 Mitchell Variants of Transportation Problems 1 / 22

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Page 1: Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation · The assignment problem Outline 1 The assignment problem 2 An example assignment

Math Models of OR:Variants of Transportation Problems

John E. Mitchell

Department of Mathematical SciencesRPI, Troy, NY 12180 USA

October 2018

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Page 2: Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation · The assignment problem Outline 1 The assignment problem 2 An example assignment

The assignment problem


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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Page 3: Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation · The assignment problem Outline 1 The assignment problem 2 An example assignment

The assignment problem

The assignment problemWe have n workers and n jobs.

Each worker is assigned to exactly one job.

There is a cost cij for assigning worker i to job j .

What is the minimum cost assignment?

Formulate as a binary integer program:



j=1 cijxij

subject to∑n

j=1 xij = 1 i = 1, . . . ,m(each worker has one job)∑m

i=1 xij = 1 j = 1, . . . ,n(each job has one worker)

xij binary i = 1, . . . ,m, j = 1, . . . ,n

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The assignment problem

Relax the binary requirementThe linear optimization relaxation of this problem is obtained byreplacing the restriction that each xij be binary by the constraints0 ≤ xij ≤ 1.

Further, the equality constraints force all xij ≤ 1, so these upper boundconstraints are redundant and can be omitted.

This gives the relaxation:



j=1 cijxij

subject to∑n

j=1 xij = 1 i = 1, . . . ,m∑mi=1 xij = 1 j = 1, . . . ,n

xij ≥ 0 i = 1, . . . ,m, j = 1, . . . ,n

This is a transportation problem.

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The assignment problem

It suffices to solve the relaxation

As we saw earlier, this problem can be solved by the simplex algorithm.

Further, because of the structure of the problem, all the basicfeasible solutions are integral when the supply ai and demand bjquantities are integral:the initial solution found by the northwest corner rule is integral,and all the updates are integral since they push an integral amount offlow around a cycle.

Thus, we can solve the assignment problem by solving itsrelaxation.

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Page 6: Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation · The assignment problem Outline 1 The assignment problem 2 An example assignment

An example assignment problem


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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An example assignment problem

An example problemOur example problem has costs


jobs7 51 40 64 5 8 71

41 6 60 85 4 11 20

We used a greedy approach to find an initial feasible solution: pick thecheapest available job, until all the workers have jobs. So we make thefollowing assignments in order:

x43 = 1, x31 = 0, x12 = 1, x24 = 1.

We then obtain a basic feasible solution by adding three edges asbasic variables with xij = 0.

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An example assignment problem

An example problemOur example problem has costs


jobs7 51 40 64 5 8 71

41 6 60 85 4 11 20

We used a greedy approach to find an initial feasible solution: pick thecheapest available job, until all the workers have jobs. So we make thefollowing assignments in order:

x43 = 1, x31 = 0, x12 = 1, x24 = 1.

We then obtain a basic feasible solution by adding three edges asbasic variables with xij = 0.

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An example assignment problem

An example problemOur example problem has costs


jobs7 51 40 64 5 8 71

41 6 60 85 4 11 20

We used a greedy approach to find an initial feasible solution: pick thecheapest available job, until all the workers have jobs. So we make thefollowing assignments in order:

x43 = 1, x31 = 0, x12 = 1, x24 = 1.

We then obtain a basic feasible solution by adding three edges asbasic variables with xij = 0.

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An example assignment problem

An example problemOur example problem has costs


jobs7 51 40 64 5 8 71

41 6 60 85 4 11 20

We used a greedy approach to find an initial feasible solution: pick thecheapest available job, until all the workers have jobs. So we make thefollowing assignments in order:

x43 = 1, x31 = 0, x12 = 1, x24 = 1.

We then obtain a basic feasible solution by adding three edges asbasic variables with xij = 0.

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An example assignment problem

An example problemOur example problem has costs


jobs7 51 40 64 5 8 71

41 6 60 85 4 11 20

We used a greedy approach to find an initial feasible solution: pick thecheapest available job, until all the workers have jobs. So we make thefollowing assignments in order:

x43 = 1, x31 = 0, x12 = 1, x24 = 1.

We then obtain a basic feasible solution by adding three edges asbasic variables with xij = 0.

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An example assignment problem

Initial BFS

The initial basic feasible solution is illustrated below; note that itconstitutes a spanning tree. It has value 5 + 7 + 4 + 1 = 17.








d1x12 = 1x13 = 0

x24 = 1

x31 = 1

x33 = 0

x43 = 1x44 = 0

workers jobs

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Solve the assignment problem example


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find dual variablesWe first find the dual variables. We have dual variables u1, i = 1, . . . ,4for the workers, and dual variables vj , j = 1, . . . ,4 for the jobs. Thedual variables satisfy

ui + vj = cij for basic xij .

We set u1 = 0 and then determine the other dual variables through achain reaction.


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Find reduced costs


jobs7 51 40 6 u1 = 04 5 8 71 u2 = 241 6 60 8 u3 = 25 4 11 20 u4 = −3v1 = 2 v2 = 5 v3 = 4 v4 = 5

We can now find the reduced costs from

reduced cost is cij − ui − vj


jobs5 01 00 10 −2 2 01

01 −1 00 16 2 01 00

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Simplex directionThe nonbasic variable x22 has reduced cost −2, so we bring it into thebasis. The edge completes a unique cycle, with the other edges in thecycle being some of the current basic variables. The cycle is

s2 → d2 → s1 → d3 → s4 → d4 → s2.

We adjust flow around the cycle.








d1x12 = 1−tx13 = 0+t

x22 = t

x24 = 1−t

x31 = 1

x33 = 0

x43 = 1−tx44 = 0+t

workers jobs

5 01−t 00+t 10 −2t 2 01−t

01 −1 00 16 2 01−t 00+t

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

PivotThe largest possible value of t is t = 1. We have a choice of variable toleave the basis: with t = 1, we get x12 = x24 = x43 = 0. We arbitrarilychoose x12 to become nonbasic. We can update the primal solutionand then update the dual solution.









x13 = 1

x22 = 1

x24 = 0

x31 = 1

x33 = 0

x43 = 0x44 = 1

workers jobs

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Page 29: Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation · The assignment problem Outline 1 The assignment problem 2 An example assignment

Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Update reduced costs


jobs5 0 01 1 u1 = 00 −21 2 00 u2 = 001 −1 00 1 u3 = 06 2 00 01 u4 = 0v1 = 0 v2 = −2 v3 = 0 v4 = 0

c̄ij ← c̄ij − ui − vj workers

jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

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Solve the assignment problem example First iteration

Optimal solution


jobs5 2 01 10 01 2 00

01 1 00 16 4 00 01

Since all the reduced costs are nonnegative, we are optimal. Theoptimal assignment is:

worker 1 does job 3,worker 2 does job 2,worker 3 does job 1,worker 4 does job 4.Total cost is 4 + 5 + 4 + 2 = 15.

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Page 34: Math Models of OR: Variants of Transportation · The assignment problem Outline 1 The assignment problem 2 An example assignment

Variants of the transportation problem


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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Variants of the transportation problem Unequal supply and demand


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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Variants of the transportation problem Unequal supply and demand

Unequal supply and demand

A transportation problem has m sources supplying ai for source i andn destinations with demands bj . So far, we’ve assumed total supplyand total demand are equal.

If they are not equal, we can introduce a dummy node, with costscij = 0 to ship in or out of the dummy node. For example


destinations40 20 30

50 5 2 170 1 3 4

total supply: 120total demand: 90

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Variants of the transportation problem Unequal supply and demand

Introduce dummy node

We introduce a dummy demand node with demand 30.


destinations40 20 30 30

50 5 2 1 070 1 3 4 0

total supply: 120total demand: 120

The excess supply is shipped to the dummy demand node.

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Variants of the transportation problem Unusable edges


1 The assignment problem

2 An example assignment problem

3 Solve the assignment problem exampleFirst iteration

4 Variants of the transportation problemUnequal supply and demandUnusable edges

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Variants of the transportation problem Unusable edges

Unusable edgesIt may be that some edges cannot be used. These edges can be giveninfinite cost. In an implementation, we need to choose a finite value,typically called a big-M value.

This should be large enough so that an optimal solution does not usethe edge.

One possibility is to choose the big-M to be at least as large as thesum of all the other edge costs.

40 40 2020 1 2 150 4 2 −30 2 5 3

Edge (2,3)not usable

40 40 2020 1 2 150 4 2 2530 2 5 3

Set c23 >∑

ofother edge weights

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