mate international rov competition

Synopsis MATE: (Marine Advanced Technology Education center)

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Page 1: Mate International Rov Competition


MATE: (Marine Advanced TechnologyEducation center)

Page 2: Mate International Rov Competition

What We Need to Prepare:For the team:

School Name and optional Team Name

Home State

Distance traveled to competition

First or not first MATE ROV competition Participant

Photo of team including sighted names for everyone and their roles (e.g. Captain)

Range of grades ON the team

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What We Need to PrepareFor the ROV

ROV Name

Total cost

Primary Material(s)

Dimensions (Metric)

Total Weight in AIR in kilograms

Safety features

Special features

Photo of ROV

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Competition Overview First: There will be a 15 minute presentation to a panel

of judges. We must be able to describe the engineering of your ROV and any possible safety issues.

In the next 15 minute block, the judges will ask any and all questions about your ROV. This half hour session will be evaluated and recorded by the judges

You must also have a poster display

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Competition OverviewTwo Classes: Explorer and Ranger

Your Class- RANGER

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Competition OverviewRANGER Class specs:

Operate on a nominal 12 volts DC, 25 amps.

Must be able to be carried without mechanical help

Must be able to handle chlorine and not short out due to water

No visibility issues, as pool will be uncovered

See packet for further detail

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Competition OverviewMISSION!

You will have a specific time slot

Mission team is limited to SIX students, while entire team is unlimited in number. The mission team is the kids who operate the ROV and equipment


ONLY mission team and judges are allowed in the control area

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Competition OverviewMISSION!

You will compete in ONE mission that consists of FOUR distinct mission tasks

Two attempts to complete the mission

Mission time requirements:

5-min set up period

15-min performance period

5-min demobilization period

1 point lost per minute gone over the limit

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Mission- Part One“Resurrect” a HRH (High Rate Hydrophone)

Remove ONE pin

Removing the HRH so it no longer contacts the elevator

Identify which of 3 possible sites is generating sound

Installing the HRH within a .5m by .5m square at the rumbling

Remove a cap from a port of a junction box

Retrieving the HRH power connector from its holder

Inserting connector where needed

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Mission- Part TwoCollecting samples of crustaceans

Enter the Cave

Maneuver to the back wall of said cave

Collecting up to 3 samples of crustacean

Maneuvering out of the cave

Returning to the surface with 3 samples that can be collected


No damaging or modifying the cave and no diver help

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Mission- Part ThreeSampling a new vent site

Measure temp of the venting fluid at 3 different locations along the height of the chimney

Create a graph of the temp data vs. chimney height

Collect a sample of a vent spire (6 pieces of PVC pipe from ½” to 1” – doesn’t matter what size)

Return sample to surface

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Mission- Part FourSample a bacterial mat

Collect a sample of a bacterial mat

Return sample to surface


Mat is in a jar- you must take the sludge like substance out and bring it to the surface. The more you get the higher you score.

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